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A cura di Mariella Nocenzi

in collaborazione conAlessandra Fralleoni


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1. La storia delle idee di Europa 4

2. La struttura economica e politica 17

3. L’identità sociale, culturale e religiosa 33

4. L’Europa e gli altri 55

5. Il discorso europeo fra discipline 59

Indice analitico 113


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La bibliografia ragionata che segue è il frutto di un lavoro di progressiva selezione di un archivio di decine centinaia di testi costituito grazie al conferimento di opere sul tema degli studi sull’Europa condotti dalle scienze sociali.

La preliminare definizione di un corpus bibliografico sul tema ha seguito criteri di scelta basati su contenuti già noti o rinvenuti nelle schede e nelle introduzioni dei testi. Particolare attenzione è stata data alla presenza nei frames di titolo, abstract e introduzione di una serie di parole chiave predeterminate (fra queste Europa, scienze sociali, società globale, stato, nazione, cultura) alle quali sono state aggiunte quelle con le maggiori occorrenze nei testi selezionati (globalizzazione, radici culturali, Unione europea, mondo islamico, civiltà, modelli cultiurali ecc.).

Il ridimensionato corpus di testi ottenuti, pur non potendosi considerare esaustivo dell’intera proposta editoriale delle scienze sociali sull’Europa, intende rappresentare i principali apporti disciplinari al patrimonio di ricerca sociale sull’Europa, cercando di preservare proprio la pluridisciplinarietà dell’ìindagine oggetto di questa rassegna.

Successivamente, si è optato per una presentazione dei testi attraverso una suddivisione in cinque grandi macro-aree che propongono di accorpare le schede-libro raccolte secondo l’ambito tematico prevalente fra quelli che accomunano i testi. Sostanzialmente, sono stati enucleati gli ambiti tematici generali della narrazione storica, economico-politica, socio-culturale, critico-riflessiva, interdisciplinare sull’Europa come entità statuale e culturale.

Questa inquadramento settoriale non ha trascurato le varie forme di sovrapposizione di trattamento delle tematiche da parte dei volumi considerati ed anche le corrispondenze di analisi di analoghi contenuti da parte di autori di culture diverse (ad esempio rispetto agli studi posto coloniali), elemento che costituisce la particolare ricchezza del patrimonio scientifico cui è dedicata questa sintetica e rappresentativa rassegna.

Mariella Nocenzimaggio 2010


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1. La Storia delle idee di Europa

Archibugi D., Held D. (eds.)Cosmopolitan Democracy. An Agenda for a New World OrderCambridge, Polity Press, 1995

The form of international regulation which dominated world politics for more than forty years has collapsed, while no alternative has yet emerged. The end of the Cold War has created new opportunities for developing an international order based upon the principles of legality and democracy. But if these opportunities are not seized, there is the danger that force will again prevail in the settings of international politics, both within Europe and beyond. The contributors to this volume offer an analysis of the contemporary conjuncture in international politics and present an alternative model of international organization: cosmopolitan democracy. This model is based upon the recognition of the continuing significance of nation-states, while arguing for a layer of governance that would constitute a limitation on national sovereignty. The case is made for the creation of new cosmopolitan institutions which would coexist with the system of states but would override states in clearly defined spheres of activity. The term democracy in this context refers not merely to the formal construction of new democratic institutions, but also the possibility of broad civic participation in decision-making and the redistribution of power at regional and global levels. The six essays which comprise this volume present a highly original overview of the key international issues of our times as well as a novel agenda for the extension of democracy on a transnational basis. The contributors are Norberto Bobbio, Luigi Bonanate, Mary Kaldor, David Held, Daniele Archibugi and Richard Falk.

Archibugi D., Held D., Kohler M. (eds.)Re-imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan democracyCambridge, Polity Press, 1998

Understanding world politics today means acknowledging that the state is no longer in international relations. The interstate system is increasingly challenged by new transnational forces and institutions. Multinational companies, cross-border coalitions of social interest groups, globally oriented media groups and a growing number of international agencies influence interstate decisions and set the agenda of world politics. While these phenomena have been discussed in the recent literature of international relations, little attention has been given to their impact on political life within and between communities. Re-imagining Political Community explores the changing meaning of political community in a world of regional and global social and economic relations. From a variety of academic backgrounds, its authors reconsider some of the key terms of political organization, such as legitimacy, sovereignty, identity and citizenship. The common approach of all the authors is to generate an innovative account of what democracy means today and how it can be reconceptualized to include subnational as well as transnational levels of political organization. Inspired by Immanuel Kant's cosmopolitan principles, the authors conclude that today there are favourable conditions for a further development of democracy - locally, nationally, regionally and globally. Re-imagining Political Community will be welcomed by students of politics, political theory, international relations and peace studies, as well as those working in international organizations and engaged in transnational activities. List of contributors: David Held, James N. Rosenau, David Beetham, James Crawford, Susan Marks, Mary Kaldor, Andrew Linklater, Ulrich K. Preuss, Richard Bellamy, Dario Castiglione, Janna Thompson, Daniele Archibugi, Martin Kohler, Pierre Hassner, Gwin Prins, Elizabeth Selwood, Derk Bienen, Volker Rittberger, Wolfgang Wagner and Richard Falk.


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Archibugi D.Debating CosmopoliticsLondon-New York, Verso, 2003

Cosmopolitics, the concept of a world politics based on shared democratic values, is in an increasingly fragile state. While Western democracies insist ever more vehemently upon a maintenance of their privileges — freedom of speech, security, wealth — an increasing number of the world’s inhabitants are under threat of poverty, famine and war. What is needed, the writers here suggest, is a deliberate decision to extend the principles and values of democracy to the sphere of international relations. Recent experience does not bode well, but their arguments, which range from reform of the United Nations, reduction of military weapons, additional power for international judiciary institutions and an increase in aid to developing countries, urge new and inspired action.

Arnason J. P., Eisenstadt S. N., Wittrock B. (eds)Axial Civilizations and World HistoryLeiden-Boston, Brill, 2005

The overarching theme of the book is the historical meaning of the Axial Age, commonly defined as a period of several centuries around the middle of the last millennium BCE, and its cultural innovations. The civilizational patterns that grew out of this exceptionally creative phase are a particularly rewarding theme for comparative analysis. The book contains essays on cultural transformations in Ancient Greece, Ancient Israel, Iran, India and China, as well as background developments in the core civilizations of the Ancient Near East. An introductory section deals with the history of the debate on the AxialAge, the theoretical questions that have emerged from it, and the present state of the discussion. The book will be useful for comparative historians of cultures and religions, as well as for historical sociologists interested in the comparative analysis of civilizations. It should also help linking the fields of classical, biblical and Asian studies to broader interdisciplinary debates within the humanities sciences.

Attali J.Europe(s)Paris, Fayard, 1994

L'Europe, à l'évidence, n'existe pas. Elle n'est ni un continent, ni une culture, ni un peuple, ni une histoire. Elle n'est définie ni par une frontière unique ni par un destin ou un rêve communs. "Il existe en revanche des Europes, qui s'échappent lorsqu'on cherche à en appréhender trop précisément les contours. "L'Europe est le seul continent à ne pas s'être défini par l'exclusion des autres, mais, pour leur bonheur et leur malheur, par leur conquête; le seul à avoir semé, aux quatre vents de ses ambitions impériales, ses langues, ses idées et ses hommes."En ce sens, l'ordre du monde est pour longtemps encore européen. Même si cette péninsule improbable s'est vue remplacée au " coeur " de l'Histoire par l'une de ses créatures, l'Amérique, même si elle risque de n'être plus qu'une colonie de sa propre utopie, l'Europe restera à jamais, dans son ambiguïté même - je préférerais écrire l'Europe(s), pour signifier cette multiplicité -, la mère de toutes les modernités."Cette ambiguïté, je l'ai vécue de près quand la chute du dernier Empire précapitaliste du monde, en émancipant l'Europe(s), la soumettait tout entière à l'ordre américain. De Prague à Londres, de Bruxelles à Moscou, j'ai vu les dirigeants intérioriser cette nouvelle soumission, en même temps que se dessinait le rêve d'une construction européenne plus libre et plus adulte.


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Beck U., Grande E.L’Europa cosmopolitaRoma, Carocci, 2006

Il 'modello Europa' deve essere ripensato. Esso ha funzionato per cinquant'anni, ma ora non è più valido. Grazie all'estensione verso Est dell'Unione europea si è inaugurata una nuova epoca di cooperazione che oltrepassa e cancella i confini. Ma cosa è nato, precisamente, in quell'occasione' Dove ci porta l'europeizzazione' E finora a cosa ha dato impulso' L'euforia (o anche lo scetticismo) sulla nuova e più grande Europa non può oscurare il fatto che essa è ancora incompresa, non capita. Questa forma storicamente unica e straordinaria di costruzione comunitaria interstatale e intersociale sfugge infatti a tutte le categorie e a tutte le concezioni correnti. L'esempio dell'Europa mostra con particolare evidenza come i nostri concetti politici e lo strumentario delle scienze sociali siano diventati storicamente estranei alla realtà e prigionieri nell'edificio concettuale del nazionalismo metodologico. Questo libro cerca di dare una risposta alle nuove esigenze di fondazione e di giustificazione dell'Unione europea e a questo riguardo intende proporre e sviluppare il concetto di 'Europa cosmopolita', al fine di comprendere e ridefinire teoricamente e politicamente l'europeizzazione alla luce della teoria della modernità riflessiva.

Bettin Lattes G. (ed.)Comparing European Societies: Towards a Sociology of the EU Monduzzi, Bologna, 2005

This book is the most recent of three publications of collected works on Europe from the Florentine school of sociology at ‘Cesare Alfieri’, carried out by an established team of scholars within the ambit of the Centro interuniversitario di sociologia politica (CIUSPO). The other two books are: G. Bettin Lattes (ed.), La societa degli europei. Lezioni di sociologia comparata (Bologna, Monduzzi, 1995), and G. Bettin Lattes (ed.), Mutamenti in Europa. Lezioni di sociologia (Bologna, Monduzzi, 2002). Whilst linked, each of these three works developed out of an autonomous research theme and responds to specific and contingent cognitive foci. However, all of them are the outcome of a consistent activity of study of basic social processes for the construction of Europe. The comparison between the three books outlines several thematic areas of convergence, as some material has been updated after five to ten years, years of epochal change on both the international and European scene. In other cases, new questions and issues, that had remained in the shade in the two earlier publications and which have now moved centre stage, have been introduced. The editors hope that this book will highlight the contribution made by Italian sociology to the study of contemporary European society. The individual chapters in this book have been translated by Simon Young, Donald Bathgate, Gerry Redmond and Debbie Payne. We would also like to thank Sabrina Messineo, Melissa Bancroft, Nathalie Kamphaus, Anna Raffaelli and Lorenzo G. Baglioni for editorial assistance. A particular vote of thanks goes to Winifred Tamey for her decisive intervention during the concluding stages of preparation. Finally, we are grateful to Adrian Favell for having read and commented on the first version of the manuscript.

Braudel F.Ecrits sur l’histoire Flammarion, Paris, 1969

Un recueil d'articles qui s'ouvre sur une “confidence” de F. Braudel exposant les raisons qui l'ont poussé vers l'histoire avec une évocation de son itinéraire de jeune étudiant. Puis un long article est consacré à l'histoire des prix en Europe pendant trois siècles, suivi de deux courtes biographies de Charles Quint et Philippe II.


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Brennan T.At Home in the World: Cosmopolitanism NowCambridge, Harward University Press, 1996

From every quarter we hear of a new global culture, postcolonial, hybrid, announcing the death of nationalism, the arrival of cosmopolitanism. But under the drumbeat attending this trend, Timothy Brennan detects another, altogether different sound. Polemical, passionate, certain to provoke, his book exposes the drama being played out under the guise of globalism. A bracing critique of the critical self-indulgence that calls itself cosmopolitanism, it also takes note of the many countervailing forces acting against globalism in its facile, homogenizing sense. The developments Brennan traces occur in many places--editorial pages, policy journals, corporate training manuals, and, primarily, in the arts. His subject takes him from George Orwell to Julia Kristeva, from Subcommandante Marcos to Julio Cortázar, from Ernst Bloch to contemporary apologists for transnational capitalism and "liberation management," from "third world" writing to the Nobel Prize, with little of critical theory or cultural studies left untouched in between. Brennan gives extended treatment to two exemplary figures: the Trinidadian writer C. L. R. James, whose work suggests an alternative approach to cultural studies; and the Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier, whose appreciation of Cuban popular music cuts through the usual distinctions between mass and elite culture. A critical call to arms, At Home in the World summons intellectuals and scholars to reinvigorate critical cultural studies. In stripping the false and heedless from the new cosmopolitanism, Brennan revitalizes the idea.

Caplan R., Feffer J.Europe’s New Nationalism States and Minorities in ConflictOxford, Oxford University Press, 1997

The end of the Cold War has witnessed the re-emergence of nationalism as a major force in Europe. The collapse of Yugoslavia, the newly won independence of the Baltic states, the unification of Germany, the wars in Bosnia and Georgia, and the strength of xenophobic politics in France all attest to the salience of nationalism. What explains nationalism's renewed importance in Europe? What distinguishes the various expressions of nationalism across Europe today? Why is nationalism associated with conflict in some cases and not in others? Is nationalism enhancing or undermining the prospects for democratic development within Europe? How should Europe respond to the challenges posed by nationalism? In this book, 14 leading scholars and journalists from across the region reflect on the meaning and implications of Europe’s “new nationalism”.


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Craveri P., Varsori A. (a cura di)L’Italia nella costruizione europea. Un bilancio storico (1957-2007)Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009

Sebbene esistano studi su aspetti specifici del ruolo italiano nella costruzione europea, manca un’analisi che prenda in considerazione le varie dimensioni in cui si è inserita la scelta europea dell’Italia. Il volume, ricco di fonti inedite, affronta i seguenti temi: l’Italia e la dimensione politica internazionale della costruzione europea, il ruolo italiano nelle istituzioni e nelle politiche europee, l’Italia in Europa nella percezione dei partner europei… La "scelta europea" ha rappresentato una costante nella politica estera dell'Italia repubblicana facendo registrare una continuità e una profondità superiori alle altre più importanti "scelte" - quella "americana-atlantica" e quella "mediterranea" - che hanno segnato l'azione internazionale del Paese. Col tempo la partecipazione italiana al processo di integrazione ha trasformato un aspetto di politica internazionale in un fenomeno con forti riflessi nell'ambito interno, non solo dal punto di vista politico ed economico, ma anche da quello sociale e culturale. Sebbene esistano studi su aspetti specifici del ruolo italiano nella costruzione europea, manca un'analisi esaustiva, che prenda in considerazione le varie dimensioni in cui si è inserita la scelta europea dell'Italia.Il volume, articolato in cinque parti, affronta i seguenti temi: l'Italia e la dimensione politica internazionale della costruzione europea, il ruolo italiano nelle istituzioni e nelle politiche europee, l'economia italiana e la costruzione europea, l'europeizzazione della politica italiana, l'Italia in Europa nella percezione dei partner europei. Esso raccoglie oltre venti contributi di storici italiani e stranieri. Gran parte degli interventi è il risultato di approfondite ricerche archivistiche e si basa su fonti inedite. Ne emerge un quadro ricco e variegato, che apporta nuove conoscenze e interpretazioni, nonché importanti spunti di riflessione intorno a un fenomeno che risulta fondamentale ove si voglia comprendere in maniera compiuta la storia dell'Italia repubblicana.

Crouch C.Social Change in Western EuropeOxford, Oxford University Press, 1999

What do European societies look like, at the end of a turbulent millennium which saw western Europe slowly rise to global domination, and then rapidly decline to its present position, prosperous but clearly behind the USA in world influence? This is the only book by a single sociologist to make a systematic and up to date comparison of virtually all west European countries across a wide range of social institutions. These include: work and occupations, the structure of the economy, the family, education, religion, nationality and ethnicity, and the mechanism of citizenship in the welfare state. Particular emphasis is placed on the place of gender and social class. By including basic details on Japan and the United States throughout, the author is able to draw attention to any shared west European specificities. The book also develops a theory of change in contemporary societies. Starting from a model of a mid-century social compromise based on certain balances between industrialism, capitalism, traditional community institutions, and community it traces its subsequent destabilization and places particular importance on the resurgence of capitalism in shaping a new social order. This important new study of the social structure of western Europe will be essential reading for all students of comparative sociology and European sociology.


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Delanty G.Handbook of Contemporary European Social TheoryLondon, Routledge, 2006

Il testo affronta la riflessione internazionale sullo sviluppo e sullo stato attuale della teoria sociale Europea. Spazia dalla teoria sociologica alla più ampia tradizione teoretica nelle scienze sociali, incluse le teoria culturale, politica, antropologica e social filosofica. Identifica, inoltre, cosa è distintivo della teoria sociale europea, in termini di temi e tradizioni. E’ suddiviso in cinque parti: le tradizioni disciplinari, le tradizioni nazionali, le maggiori scuole, i temi chiave e come la teoria sociale Europea è stata recepita in America e Asia.

Delanty G.CommunityLondon, Routledge, 20092

The increasing individualism of modern Western society has been accompanied by an enduring nostalgia for the idea of community as a source of security and belonging and, in recent years, as an alternative to the state as a basis for politics. Gerard Delanty begins this stimulating introduction to the concept with an analysis of the origins of the idea of community in Western Utopian thought, and as an imagined pristine condition equated with traditional societies in classical sociology and anthropology. He goes on to chart the resurgence of the idea within communitarian thought, the complications and critiques of multiculturalism, and its new manifestations within a society where new modes of communication produce both fragmentation and the possibilities of new social bonds. Contemporary community, he argues, is essentially a communication community based on new kinds of belonging. No longer bounded by place, we are able to belong to multiple communities based on religion, nationalism, ethnicity, life-styles and gender.

Delanty R., Rumford C.Rethinking Europe: Social Theory and the Implications of EuropeanizationLondon, Routledge, 2005

Dominant approaches to the transformation of Europe ignore contemporary social theory interpretations of the nature and dynamics of social change. Here, Delanty and Rumford argue that we need a theory of society in order to understand Europeanization. This book advances the case that Europeanization should be theorized in terms of:- globalization - major social transformations that are not exclusively spear-headed by the EU - the wider context of the transformation of modernity. This fascinating book broadens the terms of the debate on Europeanization, conventionally limited to the supersession of the nation-state by a supra-national authority and the changes within member states consequent upon EU membership.Demonstrating the relevance of social theory to contemporary issues and with a focus on European transformation rather than simplistic notions of Europe-building, this truly multidisciplinary volume will appeal to readers from a range of social science disciplines, including sociology, geography, political science and European studies.


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Fukuyama F.The End of History and the Last ManNew York, The Free Press, 1992trad. it, La fine del mondo e l’ultimo uomo, Milano BUR, 2002

Fukuyama ci dice dove eravamo e dove siamo e, cosa più importante, si chiede dove probabilmente saremo, con chiarezza e una sorprendente ampiezza di riflessione e di immaginazione. Uno tra i libri più controversi del dopo guerra fredda, best seller mondiale. Esiste una direzione della Storia, una strada obbligata che, lungo i secoli, il genere umano ha percorso alla ricerca dell'originario paradiso perduto o di una condizione finalmente stabile e, in certo modo, definitiva? L'affermarsi del modello liberale come unico sistema politico ha segnato veramente l'ultimo tratto della Storia o si tratta, invece, di uno dei tanti momenti destinati a essere travolti da nuovi equilibri? Sono sufficienti la libertà e l'uguaglianza, sia politica, sia economica (raggiunte in una presunta "fine della Storia") a garantire una condizione sociale stabile in cui ogni uomo possa dirsi completamente soddisfatto? A queste e altre domande – che riguardano la società politica moderna nel suo complesso e nelle sue interrelazioni e corresponsabilità – risponde Fukuyama in questo volume, affascinante e provocatorio (vincitore del Premio Capri 1992 e best seller mondiale), che ha segnato un punto di estrema importanza nella riflessione politica del Novecento.

Gellner E.NationalismNew York, NYU Press, 1997

A defining force in world history, nationalism remains an inescapable feature of a modern condition. It has underpinned the emergence of many states, and the conflict it has often generated has caused enormous suffering, both directly and indirectly. Nationalism remains a powerful influence today; in the former Yugoslavia and the successor states of the Soviet Union it has instigated great violence and atrocity. In this incisive and provocative book, completed just before his death, Ernest Gellner - described as “one of the last of the great central European polymath intellectuals” by the Financial Times - explores the phenomenon of nationalism, tracing its emergence and roots in the modern industrialized nation state, its links with romanticism and its creation of national myhs. He investigates its various manifestations and reveals how in long established states such as France, it has been relatively benign, while in Eastern Europe in particular - where nationalist feeling preceded the emergence of modern states - its influence has been far more problematic, and at times disastrous. Finally, the book explores the prospects of minimizing the influence of nationalist feeling and cautiously anticipates the possibility of its decline in this decade of continuing atrocities and "ethnic cleansing." Lucid and direct, Gellner's work combines politics, history, philosophy, and anthropolgy with the multidisciplinary flair for which he was renowned. As nationalism continues to inform contemporary politics, often with vicious and tragic results, Gellner's last words on the subject are essential reading.


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Goodman M.Roma e Gerusalemme. Lo scontro delle civiltà anticheRoma, Laterza, 2009

Tutti quelli che cercano una reale comprensione della questione mediorientale dovrebbero leggere questo libro sui due secoli cruciali della storia giudaica e potrebbero imparare molto da quella antica tragedia. Diarmaid Macculloch, “The Guardian”. Cupo e magistrale. Se la presa della Bastiglia ha dato forma alla storia del diciannovesimo e ventesimo secolo, si potrebbe dire che il ventunesimo è stato forgiato dalla caduta, quasi duemila anni fa, di Gerusalemme. Tom Holland, “The Sunday Times”. Nel 70 d.C., dopo una guerra durata quattro anni, tre legioni romane comandate dal futuro imperatore Tito circondano, assediano e infine devastano la città di Gerusalemme. Sessant’anni più tardi, la distruzione della città è completata. Sulle sue rovine, l’imperatore Adriano costruisce la romana Aelia Capitolina, dove ai Giudei è proibito perfino entrare. Eppure, fino ad allora i Romani erano stati tolleranti con loro quanto con gli altri popoli dell’impero. Vessati da tasse arbitrarie, umiliati, ostacolati nella pratica della propria religione, gli Ebrei sono derubati perfino del nome della propria terra: la Giudea viene ribattezzata Palestina. Cosa scatena un conflitto tanto rabbioso? Perché, tra le numerose popolazioni assoggettate al dominio romano, solo quella giudaica riceve un trattamento così repressivo, così brutale? Perché accade questo disastro? Cosa, nella società giudaica e romana, rende impossibile la coesistenza? Questo libro superbo, avvincente, chiaro e scorrevole, firmato da uno dei principali studiosi mondiali dell’antica Roma e del mondo giudaico, racconta e spiega questa battaglia titanica, perché quella politica di ostilità radicale servì gli interessi di Roma e come la prima generazione di Cristiani prese le distanze dalle proprie origini ebraiche divenendo sempre più ostile.

Habermas J.Tempo di passaggiMilano, Feltrinelli, 2004

La transizione dal diritto internazionale al diritto cosmopolitico, il tema della memoria come tratto costitutivo dell'identità di un popolo, la costituzione europea e il ruolo dell'Europa nel mondo, il rapporto tra sovranità popolare e diritti dell'uomo.

Habermas J.La costellazione postnazionaleMilano, Feltrinelli, 1999

Questo libro raccoglie tre saggi sulla globalizzazione, tre interventi nel vivo della politica mondiale. Il filo rosso che li lega è la necessità di far rinascere la politica dietro i mercati globalizzati. La globalizzazione pone infatti ai politici il compito di riorganizzare i rapporti fra stati secondo una prospettiva cosmopolitica. Il mercato globale non è visto come un evento paralizzante che mette fuori gioco la politica, bensì come una sfida che viene posta alla democrazia. Analizzando l'intreccio tra le esigenze del mercato e quelle della giustizia, Jurgen Habermas dimostra come sia possibile immaginare un "allargamento" della democrazia al di là dei confini del vecchio stato-nazione. Del resto, sia l'Unione europea nel suo processo federativo sia l'Onu in quello di "politica interna mondiale" stanno tentando questo allargamento. Per Habermas, la chiave di volta è una politica non centralizzata né gerarchizzata ma organizzata come interazione a più livelli (regionali, nazionali e sovranazionali), che non chieda ai cittadini di rinunciare a forme di vita e a valori materiali specifici.


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Habermas J., Taylor Ch.Multiculturalismo. Lotte per il riconoscimentoMilano, Feltrinelli, 2008

Nel testo si affrontano le alternative teorico-normative con cui governare la babele multiculturale del mondo contemporaneo. Le difficoltà derivano dal fatto che, in democrazia, il riconoscimento politico della diversità culturale non può che poggiare sull'eguaglianza dei diritti. Secondo i liberali la politica si fonda sull'universalismo delle norme giuridiche e dunque rimane neutrale rispetto alle varie concezioni etiche "private". Secondo i comunitari la politica si fonda invece sulla differenza dei valori etici.

Hazard P.La crise de la conscience européenneParis, Fayard, 1961trad. it., La crisi della coscienza europea, Torino, Einaudi, 1964

"La majorité des Français pensait comme Bossuet: tout d'un coup, les Français pensent comme Voltaire: c'est une révolution", écrivait Paul Hazard dans ce livre désormais classique. De 1680 à 1715 s'affrontent en effet les idées les plus contradictoires et les plus puissantes. L'ordre classique, qui avait repris force après la Renaissance, paraissait éternel. Or, vers 1680, tout se met à bouger. Un air extérieur semble souffler dans le solennel édifice; des esprits ont l'audace de prétendre que les Modernes valent bien les Anciens, que le progrès doit l'emporter sur la tradition, la science sur la foi. "Il s'agissait de savoir si l'humanité continuerait sa route en se fiant aux mêmes guides ou si des chefs nouveaux lui feraient volte-face pour la conduire vers d'autres terres promises."Une époque charnière donc, où l'esprit de doute surgit partout. Le goût des récits de voyage élargit les horizons et ébranle les certitudes acquises; on discute de la Bible, de l'authenticité des textes sacrés, des mystères; les libres penseurs font la guerre à la tradition; on parle de religion naturelle, de mort naturelle, de droit naturel, on rêve d'une ère de bonheur terrestre fondée sur la raison et sur la science, les philosophes prônent la tolérance. C'est ce formidable bouillonnement d'idées et d'hommes que décrit Paul Hazard, retraçant ici en quelque sorte l'histoire des origines de l'Europe contemporaine.

Hermet G.Nazioni e nazionalismi in EuropaBologna, Il Mulino, 2001

Come, quando, perché s'afferma il sentimento nazionale in Europa.Solo pochi anni fa poteva sembrare che il nazionalismo fosse, quanto meno in Europa, al tramonto: si coglievano i segni d'uno sbiadirsi delle frontiere entro uno spazio, l'Unione europea, che pareva destinato ad accogliere un nuovo, più vasto senso della cittadinanza. Poi tutto si è rovesciato: la fiammata di conflitti su base nazionalistica dell'Est Europa, il macello "etnico" in Bosnia, i tanti focolai separatisti nei paesi europei, Italia compresa, hanno riportato in prima pagina la questione dei nazionalismi in maniera imprevedibile. Questo volume, ora riproposto nella "Biblioteca", contribuisce alla riflessione su questo fenomeno contemporaneo mettendolo in prospettiva, rileggendo l'evoluzione storica e politica che ha portato all'affermazione delle nazioni europee e forgiato il senso dell'appartenenza nazionale. L’autore ripercorre la storia europea in cerca degli elementi che hanno costituito il processo di formazione dei nazionalismi, cercando di stabilire quando sorgono e quali sono i meccanismi sociali, culturali ed economici, oltreché i fini politici, che li determinano: dal declino dell'assolutismo monarchico all'industrializzazione. Hermet esamina inoltre la questione, che si è rivelata cruciale, delle aspirazioni delle piccole nazionalità e le soluzioni alternative dei "refrattari al nazionalismo" come al tempo dell'impero austro-ungarico, oppure in Svizzera e in Spagna. L'autore conclude mostrando come il sentimento d'identità nazionale sia indispensabile, soprattutto nei paesi di nascente democrazia, e come dunque l'odierno ritorno dei nazionalismi non sia un fenomeno del tutto negativo.


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Kagan R. Il Ritorno della Storia e la Fine dei Sogni Roma, Editori Riuniti, 2008

«Il mondo è tornato a essere normale. Gli anni seguiti alla fine della guerra fredda avevano generato l'impressione che fosse sorto un nuovo tipo di ordine internazionale caratterizzato dalla scomparsa degli stati-nazione o dalla loro crescita comune, dalla soluzione dei contrasti ideologici, dalla mescolanza delle culture e da commerci e comunicazioni sempre più liberi. Semplici cittadini e classi dirigenti sognavano "un mondo trasformato". Ma era solo un miraggio». Lo stato-nazione è forte come in passato, le vecchie ed esplosive ambizioni del nazionalismo rimangono vive e così le antiche passioni e rivalità fra i popoli. Gli Stati Uniti mantengono il primato di superpotenza mondiale, ma sono comparsi altri agguerriti protagonisti: Europa, Russia, Cina, Giappone, India e Iran sono decisi a trovare una collocazione più autonoma e incisiva nel panorama internazionale, aspirazione certo legittima, che innesca però insidiose minacce di conflitti regionali. Inoltre, la pericolosa frattura apertasi fra il liberalismo occidentale e le nuove autocrazie di Mosca e Pechino rende instabile l'intero scacchiere asiatico e mediorientale, e scuote il tradizionale legame fra Europa e America. La scena mondiale è resa poi ancor più complicata dalla violenta offensiva lanciata dai fondamentalisti islamici contro le culture e i poteri laici moderni, accusati di aver corrotto il mondo musulmano. Robert Kagan, autore di brillanti saggi fra cui Paradiso e potere, definito il «manifesto del neoconservatorismo».

Karolewski P., Suszycki A.The Nation and Nationalism in Europe: An IntroductionEdinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 2009

An overview of the contending approaches to the nation and nationalism in a European context, this book explores a wide variety of theoretical perspectives, including the controversial issue of theoretical dichotomy (civic versus ethnic nationalism) and attempts to overcome it. It also introduces three types of nationalism: ideology, social movement, and attitude, allowing for a systematic treatment of sub-state and central state nationalism. In conclusion, the text looks at European nationalism in practice, offering new empirical findings from both in-depth single country cases and cross-country comparisons.

Martinelli A.Global Modernization. Rethinking the Project of ModernityLondon, Sage, 2005

The last decade has witnessed a revival of interest in the problems of modernity and modernization. In particular, three major processes have emerged as objects of debate: - the transformations of capitalism manifested in globalization and the unfolding of post-industrial society.- the rapid and strong economic development of countries outside the West- the political and economic transformations in the post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe.


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Parsons T.Societies. Evolutionary and Comparative PerspectivesEnglewood Cliffs (N. J.), Prentice-Hall, 1966

Parsons gives structure to the process of social history, with functionalist (Spencer, Weber) evolutionary taxonomy -- where society is an adaptive system extending self-sufficiency within respective physical-organic environments. Parsons begins with a synopsis of pertinent theory, then treats the "primitive", "archaic" and "intermediate" forms of society with a functionalist focus, and ends with a Conclusion squarely facing criticisms and questions. Functional differentiation, combined with generalized norms, increases the adaptive capacity of societies. The main dynamic of social change is cultural innovation in which the "cybernetic" social controls over environment become increasingly effective. I think this approach works quite well in analyzing societies where documentation is fragmentary and it does seem to adequately explain historical changes. Also, as Parsons shows with reference to three "historic" intermediate societies -- China, India, and Islamic Empires, and "seed-bed" Israel and Greece -- the method explodes the most significant historicist problem, that of variation among intermediate societies.

Parsons T.The System of Modern Societies Englewood Cliffs (N. J.), Prentice-Hall, 1971

We consider social systems to be constituents of the more general system of action, the other primary constituents being cultural systems, personality systems, and behavioral organisms; all four are abstractly defined relative to the concrete behavior of social interaction. We treat the three subsystems of actions other than the social system as constituents of its environment. This usage is somewhat unfamiliar, especially for the case of the personalities of individuals. It is justified fully elsewhere, but to understand what follows it is essential to keep in mind that neither social nor personality systems are here conceived as concrete entities.The distinctions among the four subsystems of action are functional. We draw them in terms of the four primary functions which we impute to all systems of action, namely pattern- maintenance, integration, goal-attainment, and adaptation.An action system's primary integrative problem is the coordination of its constituent units, in the first instance human individuals, though for certain purposes collectivities may be treated as actors. Hence, we attribute primacy of integrative function to the social system.We attribute primacy of pattern-maintenance--and of creative pattern change--to the cultural system. Whereas social systems are organized with primary reference to the articulation of social relationships, cultural systems are organized around the characteristics of complexes of symbolic meanings--the codes in terms of which they are structured, the particular clusters of symbols they employ, and the conditions of their utilization, maintenance, and change as parts of action systems.We attribute primacy of goal-attainment to the personality of the individual. The personality system is the primary agency of action processes, hence of the implementation of cultural principles and requirements. On the level of reward in the motivational sense the optimization of gratification or satisfaction to personalities is the primary goal of action..The behavioral organism is conceived as the adaptive subsystem, the locus of the primary human facilities which underlie the other systems. It embodies a set of conditions to which action must adapt and comprises the primary mechanism of interrelation with the physical environment, especially through the input and processing of information in the central nervous system and through motor activity in coping with exigencies of the physical environment.


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Rumford Ch. (ed.)Cosmopolitanism and EuropeChicago, Univ of Chicago Press, 2007

Europe’s ongoing transformation has prompted the emergence of cosmopolitanism as a particularly relevant lens through which to analyze European politics and society. As the European Union grows in size, its member states are increasingly occupied with responsibilities that extend beyond their narrow national interests. This timely book, with contributions from Ulrich Beck, Daniele Archibugi, and Gerard Delanty, persuasively argues that cosmopolitan perspectives are vital to the study of contemporary Europe.

Schopflin G.Nations, Identity, PowerNew York, NYU Press, 2000

Nationalism is pivotal to any understanding of contemporary politics, but our conception of it as a historical and contemporary phenomenon remains fragmentary and nebulous. In Nations, Identity, Power, George Schöpflin analyzes the contradictions inherent in our understanding of nationalism in order to fashion a new intellectual synthesis. In particular he questions why nations in the West are able to live with the nation as the legitimate space for democratic institutions, whereas in the post-communist world, especially in Eastern Europe, ethnicity is preeminent. Schöpflin argues that the nation is simultaneously ethnic, civic and structured by the state. Hence the excesses of ethnicity derive from the shortcomings of state capacity and the weakness of civil society, rather than being an inherent evil. If ethnicity is alive and well, what is its role? Here again, his answer is challenging: ethnicity is one of the bases for consent to be ruled by the interventionist and rationalizing modern state. With due sensitivity to the implicit, the symbolic, and the ways in which power is legitimized, Schöpflin applies his understanding of nationalism to various East and Central European case studies, including Yugoslavia and Hungary. He also compares the role of ethnicity in other states, including Britain.

