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L'anno duemiladiciotto, il giorno quattordici del mese di dicembre presso la sede dell’A.R.P.A.C. alla stregua dell'istruttoria compiuta dalla suindicata struttura e della dichiarazione di completezza e regolarità resa dal Dirigente Responsabile

PREMESSO CHE:• Il Regolamento (UE) n. 1301/2013 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 17 dicembre

2013 è relativo al Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale e a disposizioni specifiche concernenti l’obiettivo “Investimenti a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione” e il Regolamento (UE) n. 1303/2013 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 17 dicembre 2013 reca disposizioni comuni sul Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, sul Fondo Sociale Europeo, sul Fondo di Coesione, sul Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale e sul Fondo Europeo per gli Affari Marittimi e la Pesca e disposizioni generali sul Fondo Europeo di sviluppo regionale, sul Fondo sociale europeo, sul Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, sul Fondo Sociale Europeo, sul Fondo di Coesione e sul Fondo Europeo per gli Affari Marittimi e la Pesca;

• L’iniziativa “Urban Innovative Actions” (UIA) è prevista dal Regolamento (UE) 1301/2013 all’articolo 8 secondo il quale “È necessario promuovere l’innovazione e lo sviluppo di PMI in ambiti emergenti legati alle sfide europee e regionali, come ad esempio i settori dell’industria creativa e della cultura nonché i servizi innovativi che rispondono alle nuove esigenze della società ovvero a prodotti e servizi connessi all’invecchiamento della popolazione, all’assistenza e alla salute, all’ecoinnovazione, all’economia a bassa emissione di carbonio e all’efficienza in termini di risorse”;

• L’UIA prevede l’apertura di “call for proposals” per favorire la partecipazione delle Autorità Urbane a progetti di ricerca e sviluppo finanziando quelli ritenuti ammissibili;

• L’UIA ha lanciato la terza “call for proposals” dal 15 dicembre 2017 al 30 marzo 2018 per la quale era ammessa la sottomissione di proposte progettuali negli ambiti:

− Adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici;− Qualità dell’aria;− Edilizia;− Lavori e competenze nell’economia locale.

• Il Comune di Portici, attraverso il proprio sito istituzionale, ha pubblicato un avviso pubblico per la formulazione di manifestazioni di interesse volte alla individuazione di idee progettuali per l’elaborazione condivisa di un progetto da presentare al III bando europeo dell'iniziativa Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) sulla linea “Air Quality” con scadenza 9 marzo 2018;

• Nell’ambito di detto avviso, al fine di valutare la possibilità di partecipazione al bando europeo, l’ENEA, la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Legambiente Campania, Terraria srl e l’ARPAC hanno formulato una proposta progettuale al Comune di Portici sottoscritta in data 8/3/2018;





















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• Con nota protocollo C_001#PORTICI#0019439# il Comune di Portici ha inviato proprio

“VERBALE DEL 20/03/2018: INCONTRO CO-PROGETTAZIONE BANDO EUROPEO III URBAN INNOVATIVE ACTIONS (UIA) - “AIR QUALITY” E ACCORDO PARTENARIATO TERRARIA S.R.L., ENEA, LEGAMBIENTE CAMPANIA, UNI. FEDERICO II- DIPARTIMENTO AGRARIA, ARPA CAMPANIA” nel quale si è proposta come Main Urban Authority (MUA), ha costituito il Partenariato progettuale e ha confermato la sottomissione della proposta progettuale alla Commissione Europea nei modi e termini previsti dal bando europeo;

• In data 28 marzo 2018 il Comune di Portici, in qualità di “MUA”, nella persona del sindaco pro tempore ha formalizzato la sottomissione del progetto “AIR-HERITAGE” alla valutazione della Commissione Europea attraverso apposito “application form”;

• La proposta progettuale è stata correttamente acquisita dal sistema automatico di presentazione con denominazione UIA03-322-AIR-HERITAGE;

• Nell’ambito della proposta progettuale, ARPAC è prioritariamente coinvolta nella fase denominata “WP4 – Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring”; in questa fase ARPAC collaborerà principalmente con ENEA e UNINA al design e sviluppo della rete di monitoraggio pervasiva con sensoristica sperimentale fissa e mobile, anche attraverso indagini conoscitive dello stato della qualità dell’aria con campagne di misura specifiche, nonché approfondimenti analitici, sul territorio del Comune di Portici. ARPAC, inoltre, comparerà i dati forniti dalla sensoristica sperimentale, nonché dalle elaborazioni modellistiche sviluppate da altri partner, con le rilevazioni degli apparati della rete regionale fissi e mobili certificati ai fini del monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria. Infine, ARPAC valuterà gli effetti sulla qualità dell’aria delle best practices adottate dal MUA a seguito del monitoraggio pervasivo. Il budget stimato per le attività di competenza ARPAC è pari a € 380.591,05 IVA inclusa di cui € 172.000,00 IVA inclusa per il potenziamento della dotazione strumentale della Rete Regionale tramite acquisizione di nuove apparecchiature. L’importo sarà finanziato con fondi FESR per l’80% del totale. Nell’ambito della proposta progettuale è stata indicata come “contact person” l’ing. Paolo D’Auria in servizio presso la UOC MOCE della Direzione Tecnica;

• Con propria nota prot. n. 63979 dell’8 ottobre 2018 il Comune di Portici ha comunicato al partenariato l’approvazione e la conseguente ammissione al finanziamento FESR del progetto “AIR-HERITAGE”.

CONSIDERATO CHE• al fine di dare concreta attuazione a quanto programmato nel progetto “AIR-HERITAGE” è necessario approvare il progetto stesso presentato alla Commissione Europea e acquisito con n. UIA03-322-AIR-HERITAGE e successivamente approvato e ammesso al finanziamento con nota dell’UIA Permanent Secretariat del 4/10/2018;• è altresì necessario approvare il “Partnership Agreement” che contiene tutti i doveri e le responsabilità di ogni Partner del progetto prima, durante e dopo l’attuazione del progetto;• al fine della concreta realizzazione delle attività di competenza dell’Agenzia previste nel progetto è opportuno, altresì nominare responsabile del progetto il dott. Giuseppe Onorati dirigente della UOC MOCE della Direzione Tecnica; • la realizzazione del progetto in argomento necessita inoltre dell’apertura di apposito capitolo in entrata e in uscita nel bilancio 2019 denominato “Progetto AIR-HERITAGE” che costituirà il riferimento contabile per gli introiti derivanti dal corrispettivo da percepire relativo alle attività fornite che si stimano in complessivi € 380.591,05 IVA inclusa.

ATTESO CHE tutti gli atti richiamati nella presente deliberazione sono depositati presso l’ufficio proponente;

VISTI• il D. Lgs. 241/90 e ss.mm.ii.;• la L.R. 10/98 ed il vigente Regolamento sull'Organizzazione dell’ARPAC;• la Deliberazione del Commissario n.489/2017 di approvazione del bilancio di previsione

2018 e pluriennale 2018/20;

DELIBERAZIONEPer le motivazioni espresse in narrativa che qui si intendono integralmente riportate e trascritte:

• di approvare il progetto “AIR-HERITAGE: Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies” con durata dal 1/11/2018 al 31/10/2021 (36 mesi) allegato alla presente e parte integrante;

• di approvare, ai fini della sottoscrizione, lo schema di “Partnership Agreement” allegato alla presente e parte integrante;

• di nominare responsabile del progetto il dott. Giuseppe Onorati dirigente della UOC MOCE della Direzione Tecnica;

• di demandare alla UO GERI:◦ l’apertura di apposito capitolo in entrata e in uscita nel bilancio 2019 denominato

“Progetto AIR-HERITAGE” che costituirà il riferimento contabile per gli introiti derivanti dal corrispettivo da percepire relativo alle attività fornite, che si articoleranno secondo lo schema seguente:

Anno Entrate Uscite Cofinanziamento2019 € 204.349,14 € 255.436,42 € 51.087,282020 € 66.749,14 € 83.436,42 € 16.687,282021 € 33.374,57 € 41.718,21 € 8.343,64Totale € 304.472,85 € 380.591,05 € 76.118,20

◦ Di accertare, all’approvazione del bilancio di previsione 2019, ai sensi del capitolo 4 del “Capitolato Tecnico: terzo Bando dell’Iniziativa UIA” l’importo del 50% pari a € 152.236,43 quale anticipazione corrisposta entro 90 giorni dalla firma della Convenzione di Attribuzione del contributo alla MUA e dell'Accordo di Parteniarato (Partnership Agreement) nel bilancio 2019, l’importo del 30% pari a € 91.341,85 all’approvazione dell’avanzamento progettuale del 35% del budget complessivo e l’importo del 20% pari a € 60.894,57 alla chiusura del progetto nel bilancio 2021.

Napoli, 12 dicembre 2018

Il Dirigente UOC Reti di Monitoraggio e CEMEC dott. Giuseppe ONORATI

La proposta di deliberazione è accolta.Napoli, 14/12/2018

Il Commissario StraordinarioAvv. Luigi Stefano SORVINO



Sulla suesposta proposta, in ordine alla regolarità tecnica, si esprime parere favorevole.

Data 13/12/2018

Il Direttore Tecnico

Marinella Vito / INFOCERT SPA


Sulla suesposta proposta, in ordine alla regolarità amministrativo-contabile ed alla copertura

finanziaria, si esprime parere favorevole.

Data 13/12/2018

Il Direttore Amministrativo

Pietro Vasaturo / INFOCERT SPA

DELIBERAZIONE N° 602 DEL 14/12/2018


Si dichiara che la presente deliberazione è stata affissa all'Albo di questa Agenzia dal giorno

14/12/2018 e vi resterà per gg 15 (quindici) .

Napoli, 14/12/2018

Il Funzionario IncaricatoValeria Torella / INFOCERT SPA

DELIBERAZIONE N° 602 DEL 14/12/2018


La presente Deliberazione è stata dichiarata immediatamente eseguibile per l'urgenza

Napoli data 14/12/2018

Il Commissario StraordinarioAvv. Luigi Stefano SORVINO

Luigi Stefano Sorvino / INFOCERT SPA

Relazione su Proposta di Deliberazione


Necessità assunzione atto

La deliberazione proposta è necessaria al fine di approvare il progetto elaborato dal partneriato costituito dal Comune di Portici (capofila), ENEA, Università di Napoli “Federico II” e Legambiente Campania e destinatario del finanziamento della Commissione Europea nell’ambito dell’Iniziativa “UIA- Urban Innovative Actions”, ammesso al finanziamento FESR e durata delle attività dal 1/11/2018 al 31/10/2021.È necessario, altresì, approvare lo schema di Partnership Agreement, che contiene tutti i doveri e le responsabilità di ogni partner del progetto prima, durante e dopo l’attuazione del progetto ai fini della sottoscrizione formale per dare avvio alle attività progettuali.È ulteriormente necessario individuare un responsabile interno all’Agenzia per lo svolgimento delle fasi progettuali di competenza ARPAC e istituire apposito capitolo in entrata e in uscita del bilancio 2019 denominato “Progetto AIR-HERITAGE” che costituirà il riferimento contabile per gli introiti derivanti dal corrispettivo da percepire relativo alle attività fornite, che si stimano in complessivi € 380,591.05 IVA inclusa.

Quadro normativo di riferimento

D. Lgs. 241/90 e ss.mm.ii.; L.R. 10/98 ed il vigente Regolamento sull'Organizzazione dell’ARPAC; Deliberazione del Commissario n.489/2017 di approvazione del bilancio di previsione 2018

e pluriennale 2018/20;

Riflessi finanziari sul bilancioAcquisizione di beni e servizi conl’apertura di apposito capitolo in entrata e in uscita nel bilancio 2019 denominato “Progetto AIR-HERITAGE” che costituirà il riferimento contabile per gli introiti derivanti dal corrispettivo da percepire relativo alle attività fornite che si stimano in complessivi € 380.591,05 IVA inclusa.

Napoli 7/12/2018

Il Dirigente del UOC Reti di monitoraggio e CEMEC Dott. Giuseppe ONORATI

Part A - Project summary

A.1 Project Identification


Title Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies.

Project Number UIA03-322

(Main) Urban Authority Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

ERDF rate 80.00%

Project Duration Start Date 01/11/2018

End Date 31/10/2021

Total Months 36

Topic Air quality

A.2 Project summary

Description Regulatory Air Quality monitoring networks cannot achieve sufficient spatial resolution for assessing citizens groups exposure, particularly in small cities. Thus, Public Authorities lackrelevant data and tools to design targeted improvement and remediation policies while citizens lack targeted information. Moreover, significant institutional and cultural barriers betweencitizens and PAs have grown, distorting the shared perception and diminishing the impact of AQ policies. AIR-HERITAGE aims to build a framework based on pervasive AQ monitoring,integrating regulatory monitoring stations, solid state based fixed stations and citizens mobile personal exposure analyzers in a fully synergistic network. Coupled with high resolutionmodeling tools, data will be used to fuel an innovative AQ Policy Decision Support System. Citizen engagement in AQ policies will be innovated through availability of personal exposurefeedbacks and targeted data sharing implementing a crowdsensing social network that will become part of the policy making process. All this will be leveraged to improve PA capability todesign efficient and participated policies improving existing ones. PA officers and citizens associations will cooperate providing their own monitored AQ data, recorded during daily activities.Thus, the cooperative nature of AIR-HERITAGE will bridge the existing gap among the AQ relevant actors, increasing citizens engagement in policies, ultimately impacting on air quality levels.

Partner ERDF co-financing Contribution Total

Partner Country EUR ERDF rate Public Private Total Budget % of project budget

PP 1 - PorticiMunicipalAuthority[CdP]

IT 994,790.84 80.00% 248,697.71 0.00 248,697.71 1,243,488.55 30.38%

PP 2 - ItalianNationalAgency forNewTechnologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

IT 554,800.00 80.00% 138,700.00 0.00 138,700.00 693,500.00 16.94%

PP 3 -DepartmentofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity ofNaplesFederico II[UNINA DIA]

IT 526,160.00 80.00% 131,540.00 0.00 131,540.00 657,700.00 16.07%

PP 4 -LegambienteCampaniaOnlus [LAC]

IT 494,404.80 80.00% 0.00 123,601.20 123,601.20 618,006.00 15.10%

PP 5 -CampaniaRegionalAgency forEnvironmentProtection[ARPAC]

IT 304,472.84 80.00% 76,118.21 0.00 76,118.21 380,591.05 9.30%

PP 6 -Terraria srl[TA]

IT 399,847.20 80.00% 0.00 99,961.80 99,961.80 499,809.00 12.21%

Total (€) 3,274,475.68 80.00% 595,055.92 223,563.00 818,618.92 4,093,094.60 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part B - Partnership

Relevance of the Partnership Synergetic impact at different societal levels will be achieved coalescing partners with complementary expertize, having long term cooperation record in the concerned area.CdP has a significant expertise in participated environmental management policies with outstanding results in urban waste management. Coordinating the action, it will co-lead Policy and stakeholders engagement [WP7] with Legambiente, the main Italian environmental protection association, leading several civic engagement programs [WP7,3].ENEA brings in its >10yrs expertise in advanced AQ monitoring systems leading pervasive network development [WP4]. Guidelines development and network operation is ledby ARPAC, the regional regulatory AQ monitoring agency [WP4]. UNINA provides its expertise in developing geospatial models for AQ and ITS, leading WP5. TERRARIA, aleading environmental DSS solutions provider, will integrate the WP4-5 subsytems into the DSS coalescing it into CdP AQ policies planning process.

B.1 - (Main) Urban Authority

Organisation name (Original) Comune di Portici [CdP]

Organisation name (English) Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

Member state ITALY

Number of inhabitants 55,012

Comments, if necessary

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned Dept. Environment, Urban Hygiene and Welfare.Role: Coordination of the project and of the monitoring activities, air quality control, information management for citizens.dr. Corrado Auricchio

Security Dept.,Role:Territorial control, Municipal Police involvement, Viability, Transp.Dr. Gennaro Sallusto

Mayor CabinetRole:Support to citizens participation and of privacy.Dr. Maurizio Longo

Pub. Works/Tech. Dept.Role:Infrastructure and public works implementation.Arch. G. C. M. Improta

Address Street Via Campitelli Contact Person Position Technical Administrative instructor

Post Code 80055 Title Mr

Town Portici Forename Ettore

NUTS 2 Campania Surname Morandino

NUTS 3 Napoli Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 817 862 306

Legal representative Position Mayor

Title Mr

Forename Vincenzo

Surname Cuomo

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 817 862 214

Legal status of the organisation Public Partner type Local public authority

VAT number IT01546481217

VAT recoverable No

Involvement in the design phase The UA has enriched and strengthened the starting project idea by issuing a public Notice aiming to select valuable partners for the 3rd UIA Call. To this aim, severalinternal meetings among the involved UA Depts (reported above), with the coordination of the Municipal Assessor to the Environment and the Portici Mayor supervision,have been organized. This approach allowed the UA to activate a local based partnership supporting the administration in the further project development.

Involvement in the implementation phase The UA has already acted in the past to support local initiatives that took advantage from highly renowned public bodies (University, ENEA) to involve citizens in thecultural development of the town (e.g. Fondazione Portici Campus). On the basis of these experiences and following the results of the public Notice, meetings amongthe involved partners and the local stakeholders will be organized and utilized as a feedback for this project based on citizens involvement and innovative technologies.The UA will be the coordinator of the project (UA will express the project & communication manager for the best finalization of WP2 and WP3) and will support thedelivery partners in the on-site technical and social deployment (WP4, WP7).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed?

The UA and its Environment Office activated specific Air Quality monitoring activities since 2014, giving evidence of the local related problems although, due to the lackof citizen awareness no solution has been taken into consideration. UA has a deep knowlegde of the urban specificity and related environmental problems. Theproject will help in promoting air quality improvement measures and their societal acceptability; a remarkable best practice for a large number of LocalAdministrations.

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

The city of Portici is one of the twenty cities over fifty thousand inhabitants, identified by the Campania region, on which to intervene with integrated urbanredevelopment programs (P.I.U.Europa FESR 2007-2013).The P.I.U.Europa Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 1 August 2008. The strategy of the Program foresees actions and interventions articulated in relationto the three objectives:More Nature;More History;More Community.

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


994,790.84 80.00% 248,697.71 0.00 248,697.71 1,243,488.55

Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00

WP 2 200,000.00 30,000.00 12,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 242,500.00 0.00 242,500.00

WP 3 150,000.00 22,500.00 0.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 252,500.00 0.00 252,500.00

WP 4 124,077.00 18,611.55 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 242,688.55 0.00 242,688.55

WP 5 12,000.00 1,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,800.00 0.00 13,800.00

WP 6 40,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,000.00 0.00 46,000.00

WP 7 140,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 120,000.00 130,000.00 0.00 411,000.00 0.00 411,000.00

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00

Total (€) 666,077.00 99,911.55 12,500.00 235,000.00 230,000.00 0.00 1,243,488.55 0.00 1,243,488.55

% of totalbudget 53.57% 8.03% 1.01% 18.90% 18.50% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 2)

Organisation name (Original) Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile [ENEA]

Organisation name (English) Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]

Member state ITALY

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned ENEA- DTE-FSN

Address Street P.le E. Fermi 1 Contact Person Position Principal investigator

Post Code 80055 Title Mr

Town Napoli Forename Saverio

NUTS 2 Campania Surname De Vito

NUTS 3 Napoli Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 817 723 364

Legal representative Position Director

Title Mr

Forename Ezio

Surname Terzini

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 817 723 226

Legal status of the organisation Public Partner type Higher education and research

VAT number 00985801000

VAT recoverable No

Involvement in the design phase ENEA PV & Smart Network Division has participated contributing to the proposal set up phase participating in preparation meetings, contributing to the WBS design, tothe design of the implementation of citizens involvement in AQ monitoring campaigns as well as with AQ networks citizen science specific written contributions to theproposal DoW.

