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1 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo



Nome Rosaria Lombardo

Indirizzo Via C. Fusco C.mare di Stabia 80053 (NA)

Telefono 0823-620641/ 0810601382/ 3388614500

Fax 0823 622984/ 081-0601382

-mail [email protected]

Nazionalità Italiana

Luogo di nascita Venosa (PZ)



• Date (da – a)

dal 2001 ad oggi

• Nome e indirizzo del

datore di lavoro

Università della Campania, Dipartimento di Economia, Via Gran Priorato di Malta,

81043 Capua (CE)

• Tipo di azienda o settore


• Tipo di impiego Professore associato a tempo pieno, settore scientifico disciplinare Statistica- SECS-


• Principali mansioni e


Corso di Statistica, Ricerche di Mercato, Data Mining

• Date (da – a) 1995- 2001

• Nome e indirizzo del

datore di lavoro

Seconda Università di Napoli -

• Tipo di azienda o settore


• Tipo di impiego Ricercatore in Statistica a tempo pieno

• Principali mansioni e


Corso di Statistica e Ricerche di Marketing. Dagli anni 90’ l’attività didattica è stata

intensa svolgendo corsi in Statistica Aziendale, Analisi dei dati di performance

aziendale, Disegno degli Esperimenti, Statistica per il Controllo della Qualità,

Statistica per i Mercati Monetari e Finanziari, Data Mining.



• Date (da – a) 1991-1994

• Nome e tipo di istituto di

istruzione o formazione

Dottorato di Ricerca in Statistica Computazionale ed Applicazioni

• Attività di Ricerca Nel corso degli ultimi anni gli ambiti d’indagine hanno riguardato prevalentemente lo

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2 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

studio delle Corrispondenze, dei modelli multivariati della dipendenza e dell’analisi

esplorativa dei dati per la soluzione dei problemi legati alla valutazione della qualità

(Efficienza, Efficacia, Customer Satisfaction) e al trattamento di grandi moli di dati

provenienti da varie fonti, amministrative e non (turismo, sanità, formazione). L'attività

di ricerca, quindi, ha riguardato sia la Statistica Metodologica come quella Applicata.

Elemento comune dei vari lavori è stato lo studio esplorativo multivariato delle variabili

statistiche negli aspetti formali, geometrici e computazionali.

Le proposte metodologiche hanno condiviso l’obiettivo di esplorare e studiare le

relazioni tra variabili di natura non solo quantitativa ma anche qualitativa o categorica

(nominali e ordinali), variabili estratte da database diversi, oppure rilevate con

questionari per indagini su campo e/o provenienti da archivi amministrativi. Particolare

attenzione è stata prestata allo studio dei modelli non lineari e quindi alle trasformazioni

non lineari delle variabili per mezzo di funzioni polinomiali a tratti (dette spline) o

polinomi ortogonali di diverso ordine.

Le principali applicazioni sono state per la misurazione della Customer Satisfaction in

ambito artistico/culturale, sanitario (ricerche con il C.R.I.S.P. regione Lombardia) ed

educativo. Più in generale, per la valutazione del patrimonio artistico campano

(SCABEC, regione Campania).

In sintesi le aree di ricerca prevalenti negli ultimi anni:

• Analisi Multidimensionale dei dati lineare e non lineare (NL-PCA, MCA)

• Analisi della Dipendenza: Partial Least Squares, Multivariate Adaptive

Regression Spline e Multivariate Additive Regression Tree (PLS, MARS, MART).

• Data Mining

• Metodologie d’Analisi per il Controllo Statistico della Qualità.

• Analisi dei dati Sensoriali e di Preferenza.

• Studio sulla Valutazione dei Servizi alla persona di pubblica utilità (Efficienza,

Efficacia, Soddisfazione dei clienti/utenti “Customer Satisfaction”).

Ricerche di Mercato, metodi per la segmentazione del mercato.

Analisi delle Corrispondenze per dati nominale e ordinali, semplice, multipla e a


Analisi dell’utenza turistica dei Beni Culturali (studio in Campania e in Europa).

• Sviluppo computazionale di software specializzato in meta-linguaggio di

programmazione R . Maintener dei seguenti R packages: 1) Cavariants; 2)

CA3variants; 3) Chix3way available at the address:


2020 – Visiting professor at the University of Newcastle, School of Mathematics and

Physical Science, Australia – January 18 February 2 2020.

2018 – Visiting professor at the Institute of Mathematical and Statistics of Tachikawa

-Tokyo- Japan – March 6th-13th, 2018.

2019 – Visiting professor at the Institute of Mathematical and Statistics of Tachikawa

-Tokyo- Japan – February 27th-March 6th 2019.

2019 – Visiting professor at the University of Okayama , Japan – March, 2nd 2019.

2019 Visiting researcher at the University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 5-12


2012 – Visiting professor at the University of Leiden, September 22th-27th, 2012

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3 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

Qualifica conseguita

Dottore di Ricerca in Statistica Computazionale ed Applicazioni




Capacità di lettura Ottima

Capacità di scrittura


Capacità di espressione orale





1993 Socio ordinario della Società Italiana di Statistica, SIS.

1993 Socio ordinario della International Statistical Institute, IASC (International

Association of Statistical Computing).

E’ stata componente del Gruppo Permanente della Società Italiana di Statistica sulla

"Statistica per la Valutazione e Qualità nei Servizi".

