Meteor Catalog

Post on 07-Nov-2015

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  • Cospicui investimenti, continua ricerca e sviluppo per offrire sempre nuovi modelli, rapporti diretti con i clienti e flessibilit per assecondare quasi ogni tipo di richiesta sono alla base della filosofia di Meteor.Non mancano entusiasmo e passione che contraddistinguono questa azienda sin dai primi tempi della sua fondazione.

    Some notable investments, a continuous research and development of new products, a direct contact with customers and flexibility to meet almost every kind of inquiry: this is Meteors mission, and it is carried on with the same passion and enthusiasm since its foundation.

    100% MADE IN ITALYMeteor Piston continua a produrre e a sviluppare i propri prodotti in Italia nonostante le difficolt congiunturali note a tutti ed un mercato sempre pi complesso e ricco di articoli low-cost provenienti da paesi con costi produttivi molto inferiori a quelli italiani.

    Meteor keeps on producing and developing its own pistons in Italy, despite the very well-known national political and economical troubles and a global market crowded with low-cost products coming from countries where production costs are far cheaper than Italian ones.

  • La produzione in Italia rappresenta non una sfida nellaccezione negativa del termine, ovvero intesa come scelta ostinata nel voler rimanere nonostante le difficolt, ma come conferma della coerenza e della costanza nella qualit che da sempre contraddistinguono il Made in Italy e che ancora oggi sembra essere apprezzato ed espressamente richiesto dalla domanda globale.

    Producing in Italy today is considered as a challenge, but we do not mean it by being obstinate. It is on the other hand our choice in order to give our products the quality Made in Italy which is still appreciated and requested from the global market in all sectors, from handmade products to industrial ones.

  • Tuttoggi i prodotti fatti in Italia continuano ad avere unottima reputazione in tutti i settori (sia manifatturieri che industriali) e rimangono unaspirazione per altri paesi, anche i pi sviluppati e autonomi dal punto di vista economico.

    Il riscontro dei clienti ci conferma questa tendenza e la presenza dei nostri pistoni nella maggior parte dei mercati internazionali il segno tangibile di questa esigenza del Made in Italy.

    Italian brand still stands as a reference point even for the most industrialized countries in the world. Proof of this are our customers feedback and MP pistons sales worldwide.

  • Pur riconoscendo che la strada in salita, Meteor mantiene limpegno verso la qualit e innovazione concretizzandolo nellattenzione verso nuove tendenze (sia di mercato che di caratteristiche tecniche dei prodotti), nuove tecnologie grazie a macchinari e strumentazioni di controllo di ultima generazione, rapida personalizzazione dei prodotti e dei servizi in base alle esigenze tecniche e commerciali dei clienti. Il tutto nella speranza di una ripresa che dia respiro e premi la scelta di non cambiare strada.

    We must admit the future doesnt seem to be easy, but we commit ourselves to provide best quality and innovation in terms of keeping an eye wide open on new models and technical improvements, investing in new technologies with ultimate generation machines and checking instruments, meeting clients demand with customized products and services.We hope in a new deal and to be rewarded for the choice to keep our own way.

  • I prodotti Performance per MotoCross della Meteor, presenti gi da anni nel nostro catalogo possiedono tutte le caratteristiche pi attuali dei pistoni che altre grandi marche stanno proponendo soltanto ora con le versioni al TOP della gamma appositamente studiate per le gare.

    MP Off Road Performance pistons, on our catalogues since a few years, provide the ultimate features that very well known brands are launching

    only now as TOP racing versions.





    La struttura BRIDGED BOX, ad esempio (conosciuta anche come T-Bridge, nellambiente della Formula 1), presente sui pistoni MP Cross 4tempi da gara gi a partire dal 2012. Questa struttura viene realizzata dopo un attento studio dellarchitettura del pistone, ed oltre a migliorarne la resistenza meccanica alle sollecitazioni, ne riduce il peso, con grandi vantaggi durante le competizioni. I risultati sono confermati dai fatti, come dimostra anche la comparazione pubblicata sul catalogo 2013 tra la prestazione di un pistone originale Honda CRF 250 e il pistone Meteor 2116: il pistone Meteor manifesta miglior performance rispetto alloriginale!

    The BRIDGED BOX, for example, (known as T-Bridge in F1 world) has started to be applied on Meteors off-road racing pistons since 2012. This kind of structure has been achieved thanks to a deep research on the pistons architecture. In addition to a high mechanical resistance to stress it also provides a lighter weight, which is a great advantage especially in racing sessions.The outcome of Bridge-Box effectiveness was shown in a comparison with an original OEM which was published on our catalogue 2013. Original piston Honda CRF 250 and Meteor piston Ref. 2116: Meteors showed better performance than the original one!

  • Le nuove versioni super racing in uscita presso i grandi costruttori dichiarano inoltre rapporti di compressione altissimi. Meteor Piston propone quasi sempre una versione Alta Compressione (H.C. sul catalogo) per il Motocross da gara ma senza raggiungere alti valori.Non ci sembra infatti opportuno offrire una compressione a livelli estremi senza discutere con lutilizzatore della possibilit di rimodulare la centralina elettronica del motore.I rapporti di compressione possono essere molto elevati anche sui pistoni Meteor ma preferiamo siano concordati direttamente con i clienti verificando che le centraline possano essere modificate da operatori esperti.Come dimostrato sul nostro pistone MP 2116 Honda CRF250, i risultati ottimali si sono ottenuti grazie anche alla taratura specifica della centralina sulla compressione del nostro pistone.

    I pistoni Performance si contraddistinguono da sempre anche per lutilizzo di segmenti in acciaio di altissima qualit, esclusivamente made in Japan, con trattamento di nitrurazione.

    A partire da settembre 2013, inoltre, grande novit sugli spinotti che, su alcune versioni speciali di pistoni, ora vengono forniti anche con riporto di DLC, ultima tecnologia applicata ai trattamenti che offre allo spinotto maggiore resistenza in fase di lavoro.

    Moreover, competitors new super racing versions declare very high compression ratios.Meteor has been producing High Compression (H.C. on catalogue) on Off-road racing pistons since many years but we do not wish to increase the compression value too much.As far as we are concerned, the value should not be extreme without tuning the engine Electronic Control Unit (ECU).Very high ratio values are possible on Meteors pistons as well but in any way we prefer they are agreed with customers who can rely on ECU tuning specialists.The high performance of the above mentioned piston ref. 2116 was possible thanks to an ECU balanced upon our piston features.

    Since the beginning, our racing pistons carry the best quality rings made of STEEL now on the market, with NITRIDE treatment, totally made in JAPAN.

    Great news from September 2013 regarding piston pins now also available with DLC coating, which represents the ultimate coating technology for pins high resistance at work into the piston.

  • Ultima new entry sui pistoni Motocross PERFORMANCE 4Tempi, ottenuti tramite un avanzato sistema di forgiatura, la versione con TESTA GREZZA (HARD TOP). Il sistema HARD TOP consente di effettuare pochissime lavorazioni sulla testa del pistone lasciando le sedi valvole grezze di stampaggio. Inoltre sullintero pistone viene effettuato un trattamento superficiale di micro-sabbiatura che elimina le micro bave e ne migliora laspetto estetico.