Involvement in the implementation phase ENEA will contribute to the design and lead the development phase of the pervasive AQ network. This will include the development of citizens mobile personalexposure monitoring devices as well as associated targeted feedback tools (Smartphone APPs, Web interfaces, Alerting tools) and scalable data processing facilities.ENEA will also develop, implement and validate the EC sensors calibration algorithms based on machine learning techniques for on board/fog computing execution. Field and lab recorded data will be used as a support for this data driven approach. Support to UNINA and ARPAC in the design and implementation of Air quality mapping and planning tool with specific air quality sensor fusion and geostatisticsexpertise.

Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed?

ENEA has 20 yrs experience in gas sensors and electronic noses research. On board Gas sensors HW/SW solutions have been studied for safety and securityapplications and machine learning algorithms for indicative air quality analyzers have been developed proposing field data recordings for pollutant concentrationsestimation. It has developed personal gas pollutant exposure monitors for citizen science and associated sw tools providing feedback and geostatistic information totheir users.

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

ENEA has participated in several EU projects targeted to the development of Gas Sensors networks and Data fusion algorithms for industrial NDTs, New Air Quality(AQ) monitoring technologies and Wearable AQ monitoring devices for healthcare.NDTs : CleanSky ICARO (Lead), FP7-ENCOMB (Partner), H2020-COMBONDT (Partner);Pervasive AQ Monitoring: EUNetAir COST Action (Partner & Mngmt Com. member)Wearables for AQ and Healthcare: Flag-ERA JTC Convergence (Partner, WP and Italian consortium leader)

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


554,800.00 80.00% 138,700.00 0.00 138,700.00 693,500.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 2 65,000.00 9,750.00 1,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 78,750.00 0.00 78,750.00

WP 3 25,000.00 3,750.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,750.00 0.00 48,750.00

WP 4 160,000.00 24,000.00 0.00 50,000.00 120,000.00 0.00 354,000.00 0.00 354,000.00

WP 5 80,000.00 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 97,000.00 0.00 97,000.00

WP 6 50,000.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,500.00 0.00 57,500.00

WP 7 50,000.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,500.00 0.00 57,500.00

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total (€) 430,000.00 64,500.00 21,000.00 50,000.00 128,000.00 0.00 693,500.00 0.00 693,500.00

% of totalbudget 62.00% 9.30% 3.03% 7.21% 18.46% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 3)

Organisation name (Original) Università di Napoli "Federico II" Facoltà di Agraria [UNINA DIA]

Organisation name (English) Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]

Member state ITALY

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned DIA-UNINA

Address Street Via Università 100 Contact Person Position Prof.

Post Code 80055 Title Mr

Town Portici Forename Stefano

NUTS 2 Campania Surname Mazzoleni

NUTS 3 Napoli Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 812 532 020

Legal representative Position Prof

Title Mr

Forename Matteo

Surname Lorito

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 812 539 001

Legal status of the organisation Public Partner type Higher education and research

VAT number 00876220633

VAT recoverable No

Involvement in the design phase UNINA has participated to the project definition, giving contribution on modelling aspects and linking data collected by sensor vs models and ITS (IntelligentTransportation Systems).

Involvement in the implementation phase UNINA will be responsible for all activities of WP5:Models design, implementation, calibration and testing; Model and real case scenarios definitionUNINA will support ENEA in the design of the AQ network, paying attention to the data collection for the implementation of the traffic and AQ mapping and modelling.UNINA will support TerrAria in the development of the DSS and implement the exhibition set-up in the Museum of Agricultural Sciences (centro MUSA) in the RoyalPalace of Portici.

Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed?

UNINA has a long and recognized experience in the development of simulation models of ecosystem processes (plant-soil interactions and dynamics, carbon cycles,plant-water relations and gas exchange and fire propagation) and in the implementation of DSS for environmental management (fire prevention planning of nationalparks of Cilento, Vesuvio and Campania region; alert systems for agricultural and industrial applications; waste, energy and tourism planning).

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

DIA UNINA coordinated/participated several national and international projects:ModMED “Modelling Mediterranean Ecosystems Dynamics" (EU DG XII EV5V CT94-0489/0139 and EU DG XII ENV4CT97-0680)Fire PARADOX (EU DG XII FP6 018505)PETIT-OSA Information technology for environment PON-MIURPRIN MIUR 2003 and 2005HKKH partnership project “Integrated Monitoring of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya Mountain Complex”

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


526,160.00 80.00% 131,540.00 0.00 131,540.00 657,700.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 2 18,000.00 2,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,700.00 0.00 20,700.00

WP 3 10,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,500.00 0.00 11,500.00

WP 4 5,000.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,750.00 0.00 5,750.00

WP 5 350,000.00 52,500.00 20,000.00 150,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 602,500.00 0.00 602,500.00

WP 6 10,000.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,500.00 0.00 11,500.00

WP 7 5,000.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,750.00 0.00 5,750.00

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total (€) 398,000.00 59,700.00 20,000.00 150,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 657,700.00 0.00 657,700.00

% of totalbudget 60.51% 9.08% 3.04% 22.81% 4.56% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 4)

Organisation name (Original) Legambiente Campania [LAC]

Organisation name (English) Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]

Member state ITALY

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned Campania regional Delegation

Address Street p.zza Cavour, 168 Contact Person Position Vice president

Post Code 80137 Title Ms

Town napoli Forename Anna

NUTS 2 Campania Surname Savarese

NUTS 3 Napoli Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 081 261 890

Legal representative Position Staff resp.

Title Ms

Forename Mariateresa

Surname Imparato

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 081 261 890

Legal status of the organisation Private Partner type Interest groups including NGOs

VAT number 06676380634

VAT recoverable No

Involvement in the design phase The establishment of a control room participated by all the partners has allowed an adequate shared project governance.Legambiente Campania has participated in the design mainly concerning the activities of involvement in active citizenship and in the citizen science, of information andsensitization, of communication.

Involvement in the implementation phaseLegambiente Campania will contribute to the realization of the activities of involvement in active citizenship and in the citizen science, of information and sensitizationforeseen in the WP7, of communication foreseen in the WP3.

Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed? Legambiente Campania is a non-profit organization, whose distinguishing trait has been scientific environmentalism, involved in:

• promotion of citizen participation in the defense of the environment and the definition of quality of life;• protection of the human person, of animal and plant species, of the environment;• working on the issues of knowledge, research, the relationship between science, culture and work, to promote the dissemination of culture and scientific knowledge.

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

Legambiente Campania, in support of Legambiente (leader), participated in the project EcoLife - Ecological Lifestyles for CO2 Reduction (LIFE12 INF / IT / 000465),managing one of the "Local Communities" of the project, on the regional territory. An information, assistance and support center for citizens, on the sustainable use ofenergy and for the promotion and implementation of good practices to combat air pollution.

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


494,404.80 80.00% 0.00 123,601.20 123,601.20 618,006.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 2 19,600.00 2,940.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,540.00 0.00 23,540.00

WP 3 88,200.00 13,230.00 5,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 181,430.00 0.00 181,430.00

WP 4 26,400.00 3,960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,360.00 0.00 30,360.00

WP 5 26,400.00 3,960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,360.00 0.00 30,360.00

WP 6 26,400.00 3,960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30,360.00 0.00 30,360.00

WP 7 251,400.00 37,710.00 2,846.00 12,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 321,956.00 0.00 321,956.00

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total (€) 438,400.00 65,760.00 8,846.00 87,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 618,006.00 0.00 618,006.00

% of totalbudget 70.94% 10.64% 1.43% 14.08% 2.91% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 5)

Organisation name (Original) Agenzia Regionale Per la Protezione Ambientale della Campania [ARPAC]

Organisation name (English) Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]

Member state ITALY

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned Tecnical Operative Division Monitoring and Controls

Address Street Via Vicinale S. Maria del Pianto, Torre 1 Contact Person Position Manager

Post Code 80143 Title Mr

Town Napoli Forename Paolo

NUTS 2 Campania Surname D'Auria

NUTS 3 Napoli Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 812 326 246

Legal representative Position Pr.

Title Mr

Forename Luigi Stefano

Surname Sorvino

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 812 326 215

Legal status of the organisation Public Partner type Regional public authority

VAT number 07407530638

VAT recoverable No

Involvement in the design phase ARPAC has been involved in the technical meetings for project design since the beginning working alongside ENEA for for shaping the pervasive air monitoringnetwork concept at the technical core of AIR-HERITAGE project . Specifically, ARPAC exploited the know-how on territorial analysis acquired during the project «Campania Air quality regional Monitoring » which has redifined the Regional AQ network in accordance with the EU, national and technical normative evolution.

Involvement in the implementation phase During the implementation phase, ARPAC will develop guidelines for the design of the pervasive Air quality network. ARPAC will participate in the design phase withENEA in order to create a knowledge base as much as possible responding to the identification of anthropogenic pressures on air quality in the examined areas. It willprovide the design and the subsequent analysis of possible scenarios for the application of good policies and practices aimed at improving air quality. ARPAC willprovide technical support to other project partners due to the evaluation of the outcomes connected with the proposed actions and improvement measures, alsoproviding a contribution to the interpretation of the evolution of air pollution mechanisms.

Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed?

ARPAC is legally identified by the Campania Region for the control, monitoring and protection of the environment and territory. ARPAC has specific experience andexpertise in the AQ monitoring field as regional detection network manager. It also offers technical support to local authorities for the interpretation of environmentalpollution phenomena.

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

The intervention « PROGETTO DI ADEGUAMENTO DELLA RETE REGIONALE DI RILEVAMENTO DELLA QUALITA’ DELL’ARIA DELLA REGIONE CAMPANIA » hascarried out with positive results by ARPAC. It has ensured the implementation of monitoring systems and has allowed the development of a specific know-how in theplanning and management of complex projects of significant economic value.

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


304,472.84 80.00% 76,118.21 0.00 76,118.21 380,591.05

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 2 19,285.00 2,892.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,177.75 0.00 22,177.75

WP 3 12,857.00 1,928.55 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,785.55 0.00 16,785.55

WP 4 48,857.00 7,328.55 0.00 16,700.00 122,000.00 0.00 194,885.55 0.00 194,885.55

WP 5 29,142.00 4,371.30 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 83,513.30 0.00 83,513.30

WP 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 7 16,286.00 2,442.90 0.00 44,500.00 0.00 0.00 63,228.90 0.00 63,228.90

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total (€) 126,427.00 18,964.05 2,000.00 61,200.00 172,000.00 0.00 380,591.05 0.00 380,591.05

% of totalbudget 33.22% 4.98% 0.53% 16.08% 45.19% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


B.3 - Delivery Partner (Partner 6)

Organisation name (Original) Terraria srl [TA]

Organisation name (English) Terraria srl [TA]

Member state ITALY

Department(s)/unit(s)/division(s) concerned Air Quality Modelling

Address Street via Melchiorre Gioia, 132 Contact Person Position Director

Post Code 20125 Title Mr

Town Milano Forename Giuseppe

NUTS 2 Lombardia Surname Maffeis

NUTS 3 Milano Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 287 085 653

Legal representative Position director

Title Mr

Forename Giuseppe

Surname Maffeis

Email Address [email protected]

Phone Number +39 0 287 085 653

Legal status of the organisation Private Partner type SME

VAT number 00744290149

VAT recoverable Yes

Involvement in the design phase Plenary meetings were organized both among the technical partners and with the municipality to guarantee the necessary brainstorming for the development of theproject proposal. TA has contributed to the design phase by providing the experience of its research and development unit contributing to the WPs design and inparticular in designing the DSS that is an IT web platform to integrate air quality data, models and policies that are outputs from other WPs

Involvement in the implementation phase TA will implement a Decision Support System DSS that supports the MUA decision-maker in the choice of air quality policies and an App for effective citizeninvolvement. The DSS will be a web application able to integrate the results of the other technical WPs: it will make Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring data available(WP4), will use the Air Quality models developed by UNINA (WP5) and will integrate the WP7 policies. TA is leader of the WP6 and is involved in particular in WP4, WP5and WP7 to better integrate their output into the IT platform.To ensure the innovative nature of the proposal, TA will also integrate Copernicus products (as background concentrations in real-time forecasting) into the DSS.

Competences and experiences in relation tothe challenge addressed?

TA, with a close-knit and multi-disciplinary team, is a leader in developing WebGIS solutions and applications based on complex systems that manage and provideinformation from the business intelligence databases, giving priority to open-source software development; at the same time TA has many years of experience in thedesign, development and maintenance of the database INEMAR (Air Emissions Inventory) and in Air Quality modelling studies.TA was selected by the MUA through a public tender.

Experience in participating in and/or managingEU co-financed projects or other internationalprojects.

TA has been Partner in the following EU co-financed projects:OPERA: a regional integrated assessment software to plan local cost-effective air quality policies harmonized with national and EU actions; funded by LIFE09ENV/IT/000092APPRAISAL: assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies used within the EU Member States for the assessment and monitoring of Air Quality; FP7ENV, 308395IRIS: a web tool to Improve Resilience of Industry Sector, funded by LIFE14 CCA/IT/000663

Total Partner Budget


ERDF (€)


ERDF Co-financing rate (%) Public Contribution (€)


Private Contribution (€)


Total Contribution (€)


Total Eligible Cost (€)


399,847.20 80.00% 0.00 99,961.80 99,961.80 499,809.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Breakdown of Partner Budget per Work Package/ Budget Line

Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

WP 2 35,000.00 5,250.00 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,250.00 0.00 46,250.00

WP 3 34,360.00 5,154.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,514.00 0.00 44,514.00

WP 4 50,000.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57,500.00 0.00 57,500.00

WP 5 57,000.00 8,550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65,550.00 0.00 65,550.00

WP 6 156,200.00 23,430.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 245,630.00 0.00 245,630.00

WP 7 35,100.00 5,265.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,365.00 0.00 40,365.00

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total (€) 367,660.00 55,149.00 17,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 499,809.00 0.00 499,809.00

% of totalbudget 73.56% 11.03% 3.40% 12.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part C - Project description

C.1 Project relevance and innovativeness

C.1.1 Main challenge(s) to be addressed

Main challenge(s) to beaddressed

Air pollution has both acute and chronic effects on human health, affecting different systems and organs [1]. Recent studies consistently link particulate air pollution and people illnessranging from cardiovascular and respiratory problems to cancer [2,3].In response, the EU has issued an extensive legislation that sets health-based objectives and assessment standards for several air pollutants (see [4,5]).However, given the sparseness ofthe resulting regulatory monitoring networks, limited amount of localized Air Quality (AQ) data are available in EU small cities, consequently Urban Authorities (UA) AQ policies are only looselybased on actual data.Targeting the improvement of life quality, EU issued guidelines for sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) [6]. Transportation is actually believed to account for 30-50% of the environmental pollution in urban areas (>80% for particulate matter) [6,7]. Thus, a rational management of transportation can greatly impact AQ in urban areas.Portici (4.52 km2) [12], is a paradigmatic area to develop and implement AQ friendly mobility plans (Table 1). In fact, Portici has a very high residential density (12.170,8/km2), the highest inItaly. Ad-hoc measurement campaigns found average values of PM10 and PM2.5 for the year 2017 reaching significant values (36, 21 ug/m 3̂,respectively) [8]. It is located in south of Italywithin Napoli-Caserta conglomeration, characterized by high anthropic pressure on AQ and increased cancer incidence. During 2015-2017, 15% of regional monitoring reference stationsnetwork exceeded the limit on yearly average concentration of PM10 and NO2 while 40% exceeded for more than 35 days the daily limit for PM10 and outlooks are negative. Economically, AQmay impact tourism activities whose increase is actively sought by the Portici UA. From a social point of view, coarse scale AQ information, along with education levels issues, causesreduced and distorted awareness of AQ issues, with lack of communication occurring between UAs and citizens. Coarse AQ information may actually not reflect citizens experience,determining a distorted perception challenging regulators authoritativeness and exacerbating distances. Reduced awareness also slows down the engagement in AQ friendly mobility: eachday more than 60% of Portici primary school parents use cars for short home-school path (<500m) [9] and e-bike sharing subscriptions cover less than 0.3% of the population.AIR-HERITAGE tackles the challenge of reducing Air pollution in suburban EU cities by 1. enabling pervasive data based efficient AQ policy design for UAs, 2. improving citizen engagement inall phases of the process from data gathering to UA policy review 3. enabling automatic feedbacks between AQ monitoring and Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The challenges thus needan integrated approach bringing innovation at social, behavioural, political and technical level eventually bridging the gap among regulators and citizens.

C.1.2 Proposed solution

Proposed solution We aim to the development of an integrated framework that coalesces citizens, UAs and environmental protection agencies in the design and implementation of (citizen) science based airquality monitoring and amelioration policies. This will be achieved through a cohesive workplan targeting innovation in pervasive monitoring (WP4), UIAQ DSS (Urban Innovative Air QualityDecision Support system (WP5-WP6), Policies and Civic engagement (WP7) (Fig.1). Core of the project is the development of high resolution, “civic no. level”, pollutant mapping capabilitybuilt by fusing data produced by a heterogeneous pervasive monitoring network including regulatory monitoring stations, fixed multisensors systems and validated portable multisensorydevices (WP4). Fixed network will address the lack of a ground truth based continuous air quality assessment of CdP while ARPAC will speed up the technology uptake achieving HiRes pollutionsensing/mapping capabilities by integrating indicative measurements. Mobile devices will also produce personal and localized personal exposure feedback to the users. Throughstakeholders involvement (WP7), selected groups will be trained for cooperating to monitoring actions during their usual mobility pattern,with specific campaigns and ad-hoc tasking. WP7will simultaneously ensure citizen involvement in 0 emissions mobility campaigns aiming to behavioural change. Sharing the monitored data through social networking procedures willmotivate their participation in the actions ultimately impacting on air quality levels. Sensor level mapping tools (WP4) will allow entire citizenship to receive localized information on AQimproving the awareness (WP3,7). The integration of citizen produced data in the decision process will further motivate to support AQ policies. Actually, assimilating the high resolutionsensed data, an HIRes air pollution predictive model will be developed (WP5) and integrated in a UIAQ DSS (Urban Innovative Air Quality Decision Support System WP6) supporting urbanauthorities in traffic regulation and pollution mitigation policies by predicting their efficacy in the target areas [Wp7]. The cooperation among CdP, ARPAC and Legambiente will allow foridentification/improvement of remediation policies innovation in mobility (Ebike sharing, Ecars facilitated access and exemptions). Eventually, a cooperatively built knowledge will shape Airpollution mitigation policies bridging the gap between citizens, regulatory monitoring agencies and urban authorities also by a means of pervasive Communication startegy also based onworkshops and ad-hoc meetings (WP3). WP2 and WP8 will, respectively, ensure smooth coordination of activities mitigating the framework actuation risks and the transferability, byappropriate packaging of Pervasive Monitoring Guidelines, UIAQ DSS product and Civic Engagement Procedures.

