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Istituto diRicovero eCura aCarattere Scientifico - crob.it · DrRebeccaTwells Advanced Courses...

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del _ \ roponent uftt GGEP.P'~ t 1 O SET. 2015 / I La presente deliberazione, tenuto conto delle fonti relative alla disciplina della privacy ovvero della tipologia degli atti allegati è assoggettata a: O pubblicazione integrale O pubblicazione della sola deliberazione O pubblicazione del solo frontespizio I U.O. Controllo di Gestione Destinatari dell'atto per conoscenza Finanziaria - Direzione Scientifica U.O. Personale - V.O. Economico- Destinatari dell'atto per l'esecuzione Unita' operativa proponente I Affari Generali e Personale Documenti integranti il provvedimento: DescrizioneAllegato pago Descrizione Allegato data Nota n. 20150010186 O Dichiarazione di immediata esecutività I OGGETTO: DR. V.S.- RICERCATORE -AUTORIZZAZIONE. D al Collegio Sindacale D alla Giunta Regionale DELIBERAZIONE DEL DIRETTORE GENERALE r Lno 44. 6' del il OSfT. 2015 C. R. O. B. CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO DI BASILICATA Rionero in Vulture (PZ) Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico l. R. C. C. S.

del _\

roponent ufttGG E P.P'~ t1 O SET. 2015


La presente deliberazione, tenuto conto delle fonti relative alla disciplina della privacy ovvero della tipologia degli atti allegati è

assoggettata a:

O pubblicazione integrale

O pubblicazione della sola deliberazione

O pubblicazione del solo frontespizio

I U.O. Controllo di GestioneDestinatari dell'atto per conoscenza

Finanziaria - Direzione Scientifica

U.O. Personale - V.O. Economico-

Destinatari dell'atto per l'esecuzione

Unita' operativa proponente I Affari Generali e PersonaleDocumenti integranti ilprovvedimento:

DescrizioneAllegato pago Descrizione Allegato data

Nota n. 20150010186

O Dichiarazione di immediata esecutività


D al Collegio Sindacale

D alla Giunta Regionale


C. R. O. B.


Rionero in Vulture (PZ)

Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico

l. R. C. C. S.

.;t' ,I

fi:; ~ . .tI C'"~_ v {"?

Delibera n. del _ Dirigente Pt~ponente U.O. AAGGE P. pago 2

D) Di rendere il presente provvedimento immediatamente esecutivo.

C) Di precisare che il costo rinveniente dal presente provvedimento sarà contenuto nei limiti dispesa per il personale dedicato alla ricerca;


IstruttJAa /Libutti-~faele

A) Di autorizzare il Dr. Vittorio SIMEON, ricercatore presso i laboratori di Ricerca di questoIstituto, a partecipare, in nome e per conto dell'Istituto, al corso avanzato statistica digenetica "Design and Analysis of Genetic Based Association Studies", organizzato dalWellcome Trust Sanger Institute, che avrà luogo a Hinxton (Cambridge) presso ilWellcomeTrust Genome Campus, dal 20 al 25 settembre 2015;

B) Di precisare che per la partecipazione di che trattasi sarà sostenuto da questo Istituto, inanalogia e nei limiti previsti dalla normativa vigente per il personale dipendente delcomparto, il costo presunto come di seguito indicato:

• Spese per pernottamento Euro 120,00;• Spese viaggio AIR Euro 181,00• Spese di iscrizione Euro 748,00;• per un totale presunto di Euro 1.049.00.

Giusta la premessa in narrativa:


PREMESSO che il Dr. Vittorio SIMEON, ricercatore presso i laboratori di Ricerca di questoIstituto, con nota acquisita al prot. n. 20150012011 del 06/08/2015, ha prodotto formale richiestaper essere autorizzato a partecipare al corso avanzato statistica di genetica "Design and Analysis ofGenetic Based Association Studies", organizzato dal Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, che avràluogo a Hinxton (Cambridge) presso il Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, dal 20 al 25 settembre2015;CONSIDERATA l'importanza dell'evento;VISTI i pareri favorevoli alla partecipazione espressi dal Direttore Scientifico e dal DirettoreSanitario dell'Istituto sulla domanda presentata dal citato ricercatore;RITENUTO di autorizzare il citato ricercatore a partecipare, in nome e per conto dell'Istituto, alcorso sopra citato, precisando che sarà sostenuto da questo Istituto, in analogia e nei limiti previstidalla normativa vigente per il personale dipendente del comparto, il costo presunto come di seguitoindicato:

• Spese per pernottamento Euro 120,00;• Spese viaggio AlR Euro 181,00• Spese di iscrizione Euro 748,00;• per un totale presunto di Euro 1.049,00.

