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Stampato con un contributo della SSLiMITSherlock Holmes in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, West Port...

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Stampato con un contributo della SSLiMIT Forlì, 16 Giugno 2001

Stampato con un contributo della SSLiMIT Forlì, 16 Giugno 2001




A cura di Andrea Cristiani

Catalogazione Valeria Gilli

Francesca Papi

Revisione del catalogo Angela Maria Politi


Rita Patregnani

Dipartimento Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture

Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori Forlì, 16 Giugno 2001

Questa pubblicazione è stata possibile grazie a:

Shari Benstock, donatrice del fondo “Bernard Benstock” Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli, Direttrice del SITLeC

Marcello Soffritti, Direttore della SSLiMIT Francesca Trombetti, Responsabile Tecnico della Biblioteca Ruffilli

Si ringrazia in modo particolare:

Elena Di Giovanni, per la impostazione grafica del catalogo e del programma della cerimonia inaugurale

Il personale tecnico amministrativo del SITLeC e della SSLiMIT

per la costante gentilezza e disponibilità

INDICE Introduzione

Andrea Cristiani …………………………… …………...p. 7

Sezione CF: Crime Fiction: testi..................…….… ..p. 15

Indice dei nomi...………..…................p. 115

Sezione C: Crime Fiction: critica………….…...…....p. 123

Indice dei nomi.....................…………p. 133

Indice dei soggetti…………...….........p. 135


LIBRI GIALLI Ricordano le interminabili avventure dei cavalieri erranti. Al posto del cavaliere è stato messo il poliziotto. Ma (come tutto in un’epoca si tiene) questi è affezionato (sebbene per uno scopo diverso) alla tecnica della psicoanalisi. L’indizio rivelatore è sempre dove nessuno lo cerca.

Umberto Saba

Con la suadente leggerezza dell'ironia, che spesso si vena di perfidia, ancora in tarda età Aldo Palazzeschi giocando con le parole e i pensieri si divertiva a malignare sul paludato istituto delle prefazioni. Nell'atto stesso, amabile contraddizione, di regalarne una, splendida, alla sua ultima raccolta di versi, Cuor mio. Diffidenza e antipatia da sempre lo avevano accompagnato davanti alle spiegazioni e ai commenti anteposti al testo come «cose non soltanto inutili e noiose in generale, controproducenti, ma addirittura offensive nei confronti di coloro che a tali opere bene o male, poco o molto s'interessano e i quali desiderano, ne hanno pieno diritto, di spaziare dentro da padroni, ciascuno a modo proprio, e non di esservi condotti per la manina come il pupo o sui binari come i vagoni di un treno relegandoli, magari senza volerlo, nei confini dell'eterno pupillino». E si riferiva a prefazioni di testi letterari, di opere d'arte. In questo caso l' «ammenicolo» prefatorio rischia di risultare doppiamente inutile e noioso. In fondo si tratta semplicemente del regesto ordinato e apparentemente asettico che contiene tutta in sé, tra assenze e presenze, la storia delle curiosità e degli interessi di Berni Benstock nei confronti della letteratura poliziesca. Pure qualche parola occorre spendere con la speranza di non orientare in modo troppo invasivo la libera circolazione del lettore all'interno di questo elenco alfabeticamente disposto di autori e opere. Chi fosse Bernard Benstock e quale importante ruolo di proposizione culturale abbia svolto nel mondo degli studi joyciani e della letteratura del Novecento lo ha detto con parole misurate e affettuose Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli nell'introduzione al catalogo precedente che raccoglie i titoli della biblioteca privata dello studioso americano (ora acquisita, con gesto generoso e munifico, al Dipartimento di Studi Interdisciplinari su Traduzione, Lingue e Culture di Forlì) relativi all'autore di Ulyssses, agli aspetti del modernismo, alla scrittura femminile, alla critica femminista e ad altro materiale ancora. Questo secondo catalogo si aggiunge quindi a completare quanto era rimasto escluso dal primo: la sezione dei testi e della saggistica di argomento poliziesco. Un comparto bibliografico di notevole consistenza (sono circa ottocento titoli) che per la varietà e la completezza in alcuni settori autoriali si qualifica, anche ad uno sguardo superficiale, come un percorso meditato, costruito programmaticamente nel tempo e funzionale in qualche misura agli interessi primari, più accademicamente ufficiali, di Berni Benstock. Che negli scaffali della biblioteca dello studioso americano i testi della letteratura poliziesca si siano allineati nel tempo come ideale e quasi naturale prolungamento della lunga teoria dei volumi e della letteratura critica joyciani, e non come sezione ludicamente allotria, ci viene suggerito ancora dalle parole della prefatrice del catologo precedente. Per Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli corollario indispensabile richiesto ad ogni lettore di Joyce è un costante atteggiamento di detection. Un habitus mentale da esercitare con sagacia e pazienza nell'inseguimento di tanti «indizi, spesso indecifrabili e fuorvianti» disseminati nelle pagine dello scrittore irlandese e nella ricostruzione di un senso volutamente lasciato a fluttuare tra ambiguità e reticenza. Un gioco, insomma, tra intelligenze. In cui una tende a ricomporre in un affresco musivo decifrabile quanto l'altra si ostina a scompaginare secondo una logica immaginativa di cui occorre trovare se non la chiave risolutiva, almeno un accesso possibile e persuasivo. Ma basta scorrere il catalogo per avere la conferma che questa sfida, questa interminabile partita a scacchi senza vincitori e vinti, che affascina e avvince, dando l'impressione del progresso, dello sforzo ricompensato, del lavoro fecondo sia stato uno dei progetti dell'avventura intellettuale di Benstock. D'altra parte che il mondo della narrativa e della saggistica poliziesche dovesse alla lunga entrare in orbita di collisione con quello della produzione in prosa di James Joyce e della riflessione critica sulle sue opere, per intrecciare un dialogo col tempo sempre più complesso e proficuo è confermato da una bibliografia che si è andata via via allargando a macchia d'olio. Umberto Eco già nel 1962 in Opera aperta (Le poetiche di Joyce) indicava un possibile percorso rinvenibile all'interno del corpus narrativo del dublinese: un andamento che muovendosi da una posizione cattolica e tomistica della realtà conduceva alla disordinata, centrifuga, anarchica visione della vita che caratterizza Ulysses e Finnegans Wake. Ma al tempo stesso faceva notare che nell'opera più matura di Joyce si poteva intravedere una nostalgia per il mondo ordinato del pensiero medievale che si esprime nella simbolica corrispondenza che circola sotto la caotica superficie di Ulysses. Il romanzo, era la conclusione di Eco, altro non consegnerebbe se non l'immagine di una «summa tomistica capovolta». E il ritorno dal disordine dell'infrazione all'ordine della legalità attraverso l'esercizio della logica che «con elementi disgiunti compone un mondo ordinato, e mai si smarrisce nel bailame pieno [...] dei misteri che analizza» è anche uno dei postulati fondanti su cui si regge la crime fiction secondo la prospettiva indicata, tra i tanti, da Roger Caillois nel saggio Du roman policier. Dunque una circolarità di visione che sembra ricomporsi anche nella biblioteca privata di Berni Benstock. Non

fosse altro per la presenza di alcuni testi esemplarmente indicativi dell'interesse dello studioso nei confronti di espressioni letterarie apparentemente distanti come il romanzo sperimentale e il romanzo di consumo. Fra questi ultimi accanto alle fondamentali opere The Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, The encyclopaedia sherlockiana, The World bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, di Ronald Burt de Waal, si allineano naturalmente le raccolte di saggi critici di argomento poliziesco: Essays on detective fiction e Art in crime writing: Essays on detective fiction (ma in realtà si tratta della stessa collettanea) entrambe curate da Benstock e pubblicate nel 1983. A questo proposito vale la pena di segnalare che la tendenza ad assumere un metodo critico combinatorio che si avvale di strumenti euristici provenienti dalla crime fiction per leggere l'opera joyciana ha trovato diversi estimatori. Nel 1975, per esempio, sulla rivista «James Joyce Quarterly» apparve un saggio di Marguerite Harkness dal titolo eloquentemente allusivo, Circe.The Mousetrap of Ulysses, e più recentemente la monografia di William D. Jenkins, Adventure of the detected detctive. Sherlock Holmes in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake, West Port (Ct) and London, Greenwood Press, 1998, propone una interpretazione del testo attraverso i paradigmi di indagine dell'investigatore creato dalla fantasia di Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Ma non è solo il mondo della critica e degli studi joyciani a lasciarsi tentare da questi virtuosi cortocircuiti interpretativi, il fascino della figura dell'autore di Ulysses, delle simbologie che circolano all'interno del romanzo e delle atmosfere dei luoghi della sua biografia ha contagiato anche la fantasia di autori di romanzi polizieschi. Ed ecco puntuale la presenza nella biblioteca di Benstock del giallo The James Joyce murder di Amanda Cross nom de plume di Carolyn Heilbrun, autorevole studiosa di letteratura femminile, docente di letteratura alla Columbia University, a lungo presidente della Modern Language Association, inventrice di Kate Fansier, l'eroina che alterna all'attività accademica quella di risolutrice di enigmi polizieschi. A cui idealmente si potrebbe affiancare un altro giallo di Bartholomew Gill, The death of a Joyce scholar (1998) ambientato a Dublino e che ruota intorno alla misteriosa morte di uno studioso joyciano e alla scomparsa di un cappello un tempo appartenuto all'autore dei Dubliners. Superfluo dichiarare che le risposte a tanti misteri vanno ricercate nelle pagine di Ulysses. La ricognizione all'interno del regesto induce inevitabilmente ad allineare nella mente e nei ricordi assenze e presenze di opere e di autori che hanno fatto la storia della crime fiction. Accanto alla ovvia e scontata presenza dei grandi maestri del crimine sorprendono alcuni inspiegabili vuoti: un solo titolo di James Ellory, assenza assoluta di due grandi innovatori del genere noir, Jim Thompson e Cornell Woolrich. Tentare di proporre una qualsiasi ipotesi per comprendere questo silenzio consegnato alle pagine del catalogo sarebbe un'operazione al limite della correttezza. Le ragioni possono essere tante e le più varie, tra cui anche quella che solo in parte il materiale bibliografico di Berni Benstock (almeno quello relativo alla letteratura poliziesca) sia pervenuto a Forlì. In assenza di certezze ognuno, ripercorrendo l'elenco, tragga le conclusioni che desidera con quella libertà di giudizio che invocava all'inizio Palazzeschi. Resta però il rammarico che autori come Claude Aveline, J.B. Livingstone, Rober van Gulik, Fredric Glauser, o il primo Vasco Montalban, forse, non abbiano raggiunto il gusto e l'intelligenza di Berni Benstock riempiendo le sue ore di lettura dedicate al genere con le loro storie e i loro personaggi. Perché gli eroi di queste avventure poliziesche per certi aspetti stabiliscono stretti vincoli di fratellanza ideale con un personaggio molto amato da Benstock: il malinconico e riflessivo ispettore svedese Martin Beck. La più viva sensazione e la gioia più grande nell'atto di vuotare i cartoni per una prima sistemazione del materiale contenuto è stata la scoperta del ciclo completo (dieci romanzi) dedicato al detective appartato, schivo, e in perenne crisi esistenziale della Squadra Omicidi di Stoccolma, nato dalla fervida fantasia e dalla forte passione civile di Maj Sjöwall e Per Wahlöö. Delle strutture del poliziesco si sono infatti serviti per una operazione di “chirurgia sociale” che, storia dopo storia, portava alla luce le contraddizioni sociali, politiche ed economiche della società svedese a cavallo degli anni Sessanta e Settanta. Quando in anni lontani Alfredo Giuliani mi fece conoscere i romanzi di questa coppia di scrittori svedesi l'emozione e il coinvolgimento della scoperta mi fecero accarezzare a lungo l'idea di scrivere qualcosa (mai realizzata) intorno a questo personaggio così anomalo rispetto al panorama tradizionale. Ci ha pensato Berni Benstock che in The education of Martin Beck (Essays on detection fiction) ha regalato agli appassionati cultori di questa saga nordica un indimenticabile ritratto di quello che, forse in maniera riduttiva, è stato chiamato il «Maigret che viene dal freddo». E di questo e di altro ancora siamo grati allo studioso Al di là di tutto, il presente catalogo intende offrire una testimonianza degli interessi di Berni Benstock per la letteratura poliziesca, coltivati con la stessa passione e intelligenza riservate alle innumerevoli altre curiosità letterarie ed intellettuali. Entrambi i cataloghi possono essere consultati sul sito web : http://www.spfo.unibo.it/biblio/default.html. Andrea Cristiani Forlì 16 giugno 2001

Sezione CF

Crime Fiction - Testi

Albert, Marvin H. 1 The lady in cement / Marvin Albert. - New York : Fawcett gold medal, 1989. - 197 p. ; 18 cm.


Allingham, Margery 2 Cargo of eagles / Margery Allingham. - New York : Avon books, 1990. - 217 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: An Albert

Campion mistery. ISBN: 0380705761 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

3 The China governess / Margery Allingham. - New York : Avon books, 1990. - 265 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: An Albert Campion mystery. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380705788 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

4 Dancers in mourning / Margery Allingham. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1984. - 262 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: An Albert Campion mystery. (A Bantam mystery ; 24852) ISBN: 0553248529 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

5 Deadly duo / Margery Allingham. - New York : Manor books, c1949. - 167 p. ; 18 cm. N.Id.: 1042706UBO1042706 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

6 Death of a ghost / Margery Allingham. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1985. - 207 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553249584 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

7 The estate of the beckoning lady / Margery Allingham. - New York : Avon books, 1990. - 241 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: An Albert Campion mystery. ISBN: 0380705745 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

8 The fear sign / Margery Allingham. - New York : Avon books, 1989. - 231 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: An Albert Campion mystery. ISBN: 0380705710 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

9 Flowers for the judge / Margery Allingham. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1984. - 241 p., [1] c. di tav. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: An Albert Campion mystery. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553241907 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

10 The Gyrth chalice mystery : an Albert Campion mystery / Margery Allingham. - New York : Avon books, 1989. - 246 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380705729 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

11 More work for the undertaker / Margery Allingham. - Revised. ed. - Harmondsworth : Penguin in association with Heinemann, 1968. - 233 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140008640 BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

12 Mystery mile / Margery Allingham. - Revised ed. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with

Heinemann, 1968. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 014000761X BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

13 Police at the funeral / Margery Allingham. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1939. - 252 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 219) BENSTOCKCF ALLIM

14 The white cottage mystery / Margery Allingham. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1978. - 139 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin fiction) ISBN: 014004616X BENSTOCKCF ALLIM Ambler, Eric

15 Intrigue : four great spy novels of Eric Ambler ; with an introduction by Alfred Hitchcock. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1943. - VIII, 631 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: Journey into fear; A coffin for Dimitrios; Cause for alarm; Background to danger. BENSTOCKCF AMBLE

16 The Levanter / Eric Ambler. - New York : Atheneum, c1972. - 307 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF AMBLE

17 Passage of arms / Eric Ambler. - [Glasgow?] : Fontana : Collins, 1967. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0006120822 BENSTOCKCF AMBLE

18 The Schirmer inheritance / Eric Ambler. - New York : A. A. Knopf, c1953. - 219 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF AMBLE Atherton, Nancy

19 Aunt Dimity and the duke / Nancy Atherton. - [New York] : Viking, c1994. - 288 p. ; 21 cm. (Viking mistery suspense) ISBN: 0670849642 BENSTOCKCF ATHEN Bailey, Henry Christopher

20 The great game / H. C. Bailey. - New York : published for The Crime Club by Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1939. - VI, 309 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF BAILHC Barber, Dulan

21 Raffles / David Fletcher [i.e. Dulan Barber]. - New York : G. P. Putnam's sons, 1977. - 251 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0399119485 BENSTOCKCF BARBDF Barnard, Robert

22 At death’s door / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, 1989. 181 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440204488 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

23 The case of the missing Brontë / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1984. - 182 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440111080 BENSTOCKCF BARNR 24 The cherry blossom corpse / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, c1987. - 242 p. ; 18 cm.


