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Materia: STORIA

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Materia: STORIA
Page 1: Materia: STORIA

Materia: STORIA

Page 2: Materia: STORIA

Preferibilmente per classi parallele

Materiali disponibili

Argomenti significativi in lingua straniera

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The Discovery of America

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Livello in ingresso degli alunni (A1- A2 – B1- B2)

Precedenti esperienze CLIL

Grado di motivazione della classe

Competenze specifiche degli alunni

Esperienze degli alunni (Stages linguistici – Comenius – Certificazioni linguistiche – Intercultura)

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Comprendere messaggi in lingua straniera

Partecipare a conversazioni in lingua straniera su argomenti di varia natura

Leggere e comprendere le fonti e i documenti storici

Collocare i fatti storici nel tempo e nello spazio

Individuare i nessi causali degli eventi storici

Conoscere gli elementi essenziali della Geografia fisica

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Utilizzare la lingua straniera come strumento per apprendere

Educare al plurilinguismo e alla multiculturalità

Sperimentare percorsi didattici innovativi

Rinforzare le conoscenze e l’utilizzo spontaneo della lingua straniera

Educare alla tolleranza e al rispetto dell’altro

Ricostruire la complessità del fatto storico, ricollegandolo al contesto socio-economico del tempo

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Motivare all’apprendimento di contenuti disciplinari tramite l’uso veicolare della LS

Acquisire il lessico storico specialistico in LS

Migliorare il proprio metodo di studio

Migliorare le relazioni interpersonali

Potenziare la capacità di fare collegamenti diacronici e sincronici

Potenziare la conoscenza e la comprensione interculturale

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Competenze linguistico- comunicative

Potenziare abilità linguistico-comunicative in LS

Comprendere e riutilizzare il lessico storico specialistico in LS

Esporre in LS fatti e problemi relativi agli eventi storici studiati

Produrre varie tipologie di testi

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Competenze disciplinari

Conoscere, comprendere e rielaborare gli eventi storici relativi alla scoperta dell’America nella loro globalità e problematicità, individuando le coordinate spazio-temporali e i nessi causali

Leggere e interpretare documenti storici, grafici, immagini e carte geografiche

Saper spiegare le ragioni e le conseguenze della scoperta dell’America

Analizzare criticamente i problemi associati alla scoperta dell’America

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Esercitazioni orali di acquisizione del lessico

Presentazione in Power Point

Lezione interattiva che privilegia la discussione guidata e la riflessione problematica

Ricerca e selezione di “materiali autentici”, documenti, informazioni

Produzione di mappe concettuali e di power point

Lettura e interpretazione di immagini e di carte geografiche

Visione di filmati

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Materiali audiovisivi

Carte geografiche

Materiali cartacei in fotocopia

Materiali reperibili on-line

Immagini e grafici

Documenti storiografici

Uso del dizionario con audio

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Ripetizione frequente dei contenuti

Centralità e ruolo attivo degli studenti

Lavoro in coppia e di gruppo

Sollecitazione di interventi

critici e personali

Differenziazione dei compiti

per valorizzare le

competenze di ogni singolo alunno

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Scritte, orali e pratiche

Prove strutturate o semistrutturate ◦ Questionari a risposta aperta o chiusa (scelta multipla,

vero/falso, completamento)

Esercizi di comprensione del testo e di consolidamento/ampliamento lessicale

Lettura e interpretazione di immagini, cronologie, grafici, fonti scritte o carte geografiche

Esposizione scritta e orale dei contenuti

Costruzione di tabelle

Produzione di materiali

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Per la valutazione si terrà conto del livello di apprendimento delle conoscenze storiche, dell’acquisizione delle competenze disciplinari e dello sviluppo delle abilità linguistiche in LS

La valutazione si realizzerà anche attraverso l’osservazione sistematica e terrà in considerazione altresì l’interesse, la motivazione, l’attenzione, l’impegno e la partecipazione attiva

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Organizzazione delle lezioni 1. Questionario studenti iniziale –

Brainstorming – Acquisizione del lessico

2. The context

3. The age of explorations

4. European Colonization

5. The discovery of America

6. The impact between Europeans and natives

7. The consequences

8. Verifica finale e Questionario studente finale

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Questionario studenti iniziale

Monitoraggio in itinere

Collaborazione docente/studenti

Questionario studenti finale

Diario di bordo docente

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Istituzione scolastica / Contesto

Nominativi docenti

Lingua straniera + Disciplina


Livello in ingresso

(A1- A2 – B1 – B2 – C1)

Livello atteso in uscita

(B1 – B2 – C1)




Competenze linguistico - comunicative

Competenze disciplinari

Tipologia attività didattiche

Strumenti di valutazione

Materiali / Mezzi






Schema Attività /

Lesson Plan


del Modulo / Lesson Plan


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Spice= powder or seed coming

from plants, used in cooking

and having a strong taste and smell

Silk = a fine smooth cloth

Journey= travelling from one

place to another

Trader = a person who buys and

sells things

Explorer = a person who travels to unknown places to find out more about them

Navigation instruments = tools used for measuring distance, speed, etc.