VISTA la L.R. 30.04.2014 n. 8;ACQUISITO il parere del Direttore Scientifico;SENTITO il parere favorevole del Direttore Amministrativo e del Direttore Sanitario;

In dettaglio le spese20/09-26/09, Treno Napoli-Roma A/R, 17+ 19 €20/09-26/09, Autobus Stazione-Aeroporto Ciampino A/R, 4 + 4 €20/09-26/09, Volo RYANAIR Roma Ciampino - Londra Stansted A/R, 113.20 €20/09-26/09, Autobus Londra Stansted - Cambridge, 16.60 ! (23.80 €)

Il sottoscritto Dott. Vittorio Simeon, ricercatore presso i laboratori di Ricerca Pre-Clinica eTraslazionale di questo istituto, con l'approvazione della Direzione Scientifica

chiedela disponibilità ed il rimborso spese per la partecipazione al corso avanzato "Design and Analysis ofGenetic Based Association Studies" organizzato dal Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute che si terrà aHinxton (Cambridge), presso il Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, nella settimana dal 21 al 25Settembre 2015.Tale corso sarà motivo di approfondimento e formazione delle tematiche oggetto di studio e lavoro(Farmacogenetica ed Epidemiologia Oncogenetica) dei laboratori di afferenza e della struttura diappartenenza. Tra questi mi preme ricordare lo studio di coorte di cui intende farsi propositore laFondazione Ricerca Biomedica Basilicata, e che prevede l'utilizzo della piattaforma genomicaIllumina presente in questo istituto, con lo scopo di studiare i fattori di rischio nello sviluppo delcancro, compreso il rischio genetico.La mia richiesta per la partecipazione a questo corso avanzato è stata valutata da una commissioneinterna del Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Allego la lettera in cui mi viene comunicato l'esitopositivo di tale valutazione. La commissione ha anche accettato la mia richiesta di borsa di studio(bursary), che prevede uno sconto di 200 sterline! sul costo del corso. Il corso è di tiporesidenziale ed include vitto e alloggio dai giorni 21 al 25 settembre. Al fine di essere presentedurante l'intero corso ho in programma di viaggiare il giorno precedente all'inizio (20 settembre) edil giorno successivo alla fine del corso (26 settembre).Per quanto detto, si richiede la copertura dei restanti costi di iscrizione al corso, che ammontano a530 sterline f. (748 f), e delle spese di viaggio (181 €) e di pernottamento per i giorni 20 e 25settembre (120 f).


Provveditorato ed EconomatoSEDE

Direzione GeneraleAffari Generali e Personale



Rionero in Vulture (PZ)

Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico

L R. C. C .S.

In fedeDoylt:Oç~Il Direttore ScientificoDd\tt. Musto Pelle ino


A<i \L(f~1.tt~ow_ ~ "'-01",(wt. .20 1.5 (9()1-CQ1e«. W- ls/ob/20-iS.

Nofcv I~ ~1o, ~i~ ~~

VLtio~'<J ~~

Rionero in Vulture, 05/08/2015

20/09 e 25/09, pernottamento Cambridge (in GuestHouse), 42 + 42 :E(60 + 60 €)21-25/09, corso al Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, 530:E (748 €)Per un totale di 1049.00 €

In fedeDottI y~ttorio Sj!nron

'~l~~~ 'C>.~Il vice-Direttore Scientifico

Dott. Rocco Galasso.'\ ,. J

f ,: '-: v(._h. iv."

Il sottoscritto Dott. Vittorio Simeon, ricercatore presso i laboratori di Ricerca Pre-Clinica eTraslazionale di questo istituto, con l'approvazione della Direzione Scientifica

chiedela disponibilità ed il rimborso spese per la partecipazione al corso avanzato "Design and Analysis ofGenetic Based Association Studies" organizzato dal Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute che si terrà aHinxton (Cambridge), presso il Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, nella settimana dal 21 al 25Settembre 2015.Tale corso sarà motivo di approfondimento e formazione delle tematiche oggetto di studio e lavoro(Farmacogenetica ed Epidemiologia Oncogenetica) dei laboratori di afferenza e della struttura diappartenenza. Tra questi mi preme ricordare lo studio di coorte di cui intende farsi propositore laFondazione Ricerca Biomedica Basilicata, e che prevede l'utilizzo della piattaforma genomicaIllumina presente in questo istituto, con lo scopo di studiare i fattori di rischio nello sviluppo delcancro, compreso il rischio genetico.La mia richiesta per la partecipazione a questo corso avanzato è stata valutata da una commissioneinterna del Wellcome Trust Genome Campus. Allego la lettera in cui mi viene comunicato l'esitopositivo di tale valutazione. La commissione ha anche accettato la mia richiesta di borsa di studio(bursary), che prevede uno sconto di 200 sterline :E sul costo del corso ed il rimborso delle spesedi viaggio.Per quanto detto, si richiede la copertura dei restanti costi di iscrizione al corso, che ammontano a530 sterline E (circa 743.03 f). Mi viene richiesto di effettuare il pagamento tramite carta di creditoo di debito entro il 2 Luglio.


Direzione AmministrativaUfficio Provveditorato ed Economato


Direzione Generale



Rionero in Vulture (PZ)

Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico

L R. C. C .S.

Dr Rebecca TwellsAdvanced Courses Programme Manager

Yours sincerely

We look forward to seeing you in Hinxton for the course.

Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a piaceshould full payment not be received by the due date. Confirmation of registration and furtherinformation will be made after the acceptance form and/or payment has been received.

To view your invoice and make your payment piease follow this link:https://wtac.hinxton .wellcome .ac.uklportaIlDesktopDefault.aspx?e=fjefcbdbhgnidcpoopeh

To book your piace we requìre the attached acceptance form and payment, if applicable,within two weeks of this letter.

The Selection Committee has now reviewed your application for the above course to be heldat the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, and we are pleased to be able to offer youa piace on this course.

Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Design and Analysis of Genetic-Based Ass21 Sep 2015-25 Sep 2015

Dear Dr Simeon,

18 Jun 2015

TEL: +44 (O) 1223496910FAX: +44 (O) 1223495130E-MAIL:[email protected]

[Private and Confidential]

Dr Vittorio Simeonvia Padre Pio, n.1IRCCS CROSLab of Pre-Clinical and Translational ResRionero in Vulture85028ITALY


Numero Tltoto: 224280055~ Potet. chl.1m,aregr.1tultamente 11112 per contattare I serViZi diE.::!III .mergenu In tute .. L'unione Europea. da rete fissa o mobile


Ricorda che per ogni tratta/passeggero sono applicate condizioni tariffariediverse, che possono variare le modalita di cambio e/o rimborso del viaggio.Per consentire di registrare la tua presenza comunica il PNR al personale dibordo.La mancata comunicazione de! PNR equivale al mancato possesso del biglietto


Biglietto acquistato da:VITTORIO SIMEONCodice CartaFreccia: 112339666Codice Azienda:-

Napoli Centrale:.Roma Termini


Canale: Internet B2C


Partita Iva:05403151003

DataEmissione 03/08/2015


Numero TitolO: 224280056lIJZ!Ia Potete chiamare griltultarnente 11112 per conbtt.ue I urvlzl di~ «nergenu In lutta L'unione Europ • .a, da rete n55a o mobile

Ricorda che per 09ni tratta/passeggMo sono applicate condizioni tariffariediverse, che possono variare le modalita di cambio eto rimborso del viaggio.Per consentire di registrare la tua presenza comunica il PNR al personale dibordo.La mancata comunicazione del PNR equivale al mancato possesso del biglietto



Roma Termini:oNapoli Centrale

Biglietto acquistato da:VITTORIO SIMEONCodice CartaFreccia: 112339666Codice Azienda:-


Canale: Internet B2C


Partita Iva:05403151003

DataEmissione 03/08/2015


Terravision Low Cost, High Value.

(Outbound) - Return Ticket

To guarantee your seat on thebus to Ciampino/Fiumicinoairports, please make sure to goto the Terravision desk inside theTerracafè( Via Marsala 29 Termini) to pick up your boarding card.Boarding cards will be given 20minutes before the bus is due todepart. You will need both yourprinted ticket and boardìng passto board the bus. Terravisionrecommends that you go to thebus stop at least 15minutes priorto the scheduled departure time.Do not leave your luggageuoattended.Allvlslon>Transport se ari C.F./P.I.:10387031007 AutolineaGranturismo Roma-Ciampino­Ciampino Paese-RomaAutorizzata dalla Provincia diRoma Protocollo W 17378 del10/2/15


Terravision Low Cost, High Value.

TRVBUS00004598961ROME TERMINI STATION to CIAMPINO AIRPORTName:Vittorio SimeonDeparture: Sunday 20 September 2015 at 09:45Adult: 1Price:€ 4PassengersIDs:W12C588664


Bus Stop: ROMETERMINISTATIONRome Termini Station: Marsala n. 29 FfG - in front of Terracafè

Passengers 10s:W12C588664

Price: € 4

ROME TERMINI STATION to CIAMPINOAIRPORTName: Vittorio SimeonOeparture: Sunday 20 September 2015 at 09:45Adult: 1

(Outbound) - Return TicketTRVBUS00004598961Thank you for choosing Terravision, your booking number is


Terravision Low Cost, High Value.

(Inbound) - Return Ticket

Alivision Transport se ari C.F./P.I.:10387031007 AutolineaGranturismo Roma-Ciampino­Ciampino Paese-RomaAutorizzata dalla Provincia diRoma Protocollo W 17378 del10;2/15

Tickets must be printed. Godirectly to the bus stop and showyour ticket to our staff to boardthe bus Terravision reeommendsthat you go to the bus stop atleast 15minutes prior to thescheduled departure tìme. Do notleave your luggage unattended.


Terravision Low Cost, High Value.

TRVBUS00004598962CIAMPINO AIRPORT to ROME TERMINI STATIONName: Vittorio SimeonDeparture: Saturday 26 September 2015 at 17:45Adult: 1Price:€ 4Passengers IDs: W12C588665

Booking number:

Bus Stop: CIAMPINO AIRPORTCiampino Airport: outside the departures terminai

Price: € 4

Passengers 10s:W12C588665

CIAMPINO AIRPORT to ROME TERMINISTATIONName: Vittorio SimeonOeparture: Saturday 26 September 2015 at 17:45Adult: l

(lnbound) - Return TicketTRVBUS00004598962Thank you for choosing Terravision, your booking number is


8/5/20153:40 PMlof3

Ali cuslomers are required lo check-in online and eilher print their boardingpass or download il tram our mobile app. It you don't check-in online beforeyour flighl you can do so al Ihe airport for a fee, click here. Cuslomers whohave checked in online bui don 'I presenttheir boarding pass al the airport,can have il reissued for a fee, click here. Online check-in opens from 30days up lo 2 hours before each flight. Check in via our mobile app or web

CDNo Travellnsurance? Maybe you should add



Book ®AirportIransfers e Reservedseatinq e Priorilyboarding

ARRIVAL (CIA)Rome (Ciampino)

Sat 26 Sep 2015


DEPART (STN)London (Stansted)

Sat 26 Sep 2015


From London (Stansted) to Rome (Ciampino) (FR3072)

®AirportIransfers @ Carhire@ AirportcarparkBook

DEPART (CIA)Rome (Ciampino)

Sun 20 Sep 2015


From Rome (Ciampino) to London (Stansted) (FR3015)

ARRIVAL (STN)London (Stansted)

Sun 20 Sep 2015








[email protected] <[email protected]>Reply-To: [email protected]:[email protected]

