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15 years jobs by +39 Design Management, Alessandra Chiti e Fabio ANtinori


XV years

15 Anni/15 YearsQuando abbiamo deciso di creare questa società era il 1998, eravamo entusiasti,

sognanti e solo un pò intimoriti più dalla burocrazia che dal lavoro.Il nome che scegliemmo fu Quaderno Corporate Design perché eravamo in quattro,

perché desideravamo suggerire il sapore di un lavoro che parte dallo schizzo, fatto a mano, dove la persona fosse centrale, sia nel domandare, il cliente, sia nell’ascoltare, il progettista.

Nel 2000 il nome è cambiato in +39 Design Management perché la nostra attività si apriva al mondo ed era il modo di far capire che eravamo noi, dall’Italia,

pronti a esportare il sapere coltivato in questo nostro Paese.

15 anni.Ci hanno colto un po’ di sorpresa in questo 2013; ci siamo arrivati vincendo tante sfide,

perdendone alcune, ma, immancabilmente, ogni volta che se ne affaccia una nuova, ecco che l’entusiasmo puro, gratuito, ritorna e vince su tutto.

Ecco allora un racconto che si materializza in una pubblicazione dove sono approfonditi i 15 progetti che meglio ci rappresentano.

Ecco i nostri ‘primi’ 15 anni.

When we decided to establish our firm, back in 1998, we were enthusiastic, full of dreams and only slightly scared, more than anything from having to deal with the bureaucracy surrounding our decision.

We chose the name Quaderno Corporate Design because there were four of us (quattro>quaderno) and because we wanted to evoke the warmth of a production that starts out on a notebook (quaderno), with a handrawn sketch, and that keeps the human being

on the foreground—be it the person who inquires, the client, or the person who listens, the designer.In 2000 we changed the name to +39 Design Management because the studio was opening up to the world

(+39 is Italy’s international phone code) and it was a good way to announce that we, from Italy, were ready to spread the know-how we had honed through the years in our own country.

15 years.Our 15th anniversary caught us somewhat by surprise in 2013, since we have been busy taking on new challenges. We have not

won them all, but still, every single time a new professional adventure shows up around the corner—it is pure, selfless enthusiasm that invariably prevails.

Here then, is the account of these years, summarized through the 15 projects that best represent our work.Here are our ‘first’ 15 years.

Indice / index

c 01Smat. Società Metropolitana Acque Torino

c 02Azimut Yachts

c 03 Le navi. Il parco a tema‘Le navi’ theme park

c 04 Atlante dei SuoniThe Atlas of Sounds

c 05 Juvecentus. La mostra del centenario Juvecentus. The 100th Anniversary Show

c 06 Inuit e Popoli del Ghiaccio The Inuit and the Peoples of the Ice

c 07 Toroc. La candidatura ai XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali Toroc. The application for the XX Olympic Winter Games

c 08 Telecom Italia Future Center

c 09 Pfizer

c 10 Lancia. L’armonia e l’invenzione Lancia. Harmony and Invention

c 11 Fiat Professional

c 12 Iveco

c 13 Case Construction

c 14 Lavazza

c 15 Concepts Concept proposals

c 16 Appendice: elenco lavori principali 1998-2013Appendix: list of main projects 1998-2013

c 17 AutoriThe authors

c 18 RingraziamentiAcknowledgements

c 01

SMATSocietà Metropolitana

Acque Torino

sMaTSocietà Metropolitana Acque Torino


Uno spazio per comunicare il proprio lavoro, all’interno dei grandi impianti di depurazione, ma anche per accogliere i visitatori e confrontarsi sui temi dell’acqua

come risorsa pubblica, condivisa, fondamentale.

La struttura dimostra la sua età, ma quello che pare un limite (i volumi di cemento a vista) una volta ripuliti, diventano l’elemento ‘crudo’ di fondo, che esalta i nuovi interventi.

Acqua e tecnologia, sono temi ricorrenti: un velo lucido blu si espande sui pavimenti e li amalgama, diventando superficie increspata, e solida, sulle verticali.

La comunicazione dialoga con le moderne tecnologie, grazie alle postazioni interattive.

The spaces to be redesigned were meant to present the activity of that enormous water treatment plant, but also to welcome visitors and to discuss over ‘water as a public, shared and fundamental resource’.

The building could not hide its ageing process, but we turned this apparent limitation (the old concrete volumes, which we polished and restored) into a ‘raw’ background to enhance the new intervention. As the main theme

was water and technology, we extended a smooth and lustrous blue surface all over the pavement to unify the space, while the theme was translated onto the walls through the use of undulated panels. State-of-the-art

interactive terminals enabled us to effectively illustrate the various processes of water purification used by the company.





October ‘12 November ‘13

Riqualificazione sede espositivadell’Impianto di potalizzazione del fiume Po.


Redevelopment of the exhibit sectionat the Water Treatment Plant on the Po river.

assignment type directCustomer and site manager sMaT spa

Concept, project and artistic direction +39 Design ManagementGraphics Carlo simonetti studio

Lighting +39 Design Management con artemideresin work Gobetto

special finishings Laserservices / InterlamTailor made furniture Fama Group

Concrete restoration Valentina Farassino VfrìPhotographs by Pasquale Modica

Azimut YachtsAzimut-Benetti Group

azimut yachtsAzimut-Benetti



La liason con il gruppo Azimut-Benetti inizia nel 2002 con la richiesta di restyling dello stand Azimut Yachts al salone di Genova. Una delle interpretazioni più significative si concretizza nella proposta del 2006 grazie all’uso di tessuti elastici che meglio esaltano le linee dei prodotti, avvolgendole e sostenendole.

L’utilizzo di materiali nuovi e/o l’uso di materiali noti in forma originale, consente grande flessibilità nella costruzione e dona spettacolarità allo spazio.

La sperimentazione è frutto del fortunato incontro con clienti illuminati che nei diversi anni ci ha consentito di sviluppare molti progetti oltre che per i saloni nautici, gli eventi, con l’annuale Yachting Gala, ed il progetto degli interni per gli showrooms dei dealers nel mondo.