25 Corpse in a gilded case / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1985. - 211 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440114659 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

26 Death and the chaste apprentice / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, 1990. - 211 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440205867 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

27 Death in a cold climate / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1982. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440118298 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

28 Death of a literary widow / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1981. - 206 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440118212 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

29 Death of a mystery writer / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, 1980. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 044012168X BENSTOCKCF BARNR

30 Death of a perfect mother / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1985. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440120306 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

31 Death on the high C’s / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1981. - 252 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440119006 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

32 A fatal attachment / Robert Barnard. - New York : Avon books, stampa 1994. - 232 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380719983 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

33 Political suicide / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1987. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440169461 BENSTOCKCF BARNR

34 School for murder / Robert Barnard. - New York : Dell, stampa 1985. - 201 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440176050 BENSTOCKCF BARNR Barnes, Linda

35 Snapshot / Linda Barnes. - New York : Dell, 1994. - 386 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440212200 BENSTOCKCF BARNL Beaton, M. C.

36 Death of a hussy / M. C. Beaton. - New York : Ivy books, 1991. - 151 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0804107688 BENSTOCKCF BEATMC

37 Death of a prankster / M. C. Beaton. - New York : Ivy books, 1993. - 168 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0804111022 BENSTOCKCF BEATMC

Beck, K. K. 38 Death in a deck chair / K.K. Beck. - New York : Ivy books, 1987. - 165 p. ; 18 cm.

ISBN: 0804101183 BENSTOCKCF BECKKK Bell, Josephine

39 Curtain call for a corpse / Josephine Bell. - New York : Harper & Row, 1988. - 260 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P930) ISBN: 0060809302 BENSTOCKCF BELLJ Bentley, Edmund Clerihew

40 Trent's last case / by E. C. Bentley. - New York : Harper & Row, 1978. - XIII, 238 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P440) ISBN: 0060804408 BENSTOCKCF BENTEC

41 Trent’s last case / E. C. Bentley. - New York [etc.] : Garland, 1976. - 319 p. ; 23 cm. (Fifty classics of crime fiction : 1900-1950 ; 4) ISBN: 0824023536 BENSTOCKCF BENTEC Berkeley, Anthony

42 The poisoned chocolates case / Antony Berkeley. - New York : Dell, stampa 1980. - 252 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440168449 BENSTOCKCF BERKA Blackstock, Charity

43 Dewey death / Charity Blackstock. - New York : Ballantine, 1963. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345325095 BENSTOCKCF BLACC

44 The foggy, foggy dew / Charity Blackstock. - New York : Ballantine, 1964. - 185 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345328019 BENSTOCKCF BLACC

45 Mr. Christopoulos / Charity Blackstock. - New York : Ballantine, 1965. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF BLACC Blake, Nicholas

46 The beast must die / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1978. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; C456) ISBN: 0060804564 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

47 The corpse in the snowman / Nicholas Blake. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1977. - 176 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Nigel Strangeways mystery. (Perennial mystery library ; P 427) ISBN: 0060804270 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

48 Minute for murder / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1977. - 244 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; C419) ISBN: 006080419X BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

49 Murder with malice / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1987. - 284 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881843032


50 A penknife in my heart / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1980. - 217 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P521) ISBN: 0060805218 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

51 A question of proof / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Dolphin books, 1962. - 232 p. ; 19 cm. BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

52 The sad variety / Nicholas Blake. - London : Dent & sons, 1985. - 179 p. ; 20 cm. (Classic thrillers) ISBN: 0460024078 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

53 The smiler with the knife / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1978. - 243 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; C457) BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

54 A tangled web / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1987. - VIII, 213 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881842923 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

55 There’s trouble brewing / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1982. - 259 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P569) ISBN: 0060805692 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

56 Thou shell of death / Nicolas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1977. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P428) ISBN: 0060804289 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN

57 The worm of death / Nicholas Blake. - New York : Harper & Row, 1976. - 243 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P400) ISBN: 0060804009 BENSTOCKCF BLAKN Brahms, Caryl

58 A bullet in the ballet / Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon. - New York City : International Poligonics, c1964. - 159 p. ; 18 cm. (Library of crime classics) ISBN: 0930330129 BENSTOCKCF BRAHC Brett, Simon

59 Cast, in order of disappearance / by Simon Brett. - New York : Berkley books, 1979. - 182 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425049345 BENSTOCKCF BRETS Bruce, Leo

60 Case for sergeant Beef / Leo Bruce. - London : Penguin, [1952]. - 198 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 847) BENSTOCKCF BRUCL

61 Case with ropes and rings / by Leo Bruce. - Chicago : Academy Chicago, 1981. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0897330358


62 Dead man’s shoes / by Leo Bruce. - Chicago : Academy Chicago, 1987. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0897332717 BENSTOCKCF BRUCL

63 Death on Allhallowe'en / by Leo Bruce. - Chicago : Academy Chicago, 1988. - 175 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 089733292X BENSTOCKCF BRUCL

64 Furious old women / by Leo Bruce. - Chicago : Academy Chicago, 1983. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0897330846 BENSTOCKCF BRUCL

65 Neck and neck : a 'sergeant Beef novel' / by Leo Bruce. - Chicago : Academy Chicago, 1980. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0897330412 BENSTOCKCF BRUCL Buchan, John

66 The 39 steps / John Buchan. - New York : Fawcett popular library, [1981?]. - 142 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445083123 BENSTOCKCF BUCHJ Buchanan, Edna

67 The corpse had a familiar face : covering Miami, America’s hottest beat / Edna Buchanan. - New York : Berkley books, stampa 1991. - XV, 362 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425129942 BENSTOCKCF BUCHE Calvin, Henry

68 It’s different abroad / Henry Calvin. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1983. - 182 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P640) ISBN: 0060806400 BENSTOCKCF CALVH Campbell, Robert Wright

69 Thinning the turkey herd / by Robert Campbell. - New York : New american library, 1989. - 185 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Jimmy Flannery mystery. (Signet mistery) ISBN: 0451159209 BENSTOCKCF CAMPR Candy, Edward

70 Words for murder perhaps / Edward Candy. - New York : Ballantine books, 1985. - 183 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345319524 BENSTOCKCF CANDE Carr, John Dickson

71 The Arabian nights murder / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1965. - 317 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 002018350X BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

72 Below suspicion / by John Dickson Carr. - New ed. - New York : Bantam books, 1960. - 168 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

73 The bride of Newgate / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1986. - 251 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881842192 BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

74 The burning court / John Dickson Carr. - New York : International polygonics, [1985]. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0930330277 BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

75 Captain Cut-throat / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Bantam books, 1956. - 230 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD 76 Castle skull / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Berkley books, 1960. - 142 p. ; 18 cm.


77 The corpse in the waxworks / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1965. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

78 The crooked hinge / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1964. - 254 p. ; 18 cm. (Collier books ; 1851) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

79 Death-watch / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1963. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0020185502 BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

80 The devil in velvet / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Bantham books, 1960. - 312 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

81 The four false weapons : being the return of Bencolin / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1962. - 254 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0020108710 (6) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

82 He who whispers / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Award books, stampa 1976. - 219 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

83 The house at Satan’s Elbow / John Dickson Carr. - New York : The New American library, stampa 1967. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Signet books ; 3102) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

84 The man who could not shudder / by John Dickson Carr. - New York : Books, c1940. - 313 p. ; 20 cm. (Midnite mysteries) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

85 Nine-and death makes ten / Carter Dickson [i.e. John Dickson Carr]. - New York : Bertkley medallion books, 1966. - 175 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

86 The plague court murders / by Carter Dickson [i.e. John Dickson Carr]. - New York : Belmont Tower books, c1934. - 285 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

87 Poison in jest / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier, 1965. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 002018400X BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

88 The problem of the green capsule / John Dickson Carr. - New ed. - New York : Bantam books, 1956. - 168 p. ; 18

cm. (Bantam books ; 2752) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

89 The problem of the wire cage / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Berkley Medallion books, 1970. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. (Berkley mystery ; S 1907) BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

90 Scandal at high chimneys : a Victorian melodrama / John Dickson Carr. - New York [etc.] : Bantham books, 1960. -184 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

91 The skeleton in the clock / Carter Dickson [i.e. John Dickson Carr]. - New York city : Belmont Tower books, 1973. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARRJD

92 To wake the dead / John Dickson Carr. - New York : Collier books, 1965. – 256 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0020183402 BENSTOCKCF CARRJD Carter, Youngman

93 Mr. Campion’s quarry / by Youngman Carter. - New York : W. Morrow and company, 1971. - 237 p. : 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF CARTY Caspary, Vera

94 Laura / Vera Caspary. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1943. - 237 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF CASPV Chandler, Raymond

95 The big sleep / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Vintage books, 1988. - 139 p. ; 21 cm. (Vintage crime / black lizard) ISBN: 0394758285 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF CHANR

96 The big sleep / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books : in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1948. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140006524 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

97 The big sleep / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Vintage books, 1976. - 216 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394726316 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

98 The blue Dahlia : a screenplay / Raymond Chandler ; with a memoir by John Houseman ; edited, with an afterdword by Matthew J. Bruccoli. - Carbondale [etc.] : Southern Illinois University Press ; London [etc.] : Feffer & Simons, c1976. - XXI, 139 p., [4] p. di tav. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0809307588; ISBN: 0809307669 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF CHANR

99 Farewell, my lovely / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Vintage books, 1976. - 249 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394721381 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

100 Farewell, my lovely / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1949. - 252 p. ; 20 cm. (Penguin books)


101 The high window / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1951. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140008519 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

102 Killer in the rain / Raymond Chandler ; with an introduction by Philip Durham. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1966. - 429 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 014002445X BENSTOCKCF CHANR

103 The Lady in the lake / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1952. - 237 p. ; 21 cm BENSTOCKCF CHANR

104 The little sister / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1955. - 246 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) BENSTOCKCF CHANR

105 The long good-bye / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1959. - 319 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHANR

106 The long goodbye / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Ballantine books, 1971. - 312 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345257340 BENSTOCKCF CHANR BENSTOCKCF CHANR

107 Pearls are a nuisance / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1964. - 198 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140021361 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

108 Pickup on noon street / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Ballantine books, stampa 1972. - 212 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345026667 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

109 Playback / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Hamish Hamilton, 1961. - 157 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140016082 BENSTOCKCF CHANR

110 The simple art of murder / Raymond Chandler. - New York : Pocket books, stampa 1964. - XI, 194 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHANR

111 Trouble is my business and other stories / Raymond Chandler. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1950. - 248 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) BENSTOCKCF CHANR Charteris, Leslie

112 The happy highwayman : some further adventures of The Saint / by Leslie Charteris. - New York : Pocket books, 1945. - 203 p. ; 16 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHARL

113 Vendetta for The Saint / by Leslie Charteris. - London : The book club, 1965. - 192 p. ; 19 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHARL Chase, James Hadley

114 Mallory / James Hadley Chase. - London : Corgi books, 1978. - 188 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0552107654 BENSTOCKCF CHASJH Childers, Erskine

115 The riddle of the sands : a record of secret service / Erskine Childers ; with a foreword by Geoffrey Household. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1978. - 326 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140009051 BENSTOCKCF CHILE Christie, Agatha

116 And then there were none / Agatha Christie. - New York : Pocket books, 1973. - 173 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front: previously published as Ten little Indians. - Contiene: Reader's supplement to And then there were none. (Enriched classics series) ISBN: 0671831380 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

117 At Bertram’s hotel / Agatha Christie. - New York : Pocket books, 1967. - VIII, 180 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Jane Marple murder mystery. (Pocket books fiction ; 50452) BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

118 The big four / Agatha Christie. - New York : Berkley books, 1984. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. (Berkley mystery) ISBN: 0425067769 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

119 Dead man’s folly / Agatha Christie. - New York : Pocket books, 1961. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Pocket mistery) BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

120 Death on the Nile / Agatha Christie. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1978. - 276 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Hercule Poirot mystery. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 055326138X BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

121 Miss Marple meets murder / by Agatha Christie. - Garden City (NY) : N. Doubleday, c1980. - 661 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: The mirror crack’d ; A pocket full of rye ; At Bertram's hotel ; The moving finger. BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

122 The murder at the vicarage / Agatha Christie. - New York: Dell Book, 1970. - 223 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

123 Murder in retrospect / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dell, 1977. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Hercule Poirot mystery. (A Dell mystery ; 16030) ISBN: 0440160308 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

124 Murder on board / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dodd, Mead & company, c1974. - 601 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: The mystery of the blue train; What Mrs. McGillicuddy saw!; Death in the air. ISBN: 0396069924


125 Murder on the Orient express / Agatha Christie. - New York : Harper paperback, 1991. - 249 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0061002747 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

126 Murder with mirrors / Agatha Christie. - New York : Pocket books, 1954. - 165 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Jane Marple murder mystery. (Pocket books fiction ; 75474) ISBN: 0671754742 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

127 An overdose of death / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dell, 1978. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (A Dell mystery ; 16780) ISBN: 0440167809 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

128 Postern of fate / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dodd, Mead & Company, c1973. - 310 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0396068812 BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

129 The regatta mystery / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dell, 1976. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (A Dell mystery ; 7336) BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

130 Sleeping murder / Agatha Christie. - New York : Bantam books, 1977. - 296 p. ; 18 cm . BENSTOCKCF CHRIA

131 Sleeping murder ; & The murder at the vicarage / Agatha Christie. - New York : Dodd, Mead & co., c1958. - 379 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF CHRIA Clinton-Baddeley, V. C.