    La ricerca di Meteor dunque non si ferma e la snella struttura della nostra azienda, insieme ad uno staff specializzato, ci permette di anticipare i grandi marchi grazie alla flessibilit che ci contraddistingue. Meteor Piston pronta a sviluppare caratteristiche sempre nuove secondo le esigenze di tutti i piloti ed i professionisti che necessitano di un prodotto affidabile e personalizzato in base alle caratteristiche di ciascun motore.

    Last new entry the HARD TOP HEAD version, thanks to an advanced forging processing system. The HARD TOP HEAD allows to carry out a very little machining on pistons top and it leaves valve seats with a hard surface (rough), with no finishing.In addition, a final micro sand-blasting is applied to all over pistons surface to remove material micro- burrs and give a good product esthetic aspect.

    Meteors research will not end here: our small organization and specialized staff give us the chance to come first, before the great brands, thanks to our flexibility.We are ready to develop new issues following users and professional drivers expectations who look for reliable customized products.

  • Da quando abbiamo iniziato la produzione dei pistoni Cross 4T, si puntato allo sviluppo della testa realizzata grezza di forgiatura, perch riteniamo che questa tecnologia dia delle caratteristiche meccaniche migliori rispetto al pistone con testa lavorata, per i seguenti motivi:

    La superficie grezza ottenuta di forgiatura ha caratteristiche meccaniche superiori, in particolare resiste meglio ad alte temperature.

    Si ottengono forme delle sedi valvole perfettamente arrotondate e prive di bave e spigoli vivi, che favoriscono fenomeni di detonazione.

    Sulle teste lavorate con utensili risulta difficile e costoso asportare bave e spigoli, e in ogni caso i risultati non sarebbero soddisfacenti (vedi foto dei dettagli)

    Trattamenti di finitura superficiale, come la burattatura e la micro sabbiatura che consentono di migliorare ulteriormente la struttura e laspetto del pistone.

    Nonostante questo tipo di processo comporti costi di sviluppo ed investimenti in attrezzature maggiori, la Meteor Piston vuole offrire ai propri clienti pistoni con tecnologia superiore.

    Since the beginning of the production, 4 stroke Off-Road pistons have been manufactured with forged rough piston top. As far as we are concerned we believe that this technology gives the piston some better mechanical properties compared to a fully- machined head for the following reasons:

    In addition to the above mentioned mechanical properties, rough surface provides more resistance at high temperatures.

    Valves seats are perfectly smoothed, free of burrs, with no sharp edges, preventing detonation into the combustion chamber.

    Burrs and sharp-edges removal turns out to be quite difficult on fully-machined heads, and at any rate the outcome wouldnt be impressive.

    Surface finishing treatments (tumble finishing and micro sand-blasting) improving pistons structure and outlook.

    Despite this kind of processing asks for higher R&D and tooling costs, Meteor Piston is willing to provide a superior technology to all customers.



  • KYMCO Like Agility Spacer People Movie - B & W Vivio - Super8 - Grand Dink Dink 125 CC. 4T 52.4


    HONDA SH 125 - Dylan 125 CC. 4T 52.4

    REF. MP: 1900

    REF. MP: 1830

    REF. MP: 1510

    REF. MP: 2260

    REF. MP: 2236

    REF. MP: 2276

    Pistone con segmento raschiaolio in GHISAPiston with oil control ring in CAST IRON

    Pistone con SERIE segmenti in GHISAPiston with complete ring SET in CAST IRON

    Pistone con segmento raschiaolio in GHISAPiston with oil control ring in CAST IRON

    Pistone con segmento raschiaolio in ACCIAIOPiston with oil control ring in STEEL

    Pistone con SERIE segmenti in ACCIAIOPiston with ring SET in STEEL

    Pistone con segmento raschiaolio in ACCIAIOPiston with oil control ring in STEEL

    HONDA SH 150 DYLAN 150 CC. 4T 58

    Following some customers demand Meteor has introduced new versions carrying STEEL rings (just oil control rings or complete set), corresponding to the OEM piston. Now the same item is available in a double version as shown here below.

    Su richiesta di alcuni clienti, Meteor Piston ha introdotto nuove versioni di kit pistone con segmenti in ACCIAIO (solo raschiaolio o serie completa), composti come il pistone originale della casa costruttrice, che si affiancano ai kit precedenti (con segmenti in ghisa). Lo stesso kit ora disponibile nella doppia versione come riportato qui di seguito.

  • Continua la nostra partecipazione alla fiera EICMA (Fiera del Motociclo di Milano) che in questa edizione 2013 ci vede in una nuova posizione: nel PADIGLIONE 14 insieme a famose case motociclistiche. Una maggiore visibilit che speriamo possa far conoscere i nostri prodotti ad un pubblico sempre pi ampio.Novit anche nella superficie dello stand che aumenta e ci permetter una migliore esposizione di pistoni e maggiore capienza per accogliere tutti coloro che vorranno farci visita.

    We attend again EICMA (Milan Motorcycle Show). The 2013 edition gives to Meteor a new location in HALL 14, near some of most famous Motorcycles brands. A greater visibility which we hope will give us the chance of promoting our piston to an always increasing number of people.New stand outfit also, thanks to a larger area, giving a better way of showing our pistons and more space for meeting our customers and people wishing to visit us.



    Warnings about pistons imitations with fake Meteors brand are increasing by customers from different countries.Please be careful and detect immediately the false pistons from the bad quality of the package and of the piston itself (you can immediately see at an eye glance).Imitations, however disturbing, seem to be an honor: Meteors name can be proud to be now in the Olympus of most famous Made in Italy brands, imitated all over the world.

    Aumentano le segnalazioni di clienti (di diversi paesi) che denunciano la presenza di pistoni con marchio Meteor Piston contraffatto venduti come originali. Invitiamo dunque tutti a prestare attenzione alla scarsa qualit della confezione e delle caratteristiche del pistone falso immediatamente riconoscibili. Limitazione, seppur preoccupante, ci fa onore , vuol dire che anche il nome Meteor entrato a far parte dellolimpo dei famosi marchi Made in Italy imitati in tutto il mondo!














  • NEW PRODUCTS 2014Per visualizzare i pistoni ordinati per numero vedere INDICE in fondo al catalogo

    For rapid piston number research see INDEX at the end of the catalogue

    MP ref. mm Brand Model Cil-cc Years Compr.

