Amori&B:ili:,N~i& Twino BAIRD'S...

Post on 14-Aug-2019

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By. Telegraph. .. ~··-- "' .

HALIFAX, !.btit:h •.-Pigott eommiUed auichle ia Madrid. · BaJ)ear warnecl tlae TimU lal& Ji-ar ' ""-' PlllO" wu unrelil\ble. Pigott took tbe uame (Jf 'Pooaonbf io- Matlrict. tJe al)ot bimaelf in the moo'tt. witb a NfOI.-er while uo.Jer arreaL by the police. . •

The F'rtoch Cbambftr of Oopotiee on Saturday p.used a Tote of con6deDCe io the GoYimltuoot, Ly a majority Of 12tl. • •

It w alated tb&& the 016itetl State, Senate will <!OdOfiO the comm rcial,u ition reaolutiooa puaed by tbe Hoose of RepreaentatiY,ee.

Tbe A Ilana will oot t~oder for the bat AttaJ­~ic mall aervice wt\b Cauada. Tile Andc:nooa will probably ~td the C4ntTIICt. ' · ·

Uouat -Criapi. the ltallao Primo Minister. lias

~~ScrrHi«,' with ~gliab ruaila, arriyed oo· t;atftday.

liAJltCJl 6.-l"reeident Aarri~on wu ioao~rurat­J tly-=aterClay. lmme!ote crowc!a iD rouod Capi­.:.ol. Hatriaon ""iewed tho proarea of the ,•ountry, and liefe'uded tbe protectiYe policy. He hoped to see it•earried out tr.oro elfectiyely iu all tbe Statea. The eltaracter of immigrants muat be 10ore ,carefully ioveatipted. No European power maet conetru..:t tbe PaoiUDa Caunl. In­tellijtt~nC ' d iplolll&CJ· and friendly atbitratioo sbonld aetllo luternatioual diiTeren<'etl.

M.t.RCH 6.-In PrusiJent H'anison's C11b. in ~r.. Dl~&ir ia Secretary of State; Wind_oru uf ft"Ca.:tnry ; Proc•,or of WIll"; TrHet>Y of Nuvy; Noble ol llllerior; Wnnau:aket· is P011twaa~r Gflnen\1; Miller Attorney-Gen-eral ancl Ru11h l\1 in~ter of A-griculture. .

Fa.lec' clelivet"ed the 0-:nadittn lmdgl't fl JteeCh night. There will be no cluu~P.s ; u tariff. Th~ re\·enue ln11t year WIUI thirty~ • ,.,. millions uine hundrerl Lltousand tloii1HR ; .,, t ~wo huod1ed nnd thirty fuur milliotl clul "11\. The prol,ahle ~nrplus th., cut'l'o:tllt yea•·

... ·ill ut~ oue milhon niue hunthed tLou ~ttn<l . ·JIIa·'!l; the e:~Lillll'lC of next yc:11·'s incouw i~ . i, tv· niue Dlillionll · ex1•on•litu n~ Lh i1·ty Rix

. ,cl ·a hrtlf n1illious.' C,u t w1 i;;ht cri ticit1cd · •td••c-t IHI•I m••\'fld 1111 .. rucudlnt·n l CololorRill~ : .r .. :tl·ictcd t't!ciprocity with tl ttJ U nited

utea. ---- , The We:lt.her Korth and South .

K iug x Cure .ll •u ch '1 -Tho ~.-1\l.locr. tu- ol~y is. ,. d m 11 ud l.u::&ullful , w1t!o e~ry tnd1cauoo of an •·-.rly :Svriulo! ~" hc,.vy ic.., Ina yet m:11lc itttap· : •rarl\occ. At predt•ut tllc b11y ia full .-r slob. ,. uri some oiJ ltl\rve ru~y he sccu e"et'y, d11y pok.-·'1!' tlocir •P· C\ 1.J~utly iu eel\r~~~ of wh:,lv­" ll icc A h!w Mala •l•t rc s!tut ut l 1cldc Cove

'••.-r•h•y aud the i!11y b.:fcft.e-. · --7 i/t C ooe, Mardt 4 --We11\hercalm &od foggy ; ,•hllllllo iD po~<itioo or ice. l'<rilfinga.U, MoreA 4 - Y es t e rd11y nnd to-day •titer mild attd _.til. T loure i11 nu n-iuJ, uul it

• : I y ft•J:StY with t iJe icc still iu. ' "-I"· Alardt 4 -~omtl ltnrp ~t·lloll sceu at tbc .ucla on Friu11y ; th t~ ice is s t ill iu. :rr~u•puwl, .3/arc!. "-· - \\' ind scutb, h lo wi n2 a 'bret-&e; weatner vt~ry uul.l ; only su&nll 111 , .,

· viilible; there is a heavy 81la oo; b .. rootder !0 ·:.marilf«. Marcil 4 - W ind •outb , hlowius;: a

_ ot UrPt'&.t! ; wealber milt1 ; the i.:e .:oins.: off · 'ataliHG, M arc! -'.- Uesu iful day; wellther r 'l 1<&rm. C:J.a'llntl. J[arc! 4 - W1ol! oort b-wcat ; weather ..o ami very mild /Jag oj l:J4•d6, March t .-Calm and mild wea· er lw111ft 1JaJ, Marek 4 - \\'int.l 11outb -eut, bC ·

onpanled with rain. l!lllcallufa. Al.fJ.rch ~.-\\'ind uorth, et roog.

'. · eather mild. jDenso tosc. l ee coming in '.-'ataliua, March 5. -\\'inti north, li@ ht, cl~nr. f ll'iUingote, March b.- Weather calm, fo~ll1·

1 ... • :;. .. eralscbools of IJarreo Bt:&lll wero seen 'l week,· bu~ oo sign of wbelp1Ug aeale sioce

- •·h Jaouary. r:,·turportti.-Jtarclt 6 - l\;iad N .E , 6ne brcez:e.

; •r wMthM'. lee going frem the land. Bar. ' , 00

l'ill CorJt., ,\/areA 5.-Calm,mild 1 oo change iu itAJ • ""' , Cha~l. March 1>.- Wind 6 E . Thick fog.

Boats did nry well yeaterday.

Tus Noaw£GJAN CoDP18QaY.-Tile lates~· int&lli,1{4mce ft'Oro Norw~ty in reapee~ to the Rtat.e of the wintetj codblbery was received on Monday.,. ,The catpb •p to tlte,2nd inRt 'v";S placeJ at eight millionR (al,out 130,000 quin ­ as all•inst 11ix~een milliooa {260,000 quintals) Cor the coi-r--.aponcJin,IZ period of JoeL vear. This, it mnst be aclmittt'd, ia a v.-ry abort 01\~h-bu~ ht~ll oflaat year's. Still tltel'e ill time ye~ for the · ~o.-wegi•l}• ':<> m~tke up the )ee .way Bttcl we~&Lher ia asonbed as tl.te cauae or tltu fllilure.

--- ' -Our lf'Alinc stt~amera Vanguard and Gl'ft.Jl·

land left CMboueu at nMn yeahmJay for Bay­de· Verdu. wheoce tlley will take their cleRrancu for the ae•l fl iJhery. Thoy uporieuced not mncb difficulty in re11chinjl tbat placf'; tbe ice from Rroad Cove down waa " car.ted" off the abore. The1 willleue &l 6 o'clock on &turd•y morning, in conformity with the 2o~ aectiou of the S!alintc Act pneserl iu 1888. which etipolatea that · • pro­vided. iu the evttn~ of the lOth of March f111liull on 11 Suoday, cloy stearucr mnyleue port for tbe seal fishery at 11ny time a h er 6 o'clock. in the foreOOOU Of the prniOUR dny.''

The Jlgsliff. when las\ l11·nrd from, wuGff Bay Rolls; abe waa spoken to by Lhe co11atal etu:uner Volu11lttr al 4 o'clock on Suudny eyeoinjr.

The beat wi11bea or our p~ople, one sod all , will accompnuy our steain ee.aling fleet.

MARRIAGES. At &aton, .hn. l~t. IIS89. by thu It""· (1, W . flAil ,

Min Mnry &l uuru, ol tit. J l'lon·•· Ntltl .. to llr. R 0 Davit1Aon of A l><· r•lu<•u , tlcutluud.

At 4ft3 lhine ' tr"t'l, M • •hlrt~.ol. by He• . 0 . Colbnr1111 Helnu, H. A .. Viilli•n• ~CIAI~r. Esq. or the Orm <>f ~·, .... " i•·k ,\: Scl" ' '' r . t •1 K~tl iu ll cDutllllol, VllUIIjrf'&l tl~tut.:hlt>r .Jf thu lot lu R•m•lol &.!>Dnouol•l. F..q . (Gnruiol), of (Jnru­,.,.)1, Oul. Tit" AhofO it nuplouw 10 o .. viJ Scllltcr, E~q. "' ti l. J, .Jo.,· ... :s ti l.

DEATHS~ At Flo wer• Cuvo, Smtil.< of Bullo Ialo. no Dec. l , t ,

Tlu•mA<~ ~lociJIJ" r'l n~rcl ·Hi •·r~r~. Allluroln•• l. nu clo., ltth ~·.,toy . M r. \Vi !!am Cnllin~ •

fnllo•·r of ll n . 'l' lo'u luy. 11111! uf tho l~tlu l!:q .ot .I, b ' t;olliui. fnroue rly of tbid t •o~o ftJ.:uJ GO y c:\TI - n ( l'

PASSENGERS. Prr S S l ' ,, (u •lf ter frnm thtt \Verit•u r •l -Ohllnnei­

R··•· ~I r Br"''•'""• Hur~:cu- )l ra !:iummt'Nun l'u-I.J lbruu ~o:h - ~lr Clo.s W. y St Pi .. rrn- lli~~ Wtolsh Bur· i n -ll rt~ ~~ Mnl'"'"'>'• ~lr• r: Q .. y n A.l r Jnb11 l ukw·n llr J"'" "e ).l u••ll" u SL lJ .. ry-s - l!rs <Jo~tcllo, ~lr S Croix 6 iu dh ·c r •1!4!

1v.I:.A.SON'IC. 'l HE

Regular MOt~THLY MEETING of Lo•IJ,:c ·• llllt l.or Gmco," No 476, F. & :t\ M. , itS .. wi ll to•kc pl:~co• 1\l the M,.,_nuic .-tall on lu-tnnrr•'""' (Til UR~O.\ Y) C\'tll1ing. 7th March, n l i :>U o 'clock p 111 .

( lly o~.!c r of the· It\\' M.) !' . D K~ [(; liT,

Sccrc rrny.

To Carpenters. rrE:'\DE il.':i will be rcc,.iveol unt iluooo MON­

IJ A Y n ext. tht~ lith iuatant for the Crt·C·

tion of tt ht~llo.lin~: for thu i"Ur poRe of a

FISH- HATCHERY. ~ Pnrt icul:trs mn~ be ha.l M the Urown

L11o<Js' Offici!, wht~re plana aud apeoi lic11tioua C..lll

ue seen.

To Boiler- Makers.


tOTrER Uodpr the patronage

the Rn · Fatbe'r' L&belle.

Established io 18M1

onder 'tho Act 'of Qne­beo, 82 Viet-. c!i11~1l6. for tbe ben~IJt ot U\•~­

.o&PCRu Socit"riea of Cbl­ooir.,tiou of the province of .un'I!DI!'C.


1 R~ ~tate wor~.'" • ...; .... orth.OCO .6000 1 · do ... . _.... • .2.000 2 ,000 1 do ~........... 1',000 1,000.

• ( do . . . .. . ....... 600 2.000 ,10 K41~1 Eetatea •• . . ~ ............ 800 S.Ootl

• 80 .Foruiiiuo Seta ......... ...... 2CIQ , 6 000 '60 · do ...... ...... ... . 100 6.000

• 2uO Gold Watche" .... ... ...... 60 10.0!10 1000 SiiYer Watches . .............. 10 10.1100 LOOO .ToilPL Seta , ....... : ...... ..... 6 b 01.0

· TIOJOrl'S . ,; - - - - - 11 00 ·'Off era. are made to nil winoP1'11 ~o pay 'heir ,.riue cuh, leu a commiaaioo of 10 p c.

Wlonera' namua not publithoa ouleaa apeeially rbed, '1 ;_ ,.',. 1

S E. LEFEBVRE. SeC etary. Offictll, 19 St. ,J"mf'al!l rt'P.t. Mon1renl: <.~"·


Amori&B:ili:,N~i& Twino .-Go~ •

would call attention ta. th3ir ManUl'actures for the sea-son of1889.

New :Adve~ieementw. , ._ :: ... f ....

'\Vc shall prepare for Newfoundland merchante­

·1000 Bxtra Quality, 'very BtroDt,

4 x 6. ·· Herring ·NElS, =: . ltlO I •

-Caplin; Herring & ·cod S~ines, · · light. strong and easy-handling; light­ness is prof!\.

We continue to advocate, as a means to increase t.he nett profits of t.he voyage, the light Cod Seine .

We desire to do busines3 with the mer-chants of Newfoundland. . .

'GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE COMP ANYJ . Boston omce. 94 Commercial Street


BAIRD'S LINIMENT -Mn. ANOREW DouGLASS, Morchnnt, Sta nley,

York Go .. N.B .. writes :-•1 b:l\'e sold your Baird'e Lioimcot in a case or BprBined knee, wheo all other Lwimeots accrued to fail tn do

~ ""Y gooo, 11od cAn oorti :y that it mild" a rapid

() U !{ S T A N 1; A R D H l~ R l~J N' G NETs, f;'~~· For aprruos 1 bt:1icve i~ cn~:oot ~o equnl-

. " Mn. ,Jom< B. RttL)IAN spc&k!l : _,Your naird'a 40 to 60 Rnns, mndc il·om the 'Sht•pnrd Golc.l Medal" 14/ G Twines, IIOW Liuiwent is the bt!~ t Liuitne •lt I ever used .

1 Yours truly, alm.ost exclusively adouted· in the Mari~irne Provinces. (Si;::oetl) Jl>ns B. Htt.LliAN.

r , "' ' Sonthamp tou, ~.B. Nov. l Oth. 1881.

COl>, C:\.PLIN & HEl{l\ING SEINES. New Church Spaniard's Bay . ~1erchnnt n.nd Fisht·rmn.~ cnn depend upon ~ctting n Sciuc from US I ---Cl

1 f E

1 .1 · h 11 h dl ·1 1 · 1· '/ AH the l\ omb~:rll of Llttl tnrc 1 o ng 1tnu.

\\'Ill :fis we ' au c t!U;S~)', aw wear satzs uctort y. in S paui;trd'" Dny '"'C a\.s ~)llt to erect a .N"w .,. Church, cont rilmtiou'l utA berol,y sol icitcu

The Bank ·~ tshcrmcn are now using large quantities of our a nd will he tlucnk fulh· recei1•rd by R~~-. J. 1. Arlb tll' l<:vtlnR, Clca:inlltln 'of Committca ;

"A~1EI\ICAN'' B-IlAN 0 OF J.JJNES Mr. JucoloGosse onrl Mr. Ju01es llu lcl1ing~. • I

lightly nnc.l c \·cnly tnrre Uhu,·ch- Wardens ; Mr. J . F. Sheppard, '1'1-eas· urer; M.t. A uruhllm B1trrctt, /)eoretary. _

Spanittrd~t'e Bny, F oh. , ~3. laBS. .I . ._, •.,; ...J.. -... - •

COTTp~ ·~EITING1iiSTiects, for WinfcrWor1c aTOd~~~~ES, Tl NS ! Tl NS.'! ·.TJ NS! ., SHEP ABrD GO.Lil ·:taDAL " vv ·~~ soft, Half-Putcnt and Patent, nll sizes.

vVE at e now prepnrcJ to supply all the above goods nt. short notice and our ~cwfoundl:.lnd patrons cnu rt: ly upon LOWEST RATES, Cor-rcsponc.lcnce solicited and-samples cheerfully given.

ESTABLISHED 184:.?. CAPIT·AL $350,000.

H ighest awards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphin. 1876. London Fish­eries Exhibition,- 1883.

AmJeriean Net & Twine Co., H()1ne Oj}u:e, 34 Commercial St.,

Bo~ton, I N ew York Office, . · 199 Fulton Street.

Did you ever think wha.t. they cost you after using

the Baking Powder ? ,

BUT that i~ snvcd by buying_




Queen Insurance Company. o:-Ask your Grocer for It. TESDERS wil! be received ontil uooo on MO~DAY next, tuell thiust . fora PHCE:NIX

A. Steam Boiler and Blake . . stea~ Pump -Fire Assurance Company·

for tbe Fiah-llatcbery. g- Specificntiooa to be eeeo aL tho Crown

Laoda' Office. · :Not bound to accept the lo~est or aoy T ender.