132 To study a long silence / V. C. Clinton-Baddeley. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1984. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial mystery library ; P 690) ISBN: 0060806907 BENSTOCKCF CLINBV Coles, Manning

133 The Basle express / Manning Coles. - Garden city (N.Y.) : Doubleday, c1956. - 190 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF COLEM

134 The fifth man / Manning Coles. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1986. - 287 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 088184263X BENSTOCKCF COLEM

135 Green hazard / Manning Coles. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1987. - 254 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 088184330X BENSTOCKCF COLEM

136 The man in the green hat / Manning Coles. - New York [etc.] : Carroll & Graf, 1986. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881842648 BENSTOCKCF COLEM

137 Night train to Paris / Manning Coles. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1985. - 176 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881842052 BENSTOCKCF COLEM

138 They tell no tales / Manning Coles. - New York : The book league of America, 1942. - VIII, 296 p. ; 21 cm.

((Sulla cop.: Crime club selection. BENSTOCKCF COLEM

139 A toast to tomorrow / Manning Coles. - New Haven : Leete's Island books, c1941. - VIII, 310 p. ; 20 cm. (Spies and intrigues) BENSTOCKCF COLEM

140 Without lawful authority / Manning Coles. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1943. - 245 p. ; 21 cm. ((Sulla cop.: Crime club selection. BENSTOCKCF COLEM Collins, Michael

141 The blood-red dream / Michael Collins. - New York : Dodd, Mead & C., c1976. - 186 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0396073476 BENSTOCKCF COLLM Cornwell, Patricia

142 Cruel & unusual : a novel / Patricia D. Corwell. - New York : C. Scribner's sons ; Toronto : M. Macmillan Canada, 1993. - 356 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 0684195305 BENSTOCKCF CORNP Creasey, John

143 A doll for the Toff / John Creasey. - New York : Pyramid books, 1968. - 160 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CREAJ

144 Gideon’s badge / by J.J. Marric [i.e. John Creasey]. - New York : Harper & Row, c1965. - 244 p. ; 22 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Harper novel of suspense. BENSTOCKCF CREAJ

145 Gideon’s fire / J.J. Marric [i.e. John Creasey]. - New York : Signet, 1967. - 160 p. ; 18 cm. (Signet mistery) BENSTOCKCF CREAJ

146 Here comes the Toff / John Creasey. - New York : Prestige books, c1967. – 160 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF CREAJ Crime on her mind

147 Crime on her mind : fifteen stories of female sleuths from the Victorian era to the forties / edited and with introductions by Michele B. Slung. - New York: Pantheon books, 1975. - XXX, 380 p. ; 21 cm. ((Contiene: The murder at Troyte's hill / by C. L. Pirkis ; The man with wild eyes / by George R. Sims ; The stir outside the Café Royal / by Clarence Rook ; Mr. Bovey's unexpected will / by L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace ; The Fordwych castle mystery / by Emmuska, Baroness Orczy ; The man with nine lives / by Hugh C. Weir [etc.]. ISBN: 0394732170 BENSTOCKCF CRIMO Crispin, Edmund

148 Beware of the trains / Edmund Crispin. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1981. - 158 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140058346 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

149 Buried for pleasure / Edmund Crispin. - New York : Harper & Row, 1980. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P506) ISBN: 0060805064 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

150 Frequent hearses / by Edmund Crispin. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982. - 224 p. ; 18 cm.


151 Holy disorders / Edmund Crispin. - New York : Avon, 1908. - 238 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380515083 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

152 The long divorce / Edmund Crispin. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1958 . - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140013040 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

153 Love lies bleeding / Edmund Crispin. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140009744 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

154 The moving toyshop : a detective story / by Edmund Crispin. - New York : Walker and Company, 1981. - 224 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0802754341 BENSTOCKCF CRISE

155 Swan song / Edmund Crispin. - New York : Avon, 1981. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380551454 BENSTOCKCF CRISE Crofts, Freeman Wills

156 The Cheyne mystery / Freeman Wills Crofts. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1965. - 254 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) BENSTOCKCF CROFFW

157 Death of a train / Freeman Wills Crofts. - Baltimore : Penguin books, 1965. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction ; 916) BENSTOCKCF CROFFW

158 Golden ashes / Freeman Wills Crofts. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1965. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction ; 1396) BENSTOCKCF CROFFW

159 The pit-prop syndicate / Freeman Wills Crofts. - Baltimora : Penguin books, 1965. - 265 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction ; 148) BENSTOCKCF CROFFW Cross, Amanda

160 Death in a tenured position / Amanda Cross. - New York : Ballantine books, 1982. - 164 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 034530215X BENSTOCKCF CROSA

161 The James Joyce murder / by Amanda Cross. - New York : Macmillan, c1967. - 176 p. ; 22 cm. (Cock Robin mystery) BENSTOCKCF CROSA

162 The James Joyce murder / Amanda Cross. - New York : Ballantine books, 1982. - 176 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345302141 BENSTOCKCF CROSA

163 No word from Winifred / Amanda Cross. - New York : Ballantine books, 1987. - 262 p. ; 18 cm.

(Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345333810 BENSTOCKCF CROSA

164 The question of Max / Amanda Cross. - New York : Avon, stampa 1977. - 219 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380017709 BENSTOCKCF CROSA

165 Sweet death, kind death / Amanda Cross. - New York : Ballantine books, 1985. - 178 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345311779 BENSTOCKCF CROSA BENSTOCKCF CROSA

166 A trap for fools / Amanda Cross. - New York : Ballantine books, 1990. - 213 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 034535947X BENSTOCKCF CROSA Crumley, James

167 The wrong case / by James Crumley. - New York : Bantam books, 1978. - 277 p ; 18 cm. ((Contiene una speciale anteprima delle pagine di apertura di Imperial 109 di Richard Doyle. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553023993 BENSTOCKCF CRUMJ Cunningham, E. V.

168 The case of the poisoned eclairs : a Masao Masuto mystery / E. V. Cunningham. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1979. - 156 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF CUNNEV Daniel, Glyn Edmund

169 The Cambridge murders / Glyn Daniel. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1952. - 286 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime ; C 865) BENSTOCKCF DANIGE DeBrosse, Jim

170 Hidden city / Jim DeBrosse. - New York : St. Martin, 1991. - 263 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0312063687 BENSTOCKCF DEBRJ

Deighton, Len 171 An expensive place to die / Len Deighton. - [London?] : Triad : Granada, 1977. - 219 p. ; 18 cm.


172 Funeral in Berlin : a novel / Len Deighton. - New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1965. - 312 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF DEIGL

173 Spy story / Len Deighton. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1974. - 224 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0151848386 BENSTOCKCF DEIGL

174 Yesterday’s spy / Len Deighton. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975. - 282 p. ; 22 cm.

ISBN: 0151997535 BENSTOCKCF DEIGL Delacorta

175 Nana : a mystery novel / by Delacorta ; translated from the French by Victoria Reiter. - New York : Ballantine books, 1984. - 179 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345312678 BENSTOCKCF DELA

176 Papillons de nuit / Delacorta. - Paris : Hachette, c1984. - 63 p. ; 17 cm. (Policiers ; 1) ISBN: 2010089340 BENSTOCKCF DELA Dexter, Colin

177 The daughters of Cain / Colin Dexter. - New York : Ivy books, c1994. - 301 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0804113645 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC

178 The dead of Jericho / Colin Dexter. - London : Pan books, 1983. - 233 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0330266934 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC

179 The riddle of the third mile / Colin Dexter. - London : Macmillan, 1983. - 224 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0333358120 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC

180 Service of all the dead / Colin Dexter. - New York : Dell, stampa 1982. - 285 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440180260 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC

181 The silent world of Nicholas Quinn / Colin Dexter. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1977. - 254 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0312724683 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC

182 The wench is dead / Colin Dexter. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1991. - 194 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553291203 BENSTOCKCF DEXTC BENSTOCKCF DEXTC Dillon, Eilis

183 Sent to his account / Eilis Dillon. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1986. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P805) ISBN: 0060808055 (pbk.) BENSTOCKCF DILLE Doyle, Arthur Conan

184 <<The annotated Sherlock Holmes>> 1 / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. - 2. ed. - New York : Clarkson N. Potter, 1978. - 688 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

fa parte di The annotated Sherlock Holmes : the four novels and the fifty-six short stories complete / by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited, with an introduction, notes, and bibliography by William S. Baring-Gould. - New York : Clarkson N.Potter. - v. : ill. ; 29 cm. ISBN: 0517511134 BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

185 <<The annotated Sherlock Holmes>> 2 / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. - 2. ed. - New York : Clarkson N. Potter,

1978. - 824 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. fa parte di

The annotated Sherlock Holmes : the four novels and the fifty-six short stories complete / by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited, with an introduction, notes, and bibliography by William S. Baring-Gould. - New York : Clarkson N. Potter. - v. : ill. ; 29 cm. ISBN: 0517511142 BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

186 <<The Complete Sherlock Holmes>> 1 / by Arthur Conan Doyle. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - 480 p. ; 24 cm.

fa parte di The Complete Sherlock Holmes / by Arthur Conan Doyle ; with a preface by Christopher Morley. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - 1122 p. ; 24 cm. BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

187 <<The Complete Sherlock Holmes>> 2 / by Arthur Conan Doyle. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - P. VI, 484-1122 ; 24 cm.

fa parte di The Complete Sherlock Holmes / by Arthur Conan Doyle ; with a preface by Christopher Morley. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - 1122 p. ; 24 cm. BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

188 The Complete Sherlock Holmes / by Arthur Conan Doyle ; with a preface by Christopher Morley. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - 1122 p. ; 24 cm.

contiene <<The Complete Sherlock Holmes>> 2 / by Arthur Conan Doyle. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - P. VI, 484-1122 ; 24 cm. <<The Complete Sherlock Holmes>> 1 / by Arthur Conan Doyle. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday & company, c1930. - 480 p. ; 24 cm. BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

189 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes : a facsimile of the stories as they were first published in The Strand Magazine, London / by A. Conan Doyle ; with Sidney Paget’s original illustrations and with a new introduction by Leslie Fiedler. - New York : Schocken books, 1976. - XVI, 156 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. ((Ripr. facs. dei racconti orig. pubbl. in: The Strand Magazine, v. 4., 5., 6. (1892-1893). ISBN: 0805236228 BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

190 Sherlock Holmes: the major stories with contemporary critical essays / Arthur Conan Doyle ; edited by John A. Hodgson. - Boston [etc.] : Bedford books of St. Martin's Press, c1994. - X, 452 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0312089457 ((pbk.)); ISBN: 0312103042 ((hdc.)) BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC

191 A study in scarlet / Arthur Conan Doyle. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1981. - 135 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN: 0140057072 BENSTOCKCF DOYLAC Elliot, Paul

192 Mayhem in b-flat / Paul Elliot. - New York : Bantam books, 1950. - 246 p. ; 17 cm. ((Sul front.: A Homer Evans murder mystery. BENSTOCKCF ELLIP Ellroy, James

193 American tabloid : a novel / by James Ellroy. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1995. - 571 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 0679403914 BENSTOCKCF ELLRJ

Engel, Howard

194 Murder on location / Howard Engel. - Toronto : McClelland and Steward-Bantam, 1984. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Benny Cooperman mystery. ISBN: 0770418244 BENSTOCKCF ENGEH

195 Murder sees the light / Howard Engel. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1986. - 240 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Benny Cooperman mystery. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140089756 BENSTOCKCF ENGEH

196 The ransom game / Howard Engel. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1985. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140077413 BENSTOCKCF ENGEH

197 The suicide murders / Howard Engel. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1985. - 200 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Benny Cooperman mystery. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140077405 BENSTOCKCF ENGEH Ferguson, John

198 Death comes to Perigord / John Ferguson. - New York : Dover, 1983. - 292 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0486244342 BENSTOCKCF FERGJA Ferrars, Elizabeth

199 Murders anonymous / E. X. Ferrars [i.e. Elizabeth Ferrars]. - Garden City, NY : Crime Club by Doubleday & company, 1978. - 183 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 038513536X BENSTOCKCF FERREX Ford, Leslie

200 Mr. Pinkerton at the old angel / by David Frome [i.e. Leslie Ford]. - New York : Popular library, c1939. - 190 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF FORDL Forester, Cecil S.

201 Plain murder / C.S. Forester. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1951. - 187 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 842) BENSTOCKCF FORECS Francis, Dick

202 Trial run / Dick Francis. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, c1978. - 216 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF FRAND

Freeling, Nicolas 203 Because of the cats / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1965. - 191 p. ; 18 cm.


204 The bugles blowing / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Vintage books, 1980. - 261 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394745515


205 Cold iron / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1988. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140092528 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

206 Criminal conversation / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Vintage books, 1981. - 233 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394746929 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

207 Double-barrel / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1967. - 206 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140025855 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

208 Gadget / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondworth : Penguin books, 1979. - 243 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140048987 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

209 The king of the rainy country / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1968. - 156 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140028536 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

210 Love in Amsterdam / by Nicolas Freeling. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, c1962. - 180 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF FREEN

211 The lovely ladies / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Vintage books, 1981. - 280 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394746945 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

212 The night lords / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Vintage books, 1980. - 313 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394745523 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

213 No part in your death / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1986. - 232 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140074503 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

214 Not as far as Velma / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Mysterious, 1990. - 234 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445408111 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

215 Question of loyalty / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Harper & Row, c1963. - 211 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF FREEN

216 Sabine / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Vintage books, 1980. - 262 p. ; 18 cm. ((Pubblicato in Gran Bretagna con il tit.: Lake isle (1976). ISBN: 0394745531 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

217 Sand castles / Nicolas Freeling. - New York : Mysterious, stampa 1991. - 209 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445409258 BENSTOCKCF FREEN

218 Strike out where not applicable / Nicolas Freeling. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1969. - 174 p. ; 18 cm.

ISBN: 0140030093 BENSTOCKCF FREEN Friedman, Mickey

219 The fault tree / Mickey Friedman. - New York : Ballantine books, 1985. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345321987 BENSTOCKCF FRIEM

220 Hurricane season / Mickey Friedman. - New York : Ballantine books, 1984. - 184 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345315480 BENSTOCKCF FRIEM

221 Magic mirror / Mickey Friedman. - New York : Penguin books, 1989. - 247 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Georgia Lee Maxwell mystery. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140108475 BENSTOCKCF FRIEM

222 A temporary ghost / Mickey Friedman. - New York : Penguin books, 1990. - 213 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140108483 BENSTOCKCF FRIEM Fuller, Roy

223 The second curtain / Roy Fuller. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1962. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140017607 BENSTOCKCF FULLR Gardner, Erle Stanley

224 The case of the backward mule / by Erle Stanley Gardner . Honolulu story / by Leslie Ford . My late wives / by Carter Dickson. - New York : Detective book club, [1946]. - 200 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF GARDES

225 The case of the cautious coquette ; The case of the crimson kiss ; The case of the crying swallow / by Erle Stanley Gardner. - New York : W. Morrow, [1949?]. - 312 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF GARDES

226 The case of the dangerous dowager / by Erle Stanley Gardner. - Cleveland ; New York : World publishing company, c1937. - 173 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF GARDES

227 The case of the haunted husband / Erle Stanley Gardner. - New York : W. Morrow, 1941. - 281 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF GARDES Garve, Andrew

228 Counterstroke / Andrew Garve. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, c1978. - 178 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140052704 BENSTOCKCF GARVA Gash, Jonathan

229 Firefly gadroon / Jonathan Gash. - New York : Penguin books, 1985. - 208 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140080074


230 Gold by Gemini / Jonathan Gash. - New York : Dell, stampa 1982. - 267 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440127491 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

231 The Judas pair / by Jonathan Gash. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, c1977. - 182 p. ; 22 cm. ((A Joan Kahn book. BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

232 Pearlhanger / Jonathan Gash. - New York : St. Martin's press, [1985]. - 232 p. ; 22 cm. ((Sul front.: A Joan Kahn book. ISBN: 0312599706 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

233 The sin within her smile / Jonathan Gash. – New York : Viking, 1994. - 231 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0670856088 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

234 The sleepers of Erin / Jonathan Gash. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1984. - 214 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140069704 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

235 Spend game / Jonathan Gash. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982. - 204 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140061908 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

236 The tartan sell / Jonathan Gash. - New York : St. Martin's press, 1986. - 227 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 031278614X BENSTOCKCF GASHJ

237 The very last gambado / Jonathan Gash. - New York : Penguin books, 1991. - 275 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140147381 BENSTOCKCF GASHJ George, Elizabeth

238 Playing for the ashes / Elizabeth George. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1994. - X, 624 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 0553092626 BENSTOCKCF GEORE Gill, Bartholomew

239 The death of a Joyce scholar : a Peter McGarr mystery / Bartholomew Gill. - New York : W. Morrow and co., c1989. - 331 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0688087132 BENSTOCKCF GILLB

240 McGarr and the P.M. of Belgrave Square / Bartholomew Gill. - New York : Viking, 1983. - 240 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0670464309 BENSTOCKCF GILLB

241 McGarr and the politician’s wife / by Bartholomew Gill. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982. - 185 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140059849 BENSTOCKCF GILLB

242 McGarr and the sienese conspiracy / Bartholomew Gill. - New York : Dell, 1980. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. (A Dell mystery) ISBN: 0440157846 BENSTOCKCF GILLB

243 McGarr on the cliffs of Moher / by Bartholomew Gill. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1982. - 246 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140061975 BENSTOCKCF GILLB Goldman, William

244 Marathon man / William Goldman. - New York : Dell, stampa 1975. - 268 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF GOLDW Grafton, Sue

245 D is for deadbeat / Sue Grafton. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1988. - 240 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553271636 BENSTOCKCF GRAFS

246 E is for evidence / Sue Grafton. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, c1994. - 200 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Kinsey

Millhone mystery. (Mystery) ISBN: 0553279556 BENSTOCKCF GRAFS

247 F is for fugitive / Sue Grafton. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1990. - 308 p. ; 18 cm. (Mystery) ISBN: 0553284789 BENSTOCKCF GRAFS