C.1.3 Innovativeness of the proposed solution

Innovativeness of theproposed solution

Generating targeted AQ information conflicts with current EU AQ regulatory framework based on sparse networks which do not reflect the spatial-temporal variability of AQ at road scale. Thelack of local AQ information in small cities limits citizens’ awareness, reducing the adoption of AQ friendly lifestyle and exacerbating the distance between citizens and UAs. To this regard, alimited number of initiatives have been applied, to date, by UAs within small cities as in Portici (2014-2017 campaigns). The focus was typically on temporary operation of additional AQanalyzers in a few hotspots [8]. Furthermore, data were often communicated with an over-simplistic approach determining a lack of understanding and ultimately low levels of engagement incitizens. Other initiatives focus on adopting intelligent transport systems and/or equipping them with AQ analyzers for sharing gathered data (Zurich OpenSense). Instead, the concept of citizens’ observatory for urban AQ has been technically explored in several US and European RIA initiatives. The main focus has been on the development of novelfixed and mobile components for environmental monitoring to be also used by citizens, as well as innovative DSSs for policy makers helping them to identify measures for AQ improvementand to quantitatively assess their impact on citizens health. Relevant examples are EU projects as FP7-ENV-CITI-SENSE or COST-EUNetAir and, respectively, LIFE15 ENV/PT/674 Index-Air.Innovative methods for supporting citizen engagement in developing local environmental policies have been also experimented during the GIOCONDA Project (LIFE13 ENV/IT/225 -2014/2016), particularly addressed to young people.As a result, existing UA policies fails in reaching sufficient space-time resolution and citizen engagement, while RIA actions targetedinnovation in single aspects, lacking integration and/or UA involvement and failing in achieving long lasting effects. Starting from this, AIR-HERITAGE integrate all main citizens’ observatoryaspects by coordinating technological, political and social innovative actions in the Municipality of Portici. Our methodology is based on pervasive knowledge of the AQ state and an effectivesynergy between citizens and public administrations. In facts, we want to develop and implement an "intelligent" control and management system of traffic and air quality for the Municipality,through ITC solutions and targeted communication, behavioural change and engagement strategies. An innovative HiRes AQ mapping capability will be developed by fusing data producedby a a pervasive monitoring network, validated by analysers operated by citizens and urban authority personnel and by CAMS images, strongly innovating AQ monitoring [10]. Gathered datawill be used, through the predictive capability of the developed DSS, for selecting impacting and partecipated policies aimed at proposing different approaches to city mobility and informedmodulation of urban traffic flows.

C.1.4 Potential obstacles and resistance

Potential obstacles andresistance

The currently consolidated habits and lifestyles that often favor non-essential use for autonomous means of transport, the lack of awareness of the sources of air pollution related to personalchoices are certainly an obstacle that must be overcome. The urbanistic and settlement characteristics of the territory of Portici, extremely compressed and congested with little margins forthe construction of structural interventions, constitute a further obstacle that must be overcome.These impediments will be addressed through a systematic and widespread activity of information, awareness, involvement and responsibilization of citizens, supported by the technical-scientific activities of the project. Personal exposure monitors, operated by citizens, along with targeted feedback APPs, will empower their engagement in AQ friendly mobility throughenhanced awareness, participation to AQ knowledge building and implementation of monitoring campaigns.Activities to promote active citizenship, citizen science and environmental education will contribute to the empowerment and dissemination of virtuous behavior and actions also exploitingsocial networks capabilities.

C.1.5 Integrated Approach

Integrated approach Our region recent history [11] highlighted that environmental issues and among them, those related to AQ, cannot be faced exclusively through structural activities, but they must rather beassociated with intangible activities concerning the social, economic, cultural and educational sphere. As such, AIR-HERITAGE tackles AQ issues on various dimensions of life in urbanscenarios. Our citizen science approach to AQ monitoring seek impact on cultural dimension fostering the use of factual data for evaluating environmental status. At local governement level,the same approach is extended to the point of influencing policy makers as citizen becomes part of the decision process. This, along with increased awareness, will improve confidence inUAs and regulatory monitoring agencies. The social dimension is addressed by leveraging citizens associations devoting to different aspects of human life (Consumer Associations, SchoolParents and their representatives, Environmental Guards). Educational aspects are tackled by involving young citizens in primary school into sustainable mobility via specific projectsstimulating the awareness of the impact of their choices on environmental conditions. Ultimately, AIR-HERITAGE will stimulate the cooperation among local research agencies, university,urban authority and the citizenship preparing and securing a new level of cohesion in the city life with the clear objective of cooperatively ameliorating the quality of life of all the inhabitants.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


C.1.6 Link to ERDF thematic objectives and investment priorities

Link to ERDF ThematicObjectives andInvestment Priorities

With the implementation of the network of pervasive/mobile AQ monitoring devices, the modeling the traffic and air quality, the implementation of a decision support system (DSS), thepromotion of the active citizenship for air quality, the project supports the following thematic objectives and investment priorities:TO1 / IP.1.b - proposing technology transfer, social innovation, eco-innovation, applications in public services, networks, smart specialization, support technological and applied research;TO4 / IP.4.c - supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and the use of renewable energy in public infrastructure, including public buildings, and in the housing sector;TO4 / IP.4.e - promoting low-carbon strategies for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multi-modal urban mobility and mitigation measures;TO6 / IP.6.c - preserving, protecting, promoting and developing the natural and cultural heritage;TO6 / IP.6.f - promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and efficient use of resources to reduce air pollution;TO6 / IP.6.g - promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors;TO7 / IP.7.c - developing and improving environmentally sustainable transport systems;TO9 / IP.9.d - investing in local participatory development strategies;TO11 / IP.11 - strengthening the institutional capacity of p.a. and stakeholders for efficient public administration.

C.2 Project context and local partnership

C.2.1 Link with other local/regional/national strategies and policies (incl. smart specialisation strategies)

Link with otherlocal/regional/nationalstrategies and policies

With the implementation of the network of pervasive/mobile AQ monitoring devices, the traffic and air quality modeling, the implementation of a decision support system (DSS), the promotionof the active citizenship for air quality, the project is completely consistent with local/regional/national strategies and policies. In fact, national air quality laws entrust the regions theassessment of air quality and the planning and implementation of the measures for compliance with quality values. The Regional Plan for the Remediation and Maintenance of Air Quality ofCampania has classified the territory in homogeneous zones. The Municipality of Portici has been included in the "rehabilitation zone", as C6H6, NO2 and PM10 exceed the limit and themargin of tolerance. The measures of the Plan are divided according to the type of emission sources in:• measures concerning fixed diffuse sources,• transport measures (linear and widespread sources),• measures concerning point and localized sources.The participation and involvement of the social partners and the public are particularly requested by the Plan.The recently adopted Municipal Urban Planning Plan (PUC) contemplates the interconnecting natural spaces and the enhancing eco-sustainable mobility, directly related to the qualityproblem. air. The PUC identifies the ecological networks and the public and bicycle/pedestrian system as main actions for the restoration of air quality.

C.2.2 Synergies with other projects and initiatives

Synergies with otherprojects and initiatives

AIR-HERITAGE will build upon knowledge generated in funded or commercial projects as well as existing UA monitoring initiatives: the ENEA MONICA italian crowdfunding/crowdsensingproject has provided a feasibility check for technological+engagement concept as well as functional/acceptability results for its multisensor prototype, the basis for AIR-HERITAGE mobileanalyzer. It will continue to provide synergetic feedbacks on scalability/user perception as well as datasets for new data processing technologies. The Terraria UIAQ DSS (Urban Innovative AirQuality Decision Support System) open source tool is a DSS system based on emission inventories and will be improved with the inclusion of data assimilation schemes of high resolutionpollution data for developing the integrated Policy DSS. COST EuNetAir, have provided a scientific ground for validation of EC sensors proving them as best candidates for equipping mobileand pervasive AQ analyzers and meet indicative measurements DQO. From 2014 to 2018, UA has setup several 1 week monitoring initiatives, targeting PMs (1 site) and BTEXs (4 sites) inthe urban area. AIR-HERITAGE use the results to set baseline and target concentrations levels 1. in terms of pervasiveness and continuity of the measurements in the Portici area, 2. settingup a specific city wide high resolution AQ model, 3. integrating citizens provided measurements and the obtained knowledge in the UA policy process, 4. refocusing the target gas set.

C.2.3 Involvement of wider stakeholders in project design

Involvement of widerstakeholders in projectdesign

The following wider stakeholders have been contacted:Portici School Parents Representatives and Communality School Managers, “Assoutenti” (AU), “Environmental Guards” (EG), “Ambiente salute vesuvio” (ASV), “Più Orti in Città”, POC and thegroup of MONICA Crowdfunding Project.Starting from Dec, 2017, a group of 45 italian citizens, actively participating in the MONICA Crowdfunding campaign, have been provided with a mobile analyser for 1 month acceptability andfunctionality tests. Brief accompaining training videos have been prepared for instructional purposes. The data recorded have been collected along with user responses to a questionnairehelping to understand their priorities and preferred targets, engagement and experiences as well as the limits of the provided tools (e.g. weight, portability, APP GUI friendliness, perceivedaccuracy) impacting on technological design and user engagement project strategy. In particular, the target pollutants that were self-perceived as most significant were NO2 and PM2.5.Stakeholders have been consulted in several informal meeting in which their willingness to participate in structured monitoring campaign have been assessed along with their focus,perception of AQ (Questionnaire), and the compatibility of their assets (Environmental Guards) with mobile monitoring tools.All the stakeholders attended a restricted access meeting (ENEA, 03/2018) in which a first version of the project have been presented collecting their feedback for the fine tuning of publicengagement strategy. Summarizing a significant group of citizens has been involved for functional and acceptability assessment of pervasive, mobile monitoring and pollution concentration communication, localEnvironment-friendly Citizens associations have been consulted to provide input for monitoring engagement strategy, a wider group of local association have been consulted to provide inputfor general public engagement strategy definition.

C.2.4 Involvement of wider stakeholders in project implementation

Involvement of widerstakeholders in projectimplementation

Stakeholders include: UIA Primary Schools and Citizens associations (“Assoutenti” (AU), “Environmental Guards” (EG), “Ambiente salute vesuvio” (ASV), “Più Orti in Città”, POC); Local publictransport authority (ANM); Car parkings co. (TMPsrl), BICICLARE managing the urban e-bike service (BIC); Building superintendents and shopkeepers (BSS).They will be involved inconsultation and co-implementation, i.e. for a. cooperative air quality monitoring, b. sustainable e-bike/”pedibus” mobility campaigns c. AQ policy review; for which they will receive specifictraining [WP7]. We will ensure their engagement through periodic vis a vis meetings (for instructional, consultation and review) and implementing a continuous personal feedbackmechanisms among Citizens and AIR-HERITAGE Partners through the main sw platforms. Feedbacks will convey information about monitored AQ, citizen personal exposure, collectiveengagement and monitor tasking, e-bike availability, traffic and AQ reports using Project website and Info-mobility panes (Pollutant Maps), a smartphone App (Personal exposure andPollutant Maps) and exploiting Social networks dynamics.EG, AU and ASV will co-implement monitoring campaigns co-managing the citizens groups that will be equipped with personal mobile monitors for backpack/e- bike/cars mounting.Schools will foster a specific 0-emission transport, a “pedibus”, i.e. a walking-bus composed by students and two accompaniers (POC) for home-school-home path coverage [WP7]. Awardswill be used for acknowledging outstanding monitoring and policy engagement. Citizens associations, involved in the pedibus project implementation and will be economically supported bythe project [WP7].BSS will participate hosting part of the fixed network [WP4]. ANM,BIC, TMP will be involved in a coordination action for optimizing intermodality interconnecting busstops/bike-sharing stations/car parkings. Periodic meetings will assess the actual use of the services [WP7] (Fig.3).

C.3 Project objectives, results and outputs

C.3.1 Overall objectives and expected results (changes in the local situation)

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PROJECT mainobjective(s)

Long term primary objectives of AIR-HERITAGE project is to improve the air quality level in Portici urban area and in relevant cities, in particular those for which there is an almost completelack of information about AQ, and how to reduce hotspots measured pollutant concentrations. The project will allow Targeted Wider citizens to reduce their exposure to air pollutants,ameliorating quality of life. Furthermore, AIR-HERITAGE aims to:1 .bridge the existing authoritativeness and communication gap between regulators and citizens by:.increasing Citizens engagement in air quality, ameliorating policies targeting behavioural change induced by enhanced awareness and availability of user-targeted information. .improving UAs capability of developing partecipated and efficient AQ issues remediation policies including smart mobility and green remediation through the integration of an advanced DSS- UIAQ DSS (Urban Innovative Air Quality Decision Support System) and automatic control of ITS. . involving Citizenship in AQ monitoring campaigns integrating their data in the DSS and hence in the policy making process.2. improve the resolution and personalization level of available AQ information especially for suburban cities by:. overcoming technological and validation barriers for indicative measurement systems and achieve their uptake by regulatory monitoring agencies (ARPAC)At technical level, AIR-HERITAGE will aim to:A: Integrating indicative measurements achieved trough validated low cost multisensors (both fixed and mobile)B. achieving a full integration between the domains of pervasive environmental monitoring and modelling, in order to improve the resolution and predictive capability of AQ DSSs specificallyregarding relationships between traffic and air pollution according to different environmental conditions.C. achieving a full integration between ground data based Air Quality modeling and ITS control for AQ issues mitigation.

PROJECT main result(s) Implementing AIR-HERITAGE project, we aim to obtain a change in the way the components of the City of Portici assess and react to air quality issues, reducing the distances and barriersamong them. In particular, AIR-HERITAGE success will impact on citizens mobility choices and policy engagement, UA policy decision making and technical AQ measuring, mapping,remediation design and implementation capabilities. These will define a new level of social cohesion for fighting environmental threats. Citizenship, Regulatory Monitoring Agencies,Research centers and Economical actors will enhance their support and engagement in AQ knowledge building, Policy making and implementation. Most of the results are transferable tocities that are subjected to the same forces at political, environmental, social, technical level. These concepts can be summarized in the following Main results lists reflecting both quantitativeand qualitative results, respectively:Achieved permanent, pervasive and continuous air quality monitoring capability by Portici UA;Improved Air Quality levels in selected hotspots of Portici territory (e.g. main crossroads);Improved density of the AQ regulatory monitoring network with integrated low cost solid state analyzers;Improved resolution of Air Quality mapping tools (civic no. level resolution);Increased use of AQ friendly mobility tools (e-bike, pedibus);Reduced emissions by reduced car traffic;Achieved participation in air quality monitoring and related decision making;Reduced personal exposure to air pollutants for monitoring citizens by informed decision based on exposure reports (APP);andImproved Awareness on Air quality in small cities at street scale;Increased perception of impacts of mobility choices;Improved adoption of factual evidences (measured data, predictive models) in the development of amelioration policies;Improved perception of AQ policies.

C.3.2 Outputs

Work package Output Number Project output Target value of projectexpected output(s)

WP.4 Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring

O 4.1.1 Network Design Guidelines (ARPAC) 1

O 4.1.2 PAQ Network Design (ENEA) 1

O 4.2.1 Calibration Schemes (ENEA) 1

O 4.3.1 Mobile and fixed nodes. (ENEA) 1

O 4.3.2 Heterogeneous AQ network (ENEA) 1

O 4.4.1 Data Quality (ENEA) 1

WP.5 Modeling and DSS design O 5.2.1 Validated AQ model released [UNINA] 1

WP.6 Urban Innovative Air Quality DSSimplementation

O 6.1.1 DSS system design completed. (TA) 1

O 6.2.1 Scheme and Dataset delivery (TA) 1

O 6.3.1 UIAQ DSS final version delivered (TA). 1

O 6.3.2 UIAQ Mobile App final version delivered (TA). 1

O 6.3.3 UIAQ DSS User guide and CdP officers training course delivered (TA). 1

WP.7 Active Citizenship for Air Quality

O 7.1.1 Delivery of surveys (LAC) 2

O 7.2.1 Workshop and focus groups delivered (LAC) 10

O 7.2.2 Delivery of contact point (LAC) 1

O 7.3.1 Delivery of actions (LAC) 25

O 7.3.2 Demonstrational event (LAC) 5

O 7.4.1 Citizens Involvement Data bank (LAC) 1

O 7.5.1 Delivery of educational sessions (LAC) 40

C.3.3 Measurement of results

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Measurement of results Air quality improvement in Portici’s urban area should be measured through two types of indicators:1. Action implementation2. Air quality effectThe first is directly linked to action forecasted by the project (e.g.):- Number of schools reached by Pedibus initiatives and % in Portici municipality, number of children involved in 0 emission mobility with target respectively greater than 75% and 60%- Number of e-bikes made available to citizens, number of subscriptions (subscription target: 100)These implementation actions through the DSS are evaluated in terms of emissions reduction and consequently through the traffic model in terms of air pollutants concentrations.The second level of indicators is the effect on the air quality and citizens exposure and it is computed directly through air quality stations (the one existing and the ones installed by the project)and through the mobile equipment. The indicators are the air quality concentration (mainly based on legislative parameters):-NO2 yearly average-PM10 yearly average -PM10 daily maximum average 90.4° percentile -PM2.5 yearly average-CO 8 hours daily maximum average 90.4° percentile-O3 8 hours daily maximum average 90.4° percentileThe target is to reduce by 20% current air pollutant concentration indicators values (with respect to 2017 or base case, see next paragraph).This target is reinforced (reduction of 30%) for the exposure on Pedibus “paths” because the project is particularly focused on school and pedestrian trails. These indicators are computed asthe average of concentrations experienced by voluntary involved in Pedibus initiative along the trails.Indicators may change during the project lifetime to better reflect actual situation and amelioration processes because of the learning loop that will be iterated to yearly reviews.

C.3.4 Methodology for monitoring and measurement of outputs and results

Methodology formonitoring andmeasurement of ouputsand results

The two level indicators (degree of interventions implementation and air quality/exposure effects improvements) will be both included in the DSS platform, the first to estimate the emissionreduction and consequently the air quality effect through the air quality model. The collected measurements both form fixed and mobile air quality stations will be used to validate the modelapproach in order to use it to estimate the effect of the actions foreseen in the project and consequently to demonstrate that the change in the air quality (measured by the air quality stations)is directly attributable to its effectiveness.The DSS model approach will support the elimination/reduction of the confounding effect of the external factors (e.g. meteorology which is fundamental in determining air qualityconcentration) and this will be obtained defining a “reference year” with representative climate on which the validated emission reduction will be compared respect the “ante project“ situation.This “reference meteorology” monitoring will be automatically performed in the system (after air quality measurements validation and eventual assimilation) for air quality concentrationsparameters discussed in the previous paragraph.In the case of Pedibus or e-bike path pollutant exposure, the comparison (ex-ante and ex-post project effectiveness) will be performed by the DSS platform comparing similar period in termsof seasonality, atmospheric turbulence and stability.

C.3.5 Target groups

Target Groups The specific nature of the problem of air pollution originates mainly from widespread sources (vehicular traffic, domestic heating systems) and, due to the multi-point approach adopted toface the challenge, has required considering all citizens as recipients of initiatives of active involvement in the pursuit of the objectives of the project. Nonetheless, target groups have beenidentified that will more directly benefit from the outputs and results of the project for the specific activities envisaged and in particular:- families: 2,000 (about 10% of the total), will be mainly involved in information, animation and awareness raising activities, active citizenship, citizen science, etc., expected above all in WP7and WP3;- school world: 1,000 (about 10% of the total), will be mainly involved in environmental education activities and good practice implementation mainly planned in WP7 and WP3;- economic operators: 300 (around 10% of the total), will be mainly involved in information, animation and awareness raising activities, active citizenship, citizen science, etc., expected aboveall in WP7 and WP3;- associations: 10 (about 30% of the total), will be mainly involved in the activities of information, animation and awareness, active citizenship, citizen science, etc., expected above all in WP7and WP3;- institutions: 15 (about 30% of the total), will be mainly involved in the activities of information, animation and awareness, active citizenship, citizen science, DSS, expected mainly in WP7,WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6.