Our long-term relationship with the Azimut-Benetti Group started in 2002 with an assignment to restyle the Azimut Yachts’ stand at the Genoa Boat Show. One of our most remarkable versions of this stand was built in 2006, with the use of elastic fabric to best enhance the yachts shapes, wrapping them and holding them in mid-air.

The use of new materials and/or the use of well-known materials in original ways, both allow a tremendous creativity in the building process and produce spectacular spaces.

Such a fertile experimentation was the result of our lucky encounter with visionary clients; year after year, they have allowed us to develop a great variety of projects, ranging from boat shows to events (the annual Yachting Gala) or interior design (Dealers’ offices and showrooms).




46° Salone Nautico Internazionale


October 07 October 15

c 02

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer azimut - Benetti Group spaConcept and project +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Bodinosound, video and lighting systems aDMsketches Vivian Linares

c 03

Le Navi

Le NaviTheme Park

‘00construction: October ‘99 / June ’00in operation at present

E’ stata la prima volta di un parco a tema immaginato e realizzato. La struttura storica, ristrutturata per accogliere i più avveniristici acquari,

nata dall’esperienza del gruppo Costa Entertainment, è stata immaginata come un percorso nel tempo e nello spazio,

un viaggio avveniristico nei mondi diversi dalle acque dolci a quelle salate, dagli stagni agli abissi profondi, dalla preistoria ad un futuro immaginato.

La prima volta anche che ci ha fatto parlare di ambiente, equilibrio degli ecosistemi, sostenibilità ambientale e sociale.

Un’esperienza unica.

It was the first time that we conceived and realized a theme park. The old premises were remodeled to include the most modern fish tanks,

following the guidelines of the Costa Entertainment company, and we organized the visit as a journey in time and space, a futuristic voyage through many different realms:

from freshwater to salt water, from pond to abyss, from prehistory to an imaginary future.

This was also the first time in which we dealt with environment, ecosystem balance and environmental and social sustainability.

A truly unique experience.

Il parco a temadedicato al mare



Cattolica beach

A theme park dedicated to the sea

assignment type directCustomer GierrevideoConcept, architectural project, graphics and site management +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Bodinosound and video systems InterfiereDisplay builder Gierrevideospecial effects, virtual guider Carlo e Victor rambaldisketches Vivian Linares

L’Atlante dei SuoniUn viaggio interattivonei suoni dei 5 continenti.

The atlas of soundAn interactive journey

throght the sounds.


Una vecchia filanda ristrutturata per accogliere percorsi culturali, un progetto in nuce per far conoscere e vivere i suoni dei 5 continenti: una vera sfida in poco più di 1.000 MQ su più livelli.

La ricostruzione degli ambienti gioca sull’utilizzo di oggetti e strumenti dei luoghi lontani, ma anche sull’immersione in colori e materiali che facciano dimenticare i limiti fisici e trasportino l’esploratore direttamente dall’Africa dei tamburi, alla maestosità di un teatro d’Opera ove sperimentare la direzione d’orchestra…

Imagine an old spinning mill that had been remodeled for cultural activities, plus an embryonic project to present in a lively way the sounds of the Five Continents: a real challenge, to be solved over little more than 1.000 square meters divided in different levels.

We created the different spaces by playfully using objects and instruments from far-away places, but also by immersing the visitors in colors and materials that would make them forget the physical limits of the place: the explorers that have dived in a drum filled Africa can jump straightaway into a magnificent Opera house and become orchestra leaders…




Ex Filanda (old spinning mill)

Boves (CN)

construction: December ‘11 / June ’12

in operation at present

c 04

assignment type european competition, assigned to an aTI team composed of : +39 Design Management, Libre, Interfiere, elettrilcarpet

Customer Boves City CouncilCreative development +39 Design Management, Libre

Final plan set +39 Design Management Display builder Interfiere

stagecraft and video Libreelectrical systems elettrilcarpet

Multimedia systems audiolink




Immaginata come mostra multimediale è stata ideata, progettata, organizzata e prodotta a tutto tondo dal nascente gruppo Quaderno Corporate Design, quale vera incubatrice della futura società.

L’originalità del racconto, soprattutto per l’epoca, sta nell’aver immaginato un percorso tematico che esalta la coralità della squadra, come specchio dell’evoluzione del costume non solo nella dimensione sportiva, ma, anche e soprattutto, nell’ambito sociale.

The show was conceived as a multimedia experience by the newly born group ‘Quaderno Corporate Design’ and we worked at 360 degrees for its concept, design, operation and realization: it really set the foundation of our firm.

The exhibit turned out to be extremely original, especially at that time, due to our choice of a theme-based visit, which enhanced the choral nature of the soccer team, in parallel to the evolution of its importance, not only on the sports side, but also and mainly on its social side.




Palazzo delle Belle Arti


31st October ’97 18th January ‘98

La mostradel centenario.

The 100th Anniversary Show

c 05

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer Juventus soccer ClubConcept and project Quaderno Corporate Design: alessandra Chiti, Fabio antinori, Fabrizio Barbero, Gianluca BarberoDisplay builder expostand Video design Know How CommunicationMultimedia Medialogossound and video systems euphonCatalogue by Leonardo Casalino, ed. Gribaudo Paravia, 1997 Torino

Inuit‘062nd December ’05

30th april ‘06

La vita immersi nei ghiacci: una suggestione difficile da proporre, ma imprescindibile per poter apprezzare l’esposizione immaginata per celebrare un popolo del ghiaccio e le vicine Olimpiadi invernali. La soluzione in un prodotto locale, capace di esprimere il candore del bianco assoluto e la purezza di un materiale naturale: il feltro grezzo.

È con queste lastre morbide che sono stati ricostruiti l’igloo e le aree espositive che hanno accolto e raccontato oltre 400 reperti di varie dimensioni e dai materiali nobili.

Human life among the ice: a rather difficult concept to transmit, but a necessary challenge to make visitors appreciate the exhibit that we designed to celebrate the peoples of the ice on occasion of the soon-to-be Winter Olympics. To solve the challenge we used a local product, the untreated felt: it was optimal to express the pureness of the absolute white and of the sense of a natural environment.