248 G is for gumshoe / Sue Grafton. - New York : Fawcett Crest, 1991. - 341 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0449219364 BENSTOCKCF GRAFS

249 J is for judgement / Sue Grafton. - New York : Fawcett Crest, 1994. - 376 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Kinsey Millhone mystery. ISBN: 0449221482 BENSTOCKCF GRAFS Greene, Graham

250 The confidential agent : an entertainment / Graham Greene. - New York : Bantam books, c1939. - 153 p. ; 18 cm. (Bantam novel of suspense ; 1773) BENSTOCKCF GREEG

251 A gun for sale : an entertainment / Graham Greene. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1968. - 190 p. ; 16 cm. (Penguin books ; 1896) BENSTOCKCF GREEG

252 The ministry of fear : an entertainment / Graham Greene. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1963. - 236 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 1897) BENSTOCKCF GREEG

253 The power and the glory / Graham Greene. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1962. - 221 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin book) BENSTOCKCF GREEG

254 Stamboul train : an entertainment / Graham Greene. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1963. - 220 p. ; 18

cm. ISBN: 0140018980 BENSTOCKCF GREEG Greenleaf, Stephen

255 Grave error / Stephen Greenleaf. - New York : Dial, c1979. - 249 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF GREES Grierson, Edward

256 Reputation for a song / Edward Grierson. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books in association with Chatto & Windus, 1955. - 270 p. ; 20 cm. (Penguin classic crime) ISBN: 0140082417 BENSTOCKCF GRIEE Grimes, Martha

257 The anodyne necklace / Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, 1985. - 250 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440102804 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

258 The deer leap / by Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, stampa 1986. - 236 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440119383 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

259 The dirty duck / Martha Grimes. - Boston [etc.] : Little, Brown and company, c1984. - 240 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0316328839 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

260 The five bells and bladebone / Martha Grimes. - Boston [etc.] : Little, Brown and company, [1987]. - 299 p., [2] c. di tav. : ill ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0316328898 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

261 Help the poor struggler / Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, stampa 1986. -225 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440135842 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

262 I am the only running footman / Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, stampa 1987. - 314 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440139244 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

263 Jerusalem inn / Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, c1984. - 270 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440141818 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

264 The man with a load of mischief / Martha Grimes. - New York : Dell, 1985. - 317 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440153271 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

265 The old fox deceiv'd / Martha Grimes. - New ed. - New York : Dell, 1985. - 299 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440167477 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

266 The old silent / Martha Grimes. - Boston [etc.] : Little, Brown and company, c1989. - 425 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 0316323187 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM

267 Send bygraves / Martha Grimes ; illustrated by Devis Grebu. - New York : Perigee books, 1990. - 108 p. : ill. ; 21

cm. ISBN: 0399516468 BENSTOCKCF GRIMM Haggard, William

268 The unquiet sleep / William Haggard. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1964. - 189 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) BENSTOCKCF HAGGW Hammett, Dashiell

269 The big knockover : selected stories and short novels / of Dashiell Hammet ; edited and with an introduction by Lillian Hellman. - New York : Vintage books, 1972. - XXV, 458 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394718291 BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

270 The continental Op / Dashiell Hammett ; edited with an introduction by Steven Marcus. - New York : Vintage

books, 1975. - XXIX, 319 p. ; 18 cm. (Vintage books ; 2013) ISBN: 039472013X BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

271 The dain curse / Dashiell Hammett. - New York : Vintage books, 1972. - 213 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394718275 BENSTOCKCF HAMMD BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

272 Dashiell Hammett’s Secret agent X-9 / by Dashiell Hammett and Alex Raymond ; introduction by William F. Nolan ; edited by Tony Sparafucile ; with a special X-9 story by Leslie Charteris. - New York : International Polygonics, c1983. - XII, 225 p. : in gran parte ill. ; 26 cm. (Library of crime classics ; 6) ISBN: 093033056 (Err.) BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

273 The glass key / Dashiell Hammett. - New York : Vintage, 1972. - 204 p. ; 21 cm. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; 773) ISBN: 0394717732 BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

274 The Maltese falcon / Dashiell Hammett. - New York : Vintage books, 1972. - 229 p. ; 18 cm. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; 772) ISBN: 0394717724 BENSTOCKCF HAMMD BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

275 Red harvest / Dashiell Hammett. - New York : Vintage books, 1972. - 199 p. ; 18 cm. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; 828) ISBN: 0394718283 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF HAMMD

276 The thin man / Dashiell Hammett. - New York : Vintage, 1972. - 180 p. ; 21 cm. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; 774) ISBN: 0394717740 BENSTOCKCF HAMMD Hansen, Joseph

277 Death claims : a Dave Brandstetter mystery / Joseph Hansen. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.

- 166 p. ; 18 cm. (Owl book) ISBN: 0030574846 BENSTOCKCF HANSJ

278 Skinflick : a Dave Brandsletter mystery / Joseph Hansen. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980. - 194 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0030576415 BENSTOCKCF HANSJ Hare, Cyril

279 Death is no sportsman / Cyril Hare. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1981. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; 555) ISBN: 0060805552 BENSTOCKCF HAREC

280 Tragedy at law / Cyril Hare. - New York : Harper Collins, 1991. - 310 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0060805226 BENSTOCKCF HAREC

281 With a bare bodkin / Cyril Hare. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; 523) ISBN: 0060805234 BENSTOCKCF HAREC Harrison, Ray

282 Deathwatch : a Sergeant Bragg-Constable Morton mystery / Ray Harrison. - New York : Berkley books, 1989. - 242 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425113922 BENSTOCKCF HARRR Hart, Frances Noyes

283 The Bellamy trial / by Frances Noyes Hart. - New York : Dell, 1958. - 319 p. ; 17 cm. (Dell great mystery library ; 16) BENSTOCKCF HARTFN

284 Hide in the dark / by Frances Noyes Hart. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleday, Doran & company, 1929. - VIII, 317 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF HARTFN Haymon, S.T.

285 Death of a God / S. T. Haymon. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1990. - 262 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553272667 BENSTOCKCF HAYMST

286 Ritual murder / S. T. Haymon. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1991. - 241 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553293850 BENSTOCKCF HAYMST Heyer, Georgette

287 A blunt instrument / Georgette Heyer. - New York : Berkley books, 1994. - 246 p. ; 18 cm. (Berkley prime crime) ISBN: 0425096416 BENSTOCKCF HEYEG Hiaasen, Carl

288 Skin tight / Carl Hiaasen. - New York : G. P. Putnam's sons, c1989. - 319 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0399134891 BENSTOCKCF HIAAC

289 Tourist season : a novel / Carl Hiaasen. - New York : Warner books, 1987. - 378 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0446343455 BENSTOCKCF HIAAC Highsmith, Patricia

290 Strangers on a train / Patricia Highsmith. - London : Penguin books, 1974. - 255 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books) ISBN: 0140037969 BENSTOCKCF HIGHP

291 The talented Mr. Ripley / Patricia Highsmith. - London : Penguin books, 1976. - 248 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 014004020X BENSTOCKCF HIGHP Hill, Frances

292 A fatal delusion : a novel / Frances Hill. - London : J. Murray, 1990. - 152 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0719547180 BENSTOCKCF HILLF Hill, Reginald

293 Another death in Venice / Reginald Hill. - New York : Signet, 1987. - 221 p. ; 18 cm. (Signet mistery) ISBN: 0451150112 BENSTOCKCF HILLR Himes, Chester

294 Blind man with a pistol / by Chester Himes. - New York : W. Morrow and Company, 1969. - 240 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF HIMEC Hopkins, Kenneth

295 Body blow / by Kenneth Hopkins. - New York [etc.] : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. - 192 p. ; 21 cm. ((Sul front.: A Rinehart suspense novel. BENSTOCKCF HOPKK Horler, Sydney

296 The curse of Doone / by Sydney Horler. - New York : The Mystery League, 1930. - 315 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF HORLS Household, Geoffrey

297 Red anger / by Geoffrey Household. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1977. - 214 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140045228 BENSTOCKCF HOUSG

298 Rogue male / Geoffrey Household. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1968. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140006958 BENSTOCKCF HOUSG Hughes, Dorothy Belle

299 The Davidian report : a novel of suspense / by Dorothy B. Hughes. - New York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce ; Boston : Little, Brown and Company, c1952. - 213 p ; 22 cm.


300 The fallen sparrow / Dorothy B. Hughes. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1979. - 200 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553121243 BENSTOCKCF HUGHDB

301 Ride the pink horse and two other great mysteries / Dorothy B. Hughes. - Garden City, NY : N. Doubleday, [19..]. - 501 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: In a lonely place ; The Davidian reporter. BENSTOCKCF HUGHDB Innes, Michael

302 The Ampersand papers / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1980. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140051635 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

303 Appleby’s end / Michael Innes. - New York : Ballantine books, stampa 1975. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345244095 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

304 Appleby’s other story / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1978. - 204 p. ; 19 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140041591 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

305 The bloody wood / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1968. - 156 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140028099 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

306 Carson’s conspiracy / by Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1986. -183 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140084444 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

307 The case of the journeying boy / by Michael Innes. - New York : Harper & Row, 1983. - 325 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P632) ISBN: 006080632X BENSTOCKCF INNEM

308 The crabtree affair / Michael Innes. - New York : Berkley medallion books, 1963. - 158 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF INNEM

309 The daffodil affair / by Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1964. - 202 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140022023 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

310 Death at the President’s lodging / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1958. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction ; C1286) BENSTOCKCF INNEM

311 Hamlet, revenge! : a story in four parts / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1961. - 283 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140016406


312 Hare sitting up / Michael Innes. - New York : Harper & Row, 1982. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P590) ISBN: 0060805900 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

313 Money from Holme / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1966. - 170 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF INNEM

314 One man show / Michael Innes. - New York : Harper & Row, 1983. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P672) ISBN: 0060806729 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

315 The paper thunderbolt / by Michael Innes. - [New York : Dodd, Mead, 19..]. - 333 p. ; 21 cm. ((Luogo di pubbl. del cat. - Editore dal dorso. BENSTOCKCF INNEM

316 The secret vanguard / by Michael Innes. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1982. - 286 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P584) ISBN: 0060805846 BENSTOCKCF INNEM

317 Sheiks and adders / Michael Innes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1983. - 163 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140065202 BENSTOCKCF INNEM James, Phyllis D.

318 The black tower / by P. D. James. - London : Faber and Faber, 1975. - 271 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0571107311 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

319 The children of men / P. D. James. - London : Faber and Faber, 1992. - 239 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0571167411 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

320 Cover her face / by P. D. James. - London : Hamish Hamilton, 1976. - 254 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0241893631 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

321 Death of an expert witness / P. D. James. - London : Faber and Faber, 1977. - 265 p. : 21 cm. ISBN: 0571111076 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

322 Devices and desires / P. D. James. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1990. - 433 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN: 0394580702 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

323 Innocent blood / P. D. James. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, [1980]. - 311 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0684165910 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

324 A mind to murder / by P. D. James. - London : Hamish Hamilton, 1976. - 224 p. : 21 cm. ISBN: 024189364X BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

325 Shroud for a nightingale / by P. D. James. - London : Faber and Faber, 1971. - 296 p. : 21 cm.


326 The skull beneath the skin / P. D. James. - New York : Warner books, 1983. - 416 p. ; 17 cm. ISBN: 0446353728 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

327 The skull beneath the skin / P. D. James. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, c1982. - 328 p. : 22 cm. ISBN: 0684177730 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

328 Unnatural causes / P.D. James. - New York : Warner books, stampa 1982. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0446312193 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD

329 An unsuitable job for a woman / P. D. James. - London : Faber and Faber, 1972. - 216 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0571101615 BENSTOCKCF JAMEPD Japrisot, Sebastien

330 The lady in the car with glasses and a gun / Sebastien Japrisot ; translated from the French by Helen Weaver. - New York : Penguin books, 1979. - 253 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140053611 BENSTOCKCF JAPRS

331 One deadly summer / Sebastien Japrisot ; translated by Alan Sheridan. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1980. - 279 p. ; 22 cm. ((Nel front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0151693811 BENSTOCKCF JAPRS

332 The sleeping car murders / Sebastien Japrisot ; translated by Francis Price. - New York : Pocket books, 1965. - 172 p. ; 17 cm. (Pocket books fiction ; 50206) BENSTOCKCF JAPRS

333 Trap for Cinderella / by Sebastien Japrisot ; translated from the French by Helen Weaver. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, [1979]. - 171 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140053646 BENSTOCKCF JAPRS Kaminsky, Stuart M.

334 Murder on the yellow brick road / Stuart Kaminsky. - New York [etc.] : Penguin books, 1979. - 197 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Toby Peters mystery. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140051244 BENSTOCKCF KAMISM Kaplan, Arthur

335 A killing for charity / Arthur Kaplan. - New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, c1976. - 224 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF KAPLA Keating, Henry Reymond Fitzwalter

336 Go west, inspector Ghote / H. R. F. Keating. - Feltham : Hamlyn paperbacks, 1982. - 213 p. ; 18 cm.

(Hamlyn fiction whodunnit) ISBN: 0600205703 BENSTOCKCF KEATHR

337 Inspector Ghote breaks an egg / H. R. F. Keating. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1974. - 188 p ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction ; 3839) ISBN: 0140038396 BENSTOCKCF KEATHR

338 Inspector Ghote plays a Joker / H. R. F. Keating. - Feltham : Hamlyn paperbacks, 1981. - 189 p. ; 18 cm. (Hamlyn fiction whodunnit) ISBN: 0600203107 BENSTOCKCF KEATHR

339 The body in the billiard room / H. R. F. Keating. - New York [etc.] : Penguin books, 1988. - 247 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140101713 BENSTOCKCF KEATHR Kellerman, Faye

340 Sanctuary / Faye Kellerman. - New York : W. Morrow and company, 1994. - 396 p. ; 25 cm. ((Sul front.: A Peter Decker, Rina Lazarus mystery. ISBN: 0688046126 BENSTOCKCF KELLF Langton, Jane

341 Dark Nantucket noon / Jane Langton ; illustrations by the author. - New York : Penguin books, 1981. - 293 p. : [3] p. di tav. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140058362 BENSTOCKCF LANGJ

342 Emily Dickinson is dead / Jane Langton ; illustrations by the author. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1985. - 247 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140077715 BENSTOCKCF LANGJ

343 Natural enemy / Jane Langton ; illustrations by the author. - New York : Penguin books, 1987. - 282 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140093451 (pbk.) BENSTOCKCF LANGJ LaPierre, Janet

344 The cruel mother / Janette LaPierre. - London : Virago, 1990. - 257 p. ; 20 cm. (Virago crime) ISBN: 1853811416 BENSTOCKCF LAPIJ Lathen, Emma

345 Ashes to ashes / Emma Lathen. - New York : Simon and Schuster, c1971. - 185 p. : 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF LATHE

346 Double, double, oil and trouble / Emma Lathen. - New York : Simon and Schuster, c1978. - 213 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF LATHE

347 The longer the thread / Emma Lathen. - New York [etc.] : Pocket books, stampa 1973. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 067165053X


348 A stitch in time / by Emma Lathen. - New York : MacMillan, 1968. - 185 p. ; 22 cm. (Cock Robin mystery) BENSTOCKCF LATHE

349 There is no justice / R. B. Dominic [i.e. Emma Lathen]. - Garden city, NY : Doubleday & company, c1971. - 185 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF LATHE

350 When in Greece / Emma Lathen. - New York : Pocket books, stampa 1985. - 279 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0671825046 BENSTOCKCF LATHE Laurence, Janet

351 Hotel Morgue / Janet Laurence. - London : Headline, 1992. - 344 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0747237743 BENSTOCKCF LAURJ

352 Recipe for death / Janet Laurence. - London : Headline, 1993. - 238 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0747239568 BENSTOCKCF LAURJ

353 A tasty way to die / Janet Laurence. - London : Headline, 1992. - 219 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0747237735 BENSTOCKCF LAURJ Le Carré, John

354 The little drummer girl / John Le Carré. - New York : Knopf, 1983. - 429 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0394530152 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

355 The looking glass war / John Le Carré. - New York : Coward-McCann, 1965. - 320 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

356 A murder of quality / John Le Carré. - New York : Popular library, c1962. - 206 p. ; 18 cm. (Popular library mystery) ISBN: 0445083743 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

357 The naive and sentimental lover / John Le Carré. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1972. - 455 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394473361 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

358 A perfect spy / John Le Carré. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1986. - 475 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0394551419 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

359 The secret pilgrim / John le Carré. - New York : A. A. Knopf, 1991. - 335 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0394588428 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

360 Smiley's people / John Le Carré. - New York : Bantam books, 1980. - 388 p. ; 18 cm. (Bantam books) ISBN: 0553231499 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ

361 Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy / John Le Carré. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1975. - 369 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553144952 BENSTOCKCF LECAJ Lewis, Roy

362 Most cunning workmen / Roy Lewis. - New York : St. Martins press, 1985. - 182 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0312549075 BENSTOCKCF LEWIR Lockridge, Frances

363 Death on the aisle / by Frances and Richard Lockridge. - New York : P. F. Collier & son, 1942. - 288 p ; 21 cm. ((Sul front.: A Mr. and Mrs. North mystery. (Front page mysteries) BENSTOCKCF LOCKF

Lockridge, Richard 364 Death on the hour / by Richard Lockridge. - New York [etc.] : J. B. Lippincott, c1974. - 182 p. ; 22 cm.