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Marco Polo route

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was a Venetian trader and explorer

who, together with his father and uncle, was one

of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Road to

China and visited the Great Khan of the Mongol


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In the 15th century, European countries made many

maritime expeditions. There were different reasons for


Firstly, they needed to find new trade routes to the

East. In 1453, the Turks conquered Constantinople,

and took over the Byzantine Empire.

This interrupted the trade routes between Europe and

the Far East. Consequently, Europeans had to look for

new routes to Asia, round the African coast or across

the Atlantic Ocean.

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Secondly, there were a number of technical

advances which improved navigation

•New maps called “portulan charts” were

developed. They showed the coastline and the

obstacles at sea. Straight lines showed the

shortest distance among different points.

•Navigational instruments, such as the

compass, the astrolabe and the quadrant,

were developed.

•Ships, such as caravels, were improved and,

consequently, could travel longer distances

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Who was Marco Polo?

Who were the most important Portuguese explorers and what did they discover?

When was the Tordesillas treaty signed?

What was Encomienda system?

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1. Crusade

2. Open sea

3. Archipelago

4. Spices

5. Navigator

A. A group of islands

B. A war fought by European Christians with the purpose to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims

C. A skilled and experienced sailor who has undertaken many sea voyages

D. The part of a sea that is not enclosed by land

E. Parts of various plants used to flavour food

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Write a brief paragraph about the Middle Ages.

Write a short text about Christopher Columbus.

Tell about the impact between Europeans and natives.

Write in your diary: imagine you are an American native, you live in a Caribbean Island and you suddenly see three caravels arriving.

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Write something about the technical advances which improved navigation.

Which were the most important reasons for European Explorations?

Which were the principal effects of discoveries?

What would have happened if Columbus had not discovered America?

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CLIL TEST History – English The Discovery of America

Name ________________ Date ____________________ Class III ______

When did it happen? Write the letter of the event next to the correct date

1 1418 a. Treaty of Tordesillas

2 1492 b. Magellan circumnavigated the world

3 476 c. The Madeira Islands were discovered

4 1522 d. The Turks conquered Constantinople and took over the Byzantine


5 1519 e. Columbus reached an unknown Caribbean Island, that he called San


6 1271-


f. The beginning of Middle Ages

7 1453 g. Cortes conquered Aztec Empire

8 1499 h Marco Polo’s travels


Tick the right answer

1. Pizarro conquered:

Aztec Empire, present- day Mexico

Inca Empire, present -day Peru

Maya Empire, present- day Mexico


2. Direct causes of exploration are indicated

with 3 G. What do the three G symbolize?

Glory, Ground, Galleon

Gold, Geography, Ground

God, Gold, Glory

Glory, God, Geography

3. What’s the name of the southernmost tip

of Africa circumnavigated by Diaz?

Strait of Magellan

Silk Road

Cape of Good Hope

San Salvador

4. The term Encomienda refers to:

The right to trade with the New World,

the Spanish king allowed his own subject

The right to trade with the New World,

the Spanish king exceptionally allowed a

non- Spanish person

A silver mine in Peru, whose exploitation

was permitted but without indigenous


A part of land that a Spanish subject was

allowed to cultivate with the help of

indigenous labor

5. Which model of social system was

introduced by the Spaniard into their

American colonies?





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Read the statements and say if they are true or false. Correct the false ones


1 In 1492, the Turks conquered Constantinople and took over the Byzantine


2 Christopher Columbus was Spanish.

3 Encomienda system was a Spanish practice of securing an adequate and

cheap labor supply

4 Columbus departed from Càdiz.

5 Pizarro conquered Aztec Empire in 1519 and took control of modern day


6 Columbus was convinced that he could reach the eastern coast of Asia by

crossing the Pacific Ocean.

7 The Requirement was a document that all Spaniards read after landing on

an island, justifying their later treatment of these people

8 In 1501 Columbus reached an unknown Caribbean Island in October, that

he called San Salvador

____/ 26

Answer the following question in no more than 5 lines

Which were the most important reasons for European Explorations?