1993. Afferente al Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sui Servizi alla Persona


a.a. 2003/05 membro della commissione per la procedura di valutazione comparativa

ricercatori del s.s.d. SECS/S01, Statistica, Università di Palermo.

a.a. 2005/06-2006/07-2007/08-2008/09 – Membro del comitato scientifico e professore

del Master II livello organizzato dalle Facoltà di Economia e Medicina della Seconda

Università di Napoli dal titolo “Programmazione, Organizzazione e Gestione in


a.a. 2005/2006 Membro del comitato organizing and scientific committee of the

conference on “Data Mining for the Evaluation of Health care Services” Economics

Faculty, Second University of Naples.

a.a. 2006/2007 Presidente del comitato scientifico della scuola estiva dell’Associazione

internazionale di Statistica computazionale (IASC) in “Statistical Learning, Data

Mining and Regression Tools” (Procida, Italy).

a.a. 2007/2008 Membro del comitato scientifico della conferenza su “Methods, Models

and Information Technologies to Support Decisions” University of Salento, Lecce,

September 18-20, Italy.

a.y. 2003/04 - Membro del comitato organizzativo della scuola Europea in Advanced

Statistics (ECAS) “Data Mining and Explorative Multivariate Data Analysis” in

S.Marco di Castellabate, University of Naples Federico II, September 2003.

a.a. 2007/08-2008/09 membro della commissione di conferma in ruolo dei ricercatori

del s.s.d. SECS/S01, Statistica.

a.a. 2009/2010 Componente del gruppo di lavoro incaricato dal CNVSU (Comitato

Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario) per una ricerca su

“Progettazione implementazione e validazione di un questionario per la valutazione

della didattica erogata a studenti universitari”


a.a. 2010/11 – 2014/2015 Co-supervisore della tesi PhD di Duy Tran’s, School of

Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Australia.

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4 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

a.a. 2010/11 – 2014/2015 Supervisore della tesi PhD di Ermelinda della Valle’s PhD,

Dipartimento di Strategie Aziendali e Metodologie Quantitative, Seconda Università di


a.a. 2011/12 Componente della commissione internazionale di dottorato (candidato S.

Verdun) presso la Scuola ONIRIS, Nantes, Francia (6 Febbraio, 2012).

a.a. 2016/17 Chief Editor della rivista International Journal of Statistics and

Applications dal 2012 e membro del comitato editorial di Electronical Journal of

Applied Statistical Analysis e di International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika




Riconoscimenti Scientifici/Accademici a.a. 2016/17 Membro del comitato delle nomine dell’International Statistical Institute

ISI- IASC Committee (Michel Van de Velden -Chair, The Netherlands, Juergen

Symanzik -USA, Rosaria Lombardo -Italy, Han-Ming Wu -Taiwan, Wataru Sakamoto

-Japan) on Nominations to elected ISI member.

a.a. 2006/10 Componente del Board of Director dell’International Association of

Statistical Computing-European Regional Section (IASC-ERS), eletta per il

quadrienno 2006-2010.

a.a. 2011/12 Direttore del Master di II° livello della SUN in “Programmazione,

organizzazione e gestione in Sanità”, (facoltà di Economia-Medicina)

a.a. 2011/12 Vice-Direttore del Dipartimento di Strategie Aziendali e Metodologie

Quantitative, Facoltà di Economia - Seconda Università di Napoli.

a.a. 2006/2007 presidente del comitato organizzatore della Scuola Estiva internazionale

dello IASC-ERS in Statistica avanzata (IASC-ERS- summer school) su “Statistical

Learning, Data Mining and Regression Tools” (3-7 settembre, Procida, NA).

a.a. 2004/05 al 2008/09, membro del consiglio scientifico del Master di II° livello della

SUN in “Programmazione, organizzazione e gestione in Sanità”, (facoltà di Economia-


Nel settembre 2005 ha partecipato all’attività didattica ed organizzativa della Scuola

Estiva della “Società Italiana di Statistica” SIS su “Data Mining and Regression Tools”


a.a. 2012/2013 membro del comitato scientifico del convegno internazionale della SIS

–Società Italiana di Statistica- su Advances in Latent Variables Methods, Models

and Applications University of Brescia Department of Economics and Management

19‐21 June 2013 Brescia (Italy).

Responsabile scientifica dei seguenti progetti di ricerca:

A.A. 2003 “Metodi statistici ed economici per la Valutazione dell’Efficienza, Efficacia

e della Patient Satisfaction nei servizi sanitari”. PRIN Research Project of Relevant

National Interest Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo R. eligible financing.

A.A. 2004 La Misurazione e Valutazione della Performance dei Servizi sanitari. PRIN

Research Project of Relevant National Interest Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo

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R. not financed.

A.A. 2003 La Valutazione e Misurazione della Customer Satisfaction,dell'Efficienza e

dell'Innovazione Tecnologica nei Servizi sanitari. Legge 5/02 regione Campania

ammesso al finanziamento ma non finanziato.

http://www.sito.regione.campania.it/burc/pdf03/burc55or_03/decdir666_03/decdir666_03all1.pdf A.A. 2004/05 “Apprendimento Statistico e Tecnologie dell’Informazione per la

Gestione in Contesti decisionali di Imprese Pubbliche e Private”. Project financed by

Second University of Naples Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo R..

A.A. 2005/06 “Il Data Mining e la Valutazione dell’Efficacia e della Patient

Satisfaction nei servizi sanitari”. Project financed by Second University of Naples,

Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo R..

A.A. 2005 “Il Data Mining e la Valutazione dell’Efficacia e della Patient Satisfaction

nei servizi sanitari”. PRIN Scientific Responsible of the Research Unity prof.

Lombardo R., not financed.

A.A. 2006 Data Mining e l'Analisi Esplorativa Multivariata dei dati. PRIN Research

Project of Relevant National Interest Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo R. not


A.A. 2005/06 Progetto di Ricerca Finalizzato “FINVALI 2005” promossa dall’Istituto

Nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo di istruzione e di formazione:

responsabile scientifico dell’unità locale del progetto “Modelli statistici integrati e

funzionali per la costruzione di indicatori di misurazione di capitale umano e

valutazione delle istituzioni scolastiche”. Scientific Responsible prof. Lombardo R..

A.A. 2007/08 “La natura dei dati nell’analisi di Customer Satisfaction: Metodi

Multidimensionali” Responsabile scientifico prof. Gallo M. Reaserch Project of

National Interest.

A.A. 2008/09 “La valutazione della performance nelle imprese sociali: l’analisi

statistica multidimensionale dei dati rilevati con la Balanced Scorecard. Project

financed by Second University of Naples Scientific Responsabile prof. Lombardo R..

