MQ: Politics

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Karnataka Quiz Association

MetaQuizziks MeetingsTopic: Politics

Karnataka Quiz Association

He was the BJP candidate from Gandsi in Hassan district in the 1994 Karnataka Assembly Elections. He lost badly. He stood as an independent in the recent Lok Sabha elections and lost again. He is most famous for something he did between 2003 and 2008. Who?


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

Captain G R Gopinath

Karnataka Quiz Association

The Indian Railways has set up a committee called the Passengers Services Committee. Apart from looking into catering, the committee will review the size, design and location of vending stalls and all other book stalls, telephone booths at stations and recommend measures for standardization of design so that they match with aesthetics of the station. Who heads this committee?


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

Derek O’Brien

Karnataka Quiz Association

This case was then known as the Suraj Mandal case after the person who was then considered to be the principal accused. One of the accused Shailendra Mahato later turned approver. The third accused was Simon Marandi. Name the fourth accused and the case.


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

Shibu Soren; JMM Bribery Case

Karnataka Quiz Association

Morarji Desai, Atulya Ghosh, K Kamaraj, S Nijalingappa and S K Patil – by what moniker was this quintet more popularly known by in the mid-to-late 1960s?


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

The Syndicate

Karnataka Quiz Association

Identify this CPM politician and former Kanpur MP, more known for her filmi connections – her husband, and son are both well-known directors and she has acted in a handful of movies herself (including Asoka, Amu, The Guru etc).Also, identify her more famous mother.


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

• Subhashini Ali• Lakshmi Sehgal

Karnataka Quiz Association


This Arjuna Award winner is the only sitting MP to have won a medal at the Asian Games, having done so by getting a silver medal in shooting in the 1974 Tehran Asiad. Identify him.

Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

Dr. Karni Singh, Maharaja of Bikaner

Karnataka Quiz Association

In 1982, Rajiv Gandhi, then a Congress general secretary, arrived on a private visit at the Begumpet airport. The Chief Minister had arranged for a large crowd of party workers to receive him. Tired of the fawning CM’s antics, Rajiv lost his temper and called him a “buffoon”. The incident was blown up by NTR as an insult to “Telugu Atmagauravam” and contributed to the TDP’s massive victory in its first elections.

Name the unfortunate CM who was replaced shortly before the elections.


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

T. Anjaiah

Karnataka Quiz Association

Quoting the Life Magazine:“At a General Dynamics plant in Michigan, the ____ wanted to show he was no softie on defense, so took a spin in a tank. Compared with the dashing WWII pilot Bush, the little ____ came off a clown, and the photo op blew up in his face.”The phrases “___ in the tank”, “tank moment” etc. are used as slang for public relations exercises that backfire. Id this candidate whose campaign suffered a meltdown following the photo’s release.


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

Michael Dukakis, “Dukakis in a tank” moment

Karnataka Quiz Association

The photo depicts the rations handed out to soldiers in the Union army: salt __, beans, and hard tack. The barrel was a common feature of larders in American households and led to the phrase “scraping the bottom of the barrel”. Which other phrase, commonly used in American politics did this contribute?


Karnataka Quiz Association

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Karnataka Quiz Association

“Pork barrel” spending, the term used to denote government handouts for public works that are of dubious value.The bills are generally seen as bringing money to a congressman's district.

Karnataka Quiz Association

The organisation’s motto is Bietan jarrai ("Keep up on both"). This refers to the two figures in its symbol, a snake (representing politics) wrapped around an axe (representing armed struggle). Which controversial organization, banned in most of Europe?


Karnataka Quiz Association

And the answer is ….

Karnataka Quiz Association

ETA, the Basque separatist organization.