9 March 2015 al 22:52


Vittorio Simeon <[email protected]>

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ìk=2d801 O1126& vìew= ...Gmail - Ryanair Travel Itinerary

8/5/20153:40 PM

e Addabage Change a flight

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113.20 EURTotal paid


.. XXXX 8643113.20 EUR

Paymenl methodAccount nameCard numberPayment amount

110.98 EUR222 EUR

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If you have a query about our services or policies please check ourFrequently Asked Questions1. What is cabin baggage allowance?2. How do I check-in online?3. Can I change a flight date, lime, route?

online check-in. Business Plus customers can check-in at the airport free ofcharge.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=2d80 IO1126&view-= ...Gmail - Ryanair Travel Itinerary


Terms &ConditionsIssued subject lo National Express Conditions of Carriage which are available to view online here.

In order lo claim a refund, you must cancel your ticket at least 72 hours in advance of your Journey.A cancellalion charge of E5per personwill be applicable.Bookingfees and insuranceare not refundable.We cannol offer refunds on part-used tìckets.To caneel your ticket and obtain your cancellalion reference please cali us on 03717 81 81 81. lines are open 24/7.Joumey amendmenls ean be made lo tickels prior lo Iravel by visiling www.nalionalexpress.com/myticket or by calling 03717 818181.An amendmentfee will apply, so please have your credit/debit card delails lo hand.Please note Ihat an exeess fare will also be ehargedwhere a higher fare ealegory applies.

IMPORTANTINFORMATIONAbout your ticket: Pleasenote your ticket. is valiti {Ol ;he date and lime soocified on your \jeket. Amendabie tickets require changìngprior lo departere time ar~ will besubjecl lo an adminislration fee and I;pgrade'lo i.he currem prìee al the new.ìourney. Open retum lickets must also be validated in advance ot ìrave!. Please ensureyou arrlve 10minutes prior to departure-with )lour ticket available for inspection. If trave!lingwith an e-ticket, Ihis must be printed in advance. A small chargewill apply for prìntingtlckets al Nallonal Express manned tocations Remernber IOal!ow extra lime (alleasi 180minutes) when traveRingto an airport.Luggage allowance: You can take two mediurnsized suitcases. at no more than 20kg each. per person free of charge. Extra luggage, includingoutsized items. willonly be carried if there is space availableand tbe addillonal ilemls are paid fOL Up lo 3 extra ilems, per person, can be laken, subject lo payment and space.Refunds: Refunds can be made on refundabletìckets cancelled 72 hours prìor lo departure, subject lo a E5 per person cancellalion fee.Other Information: Your seal is only guaranteedlo and trom the points specified on your licket.Cuslomers aged 14years and over are legally requiredlo wear sealbelts al ali limes on coaches where fi!led. Ask a member of statf for further details.Mosi National Express and Eurolinescoaches are whitewilh red and blue writing. However, we do use other coaches lo meel demand al busy limes Please iook outfor NationalExpress or Eurolineswindow stickers and, if in doubt. ask a member of staff.Coachcard(s): If you have booked using a coachcard(s). please show lhem to the driver as you board every coach.Help: In emergency siluations only, please cali -144(0)3717818181. If you need more help, please see our FAQCali Customer Servlces +44 (0)8717818181 (Calls cosi 10pper minute plus network extras) if you can noi tind any answer in lhe help section.


et Returning: CAMBRIDGE (City Centre) to STANSTED AIRPORT LONDONnational express National ExpressAirport Service: JL 727Dateof travel Departure Arrive F romSat 26 Sep 2015 07:20 08:05 CAMBRIDGE (City Centre)

(7:20AM,I (8·05 AM! Parkside,ExpressCoachStops

CoachStn,Bay 17

National ExpressAirport Service: JL 727ToCAMBRIDGE (City Centre)Parkside,ExpressCoachStops




@"~·L.~~",W.·.'·'·'·"'_uu __ '" ~ ••,.,,,,,,,.,,UUU"·'_·"." ,,,' ,,_

Paymento s beenchargedto your card ............ 7711.~,._._"".- .._~-_.."._-" •••" .•................O Leaving: STANSTED AIRPORT LONDON to CAMBRIDGE (City Centre)

national,expressDateof travelSun 20 Sep 2015

Tid<et type:JourneyRefOutbound:JourneyRefReturn:

For ticket validationDr Vittorio Simeon1AdultRETURNKPJO-01-3E8D1YSUL-01-57662

Lead passenger:

nalional expressPleaseprint your ticket and show It to the driver when boarding your coach, we hope you enjoy your journey.

TICKET NUMBER: ETGWWG28coach.nationalexpress.com/nxbooking/print-ticket1;'-15/2015


Terms Br.ConditionsIssued subject to National Express Condjtions of Caniage which are available to view online here.

In order to elaim a refund, you musi caneel your ticket at least 72 hours in advance of your Journey.A cancellation charge of E5 per personwill be applicable.Bookingtees and insuranceare noi refundable.We cannol offer refunds on part-used tickets.To caneeI your ticket and obtain your cancellation reference please cali us on 03717 818181, lines are open 24/7.Joumey amendmenls can be made to tickets prior to travel by visiting www.nationalexpress.com/myticket or by calling 03717 81 81 81.AAamendmentfee will apply, so please have your credit/debit card details lo hand.Please noie Ihal an excess fare will also be chargedwhere a higher fare calegory applies.