M. FENELO~. C:ulo11ial &crelary.



GAPITAL-£2,000~ 000 Stet·liug. ----


- AND-


J-u.s-t • Reoe1. ved.. _ -Al'--

c. L KENNEDY'S &y nf Jrll:md1, Marclt 6.- Wind S. \V •1 mod or -

Mo. Fine- weatb r. Colouial Secretary'• Office. t 1Jo111te Bay. ~ arcl 5.-\Vtod S.W., lowing 1\larch 4th, 1889. {

TRUSTEES & DrREOTOBIS Joseph Wm . Buendale, Esq. Hri6tow Bovill. Eaq.



A Large and Varied Stock ot o.;-bt Lreeze. · W r tine and clear. . - -------------:-----'-

'&Mo!M. To-day. Wind S.E .• light, milo, FC>.R. . SA x · IE TWENTY -NINTH ' ANNUAL REPORT,

~ •'llfl1· Ice alack. TIDiltingate, To day Calm. elear, mild. A

lnw aeala,got in punta eaterday. Fogo. To-day.-Wi atb )&Atenningelack-

e:u the led from th . • o. ,, _ q __ J_ud.-;,/a. '!'o-daJ calm aud o•ercaet. ~

' l

-The Brilbb, Cao&diu. ud=fmericao mail•. por S.S. Coucript, a~ &,.t. Jobo 'a at 1.80 o'clock <'n SatardaJ aheroooo. ,eru receiYed here aL 9 u'cloelt .. S.oda7 -vsornioJ-tbanka ·to \he r roroptitade of cbe •oeflatic Poi& Maater Geo­e l'31. Tate retaro mail lef& here bJ &taler' yoJter-t!\y. • •

-TIHf.-rlT who toot in mistake a p•it or dttneing aboea Ctnao the Ma~la H•ll la~~t 11igbL wlJI pleaM return them &o Mr. Nichola, keeper of t.1aJ Hall, and rec41iye tile pair tbat w"re Jef\ in &.he an~i-room,

'-A~- trozu .Benaoda. nc:eit"ed by Ht)a. A. W •• ~~. oa 'Eu..tar laat, con. veyecl t.M • ' .. ,., ba&eUileace or O.e de""' ct438 of ·•• ...... Tbe 8rUDUD t'.eodera its · ., ........ to dt. boa. pa\leaaao and flll'ltiiJ.

-C.apL ••


By the SuLscriher, 1

$!2,ooo STOCK • IN TIJ&

Harbor Grace Water Company

The Hoo. Jaruea Rillg. .J ohn Clattoo~ Eaq. Uutuioa. I!;, Coope, .Esq., M.P. lieor~e ...Artbor Fllllt~r, W.sq. t,. Cbarlea I!;, Goodhart. Esq. • ., M. Rhode H&wkine EMt· . tiirJoho J.obbock, Uart., ~P., F.R.S. Obarle" Thomas ~ncaa, Esq • CbRrlea Ma~eoay, l!;eq. ' l'be Ron. l!:dwio U. Portman.

l.)odley Rober~ Stnith, l!;eq W1D. Jamea Thompson, Eaq • .

bearing' in teres~ at 5 per cent. Applicant.& to atato the number of dollars kl be giyao for nery flOO.OO

Applieation to be recei•od oo~ later than 10t4 SON. DlBEO:t'O'Jl Jdlf1lb • JuBNlJ. Bt.oowru:LD, EaQ

I .

, PATRlCK WALSH. WILLIAM C. MACDONALo,t • Harbor Grace, Feb'1 26th, 1 &f9 · 'Fnuous Jl. fucDOlU!-D, f Joint St.ertlcru,.

rhe RevorLa anJ Accounts t c...r the y ear ).A86, presented to the Sbarebolt.lers "' the Annual :lf.ooting, (!n Thu'I"Btllly 5th M11y, 1~87, sho,.,ed i.n tho, ·

FlRE BRANCH, . T~the Pt·emiurua for 1886, ' t.lcdno·

tiog _.Re-inaunlDcea, amounted tu £601.649. and ~be Louita to' .S:J:S3,49ll j or 6~. 7b per uoot,

I~ THE LIFE BRANCH' • ThRt New, Polioie11 bad been isatiod (or

£258,990, yielding in pl.'emium £9,915. nnd · that ~be total nett preruium income wa" '£82,r

374. ',£bat the ptLymenta Lo po.hoy hGltlen were £(3,7 41, apd that the Life lund waa increalled by £40,003. , } · Tbe Bt.lance at CnoJit' o( Profit and Lo&i, .af\er addin" £23,000 t.o the 'Fil.'o Fund, waa abown Lo •moun' to '£-18,,196 lOa -.u, and wc..a diaf'OII8d o( •" follow• :- I .,,ad& a 0 .l'or1M'ridft4n4 Bonua '

18,'70117 o~• B••"• hn4, aDill 80,48D 8 "Oarded ton..d.

TtiRFUND~ Wtre ahowu to atod .. fol

'B.:II:~r=~.l ..... ·~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '"'·'·~NJ • ~•alationhiUl ••• · .~# •• I

. . -.1· P&ld, -ap ••• ••• ... ... ... • ••

lb.Y h•d ... ... ... ~~~~illii'J

U.llil: 4. ftJII~ ur :-~~lt·!; ~~:~lj=~~

Cooking, · Parlor, GothicGrates

Tortoise . '

' Congo Sboe Du~uio~. lllixed Pai.Dte 1 • Ba'TeD Paat.e Ston PbUah, Enamelled W~ o~· and FUrniture Poli.!l · 1 Ta~le OuUery- all ~Dt\a and pricee. · ! Plated Teupoou ud 'l'tlbleapoo~ m.ctrio _Light ud Victor l"lour 84ft.ere

othur~ ArUci:' ;,roifUimnis. to ioatifit ---A~--- , I

-A Large AliHOrtm~~.~ ~r.:..... I Hall, and Fa~cy Table ~


r '·

. . .··

---. 'rfd , •KI .i.· POWDER Absolutely Pure,

Tbia powder ne•er vartea. A marvel of pot· tty, st.reo~:tll aod wlloleaomeoesa.-More econo­mical tbao the ordinary kinds. and caonnt. be •old io oompet.itioo wi~h tho multitude of lo'' teu, short weight. alum or phosphate powclers. .'iold "nlg i11 calli-HO\'AL llA,INO Powottt Co. , 106 \Vall-lllre .. t, .N .Y. Apl21 ly


Medical Ball. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.

WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Tbt' S.a bscribor Juts 1\dd,•J to his lArge

and \'llrie•l St.oclc, a fow of t.he n e wes t lc .. ding :Piltent M eJicille'l and SnnclrieJ;, u..'l i ollow11: Green's Aug us t Flo wt: t , W ~trn~r's Safe C uro Lime Fntit Juice . Bo.icueo's Gernum Syrup, Eno's Fruit S11lt, H ollowny sCorn Cur·e, Cun~:r's Li ttle Li,·e r Pi lls, '\Vi~ttn r's S.tlsam o f W i lri Cherry , '\Vye th 's L iquicl M otlt Ext n tc t, l! ~tzel ine :Mothe r Gr~ti'CR' \V o rm Ext~>rrnirrn tu r, Liehig':~ Extrnct o f Mea t , Dr~tina~e Tubing. :Penr's. oap, P ea.r·'s SlrK'' in~ StickR. '\Vhitl'l Ennme l ( for tilling teeth, ) Benzine ( for c letLnHing Jlllt' J>Oll•!!!,) j\!Rttso n's F11mily SyringPR. Lemo n b.vrup, Rttapberry ::iytup, l>r. Wil!!on's lie ruine Uitrer~;, J ohnson's Anorlyne L inimen t, 'Tamar lnrlu:n (tor cos ti\'!m e~<~ ' , Eno'11 Me•lica~t.ed Sug11r· ( for worms), Gu~trd's Hl\ ir Jy~. Trico;.>beroua Tcabor:y Tooth Powder, ..blnrrlly's FlniJ Magnesia,, I ron and Wine, N ortbrop& Lyman's Veget.aLIA Discovery

d o cio Q uinine Wine, K elloig's Asthma Remedy

d o <.:.Harrb S nuff. D~~.ffy 's Elixir , H o p HilLers Dr. W a lker's Vino~ar Bitttlr8 :Putman's Com Ex Lrac lQl' Keatin~·., InsPct P owd e 1· N c.rtbrop & Lyman's E LDulsior .r\ye r's Sari!ap~tl'illa. Pntner's ~;mulsion

Jo C h t:ny Pectoral fierce's Golden ;\(adica l Discovery

Jo Putg~t.iv~:~ P o llc t.s do Nnst~lllnjcctol'J

Wllterproof Nursing Aprons do Sponge Bags do Bih11 ( fo1· child rfln teething,)

.Fellows' Compound Syrnl' S~dm~tn'" T eething Po,.c.lera Rullbu Tuuin~ for l!'ecdtws ,c\.ycr'll Hllir Vigo r, Bay Rum Allen'11 H~~.h·~R~stol'or, C hild'11 Trusses .Adult.'a Trussc!s, Minnrd'a Lini111e nt Cttivert.'M Cllrbol ic So~tp, Fullet·'ts Earth J)ried Silvery, Dried ~ttge, Ul'ied Thyme '\Vri~ht'ts IJnle~ent.etl Wine l3nrdook .Bioo~Bitt.ara Ke,.ler'a C od Li ' Oil and Malt. ~nett of Spmco, ~ len'• Long J3a1Ram J udaon'11 Go d P•iot, J udson'11 Uoltl Ink Cit.rate or ~lagueaia, ayenno T.oxengcs


Hai~RU!::JBJI~. W Preaorp\iuoa carefully compounded and

witb p•re drop. W. H. rHOMPSON.

Legislative Counc.1 -o-

ST JOHit'a, Feb. 2L. Hon, A. W H4RV11' alwaya fel& pleuQre ••

hnriog the bon. Mr. Telbo& •ddre11 the Hou ... '!'bat geotlemau COIUbiuet exprualone of wladom witb a deal tba~ ia amueiDil lo eucb a fauelfal way u uo~ ooly to ia'atr~tct bu& alao to en .. rtala bit heare..._ In preaed oaao be baa treated us to one of bia efforta, ao prniabed witb crumba of aouad, prutical commou eenae,' and also cootro•eraial matlcr; yet, take~ u a whole, it wouJd he out of place ou tbia ,occnaion to answer or tlitcnu all tbe pointe he hu raiaed. He (Mr. H.) did not mean to followllim t)lrougb tbe W:l:ka of bia lengthy oration, but would re­JDark that tbe boo. gentleman bu followed the aawe practice witb reference to the addre.a u he ha.a frequently before done: tbat i•. of ditouaa· iog docuweuta which h11 com11eota pro•ed he bad oeyer read and waa in l'ctual ignorance their couteut1. Tile lou. gentleman baa dealt in that miUlDer wit!l tho opeuin~ ap~ecb, and in bia imaaioatioo baa placed iu it ant! criticized aub­jecta which had uo existence in lbat document. l'no ao called lo'reocb Shore question fur iu· stance, is not cveu remotely referred to. Y<'' h ia lug-ged in 1111d tbraaued to J.tiecea by the hoo. J!Cll•

tleu1nn ; aud &llllin a vari~ty of extraneous mllt­tcr haa bt:eu d1acuaaed by him wholly irrelev11ot to the subjects wu aro called on to consider, v.ud which it would hnve been much !Jetter tftBte to hue omitted. He (Mr. ll.) reruembereu aowe of t be spc~chea aud replica of~ fo rJOOr Goyern· wen~ ~thich tl:e hon. jteutltlmBu hns atnted were preparetl by himadf. No doubt Lhtly wert! con· cis~o. to lbe point aud phrMed io chute and ole­gaul dic tion, buL iu cJruwinlC ootuparisona betweoo prtsaent and former productions. he ebo:tld not hav~S iruportccl thiu~ta •hic h were nol actu.llly there tie (~ft. H.) waaa member of t.he so:leet conuoittee of this body who preiJarad the addre•a. had read the ap~:ecb to which it propos~:& to reply. and he could tiuu uo rcfurecce therein to the " Freucll Shore'' question. lt wu conapicuoua by i t11 nbs~:oce, 11ruJ be thou~tht it a n1atter o i surprise thaL a relcrcncu to th t.> procedure that hu taktsu Jllacu witb re11ard to our lotJs tur fish­ery w11s not coutl\•heU wtthiu the. four wnlls of that document. The hon. Sheriff has oleo trt•at· ttd :ts tu a diiiSt: rlation upou j::O"urnora litH.! t lu: qualities o f commerci~tl g o v;;ruuu!nt.a. :wd Ko v­e rnwuuts «'Omposed of lawye rs ; aucl Klso 10 " ch~ph:r from the rucl'nL history of lrel11urf. :\ow, he would nsk th11 hon. ~entl em11u .vh11L in the Dl\nt u of fOotUIIC l ri3h tt fTAII8 ha\'C to rio with the prOCfl'rliull8 or tlus Cuuucil? lle (Mr. II.) r,.i icd to ace the reason fo't tho iruvort .. uon of such irrclevnu t topice. lie on ly refurrcd to tile matter to ehow the iunpprupri " w11css oC the \.Iii · oussion . 11nrl wo uld ou~1t:ly ~ny th~t he t ! t ou.~:ht

th.: hou. 1!1!11\lcmau wo uh.l lour.Jiy tiuti UUAIIiulll y ol Rcutimt:nL u po11 the vit~ •t lo t: lous ~X !JUUnd"u with re~:nru t o t hu~:uveru10c 11t uf lr~l~tud. \Vtth tbis milJ 1•ro tcoat ot~tniuet 11uch til j11d ~:l.'d disc•t.,. Ilion he shoulol nudo~:U llimaclf to thu 1\11\llt:r l>tt· foro tbtl chrtir II tl ~loould, nt tho~ o utscL, &1\V

th11 t flnJ 11JY1'r~e critici~m he 11l10uld hnv.s l ~:it dispose(\ to of!l!r upu11 th u RCts of thll prtBt"nt (;OYtlrloiUCnl , ill 1111110-iL ~11ti r~ l) diosarrO~tl uy tlcu 11"-'urnccu co utnined in uue parugraph u f tlce apt:t•:h The pn.lJJoaal to provide for the fu~tU· atit•n o f a burt:nll of H.;h,·rt•"t li the one tloinj!' Above all otl. ers. tlun h .. p lr II.) hnd fur year" &trURgled for ; aurl ht: "hould uu w CX JJft!h htB ft'e ltult o f J!tlltllUUe tO tho (iovCtlllllt: lll lind Lt't~ illl,.turc for ~!lY i u~.t e ffect toll p rujt:ct wloicl>. hu bt:l i o: \·~<.1 . wRa fr 11 u"ht ~ilh tucaiCtlltlblu fu­tUro ~:ooJ to th is c :-uutrf. lle trotated Eullict­eut vowe r ""d 8" ttictent menu11 will bu pr0\'111· eJ '""' surpltc<l to those "'ho are " ' illinsc to uu•lt·rt'lku ll1 u wo rk o f I'Xruuioi ull iutu the tish · erit:s, nnol doing all thoso thin~.ta, which thll hon. 1. Tnluot correctly lllttlell nru requtsitc in " rrncticltl superYidion ur tloem. Hu hoped that wh~u the report o f the c:r.a.lliu~e fishery co:nmtR· sion ahttll bo Jnid o u thu tnbltl "r the ll lluse, bdore the eud of lha present 11~:saion , that tha~ bo o. x untlewoo '"ill b" aatialled ' thlt •II tbe poi uta he named ltl\\'e been held in vluw, and be carri~d out, if aufficiu'nt rueautt will be placed at the <.liapoMI of tlro•e ehar)(~d witb the uecutiou of the pro~trammt laid down. M~ch prominence ia gi\'en io tht1 speech to the pia dug of a New­foundland lou in t~e Eu~tli'h tnarket, aotl the hon .• mover of the hddroaa (Mr. Monroe) coo· rzratulated tbe Goverumeot upon wh:1t he ttlrmtld tbe wiartom of thu act. The hon. geolleman, iu nlludiD)t to this subject, used worda wbich' bad already bten uaetl iu thia colony io the prPu, and by tbtnkin~t mt~o too, wbo, if they seriously stutliod the 10atter, woultl reJ{ard it io a Yery djf. fcn: nt liiht, lt Rppeareu to him (Mr. 11.) that if there be onu aubj11ct JUOfe lhao another that w111 to \)It deplored rather than furn ish food for COIII( ratulation, it waa the uecealty thAt im­vellec.l tb~ Govermnent to s,:o outtide of t•te leland to borrow money upon tbe credit or the oolooy. l:le (Mr. H.) admittt:o tba~ the oeceuity to do so had e:r.i11ted ; a aad neceaaity to wbicll we can all bear witness. 'flae colony · would llue been placed in aevere atraitA, Ant! every one in it, io trade aud otllerwi~e wo•ld hue aulft~rud, bAd tboy oo~ bello able to effect a loan. llire uecell­sity compelled it,. bot eurtlly that wu not a 'm•t· ter for coogratulaLioo, bot. r.atber f .u· re¥ret. When the public d ebt ia iocre•etl bJ ~rrowin~e outaido .of tl.te colouy, ilmat~ bue an ill elfec~ upon tha auanci•l aud getulral aJJaira 1t i• tbi boaa\ of pt)litical economlate in Urea& Britain tllat Ita hatiooal debt le an advaot11ee, or not au uomixetl nit, to the euootry, beeaaee h ia at .. moa~ •utireiJ owned io (insa& lJri&aio, aod Ute enorwo•• loterur yeulJ paicl to the people cine 1bem a direct lndlvidQal iutarM' lo ••lui( 1ha' ttaple aad ewooa GoYeromeo' it ·leCIOrtd, and that a ~r;eful poll07 ie anala"'loed aoder wb*ob co a. me we aad aaaouractaree tbri•e aad ~r. h would be a •••1 dltftrew .. air if tha& de'"- or tlwl bal~ of i&, wen beld ab..-; •1 upon tbe cnatJU.ot,,ud tbo ..-.. oaa.l aaooall1 pal" Ia hater .. , ~eiR luto &b• poebtt of fortii(Deta. b woald tead U..o-to paa~ &be peopfe of Britala .. d d.etror all .,....,._of ~rauaat• for peeee llld. n..· tu &lat. ...