A.a. 2008/09 “La valutazione della performance nelle imprese sociali: l’analisi

statistica multidimensionale dei dati rilevati con la Balanced Scorecard.”. PRIN

Scientific Responsible of the Research Unity prof. Lombardo R., Reaserch Project of

National Interest, eligible financing.

A.a. 2009/10 “The performance evaluation in Social Enterprises: statistical

multidimensional analysis of balanced scorecard data”. Scientific Responsible prof.

Lombardo R., Research Project of National Interest, positively evaluated but not



TECNICHE Con computer, attrezzature specifiche, macchinari, ecc.

Approfondita conoscenza di alcuni linguaggi e metalinguaggi di

programmazione lineare (APL, Fortran, Pascal, S-plus, R, SPAD,

Statgraphics, SPSS, SAS,) nonchè di diversi programmi di videoscrittura

e di applicativi statistici (LaTex, Win-Word, Scientific-Word, Excel,

Access, Power-Point, Stat-Graphics, Adobe-Photoshop, Adobe-

Illustrator, Corel-draw, STATA, MicroFit, SPSS, SIMCA, etc..)

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DIDATTICA - Da 2016/17 a 2020/21- Professore di Statistica – Dipartimento di

Economia, Università della Campania

-Da 2016/17 a 2020/21- Professore di Ricerche di Mercato –Dipartimento

di Economia, Università della Campania

-da 2001/02 a 2015/16- Professore di Statistica, Facoltà di Economia,

Seconda Università of Napoli.

-da 2004/05 a 2015/16- Professore di Data Mining - Facoltà di Economia,

Seconda Università of Napoli.

-da 2004/05 a 2010/11- Professore di Statistica per i Mercati Monetari e

Finanziari - Facoltà di Economia, Seconda Università of Napoli.

-da 2004/05 a 2010/11 Professore di Data Mining nel Corso Master di II

livello in “Programmazione, Organizzazione e Gestione in Sanità”,

Facoltà di Economia e Facoltà di Medicina, Seconda Università of Napoli.




Ha svolto attività di referaggio per numerose riviste internazionali:

Referee per Social Indicator Research Journal

Referee per the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Science.

Referee per the Journal of Classification.

Referee per the Journal of Computational Statistics.

Referee per the Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

Referee per the Journal of “Revue de Statistique Appliquee”.

Referee per the Journal Environmetrics.

Referee per the Journal of Applied Statistics.

Referee per the Journal of Applied Sciences.

Referee per Social Indicator Research.

Referee per Advances in Data Analysis and Classification.

Referee per Statistics in Medicine.

Referee per the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.

Referee per the Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis.

Referee per the International Journal of Statistics and Applications

Referee per the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

Referee per British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade.

Referee per the book of proceedings COMPSTAT 2008, Portugal.

Referee per the book of proceedings MTISD 2008, Lecce, Italy.

Referee per the book of proceedings MTISD 2006, Procida, Italy

Referee per the Quality & Quantity Journal

Referee per a book proposal by Wiley Publisher.

CONFERENZE In qualità of speaker

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7 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

International Meeting of Psychometric Society, July 2003,

Sardinia, Italy. 68th Annual Meeting and 13th International

Meeting of the Psychometric Society held at the University of

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (7-10 July 2003)

International Conference on Methods, Models and Information

Technologies to Support Decisions, MTDS, June 2004,

Benevento, Italy.

Conference of the group of Evaluation of the Italian Statistic

Society Service Evaluation, September 2005, Roma.

International Conference CLADAG2005, Parma 5-6 June, Italy.

International Meeting of Australian statistics “ASEARC ’05

Statistics05” University of Wollongong, Sydney Australia (two

invited lectures) November 28-30, 2005.

International Conference on Methods, Models and Information

Technologies to Support Decisions, MTIDS, September 28-30

2006 Procida (NA), Italy.

International Conference GfKl2007, University of Freiburg,

March 2007, Germany.

International Conference Carme2007, University of Rotterdam,

June 25-27 2007, The Netherlands.

International Conference MTIDS2008, University of Salento,

Lecce, September 2008, Italy.

International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related

Methods PLS 09, September 4-7, 2009, Beijing, China.

International Meeting of Australian statistics ASEARC ‘09 -

University of Newcastle – December 5-7, (invited lecture) 2009


Conference of the group of Evaluation of the Italian Statistic

Society Innovation and Society, University of Brescia (Italy),

June 24-16, 2009.

International Conference AGROSTAT, 11th European

Symposium on Statistical Methods for the Food Industry,

Benevento (Italy), February 23-26, 2010.

International Conference COMPSTAT 2010, August 23-27,

2010, CNAM Paris

International Conference International Conference

“Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods” CARME 2011,

February 8-11, Rennes, France.

International Conference CLADAG2012 Joint meeting of

Japanese and Italian Classification Societies Analysis and

Modeling of Complex Data in Behavioural and Social

Sciences.Capri 3-4 September 2012. Joint meeting of Japanese

and Italian Classification Societies. Satellite meeting of


International Conference SIS2013 on Advances in Latent

Variables - Methods, Models and Applications SIS2013,

Brescia June 19-21, 2013.

International conference INNOVATION & SOCIETY Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality (IES2015), University of

Bari, July 8-9 2015, Bari, Italy (Invited speaker and Member of

the Scientific committee).

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8 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

International Conference “Correspondence Analysis and Related

Methods” Carme2015, University of Federico II, September 20-

23 2015, Naples Italy.

International Conference 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian

Statistical Society SIS2016 on June 8-10th, 2016 (invited speaker).

International Meeting of Psychometrika Society, IMPS 2016,

Asheville, North Caroline (invited speaker) 12-16 July 2016.

International Conference, Scientific Meeting of the Italian

Statistical Society SIS2017 on June 28-30th, Florence, Italy 2017

(invited speaker)

International Conference INNOVATION & SOCIETY Statistical

Methods for Evaluation and Quality (IES17), University of Naples

“Federico II”, Naples, Italy, September 6 – 7, 2017 (invited

speaker and member of the Scientific Committee).

International Meeting of International Federation of Classification

Societies IFCS 2017, Tokyo August, 8-10, 2017 (invited speaker).