About yOUf ticket: Please note yOlil' Ht~et is valid for the date and lime specified on your ticket. Amendable tickets requira cnaoging pnor lo departure time andwill besubjectto.an adminislraiioll tee dl1d.upgrddelo tbe current prìce of the new joumey. Open.retum tickets must.also be validated in aovanceof !favel.·Please ensureyou arrive 10mtnutes Drlor to' departure With your ticket available for Inspection. If travelling wilh an e-tlcket, itùs rnost be printed inaovance, A small.chargewill apply for printing tickets.at Naliooal Express mamled locations. Remember to allow extra time'(at leasl '180minutes) when travelling lo an airport~Luggage allowance: You can taxetwo medium slzed suiteases, at no more than 20kg each, per person free of charge: Extra luggage, includingoutsized ilems, willonly be carried if lhere ls space availableand the addilional itemls are paid foroUp to 3 extra items, per person, can be taken, subject to payment and spaoe,Refunds: Refunds can be made on refundable tickets cancelled 72 hours prior to departure, subject to a E5 per person cancellation fee,Other information: Your seat is only guaranteedlo and from the points specified on your ticket.Customers aged 14 years and over are legally requiredto wear seatbelts at ali times on coaches where fitted. Ask a member of staft for further.detailsMost NationalExpress and Eurolinescoaches are white with red and blue writing. However, we do use other coaches to meet demand al busy times. Please look outfor NationalExpress or Eurolineswindow stickers and, if in doubl, ask a member of staft.Coachcard(s): If you have bookedUSlnga coachcard(s), please show them to the driver as you boardevery coach.Help: In emergency situations only, please cali +44 (0)3717818181. If you need more help, please see our FAQCali Customer Services +44 (0)8717818181 (Calls cosi 10p per minute plus network extras) if you can not find any answer in the help section.




FromCAMBRIDGE(City Centre)Parkside, Express Coach Stops .


Date of travelSat 26 Sep2015

(I Returning: CAMBRIDGE (City Centre) to STANSTED AIRPORT LONDONnational express National ExpressAirport Service: JL 727

National ExpressAirport Service: JL 727., Leaving: STANSTED AIRPORT LONDON to CAMBRIDGE (City Centre)

national expressDate of travelSun20Sep2015

loCAMBRIDGE(City Centre)Parkside, EXpress Coach Stops



Departure16:35. (4:35 PM)

Payment of [16.60 has been charged to your card ******** 7711

Tickettype:Journey Ref Outbound:Journey Ref Return:

For ticket validationDr Vittorio Simeon1 Adult


Lead passenger:

national expressPleaseprint your ticketandshow it to the driverwhenboardlngyour coach,we hopeyou enjoyyour journey.

, TICKET NUMBER: ETGWWG28coach.nationalexpress.com/nxbookinglprinl-ticket, 8151201~

8/5/20153:20 PM100

These booking terms ('Booking Terms') are between the person or legai entity making the Booking ('You/Your') and eviivo

Booking Terms

Bookings can be cancelled up to 2 day(s) before check in free of charge. Cancellation after this willincur a charge of the first night stay.If you need to make changes to this booking, please contact the hotel directly:[email protected]

Booking Terms

Cancellation Policy

Vittorio SimeonVia Galliano 58, Rionero InVulture, [email protected]

Lead Guest:Address:Phone:Email:

Your Details

:E 42.00Mastercard ending 771105/08/201514:17:E 0.00

Amount Paid:Method:Date:Balance Due:


E 0.00Amount Due

E 42.00Amount Paid

E 42.00Reservalion Total

Breakfast IncludedSingle-SharedBathroom


Sun 20 Sep 2015 (16:00 - 19:00)Mon 21 Sep 2015 (10:00)1

Arrivai Date:DepartureDate:Nights:


Carlton Lodge245 Chesterton RdCambridge,CambridgeshireCB4 1AS (Map)00441223367792

:E 42.00298-410-322Simeon

298-410-322Carlton Lodge, Cambridge

Your reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed1message

Vittorio Simeon <vittoriosimeon@gmail,com>G~aill1tCooS[c

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2d801 O1126&view=p ...Gmail - YiJur reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed

5 August 2015 at 15:[email protected] <[email protected]>Reply- To: [email protected]: Vittorio Simeon <[email protected]>

8/5/2015 3:20 PM20f3


The total amount payable to confirm Your Booking is quoted in Your Booking Confirmation and will be charged to Yourcredit or debit card or PayPal account or any other payment type offered at the time of Booking_ Your card statement willdisplay eviivo Limited as the merchant of record, Ali additlonal goods and services purchased during Your stay must bepaid in full directly with the Establishment.


In the rare case that the Establishment is unable to accommodate You as per Your Booking, You will be offered alternateaccommodation by the Establishment and if there is a difference in the Price, the Establishment will be liable for the pricedifferential. If the differenti al is less than the originai value of Your Booking a refund of the difference will be made to You.If the differential is more than the originai value of Your Booking the differential cost will be borne by the Establishment.Arrivai and departure Check-in times are specified on Your Booking Confirmation. Should You wish to check-in outside ofthe times specified You must confirm this directly with the Establishment. In the event that You attempt to check-inoutside of the stated times without prior arrangement, the Establishment may cance! the entire booking and retain anyamounts it is entitled to retain as stated in the Cancellation Policy section of Your Booking Confirmation. A no-show shallbe deemed to be a full cancellation of your booking, therefore the room may no longer be available for you,


Ali prices include VAT where applicable at the current rate. On the rare occasion an error in pricing occurs and theEstablishment does not accept Your reservation, even after \Ne have issued a Booking Confirmation, We will notify Youas soon as \Ne reasonably can and refund the amount paid in full without any liability for the error or ornission. You agreethat neither \Ne nor the Establishment will be liable for any additional expenses You may incur as a result of the error oromission. Prices are per room per night. If You have selected booking extras these are added to the total price of YourBooking_ Prices do not include other costs You may choose to incur during Your stay (unless otherwise stated). Pricesquoted are corree! (unless a pricing error occurs) only for the specific number of guests, dates, nights and rooms shown.