C.4 Project Project scaling up and transferability

C.4.1 Scaling up of the project

Scaling up of the project The project will be developed in the urban area of Portici of 4,52 km², a relatively small area, but among the highest (ranked second) densely populated cities in Italy. Considering suchcharacteristics, a successful outcome from the project, in terms of increased management of the traffic congestion and mitigation of related air pollution problems, will represent a significantdemonstrative case for many other towns.The environmental monitoring and sustainable mobility modelling approaches, merging into a combined DSS by IoT technologies (UIAQ DSS - Urban Innovative Air Quality Decision SupportSystem), represent the first example in Italy of air quality and traffic control applied together in an integrated system.The novel tool will be potentially applicable to any urban area, provided this will be infrastructured by the proper monitoring sensors network. This is technically feasible, because theadvanced tools available nowadays by IoT technologies make possible the cloud connection between models and physical providers of monitoring data. Scaling up to other sites will require3 full-time staff units in 12/18 months depending on the new area.The size of the demonstrative area is such to be representative for other urban areas not necessarily of the same size, but also larger than Portici. Such scaling-up can be easilyimplemented given the high flexibility of the DSS design. Both models and integrated system will be implemented by a totally modular modelling philosophy, allowing the plug-in and -out ofsub-models and of the different inputs. In practice, the same DSS will be able to produce outputs of a different area simply receiving different inputs from monitoring sensors located in otherareas. Real time information for citizens on air quality represents another project output which can be easily scaled-up to different metropolitan areas. It will be an implicit outcome of any extensionof the monitoring network and area of application of the models.

C.4.2 Transferability of the project: evidence of demand for your project in other cities

Transferability of theproject: evidence ofdemand for your projectin other cities

The proposed solution tackles the problem of the too low spatial resolution of air quality regulatory monitoring networks to assess citizens groups exposure, particularly in small cities: thisissue is common to different areas of Europe. Our project can be transferred and replicated by other Urban Authorities in different local context because it has been thought by this approachand all its parts will be developed according to this idea: to replicate the project, locally urban authorities should have to implement a new network of both fixed and mobile monitoringstations; the modeling solutions will only have to be re-calibrated and the IT infrastructure will easily adapt to the new configuration. Furthermore, a broad set of policies will be developed soas to be able to use it as a default in other contexts and the whole experience in communication with citizens will be put to good use in the new local context.In the implementation of the DSS tools the utilized methodologies will be developed and designed so that they can be applied in different spatial environments.In SHERPA-City, the starting point for the development of the integrated DSS, the traffic data of the road graph of all European cities, the average distance for the divided vehicle categories,are already present in the tool and completely available and usable, according to the COPERT categories and the emissive factors of the main pollutants in the atmosphere. The tool cantherefore be replicated in any urban context.From a strictly IT point of view, DSS tool will be implemented using open-source technologies in order to minimize costs both of implementation and maintenance of the system itself and inorder to facilitate the application of the tool in different EU contexts.To facilitate the dissemination and application of the project in other contexts, a series of public workshops can be organized and part of the results of the communication can be used

C.5 References

C.5.1 References of the project

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


References [1] Kampa, M., and Castanas, E. (2008). Human health effects of air pollution. Environ. Pollut. 151, 362–367. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.012. -> A review on effects of AQ on HumansHealth.[2] A.Seaton, D.Godden, W.MacNee, K.Donaldson. (1995). Particulate air pollution and acute health effects. The Lancet. Vol. 345, Issue 8943: 176-178. -> A review on effects of PM onHumans Health.[3] C.A. Pope, D.W. Dockery. (2006). Health Effects of Fine Particulate Air Pollution: Lines that Connect. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 56:709-742 -> A review on effects of PM on HumansHealth.[4] Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe. Official Journal of the European Union, 2008, 51(L152), https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32008L0050 -> AQ Objectives and monitoring standards [5] Air Quality Guidelines Global Update 2005. Particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. World Health Organization, EU regional office, 2005;www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/78638/E90038.pdf -> AQ Objectives and monitoring standards [6] SUMP: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/urban_mobility/urban_mobility_actions/sump_en[7] Cleaner air for all website -> http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/cleaner_air/index.html[8] http://www.normanresearch.it/monitoraggio_portici/ -> Information on past AQ monitoring campaigns and policies in Portici[9] Primary School parents questionnaires evaluation, March 2018[10] http://www.regional.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/ -> CAMS (Copernicus atmosphere Monitoring Service) background concentration[11] http://jpe.library.arizona.edu/volume_24/Iengoarmiero.pdf - Report on knowledge crisis on waste and air quality pollution in Campania region - Pubblished on Journ. of Political EcologyVol. 24, no. 1[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portici -> Summary of Portici urban area characteristics

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part D - Work plan

WP Nr. Title Work package type Start date End date

1 Preparation Preparation 12/2017 10/2018

2 Project Management Project Management 11/2018 10/2021

3 Communication Communication 12/2018 10/2021

4 Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring Implementation 12/2018 10/2021

5 Modeling and DSS design Implementation 11/2018 05/2021

6 Urban Innovative Air Quality DSS implementation Implementation 05/2019 10/2021

7 Active Citizenship for Air Quality Implementation 11/2018 09/2021

8 Closure and knowledge transfer Closure 11/2021 10/2022

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Number WP Title Start Date End Date WP budget

1 Project preparation 15/12/2017 31/10/2018 20,000.00

Partners' involvement

WP responsible partner Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]


Preparation and submission of the application form

Work Package Budget

Partner name Staff cost (€)Office and


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€)Infrastructure

and constructionworks (€)

Sub-Total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

Portici MunicipalAuthority [CdP] 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 2 (Project Management Work Package)

Title Project management

Start Date 01/11/2018

End Date 31/10/2021

Budget 433,917.75

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary The main objective of this WP, led by the CdP but highly supported by all partners, is to set up an effective management framework for the partnership, to guarantee the correct progressof the project towards its objectives with the highest quality and within budget and scheduled timescales. Besides the contractual administrative tasks, great attention will be paid todefine and activate an efficient communication strategy both among the partners, in order to timely implement all the project activities and with the group of stakeholders. Beyond specificsocial/web channels dedicated to the local community, bi-monthly meetings will be organized to improve the actual data collection and to share and discuss the project outcomes. Thisapproach can ensure the most efficient and accurate project monitoring and will offer a great benefit to the capitalization activities . At the same time, such a close “top-down/bottom-up”project monitoring will help to set-up a risk and quality assessment of the on-going activities.This is essential to minimize risks related to the scientific and technological implementationof the project and to a poor local community endorsement whose active role is vital for the successful finalization of Air-Heritage that strongly relies on citizens cultural and operativeactivity. Moreover for their specific role in this Call, special activities will be devoted to implement the Initiation Phase and of the Project Capitalisation.

Activities and Deliverables

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.1Coordinating structure of thePartnership

The Air-Heritage organizational structure will ensure the efficient coordination of all efforts and a fluiddecision making processes. Within this structure a key role will be played by the Steering Group (SG)composed by the Coordinator (CdP, Portici Mayor or his authorized representative for this initiative),assisted by a Project Manager (CdP, full time) and by a Project Management Team (all partners). Theoperational structure will be based on WP Teams, each led by a WP leader. WP leaders and the SGwill compose the Governing Assembly (GA). Due to the very relevant role in the project, a StakeholdersCoordinator will be also created. The structure will be operative within the first month of the project (1).

Start date01/11/2018

End date30/11/2018

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.1.1

Title Air Heritage operative structure is fully operative (CdP)Target value

1Delivery date

30/11/2018Description Creation of the coordinating structure of the Partnership

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.2 Finalization of the Initiation Phase

The finalization of the Initiation Phase is very critical for the project progress since it means theeffective and operational set-up of the Air-Heritage partnership and the fluid activation ofcommunication channels, either towards the EE, via the PS and among the PPs. This phase ischaracterized by a number of strictly connected tasks and PPs management will deserve a specialattention to this phase. The phase consists in the organization of the initial and kick-off meetings (1),the revision of the AFs (2), the assessment of the Monitoring Plan (3) and of the PartnershipAgreement (4) in close connection with the PS, the definition of the Subsidy Contract (5) and in thetasks related to the obligations of the first Ex-ante Audit (6).

Start date01/11/2018

End date30/04/2019

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.2.1

Title Submission of Subsidy Contract (CdP)Target value

1Delivery date

30/04/2019Description Finalization of Initiation phase with the Subsidy Contract submitted

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.3

Project monitoring, control andreporting

The project control is assigned to the Project Manager whose main tasks are: the monitoring andcontrol of outputs and deliverables, as reported in the AFs, the assembling and submission of projectreports, the submission of Cost statements and, finally, establishing and maintaining communicationstructures for the partnership, e.g. databases, webpages, social-hubs, restricted access area of thewebsite, communication tools such as logo, graphical chart, Air-Heritage presentation leaflet, slides,reports and minutes templates, posters, gadgets and prizes, (if agreed). The Project Manager will bealso responsible for supporting the closest and most efficient relationship with the UIA experts entitledto assist the project development.

Start date01/11/2018

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.3.1

Title Reports preparation and submission (CDP).

Target value4

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionPeriodic and Final Air–Heritage activity and financial reports preparation and submission by CDPwith contribution form All Partners.

D 2.3.2

Title Activation of communication channels (CdP)

Target value5

Delivery date31/07/2019


The communication channels either internal and towards the UIA experts and the involvedstakeholders are progrssively activated in order to guarantee a smooth multi-channelcommunication allowing supporting partner cohesion for project operativity i.e.: 1. contact list, 2.web-site with different access levels, 3. cloud storage facilities, 4. Internal/Stakeholder levels SocialNetworking groups, 5. Air-Heritage general presentation leaflet.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.4Risk and Quality Management

The CdP PM and the SG have a pro-active role in the risk management. Thanks to the internalcommunication channels, PM carefully follows the project progress tracking potential risks (technical,financial or human). As a consequence, in case of problems/conflicts, the coordinator should be ableto alert the SG to propose a “rescue” plan. Quality Management for this PPs will be mainly devoted toassure the highest scientific levels in the activities of on field air quality monitoring and modelling. Thismeans to be able to transfer a scientific methodology also to the level of common citizens. Specificmeetings with the stakeholders, but also with other local communities, even on specific demand, willbe organized in this respect.

Start date01/11/2018

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.4.1

Title Management of project risks and quality monitoring (CdP)Target value

6Delivery date

31/07/2021Description Meetings with PPs experts (CdP+ All Partners) on the scientific aspects of the project

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.5Stakeholders Coordination

LAC will be responsible for this activity under the supervision of the PM. Bi-monthly meetings will beorganized to describe project activity progress, also from the technical point of view taking advantage ofother partners support, to listen to the stakeholders’ questions, collect their instances and discusspossible solutions. The gathered instances will be reported to the PM in order to more finely tune theproject activities. The stakeholders involved will be those identified during the preparation phase of theproject, but also other groups involved during project implementation. Meetings will be organized in thestructures of UA, ENEA and UNINA until the final location for this activity (Villa Savonarola) will beavailable.

Start date30/11/2018

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.5.1

Title Reports on the stakeholders activities (LAC)Target value

18Delivery date

31/10/2021Description Bi-monthly report on the stakeholders activities

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 2.6 Capitalisation

This activity will be in charge to the PM (CdP), strongly supported by the SG and by the UIA experts. Themain outcome expected will be related to understand if and, then, how AIR-Heritage can maximize thecitizens involvement in particular for the mitigation of the addressed problem and how “citizensscience” can be activated to be tested as a possible useful solution in other, maybe, different urbanproblematic contexts. Include online result indicator assessment. These activities will be relevant inview of the Final Knowledge Transfer activities. Moreover the participation to the activities of the UrbanDevelopment Network and to specific national meetings among the italian UAs will be considered aspart of this task.

Start date01/11/2018

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 2.6.1

Title Capitalisation meetings (CdP+All Partners)Target value

3Delivery date

31/10/2021Description Meetings among PPs (All Partners) also with the support of UIA experts

D 2.6.2

Title Partecipation to UDN and National meetings (CdP)

Target value3

Delivery date31/10/2021

Description Partecipation to the meetings of the UDN and to national meetings by CDP and Selected PartnersRepresentatives

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 full time projectandcommunicationmanager,3 parttime projectassistants tofollow projectactivities. Dept.Director involved inthe SC.UA staff (5 PY) tofollow activities inthe city.

N/A Participation tomeetings with theUIA experts or thePS (3 persons,one meeting peryear, two dayseach).Partecipation tointernal andnational meetings.

Amount (€) 200,000 30,000.00 12,500 0 0 242,500.00 0 242,500.00

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


The ENEAmanagement staffis formed by: adivision director, aresearch director,two scientificexperts, all parttime involved(10%-40%) on theprojectmanagementactivities also tosupport the UA.

N/A Participation to 1meetings with theUIA expert.

IT hardware andsoftware

Amount (€) 65,000 9,750.00 1,000 0 3,000 78,750.00 0 78,750.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 part-time staffunit to followprojectmanagement andadministrativeactivities


Amount (€) 18,000 2,700.00 0 0 0 20,700.00 0 20,700.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


LAC staff is formedby head of territorydivision, headscientific division,a head communic.division, anadministrativehead,all part timeinvolved (10%-40%) on theprojectmanagementactivities.

N/A Participation to thebi-monthlymeetingsorganized by theUA. Possible needto participate tomeetings with theUIA expert.

Amount (€) 19,600 2,940.00 1,000 0 0 23,540.00 0 23,540.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP5 - CampaniaRegional Agency forEnvironmentProtection [ARPAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


ARPAC staff Isformed by: 1division manager,3 tech. adm.officers, 5technical officersall part-timeinvolved ( fro 10%to 40%) on theprojectmanagementactivities.


Amount (€) 19,285 2,892.75 0 0 0 22,177.75 0 22,177.75

PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Interaction with UAand other DP;deadline anddeliverablestandardmanagement. TheTA managementstaff made up of adedicated ProjectManager and aresearchersupported by anadministrativeofficer

N/A Participation to themeetingsorganized by theUA. Possible needto participate tomeetings with theUIA expert.

Amount (€) 35,000 5,250.00 6,000 0 0 46,250.00 0 46,250.00

Total (€) 356,885.00 53,532.75 20,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 433,917.75 0.00 433,917.75

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 3 % 30 % 35 % 32 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 13,017.53 130,175.33 151,871.21 138,853.68 433,917.75

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 3 (Communication Work Package)

Title Communication

Start Date 01/12/2018

End Date 31/10/2021

Budget 555,479.55

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary The communication aims to sensitize citizens, such as families, schools, economic operators, associations, institutions, with regard to air quality issues promoting values, actions andindividual and/or group behaviors useful for its improvement (the communicative efficacy, as well as being measured with our own tools - mailing list, feedback on social media, etc. -will also be inferred through the sociological behavioral survey carried out in the context of WP7).This Wp pursues in particular the objectives of cognitive change, to create awareness and knowledge of sources of pollution, aimed at all target recipients; change of action, toencourage specific actions (purchase of vehicles and ecological boilers) to reduce pollution, especially for families and economic operators; behavioral change, to encourage theabandonment of harmful habits (eg car use for short trips) in favor of virtuous habits and to maintain the new behavior patterns, aimed mainly at families, economic operators; change ofvalues, to change values and opinions rooted for example to the disqualifying use of ecological means (bike vs status symbol "car"), aimed especially at the world of school.These objectives will be pursued by leveraging the emotional sphere and the individual and / or social psychological processes of the target groups. Factual da inputs, recorded andprocessed in WP7, processed in WP3/5 and integrated in Wp6, respectively, will be collected with support from all partners.

Communication objective Create awareness and knowledge of sources of pollution, encourage specific actions to reduce pollution, encourage the abandonment of harmful habits in favor of virtuous habits andmaintain new patterns of behavior, change values and opinions rooted for example to the disqualifying use of ecological means, leveraging the emotional sphere and the individual and /or social psychological processes of the target groups.

Target groups The different means of communication will allow reaching:1. a significant part of the local population, considering the main target groups:- families: 2,000 (about 10% of the total)- school world: 1,000 (about 10% of the total)- economic operators: 300 (around 10% of the total)- associations: 10 (about 30% of the total)- institutions: 15 (about 30% of the total)2. the territorial, national and community level.

Activities and Deliverables

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.1 Start up activities

The launch of the project will take place with a public meeting during which the representatives of theMunicipality of Portici and of the project partners will present the initiative to press representatives(scientific, news, general targets journalists) and representatives of the target groups, illustrating thegeneral structure of the project and the main activities, the participation opportunities and in particularthe benefits for the community.[LAC+All partners]

Start date01/01/2019

End date28/02/2019

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.1.1

Title Public Meetings [LAC]Target value

1Delivery date

01/01/2019Description Meeting organization under coordination and responsibility of LAC with support by All partners.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.2 Publications

Video, ebooks and "airbooks" (personal organizer) will be produced with a simple language to informthe broader public about project themes and good practices to improve air quality (behavior andactions).Articles will be produced with information on the implementation of the project to be published on theUIA website, on the project website and on partner websites including, of course, CdP website.The results of the monitoring and the measures taken to combat air pollution will be presented.[LAC with support by All partners]

Start date01/02/2019

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.2.1

Title Public information [LAC]Target value

1Delivery date

30/04/2021Description Drafting of contents and editorial setting [LAC].

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.3 Digital activity

Digital communication on Social media:Twitter, Linkedin, Flickr, Youtube, Instagram, will be modulatedon the basis of:• the scenario defined by the local context of Portici;• listening to the network, discovering what users already know, if they are informed, what opinionsthey have;• the objectives of informing, sensitizing and involving in the adoption of behaviors and actions for thereduction of air pollution;• the target, the characteristics of the users with whom you want to get in touch;• the message, pervasive and captivating, aimed at acting on the emotional sphere;• the tools, depending on the specific characteristics;• monitoring of results, evaluating the users' responses to the stimuli provided.[LAC+ All Partners]

Start date01/12/2018

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.3.1

Title Digital communication [LAC]Target value

1Delivery date

31/01/2019Description Definition of the digital communication plan by LAC.

D 3.3.2

Title Digital communication implementation

Target value400

Delivery date30/09/2021

DescriptionDigital communication preparation and implementation ingluding messages, tweets, video, socialmedia kits and releases foreseeing at least bi-weekly on relevant media after project startupphase. [LAC with support of all partners for basic data preparation].

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.4 Public events

Special editions of LAC historical campaigns related to air quality issues will be realized for the provencommunication effectiveness. In particular we will realize: "Mal'aria", mobilization of citizens to say noto smog, "Festa dell’Albero", collective planting of trees to mitigate air pollution, "Voler Bene all'Italia",party for to valorize the works of art, the typical products, the traditions, the tastes, the cultures, thelandscape and the biodiversity of the territory. [LAC+ Support of All Partners]

Start date01/04/2019

End date30/06/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.4.1

Title Organization of events [LAC].

Target value6

Delivery date30/04/2021

DescriptionThe added value will reside in the ability to deliver content by leveraging an emotional componentand thus conferring immediacy and memorability to the messages transmitted [LAC].

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.5 Promotional material

Promotional material is useful for attracting and stimulating citizens' curiosity and integrating with othertools has an important role in effective communication.We have chosen to consider the creation of advertising magnets, as they can capture the attentionmuch more than a normal flyer and can be attached to cars, scooters, poles, shutters, gates, etc., aswell as on home appliances, for remember and promote good practices to combat air pollution(guerrilla marketing). They will be distributed during interactions with citizens. [LAC]

Start date01/09/2019

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.5.1

Title Advertisement [LAC]Target value

1Delivery date

30/11/2019Description Drafting of contents and grafic setting. [LAC]

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.6 Media relations

Relations with the media will be developed by the press office to inform the public about the themesand practices proposed in a positive, coherent and credible way.Privileged relationships will be developed with journalists and bloggers operating on a local basis.The press office based on the addresses of the project partners will plan and implement an integratedcommunication of the project including public relations activities aimed at informing, sensitizing andinvolving citizens, positioning and image, the organization of events, digital public relations andcommunity management, the production of web content. Radio and video spots with testimonials ofexcellence for WEB and local broadcasters will also be created. [LAC+All partners]

Start date01/01/2019

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.6.1

Title Activation of the press office.Target value

1Delivery date

31/01/2019Description Planning and implementation of integrated communication of the project [LAC]

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 3.7Final dissemination activity(mandatory)

At the end of the project, a final showcase event will be held, during which the results will be presentedto public institutions, wider citizens and press. The finalized UA AQ information and training site (villaSavonarola) will be inaugurated on that occasion with the supoort of PS and UIA experts.The following products will be developed as part of this activity:- information panels containing a summary of the project;- information leaflets for the general public and final media kits;- a final informative report on the activities of the project, with the aim of disseminating the resultsachieved by the project and the methodology developed, highlighting the aspects related to itsreproducibility. [LAC with support of All partners]

Start date01/07/2021

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 3.7.1

Title Final showcase event [LAC + All partners]Target value

1Delivery date

31/10/2021Description Organization and implementation of final showcase event.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 full timecommunicationofficer and 3 parttime assistants topreparecommunicationstrategy as well aspreparing and andimplementscommunicationevents.UA staff (totaling3.75 PY)

N/A N/A For Hire support tocommunicationstrategydevelopment andimplementationservices.


