
Post on 27-Nov-2014

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Il presente progetto è finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the

views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the

information contained therein.


Partenariato Scolastico Multilaterale My European Hero”

Polish hero: Jan Brzechwa (real name Jan Wiktor Lesman). Partner: Italia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turchia, Polonia

Anno 2010/2012

An elephant, I suppose. He would like to play on his nose. Don't ask him why, Because he is very shy.

The wolf is dangerous, It can eat you up! But not this one here

It just makes you laugh!

A lady visited a reindeer, The reindeer looks at her politely and says: "I'm so delighted my dear, That you'll be wearing soft gloves from me".

My delittle parrot" whisper something in my ear". "I don't trust you my dear" "I promise to keep it safe And not to give it away."


Red-haired grandpa, red-haired dad Red-haired tail is my pride And here I am - a red-haired fox And you better just run off.

"Ladies and gentlemen

May I introduce

Mr. Bison, just in front of you"

"Try to be polite! Smile! Oh, yes! That's just right!"

"Mr. Kanga-Kangaroo,

Why have you got such a big shoe?"

"That is why the kangaroos,

Make holes in their shoes."

Look at Mrs. Giraffe, She always pulls her neck up, I envy Mrs. Giraffe, I can't do like that.

“Where are you from? Crocodile!"

"I am from the river Nile, Let me go out for a while, I'll take you to the Nile."

The ostrich always hides his head in the sand

Because he's scared of everything around.

Everybody calls him a coward

But he doesn't care

He just lays big eggs every hour.

Boys and girls Meet a bear He has lots of fluffy fur Ask him to touch you His paw is pretty He doesn't want to? What a pitty!

A tortoise wanted to make a trip, But the trains aren't cheap, A tortoise is a mizer, "On foot would be much wizer."

Monkeys are funny and gay, Monkeys - just like monkeys - play, Please, look at the chimpanzee What a monkey! Can you see!

A zebra has many stripes, All of them black on white. But don't you think it's strange? Maybe just for a change Someone painted an ox instead

The wolf is dangerous, It can eat you up! But not this one here It just makes you laugh!