Post on 13-Aug-2015

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TRIPLA, azienda giovane e dinamica, è la divisione commerciale di Mimec Italia, una realtà produttiva che opera nel settore della carpenteria metallica dal 1979 e specializzata nella realizzazione di arredo di interni ed esterni di altissima qualità.Dalla fabbricazione di elementi da costruzione in metallo, alla fabbricazione di attrezzature per arredo d’interno, urbano, spazi pubblici nonché la fabbricazione di corpi termici per stufe e caldaie a pellet e biomasse ad altri prodotti in metallo come contenitori industriali, silos. TRIPLA tratta tutti i materiali come gli acciai ferrosi , i metalli duri e leghe dure nonché metalli non ferrosi e leghe.

Tripla srl via A. Gramsci 9 31055 Quinto di Treviso(TV) Italy Vat. 04479400261 Tel. +39 0422 371003 web:

Fiera Verona – Pad. 5 / Stand B5

ABOUT US:Tripla is a youth and dynamic business. It is the commercial division of Mimec Italia which has been established in the metal carpentry sector since 1979 and is specialized in the production of high quality indoor and outdoor furnishings and shopfitting. Top metal- tailoring, traditional craftsmanship and never- ending training of its workers through technological evolution, make Tripla a producer of elite metal objects exclusively tailored for youManufacturing of metal structures and parts of structures:-Manufacturing of interior equipment, interior furnishing, urban furnishing, street furniture, office furniture, outdoor furniture for public spaces-Manufacturing of steel boilers with pellet burners and biomass.

designed by Accessories for heating:containers for pellets and biomass

Per facilitare lo stoccaggio in modo elegante e funzionale abbiamo pensato di affiancare alle stufe e caldaie robusti e sinuosi contenitori. L'obiettivo è quello di proporre un modo alternativo, semplice e soprattutto estetico che aiuti al rifornimento di combustibile. Presentiamo tre modelli di contenitori , tutti personalizzabili sia in termine di volumi , di tipi di rifiniture che come sistemi (meccanico o pneumatico) di erogazione.

Inoltre, ai vantaggi in termine di ottimizzazione degli spazi aggiungiamo :- ricarica facilitata per tutte le fasce di età- prodotto a portata di mano- minore dispersione di polveri nell’ambiente circostante- duttilità del mobilio come ripostiglio per attrezzi di pulizia o oggetti vari.

Other equipment:

Tripla srlvia A. Gramsci 9 31055 Quinto di Treviso(TV) Italy Vat. 04479400261 tel. +39 0422 371003email: skype: triplaitalyweb:


Antonio Battiloro and Mario Palmieri were respectively born in Naples and Salerno in 1970.They have been collaborating since their first years at university, where they “planned” their degrees in architecture at the university of Naples “Federico II” first and then their career.Knowning each other for more than twenty years, deep mutual understanding and total complementary professional skills have been the foundations for their professional career.After qualifying for this profession and joining the Association of Architects in Naples and Salerno respectively, they begin their professional career particularly in public works, preservation and renovation of historic buildings on one hand and planning apartments and shops for the private sector on the other.At the same time, they keep on working as industrial designers where their approach towards design is meant to search for harmony, convenience, innovation and ergonomics.Each thing is carefully conceived, from concept design through each stage in the process of planning, up to the finished product.

server shaker mini-server

shaker storage storage

mobile benchstorage 3pla’storage

To facilitate storage in a stylish and functional way we have thought to place solid and fancy containers beside stoves and boilers. The aim is to suggest a simple and above all aesthetic way to make fuel supply easier. We have conceived three different customizable models in terms of size, finishes and dispensing systems (mechanical or pneumatic).Many are the advantages in terms of space optimization, but we can also add:-easy recharge for all age groups-recharge at your fingertips-less dust dispersion in the surrounding environment-multi-tasking pieces of furniture (storage for cleaning tools or other objects)