. - .. ~~ .... ' MOre lmportaaoe &flu aa7 of tbe o&bera. • Here we baN a oaaaer tba'- lr Do& .obeotecl • .nn .. , oat the Yitate of &Ilia oolo•; ~" it hbo•• tbe le~i•Ja&Qrt ua ooan"J to .. , 'tliiir faoee ·ateHif aaahw a ooD&buaatioa of tbf. boPfOwlna proo.a Tble eabjeot aataraliJ led tala to •Peat of '" qoea,iou·of proepecliu railroad baildtor. Boa. wewbera all know tba&.bf'.(llr.. 8.) ... oo• of U1e earlie~t, a01.l for mllUJJ•n tAoet conela&eat, adYocatea of railroad coaetraotioo·, prcrided a}. waya it wu carrittd out wi&hip. tu meaoe ' I be

.colony coult.l afford. He. therefore, ao• looked with gran app~heu,iou to a further ~welop· IJleot of a railrOad p0ll07._ beJieriDJf tbU rall­roada builL at the oxpenee of tile oolooy are c$r· '-iu to eolall upon it flnaoeial ruin . If railroad osteueioo be ~reaerally held to be de-. airabld, nod if, it cao be fouod Llaio& it will be oo­derlalleu by a corop11oJ of1 ott..,tti.dera, who- will contract for tbe work. for U1e JM'.YtDeut of a aub aid7 witbiu tbe meaoe of the colODJ, ht ahouJd I&J ro on aod build JOur road. lJ11t if tbe aer· YICO OliO OOIJ be obtained by t)orrowina tDODeJ lo the Eo~.:llah or oulllde, loonet muketl, fe• will bue elapaetl .,hen we iball by ltrelll of iwpecunioaity, triUg ,.iJJy. bo obhgod to h1Y0ke the aid nf others to shoulder burtheoe we are no l on~er able to bear ADd tb,row our Jot in witb Uanaua io our dire extremity. lt wo11ld ovpenr 11t1 ir the Ho\ltroment were iu ~hat poaitioo that t hey are eouatraiucsd to pu' forward " railway pol icy : oth11r partiea cloae upoo tbeir heels de . clarin~e their r11adine111 if placed ia power to build 1\ road to llall'e llay. liut if thia road be ficrenCter oonstructud aod by . wbatt\'e r party constructed, if done upou the borrowio~ )lrtnci­ple, tllu iuevitoblo result will be tho lo'lS uf o•tr tudependuoce amJ " reductiotl of 1he peopld to A condition of 1hiu111 aomewbu r.u:tlolloua to tloaL portrAyed by tbo bon Mr. T"lbot in re11?eot to tbo peopl" or ~rdrtnd. He (Mr,...Ji .) should lil.:e w bring thia powt aeriou11y to the rcflt.>otioo of thosu members or tile Le..:iat,turu antlo,hera who are stroul( iu tbe opiuiou th&t it 11 eg11iuat the beat int~:rt:ILII o f NowfuuucllauJ 10 ~oro ioto Uon­federlllioo with tbe L>umi niou uf (.!lln:\Ja, noC: 1\&k tlr em to pausu 11ud cons.tlt~r thaL the rail ro11d svoken of c.r.uuot be~ built l'r\lhout borrow i n~: on . II \' e ry PXtCOMive Scale, thl) <;Oillt'Q!IeiH't! Of whir.h he hncl poiutt:tl out. It is tru., WI) h ·IVt: " "" ror tho post yc~tr tho lr1r1td t r~··enue rVtl r crl lt:c•u•l. Jl:l it will 110~ IUCICio 1110ru th .. U li l) • litillt ~ n ur Or· dt uary ClltrOII~ eXpc• o:s~:cl, nou l co:rt•iuo)' wil l 110 1

w:1rmut 1\IIY furlh~r d r~tito. Si~t>nhl lYe h.I\'U tw to or thrcu llllCCe.-c~iv., i!lHirt ti.lo~ri ... I\ IHI ha.t c• o ps . tloo CIISIOUI: .. du ti~!l llll •lcr 111tr p tt:• t: IIL l~tr i ff ~ill fnil to lu t u ~ 111 hitch ru1 ur11; 1111 h i\Vtt ht:>'ll yidol~d inthu pttStl wt:l v., '"'" '"' ~ : thPn wu '"'"L luuk f <I UU.J 1!11111\' Wh,•ru fo•r ho•lf'. lt i-c Cl Ill l l l ~:r uf ~criou>~ iurpu rta •.cu I• • t hu<u livtltl/ iu thO! culwoy nud h·ll' llll! prop~rty iu!lrr i tr ol, n r tlu~ 1\CICUill •rl"· tinn of Y"'"" of to il, ~turf who I<J·•L: fur\Yilr•l to "" ' ''"11 lll<'tr clu l.lrcll .... j •Y '''"' p roptl ray ur Wt:~thh ltU•I curry o u alt., uu~i llt'1.t hutl t up fo r lht"lll llo lhtl J.lfUo:e:l< uf yen r ... tu COIIIt'IIIIJIKtU 1\

couolttr un of oin:~'""41tu cra which by c•lllt.:in)( 111

lu j Jill with the utlour c•oluuilltl IVUII •d Co\lldtl Lite: J~prt:cittll4rn """ 1111\A uf th .. llll'I\IH\ t h"t lu\ I r .. l . l ~ u 111 thuir l•ll. lie \ltol no t "'is'• to I"'~" K~ K

prov h.-t .Jf t:vi" at al l t lu~o:.t " ·li~" lt''-'"''lol e ,·u/r, 1.1111 lu: idtll mur11l ccrt~t iuly th•ll 8110'• ~~ ~~~·rrcoi iJ uous~ ho tho termiuatiou .. r re.-:k i Ut~ll: v r •uouiu~t iut tt Ud1t, ns "'" huv .. l"tdy bt'eo •luinl!': """ .t. iul!lt':\U of rniainst tllr"u nr f•111r lur ... lr.:ol t hun· llotud J)llllflol-c. \Yil luuo I it ll l'l!~II1Ary t o p l"c" s lun n u t a 111illio n ou th,• no~trkut, i t wnuld l>c IIIIIIUrliu ~: t he~ ol~:ntlt · kUt:IJ Of tJoe inoJ c:~ellolt:nOu ul :\o·wfoundlancl. lu Culltt'rn.!JI"'inn u f thl! r••lltrltot of uur c:conurnio aucl bntti uel!.:t OJ't'r&lill u~ lor I he pa•l yoll.f. wo are "ffortlu.t a sliJIIl t:l ~:am of 1!1111 · 11hiu.s. :-> .:~t~ly 1111 our wch\<flriud lol\vtlpro,p.:r.,.t . b'u\ we m•llt t:VIIr ll tl'or in ruiud t:oAt mnuy of thosll aources of int111Atry ·nro Jepeuole nt upon tluctuull:olo( autl uuc11rt"iu louu.t"tiu us. The vtcisai tud ra of the tio~hcrics 11re p11t~nt '" u.1 1111. HIIU tlru crupe aru iotluen~rcl lo r J:O"d or .:vii IJy cJimntin i ttllne nCcJI, tickle one~~~~ loest. l\lroint.:. too, i1 o(a precnrtOII8 chutactur: thonJ,!h. rl u ri11~ the P"" aei\Soo, it hu a~owu "" nnwo utlld "C· tivtty aod l ll rllU•levlliOprutfu~ io Green n •Y· J'hc mint~ there 80 long idltl, th:\t u Tilt Cove, h11s uetl n worked upun a vir.coroua ao.tlll lrult yen. ant! bAa thus been Ute merurs of briogiull mncb capital into the colony. Uot ho feared the work­tnsc ot that and evtlry olber copper auine her" d11peod1 npou tbe ftctioo of an 1\ISociatioo in Paris tb11~ hu alre .. dy eh'B111n aillull of w.:"kt-nio~e. IUid aboutd copper ore fall in t~rice frotn £7o pllr ton to £ 86 or .£40 per ton. that brauch of 'minio$Z industry will re tire in the b:lc~llround, u it dirt te n or twel•o yl!nra aJto. Jl.,uoe, it is apparent that all thbae reeourc~'• wbicb tuu at prt:ll&ut in a Oouriellio~ atate are dependent upon CYI!ntuali· ti~a. wllicb may at anr ti'me reveratt their present fuurable oondttiuo. • Sbo~ld such chAnges ar· rin, 'io'ltead of gathering iu such a reYeutfe aa thllt of IAat ye11r, 1t will fl\11 to a point of twenty or thirty per ceut. lo"er; while, u tbe •o11 time, e:r.peudituro ia . aoalntaloed at the biscbeet pitcb, ADd ever inor~iu$f. What will be the reanlt? We thall be uoablo to borri)W in 'he local market aod IDUII. roo~ outaide. Facilil tUM:UIILI cwernl. 1t ia ~~~; to .zo down bill, aud hutug ouee " arhsd upon • cJowu-grade aa we bue already done b~ r~rtlnie to the Lootfon money 111arltet, It ii tbe e11aieat tbing Ia tbe world to reach the bottom. 1111 wu lont eaougb COli• uected wi&h the IA~ielp.rtire to • hav• aeea UIO re•ouue • boom' tbree e>r r.,ar timee. He bad alto teeD eht ooaotry depre•ed when tbe ""· enQel fell ebor& or &b+' n~ r~qlremeott of t.he COlODJ, aod a ouulid,e1.t>le luori'Ue of tuatio' bad to be im~ to lnvl It ap &o tbe uPeded polo&; ba& oo ·ma&ter bow blicb a er,.uaa it reecbed, i& wu poerall7 foao1t1 &~& the n· peoc!itare overl .. ptd _aUd !'e bad uo doubt 1ar.b wotald be &he pepeooe of tbe fotare, Oar prt .. o& reYeQo• &be fadl.-tloae are tha' tbe upeedhol'l &4faed up to i'J or eweo to a bi.,talr IMid o .. ~ .,.., bope. blaild ou r'tlall• frou~ Ute laM,. of who will ctlfote ,bla the e•r·


Our preeeo' tarif lmpotae u blah a rate of tu. a&iOD U .be p.Gpll C»D bear j a few tQrae IQOre of t~e ~rew and tber nuaa& aiH 'ftJ. Btfore IIUiog do*D be •~oald' UJ a word in refeteDOf 10 lbe rema'rka nf tbe boo, Mr 'ralbo& reapectin~r Go~ai'QOr OeaV011oL He moe& beutUJ endo..-ed fayorable COIDIDentl <nade opna &ba& ieDtle• m&'L:_ Hie (Mr. H .'e) experienoe of- Go•ernor Deey011~x waa that bet. w~e u ab)p IUld u guo'd

..a ~t'ernor for' tbe oofony as nor came iuto it; .. hu been eo ttuthfully and eo well t •preu­ad by Mr. '1'11lbot. He hoped hia auooeuor•of to· day "Ill prove 11 worthy of eacb hilrh eo· . cominme 111 have juatly applied to lionr· uor Des V 011ux. • •

The Atitluhro "u tbeo read a aecood time. 'fbe 86th rule thllu, oo motion of hoo. M.

Mooroo, Lavinsc boen autpentltU. tbe houae went Jo~ oommit.tee of the whole upoa &be a .ldteaa, bou. G. 'l'. Beudell io the obair'.

Thu tir'lt section buin(l been read and adopt.· e.t, tbe commit.we roq1 reported progreu, aad uked leuo to sit a~raio. ~ ·

The bouse tbou adjourned uolil to-morrow.

FRIDAT. Feb. 22. Hon. M. Mo~ROF. did not wiah to det11io the

ooromittllo, but deatretl lv pl:sce himself right with rercnrtl to tho interpretation pl11ced upon hit• reruarka by hou. Mr. Harvey in r11forouoe to tbe loau. Hu tlill not f<~rll motoent attempt to eet hie opinion llgl'iotL \hat of bon. l\lr. H~trvey wbo ia aacb an Adept at finance . Anything that hon. geotl~:mnn toay 11dtnnce upou such question• must Ol\rry llreat w~:trcht with t his house, bu~ be appoarcct to hue miauoduetood lhe drtft of bia (AIr. M .'s) oba~rutio11e. What he ( ~lr. M.) ha d aaid it. muvru~.t the addre111 wu 1ome~what aa Col· low11 :-" Th~ apP.:ch a.uurea ua tJat tho finao­•· oial neJ,!oti•tiona for our tirsr outside loan ha'tl " reault~d l' l!fY aaLi&hiCtorily, aud, ae be wu Ill· " fo nuud, our bon d11 bavo bllen sold at a pre­·• 101111u of tiv.s per ceut. Th11 ciroumatancc. tf it ·• bt: true, Shows the wiadooo of widenin~ the ·• area f'>r ~ he sale o f o ur bouds uot only 1\3 Ill! ·

"s;:arda tbo tD011ey toarkat.:~ 11bro•1d, but it will "lltlr\'O to cnhanou thl!. va l ue of loc .. l di!IJtwlures ·• lo r for•ncr lol\uil " ~ow he tho ugllt tho hun. Jfuutlumllu hn.~ r11tlo11r tnixed up th11 two tbiu~a ; thu ncc r fl.,lty t o burro w IIIHI tl " f~t«'t o( th~: U <IV ·

erum~ut h ~t \• iu~: IJ1.1rruweJ wilb' ~cceaa: Tit~ ue· c~:~·lll' t.o """1.: fur n lu:tn outslJc th~ colon'· Wltll l! t: lf·t:Vt.lcnt . .. n.t adoulltc:d till All hanu 11, n;,tJ t o pr" vi,J., fu r t lrnt 11 1:!~:•1 " ln1111 lri ll Wl\a ' pl\l!lle.l by thl' l.n:~i,J.Illtru lll Utllhv n z.: tl,e lJo rru\11' 111~ uf It

Cvll&tdllr&ule Slllll of ruo ucv. wlcict. loan. if IJI .. ct:d u pun tl ou lo.:Al IJI!I rk.:t, 8; .tl.u hvu ~t:Ulh:nullt 111\11

.1douit1 t:•l. would h11~0 Crt:llle<l 11 dearth wulr i tA iuj~tri•ws con;o~cqucuc.:~ to tr~t. l ll &c. ttll t hu J 11 • 111 '"" .vonlu h .• vu llt:cn grl!nt cr t h"n tlou supJ'I) The (; ll\'~rnutl'IIL thcrdorll, hnt urnlly '""' " lddy. ou ho ( .\ l r .\1) t!UIIllitl<• rt:rl. dt:ct.t .. .t uot t(l uvcr · lntrLht:•• t loc lllCI\1 Ill !\I kut IJt:.vnud ita Lt:atrtn~ J'"lul ,' Kilo I \'l' tlh I h11t VI~ w !.o rni~tl th11 muu~:y 111 E"~:lauJ, w111ch 111 thu ouutn.t puru' uf a ll m 0 .,,.y lt:u•li11 ~ trttll8'lC' I<Jil:l It rn o no:y h11ldl' rt1 in 111111