We used those soft slabs to build the igloo and the exhibit spaces that housed and showed more than 400 pieces of varying measures, made of noble materials.




Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali


e Popoli del Ghiaccio

InuitAnd the People

of the Ice

La mostra per le Olimpiadi della Cultura.

The exhibit for the Cultural Olympics

c 01

c 06

assignment type directexhibit curator Gabriella a. MassaCustomer Consorzio Beni Culturali ItaliaProject +39 Design ManagementGraphics InsidesignDisplay builder eurodesignPhotography silvia PecotaCatalogue ‘Inuit e Popoli del Ghiaccio’, aaVV, 2005, skyra



‘98October 15October 18

Le XX Olimpiadi Invernali erano, nel 1998, solo una grande scommessa.Noi abbiamo avuto la fortuna di partecipare a questa avventura, sin da quando era solo un sogno.

La candidatura di una Città quale sede ospitante future Olimpiadi significa far capire non solo ciò che si è, ma ciò che si può diventare. L’intuizione fu allora di accogliere il Comitato Olimpico, in un luogo rappresentativo della memoria industriale della Città (il Lingotto appunto)* che ha saputo rinascere e accogliere molti dei saperi locali.

La visione del futuro è stata proposta grazie ad una scenografia funzionale che accogliesse tutte le eccellenze del territorio.La vittoria portò nell’anno delle Olimpiadi, molti altri incarichi, grazie ai quali ‘lo spirito olimpico’ fu occasione quotidiana di grandi e significativi incontri.(*) Il Lingotto fu la sede degli stabilimenti Fiat Auto dal 1922 al 1982.

In 1998, the XX Olympic Winter Games were still little more than a big bet for Turin.We had the chance to take part in this adventure from the very first stage, when it was only a dream.

When a city applies to host any kind of Olympic Games, the point is not only to explain what that city is at present, but also what it can become in the near future. Our bright idea was to receive the Olympic Committee in a building that reflected the city’s industrial past —the Lingotto *— but was reborn in a remodelling process that had brought together many of Turin’s possibilities and skills.

We used a very functional and scenographical setting to exhibit the highlights of the Piedmont territory and give an image of the desired future. The election of Turin for the Winter Games of 2006 brought many other assignments, particularly in that year, and the ‘olympic spirit’ was a permanent source of significant work experiences.

(*) The Lingotto building was the first location of the Fiat automobile factory headquarters from 1922 to 1982.

La candidatura ai XX Giochi Olimpici Invernali.






The application for the XX Olympic Winter Games

c 07

assignment type directCustomer Committee for the Organization of the XX Olympic Winter Games Torino 2006 Concept and Project Quaderno Corporate DesignDisplay builder Interfiere

Future CenterTelecom Italia

Future CenterTelecom Italia


Nel restaurato Convento di San Salvador, l’architetto Michele de Lucchi ed il suo team, progettano una serie di interventi ‘leggeri’, ma ad alta sperimentazione tecnologica, dove il pubblico può giocare con l’innovazione.

Passato e futuro dialogano nelle postazioni multimediali, piccoli scrigni di saperi, preziose installazione a portata di tutti.

Dare forma e concretezza alle visioni di un grande creatore dei nostri tempi, è stata una sfida di umiltà e immaginazione, dalle notevoli soddisfazioni.

For the newly restructured Convent of San Salvador, the architect Michele de Lucchi and his team designed a series of ‘light’ but very high-tech interventions, where visitors could interact and play with innovative techniques.

Past and future meet each other on the multimedia terminals, treated as knowledge coffers, as some kind of precious gadgets at everybody’s reach.

Giving a material and concrete form to the visionary ideas of a great contemporary artist was for us a challenge of humility and imagination, and we drew great satisfaction from it.




Convento di San Salvador


construction: January ‘02 / October ’02

in operation at present

c 08

assignment type directCustomer Telecom Italia spaConcept and project aMDL, Milanosite management, choice and coordination of suppliers +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder BodinoMultimedia systems Telecom Italia Lab sketches Vivian Linares



Uno spazio dalla pianta inusuale e con grossi limiti in altezza.

La proposta vincente è quella di vivere tutto lo spazio assegnando ad ogni intervento una scena propria, resa particolare da un gioco di schermi e proiezioni unico, disegnato sul tema dibattuto, flessibile e leggero.

Gli schermi sono come dei fumetti che visualizzano parole e filmati come se venissero direttamente espressi dagli oratori. La luce che cambia i colori, è di nuovo protagonista.

The space for the convention was huge but had an awkward plan shape and serious height limitations.

Our successful proposal was to use the whole space but to assign a separate scene to every intervention. This was made in a very particular way, with a play of screens and projections that was specially designed for the convention topic: unique, flexible and very light.

The screens acted as a comic speech balloon: they materialized words and video-recordings as if they were directly expressed by the speakers. The color-changing lights were also prominent in this occasion.


‘12January 27January 31




Hotel Puerta de America



c 01

c 09

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer sudler & Hennessey

Concept and Project + 39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Interfiere

Lancia. L’armonia e l’invenzione.


and Invention

‘97December 15

January 30

La mostra nasce itinerante e tutti i suoi elementi sono immaginati, da subito, fruibili da un pubblico eterogeneo, multilingue, esperto o neofita.

Il viaggio lascia ampia facoltà di movimento e informazione, l’ospite può scegliere di navigare tra oggetti reali, auto, modellini in scala, motori o di dialogare con immagini virtuali fermando il tempo a suo piacimento in un preciso momento del presente, passato o del futuro.

Per la prima volta il ‘trivision’: finestra virtuale con gli occhiali stereoscopici per una navigazione immersiva nelle ricostruzioni delle meccaniche in 3D.

Prima grande sfida.

The show was conceived as a travelling exhibit. Since the beginning all its elements were planned for a heterogeneous and plurilingual public, ranging from experts to novices.

The spaces allow a considerable freedom of movement and choice of information. The visitor may choose to wander among real objects —cars, scale models, engines— or to interact with virtual images by personally picking a precise moment of the past, the present or the future.

