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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE) Num. 1907/2006 Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 Versione 3.0 Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038 1/54 Questa SDS è conforme agli standars e prerequisiti regolamentari dell'Italia e può non essere conforme ai requisiti regolamentari di altri paesi. 1. IDENTIFICAZIONE DELLA SOSTANZA O DELLA MISCELA E DELLA SOCIETÀ/IMPRESA Informazioni sul prodotto Nome del prodotto : Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 Utilizzazione della sostanza/della miscela : Agente pulente, Oxidizing agent ES 1 - Formulation of KPMS based products ES 2 - Denture Cleaner - Consumer Use ES 3 - Professional use of KPMS in pool and spa applications ES 4 - Pool and spa - Consumer Use ES 5 - Use of KPMS in Metal Surface Treatment - Industrial Use ES 6 - Industrial use of KPMS as processing aid in chemical synthesis ES 7 - Use of KPMS as Intermediate in chemical synthesis - Industrial Use ES 8 - Industrial use of KPMS in pulp and paper treatment/production ES 9 - Industrial use of KPMS as environmental processing aid Società : Du Pont de Nemours (Nederland) B.V. Baanhoekweg 22 NL-3313 LA Dordrecht Paesi Bassi Telefono : +31-78-630.1011 Telefax : +31-78-630.1181 Numero telefonico di emergenza : +39-02-9210.5223 Indirizzo e-mail : [email protected] 2. IDENTIFICAZIONE DEI PERICOLI Nocivo per ingestione. Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici. Provoca ustioni. 3. COMPOSIZIONE/INFORMAZIONI SUGLI INGREDIENTI Componenti pericolosi Nome Chimico No. CAS No. CE Numero di registrazione Classificazione Concentrazione [%] Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis (solfato) di pentapotassio 70693-62-8 274-778-7 01-2119485567- 22-0000 Xn; R22 C; R34 R52 86 - 96
Page 1: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Questa SDS è conforme agli standars e prerequisiti regolamentari dell'Italia e può non essere conforme ai requisiti regolamentari di altri paesi.


Informazioni sul prodotto

Nome del prodotto : Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 Utilizzazione della sostanza/della miscela

: Agente pulente, Oxidizing agent ES 1 - Formulation of KPMS based products ES 2 - Denture Cleaner - Consumer Use ES 3 - Professional use of KPMS in pool and spa applications ES 4 - Pool and spa - Consumer Use ES 5 - Use of KPMS in Metal Surface Treatment - Industrial Use ES 6 - Industrial use of KPMS as processing aid in chemical synthesis ES 7 - Use of KPMS as Intermediate in chemical synthesis - Industrial Use ES 8 - Industrial use of KPMS in pulp and paper treatment/production ES 9 - Industrial use of KPMS as environmental processing aid

Società : Du Pont de Nemours (Nederland) B.V.

Baanhoekweg 22 NL-3313 LA Dordrecht Paesi Bassi

Telefono : +31-78-630.1011

Telefax : +31-78-630.1181

Numero telefonico di emergenza

: +39-02-9210.5223

Indirizzo e-mail

: [email protected]


Nocivo per ingestione. Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici. Provoca ustioni.


Componenti pericolosi

Nome Chimico No. CAS No. CE Numero di registrazione

Classificazione Concentrazione [%]

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

70693-62-8 274-778-7 01-2119485567-22-0000

Xn; R22 C; R34 R52

86 - 96

Page 2: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Perossodisolfato di dipotassio

7727-21-1 231-781-8 O; R 8 Xn; R22 Xi; R36/37/38 R42/43

0 - 5


7760-50-1 231-851-8 Xi; R36

1 - 2

Per il testo completo delle frasi R menzionate in questa sezione, riferirsi alla sezione 16.


Informazione generale

: Non somministrare alcunchè a persone svenute. Togliere dall'esposizione, far sdraiare. In caso di incidente o di malessere consultare immediatamente il medico (se possibile, mostrargli l'etichetta).


: Portare all'aria aperta. Ricorrere all'ossigeno o alla respirazione artificiale se necessario. Chiamare immediatamente un medico.

Contatto con la pelle

: Sciacquare immediatamente la pelle con molto acqua. Togliere gli indumenti contaminati e le scarpe. Lavare gli indumenti contaminati prima di riutilizzarli. Consultare un medico.

Contatto con gli occhi

: Lavare immediatamente con molta acqua e sentire il parere di un medico.


: NON indurre il vomito. Se l'infortunato vomita mentre è supino, girarlo su un fianco. Bere 1 o 2 bicchieri d'acqua. Non somministrare alcunchè a persone svenute. Chiamare immediatamente un medico. Se il soggetto è cosciente:


Mezzi di estinzione idonei

: Utilizzare sistemi estinguenti compatibili con la situazione locale e con l'ambiente circostante.,

Mezzi di estinzione da non utilizzare per ragioni di sicurezza

: Anidride carbonica (CO2), Getto d'acqua abbondante,

Pericoli specifici contro l'incendio

: Il prodotto di per sé non brucia.

Prodotti di decomposizione pericolosi

Equipaggiamento speciale di protezione per gli addetti all'estinzione degli incendi

: Indossare un respiratore autonomo e indumenti di protezione.

Ulteriori informazioni

: Raffreddare i contenitori / cisterne con spruzzi d'acqua. Non lasciare che i mezzi di estinzione penetrino nelle fognature o nei corsi d'acqua.


Precauzioni individuali : Evacuare il personale in aree di sicurezza. Evitare il contatto con la pelle, con gli

Page 3: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


occhi e con gli indumenti. Non inalare polvere. Usare i dispositivi di protezione individuali. Prevedere una ventilazione adeguata.

Precauzioni ambientali

: Non deve essere abbandonato nell'ambiente. Impedire al materiale di raggiungere le fogne, le condotte d'acqua o le zone basse. Non contaminare la falda e le acque superficiali.

Metodi di pulizia

: Spazzare via e spalare nei contenitori addatti per lo smaltimento. Evitare la formazione di polvere. Dopo la rimozione pulire ogni traccia con acqua.

Ulteriori suggerimenti

: Eliminare nel rispetto della normativa vigente in materia.



Avvertenze per un impiego sicuro

: Usare soltanto in luogo ben ventilato. Non respirare le polveri. Evitare la formazione di polvere in luoghi ristretti. Evitare il contatto con gli occhi e con la pelle. Tenere lontano da calore e fiamma. See also Annex – Section 2.2


Requisiti del magazzino e dei contenitori

: Tenere in un luogo secco, fresco e ben ventilato. Proteggere da contaminazione. Conservare nei contenitori originali.

