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Citizen Media 2010 Eleonora Pantò - CSP

9 Dicembre 2010

Corso di Laurea Comunicazione Pubblica e Politica Università Torino

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Giornalismo e nuovi media

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31 luglio 1994 – Unione Sarda Online

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Being Digital

1995 Essere digitali - Negroponte

Teorizzava il giornale personalizzato

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We Media - 2003

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We Media

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Participatory Journalism – We Media

• The act of a citizen, or group of citizens, playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information. The intent of this participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and relevant information that a democracy requires.

• Participatory journalism is a bottom-up, emergent phenomenon in which there is little or no editorial oversight or formal journalistic workflow dictating the decisions of a staff. Instead, it is the result of many simultaneous, distributed conversations that either blossom or quickly atrophy in the Web's social network.

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Emerging Media Ecosystem

• My readers know more than I do.• That is not a threat, but rather an opportunity.• We can use this together to create something between a seminar and a conversation, educating all of us.• Interactivity and communications technology — in the form of email, weblogs, discussion boards, websites and more — make it happen

Dan Gillmor - 2002

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Center for Citizen Media - 2006

Mission:1) Research, Analysis, Advocacy 2) Best Practices and Tools 3) Education, Training, Advice/Consulting.

This is all about shifting from the lecture toward a conversation — and also remembering what I’ve been calling the first rule of conversations: You have to listen. Dan Gilmor,

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Principi del Citizen Journalism

Ethics builds trust and credibility• Accuracy & fact-checking

(Accuratezza ) How to get it right

• Thoroughness(Approfondimento) Going the extra yard for information

• Fairness(Correttezza) Treating opposing points of view with respect

• Transparency(Trasparenza) Disclosure a key ingredient in gaining trust

• Independence(Indipendenza) Following the story wherever it leads

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Dimensioni del citizen media

• Professionisti/Non professionisti (Criterio formale? Sostanziale?)

• Corporate/Indipendenti• Profit/Non profit• Community / Individuali• Social network/blogs• Partecipazione diretta/ indiretta alla

produzione della notizia• Locale / Globale / Glocale / Iperlocale

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Internazionali - non profit / professionali

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Internazionali “open source”

• First Monday – 1996– Open– Peer review – tre revisori– Creative commons

• – 2006 - Jay Rosen– Citizen selezione delle fonti, smart

mob – Giornalisti confeziona notizie– Editore investe denaro – Reputation

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Internazionali - non profit / professionali

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Pulitzer a ProPublica -Aprile 2010

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The art of Explainer – Novembre 2010

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Internazionali Profit Non professionisti

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OHMYNEWS International chiude e diventa un blog - Agosto 2010

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Dal 2005 The Huffington Post

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Huffington Post

• The Huffington Post has over 3,000 bloggers -- from politicians and celebrities to academics and policy experts -- who contribute in real-time on a wide-range of topics.

• The Huffington Post's OffTheBus is a citizen-powered online news organization that is a collaboration between The Huffington Post, NYU, and Jay Rosen's NewAssignment.Net.[7][8]


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La fine dei giornali come li conosciamo

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Thinking the Unthinkable

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Dawson – Agosto 2010

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Nel 2027 non ci saranno più giornali di carta in Italia



Non professionisti Professionisti


Corriere, Repubblica, La StampaA voi comunicare (Telecom)

CitizenReport (RAI)

Libera Reggio

The Populi



Caffe News

Lettera 43Il fatto quotidiano

Il Post

Il Fatto Quotidiano

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Il superblog – Aprile 2010

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Un nuovo quotidiano online – Ottobre 2010

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Un quotidiano con un nuovo modello di business

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Hyperlocal - blog

• Hyperlocal means news and information on a more granular level than traditional media provides. Previously, most "local" sites didn’t actually get more, well, localthan cities or towns. They assumed that just because you live in a specific city or town you are looking for the same news as everyone else. Hyperlocal content gives you the news and information for the area right around where you are, like the block around your office or the neighborhood where you live.

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Hyperlocal – more than blogs

• Civic information — building permits, crimes, restaurant inspections and more. In many cases, this information is already on the Web but is buried in hard-to-find government databases. In other cases, this information has never been posted online, and we’ve forged relationships with governments to make it available.

• News articles and blog entries — major newspapers, community weeklies, TV and radio news stations, local specialty publications and local blogs. We do the work of classifying articles by geography, so you can easily find the mainstream media coverage near particular locations.