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    2305 39 APRILIA Scarabeo 50- 4 Valvole 50

    2280 56,5 DAELIM S3 125 FI -S3 125R TOURING 125 2009 2013

    2301 47 DR MOTORPARTS


    2260 52,4 HONDA Dylan (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125

    PCX (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2009 2013

    SH 125 (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2009 2013

    2236 58 HONDA Dylan (Serie segm. Acciaio - Steel ring set) 150 2002 2007

    SH 150 (Serie segm. Acciaio - Steel ring set) 150 2001 2013

    2307 72,8 HONDA Forza 250 EX 250 2008 2011

    Forza 250 X 250 2005 2007

    2276 52,4 KYMCO Agility (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2006 2012

    B & W (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2000 2004

    Dink (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 1997 2004

    Grand Dink (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2001 2012

    Like (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2009 2012

    Movie (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 1999 2007

    People (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 1999 2011

    Spacer (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125

    Super8 (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2008 2009

    Vivio (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring) 125 2000

    2262 47,6 MALOSSI MHR Tr. scooters Piaggio - pin 12mm

    2305 39 PIAGGIO Liberty 50- 4 Valvole 50

    Vespa 50- 4 Valvole 50

    1036 63 POLINI Trasf. Vespa 125/150 PX-TS - LML STAR DELUXE 125/150





    Trasf. Scooter racing - pin 12mm 86

    2299 59,5 YAMAHA Majesty 150 150 1999 2004


    0461 58 PIAGGIO Vespa 160 GS 160 1960 1965

    2304 62 PIAGGIO Vespa 160 GS Trasf. A 180 cc. 180 1960 1965

    0719 63,5 PIAGGIO Vespa 180 Rally 180 1968 1973

    0577 62 PIAGGIO Vespa 180 SS 180 1964 1968

  • MP ref. mm Brand Model Cil-cc Years Compr.

    Motocross - Off-road - Quad

    2289 96 HONDA CRF 450R (compr. 12,5:1) Hard Top Bridged Box - versione con spinotto DLC

    450 2009 2014 O.C.

    2318 96 HONDA CRF 450R (compr. 13,2:1) Hard Top Bridged Box - versione con spinotto DLC

    450 2009 2014 H.C.

    2312 54 HUSQVARNA CR-WR 125 - fermo segm. centrale 125 1997 2013

    2264 78 KTM 250 SX-F (compr. 1:13,9) Bridged Box; con spinotto / with pin DLC

    250 2013 O.C.

    2265 78 KTM 250 SX-F (compr. 1:14,3) Bridged Box; con spinotto / with pin DLC

    250 2013 H.C.

    2282 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 12,2:1) Hard Top 450 2013 2014 O.C.

    2285 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 12,2:1) Hard Top; con spinotto /with pin DLC

    450 2008 2012 O.C.

    2287 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 12,2:1) Hard Top; con spinotto/with pin DLC

    450 2013 2014 O.C.

    2283 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 13,0:1) Hard Top 450 2013 2014 H.C.

    2286 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 13,0:1) Hard Top; con spinotto/with pin DLC

    450 2008 2012 H.C.

    2288 96 SUZUKI RMZ 450 (compr. 13,0:1) Hard Top; con spinotto/with pin DLC

    450 2013 2014 H.C.


    2308 54 IAME KZ 125 2013

    2309 54 IAME KZ Light version 125 2013

    2284 54 IAME Leopard X30 125 2013

    2310 54 TM KZ 10-B 125 2013

    2311 54 TM KZ 10-B Light Version 125 2013

    2319 54 TM KZ 10-B Light Version RACING (segm./ring h. 0,8 mm)

    125 2013

    2277 54 VORTEX RKF 125 2013

    Gardening - Forestry

    2295 42 HUSQVARNA Brushcutter 343 FR

    2302 55 HUSQVARNA Chainsaw Mod. 390

    2293 45 HUSQVARNA Chainsaw Mod. 254

    Gardening - Forestry Cylinders

    CC 2205 45 HUSQVARNA Chainsaw Mod. 350 BIG BORE - Mod. 353

    CC 1824 46 HUSQVARNA Chainsaw Mod. 357XP

    CC 2055 40 STIHL Mod. MS200T


    2279 46 VOLPI & BOTTOLI Ercolino Atomizzatore - spinotto/pin 12mm








  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1245 38,8 12 X 31,5 X 850,527,5 B-1,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1245A 38,74 SS1245000

    PC1245B 38,75 SS1245000

    PC1245C 38,76 SS1245000

    PC1245D 38,77 SS1245000

    PC1245E 38,78 SS1245000

    PC1245F 38,79 SS1245000

    AF1 - Tuareg - Red Rose 50

    1278 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1278000 40 SS1278000

    PC1278025 40,25 SS1278025

    PC1278050 40,5 SS1278050

    PC1278075 40,75 SS1278075

    PC1278100 41 SS1278100

    PC1278125 41,25 SS1278125

    PC1278150 41,5 SS1278150

    PC1278175 41,75 SS1278175

    PC1278200 42 SS1278200

    PC1278220 42,25 SS1278220

    PC1278250 42,5 SS1278250

    PC1278300 43 SS1278300

    PC1278350 43,5 SS1278350

    Amico SR 50 - Scarabeo 50 - Rally 50 - Gulliver 50 (ring not chromed)


    2278 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2278000 40 SS2278000

    PC2278025 40,25 SS2278025

    PC2278050 40,5 SS2278050

    PC2278075 40,75 SS2278075

    PC2278100 41 SS2278100

    PC2278125 41,25 SS2278125

    PC2278150 41,5 SS2278150

    PC2278175 41,75 SS2278175

    PC2278200 42 SS2278200

    PC2278225 42,25 SS2278225

    PC2278250 42,5 SS2278250

    PC2278300 43 SS2278300

    PC2278350 43,5 SS2278350

    Amico SR 50 - Scarabeo 50 - Rally 50 - Gulliver 50


    2 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1324 40,3 12 X 33 X 85328 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,201

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,201

    PC1324A 40,25 SS1324000

    PC1324B 40,26 SS1324000

    PC1324C 40,27 SS1324000

    PC1324D 40,28 SS1324000

    PC1324E 40,29 SS1324000

    PC1324F 40,3 SS1324000

    PC1324G 40,31 SS1324000

    AM 345 - RX Red Rose - RS 50

    1767 41 12 X 33 X 850,527 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KBP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1767000 41 SS1767000

    PC1767025 41,25 SS1767025

    PC1767050 41,5 SS1767050

    PC1767075 41,75 SS1767075

    PC1767100 42 SS1767100

    PC1767125 42,25 SS1767125

    PC1767150 42,5 SS1767150

    DI-TECH - Iniezione 50 2000 2003

    1891 41 12 X 33 X 850,527 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,502

    PC1891A 40,96 SS1891000

    PC1891B 40,97 SS1891000

    PC1891C 40,98 SS1891000

    PC1891D 40,99 SS1891000

    PC1891E 41 SS1891000

    DI-TECH - Iniezione 50

    2008 52 14 X 40 X 963,533,5 B 3,2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC2008000 52 SS2008000

    PC2008050 52,5 SS2008050

    PC2008100 53 SS2008100

    PC2008150 53,5 SS2008150

    Scarabeo 100

    1688 54 15 X 45 X 10 bic63,329,2 B-3,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1688A 53,96 SS1688000

    PC1688B 53,97 SS1688000

    PC1688C 53,98 SS1688000

    PC1688D 53,99 SS1688000

    PC1688E 54 SS1688000



    3 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    2305 39 13 X 30 X 83818,5 PFVNEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. SF. 1,001

    R7P GH. SF. 2,001

    PC2305000 39 RSMOT390001

    PC2305040 39,4 RSMOT394001

    PC2305080 39,8 RSMOT398001

    Scarabeo 50- 4 Valvole 50

    2146 50 13 X 30 X 83417,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. SF. 2,001

    PC2146040 50,4 RSMOT504001

    PC2146080 50,8 RSMOT508001

    Scarabeo 100

    1893 62 15 X 42 X 103721 PFV+3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P 2,501

