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Page 1: b~êäó= ~ääççåáåÖ iáíÜçÖê~éÜë=~åÇ=mêáåíë · 2017-06-01 · Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ Associazione Nazionale

The Aerospace ProfessionalOO




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Page 3: b~êäó= ~ääççåáåÖ iáíÜçÖê~éÜë=~åÇ=mêáåíë · 2017-06-01 · Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ Associazione Nazionale

The Aerospace Professional10


Forlanini FF.2 ‘‘Citta ddi MMilano’ ssemi-rrigid aairship cc.1913.

In July the Royal AeronauticalSociety Library was presented with

a significant collection of material onearly Italian aeronautics by thegrandsons of Col Carlo Vita-Finzi(1866-1923), an early Italian aviationpioneer and balloonist who was tocommand Italy’s air platoon. Thecollection includes a number ofimportant documents on early Italianairships and the military use ofaeronautics from some of its mainproponents including Captain G.A.Crocco and Guilio Douhet. Thecollection is summarised below:

Faccioli, A. Teoria del Volo e dellaNavigazione Aerea: RechercheSperimentali Sulla Resistenzadell’Aria. Teoria dell’Elice e delTimone. (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. 1895)309pp. Illustrated.An early technical analysis of thepossibilities of flight.

Almerico da Schio La Possibilita inAeronautica: Conferenza tenuta allaAssocizione della Stampa in Roma lasera del 12 Aprile 1902. (Rome: Ufficodella Nuova Parola. 1902) 24pp.

Almerico da Schio Verso la PrimaAeronave — March 1904. (Stab L.Fabris & C. 1904) 22pp. Illustrated.

Almerico da Schio Dell’ Aeronave‘Italia’ — Relazione (Con Tre Tavole) -April 1905. (Schio: Tip-Lit. L. Marin.1905) 34pp. Illustrated.

Crocco, A. Il Momento Aeronautico:Conferenza — Letta in Roma nelMese di Aprile 1906. Extract from‘Revista d’artigliera e genia’ Vol 21906. (Rome: Enrico Voghera. 1906).29pp. Illustrated.Reviews the development of aviationfrom 1890-1905 focusing on theresearches of Ferber and the Wrightbrothers.

Crocco, G.A. La verticale di consumonei dirgibili: Extract from 'Bollettinodella Societa Aeronautica Italiana'No 12 1907. (Rome: Tipografia dell'Unione Cooperatavia Editrice. 1907)7pp. Illustrated.Describes the aerodynamic design ofairship ballonets.

Crocco, G.A. La Navigazione Aerea:Lecture presented at the ThirdCongresso della Societa Italiana per ilprogresso delle scienze, Padova,September 1909. Extract from

‘L’Industria’ Vol 23 Nos 46, 48 and 49.(Milan: Tipografia deglia Operai (Soc.Cooperativa). 1910) 24pp.

De Maria, A. Navigazione Aerea(Aviazone). (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli.1909) 338pp. Illustrated.A well-illustrated contemporaryhistory of the development ofaviation in Europe.

Primo Congresso Nazionale diLocomozione Aerea: Promosso dallaSocieta Aviazione Torino, Toriono 16-19 Aprile 1910. Atti, Resconti,Memoirie pubblicati per cura delComitato ordinatore. (Turin: SocietaTipografico-Editrice Nazionale[STEN]. 1910) 255pp.

Primo Annuario dell’ Aeronautica1910. (Milan: Touring Club Italiano.1910) 456pp. Illustrated.Records details of a number of theresults of early aviation meetings,aero clubs, aeronautical journals andtechnical summaries of a number ofearly aircraft, airships and aeroengines.

Societa Aviazione Torino. FifthCongres Internationald’Aeronautique: Proces-Verbaux,Rapports & Memoires par les soinsdel a Commission permanenteinternationale d’Aeronautique et dela Societa Aviazione Torino, Turin, 25-31 October 1911. (Turin: TipografiaElzeviriana. 1912) 439pp. Illustrated.

Norme per lo Impiego degliAeroplani in Guerra: Istruzioneprovvisoria. (Rome: Ministero della

Guerra. 1913) 26pp.

Panetti, M. and Burzio, F. RichercheSperimentali sulla Resistenza dell‘Aria: Contro schermi piani, sottli,rotanti. Extract from ‘Atti della RealeAccad. delle Scienze di Torino’ Vol 501914-1915 21 March 1915 and 9 May1915. (Turin: Libreria Fratelli Bocca.1915) pp 737-748; 1053-1066.

La Polla, E. La Tecnica dell’ Aviatore.(Turin: S. Lattes & C., Editori. 1915)291pp. Illustrated.

D’Amico, S. Bollettino delle Normeper l’Accetazione ed il Collaudo deiMateriali d’Aviazone: 2 Semstre 1916.(Turin: Direzione Tecnica dell’Aviazone Militare. 1916) 50pp.Illustrated.Includes details of the earlymanufacture of aircraft propellers.

Panetti, M. Il Laboratario diAerodinamica del R. Politecnico diTorino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’Associazione Nazionale degliIngegneri Italiani’ Vol 1 Nos-4, 5, and6. (Milan: Societe Editrice Tecnico-Scientifica. 1920) 9pp. Illustrated.Describes one of the earliest windtunnels to be established in Italy.

Douhet, G. Il Dominio dell’ Aria:Saggio sull’ Arte della Guerra Aerea,con una Appendice ContententeNozioni Elementari di Aeronautica.(Rome: Stabilimento Poligraphico perl’Amministrazione della Guerra.1921) 191pp.