365 Murder has its points / Richard and Frances Lockridge. - New York : Pocket books, 1984. - 221 p. ; 18 cm. (Mr. & Mrs. North mystery ; 10) ISBN: 067147331X BENSTOCKCF LOCKR

366 Murder within murder / Richard and Frances Lockridge. - New York : Pocket books, 1982. - 207 p. ; 18 cm. (Pocket mistery) ISBN: 0671443348 BENSTOCKCF LOCKR

367 Voyage into violence / Richard and Frances Lockridge. - New York : Pocket books, 1983. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0671473298 BENSTOCKCF LOCKR Lovesey, Peter

368 Abracadaver / by Peter Lovesey. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1981. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A sergeant Cribb mystery. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140058036 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

369 Bertie and the tinman / by Peter Lovesey. - New York [etc.] : Mysterious, stampa 1989. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445405929 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

370 A case of spirits / Peter Lovesey. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1977. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A sergeant Cribb adventure. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140043330 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

371 The detective wore silk drawers / Peter Lovesey. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1980. - 173 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A sergeant Cribb mystery. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140055584 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

372 Keystone / Peter Lovesey. - New York : Pantheon books, c1983. - 255 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394531248


373 Rough cider / Peter Lovesey. - New York : Mysterious, c1986. - 216 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0892961945 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

374 Swing, swing together / Peter Lovesey. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1978. - 204 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140046186 BENSTOCKCF LOVEP

375 Waxwork / Peter Lovesey. - New York : Pantheon books, c1978. - 188 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF LOVEP Ludlum, Robert

376 The Rhinemann exchange / Robert Ludlum. - New York : Dial, c1974. - 407 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF LUDLR Lyons, Nan

377 Someone is killing the great chefs of Europe / by Nan and Ivan Lyons. - New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. - 253 p. ; 18 cm. (Jove fiction) ISBN: 0515048348 BENSTOCKCF LYONN MacDonald, John D.

378 The deep blue good-by / John D. Macdonald. - [S. l.] : Fawcett, c1964. - 144 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF MACDJD

379 Free fall in crimson / John D. MacDonald. - New York : Fawcett Gold Medal, 1981. - 284 p. ; 18 cm. (Fawcett Gold Medal. Fiction) ISBN: 0449144410 BENSTOCKCF MACDJD

380 The green ripper / John D. MacDonald. - New York : Ballantine Books, 1982. - 287 p. ; 18 cm (Fawcett gold medal) ISBN: 0449130428 BENSTOCKCF MACDJD

381 Murder in the wind / by John D. MacDonald. - New York : Dell, c1956. - 223 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF MACDJD

382 Shades of Travis McGee / John D. MacDonald. - Garden City (N.Y.) : N. Doubleday, c1969. - 569 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: The quick red fox ; Pale gray for guilt ; Dress her in indigo. BENSTOCKCF MACDJD MacDonald, Philip

383 Mystery of the dead police / Philip MacDonald. - New York : Vintage books, 1985. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394726707 BENSTOCKCF MACDP

384 The rasp / Philip MacDonald. - New York : Carroll & Graf, 1984. - 299 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0881840947 BENSTOCKCF MACDP

385 Warrant for X / by Philip MacDonald. - New York : Vintage books, 1983. - 286 p ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394716604 BENSTOCKCF MACDP

Macdonald, Ross

386 Archer at large / by Ross Macdonald ; with a foreword by the author. - New York : A. A. Knopf, c1970. - XI, 626 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: The Galton case; The chill; Black money. BENSTOCKCF MACDR

387 Archer in jeopardy / by Ross Macdonald ; with a foreword by the author. - New York : A. A. Knopf, c1979. - 632 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: The Dommsters; The zebra-striped hearse; The instant enemy. BENSTOCKCF MACDR

388 The blue hammer / Ross Macdonald. - New York : A. A. Knopf, c1976. - 218 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF MACDR

389 The drowning pool / Ross Macdonald. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1970. - 216 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553124439 BENSTOCKCF MACDR

390 The ivory grin / Ross Macdonald. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1971. - 249 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553273523 BENSTOCKCF MACDR

391 The name is Archer / Ross Macdonald. - [S. l.] : Fontana : Collins, 1976. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0006142192 BENSTOCKCF MACDR

392 The wycherly woman / Ross Macdonald. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1963. - 216 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery ; 3786) BENSTOCKCF MACDR MacInnes, Helen

393 Message from Malaga / by Helen MacInnes. - New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1971. - 367 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0151592802 BENSTOCKCF MACIH

394 The Venetian affair / Helen MacInnes. - New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, c1963. - 405 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF MACIH MacLeod, Charlotte

395 The corpse in Oozak’s pond / Charlotte MacLeod. - New York [etc.] : Mysterious, 1988. - 203 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445406836((USA)); ISBN:0445406844 ((CAN)) BENSTOCKCF MACLC Mainwaring, Marion

396 Murder in pastiche, or Nine detectives all at sea / by Marion Mainwaring ; introduction by Robin W. Winks. - Boston : Rowan Tree, c1989. - 224 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN: 0937672270 BENSTOCKCF MAINM Marsh, Ngaio

397 Artists in crime / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove books, 1980. - 245 p. ; 18 cm. (Jove mystery ; Y5414) ISBN: 0515054143 BENSTOCKCF MARSN BENSTOCKCF MARSN

398 Black as he’s painted / Ngaio Marsh. - [Glasgow?] : Fontana : Collins, 1974. - 221 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.


399 Clutch of constables / Ngaio Marsh. - Glasgow : Fontana [etc.], 1970. - 222 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0006165311 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

400 Death and the dancing footman / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove books, 1980. - 307 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 051508610X BENSTOCKCF MARSN

401 Death at the bar / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Berkley, 1979. - IX, 261 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425040828 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

402 Death in a white tie / by Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Pyramid books, 1974. - 349 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0515032654 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

403 Death in ecstasy / Ngaio Marsh. - [S. l.] : Collins [etc.], 1968. - 222 p : ill. ; 18 cm. (Fontana books ; 1703) BENSTOCKCF MARSN

404 Death of a fool / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove books, 1981. 288 p. ; 18 cm. (Mystery) ISBN: 0515057622 BENSTOCKCF MARSN BENSTOCKCF MARSN

405 Enter a murderer / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Berkley Medallion, 1977. - 255 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Roderick Alleyn mystery. ISBN: 0425035972 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

406 Final curtain / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Pocket books, 1948. - 293 p. ; 17 cm. (Pocket book ; 527) BENSTOCKCF MARSN

407 Grave mistake and two other great mysteries / Ngaio Marsh. - Boston [etc.] : Little, Brown and Company, c1978. - 693 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: Grave mistake; Spinster in jeopardy; Overture to death. BENSTOCKCF MARSN

408 Hand in glove / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove [etc.], 1978. - 239 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF MARSN

409 Killer dolphin / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove books, 1980. - 247 p. ; 18 cm. (Jove mystery) ISBN: 0515085901 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

410 A man lay dead / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove [etc.], 1978. - 188 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF MARSN

411 Night at the vulcan / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Jove, 1977. - 255 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0515075078 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

412 The nursing home murder / Ngaio Marsh with H. Jellett. - New York : Jove : HBJ, 1978. - 235 p. ; 18 cm.

(Jove mystery) ISBN: 0515045306 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

413 Overture to death / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : A Jove book, 1981. - 319 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0515068225 BENSTOCKCF MARSN

414 Photo finish and two other great mysteries / Ngaio Marsh. - Garden City (N.Y.) : N. Doubleday, [dopo il 1980]. - 694 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF MARSN

415 Scales of justice / Ngaio Marsh. - New York : Berkley, 1964. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. (Berkley medallion books ; F986) BENSTOCKCF MARSN Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley

416 Murder at the Villa Rose / A. E. W. Mason. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, c1910. - 216 p. ; 18 cm. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684164035 BENSTOCKCF MASOAE Matera, Lia

417 The good fight / Lia Matera. - New York : Ballantine books, 1991. - 217 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Laura Di Palma mystery. ISBN: 0345371070 BENSTOCKCF MATEL Maugham, Robin

418 Line on ginger / Robin Maugham. - New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, c1950. - 186 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF MAUGR Maugham, William Somerset

419 Ashenden: the British agent / W. Somerset Maugham. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1977. - 238 p. ; 19 cm. (Penguin fiction) ISBN: 0140044930 BENSTOCKCF MAUGWS McCormick, Donald

420 The red barn mystery : some new evidence on an old murder. / Donald McCormick. - New York : A. S. Barnes, 1968. - 206 p., [4] p. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF MCCOD McGarry Morris, Mary

421 A dangerous woman / Mary McGarry Morris. - [S.l.] : Signet, 1993. - 356 p. ; 18 cm. (Signet fiction ; AE 8236) ISBN: 0451182367 BENSTOCKCF MCGAMM Meyer, Nicholas

422 The seven-per-cent solution / being a reprint from reminiscences of John H. Watson, as edited by Nicholas Meyer. - New York : E. P. Dutton, c1974. - XVII, 172 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF MEYEN Millar, Margaret

423 How like an angel / Margaret Millar. - [S. l.] : Penguin books, 1976. - 271 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction)

ISBN: 0140039414 BENSTOCKCF MILLM Monbrun, Estelle

424 Murder chez Proust / Estelle Monbrun ; translated from the french by David Martyn. - New York : Arcade publishing, 1995. - 228 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 1559702834 BENSTOCKCF MONBE Moyes, Patricia

425 The curious affair of the third dog / Patricia Moyes. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1973. - 202 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140040277 BENSTOCKCF MOYEP

426 Dead men don't ski / by Patricia Moyes. - New York : Owl book, 1984. - 288 p ; 18 cm. ((In testa al front.: An inspector Henry Tibbett mystery. ISBN: 0805007059 BENSTOCKCF MOYEP

427 Death on the agenda / Patricia Moyes. - New York : Ballantine books, stampa 1965. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF MOYEP

428 Many deadly returns / Patricia Moyes. - New York : Dell, stampa 1981. - 284 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 044016172X BENSTOCKCF MOYEP

429 Who is Simon Warwick? / Patricia Moyes. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1978. - 168 p. ; 21 cm. ((In testa al front.: A Rinehart suspense novel. ISBN: 0030447267 BENSTOCKCF MOYEP Muller, Marcia

430 Edwin of the iron shoes / Marcia Muller. - New York : Mysterious, stampa 1990. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445409029 BENSTOCKCF MULLM Nabb, Magdalen

431 Death of a Dutchman / Magdalen Nabb. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1986. - 216 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140069356 BENSTOCKCF NABBM

432 The marshal and the madwoman / Magdalen Nabb. - [S. l.] : Penguin books, 1989. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Marshal Guarnaccia mystery. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140118810 BENSTOCKCF NABBM

433 The marshal and the murderer / Magdalen Nabb. - New York [etc.] : Penguin books, 1988. - 196 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Marshal Guarnaccia mystery. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140106782 BENSTOCKCF NABBM

434 The marshal’s own case / Magdalen Nabb. - [S.l.] : Penguin books, 1991. - 175 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Marshal Guarnaccia mystery.

(Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140143238 BENSTOCKCF NABBM BENSTOCKCF NABBM The new mystery

435 The new mystery : the International Association of crime writers essential crime writing of the late 20th century / edited by Jerome Charyn. - New York : a Dutton book, 1993. - VI, 387 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0525935169 BENSTOCKCF NEWM Oliver, Anthony

436 The pew group / Anthony Oliver. - New York : Fawcett Crest, c1980. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0449205940 BENSTOCKCF OLIVA Oppenheim, Edward Phillips

437 Exit a dictator / by E. Phillips Oppenheim. - New York : P. F. Collier & son corporation, c1939. - 315 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF OPPEEP Papazoglou, Orania

438 Sweet, savage death / Orania Papazoglou. - New York : Penguin books, 1985. - 188 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140077456 BENSTOCKCF PAPAO Parker, Barbara

439 Suspicion of guilt / Barbara Parker. - New York [etc.] : Dutton, 1995. - 388 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0525937692 BENSTOCKCF PARKB Parker, Robert B.

440 Love and glory / Robert B. Parker. - New York : Delacorte : Seymour Lawrence, [1983]. - 206 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0385292619 BENSTOCKCF PARKRB Pentecost, Hugh

441 Death after breakfast / Hugh Pentecost. - New York : Dell, stampa 1980. - 208 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0440116872 BENSTOCKCF PENTH Perry, Anne

442 Belgrave square / Anne Perry. - New York : Fawcett Crest, 1992. - 374 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0449222276 BENSTOCKCF PERRA Peters, Ellis

443 A morbid taste for bones : the first chronicle of Brother Cadfael / Ellis Peters. - New York : Fawcett Crest, 1985. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A medieval murder mystery. ISBN: 0449207005 BENSTOCKCF PETEE Price, Anthony

444 Here be monsters / Anthony Price. - New York : Mysterious, 1986. - 255 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0892961546 (trade ed.); ISBN: 0892961589 (limited ed.)