Amount (€) 150,000 22,500.00 0 80,000 0 252,500.00 0 252,500.00

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Preparation andimplementation ofDisseminationevents includingscientificconferences,publications andlarge citizenshiptargeting seminarsand reports. 2 part-time [email protected]% alloc.time

N/A Travel andaccomodation fordisseminationevents includingscientificconferences,publications andlarge citizenshiptargeting seminarsand reports.

Amount (€) 25,000 3,750.00 20,000 0 0 48,750.00 0 48,750.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 part-timeresearcher tofollow projectcommunication onscientific activities.


Amount (€) 10,000 1,500.00 0 0 0 11,500.00 0 11,500.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


In addition to thestaff membersalready indicatedin WP2, further 6employees all parttime (10%-40%)and 4 employeescontractedspecifically for theproject, will beinvolved on thecommunication.

N/A Travel andaccommodationcosts ofemployees relatedto project activities.

Expenses forprofessionalservices andexpertise providedby external servicecontracted to carryout activities suchas press releases,catering, publicmeetings,video,promotion onsocial networks.

Amount (€) 88,200 13,230.00 5,000 75,000 0 181,430.00 0 181,430.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP5 - CampaniaRegional Agency forEnvironmentProtection [ARPAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 divisionmanager, 2administrationofficers, 2technical officers.Averagecommitment onWP varies up to10% for eachresource.

N/A Travel andaccommodationcosts expected toparticipate inmeetings,workshop, pressconferences, etc.

Amount (€) 12,857 1,928.55 2,000 0 0 16,785.55 0 16,785.55

PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Interaction withother deliverypartners and inparticular withLegambiente;advices andsupport toLegambiente incommunicationactivities.

N/A Possible need toparticipate tomeetings andevents organizedby Legambiente.

Amount (€) 34,360 5,154.00 5,000 0 0 44,514.00 0 44,514.00

Total (€) 320,417.00 48,062.55 32,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 555,479.55 0.00 555,479.55

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 3 % 30 % 36 % 31 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 16,664.39 166,643.87 199,972.64 172,198.66 555,479.55

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 4 (Implementation Work Package)

Title Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring

Start Date 01/12/2018

End Date 31/10/2021

Budget 885,184.10

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary WP4 is devoted to the design, implementation, deployment and operation of a network of pervasive/mobile AQ monitoring devices and its associated SW infrastructure. Specifically, thenetwork will include ENEA mobile/pervasive monitors and commercial fixed solid state based (i.e. Electrochemical sensors) air quality monitors. Scalable calibration techniques basedon validated machine learning techniques using controlled environment recorded data and co-located field recorded data will be developed. Calibration algorithm will be implementedfor on board execution by mobile nodes. Lab recorded data will be used to address the “locality” effect of field calibrations and used whenever a concept drift is detected. An onlinerecalibration scheme based on higher accuracy fixed stations data will be employed for partially addressing long term drift issues. Sensor fusion algorithm capable of dealing withdifferent accuracy data produced by mobile, fixed and regulatory monitoring stations will be implemented for obtaining high resolution “sensor level” maps and to feed geostatisticsmodelling and DSS support tool (UIAQ DSS- Urban Innovative Air Quality Decision Support System) [ref.: WP5, WP6]. Smartphone app for local and targeted feedback to monitoringcitizens [ref.: WP6] will be developed along with ad-hoc air quality index. Scalable sensors cloud infrastructure will be implemented for AQ monitor data inception, processing andvisualization.

Activities, Deliverables and Outputs

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 4.1 Network Design

ARPAC (with ENEA support) will lead the study and development of a guideline document for thedesign of pervasive AQ networks including fixed and mobile nodes, focusing on target pollutants (e.g.CO, NOx, O3, PMs), density, location and DQO requirements. Afterwise ENEA design the fixedpervasive air quality network and the mobile units fleet under specs developed by ARPA in the relatedguideline document. Specifically the fixed nodes network will rely on commercially available monitoringsystems while a mobile personal pollution exposure monitoring node will be designed improving theENEA MONICA node. Ancillary subsystems (i.e. Backend SW systems) for data storage and low levelsensors data visualization will also be designed.

Start date01/12/2018

End date30/05/2019

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 4.1.1

Title Pervasive Air Quality Network Guidelines (ARPAC)

Target value1

Delivery date31/01/2019


Pervasive Air Quality Network Design Guidelines Document [ARPAC with ENEA support] includingrequirements and guidelines for target gases, fixed network density, data quality, mobilemeasurement space-time density, localization, data quality.

D 4.1.2

Title Pervasive AQ Pervasive AQ Net. Design and Deployment (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date30/05/2019

DescriptionPervasive AQ Net. Design & Deployment Doc. [ENEA with ARPAC support] including detaileddesigns as well as deployment diagrams for Sw components, their supporting hardware and formobile nodes. Deployment diags for fixed nodes will be also included.

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 4.1.1

Title Network Design Guidelines (ARPAC)

Target value1

Delivery date31/01/2019

Description Network Design Guidelines Delivered allowing for Network Design finalization.

O 4.1.2

Title PAQ Network Design (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date30/04/2019

DescriptionPervasive Air Quality Network Design completed and delivered allowing for Networkimplementation and deployment finalization.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 4.2

Calibration Algorithms andSensor Fusion Development andimplementation

ENEA will develop and implement calibration schemes and algorithms for fixed and mobile nodestargeting accurate pollutant concentration and personal exposure estimation. Nodes will be exposedto controlled pollutant and interferents mix using ENEA lab infrastructures and will be co-located withARPAC regulatory stations. Combining their recorded responses, machine learning (e.g. NN, SVMs)dynamic multivariate calibration algorithms will be implemented (ENEA) for scalable implementationon board of mobile personal monitor devices and for in-network execution for fixed commercialdevices. Target for on board execution will be MONICA boards (ST32Nucleo). Fog/Cloud computingtargets will be Android Smartphones and WS class, respectively.

Start date31/01/2019

End date30/11/2019

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 4.2.1

Title Calibration Schemes (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/07/2019


Calibration Schemes and Algorithms Document including procedures for repeatable co-locatedfield recordings and controlled atmosphere laboratory exposure routines as well as algorithmicparameters for data driven calibration algorithms [ENEA with ARPAC support].

D 4.2.2

Title Calibration Algorithms SW Components development (ENEA)

Target value2

Delivery date31/07/2019

DescriptionActual SW component for on board and in cloud implementation of advanced data driven calibrationalgorithms respectively for all mobile nodes and all fixed nodes [ENEA].

D 4.2.3

Title Sensor Fusion Algorithms Doc. and SW Components (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/07/2019


Sensor Fusion Algorithms Doc. and SW Components including design and implementationdocument as well as actual sw components for execution of accuracy mediated sensor data fusionfor first level high resolution pollution concentration maps [ENEA].

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 4.2.1

Title Calibration Schemes (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date30/11/2019

DescriptionCalibration schemes/parameters and First level Data processing components delivered allowingfor calibrating multisensors systems for local and remote pollutant concentration estimation.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 4.3 Network Implementation

The fleet of mobile personal analyzers will be implemented based on ENEA Monica architecture. Fixednodes will be procured. Existing Firmware and Smartphone app will be improved to include machinelearning components [D4.2.1+2] and new local and personal feedback interfaces (ENEA with LACsupport). MONICA Backend Software embedding calibration components [D4.2.1+2] and ARPACregulatory data integration components will be improved for scalability and mapping capability anddeployed on ENEA cloud facilities (ENEA with support from UNINA and TERRARIA). According toD4.1.2, the fixed nodes will be procured and deployed in city relevant spots (CdP, ENEA). Networkoperative tests are conducted and Data recording is started (ENEA)

Start date01/04/2019

End date29/02/2020

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 4.3.1

Title AQ personal and fixed stations (ENEA)

Target value40

Delivery date29/02/2020


Calibrated Mobile sensor nodes and Fixed commercial nodes: The actual nodes and ancillarysubsystems for their deployment. The node will be able to connect via BT interfaces to smartphoneand similar device for reporting concentration estimations and raw data. The target value capturethe minimum expected number of nodes (fixed+mobile).

D 4.3.2

Title Network implementation and operation (ENEA, ARPAC, LAC, UNINA, TERRARIA, CdP)

Target value1

Delivery date29/02/2020


Network Implementation, Deployment and Tests Document. This includes HW/SW (Backend Cloud+ APP frontend) implementation, installation and operation test description and report with datarecorded by the deployed network (1 Week Test: % of correctly measured and received data, rate ofdata failures,etc.). The deployed network will include all the fixed nodes and calibrated mobilenodes.ENEA with support of ARPAC and CdP will guide fixed nodes deployment. Supported by LAC it willtest the mobile equipment for deployment. ENEA, UNINA and TERRARIA will take care of datastandardization as a prerequisite for DSS integration.

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 4.3.1

Title Mobile and fixed nodes. (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date29/02/2020

DescriptionCalibrated Mobile and fixed nodes available. Including APP sw for data and feedback visualizationon smartphone and table with direct (BT) connection with mobile nodes.

O 4.3.2

Title Heterogeneous AQ network (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date29/02/2020

DescriptionHeterogeneous AQ network deployed and operative Backend cloud storage and visualizationsystems.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 4.4

Early Data Analysis & Operationsupport

This activity ensure the validation of the recorded data by periodically performing :Data Quality (outliers, noise levels, recorded pollutant distribution, drift detection etc.) and NetworkOperativity checks ( % correctly received data) (ENEA). Cross checking of regional baseline from Portici regulatory monitoring device with averaged fixeddevice response temporal patterns (ENEA, ARPAC).Time-spatial patterns analysis (ARPAC, UA, UNINA, ENEA) in search for relevant hotspots, forcorrelating measurements of mobile fleets and fixed monitoring stations, for assessing seasonalpollution variation in the communality areas.Recalibration of mobile fleet (when needed) to reduce drift effects (ENEA,ARPAC).

Start date01/02/2020

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 4.4.1

Title Data quality Checks (ENEA)

Target value4

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionPeriodic Operativity and Semantic Data quality check report, including figures of merits for recordeddata (6-monthly) and sensor level high density mappings on seasonal basis with hotspotcharacterization.

D 4.4.2

Title Calibration Checks (ENEA)

Target value6

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionPeriodic update on calibration parameters, extracted through supervised training using 10-days co-located recordings for mobile monitors, including validation figures extracted through cross-validation.

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 4.4.1

Title Data Quality (ENEA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionData quality and monitoring/mapping capabilities monitored, assessed and controlled. Includereporting for accuracy of sensor recorded data in relationship with DQO set by EC/2008 Air Qualitydirective.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Network Designsupport, technicalprocurement,deploymentpreparation,implementationand operationsupport by 1 parttime senior officerand 2 part timesenior technicianfor a total 3PY

N/A Procurement of>10 fixedmultisensorsystems (e.g.AQMesh pods) forindicativemeasurementsincludingassociatedcalibration andcommunicationcosts for 2yrs

Amount (€) 124,077 18,611.55 0 0 100,000 242,688.55 0 242,688.55

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Network Hw/SWDesign,Implementationand operation +Sensor fusiondevelopment costsfor one part timeresearcher andone part timesenior researcher(50% allocationtime for both-totaling 36PM)

N/A Portablemultisensorsystems assemblyCosts.Calibration labmaintenancecosts

EC sensors,sensor and MCboards,CalibrationGases for portableAQ systems andtheir calibration.Tools, Hw for Fieldcalibration.Computingfacilities for SWDevelopment &BackendOperation

Amount (€) 160,000 24,000.00 0 50,000 120,000 354,000.00 0 354,000.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Participation toMeetings andactivities with otherpartners to set theAir QualityMonitoring system


Amount (€) 5,000 750.00 0 0 0 5,750.00 0 5,750.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


2 employees allpart time (10%-40%) and 2employeescontractedspecifically for theproject, will beinvolved on theimplementation, ofthe network ofpervasive/mobileAQ monitoringdevices.


Amount (€) 26,400 3,960.00 0 0 0 30,360.00 0 30,360.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP5 - CampaniaRegional Agency forEnvironmentProtection [ARPAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 divisionmanager, 5technical officers.Averagecommitment onWP varies up to40% for eachresource.

N/A AQ monitoringsystemsmaintenance rateon existinganalyzers andwarrantyassistance andmaintenance rateon purchasedanalyzers (avg.10% ofinvestment). n.1AQ campaign withmobile laboratory

AQ monitoringsystems ( 4reference gas andPM analyzers, 2reference PMsamplers,.2workstation and 2statistic analysissoftware, indicativePM monitoringsamplers, 2mobile weatherstations)

Amount (€) 48,857 7,328.55 0 16,700 122,000 194,885.55 0 194,885.55

PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Interaction withENEA to get theneededknowledge ofnetwork ofpervasive/mobileAQ monitoring foran efficient dataintegration in theDSS tool ;understandingcollected dataformat; support toENEA


Amount (€) 50,000 7,500.00 0 0 0 57,500.00 0 57,500.00

Total (€) 414,334.00 62,150.10 0.00 66,700.00 342,000.00 885,184.10 0.00 885,184.10

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 1 % 32 % 36 % 31 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 8,851.84 283,258.91 318,666.28 274,407.07 885,184.10

Indicative budget breakdown per activity

Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)

A 4.1 10 % 88,518.41

A 4.2 20 % 177,036.82

A 4.3 50 % 442,592.05

A 4.4 20 % 177,036.82

Total 100.00 % 885,184.10

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 5 (Implementation Work Package)

Title Modeling and DSS design

Start Date 01/11/2018

End Date 31/05/2021

Budget 892,723.30

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary WP5 is devoted to model the traffic and air quality to implement a decision support system (DSS) aimed to set a ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) of Portici urban area integratinga traffic and a wind model that will be assembled within the DSS (WP6).The traffic model will assess the network condition (traffic congestion) within the most critical area of the Portici Municipality (“red zone”).The inputs of the model (vehicles speed and density) will be synergetically estimated through chemical and weather (Wp4) and traffic sensors, specifically positioned within the “redzone”.Ad hoc studies will be carried out (ex-ante and ex-post) to calibrate and validate the model for the study area. A wind model will be implemented to simulate the effect of surface“roughness” and road orientations on air movement, at different height, according to different levels of geostrophic winds. The outputs of both models will be integrated in the AQ modelto produce real-time pollution maps that will be input for the ITS, thus providing traffic control through regulation of vehicle access to the congested and/or polluted areas. A schematicrepresentation of the WP is provided in Figure 6. Another application of the models will be the simulation of potential scenarios of traffic/air pollution for different applications: testingtraffic management, pollution mitigation policies, citizen awareness building and education.

Activities, Deliverables and Outputs

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 5.1 Traffic model and wind model

The first phase will consist of planning of traffic sensor distribution and field sampling of traffic flows.At the same time a GIS analysis will be performed to produce input maps of Portici urban area andtuning the DEM. The traffic model will be implemented following the methodology of the MacroscopicFundamental Diagram (MFD). Calibration of the traffic and wind models will consist in a “training”phase with data provided by the monitoring network including traffic sensors and weather stations.[UNINA with CdP+ ARPAC support]

Start date01/11/2018

End date31/05/2020

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 5.1.1

Title Traffic model (UNINA)Target value

2Delivery date

31/05/2020Description Implementation of traffic model in Portici urban area based on MFD. [UNINA with support by CdP]

D 5.1.2

Title Wind model (UNINA)Target value

2Delivery date

31/05/2020Description Development of wind model in Portici urban area. [UNINA with support by CdP]

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 5.2 Air quality model

The levels of air pollution depend on both pollution sources and wind conditions. The output of thetraffic model will be used to assess the pollution levels in the road network, also monitored by thesensor devices. The integration of the outputs of both wind and traffic models will provide the inputs forthe Air quality model, showing the spatial distribution of pollution levels in the Portici urban area. Theactivity will involve the design of the IoT protocols connecting the sensors and model inputs with themodel platform and the definition of the vegetation map attributes/parameters to assess the effect ofplants on air quality. [UNINA with CdP , ENEA, ARPAC and TERRARIA (for data assimilation, modelvalidation and DSS integration]

Start date01/07/2019

End date31/05/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 5.2.1

Title Model and ITS [UNINA]

Target value1

Delivery date31/07/2020

DescriptionTechnical report and protocol interface between model and ITS [UNINA with CdP, ENEA, ARPACand TERRARIA support]

D 5.2.2

Title AQ model [UNINA]

Target value2

Delivery date31/05/2021

DescriptionDevelopment of Air Quality model in Portici Urban Area [UNINA with ENEA, ARPAC and TERRARIAsupport]

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 5.2.1

Title Validated AQ model released [UNINA]

Target value1

Delivery date31/05/2021

DescriptionAir Quality model calibrated and validated in Portici Urban Area. [UNINA with CdP, ENEA andARPAC support]

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


UA senior officer toaccess detailedUrban Planningdata


Amount (€) 12,000 1,800.00 0 0 0 13,800.00 0 13,800.00

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Support to DSSmodels designand developmentone full timeresearcher (fullallocation time =12PM) + one parttime researcher(50% allocationtime = 7PM). Total19PM.

N/A HW tools (1 WSincluding GPGPUNVidia) for parallelmodeldevelopment

Amount (€) 80,000 12,000.00 0 0 5,000 97,000.00 0 97,000.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


4 full time and 4part-timeresearchers tofollow all wp tasks(UNINA leader). Inparticular designandimplementation ofTraffic and windmodels, Air qualitymodel and DSSsystem design

N/A Travel andaccommodationcosts expected toparticipate inmeetings,workshop,scientificconferences, etc...

1 Subcontract toWorld in a BoxFinland OY to windmodel simulation,testing andvalidations, swintegration1 subcontract toSpinVector S.p.Afor GUIimplementation tomodel outputsAQ visual App

IT hardware andsoftware for modeldevelopment andpresentation; trafficsensors for Porticihotspots

Amount (€) 350,000 52,500.00 20,000 150,000 30,000 602,500.00 0 602,500.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


2 employees allpart time (10%-40%), 2employees,contractedspecifically for theproject, will beinvolved on themodeling the trafficand AQ toimplement a DSS.


Amount (€) 26,400 3,960.00 0 0 0 30,360.00 0 30,360.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP5 - CampaniaRegional Agency forEnvironmentProtection [ARPAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 divisionmanager, 5technical officers.Averagecommitment onWP varies up to20% for eachresource.

N/A HW and SwLicenses for Modeldevelopmentsupport and forMonitored AQ DataAccess andprocess. HIResPanes for City AQMaps visualizationin ARPAC site.