International Conference 49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian

Statistical Society SIS 2018 on June 20-22th, Palermo, Italy 2017

(invited speaker)

International Meeting of Psychometrika Society, IMPS 2018,

New York, Columbia University 10-13 July 2018.

International Conference INNOVATION & SOCIETY Statistical

Methods for Evaluation and Quality, July 3-4, 2019, European

University of Rome- Rome – Italy July 03-04-2019 (invited

speaker and member of the scientific committee)

International Meeting of International Federation of Classification

Societies IFCS 2019, Thessolonoki, Greece August, 26-29, 2019.

Scientific Conference on: Statistics for Health and Well-being,

University of Brescia Department of Economics and

Management, Brescia, Italy 25 – 27 September 2019 (invited


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Responsabile scientifico dei pacchetti software in R: 1) CAvariants; 2) MCAvariants;

3) Chix3way 4) CA3variants disponibili su:


Special Issue

Lombardo R. (2012) Guest Editor Hot Special ISSUE of CURRENT

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (issn: 1573-4110 -) Bentham Science Publishers,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Ed. manager Sadqa Tul-Ain Sheikh) dal titolo

“Advances in Multivariate Exploratory and Predictive Methods for chemical

studies”, vol. 8, 2 da pp. 1 a pp. 300.


Beh EJ and Lombardo R Correspondence Analysis, Theory Practice and New

Strategies. Wiley Chichester, 2014, ISBN 978-1-119-95324-1.

Publications in Journals

1. Lombardo R., Camminatiello I. D’Ambra A. Beh E.J. (2020) Assessing the Italian

tax courts system by weighted three-way log-ratio analysis. Socio-Economic

Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2020.100870

2. Lombardo R., Takane Y., Beh E.J. (2019) Familywise decompositions of Pearson’s

chi-square statistic in the analysis of contingency tables. Advances in Data Analysis

and Classification, 14(3), 629-649 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-019-00374-7

3. Beh E.J., Lombardo R. (2019) Multiple and multiway correspondence analysis.

WIREs Computational Statistics. DOI: 10.1002/wics.1464.

4. Beh E.J. and Lombardo R (2019). A genealogy of correspondence analysis: part 2 -

the variants. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support

Systems and Services Evaluation - ISSN:2037-3627 vol. 12 (2), 552-603

5. Beh E.J., Lombardo R., Alberti G.M. (2018) Correspondence analysis and the

Freeman–Tukey statistic: A study of archaeological data. Computational Statistics

and Data Analysis, 128, p. 73-86 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2018.06.012.

6. Lombardo R., Camminatiello I., Beh E. J. (2018 online- 2019 on print) Assessing

Satisfaction with Public Transport Service by Ordered Multiple Correspondence

Analysis. Social Indicators Research Journal 143(1), 355-369. DOI:


7. Lombardo R., Beh E. J., Guerrero L. (2018online 2019 onprint) Analysis of three-

way non-symmetrical association of food concepts in cross-cultural marketing,

Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 2323–2337 DOI : 10.1007/s11135-018-0733-6 QUQU-D-17-

01051.1 Quality and Quality.

8. Beh E.J. Lombardo R. (2018) An algebraic generalisation of some variants of simple

correspondence analysis. Metrika doi.org/10.1007/s00184-018-0649-0

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9. Camminatiello I. Lombardo R. Durand JF (2017) Robust Partial Least Squares

Regression for the Evaluation of Justice Court Delay. Quality and Quantity Journal,

51, 813-. 827 –DOI 10.1007/s11135-016-0441-z

10. Mangoni O. Lombardo R. Camminatiello I. Margiotta F. Passarelli A., Saggiomo

F. (2017) Phytoplankton Community to Assess the Environmental Status of the

Adriatic Sea via Non-linear Partial Least Squares Regression. Quality and Quantity

Journal DOI: 10.1007/s11135-016-0440-0.

11. Lombardo R. Beh E.J. (2016) Variants of Correspondence Analysis. The R

Journal, 8 (2), 167--184.

12. Lombardo R., Beh E.J., Kroonenberg P.M. (2015-online 2016 print) Modelling

Trends in Ordered Correspondence Analysis Using Orthogonal Polynomials.

Psychometrika, doi: 10.1007/s11336-015-9448-y 81(2), 325-349.

13. Lombardo R. and Beh E. J. (2015), The prediction index of aggregate data, Journal

of Applied Statistics (online: 29 Dec 2015) p. 1998-2018 http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/


14. Beh E.J. Lombardo R. (2015) Confidence regions and Approximate P-values for

classical and non-symmetric correspondence analysis. Journal of Communications

and Statistics, Theory and Methods. 44: 95–114, 2015 DOI:


15. Beh E.J. Lombardo R. (2012) A Genealogy of Correspondence Analysis.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 54 (2), 137-168.

16. Lombardo R., Ringrose T. (2012) Bootstrap confidence regions in non-

symmetrical correspondence analysis. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical

Analysis5(3), 413-417. doi:10.1285/i20705948v5n3p413.

17. Lombardo R., Durand JF., Leone A. (2012) Multivariate Additive PLS Spline

Boosting in Agro-Chemistry studies. In Current Analytical Chemistry Journal, vol.

8, Issue 2, pp.236-253, April 2012.

18. Lombardo R., Della Valle E. (2011) Data Mining and Exploratory Data Analysis

for the Evaluation of Job Satisfaction. In i.Business Journal v.3, n. 4, pp. 372-382,

doi: 104236/ib.2011.34050.