Stiegler B.Constituer l’Europe. Dans un monde sans vergogneParis, Edition Galileè, 2005

La construction et la constitution de l’Europe visent à créer un nouveau processus d’individuation psychique et collective au sein duquel puissent se co-individuer des processus d’individuation déjà existants: les nations européennes. Parce qu’ont muté, du fait du développement technologique, les conditions générales de l’individuation à travers l’ensemble du monde industrialisé, il y a aujourd’hui à faire converger les processus d’individuation nationaux, en Europe et partout sur la Terre, vers des processus continentaux et supranationaux: la nation n’est plus un cadre autosuffisant pour assurer de bonnes conditions d’individuation à ses habitants. Mais d’autre part, l’individuation psychique et collective industrielle issue du capitalisme contemporain est devenue autodestructrice. Car elle est rongée par le contre-processus d’une ruineuse désublimation, induite par une baisse tendancielle de l’énergie libidinale que détruit sa captation par les médias de masse: c’est le “temps de cerveau disponible” devenu une marchandise comme les autres – ce dont parle M. Le Lay sans vergogne, exhibant ainsi le règne d’une grande misère symbolique et d’une démotivation généralisée. Le modèle industriel dominant tend en effet à détruire cette vergogne dont les Grecs anciens, qui la nommaient aidôs, posaient qu’elle est, avec la justice (dikè), et comme principe sublime, la condition de toute constitution politique. L’Europe ne se constituera qu’à la condition de lutter contre ce qui, dans la société industrielle, conduit à la désublimation comme liquidation de toute vergogne. Cette analyse est développée dans le présent ouvrage sur le plan d’une économie politique et par des considérations de politique industrielle: la protection de la vergogne n’est plus une simple question de morale, ou de “valeurs”, mais d’organisation des échanges symboliques, c’est-à-dire d’abord, de nos jours, d’organisation industrielle de la production et de la consommation.La démotivation qui a été engendrée du côté de la production comme de la consommation par la mise en œuvre, au xxe siècle, de techniques de calcul des performances et de recherche des motivations, sera le thème du second tome de cet ouvrage, Le motif européen, qui esquissera les bases d’une nouvelle théorie du motif à partir du concept d’individuation, et comme élément crucial d’une civilisation industrielle réinventée.


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Therborn G.From Marxism to Post-MarxismLondon, Verso, 2009

Comprehensive history of the development of Marxist theory by major social theorist.

Therborn G.European Modernity and Beyond: The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000London, Sage, 1995

In this book one of Europe's foremost sociologists offers a profound and accessible overview of the trajectory of European societies, East and West, since the end of World War II. Combining theoretical depth with factual analysis, Goran Therborn addresses the questions that underpin an understanding of the nature of European modernity, including: To what extent is the period 1945-2000 producing fundamental change and what are the areas of continuity? Have the societies of Europe become more similar to others on the globe or more distinctively European? What are the prospects of Europe after decades of postwar change and the end of the Cold War?

Vertovec S., Cohen R. (eds.)Conceiving CosmopolitanismOxford, Oxford University Press, 2002

Understanding the ancient and long sidelined concept of cosmopolitanism has suddenly found a fresh impetus and urgency. Globalization, international migration, multiculturalism and global social movements, as well as atrocities committed by those with narrow religious and ethnic identities, have led to reposing of two basic cosmopolitan questions: Can we ever live peacefully with one another? What do we share, collectively, as human beings? The term cosmopolitanism has attracted many understandings and uses over the years. Covering the global, national, social and personal levels of analysis, the authors consider the multiple meanings of the term in the past and in the present and develop new ways of conceiving cosmopolitanism. Through challenging old assumptions and advancing new analytical frameworks, the collection provides a full and representative set of views on the nature, definition and prospects of cosmopolitanism.Written by eminent scholars and publicly recognised intellectuals from a variety of cultural backgrounds, this book is the most comprehensive account of the theory and practice of cosmopolitanism yet attempted.


Friedländer S.Aggressore e vittima. Per una storia integrata dell’OccidenteRoma, Laterza, 2009

Pagden A.Mondi in Guerra. 2500 anni di conflitto fra Oriente e OccidenteRoma, Laterza, 2009

Robertson R., Turner B. S.“Talcott Parsons and Modern Social Theory – An Appreciations”Theory, Culture and Society, 6/1989.


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2. La struttura economica e politica

Barber B.R.Fear’s Empire. War, Terrorism, DemocracyNew York, W.W. Nortontrad. It. L’impero della paura, Einaudi, Torino, 2004

La politica estera degli Stati Uniti è ancora oggi guidata dalla retorica dell'eccezionalismo americano, che basandosi sul mito di una nazione eletta, libera e indipendente, ne ha sempre giustificato l'autoesclusione dalle leggi che governano il resto del mondo.Ma i successi del terrorismo pongono brutalmente all'America e al mondo una domanda: gli Stati Uniti possono muoversi nello scenario inedito dell'interdipendenza globale avvalendosi delle strategie tradizionali di uno Stato sovrano, soprattutto di un'arrogante potenza militare, nella forma della guerra preventiva? Nel nuovo contesto mondiale la sicurezza e la libertà non possono essere garantite neppure dalla piú potente delle nazioni, se essa opera da sola, al di fuori dei principî del diritto internazionale, attaccando stati e non gruppi terroristici. La guerra preventiva unilaterale non previene il terrorismo, perché diffonde la sua stessa arma, la paura. Solo la democrazia preventiva può riuscirvi. Ma la democrazia non è equiparabile semplicemente al mercato o all'american way of life, cresce lentamente e dall'interno, va coltivata nel lungo periodo, attraverso la diffusione dell'istruzione e la cooperazione internazionale, massicci aiuti economici, e soprattutto il sostegno di istituzioni globali e leggi internazionali: purché siano rispettate anche dall'America.

Beck U.Was ist Globalisierung? Irrtümer des Globalismus – Antworten UF GlobalisierungFranfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1997

Nel lessico di fine millennio si è fatta strada una parola nuova, una parola che negli usi e abusi quotidiani rischia di risuonare senza un preciso significato: globalizzazione. Ma che cos’è effettivamente la globalizzazione? Come se ne coglie la reale complessità? E come ci si misura con le sue sfide? Ulrich Beck, uno dei più originali e acuti interpreti della società contemporanea, cerca in questo libro di individuare delle risposte e di indicare nuovi terreni di riflessione. Muovendo da un’ampia rassegna critica delle principali teorie della globalizzazione, da quella dell’"economia mondo" di Wallerstein alla tesi di mcdonaldizzazione di Ritzer, Beck evidenzia gli errori di un globalismo semplificato e di una "metafisica" del mercato mondiale. Ma rivendica anche la necessità di una "politica della globalizzazione" capace di rispondere a emergenze sociali, culturali e ambientali non più governabili a livello nazionale. I rischi che minacciano la società mondiale, sottolinea Beck, possono oggi mobilitare nuove energie sociali e politiche, promuovendo nel lungo periodo uno sviluppo razionale della condizione umana e favorendo la nascita di una "seconda modernità".


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Beck U.La società cosmopolita. Prospettive dell’epoca postnazionaleBologna, Il Mulino, 2003

Nell'attuale globalizzazione dei diritti, dell'economia, della comunicazione, così come del rischio, il cosmopolitismo si è fatto realtà, diventando la cifra di una nuova era di modernità riflessiva che dissolve i suoi confini e le sue distinzioni nazional-statali. Senza confini è la minaccia terrorista, ad esempio, ma anche la protesta contro la guerra. Per comprendere questa nuova realtà abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo punto di vista, ciò che Beck chiama «sguardo cosmopolita». A differenza dello «sguardo nazionale», lo sguardo cosmopolita sulla storia, per quanto scettico, disilluso, autocritico, ci indica la via per organizzare all'interno di una nuova cornice culturale multietnica il nostro vivere insieme. Dagli studi – divenuti ormai un punto di riferimento nella sociologia contemporanea – sulla globalizzazione e sul rischio, Beck è approdato negli scritti raccolti in questo volume a una compiuta riflessione sulla società contemporanea e sulle sue istituzioni in cui l'antico ideale illuminista e kantiano del cosmopolitismo trova un uso non più astratto, ma decisamente calato nella storia, capace di dare fondamento a un nuovo ordine mondiale sottratto agli opposti vincoli del territorialismo e della omogeneizzazione.

Beck U.Il Dio personale. La nascita della religiosità secolareRoma, Laterza, 2009

Solo quando le religioni dei vari ‘Dèi unici’ si impegneranno a fondo per incivilire se stesse e cesseranno di evocare la violenza come mezzo di missione, il mondo avrà un’opportunità. Ma non si tratta forse di una speranza assolutamente ridicola?

Nelle società occidentali ogni persona crea con sempre maggiore indipendenza quelle narrazioni religiose – il ‘Dio personale’ – che meglio si adattano alla propria vita ‘personale’ e al proprio ‘personale’ orizzonte di esperienza. Al contrario delle Chiese e delle sette, il Dio personale non conosce infedeli, perché non conosce verità assolute, né gerarchie, eretici, pagani o atei. Nel politeismo soggettivo del Dio personale trovano posto molte divinità. In esso viene messo in pratica quello che le religioni e le Chiese, vincolate alla loro pretesa veritativa, ritengono non solo moralmente riprovevole, ma anche logicamente impensabile: nella loro ricerca nomade della trascendenza religiosa, gli individui sono sia credenti sia non credenti.

Bort E., Evans N. (eds.)Networking Europe. Essays on Regionalism and Social DemocracyLiverpool, LUV, 2001

Based on papers given at annual symposia held at Freudenstadt throughout the 1990s, this book contributes to a view of the future of the European Union that stresses the need for more democracy and for a conception of Europe that emphasizes its diversity. A wide range of issues are explored: inter-regional partnerships; working-class experience in the regions; questions of heritage and identity; European policies such as the Social Chapter and the Single Market; women’s work and life; and issues stemming from racism such as the integration of refugees.


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Breuilly J.Il nazionalismo e lo statoBologna, Il Mulino, 1995

Il volume esamina il processo che portò all'unificazione dei territori tedeschi sotto l'egemonia prussiana e alla proclamazione del Secondo Reich nel 1871. L'autore discute il contesto economico, culturale e politico del processo, tanto a livello europeo che nelle varie realtà tedesche. L'unificazione è seguita nel succedersi dei conflitti bellici con la Danimarca, la Francia e l'Austria, con un'analisi delle ragioni che hanno reso possibile alla Prussia la conquista dei territori e delle dinamiche che hanno portato a percepire quella conquista come una unificazione nazionale.

Caracciolo L., Letta E. Dialogo interno all’EuropaBari-Roma, Laterza, 2002

A che serve l’Europa? Quali sono i vantaggi e quali i costi dell’integrazione per noi italiani? Quale effetto avrà l’introduzione dell’euro? Un dialogo serrato sul nostro presente e sul nostro futuro.

Eisenstadt S.N., (ed.)Democracy and Modernity. International Colloquium on the Centenary of David Ben-GurionLeiden, Brill, 1991

Democracy and Modernity presents a colloquium of scholars on the present state of democracy in many parts of the globe, in both developed and developing countries. Where does it stand firm, and where is it on shifting ground? What are the conditions necessary for the consolidation of democracy, and what difficulties face those countries where a stable democratic regime is still a hope for the future? How do the political traditions of a country's past affect its ability to maintain democracy in the present?Recent changes in the nature of regimes in many previously non-democratic countries have made these questions all the more timely. The example of other countries that have made the shift from non-democratic or pre-democratic to democratic regimes in the recent past will surely prove relevant to those encountering a similar complex of problems today.Contributions to the volume include those of Seymour Martin Lipset, on conditions of the democratic order and social change; Ralf Dahrendorf, on the European experience; Shlomo Avineri, responding to Lipset and Dahrendorf; Shlomo Ben Ami, on Southern Europe; Carlo Rossetti, on the rule of law; Luis Roniger, on the consolidation of democracy in Southern Europe and Latin America; Myron Weiner, On India; Erik Cohen, on Thailand; Ben-Ami Shillony, on the political tradition of Japan; Naomi Chazan, on Africa; and Metin Heper, on the Turkish case. The Introduction and Concluding Remarks by S.N. Eisenstadt set the individual presentations within the time-frame of global developments since World War II and within the comprehensive context of the political culture of the modern state.


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Eisenstadt S.N. Modernità, modernizzazione e oltre Roma, Armando, 1997 (trad. it. P. Donati, A. Maccarini)

In questa raccolta di saggi, esplicitamente voluta dall'Autore per il pubblico italiano, viene presentato in modo sistematico e sintetico un modello esemplare di analisi sociologica, che consiste in una originale concezione dei nessi fra cultura e strttura sociale che permette di osservare i processi di modernizzazione nelle società occidentali ed extra-occidentali come sviluppo di molteplici "civiltà moderne".

Eisenstadt S.N.“Civil Society, Public Sphere the Myth of Oriental Despotism and Political Dynamics in Islam Societies”, in ID., Comparative Civilization and Multiple ModernitiesLeiden, Brill, 2001

Comparative Studies and Sociological Theory-From Comparative Studies to Civilizational Analysis: Autobiographical Notes Theoretical Approach 2. The Civilizational Dimension in Sociological Analysis 3. Social division of labor, construction of centers and institutional dynamics: A reassessment of the structuralevolutionary perspective 4. Cultural Programs, the Construction of Collective Identities and the Continual Reconstruction of Primordiali.

Eisenstadt S.N.The Great Revolutions and the Civilizations of ModernityLeiden, Brill, 2006

This book is the analysis of the civilizational and historical context of the development of the Great Modern Revolutions; their relations to modernity, to the civilization of modernity, and to the development of multiple modernities; and the fate of revolutionary symbolism and dynamics in modern regimes, in the continually changing civilization of modernity, its dynamics and tribulations.

Favell A., Smith M. P., (eds.)The Human Face of Global Mobility Transaction Books, New Brunswick, NJ, 2006

Alongside flows of trade and capital, the free movement of professionals, technical personnel, and students is seen as a key aspect of globalization. Yet not much detailed empirical research has been completed about the trajectories and experiences of these highly skilled or highly educated international migrants. What little is known about these forms of “global mobility,” and the politics that surround them, contrasts with the abundant theories and accounts of other types of international migration—such as low income economic migration from less developed to core countries in the international political economy. Drawing on the work of a long-standing discussion group at the Center for Comparative and Global Research of UCLA’s International Institute, this collection bridges conventional methodological divides, bringing together political scientists, sociologists, demographers, and ethnographers. It explores the reality behind assumptions about these new global migration trends. It challenges widely held views about the elite characteristics of these migrants, the costs and consequences of the brain drain said to follow from the migration of skilled workers, the determinants of national policies on high skilled migrants, and the presumed “effortlessness” of professional mobility in an integrating world. The volume also sheds new light on international student migration, the politics of temporary, non-immigrant workers in the United States, new international forms of regulating movement, and the realities of the everyday lives of multinational employees in the world’s transnational cities. Key differences between the regional contexts of this migration in Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific are also emphasized.


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Gellner E.Nations and NationalismOxford, Basic Blackwell, 1983trad. it., Nazioni e nazionalismo, Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1994

Introduction by John Breuilly. Acknowledgements. 1. Definitions. State and nation. The nation. 2. Culture in Agrarian Society. Power and culture in the agro-literature society. The varieties of agrarian rulers. 3. Industrial Society. The society of perpetual growth. Social genetics. The age of universal high culture. 4. The Transition to an Age of Nationalism. A note on the weakness of nationalism. Wild and garden culture. 5. What is a Nation. The course of true nationalism never did run smooth. 6. Social Entropy and Equality in Industrial Society. Obstacles to entropy. Fissures and barriers. A diversity of focus. 7. A Typology of Nationalisms. The varieties of nationalist experience. Diaspora nationalism. 8. The Future of Nationalism. Industrial culture – one or many?. 9. Nationalism and Ideology. Who is for Nuremberg?. One nation, one state. 10. Conclusion. What is not being said.

Gellner E.Encounters With NationalismOxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 1994

The forecast demise of nationalism under the new moral orders of communism and internationalism has proved illusory. In the present century, to an extent greater perhaps than in all others, nationalism has been the dominant force in the affairs of humankind. Why should this have been? Why is it that a national identity should continue to be the aspiration of almost all peoples without one and, at the same time, the justification - in the process of obtaining, securing and expanding it- for casting aside every trace and tradition of civility? In Encounters with Nationalism Ernest Gellner seeks some answers. His approach is to consider first the ideas of the main modern thinkers on the subject, from Marx, List, Malinowski and Carr, to Masaryk, Heidegger, Patocka, Hroch, Havel and Said. He examines the origins, subjects and context of their writings, their interactions with culture and politics, and their influence - both on theory and on events. The range is wide, covering Eastern, Western and Islamic societies, and includes extensive discussions of the related themes of civil society, theocracy, communism, imperialism, capitalism and liberalism. Professor Gellner is never less than trenchant. He is concerned here not only to understand, but to criticize. He confronts several powerful and fashionable notions that fuel and/or attempt to explain contemporary nationalism - among them postcolonialism. On the one hand he exposes their incoherence and irresponsibility; on the other he places them alongside ideas of real currency. Nor does he evade the controversy surrounding the nature of judgement itself: the reader will also find here concise and penetrating discussions of relativism, pluralism, objectivity and the possibility of universal values.

Gilroy P.Dopo l’ImperoRoma, Meltemi, 2006

Qual è il futuro del multiculturalismo? Possiamo lasciarci definitivamente alle spalle le celebrazioni malinconiche del passato e immaginare finalmente un’identità moderna multiculturale? In questo suo nuovo libro Paul Gilroy affronta le difficoltà di una multicultura sotto assedio – in particolare in Gran Bretagna – che egli difende dalle accuse di fallimento. Prende in esame l’invenzione della categoria di “razza” e le sue terribili conseguenze nel colonialismo e nel fascismo, passando poi a considerare il modo in cui l’opera di vari pensatori, fra cui George Orwell, Frantz Fanon e W. E. B. DuBois, può illuminare i dibattiti contemporanei su nazionalismo, postcolonialismo e razza. L’analisi scivola quindi verso le questioni della solidarietà cosmopolita e della responsabilità morale, ora condannate da un antiumanismo a buon mercato e da fumose politiche identitarie. Infine, l’autore esplora aspetti di una cultura britannica conviviale e spontanea – che fiorisce nelle aree urbane dell’isola e nelle città postcoloniali sparse per il pianeta – attribuendo un rinnovato valore alla nostra abilità di convivere con la differenza senza diventare ansiosi, fobici o violenti. Il suggerimento di Gilroy è che l’etica e la politica multiculturali possano basarsi su un umanismo attivo e planetario, attento alle idee di tolleranza, pace e rispetto reciproco.


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Grilli di Cortona P.Come gli Stati diventano democraticiRoma, Laterza, 2009

La democrazia è un ‘abito’ che ormai nessuno rinuncia a indossare. Tuttavia emerge con evidenza una contraddizione: chi non vive in democrazia la cerca, la invoca, combatte per averla; tra coloro che vivono in democrazia, invece, è in aumento il numero di chi la critica, ne enfatizza i difetti e qualche volta la ignora o addirittura la disprezza. Come e perché gli Stati, negli ultimi tre decenni, sono attratti dalla democrazia, al punto che questa tende ad affermarsi anche in contesti che fino a qualche anno fa avremmo considerato incompatibili? Dall’Europa meridionale e orientale all’America Latina, dall’Africa all’Asia, Pietro Grilli di Cortona disegna una mappa dell’espansione democratica nel mondo, ne illustra le condizioni e le fasi di sviluppo e indaga le trasformazioni politiche che possono portare alla nascita del ‘governo del popolo’ o all’arresto della sua crescita.

Grilli di Cortona P.Come gli Stati diventano democraticiRoma, Laterza, 2009

La democrazia è un ‘abito’ che ormai nessuno rinuncia a indossare. Tuttavia emerge con evidenza una contraddizione: chi non vive in democrazia la cerca, la invoca, combatte per averla; tra coloro che vivono in democrazia, invece, è in aumento il numero di chi la critica, ne enfatizza i difetti e qualche volta la ignora o addirittura la disprezza. Come e perché gli Stati, negli ultimi tre decenni, sono attratti dalla democrazia, al punto che questa tende ad affermarsi anche in contesti che fino a qualche anno fa avremmo considerato incompatibili? Dall’Europa meridionale e orientale all’America Latina, dall’Africa all’Asia, Pietro Grilli di Cortona disegna una mappa dell’espansione democratica nel mondo, ne illustra le condizioni e le fasi di sviluppo e indaga le trasformazioni politiche che possono portare alla nascita del ‘governo del popolo’ o all’arresto della sua crescita.

Hardt M., Negri A.EmpireHarvard, Harvard College, 2000

"Hardt e Negri sono studiosi di politica che credono nelle persone, e nella capacità delle persone di prendere in mano il proprio destino. Il risultato del loro approccio è un libro colmo al tempo stesso di idealismo e realismo.". (Naomi Klein, autrice di No log)

«La possibilità di una democrazia globale sta emergendo solo oggi per la prima volta. Questo libro verte su questa possibilità, che chiamiamo "progetto della moltitudine".» Così comincia il nuovo, atteso libro di Michael Hardt e Antonio Negri. Impero era stato salutato come il più importante tentativo di interpretazione della nostra epoca, per la visione – profondamente nuova – di un mondo in cui il sistema degli stati-nazione ha ceduto gran parte della sua egemonia a una rete di potere che comprende i principali stati nazionali, le istituzioni come Banca mondiale e Fondo monetario e le maggiori imprese capitalistiche. La globalizzazione, infatti, ha due volti: uno è quello dell'ordine imperiale, delle sue gerarchie, dell'omologazione; l'altro è la possibilità di nuovi circuiti di informazione e collaborazione che attraversano le nazioni e i continenti, facilitando un illimitato numero di incontri. Secondo gli autori, la globalizzazione è dunque il passo più radicale verso la liberazione dell'umanità dopo il rovesciamento del vecchio ordine feudale ad opera della rivoluzione industriale. Sul cammino della democrazia, tuttavia, c'è un ostacolo immane: la guerra, lo stato di guerra permanente, globale e inevitabile che l'impero utilizza come forma di dominio. Questo libro è stato scritto, in gran parte, tra l'11 settembre 2001 e il conflitto in Iraq del 2003: per questo la prima sezione è tutta dedicata all'esame della guerra postmoderna e delle sue contraddizioni. La sezione centrale illustra la natura della nuova classe globale che si sta costituendo, la moltitudine. L'ultima sezione sconfina intenzionalmente nell'utopia, o piuttosto nell'immaginazione del futuro possibile, la democrazia: per quanto possa apparire una prospettiva remota, la democrazia è la sola risposta alle questioni più pressanti del presente, l'unica via d'uscita dall'angoscia della guerra perpetua.


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Hirschmann A.Ascesa e declino dell’economia dello sviluppoTorino, Rosenberg e Sellier, 1983

"Cominciai con lo studiare gli altri e finii con l'apprendere su noi stessi". Osservatore acuto e spregiudicato della realtà dei paesi in via di sviluppo, autore di numerose incursioni compiute al di là della ristretta barriera disciplinare dell’economia, dall'antropologia alla storia economica, dalla scienza politica alla storia delle idee, Albert O. Hirschman descrive così, in un saggio inedito contenuto in questa raccolta, il proprio "tortuoso" percorso intellettuale. Ampliando in varie direzioni la riflessione iniziata venticinque anni fa in un famoso libro dedicato alla realtà dei paesi in via di sviluppo, La strategia dello sviluppo economico, Hirschman approda alla conclusione che "quelle medesime caratteristiche sulle quali avevo cercato di fondare una teoria economica specificamente adatta ai paesi sottosviluppati hanno una portata molto più ampia se non addirittura universale e definiscono non già una strategia di sviluppo speciale, appropriata" a quel gruppo circoscritto di paesi, "ma un approccio alla comprensione del mutamento e della crescita provvisto di una validità assai più generale".IndiceIntroduzione all'edizione italiana di andrea ginzburg1. Sviluppo economico, ricerca e sviluppo e processo decisionale pubblico: alcune concezioni convergenti di Albert O. Hirschman e Charles E. Lindblom2. Il sottosviluppo, il mutamento e gli ostacoli alla percezione del mutamento3. Il mutare della tolleranza per le diseguaglianze di reddito nel corso dello sviluppo economico4. Un approccio allo sviluppo basato sulla generalizzazione dell'idea di connessione, con particolare riguardo agli staples5. Su Hegel, l'imperialismo ed il ristagno strutturale6. Oltre l'asimmetria: osservazioni critiche su me stesso da giovane e su alcuni vecchi amici7. La matrice sociale e politica dell'inflazione: elaborazioni sull'esperienza latinoamericana8. Ascesa e declino dell'economia dello sviluppo9. La confessione di un dissenziente

Kierzkowski H.Europe and GlobalizationPalgrave Macmillan, New York, 2002

Il testo, attraverso il contributo di studiosi in vari campi, economisti, storici, sociologi, politici, affronta il tema della globalizzazione come un concetto complesso e si interroga sulle motivazioni che hanno condotto l’Europa nel complesso processo della globalizzazione. Il tema della globalizzazione viene affrontato ricercandone le radici storiche, perché l’Europa è arrivata alla sua privilegiata posizione attraverso un processo storico molto complesso, privilegiata posizione che si caratterizza soprattutto con il potere economico che essa gestisce.Globalizzazione come un processo profondo e ampio, da cui alcuni Stati traggono vantaggio ma di cui altri pagano il prezzo


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Martin S. (ed.)The Construction of EuropeNew York, Springer, 1994

The Construction of Europe contains a multidisciplinary treatment of the development of the European Union. Special attention is given to the political economy of European unification, including precursors of the EEC, the role of French--German relations, the Structural Funds, and the part played by the European Commission. There are also discussions of the implications for Europe of German reunification and the prospects raised by the possibility of expansion into Eastern Europe. The legal structure of the European Community is also examined, in contributions that deal with administrative law, guidelines, competition law, and feminist legal theory.

Meny Y., Muller P., Quermonne J.-L. (eds.)Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and PoliciesLondon, Routledge, 1996

The European Union is paradoxical: it is not a state, yet it performs many traditional functions of the state. Its regulatory powers are immense but its redistributive functions are negligible; its decisions penetrate all aspects of economic and social life, yet Brussels has no local administration or tribunals, no controllers capable of guaranteeing the correct and faithful implementation of the regulations or objectives which frame European policies.Adjusting to Europe explores the means through which this paradox is confronted. It examines the nature and modalities of policy-making at Community level and discusses the implications of the specific nature of European institutions for bargaining group mobilization and policy style. It then studies how the three major nation states have adjusted their policy processes and institutions to the European challenges. Finally, it considers the impact of community decisions in three areas: industrial, competition and social policy.

Parsi V. E. (a cura di)Cittadinanza e identità costituzionale europeaBologna, Il Mulino, 2001

A partire dalla fine della guerra fredda è cresciuta l'attenzione per i temi internazionali, suscitando anche un intenso lavoro di sistemazione critica e teorica. Al fine di illustrare meglio i risultati conseguiti dalla disciplina delle Relazioni internazionali, il volume si concentra sulle principali teorie interpretative, soprattutto su quelle che hanno implicazioni empiriche. Dopo un capitolo introduttivo, che analizza il ruolo dello stato come attore protagonista nelle relazioni internazionali, sono esposte le più significative teorie liberali, realiste e istituzionaliste volte alla spiegazione della politica internazionale del XX secolo. Nell'ultima parte si dà conto del dibattito contemporaneo e delle trasformazioni radicali a cui la politica internazionale va incontro in ambiti specifici quali la sicurezza, la globalizzazione economica e sociale, e l'identità culturale. Un manuale di nuova concezione e di grande qualità, in grado di ridare slancio all'insegnamento delle Relazioni internazionali nel nostro paese.


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Puntscher Riekmann S., Mokre M., and Latzer M. (eds.)The State of Europe. Transformation of Statehood from a European PerspectiveLiverpool, LUV, 2006

While globalization affects the sovereignty of every nation-state, European countries face special challenges due to the emergence of the European Union. The State of Europe explores the transformation of ideas of statehood in light of the EU’s continued development, including rapidly changing notions of democracy, representation, and citizenship alongside major shifts in economic regulation. This book will be an essential guide for students and teachers of economics, political science, and international relations, as well as anyone interested in the expanding role of the EU worldwide.

Quadrio Curzio A.Sussidiarietà e sviluppo. Paradigmi per l'Europa e per l'ItaliaMilano, Vita e Pensiero, 2002

Sulla sussidiarietà e sullo sviluppo deve fondarsi il rapporto tra Italia ed Europa. Con tono divulgativo la tesi viene qui proposta nei suoi aspetti economico-istituzionali e politico-sociali. L’intento è di evidenziare che i princìpi di sussidiarietà e sviluppo hanno trovato valorizzazione crescente nella storia e nei trattati europei. Non altrettanto si può dire a proposito dell’Italia e della sua Costituzione economica, come peraltro confermano le riforme fallite (la Bicamerale) e quelle attuate (Titolo V). Eppure nella storia italiana post-bellica i due princìpi hanno conosciuto nei fatti una significativa applicazione, specie attraverso la vivacità economico-sociale dei distretti produttivi, quella socio-civile del pubblico-libero, quella politico-innovativa di Enti territoriali e pur a fronte di resistenze dirigistiche. Vero è anche che l'Italia della seconda parte del XX secolo ha contribuito, con i suoi Governi, alla costruzione europea e ha talvolta attraversato stagioni di successo, tra cui quello recente dell’euro. Ma il XXI secolo chiede di più per il nostro Paese e per l’Unione Europea. È in questa prospettiva che nel volume si ritorna al passato riaffermando l’identità unitaria italiana e si guarda al futuro seguendo il dibattito sull’avvenire dell’Europa e sulla sua nascente «Costituzione». Viene, infine, avanzata la proposta di una «Convenzione italiana» da affiancare alla «Convenzione europea» per promuovere con pacatezza e ampio consenso, anche attraverso una riforma parziale della nostra Costituzione, il liberalesimo sociale e il federalismo solidale: due applicazioni di sussidiarietà e sviluppo ai rapporti tra Europa, Stato, Regioni e tra questi Soggetti, la Società, il Mercato.

Rosas A., Antola E.A Citizens' Europe. In Search of a New OrderLondon, Sage, 2008

To what extent has the concept of European citizenship developed since the establishment of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992? In this tightly edited volume, leading experts from across Europe explore this fundamental question and others surrounding the new European Union. They thoroughly describe and analyze the constitutional nature of the European Union, the integration process, the principle of subsidiarity, and the concepts of equality and citizenship. In addition, they examine the rights conferred on citizens, including electoral and other political rights as well as social rights, the status of third-country nationals, and the remedies and means of redress available to European citizens and residents. For anyone studying the Maastricht Treaty and the concept of European citizenship, this book is a must.


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Smith A. D.The ethnic origins of nationsOxford, Basic Blackwell. trad. it., Le origini etniche delle nazioni, Bologna, il Mulino, 1992

This book is an excellent, comprehensive account of the ways in which nations and nationhood have evolved over time. Successful in hardback, it is now available in paperback for a student audience. "The scope of Smith's work is breathtaking ... Part I is in some respects the most original part of the book; to my knowledge there is no comparable survey." Journal of American Ethnic History "Unquestionably an important contribution to the literature on nationalism ... this is a thoughtful, insightful investigation into the roots and strengths of ethnonational identity. ... I recommend it unhesitatingly to all students of nationalism." Walker Connor, Trinity College, Hartford A well-researched, perceptive study of an important subject. It discusses comprehensively ethnic communities in pre-modern eras and ethnic and nations in modern ones. In addition to being based on solid facts, it is methodologically sound and conceptually provocative ... no political scientist, historian or sociologist can do without it." A. Jacob M. Landau, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem"Smith's depth of learning is awe-inspiring, and this work deserves a prominent place wherever nationalism is discussed." Michael Levin, Ethnic and Racial Studies

Stone Sweet A., Sandholtz W., Fligstein N. (eds.)The Institutionalization of EuropeOxford, Oxford University Press, 2001

In 1950, a European political space existed, if only as a very primitive site of international governance. Today, the European Union governs in an ever-growing number of policy domains. Increasingly dense networks of transnational actors representing electorates, member state governments, firms, and specialized interests operate in arenas that are best understood as supranational. At the same time, the capacity of European organizations - the Bank, the Commission, and the Court of Justice - to make authoritative policy decisions has steadily expanded, profoundly transforming the very nature of the European polity. This book, a companion volume to European Integration and Supranational Governance, offers readers a sophisticated theoretical account of this transformation, as well as original empirical research. The editors elaborate an innovative synthesis of institutionalist theory that contributors use to explain the sources and consequences of the emergence and institutionalization of European political arenas. Some chapters examine the evolution of integration and supranational governance across time and policy domain. Others recount more discrete episodes, including: the development of women's rights, the judicial review of administrative acts, a stable system of interest group representation, and enhanced cooperation in foreign policy and security; the creation of the European Central Bank; the emergence of new policy competences, such as for policing and immigration; and the multi-dimensional impact of European policies on national modes of governance.

Therborn G.Asia and Europe in Globalization: Continents, Regions and NationsLeiden, Brill, 2006

This interdisciplinary book by a group of Asian and European scholars provides a deeper understanding of globalization as an historical process with special attention to the regional and national contexts. Globalization, this book demonstrates, has its roots in civilizational dialogues and interchanges.


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Therborn G.Inequalities of the World: New Theoretical Frameworks, Multiple Empirical ApproachesLondon, Verso, 2006

A groundbreaking exploration of contemporary global inequality by leading scholars from across the world. Over the last century, global inequality has developed and continues to develop in unexpected and disturbing patterns. In this important new book, Therborn and his colleagues connect current world inequality to different national constellations of class and power and transnational processes. Ranging from the US and post-Communist Russia to France and China, and spanning social mobility, labor markets, working-class cultures and global science, this volume is a major contribution to our understanding of contemporary world politics and development. Contributors include Louis Chauvel, Michael Hout, Arne Kalleberg, Markku Kivinen, Michele Lamont, Huang Ping, Elisa Preis, Denny Vagero and Peter Weingart.

Thibaud P., Ferry J.-M.Discussion sur l'EuropeParis, Calman-Levy, 1994

Un «nouveau moment européen». Après le débat sur Maastricht, s'amorce pour l'Europe une phase plus politique, plus publique, ouverte, enfin, à la critique des citoyens. Ce nouveau moment, Jean-Marc FERRY et Paul THIBAUD l'annoncent et l'accompagnent dans leur Discussion sur l'Europe.Une « vraie et belle dispute philosophique », dit Pierre ROSANVALLON, où les points de vue s'affrontent : sur l'appréciation de la « dynamique européenne », mais aussi sur le sens de l'Etat, le destin des nations et les fondements mêmes de notre identité politique. Cependant, les positions ne se figent pas, et les deux auteurs se retrouvent pour tenter de penser à neuf le lieu du politique européen. De ce que ce lieu ne saurait à leurs yeux être un nouvel Etat, s'élabore un schéma « postétatique » où l'Union ne trouverait pas sa cohésion dans un Super-Etat-nation, mais dans une culture politique partagée, portant les nations, au-delà d'elles-mêmes, vers une conscience civique élargie.

