Valutazione e verifica degli apprendimenti CLIL · Dalla lezione precedente… Testing Evaluation...

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Massimo MarlettaLiceo Scientifico Statale “Enrico Boggio Lera” • Catania

Valutazione e verifica degli apprendimenti CLIL

Lezione 2

Università degli Studi di CataniaDipartimento di Scienze UmanisticheCorso Metodologico-Didattico CLIL

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Attività di progettazione e somministrazione del test

Testing + giudizio/riflessione sul risultato

Assessment + valutazione/giudizio sugli esiti(riflessione sul percorso formativo)

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RilevazionefinaleAttività/prove (applicazione delle HOTS)

Lavoro di gruppoValutazione autentica


Dalla lezione precedente….

“Assessment is part of instruction”

ASSESSMENT is not something that comes after instruction, but is an indispensable part of instruction

Thinking about assessment we really start to sharpen up our idea of what CLIL is about and the role of language within it

(Llinares García 2012)

Assessment vs Evaluation

ASSESSMENT is the gathering and synthesizing of information concerning students’ learning (McLaughlin and Vogt 1996)

EVALUATION involves making judgment of that learning, thus following assessment and determining the quality of feedback provided to students on their performance and achievements (Echavarria et al. 2008)

The four Ws of assessment

WHAT TO ASSESS in learners’ performance?Knowledge? Problem-solving skills? Interpretation? Analysis?

HOW TO ASSESS learners’ performance?Formally or informally? Individually, in pairs or in groups? Using Q&A or task-based learning?

The four Ws of assessment

WHEN ASSESS learners’ performance?

WHY ASSESS learners’ performance?

At crucial learning stages (at the end of each content unit) or continuously?

What is the purpose or relevance of assessing students?

CLIL assessment

CLIL TEACHERa subject specialist who is proficient in the foreign language used as a medium of instruction/communication

Can content be separated from the language and assessed independently or

does the specialist teacher assess language together with content? (Honig 2009)

CLIL assessment

CLIL ASSESSMENTaims to monitor student learning progress

and achievements

measure the final results (summative assessment)


improve education through the analysis of processes and results

(Maggi 2011)


CLIL assessment

Students focus mainly on the positive aspects of learning: “what they can do through the foreign language”

rather than on linguistic mistakes

(Maggi 2011)

Foreign language is used as a medium of instruction/communication

to discuss and reflect on content

CLIL assessment

The focus is then on meaning and language acts as a resource to achieve this meaning

There is a triple focus on language, content and learning skills

(Bertaux et al. 2010)

The 4Cs framework

Content learning in CLIL should be understood as a

complex cognitive process of communication

determined by one’s cultural knowledge and environment

Coyle’s 4Cs: Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture

The 4Cs framework

• It addresses Cognition, Content, and Communication as interrelated and all drawing on Cultural Contexts

• It is the flexible theoretical and methodological foundation generally used for selecting and developing innovative materials and planning motivational classes

(Coyle 2008)

The 4Cs framework

• Communication

• Content

• Cognition

• Cultural Contexts

• Metacognitive objectives


The 4Cs framework

• Communication Language

BICS = Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

• Language skills needed in social situations• Context embedded• Not very demanding cognitively• Language is not specialized

The 4Cs framework

• Communication Language

CALP = Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

• Formal academic learning• Listening, speaking, reading and writing about subject area content• Language learning level essential for students to succeed in school • Comparing, classifying, synthesizing, evaluating, and inferring (not just vocabulary)• Reduced context

The 4Cs framework

• Communication

• Content

• Cognition

• Cultural Contexts

Language (BICS + CALP)


Thinking skills (LOTS + HOTS)

• Metacognitive objectives

Types of assessment

Assessment OF learning (mainly summative)

(Briggs 2008)

Assessing knowledge acquisition and level of competence, usually in the form of tests and exams, and grading it in a quantitative manner, though it may also qualitative

Types of assessment

Assessment FOR learning (formative)

(Briggs 2008)

Continuously monitors learners’ performance with the main goal of informing both teachers and learners about future teaching/learning practices needed

Types of assessment

Assessment AS learning

(Briggs 2008)

• Increases the awareness about the learning processes• Students and learners share learning intentions and success criteria• Evaluate learning through alternative forms of assessment

(self- and peer assessment, portfolios, observation grids, etc)

Multidimensional assessment

Assessment should be multidimensional and composed by a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies and tasks (Poisel 2007)

Strategies must take into account for:- learning outcomes defined- students’ multiple intelligences (Gardner 1983; Puchta & Rinvolucri 2007)- students’ learning styles- “various backgrounds, needs and usage scenarios” (Anderson 2011)

Learning is an inclusive process where all learners are addressed (despite their different ways of learning and levels of achievement)

Assessment instruments



Assessment instruments

DIAGNOSTIC TESTS • previously-acquired knowledge

TASK-BASED LEARNING (TBL)• authentic language and meaningful real-life communicative processes

Assessment instruments

PROJECTS• activation of research skills

“each individual project will need distinct outcomes appropriate to the topic”

PORTFOLIO• compilation of the tasks elaborated by learners themselves over a

specific period of time

Assessment instruments

SELF-ASSESSMENT• students’ filling in information about their own progress on questionnaire grids

PEER ASSESSMENT• collaborative learning strategy; learners provide feedback each other