19. Lombardo R., Amenta P. Vivien M., Sabatier R. (2012) Sensory Analysis via

Multi-block Multivariate Additive PLS Splines. In Journal of Applied Statistics,

Apr2012, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p731-743, 13p; DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2011.611239

20. Lombardo R. (2011) The Analysis of Sensory and Chemical-Physical Variables

via Multivariate Additive PLS Splines. In Journal of Food and Quality

Preference, 22, 8, pp. 714-724 doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2011.06.002

21. Lombardo R., Durand J. F. and Faraj A. (2011) Iterative design of experiments by

non-linear PLS models. A case study: the reservoir simulator data to forecast oil

production, Journal of Classification ( DOI: 10.1007/s00357-011) vol. 28, n1, pag


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11 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

22. Lombardo R., Beh E. J. and D’Ambra A. (2011) Studying the dependence between

ordinal-nominal categorical variables via orthogonal polynomials, Journal of

Applied Statistics, Vol. 38 Issue 10, p2119-2132. (in press DOI:


23. Lombardo R. (2011) Three-way association measure decompositions: the Delta

index, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 1789–1799

24. Beh E. J., Lombardo R. and Simonetti B. (2011) A European perception of food

using two methods of correspondence analysis, Journal of Food and Quality

Preference, 22, 226 – 231.

25. Lombardo R. and Beh E. J. (2010) Simple and multiple correspondence analysis

using orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Applied Statistics, 37, 2101 – 2116.

26. Lombardo R. and Camminatiello I. (2010) CATANOVA for two-way cross

classified categorical data. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied

Statistics, 44, 57 – 71.

27. Lombardo R. and Meulman J. (2010) Multiple correspondence analysis via

polynomial transformations of ordered categorical variables, Journal of

Classification, 27, 191- 216.

28. Lombardo R., Tessitore G. and van Rijckevorsel J. L. A. (2009) Adaptive non-

linear principal component and surface analysis, Journal of Advances and

Applications in Statistics, 12, 85 – 98.

29. Lombardo R., Durand J. F. and De Veaux R. (2009) Model building in multivariate

additive partial least squares splines via the GCV criterion, Journal of

Chemometrics, 23, 605 – 617.

30. Lombardo R., Beh, E. J. and D’Ambra L. (2007) Non-symmetric correspondence

analysis with ordinal variables using orthogonal polynomials, Computational

Statistics & Data Analysis, 52, 566 – 578.

31. Lombardo R. and Durand J. F. (2005) Discriminant partial least-squares via

splines: An application to evaluate patient satisfaction, Statistica & Applicazioni, 3,

77 – 85. ISSN: 1824-6672

32. D'Ambra L., Lombardo R. and Amenta P. (2000) Multivariate co-inertia analysis

for qualitative data by partial least squares, Journal of the Italian Statistical Society,

9, 23 – 37. ISSN: 1121-9130

33. Lombardo R., Kroonenberg P. and D'Ambra L. (2000) Non-symmetric

correspondence analysis: a simple tool in market share distribution, Journal of the

Italian Statistical Society, 9, 107 – 126. ISSN: 1121-9130

34. Kroonenberg P. and Lombardo R. (1999) Non-symmetric correspondence

analysis: A tool for analysing contingency tables with a dependence structure,

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 34, 367 – 396. ISSN: 0027-3171

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35. Kroonenberg P. and Lombardo R. (1998) Non-symmetric correspondence

analysis: A tutorial, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 58, 57 – 83.

36. Lombardo R. and D'Ambra L. (1997) Internal and external decompositions for

three-way contingency tables, Metron, 55, 171 – 184. ISSN: 0026-1424

37. Lombardo R., Carlier A. and D'Ambra L. (1996) Non-symmetric correspondence

analysis for three-way contingency tables, Methodologica, 4, 59 – 80. ISSN: 0778-


Book Chapter Abstract/Proceedings with ISBN

38. Lombardo R. (2020) Le prime misure economico-finanziarie per affrontare la crisi

da COVID-19. L’Analisi Multidimensionale dei dati: Donne Leader vs Uomini

Leader. In Oltre la Pandemia, Società, salute, economia e regole nell’era post

Covid-19 a cura di Gianmaria Palmieri, Vol I ISBN 978-88-9391-846-6

39. Lombardo R., Camminatiello I., D’Ambra A. (2019) Three-Way Log-Ratio

Analysis for Assessing Sport Performance. Book of Short Papers ASA2019 -

Scientific Conference on Statistics for Health and Well-being. Editors Carpita M.

and Fabbris L., CLEUP ISBN 978 88 5495 135 8

40. Lombardo R., Camminatiello I., D’Ambra A., Beh E. J. (2019) The association

in three-way contingency tables: Log-ratio analysis vs RC(M) models. Statistical

Methods for Service Quality for Service Quality Evaluation - Book of short papers

of IES 2019 (eds. M. Bini, P. Amenta, A. D’Ambra, I. Camminatiello) 978-88-


41. Rossi L., Lombardo R., D’Ambra A., Camminatiello I. (2019) Interactions in

three-way contingency tables: likelihood-ratio vs chi-squared statistic. Statistical

Methods for Service Quality for Service Quality Evaluation - Book of short papers

of IES 2019 (eds. M. Bini, P. Amenta, A. D’Ambra, I. Camminatiello) 978-88-


42. Lombardo R., Takane Y. and Beh E.J. (2018) Complex Contingency Tables and

Partitioning of Three-way Association Indices for Assessing Justice

CourtWorkload. Book of short Papers SIS 2018 Publisher: Pearson, Eds. Abbruzzo

A., Brentari E., Chiodi M. e Piacentino D. ISBN-9788891910233

43. Beh, E. J. and Lombardo, R. (2017), An overview of the correspondence analysis

family (invited), 10th Conference of the IASC-ARS*/68th Annual NZSA Conference,

University of Auckland, New Zealand. December 10 – 14.

44. Lombardo, R.; Beh, E. J 2017. Three–way Correspondence Analysis for Ordinal–

Nominal Variables. pp.613-620. In SIS 2017 Statistics and Data Science: new

challenges, new generations 28–30 June 2017 Florence (Italy) Proceedings of the

Conference of the Italian Statistical Society - ISBN:978-88-6453-521-0 unique


45. Lombardo, R., D'Ambra, A.; Camminatiello, I.; Beh, E. 2017. Elliptical

Confidence Regions for Multiple Correspondence Analysis. In Proceedings of 8th

Scientific Conference on INNOVATION & SOCIETY - ISBN:978-88-8399-107-3

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13 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

(4 pages). Conference: Statistical Methods for Evaluation, University of Naples

“Federico II”, Naples, Italy, September 6 – 7.