C.JIIIIIry IIU d .. eirt:d it, there: \0118 nOtlti lll( 1\hA: -11\'t:r tu u 1"c IJre•·~n l t:tl u, ,..,, fru.u n bc,. iuiu.: " •h'" " ,,( 11111 lu"" "'" "' " p iHCt!ll llf""' th ~ Lo .. .ton 1111\fKOL The r.,IJIIII o r " '" npt:rKdou WM thltt tho ti11rernrllunt n·uro tiU!lbh:d lu hKVu a 101111 ffo~th· 1 at 11 IJremi t: ul of fruou two to livu IJt:r cuut fo r lvuuls \JeiUIIIL! fnnr pe r Ccut iu tcr~IIL ll u WIIM i uform~:d tbt:y aru worth ri-·11 pt:r cent pr~ur inm u•Jw, owd 8hOtll•l wu want auulh t:r lua u nL the pr~;otcllt V••ltw uf 011 r bumJa, Wll could, if Dt:C~:II· s11ry to r"i"" A mill iou llullnt8, hAVII tifty tbou ­""'"j dollus to t h11 ..:ood auuv., thl! part v"lue ::iurdy 1h1l i~ a 8hli1fuctu ry circmntiiUICe to CUll · Wmpllltl!, ~ud i t OllhiiiiCCd 111•• Vl\1'111 o r Ollt loca l tii!IJc:utUrt.'l\, 1111\kin~.r t'VI'ry £1 00 worth £J t);) It WIIS Ulloie ui!lbty lllllrl! rH1vll l fiiiO:tlllll 8 til hi\VI! IOCIII tJcOt!nturua 1\\ auch "premiuan 111 tb11t. thnn 1\t A oli'<C•utnl of lhe J•l!r C~:1H, ,. h inh wou ld prohablv bo 1h11 rusult h•1•ltbe loau iu quctll iuu bueuplaced upon the lur..ll mOnl!y nlltrke~

ll•11o. A \V . IIAttn:y 8o\iLI he loAri 110 t ntishk e n the two poi nt.a ref11 rr~d ro by tlo t~ hnu 11entl~mnn • 1\11\J he Willi C'f O!JiDiOII, 1\lld Auhurt~d 4Q it, thl\l it 18 uo t a mnttcr for COIII(flltllll\tio n thAt we were ohlig11d to bo rrow mont!y in the o uts ide mllrk t.> t. lli.t IJel i., r Wl\8 t htlt it w"tl " circumal.liiiCOI 10 bu dt'!Jiored. to be cnmoellet1 to ~:o bl!yonrf thu hmit.a o f our owo cuuotry to rai~e foods. What· eYer may hue bl!eu the oi•cumalaucee tbat forced tl.tat co'ur1e upo n us. llo~ heJJ it to be a great IDit­fo rtuuu, oud sincerolj hoped i~ may uo~ be o e· cess:uy to repunt it ll o~ did uot dispute the ne­couily iu this partic ular CUI!, but such llo enot­UIIIitJ should in due time have bee~u looked for­ward to and • uarticd against. 'fwel•e mootht o~ t.wo y ears lrt~C:ore it can~e tu {11118, he had pre­dicted th11t the Goverument would b~ obli~tt~d to JlO abroad to borrow urooey, 1f oertain liuea of IJOiicy nud ex.,~hcliturt~ tbeo oontemplated were Odrried ou\. aa it could uot bo raued here lie bad l.loplonld, in Anticipation, the iujury it would ent•tl, He now 10erely followed up tbe prophecy that he had marfe 1ltree years 1\i(O. Yon roixbt. aa reaaoaably offer coo~tratalatioo to " mf\D wbo had brokeo bia lei{, ancl, nmpul4tion beiull fnu"d oeceSAar.f, tllat tbe operaHou wu eucoeufu111 performed.

iJou JAS J>Jrrs-...rr tbe m~n·a life were aued by the operatiOP, aorel1 he might b~t Ol)nllrAtulal· ed t~reopon .

Hon A. HARV£1' ahoull.f rather oall it a dire mlafonuae to biru, but the Ieeser of· two nile· aad i• ia no~ u•u-1 to offer oongratulatlona apo~ mlafortnnee. A. few daya ago hoo Mr Me uroe

,*'triboted to lbe (ioyeraiDdll' wl.dorn in hulag roDe abroad fO look, for aloao, and eome of 'he looal prue taltlo'f ap l lite tiew -.!d tba• It waa a rnat&er for' ~reo .. ral oongratalatioa i aa oplnloo tba& a leo . appeared kl be abarecl io prtotlJ wlde'r here Ue failed to aee t•a& I~ ·~ • eabjeo' of folJpitatloo &o "w• DIODeJ aaJ•~n Printe iu· dh·ida.le do uot r•joloe or tlpeO\ &o be oou. Jtllulated apoo belnc i~ otr tte~do,r fDto debt J'bere wu bO reuon lD •aoh ·a Jlu of a'l(Q~ta'­or ettrlba&iotr wi.tom to U. aol tbaa wu ao· &toidabl• . · 'n.l YarioMIN&lCIIIe of.tbe•dctr .... were tbea.._

adopted, •dl the ...,.ia&w,.U(',..pOrJeicl Oa •odoo, tile repcm. wu reoeifed ud tbe

~:J;l~t~t;~~~~~!""addre• w,. ,.... • &bird "·• .. d plliiled J• ... Qaat i& be .Jt_,ttllf ta Wa l:lael· Uo"roor bJ a el th •'-ole ..

en • c.~M~)

... '


ON "



4ssur~ace GompaaJ. O~f LONDON.



SUBSOIUJU'!D CAPITAL .. . ... ... .t~,ooo,ooo stg. J'uTAt. lsvESTED FuNDJt UP-

W~tl\D OP . •.• . . ..••• . •• •••..•. •• 2,7(>0.000 " ANNUAL lNCOHB UPWARDS Of 350,000 "

The" G U ARDlAN" heing a 6rst. clRII EnHiiab ln11utanc~ CoalJhtny, oft11 ra all tlt011 ndvllntttge» nHUit dr.airlllole t o in11urertt, ''il undouhti!J H~l.ility, fuvoru h lo Te• K18 aiJ~ l"'ompt a!!Ltl&ml'nt to l'htitnH for 1088.

Ti re nnclor~oi::ned In \'i.lg lwo11 nppoin tl'<! A~c·n1 11 fu r N owfuu ntllrwtl il! prCIII\tt:d lu i!i• ::111u. l'oliciod ~~~llllllll 1;1•1\ loy Fit I'.

JAMES S WI.\TF.H, ~t. .l ,,IIU K.

J OSEPH GIJDDEN, ~~~ ···AC""' II r . c;,,.~i',

NORTHERN A~surance Comp~ny.



• I='CO)If. AS D li'C~US (l88i):

Fire Premiums ..... . . ., ... ........... £607.00Q Life Pr•miuma.. .... ..... ............ 197,000 . . .. . . .......... , ... ...... .. ... 143,000 Acou~ulated Funt:ls . . , .... ......... .t3.421,000.

Tho unden~iJZnrtl ire e rr.JIOW&red to e ffect in . ll'll'liiiCf>l4 on r~ll kill< Iii of !Jrctte• ty in Now. t'onlltlhwd ~tt c11rr .. nt. H"'teR .Jf Pnnnium.

The "oovo CUtoprlllJ its well lcnowu for ita. l ihf'ntli ty and pro ml'tue8.8 in KOttlih~ IUAAet~.

Pt'OIIfMlOt.tu•PS, .FormH ot A(lplic~tion to' Fire 1\ntl Lifo h\KUrHn~e, Anti 11ll o~lter lp~ t o nuation can Ul! ..>ltlltin rJ 11t thn office ot

.A., U. 11 A YW .\RD, S.T, J o liN'!!,

.Agent far N ~/ound!and, W. H. THOl1PSON,

SulrAg~fo.,. H~rbor tkn~.


A~~n~~-· GmnJanf ---·


1(13 CANNON STRE!n', J..onoN, E.O

Capita.l: .£1,000,000 Stg. ' . . lnau.:Snces efl'eoted on altl\oeL all kinda or'

property in Newfonndiatnrll\~ lo.,ea& poeeiblA rates. J ... HJOUSTUS. CLIFT.

Sor.t<iiTOa, BT. J ou••e Aget~t'lor liN(ou,.illmtd


--8t11LES-il oeo&a; to oenta. a1tJ oo·~~te. Pre11t7 HJmoala. Bir&b ' 1>•1 C•rd• •ud ISoob 'l"noed Ma&e. Plaiu ao•l Shaded Uerlln "ool. Color &1-. Dnwlo,r ilateriafa. VAfutl.,.. Ga--. Oomlnoa Cb..., Jltan1h' ll.t. ·.;_4

&ar~k. ~ · . . . . A. 6 A. 88UNL&18. .• ....

-\ala~Aa IDAdoll of ••r7 ~ftl~ BY·

• eobcld7 •bo•lcl baY• \lit. book.

. aDcS lbo•• wbo l ..u4b"~

-·· - ruu.. ._,. after ·u.zalf us~ l tllet.r laok;r lllU1i. AUWbobw.7ororderctlnoUr01Due,aD4 ta,eb&U~Yeaoer11ll~tb6t \4emoQe7aball o., ... taD4ed Uoo' abWMSaotl7 MUded. a.~ pdoe.l5 OW.; 6 bottlaa, 1160. IIQ.reA ~to ~ ,.n ot U1e Val !.eel 8C.~ or O...S.. L & J0Bli80M AI 00., P. 0. Do& 11118. 8oatoD. X....


Fnr S~tle (W bolet~ale and tto tail) at -'fUOliPSuN'ft MclliCAt• H ttll, ~aubor OnH)e

ct--?Urol rr11 lnr rhu H•1uy11 to b., hllti of J u liN

Medals . A d d 1 t~l r;NN & c o. IIMbor r. rnC'e

____ War 8 •1 FjJa~\~ifr~?r~J~?J~· ,_~~.~-c.~~~i,;a. 1 ~t -The · \ . 1 C I U HI.\ A~ C l I U t:·· i ~ rtnt t:o!l- I a wl•·tri1,;tut of the GoJ,J Mttlrrl (llu/

r·c··pdly Aol t )'tl'ol I• or ~".'' )'·• rt•~ ·· htr . bp i ro·.:ry cla.u I })iJiinmu for modt l.• at tilt. Fisheriu, "' v ,·!!olrl,. , f,.,,., olw r,,.. ,/ !~""'~,., t u t l .. · IJory. 1 1-:rhil,itiOil. ~\·c . 18'1.'l. "

·•oo d - It " "l"''"o·d ··~ alt (l l ltt:nl . 11 <.4 it h a~ more 1 BU \' : "·:;-:,; <: ::" "·~·.· ~-·;:.. ,:.~·:.:. ~:::~: :::, :: ".: i ~ ~~~1]'~ I !~1~ ~~~.~A !~ENI OJLel.~~ •w 1.t uy "·" o wn I Exh1b1t1on, 1888, . .

~tl•- l t .•/uw.• iol on..- . f()t llt lt the: r•lflm on rlcc:k Aou no w n~r·rl oy tho 11\rj!C flcct of sn~hu~r. fo r­M •.• ol . o uly J>H•jcct l11Z jlltv\H 1\ j illlt froou Lht: oi )! ll ~ml lmuL:iiJL! v ... ~~ols _ou t o f .•hioJ p ort. It \ •· --~1 d 8 ,ol., "lo.:n 1\th\\ eel . '"'" J.! l''l• n ~ l·uer .• l euu~f11c truu, testrn.oulllls coul­

.. :to - It CR II U<j loH ~o Slrtrlo: rrwl ,../,/.:(' (r()tn the iug iu ua1l y . . , ... r • r loy lll t!RIHI of 11 ' lum ltlu r. :'\o cocl.; . b;!Jinq . /., I, •a rtf.< o r irn11 0 11 bo111: n cCt'S~nry. ·TESTIMONIALS.

,;,,_ It Cl\ nnftt ros:~ih l y fc •tl l hO /iJre- /imt o r T he follnwilll! tt•Sil lltOIIilllll l'lftl from CniJL li AW· J •ro··~ 1ho bow whil.ot bcin~: ~~ru ro•• l. 1\1:\S nl the hnu kinll Fchoouer 'l~t'Pir , nnrl C~upt

7·h- l t in t'llsicr to cat aod .fi.•h aud 1'/ow tl.nn li t.: usus nf tho sc bo.:; uo:r ~tliuu. lluth o[ llrlr-,.,, ,. nt h,.. r aurltor. I bor (i rn c•J -

·"lo - l' l•e Fluko cnn ho lnl.:rn "'" !ln•l rrl•lna•l ~11 : - 1 lo11ye u~eol the Viotorir\ Oil Buoy ,. ·. '''"' II""" ' "~ ~par'l F lukes c:. u lul llii(IJ'licd . tl.c P"• t i eMo n ,.,hil 11t UOJ!'"I!ed in tho 13ank. Fish­

" I11C'• 111 o{ !)''t:<ll ar/cauln_qc, by Mcuding nwu l.Jc r ery . nun , olu nn:.: rhe v~ry lo t>avy RLnrrns er.r:oun­,,, "Lc t .. rccl. loa"· fouuu it to bo nil thAt i11 rl~si rcd aod

'.'th-'l'h i11 ,\nr hor ur In li vll hund red WO' \\hilt j, Cl tti med for it-Wht•ther lnyin~ 10 Gr , .• ,, bot tlmrr"'!I'''!J l 'f/Jn llf'd h1· ""Y un/imt•'.ll l,!ur f.:. ,,111 nt"J.!. 111 lo .. a,·y l"!cn. o r ridin~or IH nuchur a n the • •ltl ~ . wuo: rcM the co ulmo u auchor re l11ta /1,1 u.<c- Hunk H· - I hero i11 perfect ~nfcty "·ltile you lllli'C ', " " locu OIICl· lorokeu. . Lhu U il Bunv nflo11t. I wuuld not c o w he wit!! -

1011 - The !:) :nck of t he •· VI CTOR!.'\ A ~· out tt at r11;y cost . You canuo t cstimntc tltu ( ' It ()({" is lt>S~ t han 0111! haif_M lOIII? ~~ t hi! ,</ocl.; 81:\Viug l>y lhu U8~ of th .. u ;t Uuoy. .. r rite comu10n auchor. nu<i tf uoedud 111 11 hurr.~ ~ l'l!:PIIEN HA '"IONS, o'\11 uc rhrow o over rritluwt .ctocl.:. 11 110 it \\' 111 h t> ' ----( oa nol j ulit as al·l\ilnbl.:. No anchor of tho uay ia I I l111 ve n11cd the l'uren t Oil Buoy thia aenson on ~·) •·astly clcan•r/ fl.( chain. tho ISI\ nks r111d c .. n te!lt ify to its usefulueis, a oct ~ . 13.-The V~.CTUIUA A~CIIOR is tho ooly wo uld ooL Cl\re to llu .without it , aa it ofteu B111·ed

r111 chor o f the dt~ly fit .fi,. ge, tlt mrn·,, yacht.• wht>ro my l'~ssd wbilet r idiug nt ftncl!o~.. . • ,,,.(Jj,,!J JIOirtr corobiued with lightllt.SS nud 71/!0I IIeJ.t ROtsElt 1 II u I so~ . • ~ the tkmand 1 & boone Seliun.

• C Co.Mucd)' -,Mr. MoRJSOM'a •••odme~n

Ac t of 187~ waa read a 8m io looalupt.ioo eleotioQa,. • IDI1]0rftJ nlra' t.utM411"1 of two-•birda. . ,

Mr MoaRJs's tbre~t billa deallo« wlt& 0) Jieo of meobaolca. (2) crewe of baokenadd OW'ua..._. a'od ( :J) appeala from Ceotnl Drainot Cour,, , were all read a tbirl'i time. 'fbe Bra\ bill l{l~ea mecbaoica a lien oo buildloga where tbe'oonCrao-' tor fails, the aeoood dc.lals with char,Png baDkera' for articles -loat oo the YOJiliCP• aod the. third providea IA1at J udgea !o tbe Oeotra' Dia&r\ot Court ·atrall be compelled lo tllko ,.ritteo ootea of all nil.leo'!e in •· 11ppealable" oaaea.

