Sapori D Italia

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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…Che mondo sarebbe senza NUTELLA?


Italia’s regions

La cucina è senza dubbio una parte importantissima della cultura italiana. Oltre ad essere una tra le cucine più famose al mondo, è anche quella che

comprende più di ogni altra un’incredibile varietà di piatti e prodotti diversi. La particolare posizione geografica dell’Italia e la sua conformazione assai poco

omogenea rendono il clima estremamente vario e fanno sì che si possano trovare a distanza di pochi chilometri l’una dall’altra realtà assai diverse da loro per ambiente, cultura e quindi anche per cucina. Sicuramente i prodotti

che contraddistinguono l’Italia nel mondo sono la pasta, la pizza, il vino, il caffè espresso e ultima ma non meno buona… la Nutella!

“Cuisine” is certainly very important for the Italian culture. It is one of the most famous ones in the world and besides it contains several kinds of dishes and products. In very near places you can find different cultures and foods because of the different climates and the different geographical conformation. Certainly the Italian typical products are

pasta, pizza, wine, “espresso” and of course… the Nutella!

Regioni italiane Italia’s regions

• Valle d’Aosta• Piemonte• Liguria• Lombardia• Veneto• Trentino Alto Adige• Friuli Venezia Giulia• Emilia Romagna• Toscana• Umbria

• Marche• Lazio• Abruzzo• Molise• Campania• Puglia• Basilicata• Calabria• Sicilia• Sardegna

… e per finire in dolcezza…Back

Valle d’Aosta

Polenta concia: mais flour with Fontina cheese and butter

Carbonada: stewed meat

Fontina: typical cheeseHOME


Tartufo di alba: typical mushroom

Bagna cauda: sauce with garlic, oil and anchovies

Brasato al barolo: stewed meat, with Barolo wine.

Gianduiotto: typical chocolate with nuts



Pesto: sauce with basil, oil, pinoli and Parmigiano.

Pansotti con salsa di noci: pasta with walnuts’ sauce

Focaccia ligure: a kind of bread with oil and salt.HOME


Cotoletta: fried in breadcrumbs meat.

Panettone: typical Christmas’ sweet with raisins.

Risotto alla milanese: rice with saffron.

Gorgonzola: typical cheese.

Salame Milano: typical sausage.



Grappa: typical liqueur.

Baccalà alla vicentina: dried cod

Fegato alla veneziana: veal liver with onions.

Pandoro: a typical Christmas’ sweetHOME

Trentino Alto Adige

Speck: a typical sausage

Strudel: sweet with apple, and dried fruit

Canederli: a typical dish


Friuli Venezia Giulia

Prosciutto San Daniele: a typical sausage

Presnitz: a typical sweet with chocolate and fruit

Frico: fused cheese with onions and potatoes


Emilia RomagnaAceto balsamico: balsamic vinegar

Parmigiano Reggiano: typical cheese

Mortadella: typical sausage

Tortellini: a kind of stuffed pasta with varied fillings



Bistecca alla fiorentina: rare beef steak

Ribollita: typical vegetable soup

Lardo di Colonnata: typical sausage



Baci Perugina: typical chocolates

Lenticchie di Castelluccio:

a kind of pulses



Ciauscolo: typical sausage

Vincisgrassi: a kind of pasta with tomato, meat and “besciamella”.

Olive ascolane: fried stuffed olivesHOME

LazioAbbacchio alla romana: baked lamb

Bucatini all’Amatriciana: pasta with tomato and bacon

Coda alla vaccinara: beef tail with tomato sauce

Pasta alla carbonara: pasta with eggs and bacon

Porchetta: baked spice pork HOME


Ferratelle: Typical sweet

Arrosticini: little roast lamb spits

Confetti di Sulmona: typical wedding’s sweets



Sanguinaccio: pork’s blood with chocolate



Pizza napoletana: pizza with mozzarella and tomatoes

Babà: sweets with Rhum

Limoncello: typical liqueur

Mozzarella di bufala: typical cheese



Pane di Altamura: a kind of bread

Riso patate e cozze: rice with potatoes and mussels

Orecchiette con le cime di rapa: pasta with broccoliHOME


Luganica: typical sausage



Cipolla rossa di Tropea: typical red onion

Soppressata: typical sausage

N’duja: typical hot sausage that you can spread on the bread HOME

SiciliaGranita: typical sweet

Cannoli: typical sweet with curd cheese

Cassata: typical sweet with curd cheese, chocolate and candied fruits

Arancini: fried rice with tomato, meat and peas

Pasta alla norma: pasta with tomato, eggplants and salted curd cheese

Frutta martorana: almonds’ mixture HOME


Fiore sardo: typical cheese

Pane Carasau: a special kind of bread

Malloreddus: a typical kind of pasta with tomato and sausageHOME

…e per finire in dolcezza… TIRAMISU’!!!

…for a sweet end…”Tiramisù”: it’s a typical Italian sweet

with mascarpone and savoiardi. You can find different kind of

Tiramisù: with coffee, strawberries or blackcurrants,

raspberries and blueberries. It’s delicious!!!