Pixel landscapes: l'immagine urbana come collage

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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PABLO PICASSO, Bottle of Vieux Marc, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper, 1913

PAUL CITROEN, Metropolis, 1923

MIES VAN DER ROHE, Friedrichstrasse Skyscraper, 1921

MIES VAN DER ROHE, Resor House Project, 1938

MIES VAN DER ROHE, Convention Hall, 1954

ARCHIGRAM, Instant City, 1951

ARCHIGRAM, Instant City, 1951

ARCHIGRAM, Instant City, 1951

RICHARD HAMILTON, Just what it is that makes today’s home so different, so appealing?, 1956

HANS HOLLEIN, Aircraft Carrier City in Landscape, 1964

HANS HOLLEIN, Monument to the victims of the Holocaust, 1967

HANS HOLLEIN, Buried Copenhagen, 1969

SUPERSTUDIO, Monumento Continuo, Veduta di Piazza Navona, 1969

SUPERSTUDIO, Supersuperficie, 1971

SUPERSTUDIO, Flooded Florence, 1972

DAVID HOCKNEY, Pearblossom Highway, 1986

BOTTO&BRUNO, My City, 2001

BOTTO&BRUNO, When we were little kids II, 2002

BOTTO&BRUNO, La scatola di Polly II, 2003

CYPRIEN GAILLARD, Belief in the Age of Disbelief, 2005

KOBAS LAKSA, The Afterlife of Buildings, 2008

KOBAS LAKSA, The Afterlife of Buildings, 2008

KOBAS LAKSA, The Afterlife of Buildings, 2008

MANSILLA TUÑON, Cruz in Teruel, 2001

MANSILLA TUÑON, Museum of Cantabria, 2002

MANSILLA TUÑON, Grand Slam in Madrid, 2002

OFFICE, A Grammar for the City, 2005

OFFICE, Border Garden, 2005

OFFICE, Cite de refuge, 2007

DOGMA, Stop City, 2007

DOGMA, Stop City, 2008

DOGMA, A simple heart, 2011

CARMELO BAGLIVO, Omaggio a Sol Lewitt, 2012

CARMELO BAGLIVO, Maddaloni, 2013

CARMELO BAGLIVO, Struttura e ragazza con valigia, 2014

LUCA GALOFARO, Paesaggio abitato n.02, 2011

LUCA GALOFARO, Upsidedown n.01, 2012

LUCA GALOFARO, Equilibri urbani, 2013

BENIAMINO SERVINO, Il quieto spazio domestico, 2013

BENIAMINO SERVINO, What a wonderful green world, 2013

BENIAMINO SERVINO, Applicazione di una doppia Pennata a residui di viadotti [qui con un ardito andamento curvo]. Mentre il paesaggio va per fatti suoi, 2013

CHERUBINO GAMBARDELLA, La vita con gli oggetti, 2011

CHERUBINO GAMBARDELLA, Niente paura Cherubino è tutta scena!, 2011


FALA ATELIER, Revised Pantheon, 2012

FALA ATELIER, Aurora, 2013

FALA ATELIER, A garden with white walls, 2013

MUTO, Untitled, 2013

MUTO, Untitled, 2014

MUTO, Untitled, 2014

A technique [...] is brought into being and widely adopted in order to solve specific problems, often of the most practical type, or to articulate a theory or worldview. Once a technique is widely practised and professionals are

trained to use it, the technique begins to shape the profession itself, dictating prejudices, biases and preferences. Some techniques may be easily adapted to new problems and approaches, others less; there is limited predictability regarding adaptability when a technique is created. A

constraining, rigid technique faces increasing challenges as the profession transforms.

TAHL KAMINER, Architecture, Crisis and Resuscitation. 2011

201205, 2012

201207, 2012

201208, 2012

Alles ist Kontext, 2014

On the acontextual production of genius loci, 2014

On autonomy, 2014

The Italianness of Italian Landscape | Piazza della Signoria, 2014

The Italianness of Italian Landscape | Piazza del Duomo, 2014

The Italianness of Italian Landscape | Certosa di San Martino with Castel Sant’Elmo, 2014

A simple dam, 2014

The great dam of Kanagawa, 2014

Virtue out of necessity, 2014