ROLE PLAY• students act out a specific role according to the knowledge they have

acquired; teacher is the observer

Assessment instruments

READING COMPREHENSION ACTIVITIES• matching pictures to vocabulary, true/false exercises, gap-filling,

jumbled text to correct mistakes and organize, order, and classify information

MATCHING EXERCISES• focus on meaning and test factual knowledge and comprehension

Assessment instruments

MULTIPLE CHOICE• common strategy at lower levels, it can be adapted to any level

when well constructed

LABELING• useful at an introductory stage• to identify images of concepts, ideas and situations with

associated words or expressions

Assessment instruments

ESSAYS• Development of ideas required to write an essay demonstrates

student knowledge and understanding of a given topic

SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS• students’ accuracy in responses• abilities in summarizing information and supporting a direct argument

Assessment instruments

SURVEYS• discover what students have achieved so far and what additional

support they need• emphasis is placed more on student perception of the learning process

(metacognitive skills) rather than on end results or student achievements

REVIEWING/SUMMARIZING• Outcome sentences: I wonder… I discovered… I still want to know… I learned…

I still don’t understand… I still have a question about…

Assessment instruments

ORAL PRESENTATIONS• oral communication skills in L2, awareness of body language and general

presentation, interactive and discussion skills with the audience

ACHIEVEMENT OR SUMMATIVE TESTING• different types of questions of varying depth and length• significant role in the way students learn and organize their study

Valutazione CLIL

Occorre decidere sin dall’inizio che peso attribuire nella valutazioneai due assi portanti del percorso CLIL:

la competenza linguistico-comunicativa e la competenza disciplinare


Valutazione CLIL

• DaquantoèstatautilizzataL2nelpercorso• Daquantosièfattoricorsoalcodeswitching,all’alternanzaL1/L2,dall’usocheèstatofatto




Occorre decidere sin dall’inizio che peso attribuire nella valutazioneai due assi portanti del percorso CLIL:

la competenza linguistico-comunicativa e la competenza disciplinare

Cosa valutare?


• Lacorrettezzamorfosintattica?• Saperesporreinmodoscorrevole?• Laconoscenzadellamicrolingua

• Qualcos’altro?

Cosa valutare?


La capacità di riconoscere, comprendere e usare la microlingua è certamente indispensabile ma non basta

Produzione scritta o orale accuratezza/correttezza formale

capacità di esprimersi in modo scorrevole

Sono necessari dei criteri precisi

Cosa valutare?



OBIETTIVI:• SaperecomunicarequantoapprendonoinambitodisciplinareusandolaL2• Sapercomprenderetestiinlinguarelativialladisciplina• Acquisirelacompetenzalinguisticanecessariaperaffrontarelostudiodiaspetti


Cosa valutare?






Cosa valutare?

Nella valutazione CLIL gli errori linguistici non vengono ignoratima acquistano rilievo soprattutto quelli che

impediscono la comprensione/trasmissione del messaggio

Language clinic (Coyle):

• Non interrompere gli alunni• Prendere nota degli errori più rilevanti e diffusi• Prevedere momenti per discuterli, spiegando ai ragazzi che questa è una fase

necessaria per arrivare ad una migliore comunicazione dei contenuti• Collaborazione del docente di lingua

• Communication

• Content

• Cognition

• Cultural Contexts

Language (BICS + CALP)


Thinking skills (LOTS + HOTS)

• Metacognitive objectives

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

Contenuto Abilità cognitive


Funzioni CALPLessico /


Contenuto Abilità cognitive


Funzioni CALPLessico /


Classificazione/ concetti

Principi / processi o relazioni

Valutazione / Creazione

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

Contenuto Abilità cognitive


Funzioni CALPLessico /


Classificazione/ concetti

Principi / processi o relazioni

Valutazione / Creazione

Semplici (LOTS)

Complesse (HOTS)

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

Contenuto Abilità cognitive


Funzioni CALPLessico /


Classificazione/ concetti

Principi / processi o relazioni

Valutazione / Creazione

Semplici (LOTS)

Complesse (HOTS)

Ordinare / Sistemare in



Operare delle scelte

Sintassi e tipologie testuali

Lessico specifico

Uso creativo di strutture e lessico

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

Contenuto Abilità cognitive


Funzioni CALPLessico /


Classificazione/ concetti

Principi / processi o relazioni

Valutazione / Creazione

Ordinare / Sistemare in sequenze


Operare delle scelte

Sintassi e tipologie testuali

Lessico specifico

Uso creativo di strutture e lessico

Semplici (LOTS)

Complesse (HOTS)

Un primo “schema” per la valutazione

da: Cucchiara-Vigo











Strumenti di valutazione

• Compiti autentici in cui l’alunno è chiamato a “mettere in pratica”

• I criteri di valutazione

• I descrittori dei diversi livelli di competenza: Cosa deve saper fare lo studente affinché il suo

livello di competenza possa essere definito sufficiente? Come possiamo descrivere gli altri livelli rispetto a questo?

• La distribuzione del punteggio per i livelli di competenza (scoring)

E’ necessario individuare/stabilire:

criteri di valutazione, descrittori dei diversi livelli di competenza

distribuzione del punteggio

devono essere poi riassunti instrumenti di valutazione agili e di facile impiego

Strumenti di valutazione

noti agli alunni:• feedback comprensibile sulle competenze raggiunte• parte attiva del processo di valutazione e autovalutazione