Indicazioni per il magazzinaggio insieme ad altri prodotti

: Conservare lontano da: Materiale combustibile Evitare assolutamente che il prodotto venga in contatto con l'acqua durante l'immagazzinaggio.

Altri informazioni

: Stabile nelle condizioni di stoccaggio raccomandate.


Components with DNELs/PNECs

Components CAS-No.

Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

70693-62-8 DNEL/DMEL (worker) Acute – systemic Effects - Dermal

80 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Acute – systemic Effects - Inhalation

50 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Acute – local Effects - Dermal

0.449 mg/cm³

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Acute – Local Effects - Inhalation

50 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Long Term – systemic Effects - Dermal

20 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Long Term – systemic Effects - Inhalation

0.28 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (worker) Long Term – Local Effects - Inhalation

0.28 mg/m³

Page 4: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – systemic Effects - Dermal

40 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – systemic Effects - Inhalation

25 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – systemic Effects - oral

10 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – local Effects - Dermal

0.224 mg/cm³

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – Local Effects - Inhalation

25 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Acute – local Effects - dermal

10 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Long Term – systemic Effects - Inhalation

0.14 mg/m³

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Long Term – systemic Effects - Oral

10 mg/kg bw/day

DNEL/DMEL (consumer) Long Term – Local Effects - Inhalation

0.14 mg/m³

PNEC aquatic - freshwater 0.022 mg/L

PNEC aquatic – marine water 0.002 mg/L

PNEC aquatic – intermittent releases 0.0109 mg/L

PNEC Sediment freshwater 0.017 mg/kg wwt

PNEC Sediment marine 1.74E-03 mg/kg wwt

PNEC Soil 0.885 mg/kg wwt

PNEC stp 108 mg/L

PNECoral 44.44 mg/kg food

Componenti con limiti di esposizione

Componenti No. CAS Tipo Tipo di esposizione

Parametri di controllo



Dust (inhalable and respirable fraction)

Perossodisolfato di dipotassio

7727-21-1 TWA 0,1 mg/m3



Dati di progetto

Assicurare un'adeguata areazione, specialmente in zone chiuse.

Protezione individuale

Protezione respiratoria : Quando si verificano concentrazioni superiori ai limiti di esposizione, è obbligatorio l'uso di adeguati sistemi di protezione delle vie respiratorie. Indossare un respiratore con erogatore d'aria. See also Annex – Section 2.2

Protezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: 0,5 mm

Page 5: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


See also Annex – Section 2.2

Protezione degli occhi

: Usare occhiali di sicurezza o occhialetti di protezione chimica anti-spruzzo a copertura completa.

Protezione della pelle e del corpo

: Dove esista un rischio potenziale di contatto con la pelle, disporre e indossare a seconda della situazione, guanti impermeabili, grembiule, pantaloni, rivestimento, cappa e stivali Togliere gli indumenti contaminati e lavarli prima del loro riutilizzo.

Misure di igiene

: Lavarsi le mani prima delle pause e subito dopo aver maneggiato il prodotto. Pulizia regolare dell'attrezzatura, dell'ambiente di lavoro e degli indumenti. Manipolare rispettando le buone pratiche di igiene industriale e di sicurezza adeguate.

Accorgimenti di protezione

: Non mangiare né bere durante l'impiego. Non respirare le polveri.


Forma fisica

: Forma solida, granulare,


: bianco,


: nessuno(a),


: 2,1 a 30 g/l ( 20 °C)

Punto di fusione : Si decompone prima di sciogliersi.

Punto di ebollizione : non applicabile

Punto di infiammabilità.

: non è infiammabile

Infiammabilità (solidi, gas)

: Il prodotto non è infiammabile.

Proprietà ossidanti

: Il prodotto non è ossidante

Proprietà esplosive

: Non esplosivo

Tensione di vapore

: < 0,0000017 hPa

Densità relativa

: 2,35 a 20 °C

Densità apparente

: 1 100 - 1 400 Kg/m3


: 297 - 357 g/l a 22 °C


Condizioni da evitare

: Temperatura : > 50 °C Evitare il calore estremo.

Materiali da evitare

: Componenti alogenati, Cianuri, Sali di metalli pesanti

Page 6: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Prodotti di decomposizione pericolosi

: ossigeno Diossido di zolfo Triossido di zolfo

Reazioni pericolose

: Stabile nelle condizioni di stoccaggio raccomandate.


Tossicità acuta per via orale

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: DL50/ ratto : 500 mg/kg

Tossicità acuta per inalazione

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: CL50/ 4 h/ ratto : > 5 mg/l

Tossicità acuta per via cutanea

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: DL50/ ratto : > 2 000 mg/kg

Irritante per la pelle

: su coniglio Risultato: Provoca ustioni.

Irritante per la pelle

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: Classificazione: Provoca ustioni. Risultato: Corrosivo

Irritante per gli occhi

: su coniglio Risultato: Grave irritazione agli occhi

Irritante per gli occhi

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: Classificazione: Provoca ustioni. Risultato: Corrosivo


: animali (specie non precisata) Risultato: Irritante per gli occhi


: Può causare sensibilizzazione a persone predisposte, a contatto con la pelle e con l'inalazione della polvere.


Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: porcellino d'India Classificazione: Non è un sensibilizzante della pelle. Risultato: Non causa sensibilizzazione su animali da laboratorio. 'Esistono riferimenti rari o inconclusivi sulla sensibilizzazione della pelle umana

Esperienza umana

: Esposizioni eccessive possono causare danni alla salute, come segue: Inalazione Vie respiratorie superiori: Irritazione, Disagio, Dolore, Tosse

Contatto con la pelle

Page 7: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Irritazione, Disagio, Sfogo

Contatto con gli occhi Irritazione, Disagio, Lacrimazione, Vista annebbiata, Corrosione, Ulcerazione

Ingestione Stomaco: Danni, Ulcerazione, Disturbi gastrointestinali


Dati sull'eliminazione (persistenza e degradabilità) Eliminabilità fisico-chimica

: idrolizza

Tossicità per i pesci

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: CL50 / 96 h/ Oncorhynchus mykiss (Trota iridea) : 53 mg/l

Tossicità per le alghe

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: / CE50r/ 72 h/ Alga: > 1 mg/l

Tossicità in acqua

Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio

: / CE50/ 48 h/ Dafnia: 3,5 mg/l



: Eliminare come rifiuto pericoloso rispettando i regolamenti locali e nazionali. See also Annex – Section 2.1

Contenitori contaminati

: Se il riciclaggio non è praticabile, smaltire secondo le leggi locali.