It was the premiere of the ‘Trivision’: a virtual window where the use of stereoscopic glasses allowed an active immersion in 3-D rendered mechanisms.

This was our first big challenge.

Protagonisti, prodotti e vicende di un’impresa italiana.





‘96October 07October 13




Museo dell’Automobile



Protagonists, products and affairs

of an Italian enterprise

c 10

assignment type direct hiring of single freelancersCustomer Lancia spaConcept and Project alessandra Chiti, Fabio antinoriGraphics project Barbero DesignMultimedia euphonDisplay builder expostandFilm and Photography Museo storico Lancia, TorinoCatalogue by riccardo P.Felicioli, ed. Lancia, Torino

c 11 Fiat Professional

Saloni internazionali


Per il Gruppo Fiat abbiamo progettato davvero tanto sin dagli anni Novanta, sia stands per singoli Brands (Lancia, Fiat Auto, Alfa Romeo, Iveco,

Fiat Veicoli Commerciali) che multimarca.

Questo concorso ci poneva in un momento di svolta per il Brand Fiat Veicoli Commerciali, per il cambio di nome in Fiat Professional, e, per la prima volta nel 2007,

avrebbe presentato al pubblico la nuova ‘veste’ e struttura.

Il concept puntò sull’idea del comunicare il ‘BRAND come problem solver’ dall’interfaccia pulita e immediata che lascia intuire la complessità del lavoro di ricerca,

ma che non fa pesare sul cliente la capacità di prevedere tutte le soluzioni possibili.La struttura, altamente modulare, è studiata nei minimi dettagli, introduce nuovi materiali,

e sarà rimontata più volte, in tutto il mondo, sino al 2011.

Since the Nineties, the FIAT Group has entrusted us with a really important number of projects, be it for its single brands (Lancia, Fiat Auto, Alfa Romeo, Iveco, Fiat Commercial Vehicles)

or for multiple-brand stands.

The brand Fiat Commercial Vehicles was at a major turning point when it launched the restricted competition for its 2007 stand and had even adopted a new name, Fiat Professional.

The stand was the very first feature that would show the brand’s new ‘appearance’ and structure to the world.

Our concept focused on the strong idea of the ‘BRAND as a problem-solver’. We proposed a neat and direct interface, which let guess the complexity of the research task behind the brand, but liberated the client

from the burden of all the work involved in finding the right solutions to every problem.The stand’s structure was modular and carefully studied to the last detail, with special attention

to the use of innovative materials. In fact, it was easily used and recombined in many shows, all over Europe, until 2011.




IAA – International Automibil-Ausstellung

Editions: start Milan and Amsterdam in 2007, Hannover in 2008 and 2010, and Bruxelles in 2009 and 2011.


september 23september 30

Fiat ProfessionalInternational Automobile Shows

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer Fiat auto Group spa

Concept and project +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Tecnolegno allestimenti

c 12 Iveco



Il tema è la versatilità e la capacità di interpretare i bisogni del cliente. Come rendere tutto ciò evidente anche in un’esposizione temporanea? Con un sistema che ti

consenta di cambiare continuamente ed essere sempre te stesso, con una struttura architettonica modulare, solida, che viene smaterializzata dalla luce

quale finitura superficiale grazie al sapiente gioco dei LED in RGB.

Il fondale è in continuo movimento con una dissolvenza incrociata e passaggi continui nella gamma dei colori del Brand, grazie alle pennellate di luce sui fondali metallici.

Questa esperienza è diventata un manuale per la ripetizione del modulo in ogni situazione espositiva.

The general theme was versatility and the ability to interpret the clients’ needs.How could we render this idea, especially in a temporary show? With a solution that allowed permanent change,

but remained itself: a modular and very solid architecture, which loses its materiality by the use of light as a surface finishing—with a clever play of LED lamps in RGB.

The wall at the back had a continuous movement, lights solved and intercrossed in recurrent waves, mingling the brand’s colors, creating luminous brush-strokes over metal partitions.

This successful experience led to the making of a manual, so that the module could be built and used in any other kind of show.






april 19 april 25

Stande Manuale Saloni

Stand and ShowroomManual

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer Iveco spaConcept, project, manual +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Interfiere




Questo progetto rappresenta l’inizio di un felice rapporto lavorativo, tuttora in atto a livello nazionale e internazionale (Parigi 2009 e 2011, Monaco di Baviera 2013).

Il tema del costruire si manifesta grazie all’utilizzo di materiali da cantiere reinterpretati: le reti elettrosaldate diventano gli elementi di ripartizione verticale, le cantinelle lignee ritmano l’immagine coordinata di tutti gli elementi, dalle divise ai menù.

L’impatto complessivo è unitario, incuriosisce, accoglie.

This project was the starting point of a happy long-term business relationship, which still lasts, covering the Italian and also the international market (Paris in 2009 and 2011, Munich in 2013).

We worked on the theme of ‘constructing’, so we built the stand using typical construction materials in very new ways. The welded iron mesh becomes a texture module for vertical surfaces. The wood slats set the horizontal rhythm and lend it to the coordinated theme of the stand and its elements, including the hostesses’ uniforms or even the bar menus.

The resulting image is compact, striking and homogeneous.






March 05 March 08

Saloni Internazionali.


c 13

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer Case Construction spa

Concept, project, coordinated corporate theme and entertainment activities +39 Design ManagementDisplay builder Tecnolegno allestimenti




Lavazza svolge, in diversi parti del mondo, progetti di sostenibilità sociale, grazie alla produzione del caffè ¡Tierra!.

Il tema della sostenibilità entrava quindi anche nella comunicazione diretta al pubblico con la necessità, soprattutto, di rendere credibile un’operazione non solo di comunicazione.La proposta, che si rivelò vincente, fu quella di ‘meta-comunicare’ attraverso un’accurata scelta di materiali e tecniche di lavorazione un allestimento ‘visibilmente’ sostenibile.Ciò ci consentì di essere coerenti con il messaggio e credibili nella comunicazione del prodotto.