Tsoukalis L.What Kind of Europe?Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003

As the European Union gets ready to take it's new members, at Kind of Europe? pinpoints the crucial issues which will shape its future as a regional, economic, and political entity.Loukas Tsoukalis is one of the world's leading scholars on European integration; in this book he writes for any reader interested in the key democratic choices facing facing Europe's citizens. European integration is not a politically neutral process. There are key democratic choices to be made about trade-offs between efficiency, equity, and stability; productivity and a cleaner environment; integration and diversity; rule by experts and elected representatives in the management of the single market and the Euro; the degree and kind of solidarity across boundaries; the geographical limits of Europe's fledgling common identity; the export of peace and stability to the near abroad and beyond; and the defence of common values and interests in a world where the ascendancy of markets and the highly unequal distribution of political power increasingly challenge those features that still make Europe distinct from other regions of the world. There is certain to be disagreement on these issues, by the very nature of democracy. But Europeans need to become more aware of the issues and the choices they imply. Europeans have long pretended that inter-country divisions are the only ones that really count, and that the choice is essentially between more or less Europe. But the agenda must now be to build a politically mature Europe. What kind of Europe becomes the key question.


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von Weizsacker R.Conversazione sulla democraziaMilano, Comunità, 1996

Il 1989 ha segnato la fine di un mondo nato dalle rovine dell Seconda guerra mondiale, retto dal bipolarismo tra USA e URSS. Il muro di Berlino è crollato. L'impero sovietico si è sgretolato. La Guerra fredda è finita. Lungi dal comportare la "fine della storia", questa svolta significa l'inizio di una nuova sfida. Le democrazie ora si trovano a fare i conti con se stesse. Emergono con forza le mutate esigenze dei cittadini: insoddisfazione davanti alle disfunzioni della macchina statale, insofferenza per l'eccessivo e incontrollato potere di cui godono i partiti politici. A tutto ciò va aggiunta l'esigenza di ridefinire le priorità nazionali, i rapporti interni a strutture sovranazionali come l'ONU o la Comunità europea e le politiche verso l'Est in presenza di un quadro internazionale del tutto rinnovato. È cominciata un'epoca convulsa di mutamenti, in cui vengono ridisegnati i contorni del nostro futuro.In questo libro-intervista, sospeso tra l'analisi storica e l'appassionato inetrvento politico, Richard von Weizsacker, primo presidente della Germania riunificata, ricostruisce lo scenario entro il quale si è prodotta questa frattura storica epocale, il dibattito che l'ha accompagnata, le prospettive che si aprono. Non era mai successo che un personaggio della levatura istituzionale del presidente tedesco esponesse in modo così disinibito e diretto il proprio pensiero, ma è evidente che di fronte a una situazione del genere anche von Weizsacker (da più parti definito «la voce della coscienza tedesca») ha sentito il bisogno di rendere pubbbliche le sue riflessioni, di offrirsi come guida autorevole e fidata in questo difficile passaggio verso un mondo nuovo, affascinente e sconosciuto.

Wallerstein I.The Capitalist World EconomyCambridge (Mass.), Cambridge University Press, 1979

In the Capitalist World-Economy Immanuel Wallerstein focuses on the two central conflicts of capitalism, bourgeois versus proletarian and core versus periphery, in an attempt to describe both the cyclical rhythms and the secular transformations of capitalism, conceived as a singular world-system. The essays include discussions of the relationship of class and ethnonational consciousness, clarification of the meaning of transition from feudalism to capitalism, the utility of the concept of the semi peripheral state, and the relationship of socialist states to the capitalist world-economy. This book is the first in a three volume collection of Wallerstein’s essays. The Politics of World-Economy (1984) elaborates on the role of states, the antisystemic movements and the civilizational project. Geopolitics and Geoculture (1991) analyses both the events leading up to the collapse of the Iron Curtain, and the subsequent process of perestroika in the light of Wallerstein’s own interpretations, and the ways in which the renewed concern with culture is a product of the changing world-system.


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Wallerstein I., (with Étienne Balibar)Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous IdentitiesLondon, Verso, 1999

How is it possible to explain the continued growth of racism? What are the specific characteristics of its contemporary forms? And how far do these force us to rethink the relation between class struggles and nationalism?This book confronts these basic questions through a remarkable dialogue between the French philosopher Etienne Balibar, and the American historian and sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein. Their debate challenges commonly held notions of racism as a throwback to the xenophobias of past societies and communities. Instead, it is analysed as a social relation structurally tied to present social systems and the internal contradictions of the nation-state.Balibar and Wallerstein emphasize the modernity of racism, and the critical importance of its relation to contemporary capitalism, in a period where social conflict is tied to the alarming rise of nationalism and chauvinism.

Wallerstein I.Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays on the Changing World-SystemCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991

This is the third volume of Immanuel Wallerstein’s essays to appear in Studies in Modern Capitalism, following the immensely successful collections The Politics of the World Economy and The Capitalist World Economy. Written between 1982 and 1989, these pieces offer Wallerstein’s perspective on the events of this period, and the background to his interpretation of the momentous events of 1989. In his introduction Wallerstein argues that the collapse of the Iron Curtain and the process of perestroika bear out his basic analysis: that the decline of US hegemony in the world-system is the central explanatory variable of change; and that the collapse of the communist empire and the approach of European unity cannot be understood without reference to this decline as a critical stage in the cyclical rhythm of the capitalist world economy. As part of the analysis the book also charts the development of a challenge to the dominant ‘geoculture’: the cultural framework within which the world-system operates. The author argues that since 1968 there has been a rejection of the universalist ideas of liberalism through an intellectual focus on ‘culture’ as opposed to economics and politics; a concern with the inherent existence of racism and sexism in the system; and a new relationship between the sciences and humanities. This collection offers the latest ideas of one of the most original and controversial thinkers of recent years, and is bound to stimulate debate among students and scholars from a variety of disciplines across the social sciences.

Wallerstein I.Historical Capitalism, with Capitalist CivilizationLondon, Verso, 1995

In this revised edition of his highly readable book, Immanuel Wallerstein provides a condensation of the central ideas of his monumental study of capitalism as an integrated, historical entity: the modern world system. In developing an anatomy of capitalism over the past five centuries, Wallerstein traces those elements that have constantly changed and evolved, while giving equal attention to features of historical capitalism that have necessarily remained constant. A new essay on “capitalist civilization” furnishes a balance-sheet of the world-system in the age of neoliberalism. Wallerstein pays particular attention to the emergence and development of a unified world market, and the concomitant international division of labour. He argues forcefully, against the current of much contemporary opinion, that capitalism has brought about an actual, not merely a relative, immiseration in the countries of the Third World. Historical Capitalism with Capitalist Civilization is a stimulating synthesis of one of the most challenging and influential assessments of capitalism as a world-historic mode of production.


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Wallerstein I.World-Systems Analysis: An IntroductionDurham, North Carolina, Duke University Press, 2004

In World-Systems Analysis, Immanuel Wallerstein provides a concise and accessible introduction to the comprehensive approach that he pioneered thirty years ago to understanding the history and development of the modern world. Since Wallerstein first developed world-systems analysis, it has become a widely utilized methodology within the historical social sciences and a common point of reference in discussions of globalization. Now, for the first time in one volume, Wallerstein offers a succinct summary of world-systems analysis and a clear outline of the modern world-system, describing the structures of knowledge upon which it is based, its mechanisms, and its future. Wallerstein explains the defining characteristics of world-systems analysis: its emphasis on world-systems rather than nation-states, on the need to consider historical processes as they unfold over long periods of time, and on combining within a single analytical framework bodies of knowledge usually viewed as distinct from one another—such as history, political science, economics, and sociology. He describes the world-system as a social reality comprised of interconnected nations, firms, households, classes, and identity groups of all kinds. He identifies and highlights the significance of the key moments in the evolution of the modern world-system: the development of a capitalist world-economy in the sixteenth-century, the beginning of two centuries of liberal centrism in the French Revolution of 1789, and the undermining of that centrism in the global revolts of 1968. Intended for general readers, students, and experienced practitioners alike, this book presents a complete overview of world-systems analysis by its original architect. “At a time when globalization is at the center of international debate from Davos to Porto Alegre, an introduction to ‘world-systems analysis,’ an original approach to world development since the sixteenth century, is timely and relevant. This is a lucidly written and comprehensive treatment of its origins, controversies, and development by Immanuel Wallerstein, its undoubted pioneer and most eminent practitioner.”Eric Hobsbawm, author of Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life and The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914–1991.“Immanuel Wallerstein’s mind can reach as far and encompass as much as anyone’s in our time. The world, to him, is a vast, integrated system, and he makes the case for that vision with an elegant and almost relentless logic. But he also knows that to see as he does requires looking through a very different epistemological lens than the one most of us are in the habit of using. So his gift to us is not just a new understanding of how the world works but a new way of apprehending it. A brilliant work on both scores.”Kai Erikson, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Sociology and American Studies, Yale University


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Wallerstein I.European Universalism: The Rhetoric of PowerNew York: New Press, 2006

Ever since the Enlightenment, Western intervention around the world has been justified by appeals to notions of civilization, development, and progress. The assumption has been that such ideas are universal, encrusted in natural law. But, as Immanuel Wallerstein argues in this short and elegant philippic, these concepts are, in fact, not global. Rather, their genesis is firmly rooted in European thought and their primary function has been to provide justification for powerful states to impose their will against the weak under the smoke screen of what is supposed to be both beneficial to humankind and historically inevitable. With great acuity Wallerstein draws together discussions of the idea of orientalism, the right to intervene, and the triumph of science over the humanities to explain how strategies designed to promote particular Western interests have acquired an all-inclusive patina. Wallerstein concludes by advocating a true universalism that will allow critical appraisal of all justifications for intervention by the powerful against the weak. At a time when such intervention - in the name of democracy and human rights - has returned to the center stage of world politics, his treatise is both relevant and compelling.

Wallerstein I.The Modern World System IIISan Diego, Academic Press, 1989

"This is a work in the grand historical tradition. It is bold in its thrust. From the first chapter, in which Wallerstein debunks a variety of pet explanations for the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the late eighteenth century, to the closing chapter, in which he depicts the emergence of the United States as part of the core of the capatalist world economy, many readers will find this a contentious and unsettling work. But it is contentious and unsettling in ways healthful for the normal practices of economic historians."--THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY"Volume 3 is the latest and my favorite thus far of The Modern World-System, in which Immanuel Wallerstein plans to cover world-system developments between the 16th century and tomorrow.... Wallerstein has now found a clear voice, doing what he does best, namely, to untangle the debate lines of other scholars, to make their (often ideological) premises explicit, and to test their logic--both internally for consistency and externally by reference to the facts."--AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY"This third installment to Wallerstein's emergent world-systems theory is a welcome event.... The project constitutes a formidable enterprise in empirical-theoretical analysis relative to the fashioning of a global order.... Recommended for graduate students and scholars. A must read for anyone interested in the whole globalization debate now gathering steam among social scientists and humanities scholars, including theologians."--RELIGIOUS STUDIES REVIEW"It has now been fifteen years since Immanuel Wallerstein published The Modern World-System I). No other book has had more of an impact on the social sciences in that time.... All of the strengths of his earlier work--the detailed and perceptive discussions of major historical debates, the long footnotes elaborating interesting tangential issues and providing wonderful quotations, and the immense bibliography--are here in spades. These features make the book a pleasure to read."--STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE INT'L DEVELOPMENTFrom the Reviews of Previous Volumes:...one of the important books of the year....all are sure to agree that Wallerstein has written a most impressive book."--THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW"This is an exciting and highly intelligent book...Wallerstein has produced a splendid stimulant to our historical imagination, and deserves a wide readership."


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Ward I.A critical Introduction to European LawCambridge University Press, New York, 2009

Il testo spiega la storia e la struttura istituzionale della legislazione della Comunità Europea, attraverso l’analisi della Costituzione Europea, dei trattari di Lisbona e la discussione di recenti sviluppi, come ad esempio la discussione sull’inclusione della Turchia nell’U.E. Esplora, inoltre, l’evolversi del ruolo dell’U.E. nella politica internazionale e globale.I temi affrontati spaziano da quello politico e legale, a quelli della teoria sociale, dell’analisi economica, della letteratura e della storia della Comunità Europea.

Weiler J.The Constitution of EuropeCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Joseph Weiler presents essays written during the 1990s on issues related to European constitutional law. In a series of highly accessible discussions concerning the legal framework of the European Communities and the European Union, Professor Weiler describes the gradual strengthening of transnational European institutions at the expense of national legislators. Although individuals as legal consumers have been empowered by Community law, he writes, this has been at the expense of their rights as citizens. The Constitution of Europe thus provides from a legal perspective a balanced and authoritative critique of the attractions and demerits of the goal of European integration.


Ferrara P.Non di solo euro. La filosofia politica dell’Unione EuropeaRoma, Città Nuova, 2002

Smith A.D.“Nationalism and the Historians”International Journal of Comparative Sociology, XXXIII, 1-2, 1992


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3. L’identità sociale, culturale e religiosa

Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation (9th: 2003 Vilnius, Lithuania)Globalization and Europe Regional IdentityVilnius Lithuanian Academic of sciences, 2004

Il testo contiene I documenti e le pubblicazioni più importanti della Conferenza on Intellectual Cooperation “Globalization, Europe and Regional Identity”, tenutasi a Vilnius, in Lithuania a giugno del 2003. La pubblicazione focalizza l’attenzione sulle tendenze all’integrazione nell’evoluzione del mondo e sul loro impatto sulle caratteristiche nazionali e regionali.Sebbene le conseguenze dell’integrazione sia oggi analizzate principalmente a livello economico e politico, nel testo sono analizzate da un punto di vista filosofico, storico, sociale ed etnologico.

Ben-Rafael E., Sternberg Y.Identity, Culture and GlobalizationLeiden-Boston, Brill, 2001

This book is about contemporary sociological analysis: its discussions, contradictions and controversies. Authors from various backgrounds discuss developments on all continents.The 34 contributions are centered on six themes. The first is multiple modernities, showing us that there is no single road to the modernization of societies. The second theme is globalization, with new concepts like spatialization, world languages and new social movements. In part three, multiculturalism and diaspora movements are viewed as the pivotal factors for change in many societies. The fourth theme is the decline of the accountability of the state, concentrating on the shortcomings of traditional states and the emergence of new resources. In part five, the concept of postmodernity is discussed from the angles of identity, social reality, detachment and legacy.Finally, the sixth part, ‘Toward a New Agenda’ looks into the future and lets sociology (or rather social knowledge) play a major part in today’s society.This volume is a rich collection of practical examples and solid arguments by some of the best sociologists in the world.


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Ben-Rafael E., Sternberg Y.Comparing Modernities. Pluralism Versus Homogenity. Essays in Homage to Shmuel N. EisenstadtLeiden-Boston, Brill, 2005

The authors of this volume explore the tensions and dilemmas that impact pluralism and homogeneity in modern societies. This is the first work in this field in which the frame of discussion is a comparative civilizational analysis. It focuses on issues that are at the heart of the contemporary human experience and culture. The contributors to this book, renowned scholars from all over the world, tackle these issues by referring to different temporal and spatial settings. This book is in homage to Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt. We honor his ground-breaking work in the comparative study of modernities and civilizations.

Boniolo G., (a cura di)Laicità. Una geografia delle nostre radiciTorino, Einaudi, 2006

Il concetto di laicità è alla base del convivere moderno, alla radice del nostro essere una comunità libera e responsabile. Eppure mai come oggi sembra lontano il consenso sul significato autentico della laicità, sui suoi limiti e i suoi obblighi. Mentre è sempre piú urgente ritrovarne le ragioni, per rispondere alle nuove sfide della convivenza e della modernità. Sedici intellettuali si misurano con il compito di declinare il concetto di laicità in diversi ambiti della nostra vita sociale, dai temi generali alle applicazioni specifiche. In un manifesto collettivo che è anche una mappa intellettuale. I nemici della laicità sono gli stessi avversari della libertà di credenza, di conoscenza, di critica e autocritica. Dunque i dogmatici e i fondamentalisti, in qualunque ambito essi agiscano: religioso, politico, sociale, scientifico. Ma quanti fra coloro che fanno professione verbale di laicità sanno rispondere in maniera compiuta intorno al significato della loro laicità e quanti sono disposti ad agire di conseguenza? Questo manifesto collettivo ci spiega come ritrovare le ragioni della laicità nella società contemporanea, in un viaggio attraverso i territori intellettuali e politici dove si gioca la sfida tra dogmatismo e libertà di coscienza.


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Cotesta V.Sociologia dei conflitti etnici, Razzismo, immigrazione e società multiculturaleRoma-Bari, Laterza, 20087

Una presentazione sistematica ed esauriente delle principali teorie sociologiche dei conflitti etnici. Una ricerca per comprendere perché le ragioni del conflitto prevalgono spesso sulle ragioni della cooperazione tra i popoli.Introduzione – Parte prima Globalizzazione, identità e conflitti etnici: 1. Migrazioni e conflitti etnici nel sistema mondiale dell'economia; 2. Globalizzazione e modernità; 3. Globalizzazione e immagini del mondo; 4. La globalizzazione e la nuova società guida; 5. La società industriale mondiale; 6. Globalizzazione e McDonaldizzazione della società; 7. Verso una «cultura globale»?; 8. Globalizzazione e conflitti etnici. Parte seconda Etnia e nazione. Fine del nazionalismo?: 9. Nazione, nazionalismo e stato moderno; 10. L'origine etnica delle nazioni. Parte terza Identità etnica e identità nazionale: 11. Alla ricerca di una definizione dell'identità etnica; 12. Gruppi etnici e gruppi di interesse; 13. Per una definizione dell'identità etnica e nazionale. Parte quarta Pregiudizio e razzismo: Premessa; 14. La personalità autoritaria; 15. La natura del pregiudizio; 16. Le radici umane del pregiudizio; 17. Comunicazione, pregiudizio e razzismo; 18. Mass media e immagine dell'altro; 19. Archeologia e genealogia del pregiudizio. Per la critica del razzismo e dell'antirazzismo. Parte quinta I conflitti etnici in Italia: Premessa; 20. I conflitti etnici diffusi; 21. La costruzione della Padania.

Cotesta V.Sociologia del mondo globaleRoma-Bari, Laterza, 20082

Il mondo globale è il risultato di un lungo processo storico. Alcune sue forme possono essere colte già prima della modernità, nei rapporti tra imperi e civiltà e nelle grandi religioni monoteiste. Un contributo ragionato alla costruzione della consapevolezza di vivere in un mondo unificato e plurale, che si avvale di un'analisi approfondita dei processi di globalizzazione, dei suoi simboli, delle sue dinamiche, dei suoi numerosi conflitti. Parte prima Sociologia della vita globale – Introduzione – I. Simboli, fenomeni e strutture del mondo globale: un tentativo di definizione – II. Forme della globalizzazione – Parte seconda Popoli, civiltà e imperi – Introduzione – III. Prospettive antiche sul mondo globale – IV. Dai conflitti di civiltà all’ecumene globale – V. Unità e pluralità delle civiltà – VI. Terra e mare. Il «nomos» del mondo globale – Parte terza Civiltà e imperi oggi – Introduzione – VII. Il demone dell’identità e l’ordine delle civiltà – VIII. Il sistema mondiale dell’economia – IX. Il discorso filosofico sull’impero – X. Il mondo globale. Unità e differenze


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Crépon M.Altérités de l’EuropeParis, Edition Galilèe, 2006

«Ce qui n’“appartient pas” à l’Europe est aussi, d’une façon ou d’une autre, “venu” à elle – et donc lui “appartient”, au moins en partie; ce dont on fait le propre de l’Europe existe aussi en dehors d’elle – et donc ne lui appartient pas (ou plus) en propre. De ces deux propositions, il est nécessaire de faire les prémisses de toute réflexion sur l’Europe et sur son identité, faute de quoi on s’expose à deux écueils qui sont, en même temps, des formes de violence récurrentes: désigner, marquer (quand ce n’est pas dénoncer ou condamner) dans l’Europe (à l’intérieur de ses frontières) ce qui ne serait pas européen (ce qu’on refuse à tout prix de reconnaître comme tel) et, dans un geste qui n’est pas symétrique, réserver à l’Europe tel ou tel trait supposé de son identité (la raison, le progrès, la science, les droits de l’homme, etc.). L’Europe, ainsi, ne se définit pas autrement que par un double réseau de relations: celles, sans doute, que les “nations européennes” ont entretenues les unes avec les autres (leurs échanges, leurs importations réciproques, leurs traductions), mais celles, aussi, que les “Européens” ont construites avec ce qu’ils ont rêvé, imaginé ou fictionné comme leurs altérités. Interrogeant la pluralité des langues et des mémoires qui font l’Europe, c’est la signification de ce double réseau qu’Altérités de l’Europe entend interroger. La réflexion y croise et sollicite quelques-unes des voix qui auront aidé à le penser : Herder, Mandelstam, Husserl, Patocka et Derrida

Elliott A., du Gay P.Identity in QuestionSAGE Publications, 2009

Whilst undoubtedly one of the most controversial but also most established issues in research and debate within the contemporary social and human sciences, as well as in cultural studies, work on 'identity' has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. The aim of this book is to provide a detailed analysis of those changes, by confronting the impact of both substantive challenges, concerning globalization, individualization and commodification, for instance, and theoretical developments, from within post-structuralism, psychoanalysis and post-feminism, for example, upon conceptions and formations identity in the current age. The main aim of this volume is to outline and interrogate the ways in which contemporary theoretical and substantive developments in our understanding of identity have played out across the major traditions of cultural and social theory prominent today. The result is a decisive intervention into debates concerning identity, subjectivity, and personhood. The highly distinguished group of contributors comprises Zygmunt Bauman, Drucilla Cornell, Anthony Elliott, Stephen Frosh, Paul du Gay, Charles Lemert, Angela McRobbie, Jeffrey Prager, Janet Sayers, Lynne Segal and Richard Sennett.


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Featherstone M., Lash S., Robertson R., (eds.)Global ModernitiesLondon, Sage, 1995

How do global processes affect personal and social consciousness? What interplay exists between local and global forces? In Global Modernities, a stellar cast of contributors--including Zygmunt Bauman, Jonathan Friedman, Ann Game, and Göran Therborn--offer superb commentary and analysis on the interplay between the local and the global across a broad range of areas. Focusing on two major themes - social theory and social change - contributors provide powerful critiques of previous positions on the study of modernity that have tended to prioritize history. They argue for a self-reflexive approach to modernity, stressing the fluid character of interdependence and movement. Identity, memory, association, and practice are viewed as nonreducible to the nation-state. Similarly, the western path of social development is subjected to principled criticism.


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Featherstone M., (ed.)Global culture: Nationalism, Globalization and ModernityLondon, Sage, 1990

More than ever before, people, ideas, commodities, money, and information are moving freely across national frontiers. And as this occurs, it gives rise to several significant questions: Is a unified world culture emerging? If so, how will this affect the autonomy of existing cultures? Will they be supplanted by a unified culture, or can they maintain distinct identities? In this provocative volume, internationally recognized social scientists explore these questions and assess the impact--both positive and negative--of an emerging global culture. Many different explanations are put forth to explain the trends toward global unification, as well as their relation to an economic world system. The contributors also examine the emergence of "third cultures," such as international law, the financial markets, and mass media conglomerates, as elements which transcend national boundaries. And, in addition to analyzing the extent, causation, and consequences of a global culture, the contributors consider its implication for the social sciences. Global Culture will interest all scholars interested in political science, cultural studies, world-systems, development studies, and sociology. "Appadurai's article 'Disjunction and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy' does an excellent job of presenting five theoretical dimensions along which culture is transmitted from one society to another. An insightful view into the question of global culture. Contributes to the reader's further understanding of the situations in which one lives and works. An in-depth study of the materials presented here are certain to facilitate the reader's comprehension of the massive social, political and economic changes happening around us and to us on a daily basis. Provides valuable information and questions to be considered by any educational person interested in more fully understanding the social movements and social changes prevalent in today's world." Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling "This is a rich and stimulating collection of heterogeneous reflections on the theme of 'the global.' Rich in the variety of themes and perspectives. it is a series of windows on the world informed by thematic and theoretical sensibilities rather than a paradigm that unites the contributions. Since there are enough studies of global dynamics which are informed by theoretical paradigms, particularly in international relations and political economy, this collection, which thematizes the perplexities and paradoxes of globalization as a multidimensional process, is a welcome variation." - Development & Change


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Featherstone M.Undoing Culture. Globalization, Postmodernism and IdentityLondon, Sage, 1996

"This is a worthwhile discussion of postmodernity and modernity that overlaps theoretically with Chris Rojek's Decentring Leisure. Excellent Bibliography and Index." - Choice What is the relationship between culture and postmodernism? How has globalization influenced our understanding of culture? This shrewd book, written by one of the most accomplished and authoritative writers in the field, is a major contribution to rethinking culture. Mike Featherstone examines how culture is produced, reproduced, challenged, and transformed under current social conditions. Undoing Culture provides a guide to the dramatic changes that everyday life is currently witnessing and also suggests ways of analyzing these changes in theoretically meaningful ways. It explores the meaning of ordered life, the heroic life, revolutionary myth, symbolic power, and forms of consumer culture. What emerges is a highly original and significant attempt to ground culture in the context of globalization and postmodernism. Written with the customary clarity and judicious style that readers have come to expect from this author, Undoing Culture will be essential reading for students in the sociology of culture and cultural studies.

Featherstone M., Lash S.Spaces of Culture. City, Nation, WorldLondon, Sage, 1999

What is culture? How are we to understand the relation between social structure and culture in a world that is becoming increasingly global and which new technologies are making increasingly vital? Spaces of Culture is a critical interrogation of the key coordinates of this global and virtual world: the nation state; modernity and reflexivity; post-Fordism and the spatial logic of the informational city. This discussion extends into a complementary analysis of the public sphere, that questions the reductive representation of technology as a forma of instrumentality, demonstrating how new technologies can offer new spaces of culture. The analysis of public space is essential to an understanding of issues like global citizenship and multicultural human rights. Spaces of Culture will be required reading for students and scholars in sociology, social theory and cultural studies. It will be an essential reference in any critical discussion of the relations between globalization and technology; and culture, politics and the public sphere.


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Featherstone M., Lash S.Recognition and Difference. Politics, Identity, MulticultureLondon, Sage, 2002

Are there any cultural universals left? Does multiculturalism inevitably involve a slide into moral relativism? This timely and insightful book examines questions of politics and identity in the age of multicultures. It draws together the contribution of outstanding contributors such as Fraser, Honneth, O'Neill, Bauman, Lister, Gilroy and De Swann to explore how difference and multiculturalism take on the arguments of universalist humanism. The approach taken derives from the traditions of cultural sociology and cultural studies rather than political science and philosophy. The book takes seriously the argument that the social bond and recognition are in danger through globalization and deterritorialization. It is a major contribution to the emerging debate on the form of post-national forms of civil society.

Ferrara A.The force of the Example. Explorations in the Paradigm of JudgmentNew York, Columbia University Press, 2008

During the twentieth century, the view that assertions and norms are valid insofar as they respond to principles independent of all local and temporal contexts came under attack from two perspectives: the partiality of translation and the intersubjective constitution of the self, understood as responsive to recognition. Defenses of universalism have by and large taken the form of a thinning out of substantive universalism into various forms of proceduralism. Alessandro Ferrara instead launches an entirely different strategy for transcending the particularity of context without contradicting our pluralistic intuitions: a strategy centered on the exemplary universalism of judgment. Whereas exemplarity has long been thought to belong to the domain of aesthetics, this book explores the other uses to which it can be put in our philosophical predicament, especially in the field of politics. After defining exemplarity and describing how something unique can possess universal significance, Ferrara addresses the force exerted by exemplarity, the nature of the judgment that discloses exemplarity, and the way in which the force of the example can bridge the difference between various contexts. Drawing not only on Kant's Critique of the Power of Judgment but also on the work of Hannah Arendt, John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin, and Jürgen Habermas, Ferrara outlines a view of exemplary validity that is applicable to today's central philosophical issues, including public reason, human rights, radical evil, sovereignty, republicanism and liberalism, and religion in the public sphere.


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Griswold W.Cultures and Societies in a Changing WorldPine Forge Press, 20083

In today’s world, both cultures and societies are changing more quickly than ever before. The Third Edition of Cultures and Societies in a Changing World sheds light on the role culture plays in shaping our social world. A vital and personal aspect of individual identity, culture shapes a person’s norms, values, beliefs, and practices. This Third Edition introduces the sociology of culture and explores cultural phenomena including stories, beliefs, media, ideas, art, religious practices, fashions, and rituals from a global sociological perspective. The author takes a global approach by considering cultural examples from various countries and time periods, by delving into the ways globalization processes are affecting cultures and by offering an explanation of post-Cold War era culture-related conflicts. Readers will develop a deeper appreciation of culture and society from this text, gleaning useful insights that will help them overcome cultural misunderstandings, conflicts, and ignorance and will help equip them to live their professional and personal lives as effective, wise citizens of the world.

Haller M. (ed.)The Making of the European UnionNew York, Springer, 2001

Outstanding social scientists (economists, sociologists, political scientists, and policy researchers) discuss in this book the issue of the social aspects of European integration. For each field, they sketch out the main problems, provide a survey on the relevant literature, and point to areas wherein more research is needed. The science and research policy of the European Union is examined critically both in terms of relevant social issues and in terms of its organizational efficacy.

Halman L., de Graaf P.European Values StudiesLeiden, Brill, 2008

The book series European Values Studies is based on the results of a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program, founded in the late 1970s by what is now a foundation called the European Values Study. This study group investigates basic social, cultural, political, moral, and religious values held by the populations of the European countries. A first study was carried out in 1981, followed by repeat surveys in 1990 and 1999, in an extending number of countries. By now, all European countries are involved in the European Values Study. The publications in the book series on European Values include interpretations and explanations of the quantitative survey data. These are presented in the form of monographs and edited volumes. Incidentally, the Series publishes sourcebooks as well.


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Hannerz U.Transnational Connections. Culture, People, PlacesLondon, Routledge, 1996trad. it., La diversità culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001

Condannati all'omologazione o arroccati nei propri localismi: quanto diversi possiamo essere per diventare più uguali nella dignità?Ulf Hannerz si occupa da decenni, da antropologo sociale e da sociologo urbano, dei fenomeni culturali che trasmigrano, si innestano e si mescolano. I suoi studi sulla città - luogo più di ogni altro caratterizzato dall'effervescenza delle idee e dall'innovazione - lo hanno portato ad essere un antesignano nell'analisi di quel fenomeno di contaminazione culturale su larga scala che è la globalizzazione. I sei saggi qui raccolti propongono alcune importanti riflessioni per decifrare correttamente cosa sta avvenendo nel nostro mondo ormai senza confini. Che la diversità culturale sia divenuta un tema cruciale non solo per gli studiosi dell'epoca contemporanea ma anche per tutti coloro che in questa epoca vivono consapevolmente e progettano il futuro è cosa scontata. Più complesso invece è capire che cos'è, fino a che punto sia un elemento di ricchezza o di debolezza, se, al pari della biodiversità, vada attivamente protetta oppure se vadano distinte, di volta in volta, vecchie incrostazioni nei costumi e nei modi di pensare, e reinterpretazioni creative di spinte nuove. E, posto che le diversità culturali sono sempre esistite, a cosa corrisponde la loro riscoperta e valorizzazione? I saggi di Hannerz, vicini in questo al lavoro di Clifford Geertz, hanno il merito di affrontare queste domande senza cadere nelle mistificazioni dei neofiti della globalizzazione: non è sicuramente d'aiuto nobilitare con l'aggettivo culturale qualsiasi espressione dell'attività umana, né contrapporre rigidamente "globale" e "locale", identificati rispettivamente con il cambiamento e la stabilità.

Hannerz U.La complessità culturale. L'organizzazione sociale del significatoBologna, Il Mulino, 1998

La cultura, nell'antropologia estremamente persuasiva di Ulf Hannerz, è l'insieme dei significati elaborati dagli esseri umani, che - in quanto condivisi - trasformano a loro volta gli individui in membri di una società. Così concepita, la cultura viene socialmente organizzata tanto da grandi istituzioni centralizzate, come la scuola e i media, quanto in modo diffuso, da subculture e pratiche della vita quotidiana. I luoghi dove queste diverse dimensioni interagiscono nel modo più intenso e fecondo sono le città, protagoniste in misura crescente dei fenomeni di contaminazione e creatività culturale. Questo libro di Hannerz si colloca dunque in felice continuità con il precedente "Esplorare la città", tra i più stimolanti studi sul fenomeno urbano.Nelle società complesse le esperienze culturali risultano sempre più differenziate, e la produzione culturale sempre più indeterminata nei propri esiti. La globalizzazione è un processo che investe anche - e forse soprattutto - la cultura, attraverso fenomeni di diffusione non confinabili, policentrismo, innovazione locale prontamente immessa nel circuito globale. Il ruolo cruciale svolto in tal senso dai centri metropolitani viene illustrato da un'affascinante descrizione dei periodi di intensa produttività culturale in alcune città: la Vienna del lungo crepuscolo asburgico, Calcutta alla massima fioritura dell'India britannica, la San Francisco della "beat generation".


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Heater D.A Brief History of CitizenshipNew York, NYU Press, 2004

A Brief History of Citizenship provides a concise survey of the idea of citizenship. All major periods are covered, beginning with Greece and Rome, continuing on to the Middle Ages, the American and French Revolutions, and finally to the modern era. Heater effectively argues that we cannot begin to understand our current conditions until we have an understanding of the initial idea of "the citizen" and how that idea has evolved over the centuries. Important topics covered include how citizenship differs from other forms of sociopolitical identity, the differences between nationality and citizenship, and how multiculturalism has changed our ideas of citizenship in the twenty-first century. This concise and readable book is an ideal introduction to the history of citizenship.

Helmut A., Yudhishthir R. I.Cultures and Globalization. Conflicts and TensionsSAGE Publications, 2008

The world's cultures and their forms of creation, presentation, and preservation are deeply affected by globalization in ways that are inadequately documented and understood. This book is designed to fill this glaring gap in our knowledge. Analyzing the relationship between globalization and cultures is the core objective of this volume. In it leading experts track cultural trends in all regions of the world, covering issues ranging from the role of cultural difference in politics and governance to heritage conservation, artistic expression, and the cultural industries. The book also includes a data section that consolidates the recently commenced but still inchoate work of cultural indicators. The publication of this book marks the inauguration of a series of books on World Cultures. Like so many other phenomena that characterize and are generated by globalization, conflict/culture relationships remain inadequately analyzed. This applies in particular to cultural identities and their forms of expression, creation, maintenance and renewal. The theme is not only to ensure well-being of the cultural-artistic dimension in the process of globalization. More than that, and in a broad and genuine sense, this book and the series as a whole are meant to serve the cause of peace and security through open debate, learning and understanding.


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Hobsbawn E. J.La fine dello StatoMilano, Rizzoli, 2007

Lo Stato ha esaurito la sua funzione storica? Uno Stato che, come sta accadendo a quelli occidentali, ha rinunciato alla leva obbligatoria e ha privatizzato progressivamente settori come la scuola, la sanità, la previdenza, su quali elementi può ancora reggersi? E non è proprio la crisi dello Stato, un tempo detentore del monopolio della violenza, a scatenare l'esplosione del terrorismo? Sono le domande cruciali che si pone Hobsbawm in questo testo breve e incisivo. In un'epoca in cui le democrazie sono in crisi di rappresentatività in Occidente e stentano ad affermarsi altrove, sembra esserci spazio solo per quel "nazionalismo accelerato", fondato su vere o presunte basi etniche o religiose, che costituisce con il suo braccio armato, il terrorismo, una delle più gravi minacce che incombono sul nostro futuro. Con la profondità di pensiero e l'appassionata verve polemica che ne fanno uno dei più autorevoli storici del nostro tempo, Hobsbawm ci fornisce alcune chiavi di lettura per comprendere il mondo in cui viviamo.