• Fun from across the Web — local photos posted to the Flickr photo-sharing site, user reviews of local businesses on Yelp, lost and found postings from Craigslist and more. We figure out the relevant places and point you to location-specific items you might not have known about.

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Everyblock – open data + socialmedia

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Open File - Maggio 2010

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• stesura e gestione di un database di siti-situazioni italiani,

il più accurato possibile, con relativa scheda informativa anche in inglese;

• approntare analoga lista di siti nel mondo, con relativa scheda italiana, e raccogliere risorse, info, materiali pertinenti (eventualmente tradotti) da tali siti da poter usare in base alle esigenze specifiche;

• organizzare e inviare info, newsletter, comunicati regolari sulle attività dei siti-progetti del network soprattutto alle testate (tradizionali o meno) italiane e anche a quelle estere, in particolare i soggetti affini di cui sopra;

• creare iniziative comuni tra i partner italiani, sia online sia sul territorio, condividendo strumenti e risorse, onde incrementarne visibilità e partecipazione;

• sviluppare collettivamente il relativo sito come strumento portante per dare risalto ai diversi progetti, sperimentare nuove idee, attivare la partecipazione dei singoli, etc.

• creare una rete di interazione, supporto e di auto aiuto a fronte di un sistema giuridico italiano attualmente molto limitante e in fase di definizione, onde far fronte a evidenti rischi per le iniziative di citizen media.

2009 - obiettivi

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The Populi

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Citizen Media - Dicembre 2010 43 – crowd funding - 2009

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Community funded reporting

• Spot.Us is a nonprofit project of the Center for Media Change and funded by various groups like the Knight Foundation. We partner with various organizations including the Annenberg School of Communications in Los Angeles.

• We are an open source project, to pioneer “community funded reporting.” Through Spot.Us the public can commission journalists to do reporting on important and perhaps overlooked topics. Contributions are tax deductible and if a news organization buys exclusive rights to the content, your donation will be reimbursed. Otherwise, all content is made available through a Creative Commons license. It’s a marketplace where independent reporters, community members and news organizations can come together and collaborate.

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YouCapital – marzo 2010

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Inchiesta YouCapital

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FatCheck Sergio Maistrello

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Chi ha gli strumenti per informarsi mette la sua informazione a disposizione di chi è interessato ad averla. Questo è il Filtr, se non nei risultati, almeno nello spirito. Giuseppe Granieri / Sergio Maistrello

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Scienziati – blogger vs Giornalisti scientifici

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PR o giornalisti scientifici?

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Citizen Scientist

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Crowdsourcing + Data Journalism

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Nuove Tv

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L’intelligenza televisiva è cambiata: agli spettatori è richiesto di completare buchi narrativi.Per seguire la narrazione, oltre che ricordare, occorre analizzare.

Secondo Steve Jobs, la differenza fra Internet e la TV, è che il computer ci fa inclinare in avanti, richiedendoci concentrazione, mentre la TV ci incoraggia a rilassarci.

Lean back, lean forward

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Connected TV

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Social TV

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Arrakis – documentario poetico

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Web documentario

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L’importanza di essere OPEN

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Freedom Press Index – Italia 49esimo posto

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Minacce ai giornalisti

Il rapporto Ossigeno per l’Informazione 2010 mette in luce come, nel corso dell’ultimo anno, in Italia si siano registrati 35 casi di minacce ai giornalisti. Il più delle volte riguardano cronisti che indagano su storie che hanno come oggetto le commistioni tra politica, impresa e organizzazioni criminali, tipicamente ‘ndrangheta, camorra e mafia. Tra i giornalisti coinvolti, volti e firme noti e meno noti, così come cronisti sconosciuti ai più che lavorano per giornali e tv locali. E’ il caso di Josè Trovato, trentunenne corrispondente da un un piccolo centro in provincia di Enna per il Giornale di Sicilia, o di Antonio Condorelli, freelance in quota al quotidiano La Sicilia che ha collaborato all’inchiesta I Vicerè andata in onda su Report. O ancora Arnaldo Capezzuto di Napoli minacciato per articoli sulla camorra pubblicati su Napolipiù.

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Silenzio stampa – novembre 2010

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Grazie a..

Clay Shirky

Jay Rosen

Paul BradshawNico Pitrelli

Pino Rea

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C SP in n ov az ione ne lle I C T

Sede via Livorno 60 - 10144 TorinoEdificio Laboratori A1Te l +39 011 4815111Fax +39 011 4815001E-m ail:

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Eleonora Pantò