Although You make a Booking through Us and have a contract with Us, because the Establishment lsresponsible for the day to day provlslon of the services to You under that Booking, ali and any complaints mustbe directed to the Establishment in the first lnstance. The Establishment must confirm any refund or pricemodification directly within the eviivo reservation system, failing which eviivo may not be able to effectivelyprocess complaints related to payments by You to Us or refunds payable by Us to You, Therefore, your firstpoint of cali must always be the Establishment. If you are unable to obtain satisfaction, you may address yourquery to reservations@eviivo,com,

You must be able to enter into a legally binding contract and be over 18 years of age to make a Booking_ Bookings mustbe paid for using a valid credit or debit card or via Paypal or any other payment type specified. lMlen Your Booking isconfirmed, a reservation number is given_ This number must be retained and quoted in ali communications should anycancellation or amendment be necessary.

Our services to You are to take your booking and payment and to make the arrangements with theEstablishment You have selected, We are not in a position to ensure that the Establishment meets yourexpectations or performs its services proper1y or at all. Bookings are made and a contract between You and Uscomes into effee! when \Ne accept a reservation from You. A reservation is deemed accepted when \Ne have confirmedYour reservation and received either: (i) full payment of the total price; or (ii) payment of a deposit equivalent to the valueof the first night stay; or (iii) any other amount \Ne have specified at the time of Your bookinq. lMlere a deposit or anyother amount that is less than the total value of the stay is paid, the balance will be paid by You diree!ly to theEstablishment, on either check-in or check-out or at an earlier date if so requested by direct communication between Youand the Establishment.


limited (Registered Office 154 Pentonville Road, London, Nl 9JE Company Number: 5002392) our officers, employeesand agents ('\Ne'rUs'rOur')_ These Booking Terms are for the provision of accommodation services ('Booking(s)'), by thehotel, guesthouse or self-catering unit You have selee!ed (the 'Establishment') and are displayed above in this onlineBooking confirmation ('Booking Confirmation') and in your confirmation email. These Booking Terms are governed byEnglish law and apply to ali Bookings_ By making a Booking You are deemed to accept and be bound by these BookingTerrns. Vl/hen Your payment appears on Your card statement, eviivo Limited is displayed as the merchant of record.

https://mail.google,com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=2d801 O1126&vi~w=p ..,Gmail - Your reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed

8/5/20153:20 PM30f3

Scanned by IBM Email Security Management Services powered by MessageLabs. For more information please visi! http://www-935. ibm.com/services/us/index. wss/offerfamily/iss/a 1026954

The website on which you flave booked is operating merely as a plalform provided by eviivo limited (registered office 154Pentonviue Road, London, N l 9JE cornpany number: 05002392) ("eviivo"). You acknowledge that eviivo is not a party tothe contract belween you and Ihe accornrnodatìon establishment you have selected; does not endorse the service; is notresponsible fOI the qualitv or satety of the servìce: and, is not responsible for Ihe performance of the contract, includingacts or ornisslons. In no evenl will eviìvo be liable to you for any lost profits or any indirect, consequential, special,incidentai or punitive damages arisinq out ot, based on or resulting from your booking even if eviivo had been advised ofthe possibility of such damages These limitations and exclusions apply without regard to whether the damages arisefrom breach of contraci, negligence or any othér cause or action. Nothmg in Ihis clause shall operate to exclude eviivo'sliabilily for dealh or personal injury resulting from its negligence or any representations made fraudulently.

We may process the information You provide to Us for the purposes notified by Us to the UK Information Commissioner.Your personal data may be Iransferred to Our subsidiaries outside of the EU where necessary, and in particular to ourTunisian data processing centre. By making a Booking, You consent to this processing of information as described aboveand the transfer of Your information to the Establishment as well as the booking channel through which Your bookingoriginated.

Data protection

Although We take care in Our selection of Establishments, We do not have any control over them, nor do we carry outany form of inspection of these Establishments, and therefore we are not responsible for what they do or do not do, butwhere We can We will try to ensure You have the benefit of the contractual commitments the Establishment makes to Usin relation to Your Booking. Should You have any concerns relating to the Establishment's operation, hygiene, health andsafety practices or services, or should You like to check the specific conditions of stay relating to the Establishment, Youshould address these with the Establishment directly, or contact the relevant regulatory authority. We will not be liable toYou where We have exercised reasonable care and skill in our provision of the plalform and the placement ofrequirements on the relevant Establishment's delivery of services to You. We will not be liable for failure to perform to theextent that the failure is caused by any factor beyond Our reasonable control, including the provision of the servi ce by theEstablishment. You are responsible for any damage or loss caused to the Establishment, including any damage to theirproperty by Your act, omission, default or neglect and You agree to indemnify Us and the Establishment and You agree topay Us or the Establishment on demand the amount reasonably required to make good or remedy any such damage orloss. Further, we reserve the right to terminate Your Booking immediately without being liable for any refund orcompensation where You engage in unacceptable behaviour that causes a disturbance or nuisance to other guests at theEstablishment.