Hunt L.L’invenzione dei diritti umaniRoma, Laterza, 2009

"I diritti umani sono difficili da definire, perché la loro definizione, e addirittura la loro esistenza, dipendono tanto dalle emozioni quanto dalla ragione. La rivendicazione dell'ovvietà si fonda, in ultima istanza, su un richiamo emotivo: è convincente se fa risuonare qualcosa in ogni persona. Abbiamo la piena certezza che un diritto umano sia in discussione quando la sua violazione ci fa inorridire". Ma come nacquero i diritti umani e in che modo la loro storia tumultuosa ne influenza la comprensione e la nostra capacità di salvaguardarli oggi? Con questo straordinario resoconto culturale e intellettuale, che fa risalire le radici dei diritti umani al rifiuto settecentesco della tortura quale strumento di ricerca della verità, Lynn Hunt ricostruisce la loro genesi, dimostra come le idee di relazioni umane descritte nei romanzi e raffigurate nelle opere d'arte abbiano contribuito a diffondere i nuovi ideali e richiama l'attenzione su come i diritti umani continuino ad avere vita difficile.

Huntington S.P.The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World OrderNew York, Free Presstrad. it., Lo scontro delle civiltà e il nuovo ordine mondiale, Milano, Garzanti, 1996.

Questo libro ha una genesi curiosa e affascinante, che può spiegare il suo enorme impatto sul pubblico americano (sei edizioni in quattro mesi, best seller anche in Germania) e sul dibattito politico negli USA e nel mondo intero. Nel 1993 la prestigiosa rivista “Foreign Affairs” pubblica un articolo dal titolo Lo scontro delle civiltà, firmato da Samuel P. Huntington. Il saggio suscita un enorme dibattito, paragonabile solo a quello suscitato da Mr. X (George Kennan), quando negli anni Quaranta tracciò le linee fondamentali della politica americana contro l’URSS e in definitiva diede inizio alla Guerra Fredda.In questi ultimi tre anni Samuel P. Huntington ha ampliato la sua indagine e sviluppato la sua ipotesi strategica, e meglio precisato e approfondito le sue tesi. Il frutto di questo lavoro è un volume di ampio respiro, che si trova da mesi al centro dell’attenzione dei massimi esperti di relazioni internazionali e dei media di tutto il mondo. In Italia, ne hanno parlato tutti i più importanti organi di stampa. Huntington prende le mosse da una constatazione: Sotto la spinta della modernizzazione, la politica planetaria si sta ristrutturando secondo linee culturali. I popoli e i paesi con culture simili si avvicinano. Le alleanze determinate da motivi ideologici o dai rapporti tra le superpotenze lasciano il campo ad alleanze definite dalle culture e dalle civiltà. I confini politici vengono ridisegnati affinché coincidano con quelli culturali... Le comunità culturali stanno sostituendo i blocchi della Guerra Fredda e le linee di faglia tra civiltà stanno diventando le linee dei conflitti nella politica globale. Ma quali sono le grandi civiltà che stanno entrando in conflitto nello scenario globale? Da un lato naturalmente c’è il modello americano. Ma quali sono gli altri protagonisti? Qual è il peso della potenza militare e quale quello della potenza economica in questa partita per la supremazia mondiale? Che ruolo può avere l’Europa? Quale sarà il peso dell’Asia, dal Giappone al gigante cinese alle economie emergenti?


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Huntington S.P.La nuova America. Le sfide della società multiculturaleMilano, Garzanti, 2004

Una delle maggiori sfide poste dalla globalizzazione riguarda le identità nazionali – e di conseguenza quelle individuali di ciascuno di noi. Una società multiculturale e multietnica, dove si intrecciano religioni, usanze e costumi molto diversi, dove convivono e sistemi di valori spesso incompatibili, pone una serie di problemi inediti, forse insolubili. Negli scorsi decenni, pur con tutte le sue contraddizioni e i suoi conflitti, la società americana ha costituito una gigantesco esperimento, dall’esito che pareva favorevole. Il melting pot, il crogiolo di culture diverse unificate dall’identità americana e amalgamate dai valori liberali e democratici, oltre che dalla promessa del progresso economico individuale e collettivo, sembrava la migliore ricetta per affrontare le sfide della società contemporanea. Con questo saggio documentato e ricco di intuizioni illuminanti, Samuel Huntington – l’autore del citatissimo Lo scontro delle civiltà e il nuovo ordine mondiale – sfida quello che è ormai diventato un consolatorio luogo comune. Le nuove ondate di immigrati, soprattutto ispanici, stanno infatti cambiando profondamente l’identità americana: il bilinguismo, il multiculturalismo, le diverse fedi religiose, la svalutazione del concetto di cittadinanza e la «denazionalizzazione» delle élite impongono una sfida inedita, al di là del riflesso nazionalista e patriottico seguito all’11 settembre. Dopo aver anticipato lo scenario dello «scontro delle civiltà», con La nuova America Samuel Huntington va al cuore del concetto stesso di identità civile e culturale di una nazione. Coglie così un altro nodo fondamentale del nostro tempo, in un libro destinato a segnare il dibattito politico e culturale dei prossimi anni.

Joas H. Wiegandt K. (eds.)The Cultural Values of EuropeSAGE Publications, 1995

In this age of globalization and dissolving borders of national identity, questions about the nature of cultural values and symbolic structures abound, especially for newly integrated communities of political and social power like the European Union. In this international best seller, published for the first time in English, a group of highly acclaimed thinkers and social theorists examine the most important innovations and culturally vital traditions of Europe in order to produce an image of contemporary European self-understanding. Answering important questions on the nature of cultural identity in Europe and whether or not specifically European values exist, these leading European scholars approach topic through both specific cultural traditions (“Athens and Jerusalem”) and the values that they are founded upon (“freedom”). Edited by renowned scholar and University of Chicago professor Hans Joas, the volume features distinguished contributors such as Orlando Patterson, Mark Mazower, and Wolfgang Schluchter, among others, generating an impressively innovative and incisive cultural commentary that is not to be missed by any student of European history, society, and culture.


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Joas H., Wiegandt K.Secularization and the World ReligionsLiverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2009

This volume concerns itself with the connections between religions and the social world and with the extent, limits, and future of secularization. Dealing with the major religious traditions and their explicit or implicit ideas about the individual, social, and political order, as well as offering an overview of the religious situation in important geographical areas, "Secularization and the World Religions" analyzes the legal organization of the relationship between state and religion--as well as the role of the natural sciences--in a global perspective. Contributors include such internationally renowned scholars as Winfried Brugger, Jose Casanova, Hans Joas, and Hans Kippenberg.

Joas H.War and Modernity: Studies in the History of Violence in the 20th Century London, Polity Press, 2003

Written by one of Europe's leading social theorists, this book takes up the claims of modernity and confronts them with a stark reality: the ongoing proliferation of war. How can contemporary social and political thought come to terms with this apparent failure of modernity? Throughout the 20th century the global struggle of ideologies put paid to the dream that wars were somehow the relic of a bygone, unenlightened age. But now in the aftermath of the Cold War era, how are we to account for the persistence of war and state violence? Drawing on a wide range of material, from World War I and Vietnam to the Gulf War and the conflicts in the Balkans, Joas engages with current debates in the sociology and politics of war and develops his own distinctive line of argument concerning the role of warfare in modern societies. He aligns himself with figures such as Giddens and Mann in the attempt to establish a new and non-functionalist theory of social change.

Joas H.The Genesis of ValuesChicago, University of Chicago Press, 2002

Public and intellectual debates have long struggled with the concept of values and the difficulties of defining them. With "The Genesis of Values, " renowned theorist Hans Joas explores the nature of these difficulties in relation to some of the leading figures of twentieth-century philosophy and social theory: Friedrich Nietzsche, William James, Max Scheler, John Dewey, Georg Simmel, Charles Taylor, and Jurgen Habermas. Joas traces how these thinkers came to terms with the idea of values, and then extends beyond them with his own comprehensive theory. Values, Joas suggests, arise in experiences in self-formation and self-transcendence. Only by appreciating the creative nature of human action can we understand how our values arise.


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Markham I.Globalization, Ethics and IslamAldershot, Burlington, Vt, Ashate, 2005

Il testo propone una riflessione in merito alla posizione dell’Islam nella società Europea. Parte dalla critica delle posizioni dell’autore del testo “Militant Islam Reaches America”, Daniel Pipes, per presentare una panoramica del pensiero Islamico, prendendo in considerazione il pensiero di diversi autori.

McLeod H.Religion and the People of Western Europe 1789-1990Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997

From the end of the eighteenth century, throughout western Europe, the official clergy, champions of privilege and tradition, were challenged by religious dissenters and minorities. Chapel confronted church in Britain and Scandinavia; Catholics struggled against Protestants in Germany and Ireland. The war between anti-clerical and Catholic in France and Spain reached its climax in the Spanish Bloodbath of the 1930s. This book clearly maps out these polarizations and analyses the impact on religion of socialism, capitalism and the growth of cities. It examines the contrasts between the religion of the middle and working classes and between men and women. It discusses the appeal of movements like Methodism, Secularism, and Ultramontane Catholicism, and considers the crisis faced by the churches in many countries in the 1960s. A new concluding chapter examines the role of religion up to 1990, and how it has been affected by modern changes in society and beliefs.

Ormières J.-L.L'Europe désenchantéeParis, Fayard, 2005

La plupart des pays d Europe occidentale se trouvent dans une phase de désenchantement. La religion est reléguée dans la sphère privée alors que la déliquescence des religions séculières engendre un désintérêt pour la politique.C est l aboutissement d un processus de sécularisation engagé depuis les Lumières. Certes, le sabre et le goupillon ont pu de temps à autre faire alliance, mais c est le politique qui en a tiré profit. En dépit de l aggiornamento décidé par Vatican II, une partie de ceux qui s étaient éloignés de l Eglise se sont tournés vers des religions non traditionnelles (Témoins de Jéhovah, Scientologie, New Age ) ou exotiques (bouddhisme). La prolifération de mouvements dont le nombre d adeptes demeure très limité et le développement de divers « bricolages » religieux ont fragilisé encore l institution. Lâchée par de nombreux fidèles, contrainte d évoluer dans des sociétés gagnées au pluralisme, l Eglise est en voie de marginalisation. Ses tentatives pour réinvestir la sphère publique se heurtent à de vives résistances et le réenchan-tement religieux aperçu par certains semble plutôt marquer le pas.


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Pieterse J. N.Ethnicities and Global MulticultureLanham, Rowman & Litlefield Publishers Inc., 2007

Arguing that ethnicity and multiculturalism are essential for understanding globalization, Jan Nederveen Pieterse offers one of the first sustained treatments of the reach bof these key forces, beyond a limited national context. He shows that multiethnicity, preceded the nation-state by millennia; but argues that states, feeling the threat to their national identities, seek to control or suppress it. Contemporary multiculturalism, another attempt to regulate multiethnicity, is a work in progress in which dramas of global inequality are played out. This groundbreaking book adopts a kaleidoscopic and comparative-historical perspective that intertwines strands of social science and western and non-western research as a strategy to overcome the disciplinary and regional fragmentation of most discussions. Moving beyond worn notions of ethnicity and multiculturalism, Nederveen Pieterse proposes ethnicities and global multiculture as alternative, wide-angle perspectives on cultural diversity. Global multiculture, he convincingly demonstrates, offers a fresh account of layered cultural dynamics amid accelerated globalization.

Pieterse J. N.Globalization and Culture: Global MélangeLanham, Rowman & Litlefield Publishers Inc., 2009

Globalization and Culture: the Global Melange has been an excellent book for usage in my interdisciplinary, introductory culture and politics course. Cultural Studies is an emerging field and it is difficult to find books that ground students in the fundamental principles and precepts of the 'discipline'. This book like no other achieves this goal. The book is interesting, written in an accessible style for undergraduates and especially targets the relationship between globalization and culture in ways that I have found in no other book. I highly recommend this book for both the international relations and the cultural studies classrooms."—Rita Kiki Edozie, Michigan State University Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this seminal text asks if there is cultural life after the "clash of civilizations" and global McDonaldization. Internationally award-winning author Jan Nederveen Pieterse argues that what is taking place is the formation of a global mélange, a culture of hybridization. From this perspective on globalization, conflict may be mitigated and identity preserved, albeit transformed. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of hybridization through a series of innovative conceptual tables that are bolstered by textual analysis and compelling examples from around the world. In a new chapter, the author explores East-West hybridities-the idea that globalization is a process of braiding rather than simply a diffusion from developed to developing countries. This historically deep and geographically wide approach to globalization is essential reading as we face the increasing spread of conflicts bred by cultural misunderstanding.


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Recchi E., Favell A.Pioneers of European Integration: Citizenship and Mobility in the EUElgar, Chelthenham, 2009

Free movement has become a defining feature of European society. This important study answers the question “who are these free movers?” Using both quantitative and qualitative research evidence, it brings new perspectives to the sociology of European migration and integration, broadening the analysis from traditional labour migrants to various new kinds of spatial and social mobility in the continent.

Ricciarelli M., Urban S., Nanopoulos K.Globalization and Multicultural Societies. Some views from EuropeUniversity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, 2003

Il testo sostiene che il processo di globalizzazione è il maggior elemento di catalizzazione nella trasformazione della società contemporanea. Concentrandosi in primo luogo sull’Europa, mette insieme opere di rinomati intellettuali, figure politiche e culturali, che riflettono sulle caratteristiche di base e sui problemi relativi al processo di globalizzazione. I saggi trattano ampi argomenti, incluso le corporazioni multinazionali, la tecnologia, le arti, la scienza, la circolazione dell’informazione, la disoccupazione e l’ambiente.La prima parte del testo è dedicata all’analisi dell’evoluzione della società contemporanea attraverso la globalizzazione. La seconda parte di concentra sul ruolo delle istituzioni Europee, che hanno il compito di rispettare le diversità culturali, sulle sfide affrontate dalle istituzioni, che toccano tutti gli aspetti vitali dell’umanità, dall’ambiente, al rispetto dei diritti umani, alla qualità delle relazioni sociali, ecc. La terza parte esplora gli effetti della globalizzazione nella cultura.

Robertson R.Globalization. Social Theory and Global CultureLondon, Sage, 1992

The global society. Today everyone from scholars to politicians is debating the nature and makeup of a global society. But what is actually meant by a global society? Does such a global society actually exist? In Globalization, Roland Robertson argues that the real nature of globalization is obscured while peripheral concerns, such as minute economic analyses, are overstated. Robertson presents an alternative view that incorporates the economic and cultural aspects of the global scene, and in the process connects general social structures to historical developments in the modern world. Offering a distinctively cultural focus on the social theory of the contemporary world, Globalization makes a major contribution to the current debate for graduate students and professors of sociology, social theory, and cultural studies. "A professor of sociology at the University of Pittsburgh, Roland Robertson is, as this book proves, the foremost sociologist engaged in the study of globalization. Although empirical data crop up only occasionally, this book offers a sweeping yet detailed survey of the ways in which sociologists have dealt with the subject. Indeed, Robertson shows in a brief history of his discipline, sociology has been a key element in the effort to come to grips with what he calls "globality"; sociologists have crucially helped to shape global awareness. All told, this is a difficult book, but one worthy of careful reading as a stimulant for raising global awareness" --Journal of World History "Globalization deals with an important subject. Its inherent comprehensive approach would be of interest not only to macrosociologists but also to those studying postmodernity, gender, ethnicity, and identity." - Contemporary Sociology "International Affairs "Robertson's approach to globalizatin is multidimensional, complex, well-grounded in sociological theory, and centered on culture--so often the stepchild in other approaches. Robertson fruitfully contrasts his approach to that of Wallerstein, Elias, and Giddens. His contribution is in several respects original, probes deeply, and is highly stimulating." --Political Studies Association


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Salvadori M. L.Democrazie senza democraziaRoma, Laterza, 2009

Chi ha oggi un maggiore spirito democratico? Colui che si accontenta, o chi non si accontenta dello stato di salute delle nostre democrazie?«Nulla può tanto danneggiare la democrazia e contribuire al suo esaurimento quanto accettarla come discorso retorico, non guardare alla sostanza che sta dietro alla sua forma, compiacersi del dato che mai come ora vi sono nel mondo tanti Stati che portano e si danno il nome di democratici, ma in cui troppi poteri di primaria importanza per la vita dei cittadini sono stati sottratti alle istituzioni figlie del voto popolare, troppi poteri formalmente attribuiti a siffatte istituzioni sono sostanzialmente depotenziati e al limite annullati da altri poteri. Se dunque i regimi che continuiamo a chiamare democratici in effetti non lo sono, quale definizione conviene loro più propriamente? Parlare di postdemocrazia serve certo a sottolineare una differenza, e a capire che siamo in un ‘dopo’. Tuttavia occorre anche cercare di comprendere ‘in che cosa siamo’. Questo è il problema aperto.»

Sassatelli M. Becoming Europeans Cultural Identity and Cultural PoliciesPalgrave Macmillan, New York, 2009

Il testo affronta il tema dell’identità Europea come oggetto di indagine sia teorica che empirica. A livello teorico si concentra sul dibattito accademico ed istituzionale in merito all’identità culturale europea. Il testo colloca questo dibattito nel più generale contesto della Europeizzazione e della formazione di una società Europea che ha guidato i progetti istituzionali sin dalla seconda guerra mondiale, all’interno del più ampio processo della globalizzazione, con il crollo della identità collettiva monolitica e la nuova centralità della questione della diversità.A livello empirico, il testo esplora due principali casi di studio. Il primo si concentra sulle politiche culturali dell’unione europea e su una delle sue più rappresentative azioni the European Capital of Culture programme, iniziato nel 1985. Il secondo caso di studio considera the Council d’Europa, che sin dalla sua fondazione nel 1949 è stato basato su un approccio molto più culturale, e la sua strategia di europeizzazione attraverso la cooperazione culturale, si focalizza sulla sua recente European Landscape Convenzione, ratificata nel 2004.

Sen A. K.The Idea of JusticeNew York, Belknap Press, 2009

Social justice: an ideal, forever beyond our grasp; or one of many practical possibilities? More than a matter of intellectual discourse, the idea of justice plays a real role in how—and how well—people live. And in this book the distinguished scholar Amartya Sen offers a powerful critique of the theory of social justice that, in its grip on social and political thinking, has long left practical realities far behind. The transcendental theory of justice, the subject of Sen’s analysis, flourished in the Enlightenment and has proponents among some of the most distinguished philosophers of our day; it is concerned with identifying perfectly just social arrangements, defining the nature of the perfectly just society. The approach Sen favors, on the other hand, focuses on the comparative judgments of what is “more” or “less” just, and on the comparative merits of the different societies that actually emerge from certain institutions and social interactions. At the heart of Sen’s argument is a respect for reasoned differences in our understanding of what a “just society” really is. People of different persuasions—for example, utilitarians, economic egalitarians, labor right theorists, no-nonsense libertarians—might each reasonably see a clear and straightforward resolution to questions of justice; and yet, these clear and straightforward resolutions would be completely different. In light of this, Sen argues for a comparative perspective on justice that can guide us in the choice between alternatives that we inevitably face.


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Sheehan J.L’età post-eroica. Guerra e pace nell’Europa contemporaneaRoma, Laterza, 2009

«Dagli anni Cinquanta, gli europei hanno goduto di un periodo di pace e di prosperità senza precedenti nella loro storia. Non era mai avvenuto che un numero così grande di loro vivesse così bene e che le vittime della violenza politica fossero così poche. I sogni di una pace perpetua, nati con l’Illuminismo e sopravvissuti ad alcuni dei più distruttivi decenni della storia umana, sembrano finalmente essersi avverati. Naturalmente non esistono luoghi in cui stare in riposo, posti nei quali nascondersi dalle insistenti pressioni del cambiamento. Per conservare quello che di notevole hanno realizzato, gli europei devono affrontare sfide economiche, politiche, culturali e ambientali. Molte di queste giungono, o sono influenzate, da quell’estesa e mal definita frontiera che collega l’Europa ai suoi vicini. Sarà lungo questa frontiera, dove coesistono ricchezza e povertà, diritto e violenza, pace e guerra, che si determinerà il futuro degli Stati civili europei». Dai movimenti pacifisti e militaristi del primo Novecento alla catastrofe delle guerre mondiali, dai blocchi contrapposti al crollo del muro di Berlino e all’Iraq, James J. Sheehan stila una straordinaria ricognizione del Ventesimo secolo.Dell’edizione americana hanno scritto: Nello scorso mezzo secolo, dopo il KO dei due conflitti mondiali, gli europei hanno perso il gusto e il talento per la guerra. Questa nuova Europa, scrive Sheehan, fondata sullo Stato sociale e sui trattati commerciali, non sarà mai una superpotenza. A meno che i suoi cittadini rinuncino alla propria ‘identità civile’ – ma, si chiede con intelligenza l’autore, «perché dovrebbero farlo?». “The New Yorker”

Shelley M., Winck M.Aspects of European Cultural DiversityLondon, Routledge, 1995

The word `Europe' is seen and heard constantly, in newspapers, on television and children are taught about it in school. But what does it really mean to us? Does it have the same meaning for everyone? How does it affect our everyday lives? Do we consider ourselves to be Europeans and what does that mean in practice?This book concentrates on aspects of European cultural diversity. The four essays included deal with language, education, the mass media and everyday culture. The issues under discussion are those that strongly influence the way in which we define our common, everyday identity. They are also issues which determine our access to opportunities of different kinds.The book is designed to enable readers to identify those factors which make them and their own environment unique and to place themselves within the context of everyday Europe.

Solomos J., Back L.Racism and SocietyLondon, Palgrave & Macmillan, 1996

Racism and Society is much more than a wide-ranging survey of the issues and debates surrounding race and racism in contemporary Western societies. Along with a comprehensive coverage of aspects as diverse as the theoretical perspectives used to analyse race and racism, the practical public policies adopted to counter racial discrimination and the representation of 'race' in popular culture, Solomos and Back provide their own challenging critique of the various ways in which the phenomena of race and racism have been both understood and addressed.


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Spohn W., Triandafyllidou A.Europeanization, national identities and migration: changes in boundary constructions between Western and Eastern EuropeRoutledge, New York, 2003

This book provides theoretical and empirical discussion of migration, identity and Europeanisation. With contributions from leading international scholars, it provides both an overview of theoretical perspectives and a comprehensive set of case studies, covering both Eastern and Western Europe. Contributors draw from disciplines such as historical sociology, discourse analysis, social psychology and migration studies, while the editors bring these subjects into a coherent theoretical and historical framework, to discuss the emergence of new collective identities and new borders in Europe today.

Therborn G.European Modernity and Beyond. The Trajectory of European Societies, 1945-2000SAGE Publications, 1995

The European community has evinced dramatic changes since the conclusion of the second World War; both individually and collectively, its nations have experienced continuous shifts in political, cultural, and economic climes. Has this process resulted in greater solidarity among European nations--and with others on the globe--or has it only strengthened disparities? To what extent has the period 1945-2000 produced fundamental differences or revealed areas of continuity? Through his broad-ranging analysis of the profile of contemporary European societies, Göran Therborn assays the development and outcome of such crucial issues as mass consumption, collective memory and identities, modes of collective action, and the two great steering projects of the times: socialism in the East and European union in the West. Combining theoretical depth with empirical data, this volume will be essential reading for all students of the politics and sociology of Europe and of contemporary industrial societies.

Therborn G., Bosetti G.“Così l'impero genera amici e nemici”Reset, 4/2002

Göran Therborn sul ritorno della guerra fredda che ora si ritorce contro gli Stati Uniti, sul ruolo della religione per mobilitare le persone e l'enigma dell fondamentalismo.


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Todorov T.Le nouveau dèsordre mondialParis, Èdition Laffont, 2002trad. it., Il nuovo disordine mondiale, Milano, Garzanti, 2003

Con grande equilibrio e pacatezza, Tzvetan Todorov esamina l’attuale situazione geopolitica mondiale, alla luce degli ultimi avvenimenti, dall’11 settembre alla guerra in Iraq e alle sue conseguenze. Smonta diversi luoghi comuni, partendo dall’analisi del linguaggio utilizzato da politici e media: sotto la sua lente finiscono espressioni come «superpotenza», «imperialismo», «lotta del bene contro il male», «guerra umanitaria»…Seguendo una linea di pensiero che da Montesquieu e Tocqueville porta fino a Camus, spiega quale dovrebbe essere la politica estera di una democrazia liberale nel mondo attuale; ci mette in guardia contro le tentazioni dell’onnipotenza e del ricorso privilegiato alla forza; difende il pluralismo contro il messianismo – contro le menzogne dell’esportazione coatta della democrazia. Illustrando i rischi di un’unica superpotenza senza controlli all’interno e all’esterno, mette in guardia contro l’attuale strategia degli Stati Uniti e traccia le linee di quella che dovrebbe essere la posizione dell’Unione europea.L’Europa appare oggi politicamente debole, attraversata da mille divisione e differenze – un «vecchio» Continente. E tuttavia può aspirare a un ruolo fondamentale nello scacchiere internazionale, a partire dalla propria memoria, dalla propria cultura e dai propri valori – razionalità, giustizia, democrazia, libertà individuale, laicismo, tolleranza… È questa la chiave per delineare – arrivando a conclusioni a volte sorprendenti – la politica di quella che Todorov definisce «una potenza tranquilla», un’Europa che in un momento decisivo della storia mondiale deve tornare a far sentire la propria voce.

Vertovec S., Cohen R., (eds.)Conceiving CosmpolitanismOxford, OUP, 2002

Understanding the ancient and long sidelined concept of cosmopolitanism has suddenly found a fresh impetus and urgency. Globalization, international migration, multiculturalism and global social movements, as well as atrocities committed by those with narrow religious and ethnic identities, have led to reposing of two basic cosmopolitan questions: Can we ever live peacefully with one another? What do we share, collectively, as human beings?The term cosmopolitanism has attracted many understandings and uses over the years. Covering the global, national, social and personal levels of analysis, the authors consider the multiple meanings of the term in the past and in the present and develop new ways of conceiving cosmopolitanism. Through challenging old assumptions and advancing new analytical frameworks, the collection provides a full and representative set of views on the nature, definition and prospects of cosmopolitanism. Written by eminent scholars and publicly recognised intellectuals from a variety of cultural backgrounds, this book is the most comprehensive account of the theory and practice of cosmopolitanism yet attempted.


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Walzer M.Arguing about warNew Haven & London, Yale University Press, 2004

Michael Walzer is one of the world’s most eminent philosophers on the subject of war and ethics. Now, for the first time since his classic Just and Unjust Wars was published almost three decades ago, this volume brings together his most provocative arguments about contemporary military conflicts and the ethical issues they raise. The essays in the book are divided into three sections. The first deals with issues such as humanitarian intervention, emergency ethics, and terrorism. The second consists of Walzer’s responses to particular wars, including the first Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. And the third presents an essay in which Walzer imagines a future in which war might play a less significant part in our lives. In his introduction, Walzer reveals how his thinking has changed over time. Written during a period of intense debate over the proper use of armed force, this book gets to the heart of difficult problems and argues persuasively for a moral perspective on war.

Weiler J.Un’Europa cristianaMilano, Bur, 2003

Un lucido e provocatorio giudizio sull'Europa che si sta disegnando. Contro la pretesa neutralità della nuova Costituzione, la difesa del valore pubblico della fede.

Wiegandt K.The Cultural Values of EuropeLiverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2008

What is the cultural identity of Europe? Are there specifically European values? Questions like these are at the centre of a considerable number of political and scholarly debates in contemporary Europe. In this international best-seller, a group of acclaimed thinkers – including Orlando Patterson, S. N. Eisenstadt, Mark Mazower and Wolfgang Schluchter – examine the most important innovations and culturally vital value traditions of Europe to produce an image of contemporary European self-understanding. The volume combines two possible approaches, examining both specific cultural traditions (‘Athens and Jerusalem’) and specific values (‘freedom’; ‘rationality’). Boasting some of the leading thinkers in Europe and edited by Hans Joas and Klaus Wiegandt, The Cultural Values of Europe will be required reading for anyone hoping to understand the common cultural ground in Europe. ‘A truly informative journey through a homeland that defines each one of us ... an erudite guide for Europeans all over the world.’ Die Zeit Hans Joas is Director of the Max Weber Center at the University of Erfurt and Professor of Sociology and Social Thought at the University of Chicago. Klaus Wiegandt is founder and chairman of the foundation Forum für Verantwortung.


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Willaime J.-P.Europe et religionsParis, Fayard, 2004

Le religieux n est pas réductible à la menace que certaines de ses expressions minoritaires font peser sur les libertés fondamentales et sur la laïcité. Il est aussi un soutien actif de la mobilisation citoyenne dans des démocraties désenchantées. Si les dérives sectaires et quelques foulards ont pu réactiver les ferments antireligieux de la laïcité française, celle-ci doit apprendre à se repenser face à une Europe laïque sur les plans juridique, politique et sociologique. Se placer d un point de vue européen, c est découvrir qu une réelle séparation du religieux et du politique n est pas incompatible avec des formes diverses de reconnaissance du rôle des religions dans l espace public. Parce que les pays voisins peuvent aider la France à se décrisper par rapport au fait religieux, l Europe est une chance pour la laïcité à la française et non une menace. La chance pour elle d intégrer positivement les apports sociaux, culturels et éthiques des religions dans des sociétés d individus en quête de repères et de motivations.

Ziebertz H.-G., Keynes W. K.Youth in Europe I. An international empirical Study about Life PerspectivesMunster, Germany, Lit Verlag, 2009

Il testo riporta uno studio effettuato circa le prospettive di vita dei giovani in diversi Paesi in Europa. Dallo studio emerge una notevole differenza di prospettive per il futuro per i giovani nei Paesi presi in esame. La domanda che si pone il testo è se si sta costruendo un processo di stabilizzazione della società in cui le future generazioni possano sentirsi a casa e in cui possano porre la loro fiducia.


Berger P. A., Weiss A. (hsg)Transnationalisierung sozialer UngleichheitVS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2008

Filoramo G., (a cura di)Le religioni e il mondo modernoTorino, Einaudi, 2009


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4. L’Europa e gli altri

Al-Azmeh A.Islam and ModernitiesLondon, Verso, 2009

Frequently portrayed as intolerant, medieval and barbaric, Islam has replaced Communism as the main perceived threat to Western civilization and values. For Aziz al- Azmeh, this Orientalist and racist view of Islam is nothing but a mirror image of the myth propagated by Islamic fundamentalists, with both resting on an ahistorical conception of an unchanging religion. In this expanded new edition, al-Azmeh rethinks the relationship between Muslim and Western societies through to the post-9/11 period, uncovering a rich history of interaction and exchange.

Arnason J. P., Eisenstadt S. N., Wittrock B. (eds)Axial Civilizations and World HistoryLeiden-Boston, Brill, 2005

The overarching theme of the book is the historical meaning of the Axial Age, commonly defined as a period of several centuries around the middle of the last millennium BCE, and its cultural innovations. The civilizational patterns that grew out of this exceptionally creative phase are a particularly rewarding theme for comparative analysis. The book contains essays on cultural transformations in Ancient Greece, Ancient Israel, Iran, India and China, as well as background developments in the core civilizations of the Ancient Near East. An introductory section deals with the history of the debate on the AxialAge, the theoretical questions that have emerged from it, and the present state of the discussion. The book will be useful for comparative historians of cultures and religions, as well as for historical sociologists interested in the comparative analysis of civilizations. It should also help linking the fields of classical, biblical and Asian studies to broader interdisciplinary debates within the humanities sciences.

Benhabib S.I diritti degli altriMilano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2006

La nota studiosa di teoria politica Seyla Benhabib ci propone un potente appello in favore del federalismo cosmopolita. L’autrice sostiene la necessità di confini non aperti ma porosi, in grado di contemperare il diritto di accesso di rifugiati e chiedenti asilo con le prerogative giuridiche degli organismi democratici territorialmente definiti. ''I diritti degli altri'' costituisce un intervento fondamentale nel dibattito politico contemporaneo, di sicuro interesse per studiosi e cultori di teoria politica, diritto, filosofia e relazioni internazionali.


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Bhambra G. K.Rethinking Modernity: Postcolonialism and the Sociological ImaginationLondon, Palgrave MacMillan, 2009

Gurminder Bhambra presents a fundamental reconstruction of the idea of modernity in sociology, criticizing classic and contemporary contributions and arguing for an approach based on 'connected histories' beyond the Eurocentric focus of dominant approaches.

Campanini M.Il pensiero islamico contemporaneo Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005

È diffusa convinzione che la filosofia islamica abbia raggiunto l'acme nel Medio Evo e che in età contemporanea abbia ben poco da dire. Dalla rinascita ottocentesca allo scontro con la modernità, all'impatto con la dimensione politica, alle posizioni più recenti, questo libro traccia un utile profilo del pensiero islamico contemporaneo, che si rivela portatore di contenuti ricchi e fecondi. Come già in epoca medievale, esso si rapporta dialetticamente con il pensiero e la filosofia occidentali, ma sviluppa proprie linee originali di ricerca ripensando la tradizione, discutendo i temi della laicità e della democrazia, rifondando l'ermeneutica del testo sacro, scoprendo o riscoprendo la dimensione della storicità. Ne emerge un quadro assai vario nel quale, accanto alle posizioni tradizionaliste, si moltiplicano voci dissonanti e coraggiose, anche femminili, in cerca di una nuova identità nel contesto di una cultura islamica proiettata nel moderno.

Cashmore E.Encyclopedia of race and ethnic studiesNew York, Free Press, 2004

Based on the author's Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations, published in a fourth edition in 1997 and now out of print, this one-volume encyclopedia provides authoritative information on a wide variety of aspects of race and ethnicity. The encyclopedia is nearly 100 pages longer than the dictionary (which was, however, in smaller type); 43 entries were added, and other entries were revised and expanded. Cashmore (culture, media, & sport, Sch. of Health, Staffordshire Univ.) wrote most of the entries, but he also called on 80 contributors, mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States, making the coverage international if perhaps Anglocentric. The entries, which range from concise 400-word annotations to comprehensive 2000-word essays, are scholarly enough for faculty seeking brief treatment of a topic but also accessible to upper-level undergraduates as well as graduate students.In addition, most entries include see also references and a short list of readings. The issues addressed include the Holocaust, the Ku Klux Klan, 9/11, welfare, Zionism, and much more, and Cashmore made an attempt to address criticism of his dictionary by adding entries for terms and legal cases having importance in the United States, e.g., "O.J. Simpson." The introduction provides an excellent overview but doesn't offer much detail on the criteria for inclusion, the choice of contributors, any differences from the dictionary, or even whether the "Reading" sections were used to prepare the entries or are merely suggestions for further reading. Because this work is pricey, librarians may want to consider alternatives like Guido Bolaffi's Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture. Still, the coverage does not significantly overlap with more general dictionaries of sociology, not even with Susan Auerbach's lengthier Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism. Recommended for academic libraries supporting programs in the sociology of race that found the dictionary useful.