46. Lombardo R., Beh E.J. 2017 The Anderson Statistic for Sensory Analysis. In

Proceedings of 8th Scientific Conference on INNOVATION & SOCIETY -

ISBN:978-88-8399-107-3 (4 pages) Conference: Statistical Methods for

Evaluation, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy, September 6 – 7.

47. Lombardo R., Kroonenberg P.M., Beh E.J. (2016) Modelling Trends in Ordered

Three-Way Non-Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis. PROCEEDINGS of the

48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 8-10, 2016. (Eds:

Monica Pratesi and Cira Perna) 14 pages ISBN: 9788861970618

48. Lombardo R., Beh E.J., Guerrero E.L. (2013) Non-Symmetric Three-way

Correspondence Analysis to Analyse Text Data in a Food Context Electronic Book

“Advances in Latent Variables”, Eds. Brentari E., Carpita M., Vita e Pensiero,

Milan, Italy, pg.6 ISBN 978 88 343 2556 8

49. Lombardo R., Ringrose T., Beh E. (2012) Bootstrap Confidence Regions in

Classical and Ordered Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Abstract con peer

review. In Book of Short paper Analysis and Modeling of Complex Data in

Behavioural and Social Sciences, Cladag2012 Capri, pg.1 ISBN 978-88-6129-

916-0 - Cleup Padova

50. Della Valle E. Lombardo R. Barbara Masiello, Sanja Kon, Alessandro Ernorio

(2012) Churn Prediction in Telecommunication by Boosting Regression Models In

Book of Short paper Analysis and Modeling of Complex Data in Behavioural

and Social Sciences, Cladag2012 Capri, pg.1 ISBN 978-88-6129-916-0 - Cleup


51. Lombardo R. (2010) Data Mining and Explorative Multivariate data Analysis for

Customer Satisfaction study. In Surveillance Technologies and Early Warning

Systems: Data Mining Applications for Risk Detection, (Koyuncugil, A. S. and

Ozgulbas, N Eds), Information Science Publishing, 243 – 266. ISBN 978 1 61692

865 0

52. Lombardo R. (2010) Sensory evaluation of wine via multivariate additive partial

least squares. Proceedings of Agrostat2010 - 11th European Symposium on

Statistical Methods for the Food Industry, 165 – 176, AFRAGOLA:Academy

School, (ISBN 88-901015-8-X)

53. Lombardo R. and Amenta A. (2010) Non-linear multi-block partial least squares

via uni variate and bivariate B-splines. Proceedings of Agrostat2010 - 11th

European Symposium on Statistical Methods for the Food Industry, 375 – 382

AFRAGOLA:Academy School, (ISBN 88-901015-8-X)

54. Lombardo R. (2010) Data mining and multiple correspondence analysis via

polynomial transformations. Proceeding of COMPSTAT 2010, 1302 – 1310

SpringerLink(ISBN 978-3-7908-2603-6)

55. Lombardo R. (2009) Sensory data analysis by linear and non-linear boosted PLS

regressions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Partial Least

Squares and Related Methods, (Vinzi, E. and Tenenhaus, V. Eds), publisher, 6

pages, (ISBN 978-7-121-09342-5) pp.259-263.

56. Tessitore G., Lombardo R. and Gangi F. (2008) A non linear generalization of

arbritage pricing theory. In MTISD2008 – Methods, Models and Technologies of

Information to Support Decisions, (Ciavolino, E., D’Ambra, L., Squillante, M. and

Ghiani, G. eds.), September 18 – 20, 4 pages (ISBN 978-88-8305-060-2) University

of Salento - SIBA http://siba2.unile.it

57. Durand J. F., Faraj A. and Lombardo R. (2008) Bootstrap selection of multivariate

additive PLS spline models, In MTISD2008 – Methods, Models and Technologies

of Information to Support Decisions, (Ciavolino, E., D’Ambra, L., Squillante, M.

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14 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

and Ghiani, G. eds.), September 18 – 20, 4 pages (ISBN 978-88-8305-060-2)

University of Salento - SIBA http://siba2.unile.it

58. Beh E. J., Lombardo R. and Simonetti B. (2008) Model based methods for

performing multi-way non-symmetric correspondence analysis, MTISD2008 –

Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems

(Ciavolino, E., D’Ambra, L., Squillante, M. and Ghiani, G. eds.), 329 - 332. (ISBN

978-88-8305-060-2) University of Salento - SIBA http://siba2.unile.it

59. Gangi F. and Lombardo R. (2008) The evaluation of venture-backed IPOs.

Certification model versus adverse selection model which does fit better? In Data

Analysis, Machine Learning, and Applications. (Preisach, C., Burkhardt, H.,

Schmidt-Thieme, L. and Decker, R. Eds.) Springer-Verlag, 507 – 514.

Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-540-78239-1

60. Lombardo R., Vanacore A. and Durand J. F. (2008) Non-parametric control chart

by multivariate additive partial least squares via splines. In Data Analysis, Machine

Learning, and Applications. (Preisach, C., Burkhardt, H., Schmidt-Thieme, L. and

Decker, R. Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 201 – 208.

Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-540-78239-1

61. Lombardo R., Tessitore G. and Durand J. F. (2006) Data mining and MAPLSS

regression tools. A case study: the evaluation of trial duration, MTISD2006 –

Methods, Models and Technologies of Information to Support Decisions,

(D’Ambra, L., Rostirolla, P. and Squillante, M. Eds), pp.10-18Franco Angeli,

(ISBN 978-88-464-8381-2).

62. Ciavolino E. and Lombardo R. (2006) Il Nipals per lo studio dei dati gerarchici: la

Valutazione della soddisfazione degli utenti nelle strutture sanitarie, MTISD2005 –

Methods, Models and Technologies of Information to Support Decisions, (Amenta

P., D’Ambra, L., Squillante, M., and Ventre, A. Eds), F. Angeli, 8 pages. (ISBN 88-


63. Lombardo R. (2006) L’Analisi non lineare delle Corrispondenze Multiple:

un’applicazione per la valutazione della Patient Satisfaction. MTISD2004 -

Methods, Models and Technologies of Information to Support Decisions, (Amenta,

P., D’Ambra, L., Squillante, M. and Ventre, A. Eds), 6 pages, (ISBN: 88-464-


64. Vanacore A., Lombardo R. (2005). Multivariate control charts by non linear partial

least squares. In: Book of short papers Classification and Data Analysis Group 2005.