445 The American gun mystery : [Death at the rodeo] : a problem in deduction / by Ellery Queen. - New York : F. A. Stokes company, 1933. - XI, 308 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

446 The Chinese orange mystery / Ellery Queen. - New York : Pocket books, 1939. - XII, 243 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

447 The dragon’s teeth, a problem in deduction / by Ellery Queen. - Philadelphia : Blakiston Company, 1945. - VI, 325 p. ; 20 cm. (Triangle Books ; 101) BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

448 The Egyptian cross mystery / Ellery Queen. - New York : Pocket books, 1943. - X, 291 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

449 The French powder mystery / by Ellery Queen. - New York : Signet, 1969. - XII, 255 p., [1] c. di tav : ill. ; 18 cm. (Signet mistery ; E 8577) ISBN: 0451085779 BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

450 The Greek coffin mystery / Ellery Queen. - New York : Pocket books, 1942, c1932. - XI, 361 p., [1] p. di tav. : ill ; 17 cm. (Pocket book ; 179) BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

451 The last woman in his life / by Ellery Queen. - New York : The new American library, stampa 1971. - 144 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

452 The Roman hat mystery : a problem in deduction / by Ellery Queen ; with a new introduction by the author. - Special golden anniversary ed. - New York : Mysterious, 1979. - XV, 325 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0892960450 ((trade ed.)); ISBN: 0892960469 ((limited ed.)) BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

453 The Roman hat mystery / by Ellery Queen. - New York : The new American library, stampa 1967. - XVI, 239 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0451084705 BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

454 The scarlet letters / by Ellery Queen. - Boston : Little, Brown and company, c1953. - 224 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

455 The siamese twin mystery / by Ellery Queen. - New York : The new American library, stampa 1970. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

456 There was an old woman / by Ellery Queen. - New York : The new American library, stampa 1972. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

457 The tragedy of Y / Ellery Queen. - New York : Avon, c1941. - 251 p. ; 17 cm. BENSTOCKCF QUEEE

458 The vanishing corpse / Ellery Queen. - New York : Pyramid books, 1968. - 128 p. ; 18 cm.

ISBN: 0515040940 BENSTOCKCF QUEEE Quentin, Patrick

459 A puzzle for fools / by Patrick Quentin. - New York : Dell, 1957. - 223 p. ; 17 cm. (Dell great mystery library ; 4) BENSTOCKCF QUENP

460 Puzzle for friends / by Patrick Quentin. - New York : Avon, stampa 1979. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380455188 BENSTOCKCF QUENP

461 Puzzle for players / Patrick Quentin. - New York : Avon, 1979. - 238 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380480255 BENSTOCKCF QUENP

462 Puzzle for wantons / by Patrick Quentin. - New York : Avon, 1980. - 208 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380496437 BENSTOCKCF QUENP Radley, Sheila

463 The chief inspector’s daughter / Sheila Radley. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1988. -211 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553269429 BENSTOCKCF RADLS

464 A talent for destruction / Sheila Radley. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1984. - 159 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140068090 BENSTOCKCF RADLS

465 Who saw him die? / Sheila Radley. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1988. - 183 p. ; 18 cm. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553276077 BENSTOCKCF RADLS Raven, Simon

466 Doctors wear scarlet : a novel / by Simon Raven. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1961. - 252 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF RAVES Rendell, Ruth

467 The best man to die / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1975. - 185 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345305000 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

468 The bridesmaid / Ruth Rendell. - New York [etc.] : Mysterious, stampa 1990. - 294 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0445409126 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

469 A dark-adapted eye / Barbara Vine [i.e. Ruth Rendell]. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1987. - 278 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553264982 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

470 Death notes / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1982. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345302729 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

471 The face of trespass / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Bantam books, 1975. - 196 p. ; 18 cm.


472 A fatal inversion / Barbara Vine [i.e. Ruth Rendell]. - New York : Bantham books, 1988. - 296 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553272497 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

473 The fever tree and other stories / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Pantheon books, [1983?]. - 191 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394529162 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

474 From doon with death / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1970. - 156 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345292871 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

475 A guilty thing surprised / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1975. - 193 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345348117 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

476 A guilty thing surprised / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1975. - 166 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345318609 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

477 The house of stairs / Ruth Rendell writing as Barbara Vine. - New York : Onyx, stampa 1990. - 331 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0451402111 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

478 A judgement in stone / Ruth Rendell. - London : Arrow books, 1978. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099171406 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

479 The killing doll / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1985. - 274 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 034531199X BENSTOCKCF RENDR

480 The killing doll / Ruth Rendell. - London : Arrow books, 1985. - 236 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099399504 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

481 King Solomon’s carpet / Ruth Rendel writing as Barbara Vine. - New York : Onyx, stampa 1993. - 380 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0451403886 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

482 Live flesh / Ruth Rendell. - London [etc.] : Hutchinson, c1986. - 272 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0091636809 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

483 Make death love me / Ruth Rendell. - London : Arrow books, 1980. - 215 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099223309 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

484 Means of evil : five mystery stories by an Edgar award-winning writer / Ruth Rendell. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1981. - 146 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553141538 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

485 Murder being once done / Ruth Rendell. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1975. - 155 p. ; 18 cm.

(A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553137859 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

486 No more dying then / Ruth Rendell. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1974. - 210 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553137840 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

487 One across, two down / Ruth Rendell. - New York [etc.] : Bantham books, 1974. - 217 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF RENDR

488 Put on by cunning / Ruth Rendell. - London : Arrow books, 1982. - 207 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099277301 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

489 The secret house of death / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1970. - 184 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345333195 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

490 Shake hands forever / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Bantam books, 1977. - 199 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0553026909 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

491 A sleeping life / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Doubleday, c1978. - 180 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF RENDR

492 Talking to strange men / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1988. - 309 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345351746 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

493 The tree of hands / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1986. - 312 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345312007 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

494 The tree of hands / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Pantheon books, [1985?]. - 271 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394530985 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

495 An unkindness of ravens / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1986. - 344 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345327462 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

496 The veiled one / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1989. - 312 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345359941 BENSTOCKCF RENDR

497 Wolf to the slaughter / Ruth Rendell. - New York : Ballantine books, 1970. - 185 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0345320352 BENSTOCKCF RENDR Reno, Marie R.

498 Final proof / by Marie R. Reno. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, c1976. - 153 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0060135646 BENSTOCKCF RENOMR Rhode, John

499 The Claverton affair / John Rode. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1986. - 274 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial mystery library ; P 808) ISBN: 006080808X ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF RHODJ Rich, Virginia

500 The cooking school murders / Virginia Rich. - New York : Ballantine books, 1984. - 203 p. ; 18 cm. (Mistery) ISBN: 0345326210 BENSTOCKCF RICHV Robbins, Alan

501 A call for murder / Alan Robbins. - New York : Ballantine books, 1988. - XVI, 157 p. ; 18 cm. (Ballantine mystery) ISBN: 0345352203 BENSTOCKCF ROBBA Roots of detection

502 Roots of detection :The art of deduction before Sherlock Holmes / edited by Bruce Cassiday. - New York : F. Ungar, c1983. - VI, 195 p. ; 21 cm. (Recognitions) ISBN: 0804460655 BENSTOCKCF ROOTO Roughead, William

503 Enjoyment of murder / by William Roughead. - New York : Sheridan House, 1938. - 310 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF ROUGW Sanders, Lawrence

504 The sixth commandment / Lawrence Sanders. - New York : Berkley, 1980. - 358 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425042715 BENSTOCKCF SANDL Sayers, Dorothy L.

505 Busman’s honeymoon : a love story with detective interruptions / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1968. - 318 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

506 Clouds of witness / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1966. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

507 The documents in the case / Dorothy L. Sayers, Robert Eustace. - New York : Avon, 1968. - 221 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 7) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

508 Five red herrings / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1968. - 286 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon) ISBN: 0380011875 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

509 Gaudy night / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1968. - 383 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 13) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

510 Hangman's holiday / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1969. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 11)


511 Have his carcase / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1968. - 351 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon books ; 9) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

512 In the teeth of the evidence / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1952. - 221 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon books ; 14) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

513 Lord Peter : a collection of all the Lord Peter Wimsey stories / Dorothy L. Sayers ; compiled and with an introduction by James Sandoe ; coda by Carolyn Heilbrun [i.e. Amanda Cross]; codetta by E.C. Bentley. - New York : Equinox books, 1972. - XII, 487 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

514 Lord Peter views the body / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1969. - 253 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 5) ISBN: 0380009463 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

515 Murder must advertise / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1967. - 288 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 10) ISBN: 0380009161 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

516 Murder must advertise / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1986. - 323 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Lord Peter Wimsey mystery. (Perennial mystery library) ISBN: 0060550244; ISBN: 006080825X ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

517 The nine tailors / Dorothy L. Sayers. - San Diego [etc.] : Harvest : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1962. - IX, 396 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0156658992 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

518 Strong poison / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1967. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 6) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

519 Strong poison / Dorothy L. Sayers. - [S. l.] : New English library, 1977. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Lord Peter Wimsey mystery. (New English Library fiction) ISBN: 0450013928 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

520 Unnatural death : The Dawson pedigree / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1964. - 240 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon ; 3) ISBN: 0380007940 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

521 The unpleasantness at the Bellona Club / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1987. - 228 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Lord Peter Wimsey mystery. (Perennial mystery library ; P 828) ISBN: 0060550260; ISBN: 0060808284 ((pbk.))


522 The unpleasantness at the Bellona club / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1963. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380409984 BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

523 Unpopular opinions / by Dorothy L. Sayers. - London : V. Gollancz, 1946. - 190 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

524 Whose body? / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1987. - 171 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Lord Peter Wimsey mystery. (Perennial mystery library ; P 829) ISBN: 0060550368; ISBN: 0060808292 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL

525 Whose body? / Dorothy L. Sayers. - New York : Avon, 1961. - 192 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon) BENSTOCKCF SAYEDL Simenon, Georges

526 The clockmaker / Georges Simenon ; translated by Norman Denny. - New York [etc.] : Harvest : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. - 124 p. ; 19 cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0156181703 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

527 The disappearance of Odile / Georges Simenon ; translated by Lyn Moir. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1977. - 122 p. , 18 cm. (Peacock books) ISBN: 0140471154 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

528 The fourth Simenon omnibus / Georges Simenon. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1971. - 428 p. ; 18 cm. ((Contiene: The little saint; Maigret and the headless corpse; The man with the little dog. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140033378 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

529 The hatter’s ghosts / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Nigel Ryan. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1960. - 172 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 1456) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

530 Maigret and the apparition / Georges Simenon ; translated by Eileen Ellenbogen. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980. - 159 p. ; 19 cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0156551276 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

531 Maigret and the black sheep / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Helen Thomson. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1976. - 158 p. ; 21 cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0151551464 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

532 Maigret and the enigmatic Lett / Georges Simenon ; translated by Daphne Woodward. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1963. - 139 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 2023)


533 Maigret and the gangsters / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Louise Varese. - New York : Avon books, 1988. - 151 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380704145 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

534 Maigret and the headless corpse / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen. - San Diego [etc.] : Harvest [etc.], 1985. - 183 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0156551446 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

535 Maigret and the hundred gibbets / Georges Simenon ; translated by Tony White. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1963. - 122 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 014002025X BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

536 Maigret and the informer / Simenon ; translated from the French by Lyn Moir. - New York : Popular library, 1976. - 191 p. ; 18 cm. (Popular library mystery) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

537 Maigret and the killer / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Lyn Moir. - New York [etc.] : Harvest [etc.], 1979. - 165 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN: 0156551241 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

538 Maigret and the loner / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1975. - 161 p. ; 21cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0151551448 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

539 Maigret and the spinster / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1977. - 164 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0151555508 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

540 Maigret and the tavern by the Seine / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Geoffrey Sainsbury. - San Diego [etc.] : Harvest : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. - 178 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0156551640 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

541 Maigret and the toy village / Georges Simenon ; translated by Eileen Ellenbogen. - San Diego [etc.] : Harvest : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987. - 139 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. ISBN: 0151555540; ISBN: 0156551543 ((pbk.)) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

542 Maigret and the wine merchant / by Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Eileen Ellenbogen. - San Diego [etc.] : Harvest [etc.], 1980. - 187 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 015655125X BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

543 Maigret at the crossroads / Georges Simenon ; translated by Robert Baldick. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin

books, 1963. - 135 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140020284 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

544 Maigret goes home / Georges Simenon ; translated by Robert Baldick. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1967. - 138 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140019014 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

545 Maigret in court / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Robert Brain. - New York : Avon books, 1988. - 153 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380704110 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

546 Maigret meets a milord / Georges Simenon ; translated by Robert Baldick. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1963. - 123 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin book ; 2027) ISBN: 0140020276 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

547 Maigret on the defensive / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Alastair Hamilton. - New York : Avon books, 1987. - 155 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380704099 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

548 Maigret’s Christmas : nine stories / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Jean Stewart. - New York [etc.] : HBJ, 1977. - 326 p. ; 22 cm. (A Helen and Kurt Wolff book) ISBN: 0151555516 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

549 The murderer / Georges Symenon ; translated from the French L' Assassin by Geoffrey Sainsbury. - Harmonsworth : Penguin books, 1958. - 127 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin books ; 1223) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

550 No vacation for Maigret / by Georges Simenon ; translated from the French Les vacances de Maigret by Geoffrey Sainsbury. - Garden City (N.Y.) : Doubleda, c1953. - 191 p. ; 21 cm. (Crime club) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

551 The sailors' rendezvous / Georges Simenon ; translated from the French by Margaret Ludwig. - Hramondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1970. - 126 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Maigret mystery. (Penguin fiction ; 3136) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

552 The Saint-fiacre affair / by Simenon. - New York : Pocketbooks, 1942. - 138 p. ; 17 cm. ((Sul front.: A Maigret mystery. (Pocket book ; 141) BENSTOCKCF SIMEG

553 The third Simenon omnibus / Georges Simenon. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1971. - 365 p. ; 18 cm. ((Contiene: Maigret has doubts; The old man dies; Maigret and the minister. ISBN: 0140033246 BENSTOCKCF SIMEG Sjöwall, Maj

554 The abominable man / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Thomas Teal. - New York : Vintage books, 1980. - 182 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 7. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 273) ISBN: 0394742737 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

555 Cop killer : the story of a crime / Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Thomas Teal. - New York : Vintage books, 1978. - 324 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 9. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 444) ISBN: 0394724445 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

556 The fire engine that disappeared / Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Joan Tate. - New York : Vintage books, 1977. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 5. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 340) ISBN: 0394723406 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

557 The laughing policeman / Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Alan Blair. - New York : Vintage books, 1977. - 220 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 4. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 341) ISBN: 0394723414 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

558 The locked room : the story of a crime / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Paul Britten Austin. - New York : Vintage books, 1980. - 279 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 8. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 274) ISBN: 0394742745 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

559 The man on the balcony : the story of a crime / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Alan Blair. - New York : Vintage books, 1976. - 179 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 2. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 777) ISBN: 0374717775 (Err.) BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

560 The man who went up in smoke / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Joan Tate. - New York : Vintage books, 1976. - 153 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 3. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 778) ISBN: 0374717783 (Err.) BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

561 Murder at the Savoy / Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Amy and Ken Knoespel. - New York : Vintage books, 1977. - 204 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 6. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 342) ISBN: 0394723422 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

562 Roseanna / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Lois Roth. - New York : Vintage

books, 1976. - 201 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Martin Beck police mystery 1. (Vintage fiction, poetry, and plays ; V 779) ISBN: 0374717791 (Err.) BENSTOCKCF SJOWM

563 The terrorists / Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Joan Tate. - New York : Pantheon books, c1976. - 281 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394485327 BENSTOCKCF SJOWM Smith, Charles Merrill

564 Reverend Randollph and the wages of sin / Charles Merrill Smith. - New York : G. P. Putnam's sons, c1974. - 212 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF SMITCM Smith, Joan

565 Why aren't they screaming? / Joan Smith. - New York : Fawcett Crest, 1990, c1988. - 224 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Loretta Lawson mystery. ISBN: 0449217779 BENSTOCKCF SMITJ Stanton Hitchcock, Jane

566 The witches' hammer / Jane Stanton Hitchcock. - New York [etc.] : Dutton, c1994. - 401 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0525936416 BENSTOCKCF STANHJ Stewart, Alfred Walter

567 Grim vengeance / by J. J. Connington [i.e. Alfred Walter Stewart]. - New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 1929. - 305 p. ; 20 cm. BENSTOCKCF STEWAW Stout, Rex

568 3 at Wolfe’s door : a Nero Wolfe treesome / by Rex Stout. - New York : The Viking press, [1960]. - 186 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: Poison a la carte ; Method three for murder ; The rodeo murder. BENSTOCKCF STOUR

569 Fer-de-lance / Rex Stout. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1983. - 199 p. ; 18 cm. ((In testa al front.: A Nero Wolfe mystery. (Bantam books) ISBN: 0553230336 BENSTOCKCF STOUR

570 If death ever slept : a Nero Wolfe novel / by Rex Stout. - New York : Viking, 1957. - 186 p. ; 21 cm. BENSTOCKCF STOUR

571 The second confession / by Rex Stout. - New York : Viking, 1949. - 245 p. ; 21 cm. ((In testa al front.: A Nero Wolfe novel. BENSTOCKCF STOUR

572 The second confession / by Rex Stout. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam books, 1975. - 197 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Nero Wolfe mystery. (Bantam books) ISBN: 0553245945 BENSTOCKCF STOUR

573 Three aces : a Nero Wolfe omnibus / Rex Stout. - New York : Vicking, 1971. - 473 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: Too many clients ; Might as well be dead ; The final deduction.