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Chakrabarty D.Provincializzare l’EuropaRoma, Meltemi, 2004

Il pensiero europeo è allo stesso tempo indispensabile e inadeguato per riflettere sulle esperienze di modernità politica nelle nazioni non occidentali. Indispensabile perché le idee universali proposte dall’Illuminismo europeo rimangono la fondamentale base di ogni critica sociale che cerchi di affrontare i problemi della giustizia e dell’equità. Inadeguato perché la transizione capitalista nel Terzo mondo, se misurata con gli standard occidentali e con la nostra idea di storicizzazione, appare spesso incompleta o inefficace. Già dalla metà del XX secolo la cosiddetta “epoca europea” della storia moderna ha cominciato a lasciare spazio ad altre configurazioni regionali e globali. Provincializzare l’Europa non significa però ripudiare o abbandonare il pensiero europeo, ma riflettere su come globalizzarlo rinnovandolo per e dai suoi margini. Ogni caso di transizione al capitalismo non è più semplicemente interpretabile come un fenomeno sociologico di transizione storica, ma anche come un caso di traduzione: una traduzione di mondi esistenti e delle loro categorie di pensiero nelle categorie e nella cultura della modernità capitalista. Chakrabarty dimostra, sia in modo teorico che attraverso esempi dell’India coloniale e contemporanea, come tali storie di traduzione potrebbero essere pensate o scritte. Imbastendo una sorta di conversazione tra due dei più importanti rappresentanti del pensiero europeo, Marx e Heidegger – l’uno esempio della tradizione analitica delle scienze sociali, l’altro di quella ermeneutica – l’autore cerca di comprendere la modernità politica dell’Asia meridionale, prendendo in esame nella prima parte studi storici ed etnografici su gruppi “subalterni” e concentrandosi nella seconda sulla storia dei bengalesi indù delle caste superiori colte. Provincializzare l’Europa comincia e finisce indicando la necessità del pensiero politico europeo per la descrizione della modernità politica non europea e, al tempo stesso, affronta i problemi di rappresentazione che tale necessità produce.

Sachsenmaier D., Riedel J., with Eisenstadt S. N.Reflections on Multiple Modernities. European, Chinese and Other InterpretationsLeiden, Brill, 2002

This volume explores a rapidly emerging paradigm in the social sciences, which assumes culturally specific forms of modernity. Modernization is thus no longer equated with homogenization. Leading scholars from history, sociology, area studies, and economics discuss the concept’s implications. The first part covers a range of theoretical questions arising from the new approach. Issues such as the common features of all modernities and their interrelation with regional particularities, the reasons for antinomies of modernity, and the preconditions for a peaceful coexistence of cultures are raised.The second and third parts deal with Europe and China as two specific encounters with modernity, the tensions between universalism and cultural identities, both in past and present. The fourth part analyzes how Multiple Modernities translates into formal and informal institutions of “diverse capitalisms”.Authors include well-known specialists Mark Juergensmeyer, Hartmut Kaelble, Bruce Mazlish and Frederic Wakeman.


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Sartori G.Pluralismo, multiculturalismo ed estranei. Saggio sulla società multietnicaMilano, BUR, 2000

Un libro brillante e provocatorio che affronta, in modo politicamente "non corretto", il tema quanto mai attuale di una società multirazziale che darà i suoi frutti migliori non inseguendo il superficiale sogno di un pluralismo indifferenziato, ma attuando un multiculturalismo che, grazie alla tolleranza e al riconoscimento delle peculiarità delle diverse culture, abbia come conseguenza una società veramente pluralistica. Un’analisi profonda arricchita da un'appendice di estrema attualità dopo i tragici eventi di New York.


An-Na’im A.Riformare l’Islam. Libertà civili, diritti umani e diritto internazionaleLaterza, Roma, 2009

Bulmer M., Solomos J.Ethnic and racial Studies TodayLondon, Routledge, 1999

Therborn G.African Families in a Global ContextLondon, Nordic African Institute, 2006


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5.Il discorso europeo fra discipline

Afzal-Khan F., Seshadri-Crooks K.The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies Duke University Press, Durham (North Carolina), 2000

The Pre-Occupation of Postcolonial Studies contains essays by both leading figures and younger scholars engaged in the field of postcolonial studies. In this state-of-the-field reader, editors Fawzia Afzal-Khan and Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks have created a dynamic forum for contributors from a variety of theoretical and disciplinary vantage points to question both the limits and the limitations of postcolonial thought. Since it burst on the academic scene as the “hot” new disciplinary field during the final decade of the twentieth century, postcolonial studies has faced criticism from those who question its “troubling” trajectories, its sometimes suspect epistemological and pedagogical methods, and its relatively narrow focus. With diverse essays that emerge from such disciplines as South Asian, Latin American, Arab, and Jewish studies, this volume responds to skeptics and adherers alike, addressing not only the broad theoretical issues at stake within the field but also the position of the field itself within the academy, as well as its relationship to modern, postmodern, and Marxist discourses. Contributors offer critiques on ahistorical and universalizing tendencies in postcolonial work and confront the need for scholars to attend to issues of class, ideology, and the effects of neocolonial practices. Seeking to broaden the field’s traditionally literary spectrum of methodologies, these essayists take up large thematic issues to examine specific sites of colonial activities with all of their historical, political, and cultural significance. Closing the volume is an insightful interview with Homi Bhabha, in which he discusses postcolonial studies in the context of contemporary cultural politics and theory.Contributors. Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Ali Behdad, Homi Bhabha, Daniel Boyarin, Neil Larsen, Saree Makdisi, Joseph Massad, Walter Mignolo, Hamid Naficy, Ngugi Wa Thingo, Timothy B. Powell, R. Radhakrishnan, Bruce Robbins, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Ella Shohat, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan.

Ahmad A.Lineages of the Present. Ideological and Political Genealogies of Contemporary South AsiaVerso, London, 2002

In March 1998, India broke a quarter-century's silence when it detonated a series of nuclear devices in the Rajasthan desert. Having announced it possessed the credentials for membership in the nuclear club in 1974, India quickly disavowed any desire to join, pledging not to develop its capability further. The Pokhran explosions revealed that promise to have been broken. The principal beneficiary of its breaking was a right-wing government seeking to shore up its shaky base with commitment to the “Hindu bomb.” While most in the West were taken unawares by this sudden bellicosity in the land of Gandhi, more scrupulous observers on the Indian scene insisted it had a clear history. In Lineages of the Present, his first book since the hotly debated In Theory, Aijaz Ahmad untangles many of the intertwined threads of an important story often poorly understood in the metropolitan West: that the right-wing nationalisms now flourishing in many regions of the world did not emerge, like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, fully formed and as if by accident. Their complex genealogies hold the key to comprehending … and ultimately defeating them. Such an understanding is urgently required in India where, Ahmad argues, the BJP's road to power, far from being a temporary detour from the path of secular democracy, may well become a more permanent feature of the country's politics … with dire consequences for the region and the globe.“At least let it be understood that India bears more ultimate responsibility for the Kashmir troubles than Pakistan, and that the confrontation between India and Pakistan would be a far less dangerous thing had it not been for the BJP's communal thrust at home and its attempt to turn India into a nuclear great power abroad.… Nowhere else in the world, as the left-wing analyst and journalist Aijaz Ahmad says, have nuclear threats been so lightly thrown around.” - Guardian“Ahmad's voice is one of the most important in the current critical debate on the literature and cultures of Africa and Asia.” - Financial Times


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Albertazzi S.Lo sguardo dell'altro: le letterature postcolonialiCarocci, Roma, 2000

All'inizio del terzo millennio il panorama letterario si presenta caratterizzato da un continuo incrociarsi di conoscenze, dal mescolarsi delle lingue, dal superamento di barriere culturali e geografiche. La letteratura costituisce ormai la migliore testimonianza dell'esistenza di una cultura globale, benché percorsa da molteplici voci e visioni. Il libro propone un originale percorso attraverso le opere di autori come Rushdie e Ben Jelloun, Vargas Llosa e Marquez, Carey e Ondaatje. Vengono affrontati i problemi del nazionalismo e del colonialismo, dell'indipendenza e della colonizzazione, senza trascurare le recenti proposte teoriche avanzate da studiosi come Said, Bhabha, Glissant.

Albertazzi S.Translating India: travel and cross-cultural, transference in post-colonial Indian fiction in EnglishCLUEB, Bologna, 1993

This collection tries to map the route which has been covered by Indo-English fiction in the last decades. The key word linking all the essays is "translation" a concept which is at the core of Salman Rushdie's work. To be translated means to be "borne across", both on a metaphorical and on a literal level. Translation is not only a synonymous of "migration": it stands also for the use of the imagination to elaborate reality, the migrant writer's art of creating fictions...

Albertazzi S., Vecchi R. (a cura di)Abbecedario postcoloniale: dieci voci per un lessico della postcolonialitàMacerata, Quodlibet, 2001

Alle dieci voci essenziali raccolte nel primo volume dell'"Abbecedario postcoloniale", si affianca ora un nuovo repertorio ancora di dieci voci, sempre curato dal gruppo di ricercatori dell'Università di Bologna riuniti intorno al Centro studi sulle letterature omeoglotte. Insieme al primo Abbecedario, esso si propone di rispondere all'esigenza di una ridefinizione del concetto di letteratura (e di cultura) nell'attuale età della globalizzazione attraverso ricognizioni mirate su alcune delle principali aree critiche in gioco. Il tutto ovviamente senza pretese di esausitività ma con l'impegno di trasmettere al lettore gli stimoli e la passione scaturiti da un lavoro collegiale e da un confronto con le culture extraeuropee.


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Anderson B.The Spectre of Comparisons. Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the WorldVerso, London, 1998

While Benedict Anderson is best known for his classic book on nationalism, Imagined Communities, many of his most telling and incisive interventions have been made in his essays. Those collected in this new book span a range of subjects: from Aquino's Philippines, where the horses on the haciendas ate better than the stable-hands, to political assassination in contemporary Thailand, where government posts have become so lucrative that to gain them candidates will kill their rivals. In these writing, the subtle imbrication of politics, national imaginings, bureaucracy, modernization and its agents (particularly print culture) is brought out in all its complexity and richness. “The spectre of comparisons” was a phrase used by the celebrated Filipino nationalist and novelist José Rizal (1861–96), whose work and fate in the national imagination are discussed in these pages. In his finely wrought observations on Southeast Asian societies, Anderson raises deep questions concerning this spectre, about how, for instance, Manila is changed when it can no longer be seen through a comparison with European capitals, and how, more broadly, nationalism is produce by the process of increasing global connection.The Spectre of Comparison is an indispensable resource for those interested in Southeast Asia. But it also contains important theoretical and historical considerations about nationalism, national literature and memory, modernization, and the prospects for the Left in what Anderson dubs “The New World Disorder.” Praise for Benedict Anderson's seminal best-seller Imagined Communities:“Fascinating ... Anderson's knowledge of a vast range of relevant historical literature is most impressive; his presentation both masterly and lucid.” -Edmund Leach, New Statesman“Sparkling, readable, densely packed.” -Peter Worsley, Guardian“A brilliant book.” -Neal Ascherson, Observer

Badie B.The Imported State. The Westernization of Political OrderStanford University Press, Palo Alto, 2000

This book traces the rise of the modern state - mode of organizing political power within a closed territory - Enlightenment Europe and its spread to the remainder of the world, especially colonial and postcolonial societies. The result of a long process of evolution dating back to the Roman Empire, this new form of state was characterized by the coincidence of public power and public space and the legalization of political and social relations. Intimately linked to the transformation of Western European cultures at a time when their economic might allowed them to conquer many regions of the world, the modern state provided a model that was adopted in most countries.The book analyzes the different conditions in which the modern state was grafted onto different cultural realities: a metropolitan model adopted by settlers or imposed as an instrument of colonial domination, or a representation of modernity selected by non-Western leaders out of fascination for its alleged efficiency and rationality. The author shows that, from the beginning, various logics of importation led non-Western cultures to invent their own practices of the state, thereby transforming the original model. In many countries, notably in postcolonial societies, discrepancies appeared between political actions and political representations and principles on which the state was supposed to rest. This has often led to political crises and breakdowns of legality and legitimacy, and to the formation of new types of social relations in spaces the state cannot control. At the international level, a similar phenomenon can be seen: international networks, based on trade links, religion, and culture, are now able to bypass official interstate relations.


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Balagangadhara S.N.The Heathen in His Blindness ...: Asia, the West and the Dynamic of ReligionBrill, Leiden, 1994

Today, most intellectuals agree that (a) Christianity has profoundly influenced western culture; (b) members from different cultures experience many aspects of the world differently; (c) the empirical and theoretical study of both culture and religion emerged within the West.The present study argues that these truisms have implications for the conceptualization of religion and culture. More specifically, the thesis is that non-western cultures and religions differ from the descriptions prevalent in the West, and it is also explained why this has been the case. The author proposes novel analyses of religion, the Roman 'religio', the construction of 'religions' in India, and the nature of cultural differences. Religion is important to the West because the constitution and the identity of western culture is tied to the dynamic of Christianity as a religion.

Ballantyne T.Orientalism, Racial Theory, and British Colonialism: An Aryan EmpirePalgrave, Cambridge, 2002

Orientalism and Race is a trailblazing transnational study of the relationship between racism and imperialism, tracing the emergence and dissemination of Aryanism within the British Empire. The global reach of the Aryan idea reflected the complex networks that enabled the global reach of British Imperialism. 'An impressive first book...His grasp of three imperial locations...makes for a powerful analysis. It is an important piece of work and deserves to be widely read.' - Catherine Hall, Journal of Modern History 'Tony Ballantyne has done a masterful job... an excellent start for historians interested in tracing a world system of ideas. The work...will appeal to a broad audience of scholars. I recommend it to anyone interested in New Zealand, India, the intellectual foundations of imperialism, Orientalism in general, or simply the history of ideas.' - Journal of World History'An important work...innovative and lucid...Combining a wide-ranging comparative framework with rigorous analysis of textual links and intellectual influences, the work has broken the mould of intellectual histories of the British empire. Ballantyne has done imperial history a major service.' - History Workshop Journal'This is no token attempt at transnational history. It is the real thing.' - James Belich, American Historical Review'...stands out from its contemporaries in presenting the empire...' - Mrinalini Sinha, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History'Orientalism and Race is a roaming work that encapsulates more material than one would have thought possible in fewer than 200 pages...provides a new perspective on the study of history, colonialism and the humanities.' - Ian Malcolmson, University of Auckland, New Zealand.


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Barker F., Hulme P., Iversen M. (eds.)Colonial Discourse / Postcolonial TheoryManchester, Manchester University Press, 1996

The issues of colonialism and imperialism have recently come to the forefront of thinking in the humanities. Disciplines such as history, literature and anthropology are taking stock of their extensive and usually unacknowledged legacy of Empire. At the same time, contemporary cultural theory has had to respond to post-colonial pressure, with its different registers and agendas. This volume ranges, geographically, from Brazil to India and South Africa, from the Andes to the Caribbean and the USA. This range is matched by a breadth of historical perspectives. Central to the whole volume is a critique of the very idea of the "postcolonial" itself. Contributors include Annie Coombes, Simon During, Peter Hulme, Neil Lazarus, David Lloyd, Anne McClintock, Zita Nunes, Benita Parry, Graham Pechey, Mary Louise Pratt, Renato Rosaldo and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

Barker F., Hulme P.; Iversen M., Loxley D. (eds.)Europe and Its OthersColchester, Colchester University Press, 1985

From time immemorial, peoples have considered themselves as “the people” and all the rest as “others.” Familiar examples are the Greeks and the barbaroi, the Jews and the goyim, the Japanese and the gajjtn, and China as the Middle Kingdom. Throughout, designating others and emphasizing their “otherness” have been fundamental to the construction of boundaries of identity and community, between and within societies. Over time, otherness has had many different meanings, as many as identity. It has referred to cultural differences along the lines of language, religion, civilization, “race,” ethnicity, region, nationality, gender, age, and to class, development, ideology, and so forth.“Europe and its others” is a sprawling theme that involves a variety of historically changing boundaries that share an element of “difference.” “Europe” can be taken in two ways: within Europe, that is, within what is now considered Europe, and in relation to Europe, that is, problematizing the identity of Europe. Both are considered here. While “Europe” is an old concept it did not gain currency until the seventeenth century and, by and large, only became an active boundary as such in the course of the nineteenth century and particularly from the beginning of the twentieth century. This treatment opens with a discussion of the different meanings of otherness in relation to Europe over time.


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Bartolovich C., Lazarus N., (eds.)Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial StudiesCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002

At a time when even much of the political left seems to believe that transnational capitalism is here to stay, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies refuses to accept the inevitability of the so-called ‘New World Order’. By giving substantial attention to topics such as globalisation, racism, and modernity, it provides a specifically Marxist intervention into postcolonial and cultural studies. An international team of contributors locate a common ground of issues engaging Marxist and postcolonial critics alike. Arguing that Marxism is not the inflexible, monolithic irrelevance some critics assume it to be, this collection aims to open avenues of debate - especially on the crucial concept of ‘modernity’ - which have been closed off by the widespread neglect of Marxist analysis in postcolonial studies. Politically focused, at times polemical and always provocative, this book is a major contribution to contemporary debates on literary theory, cultural studies, and the definition of postcolonial studies.ContentsIntroduction Crystal Bartolovich; Part I. Eurocentrism, 'The West', and the World: 1. The rise of East Asia and the withering away of the interstate system Giovanni Arrighi; 2. The fetish of 'the West' in postcolonial studies Neil Lazarus; 3. The Eurocentric Marx and Engles and other related myths August Nimtz; 4. Karl Marx, Eurocentrism, and the 1857 revolt in British India Pranav Jani; Part II. Locating Modernity: 5. Liberation theory: variations on themes of Marxism and modernity Benita Parry; 6. Misplaced ideas? Locating and dislocating Ireland in colonial and postcolonial studies Joe Cleary; 7. Sex, space and modernity in the work of Rashid Jahan, Angareywali Priya Gopal; 8. Was there a time before race? Capitalist modernity and the origins of racism Helen Scott; Part III. Marxism, Postcolonial Studies and 'Theory': 9. Postcolonialism and the problematic of uneven development E. San Juan; 10. Marxism, postcolonialism and The Eighteenth Brumaire Neil Larsen; 11. Postcolonial studies between the European wars: an intellectual history Timothy Brennan; 12. Adorno, authenticity, critique Keya Ganguly.Reviews‘… this is an excellent book. It contains a number of essays which are crucial for any reader who might be puzzling over ths general area … deeper and wider-ranging than the many flummeries and evasions spawned within the canon of postcolonial studies so far.’ Kelwyn Sole, University of Cape Town'Marxism, Modernity, and Postcolonial Studies is indispensable for those interested in postcolonial studies, capitalism, questions of nation, race, anticolonial struggles, and the global capitalist system.' Cultural Critique'… a recent addition to the excellent Cultural Margins series … Giovanni Arrighi begins with an illuminating historical account of East Asia that unsettles discrete, developmental models of European capitalism … In what is a compelling account of Eurocentrism, Lasarus argues the West has no singular or unified referent, that it is ideological rather than a geographic site. In forwarding anti-Eurocentric projects, postcolonial critics have turned Europe into a fetish … The disavowal of Marxism within postcolonial studies is misguided, Lazarus argues, through a nuanced critique of Deipesh Chakrabarty … Other valuable contributions to the volume include Joe Cleary's lucid reassessment of the relationship between Ireland and postcolonial studies and Timothy Brennan's fascinating exploration of the pre-history of 'theory' in the interwar period. As a whole, [the book] helps to further both postcolonial and Marxist theoretical debates. More significantly, however, it contributes to our understanding of the relationship between them.' Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory


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Bates C.Community, Empire, and Migration. South Asians in DiasporaPalgrave, London, 2000

South Asians in Diaspora is a collection of essays concerning the history, politics, and anthropology of migration in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as in the numerous overseas locations, such as Fiji, Africa, the Caribbean, and the US where South Asians migrated in the colonial period and after. It addresses the connections between migration, identity, and ethnic conflict from a comparative perspective, and highlights the role of share colonial experiences in producing "communal" solidarities and discord.ContentsIntroduction: Problems of Identity amongst South Asians in Diaspora--Crispin Bates * 'They Cannot Represent Themselves': Threats to Difference and So-called Community Politics in Fiji from 1936 to 1947--John D. Kelly * Nested Identities: Ethnicity, Community and the Nature of Group Conflict in Mauriti--Ari Nave * The Development of Communalism among East African Asians--Michael Twaddle * Imagining? Ethnic Identity and Indians in South Africa--Ravi K. Thiara * Migration, Migrant Communities and Otherness in Twentieth Century Sinhala Nationalism in Sri Lanka--Nira Wickramasinghe * Sojourners and Settlers: South Indians and Communal Identity in Malaysia--Amarjit Kaur * Communitarian Identities and the Private Sphere: A Gender Dialogue amongst Indo-Trinidadians (1845-1917)--Sumita Chatterjee * Hyderabadis in Pakistan: Changing Nations--Karen Leonard * Mohajirs in Pakistan: A Case of Nativization of Migrants--Mohammad Waseem * Bridging the Gulf: Migration, Modernity and Identity among Muslims in Bombay--Thomas Blom Hansen * Relationships between Muslims and Hindus in the United States--Mlecchas vs. Kafirs?--Aminah T. Mohammad

Bayly S.Caste, Society and Politics in India from the Eighteenth Century to the Modern AgeCambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001

The phenomenon of caste has probably aroused more controversy than any other aspect of Indian life and thought. Susan Bayly’s cogent and sophisticated analysis explores the emergence of the ideas, experiences and practices which gave rise to the so-called ‘caste society’ from the pre-colonial period to the end of the twentieth century. Using an historical and anthropological approach, she frames her analysis within the context of India’s dynamic economic and social order, interpreting caste not as an essence of Indian culture and civilization, but rather as a contingent and variable response to the changes that occurred in the subcontinent’s political landscape through the colonial conquest. The idea of caste in relation to Western and Indian ‘orientalist’ thought is also explored.A wide-ranging study of caste which covers 350 years from pre-colonial period to present day and offers an historical/anthropological approach to interpretations • Interdisciplinary study appealing to students of Indian history, as well as to anthropologists, colonial historians and religious studies students ContentsIntroduction; 1. Historical origins of a 'caste society'; 2. The 'Brahman Raj': kings and service people, c. 1700–1830; 3. Western 'Orientalists and the Colonial perception of caste'; 4. Caste and the modern nation: incubus or essence; 5. The everyday experience of caste in Colonial India; 6. Caste debate and the emergence of Gandhian Nationalism; 7. State policy and 'reservations': the politicization of caste-based social welfare goals; 8. Caste in the everyday life of Independent India; 9. 'Caste wars' and the mandate of violence; Conclusion.


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Beverley J.Subalternity and Representation Arguments in Cultural TheoryDuke University Press, Durham, 1999

The term “subalternity” refers to a condition of subordination brought about by colonization or other forms of economic, social, racial, linguistic, and/or cultural dominance. Subaltern studies is, therefore, a study of power. Who has it and who does not. Who is gaining it and who is losing it.Power is intimately related to questions of representation—to which representations have cognitive authority and can secure hegemony and which do not and cannot. In this book John Beverley examines the relationship between subalternity and representation by analyzing the ways in which that relationship has been played out in the domain of Latin American studies. Dismissed by some as simply another new fashion in the critique of culture and by others as a postmarxist heresy, subaltern studies began with the work of Ranajit Guha and the South Asian Subaltern Studies collective in the 1980s. Beverley’s focus on Latin America, however, is evidence of the growing province of this field. In assessing subaltern studies’ purposes and methods, the potential dangers it presents, and its interactions with deconstruction, poststructuralism, cultural studies, Marxism, and political theory, Beverley builds his discussion around a single, provocative question: How can academic knowledge seek to represent the subaltern when that knowledge is itself implicated in the practices that construct the subaltern as such? In his search for answers, he grapples with a number of issues, notably the 1998 debate between David Stoll and Rigoberta Menchú over her award-winning testimonial narrative, I, Rigoberta Menchú. Other topics explored include the concept of civil society, Florencia Mallon’s influential Peasant and Nation, the relationship between the Latin American “lettered city” and the Túpac Amaru rebellion of 1780–1783, the ideas of transculturation and hybridity in postcolonial studies and Latin American cultural studies, multiculturalism, and the relationship between populism, popular culture, and the “national-popular” in conditions of globalization.This critique and defense of subaltern studies offers a compendium of insights into a new form of knowledge and knowledge production. It will interest those studying postcolonialism, political science, cultural studies, and Latin American culture, history, and literature.

Bhabha H.The Location of CultureNew York, Routdlege, 1994

Rethinking questions of identity, social agency and national affiliation, Bhabha provides a working, if controversial, theory of cultural hybridity - one that goes far beyond previous attempts by others. In The Location of Culture, he uses concepts such as mimicry, interstice, hybridity, and liminality to argue that cultural production is always most productive where it is most ambivalent. Speaking in a voice that combines intellectual ease with the belief that theory itself can contribute to practical political change, Bhabha has become one of the leading post-colonial theorists of this era.


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Bickers R.New Frontier. Imperialism's New Communities in East Asia, 1842-1953Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000

New Frontiers brings together scholars in the history of South and East Asia and uses newly available source materials in a pioneering comparative study of Western and Japanese imperialism. The chapters examine European, American, and Japanese communities in China and Korea. They challenge received notions of agency and collaboration by looking at the roles of British Indians, Jews, Japanese and colonial subjects, Chinese Christians, and White Russian refugees in Korea and China.ContentRewriting Treaty Port History--Robert Bickers and Christian Henriot * Colonialism "in a Chinese Atmosphere"--Christopher Munn * Marginal Westerners in Shanghai--Chiara Betta * Indian Communities in China c. 1842-1949--Claude Markovits * Westerners and Chinese Christians in Chongqing, 1870s-1900--Judith Wyman * The Japanese and the Jews--Joshua Fogel * Japanese Colonial Citizenship in Treaty Port China--Barbara Brooks * Denied and Besieged--Alain Delissen * "Little Japan" in Shanghai--Christian Henriot * Who Were the Shanghai Municipal Police, and Why Were They There?--Robert Bickers * Policing the Shanghai French Concession (1907-37)--Christine Cornet * The Russian Diaspora Community in Shanghai--Marcia Ristaino * In Search of Identity--Francoise Kreissler * The Shanghai American Community, 1937-1949--Mark F. Wilkinson * Afterword: A Colonial World--John Darwin

Breckenridge C. A., Van Der Veer P., (eds.)Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South AsiaPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993

In his extraordinarily influential book Orientalism, Edward Said argued that Western knowledge about the Orient in the Post-Enlightenment period has been "a systematic discourse by which Europe was able to manage-even produce-the Orient politically, sociologically, militarily, ideologically, scientifically, and imaginatively." According to Said, European and American views of the Orient created a reality in which the Oriental was forced to live. Although Said's work deals primarily with discourse about the Arab world, much of his argument has been applied to other regions of "the Orient." Drawing on Said's book, Carol A. Breckenridge, Peter van der Veer, and the contributors to this book explore the ways colonial administrators constructed knowledge about the society and culture of India and the processes through which that knowledge has shaped past and present Indian reality. One common theme that links the essays in Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament is the proposition that Orientalist discourse is not just restricted to the colonial past but continues even today. The contributors argue that it is still extremely difficult for both Indians and outsiders to think about India in anything but strictly Orientalist terms. They propose that students of society and history rethink their methodologies and the relation between theories, methods, and the historical conditions that produced them. Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament provides new and important insights into the cultural embeddedness of power in the colonial and postcolonial world.


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Castellino J.International law and self-determination : the interplay of the politics of territorial possession with formulations of post-colonial 'national' identityThe Hague-London, Martinus Nijhoff, 2000

The principle of self-determination has at heart the achievement of true representation and democracy based on the idea that the consent of the governed alone can give government legitimacy. The principle was primarily responsible for the decolonisation process that shaped our current international community. `Self-determination' has been used in equal rhetorical brilliance by a number of leaders - some meritorious, with a genuine concern for human emancipation, others dubious, with ascendancy to power at the heart of their project. In any case, `self-determination' has come to mean different things in different contexts. Being a vital principle, especially in the post-colonial state, it is one factor that represents a threat to world order while at the same time holding out the promise of longer-term peace and security based on values of democracy, equity and justice. This book looks at the intricacies of the norm in its current ambiguous manifestation and seeks to deconstruct it with regard to three particularly inter-related discourses: that of minority rights, statehood and sovereignty, and the doctrine of uti possidetis which shaped the modern post-colonial state. These norms are then analysed further within two case studies. One, concerning the creation of Bangladesh where `self-determination' was achieved. The second, examines the situation in the Western Sahara where `self-determination' (whatever its manifestation) is yet to be expressed. In the course of these case studies we seek to highlight the problematic nature of `national identity' and the `self' in settings far removed from post-Westphalian Europe.

Castle G., (ed.)Postcolonial Discourse: An AnthologyLondon, Blackwell Publisher, 2001

Review"Gregory Castle has assembled a rich collection of key texts which will succeed in introducing postcolonialism to newcomers (above all students) while at the same time provide a useful store of critical materials for those further into the field (above all lecturers, researchers and scholars). This is a well-gathered collection, representing significant writing over the last 20 or so years, and demonstrating excellent research and a sure knowledge of the field in its choice and arrangement of material. This is a work with a first-rate set of ideas and references. The hardback is an excellent addition to the library shelf and the paperback a must for personal reading, particularly for serious students of the subject." Reference Reviews This ground-breaking collection of postcolonial discourses takes a region-by-region approach to postcolonial theory, giving a sense of the heterogeneity of postcolonial studies. The development of postcolonial studies is inextricably tied to specific geographical, social and historical conditions. Gregory Castle's regional approach emphasizes the separate development of different theories, but also enables students to compare different colonial problems and the various postcolonial theoretical solutions that have evolved in different regions. In order to give students a fuller sense of the themes and issues specific to different regions, the anthology includes essays in their entirety. An introductory section includes recent essays by seminal thinkers like Homi K. Bhabha, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Edward Said. Five sections follow that give coverage to post-colonial thought in South Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and Ireland. In each of these sections, issues central to the development of postcolonial thought and its relation to colonial discourse are featured in essays by some of the most important scholars writing today. A general introduction provides the student with an overview of the issues covered in the anthology, detailing how different regions respond to the British Empire and its legacy in the post-colonial world.


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Chambers I., Curti L., (eds.)The Post-Colonial Question: Common Skies, Divided HorizonsLondon, Routledge, 1996

The Post-Colonial Question brings together renowned and emerging critical voices to respond to questions raised by the concept of the "post-colonial." The stellar list of contributors moves from imperious histories to today's hybrid rhythms of urban life, from African-American writings to uneasy mixtures of nationalisms and religion in the post-colonial city. Together, they explore the diverse cultures and disparate narratives which shape our increasingly volatile global furture. Contributors include Homi K. Bhabha, Iain Chambers, Lidia Curti, Paul Gilroy, Lawrence Grossberg, Stuart Hall, Hanif Kureishi, Angela McRobbie, Trinh T. Minh-ha, and Vron Ware.

Chatterjee P.Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse?London, Zed Books, 1986

Chatterjee does and excellent job of clearly explaining the underlying causes and assumptions of nationalism. How they originate in the west and based on specific conceptions of time, reason, progress, and science. Since these conceptions are not universal their application through nationalism may not be best served by being universal. Chatterjee further goes to give a clear outline of how he thinks nationalist discourse in the colonial world was formed. I definetly recommed this one if your interested in the subject.

Chatterjee P.The Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial HistoriesPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 1993

In this book, the prominent theorist Partha Chatterjee looks at the creative and powerful results of the nationalist imagination in Asia and Africa that are posited not on identity but on difference with the nationalism propagated by the West. Arguing that scholars have been mistaken in equating political nationalism with nationalism as such, he shows how anticolonialist nationalists produced their own domain of sovereignty within colonial society well before beginning their political battle with the imperial power. These nationalists divided their culture into material and spiritual domains, and staked an early claim to the spiritual sphere, represented by religion, caste, women and the family, and peasants. Chatterjee shows how middle-class elites first imagined the nation into being in this spiritual dimension and then readied it for political contest, all the while "normalizing" the aspirations of the various marginal groups that typify the spiritual sphere.While Chatterjee's specific examples are drawn from Indian sources, with a copious use of Bengali language materials, the book is a contribution to the general theoretical discussion on nationalism and the modern state. Examining the paradoxes involved with creating first a uniquely non-Western nation in the spiritual sphere and then a universalist nation-state in the material sphere, the author finds that the search for a postcolonial modernity is necessarily linked with past struggles against modernity.Endorsement:"An original and powerful analysis of the emergence of anticolonial nationalism and the postcolonial state. This is not merely a book on nationalism in India with some 'comparative' implications. Instead, it presents the historical case of colonial nationalism to challenge the Eurocentricity of certain basic categories--the nations-state, modernity, and indeed history itself."- Gyan Prakash, Princeton University


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Chaturvedi V.Mapping Subaltern Studies and the PostcolonialLondon, Verso, 2000

This newest volume in the Mappings Series offers the first comprehensive balance-sheet of the Subaltern Studies Project, an intervention in South Asian history and politics, which has recently generated a powerful impact in Latin American, Irish, and African Studies. Initially inspired by Antonio Gramsci's writings on the history of subaltern classes, the Subaltern Studies authors adopted a "history from below" paradigm to contest "elite" history writing of Indian nationalists, from the left and right. Later the Project shifted away from its social history origins by drawing upon eclectic thinkers such as Edward Said, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida. Brought together in these pages are classic essays and trenchant criticism from authors such as David Arnold, C. A. Bayly, Tom Brass, Partha Chatterjee, Ranajit Guha, Rosalind O'Hanlon, Gyanendra Pandey, Gyan Prakash, Sumit Sarkar, Gayatri Spivak and David Washbrook.

Chaudhuri, K.N.Asia Before Europe: Economy and Civilization of the Indian Ocean from the Rise of Islam to 1750Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991

Review'... utterly fascinating. It treats matters as diverse as the arrangement of caravanserai in Gujerat and the means by which the Chinese achieve the blue jelly of their preserved eggs; the primitive air-conditioning of tower houses in Yemen and the length of time a dromedary can go without water'. The Guardian This book explores the dynamic interaction between economic life, society and civilisation in the regions around and beyond the Indian Ocean during the period from the rise of Islam to 1750. Within a distinctive theory of comparative history, Professor Chaudhuri analyses how the identity of different Asian civilisations was established. He examines the structural features of food habits, clothing, architectural styles and housing; the different modes of economic production; and the role of crop raising, pastoral nomadism, and industrial activities for the main regions of the Indian Ocean. In an original and perceptive conclusion, the author demonstrates how Indian Ocean societies were united or separated from one another by a conscious cultural and linguistic identity. However, there was a deeper structure of unities created by a common ecology, technology, technology of economic production, traditions of government, theory of political obligations and rights, and a shared historical experience. His theory enables the author to show that the real Indian Ocean was an area that extended historically from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf to the sea which lies beyond Japan.


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Chun A.Unstructuring Chinese Society. The Fictions of Colonial Practice and the Changing Realities of "Land" in the New Territories of Hong KongLondon, Routledge, 2002

Unstructuring Chinese Society is a culmination of long term field work and archival research that challenges existing theories of social organisation and cultural change. The book makes new sense of historical contradictions, political conflicts and deep seated social transformations that have underlined the experience of colonial rule and the practices of local institutions in Hong Kong over the past century. By focusing on the ongoing interactions of discourse, practices and global-local relations in cultural terms, Unstructuring Chinese Society puts forth a fresh perspective in the field of historical anthropology, while addressing ongoing critical concerns in postcolonial theory and our understanding of tradition and modernity.