Other than for death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation, Our totalliability to You is limited to the price of the Booking and in no circumstances will We be responsible for anyindirect or special damages.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2d80 lO1126&view=p ...Gmail - Your reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed•

8/5/20153:24 PMlof3

These booking terms ('Booking Terms') are between the person or legai entity making the Booking ('You/Your') and eviivolimited (Registered Office 154 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9JE Company Number: 5002392) our officers, employees

Booking Terms

Booking Terms

Bookingscan be cancelled up to 2 day(s) before check in free of charge. Cancellation after this willincur a charge of the firsl night slay.If you need lo make changes to Ihis booking, please coniaci the holel directly:[email protected]

Cancellation Policy

Vittorio SimeonVia Galliano 58, Rionero InVulture, [email protected]

Lead Guesl:Address:Phone:Email:

Your Details

E 42.00Mastercard ending 771105/08/201514:23E 0.00

Amount Paid:Method:Date:Balance Due:


E 0.00Amount Due

E 42.00Amount Paid

E 42.00Reservation Total


Fri 25 Sep 2015 (16:00 - 19:00)Sat 26 Sep 2015 (10:00)1

Arrivai Date:Departure Date:Nights:

Breakfast IncludedSingle-SharedBathroom


Carlton Lodge245 Chesterton RdCambridge,CambridgeshireCB4 1AS (Map)00441223367792


280-204-411Carlton Lodge, Cambridge

Your reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed

5 Augusl 2015 al 15:[email protected] <[email protected]>Reply-To:[email protected]:Vittorio Simeon <[email protected]>

Vittorio Simeon <[email protected]>

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=2d801 O1126&view=p ...Gmail - Yeur reservation with Carlton Lodge is confirmed

8/5/20153:24 PM20f3

Other than far death or personal injury caused by Our negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation, Our total


The total amount payable to confirm Your Booking is quoted in Your Booking Confirmation and will be charged lo Yourcredil or debit card or PayPal account or any other paymenl Iype offered al the lime of Booking. Your card statemenl willdisplay eviivo Limited as the merchant of record. Ali additional goods and services purchased during Your stay must bepaid in full directly with the Establishment.


In the rare case that the Establishment is unable to accommodate You as per Your Booking, You will be offered alternateaccommodation by the Establishment and if there is a difference in the Price, the Establishment will be Iiable for the pricedifferential. If the differential is less than the originai value of Your Booking a refund of the difference will be made to You.If the differential is more than the originai value of Your Booking Ihe differenti al cast will be borne by the Establishment.Arrivai and departure Check-in times are specified on Your Booking Confirmation. Should You wish to check-in outside ofthe times specified You must confirm this directly with the Establishment. In the event Ihat You attempl lo check-inoutside of the stated times without prior arrangement, the Establishment may cancel Ihe enlire booking and retain anyamounts it is entitled to retain as stated in Ihe Cancellalion Policy section of Your Booking Confirmation. A no-show shallbe deemed to be a full cancellation of your booking, therefore the room may no longer be available for you.


Ali prices include VAT where applicable at Ihe current rate. On the rare occasion an error in pricing occurs and !heEstablishment does not accept Your reservation, even after We have issued a Booking Confirmation, We will notily Youas soon as We reasonably can and refund the amount paid in full without any liability for the error or omission. You agreethat neither We nor the Establishment will be hable for any addilional expenses You may incur as a resull of the error oromission. Prices are per room per night. If You have selected booking extras these are added to the total price of YourBooking. Prices do not include other costs You may choose to incur during Your stay (unless otherwise slaled). Pricesquoted are correcl (unless a pricing error occurs) only for Ihe specific number of guesls, dales, nights and rooms shown.


Although You make a Booking through Us and have a contract with Us, because the Establishment isresponsible forthe day to day provision ofthe services to You underthat Booking, ali and any complaints mustbe directed to the Establishment in the first instance. The Establishment must confirm any refund or pricemodification directly within the eviivo reservation system, failing which eviivo may not be able to effectivelyprocess complaints related to payments by You to Us or refunds payable by Us to You. Therefore, your firstpoint of cali must always be the Establishment If you are unable to obtain satisfaction, you may address yourquery to [email protected].

You must be able to enter into a legally binding contract and be over 18 years of age lo make a Booking. Bookings mustbe paid for using a valid credit or debit card or via payPal or any olher payment Iype specified. lMlen Your Booking isconfirmed, a reservation number is given. This number must be retained and quoted in ali communications should anycancellation or amendment be necessary.

Our services to You are to take your booking and payment and to make the arrangements with theEstablishment You have selected. We are not in a position to ensure that the Establishment meets yourexpectations or performs its services properly or at alI. Bookings are made and a contract belween You and Uscomes into effecl when We accept a reservation from You. A reservation is deemed accepted when We have confirmedYour reservation and received either: (i) full payment of the tolal price; or (ii) paymenl of a deposil equivalent to the valueof the first night stay; or (iii) any other amount We have specified at the time of Your booking. lMlere a deposit or anyother amount that is less than the total value of the stay is paid, the balance will be paid by You directly lo theEstablishment, on either check-in or check-out or at an earlier date if so requested by direct communication belween Youand the Establishment.


and agents ("We'fUs'fOur'). These Booking Terms are for the provision of accommodalion services ('Booking(s)'), by thehotel, guesthouse or self-catering unit You have selecled (the 'Establishment') and are displayed above in this onlineBooking confirmation ('Booking Confirmation') and in your confirmation email. These Booking Terms are governed byEnglish law and apply to ali Bookings. By making a Booking You are deemed to accept and be bound by these BookingTerms. VVhenYour payment appears on Your card statement, eviivo Limited is displayed as the merchant of record.

