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Post on 06-Feb-2018

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XXVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana XXX Y000

Insert Title: Times New Roman 14 Bold

Author name1a, Author name2b, Author name3c, …Times New Roman 12

a Affiliation and address1; b Affiliation and address2; c Affiliation and address3; E-mail of presenting author Times New Roman 11

Leave 12 pt after addresses and start abstract, use justified Times New Roman 12, line-spacing 1, no space between lines. Margins: up 3 cm, down, left and right 2,5 cm.Insert text, tables and figures in this area and limit the abstract to a single page.Respect all page layout in the template, abstracts with altered layout will be returned to author for correction.Insert references in brackets as follows: (1) (1,2,3) and add reference list at the bottom of the abstract using justified Times New Roman 10, with line-spacing 1. As indicated below:

References: 1. Reference n. 1. 2. Reference n. 2. 3. Reference n. 3. ………………………..

After completing the abstract, save the file as: cognome_nome_divisione_01.docxExample: rossi_paolo_inorganica_01.docx

Use only a single word for “divisione”, as follows: ambiente, analitica, farmaceutica, fisica, industriale, inorganica, organica, sistemi, teorica, didattica, elettrochimica, massa

If presenting more than one abstract, increase the final number: 02, 03, etc.

Fill up all required data in “Scheda Informativa SCI 2017” and save it as: cognome_nome_divisione_info.xlsxExample: rossi_paolo_inorganica_info.xlsx

Send both files (abstract and Scheda Informativa) by e-mail to with mail object: abstract “divisione”Use a single word for “divisione”, as indicated above.Example object: abstract inorganica

Insert your preference for oral or poster presentation and your phone contacts also in the text of the e-mail.