ADR Classe: 8 Gruppo d'imballaggio: II Codice di classificazione: C2 No. HI: 80 Numero ONU: 3260 No. Etichettatura: 8 Nome di spedizione appropriato ONU:

Solido inorganico corrosivo, acido, n.a.s. (Monopersulfate Compound, )

IATA_C Classe: 8 Gruppo d'imballaggio: II Numero ONU: 3260 No. Etichettatura: 8

Page 8: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Nome di spedizione appropriato ONU:

Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. (Monopersulfate Compound, )

IMDG Classe: 8 Gruppo d'imballaggio: II Numero ONU: 3260 No. Etichettatura: 8 Nome di spedizione appropriato ONU:

Corrosive solid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. (Monopersulfate Compound, )


Etichettatura secondo la Direttiva CE

Simbolo(i) : C Corrosivo

Componenti pericolosi: Bis(perossimonosolfato)bis(solfato) di pentapotassio Perossodisolfato di dipotassio Frasi "R" : R22 Nocivo per ingestione.

R52 Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici. R34 Provoca ustioni.

Frasi "S" : S22 Non respirare le polveri.

S36/37/39 Usare indumenti protettivi e guanti adatti e proteggersi gli occhi/la faccia.

S45 In caso di incidente o di malessere consultare immediatamente il medico (se possibile, mostrargli l'etichetta).

S60 Questo materiale e il suo contenitore devono essere smaltiti come rifiuti pericolosi.


Testo delle frasi-R menzionate nella Sezione 3

R 8 Può provocare l'accensione di materie combustibili. R22 Nocivo per ingestione. R34 Provoca ustioni. R36 Irritante per gli occhi. R36/37/38 Irritante per gli occhi, le vie respiratorie e la pelle. R42/43 Può provocare sensibilizzazione per inalazione e contatto con la pelle. R52 Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici.

Un cambiamento significativo dalla versione precedente viene indicato con una doppia barra.

Le informazioni riportate in questa Scheda di Sicurezza sono corrette secondo le nostre migliori conoscenze del prodotto al momento della pubblicazione. Tali informazioni vengono fornite con l'unico scopo di consentire l'utilizzo,

Page 9: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


lo stoccaggio, il trasporto e lo smaltimento del prodotto nei modi più corretti e sicuri. Queste informazioni non devono considerarsi una garanzia od una specifica della qualità del prodotto. Le informazioni precedenti si riferiscono solo a quel materiale(i) indicato qui e possono essere non valide per lo stesso materiale ma usato in combinazione con altri materiali o in qualche procedimento o ancora se il materiale è alterato o ha subito un procedimento, salvo nel caso in cui si trovino indicazioni nel testo.

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (1) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Formulation of KPMS based products SU 3, 10

PROC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8a, 8b, 9, 14, 15

PC 14, 20, 21, 35, 37, 39


Closed and batch processes incl. sampling and maintenance, mixing/blending, pelletting, tabletting, compression, transfers,

packaging and laboratory uses

Scenario name Process Category

(PROC) Short name

Closed continuous process PROC 1 CS 1

Closed continuous process – occasional

controlled PROC 2

CS 2

Closed batch process PROC 3 CS 3

Batch and other process with opportunity

for exposure PROC 4

CS 4

Mixing and blending PROC 5 CS 5

Transfers – non-dedicated equipment PROC 8a CS 6

Transfers – dedicated equipment PROC 8b CS 7

Transfer and packaging PROC 9 CS 8

Compression, tabletting, pelletisation PROC 14 CS 9

Laboratory use PROC 15 CS 10

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for …

Formulation of KPMS based products

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

1000 t/year or 3333 kg/day

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency)

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Page 11: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of

waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure provided results in 95% reduction).

General Product transport, delivery and storage in appropriate packaging

Immediate dry removal and disposal of spills, avoid dispersing of spilled material, minimize run-off, and release to soil,

water bodies, drains and sewers

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/day

River flow arte: 18000 m3/day

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Batches out of specifications are blended or disposed according to official regulations.

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for …

Formulation of KPMS based products

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm)

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration

CS 1 >4 hours (default)

CS 2 >4 hours (default)

CS 3 >4 hours (default)

CS 4 >4 hours (default)

CS 5 1 - 4 hours

CS 6 >4 hours (default)

CS 7 >4 hours (default)

CS 8 >4 hours (default)

CS 9 >4 hours (default)

CS 10 >4 hours (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors with LEV

CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors with LEV

CS 6 Indoors with LEV

CS 7 Indoors with LEV

CS 8 Indoors with LEV

CS 9 Indoors with LEV

CS 10 Indoors with LEV

Page 12: Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16 di sicurezza oxone.pdfProtezione delle mani : Materiale: gomma butilica Tempo di penetrazione: >= 8 h Spessore del guanto: ... Numero ONU: 3260

SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation as defined for PROCs in CSs

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

Respiratory protection in table below refers to min. APF 10 (90% exposure reduction) or min. APF 20 (95% exposure

reduction), where applicable.

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


Contributing Scenario Respiratory protection / efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 No no

CS 2 No no

CS 3 No no

CS 4 0.95 no

CS 5 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 6 0.95 no

CS 7 0.95 no

CS 8 0.95 no

CS 9 0.9 no

CS 10 No no

See section 4 and 8 of SDS

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combined

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 3 4.00E-03 4.29E-04 4.43E-03

CS 4 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 5 1.00E-03 8.57E-05 1.09E-03

CS 6 1.00E-03 1.71E-03 2.71E-03

CS 7 5.00E-04 8.57E-03 9.07E-03

CS 8 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 9 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 10 2.00E-03 4.29E-04 2.43E-03

Acute - local effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 2.17E-01 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 3 4.00E-03 2.64E-03 n/a

CS 4 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 1.00E-03 5.27E-04 n/a

CS 6 1.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 7 5.00E-04 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 8 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 9 4.00E-04 1.09E-01 n/a

CS 10 2.00E-03 2.17E-02 n/a

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Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 2 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

CS 3 3.57E-01 1.71E-03 3.59E-01

CS 4 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 5 5.36E-02 3.43E-04 5.39E-02

CS 6 8.93E-02 6.86E-03 9.61E-02

CS 7 4.46E-02 3.43E-02 7.89E-02

CS 8 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 9 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 10 1.79E-01 1.71E-03 1.80E-01

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 1.79E-01 - -

CS 3 3.57E-01 - -

CS 4 8.93E-02 - -

CS 5 5.36E-02 - -

CS 6 8.93E-02 - -

CS 7 4.46E-02 - -

CS 8 8.93E-02 - -

CS 9 3.57E-02 - -

CS 10 1.79E-01 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 4.17E-01

Marine water 4.59E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.23E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.16E-01

Aquatic freshwater food



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Aquatic marine water food



Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.29E-05

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:


















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment: Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

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highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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1 Exposure Scenario (2) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Denture Cleaner, Consumer Use