Clarke D.Hong Kong Art. Culture and DecolonizationDurham, Duke University Press, 2002

Hong Kong Art is the first comprehensive survey of contemporary art from Hong Kong presented within the changing social and political context of the territory’s 1997 handover from British to Chinese sovereignty. Tracing a distinctive and increasingly vibrant art scene from the late 1960s through the present, David Clarke discusses a wide range of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, video, and installations, as well as other kinds of visual production such as architecture, fashion, graphic design, and graffiti. Clarke shows how a sense of local identity emerged in Hong Kong as the transition approached and found expression in the often politicized art produced. Given the recent international exposure of mainland Chinese contemporary art, this book considers the uniqueness of the art of China’s most cosmopolitan city. With a modern visual culture that was flourishing even when the People’s Republic was still closed to the outside world, Hong Kong has established itself as an exemplary site for both local and transnational elements to formulate into brilliant and groundbreaking art. The author writes about individual artists and art works with a detail that will appeal to artists, curators, and art historians, as well as to postcolonial scholars, cultural studies scholars, and others.

Cohn B.An Anthropologist among the Historians and other essaysDelhi, Oxford University Press, 1987

This is the first collection of Bernard S. Cohn's essays on colonial and post-colonial India, writings that have been of seminal importance to scholars of the subcontinent since the 1950s. A scholar of history as well as anthropology, Cohn offers readers a unique perspective on the social structure, colonization, and transformation of Indian society.


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Cohn B.Colonialism and its Forms of KnowledgePrinceton, Princeton University Press, 1995

Bernard Cohn's interest in the construction of Empire as an intellectual and cultural phenomenon has set the agenda for the academic study of modern Indian culture for over two decades. His earlier publications have shown how dramatic British innovations in India, including revenue and legal systems, led to fundamental structural changes in Indian social relations. This collection of his writings in the last fifteen years discusses areas in which the colonial impact has generally been overlooked. The essays form a multifaceted exploration of the ways in which the British discovery, collection, and codification of information about Indian society contributed to colonial cultural hegemony and political control. Cohn argues that the British Orientalists' study of Indian languages was important to the colonial project of control and command. He also asserts that an arena of colonial power that seemed most benign and most susceptible to indigenous influences--mostly law--in fact became responsible for the institutional reactivation of peculiarly British notions about how to regulate a colonial society made up of "others." He shows how the very Orientalist imagination that led to brilliant antiquarian collections, archaeological finds, and photographic forays were in fact forms of constructing an India that could be better packaged, inferiorized, and ruled. A final essay on cloth suggests how clothes have been part of the history of both colonialism and anticolonialism. Bernard Cohn's interest in the construction of Empire as an intellectual and cultural phenomenon has set the agenda for the academic study of modern Indian culture for over two decades. His earlier publications have shown how dramatic British innovations in India, including revenue and legal systems, led to fundamental structural changes in Indian social relations. This collection of his writings in the last fifteen years discusses areas in which the colonial impact has generally been overlooked. The essays form a multifaceted exploration of the ways in which the British discovery, collection, and codification of information about Indian society contributed to colonial cultural hegemony and political control. Cohn argues that the British Orientalists' study of Indian languages was important to the colonial project of control and command. He also asserts that an arena of colonial power that seemed most benign and most susceptible to indigenous influencesmostly lawin fact became responsible for the institutional reactivation of peculiarly British notions about how to regulate a colonial society made up of "others." He shows how the very Orientalist imagination that led to brilliant antiquarian collections, archaeological finds, and photographic forays were in fact forms of constructing an India that could be better packaged, inferiorized, and ruled. A final essay on cloth suggests how clothes have been part of the history of both colonialism and anticolonialism.


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Colm Hogan P.Colonialism and Cultural Identity: Crises of Tradition in the Anglophone Literatures of India, Africa, and the CaribbeanAlbany, State University of New York Press, 2000

Explores diverse cultural identities, both theoretically and through concrete, specific interpretations of selected major texts from former British colonies. This book examines the diverse responses of colonized people to metropolitan ideas and to indigenous traditions. Going beyond the standard isolation of mimeticism and hybridity - and criticizing Homi Bhabha's influential treatment of the former - Hogan offers a lucid, usable theoretical structure for analysis of the postcolonial phenomena, with ramifications extending beyond postcolonial literature. Developing this structure in relation to major texts by Derek Walcott, Jean Rhys, Chinua Achebe, Earl Lovelace, Buchi Emecheta, Rabindranath Tagore, and Attia Hosain, Hogan also provides crucial cultural background for understanding these and other works from the same traditions. About the AuthorPatrick Colm Hogan is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Connecticut. He is the coeditor of Literary India: Comparative Studies in Aesthetics, Colonialism, and Culture, with Lalita Pandit, also published by SUNY Press.

Darian-Smith E., Fitzpatrick P. (ed.)Laws of the Postcolonial. Law, Meaning and ViolenceAnn Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1999

Although postcolonialism is now the main mode in which the West's relation to the "other" is critically explored, and although law has been at the forefront of that very relation, a thorough engagement between law and postcolonialism has not been pursued, in part because this would drastically disrupt not just the persistent orthodoxy of law and development but also the newly settled consensus around legal globalization and international human rights discourse. These essays break new ground in using the ideas of postcolonialism in a critical analysis of the current consensus on the international influence of Western law and on Western ideas of law in general.In perceptions of Western law there is an enduring disparity between law's pervasive power and its fragility. Many of these essays provide graphic accounts of law's tremendous shaping power in that massive occidental movement which settled and unsettled the globe. These accounts point to the West's encompassing and transforming of other peoples and other legal systems in ways which constitute and confirm the West in its own self-creation. Other essays deal with situations "within" the West which show how its identity is created, sustained, and also challenged in a constant reference to those contrary "others" which a powerful law has shaped and transformed. This challenge comes not least from the resistance of those "others" --resistances that profoundly disrupt the West and its law, revealing them as fractured at the seemingly confident core of their own self-constitution.Contributors include Antony Anghie, Rolando Gaete, Alan Norrie, Dianne Otto, Paul Passavant, Jeannine Perdy, Colin Perrin, Annelise Riles, Roshan de Silva, and John Strawson, in addition to the editors.Eve Darian-Smith is Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. Peter Fitzpatrick is Professor of Law, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London.


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Dhareshwar V."Valorizing the Present. Orientalism, Post-Coloniality and the Human Sciences"Cultural Dynamics, 10 (1998), 2, pp. 211-231

There are many cultures. But only one culture has offered descriptions of other cultures. What are the implications of this fact for the human sciences? Until the appearance of Edward Said's Orientalism, the human sciences did not find it necessary to interrogate either the status of these descriptions or the culture that offered them. The western descriptions of other cultures have recently been contested by postcolonial theory/discourse which has not, however, looked into the culture that produced the descriptions. Valorizing the present in India (and other postcolonial cultures), this paper argues, requires us to take a road that neither Said nor postcolonial discourse has taken: namely, reconceptualizing the human sciences by theorizing the experience of the non-western cultures and, as a prerequisite to it, theorizing the West.

Dimitriadis G., McCarthy C. Reading & Teaching the Postcolonial: From Baldwin to Basquiat and BeyondNew York, Teachers College Press, 2001

Review"Opens unexpected perspectives on education in a time of 'globalization.' " - From the Foreword by Maxine Greene"A seminal, cutting-edge work...These insights will radically transform the pedagogical practices that now define schooling and education on a global landscape." - Norman K. Denzin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"A landmark volume...for undergraduate and graduate students alike." - William F. Pinar, Louisiana State University"If ever a book registered important advances in our thinking about the relationship among culture, power, and education, this is it." - Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin-Madison In addition to providing an accessible introduction to postcolonial theory, the authors explore the enormous potential which postcolonial art offers educators - a wealth of material to draw upon for any rethinking of the school curriculum. Some of the artists discussed in this groundbreaking volume include: African-American critic and writer James Baldwin; Trinidadian intellectual and activist C. L. R. James; Novelist Wilson Harris of Guyana; African-American novelist and Nobel laureate Toni Morrison; The painter Arnaldo Roche-Rabell of Puerto Rico; The Australian artist Gordon Bennett; The Haitian-Puerto Rican-American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat; Plus a look at popular "world musics" from around the globe.

Dirks N.B., (ed.)Colonialism and CultureUniversity of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1992

Provides new and important perspectives on the complex character of colonial history.


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Dirks N.B., (ed.)"Reading Culture: Anthropology and the Textualization of India"E.V. Daniel & J.M. Peck (eds.), Culture/Contexture: Explorations in Anthropology and Literary Study, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1995

The rapprochement of anthropology and literary studies, begun nearly fifteen years ago by such pioneering scholars as Clifford Geertz, Edward Said, and James Clifford, has led not only to the creation of the new scholarly domain of cultural studies but to the deepening and widening of both original fields. Literary critics have learned to "anthropologize" their studies to ask questions about the construction of meanings under historical conditions and reflect on cultural "situatedness." Anthropologists have discovered narratives other than the master narratives of disciplinary social science that need to be drawn on to compose ethnographies. Culture/Contexture brings together for the first time literature and anthropology scholars to reflect on the antidisciplinary urge that has made the creative borrowing between their two fields both possible and necessary. Critically expanding on such pathbreaking works as James Clifford and George Marcus's Writing Culture and Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer's Anthropology as Cultural Critique, contributors explore the fascination that draws the disciplines together and the fears that keep them apart. Their topics demonstrate the rich intersection of anthropology and literary studies, ranging from reading and race to writing and representation, incest and violence, and travel and time.

Dirks N.B., (ed.)Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern IndiaPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 2001

Is India's caste system the remnant of ancient India's social practices or the result of the historical relationship between India and British colonial rule? Dirks (history and anthropology, Columbia Univ.) elects to support the latter view. Adhering to the school of Orientalist thought promulgated by Edward Said and Bernard Cohn, Dirks argues that British colonial control of India for 200 years pivoted on its manipulation of the caste system. He hypothesizes that caste was used to organize India's diverse social groups for the benefit of British control. His thesis embraces substantial and powerfully argued evidence. It suffers, however, from its restricted focus to mainly southern India and its near polemic and obsessive assertions. Authors with differing views on India's ethnology suffer near-peremptory dismissal. Nevertheless, this groundbreaking work of interpretation demands a careful scholarly reading and response. John F. Riddick, Central Michigan Univ. Lib., Mt. Pleasant.ReviewMassively documented and brilliantly argued, Castes of Mind is a study in true contrapuntal interpretation. Nicholas Dirks is a subtle unraveler of the dense, many-layered fabric of India's colonial and modern history as they converge in the idea and practice of caste. Even for the nonspecialist, the results of this gripping book are remarkable to behold. No one before Dirks has examined the ways in which caste gathers from as well as ignores the complex realities and hierarchies of Indian society. Neither reductive nor schematic, the notion of caste that emerges here is genuinely original. Edward W. Said


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Dirks N.B., (ed.)In Near Ruins, Cultural Theory at the end of the CenturyMinneapolis-London, University of Minnesota Press, 1998

If culture is suspect, what of cultural theory? At a moment when culture's traditional caretakers - humanism, philosophy, anthropology, and the nation-state - are undergoing crisis and mutation, this volume charts the tensions and contradictions in the development and deployment of the concept of culture. A genuinely interdisciplinary venture, In Near Ruins brings together respected writers from the fields of history, anthropology, literary criticism, and communications. Together their essays present an intriguing picture of "culture" at the edges of humanism, of the politics of critical inquiry amid current social transformations, of the status and practice of historical knowledge in an age of theory. Skeptical of the concept of culture but fascinated with cultural forms, the authors take up diverse topics, from debates over sexuality in the contemporary United States to relations between empire, capitalism, and gender in nineteenth-century Britain; from poverty in U.S. inner cities to violence in war-torn Sri Lanka; from the operation of nostalgia on cultural practices in Japan to anthropological forms of state power in Indonesia and the writing of history in India. Linked by a common urge to think through the aesthetics and politics of particular social relations amid a variety of globalizing forces -- revolution, colonialism, nationalism, and the disciplinary institutions of the academy itself -- these writers contribute to the ongoing work of remapping the terrain of cultural analysis and reevaluating the stakes in such a daunting effort.

Dirlik A., Bahl V., Gran P., (eds.)History After the Three Worlds. Post-Eurocentric HistoriographiesRowman and Littlefield, 2000

This ambitious volume provides a comparative perspective on the challenges facing the discipline of history as Eurocentrism fades as a lens for viewing the world. Exploring the state of history and the struggle over its ownership throughout the world, the authors address the issues of globalization, postmodernism, and postcolonialism that have been largely ignored by practicing historians despite their importance to cultural studies and their relevance to history. Engaging in a vigorous critique of Eurocentrism, the volume at the same time reaffirms the importance of historical ways of knowing.


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Dirlik A."The Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism"Critical Inquiry, 20, Winter 1994

ContentsPreface Credits Introduction: Postcoloniality and the Perspective of History The Epistemology of Postcolonial Criticism,Postcolonial Criticism in the Perspective of History, Theory, History and Common Sense: Local Movements and Indigenism as Locations for a New

RadicalismCulturalism as Hegemonic Ideology and Liberating PracticeCulturalism and Marxist Culturalism,Historicism, Structuralism and Hegemony: The Alienation of Intellectuals and the Abstraction

of SocietyThe Third World Intellectual and Marxist HistoricismCulture, Hegemony and LiberationThe Postcolonial Aura: Third World Criticism in the Age of Global Capitalism Postcolonial Intellectuals and Postcolonial CriticismGlobal Capitalism and the Condition of PostcolonialityThe Global in the LocalRethinking the Local"Global Localism”Considerations on the Local as Site of ResistanceChinese History and the Question of OrientalismOrientalism"The Orientalism of the Orientals"Orientalism ReconsideredThere Is More in the Rim than Meets the Eye: Thoughts on the "Pacific Idea"The Pacific Rim: EuroAmerican and AsianThe Pacific and EuroAmerican VisionGlimpses from the InsideIndigenous Visions/Pacific Rim DiscourseThree Worlds or One, or Many? The Reconfiguration of Global Relations Under Contemporary

CapitalismThe Third World in Contemporary CriticismGlobal Capitalism and the Question of the Third World"Reinventing Revolution,"Postcolonial or Postrevolutionary? The Problem of History in Postcolonial Criticism Postcolonial Criticism and HistoryPostcoloniality and CapitalismPostcolonialism and RevolutionThe Postmodernization of Production and Its Organization: Flexible Production, Work and

CultureManagement and Culture: Transnationalism and the Production of PostmodernityPostmodernism: With and Without CapitalismOrganizational Postmodernism—And PostmodernismThe Past as Legacy and Project: Postcolonial Criticism in the Perspective of Indigenous

HistoricismCultural Identity and Power


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Cultural Identity/Historical Trajectory Concluding Remarks

Elst K.Decolonizing the Hindu mind: ideological development of Hindu revivalismNew Delhi, Rupa & Co., 2001

Amidst the umpteen number of works available on Hindu revivalism, this work stands out with its clear focus and clarity of thought. The ideological dimension of the Hindu revivalism has been mostly misrepresented or rather neglected in the ongoing debates on the subject. Thoroughly analyzing the ideological statements of its advocates and their critique of the existing secular order, Dr. Koenraad Elst provides an overview of the ideas animating the movement. A period of rapid political changes that witnessed the rise of the BJP with only 2 Lok Sabha seats in 1984 to have 179 seats that enabled it to form a coalition government at the Center in 1998 is the focus of the study.

Finklestein D., Peers D. M.Negotiating India in the Nineteenth-Century MediaLondon, Palgrave, 2000

This collection of 12 original essays is a concerted attempt to examine representations of India in the 19th-century media. It offers analyses of a representative sampling of contemporary media publications produced in India as well as in Britain between 1840 and 1900. The result aims to contribute to ongoing analyses of the complex cultural relations between metropole and periphery in imperial systems.

Gandhi L.Postcolonial TheoryNew York, Columbia University Press, 1998

ReviewExcellent...Leela Gandhi displays a very confident command of diverse theories, histories and textual forms, and writes about them in a manner that is both lucid and frequently insightful. Excellent...Leela Gandhi displays a very confident command of diverse theories, histories and textual forms, and writes about them in a manner that is both lucid and frequently insightful. This is the first book of its kind to clearly map out the field of postcolonialism in its own terms. The book provides an overview of postcolonialism's pervasiveness in the academy, and lucidly illustrates the debates about the often conflicting consensus regarding the proper content, scope and relevance of its concerns. The book also elaborates on the themes and issues that have engaged the attention of postcolonial critics. From its influence in Marxism and poststructuralism, from the work of Edward Said to Salman Rushdie, from feminist imperialism to globalization and hybridity, Gandhi demonstrates the ethical concern that postcolonial theory can offer: how to take into account diversity without erasing distinct diasporas of difference.


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Gilbert H. (ed.)Postcolonial Plays: An AnthologyLondon, Routledge, 2001

British and American colonialism's impact on native cultures is vividly reflected in this unique anthology of dramatic works from Africa, Canada, India, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, Northern Ireland, and the South Pacific. The individual pieces present a variety of dramatic techniques, ranging from the monolog to puppet plays to storytelling and multimedia presentations, as they examine, often painfully, how a native population must come to terms with its colonial "masters." For example, the first piece, "Pink," is a powerful monolog evoking the painful reality of South African apartheid as it affects a ten-year-old white girl and her native maid. Each play is preceded by an author biography and other contextual information regarding its performance history and themes. Gilbert (drama and theater studies, Univ. of Queensland, Australia) is coauthor of Post Colonial Drama: Theory, Practice, and Politics and author of Sightlines. Recommended for larger academic and public library drama collections. Howard Miller, Rosary H.S., St. Louis It invites readers to engage seriously with the plays but also to approach them creatively and personally-an ideal balance for a teaching text, and one that undergraduates especially, will respond to enthusiastically. Along with a growing list of critical studies of the field, this anthology promises to advance the installation of postcoloniality as a powerful framework for theatre studies, supplementing the already established frames of feminism and race studies with a much-needed global perspective. – Una Chaudhuri, New York University

Gilroy P.Dopo l’ImperoMeltemi, Roma, 2006

Qual è il futuro del multiculturalismo? Possiamo lasciarci definitivamente alle spalle le celebrazioni malinconiche del passato e immaginare finalmente un’identità moderna multiculturale? In questo suo nuovo libro Paul Gilroy affronta le difficoltà di una multicultura sotto assedio – in particolare in Gran Bretagna – che egli difende dalle accuse di fallimento.Prende in esame l’invenzione della categoria di “razza” e le sue terribili conseguenze nel colonialismo e nel fascismo, passando poi a considerare il modo in cui l’opera di vari pensatori, fra cui George Orwell, Frantz Fanon e W. E. B. DuBois, può illuminare i dibattiti contemporanei su nazionalismo, postcolonialismo e razza.L’analisi scivola quindi verso le questioni della solidarietà cosmopolita e della responsabilità morale, ora condannate da un antiumanismo a buon mercato e da fumose politiche identitarie. Infine, l’autore esplora aspetti di una cultura britannica conviviale e spontanea – che fiorisce nelle aree urbane dell’isola e nelle città postcoloniali sparse per il pianeta – attribuendo un rinnovato valore alla nostra abilità di convivere con la differenza senza diventare ansiosi, fobici o violenti.Il suggerimento di Gilroy è che l’etica e la politica multiculturali possano basarsi su un umanismo attivo e planetario, attento alle idee di tolleranza, pace e rispetto reciproco.


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Hansen Th. B., Stepputat F.States of Imagination. Ethnographic Explorations of the Postcolonial StateDurham, Duke University Press, 2002

Review"This outstanding volume contains an excellent introductory discussion of current trends of thinking and research on the state. The first-rate articles by a mix of well- and less-known scholars are sophisticated, nuanced, and accessible." - George Marcus, author of Ethnography Through Thick and Thin

The state has recently been rediscovered as an object of inquiry by a broad range of scholars. Reflecting the new vitality of the field of political anthropology, States of Imagination draws together the best of this recent critical thinking to explore the postcolonial state. Contributors focus on a variety of locations from Guatemala, Pakistan, and Peru to India and Ecuador; they study what the state looks like to those seeing it from the vantage points of rural schools, police departments, small villages, and the inside of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Focusing on the micropolitics of everyday state-making, the contributors examine the mythologies, paradoxes, and inconsistencies of the state through ethnographies of diverse postcolonial practices. They show how the authority of the state is constantly challenged from the local as well as the global and how growing demands to confer rights and recognition to ever more citizens, organizations, and institutions reveal a persistent myth of the state as a source of social order and an embodiment of popular sovereignty. Demonstrating the indispensable value of ethnographic work on the practices and the symbols of the state, States of Imagination showcases a range of studies and methods to provide insight into the diverse forms of the postcolonial state as an arena of both political and cultural struggle. This collection will interest students and scholars of anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, political science, and history.

Hansen Th. B.Wages of Violence. Naming and Identity in Postcolonial BombayPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 2001

ReviewA provocative text for those interested in the many dimensions of urban politics, even beyond South Asia. -- ChoiceThis multilayered analysis of the meaning of Shiv Sena as both party and performer/creator of Marathi/Hindu identities combines ethnography, political science, philosophy, and Lacanian observations within a complex exploration of sociopolitical changes in Bombay (Mumbai) since the 19th century. A provocative text for those interested in the many dimensions of urban politics, even beyond South Asia. This multilayered analysis of the meaning of Shiv Sena as both party and performer/creator of Marathi/Hindu identities combines ethnography, political science, philosophy, and Lacanian observations within a complex exploration of sociopolitical changes in Bombay (Mumbai) since the 19th century. A provocative text for those interested in the many dimensions of urban politics, even beyond South Asia. (Choice )


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Harper T.N.The End of Empire and the Making of MalayaCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001

This is the first general social and political history of Malaya. Focusing on the years 1945 to 1957, the last years of British rule and the achievement of independence, it embraces a wealth of social, economic and cultural, as well as political themes. It contains new research on the impact of the Second World War in Malaya, the origins and course of the Communist Emergency, and the response of Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes these themes forward into the 1990s to shed new light on the emergence of this important Southeast Asian nation.Reviews"...a comprehensive study, which opens new perspectives on how far pressures and initiatives in a divided society can generate change or conflict." TLS"That Dr. Harper's is the most comprehensive and thought-provoking study to date of the subject announced in its title, a fit successor to Bill Roff's pioneering 1967 volume, few will doubt." Journal of Asian History

Hawley J. C., Nelson E. S., (eds.)Encyclopedia of Postcolonial StudiesWestport, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001

Review“A useful guide for scholars and students, lower-division through graduate, working within global contexts in a variety of fields, particularly literary, cultural, and area studies.”“[G]iven the volume's title and its laudably wide methodological remit, the focus on postcolonial literary studies comes as a surprise, with the visual arts, film, and music being somewhat underrepresented, as are culture, politics and ocial history, anthropology, and economics. Even so, with almost one hundred collaborators from around the globe, Hawley indeed creates a unique "Forum for international voices" and represents well the considerably widened geographical and cultural scope of postcolonial studies.”–World Literature Today“[t]his volume belongs on the bookshelf of every advanced student of postcolonial studies.”–Religious Studies Review“[A]n excellent reference work useful for the initiated and the novice....For Africanists it will open new territory while bringing African material into proper focus as well.”–Research in African Literatures.“Libraries serving multicultural literature and related disciplines will want to have this volume.”–American Reference Books Annual.“A major turn-of-the-century resource. The Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies catalogs the changes and continuities that connect 19th-century colonial ambitions with 21st century critical aspirations. The international scholars who contribute to this critical itinerary themselves represent the emergent and vanguard ranks of academic and disciplinary transformations in the new age of globalization.”– Professor Barbara Harlow University of Texas, Austin author of Resistance Literature.Includes more than 150 alphabetically arranged entries on authors, theoreticians, national literatures, and broad-ranging concepts that chart the continuing impact of European and other empires on cultural production throughout the world.


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Hedstrom P., Wittrock B. (eds.)Frontiers of SociologyLeiden, Brill, 2009

The 37th World Congress of the IIS focused on theory and research at the forefront of sociology and the relationship between sociology and its neighbouring disciplines. This volume constitutes a sustained effort by prominent sociologists and other social scientists to assess the current standing of sociology. It is a stocktaking of the unique nature of sociology in the light of advances within the discipline itself and within a range of neighbouring disciplines. Some of the chapters outline institutional and professional strategies for sociology in the new millennium. Others trace scholarly advances and propose ambitious research programmes drawing on recent developments not only within traditional neighbouring disciplines such as history, political science, and economics, but also within the cognitive, cultural and mathematical sciences.

Inden R."Transcending Identities in Modern India's World"Kathryn Dean (ed.), Politics and the Ends of Identity, London, Ashgate, 1997, pp. 64-102

A diverse collection of contributions, ranging across philosophy, political science, history, anthropology, and other disciplines, addressing topics including collective forms in modern politics; transcending identities in modern India's world; Turkish identity; political identity in postwar Japan; problems in the imagined reappropriation of economic life in Islam; tensions of selfhood in republican political theory; desire, consumption, and the future of socialism; postmodernism and the politics of identity; and the international origins of national sovereignty.ContentsIntroduction: politics and the ends of identityCollective forms in modern politicsTranscending identities in modern India's worldTurkish identify from genesis to the day of judgementPolitical identity in postwar Japan: the Hegelian turnAn 'Islamic economics'? problems in the imagined reappropriation of economic lifeTensions of selfhood in republican political theoryBeyond satisfaction: desire, consumption, and the future of socialismPostmodernism and the politics of identityThe international origins of national sovereignty


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Inden R.Imagining IndiaOxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990

The premise of this suave and unabashedly free market overview of the New India—the rising economic powerhouse—is that ideas lead economic and social policy rather than the other way around. It's not a consistently held position, however, as Nilekani, cochairman of the board of directors of Infosys Technologies (a leader in India's burgeoning IT sector), refers in the same breath to a longstanding (postindependence) antipathy to teaching English reversed by its economic advantage in a global market. Theoretical consistency aside, the author makes a bid for a centrist position in the globalization debate. His focus rests on India's particular domestic and international advantages in such areas as population, English proficiency and information technology. But there's little separating his take on India's recent past (hobbled by Nehru-era socialism) or best present course (embracing globalization, seen as a harmonious and harmonizing amalgam of democracy, equal opportunity and resource access) from such neoliberal champions as Thomas Friedman (who supplies the foreword). Readers inclined to a free market perspective will find Nilekani eminently reasonable, if less than startling; those seeing it as antithetical to an equitable and sustainable future will meet a familiar frustration on nearly every page. India’s recent economic boom—similar in scope to that of the United States during the early 1990s or Europe’s during the 1970s—has triggered tremendous social, political, and cultural change. The result is a country that, while managing incredible economic growth, has also begun to fully inhabit its role on the world political stage. In this far-ranging look at the central ideas that have shaped this young nation, Infosys cofounder Nandan Nilekani offers a definitive and original interpretation of the country’s past, present, and future.India’s future rests on more than simply economic growth; it also depends on reform and innovation in all sectors of public life. Imagining India traces the efforts of the country’s past and present leaders as they work to develop new frameworks that suit India’s specific characteristics and challenges. Imagining India charts the ideas that are crucial to India’s current infrastructure revolution and quest for universal literacy, urbanization, and unification; maps the ideological battlegrounds of caste, higher education, and labor reform; and argues that only a safety net of ideas—from social security to public health to the environment—can transcend political agendas and safeguard India’s economic future.As a cofounder of Infosys, a global leader in information technology, Nandan Nilekani has actively participated in the company’s rise in the last fifteen years. In Imagining India, he uses the global experience and understanding he has gained at Infosys as a springboard from which to discuss the future of India and its role as a global citizen and emerging economic giant.A fascinating window into the future of India, Imagining India engages with the central ideas and challenges that face the country—from within and as a part of the global economy—and charts a new way forward for a nation that has proved itself to be young, impatient, and vitally awake.

Joshi S.Fractured Modernity. Making of a Middle Class in Colonial North IndiaDelhi, Oxford University Press, 2001

Fractured Modernity examines how men with little more than a formal education and literary abilities, namely, the middle class, were able to shape modes of conduct and modern politics in colonial India (18571947). The author, Sanjay Joshi, uses the north Indian city of Lucknow as a case study.


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King R. Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and 'the Mystic East’London, Routledge, 1999'ReviewAn insightful and provocative contribution to recent series of studies that can be best characterized as 'colonial discourse analysis'.–Gerald Larson, Indiana UniversityAn insightful and provocative contribution to recent series of studies that can be best characterized as colonial discourse analysis.–Gerald Larson, Indiana UniversityRichard King's Orentalism and Religion is an impressive and truly cross-disciplinary study that tackles head on some of the field's most deeply ingrained yet troublesome presumptions. This book promises to set the terms for future debates on the status, methods and theories of religion.–Russell McCutcheon, Southwest Missouri State UniversityRichard Kings Orentalism and Religion is an impressive and truly cross-disciplinary study that tackles head on some of the fields most deeply ingrained yet troublesome presumptions. This book promises to set the terms for future debates on the status, methods and theories of religion.–Russell McCutcheon, Southwest Missouri State UniversityThis is an important book. The main theme, the 'othering' of the East, is highly significant and original, painstakingly documented, and with major implications for western scholarship.–Grace Jantzen, University of ManchesterThis is an important book. The main theme, the othering of the East, is highly significant and original, painstakingly documented, and with major implications for western scholarship.–Grace Jantzen, University of Manchester Orientalism and Religion offers us a timely discussion of the implications of contemporary post-colonial theory for the study of religion. Richard King examines the way in which notions such as mysticism, religion, Hinduism and Buddhism are taken for granted. He shows us how religion needs to be reinterpreted along the lines of cultural studies. Drawing on a variety of post-structuralist and post-colonial thinkers, such as Foucault, Gadamer, Said, and Spivak, King provides us with a challenging series of reflections on the nature of Religious Studies and Indology.

Kratoska P.South East Asia: Colonial HistoryLondon, Routledge, 2001

The six volumes that make up this unique set provide an extensive overview of colonialism in South-East Asia. In the majority of cases, authors chosen were specialists writing about their individual areas of expertise, and had first-hand experience in the region. Outline of contents: * I. Imperialism before 1800 [Edited by Peter Borschberg] * II. Empire-Building in the Nineteenth-Century * III. High Imperialism * IV. Imperial Decline: Nationalism and the Japanese Challenge * V. Peaceful Transitions to Independence * VI. Independence through Violent Struggle.


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Krishna S.Postcolonial Insecurities. India, Sri Lanka, and the Question of NationhoodMinneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1999

Krishna grounds his book in research he did in the summers of 1992 and 1993 in which he interviewed an impressive list of Indian and Sri Lankan actors in, and observers of, the late 1980s Indian intervention in Sri Lanka. He uses this research only as a stepping stone to a wider discussion of the relationship between the third world nation-state and ethnicity, which has wide - and painful - implications for the ongoing conflict in Sri Lanka. He also concludes, as have numerous other observers that "Buttressing the example of Dravidianism in India through its obverse is the tragedy of Sri Lankan Tamil nationalism. Sri Lankan Tamils could have been folded into the national family with relative ease in the early 1950s. Yet, the majoritarian impulse of Sinhalese nationalism (and the political opportunities emergent in its wake) precluded a compromise. Sri Lanka is proof yet again that majoritarian over centralization produces both irredentist violence and precisely what it fears most - namely, partition or secession. The desire for Eelam emerges as a direct consequence of the very imagination that animates most nationalists in South Asia. In that sense, the question of Eelam is not one confined to Sri Lanka but one faced by all the nation-states in the region." (p242) Krishna's main policy conclusion is that South Asian nations must be reimagined as pluralist, egalitarian, democratic spaces, not spaces inhabited by one language, ethnic or racial group. Unfortunately, especially for the Sri Lankan situation, he makes absolutely no recommendations about how to get there from here. The second major problem with the book is the shocking lack of sympathy for the Sri Lankan Tamil cause in the specific, particularly surprising from one with such a thorough understanding of the dynamics of its generation. One reason for this lack of sympathy is Krishna's allegiance to pluralism. "...in contemporary South Asia, the fiction of homogeneity reigns hegemonic over both managers of the nation-state and the many insurgent movements fighting against them. The various Eelams of South Asia share the mono-logical imagination that forever seeks to align territory with identity in a singular and final fashion. They are essentially partition redux, and for that reason they constitute the farcical sequels to the initial tragedy. Hence, most insurgent movements in the region do not constitute an alternative to the existing spatial imaginaires of the nation, nor are they worthy of support by those committed to a pluralist and democratic ethos." (p242) I wish he had listed one insurgent movement which does provide an alternative anywhere in the world. Where is this alternative being incubated? I also wish he had given more than vague pledges of allegiance to pluralism and democracy, but concrete examples of how this new world could be created, especially in a situation of pressure from the state. If one does not have territory, how can one experiment in government? If insurgencies are simply reactions to majoritarian impulses, how are they supposed to be more than mirrors of what they oppose? If the state uses any possible class, caste, geographical or religious difference to weaken its opposition how can pluralism develop? Also surprising is that Krishna, like most observers, interviewed for his research project those who fight the LTTE, rather than those who sympathize with them. Considering the time and place of the interviews, right after Rajiv Gandhi's assassination, the few Indian sympathizers of the LTTE were probably constrained to keep their mouths shut. Not one Sri Lankan LTTE sympathizer that I can identify was interviewed. It is astonishing to me that someone as sensitive as Krishna to the manner in which discourse follows the faultlines of power would have made such a basic mistake in trying to understand the IPKF incident. It does revel, however, to what extent Krishna's focus is India rather than Sri Lanka.


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The end result of having such unbalanced interviews is a failure of interpretation of the specifics of the IPKF incident on Krishna's part. Most egregious is his accusation that the LTTE leadership wanted Thileepan to die to de-legitimize the IPKF. Krishna has not gotten a handle on either the popularity of Thileepan's project in Jaffna, the urgency of the grievances Thileepan was highlighting or Thileepan's own agency in his self-sacrifice. He calls the whole thing a `macabre spectacle,' but forgets to mention that J.N. Dixit, the Indian High Commissioner in Colombo, did not believe Thileepan would actually go through with his own death. He also does not deal with the failure of the Indians to recognize or honor a non-violent, quintessentially Indian, form of protest. Krishna's interpretation - as it is a common one - has important consequences for future attempts to solve the Sri Lankan war, because even he believes the Tamil leadership will settle for nothing less than separation under any circumstances. This interpretation will lead to less of an emphasis on coming up with acceptable provisions of an accord and more on the need to destroy an uncompromising set of demons. We must accept that it is very difficult for outsiders to develop a balanced view of the conflict because of a severe lack of credible, accessible sources. Those most intimately involved in the struggle are too busy to write their memoirs or interpretations of events, and security concerns constrain their accessibility. No powerful outside force is available to mentor sympathetic explanations of the Tamil side in the war. The past 5 years have seen a growth in the number of websites and newspapers addressing the issues, but, commonly, these resources seem to primarily communicate with the Tamil community rather than the outside world. (Mind you, communication within the community is exceptional.) At the same time the forces working to stigmatize the Tamil resistance as `terrorists' have made it unlikely that outsiders - even academics - will go to the effort of reading and absorbing the vast number of words available through the Internet. In any case such information is no substitute for the personal relationships which breed sympathetic understanding. All these hurdles, however, do not do away with the need to be in a dialogue to the best of our ability with all those players in the outside world who affect events in Sri Lanka to make sure true versions of events and beliefs are heard. One never knows when we'll get lucky.