A smontaggio compiuto, il nostro stand guadagnò una certificazione di sostenibilità di classe A/B.

Lavazza is leading in several countries over the world a series of social sustainability projects, based on the production of the ¡Tierra! coffee.

Sustainability was therefore a major topic and had to appear openly in the communication offered to the stand’s visitors. It was very important to transmit the credibility of a project that was much more than a communication campaign.Our suggestion, which later proved to be a success, was to ‘meta-communicate’ by means of an accurate choice of building materials and techniques, in order to produce a ‘visibly’ sustainable display.This allowed us to be coherent with the message and believable in our presentation of the product.

Once dismantled, our stand was awarded an A/B class certificate of sustainability.




Pavilion 5, Lingotto building


October 21 October 25

Stand al Salone del Gusto

Stand at Salone del Gusto (International Food Show)

c 14

assignment type restricted competitionCustomer Lavazza

Concept +39 Design Management con Marina LeonardiniProject +39 Design Management

Display builder Interfiere

ConceptsIn questa sezione sono presenti alcuni dei molti concorsi a cui abbiamo partecipato sia per sperimentare ambiti e scale diverse, sia per confrontarci con il panorama della progettazione contemporanea.

Progettare è il nostro mestiere e progettare è immaginare tutti i futuri possibili.

In this section we present some of the many competitions to which we have applied in order to experiment, on one hand, with new environments and range levels, or to measure ourselves, on the other hand, with the reality of contemporary architecture.Making projects is our profession, and making projects means imagining all the possible future scenes.

c 01

c 15


Concorso europeo di idee, per la U2 Tower, Dublino, Irlanda. european call for concepts for the U2 Tower, Dublin, Ireland.


Concorso europeo di idee, per il nuovo Urban Center di Firenze all’interno della ex Centrale Termica di Novoli. Progetto U.F.O. Urban Firenze Office. Menzione.

european call for concepts for the new Urban Center of Florence within the former Thermal Plant in Novoli. Project U.F.O. Urban Florence Office. Mention.


Concept per lancio nuovo prodotto Ferrero a Francoforte ‘Giant egg’, Germania. Concept for new product launch in Frankfurt : the Ferrero ‘Giant egg’, Germany.


Concept per un Omaggio a Federico Fellini, in occasione della Festa del Cinema, roma.Concept for ‘a tribute to Federico Fellini’, at the Cinema Festa, rome.


Concorso per il nuovo Museo regionale di scienze Naturali di Torino. MUsNaT. Primo classificato per idea e progetto. Competition for the new regional Museum of Natural sciences of Turin.MUsNaT. First place for idea and project.


Concept per il padiglione espositivo alfa romeo, Goodwood, Londra.european call for concepts for alfa romeo’s exhibition pavilion at Goodwood, London.


Concorso internazionale di architettura per la progettazione di un ‘Museo-molo’ in south Beach, Florida.

International architectural competiton for the design of a ‘pier-Museum’ in south Beach, Florida.‘09

Concorso europeo di idee, per il nuovo Liceo Farnesina a roma. Comune di roma. european call for concepts for the new Farnesina home hight school in rome. City of rome.


Villa della regina. Il concorso europeo per la nuova manica accoglienza. Torino.Ministero per i Beni e le attività Culturali.

Villa della regina. The european competition for the new welcome gallery. Turin, Ministry of Heritage and Culture.


Concorso a inviti per il nuovo stand a Fort Lauderdale del brand Benetti, azimut-Benetti Group.

restricted competition for new Benetti stand in Fort Lauderdale, azimut-Benetti Group.‘11

Concept per la sistemazione degli spazi espositivi del Case Customer Center, Parigi. Concept for the arrangement of the Case Customer Centre exhibition spaces, Paris.


Concorso europeo per il padiglione svizzero all’expo 2015.european competition for the swiss pavilion at expo 2015.


Concorso europeo per il sistema espositivo del Comune di Milano nelle fiere internazionali.

european competition for the display system of the Municipality of Milan in international trade fairs.


Concorso a inviti per il nuovo stand Iveco allo Iaa International automibil-ausstellung, Hannover, Germania. restricted competition for the new Iveco stand at Iaa International automibil-ausstellung, Hannover, Germany.


Concorso a inviti per i nuovi stand internazionali del Gruppo Ferretti.restricted competition for new international stands of the Ferretti Group.


Elenco lavori / Project listXX OLyMPIC WINTer GaMes 2006 ‘Paesaggio e veduta da Poussin a Canaletto’. Exhibit at Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli. Exhibition project.2006 Budweiser: the American House. Torino, on the banks of the Po River. Vip house lay-out and set project.2006 ‘Forza Motrice’. Exhibit at Museo Storico Fiat. Exhibition project.2005 ‘Inuit e Popoli del Ghiaccio’. Exhibit at Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. Exhibition project.2001 Torino 2006 Meetingrooms. Torino 2006 headquarters. Interior design project.2003 Torino 2006 Olympic booth at European Parlament, CEE Palace, Brussel. Booth and grafic project.1998 Torino 2006 Olimpic City Candidature, CIO presentation. Lingotto, Torino. Set and interior project.

aicon yachts spa2008 New common trade stand at: Dusseldorf, Barcellona, Ft. Lauderdaile, Shangai, Miami Boat Shows. Stand project.2007 New common trade stand at: Genoa and Cannes Boat Shows. Stand project.

alitalia spa1998 Booth at BIT, International Tourism Exchange, in Milan. Booth and grafic project.

america express Italia2007 Road booth, Milano. Booth and grafic project.

associaciòn Creatividad etica, Buenos aires.2013 Booth at the Torino Design Week. Archivio di Stato, Torino. Booth project.

avio Interiors srl2001 Trade stand at the Paris Air Show. Stand and grafic project.