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/O/?ui=2&ik=2d8010 I 126&view=p ...Gmail - Your reservation with Carlton Lodge is conftrmed

The website on which you have booked is operating merely as a platform provided by eviivo limited (registered office 154Pentonville Road, London. N1 9JE company number: 05002392) ("eviivo"). You acknowledge that eviivo is not a party tothe contract between vou ami tre accommodation establishment you have selected; does not endorse the service; is notresponsjbìe for Ihe quality or safety of the service, and, is noi responsible for Ihe performance of the contraci, indudingacts or crnlssions. In no event will eviivo be liable to you for any iosl profits or any indirect consequentiel, special,incider,lal 01 punitive darnaqes arismp out of, based on or resulting from your bookrng even if eviivo had been advised ofthe possibility o' sucn darnages. These ilmitations and exclusions apply without regard to whether the damages ariseIrom breach of contract. neqliqence or any olher cause or action. Nothrng in this clause shall operate to exclude eviivo'sliability for death or personal injury resultinq from its negligence 0' any representafions made fraudulently

8/5/20153:24 PM30f3

We may process the information You provide to Us for the purposes notified by Us to the UK Information Commissioner.Your personal data may be Iransferred to Our subsidiaries outside of Ihe EU where necessary, and in particular to ourTunisian data processing centre. By making a Booking, You consent to this processing of information as described aboveand the transfer of Your information to Ihe Establishmenl as well as the booking channel Ihrough which Your bookingoriginated.

Dala protection

Although We take care in Our selection of Establishments, We do not have any control over them, nor do we carry outany form of inspection of these Eslablishments, and therefore we are not responsible for what they do or do not do, buiwhere We can We will try to ensure You have the benefit of the contractual commitments the Establishmenl makes to Usin relation to Your Booking. Should You have any concerns relating to the Establishment's operation, hygiene, health andsafety praclices or services, or should You like lo check Ihe specific conditions of stay relating to the Establishment, Youshould address these with the Establishment directly, or contact the relevant regulatory authority. We will noi be liable loYou where We have exercised reasonable care and skill in our provision of Ihe platform and the placemenl ofrequirements on Ihe relevant Establishment's delivery of services to You. We will not be liable for failure to perform to Iheextent Ihal the failure is caused by any factor beyond Our reasonable control, including the provision of the service by theEstablishment. You are responsible for any damage or 1055 caused to the Establishment, including any damage to theirproperty by Your act, omission, default or neglect and You agree to indemnify Us and the Eslablishment and You agree topay Us or the Establishment on demand the amount reasonably required lo make good or remedy any such damage or1055. Further, we reserve the right lo terminate Your Booking immedialely withoul being liable for any refund orcompensalion where You engage in unacceplable behaviour that causes a disturbance or nuisance lo olher guests at theEstablishment.

liability to You is limited to the price of the Booking and in no circumstances will We be responsible for anyindirect or special damages.

https://mail.google.com/maillu/O!?ui=2&ik=2d801 O1126&view=p ...Gmail-Your reservation with CarIton Lodge is confirmed• •


Formore information go to: https://payments.epdq.co.uk/ncol/prod/backoffice/



Cardholder not identified: liability shift rules to be applied (depending on transaction date and credit card country)Cardverification code: OK


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~: MasterCard XXXXXXXXXXXX8643

:TIU: 06/18

: http://www.sanger.ac.uk: +44 (O)1223 496910

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: Genome ResearchLimited:epdql0l0383


Buyer's data

ChargingmethodSub-brandExpiry date


StatusAuthorisation codeUIOTIO

Website addressPhone numberE-mai!address


Order dateOrder referenceePOQPayment reference

* Your order details:************************************************************


: 01/07/2015 15:06:51: Invoice-1251-230

: 1506971102


[email protected],July 1,2015 3:10 [email protected];[email protected] epdq1010383 PAYID:1506971102/ orderlD:Invoice-1251-230 / status: 9

Simeon Vittorio

Dirigente Proponente _ pago 3:l

..;:... i...J'. ~ "..J~- l; 1".,_del _Delibera n.


Rionero in V.re

La stessa, ove non assoggettata al controllo regionale e ove non sia stata dichiarata immediatamente eseguibile, divieneesecutiva, ai sensi dell'art. 1l, comma11 e dell'art.44 comma 8 della L.R. n.39/2001, decorsi cinque giorni consecutividalla sua pubblicazione.

<; a SET. 2015

Si certifica che la presente deliberazione è pubblicata all'albo pretorio informatico dell'Istituto di Ricovero e Cura aCarattere Scientifico CROB di Rionero inVulture e che vi rimarrà per cinque giorni consecutivi. Gli allegati cartaceisono disponibili per l'eventuale consultazione agli atti di ufficio.

D Il presente atto è trasmesso per l'imputazione dei conseguenti costi all'o.O.C. Gestione Economico Finanziaria eall'U.O. Controllo di Gestione


_..-- ..--..._


Pellegrino MUSTO