Lazarus N.Nationalism and Cultural Practice in the Postcolonial WorldCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Review"In this remarkably broad work, Lazarus calls for Markist scholars to engage postcolonial studies on its own grounds and argues for the recovery of a non-Eurocentric but nevertheless Marxist framework in place of the culturalist conceptions and idealist epistemologies that currently dominate the field with their `postism', `newism', and `endism'." Choice"[Lazarus] has helped to clear the ground and to orient thinking toward those critical possiblities genuinely immanent to a really existing globalization." Diaspora This wide-ranging study contains individual chapers on modernity, globalization and the "West," nationalism and decolonization, cricket and popular consciousness in the English-speaking Caribbean, and African pop music. Neil Lazarus offers extended discussions of the work of such influential writers, critics and activists as Frantz Fanon, C. L. R. James, Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Samir Amin, Raymond Williams, Paul Gilroy and Partha Chatterjee. This book is a politically focused, materialist intervention into postcolonial and cultural studies, and constitutes a major reappraisal of the debates on politics and culture in these fields.


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Loomba A.Colonialismo/PostcolonialismoRoma, Meltemi, 2000

Primo volume pubblicato in Italia sugli studi postcoloniali, Colonialismo/postcolonialismo ha assunto l’impegnativo compito di introdurre al pubblico del nostro paese temi oggi al centro del dibattito culturale nel mondo: una guida irrinunciabile per chi voglia orientarsi in questo complesso, cruciale e attualissimo settore di ricerca, circondato da molto entusiasmo, ma anche, come ricorda l’autrice, da “confusione e scetticismo”. Descrivere in maniera esausitva o soddisfacente cosa possa oggi rientrare nel termine “postcolonialismo” è decisamente arduo, considerata anche la natura fortemente interdisciplinare degli studi postcoloniali, che spaziano dalla letteratura all’economia con grosse oscillazioni di impostazioni e prospettive: per questo l’autrice non ha inteso fornire definizioni assolute, ma piuttosto presentare le questioni principali e le ricerche più significative che potranno guidare il lettore nella complessità dell’ambito e nelle relazioni articolate che lo caratterizzano. Nel primo dei tre capitoli in cui è suddiviso il libro, l’autrice analizza i diversi significati di termini come colonialismo, imperialismo e postcolonialismo, nonché tutte le controversie che li circondano, e collega gli studi sul discorso coloniale ai dibattiti sull’ideologia, sulla soggettività e sul linguaggio, mostrando la necessità dell’approccio interdisciplinare. L’attenzione viene in particolare focalizzata sul rapporto tra colonialismo e studi letterari, ma l’autrice non trascura di presentare anche aspetti del post-strutturalismo, del marxismo e del femminismo rilevanti per l’argomento. Il secondo capitolo indaga la complessità dei soggetti e delle identità coloniali e postcoloniali: come l’incontro coloniale abbia ristrutturato le ideologie della differenza razziale, culturale, sessuale, sociale; che rapporto esiste tra capitalismo e colonialismo; il ruolo della psicoanalisi in questo contesto; la natura del concetto di ibridità; la relazione fondamentale tra i processi materiali ed economici e la soggettività. Infine, il terzo capitolo esamina i processi di decolonizzazione e le loro conseguenze, e analizza le teorie sul nazionalismo, anche in relazione con la produzione letteraria, per chiudere con una discussione sul rapporto tra postmodernismo e studi postcoloniali. Questo libro è stato stampato per la prima volta nella collana Poetiche (2000).

Lopez A. J. Posts and Pasts: A Theory of Postcolonialism Suny Series, Explorations in Postcolonial Studies, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2001

Deconstructs the field of postcolonial studies. Argues for a formulation of postcolonial studies which diverges in three significant ways from current academic and institutional practices: 1) the postcolonial as diasporic, constituted by a series of dispersed and irregular criticisms not at all containable within a single set of parameters, whether historical, geographical, or socioeconomic; 2) the postcolonial as a distinct ontological moment in the life of a nation or people, in which it conceives itself as doubly haunted--on the one hand by the "memory in advance" of a collective national future and on the other by its colonial past; and 3) the postcolonial as a distinct phenomenological moment, a radical break in the history of a relation between lords and bonds-women and -men.


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Mahajan S.British Foreign Policy 1874-1914. The Role of IndiaLondon, Routledge, 2001

Review'Mahajan's work, solidly researched and easy to read, is an important contribution to the understanding of the pre-history of Indian foreign policy.' - The Hindu'This well-researched book is a significant contribution to British diplomatic history. It corrects a common Eurocentric bias in many accounts which fail to do justice to the conclusions of imperial defence in the evolution of British foreign poicy.' - C. DasguptaMahajans work, solidly researched and easy to read, is an important contribution to the understanding of the pre-history of Indian foreign policy. - The Hindu This work provides challenging analysis of British foreign policy at a time when Britain possessed the biggest Empire that humankind has ever known. This work focuses on aspects that have been hitherto marginalized. It also contributes to debates surrounding the origins of the First World War, the multipolar diplomacy of the late nineteenth century, and the nature of imperial connections.

Mbembe A.On the PostcolonyBerkeley, University of California Press, 2001

Achille Mbembe is one of the most brilliant theorists of postcolonial studies writing today. In On the Postcolony he profoundly renews our understanding of power and subjectivity in Africa. In a series of provocative essays, Mbembe contests diehard Africanist and nativist perspectives as well as some of the key assumptions of postcolonial theory. This thought-provoking and groundbreaking collection of essays - his first book to be published in English - develops and extends debates first ignited by his well-known 1992 article "Provisional Notes on the Postcolony," in which he developed his notion of the "banality of power" in contemporary Africa. Mbembe reinterprets the meanings of death, utopia, and the divine libido as part of the new theoretical perspectives he offers on the constitution of power. He works with the complex registers of bodily subjectivity - violence, wonder, and laughter - to profoundly contest categories of oppression and resistance, autonomy and subjection, and state and civil society that marked the social theory of the late twentieth century. This provocative book will surely attract attention with its signal contribution to the rich interdisciplinary arena of scholarship on colonial and postcolonial discourse, history, anthropology, philosophy, political science, psychoanalysis, and literary criticism. "A masterpiece of rhetorical and discursive styles a landmark text not just in terms of the thematic of African colonial and postcolonial realities, but more significantly, about the forms through which this thematic is to be methodologically refracted." - Ato Quayson, African Studies Review.


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McLeod J.Beginning PostcolonialismManchester, Manchester University Press, 2000

Designed for those studying postcolonialism for the first time, this is an introduction to the major areas of concern. It provides an overview of the emergence of postcolonialism as a discipline and examines many of its important critical writings. In particular, John McLeod demonstrates in practice how many of the ideas and concepts in the subject can be usefully applied when reading texts, as well as inviting students to develop their own views of postcolonialism. A place to start'Beginning Postcolonialism' is designed to help new readers in the field of postcolonial literature and theory make initial progress, although more seasoned readers will also, I hope, find the book of interest. It offers a brief historical account of the emergence of the field, and focuses on some important issues which concern postcolonialism: colonial discourses, nationalism and its critique, re-reading/re-writing the texts of Empire, postcolonialism and feminism, diaspora identities. It concludes with a survey of some of the problematic aspects of theorising postcolonialism, and offers a select but extensive bibliography for further reference. Several of the key thinkers in the field - Fanon, Senghor, Bhabha, Said, Spivak, Mohanty, Gilroy - are examined, and each chapter concludes by looking at how we might read literary texts in the light of postcolonial theory (my examples here include Kipling, Ngugi, Achebe, Rhys and Sally Morgan). Throughout the book I have inserted 'Stop and Think' sections which invite readers to make up their own minds concerning the issues we raise. If you have read the book, I would be really interested to learn of your comments (please feel free to e-mail me). Hopefully, 'Beginning Postcolonialism' will be a great place to start your reading in the area, as well as a good reference tool for future use.

Memmi A.Ritratto del decolonizzatoMilano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2001

È possibile fare un bilancio, perdite e benefici, della decolonizzazione e capire quali sono le conseguenze sull'identità e i comportamenti degli ex colonizzati? Questo libro individua tre figure, l'ex colonizzato rimasto nel proprio paese, l'immigrato che ha scelto di vivere altrove e il figlio dell'immigrato, nato nel paese in cui sono andati a vivere i genitori; passa in rassegna i problemi legati all'interdipendenza del mondo contemporaneo e indica le battaglie ancora da combattere per realizzare condizioni di parità e dignità per tutte le nazioni e per tutte le minoranze.


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Mongia P. (ed.)Contemporary Postcolonial Theory: A ReaderLondon, Edward Arnold, 1996

There is a crisis in contemporary postcolonial theory: while an enormous body of challenging research has been produced under its auspices, severely critical questions about the validity and usefulness of this theory have also been raised. This Reader is positioned at the juncture where it can address these contestations. It makes available some of the "classics" of the field, engages with the issues raised by contemporary practitioners, and offers several of the arguments that strongly critique postcolonial theory.

Moore-Gilbert B.J.Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, PoliticsLondra, Verso Books, 1997

Expositions of the work of Said, Spivak and Bhabha in a much-needed survey of postcoloniaI theory. Much controversy has recently come to surround the status and value of postcolonial theory. Postcolonial theory has been challenged on several fronts: on its interdisciplinary competence, on the politics of its institutional location, and on its implicit domination of other kinds of postcolonial analysis, many of which have been established for much longer than postcolonial theory itself. The ensuing debate has often become so heated, even personalised, that the issues at stake have been obscured. In what is the most comprehensive and accessible survey of the field to date, Bart Moore-Gilbert systematically examines the objections that have been raised against postcolonial theory, revealing the simplifications and exaggerations on both sides of the argument. He provides a detailed institutional history of the ways in which the relatiohship between culture and colonialism has been traditionally studied in the west, then traces the emergence of alternative forms of postcolonial analysis of such questions. He carefully presents the complex work of the three principal representatives of postcolonial theory, Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said and Homi Bhabha, and considers the criticisms they have faced, from an alleged Eurocentrism to an obfuscatory prose style. Finally, he assesses the overlaps and differences between postcolonial theory and other forms of postcolonial criticism and considers the ways that postcolonial analysis may be connected with different histories of oppression. Bart Moore-Gilbert was born in Tanzania and at present teaches in the English Department at Goldsmiths College, University of London. He is the author of Kipling and 'Orientalism' and editor of Literature and Imperialism, Cultural Revolution? The Challenge of the Arts in the 1960s, The Ads in the 1970s: Cultural Closure?, Writing India: British Representations of India 1857-1990 and Postcolonial Theory: A Reader.


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Morey P.Fictions of India. Narrative and PowerEdinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2001

ReviewThe years most satisfying study of representations of India in the novel is Peter Morey's Fictions of India: Narrative and Power. The years most satisfying study of representations of India in the novel is Peter Morey's Fictions of India: Narrative and Power. Fictions of India explores the relation of narrative technique to issues of power in the work of selected writers dealing with India. It examines the imperial context in which the writers operate and suggests how historical and ideological assumptions and anxieties may be read into the texts they produce. The study combines aspects of colonial and post-colonial debate with narrative theories to illuminate the work of these writers operating on either side of an epistemological divide formed by Indian independence in 1947. The book focuses largely on British writers on India with chapters on Kipling, E.M. Forster, John Masters, J.G. Farrell and Paul Scott. A final, comparative chapter traces the issues of narrative and power in the work of two post-independence Indian writers - Khushwant Singh and Rohinton Mistry - and deals with the burden of storytelling in a post-colonial situation still fraught with communal and neo-colonial abuses. This book is an important contribution to our understanding of how narrative fiction can reflect and confirm, but also contest and dismantle discourses of power.Features * Offers new interpretations of well-known texts and writers * Suggests an agenda for studying new and less well-known texts to examine the play of narrative and power more generally * Demonstrates possible relations between narrative technique and those larger narratives which feed into the operation of political power * Challenges exclusivist readings which have often asserted 'the colonial' and 'the post-colonial' to be antithetical and mutually exclusive discursive entities

Mudimbe-Boyi E.Beyond Dichotomies: Histories, Identities, Cultures, and the Challenge of GlobalizationAlbany, State University of New York Press, 2002

Confronts the cultural challenges of globalization. Beyond Dichotomies examines literary texts, cultural production, and concrete local practices within the context of modernity and globalization by focusing on the ways in which some societies confront the complexity of cultures reflected in new forms of knowledge, narratives, and subjectivities. The contributors explore how particular societies negotiate the relations between the global and the local, and use a geographical, comparative perspective combined with an interdisciplinary approach to offer a diversity of views and illuminate the cultural impact of globalization on different societies around the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. These societies face complex questions regarding people's histories, identities, and cultures that embody the ambivalence, contradictions, and anxieties generated by the process of globalization. The contributors provide a compelling conclusion for a rethinking and reconfiguration of cultures and intercultural relations in today's global world in which dichotomized representations coexist with a discourse of globalization.


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Nandy A. "The Politics of Secularism"Veena Das, Mirrors of Violence, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1992

A highly sophisticated, original, sobering (as opposed to saber-rattling) intervention into the debate on religion and world affairs. International relations theorists have tended to reduce the study of religion to either religious organizations, sometimes understood as moralizing interest groups or as terrorist organizations, or to generic principles that are synonymous with international norms. By investigating different lived and historically shifting conceptions of the secular in different cultural contexts, Hurd provides an original path for understanding the role of religion in modern international affairs. (Michael Barnett, University of Minnesota )

Naregal V.Language Politics, Elites and the Public Sphere. Western India Under ColonialismLondon, Anthem, 2002

The bilingual relationship between English and the Indian vernaculars has long been crucial to the construction of ideology as well as cultural and political hierarchies. Print was vital for colonial literacy; it was thereby instrumental in initiating a shift in the relation between "high" and "low" languages. Here, Dr Naregal examines the relationship between linguistic hierarchies, textual practices and power in colonial western India. Whereas most studies of colonialism focus on India's "high" literary culture, this book looks at how local intellectuals exploited their "middling" position through such initiatives as the establishment of newspapers and of influential channels of communication. How was the "native" intelligentsia able to achieve a position of ideological influence? Dr Naregal shows that, despite their minority position, such people negotiated the arenas of education policy, the press and voluntary associations to advance their social class. In doing this, she sheds light on the process of self-definition among the Indian intelligentsia before anti-colonial thinking articulated its hegemonic claims as a nationalistic discourse.

Passerini L.Fascism in Popular Memory. The Cultural Experience of the Turin Working ClassCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009

This book is based on the oral life histories of about 70 men and women workers, born between the end of the last century and 1920, which are combined with sources such as police reports, documentary films and judicial documents. The interviewers recount their visions of life, of history, and of themselves; they call to memory the fascist period, and the ambivalent relationship between the Duce and the masses. A picture of resistance emerges, through such minor episodes as jokes and graffiti, wearing a red tie or whistling an old socialist tune, and through major issues such as abortions carried out in direct opposition to state propaganda. Acquiescence is also recalled, however, in the enrolment of children in fascist youth organisations or in the use of new state-controlled social services. The final chapter reconstructs an event that acquired great symbolic meaning: the eloquent and unexpected silence of the Fiat workers before Mussolini in 1939 at the inauguration of the Miraflori factory.


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Passerini L. (ed.)Memory and totalitarismLondon, Transaction Publisher, 2005

Understanding Europe’s past became an urgent matter with the events of August 1991 in Moscow, in the former Soviet Union. The invasion of Moscow’s streets by Russian people rejecting an attempted coup d’etat was the culmination of a process that had been initiated years before and raised crucial questions: To what extent can these events be considered the end of an era stretching from World War I to the 1980s, when Europe experienced many forms of dictatorship? To what extent can the various forms of dictatorship Europe experienced in the twentieth century be grouped together? Can any sort of affinity be established between them? The new introduction to the paperback edition of this volume in the Memory and Narrative series, Leydesdorff and Crownshaw underline the fundamental importance of the struggle for memory and its meaning. Memory and Totalitarianism explores the remembered experiences of individuals living under different totalitarian regimes, and examines the construction of memory in the aftermath of those regimes’ collapse. These memories compare with oral history’s research into such experiences as racist attitudes against blacks in the South, or the cultural and psychological effects of apartheid in South Africa, or the Aborigines’ claim to their own history and to a new idea of history in Australia. Totalitarianisms are products of the twentieth century that go far beyond earlier manifestations of absolutism and autocracy in their effort to completely control political, social, and intellectual life. They were made possible by modern industrialism and technology.

Passerini L. Sogno d’EuropaTorino, Rosemberg & Sellier, 2009

L’espressione di Jacques Derrida: «Mi sento tra l’altro europeo» è decisiva. “Tra l’altro”, cioè insieme ad altre forme di identificazione, sentendosi anche africano, oppure anche ebreo, anche omosessuale, anche musulmano, e “tra gli altri”, cioè tra i nuovi arrivati, i migranti anche clandestini sul suolo europeo, che già solo per questo devono poter acquisire i diritti umani.La storia di Corinna rappresenta l’antecedente ideale di una trasformazione nel modo di pensare e vivere il genere, che da almeno due secoli coinvolge la vita e gli atteggiamenti di tutti coloro che vivono nel continente, e in particolare delle donne.Il libro vuol coglierne alcuni segni, nelle idee e nei comportamenti. Un’idea d’Europa come utopia, affacciatasi in varie forme negli anni Venti e Trenta, è riemersa negli ultimi decenni, riprendendo ipotesi, speranze e sogni stroncati dalla Seconda guerra mondiale o rimandati per dare priorità alla costruzione economica dell’unione europea.Sogno di Europa, con la galleria dei suoi personaggi da Stefan Zweig ad Altiero Spinelli, dalla principessa Marthe Bibesco a Ursula Hirschmann è un’autobiografia ideale collettiva aperta al futuro. Una donna di grande intelligenza e bellezza, figlia di un inglese e di un’italiana, nutre un amore contrastato con un giovane Lord scozzese: è Corinne, eroina del romanzo di Madame de Staël. Artista di successo, Corinne è simbolo dell’Europa per la sua molteplice cultura e la sua vita di viaggiatrice alla fine del Settecento. A sua volta, la musicista del film La doppia vita di Veronica di Krzysztof Kieslowski (fotogramma con Irène Jacob in copertina) vive la sua doppia esistenza fra Polonia e Francia nella seconda metà del Novecento. Con loro e con Luisa Passerini riprendiamo a viaggiare alla ricerca di una nuova possibile Europa, attraverso le utopie del periodo tra le due guerre e quelle degli ultimi decenni. L’autrice discute con Jacques Derrida, Edgar Morin ed Étienne Balibar, polemizza con scritti recenti di Zygmunt Bauman e George Steiner che concepiscono la cultura europea come l’unica capace di democrazia, e concorda con Amartya Sen e Dipesh Chakrabarty, che “provincializzano” l’Europa e la rendono capace di accettare i contributi di altre civiltà. Le donne migranti dall’est all’ovest, nuove Corinne e Veroniche in grado di determinare la propria vita, affermano una mobilità che attraversa i confini grazie ai sentimenti. La geografia è ridisegnata, e alla fine della lettura capiamo che è il piano simbolico a mettere in luce l’importanza dei miti per fondare emotivamente l’appartenenza a una Europa possibile, che includa europei ed europee di culture e fedi religiose differenti.


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Prakash G. (ed.)After Colonialism: Imperial Histories and Postcolonial DisplacementsPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 2001

After Colonialism offers a fresh look at the history of colonialism and the changes in knowledge, disciplines, and identities produced by the imperial experience. Ranging across disciplines--from history to anthropology to literary studies--and across regions--from India to Palestine to Latin America to Europe--the essays in this volume reexamine colonialism and its aftermath. Leading literary scholars, historians, and anthropologists engage with recent theories and perspectives in their specific studies, showing the centrality of colonialism in the making of the modern world and offering postcolonial reflections on the effects and experience of empire.The contributions cross historical analysis of texts with textual examination of historical records and situate metropolitan cultural practices in engagements with non-metropolitan locations. Interdisciplinarity here means exploring and realigning disciplinary boundaries. Contributors to After Colonialism include Edward Said, Steven Feierman, Joan Dayan, Ruth Phillips, Anthony Pagden, Leonard Blussé, Gauri Viswanathan, Zachary Lockman, Jorge Klor de Alva, Irene Silverblatt, Emily Apter, and Homi Bhabha.

Pui-Lan K., Donaldson L. E.Postcolonialism, Feminism and Religious DiscourseLondon, Routledge, 2001

ReviewA path-breaking collection of essays that deserves a wide readership. This multicultural and multireligious anthology advocates a radical epistemological shift and opens up a new direction of research not only in religious studies but also in women's and postcolonial studies. A must read for anyone interested in emancipatory theory, ethics, and religion. – Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Harvard Divinity SchoolA path-breaking collection of essays that deserves a wide readership. This multicultural and multireligious anthology advocates a radical epistemological shift and opens up a new direction of research not only in religious studies but also in womens and postcolonial studies. A must read for anyone interested in emancipatory theory, ethics, and religion. – Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Harvard Divinity SchoolReaching across a broad range of religious traditions and diverse disciplines, this splendid collection of essays breaks new ground in bringing postcolonial insights to a study of gender and religion. Equally important, the volume also compels postcolonial studies to take note of religion's role in sustaining colonial ideologies. The individual essays offer absorbing case studies about the power of religious discourse in containing feminist aspirations, while, in other instances, providing a liberatory ethics. Collectively, the contributors to Postcolonialism, Feminism, and Religious Discourse boldly advance our understanding of how a feminist politics for the future is inseparable from a decolonization of religious ideologies. – Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, author of Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modernity, and BeliefReaching across a broad range of religious traditions and diverse disciplines, this splendid collection of essays breaks new ground in bringing postcolonial insights to a study of gender and religion. Equally important, the volume also compels postcolonial studies to take note of religions role in sustaining colonial ideologies. The individual essays offer absorbing case studies about the power of religious discourse in containing feminist aspirations, while, in other instances, providing a liberatory ethics. Collectively, the contributors to Postcolonialism, Feminism, and Religious Discourse boldly advance our understanding of how a feminist politics for the future is inseparable from a decolonization of religious ideologies. – Gauri Viswanathan, Columbia University, author of Outside the Fold: Conversion, Modernity, and BeliefContributors examine white feminist theology's misappropriations of Native North American women, Chinese footbinding, and veiling by Muslim women, as well as the Jewish emancipation in France, the symbolic dismemberment of black women by rap and sermons, and the potential to rewrite and reclaim canonical stories.


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Punter D.Postcolonial Imaginings. Fictions of a New World OrderEdinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2000

The book by David Punter, Professor of English at the University of Bristol, is an impassioned yet highly learned interrogation of prevalent contemporary theories and practices of postcolonial studies. Most prominent among the critics he opposes are Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and Gayatri Spivak, whose studies had been primarily inspired by the philosophies of Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan, and Jacques Derrida, respectively.

Quayson A.Postcolonialism. Theory, Practice or ProcessCambridge, Polity Press, 2000

Review'Quayson's summary of the essence of the debate between Marshall Sahlins and Gannath Obeyesekere will be welcomed for its conciseness and its accuracy.' Research in African Literatures 'Quayson's summary of the essence of the debate between Marshall Sahlins and Gannath Obeyesekere will be welcomed for its conciseness and its accuracy.' Research in African Literatures --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. This important book is a critical introduction to the rapidly expanding field of postcolonial studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the author draws on literary criticism, philosophy, anthropology, history and politics to develop a distinctive account of postcolonialism. Quayson discusses key debates in the field, including the implications of various forms of interdisciplinarity for postcolonial studies, the relationship between indigenous knowledge and contemporary historiography, the links between postmodernism and postcolonialism and the insights of feminism for postcolonial theory. He explores the relevance of these debates for cultural, literary and political criticism. Throughout the text, he stresses the importance of seeing postcolonialism as a process of analysis which does not simply refer to another stage after colonialism, but to a continuing struggle against colonialism and its effects. He encourages the reader to think through the issues that are raised by postcolonial theory and to relate these to political practice today. This practical application of postcolonial theory allows the author to develop dynamic new perspectives on aspects of contemporary culture, history and literature. He discusses the work of Rushdie, Morrison, Achebe, Soyinka and Okri, amongst others; many of his examples are drawn from African cultures, an area which has been hitherto neglected by postcolonial theory. Quayson also develops postcolonial approaches to the literary canon, showing how this perspective can shed new light on some of the classical works of English literature, such as those of Shakespeare. This book will be essential reading for students of literature, history, anthropology and cultural studies, as well as all those concerned with debates about postcolonial theory and its political functions.


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Raman S.Framing 'India'. The Colonial Imaginary in Early Modern CulturePalo Alto (California), Stanford University Press, 2001

The Americas have always dominated both literary and scholarly colonialist agendas. Among recent studies one thinks particularly of Peter Hulme's Colonial Encounters (1987), Stephen Greenblatt's Marvelous Possessions (1991), and Jeffrey Knapp's An Empire Nowhere (1992). For this reason alone, the present broadly theoretical yet rigorously argued investigation of the European discovery of "India" (a purely subjective concept and hence almost always in quotation marks) provides a flesh perspective on the way we in the West have come to think about ourselves and the world. Drawing on a multiplicity of ideological provenances and historical documents, Raman argues that the early modern "discovery" of India contributed definitively to the formation of a "radical" and self-assertive "early modern subjecthood" (129). The result is a book sometimes exasperating, often stimulating, and almost never dull. Raman develops his thesis by closely interrogating two "canonical" and two "non-canonical" literary texts along with several late-medieval and early modern cartographical representations. These are richly contextualized with historical, theological, and philosophical discourses of the time, considered from a familiar variety of postmodern theoretical perspectives. Deploying Hans Blumenberg's "metaphorology," as inflected by new historicism and the Bourdieuvian theory of "practice," the author organizes his discussion around four "absolute metaphors"--voyage, cosmos, theater, and market--said to "mediat[e] conceptual understanding of the world" in this period (22). Together, these constitute the Lacanian "imaginary" of the book's subtitle. While these tropes are not equally persuasive in organizing the discussion - by the end of the book "market," for example, has come to signify the virtually total commodification of subject/object relations in western modernity - Raman clings valiantly to them as a skeleton on which to drapethe densely varied material he invokes.

Ray B.Early Feminists of Colonial India. Sarala Devia Chaudhurani and Rokeya Sakhawat HossaiOxford University Press, Delhi, 2002Review... brings together the dominant discourse on gender, religion and nation building ... The fascinating aspect of the book is the feminist perspective of the author which enabled her to illustrate the subtle distinction in the two women's perceptions of gender issues. The Book Review, New Delhi This book is a contribution to the area of women's role in colonial Bengal, studying, comparing and contrasting Sarala Devi Chaudurani and Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain in great detail.


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Ray S.En-Gendering India. Woman and Nation in Colonial and Postcolonial NarrativesDurham, Duke University Press, 2000

"A significant contribution to postcolonial and feminist studies. Ray's scholarship is rigorous and persuasive, combining theoretical depth and erudition with original and nuanced textual analysis and interpretation."--Rajagopolan Radhakrishnan, University of Massachusetts En-Gendering India offers an innovative interpretation of the role that gender played in defining the Indian state during both the colonial and postcolonial eras. Focusing on both British and Indian literary texts—primarily novels—produced between 1857 and 1947, Sangeeta Ray examines representations of "native" Indian women and shows how these representations were deployed to advance notions of Indian self-rule as well as to defend British imperialism.Through her readings of works by writers including Bankimchandra Chatterjee, Rabindranath Tagore, Harriet Martineau, Flora Annie Steel, Anita Desai, and Bapsi Sidhaa, Ray demonstrates that Indian women were presented as upper class and Hindu, an idealization that paradoxically served the needs of both colonial and nationalist discourses. The Indian nation’s goal of self-rule was expected to enable women’s full participation in private and public life. On the other hand, British colonial officials rendered themselves the protectors of passive Indian women against their “savage” male countrymen. Ray shows how the native woman thus became a symbol for both an incipient Indian nation and a fading British Empire. In addition, she reveals how the figure of the upper-class Hindu woman created divisions with the nationalist movement itself by underscoring caste, communal, and religious differences within the newly emerging state. As such, Ray’s study has important implications for discussions about nationalism, particularly those that address the concepts of identity and nationalism.

Ray S., Schwarz H. (eds.)A Companion to Postcolonial StudiesLondon, Blackwell Publisher, 2000

"The present volume is one of the largest and most intellectually ambitious collections of essays to emerge in the past decade. Highly recommended, upper-division undergraduates and above in social science and humanities." This fascinating volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred - in the aftermath of European colonization from 1492 to 1947. This volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred and are still occurring in the aftermath of European colonization of the globe from 1492 to 1947. Ranges widely over the major themes, regions, theories and practices of postcolonial study Presents original essays by the leading proponents of postcolonial study in the Americas, Europe, India, Africa, East and West Asia Provides clear introductions to the major social and political movements underlying colonization and decolonization, accessible histories of the literature and culture, and separate regions affected by European colonization This volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred and are still occurring in the aftermath of European colonization of the globe from 1492 to 1947. Ranging widely over the major themes, regions, theories and practices of postcolonial study today, the volume presents original essays by the leading proponents of postcolonial study in the Americas, Europe, India, Africa, East and West Asia. Their contributions provide clear introductions to the major social and political movements underlying colonization and decolonization, accessible histories of the literature and culture, separate regions affected by European colonization, and introductory essays on the major thinkers and intellectual schools that have informed strategies of national liberation worldwide. This volume is unique in providing an incisive summary of the long history and theory of modern European colonization in local detail and global scale. It will be a necessary reference tool for years to come.


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Roy P.Indian Traffic: Identities in Question in Colonial and Postcolonial IndiaBerkeley, University of California Press, 1998

The continual, unpredictable, and often violent "traffic" between identities in colonial and postcolonial India is the focus of Parama Roy's stimulating and original book. Mimicry has been commonly recognized as an important colonial model of bourgeois/elite subject formation, and Roy examines its place in the exchanges between South Asian and British, Hindu and Muslim, female and male, and subaltern and elite actors. Roy draws on a variety of sources--religious texts, novels, travelogues, colonial archival documents, and films--making her book genuinely interdisciplinary. She explores the ways in which questions of originality and impersonation function, not just for "western" or "westernized" subjects, but across a range of identities. For example, Roy considers the Englishman's fascination with "going native," an Irishwoman's assumption of Hindu feminine celibacy, Gandhi's impersonation of femininity, and a Muslim actress's emulation of a Hindu/Indian mother goddess. Familiar works by Richard Burton and Kipling are given fresh treatment, as are topics such as the "muscular Hinduism" of Swami Vivekananda.Indian Traffic demonstrates that questions of originality and impersonation are in the forefront of both the colonial and the nationalist discourses of South Asia and are central to the conceptual identity of South Asian postcolonial theory itself.

Roy S.India and the Politics of Postcolonial NationalismDuke University Press, Durham (North Carolina), 2007

Beyond Belief is a bold rethinking of the formation and consolidation of nation-state ideologies. Analyzing India during the first two decades following its foundation as a sovereign nation-state in 1947, Srirupa Roy explores how nationalists are turned into nationals, subjects into citizens, and the colonial state into a sovereign nation-state. Roy argues that the postcolonial nation-state is consolidated not, as many have asserted, by efforts to imagine a shared cultural community, but rather by the production of a recognizable and authoritative identity for the state. This project-of making the state the entity identified as the nation’s authoritative representative-emphasizes the natural cultural diversity of the nation and upholds the state as the sole unifier or manager of the “naturally” fragmented nation; the state is unified through diversity.Roy considers several different ways that identification with the Indian nation-state was produced and consolidated during the 1950s and 1960s. She looks at how the Films Division of India, a state-owned documentary and newsreel production agency, allowed national audiences to “see the state”; how the “unity in diversity” formation of nationhood was reinforced in commemorations of India’s annual Republic Day; and how the government produced a policy discourse claiming that scientific development was the ultimate national need and the most pressing priority for the state to address. She also analyzes the fate of the steel towns-industrial townships built to house the workers of nationalized steel plants-which were upheld as the exemplary national spaces of the new India. By prioritizing the role of actual manifestations of and encounters with the state, Roy moves beyond theories of nationalism and state formation based on collective belief. “This book marks a departure in the study of Indian nationalism. Srirupa Roy’s idea that nationalism works not as a ‘belief’ but through practices that seek to ground the state deeply in the life of the people, is demonstrated here by archival and ethnographic explorations of specific sites: rituals and pageantry of the state, official newsreels and documentaries, planned scientific institutions and industrial cities. The result is fine-grained political analysis enriched at every turn by the author’s judicious use of history and ethnography.”- Dipesh Chakrabarty, author of Habitations of Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern Studies


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Sahlins M.How "Natives" Think: About Captain Cook, For ExampleChicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995

On its face, this appears to be a rebuttal of Gananath Obeyesekere's The Apotheosis of Captain Cook (Princeton Univ. Pr., 1992), which was in turn an attempt at refuting Sahlins's earlier explorations of the manner in which the native Hawaiians deified Capt. James Cook in 1779. In actuality, however, it is far more than that. This book is something of an apotheosis in its own right: a peroration on anthropology's responsibility to commit fully to appreciating other cultures' fundamentally different ways of organizing human experience. It provides a sustained theoretical exegesis that will be admired, if not necessarily subscribed to, by all who are engaged in the comparative study of societies, and it may in time prove to be the crowning achievement of one of contemporary anthropology's greatest thinkers and most perspicacious scholars. When Western scholars write about non-Western societies, do they inevitably perpetuate the myths of European imperialism? Can they ever articulate the meanings and logics of non-Western peoples? Who has the right to speak for whom? Questions such as these are among the most hotly debated in contemporary intellectual life. In How "Natives" Think, Marshall Sahlins addresses these issues head on, while building a powerful case for the ability of anthropologists working in the Western tradition to understand other cultures.In recent years, these questions have arisen in debates over the death and deification of Captain James Cook on Hawai'i Island in 1779. Did the Hawaiians truly receive Cook as a manifestation of their own god Lono? Or were they too pragmatic, too worldly-wise to accept the foreigner as a god? Moreover, can a "non-native" scholar give voice to a "native" point of view? In his 1992 book The Apotheosis of Captain Cook, Gananath Obeyesekere used this very issue to attack Sahlins's decades of scholarship on Hawaii. Accusing Sahlins of elementary mistakes of fact and logic, even of intentional distortion, Obeyesekere portrayed Sahlins as accepting a naive, enthnocentric idea of superiority of the white man over "natives"—Hawaiian and otherwise. Claiming that his own Sri Lankan heritage gave him privileged access to the Polynesian native perspective, Obeyesekere contended that Hawaiians were actually pragmatists too rational and sensible to mistake Cook for a god.Curiously then, as Sahlins shows, Obeyesekere turns eighteenth-century Hawaiians into twentieth-century modern Europeans, living up to the highest Western standards of "practical rationality." By contrast, Western scholars are turned into classic custom-bound "natives", endlessly repeating their ancestral traditions of the White man's superiority by insisting Cook was taken for a god. But this inverted ethnocentrism can only be supported, as Sahlins demonstrates, through wholesale fabrications of Hawaiian ethnography and history - not to mention Obeyesekere's sustained misrepresentations of Sahlins's own work. And in the end, although he claims to be speaking on behalf of the "natives," Obeyesekere, by substituting a home-made "rationality" for Hawaiian culture, systematically eliminates the voices of Hawaiian people from their own history.How "Natives" Think goes far beyond specialized debates about the alleged superiority of Western traditions. The culmination of Sahlins's ethnohistorical research on Hawaii, it is a reaffirmation for understanding difference.


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Said E. W.OrientalismoMilano, Feltrinelli, 2001

Muovendo dall'accezione più ampia del termine - orientalismo come insieme delle discipline accademiche che studiano usi, costumi, letteratura e storia dei popoli orientali - Said affronta l'idea della diversità ontologica tra Oriente e Occidente ispiratrice di tante pagine di autori diversi e lontani, da Eschilo a Victor Hugo, da Dante a Marx, chiudendo l'indagine sul complesso di istituzioni create dall'Occidente per esercitare il proprio dominio sul mondo Orientale.