azimut-Benetti Group spa2013 VI Yachting Gala, Portofino, Italy. Concept, art direction, exhibit and grafic project, site management.2011 Restricted competition for new Benetti stand in Fort Lauderdale. Concept and common stand design.2010 Azimut Grande booth at Montecarlo Yacht Show. Booth project.2010 III Yachting Gala, Cannes, France. Concept, art direction, exhibit and grafic project, site management.2009 IV Yacthing Gala, Viareggio, Italy. Concept, art direction, exhibit and grafic project, site management.2008 II Yacthing Gala, Viareggio, Italy. Concept, art direction, exhibit and grafic project, site management.2007 I Yachting Gala, Varazze (SV) Italy. Concept, art direction, exhibit and grafic project, site management.

azimut yacths spa2011 New Yachts models launch at Genoa Boat Show. Concept and art direction.2011 Dealers Internationals exhibitions Guidelines. Concept, grafich project and art direction.2011 44 Atlantis and 45 Azimut Yachts Convention, Venezia. Concept and art direction.2010 New Magellano launch at Genoa Boat Show. Concept and art direction.2009 Booth in: Dusseldorf, Genoa and London Boat Shows. Booth project.2008 Booth in: Dusseldorf, Paris, London, Genoa, Atene, Naples, Barcelona Boat Shows. Booth project.2007 Booth in: Dusseldorf, Paris, London, Genoa, Atene, Naples, Montecarlo Boat Shows. Booth project.2006 New common trade stand at: Genoa and Cannes Boat Shows. Concept, stand and grafic project.2006 Event for the XX Olympic Winter Games, at Azimut Yacths shipyard, Avigliana. Concept and art direction.2006 Booth at: Dusseldorf, Paris, London, Genoa, Atene, Naples, Montecarlo, Dubai, New York, Lisbona, Splitz, Istambul Boat Shows. Booth project.2005 Interior design for international dealers. Concept, fornitures design and guidelines.2005 Booth at: Dusseldorf, Paris, London, Genoa, Atene, Naples, Montecarlo, Dubai, New York, Lisbona, Splitz, Istambul Boat Shows. Booth project.2004 New trade stand at Barcelona Puerto Viejo Boat Show. Stand and graphic project.

2003 New Azimut Yachts Logo launch, Viareggio. Concept and art direction.2003 Booth at: Dusseldorf, Paris, London, Genoa and Cannes Boat Shows. Booth project.2002 Booth at: Dusseldorf, Mosca, Verona, Genoa and Cannes Boat Shows. Booth project.

Banca Intesa2005 Television News set. Milano. Concept and set design.

Case Construction – CHN Italia spa2013 Booth at Bauma, Munich, Germania. Booth project and art direction.2012 Case Customer Center, Paris, France. Interior design concept.2012 Booth at Intermat, Paris, France. Booth project and art direction.2011 Booth at Samoter, Verona, Italia. Booth project and art direction.2009 Booth at Intermat, Paris, France. Booth project and art direction.2008 Booth at Samoter, Verona, Italia. Booth project and art direction.

Comune di Boves (Municipality)2012 ‘LAtlante dei Suoni’ (The Atlas of Sounds) Museum. Ex Filanda (old spinning mill), Boves, Cuneo, Italy. Concept and interior project.

Comune di Firenze (Municipality)2004 European Ideas Competition for the new Urban Center of Florence within the former Thermal Plant in Novoli. Project U.F.O. Urban Florence Office. Mention.

Comune di Magliano alfieri (Municipality)2011 ‘Il Teatro del Paesaggio’ (The landscape Theater) Museum. Magliano Alfieri, Asti, Italy. Concept, exhibit and multimedia project.

Comune di riccione (Municipality)2003 European Ideas Competition for the redevelopment of Ceccarini Avenue and surrounding areas. 2nd prize and absolute Trend Prize Winner.

Costa edutainment spa 2000 Le Navi, theme park and acquarium. Cattolica, Italy. Concept, exhibit and grafic project, site management.

Dublin Docklands authority2003 U2 Landmarktower Competition, Dublin, Ireland. Architectural concept.

eurodomus real estate2004-07 Common trade booths at Real Estate Trade Fair, Milan and Cannes. Booth and grafic project.

Festa del Cinema di roma.2010 ‘A tribute to Fellini’, concept for a road exhibition in Rome.

Fiat Professional spa2012 Common booth at European Hannover Automotive Messe, Germany. Booth project.2011 Common booth at European Motor Show Bruxelles, Belgium. Booth project.2010 Common booth at Frankfurt Motor Show, Germany. Booth project.2009 Common booth at European Motor Show Bruxelles, Belgium. Booth project.2008 Common booth at: Hannover, Marakesh, Ginevra, Madrid. Booth project.2007 New common booth at Transpotec, Milan and Amsterdam. Booth project.

Fiat Veicoli Commerciali spa2007 Booth at European Motor Show Bruxelles, Belgium. Booth and grafic project.2006 Booth at: Hannover, Madrid. Booth project.2005 Booth at: Bruxelles, Amsterdam. Booth project.

Fiat Group spa2013 Multibrands booth (Fiat and Lancia) at European Motor Show Bruxelles, Belgium. Booth project.2011 Multibrands booth (Fiat and Lancia) at European Motor Show Bruxelles, Belgium. Booth project.2010 GP Montecarlo, Ferrari VIP shows. Art direction.2009 Centro Storico Fiat (Fiat Auto Museum), Torino. Exhibit and grafic project.2008 Concept for the exhibition pavilion of Alfa Romeo at Goodwood, London. Concept and architectural design.2005 Fiat Grande Punto convention, Palavela, Torino. Set project and event production.2005 Fiat After Sales new booths in Bologna and Paris. Booth and grafic project.2004 147 Alfa Romeo convention, Napoli. Set project and art direction.2001 Targasys Traffic Master Offices, Arese (Alfa Romeo headquarters). Interior and grafic project.2001 Targasys Call Center, Arese (Alfa Romeo headquarters). Interior and grafic project.1999 ‘Passeggiata Italiana. 100 years of changing customs’. City exhibition in Turin, celebrating of the Fiat Auto centenary foundation. Concept, layout and graphic project.1999 Lancia Lybra dealers convention, Torino. Set design.1999 Lancia Lybra Press convention, Palazzo Grassi Venezia. Set design.1998 Autoexpert. Concept and exhibition system project.1998 Fiat Multipla convention, Roma. Concept, set design.1997 Fiat Seicento convention, Torino. Concept, set design.1996 Lancia. L’armonia e l’invenzione. Exhibit in Torino, Rotterdam, Bologna. Concept, exhibition and grafic project, art direction.