SU 21

PC 39

ERC 8b

Scenario name Product Category




Cosmetics, personal care products PC39 CS 1

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Denture Cleaner, Consumer Use

Product characteristics

Concentration: max. 100 % solid, max. 10% KMPS (triple salt) in preparation

Physical state: solid tablets, liquid preparation

Packaging: moisture-resistant packaging, tablets tubes

Amounts used

Annual amount supplied to consumers: max. 2000 t/year – wide dispersive use, fraction to region 0.1

Fraction of the main local source: 0.0005 (equal temporal and spatial distribution of release)

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous release – wide dispersive use; 365 days/year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/day

River flow arte: 18000 m3/day

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Household waste water is treated in municipal sewage treatment plants.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling consumer exposure for

Denture Cleaner, Consumer Use

Product characteristic

Concentration: max. 10% KMPS (triple salt) in preparation

Physical state: solid tablets, liquid preparation

Packaging: moisture-resistant packaging, tablets tubes

Amounts used

Used amount per event per day:

max. 10 g/day/consumer, usual application: in 100 mL cleaning solution

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Duration [for contact]: max. 0.25 hours

Frequency [for one person]: once a day, 365 days/year

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Consumers may be exposed to the solid (tablet) formulation when dosing the product into water and to the preparation

(cleaning solution; inhalation, dermal, oral). Exposure to the solution predominantly occurs by misuse such as poor rinsing

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of the denture after use, spilling to skin or drinking of the cleaning solution.

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

The product is used indoors only. Indoor air volume: min. 4 m3, ventilation rate: min. 0.5/h

Conditions and measures related to information and behavioural advice to consumers

Safety and application notes on product label and/or package insert.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection and hygiene

See section 8 MSDS

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for ES 2 – Consumers - Adult Route Risk characterisation ratio Acute - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg/bw)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg/bw)


Acute - local effects

Dermal (mg/cm



Inhalation (mg/m



Long-term - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg bw/d)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg bw/d)


Long-term – local effects

Inhalation (mg/m



Quantitative risk characterisation for ES 2 – Consumers - Children Route Risk characterisation ratio Acute - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg/bw)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg/bw)


Acute - local effects

Dermal (mg/cm



Inhalation (mg/m



Long-term - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg bw/d)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg bw/d)


Long-term – local effects

Inhalation (mg/m



Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

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Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 3.99E-03

Marine water 4.33E-03

Sediment freshwater 4.05E-03

Sediment freshwater 3.93E-03

Aquatic freshwater food



Aquatic marine water food



Terrestrial compartment (including secondary poisoning)

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.25E-06

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 2.31E-06

Assessment method: (defaults used)

Consumer exposure (Oral, Dermal, Inhalation) ConsExpo 4.1 (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

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1 Exposure Scenario (3) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Professional use of KPMS in pool and spa applications

SU 22

PROC 8a, 13, 19

PC 35, 37

ERC 8e, 8b

Transfer, mixing/blending into aqueous solution, treatment of recreational water, cartridge cleaning by dipping.

Scenario name

Process Category


Type of




S1 Weigh out material for use – indoors PROC 8a industrial CS 1

S2 Dissolve in a bucket of pool water –


PROC 19 Industrial CS 2

S3 Add to pool - indoors PROC 8a industrial CS 3

S1 Weigh out material for use - outdoors PROC 8a Industrial CS 4

S2 Dissolve in a bucket of pool water -


PROC 19 Industrial CS 5

S3 Add to pool - outdoors PROC 8a Industrial CS 6

Cartridge cleaning by dipping PROC 13 industrial CS 7

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Professional use of KPMS in pool and spa applications

Product characteristics

Concentration: solid form up to 100%,

Amounts used

Max. 2050 t/year

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous release – wide dispersive use; 365 days/year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Waste water:

Do not dispose off treated water immediately after treatment

Use of STP (freshwater and marine)

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/day

River flow arte: 18000 m3/day

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

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Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for …

Professional use of KPMS in pool and spa applications

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: medium for solid (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm), low dustiness once in aqueous solution

Concentration: solid form 100%, in aqueous solution maximum 12%, max. 0.006 % application and post application of

recreational water; cartridge cleaning: 5% in product, 0.05% in dipping solution

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Scenario name Duration of activity [hours/day]

CS 1 1 - 4 hours

CS 2 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 3 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 4 1 - 4 hours

CS 5 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 6 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 7 less than 15 mins

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Use of Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors without LEV

CS 3 Indoors without LEV

CS 4 Outdoors

CS 5 Outdoors

CS 6 Outdoors

CS 7 Indoors without LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in professional applications - indoors or outdoors

Product storage in appropriate packaging before use

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

Respiratory protection with 90 – 95% exposure reduction (where applicable, see table below)

Gloves: at least 90% exposure reduction and basic training of workers (min. APF 10), PROC 19 at least 95% exposure

reduction and specific training of workers (min. APF 20), (e.g. butyl rubber, min. 0.5 mm, breakthrough time >8 hours) or

equivalent or higher APF, where applicable, see table below



Respiratory protection /

efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 2 0.9 gloves-specific training - APF 20

CS 3 0.9 gloves-basic training - APF 10

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CS 4 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 5 0.9 gloves-specific training - APF 20

CS 6 0.9 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 7 0.9 gloves-basic training - APF 10

See section 8

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combined

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 1.00E-02 1.71E-02 2.71E-02

CS 2 2.00E-03 8.84E-02 9.04E-02

CS 3 2.00E-03 1.71E-02 1.91E-02

CS 4 7.00E-03 1.71E-02 2.41E-02

CS 5 1.40E-03 8.84E-02 8.98E-02

CS 6 1.40E-03 1.71E-02 1.85E-02

CS 7 2.00E-03 1.71E-02 1.91E-02

Acute - local effects

CS 1 1.00E-02 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-03 5.43E-01 n/a

CS 3 2.00E-03 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 4 7.00E-03 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 5 1.40E-03 5.43E-01 n/a

CS 6 1.40E-03 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 7 2.00E-03 4.35E-01 n/a

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 5.36E-01 6.86E-02 6.04E-01

CS 2 3.57E-02 3.54E-01 3.89E-01

CS 3 3.57E-02 6.86E-02 1.04E-01

CS 4 3.75E-01 6.86E-02 4.44E-01

CS 5 2.50E-02 3.54E-01 3.79E-01

CS 6 2.50E-02 6.86E-02 9.36E-02

CS 7 1.79E-02 6.86E-02 8.64E-02

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 5.36E-01 - -

CS 2 3.57E-02 - -

CS 3 3.57E-02 - -

CS 4 3.75E-01 - -

CS 5 2.50E-02 - -

CS 6 2.50E-02 - -

CS 7 1.79E-02 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



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Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 7.51E-03