Said E. W.Cultura e imperialismoRoma, Gamberetti, 1999

Un lavoro di indagine letteraria e storica sulle complicità della cultura con il progetto egemonico di vecchi e nuovi imperi, da "Cuore di tenebra" di Conrad a "Mansfield Park" della Austen, dall'"Aida" di Verdi a "Lo straniero" di Camus. Un'opera che intende spingere a rileggere i grandi capolavori della letteratura occidentale. Analizzando le opere di autori come Frantz Fanon, Aimé Césaire, C.L.R. James e Salman Rushdie, l'autore indica la grande ricchezza della letteratura di resistenza che si oppose, e si oppone, al dominio imperiale. Emerge così la realtà di un mondo post-coloniale caratterizzato da culture ibride e interdipendenti.

Sampat Patel N.Postcolonial Masquerades. Culture and Politics in Literature, Film, Video, and PhotographyNew York, Garland Publishing, 2001

This book exposes multiple strategies of postcolonial masquerades by offering divergent and varied readings from literature, film, video and photography. By critically engaging the work of minority discourse theorists, film and video artists like Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said, Hanif Kureishi, Salman Rushdie and Pratibha Parmar, the book reflects on the encounters between racial and sexual differences, exile and displacement by suggesting possible ways of destabilizing fixed categories of postcoloniality. From the Back CoverThis book exposes multiple strategies of postcolonial masquerades by offering divergent and varied readings from literature, film, video, and photography. Engaging the work of minority discourse theorists and artists like Gayatri Spivak, Edward Said, Hanif Kureishi, Salman Rushdie, and Pratibha Parmar, the book reflects on the encounters between racial and sexual differences, exile, and displacement.


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Sandoval C.Methodology of the OppressedMinneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2000

Every so often, you read a book that makes it all come together for you. In this brilliant and densely footnoted volume, Chela Sandoval identifies the "academic apartheid" that keeps poststructuralism, postcolonial theory, ethnic studies, queer theory, hegemonic (white) feminism, and, especially, U.S. third world feminism isolated from and in limited conversation with one another, despite their common undercurrents. By introducing the concepts of "differential social movement" and "differential consciousness," she makes these spheres mutually intelligible and reconcilable in a way that can facilitate coordinated action for democratic social justice (rather than simply more academic pontification). What is particularly helpful is that she situates her analyses within postmodernity, noting how the dimensions of this historical space at once warrant, demand, and permit new and dynamic forms of activism. You will never think the same way about "theory," U.S. third world feminism, or the possibilities for a democratic future in the era of globalization after reading this book.

San Juan E.Beyond Postcolonial TheoryLondon, Palgrave, 2000

Opposing the orthodoxies of establishment postcolonialism, "Beyond Postcolonial Theory "posits acts of resistance and subversion by people of color as central to the unfolding dialogue with Western hegemony. The testimonies and signifying practices of Rigoberta Menchu, C.L.R. James, various "minority" writers in the United States, and intellectuals from Africa, Latin America, and Asia are counterposed against the dogmas of contingency, borderland nomadism, panethnicity, and the ideology of identity politics and transcultural postmodern pastiche. Reappropriating ideas from Gramsci, Bakhtin, Althusser, Freire, and others in the radical democratic tradition, San Juan deploys them to recover the memory of national liberation struggles (Fanon, Cabral, Che Guevara) on the face of the triumphal march of globalized capitalism.

Sarkar S.Writing Social HistoryNew Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1997

The eight essays in this volume seek to combine an empirical study of themes in late-colonial Indian history with an intervention in current debates about the extent and nature of Western colonial domination. Sumit Sarkar makes a powerful case for the importance of richly-detailed, nuanced social history.


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Schwarz H.Writing Cultural History in Colonial and Postcolonial IndiaPhiladelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997

Focusing on English-language texts written by Bengali historians on the subjects of literature and culture, Schwarz critically analyzes landmark works of the genre and compares Indian writing about cultural heritage to the dominant forms of European historiography prevalent during the colonial period. Indian historians incorporated European aesthetic standards and theories of history into their writing, yet they managed to transform these ideas in ways that challenged British ideological domination. Schwarz shows how, in writing a distinctly Indian history of India, they produced a unique historiographical style of great complexity, deploying brilliant reconfigurations of the dominant themes, styles, ideologies, and tropes that characterize acceptable modes of history writings in the West.Moving from the late nineteenth century to the present, Schwarz identifies six distinct modes of translation and transformation produced by these writers, ranging from liberal-nationalist texts to those of writers associated with the Subaltern Studies project. He analyzes the narrative modes employed during the period and traces their movement toward the metaphoric and ironic styles of the post-Independence era.ContentsIntroduction: The Ruse of Progress -- 1. Liberal Nationalist Histories -- 2. Radical Nationalist Histories -- 3. Marxist/Materialist Histories -- 4. Transitions: Mediation and Irony -- 5. Subaltern Studies: Radical History in the Metaphoric Mode -- 6. Conclusion: Irony as Tragedy.

Scott D.Refashioning Futures: Criticism after PostcolonialityPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 1999

How can we best forge a theoretical practice that directly addresses the struggles of once-colonized countries, many of which face the collapse of both state and society in today's era of economic reform? David Scott argues that recent cultural theories aimed at "deconstructing" Western representations of the non-West have been successful to a point, but that changing realities in these countries require a new approach. In Refashioning Futures, he proposes a strategic practice of criticism that brings the political more clearly into view in areas of the world where the very coherence of a secular-modern project can no longer be taken for granted. Through a series of linked essays on culture and politics in his native Jamaica and in Sri Lanka, the site of his long scholarly involvement, Scott examines the ways in which modernity inserted itself into and altered the lives of the colonized. The institutional procedures encoded in these modern postcolonial states and their legal systems come under scrutiny, as do our contemporary languages of the political. Scott demonstrates that modern concepts of political representation, community, rights, justice, obligation, and the common good do not apply universally and require reconsideration. His ultimate goal is to describe the modern colonial past in a way that enables us to appreciate more deeply the contours of our historical present and that enlarges the possibility of reshaping it."In this powerfully argued and theoretically sophisticated book, David Scott interrogates the conditions of possibility for a post- 'third world' politics that is both critical and strategic. A major work which marks a new departure in the field." - Stuart Hall


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Scott J. S., Simpson-Housley P.Mapping the Sacred. Religion, Geography and Postcolonial Literatures(Cross/Cultures 48), Rodopi, 2001

Interweaving the interpretative methods of religious studies, literary criticism and cultural geography, the essays in this volume focus on issues associated with the representation of place and space in the writing and reading of the postcolonial. The collection charts the ways in which contemporary writers extend and deepen our awareness of the ambiguities of economic, social and political relations implicated in "sacred space" - the sense of spiritual significance associated with those concrete locations in which adherents of different religious traditions, past and present, maintain a ritual sense of the sanctity of life and its cycles. Part I, "Land, Religion and Literature after Britain," explores how postcolonial writers dramatize the contested processes of colonization, resistance and decolonization by which lands and landscapes may be viewed as now sacred, now desacralized, now resacralized. Part II, "Sacred Landscapes and Postcoloniality across International Literatures," draws upon postcolonial theory to inquire into how contemporary fiction, drama and poetry represent themes of divine dispensation, dispossession and reclamation in regions as diverse as Haiti, Israel, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Arctic, and the North American frontier. A critical "Afterword" considers the implications of such multi-disciplinary approaches to postcolonial literatures for present and future research in the field. Writers discussed in the essays include Russell Banks; James K. Baxter; Ursula Bethell; Erna Brodber; Marcus Clarke; Allen Curnow; Edwidge Danticat; Mak Dizdar; Sara Jeannette Duncan; Zee Edgell; "Grey Owl"; Haruki Murakami; Seamus Heaney; Peter Hooeg; Hugh Hood; Janette Turner Hospital; James Houston; Dany Laferriere; B. Kojo Laing; Lee Kok Liang; K.S. Maniam; Mudrooroo; R.K. Narayan; Ngugi wa Thiong'o; Ben Okri; Chava Pinchas-Cohen; Mary Prince; Nancy Prince; Nayantara Sahgal; Ken Saro-Wiwa; Ibrahim Tahir; Amos Tutuola; W.D. Valgardson; Derek Walcott; and Rudy Wiebe. Maps accompany almost every essay.

Shankar S.Textual Traffic: Colonialism, Modernity, and the Economy of the Text(Suny Series, Explorations in Postcolonial Studies), Albany, State University of New York Press, 2001

"In Textual Traffic, S. Shankar clarifies notions of modernity and postmodernity by lucidly examining their relationship to colonialism. In the process, he challenges current emphases in cultural criticism through an exploration of what it means to regard the text as an economy and carries out a detailed scrutiny of travel narratives as a genre.""Paying particular attention to representations of Africa and India, Shankar tracks the historical contours of a colonial modernity in a wide variety of travel narratives - African-American and postcolonial, canonical and filmic - drawn from different periods of the twentieth century. Included are explorations of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Zora Neale Hurston's Mules and Men, Richard Wright's Black Power, V. S. Naipaul's India trilogy, and Stephen Spielberg's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.". Challenging current emphases in cultural criticism, Shankar (English, Rutgers U.) considers the text as an economy, and carries out a detailed scrutiny of travel narratives as a genre. He especially focuses on Africa and India to track the historical contours of a colonial modernity in a wide variety of travel narratives from different periods of the 20th century. The narratives include African-American and postcolonial, canonical, and cinematic.


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Shastri A., Wilson A. J. (eds.)The Post-colonial States of South Asia. Democracy, Development and IdentityLondon, Curzon, 2000

The chapters in this volume analyse issues relating to political governance, national identity, economic development and regional security that have preoccupied the states of South Asia in the fifty years following independence. India has been faced with the challenge of developing effective democratic structures in the world's most diverse and populous society. It confronts tensions in its efforts to carry out economic reforms in a competitive resource-scarce context, and to maintain its commitment to secularism in the face of the growing influence of Hindu nationalism. The role of the military and of religion have complicated the task of stabilising democratic structures and socio-economic development in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Sri Lanka's political problems have escalated due to the failures of its leadership, unsuccessful constitutional experiments, and unresolved ethnic differences. The transition of Nepal from a centralised monarchy to a participatory political system has generated stresses in its traditional social relations and group rankings. The essays by an international groups of scholars explore these themes with a view to highlighting the complex processes of political change and development that are underway in the South Asian states.

Spivak G. C.Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing PresentCambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999

In recent years, a growing body of literary and historical scholarship has explored the complex relationship of Western elite culture to the postcolonial societies of the Southern hemisphere. Spivak, a prominent literary theorist based at Columbia University, is widely known for her sophisticated deconstructive approach to questions of feminism, North-South relations, and the politics of subaltern studies. This book is based on a number of her published essays, including the influential 1988 article "Can the Subaltern Speak?" Spivak focuses on the relationship of debates in philosophy, history, and literature to the emergence of a postcolonial problematic. Overall, she seeks to distance herself from mainstream postcolonial literature and to reassert the value of earlier theorists such as Kant and Marx. ReviewA founder of postcolonial studies surveys the current state of the field and finds much to criticize. This is vintage Spivak-dazzling, often exasperating, but unfailingly powerful. - Partha Chatterjee, author of The Nation and Its FragmentsGayatri Spivak tells us that here she charts her progress from colonial discourse studies to transnational cutlural studies. She does so brilliantly. And she does so much more. She constructs this extraordinary progress through an intricate labyrinth, but one with blazing lights in every corner. - Saskia Sassen, author of Globalization and its DiscontentsGayatri Spivak works with remarkable complexity and skill to evoke the local details of emergent agency in an international frame. Her extraordinary attention to the texts she reads and her ability to track the reach of global power make her one of the unparalleled intellectuals of our time. - Judith Butler, author of The Psychic Life of PowerIn these pages Gayatri Spivak performs what often seems either impossible or purely gestural--a critique of transnational globalization which manages to be equally attuned to its cultural and economic effects. This book deserves to be read for its modulated defense of Marxism and feminism alone. It will be welcomed as the clearest statement to date of Spivak's own relationship to the postcolonial theory with which she herself--wrongly, as she forcefully argues here--is so often identified. With a brilliance that is uniquely hers, Spivak issues a challenge which will be very hard to avoid to the limits of theory and of academic institutions alike. - Jacqueline Rose, author of States of Fantasy


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Sugirtharajah R.S.The Bible and the Third World: Precolonial, Colonial, Postcolonial EncountersCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001

Review"The author's explanation of the actual ways of interpreting make this a book of both history and hermeneutics. It will be appreciated by those interested in cultural studies as well as biblical interpretation." -The Bible Today"The author, reader in biblical hermeneutics at the University of Birmingham, presents us with a solid historical journey adorned along the way with rich personal vignettes." -Eugene Rubingh, International Bulletin of Missionary Research"[Sugitharajah's] book opens up a new landscape and raises a host of new questions for those resting all too comfortably in their certitudes and traditional 'biblical truths'[...]No one serious about wrestling with the Bible should fail to read this very important book." -The Christian Century"[...]innovative work[...]with surprises on every page[...]It encourages us to study the experiences of the exploited and the exploiter together." -The Catholic Biblical Quarterly"Bible and the Third World may be one of Sugitharajah's most extensive yet also accessible works to date[...]The explicit linkage of theory, narrative history, and demonstrated exegesis ground all arguments with specific examples and increases pedagogic value. The result is a highly useful text[...]Sugitharajah's cogency and precision in Bible and the Third World makes this volume uniquely approachable." -Robert Paul Seesengood, Drew University, Monash University Press This volume is the first attempt at a comprehensive history of how the Bible has fared in the Third World, from precolonial days to the postcolonial period. It closely examines the works of biblical interpreters from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America, bringing to the fore the obscure as well as the better-known interpretations, and investigating the Bible's reclamation by indigenous peoples in the postcolonial world. The volume will be an invaluable guide to anyone interested in learning about the impact of the Bible on non-Western cultures.

Sugirtharajah R.S.Postcolonial Criticism and Biblical InterpretationDelhi, Oxford University Press, 2002

This stimulating study explores the implications of postcolonial criticism for biblical studies. Sugirtharajah provides a comprehensive overview of the origins, definitions, and procedures of postcolonial criticism, followed by a discussion of its significance in biblical interpretation. He reveals how postcolonial criticism can offer new perspectives to our understanding of the Bible and of how Western Imperialism has shaped Christianity. About the AuthorR. S. Sugirtharajah is a Reader in Biblical Hermeneutics at the University of Birmingham.His publications include The Bible and the Third World: Precolonial, Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters, The Postcolonial Bible, Asian Biblical Hermeneutics and Postcolonialism, and is general editor of The Bible and Postcolonialism series (Sheffield Academic Press).


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Talbot C.Precolonial India in Practice: Society, Region, and Identity in Medieval AndhraNew York, Oxford University Press, 2001

The desire to have their charitable deeds documented in permanent form led thousands of Hindu temple donors in the Andhra Pradesh region of South India to get the details of their gifts inscribed on stone pillars, rock slabs, and temple walls. Using these records of what people actually did, Cynthia Talbot reconstructs the precolonial past as it existed in practice during the era when India's distinctive regional societies were taking shape. The medieval Andhra that emerges from the perspective of inscriptions is a vibrant and mobile world inhabited by a wide range of individuals including herders, merchants, and women, as well as landed peasants, kings, and Brahmans.Precolonial India in Practice begins with an examination of the historical processes that prompted Andhra's long age of inscriptions (c.1000–1650), a time when the religious patronage of temples both reflected and stimulated an expanding agrarian economy and a growing regional culture. It moves on to an in-depth analysis of the society, temples, and polity of the Kakatiya era (1175–1325) – a formative period in which the Telugu-speaking region was politically unified by the upland warriors who continued to dominate its society for centuries. The enduring cultural significance of the Kakatiya period for later Telugu society is demonstrated in a final section dealing with historical memories of the Kakatiyas.Talbot's interpretation of medieval Andhra as an era of dynamic change characterized by extensive social and physical mobility and a militaristic ethos offers a significant alternative to earlier depictions of the history and society of medieval India. In serving as a corrective to models of the Indian past derived only from Brahmanical literature, modern ethnography, and colonial observation, this case study of a neglected time period and region has important ramifications for our general understanding of precolonial India.

Thiong'o N.Spostare il centro del mondoRoma, Meltemi, 2000

Convinto che ogni scrittore debba esprimersi nella propria lingua di origine, Thiong'o, nel 1977, incomincio' a scrivere solo in kikuyu. Il governo Kenyatta prima lo mise in prigione, poi lo esilio'. In questi saggi famosi lo scrittore kenyota muove da una considerazione: l’Occidente si considera il Centro del mondo; controlla il potere culturale, così come controlla quello politico ed economico. Spostare quel Centro e' indispensabile per liberare le culture del mondo dai recinti del nazionalismo, della classe, della razza, del sesso. Thiong'o condensa in queste pagine un tema che negli ultimi anni ha attraversato tutta la sua attività letteraria, teatrale, saggistica e i suoi corsi universitari tenuti durante l'esilio americano. "Testo di forte impatto" (Le Monde Diplomatique) per chi crede che il multiculturalismo e la libera espressione delle culture sia l’unico antidoto contro le devastazioni della globalizzazione e dell'imperialismo culturale.


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Van Der Veer P.Imperial Encounters: Religion and Modernity in India and BritainPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 2001

Peter van der Veer's bracing, audacious book is sure to stir up much-needed debate. Challenging the canonical narratives that have governed analysis of colonialism, culture, and religion, he advances a bold thesis about their complicity across boundaries and nationalist categories. Deeply learned and elegantly presented, Imperial Encounters is a gripping work of the scholarly imagination. Edward W. Said, Columbia University Picking up on Edward Said's claim that the historical experience of empire is common to both the colonizer and the colonized, Peter van der Veer takes the case of religion to examine the mutual impact of Britain's colonization of India on Indian and British culture. He shows that national culture in both India and Britain developed in relation to their shared colonial experience and that notions of religion and secularity were crucial in imagining the modern nation in both countries. In the process, van der Veer chronicles how these notions developed in the second half of the nineteenth century in relation to gender, race, language, spirituality, and science. Avoiding the pitfalls of both world systems theory and national historiography, this book problematizes oppositions between modern and traditional, secular and religious, progressive and reactionary. It shows that what often are assumed to be opposites are, in fact, profoundly entangled. In doing so, it upsets the convenient fiction that India is the land of eternal religion, existing outside of history, while Britain is the epitome of modern secularity and an agent of history.

Van Der Veer P., Lehmann H. (eds.)Nation and ReligionPrinceton, Princeton University Press, 2001

Does modernity make religion politically irrelevant? Conventional scholarly and popular wisdom says that it does. The prevailing view assumes that the onset of western modernity--characterized by the rise of nationalism, the dominance of capitalism, and the emergence of powerful state institutions--favors secularism and relegates religion to the purely private realm. This collection of essays on nationalism and religion in Europe and Asia challenges that view. Contributors show that religion and politics are mixed together in complex and vitally important ways not just in the East, but in the West as well.The book focuses on four societies: India, Japan, Britain, and the Netherlands. It shows that religion and nationalism in these societies combined to produce such notions as the nation being chosen for a historical task (imperialism, for example), the possibility of national revival, and political leadership as a form of salvation. The volume also examines the qualities of religious discourse and practice that can be used for nationalist purposes, paying special attention to how religion can help to give meaning to sacrifice in national struggle. The book's comparative approach underscores that developments in colonizing and colonized countries, too often considered separately, are subtly interrelated.In addition to the editors, the contributors are Benedict R. Anderson, Talal Asad, Susan Bayly, Partha Chatterjee, Frans Groot, Harry Harootunian, Hugh McLeod, Barbara Metcalf, and Peter van Rooden.Endorsements:"Nation and Religion urges us to rethink the received historical interpretation that associates the onset of western modernity with the separation of the private world of religion from the public domain of politics." - Gyan Prakash, Princeton University


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van Woerkens M.The Strangled Traveler. Colonial Imaginings and the Thugs of IndiaChicago, University of Chicago Press, 2000

British colonists in 1830s India lived in terror of the Thugs. Reputed to be brutal criminals, the Thugs supposedly strangled, beheaded, and robbed thousands of travelers in the goddess Kali's name. The British responded with equally brutal repression of the Thugs and developed a compulsive fascination with tales of their monstrous deeds.Did the Thugs really exist, or did the British invent them as an excuse to seize tighter control of India? Drawing on historical and anthropological accounts, Indian tales and sacred texts, and detailed analyses of the secret Thug language, Martine van Woerkens reveals for the first time the real story of the Thugs. Many different groups of Thugs actually did exist over the centuries, but the monsters the British made of them had much more to do with colonial imaginings of India than with the real Thugs. Tracing these imaginings down to the present, van Woerkens reveals the ongoing roles of the Thugs in fiction and film from Frankenstein to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Verma K.D.The Indian Imagination. Critical Essays on Indian Writing in EnglishLondon, Palgrave, 2000

Review"...should be made required reading for students majoring in Indian Literature and Indian Studies."--K.L. Seshagiri Rao, Interreligious Insight"...the essays are packed with an enormous amount of literary information."Ashokamitran, The Hindu(India)The Indian Imagination focuses on literary developments in English both in the colonial and postcolonial periods of Indian history. Six divergent writers-Aurobindo Ghose (Sri Aurobindo), Mulk Raj Anand, Balachandra Rajan, Nissim Ezekiel, Anita Desai, and Arun Joshi-represent a consciousness that has emerged from the confrontation between tradition and modernity. The colonial fantasy of British India was finally dissolved in the first half of this century, only to be succeeded by another fantasy, that of the reinstituted sovereign nation-state. Aurobindo, Anand, and Rajan have actively participated in these two representations, the colonial and postcolonial India. Ezekiel, Desai, and Joshi are youthful voices of new India. This study argues that the two phases of history-like the two phases of Indian writing in English - together represent the sociohistorical process of colonization and decolonization and the affirmation of identity, and that no interpretation of postcoloniality can be sustained in the larger debate on human freedom without reference to coloniality.


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Williams P., Chrisman L. (eds.)Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial TheoryNew York, Columbia University Press, 1994

Equally suitable for undergraduates and specialists in the humanities, this collection provides an in- depth introduction to debates within post-colonial theory and criticism. The readings are drawn from a diverse selection of Third World and Western thinkers, both historical and contemporary. "Post-colonialism" is taken by the editors to include Third World and diasporic experience, like "colonialism," it is understood to contain a complex set of cultural, ethnographic, political, and economic processes and conflicts.

Wolf E.Europe and the People without HistoryBerkeley, California University Press, 1982

Review"In this big and important book, Eric Wolf begins and ends with the assertion that anthropology must pay more attention to history. It is with pleasure, then, that one reads a critical analysis that rejects pseudo- historical oppositions and explores with such care the historical processes by which primitive and peasant pasts have become a fundamentally altered primitive, peasant, and proletarian present." - William Roseberry, Dialectical Anthropology"The work of a powerful theoretical intelligence, but one informed by a lived sense of social realities." - Times Literary Supplement"Wolf has created a history of connection rather than one of segregation. This absorbing and stimulating book provides a convincing and, dare I say, new perspective. By emphasizing a common past, Wolf moves away from weary polarities of active 'white' centre and passive 'non- white' periphery and suggests both a more complex and a more informed sense of the relationship between Europe and the rest of the world." - Ben Jay, European Update"Wolf's empirical knowledge is exceptionally wide. He relies on a skillful selection of phenomena in time and space that are reasonably representative of the totality. The book is very well written and with a profoundly human touch." - Magnus Mrner, Ethnos"Wolf's intention is to explain the development and nature of the chains of cause and consequence which linked populations in the post-1400 world. The outcome is a tightly structured and elegant book." – Oceania"Wolf's intention is to show that European expansion not only transformed the historical trajectory of non-European societies but also reconstituted their historical accounts of their societies before European intervention. His historical sweep and analytic breadth are astounding, and he gives approximately equal weight to historical 'winners' and 'losers.'" - Michael S. Kimmel, American Journal of Sociology -This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. The intention of this work is to show that European expansion not only transformed the historical trajectory of non-European societies but also reconstituted the historical accounts of these societies before European intervention. It asserts that anthropology must pay more attention to history.


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Young R. J.C.Postcolonialism: An Historical IntroductionOxford, Blackwell Publisher, 2001

"The foremost postcolonial theorist in Britain" Times Higher Education Supplement "In pursuing the historical past of postcolonial discourse, Robert Young makes a truly insightful and inventive contribution to the development of the field. His intricate and exhaustive study finds its inspiration in the exhilarating events and ideals of anti-colonialist struggle. Inspired by the imaginative spirit of emancipation, Young argues that the great anti-colonial movements were also transformative and hybrid moments that reshaped both power and knowledge. The fine achievement of this provocative account lies in reviving and revising the remarkable dawning of the Third World as we emerge into the global conceits of the third millennium." Homi K. Bhabha, Harvard University"Robert Young points postcolonial studies in new directions, paradoxically by offering a timely reminder of the field's historical beginnings in anticolonial struggles. This book combines scholarship and polemic admirably in its project of situating and redirecting postcolonial studies today. It is a major work, marking a turning-point in thinking and research in the field." Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, Nehru Memorial Library, New Delhi"Steadfastly avoiding the glib formulas and fashionable notions with which Eng Lit is now awash, Young gives us instead a meticulously researched, soberly detailed set of histories - of classical European colonialism, international socialism, and a range of nationalist movements from China and Egypt to Cuba and Algeria. The result is a timely portrait of the various unsavoury ways in which the West has sought cynically to derail emancipation of others while prating piously of its own liberties." Terry Eagleton, Times Literary Supplement"Young (Oxford) offers a panoramic view of the political and intellectual origins of postcolonial thought. Young helpfully synthesizes a great deal of material. In addition to the canonical topics, he covers some that are neglected by most scholars. Highly recommended for upper-division undergraduates through faculty." Choice"Young does a brilliant job in laying the foundations for the further understanding of this urgent dilemma." Times Higher Education Supplement This innovative book by one of the leading exponents in the field introduces ‘postcolonialism' in both theoretical and historical terms. Robert Young provides a wide-ranging analysis of postcolonial theory's emergence from anticolonial movements in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, tracing the development of a transnational third-world counter-modernity through the work of major figures of the freedom struggles, including Cabral, Connolly, Fanon, Gandhi, Guevara, Nkrumah, Mao, Mariátegui, and Senghor, and through the roles played by women activists. Young suggests that the anti-colonial movements were revolutionary mixtures of the indigenous and the cosmopolitan, diasporic formations of intellectual and cultural resistance that produced new kinds of knowledge that flourished alongside anti-colonial political practice. Postcolonial theory marks the intrusion of these radically different perspectives into the academy, hitherto dominated by the criteria of the west. Young argues that while postcolonial critique challenges established, eurocentric knowledge in the cultural sphere, it must continue to work in the spirit of the anticolonial movements by further developing its radical political edge to enforce social justice on a global basis. This is a stimulating introduction for those new to postcolonial theory, while offering more advanced readers a fresh perspective on the dynamics and history of the field. This innovative book by one of the leading exponents in the field introduces ‘postcolonialism' in both theoretical and historical terms.


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Robert Young provides a wide-ranging analysis of postcolonial theory's emergence from anticolonial movements in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, tracing the development of a transnational third-world counter-modernity through the work of major figures of the freedom struggles, including Cabral, Connolly, Fanon, Gandhi, Guevara, Nkrumah, Mao, Mariátegui, and Senghor, and through the roles played by women activists. Young suggests that the anti-colonial movements were revolutionary mixtures of the indigenous and the cosmopolitan, diasporic formations of intellectual and cultural resistance that produced new kinds of knowledge that flourished alongside anti-colonial political practice. Postcolonial theory marks the intrusion of these radically different perspectives into the academy, hitherto dominated by the criteria of the west. Young argues that while postcolonial critique challenges established, eurocentric knowledge in the cultural sphere, it must continue to work in the spirit of the anticolonial movements by further developing its radical political edge to enforce social justice on a global basis.This is a stimulating introduction for those new to postcolonial theory, while offering more advanced readers a fresh perspective on the dynamics and history of the field.


Fatehali Devji F.IntroductionCultural Dynamics, 13 (2001), 3, pp. 259-261

Harootunian H.D."Postcoloniality's unconscious/area studies' desire"Postcolonial Studies, vol. 2, n. 2, 1999, pp. 127-147

Inden R."Tradition Against Itself"American Ethnologist, XIII, 4 (November 1986), pp. 762-75

Inden R."Orientalist Constructions of India"Modern Asian Studies, XX, 3 (1986), pp. 401-46

Ivekovic R.Orients: critique de la raison postmoderneBlandin, Paris, 1992


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Ketkar S.V.History of Caste in India: Evidence of the Laws of Manu on the Social Condition in India During the Third Century A.D., Interpreted and Examined, with an Appendix on Radical Defects of EthnologyJaipur 1979

Nordquist J.Postcolonial Theory: A BibliographySocial Theory, no. 50, Reference & Research Services, 1997

Pearson M.N., Watson I.B. (eds.)“Asia and Europe: Commerce, colonialism and cultures. Essays in honour of Sinnapah Arasaratnam”South Asia Special Issue, Vol. XIX, 1996

Prakash G. (ed.)"Writing Post-Orientalist Histories of the Third World: Perspectives from Indian Historiography"Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 32, April 1990.

Washbrook D., O’Hanlon R."After Orientalism: Culture, Criticism, and Politics in the Third World"Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 34, January 1992

Zaman N., Azim F., Hussain S.Colonial and post-colonial encountersNew Delhi, Manohar, 2000


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Indice analitico

Afzal-Khan F. 59Ahmad A. 59Al-Azmeh A. 55Albertazzi S. 60Anderson B. 61An-Na’im A. 58Antola E. 25Archibugi D. 4, 5Arnason J. P. 5, 55Attali J. 5Azim F. 112Badie B. 61Balagangadhara S.N. 62Ballantyne T. 62Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation 33Barber B.R. 17Barker F. 63Bartolovich C. 64Bates C. 65Bayly S. 65Beck U. 6, 17, 18Ben-Rafael E. 33Benhabib S. 55Berger P. A. 54Bettin Lattes G. 6Beverley J. 66Bhabha H. 66Bhambra G. K. 56Bickers R. 67Boniolo G. 34Bort E. 18Bosetti G. 51Braudel F. 6Breckenridge C. A. 67Brennan T. 7Breuilly J. 19Bulmer M. 58Campanini M. 56Caplan R. 7Caracciolo L. 19Cashmore E. 56Castellino J. 68Castle G. 68Chakrabarty D. 57Chambers I. 69Chatterjee P. 69Chaturvedi V. 70Chaudhuri K.N. 79Chrisman L. 109Chun A. 71Clarke D. 71Cohen R. 16, 52Cohn B. 71, 72Colm Hogan P. 73


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Cotesta V. 34, 35Craveri P. 8Crépon M. 35Crouch C. 8Curti L. 69Darian-Smith E. 73de Graaf P. 40Delanty G. 9Dhareshwar V. 74Dirlik A. 76, 77Dirks N.B. 74, 75, 76Dimitriadis G. 74Donaldson L. E. 94du Gay P. 36Eisenstadt S.N. 5, 19, 20, 33, 55, 57Elliott A. 36Elst K. 78Evans N. 18Fatehali Devji F. 111Favell A., 20, 48Featherstone M. 36, 37, 38, 39Feffer J. 7Ferrara A. 39Ferrara P. 32Ferry J.-M. 27Filoramo G. 54Finklestein D. 78Fitzpatrick P. 73Fligstein N. 26Friedländer S. 16Fukuyama F. 10Gandhi L. 78Gellner E. 10, 21Gilbert H. 79Gilroy P. 21, 79Goodman M. 11Gran P. 76Grande E. 6Grilli di Cortona P. 22Griswold W. 40Habermas J. 11, 12Haller M. 40Halman L. 40Hannerz U. 41Hansen Th. B. 80Hardt M. 22Harootunian H.D. 111Harper T.N. 81Hawley J. C. 81Hazard P. 12Heater D. 42Hedstrom P. 82Held D. 4Hermet G. 12Hirschmann A. 23Hobsbawn E. J. 43


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Hulme P. 63Hunt L. 43Huntington S.P. 43, 44Hussain S. 112Inden R. 82, 83, 111Ivekovic R. 13Joas H. 44, 45Joshi S. 83Kagan R. 13Karolewski P. 13Ketkar S.V. 112Keynes W. K. 54Kierzkowski H. 23King R. 84Kohler M. 4Kratoska P. 84Krishna S. 85Lash S. 36, 38, 39Latzer M. 25Lazarus N. 64, 86Lehmann H. 107Letta E. 19Loomba A. 87Lopez A. J. 87Loxley D. 63Mahajan S. 88Markham I. 46Martin S. 24Martinelli A. 13Mbembe A. 88McCarthy C. 74McLeod H. 46McLeod J. 89Memmi A. 89Meny Y. 24Mokre M. 25Mongia P. 90Moore-Gilbert B.J. 90Morey P. 91Mudimbe-Boyi E. 91Muller P. 24Nandy A. 92Nanopoulos K. 48Naregal V. 92Nelson E. S. 81Negri A. 22Nordquist J. 112O’Hanlon R. 112Ormières J.-L. 46Pagden A. 16Parsi V. E. 24Parsons T. 14Passerini L. 92, 93Pearson M.N. 112Peers D. M. 78Pieterse J. N. 47


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Prakash G. 94, 112Pui-Lan K. 94Punter D. 95Puntscher Riekmann S. 25Quadrio Curzio A. 25Quayson A. 95Quermonne J.-L. 24Raman S. 96Ray B. 96Ray S. 97Recchi E. 48Ricciarelli M. 48Riedel J. 57Robertson R. 16, 36, 48Rosas A. 25Roy P. 98Roy S. 98Rumford C. 9Sachsenmaier D. 57Sahlins M. 99Said E. W. 100Salvadori M. L. 49Sampat Patel N. 100Sandholtz W. 26Sandoval C. 101San Juan E. 101Sarkar S. 101Sartori G. 58Sassatelli M. 49Schopflin G. 15Schwarz H. 97, 102Scott D. 102Scott J. S. 103Sen A. K. 49Seshadri-Crooks K. 59Shankar S. 103Shastri A. 104Sheehan J. 50Shelley M. 50Simpson-Housley P. 103Smith A.D. 32Smith M. P. 20Solomos J. 50, 58Spivak G. C. 104Spohn W. 51Stiegler B. 15Stepputat F. 80Sternberg Y. 33Stone Sweet A. 26Sugirtharajah R.S. 105Suszycki A. 13Talbot C. 106Taylor Ch. 12Therborn G. 16, 26, 51, 58Thibaud P. 27Thiong'o N. 106


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Todorov T. 52Triandafyllidou A. 51Tsoukalis L. 27Turner B. S. 16Urban S. 48Van Der Veer P. 67, 107van Woerkens M. 108Varsori A. 8Vecchi R. 60Verma K.D. 108Vertovec S. 16, 52von Weizsacker R. 28Wallerstein I. 28, 29, 30, 31Walzer M. 53Ward I. 32Washbrook D. 112Watson I.B. 112Weiler J. 32, 53Weiss A. 54Wiegandt K. 44, 45, 53Willaime J.-P. 54Williams P. 109Wilson A. J. 104Winck M. 50Wittrock B. 5, 55, 82Wolf E. 109Young R. J.C. 110Zaman N. 112Ziebertz H. G. 54

