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Nuovi Libri Coi Buchi

Date post: 18-Mar-2016
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la nuova collana La Coccinella
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35 anni fa La Coccinella ha inventato... un buco con il libro intorno.

Si dice che non tutte le ciambelle riescono col buco. Invece, a noi della Coccinella, i libri col buco riescono sempre.

Abbiamo cominciato tanti anni fa, proprio per gioco, perché ci piace giocare e ci piacciono i bambini che giocando scoprono e imparano,

usando non solo gli occhi e le orecchie, ma anche - e tanto - le mani. Perché mai un libro si dovrebbe solo leggere e guardare?

Perché non inventare libri da toccare, da esplorare come un ambiente, da maneggiare senza paura di romperli,

da mettere in piedi per giocarci intorno, libri da smontare e reinventare, da cui escono a sorpresa pupazzi e animaletti,

libri che dopo essere stati usati e consumati sono ancora più belli, ancora più ricchi, perché il bambino che ci ha giocato

ci ha messo la sua “firma” personale?Questa idea ai bambini è piaciuta molto.

Per fortuna, perché a noi piace molto continuare a farli divertire.

35 years ago La Coccinella invented... a hole with a book around it. It is said that not all ring-shaped cakes stand the test of time. However at La Coccinella our books with the holes live on. We started out many years ago, playing, as we enjoy playing and we enjoy the fact that small children through playing can discover and learn, using not only their eyes and their ears, but also their hands. Why should a book just be an object that one looks at and reads? Why not invent books that can be touched, that can be explored like one’s surroundings, to be handled without fear of breaking them, to be stood upright and be played around? Books that can be disassembled and used creatively, from which puppets and animals are born and come to life; books that when played with,teach about the world around us; books that after having been used and taken apart, are even more beautiful, even more rich, because the child who has played with them has put his own personal signature on them. This is what can give infinite pleasure to a child. Fortunately, as it continues to give us so much pleasure to entertain them.

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Trim size cm 21 x 1924 pages

American board book binding



Nuovi Libri coi Buchi€ 7,50

Formato maneggevole, dorso snodato, robuste pagine con angoli arrotondati, testi musicali in caratteri molto grandi... e tanti buchi in cui infilare le dita! Una collana di straordinario successo, che ogni anno si arricchisce di nuove, deliziose storie.

Simple stories for the very young with colourful big drawings based on the poke-and-look concept, with appealing holes right in the middle of the book, fit for tiny hands and little fingers.

LE RUOTE CORRONO...978887703578-3Project and illustrations by C. A. Michelini Text by G. Mantegazza

BRUCOVERDE978887703579-0Project and illustrations by G. Vanetti Text by G. Mantegazza

GUARDA, C’È UN BUCO...978887703580-6Project by C. A. Michelini Concept and illustrations by A. AbbatielloText by G. Mantegazza

CONTIAMO INSIEME978887703634-6Project and illustrations by C. A. MicheliniText by G. Mantegazza

FACCIAMO BÚ!978887703635-3Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by F. Crovara Text by G. Mantegazza

ANIMALFABETO978887703649-0Project, illustrations and text by M. Gomboli

IL GUFO... E GLI ALTRI978887703781-7Project and illustrations by G. VanettiText by G. Mantegazza

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IL CIRCO DEI COLORI978887703807-4Project and text by E. Bussolati

Illustrations by C. Bordoni


978887703808-1Project by C. A. Michelini

Illustrations by A. Curti Text by G. Mantegazza

NINNA NANNA NINNA-O978887703857-9

Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by G. Orecchia

Text by G. Mantegazza

ERBA VOGLIO978887703858-6

Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by C. Mesturini

Text by G. Mantegazza

CHE VERSO FAI?978887703986-6

Project and illustrations by G. OrecchiaText by G. Mantegazza

MAGICO CIUF CIUF978887548052-3

Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by D. Montanari

Text by G. Mantegazza


Project, illustrations and text by M. Gomboli


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dai18mesiQUESTO È MIO?978887548075-2Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by L. RigoText by G. Mantegazza

VOLTA LA PAGINA E C’É…978887548251-0Project by C. A. MicheliniIllustrations by F. BrunelloText by G. Mantegazza

STELLA STELLINA LA NOTTE SI AVVICINA978887548325-8Project by E. BussolatiIllustrations by A. AbbatielloText by G. Mantegazza

TARTA RUGHINA CERCA CASA978887548462-0Project by C. A. MicheliniText by G. Mantegazza

LO ZOODIACO978887548499-6Project, illustrations and text by M. Gomboli

TOC! TOC! CHE FIABA È?978887548595-5Project and illustrations by D. MontanariText by G. Mantegazza

MAMMA, DOVE SEI?978887548699-0Project and illustrations by S. TrotterText by G. Mantegazza

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