Marine water 8.20E-03

Sediment freshwater 7.62E-03

Sediment freshwater 7.44E-03

Aquatic freshwater food



Aquatic marine water food



Terrestrial compartment (including secondary poisoning)

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 5.58E-06

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 9.48E-06

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

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RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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1 Exposure Scenario (4) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Use of KPMS as water treatment product(s) in pool and spa facilities and as cartridge cleaning by consumers

SU 21

PC 35, 37

ERC 8e

Scenario name Product Category




Making up of product solution and

application to pool/spa, PC35 CS 1

making up of product solution and cleaning

cartridges by dipping. PC37 CS2

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Use as water treatment products in pool and spa facilities and as cartridge cleaning by consumers

Product characteristics

Concentration: max. 100 % solid, liquid in preparation for water treatment max. 12 % mixing and

loading; max. 0.006 % application and post application, for cartridge cleaning 0.05% in solution for


Physical state: solid tablets or granules, liquid preparation

Packaging: small sachets (e.g. max. 100 g for cartridge cleaner), cans (max. 25 kg bulk bags) or pressed

into tablets up to 200 g and packed into pails.

Amounts used

Annual amount supplied to consumers: max. 2050 t/year

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous release – wide dispersive use; 365 days/year

(Indoor pool: max. 2 times/week

Outdoor pool: max. 2 times/week

Spa: max: 6 times/week

Cartridge cleaning: max 4 times/year)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/day

River flow rate: 18000 m3/day

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Household waste water is treated in municipal sewage treatment plants.

2.2 Contributing scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for

Use as water treatment products in pool and spa facilities and as cartridge cleaning by consumers

Product characteristic

Concentration: solid up to 100 %; liquid in preparation for water treatment max. 12 % mixing and

loading; max. 0.006 % application and post application, for cartridge cleaning 0.05% in solution for


Physical state: solid (powder, tablets or granules)

Powder: medium dustiness max. 0.174 % particles below 10 µm;

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Granules: low dustiness

Packaging: small sachets (e.g. max. 100 g for cartridge cleaner), cans (max. 25 kg bulk bags) or pressed

into tablets up to 200 g and packed into pails.

Amounts used

Used amount per event per day:

Indoor: 1.2 kg per application (12 mg/L = g/m3 * 100 m

3 pool size)

Outdoor: 3.6 kg per application (12 mg/L = g/m3 * 300 m

3 pool size)

Spa: 0.6 kg per application (60 mg/L = g/m3 * 10 m

3 pool size)

Cartridge cleaning: max. 100 g per application

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Frequency [for one person, adult]: up to 6 events/day (for professional swimmers)

Frequency [for one person, child]: 1 event/day

Frequency cartridge cleaning: max 4 events per year

Duration [for contact]: max. 0.5 hours/day mixing and loading

max. 1 hour/day application and post application

Duration for cartridge cleaning: 0.25 hours/day

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Consumers may be exposed during mixing and loading (dermal, oral, inhalation), during application and

post application of water treatment products and during dipping of cartridges. The exposure in treated

water may occur in public or consumer settings (inhalation, dermal, oral). No degradation effects

between dosage and exposure via treated water are considered.)

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

The product is used indoors and outdoors by consumers

Indoor air volume: min. 100 m3, 0.5/hr ventilation rate

Indoor pool size: max. 100 m3

Outdoor air volume: min. 300 m3, 0.5/hr ventilation rate

Outdoor pool size: max. 300 m3

Spa air volume: min. 10 m3, 0.5/hr ventilation rate

Spa size: max. 10 m3

Conditions and measures related to information and behavioural advice to consumers

Safety and application notes on product label and/or package insert.

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for ES 4 – Consumers - Adult Route Risk

characterisation ratio

Acute - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg/bw)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg/bw)


Acute - local effects

Dermal (mg/cm



Inhalation (mg/m



Long-term - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg bw/d)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg bw/d)


Long-term – Inhalation 0.0757

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


local effects (mg/m3)

Quantitative risk characterisation for ES 4 - Consumers– Children Route Risk

characterisation ratio

Acute - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg/bw)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg/bw) 0.0299

Acute - local effects

Dermal (mg/cm



Inhalation (mg/m



Long-term - systemic effects

Dermal (mg/kg bw/d)


Inhalation (mg/m



Oral (mg/kg/bw/d)


Long-term – local effects

Inhalation (mg/m



Assessment method:

Consumer exposure (Oral, Dermal, Inhalation) ConsExpo 4.1 (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (5) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Use of KPMS in Metal Surface Treatment - Industrial Use

SU 3, 14, 15, 16

PROC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8a, 8b, 9, 13

PC 14

ERC 6b Closed and batch processes incl. sampling and maintenance, transfers, mixing/blending, treatment of articles by dipping and

pouring processes, pelletting, tabletting, compression, transfers

Scenario name Process Category

(PROC) Short name

Closed continuous process PROC 1 CS 1

Closed continuous process – occasional

controlled exposure


Closed batch process PROC 3 CS 3

Batch and other process with opportunity for



S1 RM is moved from storage area to

weighing area for scaled tank make up

PROC 8a CS 5

S1 RM is moved from storage area to

weighing area for scaled tank make up

PROC 8b CS 6

S2 Weighted RM is discharged from

bag/container for blending into water or

sulfuric acid solution.


S3 Metal is processed through solution with

solution sampling/testing and replenishment

of RM


S4 Spent solution is dumped and tank is



S5 Waste treatment of spent solution PROC 5 CS10

Dipping and pouring PROC 13 CS11

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Use in of KPMS in Metal Surface Treatment - Industrial Use

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

300 t/year or 1000 kg/day

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency)

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% (Ecetoc TRAM prediction)

If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure

provided results in 95% reduction)

Alternatively, cleaning solutions maybe collected and disposed off according to official local and regional regulations.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/days

River flow rate: 18000 m3/days

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Batches out of specifications are blended or disposed according to official regulations.

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for …

Use in Metal Surface Treatment - Industrial Use

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid, during process also in liquid media

Dustiness: medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm), low once in liquid media

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration

CS 1 >4 hours (default)

CS 2 >4 hours (default)

CS 3 >4 hours (default)

CS 4 >4 hours (default)

CS 5 less than 15 mins

CS 6 less than 15 mins

CS 7 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 8 >4 hours (default)

CS 9 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 10 15 mins to 1 hour

CS 11 >4 hours (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors with LEV

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Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors without LEV

CS 6 Indoors without LEV

CS 7 Indoors with LEV

CS 8 Indoors without LEV

CS 9 Indoors without LEV

CS 10 Indoors without LEV

CS 11 Indoors without LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

Respiratory protection in table below refers to min. APF 10 (90% exposure reduction) or min. APF 20 (95% exposure

reduction), where applicable.