Amount (€) 29,142 4,371.30 0 0 50,000 83,513.30 0 83,513.30

PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Interaction withUNINA to reachknowledge of AQmodels forefficientlyintegrating in theDSS;understanding AQmodels input andoutput, spatio-temporalresolution;eventualassessing ofmeteo model


Amount (€) 57,000 8,550.00 0 0 0 65,550.00 0 65,550.00

Total (€) 554,542.00 83,181.30 20,000.00 150,000.00 85,000.00 892,723.30 0.00 892,723.30

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 3 % 30 % 36 % 31 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 26,781.70 267,816.99 321,380.39 276,744.22 892,723.30

Indicative budget breakdown per activity

Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)

A 5.1 50 % 446,361.65

A 5.2 50 % 446,361.65

Total 100.00 % 892,723.30

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 6 (Implementation Work Package)

Title Urban Innovative Air Quality DSS implementation

Start Date 01/05/2019

End Date 31/10/2021

Budget 390,990.00

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary The proposed web-based application UIAQ DSS (Urban Innovative Air Quality Decision Support system) is a web tool to be integrated in Geographical Information System of CdP thatallows urban city planners and municipality agencies to assess air quality in urban areas and predict short-term response as well as evaluate impact of potential policies for AQconditions remediation. Moreover, a specific mobile app will help authorities to communicate urban strategies adopted and air quality forecast to the city inhabitants. This would provideefficient public information with smart tool and help preventing pollution peak exposition for “sensitive” citizens (e.g. children…) providing them the spatial and temporal variation of airquality both on the base of their position (through GPS).The starting point for UIAQ DSS implementation is SHERPA-City web-tool designed by JRC’s (Joint Research Center) Air and Climate Unit and being developed by TerrAria srl undercontract JRC/IPR/2017/C.5/0012/NC, however the platform will be completely updated and adapted so that it can be applied for the first time in an urban context and that it could alsomaintain its replicability.The proposed new UIAQ DSS is able to integrate (see figure 7):• AQ data from Pervasive Air Quality Monitoring (WP4)• Modeling and DSS design (WP5)• Active Citizenship for Air Quality (WP7)• CAMS -Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service- products as background concentrations• Citizens’ App

Activities, Deliverables and Outputs

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 6.1 Requirements and design

The collection of requirements will be based on the needs highlighted by CdP and the variousstakeholders involved in the project. In the definition of the requirements also the other project partnerswill be actively involved to understand how the IT platform can interface effectively with the modelsproduced by UNINA, the data obtained by ENEA and the policies developed by CdP and Legambiente.Based on the requirements and starting from the structure of SHERPA-City (web-tool developed by TAfor JRC) the UIAQ DSS new architecture will be designed. Also, during the design phase, thereplicability of the software will be taken into account as required. This activity also concerns with thedesign of the Mobile App.

Start date01/05/2019

End date31/08/2019

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 6.1.1

Title DSS and APP requirements (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/08/2019

DescriptionReport on UIAQ DSS requirements (Terraria with support by All Partners). APP requirements will bespecially focused on wider citizenship communication efficiency with the support of CdP and LACinputs.

D 6.1.2

Title DSS architecture (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/08/2019

DescriptionReport on UIAQ DSS and Mobile App organization architecture (TA with support from ENEA, UNINAfor integration issues)

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 6.1.1

Title DSS system design completed. (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date31/08/2019

DescriptionDevelopment of the scheme of UIAQ DSS system (TA).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 6.2

Integration with models,monitoring data, policies andCAMS product

WP6 is closely connected to the other WPs of the project: in the IT platform – UIAQ DSS - integratesdata coming from WP4 (concentrations data + sensors level maps), models from WP5 and WP7policies. A.6.2. is fundamental in the construction of the UIAQ DSS system and consist of theintegration with:· Pervasive AQ Monitoring: defining the data interfaces· AQ and Remediation Modeling: assessing if the model could be directly integrated in the DSS or atrained model (linking emission and concentration starting from modeling simulations) is required· AQ policies elaborated in WP7: defining format and a default set of traffic measures· CAMS products: using background concentrations in real-time forecasting using local emissions

Start date01/08/2019

End date29/02/2020

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 6.2.1

Title Report on DSS system inputs (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date29/02/2020

DescriptionReport describing data, models, policies and CAMS product in input in UIAQ DSS – datasets formatand list. (TA with support by ENEA, UNINA, LAC)

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 6.2.1

Title Scheme and Dataset delivery (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date29/02/2020

DescriptionUIAQ DSS input from WP4, WP5, WP7: scheme and dataset (TA with support by ENEA, UNINA,LAC)

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 6.3

UIAQ DSS and Mobile Appimplementation, test andvalidation

All the back-end and front-end services of the UIAQ DSS will be configured with the generated datasetsof activity 6.2.1. UIAQ DSS will be developed with all functionalities descripted in the WP6 summary.The web application will be delivered as S.a.S. -Software As A Service and with a user-friendly interfaceusing open-source technologies in order to minimize costs both of implementation and maintenanceof the system itself and in order to facilitate the application of the tool in different EU contexts.UIAQ DSS performances and its validation for CdP will be evaluated through appropriate indicator.Also the Mobile App - the interface of the project toward citizens - will be implemented, tested anddeployed in 6.3.1.

Start date01/05/2019

End date31/10/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 6.3.1

Title UIAQ DSS beta version (TA)Target value

1Delivery date

30/11/2020Description Implementation of the beta version of the UIAQ DSS system (TA)

D 6.3.2

Title UIAQ Mobile App beta version (TA)Target value

1Delivery date

30/11/2020Description Impementation of the beta version of the UIAQ Mobile App (TA)

D 6.3.3

Title UIAQ DSS training session (TA)Target value

1Delivery date

30/11/2020Description Validation and test of the system (TA with support of UNINA, ENEA, CdP)

D 6.3.4

Title CdP personnel targeted DSS usage course (TA)

Target value1

Delivery date30/01/2021


The course will held by TA personnell with the support of ENEA (for air quality sensors networkmatters) and UNINA (for model based Air quality assessment) in order to allow selected CdPofficer to operate the platform both for assessing the AQ situation (UNINA) as well as using thepredictive capability of the developed models for assessing the impact of potential policies(TA,UNINA). Based on data recorded also by citizens and assessed with verifiable methodology,the policy are expected to improve engagement.

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 6.3.1

Title UIAQ DSS final version delivered (TA).

Target value1

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionDelivery of the final version of the system (TA).Support of CdP is envisaged for GUI test with specificfeedback on usability.

O 6.3.2

Title UIAQ Mobile App final version delivered (TA).

Target value1

Delivery date31/10/2021

DescriptionDelivery of the final version of Mobile App (TA). Support of LAC is envisaged for GUI test withspecific feedback on potential communication impact.

O 6.3.3

Title UIAQ DSS User guide and CdP officers training course delivered (TA).Target value

1Delivery date

31/10/2021Description Delivery of the UIAQ DSS User guide (TA). CdP personnel training course delivered (TA+UNINA).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


2 Part timeTechnical Officer+ 1 part timeSenior Officer(Technical Dept.EnvironmentalDept.) forsupportingDSS integrationinto environmentalpolicy makingprocess totaling12 PMs


Amount (€) 40,000 6,000.00 0 0 0 46,000.00 0 46,000.00

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Network-DSSInterface definitionandimplementation+DSS Integrationsupport for twopart timeresearchers (50%allocation time forboth = 12PM)


Amount (€) 50,000 7,500.00 0 0 0 57,500.00 0 57,500.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 part-timeresearcher tosupport the DSSimplementation


Amount (€) 10,000 1,500.00 0 0 0 11,500.00 0 11,500.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


2 employees allpart time (10%-40%), 2employees,contractedspecifically for theproject, will beinvolved on theimplementation ofthe web-basedapplication DSSIUTAQ.


Amount (€) 26,400 3,960.00 0 0 0 30,360.00 0 30,360.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


TA staff will beinvolved in DSStool requirementsand design, itsintegration withmodels,monitoring data,policies and CAMSproduct, DSS andMobile Appimplementation,test and validation

N/A Participate toprojects meeting;meetings for DSStool presentationand trainingsession.

External expertisefor supporting andintegratingsoftwaredevelopment team

Amount (€) 156,200 23,430.00 6,000 60,000 0 245,630.00 0 245,630.00

Total (€) 282,600.00 42,390.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 390,990.00 0.00 390,990.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 0 % 33 % 36 % 31 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 0.00 129,026.70 140,756.40 121,206.90 390,990.00

Indicative budget breakdown per activity

Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)

A 6.1 20 % 78,198.00

A 6.2 30 % 117,297.00

A 6.3 50 % 195,495.00

Total 100.00 % 390,990.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 7 (Implementation Work Package)

Title Active Citizenship for Air Quality

Start Date 01/11/2018

End Date 30/09/2021

Budget 899,799.90

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary WP7 is devoted to link citizens’ participation and awareness to activities of monitoring, behavioural change, policy involvement and implementation. Specifically, Wp7 will start with asocial analysis based on structured interviews to investigate personal choices and behaviors that influence air quality. Social and educational activities will be organized to increaseawareness, share and implement good practices, and a contact point for citizens will be created. Social activities will be structured as focuses/workshops, meetings and experientialevents lincluding city walks, demonstrational city ebikes rides, “pedibus”, eco-festivals, demonstrational events in buildings (monitoring and evaluation of energy efficiency), actions ofgroup gardening and promotion of balcony gardens, in places of aggregation as schools, parishes, social centers, involving citizens, shopkeeper associations, employer organization,agricultural associations, etc. Through Stakeholders, Legambiente Campania will also involve and recruit volunteers to be trained for the monitoring campaign to conduce usingpersonal portable analyzers to collect data on air pollution [ref.: WP4] for specific policy implementation and review [ref.: WP6]. Educational activities will be specifically devoted to createawareness about the role of citizen science, to inform students about environmental alterations caused by air pollution (i.e. through the LBI method) and the impacts of personal choiceson air quality.

Activities, Deliverables and Outputs

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 7.1 Sociological survey

An investigation will be carried out to detect the social dynamics (behaviors / actions) related to theimpacts on air quality, considering both the impacts receptors and the impacts producers.It will allow to understand people needs, to know the margins for improvement of the air quality and todraw inspiration for the definition of useful initiatives to mitigate the impacts, as well as to evaluate theeffects of the actions taken (ex ante / ex post).It will be achieved a social impact analysis.The criteria of the investigation will be agreed by LAC together with ALL partner team.

Start date01/11/2018

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 7.1.1

Title Survey template (LAC)

Target value1

Delivery date30/11/2018

DescriptionDesign of the survey template (structured interview typology) and guidelines to conduct theinvestigation about behaviors and actions that influence air quality (LAC with support by AllPartners).

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 7.1.1

Title Delivery of surveys (LAC)

Target value2

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionSociological survey report and social impact analysis report delivered (LAC with support of CdPand stakeholders).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 7.2

Focus/workshop to promote theadoption of good practices:groups facilitation.

Workshops will be carried out in schools, condominiums, parishes, social centers, involving citizens,traders’ associations, employers' organizations.The informal meetings will be made also by associating tastings, shows, etc. to make them moreenjoy.They will be aimed at informing/raising awareness and above all at identifying behaviors andactions that can be implemented in groups or individually, aimed to fight pollution (meetings alsouseful for the purpose of recruiting voluntary monitors). A contact point will be realized to give practicalinformation and technical support to citizens and stakeholders to promote good practices. Technical-scientific support will be provided by technical partners (ENEA, ARPAC, UNINA)

Start date01/01/2019

End date31/07/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 7.2.1

Title Organizations/Groups identification (LAC)

Target value10

Delivery date30/06/2021

DescriptionIdentification of places and groups, organization (LAC) and implementation of focuses/workshops(LAC with support by ENEA, ARPAC, UNINA).

D 7.2.2

Title Info point istitution (LAC)

Target value1

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionIstitution of a contact point to give practical information and technical support to citizens andstakeholders to promote good practices (LAC + CdP).

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 7.2.1

Title Workshop and focus groups delivered (LAC)

Target value10

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionDelivery of plans of groups’ commitments. Workshop implemented and deliveres. (LAC+ technicalsupport by ENEA,ARPAC, UNINA)

O 7.2.2

Title Delivery of contact point (LAC)Target value

1Delivery date

31/07/2021Description Contact point activated. (LAC with support of CdP)

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 7.3Involvement events to promote theadoption of good practices.

Citizen involvement events will be carried out: urban walks and rides, ecofests, demonstrationmonitoring of the energy efficiency of buildings (Civico 5.0), guerrilla gardening, green balconies, etc.The primary activity will be organized for schools joining good practices and exposure monitoringusing the "Pedibus" tool, i.e. a structured walk with predetermined stops to cover home-school path.Outcomes of Pedibus will be measured as a main result.They will be advertised and made pleasant, aimed at promoting practices, behaviors and actions, forcombating air pollution (with synergetic effects for recruiting monitoring volunteers).Tech./scientific support will be provided by technical partners.

Start date01/01/2019

End date31/07/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 7.3.1

Title Participants involvement (LAC)

Target value25

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionPedibus campaigns implementation. Awards will be implemented for recognize achievement ofparticular engagement thresholds for participating schools and classes. Involvement ofparticipants for flash mobs and 1-day actions in specific sites (LAC with CdP support).

D 7.3.2

Title Monitoring organization (LAC)

Target value10

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionOrganization of the monitoring campaigns and evaluation of energy efficiency in a sample ofbuildings (LAC).

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 7.3.1

Title Delivery of actions (LAC)Target value

25Delivery date

31/07/2021Description Events and actions delivered. (LAC)

O 7.3.2

Title Demonstrational event (LAC)

Target value5

Delivery date31/07/2021

DescriptionDemonstrational monitoring evaluation of energy efficiency in buildings delivered. (LAC)

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 7.4 Citizen science activity

The monitoring campaign will be organized and managed using personal portable analyzers to collectdata on air pollution and convey feedback on personal exposure to participating volunteers[ref.: WP4].Legambiente Campania will specifically recruit, train and coordinate the volunteers. Furthermore, LACwill coordinate activity review and experiencial feedback collection and reporting.Technical partners will participate in training and general and targeted feedback conveying andinterpretation.The activity will be conducted with the cooperation of all technical partners.

Start date01/09/2019

End date30/09/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 7.4.1

Title Monitoring session (LAC)

Target value10

Delivery date31/07/2021


Recruitment and training of Volunteers based on the protocol for personal portable analyzers datacollection [LAC+ENEA].Report for Semantic data processing implementation with qualitative analysis tools finalized toimplement general citizenship feedback (e.g. targeted GIS maps) [ARPAC, ENEA, UNINA, TA].

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 7.4.1

Title Citizens Involvement Data bank (LAC)

Target value1

Delivery date30/09/2021

DescriptionMonitoring activities delivered and general citizenship feedback data bank implemented (LAC withsupport by technical partners).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 7.5 Environmental education

Environmental education sessions for students will be conducted in schools to increase awarenessabout the link between air pollution and good practices (behaviors/actions).The sessions will be focused on scientific aspects as well as on citizen science. On one hand thetopic of the Lichen Biodiversity Index (LBI) will give scientific knowledge to the participants. On the otherhand, experiments for monitoring the production of pollution (i.e. the use of fossil fuel vehicles to go toschool, polluting heating systems to heat the school building, etc.) will involve students as volunteersin monitoring activities and good practices promotion.The activity will be conducted with the cooperation of technical partners.

Start date01/01/2019

End date31/07/2021

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 7.5.1

Title Schools selection (LAC)Target value

3Delivery date

30/11/2020Description Recruitment of schools for the educational sessions (LAC with CdP support).

OutputNumber Project output Target value Delivery date

O 7.5.1

Title Delivery of educational sessions (LAC)Target value

40Delivery date

31/07/2021Description Educational sessions delivered (LAC with ENEA support).

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

PP1 - PorticiMunicipal Authority[CdP]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


2 Part timeTechnical Officer+ 1 part timeSenior Officer(Education andEnvironmentalDept.) forsupportinggood practicecampaigns designandimplementation3.5PY

N/A External service forsupporting goodpracticecampaigns i aswell asEngagementAwards eventsdesign andimplementation.Evolutivemainteinance oftraining andinformation room(V. Savonarola)

15 new e-bikes+4x10 e-bikes racks +consumables +surveillance eq.,traffic modulationeq.6 Rd Panes forCitizenship AQInformation.10PC for DSSOperation andTraining andInformation sitesetup.

Amount (€) 140,000 21,000.00 0 120,000 130,000 411,000.00 0 411,000.00

PP2 - ItalianNational Agency forNew Technologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Citizens MonitoringCampaignTraining anddaytime supportfor two part timeresearchers (50%allocation time forboth = 12PM)


Amount (€) 50,000 7,500.00 0 0 0 57,500.00 0 57,500.00

PP3 - Department ofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity of NaplesFederico II [UNINADIA]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Involved in WPactions, meetingswith the otherpartners and withthe stakeholders


Amount (€) 5,000 750.00 0 0 0 5,750.00 0 5,750.00

PP4 - LegambienteCampania Onlus[LAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Further 6employees all parttime (10%-40%)and 12 employeescontractedspecifically for theproject, will beinvolved on thepromotion of theactive citizenshipfor air quality.

N/A Travel andaccommodationcosts ofemployees relatedto project activities.

Expenses relatedto professionalservices andexpertise providedby external servicecontracted to carryout the activitieslinked to thedelivery of theproject (cateringand setting upevents, ecc).

Expenses relatedto equipment forthe preparation ofthe contact pointand for therealization of thedemonstrationmonitoring of theenergy efficiency ofbuildings.

Amount (€) 251,400 37,710.00 2,846 12,000 18,000 321,956.00 0 321,956.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


PP5 - CampaniaRegional Agency forEnvironmentProtection [ARPAC]

Staff costs Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

External expertiseand services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


1 divisionmanager, 5technical officers.Averagecommitment onWP varies up to10-15% for eachresource. n.1 AQexternal expert(avg. commitmentis 60% on thisWP).

N/A AQ monitoringsystemsmaintenance rateon existinganalyzers. (avg.10% of annualcosts). n.1 AQcampaign withmobile laboratory.n.1 to n.3 LIDARcampaign on site.

Amount (€) 16,286 2,442.90 0 44,500 0 63,228.90 0 63,228.90

PP6 - Terraria srl[TA] Staff costs Office and

administrationTravel and

accommodationExternal expertise

and services Equipment Sub-total Revenues Total


Interaction withLegambiente toreach the neededknowledge of AQpolicies to beefficient inintegrating them inthe DSS tool;understandingpolicies definition.


Amount (€) 35,100 5,265.00 0 0 0 40,365.00 0 40,365.00

Total (€) 497,786.00 74,667.90 2,846.00 176,500.00 148,000.00 899,799.90 0.00 899,799.90

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Indicative budget breakdown per year

Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total

Amount (%) 2 % 32 % 35 % 31 % 100.00 %

Budget (€) 17,996.00 287,935.97 314,929.96 278,937.97 899,799.90

Indicative budget breakdown per activity

Activity Amount (%) Budget (€)

A 7.1 10 % 89,979.99

A 7.2 20 % 179,959.98

A 7.3 20 % 179,959.98

A 7.4 40 % 359,919.96

A 7.5 10 % 89,979.99

Total 100.00 % 899,799.90

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Plan Per Work Packages - WorkPackage 8 (Closure and knowledge transfer work package)

Title Closure and knowledge transfer

Start Date 01/11/2021

End Date 31/10/2022

Budget 15,000.00

Partners Involvement

Responsible Partner PP 1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

Involved Partners PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Summary This WP will take care of the administrative closure of the project with the preparation of the 3rd Progress Report and the last Financial Claim, expected to be submitted within 3 monthsby the end of the implementation phase (see also WP2-Project Management). AirHeritage is a very innovative project since, apart from the solution of the specific problem addressed (AirQuality) it relies on the active citizens involvement to face a kind of a problem that is normally considered as only manageable using “top-down” approaches (using for instance,approaches of traffic limitation and of change in the mobility type). The Knowledge Transfer phase will therefore mainly consist in a number of meetings with the stakeholders tounderstand if the type of practice introduced with AirHeritage has been fruitful to solve the problem addressed, discussing, also with the help of the other PPs involved, the main resultsobserved in terms of Air Quality. At the same time it will be also discussed if the practice adopted can be eventually extended to face other problems and, finally, how the localgovernment and EU policies could be better involved to support the action of this type of initiatives. At least two of these meetings are expected to be also partecipated by UIA expertsand/or staff from the PS. Lessons learned will be also discussed at national or even international level, in meetings specially focused on the problems faced by AirHeritage and/or on thepractices put in place.