    PC1893000 62 RSMOT620001

    PC1893040 62,4 RSMOT624001

    PC1893060 62,6 RSMOT626001

    PC1893080 62,8 RSMOT628001

    PC1893100 63 RSMOT630001

    LEONARDO (cast iron cyl.) 150

    2024 62 15 X 42 X 103721 PFV+3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P 2,501

    PC2024A 61,96 RSMOT620001

    PC2024B 61,97 RSMOT620001

    PC2024C 61,98 RSMOT620001

    PC2024D 61,99 RSMOT620001

    PC2024E 62 RSMOT620001

    PC2024F 62,01 RSMOT620001

    PC2024G 62,02 RSMOT620001

    PC2024H 62,03 RSMOT620001

    PC2024I 62,04 RSMOT620001

    LEONARDO (aluminum cyl.) 150

    4 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    2049 72 15 X 44 X 738,723,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P GH. F 2,501

    PC2049000 72 RSMOT720002

    PC2049025 72,25 RSMOT722502

    PC2049050 72,5 RSMOT725002

    PC2049075 72,75 RSMOT727502

    Atlantic (cast iron cyl.) 250 2004 2011

    Scarabeo (cast iron cyl.) 250 2006 2011

    2050 72 15 X 44 X 738,723,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P GH. F 2,501

    PC2050A 71,96 RSMOT720002

    PC2050B 71,97 RSMOT720002

    PC2050C 71,98 RSMOT720002

    PC2050D 71,99 RSMOT720002

    Atlantic (aluminum cyl.) 250 2004 2011

    Scarabeo (aluminum cyl.) 250 2006 2011


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    0989 39 12 X 31,5 X 852,725 B-3,7

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 2,002

    PC0989000 39 SS0989000

    PC0989020 39,2 SS0989020

    PC0989040 39,4 SS0989040

    PC0989060 39,6 SS0989060

    PC0989080 39,8 SS0989080

    PC0989100 40 SS0989100

    PC0989120 40,2 SS0989120

    PC0989140 40,4 SS0989140

    PC0989160 40,6 SS0989160

    Califfone VM 50

    5 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1497 56 16 X 45 X 11 bic5725 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KB AC 1,001

    PC1497A 55,95 SS1497000

    PC1497B 55,96 SS1497000

    PC1497C 55,97 SS1497000

    PC1497D 55,98 SS1497000

    PC1497025 56,25 SS1497025

    PC1497050 56,5 SS1497050

    MITO SPORT (testa piatta) 125 1990 2007


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1901 40 12 X 33 X 850,525,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1901000 40 SS1901000

    PC1901025 40,25 SS1901025

    PC1901050 40,5 SS1901050

    PC1901075 40,75 SS1901075

    PC1901100 41 SS1901100

    PC1901150 41,5 SS1901150

    CPI / KEEWAY Scooter (with window)


    1902 40 12 X 31,5 X 849,526 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1902000 40 SS1902000

    PC1902025 40,25 SS1902025

    PC1902050 40,5 SS1902050

    PC1902075 40,75 SS1902075

    PC1902100 41 SS1902100

    PC1902150 41,5 SS1902150

    CPI / KEEWAY Scooter (without window)



    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    2280 56,5 15 X 42 X 1042,621,7NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC2280000 56,5 RSMOT565002

    PC2280025 56,75 RSMOT567502

    PC2280050 57 RSMOT570002

    PC2280100 57,5 RSMOT575002

    S3 125 FI -S3 125R TOURING 125 2009 2013

    6 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2248 39,88 12 X 31,5 X 84924 2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KB AC 1,001

    PC2248A 39,82 SS2248000

    PC2248B 39,83 SS2248000

    PC2248C 39,84 SS2248000

    PC2248D 39,85 SS2248000

    Senda- Racing version 50

    1626 39,9 12 X 31,5 X 84924 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1626A 39,865 SS1626000

    PC1626B 39,87 SS1626000

    PC1626C 39,875 SS1626000

    PC1626D 39,88 SS1626000

    PC1626E 39,885 SS1626000

    PC1626F 39,89 SS1626000

    Senda SM / R / GPR50R / Start 50 autom.


    2267 39,9 12 X 31,5 X 84924 2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC2267A 39,86 SS2267000

    PC2267B 39,87 SS2267000

    Variant cilindro alluminio/Nikasil - aluminum/Nikasil cylinder


    1777 40,08 12 X 31,5 X 84924 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1777000 40,08 SS1777000

    PC1777020 40,28 SS1777020

    PC1777040 40,48 SS1777040

    Senda Start- cil. ghisa/ cast iron cyl.


    1878 41 10 X 33 X 645,519,2 B-3,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,502

    PC1878A 40,95 SS1878000

    PC1878B 40,96 SS1878000

    PC1878C 40,97 SS1878000

    PC1878D 40,98 SS1878000

    Predator / Atlantis / Paddock / Vamos


    1380 47 10 X 36 X 64520,2 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1380000 47 SS1380000

    PC1380040 47,4 SS1380040

    PC1380060 47,6 SS1380060

    PC1380040 47,8 SS1380040

    Vamos Trasf. 74

    1934 50 12 X 42 X 85327,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP 1,502

    PC1934A 49,95 SS1934000

    PC1934B 49,96 SS1934000

    PC1934C 49,97 SS1934000

    100cc. Cilindro Nikasil 100

    7 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2301 47 12 X 37 X 849,423 B 2,5NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15KP 1,501

    G15HP 1,501

    PC2301000 47

    PC2301040 47,4

    PC2301080 47,8


    1186 47 12 X 40 X 85226 B-4

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1186000 47 SS1186000

    PC1186020 47,2 SS1186020

    PC1186040 47,4 SS1186040

    PC1186050 47,5 SS1186050

    PC1186060 47,6 SS1186060

    PC1186080 47,8 SS1186080

    PC1186100 48 SS1186100

    PC1186140 48,4 SS1186140

    Trasf. Vespa 50 - PK 50 - Ape 50 - 6 travasi


    1052 47 12 X 40 X 852,226,2 B-4

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1052000 47 SS1052000

    PC1052040 47,4 SS1052040

    PC1052080 47,8 SS1052080

    PC1052100 48 SS1052100

    PC1052140 48,4 SS1052140

    PC1052180 48,8 SS1052180

    PC1052200 49 SS1052200

    Trasf. Vespa 50 - PK 50 - Ape 50 - 3 travasi


    1127 55 12 X 45 X 848,526,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1127000 55 SS1127000

    PC1127040 55,4 SS1127040

    PC1127080 55,8 SS1127080

    PC1127120 56,2 SS1127120

    PC1127160 56,6 SS1127160

    PC1127180 56,8 SS1127180

    PC1127200 57 SS1127200

    Trasf. Vespa 50 - PK 50 - Ape 50 - 6 travasi


    8 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1980 69 18 X 56 X 1272,522,9 13,1

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1K 2,001

    S20P 2,001

    R5KP GH. SF. 2,001

    PC1980000 69 RSDUC001000

    PC1980025 69,25 RSDUC001025

    PC1980050 69,5 RSDUC001050

    PC1980100 70 RSDUC001100

    PC1980150 70,5 RSDUC001150



    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1311 84 19,05 X 73 X 12.583,5242,06 B-10,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1K GH. SF. 1,601