PARMA:MUP Monte Università Parma editore, ISBN: 88-7847-066-X

65. Ciavolino E., Lombardo R., Gallo M. (2004) Il Nipals e l'Analisi dei dati

gerarchici. In: Methods, Models and Technologies of Information to Support

Decisions. NAPOLI:RCE (ROCCO CURTO EDITORE), ISBN: 88-8399-075-7

66. Lombardo R. (2004) Un’approccio non lineare all’Analisi delle Corrispondenze

Multiple per la Valutazione della Patient Satisfaction. In: Methods, Models and

Technologies of Information to Support Decisions. NAPOLI:RCE (ROCCO

CURTO EDITORE), ISBN: 88-8399-075-7

67. Lombardo R. (2004) La valutazione della patient satisfaction con tecniche non

parametriche, In Controllo e Gestione dei Sistemi Sanitari, (Vittadini, G., ed.)

ETAS, 8 pages MILANO:Etas, ISBN: 88-453-0722-0

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68. D’Ambra L., Amenta P., Lombardo R., Gallo M., Sarnacchiaro P. (2004). L’analisi

statistica multivariata per la valutazione della patient satisfaction. In: MTISD 2004

- Methods, Models and Technologies of Information to Support Decisions..


69. Durand J. F. and Lombardo R. (2003) Interaction terms in non-linear PLS via

Additive Spline Transformation. In Between Data Science and Applied Data

Analysis, (Schader, Gaul and Vichi Eds.), Springer, pg. 22 – 30. , ISBN: 978-


70. Lombardo R., D'Ambra L., Amenta R. (2002) Joint non-symmetric

correspondence analysis. In: Gaul W. Ritter G.. Classification Automation and new

media. BERLIN: Springer, ISBN: 3-540-43233-7

71. D’Ambra L., Lombardo R., Amenta P. (2002) Non symmetric correspondence

analysis for ordered two-way contingency tables. In: XLI Riunione Scientifica della

Società Italiana di Statistica. pp.102-109 ISBN: 88-7178-589-4

72. Lombardo R., Van Rijckevorsel J. (2001). Interactions Terms in Homogeneity

Analysis: Higher Order non-linear Multiple Correspondence Analysis. In: Borra S.

Rocci R., Vichi M. Schader M. Advances in Classification and data analysis. Berlin:

Springer, ISBN: 3-540-41488-6

73. Lombardo R., Tessitore G. (1999) Principal surfaces constrained analysis. In:

Vichi M., Opitz O. Classification and Data analysis. Berlin Springer, ISBN: 3-540-


74. D’Ambra L., Lombardo R. and Tessitore G. (1998) Non-parametric regression and

non-linear data analysis: An overview, In Advances in Data Science and

Classification (Rizzi, A., Vichi, M. And Bock, H.-H. Eds), Springer, 531 – 538.

Abstract of National and International Conference in Books without ISBN/ISSN.

1. Lombardo R. Michel van de Velden Eric J. Beh (2018) Dimension number for

variants of three-way correspondence analysis. International Meeting of the

Psychometric Society New-York, July 10-13, 2018.

2. Beh E.J Lombardo R. (2017) Correspondence Analysis of Over-Dispersed Data.

International Federation of Classification Societies, Tokyo, August 8, 2017

3. Beh E.J Lombardo R. (2017) Hybrid Decomposition for Three-way

Correspondence Analysis with Nominal-Ordinal Variables International

Federation of Classification Societies, Tokyo, August 8, 2017

4. Lombardo R. Kroonenberg P.M. Beh E.J. Polynomial Biplots for ordered three-

way Correspondence Analysis, Psychometrika conference 2016 Asheville, NC,

USA July 11-15, 2016 Abstract Book: Talks.

5. Lombardo R. Beh E.J Confidence ellipses and p-values for correspondence

analysis. Psychometrika conference 2016 Asheville, NC, USA July 11-15, 2016

Abstract Book: Talks.

1. Lombardo R. Kroonenberg P.M. Beh E.J. (2015) Three-Way Polynomial

Correspondence Analysis for Ordered Contingency Tables -CARME 2015.

2. Beh E.J. Lombardo R. (2015) A Correspondence Analysis Tour -CARME 2015.

6. Amenta P. and Lombardo R. Canonical Analysis of Three Way Contingency

Tables with Linear constraints. Abstract of the VIII conference CLADAG 2011

Settembre 6-8th Pavia, Italy.

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16 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

7. Lombardo R. and Beh E.J. The Aggregate Prediction Index and Non-

Symmetrical Correspondence Analysis of Aggregate Data: The 2 X2 Table.

Conference CARME February 8-11th, 2011, Rennes, France.

8. Lombardo, R. and D’Ambra, A. (2009), The evaluation of proceedings duration by

boosting L2 regression techniques, In Conference on Innovation and Society,

University of Brescia, Brescia, June 24 – 26, 4 pages.

9. Lombardo, R. and Beh, E. J. (2009), Simple and multiple correspondence analysis

to evaluate customer satisfaction, Proceedings of the Third Annual ASEARC

Conference, (Allingham, D. and Rayner. J. C. W. Eds), December 8 – 9. 4 pages.

10. Lombardo, R. and D’Ambra A. (2008), The evaluation of proceedings duration by

boosting L2 regression techniques, Conference on Innovation and Society,

University of Brescia, Brescia, June 24 – 16.

11. Lombardo, R. and Durand, J. F. (2007). Non-Parametric Statistical Control Charts

by Multivariate Additive PLS Splines, 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft

für Klassifikation, University of Freiburg, Germany, March 7 – 9.

12. Gangi, F. and Lombardo, R. (2007), The evolution of venture-backed IPOs

performance in Italy: Certification model vs opportunistic behaviour. Inference and

regression tools, 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation,

University of Freiburg, Germany, March 7 – 9.