Mr. Gu&&ME'S cruelty to animals bill was ,read a first time lt cousoUdatealocal ~and adda a few aeotione from tbe lmp.ria.l Ace. ' Amoog ite' chief proviiioat i11 a section prcreDling over-lo~ding ,

A ehort debate took place oo OYer·charRl'B for priotiu$t and bindio" journals aod aeqiooal pi· pen ar.d ~140 on filling up aealsional papera wirb uouecee1111ry matter Jn thla AJeeera ~u, Mor-rie, Moriue aod F.meraon joined. ""' ' ·

Mr SCotT moJed t b& appoiotmeo\ or Tbomaa Walsh aa doorkeeper, aod oommeo.ted etroogly on tho Gov.orument .PArty invadiOJl privilegu of the Hoose by appoiotiog eervaotawho abould be .appoiutod by thf' whole House .MeaFrs Calla· oan, Greene, O 'Mnra, Shell, Hbo Attoroey Gen · eral, llutcbings, Morrie, Morieon, Moridcr, Hoo the P rolllie r, :Emerson, ao.J .1\iurpb.y took part.' in tho debate ; wb~:o the ameodmeot "'"' pq,. aod• lost upo n di1·iaion-fo r tbe motion IS, al(aioat it 15 A her so\·l'ral notices of motion were made tbc llouso adjourned till 8 p m to-morrow

WrmNE.SDAY, Feb :lO The Honse opened nt half-put threo The Houeo the n 1"6110ived it.aelf ioto a Com­

miltee of the \\'bole on the Addril~ Mr GoDD£N In the chair l\lr Boso, iu the cuurse of a leng thl!ood speech.

unir ed with tbe bon membe rs in t'!ndering to Hia Excellency Sir T U ' l3rieo a hear'y wclcomd lio could no t ot the enure ti111e re!Riin from ex. p rcssi nl{ d11ep reuret thM the colouy bat~ lou thu ae rviccs of::ilr H Ulalte, who d il't\nll bia brief s tny antOni(Bt ua manifested 1111 idtereat i 9 our flCOp lo 11ud in the public affaire of lhe cuiOnJ cot l'quRllecl by any of bi11 predc:ceuora ll e hoped th l\t. in tb u future the appciiutnrenta to th 11 ~ovt:ruorship of this hlaud will uo t aiwply bu a stt•pping-s tono to I.Ji~l.Jer offil'ca '1 he hon member lh~n critical ly rulurred 10 tLtl au hj ecL o f t he fishcri.:s Also to the oue of a~tricultural purRuits ; it w11s, he said . pul lcn(,.rly Wtttifyiu~: to hiro, who h~ll iutroriuced th .. lclo(ISII\lior:, t ltl\t it &cc rne to h a \'C becu frt\ua.:lot wi •h such ~oocl result.s Wu mlly reH mi<rtrPd tbal il is tu t his industry we nnaat turn if w., ftre t.1 hoped for butlllr tloinga for th u futuru of New· fouud land l~efereuce w RB nlso rn lll l ~: by tht~ hon me mutlr tu ti.Jc Ua rcolOul\ Er;hibition ll tt fft iled to ~<ce Lo a. t he colnny at l11 rj!e h11s receh•eti 'any btlneth from i t W e nro to hi thllt the eBtirna w of reveuue fo ; tlro p118t ycnr h:1s buen t t:tt!lud , but we nro uo t rut iuto votst:~iuo of the exnc t

'111nouut of thl\ ro:veuue aud e'xr.:t\uiturtl up to o.l tt lu S ileuco on thi• pui_ut gives the clcllrt8l evidence th11t the llouee 1vill b., 11gain cftllt:d upon th is. session to pnas nno ther loai1 bill t o tnll~: t the o ver cxvcu.Jituro incurred in. tlte pubhc servico:a du rin!{ the pnat y~nr Thu 11peech cout11iu11 aome of the rnost rm.-leMiiu~ etalutuente which evur were ll\iU bt>foro t he Uou11e T he ~o1·ernment cl11iming c rt~dit for their so c111led ftllti -IJIIUperieur p rocla maLio u. yt:tthey themselves ertt tltu creatore of the &J)irtt o f pa npcris rn and speot A hnir 1\ mil· lion dollars in 1887 in crt:atiog a ble· bod ied p.&u­re rR T hei r policy ever ;since t lley 1'181Uill8rl powe r htu1 teruitd to dcrourali~t~and pauperi11e tbe who le peoplu of tbu country. T he boo, nre tnbt"r then trtteJ tloatthe ·r nuily URy s teamer Falcuu wna ao­tit for the service i tbat it waa11o coruplt!tu fRilu re ;. up to t he 1 th day of N.ovembl!r oot 60 people bftd tak~u puanue in tltl\t ship; nud aa for the mfti! serv ice, it too wae an uotpiti~;cnte<J failure lo u .. n.Jom and io fact all over Trioit.Y',~Ja.r thu q reat ­ellt complaint.& were rl\i11ed aa to tTui ~·ay iu whac h t!Je· mail service waa conduc ted 1 b t~ B"Pecch of the boo meml:er revic•cd tbd wltole policy of the GoYeruwcnt lt was et.ted amoo~ many other tbioga, that between r eveonu aod loana, the Government bad e xpeoded $4.500.-000 sioce they 011ruo into powor, a,od could poin~ to DO work Of grut publiC Ulility OU'-ide o f the 25 milea of ratlwa7 to Place~;,~aia, wbioh was eati · mated 1\t leea than ooe-tc:oth Lbe above tsoor­rnous 111m Tbe Dildo road coat close oo 8&.000 a mile, and could have beeo buil~. under proper mllnaj:emeot, a t one fifth that atuouut They had added tl.600;()(.1() to tbG publi4 debt or tbe . colouyafoco tbey oame ioto power Tbe road to Pleoeotla "'" evea now, af~r \~.r!e yearP, not half ballasted or co!U\)Ieted Ue 1111d he had oo faith io tbe sinc trlty of the Government's para­~rapb coooeroiog the railwa1 to ll11ll'a Hay He iolendcd movinll ap amendmeqt to the Gov­ernmout'a·indeftuile paragraph t6at" wonld force tbe hands or the UOJIIrnroeut io thia ·matter It would· ~ • the teel pf ~ 1\hoir aiuoerity 'fbe ameodmeot woul~ · be 14 followa :­.. We tbaolt JOQr Elcelleuoj for JOUr promiao to p l11c" ocrt•io informatioD re,pep~-tn.: railWI\J mall era before us: aa~d we utJdertak"e to make provieiou fot~hwitb for tbe ~iteneioo ol Uae railway Lo ' Random u /ar at»e haa ~eo eur­'eyed. and to. 1:lrign1 'od Clar~t'll Ueaclt, to wbiob pi~• au,,.eya hue be4tt19ompleted, aud we lhall ~tive our oar~rul aat.eotioo to ihe attop1 tioo of meuqrpa for the Ga"7ior od& O.e estep­aloo of tJle nilw17 froQJ.ltanctqm toward• l:itll'a ..8aJ and tbe \V~~ Coaa" Wb8ff !t ia 10 IJ)UCii De~tded t.o eoable tile peqp(e ot uao ooloo7 to ulil of DQW ~onuao' ~iard'M' ~ lf the· bon geo,lensea OD Mae Uo•e,r~ .. al ii.,e ~t. tbe iip11ae

io tarDea& lo &be IDMhlt of rtiiJ&J «4teuafoo ~ywiU PO& cilia ~

Mr.. ... OF TEXAS· :OJ.sea.e4~ ., '. . ~:~,~~Aft~ .•. ~~ot=~~~~

BOOK m.-A· ~ i TbrouJb tbe IDtdiaro of ooe of 7oar boOb r•·

CHAPTER iiY.-{(JcmlimMJd.) oei•ed t.brnuab Mr, ~ruk T. Wn7. ·ctnta~t&. • , Apollo, P A, I beoame foCWIUM<l !'ida ··,-~·

.Al.'L ro~ ll'f D.A&H& 1 ( 1 CUTJOOIA 'Rtii&DlU, aod ' lakt ,U,w -~~~.., Wi~hout fua·eber ad:'en~~re the Amencau ·ro teaur1 to you t-hat 'beir UN Ita ..--~&11

oured me 'of out of lbt won&· ..ouet of .,190CI reaobt'tl 'bo •~P. leading Lo the villa, whe•·e paieooiolf,, iu ooooeoaloo wilb-.e'l"__pel-..· ~!t.,l h~ beautiful epmea down .to bim ban enr Meo. ~&od Ulia .r$0r bawl~ beft pwv• with a ·ruab, and a.,iv811' .him ae•eral tendt'r oouooed locurable byaome 'of the ~c pbyilotau ki.slea de•pit.uhe pre.enoe ~~ uro magndiDen~ iu our oouoUJ. . I 'take area, ,pl ... are lo for·· •• o flunkieas who are bora-ying aft.,r her, lt.Dd 'the wordioa &o ·.,ou' \bla tatimooi-t, u0801iehed u" I ., ·i 'Honorable Arthuc who au .. kea a b•olcgronnd. ie by you, ui o_rder 'baL otbe~ 1affe~ f~ t The uext. in11tllnt t.he flun kiea hue d811p<)hed eimili•r toall\dlea may be eoooibaged to 11'' JOid

Ct.mCOilA· RD&DIU a tr,illl · ' 'Mr. Pot.r.el- ot lti~ v•lwe ~~ont.l oYea•coat. aut.l .. p !:J· WHil'LINta~R. Leecbbora. Pa Arthur. ia' aakiov lA,i.&\ 'if he l'uta bre•kr•sted, •r •· D · •· A llo p .. .., o . Relert~oce': Fu1111: \~ILlY, cugga., po • • and being a.naweret.l alfirrnal'.ively, augl(e&tls ~lute. he ab•ll ltitn intO" the library and iot.roduce bho to Lord Lincoln. Mi111 Ethel b~iog wi'b soma friends iu .t,he consea·vatoriet~.

After a fe w mowenta'oon1er&tt.ion with hie daughter, Mr. P otter uya •.o Art.hur ; ···All right. j I'll tackle pet~t DOW r Then whia­Pe" to Ida : ' Wb~tt ~&re you looking nervous about' I ain'~ skeorud at a Jord no Qlore t.ban I ·am of an)njun,' and so is ~t~owu ioc.o the li· brary • •

, ~ItA nervousness is all 01} tho par t of Lord J,.incolu. who llW~tits Mr.·P oHe r 's coroir.g with awe.. His aon h.&a told biro o f the ee:centri· cuiea of the Ame ricllo; i u filet , Arthur, ""ith the inatinct of a lawyer, bas dr11wu hia fu,ure fath.er4 iu-law's picture with tho tact o f a cUploJnatillt.' lr1 his desoriptiun, Mr. Pot terla extrllordin11ry id1om, nu.Je ruanuers, and bar­b~~orous gaucheries 1\re llll eccentricities pocul ­il$1: Lo the W .ild W f'St i e~cen~rioic.ioa, nothing ruore.

Suspecting 11omc such thing, M i88 Potte r has h11d au interv•e w with Lord Lincoln he •·solt that, morning, tiOu told birn in an n natfccted UUt by ll,O mettns self llll llt:rtire m unncr the fllir, sq•tare, plai.1, unvl$rnilfhed truth RIJOUt her lttthur j u ei tJ.,.r d isgu !sinw bi:i f"ilings nor e~tolling his \·irtu~, ·aud enJeJ by aayin~ : • l.i lte mrtuy morE in o ur cuuntry of great socitil surpl'i11e~ IIIJ fud~er hils give n up his ciumce in litu for the good of h i11 childre n . Thttt 1 wuy wl.'ltr thu dre~'Jell of &Aitroheas ttnd riuu iu my livedt!tl Ottl'r111ge, he hrtM drhe r. cnule on the phtinR, ami huJS expo~od hia life t o ~til the dno~ers olt~enor- lutrlJHrOnot e x istence. i\ly h llppinciiH lrtts Lceu Iris bnppiuoss and his p ride ur y priJe , ttlltl Ll1ough 1 love you 1 son very deeply, 1'11 tw te r u o fami ly who does not respect him 1111 tt.j1e Wt!rO d,e tirst gtmdt~· n11an in Eu:; l·urtl I'

• A:nt.l so they s lutll, my denr !' rcLurn s Lord Lincoln, wipiug u te rtr out ot hiH ")'f'. 'For uu one could Lt: the fut lr ur of such tt girluud nuL bA a good ru11n.'

• y uu - you are very kincl r ruurmttrsl\lisll P o tte r, anJ his's teus tttk.iu~ Alltlto I" iue out o f h e r, fl lr" gou11 up to thu o ld gel1tle· m11n ~tml gh•lls Irion u \·eryl6weet kit..'! thttL Kite h~ttl intt!ndcd fo r her ft~ tlrfl', and bO l ~~t \·el! th" ex-judge widr u ruuoh beJ-ter "P!Irecint io u of w hilt the 8 onor lllole Sampson rt:all y is tbr\u h is son had give n hi m.

Sc.l:ofWoua tnoere . J amea E Riobard,oo, Ca•tom New

OrLeans, oo oatil 111111: "lo 18{0 Scrofaloua Ulcera broke out oo .my bod7 . util I •aa .• , • m•ea of corrupt.ioa Everyclnu~r knowD to medt· cal faoultf wu tried io ni.D I beoaroe a mere w~eck At timN ooald uot lif~ DlJ laaoda \o my herld, could oot luro io bt~d; · wu io coue~ot pain, aod looked a~o life 11 a ollrae No re· tier or cure iu ten yeara lD J88.0 l beard of rbe CUTJCURA R ElJ&Dl..:S, uaed them, aod wu("'r­fectly oared "

Sworn to bo£ore U S Com J D Cu,wroao

One of the Wont ·oaaes W e have beeo aellin~ your ColTCUR.i. REII(£·

DJES for years, aod bave tbt~ iret complaint yet to receivt~ from a purohuer Oue of tbe wore~ caeea of Soro£uhC L e ve r aaw was oured by tlia uae ol five bottles of Otrr!OURA .RKSOLY&lfr, CUTlCURA, aod Cuncu tcA SoAP. Tbe Soap t&kea the ·• cake " here &e medicinal aoap.

TaYLOlt & TAYLOR. Dru~t~iett~. Fraok11or'-! K.aa..

Scrofulo'Q.a, Inherited, And Cootagious Hu~ora, wit.b ~u of Hair, an4 E ruption• of the Skao. are poaauYely cured by CUTICUilA and CUTrcunA So Ar exleroally, anrl CL"TJCURA Rr.sOLVt;NT iuteroally, wben all other medicines fail.

So ld ever.rwbe re. Price. CUTIOURA, 50ctft; SOAP. S5cl.8; R ESOLVENT, $l.50. Preparod by the J'oTnm Dtwo AND Cnt:Jo(JCAL Co , .13oetou MaM. •

&" Send for •· How to Cnre Skio ~iae"a.ea, ~ l'"lleB 50 illusrratioo• , !Wld 100 te11ttmoural •

PI M l~L~. blaolt ·b.,,fia. eh8ppod aud orly ~kio prnente d by COTICURA MEDICAn:o SoAP


And W~nkneaa ioatantly relieved by lhe C~ticura Anti-Pain Plaster, " Perfeo• Antidote 10 .Pain, inft~mation

a ntJ \Veakoeaa. A oew, instantaneous and Ia• ftdlible pa1o-kiHiog pltu~ter. Prict~. 80 ceota.


I 1: ,-s.-,

~ · ............... Bn~ though pr·e pllreu in a manne~ fo r the Texan's appellmnce, J~rd L incoln caunot i·e­Mrnin a s bivor 1>5 he hears ~r. Potter's vuico -

~· ~.

in the ball and mutters to hintself ; • GooJ he~tvens I Thd awfn l m lln a t the hotel !'

Howe ver he hasn't much tim" for refl~ction, for Mr. P otte r entet'S' Ihe r ooru, and in l hn e nthuaitlam of the m oruen t, not w~titing for Arthur to introduce h iru, sei~es hi!!llo rddh ip's hant.l exl.llaiming : • Peer, bow a re you f

• Pt.er1' w-srs the n cblem rm nst onis hed, for he }lllll nevet• bet:n SO addreRSed be [ore. . • Y e1, tha t.'11 y ou're called, ain't i~ 1 P eer of the t-ealm t I u11ed peer ueclln&«' 'We'll probably be connected Knd I tbought it wo u ld be more social.' Then the Texan addLe8IWI ~~~~ aoo and SIIJB:' H~trLhur, I wotJld 'ave know­ed l?eAr was yom· dt~.r.ldy anywbllr.'