    C2 1,601

    R1 3,961

    PC1311000 84 RSENF001000

    PC1311025 84,25 RSENF001025

    PC1311050 84,5 RSENF001050

    PC1311100 85 RSENF001100

    Bullet 500


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    0798 40 12 X 33 X 849,324 B-3,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 2,002

    PC0798000 40 SS0798000

    PC0798040 40,4 SS0798040

    PC0798080 40,8 SS0798080

    PC0798120 41,2 SS0798120

    PC0798150 41,5 SS0798150

    PC0798180 41,8 SS0798180

    PC0798200 42 SS0798200



    9 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1306 40 12 X 33 X 85426 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1306000 40 SS1306000

    PC1306020 40,2 SS1306020

    PC1306040 40,4 SS1306040

    PC1306060 40,6 SS1306060

    PC1306080 40,8 SS1306080

    PC1306100 41 SS1306100

    PC1306120 41,2 SS1306120

    PC1306140 41,4 SS1306140

    PC1306160 41,6 SS1306160

    PC1306180 41,8 SS1306180

    PC1306200 42 SS1306200

    NRG (ring not chromed) 50

    Runner (ring not chromed) 50 1997

    Stalker (ring not chromed) 50 1996 2012

    Storm (ring not chromed) 50 2008

    Typhoon (ring not chromed) 50 1997

    2306 40 12 X 33 X 85426 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2306000 40 SS2306000

    PC2306020 40,2 SS2306020

    PC2306040 40,4 SS2306040

    PC2306060 40,6 SS2306060

    PC2306080 40,8 SS2306080

    PC2306100 41 SS2306100

    PC2306120 41,2 SS2306120

    PC2306140 41,4 SS2306140

    PC2306160 41,6 SS2306160

    PC2306180 41,8 SS2306180

    PC2306200 42 SS2306200

    NRG 50

    Runner 50 1997

    Stalker 50 1996 2012

    Storm 50 2008

    Typhoon 50 1997

    1645 65,6 16 X 54 X 1164,530 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G33KBP GH. SF. 1,502

    PC1645M 65,55 SS1645000

    PC1645N 65,56 SS1645000

    PC1645O 65,57 SS1645000

    PC1645P 65,58 SS1645000

    Runner 180 1998 2003


    10 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1548 57 14 X 42 X 942,719,7 PFV

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P 2,501

    PC1548000 57 RSMOT570001

    PC1548025 57,25 RSMOT572501

    PC1548050 57,5 RSMOT575001

    PC1548080 57,8 RSMOT578001

    PC1548100 58 RSMOT580001

    Runner VX 125 2002 2005

    ST 125

    Typhoon 125

    2049 72 15 X 44 X 738,723,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P GH. F 2,501

    PC2049000 72 RSMOT720002

    PC2049025 72,25 RSMOT722502

    PC2049050 72,5 RSMOT725002

    PC2049075 72,75 RSMOT727502

    Runner (cast iron cyl.) 200

    2050 72 15 X 44 X 738,723,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R5P GH. F 2,501

    PC2050A 71,96 RSMOT720002

    PC2050B 71,97 RSMOT720002

    PC2050C 71,98 RSMOT720002

    PC2050D 71,99 RSMOT720002

    Runner (aluminum cyl.) 200

    ST (aluminum cyl.) 200 2008


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1239 39 12 X 31,5 X 850,323 B-4,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1239000 39 SS1239000

    PC1239050 39,5 SS1239050

    PC1239100 40 SS1239100

    PC1239150 40,5 SS1239150

    PC1239200 41 SS1239200

    MB - MT - MTX 50

    11 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1137 39 12 X 31,5 X 85025 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    LH 2,001

    PC1137AB 38,95 SS1137000

    PC1137CD 38,96 SS1137000

    PC1137EF 38,97 SS1137000

    PC1137GH 38,98 SS1137000

    MBX (L RING) 50

    2137 39 12 X 31,5 X 850,525 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC2137A 38,94 SS2137000

    PC2137B 38,95 SS2137000

    PC2137C 38,96 SS2137000

    PC2137D 38,97 SS2137000

    PC2137000 39 SS2137000

    PC2137050 39,5 SS2137050

    PC2137100 40 SS2137100

    PC2137150 40,5 SS2137150

    PC2137200 41 SS2137200

    PC2137250 41,5 SS2137250

    MBX 50

    1359 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,528 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1359000 39 SS1359000

    PC1359025 39,25 SS1359025

    PC1359050 39,5 SS1359050

    PC1359075 39,75 SS1359075

    PC1359100 40 SS1359100

    PC1359125 40,25 SS1359125

    PC1359150 40,5 SS1359150

    PC1359175 40,75 SS1359175

    PC1359200 41 SS1359200

    PC1359225 41,25 SS1359225

    PC1359250 41,5 SS1359250

    PC1359300 42 SS1359300

    Bali (ring not chromed) 50 1992 2001

    Dio SC (ring not chromed) 50

    Dio SR (ring not chromed) 50 1994 2003

    Dio ZX (ring not chromed) 50 1994 2003

    SFX (ring not chromed) 50

    12 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2359 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,528 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2359000 39 SS2359000

    PC2359025 39,25 SS2359025

    PC2359050 39,5 SS2359050

    PC2359075 39,75 SS2359075

    PC2359100 40 SS2359100

    PC2359125 40,25 SS2359125

    PC2359150 40,5 SS2359150

    PC2359175 40,75 SS2359175

    PC2359200 41 SS2359200

    PC2359250 41,5 SS2359250

    Bali 50 1992 2001

    Dio SC 50

    Dio SR 50 1994 2003

    Dio ZX 50 1994 2003

    SFX 50

    1377 40 12 X 33 X 848,321,5 B-2,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1377000 40 SS1377000

    PC1377050 40,5 SS1377050

    PC1377100 41 SS1377100

    PC1377150 41,5 SS1377150

    PC1377200 42 SS1377200

    Wallaroo 50

    1246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1246000 40 SS1246000

    PC1246025 40,25 SS1246025

    PC1246050 40,5 SS1246050

    PC1246100 41 SS1246100

    PC1246150 41,5 SS1246150

    PC1246200 42 SS1246200

    Lead - SH - Camino - Sting - Scoopy (ring not chromed)


    2246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2246000 40 SS2246000

    PC2246025 40,25 SS2246025

    PC2246050 40,5 SS2246050

    PC2246100 41 SS2246100

    PC2246150 41,5 SS2246150

    PC2246200 42 SS2246200

    Lead - SH - Camino - Sting - Scoopy


    13 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1272 41 10 X 33 X 647,720,2 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1272000 41 SS1272000

    PC1272050 41,5 SS1272050

    PC1272100 42 SS1272100

    PC1272150 42,5 SS1272150

    PC1272200 43 SS1272200

    Vision - Vision 2 - Met-in (ring not chromed)

    2272 41 10 X 33 X 647,720,2 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30K 1,502

