
Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Called to regain a trusting and provident heart

Medical-nutritional assistance centre: India

Secondary school in Punta Alta,


Reception Centre Bakhita: El Obeid, Sudan

School study centre : Durazzo, Albania

Formation of young women: Myanmar

GLooking at our planet from the air with its variegated beauties that every day are carried away, dried up, exploited ...,

listening to the echo, deadened by the powerlessness of millions of voices coming from the five continents, one would be tempted to fall into a trap that can be summed up by this expression: “immobility in all sectors of life”. How can we start again? How can we begin from them, “the least”, filling the empty spaces of poverty, indifference, social distance? How can we, above all, avoid the contagion of resignation, telling them that it is not arms, forms of violent reaction, anger ... that help to win battles for “a better life”? These, our “beloved poor”, whom we meet in our communities in Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil ... Portugal, Albania ... São Tomé, Congo, Sudan ... India, Indonesia, East Timor … just to mention a few, need someone who really takes interest in them, dedicated people who encourage and sustain them in their attempt to get back on their feet and to grow. They must be able to affirm themselves in their own culture and balanced way of behaving; they must be able to realise their projects for a healthy family and community life. Let us not betray them with alms-giving, but, according to our spirituality of promotion, let us hold high our welcoming characteristic, the quality of our schools and the places where we take care of and assist people, so that they may continue to be places suitable for establishing relationships. Let us help them to catch the imagination of children and give youngsters a taste for beautiful things so that they may feel the satisfaction of having achieved something, without giving in to fear as they face problems and difficulties with equilibrium. It is not a question of offering them simplified courses or easy itineraries but the possibility of preparing for real life. “My Sisters, do not be frightened at seeing the height of the aim proposed to you ...” (Magdalene of Canossa, Preface UR).Perhaps even our great Canossian Family must revive its expectations, communicating, through action, its trust in “hope-salvation” which is

already guaranteed for every man and woman: it is only a question of time and ways and, for us believers, reasons for trust that we have in abundance. We know how much the Crucified Lord gave of himself to enter into dialogue with us. “Big hearts, big hearts ...” it is there that we find courage and energy not to stop, giving the right direction to our actions and activities. We cannot halt the flow of “one-way” solidarity; the patient, generous, loving beating of the Canossian heart will find new ways so as to realise Jesus’ words: “Thus, the last will be first, and the first, last.” (Mt 20:16) The Gospel is our real guide and shows how help given to others is the fruit of sharing, of co-responsibility and the active participation of those who receive it. Ways of offering our positive and constructive contribution are not lacking because our Foundress has marked out a precise guideline that is time-resistant; we should work as prompters behind the scenes with humility and collaborative creativity, and especially, all-round transparency. We must simply respond to the Church’s call with trustful serenity so as to feel ourselves part of this family and encouraged to renew our good resolutions, deepen them and motivate them in each situation: It is the love of Christ that fills our hearts and urges us to evangelise. Today as then, He sends us into the world to proclaim His Gospel to all the nations.” (cf. Mt 28:19)

Immersed in growing pluralism, the art of listening is precious in understanding the importance of life conditions, such as those presented by our Sisters of El Obeid: “Encircled by their mountains and reduced to extreme limits by airstrikes, by hunger and sickness, more than bread they ask education for their young people who have fled this mountainous area and are scattered everywhere, but now they want to get back on their feet.” New forms of material and spiritual poverty spark off new requests, new needs that we cannot ignore while discussing endlessly about who is “more or less” poor. They need our consolation and assurance to continue believing that the person is really at the heart of history. In East Timor, during sessions with girls and young mothers, it is common to hear this appeal: “Young woman, be consistent with your will to contribute to the sound political and social reconstruction of your country. Continue to defend woman’s dignity, with tact and firmness, and do not permit that it may be offended by arrogance. Do not renounce being, as you are already, original and productive in generating a sense of wonder for life.” Today, no one accepts seeing one’s rights denied, one’s love destroyed, the values of one’s culture shattered; it means we must expose ourselves in the front line, as servants of the Word, in active service characterised by generosity. The

direction to follow has been marked out, the compass needle points to wherever there is an “insignificant one” to care about.“It is difficult to do good, well!” We make this provocation of John Paul II our own so as to strengthen our sincere aspiration of being builders of humanity even among our brothers and sisters in Europe, overcoming an excess of caution which only businessmen pose, as a primary condition when dealing with helping gratuitously.The world is limitless and thus our action must show our limitless love that begins from a simple gesture and dilates beyond the horizon of humanity and further still ...Let us arm ourselves with enthusiasm and courage to illumine with hope the many faces of this post-modern age which preoccupies us so much with its crises.“Whatever you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.” (Mt 25:40) May this year of faith make our relation with Christ the Lord ever more firm because only in Him there is certainty for the future and the guarantee of an authentic love that lasts.Don’t just stand and watch, you can help us in working for a future that restores to each person, together with his freedom, a place in his own family. Sr. Liliana Ugoletti

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