13. Lombardo, R., Vanacore, A. and Durand J. F. (2007), Non parametric control chart

by multivariate additive partial least squares via splines, 31st Annual Conference of

the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, University of Freiburg, Germany, March 7 – 9.

14. Lombardo, R., (2005) Non-symmetric correspondence analysis for nominal or

ordinal variables, Statistics05: 2005 Workshop on Research Methods: Modeling and

Inference, University of Wollongong, November 28 – 30.

15. D’Ambra, L.and Lombardo, R. (2003), Il contributo dell’Analisi delle

Corrispondenze con variabili ordinali nella valutazione dei servizi sanitari. Giornate

di Studio sull’Analisi Multidimensionale dei Dati Workshop, Udine (Italy), January


16. Simonetti, B. and Lombardo, R. (2003), Lo studio della dipendenza nelle tabelle

di contingenza a tre-vie con i polinomi ortogonali, Giornate di Studio sull’Analisi

Multidimensionale dei Dati Workshop, Udine (Italy), January 31.

17. Simonetti, B., Lombardo, R., Campaiola, C., Sarnataro, C. and Maccarone S.

(2003), Un’applicazione alla Valutazione dei servizi sanitari con l’Analisi non-

simmetrica delle corrispondenze a tre-vie, Giornate di Studio sull’Analisi

Multidimensionale dei Dati Workshop, Udine (Italy), January 31.

18. Lombardo, R. and Gallo, M. (2003), Tecniche statistiche multidimensionali per il

trattamento dei dati gerarchici. Un’applicazione per la valutazione dei servizi

sanitari, Giornate di Studio sull’Analisi Multidimensionale dei Dati Workshop,

Udine (Italy), January 31.

19. Lombardo, R. and D'Ambra, L. (2003), Multiple correspondence analysis with

ordinal variables, International Meeting of the Psychometric society, July.

20. Durand, J. F. and Lombardo, R. (2002), Interaction terms in partial least squares

via spline transformation, GfKl2002 Conference, University of Mannheim,

Germany, July 22 – 24.

21. D’Ambra, L., Amenta, P. and Lombardo, R. (2002), A dimensionality reduction

method based on simple linear regression, GfKl2002 Conference, University of

Mannheim, Germany, July 22 – 24.

22. Gallo, M. and Lombardo, R. (2001), Non linear principal component analysis with

external information in the study of customer satisfaction, Conference of the Italian

Statistical Society, Roma (Italy), June.

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17 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

23. Gallo, M., Lombardo, R. and D’Ambra, L. (2001), Multilevel co-inertia analysis

by PLS, Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group 2001, Palermo

(Italy), July 5 – 6.

24. D'Ambra, L., Lombardo, R. and Amenta, P. (2000), Non symmetric

correspondence analysis on flattened contingency table with ordered categories, 24th

Annual Conference of the GfKl, Passau, Germany, March 15 – 17.

25. Lombardo, R. (2000), A non parametric procedure to constraint the core matrix in

three-mode principal component analysis, The XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian

Statistical Society, Florence, Italy, April 26 – 28.

26. Lombardo, R. and van Rijckevorsel, J. (1999), Interaction terms in homogeneity

analysis, Invited paper Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group

1999, Roma, Italy.

27. D'Ambra, L. and Lombardo, R. (1999), Predicting multivariate responses in non-

linear regression. Conference of the International Statistical Institute, Helsinki,

Finland, August 10 – 18.

28. Tessitore, G., Lombardo, R. and van Rijckervorsel, J. (1998), Non-linear principal

surface analysis, 6th IFCS Conference (Invited), Roma, Italy, July 21 – 24.

29. Lombardo, R. and Tessitore, G. (1997), Adaptive principal surface in constrained

principal component analysis, 5th IFCS Conference, Pescara, Italy, July 3.

30. Lombardo, R., D'Ambra, L. and Tessitore, G. (1997), An algorithm for detecting

the number of knots in Constrained Principal Component Analysis. 51st Session of

the International Statistical Institute, Istanbul, August 18 – 26.

31. Lombardo, R. (1996), L'Analisi robusta delle componenti principali a tre modi,

Workshop on New Methodologies to Analyse Three-way Data, Department of

Statistics, Probability and Applied Statistics-University of Roma ''La Sapienza',

Rome, Italy, November 19.

32. Tessitore, G. and Lombardo, R. (1996), Superfici principali adattive nell'Analisi

non simmetrica dei dati, Workshop Workshop on New Methodologies to Analyse

Three-way Data, Department of Statistics, Probability and Applied Statistics-

University of Roma ''La Sapienza', Rome, Italy, November 19.

33. Lombardo, R. and D'Ambra, L. (1995), Decomposizione interna-esterna di una

tabella di contingenza a tre vie, Workshop on Multidimensional Data Analysis,

Naples, Italy, October 30 – 31.

34. Lombardo, R. (1994), L'Analisi non simmetrica delle corrispondenze a tre vie,

Proceedings of XXXVII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, San

Remo, Italy.

35. Lombardo, R. and Kroonenberg, P. (1993), Non symmetrical correspondence

analysis, 49th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Florence, Italy.

36. D'Ambra, L. and Lombardo, R. (1993), Normalized non-symmetrical

correspondence analysis, 49th Session of the International Statistical Institute,

Florence, Italy,

37. D'Ambra, L. and Lombardo, R. (1993), L'Analisi Non-simmetrica Normalizzata

delle Corrispondenze. Un'applicazione sulla qualità degli alimenti, Proceedings of

the Conference -Statchem- Venice, Italy.

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18 - Curriculum vitae di Rosaria Lombardo

Il sottoscritto è a conoscenza che, ai sensi dell’art. 26 della legge 15/68,

le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsità negli atti e l’uso di atti falsi sono puniti

ai sensi del codice penale e delle leggi speciali. Inoltre, il sottoscritto

autorizza al trattamento dei dati personali, secondo quanto previsto dalla

Legge 675/96 del 31 dicembre 1996.

City, date

C.mare di Stabia 18/09/2020

Rosaria Lombardo

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