    PC2272000 41 SS2272000

    PC2272050 41,5 SS2272050

    PC2272100 42 SS2272100

    PC2272150 42,5 SS2272150

    PC2272200 43 SS2272200

    Vision - Vision 2 - Met-in 50

    1259 41 10 X 33 X 645,520,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1259000 41 SS1259000

    PC1259025 41,25 SS1259025

    PC1259050 41,5 SS1259050

    PC1259100 42 SS1259100

    PC1259150 42,5 SS1259150

    PC1259200 43 SS1259200

    PC1259250 43,5 SS1259250

    ST 50 (ring not chromed) 50

    2259 41 10 X 33 X 645,520,5 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30K 1,502

    PC2259000 41 SS2259000

    PC2259025 41,25 SS2259025

    PC2259050 41,5 SS2259050

    PC2259100 42 SS2259100

    PC2259150 42,5 SS2259150

    PC2259200 43 SS2259200

    PC2259250 43,5 SS2259250

    ST 50 50

    1198 45,5 12 X 37 X 85125 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1198A 45,43 SS1198000

    PC1198B 45,44 SS1198000

    PC1198C 45,45 SS1198000

    PC1198D 45,46 SS1198000

    PC1198E 45,47 SS1198000

    PC1198F 45,48 SS1198000

    MTX-SH Trasf. - MB 50

    14 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2007 50,6 13 X 42 X 86329 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC2007000 50,6 SS2007000

    PC2007040 51 SS2007040

    PC2007090 51,5 SS2007090

    PC2007140 52 SS2007140

    Scooter 100

    1395 54 16 X 45 X 1164,330 B-2,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KBP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1395A 53,95 SS1395000

    PC1395B 53,96 SS1395000

    PC1395C 53,97 SS1395000

    PC1395D 53,98 SS1395000

    PC1395E 53,99 SS1395000

    PC1395000 54 SS1395000

    PC1395025 54,25 SS1395025

    PC1395050 54,5 SS1395050

    PC1395075 54,75 SS1395075

    PC1395100 55 SS1395100

    NSR - KY4 125

    1907 59 16 X 52 X 1175,234 B-3,7

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1907000 59 SS1907000

    PC1907050 59,5 SS1907050

    PC1907100 60 SS1907100

    Pantheon 150

    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    2260 52,4 14 X 35 X 937,118,6 2NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    RAC AC 1,501

    PC2260000 52,4 RSMOT524005

    PC2260035 52,75 RSMOT527505

    PC2260100 53 RSMOT530005

    PC2260110 53,5 RSMOT535005

    Dylan (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)


    PCX (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2009 2013

    SH 125 (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2009 2013

    15 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1900 52,4 14 X 35 X 937,119 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1900000 52,4 RSMOT524002

    PC1900035 52,75 RSMOT527502

    PC1900060 53 RSMOT530002

    PC1900110 53,5 RSMOT535002

    Dylan (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)


    PCX (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2009 2013

    SH 125 (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2009 2013

    1956 54 14 X 42 X 936,818,6 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1956000 54 RSMOT540001

    PC1956050 54,5 RSMOT545001

    PC1956100 55 RSMOT550001

    Trasf. SH 125

    1830 58 14 X 40 X 937,518,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1830000 58 RSMOT580003

    PC1830025 58,25 RSMOT582503

    PC1830050 58,5 RSMOT585003

    PC1830075 58,75 RSMOT587503

    PC1830100 59 RSMOT590003

    Dylan (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    150 2002 2007

    SH 150 (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    150 2001 2013

    2236 58 14 X 40 X 937,618,6 b-2,5NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6K AC 0,801

    C2LP GH. SF. 0,801

    RAC AC 1,501

    PC2236000 58 WSMOT580001

    PC2236025 58,25 WSMOT582501

    PC2236050 58,5 WSMOT585001

    PC2236075 58,75 WSMOT587501

    PC2236100 59 WSMOT590001

    Dylan (Serie segm. Acciaio - Steel ring set)

    150 2002 2007

    SH 150 (Serie segm. Acciaio - Steel ring set)

    150 2001 2013

    16 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    2100 72 17 X 47 X 12 bic43,8522 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC2100000 72 RSMOT720001

    PC2100050 72,5 RSMOT725001

    PC2100100 73 RSMOT730001

    PC2100150 73,5 RSMOT735001

    PC2100200 74 RSMOT740001

    SH 300 300 2011 2013

    1829 72,7 17 X 57 X 12 bic49,122,6 B-3,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,501

    PC1829000 72,7 RSMOT727003

    PC1829030 73 RSMOT730003

    PC1829055 73,25 RSMOT732503

    PC1829080 73,5 RSMOT735003

    PC1829130 74 RSMOT740003

    Foresight 250

    2307 72,8 17 X 47 X 12 bic47,122,6 B-1,6NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC2307000 72,8 RSMOT728001

    PC2307020 73 RSMOT730001

    PC2307070 73,5 RSMOT735001

    Forza 250 EX 250 2008 2011

    Forza 250 X 250 2005 2007


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1246000 40 SS1246000

    PC1246025 40,25 SS1246025

    PC1246050 40,5 SS1246050

    PC1246100 41 SS1246100

    PC1246150 41,5 SS1246150

    PC1246200 42 SS1246200

    Adly (ring not chromed) 50

    17 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2246000 40 SS2246000

    PC2246025 40,25 SS2246025

    PC2246050 40,5 SS2246050

    PC2246100 41 SS2246100

    PC2246150 41,5 SS2246150

    PC2246200 42 SS2246200

    Adly 50


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    0842 40 14 X 32,5 X 95124,5 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,501

    LH 2,001

    PC0842A 39,95 SS0842000

    PC0842B 39,955 SS0842000

    PC0842C 39,96 SS0842000

    PC0842D 39,965 SS0842000

    PC0842E 39,97 SS0842000

    PC0842F 39,975 SS0842000

    R.S. 50


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1358 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,527,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1358000 39 SS1358000

    PC1358050 39,5 SS1358050

    PC1358100 40 SS1358100

    PC1358150 40,5 SS1358150

    PC1358200 41 SS1358200

    Gak - Snyper - Spacer 50 (ring not chromed)


    2358 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,527,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2358000 39 SS2358000

    PC2358050 39,5 SS2358050

    PC2358100 40 SS2358100

    PC2358150 40,5 SS2358150

    PC2358200 41 SS2358200

    Gak - Snyper - Spacer 50 50

    18 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1359 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,528 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1359000 39 SS1359000

    PC1359025 39,25 SS1359025

    PC1359050 39,5 SS1359050

    PC1359075 39,75 SS1359075

    PC1359100 40 SS1359100

    PC1359125 40,25 SS1359125

    PC1359150 40,5 SS1359150

    PC1359175 40,75 SS1359175

    PC1359200 41 SS1359200

    PC1359225 41,25 SS1359225

    PC1359250 41,5 SS1359250

    PC1359300 42 SS1359300

    GR1 - GR1A - DJ - KB - K12 - Top Boy - Heroism (ring not chromed)


    2359 39 12 X 31,5 X 853,528 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2359000 39 SS2359000

