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Post on 06-Jan-2021

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Aktivismus inklusiver gestalten

Teresa Bücker

@fraeulein_tessa #rp14 #bcc

Burnout & Broken Comment Culture

Activist Burnout

Activist Burnout

1) Online-Aktivismus ist echter Aktivimus

Activist Burnout

2) Das Netz ist nicht gewaltfrei

Activist Burnout

3) Virtuelle Verletzungen sind real

Activist Burnout

4) Der Aufbau von sozialen Bewegungen ist mühsam

Activist Burnout

5) Aktivismus vs. Leben

Was hat Activist Burnout mit Internetfreiheit zu tun?

INKLUSION Soziale Bewegungen von innen stärken


1) Den Insider-Outsider-Mythos zerstören


2) Offen sein für neue Perspektiven


3) Verschiedenartigkeit erwarten

Wann hast du dir das letzte Mal die Frage gestellt, ob du

vielleicht falsch liegst?

Aktivismus als Balanceakt

We are human and we make mistakes. As activists, we are aware of certain people and unaware of others. We want to make the world a better place, but sometimes in the course of that work, we inadvertedly hurt other people, other marginalized groups. Activism is hard – and it is hard to maintain a balance between forcibly fighting for our own rights, to have our voices heard, while at the same time listening what others have to say about their own experiences and issues. I think that most of us who are drawn to activism strive for this balance.

- Julia Serano


4) Call-out Culture reflektieren

If we truly want to build broad, intentionally

intersectional coalitions (and I believe that we should),

then it begins with recognizing that there is noch such

thing as a „gold star“ activist – the mythical creature

who has never once said or done anything

inappropriate, offensive or marginalizing to someone.

-Julia Serano


„I was pissed off, and I wanted to change everything.“

Der Workshop zum Vortrag

Broken Comment Culture

mit Ingrid @brodnig und @fraeulein_tessa

Ab 12.30 Uhr