Finmeccanica spa.2012 Concept for the new trade common european stand. Stand and grafic project.

Freeport spa2003 Food entertaintment park. Concept and exhibit project.

GL events Itala spa2009-13 ToBEeco, the Green Idea inside the Expocasa exhibition. Lingotto Fair, Torino. Concept, exhibition and grafic project, site management.

Honda europe LTD2001 Trade stand at Bologna, Torino and Barcellona Motor Shows. Stand project.2000 Trade stand at Bologna and Paris Motor Shows. Stand project.1999 Trade stand at Bologna Motor Show. Stand project.

Hyundai Motors europe LTD 2007-9 Concept for the European common booth. Booth project.2000-3 European common booth at Geneve and Torino. Booth project.1998 Stand at London Motor Show. Stand project.

Il Villaggio del Calcio spa1998 Concept for a Football theme park. Pomezia, Roma. Concept, exhibition, multimedia and grafic project.

Iveco spa2010 Booth at Bauma, Munich, Germany. Booth project.2010 Dealers Handbook: exhibition guidlines. Concept and grafic design.2003 Stralis and Eurocargo press and dealers convention, Stresa. Set design, grafic and exhibit project.2000 ‘The home of Eurocargo’ convention, Brescia. Set design, grafic and exhibit project.

Jungheinrich Italia spa2002 National Headquarters Office building. Rosate, Milano. Architectural project and site management.

Juventus Football Club spa1997 Juvecentus. La mostra del centenario. Promotrice delle Belle Arti Torino. Concept, exhibition and grafic project, art direction, general management.

KIa Motors LTD 2001 Stand at Frankfurt Motor Show. Stand and grafic project.

Lavazza spa2012 Stand at Salone del Gusto, Torino. Concept.2010 Stand at Salone del Gusto, Torino. Booth project, grafic design and full contract management.

Lingotto Fiere spa2003 Annual Confindustria Meeting. Lingotto Fiere, Torino. Concept and exhibition project.2002 New external cashier. Lingotto Fiere, Torino. Concept, architectural project.2002 2th National Congress of parks and protected areas. Lingotto Fiere, Torino. Concept and exhibition project.

Ministero Italiano economia e Finanze (Italian Ministry of economy and Finance)2005 Common booth in: Venezia, Padova, Cagliari, Parma, Roma, Verona. Booth project, grafic design and set management.2004 Common booth in: Venezia, Padova, Verona. Booth project, grafic design and set management.2004 ‘Fisco tra la gente’, Aosta. Booth interior and exterior project, grafic design and set management.2003 Common booth at: Forum PA Roma, COMPA Bologna. Booth project, grafic design and set management.2002 Common booth at: Forum PA Roma, COMPA Bologna, SMAU Milano. Booth project, grafic design and set management.

Ministero Italiano per i Beni Culturali (Italian Ministry of Heritage and Culture)2010 Villa della Regina. The European competition for the new welcome gallery. Turin. Architectural concept.

Mitsubishi Motors Italy 2013 Outlander Mitsubishi press convention, Balocco, Italy. Set design and grafic project.

Museo Nazionale del CINeMa. Fondazione adriana Prolo. Torino Mole antonelliana2006 ‘Motore!’ Concept and exhibit project.2005 ‘Cose da un altro mondo’. Concept and exhibit project.2004 ‘Marylin and friends’. Concept and exhibit project.2004 ‘Before Ingmar Became Bergam’. Concept and exhibit project.2003 ‘Brividi alla Mole. Il cinema dei mostri.’ Concept and exhibit project.2003 ‘Italian Cinema Divas.’ Concept and exhibit project.2002 ‘Visconti e la Basilicata.’ Concept and exhibit project.

Nespresso Italiana spa 2012 Nespresso Gala. Lumiq, Torino. Set project.

NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Group 1999 Trade stand at Telecom Geneve Fair. Concept and exhibit project.

Carlo Pignatelli Couture.2005 Fashion show at Lingotto Auditorium, Torino. Set project.

Pfizer TM 2013 Vday convention, MAXXI, Roma. Set project.2012 Frontiers convention, Madrid. Set project.

regione Piemonte (Piedmont region)2007 Competition for the new Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin. MUSNAT. First place for idea and project.2003 The technological suitecase. The international promotion trade booth. Concept and booth project.

seat Pagine Gialle spa2001 Booth at COMPA Bologna and Automotoretrò in Torino. Concept and booth project.

sMaT - società Metropolitana acque Torino2013 Redevelopment of the exhibit section at the Water Treatment Plant on the Po river. Interior and fornitures project.

south Beach Municipality (Florida)2009 International architectural competiton for the design of a ‘pier-Museum’ in South Beach, Florida. Concept and architectural design.

TechnoGym srl2002 Concept for the new national trade stand. Concept and exhibit project.

Telecom Italia spa2002 ‘The Telecom Italia Future Center’, San Salvador, Venezia. Production and site management.2001 Trade booth at ExpoComm, San Paolo, Brasil. Production and booth project.

Telespazio spa2002 Trade booth at Telexpo, San Paolo, Brasil and Vicenza Fair. Production and booth project.

Telit Italia spa1999 Trade stand at Telecom Geneve Fair. Concept and exhibit project.

VVFF. National fire department.2000 MUVISS. Historical Italian Museum of firefighters. Concept, exhitib and grafic project.

Way srl2007 Booth at the Tendenze Fair in Stresa. Concept and booth project.

Wellcome Design Outlet spa2012 ECO LIGHTING contest. Chivasso, Italy.

World Political Forum Foundation2003 Italian Edition in Turin. Le Meridien Lingotto. Set project.