    PC2359025 39,25 SS2359025

    PC2359050 39,5 SS2359050

    PC2359075 39,75 SS2359075

    PC2359100 40 SS2359100

    PC2359125 40,25 SS2359125

    PC2359150 40,5 SS2359150

    PC2359175 40,75 SS2359175

    PC2359200 41 SS2359200

    PC2359250 41,5 SS2359250

    GR1 - GR1A - DJ - KB - K12 - Top Boy - Heroism


    2007 50,6 13 X 42 X 86329 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC2007000 50,6 SS2007000

    PC2007040 51 SS2007040

    PC2007090 51,5 SS2007090

    PC2007140 52 SS2007140

    Scooter 100

    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1871 39 13 X 30 X 833,717,2 B-2FV

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. SF. 1,001

    R7P GH. SF. 2,001

    PC1871000 39 RSMOT390001

    PC1871040 39,4 RSMOT394001

    PC1871080 39,8 RSMOT398001

    PC1871100 40 RSMOT400001

    PC1871140 40,4 RSMOT404001

    People - Agility 50

    19 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1510 52,4 15 X 40 X 1037,520 1,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1510000 52,4 RSMOT524002

    PC1510035 52,75 RSMOT527502

    PC1510060 53 RSMOT530002

    PC1510110 53,5 RSMOT535002

    Agility (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2006 2012

    B & W (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2000 2004

    Dink (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 1997 2004

    Grand Dink (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2001 2012

    Like (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2009 2012

    Movie (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 1999 2007

    People (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 1999 2011

    Spacer (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)


    Super8 (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2008 2009

    Vivio (Rasch. ghisa/cast iron oil ring)

    125 2000

    2276 52,4 15 X 40 X 1037,520 B-1,5NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    C2LP GH. F 1,001

    RAC AC 1,501

    PC2276000 52,4 RSMOT524005

    PC2276035 52,75 RSMOT527505

    PC2276060 53 RSMOT530005

    PC2276110 53,5 RSMOT535005

    Agility (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2006 2012

    B & W (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2000 2004

    Dink (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 1997 2004

    Grand Dink (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2001 2012

    Like (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2009 2012

    Movie (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 1999 2007

    People (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 1999 2011

    Spacer (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)


    Super8 (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2008 2009

    Vivio (Rasch. acciaio- steel oil ring)

    125 2000

    20 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1669 57,4 15 X 42 X 103820 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,501

    PC1669000 57,4 RSMOT574002

    PC1669040 57,8 RSMOT578002

    PC1669080 58,2 RSMOT582002

    PC1669110 58,5 RSMOT585002

    PC2103000 60 RSMOT600001

    Agility R16 150 2008 2009

    B & W 125 2000 2004

    B & W 150 2000 2004

    Dink - Classic - LX 125 1997 2003

    Dink - Classic - LX 150 1997 2003

    Grand Dink 125 2001 2004

    Grand Dink 150 2001 2004

    2103 60 15 X 42 X 103820 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC2103000 60 RSMOT600001

    PC2103040 60,4 RSMOT604001

    PC2103080 60,8 RSMOT608001

    Agility 2010 2012

    Like 2009 2012

    People 2005 2007

    1969 72,7 17 X 57 X 12 bic4222,3 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,501

    PC1969000 72,7 RSMOT727003

    PC1969030 73 RSMOT730003

    PC1969055 73,25 RSMOT732503

    PC1969080 73,5 RSMOT735003

    PC1969130 74 RSMOT740003

    People - downtown - GTI 250

    1829 72,7 17 X 57 X 12 bic49,122,6 B-3,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C1KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,501

    PC1829000 72,7 RSMOT727003

    PC1829030 73 RSMOT730003

    PC1829055 73,25 RSMOT732503

    PC1829080 73,5 RSMOT735003

    PC1829130 74 RSMOT740003

    People - Grand Dink 250

    21 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    4 Tempi 4 Strokes

    1772 53,7 15 X 44 X 103718,8 P+2 FV

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1772000 53,7 RSMOT537001

    PC1772025 54 RSMOT540001

    PC1772050 54,25 RSMOT542501

    PC1772075 54,5 RSMOT545001

    Madison 125

    1771 69 17 X 47 X 12 bic42,3521,25 PFV

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    C6KBP GH. SF. 1,001

    S20LP GH. F 1,001

    R7P GH. F 2,001

    PC1771000 69 RSMOT690001

    PC1771025 69,25 RSMOT692501

    PC1771050 69,5 RSMOT695001

    PC1771075 69,75 RSMOT697501

    PC1771100 70 RSMOT700001

    PC1771150 70,5 RSMOT705001

    Madison 250


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1426 47 10 X 36 X 650,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP 1,502

    PC1426000 47 SS1426000

    PC1426020 47,2 SS1426020

    PC1426040 47,4 SS1426040

    PC1426060 47,6 SS1426060

    PC1426080 47,8 SS1426080

    PC1426100 48 SS1426100

    PC1426120 48,2 SS1426120

    PC1426140 48,4 SS1426140

    Trasf. Scooters Yamaha - Malaguti - MBK


    22 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1427 47 12 X 37 X 850,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP 1,502

    PC1427000 47 SS1427000

    PC1427020 47,2 SS1427020

    PC1427040 47,4 SS1427040

    PC1427060 47,6 SS1427060

    PC1427080 47,8 SS1427080

    PC1427100 48 SS1427100

    PC1427120 48,2 SS1427120

    PC1427140 48,4 SS1427140

    Trasf. Scooters Piaggio - Peugeot - Honda


    1491 47 10 X 38 X 650,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,201

    PC1491000 47 SS1491000

    PC1491020 47,2 SS1491020

    PC1491040 47,4 SS1491040

    PC1491060 47,6 SS1491060

    PC1491080 47,8 SS1491080

    PC1491100 48 SS1491100

    PC1491120 48,2 SS1491120

    PC1491140 48,4 SS1491140

    Trasf. Scooters Yamaha - Malaguti - MBK


    1496 47 10 X 38 X 650,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC1496000 47 SS1496000

    PC1496020 47,2 SS1496020

    PC1496040 47,4 SS1496040

    PC1496060 47,6 SS1496060

    PC1496080 47,8 SS1496080

    PC1496100 48 SS1496100

    Trasf. Scooters Yamaha - Malaguti - MBK


    2262 47,6 12 X 38 X 850,324,8 B-3NEW

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KB AC 1,001

    PC2262A 47,54 SS2262A

    PC2262B 47,55 SS2262B

    PC2262C 47,56 SS2262C

    PC2262D 47,57 SS2262D

    PC2262E 47,58 SS2262E

    MHR Tr. scooters Piaggio - pin 12mm

    1765 47,6 10 X 38 X 649,525 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,001

    PC1765A 47,55 SS1765000

    PC1765B 47,56 SS1765000

    PC1765C 47,57 SS1765000

    PC1765D 47,58 SS1765000

    PC1765E 47,59 SS1765000

    Tr. Yamaha / Minarelli 75

    23 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1766 47,6 12 X 37 X 850,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,001

    PC1766A 47,55 SS1766000

    PC1766B 47,56 SS1766000

    PC1766C 47,57 SS1766000

    PC1766D 47,58 SS1766000

    PC1766E 47,59 SS1766000

    Tr. Piaggio - Gilera 75

    2185 47,6 12 X 38 X 849,425,1 B-1,8

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KB AC 0,801

    PC2185A 47,55 SS2185000

    PC2185B 47,56 SS2185000

    PC2185C 47,57 SS2185000

    PC2185D 47,58 SS2185000

    Tr. Scooters Piaggio - Tipo racing (ring 0,8 mm)