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


Contributing Scenario Respiratory protection / efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 No no

CS 2 No no

CS 3 No no

CS 4 0.95 no

CS 5 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 6 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 7 0.9 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 8 No gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 9 No gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 10 No gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 11 No gloves-basic training - APF 10

See section 8 of SDS

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combinedb

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 3 4.00E-03 4.29E-04 4.43E-03

CS 4 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 5 1.00E-02 1.71E-02 2.71E-02

CS 6 1.00E-02 8.57E-03 1.86E-02

CS 7 2.00E-03 8.57E-05 2.09E-03

CS 8 4.00E-04 1.71E-03 2.11E-03

CS 9 4.00E-03 8.57E-03 1.26E-02

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Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


CS 10 2.00E-02 1.71E-02 3.71E-02

CS 11 4.00E-03 1.71E-02 2.11E-02

Acute - local effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 2.17E-01 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 3 4.00E-03 2.64E-03 n/a

CS 4 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 1.00E-02 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 6 1.00E-02 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 7 2.00E-03 5.27E-04 n/a

CS 8 4.00E-04 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 9 4.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 10 2.00E-02 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 11 4.00E-03 4.35E-01 n/a

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 2 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

CS 3 3.57E-01 1.71E-03 3.59E-01

CS 4 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 5 8.93E-02 6.86E-02 1.58E-01

CS 6 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 7 3.57E-02 3.43E-04 3.61E-02

CS 8 3.57E-02 6.86E-03 4.26E-02

CS 9 7.14E-02 3.43E-02 1.06E-01

CS 10 3.57E-01 6.86E-02 4.26E-01

CS 11 3.57E-01 6.86E-02 4.26E-01

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 1.79E-01 - -

CS 3 3.57E-01 - -

CS 4 8.93E-02 - -

CS 5 8.93E-02 - -

CS 6 8.93E-02 - -

CS 7 3.57E-02 - -

CS 8 3.57E-02 - -

CS 9 7.14E-02 - -

CS 10 3.57E-01 - -

CS 11 3.57E-01 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 4.17E-01

Marine water 4.59E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.23E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.16E-01

Aquatic freshwater food



Aquatic marine water food



Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.39E-06

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:


















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment:

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (6) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Industrial use of KPMS as processing aid in chemical synthesis

SU 3, 9

PROC 1, 2, 3, 4, 8a, 8b, 15

PC 20

ERC 6b

Closed continuous or batch processes, including sampling and maintenance, transfers and laboratory applications

Scenario name Process Category

(PROC) Short name

Closed continuous process PROC 1 CS 1

Closed continuous process – occasional

controlled exposure


Closed batch process PROC 3 CS 3

Batch and other process with opportunity

for exposure


Transfers – non-dedicated equipment PROC 8a CS 5

Transfers - dedicated equipment PROC 8b CS 6

Laboratory use PROC 15 CS 7

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Industrial use of KPMS as processing aid in chemical synthesis

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

300 t/year or 1000 kg/day

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment in process steps according to definition of PROCs

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency) and avoid release to air to exceed 30 kg/day

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% (Ecetoc TRAM prediction)

If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure

provided results in 95% reduction)

Alternatively, cleaning solutions maybe collected and disposed off according to official local and regional regulations.


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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Minimize releases to soil and avoid release to industrial soil to exceed 10 kg/day.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/days

River flow rate: 18000 m3/days

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Batches out of specifications are blended or disposed according to official regulations.

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for

Industrial use of KPMS as processing aid in chemical synthesis

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: raw material - medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm), used in liquid media – low fugacity

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration

CS 1 >4 hours (default)

CS 2 >4 hours (default)

CS 3 >4 hours (default)

CS 4 >4 hours (default)

CS 5 >4 hours (default)

CS 6 >4 hours (default)

CS 7 >4 hours (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors without LEV

CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors with LEV

CS 6 Indoors with LEV

CS 7 Indoors with LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation as specified in CSs

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

See section 8

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers

Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combinedb

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 2 4.00E-04 1.71E-02 1.75E-02

CS 3 4.00E-04 4.29E-04 8.29E-04

CS 4 2.00E-03 8.57E-03 1.06E-02

CS 5 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 6 2.00E-04 8.57E-03 8.77E-03

CS 7 4.00E-04 4.29E-04 8.29E-04

Acute - local effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 2.17E-01 n/a

CS 2 4.00E-04 1.05E-01 n/a

CS 3 4.00E-04 2.64E-03 n/a

CS 4 2.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 6 2.00E-04 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 7 4.00E-04 2.17E-02 n/a

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 2 3.57E-02 6.86E-02 1.04E-01

CS 3 3.57E-02 1.71E-03 3.74E-02

CS 4 1.79E-01 3.43E-02 2.13E-01

CS 5 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

CS 6 1.79E-02 3.43E-02 5.21E-02

CS 7 3.57E-02 1.71E-03 3.74E-02

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 3.57E-02 - -

CS 3 3.57E-02 - -

CS 4 1.79E-01 - -

CS 5 1.79E-01 - -

CS 6 1.79E-02 - -

CS 7 3.57E-02 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Grassland 1.39E-06

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:


















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment: Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

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Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (7) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Use of KPMS as Intermediate in chemical synthesis - Industrial Use

SU 3, 9

PROC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8a, 8b, 15

PC 19

ERC 6a

Closed continuous or batch processes, including sampling and maintenance, transfers and laboratory applications

Scenario name Process Category

(PROC) Short name

Closed continuous reactor process PROC 1 CS 1

Closed continuous reactor process –

occasional controlled exposure for



Closed batch process with some

opportunity for exposure


Batch and other process with greater

opportunity for exposure


Mixing PROC 5 CS 5

Transfers – non-dedicated equipment PROC 8a CS 6

Transfers - dedicated equipment PROC 8b CS 7

Laboratory use PROC 15 CS 8

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Use of KPMS as Intermediate in chemical synthesis - Industrial Use

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

400 t/year or 1333 kg/day

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment in process steps according to definition of PROCs

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency)

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% (Ecetoc TRA prediction)

If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure

provided results in 95% reduction)

Alternatively, cleaning solutions maybe collected and disposed off according to official local and regional regulations.

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/days

River flow rate: 18000 m3/days

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Batches out of specifications are blended or disposed according to official regulations.