Activities and Deliverables

Activitynumber Activity title Activity description and partners involved Start date End date

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 8.1 Transfer of knowledge activities• Drafting and submission of the final qualitative report• Participation to Urban Development Network (UDN)• Project evaluation with UIA Experts

Start date01/11/2021

End date31/10/2022

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 8.1.1

Title Final qualitative reportTarget value

1Delivery date

31/10/2022Description Final qualitative report

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


A 8.2 Administrative closure Preparation and submission of final progress report Start date01/11/2021

End date01/02/2022

Deliverablenumber Deliverable and partners involved Target value Delivery date

D 8.2.1

Title Final progress reportTarget value

1Delivery date

01/02/2022Description Final progress report

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Budget

Partner name Staff cost (€)Office and


Travel andaccommodation

(€)External expertiseand services (€) Equipment (€) Infrastructure and

construction works (€) Sub-Total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

Portici MunicipalAuthority [CdP] 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part E - Project Budget

E.1 Project Budget Co-Financing Source (Fund) - Breakdown per Partner

Partner ERDF co-financing Contribution Total

Partner Country EUR ERDF rate Public Private Total Budget % of project budget

PP 1 - PorticiMunicipalAuthority[CdP]

IT 994,790.84 80.00% 248,697.71 0.00 248,697.71 1,243,488.55 30.38%

PP 2 - ItalianNationalAgency forNewTechnologies,Energy andSustainableEconomicDevelopment[ENEA]

IT 554,800.00 80.00% 138,700.00 0.00 138,700.00 693,500.00 16.94%

PP 3 -DepartmentofAgriculturalSciences ofUniversity ofNaplesFederico II[UNINA DIA]

IT 526,160.00 80.00% 131,540.00 0.00 131,540.00 657,700.00 16.07%

PP 4 -LegambienteCampaniaOnlus [LAC]

IT 494,404.80 80.00% 0.00 123,601.20 123,601.20 618,006.00 15.10%

PP 5 -CampaniaRegionalAgency forEnvironmentProtection[ARPAC]

IT 304,472.84 80.00% 76,118.21 0.00 76,118.21 380,591.05 9.30%

PP 6 -Terraria srl[TA]

IT 399,847.20 80.00% 0.00 99,961.80 99,961.80 499,809.00 12.21%

Total (€) 3,274,475.68 80.00% 595,055.92 223,563.00 818,618.92 4,093,094.60 100.00%

E.2 Project Budget - Overview per Partner/ per Period

Partner Preparation (Period 0)

Jan - Dec 2018 Jan - Dec 2019 Jan - Dec 2020 Jan - Dec 2021 Closure Total

PP 1 20,000.00 25,910.89 377,000.34 428,520.88 377,056.45 15,000.00 1,243,488.55

PP 2 0.00 11,425.00 218,005.00 248,297.50 215,772.50 0.00 693,500.00

PP 3 0.00 19,213.50 197,885.00 236,507.50 204,094.00 0.00 657,700.00

PP 4 0.00 13,802.62 193,358.92 219,027.20 191,817.26 0.00 618,006.00

PP 5 0.00 6,887.73 119,339.60 136,158.71 118,205.00 0.00 380,591.05

PP 6 0.00 6,071.72 159,268.90 179,065.09 155,403.29 0.00 499,809.00

Total (€) 20,000.00 83,311.46 1,264,857.76 1,447,576.88 1,262,348.50 15,000.00 4,093,094.60

% of totalbudget 0.49% 2.04% 30.90% 35.37% 30.84% 0.37% 100.00%

E.3 Project Budget - Overview per Partner/ per Work Package

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Partner Preparation (WP1)

WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 7 Closure (WP 8) Total

PP 1 20,000.00 242,500.00 252,500.00 242,688.55 13,800.00 46,000.00 411,000.00 15,000.00 1,243,488.55

PP 2 0.00 78,750.00 48,750.00 354,000.00 97,000.00 57,500.00 57,500.00 0.00 693,500.00

PP 3 0.00 20,700.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 602,500.00 11,500.00 5,750.00 0.00 657,700.00

PP 4 0.00 23,540.00 181,430.00 30,360.00 30,360.00 30,360.00 321,956.00 0.00 618,006.00

PP 5 0.00 22,177.75 16,785.55 194,885.55 83,513.30 0.00 63,228.90 0.00 380,591.05

PP 6 0.00 46,250.00 44,514.00 57,500.00 65,550.00 245,630.00 40,365.00 0.00 499,809.00

Total (€) 20,000.00 433,917.75 555,479.55 885,184.10 892,723.30 390,990.00 899,799.90 15,000.00 4,093,094.60

% of totalbudget 0.49% 10.60% 13.57% 21.63% 21.81% 9.55% 21.98% 0.37% 100.00%

E.4 Project Budget - Overview per Work Package/ per Period


Preparation Jan - Dec 2018 Jan - Dec 2019 Jan - Dec 2020 Jan - Dec 2021 Closure Total

WP 1 20,000.00 20,000.00

WP 2 13,017.53 130,175.33 151,871.21 138,853.68 433,917.75

WP 3 16,664.39 166,643.87 199,972.64 172,198.66 555,479.55

WP 4 8,851.84 283,258.91 318,666.28 274,407.07 885,184.10

WP 5 26,781.70 267,816.99 321,380.39 276,744.22 892,723.30

WP 6 0.00 129,026.70 140,756.40 121,206.90 390,990.00

WP 7 17,996.00 287,935.97 314,929.97 278,937.97 899,799.90

WP 8 15,000.00 15,000.00

Total (€) 20,000.00 83,311.46 1,264,857.76 1,447,576.88 1,262,348.50 15,000.00 4,093,094.60

% of totalbudget 0.49% 2.04% 30.90% 35.37% 30.84% 0.37% 100.00%

E.5 Project Budget - Overview per Partner/ per Budget Line

Partner Staff Office andadministration

Travel andaccommodation

Externalexpertise and


Equipment Infrastructureand construction


Sub-total Revenues Total

PP 1 666,077.00 99,911.55 12,500.00 235,000.00 230,000.00 0.00 1,243,488.55 0.00 1,243,488.55

PP 2 430,000.00 64,500.00 21,000.00 50,000.00 128,000.00 0.00 693,500.00 0.00 693,500.00

PP 3 398,000.00 59,700.00 20,000.00 150,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 657,700.00 0.00 657,700.00

PP 4 438,400.00 65,760.00 8,846.00 87,000.00 18,000.00 0.00 618,006.00 0.00 618,006.00

PP 5 126,427.00 18,964.05 2,000.00 61,200.00 172,000.00 0.00 380,591.05 0.00 380,591.05

PP 6 367,660.00 55,149.00 17,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 499,809.00 0.00 499,809.00

Total (€) 2,426,564.00 363,984.60 81,346.00 643,200.00 578,000.00 0.00 4,093,094.60 0.00 4,093,094.60

% of totalbudget 59.28% 8.89% 1.99% 15.71% 14.12% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

E.6 Project Budget - Overview per Work Package/ per Budget Line

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Work Package Staff Costs (€) Office andadministration


Travel andaccommodation


Externalexpertise andservices (€)

Equipment (€) Infrastructureand Works (€)

Sub-total (€) Revenues (€) Total (€)

WP 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00

WP 2 356,885.00 53,532.75 20,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 433,917.75 0.00 433,917.75

WP 3 320,417.00 48,062.55 32,000.00 155,000.00 0.00 0.00 555,479.55 0.00 555,479.55

WP 4 414,334.00 62,150.10 0.00 66,700.00 342,000.00 0.00 885,184.10 0.00 885,184.10

WP 5 554,542.00 83,181.30 20,000.00 150,000.00 85,000.00 0.00 892,723.30 0.00 892,723.30

WP 6 282,600.00 42,390.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 0.00 0.00 390,990.00 0.00 390,990.00

WP 7 497,786.00 74,667.90 2,846.00 176,500.00 148,000.00 0.00 899,799.90 0.00 899,799.90

WP 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00

Total (€) 2,426,564.00 363,984.60 81,346.00 643,200.00 578,000.00 0.00 4,093,094.60 0.00 4,093,094.60

% of totalbudget 59.28% 8.89% 1.99% 15.71% 14.12% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00%

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part F - Partners contribution

Source(s) of Contribution

Total Contribution 818,618.92 Total Contribution Target 818,618.92

PP1 - Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Portici Municipal Authority Public 100.00 % 248,697.71 cash Portici Municipal Authorithy Human Resources Salaries

Total (€) 100.00 248,697.71 Contribution Target 248,697.71

PP2 - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development [ENEA]

Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Italian National Agency for NewTechnologies, Energy and SustainableEconomic Development Public 100.00 % 138,700.00 cash ENEA HR Salaries

Total (€) 100.00 138,700.00 Contribution Target 138,700.00

PP3 - Department of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II [UNINA DIA]

Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Department of Agricultural Sciences ofUniversity of Naples Federico II Public 100.00 % 131,540.00 cash UNINA HR Salaries

Total (€) 100.00 131,540.00 Contribution Target 131,540.00

PP4 - Legambiente Campania Onlus [LAC]

Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Legambiente Campania Onlus Private 100.00 % 123,601.20 cash Legambiente Campania Onlus HR

Total (€) 100.00 123,601.20 Contribution Target 123,601.20

PP5 - Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection [ARPAC]

Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Campania Regional Agency forEnvironment Protection Public 100.00 % 76,118.21 cash

Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection HRSalaries

Total (€) 100.00 76,118.21 Contribution Target 76,118.21

PP6 - Terraria srl [TA]

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Name of Organisation/ Source ofContribution

Legal Status % of Total PartnerContribution

Amount (€) Cash or In-kindContribution


Terraria srl Private 100.00 % 99,961.80 cash Terraria srl HR

Total (€) 100.00 99,961.80 Contribution Target 99,961.80

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part G - Risk Management

Description of the risk Properties Actions to mitigate the risk

ENEA Mobile AQ sensors (MONICA) do not work as expected in terms ofvalidated accuracy.

Impact Serious

Likelihood Improbable

ENEA will mitigate the problem by increasing the number of fixed AQ monitoringstations to increase data collection;

Citizens (or Shopkeepers) oppose to the diffusion of AQ monitoring stations(mobile and/or fixed) and their data for privacy reasons.

Impact Minor

Likelihood Remote

PPs with the support of the UA will organize meetings to discuss the project aimand implementation. Citizens will be more actively involved in theimplementation phase. Data anonimization will be guaranteed beforepublicization and open access implementation.

Extreme weather conditions or acts of vandalism cause serious damages toproject installations (fixed AQ stations, bikes, remediation greenery).

Impact Major

Likelihood Possible

Specific purchase conditions will be agreed to have installations repaired orreplaced in order the project to be finalized as expected. A specific surveillanceactivity on the project installations has been already considered as part ofproject activities and will be, possibly, improved.

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


Part H - Confirmation

(Main) Urban Authority confirmation and signature

(Main) Urban Authority Portici Municipal Authority [CdP]

By signing the application form the (Main) Urban Authority hereby confirms that:

the Urban Authorities involved in this project proposal are not involved in other proposals submitted to the UIA Initiativeas part of this current Call for Proposals;

the project neither in whole nor in part has or will receive any other complementary EU funding (except for the fundingindicated in this application form) during the whole duration of the project;

the project partners listed in the application form are committed to take part in the project’s activities and financing;

the (Main) Urban Authority and the project partners will act according to the provisions of the relevant national and EUlegislation and policies (especially regarding structural funds, public procurement, state aid, environment and equalopportunities) as well as the specific provisions of the UIA Initiative;

the information in the Application Form is accurate and true to the best knowledge of the (Main) Urban Authority

general information about this project can be used by the UIA Initiative to liaise with national and regional authorities incharge of implementation of operational programmes funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds

Forename, Surname Vincenzo Cuomo Date 28/03/2018

Position Mayor Place Portici

Authorized signatureof (Main) UrbanAuthority

Project Acronym: AIR-HERITAGE


[AIR-HERITAGE Project]Implementation Period

(Main) Urban Authority / Project Partner 1 Comune Di Portici

Project Partner 2 ENEA- Agenzia per le Nuove tecnologie, L’ Energia e lo Sviluppo economico sostenibile

Project Partner 3 Department Of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II

Project Partner 4 Legambiente Campania Onlus

Project Partner 5 Campania Regional Agency for Environment Protection

Project Partner 6 Terraria srl

Project Partnership Agreement


Table of contentsCHAPTER 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................4

ARTICLE 1 ...............................................................................................................................................................4DEFINITIONS AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ..........................................................................................................................4ARTICLE 2 ...............................................................................................................................................................5SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................................................5ARTICLE 3 ...............................................................................................................................................................5DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................................................5ARTICLE 4 ...............................................................................................................................................................6DECISION-MAKING UNDER THE AGREEMENT...................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 2 – PARTNERS OBLIGATIONS ............................................................................................................6

ARTICLE 5 ...............................................................................................................................................................6GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES ........................................................................................................................6ARTICLE 6 ...............................................................................................................................................................8PROJECT AND INITIATIVE PERFORMANCE .......................................................................................................................8ARTICLE 7 ...............................................................................................................................................................9ELIGIBILITY OF EXPENDITURE.......................................................................................................................................9ARTICLE 8 ...............................................................................................................................................................9FINANCING OF JOINT ACTIVITIES AND PREPARATION AND CLOSURE COSTS .............................................................................9ARTICLE 9 .............................................................................................................................................................10AUDIT RIGHTS, EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT AND ARCHIVING OF DOCUMENTS....................................................................10ARTICLE 10 ...........................................................................................................................................................10COMMUNICATION AND PUBLICITY ..............................................................................................................................10ARTICLE 11 ...........................................................................................................................................................11INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS...............................................................................................................................11


ARTICLE 12 ...........................................................................................................................................................12RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES ..............................................................................................................................12ARTICLE 13 ...........................................................................................................................................................12NON-FULFILMENT OF OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITY .........................................................................................................12ARTICLE 14 ...........................................................................................................................................................13REPAYMENT OF FUNDS ............................................................................................................................................13

CHAPTER 4 – CONCLUDING PROVISIONS........................................................................................................14

ARTICLE 15 ...........................................................................................................................................................14DELEGATION AND LEGAL SUCCESSION .........................................................................................................................14ARTICLE 16 ...........................................................................................................................................................14CHANGES IN THE PARTNERSHIP .................................................................................................................................14ARTICLE 17 ...........................................................................................................................................................14AMENDMENT OF THE AGREEMENT AND PROJECT MODIFICATION ......................................................................................14ARTICLE 18 ...........................................................................................................................................................15DISPUTE SETTLEMENT .............................................................................................................................................15ARTICLE 19 ...........................................................................................................................................................15FINAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................................................................................15


Partnership Agreement for the implementation of the project



“Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through

participated and efficient Policies”

Within the UIA Initiative

Having regard to:

- The legal framework set out in the Article 1 the Subsidy Contract signed between the Entrusted Entity and Comune di Portici acting as (Main) Urban Authority of the project: UIA-03-322 AIR-Heritage “Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies”

- The article 8.1(a) of the abovementioned Subsidy Contract,

The following Agreement shall be made between:

Comune di Portici, Via Campitelli, 80055 Portici, Naples, Italy

Hereinafter referred to as the (Main) Urban Authority,Represented by: Mayor Vincenzo Cuomo,

And Agenzia per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’ Energia e lo Sviluppo economico sostenibile, Via Lungotevere Amm. Thaon di Revel, 76 – Roma - Italy

Represented by: Ezio Terzini, Dir. Divisione DTE-FSN

And Department Of Agricultural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II, Via Università, 100 – 80055 Portici, Naples, Italy

Represented by: Prof. Matteo Lorito

And Legambiente Campania Onlus,p.zza Cavour, 168 - 80137, Naples, italy

Represented by: Maria Teresa Imparato, Staff Dir.

And Agenzia Regionale Per la Protezione Ambientale della Campania,Via Vicinale S. Maria del Pianto, Torre 1, Naples, italy

Represented by: Luigi Stefano Sorvino, Pr.

And Terraria SRL,via Melchiorre Gioia, 132 – 20125 Milano, Italy


Represented by: Giuseppe Maffeis, Director

Hereinafter referred to as the Parties.

For the implementation of the UIA project UIA-03-322 AIR-Heritage “Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies” , approved by the Selection Committee on 4th Oct, 2018, the following agreement shall be made between the partners of the project, and the Parties have agreed as follows:


Article 1Definitions and Legal framework

1. For the purpose of this agreement, the following words shall have the following meanings:

Agreement: the Project Partnership Agreement.

Application Form: the application form as set out in annex 1 of this contract together with any amendments to the application form which are approved by the Initiative authorities.

Approval Decision: the approval decision of the Selection Committee as indicated in the Subsidy Contract.

Initiative: The Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.

Initiative Authorities: the Entrusted Entity (including the Permanent Secretariat), the European Commission, and the Certifying authority.

(Main) Urban Authority: The Urban Authority (or Main Urban Authority in the framework of an association/grouping of urban authorities without a legal status of organised agglomeration) is the main responsible for the overall project implementation and management. It bears the entire financial and juridical responsibility vis-à-vis the Entrusted Entity.

Partnership Agreement: Contract signed between all the project partners containing all duties and responsibilities of each project partner before, during and after the project implementation.

Project: UIA-03-322 AIR-Heritage “Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies”as described in the application form.

Project Partners: the project partners named in the application form, including the (Main) Urban Authority.

Subsidy: the maximum ERDF co-financing allocated to the project in accordance with the application form.

Subsidy Contract: Agreement between the Entrusted Entity and the (Main) Urban Authority, specifying the conditions upon which the Entrusted Entity transfers the subsidy for the Project implementation to the (Main) Urban Authority (on behalf of all Project Partners).

UIA Guidance: The latest published version of the UIA Guidance.


2. For the purpose of this agreement, the legal framework as set out in the Article 1 of the Subsidy Contract should apply.

Article 2Scope of the Agreement

1. The parties to this agreement are the (Main) Urban Authority and the project partners as above-mentioned, and listed in the latest approved version of the application form.

2. The subject of this Agreement is to lay down arrangements and establish cooperation principles and rules of procedure which regulate the rights and responsibilities among the Parties of the Partnership for the successful implementation of the UIA-03-322 AIR-Heritage “Improving the environmental quality of the City of Portici: Monitoring, Modelling, and Mitigating Air Pollution through participated and efficient Policies”, as indicated in the annexes. The annexes - including all provisions they are based on and refer to - are considered to be an integral part of this agreement:

Annex 1 - the latest version of the Application Form approved by the Initiative Annex 2 - the signed Subsidy Contract between the Entrusted Entity and the (Main) Urban

Authority, Annex 3 – Preparation and closure costs division

3. The (Main) Urban Authority and all Project partners commit themselves in jointly implementing the project in accordance with the distribution of tasks as set in the Subsidy Contract, with the aim to reach the project main objectives and results.

4. The terms and conditions herein are acknowledged and accepted by all Parties. The (Main) Urban Authority and the Project Partners are obliged to respect all rules and fulfil all obligations set forth in the present Agreement, the Subsidy Contract, the latest approved version of the application form, and the conditions and/ or recommendations under which the Initiative grants subsidies to the selected project.