F oa· Mr. Put ter'H use of t.he le ttP.r 1:! when e xcited is awful ; in q•Jiete r womeuts he is more conaervr~.tivo.

• Wop't you bo seated t' aaic.l L ord Lincoln rather awkardly, for his sen ses have n etirlJ left billl unde r .Mr. Pott.erla attentions.

• Ce~ainly J ·' nyt.hini to accommodate I' and tbe .Arperi~ helvs hiptself to an arm obair and say11, offering a Havana : ' A VA a cigar, P eer 1 '1 always lik~ to s.noke ovet: ~y business. I cttn "recom'llend these; my son sent 'etil to me from Oubtt. fnt some 'in your pocket, EJarthur, my hul. My d11rt.ea won't objeoL. T tra,inEsd he a· when ~ ua_by on my knee to the boaor of the weed • T~urged, his Jordahipttocepts and Artl!11r

tak~'a at.lvice and two or thaee of hie cigars, for be has 11mn~ed o~ of. the 1'e~ttu'a tbe dny before •n~ lr•• ~q lppgiqg fo&: ttn· ot.her nvor tinoe. A fler liSbting'\U', lto'leyer, •Lhe young nJ•n "'"tohiug.,. l1ia oppc)r~~uiLJ whi!pert }0 hilt falher: •;~apembe1·, I love hie 8~&,' and leaves the room.

Looking after 'him Mr. Potter t'flmarks : • A Jll'etty m,I!IY boy I W Qn't be anll my •lar&er make a tam ' E!t, P•r I'


Physicilln1. Mi•listtn. M i#innariu, Managtrs of · .Factorit..c. 1Vor~-&hop11, }'la••taliollll, Nur1t1 ;,,

flo.~ •I•. -ill r/tort, t1"tf"Yborl~ ,tw,·yll'htrt ¥ ho ~IU t tll!r giue11 it a trilll, ·







~JtPIIRIENCil liAS PRnyttM If Ttl& )(OST ZfflCTlVl: ~NI) t\EST LINI1(£NT ON ICAilTll lN RtaiOYUIO

TllC ll·'l~ . ARISING IROJI S~&l\1~3. lHWlS~. Nii!:J]MATISM, NE~. U.\~lHJ\, S\VGJiL.Et:- F4CI!:, 'lOUl'tl·

o\Cl!~. BURNS, 'F[lQS'f U\TF.S •• (), &c.

2() ctiiU pee~· • w DewaN of lmitatio., "*

lrby281tw •. 4,\ t~ia Lord Liuooln •miles for lae ia .,.,.,., pr"Oad of I,ia son ; bu~ wi'b a l••Jef•a o•uLioq rep)iee ; • P.,fore •• 111~, yo II" 'fill exouae me •aking yoq a «luea&rioq, Mr. l'ouer, •• to yoqt falliUT-. Any que •boqt bere oan ~ll~~u .n • ~inooiU; t.1Jt , .. OOIDt" from a

Sdlb'6fc•• ~QCftlillhliC:. jJdiltaQ~ cqaQ~ aGel· J aboul4 li~~ to QI)W" a Ji~e of yoqr Ja..-UJ Li•Lory.' •

• 'J'bal,l qa,tlC"al J' .,. !Ji'. f'?t&er, ~ and J'Jl 7'"J. m'- Jit'e. J WCI boru PJ. JlfQJ(IaJJIIJ. tiiQlilf to lt)eak of i UIJ. _ _.._,., I kuw •eaa. 1 wa• .tr!•••-•

co MiJ~!Dt

.. ...

··~~~~:· ~rau itnllatll CAP'l'AIII DAWE~~ BBAJ.IIG BILL. • Do& ..... ·~~'f~l -ANa~- Ox Sa~ui"Jay "'e were preYen&ed by want Jr. BOWElS' . IJCIIDII.:if .. CARBOJEAB.

f'ONCEIP"f(),V B.t Y .40YERTN~~R. of aa-\)8 (rom eommeotios, u we would b,aYe ~-- ~ 'J ·

w KDN ~~MA ROll 6TtL 1~............... li~ed to bave done, on ' the !lew M&linR bill !he DB'f8loJUf ~J lf:JowtomJaDt ..._ _ _...... .......... ..,.._.__,.., _ _, ___ ~_,,.....,........,,""' lately before the BooM, ttekang to m.P oer- (Y . be batO •

1'Ju ot ~~e a•uiJiio .b•lth of Bnbor tain aunendmeot;a to t.he Act pueed in 1887, &OJI ·A 8PI01~~ • 0~ RDINJ·l ..

Oraoe ydet.l oootiuuee 'g-'011-no new CILie of ~regulate the taldngo~ an~11right o~ prdop'erty P . R Bowen, Elq :mr·of the C~UI, de· tbe dre. niaeue. noraJmplom of anob, ia re· tn eeala. Aa however tne ba ~u wtth rawn, liured tbe Srd LeCture vt tbe Anloo Olub'a rorted. The patienr.a in the buepitalare DOW it ia now not DOC688.lry t.o aay mnch (})urae in St. Pa\riok. H,H, an 'fneadaJ enoiuc 1D a fair way t.o .... r'\1., 0t)'_9plete rooovP.ry; are anent, furth"r than tbat ~he sootion in the lu\, to 1 fairlr lartct audience. Alcboagb he almoat.coov•l~ot. •rue d•uger 80 long ap· 1887 Act wu repealoo, wbiob requited men ·took •• bi11 a11bjeot, h The. Deulopm'l~ ·and

~rebeoded_ may well nigh _be flllid to 'be l'Bat. to ar.ay upon tbe ice and Wa&tob tbllir OWD Dealinr ~r ~ewfoundludo" ·~ Wll ret an uoder-b tb •·- ld bl .. _ · 1 1tood 'baog bere lbat tbe Lecture wu to be In an 11 Wuat COol poa81 Y uu more 'llitil· aea e. · replr tu lbat of Mr. Morfoe delt~erea bere e&riJ

tac~ry , The otbar am And menta sought t.o be tnftde in January 'Oo .. Confederatioh." by tbe !'ew Bii.J wea-e (1) to extemi the ti.tne, Iotrodoe~d briefly br J. A. Robinaon.'' Eaq., wbPn 1t sl,•ll not be llf.wful for the crew or the Pre.aidoot of AYaloo Clu6, ·Mr. (lowera. .who any member thereof ot any sealin~ llt.eftn.or to wu re~nd whbapplaa .. -br ... .tbe. audaeuce_pre· kill Sflllls after the 20~b April iu •uy ye•r- ~nto be_gao wbat proyed ,a moe' !oure~IJug aud this date it wa.e proposed to have ext.enued to anatruct1-:• Lecture • •. Coo:uneoC!lDtC be atatu.d

It ia with regret th .. t we hllVe to alate to­chy lbat a&noth"r membftr of the .nlict.ed film· ily Parson• at &y Robert.a h!UI iuocutllbed to the effect• of \be tell diatue-a. lad of about fonrteeo yeara of ~. who died on Monday luL Thia ntttkes two deaths in tbe outs fl'mily; the otber ltid who rweviously died from the wune malady W!Ul ~\·on yt:tH'8 oltl. !l'be casu ia " sad one. ·

On Saturday, when commenting on tb~t re. Jfett&lble circumstance t.hat another de~tth had lately I>Ccurred from s•o•llpox at B tty Roberta, we quite ina&:lverteully r.,u iot.v the error of stating that the dwelling~house iu which tbe Lld had Jied cont.ainod Y~'t other occupanta who were Jia&ble perhap~t to the diae"a". In this, it seem~. we WI' I e wholly astray ; the abo~e is Mt the Cdse nor iudeed bl\8 been. since tha first 11yrupton;s of the diae.tse ma&nifeated themselves. Thfl IDO· ment it was known that. the diatemper wcu the tlreadetl smallpox, that ntument the build· ini referred t.o was strictly quttrantiue .:, aml the remainder of th.s family promptly r e mov ed to the school · house, w bicu httd bee t& fitted 11p for the puqJOse of a dwe lling. Nuthing, we llte poaitively &lllured, WMS le ft undone hy Dr • .McLeod,mllterially aided,u he WllB,Lv tho Health Bonrd,-notl1ing, we r~peat, wa't~ luft undone to iaola&te the disettse, and pre,·ent it from apa·&&ding to any of the other memltcra of the fat.mily, llpart ftom the two th~t huJ already unfortuu11~ly contracted it. Tho cf" forts then put fo rth, we are pleti.Sed to lcul'll, haul tbe designed, h operl for, re­ault; aod tlu.. distemper was "tayc l-eon· fined to the two persons refern:u to. Let :18 )tope that it may not soon ag11i n be our m el ­ancholy dnty to chronicle til e dCHtk fro ru &mRIIpo.x o f ·IIDY olhot· ntemb~r ot the uuovo ajllicwd fumily.

ANNEXA fiON I Tm.: t.&hlcs are tnrned against our Amc ri·

Clln ~uai~s by a proposition to do n "'"Y witlt lhe u.:.agmnry l.onndury line diviJinn t lte New England Stllti'.A from c .. nurlR, so


tbctt these ~1.1\tes should become uart of too Great Dominion . At one Lime t\ ~w Eng I" ntl w 11s the ceutre o f cutoru~-rce and of muuufllc lllrcs · wher&U~, oow, foreign comme rce hlis HI! bu~ c..lisappe~&red from tlte ir p orts, e xcept wltat i:1 retained uy Bo'Jton ; tht>ir fuctorit!S and found ries bave found ollte r centreH; 1md thus the pr08perity resulting from ex•.A!n-ive industriell is gone. Without nat.tuntl 1'1'·

B?ntc~ to ~aio~in their iocreu~ing popull\­taons, ttn mtgrat.ton bu c:ewJed, nntl tlae •·e hi\S l>:t:n a IMge exodoa of the beat of the ponul" taoo out. west and to parta of C~tnu•Ju. To ru. vi~e these old indWit.aies which ltnve sick e n­ed_ a_nd ?ied, Anne xation to the ~rowing Do· manaon 18 lookecl UlJOR with favor·. ~ton the l>U&ineu centre of t.he New Enolawd States, would, it is thought, l.Jeconte tho


merciaJ oenL[6 of Uaot&da untlor uniott nod tben, with pnreatrioted trat.le r·elo tion~ the Dominion wou~d advance Ht. a !'lite ~hich 'Woold quickly leave Brother Jonathan out of aight. What ia · said i1 t.hia, "iz, "N~w Engl: nd need not be as hamed to re turn to her anoienL ~tllegianoe, and belong to au Em­Jtire which emllraoea a fifth ol l.ile ~lobe, and to know tba~ thfl Dominion forma n611rly a half of the wholo." This new vhaso of ~Ls qnE'ition bu not yf!'t. been mooted in 1he U. S. Senate; and although it ru11y be deem~ rather f•ncifnl, it yet pr~nts llr~llter attraotJona t n the New York J.ul'~r map ot C.o•d... beorbed as new States in Republic.

_ A VDY eonaid hie ripple, we notice by ~nt m.jl datee,~· being oreaatP.d llt. Otta w11, wat.h. rapeet co J,b~ changing of the work or :Parhament from to da'!l'· h ia 1\rgued bet~rk i1 Jie1)e and that lt&a~ltu 'W'oold be pre~~e~ the adoption of the ohan~ ad•~led. I~ baa certainly been a •mrvn~~& to mao.r IJMIODI that. tbft late hours Aldoptfld b1 P.dia~nf'llta ba•e not Leeo long "lo tfi11000tmoed. Tbe • proh.bilit.y ia that tb~ .. ion wpold be. ebortet.ed b7 fully a "•rei of &be ••erase time. And tbie m,.na lao\ only euing in ooa of fuel and g.a, but it woalcl alee frw mem'Ara to deYote tbemaelvee~ to other r.bon.-

We D11tice &Ita& &lte o&ber mnmiflg ReY, Mr. J.-oh, lletbocllt& mluia&er, opPI*I tile New YOflr A-.lbl1wl&la pnaJet,and pnyed mOIIt ,..._&1'7 lor .-&M pod t.ime &o come when.

• .... tn&diu. 0D &J1.- YOleti

._Dnllllllllftlllllillll.. The •hot lllrnok AN-' ·~.,.,.lilY, .. ••m.11• , .... Ur.d7 wbu enlered lalliM~~_,J!U.;:i~:Jer ; ''"'&he .,.,. ....... ;

the 1 t 1 t M that be d1d oot pretend to know ,more abont Uua 11 ~ ay 0 at.y. • country than aorone preaen'; but be bad l(i•eo .

~ t.l.urd ame~dment of t.l1e late B I' r o • ~be maUer ohhi1 cou&Ury'a wtiLtre and tbe cooo· scraLed the buliCin'-! or pannmg of amy youne trJ it.aelf hil careful eLodJ, and he iau.eoded lay­seals before the 17th of M llrch, ~UJd ~&1110' thts log tue re1nlt of lhle A\~'belore tbeto durial( bl'inging into poa·t in this colony of any seals ~b11 ••ening. Wuilal heJdu.l ~~iab to~ dnuto killed, lmlkt:d or (l.\1\oed in con,ro.veotiou of lilt~ .tbe vortex of party ~ohtaCI,. ea~ect&lly u tle provistoua of the above section. pohuca were no•,. be o~oaadered '' btl duty to

B I · · · oonttod to tbe beat Of rut po·•er aJ(IIOU 11111hat bo ut t le two ~raocapal amendt~ent.a propos· btllie\'ed would be a areal nil, ahltouih be coo-

ed by the 11\te Bill were lheae, v1z.,- ceived tuat · tbis buruio~r queetioo (CoofeJem: From aod afte r the fi t'ft day of J&nuarr. 1890. tloo) wu oo& ao ·homediate ooP1 u be was or

the maeter of e•ery eteamer, attbe time of cluar- opinion that it would DOt bt •ubmitttd a~ t b11 ing for lir11t trip to tue seal fishery in 1ny poll a for the next teu yean at leut. · IJe thonl(ht year, shall d11posi t with the Customs' officer who love of country tbooJd keep tbe N11wfouutl· shall grant him a cloaraoce.a drawiug and deacrip · landers from b&rterinl( th111r birtbri~tht fo r a rueu tion. certified by the aaid m111ter, .>(a ·fiag to be of Mr. Uowere h~re relapaecl iuto luts used by tbl! enid muter, his ollicera aud crow for ~umoroue, and to illuak'ate bit point aohJ tbe ruarking all seRia killed, bulked or panoed by atpry of tue lriah woUiau who wueu dyuuc in " them o r euy of tuem; and tbe presenet~ of the forei ltll land IUkcd the pries& that wu wiLh bor if !lAid ll&~fmaddn~e any ae"ls or seal pella shall bo her soul nrigl•t pass ttuouKh lrolt\lld Ilia lllllt · primafacic e vide nce ' t ha& lhe aealsand seal pelta aoecdot.e waa perhapa moretlutooruna th"n illus· so marked \Tero killed snd takeo by t he lD&ster, trfttive : •• DnrinJl a St. l!atrlck 'a IJay cc~lel>rl\• officers and crew of the ateaUior OW.Jiug tlae aaid tion in N.,w York, cu1 lrt.luu"" ataodinw by tbo fi.a~ . steps or Astor Houau cricci OUll\5 llae proc.:ssiuu

Any per~~oo wbo shall d01troy, rP.move or in pllued '' " Hurr11h for lrul11nrl !" Olte o f llctl torfere with ""Y fl111C used for the J:Urporo o f aw-,11 young ~tentlucuen atandiu~r 11t tlte clunr ur m~Hkiug se11la killerl. bulked or pauned by the thaL celeur11teJ hotel uh~:or11J doHisi~··ly iu rc· miU!kr. officer!J)r ore• of any atelltnor prosecut- t~pollau· " Unrr,\h fur I IIlii I ' tu whicla ~"rCIIdm ins;: tho Bu&l fishery on~ of thia colony. o r wh'l tho I riahmnll re•vo.tded :. " ' Bn,ryooe cb.:er fur shall deface, oblite rate or deatroy nny ttll\rlt or hia owtl cuuutry !"