574 Three for the chair / by Rex Stout. - New York : Viking, 1957. - 183 p. ; 21 cm. ((Sul front. : A Nero Wolfe threesome. BENSTOCKCF STOUR

575 Too many cooks / by Rex Stout. - New York : Jove : HBJ, 1979. - 190 p. ; 18 cm. ((In testa al front: Nero Wolfe. BENSTOCKCF STOUR

576 Triple Zeck : a Nero Wolfe omnibus / Rex Stout. - New York : Viking, 1974. - 502 p. ; 22 cm. ((Contiene: And be a villain ; The second confession ; In the best families. BENSTOCKCF STOUR Strange, John Stephen

577 The man who killed Fortescue / by Dorothy Stockbridge Tillet, also known as John Stephen Strange. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1981. - 310 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P 536) ISBN: 0060805366 BENSTOCKCF STRAJS Symons, Julian

578 The 31st of February / Julian Symons. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1978. - 212 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial library ; P460) ISBN: 0060804602 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

579 The belting inheritance / Julian Symons. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1979. - 184 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Harper novel of suspense. (Perennial mystery library ; P 468) ISBN: 0060804688 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

580 The blackheath poisonings : a Victorian murder mystery / by Julian Symons. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1980. - 302 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140051716 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

581 Bogue’s fortune / Julian Symons. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1980. - 237 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Harper novel of suspense. (Perennial mystery library ; P 481) ISBN: 0060804815 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

582 The broken penny / Julian Symons. - New York : Beagle books, 1971. - 214 p. ; 18 cm. (Beagle mystery ; 95064) BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

583 The man who lost his wife / Julian Symons. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1977. - 203 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 0140043489 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

584 Mortal consequences : a history / Julian Symons. - New York : Schocken books, 1973. - IX, 269 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0805204040 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

585 The players and the game / Julian Symons. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1984. - 217 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140038086 BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ

586 The plot against Roger Rider / Julian Symons. - Harmondsworth [etc.] : Penguin books, 1975. - 184 p. ; 18 cm. (Penguin crime fiction) ISBN: 014003949X BENSTOCKCF SYMOJ Taylor, Andrew

587 Caroline minuscule / Andrew Taylor. - New York : Penguin books, [1984]. - 234 p. ; 19 cm. (Penguin crime) ISBN: 0140070990 BENSTOCKCF TAYLA Tey, Josephine

588 Brat Farrar / Josephine Tey. - [S. l.] : Penguin books, 1980. - 236 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0140082808 BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

589 The man in the queue / Josephine Tey. - New York : Pocket books, 1977. - 222 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0671809598 BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

590 Miss Pym disposes / Josephine Tey. - New York : Washington Square, 1977. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0671494139 BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

591 A shilling for candles / Josephine Tey. - New York : Collier books, 1988. - 226 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0020545304 BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

592 A shilling for candles / Josephine Tey. - New York : Berkley Medallion books, 1960. - 255 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0425032213 BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

593 The singing sands / Josephine Tey. - New York : Berkley Medallion, 1971. - 223 p. ; 18 cm. BENSTOCKCF TEYJ

594 To love and be wise / Josephine Tey. - New York : Dell, 1965. - 222 p. ; 17 cm. (A Dell mystery ; 8940) BENSTOCKCF TEYJ Van de Wetering, Janwillem

595 The Japanese corpse / Janwillem van de Wetering. - New York : Pocket books, 1978. - 261 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0671819224 BENSTOCKCF VANDWJ

596 Outsider in Amsterdam / Janwillem van de Wetering. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1975. - VII, 213 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF VANDWJ Van Dine, S. S.

597 The Benson murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1983. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance mystery. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684179768 (pbk) BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

598 The bishop murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1983. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A

Philo Vance mystery. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684179776 BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

599 The "canary" murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, c1927. - 256 p. ; 18 cm. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684164043 BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

600 The dragon murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1985. - 311 p., [2] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance mystery. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684183803 BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

601 The garden murder case / by S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1935. - 332 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 20 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance story. BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

602 The Gracie Allen murder case / by S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1938. - 227 p. ; 20 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance story. BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

603 The Greene murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribners's sons, c1928. - 256 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684167344 BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

604 The Greene murder case / by S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1928. - X, 388 p. ; 20 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance story. BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

605 The kennel murder case / by S. S. Van Dine. - New York : Bantam books, 1946. - VIII, 243 p. : ill ; 17 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance story. (Bantam books ; 60) BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

606 The kidnap murder case / by S. S. Van Dine. - New York : Bantam books, 1948. - 217 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance story. BENSTOCKCF VANDSS

607 The scarab murder case / S. S. Van Dine. - New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1984. - 328 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ((Sul front.: A Philo Vance mystery. (Scribner crime classics) ISBN: 0684181592 BENSTOCKCF VANDSS Vaughan, Matthew

608 The discretion of Dominick Ayres : a novel / by Matthew Vaughan. - Boston [etc.] : Little, Brown and company, 1976. - 243 p. ; 22 cm. BENSTOCKCF VAUGM Vidal, Gore

609 Death before bedtime / Edgar Box [i.e. Gore Vidal]. - New York : Vintage books, 1979. - 169 p. ; 18 cm.


610 Death in the fifth position / Edgar Box [i.e. Gore Vidal]. - New York : Vintage books, 1979. - 144 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394740548 BENSTOCKCF VIDAG

611 Death likes it hot / Edgar Box [i.e. Gore Vidal]. - New York : Vintage books, 1979. - 184 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394740556 BENSTOCKCF VIDAG Wade, Henry

612 The duke of York’s steps / Henry Wade. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1982. - 350 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0060805889 BENSTOCKCF WADEH

613 The hanging captain / Henry Wade. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1981. - 301 p., [1] c. di tav : ill. ; 18 cm.((Rist. dell'ed. orig. del 1933 con aggiunte. (*Perennial library ; 548) ISBN: 0060805455


614 Mist on the saltings / Henry Wade. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1985. - VIII, 340 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. (Perennial mystery library ; P 754) ISBN: 0060807547 ((pbk.))


615 New graves at Great Norne / Henry Wade. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1986. - 303 p. ; 18 cm. (Perennial mystery library) ISBN: 0060808071 ((pbk.))


616 Murder on the thirty-first floor / Per Wahlöö ; translated from the Swedish by Joan Tate. - New York : Pantheon books, [1982?]. - 207 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0394708407 BENSTOCKCF WAHLP Walters, Minette

617 The sculptress / Minette Walters. - London : Pan books, 1994. - 324 p., [1] c. di tav : ill ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0330330373 BENSTOCKCF WALTM Wentworth, Patricia

618 The case is closed / Patricia Wentworth. - New York : Warner books, 1986. - 253 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Miss Silver mystery. ISBN: 0446344710 BENSTOCKCF WENTP

619 The Chinese shawl / Patricia Wentworth. - New York : HarperPerennial, 1990. - 316 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0060810475 BENSTOCKCF WENTP

620 Grey mask / Patricia Wentworth. - New York : Warner books, 1986. - 251 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Miss Silver mystery. ISBN: 0446301353


621 The ivory dagger / Patricia Wentworth. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1980. - 230 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A miss Silver mystery. - Rist. con modifiche dell'ed. originale: New York : Lipincott, 1950. (A Bantam mystery) ISBN: 0553139460 BENSTOCKCF WENTP

622 The listening eye / Patricia Wentworth. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1980. - 200 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Miss Silver mystery. ISBN: 0553139479 BENSTOCKCF WENTP

623 Poison in the pen / Patricia Wentworth. - New York [etc.] : Bantam books, 1980. - 200 p. ; 18 cm. ((Sulla cop.: A Miss Silver mystery. ISBN: 0553142372 BENSTOCKCF WENTP Westlake, Donald E.

624 Enough / Donald E. Westlake. - New York : M. Evans, c1977. - 288 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0871312263 BENSTOCKCF WESTDE Wilcox, Collin

625 Long way down / Collin Wilcox. - New York : Random House, [1974]. - 180 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0394486811 BENSTOCKCF WILCC

Woods, Sara 626 Bloody instructions / Sara Woods. - New York : Avon, 1986. - 198 p. ; 18 cm.

(Mystery) ISBN: 0380698587 BENSTOCKCF WOODS

627 Let’s choose executors / Sara Woods. - New York : Avon, 1986. - 218 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380698609 BENSTOCKCF WOODS

628 The lie direct / Sara Woods. - New York : Avon books, 1989. - 153 p. ; 18 cm. (Avon mystery) ISBN: 0380705885 BENSTOCKCF WOODS

629 This little measure / Sara Woods. - New York : Avon, c1964. - 184 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380698625 BENSTOCKCF WOODS Wright, Eric

630 The night the gods smiled : introducing inspector Charlie Salter / Eric Wright. - New York : Signet, 1985. - 254 p. ; 18 cm. (Signet mystery ; 451) ISBN: 0451134095 BENSTOCKCF WRIGE Yorke, Margaret

631 Evidence to destroy / Margaret Yorke. - London : Mysterious, 1988. - 239 p. ; 18 cm.


632 The point of murder / Margaret Yorke. - London : Mysterious, 1989. - 167 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099223104 BENSTOCKCF YORKM

633 The smooth face of evil / Margaret Yorke. - London : Mysterious, 1989. - 208 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0099442000 BENSTOCKCF YORKM

Indice dei nomi Abrahams, Doris Caroline vedi Brahms, Caryl Albert, Marvin H. 1 Allingham, Margery 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Ambler, Eric 15, 16, 17, 18 Atherton, Nancy 19 Aubrey-Fletcher, Henry Lancelot vedi Wade, Henry Austin, Paul Britten 558 Bailey, Henry Christopher 20 Baldick, Robert 543, 544, 546 Barber, Dulan 21 Baring-Gould, William S. 184, 185 Barnard, Robert 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 Barnes, Linda 35 Beaton, M. C. 36, 37 Beck, K. K. 38 Bell, Josephine 39 Bell Collier, Doris vedi Bell, Josephine Bentley, Edmund Clerihew 40, 41, 513 Berkeley, Anthony 42 Berkeley Cox, Anthony vedi Berkeley, Anthony Blackstock, Charity 43, 44, 45 Blair, Alan 557, 559 Blake, Nicholas 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 Bowen-Judd, Sara Hutton vedi Woods, Sara Box, Edgar vedi Vidal, Gore Brahms, Caryl l58 Brain, Robert 545 Brett, Simon 59 Brown, Morna Doris vedi Ferrars, Elisabeth Brown, Zenith Jones vedi Ford, Leslie Bruccoli, Matthew J. 98 Bruce, Leo 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Buchan, John 66 Buchanan, Edna 67 Calvin, Henry 68 Campbell, Robert Wright 69 Candy, Edward 70 Carr, John Dickson 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 224 Carter, Dickson vedi Carr, John Dickson Carter, Youngman 93 Caspary, Vera 94 Cassiday, Bruce 502 Chandler, Raymond 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 Charteris, Leslie 112, 113, 272 Charyn, Jerome 435 Chase, James Hadley 114 Childers, Erskine 115 Christie, Agatha 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 Clark, Alfred Alexander Gordon vedi Hare, Cyril Clayton, Richard Henry Michael vedi Haggard, William Clinton-Baddeley, V. C. 132

Clinton-Baddeley, Vicotor Clinton vedi Clinton-Baddeley, V. C. Coles, Cyril Henry vedi Coles, Manning Coles, Manning 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 Collins, Michael 141 Connington, J. J. vedi Stewart, Alfred Walter Cornwell, David John Moore vedi Le Carré, John Cornwell, Patricia 142 Creasey, John 143, 144, 145, 146 Crispin, Edmund 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 Croft-Cooke, Rupert vedi Bruce, Leo Crofts, Freeman Wills 156, 157, 158, 159 Cross, Amanda 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 513 Crumley, James 167 Cunningham, E. V. 168 Daniel, Glyn Edmund 169 Dannay, Frederic vedi Queen, Ellery Day-Lewis, Cecil vedi Blake, Nicholas DeBrosse, Jim 170 Deighton, Len 171, 172, 173, 174 Delacorta 175, 176 Denny, Norman 526 Dexter, Colin 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 Dezon-Jones, Elyane vedi Monbrun, Estelle Dillon, Eilis 183 Dominic, R. B. vedi Lathen, Emma Doyle, Arthur Conan 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 Durham, Philip 102 Ellenbogen, Eileen 530, 534, 538, 539, 541, 542 Elliot, Paul 192 Ellroy, James 193 Engel, Howard 194, 195, 196, 197 Eustace, Robert 507 Fast, Howard vedi Cunningham, E. V. Ferguson, John 198 Ferrars, E. X. vedi Ferrars, Elisabeth Ferrars, Elizabeth 199 Fiedler, Leslie Aaron 189 Fletcher, David vedi Barber, Dulan Ford, Leslie 200, 224 Forester, Cecil S. 201 Francis, Dick 202 Freeling, Nicolas 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 Friedman, Mickey 219, 220, 221, 222 Frome, David vedi Ford, Leslie Fuller, Roy 223 Gardner, Erle Stanley 224, 225, 226, 227 Garve, Andrew 228 Gash, Jonathan 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 George, Elizabeth 238 Gill, Bartholomew 239, 240, 241, 242, 243 Goldman, William 244 Grafton, Sue 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 Grant, John vedi Gash, Jonathan Grebu, Devis 267 Greene, Graham 250, 251, 252, 253, 254 Greenleaf, Stephen 255 Grierson, Edward 256

Grimes, Martha 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267 Haggard, William 268 Hammett, Dashiell 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276 Hanley, Clifford vedi Calvin, Henry Hansen, Joseph 277, 278 Hare, Cyril 279, 280, 281 Harrison, Ray 282 Hart, Frances Noyes 283, 284 Haymon, S.T. 285, 286 Heilbrun, Carolyn Gold vedi Cross, Amanda Hellman, Lillian 269 Hennissart, Martha vedi Lathen, Emma Heyer, Georgette 287 Hiaasen, Carl 288, 289 Highsmith, Patricia 290, 291 Hill, Frances 292 Hill, Reginald 293 Himes, Chester 294 Hitchcock, Alfred 15 Hodgson, John A. 190 Hopkins, Kenneth 295 Horler, Sydney 296 Household, Geoffrey 115, 297, 298 Houseman, John 98 Hughes, Dorothy Belle 299, 300, 301 Iles, Francis vedi Berkeley, Anthony Innes, Michael 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317 James, Phyllis D. 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 Japrisot, Sebastien 330, 331, 332, 333 Jellett, H. 412 Judson, Philips vedi Pentecost, Hugh Kaminsky, Stuart M. 334 Kaplan, Arthur 335 Keating, Henry Raymond Fitzwalter 336, 337, 338, 339 Kellerman, Faye 340 Knoespel, Amy 561 Knoespel, Ken 561 Langton, Jane 341, 342, 343 LaPierre, Janet 344 Larminie, Margaret Beda vedi Yorke, Margaret Lathen, Emma 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350 Latsis, Mary J. vedi Lathen, Emma Laurence, Janet 351, 352, 353 Le Carré, John 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361 Lee, Manfred Bennington vedi Queen, Ellery Lewis, Roy 362 Lockridge, Frances 363, 365, 366, 367 Lockridge, Richard 363, 364, 365, 366, 367 Lovesey, Peter 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375 Ludlum, Robert 376 Ludwig, Margaret 551 Lynds, Dennis vedi Collins, Michael Lyons, Ivan 377 Lyons, Nan 377