Article 3Duration of the Agreement

1. The agreement will enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last of the Parties.

2. The agreement will remain in force until complete fulfilment of the (Main) Urban Authority and partners’ obligations under this project partnership agreement and the subsidy contract. In particular, all relevant provisions necessary for the fulfilment of the archiving and audit obligations defined in this agreement shall remain in force until the end of the period referred to in article 9.4 of the present Agreement.

3. If there is a non-resolved dispute between any of the Project Partners arising from the implementation of the project, the Partnership Agreement shall remain in force until the case is settled by the competent body.


4. The agreement can be terminated prematurely by means of a decision taken by the Steering Committee, which also makes arrangements regarding the consequences of such premature termination. Should the Subsidy Contract terminate, the present Partnership Agreement would terminate equally.

Article 4Decision-making under the agreement

1. Decisions with regard to the:

- general project activities will be taken by STEERING COMMITEE - individual activities of project partners will be taken by concerned partners unless the decision

impacts extends to other partners activities in which case the decision will be taken by STEERING COMMITTEE.

- general project budget will be taken by STEERING COMMITEE - individual budget of project partners will be taken by concerned partners unless the decision

impacts extends to other partners budget or will require an official approval by PS, in which case the decision will be taken by STEERING COMMITTEE.

2. request for the exclusion and addition of partners will be taken by STEERING COMMITEE 3. The decision-making process will be organised as follow: ⅚ majority


Article 5General obligations of the parties

5.1. Obligations of the (Main) Urban Authority

(a) The (Main) Urban Authority will comply with all obligations deriving from the Subsidy Contract and the UIA Guidance, and is in charge of the overall coordination, management and implementation of the project.

(b) The (Main) Urban Authority guarantees that it is entitled to represent the project partners participating in the project towards the Entrusted Entity/ Permanent Secretariat and other Initiative authorities. It shall sign the Subsidy Contract on behalf of all partners, and provide them with a copy thereof.

(c) The (Main) Urban Authority guarantees that all partners have complied with all legal requirements, and that all necessary approvals for the proper implementation of the project have been obtained. It is liable for infringements of obligations under this Contract by the project partners in the same way as for its own conduct.


(d) The (Main) Urban Authority assumes sole responsibility for the entire project towards the Entrusted Entity. It will ensure the timely commencement of the project, and the implementation of the entire project within the time schedule in compliance with all obligations to the Entrusted Entity. Likewise, it shall ensure that all activities foreseen within the project are carried out respecting the Annex 1 to this Agreement, all relevant EU and national legislations, and are in line with the UIA Guidance.

(e) It shall notify the Entrusted Entity of any factors that may adversely affect (delay, hinder or make impossible) the implementation of the project activities and/or financial plan, as well as all circumstances that may cause minor and major changes of the Contract.

(f) The (Main) Urban Authority shall be the beneficiary of the ERDF grant and shall manage the funds in accordance with the details of this Partnership Agreement. Inter alia, it shall ensure their timely onward transfer to the project partners, within 30 DAYS.

(g) The (Main) Urban Authority shall be responsible for the administrative and sound financial management of the funds, including regarding the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid. It shall also be responsible for verifying that the expenditure declared by the partners has been incurred only for the purpose of implementing the project, and that it corresponds to the activities agreed between the project partners in the frame of the approved application form and in accordance with the Subsidy Contract.

(h) Before submitting a request for change to the Permanent Secretariat, the (Main) Urban Authority shall obtain the approval of its partners on the changes proposed. The (Main) Urban Authority may set a deadline to the partners for this approval so that beyond this deadline the proposed changes are considered as approved by the partners.

(i) The (Main) Urban Authority shall keep the project partners informed on a regular basis about all relevant communication between the itself and the Entrusted Entity/ Permanent Secretariat, and shall inform the partners about all essential issues connected to project implementation.

(j) Any other tasks agreed with the project partners.

5.2. Obligations of the Project Partners

(a) Each Project Partner shall undertake all actions necessary for full, timely and smooth implementation of its part of the project, in line with the latest approved version of the application form, and as set out in the project work plan or otherwise agreed, and in accordance with the description of tasks in the Subsidy Contract;

(b) Project partners agree to take all necessary steps enabling the (Main) Urban Authority to comply with its responsibilities as stipulated in the Subsidy Contract.

(c) All partners shall comply with the provisions of the Subsidy Contract, the UIA Guidance, and the latest approved version of the application form.


(d) All partners shall comply with the statutory rules under European law, national statutory regulations, orders, decrees and rulings, permits and exemptions which are relevant for the performance of the present agreement, specifically with respect to their own portion of the project. This includes inter alia, rules on public procurement, state aid, publicity, further rules on environmental protection and equal opportunities.

In addition, they shall fulfil the following obligations:(e) To nominate a project manager and a financial manager for the parts of the project for which it

is responsible and give the (Main) Urban Authority the authority to represent the partner in the project.

(f) To provide the (Main) Urban Authority/ Initiative authorities/ other bodies involved in the Initiative implementation, with all the requested information. This includes those necessary for project coordination, monitoring, implementation and evaluation, and for reporting purposes, requests for payment, and other documents or information requested by the Permanent Secretariat. The information so requested will be provided on time and complete.

(g) To notify immediately the (Main) Urban Authority of any event or relevant circumstances that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation or any other deviation of the project, or adversely affect implementation of the project in accordance with the work plan (correctness, timeliness, effectiveness or completeness of the actions). It shall also inform the (Main) Urban Authority of any change related to the name of the organisation, contact details, legal status or any other change concerning the partner’s legal entity which may have an impact on the project or on their eligibility to the Initiative.

(h) To make the partner contributions available as foreseen in the latest approved version of the application form and this partnership agreement.

(i) To comply with the planned budget by budget line, spending plan by partner, allocation of tasks and objectives, outputs and results by partner as indicated in the Application Form and to notify the (Main) Urban Authority without delay of any event that may lead to a deviation.

(j) To actively encourage the involvement of the stakeholder groups, their participation in the project, and their cooperation with respect to disseminating the project results.

Article 6Project and Initiative performance

1. In case a project partner does not successfully reach one or more expected objectives, outputs, or results as set out in the application form, the concerned project partner is responsible to follow the requested corrective measures by the Initiative authorities.

2. In case one or more project partner(s) fail(s) to respect the contractual arrangements on delivery in time, delivery to budget and delivery of outputs as defined in the annexes of this


agreement, the Initiative may reduce the subsidy allocated to the project and, if necessary, stop the project by terminating the subsidy contract. In such cases, the concerned project partner(s) will be liable in compliance with the article 13 of this agreement.

3. Subsidy payments not requested by each project partner in time and in full may be lost for the concerned project partner.

Article 7Eligibility of Expenditure

1. Each project partner can only report eligible expenditure. In order to be deemed eligible, the reported expenditure of each project partner shall:

a. relate to activities and costs which are carried out, incurred, and paid from the date of the Approval Decision to the project end date as indicated in the application form;

b. relate to activities set out in the application form which are necessary for carrying out the project and achieving the project’s objectives, outputs and results, and are included in the budget of the application form;

c. be reasonable, justified, and comply with the applicable EU and Initiative rules. In the absence of rules set at EU or Initiative level or in areas that are not precisely regulated, national or institutional rules in accordance with the principles of sound financial management apply;

d. be incurred and paid out by the project partner and be substantiated by proper evidence allowing identification and checking;

e. be identifiable, verifiable, plausible, determined in accordance with the relevant accounting principles, and recorded in a separate accounting system or with an adequate accounting code;

f. be verified by a first level controller in accordance with Regulation (EU) no 1303/2013, Article 125(4).

2. By derogation to Article 7.1 (a) to (e), simplified costs options may be indicated in the UIA Guidance and have to be applied accordingly by each project partner.

3. In case a project partner does not comply with the eligibility rules, the (Main) Urban Authority and/or the Initiative authorities may impose corrective measure which have to be implemented by the concerned partner. Those corrective measures can lead to the exclusion of any ineligible expenditure and to the request for repayment of all or part of the concerned subsidy.

Article 8 Management of the advance payment, preparation and closure costs, and financing of

joint activities

1. The management of the advance payment shall be arranged as follows:


a. The MUA, shall ensure their timely onward transfer to the project partners, according to the respective percentage of total ERDF grant as reported in page 1 of the application form, within 30 DAYS from the reception.

2. The preparation costs will be reimbursed through a lump sum of EUR 20 000 per project, and the closure and knowledge transfer costs are covered by a lump sum of EUR 15 000 per project. The corresponding ERDF, respectively maximum EUR 16 000 and EUR 12 000, will be paid to (Main) Urban Authority, and will be distributed among the project partners in accordance with Annex 3 (preparation costs division).

3. The financing of joint activities are governed by the contracting-partner-only principle. The contracting partner is the only one that budgets, contracts, actually pays, ensures verification and reports 100% of the cost item of joint benefit and receives the related ERDF. The arrangements for sharing costs between partners are defined between the involved partners.

Article 9 Audit rights, evaluation of the project and archiving of documents

1. The European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Court of Auditors, or other Initiative authorities are entitled to audit the proper use of funds by the project partners or arrange for such an audit to be carried out by authorised persons.

2. Each project partners will produce all documents required for the audit, provide necessary information and give access to their business premises.

3. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 Articles 56 and 57, each project partner undertakes to provide independent experts or bodies carrying out any project evaluation with any document or information necessary to assist the evaluation.

4. Each project partner will archive documents related to the project implementation, for a period of five years after the payment of the balance. This period shall be longer if there are on-going audits, appeals, litigation or pursuit of claims concerning the contract. In such cases, the project partners shall keep the documents until such audits, appeals, litigation or pursuit of claims are closed. Other possibly longer statutory retention periods, as might be stated by national law, remain unaffected.

5. In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Article 140 (the archiving of the documents) each project partner must ensure that all documents are kept either:

a. in their original form;b. as certified true copies of the originals; c. on commonly accepted data carriers including electronic versions of original documents d. or documents existing as electronic version only.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the archiving formats have to comply with national legal requirements.

6. The requirements as indicated in points (4) and (5) also apply to any project partner which leaves the partnership before the end of the project.

Article 10 Communication and publicity


1. Each project partner will implement a communication and dissemination plan that ensures adequate promotion of the project and its results towards potential target groups, project stakeholders and the general public in compliance with the Annex XII (2.2) of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, the subsidy contract (Article 12) and the UIA Guidance. Particular attention shall be paid by beneficiaries to the visibility of the EU funding: any communication or publication related to UIA projects made by beneficiaries, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials, shall indicate Union support and shall display the European Union emblem. When displayed in association with another logo, the European Union emblem must have appropriate prominence.

2. The Project partners shall produce their communication material for local stakeholders and citizens in their own language.

3. Unless differently required by the Entrusted Entity, any notice or publication in relation to the project, made in any form and by any means, including the Internet, must state that it only reflects the author's views and that the Initiative authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

4. Each project partner agrees that the Initiative authorities shall be authorised to publish, in any form and by any means, including the Internet, the following information:

the name and contact details of the (Main) Urban Authority and of the project partners, the project name, a summary of the project activities, the objectives of the project and the subsidy, the project start and end date, the amount of the subsidy and the total budget of the project, the geographical location of the project implementation, progress reports including the final report

Article 11Intellectual Property Rights

1. All intellectual property, outputs and results (whether tangible or intangible) that derive from

the project will be the property of the (Main) Urban Authority and the project partners.2. Notwithstanding the terms of Article 11.1, the other types of results of the project have to be

made available to the general public free of charge by the (Main) Urban Authority and project partners. The Entrusted Entity and any other relevant Initiative stakeholder (e.g. the European Commission) may reserve the right to use all the results for information and communication actions in respect of the Initiative. If there are pre-existing intellectual and industrial property rights which are made available to the project, these will be fully respected provided that they are notified by the (Main) Urban Authority and project partners to the Entrusted Entity in writing.

3. Any income generated by the intellectual property rights must be managed in compliance with the applicable EU, national and Initiative rules in the fields of net revenue and state aid.


The following foreground IP is foreseen to be generated: AQ Monitoring Dataset, AQ Data Storage and processing facilities, AQ High resolution Mapping Algorithm, City AQ Model, Portici AQ DSS. Foreground IP will be property of the generating partner, in case of jointly generated intellectual property exploitment will be managed by ad-hoc agreements among the generating partners. Any pre-existing IP (Background) will be made available to requesting partners free-of-charge for the fulfilment of project obligations and, upon request, on a fair payment basis for further commercial or non-commercial exploitment.

Article 12Responsibilities of the parties

1. The (Main) Urban Authority solely assumes responsibility for the entire Project as defined in the Subsidy Contract towards the Entrusted Entity.

2. Each Project Partner is directly and exclusively responsible to the (Main) Urban Authority for the due implementation of its respective project part, and for the proper fulfilment of its obligations as set out in this Agreement and in the Application Form.

3. In case a project partner does not comply with its obligations as agreed upon in this agreement and the relevant annexes, the concerned project partner shall be the sole responsible for any liabilities, damages and costs, resulting from the non-compliance.

4. In specific cases of cooperation with third parties (e.g. concluding sub-contracts) including suppliers of good/services, the project partner concerned shall remain solely responsible to the (Main) Urban Authority concerning compliance with its obligations as set out in this agreement. The (Main) Urban Authority shall be informed by the project partner about the subject and party of any contract concluded with a third party. Any contracts with third parties will have to be concluded in accordance with EU and national legislation, including procedures set out in the public procurement rules applicable to the contracting partner.

5. In case of irregularities the (Main) Urban Authority bears the overall responsibility towards the Entrusted Entity for the repayment of the amounts unduly paid. If the irregularity is committed by another Project Partner, the concerned organization shall repay to the (Main) Urban Authority the amounts unduly paid. When amounts unduly paid to a Project partner cannot be recovered due to negligence of the (Main) Urban Authority, the latter shall remain responsible for the repayment.

Article 13Non-fulfilment of obligations and liability

1. Should one of the project partners not fulfil its obligations, the (Main) Urban Authority shall warn the concerned partner and remind this partner to comply within a maximum of 30 DAYS. The (Main) Urban Authority shall make any effort to contact the concerned partner(s) in order to solve the difficulties, including seeking the assistance of the Permanent Secretariat / the



Entrusted Entity of the Initiative. The project partners undertake to find a rapid and efficient solution.

2. Should the non-fulfilment of obligations continue, in spite of notifications as mentioned under point 1 of this article, the (Main) Urban Authorities may decide to exclude/replace the concerned project Partner, with approval of the other partners. The Entrusted Entity/ Permanent Secretariat shall be informed immediately by the (Main) Urban Authority of such a decision.

3. In case of non-fulfilment of a partner's obligations having financial consequences for the funding of the project as a whole, the (Main) Urban Authority and other partners may demand compensation to cover the sum involved.

4. Each partner shall be liable to the other project partners and shall indemnify for any damages or costs resulting from the non-compliance of its contractual duties as set forth in this Agreement and the relevant annexes.

5. No project partner shall be held liable for not complying with its obligations as agreed upon this agreement, should the non-compliance be caused by force majeure. In such a case, the partner involved must announce this immediately in writing to the other partners of the project. The force majeure is any unpredictable and insurmountable event, occurred after the signing of the present Agreement and that prevents the total or the partial execution of the Agreement (e.g. wars, natural calamities, general strikes, insurrections, revolts, epidemics, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that cannot be attributed to any party of / bonded by the Agreement). The force majeure exonerates the parties of the responsibility for not executing partially or totally the obligations stipulated in the Agreement during the period they appear and only if the events were properly notified. It is not considered as being force majeure any event similar to those presented above, that, without creating an impossibility of execution, makes the execution of the obligations very difficult for one of the parties.

Article 14Repayment of funds

1. Should the Entrusted Entity, in accordance with the provisions of the Subsidy Contract, demand repayment from the (Main) Urban Authority of all or part of the subsidy already transferred, each partner concerned by the irregularity resulting in the repayment, is obliged to reimburse its share of the subsidy amount unduly received to the (Main) Urban Authority.

2. The (Main) Urban Authority shall, without delay, inform the concerned partner about any ERDF amount unduly paid due to an irregularity as soon as it is informed by the Entrusted Entity. It shall also forward, without delay, the letter by which the Entrusted Entity has asserted the recovery order and notify each partner of the amount to be repaid. This amount is due by the deadline indicated by the (Main) Urban Authority in accordance with the recovery procedure described in the UIA Guidance.

3. In case the amount to be recovered shall be subject to interest, the interest rate will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Subsidy Contract (Article 16.4) and would be applied to each concerned partner.



Article 15 Delegation and legal succession

1. No project partner shall have the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement without the prior consent of the other project partners and the responsible Initiative implementing bodies.

2. In cases of legal succession (e.g. when the beneficiary changes its legal form), the (Main) Urban Authority or the concerned partner is obliged to transfer all duties under this agreement to the legal successor. The (Main) Urban Authority shall be notified by the concerned partner in written form, and shall notify the Entrusted Entity/ Permanent Secretariat according to the provisions set out in the Subsidy Contract.

Article 16Changes in the Partnership

1. The project partners agree not to back out of the Project unless they have unavoidable reasons to do so, being aware of the fact that all changes in the partnership need an approval of the relevant Initiative authorities.

2. The (Main) Urban Authority informs the Permanent Secretariat as soon as changes in the partnership are foreseeable. Changes in the partnership require a duly justified formal request for change from the (Main) Urban Authority to the Permanent Secretariat, and enter into force only after the approval by the relevant Initiative authorities. However, once approved, they are valid retrospectively starting from the date when the written request was submitted to the Permanent Secretariat. When required, an amendment to the Partnership Agreement may be issued.

3. In case a project partner withdraws from the Project or is excluded from it, the remaining partners shall undertake to find a rapid and efficient solution to ensure proper project implementation without any delay. Consequently, the partners shall endeavor to cover the contribution of the withdrawing partner, either by assuming its tasks by one or more of the remaining partners or in exceptional cases by involving a new partner in the partnership in line with the respective provisions.

4. The provisions set for audits in Article 9 remain applicable to the partner that backed out of the project or was excluded from the project.

Article 17Amendment of the agreement and project modification

1. This agreement shall only be amended in writing by means of an amendment to that effect signed by all parties involved. The (Main) Urban Authority shall notify the Permanent Secretariat of any amendment or supplement to the present Agreement.


2. Modifications to the project that have been approved by the relevant Initiative authorities, in compliance with the procedure set in the UIA Guidance, can be carried out without amending the present agreement.

Article 18Dispute Settlement

1. In case of any disputes (even if regarded as such by only one of the partners), which may arise owing to a further agreement or an actual action which is wholly or partly subject to the present agreement, the project partners shall first work towards an amicable settlement.

2. In case the partners do not reach an amicable settlement, the settlement will be adjudicated by the competent court in the district in which the (Main) Urban Authority has its registered office. The (Main) Urban Authority’s registered office being located in Via Campitelli, Portici, the Parties herewith agree that [name and address of the forum] shall have competence to rule in all legal disputes arising from this Agreement.

Article 19Final provisions

1. The working language of this Partnership shall be Italian. The present Agreement is concluded in English language. Any official internal document of the Project shall be made available in English.

2. This agreement is governed by Italian law, being the law of the country where the (Main) Urban Authority is located.

3. In case of discrepancies between the Subsidy Contract and this Partnership Agreement, the provisions of the Subsidy Contract shall prevail.

4. If any provision in this agreement should be wholly or partly ineffective, all other provisions remain binding, and the parties to this agreement undertake to replace the ineffective provision by an effective provision which comes as close as possible to the purpose of the ineffective provision.

5. The present agreement is done in 7 originals of which each party keeps one original. Each one must be countersigned by every Project Partner. One of the signed originals shall be transmitted to the Entrusted Entity.

6. The Parties signing the Partnership Agreement have fully understood and accepted the contents of the Subsidy Contract and undertake the activities and responsibilities in the meaning as included therein.



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Name of (Main) Urban Authority:

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