    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1278 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1278000 40 SS1278000

    PC1278025 40,25 SS1278025

    PC1278050 40,5 SS1278050

    PC1278075 40,75 SS1278075

    PC1278100 41 SS1278100

    PC1278125 41,25 SS1278125

    PC1278150 41,5 SS1278150

    PC1278175 41,75 SS1278175

    PC1278200 42 SS1278200

    PC1278220 42,25 SS1278220

    PC1278250 42,5 SS1278250

    PC1278300 43 SS1278300

    PC1278350 43,5 SS1278350

    Booster (ring not chromed) 50

    24 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    2278 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC2278000 40 SS2278000

    PC2278025 40,25 SS2278025

    PC2278050 40,5 SS2278050

    PC2278075 40,75 SS2278075

    PC2278100 41 SS2278100

    PC2278125 41,25 SS2278125

    PC2278150 41,5 SS2278150

    PC2278175 41,75 SS2278175

    PC2278200 42 SS2278200

    PC2278225 42,25 SS2278225

    PC2278250 42,5 SS2278250

    PC2278300 43 SS2278300

    PC2278350 43,5 SS2278350

    Booster - Evolis - Target - Fizz - Sorriso - Forte - Nitro - Flipper - Ovetto - Stunt - Equalis - Mach G - ring NOT chromed


    1466 44 10 X 36 X 650,525 B-3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15K 1,502

    PC1466000 44 SS1466000

    PC1466050 44,5 SS1466050

    PC1466100 45 SS1466100

    PC1466150 45,5 SS1466150

    PC1466200 46 SS1466200

    Trasf. Booster

    2008 52 14 X 40 X 963,533,5 B 3,2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,202

    PC2008000 52 SS2008000

    PC2008050 52,5 SS2008050

    PC2008100 53 SS2008100

    PC2008150 53,5 SS2008150

    Booster - Ovetto - Nitro 100

    25 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    0628 38,8 12 X 31,5 X 853,528 B-4,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC0628000 38,8 SS0628000

    PC0628020 39 SS0628020

    PC0628040 39,2 SS0628040

    PC0628060 39,4 SS0628060

    PC0628080 39,6 SS0628080

    PC0628100 39,8 SS0628100

    PC0628120 40 SS0628120

    PC0628140 40,2 SS0628140

    PC0628160 40,4 SS0628160

    PC0628180 40,6 SS0628180

    PC0628200 40,8 SS0628200

    PC0628220 41 SS0628220

    Super Sport Kart 50

    2771 38,8 12 X 31,5 X 84928 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC2771A 38,75 SS2771000

    PC2771B 38,76 SS2771000

    PC2771C 38,77 SS2771000

    PC2771D 38,78 SS2771000

    PC2771E 38,79 SS2771000

    PC2771F 38,8 SS2771000

    PC2771G 38,81 SS2771000

    48 cc. 2T 6V (ring not chromed)


    1324 40,3 12 X 33 X 85328 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,201

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,201

    PC1324A 40,25 SS1324000

    PC1324B 40,26 SS1324000

    PC1324C 40,27 SS1324000

    PC1324D 40,28 SS1324000

    PC1324E 40,29 SS1324000

    PC1324F 40,3 SS1324000

    PC1324G 40,31 SS1324000

    AM 345 50

    1538 40,3 12 X 33 X 85328 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,201

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,201

    PC1538000 40,3 SS1538000

    PC1538020 40,5 SS1538020

    PC1538050 40,8 SS1538050

    PC1538070 41 SS1538070

    PC1538100 41,3 SS1538100

    PC1538120 41,5 SS1538120

    PC1538150 41,8 SS1538150

    AM 345 50

    26 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1933 49 12 X 42 X 853,528 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP 1,502

    PC1933000 49 SS1933000

    PC1933050 49,5 SS1933050

    PC1933100 50 SS1933100

    PC1933150 50,5 SS1933150

    PC1933200 51 SS1933200

    Trasf. AM 345


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1920 36 10 X 29 X 643,520 B-1,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30KP GH. SF. 1,001

    PC1920A 35,95 SS1920000

    PC1920B 35,96 SS1920000

    PC1920C 35,97 SS1920000

    Polini 40

    1683 37 10 X 31,5 X 64218,5 B-1,5

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,001

    PC1683A 36,95 SS1683000

    PC1683B 36,96 SS1683000

    PC1683C 36,97 SS1683000

    Blata 40

    1886 40 10 X 31,5 X 642,219,7 P

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30HP GH. SF. 1,001

    PC1886A 39,95 SS1886000

    PC1886B 39,96 SS1886000

    PC1886C 39,97 SS1886000

    50cc. 50

    1887 44 10 X 36 X 64017 B-4

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1887A 43,95 SS1887000

    PC1887B 43,96 SS1887000

    PC1887C 43,97 SS1887000

    60cc. 60

    27 Motorcycles & Scooters*: H.C.= Alta compressione/ High compressionO.C.= Compressione originale/ Original Compression 1

  • Modello/Model


    mm Spinotto dim.Piston pin



    Tipo Compr Compr Type*

    Segmenti: pz x tipo e materiale x h mmRings: pcs x type and material x h mm

    Lungh. tot.

    Tot. Length


    Compr. Mis. TestaHead size

    Motorcycles & Scooters

    Catalogue 02 2014/


    2 Tempi 2 Strokes

    1449 39,95 12 X 31,5 X 848,321,5 B-2,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1449AB 39,88 SS1449000

    PC1449CD 39,9 SS1449000

    PC1449DE 39,92 SS1449000

    PC1449EF 39,94 SS1449000

    PC1449FG 39,95 SS1449000

    PC1449GH 39,96 SS1449000

    PC1449020 40,2 SS1449020

    PC1449040 40,4 SS1449040

    PC1449060 40,6 SS1449060

    PC1449080 40,8 SS1449080

    PC1449100 41 SS1449100

    Buxy 50 1994 1998

    Fox 50 1995 2001

    Fox Lux 50 1992 2001

    Speedake 50 1994 1997

    Speedfight 50 1997 2010

    Squab 50 1995 1997

    SV50 Geo 50 1993 1995

    Trekker 50 1997 2002

    Zenith 50 1995 1999

    1377 40 12 X 33 X 848,321,5 B-2,3

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G30H 1,502

    PC1377000 40 SS1377000

    PC1377050 40,5 SS1377050

    PC1377100 41 SS1377100

    PC1377150 41,5 SS1377150

    PC1377200 42 SS1377200

    103 New - Imitation 50

    1246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel. Cod. Serie Segm. Ring set Part No.

    G15H 1,502

    PC1246000 40 SS1246000

    PC1246025 40,25 SS1246025

    PC1246050 40,5 SS1246050

    PC1246100 41 SS1246100

    PC1246150 41,5 SS1246150

    PC1246200 42 SS1246200

    Metropolis - SC (ring not chromed)


    2246 40 10 X 33 X 650,525,5 B-2

    Codice KIT Pistone/Piston KIT Code O/S-Sel.