MacDonald, John D. 378, 379, 380, 381, 382 MacDonald, Philip 383, 384, 385 Macdonald, Ross 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392 MacInnes, Helen 393, 394 MacLeod, Charlotte 395 Mainwaring, Marion 396 Manning, Adelaide Frances Oke vedi Coles, Manning Marcus, Steven 270 Marric, J. J. vedi Creasey, John Marsh, Ngaio 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 Martyn, David 424 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley 416 Matera, Lia 417 Maugham, Robert Cecil Romer vedi Maugham, Robin Maugham, Robin 418 Maugham, William Somerset 419 McCormick, Donald 420 McGarry Morris, Mary 421 Meyer, Nicholas 422 Millar, Kenneth vedi Macdonald, Ross Millar, Margaret 423 Miller, Mary Clarissa vedi Christie, Agatha Moir, Lyn 527, 536 Monbrun, Estelle 424 Montgomery, Robert Bruce vedi Crispin, Edmund Morley, Christopher 186, 187, 188 Moyes, Patricia 425, 426, 427, 428, 429 Muller, Marcia 430 Nabb, Magdalen 431, 432, 433, 434 Nolan, William F. 272 Odier, Daniel vedi Delacorta Oliver, Anthony 436 Oppenheim, Edward Phillips 437 Paget, Sidney 189 Papazoglou, Orania 438 Pargeter, Edith vedi Peters, Ellis Parker, Barbara 439 Parker, Robert B. 440 Pentecost, Hugh 441 Perry, Anne 442 Peters, Ellis 443 Price, Anthony 444 Price, Francis 332 Queen, Ellery 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458 Quentin, Patrick 459, 460, 461, 462 Radley, Sheila 463, 464, 465 Raven, Simon 466 Raymond, Alex 272 Raymond, René Brabazon vedi Chase, James Hadley Reiter, Victoria175 Rendell, Ruth467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497 Reno, Marie R. 498 Rhode, John 499 Rich, Virginia 500 Robbins, Alan 501

Robinson, Sheila Mary vedi Radley, Sheila Rossi, Jean-Baptiste vedi Japrisot, Sebastien Roth, Lois 562 Roughead, William 503 Ryan, Nigel 529 Sainsbury, Geoffrey 540, 549, 550 Sanders, Lawrence 504 Sandoe, James 513 Sayers, Dorothy L. 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525 Sheridan, Alan 331 Simenon, Georges 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553 Simon, S. J. 58 Sjöwall, Maj 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563 Skidelski, Simon Jasha vedi Simon, S. J. Slung, Michele B. 147 Smith, Charles Merrill 564 Smith, Joan 565 Sparafucile, Tony 272 Stanton Hitchcock, Jane 566 Stewart, Alfred Walter 567 Stewart, Jean 548 Stewart, John Innes Mackintosh vedi Innes, Michael Stout, Rex 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576 Strange, John Stephen 577 Street, Cecil John Charles vedi Rhode, John Symons, Julian 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586 Tate, Joan 556, 560, 563, 616 Taylor, Andrew 587 Teal, Thomas 554, 555 Tey, Josephine 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594 Tillet, Dorothy Stockbridge vedi Strange, John Stephen Thomson, Helen 531 Turnbull, Dora Amy Dillon vedi Wentworth, Patricia Van de Wetering, Janwillem 595, 596 Van Dine, S. S. 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607 Varese, Louise 533 Vaughan, Matthew 608 Vidal, Gore 609, 610, 611 Vine, Barbara vedi Rendell, Ruth Wade, Henry 612, 613, 614, 615 Wahlöö, Per 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 616 Walters, Minette 617 Webb, Richard William vedi Quentin, Patrick Wentworth, Patricia 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623 Westlake, Donald E. 624 Wheeler, Hugh Callingham vedi Quentin, Patrick White, Tony 535 Wilcox, Collin 625 Winks, Robin W. 396 Winterton, Paul vedi Garve, Andrew Woods, Sara 626, 627, 628, 629 Woodward, Daphne 532 Wright, Eric 630 Wright, Willard Huntington vedi Van Dine, S. S. Yorke, Margaret 631, 632, 633

Youngman-Carter, Philip vedi Carter, Youngman


Crime fiction—Critica

Art in crime writing 1 Art in crime writing : essays on detective fiction / edited by Bernard Benstock. - New York : St. Martin press,

©1983. - XI, 218 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0312053975


The bedside, bathtub & armchair companion to Agatha Christie

2 The bedside, bathtub & armchair companion to Agatha Christie / edited by Dick Riley and Pam McAllister ; introduction by Julian Symons. - New York : F. Ungar, c1979. - XIX, 330 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. ISBN: 0804457913; ISBN: 0804467331 ((pbk))

BENSTOCK C 27 Benvenuti, Stefano

3 Il romanzo giallo : storia, autori e personaggi / Stefano Benvenuti, Gianni Rizzoni ; consulenza di Alberto Tedeschi. - Milano : A. Mondadori, 1979. - 211 p. : ill. ; 26 cm (Libri illustrati)

BENSTOCK C 36 Binyon, T. J.

4 "Murder will out" : the detective in fiction / T. J. Binyon. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 1989. - VIII, 166 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 019219223X

BENSTOCK C 4 Borowitz, Albert

5 Innocence and arsenic : studies in crime and literature / Albert Borowitz. - New York [etc.] : Harper & Row, 1977. - XIV, 170 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0060104139

BENSTOCK C 5 Brabazon, James

6 Dorothy L. Sayers: a biography / by James Brabazon ; with a preface by Anthony Fleming ; foreword by P. D. James. - New York : Discus, 1982. - XVIII, 308 p., [4] p. di tav. : ill. ; 18 cm. ISBN: 0380589907

BENSTOCK C 8 Bullard, Scott R.

7 Who's who in Sherlock Holmes / by Scott R. Bullard and Michael Leo Collins. - New York : Taplinger, 1980. - 251 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0800882814; ISBN: 0800882822 ((pbk))

BENSTOCK C 7 Chandler, Raymond

8 Chandler before Marlowe : Raymond Chandlers early prose and poetry, 1908-1912 / edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli ; foreword by Jacques Barzun. - Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, 1973. - XVII, 109 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0872493059


9 The notebooks of Raymond Chandler ; and English summer : a gothic romance / by Raymond Chandler ; illustrated by Edward Gorey ; edited by Frank MacShane. - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977. - 113 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0297774301


10 Raymond Chandler speaking / edited by Dorothy Gardiner and Kathrine Sorley Walker. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1977. - 271 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

ISBN: 039525017X BENSTOCK C 13


11 Detectionary : a biographical dictionary of leading characters in detective and mystery fiction, including famous and little known sleuths, their helpers, rogues both heroic and sinister, and some of their most memorable adventures, as recounted in novels, short stories, and films / compiled by Otto Penzler ... [et al.]. - Woodstock ; New York : Overlook, 1977. - XI, 299 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0879510412

BENSTOCK C 26 Detective fiction

12 Detective fiction : a collection of critical essays / edited by Robin W. Winks. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, c1980. - VI, 246 p ; 20 cm. (Twentieth century views) (Spectrum books) ISBN: 0132026716

BENSTOCK C 35 De_Waal, Ronald Burt

13 The world bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson : a classified and annotated list of materials relating to their lives and adventures / Ronald Burt de Waal. - New York : Bramhall House, c1974. - XIV, 526 p. : ill. ; 32 cm. ISBN: 0517217597

BENSTOCK C 10 Edwards, Samuel

14 The Vidocq dossier : the story of the world first detective / by Samuel Edwards. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1977. - 191 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0395251761

BENSTOCK C 11 The encyclopaedia Sherlockiana, or, A universal dictionary of the state of knowledge of Sherlock Holmes

15 The encyclopaedia Sherlockiana, or, A universal dictionary of the state of knowledge of Sherlock Holmes and his biographer John H. Watson, M. D. / compiled and edited by Jack Tracy. - New York : Avon, 1979. - XIX, 411 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 038046490X

BENSTOCK C 33 Encyclopedia of mystery and detection

16 Encyclopedia of mystery and detection / Chris Steinbrunner and Otto Penzler editors-in-chief ; Marvin Lachman and Charles Shibuk senior editors. - New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, c1976. - 436 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0070611211

BENSTOCK C 25 Essays on detective fiction

17 Essays on detective fiction / edited by Bernard Benstock. - London ; Basingstoke : MacMillan, 1983. - XI, 218 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0333321952

BENSTOCK C 3 Geherin, David

18 Sons of Sam Spade : the private-eye novel in the 70s : Robert B. Parker, Roger L. Simon, Andrew Bergman / by David Geherin. - New York : F. Ungar, c1980. - VII, 168 p. ; 21 cm. (Recognitions)

ISBN: 0804422311; ISBN: 0804461708 ((pbk)) BENSTOCK C 14

Gregory, Sinda

19 Private investigations : the novels of Dashiell Hammett / Sinda Gregory. - Carbondale ; Edwardsville : Southern Illinois University Press, c1985. - XIV, 205 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0809311658

BENSTOCK C 15 Harper, Ralph

20 The world of the thriller / Ralph Harper. - Baltimore ; London : The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1974. - XII, 142 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0801817102

BENSTOCK C 17 Hitchman, Janet

21 Such a strange lady : an introduction to Dorothy L. Sayers (1893-1957) / by Janet Hitchman. - London : New English Library, 1975. - 203 p., [2] p. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0450021394

BENSTOCK C 9 Knight, Stephen

22 Jack the Ripper : the final solution / Stephen Knight. - New York : D. McKa, 1976. - 284 p., [8] p. di tav. : ill. ; 22 cm. ISBN: 0679507116 BENSTOCK C 37 Luhr, William

23 Raymond Chandler and film / William Luhr. - New York : F. Ungar, c1982. - XV, 208 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (Ungar film library) ISBN: 0804425566; ISBN: 0804464472 ((pbk))

BENSTOCK C 18 Macshane, Frank

24 The life of Raymond Chandler / Frank MacShane. - New York : E. P. Dutton, c1976. - XII, 306 p., [7] c. di tav. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0525145524

BENSTOCK C 19 Mandel, Ernest

25 Delightful murder : a social history of the crime story / Ernest Mandel. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c1984. - VIII, 152 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN: 0816614636; ISBN: 0816614644 ((pbk))

BENSTOCK C 22 Martienssen, Anthony

26 Crime and the police / Anthony Martienssen ; with a foreword by R. M. Howe. - Melbourne [etc.] : Penguin books, 1953. - 256 p. ; 19 cm. (Penguin books ; 888)

BENSTOCK C 21 Merry, Bruce

27 Anatomy of the Spy Thriller / Bruce Merry. - Dublin : Gill and Macmillan, 1977. - 253 p. ; 23 cm. BENSTOCK C 23

The murder mystique

28 The murder mystique : crime writers on their art / edited by Lucy Freeman. - New York : F. Ungar, c1982. - IX, 140 p. ; 21 cm.

(Recognitions) ISBN: 0804422125; ISBN: 0804461627 ((pbk))

BENSTOCK C 12 Palmer, Jerry

29 Thrillers : genesis and structure of a popular genre / Jerry Palmer. - New York : St. Martin, 1979. - 232 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 0312803478

BENSTOCK C 24 Rosenberg, Samuel

30 Naked is the best disguise : the death & resurrection of Sherlock Holmes / Samuel Rosenberg. - Indianapolis [etc.] : Bobbs-Merrill, c1974. - 203 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0672519143

BENSTOCK C 28 Ruehlmann, William

31 Saint with a gun : the unlawful American private eye / William Ruehlmann. - New York : New York University Press, 1974. - XVI, 155 p. ; 24 cm.

BENSTOCK C 29 Siebenheller, Norma

32 P. D. James / Norma Siebenheller. - New York : F. Ungar, c1981. - X, 154 p. ; 21 cm. (Recognitions) ISBN: 0804428174; ISBN: 0804468621 (pbk)

BENSTOCK C 30 Speier, Jerry

33 Ross Macdonald / by Jerry Speier. - New York : F. Ungar, c1978. - IX, 182 p. ; 21 cm. (Recognitions) ISBN: 0804428247; ISBN: 0804468710 ((pbk.))

BENSTOCK C 34 Symons, Julian

34 Conan Doyle : portrait of an artist / Julian Symons. - New York [etc.] : Mysterious, 1988. - 137 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. ISBN: 0892969261

BENSTOCK C 31 Tobias, John Jacob

35 Crime and police in England : 1700-1900 / J. J. Tobias. - New York : St. Martin's press, 1979. - 194 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN: 031254782X

BENSTOCK C 32 The world of Raymond Chandler

36 The world of Raymond Chandler / edited by Miriam Gross ; introduction by Patricia Highsmith. - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, c1977. - 189 p., [12] c. di tav. : ill. ; 24 cm. ISBN: 0297773623


Indice dei nomi Barzun, Jacques 8 Benstock, Bernard 1, 17 Benvenuti, Stefano 3 Binyon, T. J. 4 Borowitz, Albert 5 Brabazon, James 6 Bruccoli, Matthew J. 8 Bullard, Scott R. 7 Chandler, Raymond 8, 9, 10 Collins, Michael Leo 7 De_Waal, Ronald Burt 13 Edwards, Samuel 14 Fleming, A. 6 Freeman, Lucy 28 Gardiner, Dorothy 10 Geherin, David 18 Gorey, Edward 9 Gregory, Sinda 19 Gross, Miriam 36 Harper, Ralph 20 Highsmith, Patricia 36 Hitchman, Janet 21 Howe, R. M. 26 James, P. D. 6 Knight, Stephen 22 Lachman, Marvin 16 Luhr, William 23 Macshane, Frank 9, 24 Mandel, Ernest 25 Martienssen, Anthony 26 McAllister, Pam 2 Merry, Bruce 27 Palmer, Jerry 29 Penzler, Otto 11, 16 Riley, Dick 2 Rizzoni, Gianni 3 Rosenberg, Samuel 30 Ruehlmann, William 31 Shibuk, Charles 16 Siebenheller, Norma 32 Speier, Jerry 33 Steinbrunner, Chris 16 Symons, Julian 2, 34 Tedeschi, Alberto 3 Tobias, John Jacob 35 Tracy, Jack 15 Walker, Kathrine Sorley 10 Winks, Robin W. 12

Indice degli argomenti CHANDLER, RAYMOND 24, 36 CHANDLER, RAYMOND - Interviste 10 CHANDLER, RAYMOND - Opere - Riduzioni cinematografiche 23 CRIMINALITA' - Gran Bretagna - Sec. 18.-19. 35 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN 34 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Opere - Enciclopedie e dizionari 7 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Opere - Personaggi - Bibliografia ragionata 13 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Opere - Personaggi - Sherlock Holmes 30 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Opere - Personaggi - Sherlock Holmes - Enciclopedie e dizionari 15 HAMMETT, DASHIELL - Opere - Critica 19 JACK LO SQUARTATORE 22 JAMES, PHYLLIS DOROTHY 32 MACDONALD, ROSS - Critica 33 OMICIDIO - Londra - Storia - Sec. 19. 22 ROMANZI POLIZIESCHI 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 17, 20, 25, 27, 29 ROMANZI POLIZIESCHI - Enciclopedie e dizionari 16 ROMANZI POLIZIESCHI AMERICANI - Sec. 20. 18, 31 ROMANZI POLIZIESCHI INGLESI 29 ROMANZI POLIZIESCHI INGLESI - Enciclopedie e dizionari 11 SAYERS, DOROTHY LEIGH - Biografia 6, 21 SCRITTORI INGLESI - Sec. 20. - Biografie 6 VIDOCQ, EUGENE FRANCOIS 14