1 cuart.:s u poo nny pa11ned or bulked ee11IB, 11hnll. Tltc Lecturer then pronce.Je,J co uolicu lhe gto· nf:!OU convioti~n, be linltlo 10 impridoomec~t. ~trnphic . .t po~i liun .. r Nolwf,uln.IJ,,.,J , "l11ch h.­Without the opuon of a finu, for not lo'Sll tlailu sax ol ct crite•l 118 t ltu Rhort nJttte l<w.tiui! · ;•IIIC~ OO· mouths nor more than two yellri. Lw.:.,u t loll twu worlol11 1111 •! aile key co thu c;" .. "

A PRESSINC t.OCAL NS:ED Tn£ fediug of suti~f~tction over tho result

o f tlte t t. otpe•·•nco election, lu .. lu lte • tl on \Vednesd<~y la!tt., yet cnntinuf's to iut~n-.ify Rnd gro w stronge r lUI titno p••l~a·c.~e'l. Tuc people tltroul!hout the e ntire diatri.:t Kl~ {!l~td. \'try glllcl, thttt thoy acted so wiKely, p(mh:ut ly, and well. They have Rhsolutely notltin~ ln be sorry fut·, nothing to f11JH'OKCh the m 8t:lve!l with. They ttro wlwlly content, wl)ol ly 8tHisfied-Rttnguine thttt e.ceh IIUCCt•f'clin,l:! dny will iucrcnKit~gly domonstntt.o tho wiMdont o f lltoi r rece n t procednrf>. Th('y bAii•·,·e tlucl it is not at llll p rol111hlo tlutt uny l'cHit., rliR · t u rtling ole ment will iuterveno ttl p•·f'jct~lica! • lly talf,·ct tlto rUtltel'ial iu~a·ests, hndiUt:!l,. or otltet· w•~c. of nny of Lue c ornm<1niti .. 11 h un!alwut . Tltnt poo p lo will, as h11s :>et~n tuei r wont. f<>r thu j'U:tt th1·eA o r fonr yeurs, be enahlt>J to ~-:o " "I ' anJ UC\wn" 1\11 tbt'On:.:hout, thf!' d itttrict, wi t.hout let or hinurancA, nono d11rin~ or Clll' ing lo ru .. k'e tbeto ttfruitl-clrcl\cling n ... iutcr­ferenco nor molcst.11tion oi uny kioJ.

A h riPf con'lide rat.ion of this mAtter nat-· urully snJ:geat.s the thought whethe rthe mAny, \"ery 11111 ny. people from the exwrn pttrl8 or the clist.rict, whose bnsines.'l affttit'S csll them to viHit the town of H tu·uor Oruc<\, Oispeciallly at the bttsiot· seAsons of tho year ;-the thou;;ht occu 111, wo MY o whetbN· thu~:e people are so we i I cit·cu~stauood ll8 they should Le ; we 11101ln, 'l'fUeiJaer theV ha\'0 th" Comfor~ AnU accommodation whi;:h ·it is nec08dJlr·y, n11y in. dispt!n8111Jie, they 011~ht to whioh, it mtL] bo Bllfely atlit·meJ, Rs " l.t-a ,·ellers ," w1tb no svecial pi ~tee or dwelling where to put uv, they aroju11tly entitle•J 1 Hon~~e~~, comlortaole bousos, of reftesbment., where toothsome, cbeav rr.l!als Olin be oht.ttined, are here none too plentiful-nay, Rro exceedingly I!Cltroe. As fur Blltlors homes, like St. Jobn°a i~t leaa· ed with-of these we have none. Indeed, Httrbor Grace iu all of the 1\bove ret.,eeta is vMy LRdly off-conltl not woll be won.e.

Well, then unde r those oircumst.ztncea, the question arjsea-Wbat i11 oeedoo t How and io whttt ruttnneL· can the exi11tiog difficui'Y be met, ~he want supplied 1 Now that. ia just t.he problem to which we requirea aoltuion. W onld carefully ooudnetod ootfee houeeM meet. the requirements or the cue-plaoee where, at certain boup in day, m61ll* conld be obtained-11uch aa aoup, tel\ and co1fee, bre~rcl "nd boLter, et.c t ·

We notice LJ the provinoi"l p1'8111 &ba~ the Temperance Uniona "of dift'ereu' localhiOf " up there," "re llt preeent devoting a good c..le.l of •t.r.eotion to the format.ivn of boatu.of tbe •hove Jharact4:r-uo donll' with th6 oom, meDdllble Objf'Ct of pro•idiog Jllaoel Of I'&•

fection and refr•lno~ot for &be people­·plauea which will not have ~&nrrouoding diem &bs tempc.&ioDI iu.eparallle trom ho&ela6 ~aluan1, pablio boarding bouaee, 110o Wi ned in.. late pApet' of lobe -.bliahment or ,.0 111ob II !'OODii' .. tbe aforesoiog, 8nter. prDed,.Oo&lt M &b•, by tempenDOI orpm.&· &lou

Well, II&---'·····-..

d h f' II 0 CCIII&iolurtl<l tlu1\ St. ,Juhll II hl\d 11 toli:utt­ool Cllp,.hilo ti iM lll 1\ horlri!Jl... f•1 h c t lu• ttlllliJ:It l that II (;,:uer:\1 llll., ltt, lite !\lr.nre "' (.;u rtl oil. fl' tint un ::iL. J uhu'•· nuol hill •lr nnuco h > llhV fu ...

C u111t"triu:! it" c.rl!ll 1tud I•"P'''"t iun wi1h ·, .. . ,~ , of ~~llrlli'l'llll COIIIItr;,.8, he htlltt'\·,..t lh>lt .'\ c w­founoii&IIIJ "ith ill 4t,OCU llqllltru mclca sl1 ••11hl he ~tlll fl, with tho rt~o~ourci!S h l'l ltut'w it ha'l, to llttflpurt &t l<'ft~t fc111T rrrill ions of I"J"I•I ts. II •~ be11t coulp .. r isou wna 1Jt!t1t11JI" th11t of Jt,,ll.'i•un •hich cont~try wcch its Are11 .or I : 0 •0 iiiJI"'r" mtlt'll ~upporl8 tt ''"l'ul•tibh of fiv 11 uull• ·•u tiv ., huuurec1 lh•>tt :s.'l ull. 0•-.1 ltt~llri socu~ l'"' '•t••u ""Y· hu cut. tinu.,d. th"t tl1 t1 cillJ.catlf i" su U~trren thl'lt ct is ouly fit for a thcltin\t-tlntiun. nn·l thl\l th o: .~Iiiii'\ IIl is only fit fur UIH8e Wllu ·;.u. V•Y\l. II ~ ol~ulu• l tltes3 opiuioud: 'etli'tlulC th 11t htt pr .. rur r.•fl tu ~tt·l'opt t h11 j••clll • •rt~f• t nf euch 11ac:u n~ Bi,.hnJJ M otlluck. wuo ll>llrl NcwfuttuckHI I i~ '!1\ l'!llole of lltniotttittin~ O.HiiOIIS uf 'puuplll ; :~ 1 J> .. trick ~Jorri:l. Me88re··;\lurny. ll o.vlq 1111d ll nrvl'y, nil mJ'It • rulil'lhlu tnl!n; l'lttd frtJIIl in lor· 11111tiou l t:CI!iVotl frutn t lou lataur Qt:utldtnon, h .. .:ouiiJolerert thllt there werft 110 llutter plttCt:ll th11u thu V1tllo11 1\rouwl thts Glluder, tho llncob.:r 110ft tltll Ex~-tloit,, wltc: ru frt:e hon1etteada cncalcl te luaol by frlle 1111111 lf11 h11d lt.I'I&L reli.1blu sllatlstill3 10 w&rrttlll his Mftii!Dil'ttt clt:at clcere werc~ in Newfonn.Jianrt fivu millionaor acrus of n~trioul· tura l laud : aud whllrl!, be ukeci, WIUI t lcero a country onder heueo i u which 110.0li0 peo · pl.! hl\ve a better O!lportouily· for nrtvanl!l:l iUeut aod for ncqnirintt llnbsiAntial wel\ltb P A<u our puov~.lill que•tloried,.'1W.i'lnoraot and eu ahih· leAS that th~y are •illinl( 1tq hand O\'er tbie m-"C . uilicenl herit11go to lltOLbtlr· pow•r and to ~ foru vttr out of tbeir ha.ndutail .buritftjlU?

CoutinuiuJl, be co11eiolereti that eiuce 18H 'bia conntry'& atand1n~ in m.ln.J clepart m~ut.s h11d beeo joat donbletl, re.t~:l'rinl( -•videooo lo tl-te lar l(e circnlatiou of o:~r deily papera. (Mr. Uo"cra took occuiou here to J>AY a bi&h cootplimont to tht' (.;hriatml\8 llUtober or tbe li~liug T~grana). and especially to tutl gre.t ioc1'as1ne in goucational 1ud ltulil(iona property, On tltete items of in· creu~ iu Edu~uonal ao•l l(e:i)(loae property. Mr. Howert dwelt for 10m1 tiroe, ~eh·inJC exhaUI· tive etatiatica which, lnmtoarizud. ah· •wed thu tbe natntber of churchea bu riteo from ~t( in 18i4 to 889 an 181U. He told a. he ju.dgud a peoplu e pro1perity ""d wish for adTancetnent by tbe pro­tcreAlbey made in the ol of 'beee in­atitutionl, aud D')C8l'lllrilr could Do~ coucotde tbat Newfo11odlandert were relro.cradin". He I{UOtud -. aotbori~ee for ~be above .t&liltice. Hiah~'p Power-from whom be rMd a letter 1eU.iul( fortb ''" value of tbe propt~ttf o•ned by Ute Ro­mau CaU.olio Chnreb rin •ar.diooeu- Or. Milli· gao, lnepector of·Meabodla'i:icboole, aod otlren. He wu atad to aee· aad applaud advaooe, . br whatever deootbiuatloa ma~ r aud ltftrely de­precated 'be erpr .. lon aJ vie•• oot lu harmony with tb'll aeotimtot. He oould no& eobo tlae petit.ion of 'h• old fanaer; Wbo ·prayed " God ble• me aod my wife, IDJIOG Joba aQd biawife', U1 foor, no more. Ameaf o

a. then 'proceeded to to':lob on the raot tbaa in Ne*foaDdland almo" n•'J' mao owned free of eaonmbraDct the bonae he Um lu aod the Wt of land aroaod Ia. U1e eicepdoa• belai nrr r.w. \Yhlla& ia Caaatla., eepeolall)' In Pri1101 &tiwilt\1 Jelaod, i& •u oot Ute oaett. For 10111e &lme he dwel& oa tbe eYIIa Coaftderalioa had bro111b& apoa Prfacta Ed ....a lalucl; biliiae. •oUM Uaa& Wfte •• Cout.deradelr ta apleaclid oiroam­........ cambled dowo t cnte: baltt fallei, haa­dradi IOIIDI lhelr all ; .. ~ llle'OWa ODI or cbe obuoe of .,.,a, a IIYIDr tlaro•c• ~ ... , ........ ; ... ...... .... ...... ifalp·balldht;, w6WIII!ea .-'f ............. , ~ daoe eas&lf'eb 1M

10 yoa oaa ltlok.aa ·~·bolder o11t of nery buah lD C&GAdL ~ I

·rodohioa oa tbe aaUooal det>&4 of cho &wo coao&dea. be &old Ql ~a' wbll•~ ooly about 8(i aollliooa of the~ mflliooe of Canada'• deb& wore owatd lD C...ada.eni'J doller of Newfo~W~dland' .. deb& wu owned in tbia oonutrr, ucep& 'ue lut loan.

He briefiJ referred to tbe 6ouriablosr' oonlli. uon·of o11r llanlta-ahe depoaite in which b•d iD· oreued IOtne SO per c eo,. d11riof( the laet c.en 7eara-aud a leo 'o our Water <.:ompaoiee: be

tha' he eatltn11ted tue actual •tlll.tb of tbit oolooy at forty toklioue of dullare.

Re,·ertiul( to lilt lirtt rttw~rke ou tbe adv1ntascea of our people onr thoee of utber oat1ona. be oontruted tire faoi lbat, wbil11t •tt pay practicallt noU~ost '" re11tal, "nd ba"e the opvortunily of acqnirioac unlimited lau.ta a he (nah payao aouual re111al ol 76 millionl'of dollart.,

n J tbeu uoticei) thu bn.aiueea fail urea of Can­lUI• Cor the pallt t.,w yeu1 wbich had iocruased f'roco !HS for flO.OOO,OOO iu 1874 to 1700 for SID:61.10,000 io 1881. H u alkuCt bie audience to contraat that etateUieot wich thu act'ual busioeN aiJaira httru not~~ritb•tau•liug the bad ti&n\!1.

Wv tnight ~ell ooueicler, b11 continu~d. that ths farWI!r& Of (.;aul\da Wtre the backboou of tbtt coJnt-r;y; but be Lehn11d the lar~e m11jority of tbe people lived from ll'tuci to mou1b, aud ~~rorau tbau, tluat co ul•t not b11 n id o f N ewfuu ndlancl, ' Auc!' uow hot 01une to t b11 ftlturu&~ivu of Iude­peudeuce : lira\ AunuXfttiou, secoud <.:ootedera­tion·

The Ors,-.\nne111tion-ho diemiaa11d aa unten ­"ble.l(i~in~t 11troug reuoua fur bid a ttilude a~aiuat tuat alteruativtt .

Tuo eecoud-Confe~<~rlltion-he diacueaed a• leol(th. He had "lwl\yl bl!lltt ov1•o~ed t.o '-'On· rude ratiou; hu btltl ·~uu the ill-efTecu or it, aud wo•tld op~o ic by every eonstitnl ioot\1 tneans in hi1 power. Uut if thtt puople 1\t tho! !JOII.t tit 1\111 time dccl"rud in fav llur of it, dt llll he was willing t.o abide by auch decis ion, nnd work "lOtti( for till' ~ond of the uouna ry He hMI Jectded to ttaku tl1 e acco uo t which 1 ~lr. l::dtlor, scut .JOU or Mr. ~l oriutt'a lt:cturu. 111111 to 111111\Yt!r tile "r~lT\01!111.8113 claoru 11ho•"n :tlr. AI •Hiuu, lc11 S.'\id. h>~d 1\olmicto!rl "' t h11 Anli .(.;onferl.matu (.;lu h in St. J vhu '11 th••t minu tn :Sr.\NUA II I> ,.,.,. 11 f••tr '\CCO•tnt Of hi-t lucturc. (.;ou•t:'}' ll!lllly ~~~ woni, J '\lllhv., r from it.

lt11 hl\d ufceu wucule~co.l h:1 •v ~l r ~l ·~ri uo ~<u c. ceeJ .:c 1\<1 ho olc.l wH~I h e~ 1\ll • lc•·u ~ ., ... ,1 ., .1 lo c thout:ht !ltlll ll "'' "'1 '11 t"lll tu111e uf l h <' ••c.:••·u ·oll•h llll!u t req •tir.,.J to llt.l!> c n IIIICl:cl'o.• lul <>llolur: ¥ 11..,

Ltlll.lac11y \01\d t it., t!••rr.-cl o•oC" I . ., ru II .: •:•lu• l lc r· d·l tlt.•t It IO II :t ,\1 , ,..,., tt uuo/,l~'ofJ l '-""" 111 •11 hill te•ll • .ou r .. ry Kll Ct:o•'f'<.

ll tl wo1Uiol u.oticc- lirat ~J .,ri u~J ·8 fi l.!ll rl!H .,,.,1 LJ'\rl ic ttlou ly l11• I.'•Hitii,UI! ot f lhu IJrol .. ncu L'•c i t .: · ·:ctVI!r (i .. cn•r••l .. ,.ni .J b11 lu p vt<ll""''" " ,.f a tt~ r lle<l i•l~ >t tl t'lt ltt! ll81! '1 dhuUlol t lth! t!•otiii LI'\' C•ottl '1•1·

.: r.-ltl. I I tl h11·l dr.>pp11tl ,\la· . . \h1rt11c " u•H&J ".I; . •ul! hint It o.~ h., R· •t lhl!8u lh;urc.i, ""' I ,\ l o·. M v· •lull haol p romc:to:•l tlont hu II '•O•t lol lu1' u a ! ~<·•n ; llu t, nllh•llh(h "" had 1 11111 i!UVtl rll l ci •ucs. h • h , .j

•l• tt l1tt:m ru,; 111 otl•c r wor.t ~ . ''" h •· I .,v.1ol .:ol

hi! in'}•tt. y ll 1.1 ( ·l r B) ole uiuo l h,.,.,., ,., r . cha t r faer~ t:, ult/ 1tU any tJ~t l :\ u Cc: ttt .&\! 1 lJ tt ...' '~\Ill •hi t ! •l!

t: ln ·cllt•Ht ,l. l!f•"'' wl11.:h .\lr ,\1 ., .,,,. '"' ' ' c ol.:q . IHt.:J "" OoJ r l'r,.Stl tt l puJill l.llltlll, 011 1 \.. 111~ 100 11 J .