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for

Use of KPMS as Intermediate in chemical synthesis - Industrial Use

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm)

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration

CS 1 >4 hours (default)

CS 2 >4 hours (default)

CS 3 >4 hours (default)

CS 4 >4 hours (default)

CS 5 1 - 4 hours

CS 6 >4 hours (default)

CS 7 >4 hours (default)

CS 8 >4 hours (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors with LEV

CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors with LEV

CS 6 Indoors with LEV

CS 7 Indoors with LEV

CS 8 Indoors with LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation as specified in CSs

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Respiratory protection in table below refers to min. APF 10 (90% exposure reduction) or min. APF 20 (95% exposure

reduction), where applicable.

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


Contributing Scenario Respiratory protection / efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 No no

CS 2 No no

CS 3 No no

CS 4 0.95 no

CS 5 0.95 gloves-basic training - APF 10

CS 6 0.95 no

CS 7 0.95 no

CS 8 0.9 no

See section 8

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers

Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combinedb

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 3 4.00E-03 4.29E-04 4.43E-03

CS 4 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 5 1.00E-03 8.57E-05 1.09E-03

CS 6 1.00E-03 1.71E-03 2.71E-03

CS 7 5.00E-04 8.57E-03 9.07E-03

CS 8 2.00E-04 8.57E-03 6.29E-04

Acute - local effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 2.17E-01 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 3 4.00E-03 2.64E-03 n/a

CS 4 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 1.00E-03 5.27E-04 n/a

CS 6 1.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 7 5.00E-04 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 8 2.00E-04 2.17E-02

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 2 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

CS 3 3.57E-01 1.71E-03 3.59E-01

CS 4 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 5 5.36E-02 3.43E-04 5.39E-02

CS 6 8.93E-02 6.86E-03 9.61E-02

CS 7 4.46E-02 3.43E-02 7.89E-02

CS 8 1.79E-02 1.71E-03 1.96E-02

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 1.79E-01 - -

CS 3 3.57E-01 - -

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


CS 4 8.93E-02 - -

CS 5 5.36E-02 - -

CS 6 8.93E-02 - -

CS 7 4.46E-02 - -

CS 8 1.79E-02 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 4.17E-01

Marine water 4.59E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.23E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.16E-01

Aquatic freshwater food



Aquatic marine water food



Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.06E-05

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:


















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment: Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling

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Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038




Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (8) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Industrial use of KPMS in pulp and paper treatment/production

SU 3, 6b

PROC 2, 4, 8a

PC 26, 37

ERC 6b

Continuous or batch processes for pulp/paper treatment, transfers, waste water (pre)treatment and laboratory uses

Scenario name

Process Category

(PROC) Short name

S1 RM is relocated to the repulp area

(very stable IBC using fork lift)


S2 Repulpable bag is manually

transferred to the repulper.

PROC 8a CS 2

S3 Pulp slurry is carried to down stream

processes and fiber is separated from

process water.


S4 Spent process water (pre)treatment



Closed batch process PROC 2 CS 5

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Industrial use of KPMS in pulp and paper treatment/production

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

300 t/year or 1000 kg/day

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment in process steps according to definition of PROCs

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency)

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% (Ecetoc TRA prediction)

If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure

provided results in 95% reduction)

Alternatively, cleaning solutions maybe collected and disposed off according to official local and regional regulations.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/days

River flow rate: 18000 m3/days

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for

Industrial use of KPMS in pulp and paper treatment/production

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm)

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration Frequency

CS 1 15 mins to 1 hour Daily

CS 2 less than 15 mins Daily

CS 3 1 - 4 hours Daily

CS 4 >4 hours (default) Daily

CS 5 less than 15 mins Daily

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors with LEV

CS 2 Indoors with LEV

CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors without LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation as specified in CSs

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

Respiratory protection in table below refers to min. APF 10 (90% exposure reduction) or min. APF 20 (95% exposure

reduction), where applicable.

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


Contributing Scenario Respiratory protection / efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 No No

CS 2 No No

CS 3 0.9 No

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


CS 4 0.95 No

CS 5 No gloves-basic training - APF 10

See section 8

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers

Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combinedb

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 2 2.00E-02 1.71E-03 2.17E-02

CS 3 2.00E-03 8.57E-03 1.06E-02

CS 4 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 5 2.00E-02 1.71E-03 2.17E-02

Acute - local effects

CS 1 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-02 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 3 2.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 4 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 2.00E-02 1.05E-02 n/a

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 6.86E-03 4.26E-02

CS 2 3.57E-01 6.86E-03 3.64E-01

CS 3 1.07E-01 3.43E-02 1.41E-01

CS 4 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 5 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 1.79E-01 - -

CS 3 1.07E-01 - -

CS 4 8.93E-02 - -

CS 5 1.79E-01 - -

Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.39E-06

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.06E-05

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:


















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment: Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


1 Exposure Scenario (9) Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate)

Industrial use of KPMS as environmental processing aid

SU 3

PROC 1, 2, 3, 4, 8a, 8b, 15

PC 20, 37

ERC 6b

Continuous or batch processes for pulp/paper treatment, transfers, waste water (pre)treatment and laboratory uses

Scenario name

Process Category

(PROC) Short name

Closed continuous process PROC 1 CS 1

Closed continuous process – occasional

controlled exposure


Closed batch process PROC 3 CS 3

Batch and other process with opportunity

for exposure


Transfers – non-dedicated equipment PROC 8a CS 5

Transfers - dedicated equipment PROC 8b CS 6

Laboratory use PROC 15 CS 7

2.1 Contributing scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for

Industrial use of KPMS as environmental processing aid

Product characteristics

Concentration: 100%

Amounts used

300 t/year or 1000 kg/

Frequency and duration of use

Continuous, Release/emission: ≥ 300 days / year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Dilution factor river: 10

Dilution factor marine: 100

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Containment in process steps according to definition of PROCs

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Dry cleaning of containers and equipment and disposal via solid waste in order to minimize releases.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil


Exhaust air passed through scrubber or dust filter (≥ 80% efficiency)

Waste water:

Minimize releases to waste water and avoid release to exceed 2 kg/day and discharge to STP.

Use of STP (freshwater and marine): total removal > 91% (Ecetoc TRA prediction)

If release to wastewater would exceed 2 kg/day, pre-treatment of waste water is required by adding sodium sulfite (procedure

provided results in 95% reduction)

Alternatively, cleaning solutions maybe collected and disposed off according to official local and regional regulations.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Effluent rate of municipal STP: 2000 m3/days

River flow rate: 18000 m3/days

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Batches out of specifications are blended or disposed according to official regulations.

Cleaning solutions are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

Dust filters are disposed of according to official local and regional regulations or regenerated/washed and solutions are

disposed of according to official local and regional regulations.