Autori / AuthorsaLessaNDra CHITILaureata al Politecnico di Milano nel 1990, lavora sino al 1996 all’ufficio Pubblicità e Immagine prima dell’Alfa Romeo con sede ad Arese, poi nel gruppo Fiat Auto, con sede a Torino, con mansioni che vanno dall’ideazione all’organizzazione di mostre degli stand internazionali al lancio dei nuovi prodotti. E’ in questi anni che ha l’opportunità di lavorare con le più interessanti firme dell’architettura contemporanea: dal team di Renzo Piano per la ristrutturazione ed inaugurazione della ex fabbrica Lingotto, allo studio dei Pierluigi Cerri, per le mostre di design internazionali dedicate al brand Alfa Romeo.Dal 1996 al 1998 svolge la libera professione collaborando con il Gruppo Fiat nella gestione di eventi di lancio e delle competizioni internazionali di car racing, Velocità Turismo, ITC e DTM per il brand Alfa Corse in giro per l’Europa.Nel ’98 è socio fondatore della società Quaderno Corporale Design che nel 2000 cambierà nome nell’attuale +39 Design Management.Nello stesso anno inizia ad insegnare Exhibit design all’Istituto Europeo di Design di Torino, per diventare poi dal 2001, coordinatrice del corso di diploma triennale di Interior Design e del Master in Interior design.

FaBIO aNTINOrIInizia a fine anni Ottanta le collaborazioni per le scenografie di trasmissioni televisive quali Fantastico ed altre produzioni Rai Radio Televisione Italiana; collabora con case di produzione tra le quali la Filmaster a Roma e Milano per la realizzazione di spot pubblicitari. Sino al ’98, anno di fondazione della società, collabora come libero professionista con il gruppo Fiat Auto nella progettazione di stands e scenografie per il lancio di nuovi prodotti, conventions ed eventi culturali.L’esperienza maturata nell’ambito dello spettacolo, suggerisce l’impiego ante litteram di soluzioni innovative introducendo effetti visivi sia di carattere scenotecnico che interattivo.La ricerca di sistemi innovativi porta alla sintesi formale di proposte progettuali che ben armonizzano la tecnologia con l’estetica, suggerendo spesso, un forte coinvolgimento emotivo.

aLessaNDra CHITIShe obtained her Architecture degree from the Politecnico di Milano in 1990. She worked until 1996 in the Ufficio Pubblicità e Immagine (Advertisement and Communication Department), first at the Alfa Romeo headquarters, in Arese, and later at the Fiat Auto headquarters, in Turin. She was responsible for the concept and organization of events that ranged from stands in international trade shows to the launch of new car models.During those years she had the opportunity to work with some of the most interesting firms of contemporary architecture: Renzo Piano’s team for the remodeling and the inauguration of the old Lingotto factory, Pierluigi Cerri’s studio for the international design shows dedicated to the Alfa Romeo brand.From 1996 to 1998 she worked as a freelancer. She managed different events for the Fiat Group: launches of new models and international contests for car racing, Velocità Turismo, ITC e DTM (Alfa Corse) all over Europe.In 1998 she was a founding member of the Quaderno Corporate Design society, which later changed its name to the present +39 Design Management.On that same year she started to teach Exhibit Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Turin, where she later (2001) became coordinator for the triennial Degree Course on Interior Design and for the Master Course of Interior Design.

FaBIO aNTINOrIAt the end of the eighties he started working as a set designer for Italian television programs such as Fantastico among other productions, for the RAI, Radio Televisione Italiana.He also worked in Rome and Milan in the making of advertisement spots for film production companies such as Filmaster.Prior to 1998, the year the firm was established, he worked as a consultant for the Fiat Group, focusing on scenic design for the launch of new products, conferences and cultural events. His vast experience in the world of entertainment enabled him to propose the use of innovative solutions with a unique visual impact, both in terms of the use of space and in relation to novel interactive techniques.His permanent quest for innovative systems imbues his projects with a harmonious blend of technology and aesthetic refinement, resulting in a strong, emotive and effective experience for the public.

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Ringraziamenti / acknowledgements

Si potrebbe dire che, ogni persona con la quale abbiamo lavorato, negli studi di Torino e Roma, i preziosi collaboratori (qui sotto elencati), come le aziende con le quali siamo cresciuti nel soddisfare richieste possibili e impossibili, e, soprattutto gli allestitori, che con pazienza ci hanno convinto o, si sono lasciati convincere delle innovazioni proposte, ecco ogni persona fa parte di questo elenco.

Un grazie particolare a Gianluca e Fabrizio Barbero, con i quali abbiamo iniziato questo percorso.

Collaboratori:Manuela Anglesio, Chiara Cassinera, Nicoletta Cerato, Veronica Genisio, Paco Huerta, Federico di Vincenzo, Vivian Linares, Rossana Lovo, Fabio Valenza, Gianluca Ruffini, Laura Sabato, Rita Zeferino.

We owe a lot to all the people with whom we have worked in the offices of Turin and Rome, our precious coworkers (listed below); to the companies and firms with which we have developed our skills, satisfying attainable and unattainable requests; and, above all, to the stand builders, who have patiently convinced us or whom we have patiently convinced to adopt innovative solutions. All of them deserve to be in our list.

A special thank you to Gianluca and Fabrizio Barbero, with whom we started our professional journey.

Collaborators and coworkers:Manuela Anglesio, Chiara Cassinera, Nicoletta Cerato, Veronica Genisio, Paco Huerta, Federico di Vincenzo, Vivian Linares, Rossana Lovo, Fabio Valenza, Gianluca Ruffini, Laura Sabato, Rita Zeferino.

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Questa pubblicazione è stata resa possibile grazie a: Vladimir Soto / Immaginato, Direzione Creativa

Giulio Mosca / Immaginato, ImpaginazionePaolo Mandato / CMP, Stampa

This publication has been made possible thanks to: Vladimir Soto / Immaginato, Creative Direction

Giulio Mosca / Immaginato, Graphic DesignPaolo Mandato / CMP, Stampa


alessandra Chitichiti@piutrentanove.it

10124 Torino - ItalyFabio antinori

antinori@piutrentanove.it00165 Roma - Italy

Contatti / Contacts