lo wa n<'e wl"""'·u r f•tr fu tou.: tucr.u• •u . .\14 tn \1r . 1\l ·•riuu'r< " ·' !l'IDo•ut lt •H! H l uu r t.lri ·· · . h ., o.luuiud (h:\1 th t!y llo' tlro un1< 111;.: uutro! !h 101 7 I'" ' Cullt., 1\ttt.l thnL tl 0 11 Couluol.: r••lluu 1h11 l' 101.\oll"ll u .. rc h :ua ht weru tn o ••u u t1 uwu hl!r,• :tud uud .•r ·

aell th1110 it "'occlol llu tt c ""' '"')'. ahu u1 111Y 11111'' )(ertin• worlt tho:rll " uu ld ltc th r .... u un t .. r ,.,11 •

IJI"Y•IIe ll l ; Atlll ••u ~ ll WI •lll tllklll IUrr< WoiU iol ~ ,·1 booJt:t (hu r., f., r r .. J v:ar.ccul&r ty to cleo: h .. ot 1\uol " '0" I>~CIOiy) . I wu I' tift uf wl11ch wculol uul dqu'l ou,. paar At pr.-vt~ ut tu u lo 111 :-\t ,J -.~ ltu ·,. ·

A .. to Mr. ;\lo riuc'll >~ri! U•III.'Ilt on Bau kt'rll he ~'\i tl tlant a ll v~s.~ul11' hull.t tmi.t 1\ cluty of 10 'l•ur eeoc .. thu S:tila .. uru """'" i111pu rtuol l c~·l\vi ly t11xu.l 1\urithe hlnck" paul S.; p.:rccuL d ur y11lso. i\lo . IU~Jes paid 4 .:c u U! " 111\llo u w•dch hi! h ao l y l:t to learn WM tlcll h11 lf nf Btl v.:u

A11 to :tlr. Mnrtnc•,. llrJ:!II me ul of Cr111Roln l>ui l din~ a r~otlw 11y and oolo uizcn:: t he iutertur, h ., ~o~IJ 81\Y tl•lll llYell if <.:tul~&rla did build a r .. tl ov~ty, Wh tCb hu IIIIlCh do U' Itlld . alt .. ( I.J1111111III) hn.J I'J'IIt" emur~;b tv •lo tn colonize her o wu vAst lnmls; nud ho couaidered thl\t Nc~wfc..uu•llanrlc rll w~ rc vaatl y buttur ofT 1111 they llre now than 1 buy wo Jld be werll thuy workio~t lll&olllr (.;1\nRIIi'ln coutrnc­tort-\'eritahlu slaa.-tt drivllns •Ito would huil•l r he line wure it buil' ·n • .,o he nulled it would fa&ll ou our looal Govorurnuut t.o ouild "11 tic~ br11nch lines. wilhout which thu rni lw11y woul •l b.: vrttO· tidally Ulllltl~: Rnd ,\J r Moriutt h11d for~eotltln to tn&ke allowanc11 io h1a estimates fo r t hie o11rn e xpenao.

Hut, no,.., he oontiuneJ, be hMl coroo to ahe moa~ 11udnciuu.s atate•nun~ o r all rn ·••lll by Mr. Monne VIZ. thlt lhe o.,miuion Government cannot direct ly ~~ a pruvincll, ttl'ver luuo b .. ol. Dt:\'er will have, or llllYttr Cllll ha,e, thu po wer to do so. lu reply he read articl11 91 of wh:lt be teriOed the (.;Onlltitociou cr Cl\nadA which diatiuctly contr&dicta Mr. M uriuo111 ae;orliou . Aud, btt continut~d, r.,_ring further evidunbe miiCb' be waot11d , be barJ wrillen Sir .John Mac­donald bicnaelf ltlking for informaaiou. anJ Sir\d lel~grapb~tf hirn th"t ve~ry day: "Do· .. wio• parliamtnt latt1 IM JHJHftr to dirtcll!l or in­pirtcllg, ta;r t~ ptopk of ang provinu." u., tbOul{ht tAut autfieitsr.~ "r~uweut for any ouo aga~t Mr. Morio•·• aMertiou.

flo croaerJ With AU 1ppoal tO thUIIO present lO h~we 1mor'' tru.s in tb~tr COilntly au1l in 'heir o•o ""pab11itiea, anti bett11r d~t.yl wo ulc1 cll\wu. IJa regretted 'bat tlmo would not pe• Uli~ him to furab•r achiw the111.

A \beartJ , Yot.e of "'"nlte wu tenrlered Mr. Bo•ere &o wblcb be brh!ll.y retpoudud.

Carbooear, M"rch 2, 18R9. BERYL.

-AI we 11tatasd ou &t uruaJ, lb• Co11.cripl witb fofei11a analle, trriYed •• ~'- Jobn'• lhurtly Mter I • p.m: that di\J. \Ve learo from aue JldCKT!J 5b&t abe O&\DI &bro,acb tlte ice ln IOod etJie aud pro•~ b11r &boroll,~b 6tui!M for banliuac whh tbe b"•Jice wbiob anrroaandl oar ooaet daarinl( '"il e.aoa of cbe Je&r. 'l'b daJ afterlea~ha,c tlali­fu a bea~J aonb·eM& aale, aiiDotc a preni*l. ud ooetldaed diiJeetel'dotJ IIIOnrillil. l\; .. 10 lttoatr &bat" &lse·ir .... er CllDtlhl •oc ••Ito ~ tbree or fdatr heta aD •ov 1\.

taot•.:r .. :c:r W11 ol P.fDe Df'

~:~;G~==~:==~~ . ~ II OOIIIIM .. OD da

. ' • lTO Till &DITO& OF 1'111 IIUDA&D.j Dl!AR Saa.-

'l'brouiJb tLe roedinm of 7onr joana"l, I would wl1b to draw &be a~otioo of ,tho, tnetuben of tbe H.,a•e of Aue10bl7 oow lu WNiou ro two mal'ln whicu ar• •ru•dl io tbemaeiVt!l, bot netertheleu call for immediate aruuodmeu~. A ny 1",• or Ac~ buiul{ for its obj.:ct U!e protection u r arut'lioration of aoylbinl( OUtCb& aurel1 to be •o devised lha' the area teat poaeible acoouo&. of uae-fuluell rua) bts tlorived aber.,(rom. '

Luc Mlr'ioa. a meuur11 for the protecliuo o{ frew watn fiabet wu introduced br G. 11. Em­erson, £sq .• aod tbe oec~>uity fo r aoch a law m"Y be judacetl from the faot th&t cue aaid Bill ~Atlld boab lloueea without opp~ei1iou. 'fbe J:ioo . Lo­g.elative Couocil, howeve r. ll\W 6t ro lt"''o tha clcse uu.o extended : in the origin11l Bill the time beJJau on the l n l:ieptetUber, ttle Council '• nmendruen~ propoeud i&et~ftd lite l~tb or the aatne montb. \V bether tltill "ltoralloo ~~ru madtt lifter mature del!bor"11oo or not, 1 canoot 1111: but. this l know, it "'"a a ll,lillake to uno the time extentfed. Tho first clay of Septemller ia late euOU)Cb for the cloae -li iu e to hel(in .ll ce­eoce of t&Ruy por110011 excmphfyiull &lc~J r.cct itt no · uncerlaiu way. The ~trt:lller pat L of frlllb . water trout nre nt that tlhtu cuuacrt!~:attng iu 1lto brooke nod s.rul lio-. 1\lld ar l! t huu in " bet vleo~a cooditioll-jlnckcd itt lnr.:e 11uonh~Jr& itt llonall spRce-tl•e au~:~l ,·r has tho cx terminntiou o f the 11pec1es in hi~ owu hllclllll. L'lat year, prior t eo t hu 15th St!pteUlber, ft C.liCit ll f MUIII O t h irtt doze n trout waa brougbt out uerts by a ~11 of lllrU

perl•>ull. N o w, it ill pM!!UL thnt l h tll irumt'nll9 a u muer woc:ld no~ bft\'ll buuu aocured IJut r.,r tho f11ct that the trout had foru!o eu lltll larg11 poode, &n-:1 hc1d m:ulc their IYuy 10 n amnii jllllly. for the vurpOIIO Of de poaitjng their 0 \'11. llncl there they weru ~Jil9ily cnptured. lt is thc reforu 10 bu hop · ed th At aonlll hoo. mem.ue r wtll, in ordur to have a Lencllceut l11w ·m&d~Jatillmore nRefnl i11 iaa efTuolt, lwro th\! close -time nlter<ld 80 ns to begiu ou tbe 1st of ::il'p te mber ioatend of the I atu .

l'lcc o tltor mBi tc r to wlucu 1 rcf.,r, ia in connec­tion ••ilh our Uncoil L!lwa. One aoclloc of tuia Act sho•t ld be l cp l!n lud. The nbUIJe '•hicl~ ~Would receive iust11nt nttcu tioo 11 t hu oue thnt perso 11a u r c u••IV at liben y Lo kill W ild l,; t:r8u Il l 11uy ti•ue .. u.J iu 11uy plncc. r\ u w. eve ry 0 11e kttn ws 1h11L \\'1! 1 l ~ .·t':ltt hro·.:• l in t.hi" count ry. nucl COloRe• • t • ~u · l , ~t:•u ot l ·l. 111 t lt c l· ro:c•hn)! nnd o t ht~r 8 •"1\•

~ . ..... I IJ J'I UIO:OIIl J ~~ ~ olllto· r I: II IIIII lnrds. A .... ro::nt.l w ., " "\'ll r •• ll ur lnlc lllll ll lhl!r n. ia;r.u otfl u· . acu v : •lt our t~hur,•.lt o• • t lh·t r fUl'i~"£!., dunru ,

" '" ' "ht··h •H•• ·•• ll•u•·· V•·ry p lo·ttl t(ul in c • .:ry tli. r ••c"flllll - lh~.IC.tJ U t f! \! 'l f ; C•\' l'\ u• l p lu\t• r . ' l tu•~tu l t l l d .., .u.· ' •t ll lntt.,: o t1 pr·•tl'l~tuol ••••\.:'t4. n.ed 1\fc..- uo' >til_. ,, t"• l l ot 1 ••• • t1 •C UUIII lflw I;, II ,. p••·ud•cr. H" I ·Yl'l''' l '•U l •l .\ 11 . 11•1 >1111 lltt• ht :'\o·ptcut! u• r lac L!t' U ttt''.t' ur ·· t :·e~u 1 ,,utt-A tt( C•ttlo t" ft ll • l

1•lu~··r 1,.,_, 1111 tt.• r hill ~ " h l i ,• u11 their pn~..- 't:" l ,. t •n l.·d tt ·l•lor . n t~ • l h crau•! c I•• ~ •\' '"'' )Jl•••pld

'""': rl ~.·•• .- n·. l ''~' t t*'• p r •t\'1 "'''' ""4 o f ·,,,C ,\ c l fruu t :•f').i~ ·· ·"' • ".: I h ht w 1 I•;• • P r'' ' ' l , ft- th!C' h .tt4 p i Ct••l

~RU •·I·c t'•t-"cr rf"~t·l. " ' ' J " 'uh.:h lur ,-- t u u a,:ot•8 .south 1'1 111; .o. l "1'•' ' 1 ·•10 lf,.,,.c 0" lh•• P''"l•ic llo.:ru . lly lh·· J . Jth .. "-'~c : •C.• nl ! lt' t \'el y f c \v o f l i• U hl t df4. f\• e

J ~ft "" .,.,r ~tu"' l'' a •11l una p•·n prc h1vu ro cuu · ~o ' o t •u·•H"'•• I V (! <~ ~ It ! • t ••t' k:t•u w lc· lc d "fTordu•J lfy I Itt• '""' th •l I I•" Low •· ttl llrtl nlloov ' ''""' t u h e ~ lt · •t. ' ''"t lln·y •u c k ••p l 1u r~_. ,, ,. ,. t: fur eu urc tav­. .r.•ol I' UJ'lc " hu luko uol v.u 1 1 •• ~:e c.uJ t'<llll' tlou IJl'ut' lil , o( '.ho• lti UIIoh•tM Ill IIIII l,\ \1/

l l ooloiU~ tltl\1 •U• IIt' IIIO'IUIJcr Will lr.k .t llV lh~8t •ttl \1 .. ,,., """ 1• •t ch .. ul 1111 a b .. t cer b~!\ij d cu u•.: t: u• 1•'•">4•·"l ~.:~ l••u o f thu l.u. uslat u tl•. 11 1111 t h.1t ~ Juu " ell t:Vcu cu•.th• r c11111t trcu r.•fruua. ! ruu,

Y -.~ uc s truh· • SPOR L'S~lA);.

-- - ---[ Fo t: rill: 11.\l: ll,JU U ~.~c~: S I' AS 0 ,\ I:D )

~ Blue Ribb:>n G:>sp9l Tompero.oce So::lety.

ltt.S'll.t.rrms OF T 11.1 """ A '>O Co 'lot:ATt:t. \ n o M. \\'heri!M the momlu·r11 ol t ile Blu~J !{ihhon G oe­

pul T cmpuranc.: :)ooicty ht\Vto h:Kru e•l with vru­fuuud A~• tidfaotinn lhu ~rc••L vicaury achc .. vc •l nt t l•o l'ulloe. nnJ••r t hu Tolllvc r.ancl:! Aut , 1 i:.i. in tho.: I~I>'I'IOrll l IJt.tcic:~ o r llllrlJor t:ro~.:c on t hv t7ch F a·hrn .. r,v. ni t. , thure fo ru

/UKulvr!ol,- 1'11111 "'" ~r:\ldnlly "'"I de voutly gi\'ll llt~~u ks to A l • 11i~hry c;,,l for hi& hlurwiu~o: vunolt~>~ fu.J tn a ll w•au by a hei r \'Olea or ncc uudl!avonrud lo Sl'OII ra fo r t he veople oi nirl •liatrict e x .. u1ptioo frocu 1111 the uu&t•l'llkllbld e~llso iuva ri.•hly c o"uected with tho trAUio iu iuto:a:i­ci\ti tt l( liquors.

Th!H we moat reepectlully te oder our wnrm nod co rolt11l cougrl\tultttiona to the peoplas of that dia. trict fo r the succ~:o~.'l 1\tlending t he e fforts of "II frieurls or T!!mpcrllnco aud uood ordt!r, who cotu· bin"d so uobly to nccowpliah tue aiwnal ddeat of thc)Be wbo BOU):ht to rrst.oro the lioeosu system wit h its inevit.nble t rRio of .-ute. ruisllry &nd woe; "od tbat a co py of these resolutions b., forwardud to the I!:Liitor or the HARBOII Gat.AO& ISTANOAI1D, w11b the requeel th R~ tue) bo }IUbliaheu iw Lbo 6rst iseuo uf that paper. ·

That we pledaco ->urtodYel to eootioued Mnd an. tiring e ff.,rt, eneonrat:ed b1 thie Hrnbor!irace •ictory, An d truat thl\t nil T"•opurl\uce Orl(llo ita­tion• in \be Colony will,.aa ~her· thank. God, talto conrl\llt' to 1!0 for"ani neYer to abandon the war ac"ino~t Struug IJriuk thll lhuner or Probi· bit ion ~U!IIl llfOUd ly Wft'fl) OVl!f We leoKth aud brea:itu of Nu"fouudl"nd. , ~



St. Jobn'e, March 'th, 1889. Stcrclar!J.

LAST NaoatT'S ATifiN,"i.i'Jl~Lt!CruKr. -If beai~ ""d hbttral applouao m•y be aooep\11d u proof • tbl\t 'he audieuqe "Vpr.-ciate 1ol.l en j l)r • leoture, lben tbe Ke\', W. ~rab11m m~1n buY< lt~IC uciaftod lftl~ oiach&, thaa · hie \• mahJeu" t~oture. oo tbe ' ~theue am pla&futw, wu • d~id!!tlluOOWIIL Hil treaa..:a"u' of ~e tpplo be had llil110led-" Uoder lb'e Old FI-e"- wu exeeUen'-mar~~~ b1 •iac .. our, uilhal pQpinar of telllol( eYIIDII all woveo io~ "~!(heel and lfllltbia la•riati••· # l'laer• waa qu.He. Mftloleuor of namor lU elilvou llee aoda. ~ooe-mnob of ia or th~ drJ, ' 0 J*•Il1 •• ~ '1'-' of baDIOur~qltat and 117. '*laatcht.r pro· wcikm•• vblta a& ''' lame l• .. a•• a laalf eetloqa ~t, a If aoa tO ••• ....... LOokiDR M .... do aH eapeo• & fi'OIII ..,,. .. II ·-?0 ... ''"'!1 ' bt GCMII--~1«