2.2 Contributing scenarios controlling worker exposure for …

Industrial use of KPMS as environmental processing aid

Product characteristic

Physical state: solid

Dustiness: medium (max. 0.174% particles < 10 µm)

Concentration: 100%

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

Exposure frequency: daily for all PROCs

Contributing Scenario Duration

CS 1 >4 hours (default)

CS 2 >4 hours (default)

CS 3 >4 hours (default)

CS 4 >4 hours (default)

CS 5 >4 hours (default)

CS 6 >4 hours (default)

CS 7 >4 hours (default)

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Scenario name Ventilation

CS 1 Indoors without LEV

CS 2 Indoors with LEV

CS 3 Indoors with LEV

CS 4 Indoors with LEV

CS 5 Indoors with LEV

CS 6 Indoors with LEV

CS 7 Indoors with LEV

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Handling in industrial settings

Containment according to definition of PROCs / activities in CS

Product storage in appropriate packaging

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation as specified in CSs

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

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Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Limit potential skin exposure to two hands and face (480 cm2) by protective clothing

Respiratory protection in table below refers to min. APF 10 (90% exposure reduction) or min. APF 20 (95% exposure

reduction), where applicable.

As the substance is corrosive, additional Personal Protection Equipment is recommended as good industrial practice advice


Contributing Scenario Respiratory protection / efficiency Dermal PPE – Gloves

CS 1 No No

CS 2 No No

CS 3 No No

CS 4 0.95 No

CS 5 0.95 No

CS 6 0.95 No

CS 7 0.9 No

See section 8

3. Exposure estimation and reference to its source

Quantitative risk characterisation for workers

Toxicity Endpoint

CS # Risk Characterisation Ratio

Inhalation Dermal Combinedb

Acute – systemic effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 4.29E-03 4.69E-03

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.71E-03 3.71E-03

CS 3 4.00E-03 4.29E-04 4.43E-03

CS 4 1.00E-03 8.57E-03 9.57E-03

CS 5 1.00E-03 1.71E-03 2.71E-03

CS 6 5.00E-04 8.57E-03 9.07E-03

CS 7 2.00E-04 8.57E-03 6.29E-04

Acute - local effects

CS 1 4.00E-04 2.17E-01 n/a

CS 2 2.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 3 4.00E-03 2.64E-03 n/a

CS 4 1.00E-03 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 5 1.00E-03 1.05E-02 n/a

CS 6 5.00E-04 5.27E-02 n/a

CS 7 2.00E-04 2.17E-02

Long-term - systemic effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 1.71E-02 5.29E-02

CS 2 1.79E-01 6.86E-03 1.85E-01

CS 3 3.57E-01 1.71E-03 3.59E-01

CS 4 8.93E-02 3.43E-02 1.24E-01

CS 5 8.93E-02 6.86E-03 9.61E-02

CS 6 4.46E-02 3.43E-02 7.89E-02

CS 7 1.79E-02 1.71E-03 1.96E-02

Long-term – local effects

CS 1 3.57E-02 - -

CS 2 1.79E-01 - -

CS 3 3.57E-01 - -

CS 4 8.93E-02 - -

CS 5 8.93E-02 - -

CS 6 4.46E-02 - -

CS 7 1.79E-02 - -

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Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


Quantitative risk characterisation for humans exposed via the environment

Route Risk



Inhalation- systemic



Oral- systemic (long-



Risk characterisation for the aquatic compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Freshwater 4.17E-01

Marine water 4.59E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.23E-01

Sediment freshwater 4.16E-01

Aquatic freshwater food



Aquatic marine water food



Risk characterisation for the terrestrial compartment

Compartments PEC/PNEC

Agricultural soil (average

30 days)


Grassland 1.39E-06

Terrestrial food chain

(earth worm)


Risk characterisation for the microbial activity

Compartments PEC/PNEC

STP 8.44E-04

Assessment method:

Worker Dermal, Inhalation: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

Environmental: ECETOC TRA (May 2010)

4. Guidance to DU to evaluate whether he works inside the boundaries set by the ES

Environmental exposure

If conditions differ from those listed in ES Parts 2.1 & 3, downstream user (DU) should check whether they are

still within the boundaries of the ES (i.e., RCR < 1). The following equation may be used for scaling:

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038



















RCRES is the risk characterisation ratio (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

MES is the quantity of substance processed or used per year per site (tonnes/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

Tem,ES is the duration of emission (days/year) (see ES Part 2.1)

fem,ES is the fraction of substance emitted from the process or use to air, water or soil (unitless) (see ES Part 3)

Instead of fem,ES, the actual release rates of substance emitted may be used and the following values were used in

the assessment: Compartments Release from point source (local exposure estimation)

Air 1.67E+01 kg/d

Wastewater 2.00E+00 kg/d

Surface water 0.00E+00 kg/d

Industrial soil 3.33E-01 kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.00E+00 kg/d

MActual, Tem,Actual and fem,Actual (or release rates) are the corresponding actual parameters as known to the DU, and

RCRActual is the resulting scaled risk characterisation ratio.

Note: While scaling on conditions and RMMs related to the primary risk driving environmental compartment (i.e.

highest RCR), be cautious not to exceed limitations set through the next limiting compartment (compare RCRs).

Worker exposure

Scaling information for worker assessments based on ECETOC TRA:

RCRs = RCRo * CFs / CFo RCRo = original exposure prediction

PCRs = scaled exposure prediction

can be used for multiple determinants in series CFo = original correction factor

e.g. CF1, CF2, CF3 CFs = correction factor for scaling



Duration of activity











[%] [-]



> 4 hours > 25% 1 No RMM =


0 1

1-4 hours 5-25% 0.6 90% 0.9 0.1

15 minutes to 1


1-5% 0.2 95% 0.95 0.05

< 15 minutes < 1% 0.1 fraction (1-fraction)

Scaling for LEV:

LEV efficiency in professional settings: PROC 24 (solids) = 75%; PROC 8b (volatiles); PROC 17, PROC 18 =

90%, all other PROCs = 80% except: PROC 1, PROC 7, PROC 12 (solids), PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 23

(volatiles), PROC 24 (volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles), PROC 22 = n/a

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SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZA secondo il Regolamento (CE)

Num. 1907/2006

Oxone(R) Monopersulfate compound PS-16

Versione 3.0

Data di revisione 13.10.2010 Ref.130000026038


LEV efficiency in industrial settings: PROC 12 (volatiles), PROC 24 (solids) = 80%; PROC 8b - volatiles = 97%;

PROC 7, PROC 8b - solids, PROC 17, PROC 18 = 95%, all other PROCs = 90% except: PROC 1, PROC 12

(solids), PROC 11, PROC 20, PROC 21 (volatiles), PROC 22 (volatiles), PROC 23 (volatiles), PROC 24

(volatiles), PROC 25 (volatiles) = n/a