Marvin, C.F. Kite Experiments at the

Weather Bureau. W.B.110: Reprintedfrom the ‘Monthly Weather Review’beginning April 1896. (US WeatherBureau. 1896). 135pp. Illustrated.

Tschudi Instruktion fur denBallonfuhrer. (Berlin: DeutscherVerein fur Luftschiffahrt. 1901)121pp.A practical manual for balloonaeronauts which concludes with atable of useful phrases (in Dutch,Danish, Swedish, Russian, Polish,Hungarian, Bohemian, Romanianand Turkish) for the balloonist tohave available on landing.

Andre, M.H. Moteurs d’Aviation etde Dirigeables. (Paris: Librairie desSciences et de l’Industrie. 1910)194pp. Illustrated.Illustrated throughout with manyphotographs and line diagrams, thisis an informative reference work onearly aircraft and airship enginesarranged by manufacturer.

Due to a combination of age andusage some of this material is now inneed of conservation so that it can bepreserved for current and futuregenerations of aviation historians.The particular titles in mind includeTeoria del Volo e della NavigazioneAerea, Primo Congresso Nazionale diLocomozione Aerea, Fifth CongresInternational d’Aeronautique andMoteurs d’Aviation et de Dirigeables.Additional contemporary Italianaeronautical material held in theSociety’s Library which now needs tobe rebound includes the journalsl’Aeronauta 1896-1899 (2 volumes)and Bollettino della SocietaAeronautica Italiana 1904-1909 (6volumes).

The average cost of rebinding aworn volume is about £30,depending on its size and condition.if any individual member, companyor organisation would like to ‘adopt’one of these volumes, please contact:Brian Riddle, Librarian, RoyalAeronautical Society, 4 HamiltonPlace, London W1J 7BQ, UK. Tel: +44(0)20 7670 4362. e-mail:[email protected]. Anyonewho would like to contribute to therebinding costs of these particularitems from the Library’s uniquearchive of the world's aeronauticalheritage will have their donationrecorded on the bookplate placedinside the particular reboundvolume.

‘Adopt-a-Picture’ Appeal— The Carlo Vita-Finzi bequest of books and

papers on early Italian aeronautics

Page 4: b~êäó= ~ääççåáåÖ iáíÜçÖê~éÜë=~åÇ=mêáåíë · 2017-06-01 · Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ Associazione Nazionale

OM The Aerospace Professional





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The Aerospace ProfessionalNO

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Page 6: b~êäó= ~ääççåáåÖ iáíÜçÖê~éÜë=~åÇ=mêáåíë · 2017-06-01 · Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ Associazione Nazionale

The Aerospace Professional10


The Society’s Library— The Lord Ventry Airship Collection

Following the death of LordVentry [The Hon A.F. De

Moleyns] (1898-1987) the Society’sLibrary received a large quantity ofmaterial (including many hundredsof photographs) recording thedevelopment of airships over theyears. Much of this material wasindexed at the time but thecollection has recently been addedto by the inclusion of a number ofhistorically important arrangementplans and other papers which werepreviously uncatalogued.

A former airship pilot and apassionate advocate for the use ofairships, Lord Ventry was the editorof The Airship journal from Vol 1No 1 Spring 1934 — Vol 7 No 6Winter 1948/49 and co-author ofJane’s Pocket Book of AirshipDevelopment (London: Macdonald& Jane's. 1976) and Airship Saga(Poole: Blandford Press Ltd 1982).

Some of the ‘highlights’ of thecollection are summarised below:

Mooring Experiments carried outwith R26. T.L.M. Boothby. RNAirship Station — ExperimentalDepartment, Pulham. 1919. 27pp.Illustrated.

1/125 scale drawing of HMA R33Development [DRG No 40/P].c.1919.

The Machinery of HM RigidAirships R33 and R34 constructedby the Sunbeam Motor Car CoLimited, Moorfield Works,Wolverhampton: Reprinted fromEngineering 2 and 16 April 1920.Sunbeam-Coatelen AircraftEngines. Harrison & Sons, London.8pp + 1p. Illustrated.

1/200 scale blueprint drawingshowing comparative half-side andfront-view arrangement diagramsfor L71, R38 and R36 [DRG No S33].Air Ministry — Airship ResearchSection. 1923.

1/200 scale R38 GeneralArrangement drawing [Blueprintdrawing 609/38]. Royal AirshipWorks, Cardington. 1920.

Specification of New Designs ofRigid Airship R80 25L. 22 November1917. Vickers Ltd — Airship Dept,Barrow-in-Furness. 1917. 12pp.

Notes regarding airship R100constructed at Howden, East Yorks,by the Airship Guarantee Co, Ltd,

Press Visit on Thursday, 28November 1929. Air Ministry,London. 10pp.

HMA R100 Inspection of Fins,Rudders, Elevators, PassengerSaloon, Corridors, Power andControl Cars — Analysis ofOperations [Blueprint drawing].c.1929.

File of papers and correspondencerelating to the transatlanticcrossings of HMA R100 to Canadaand back. Aeronautical InspectionDirectorate and Royal AirshipWorks, Cardington. 1930.Includes various structuralassessment reports and passengerand crew lists.

Airworthiness Investigation ofAirship R101 (Unpublished AirMinistry report — September 1929).

File of papers relating to thespecification and design of theproposed new airship R102(‘Confidential’). Royal AirshipWorks, Cardington. 1930.Work on the R102 design wascancelled in the aftermath of thecrash of the rigid airship R101 nearBeauvais in France in the earlyhours of 5 October 1930.

Various papers relating to thesiting, shed erection and huttingaccommodation at the variousAirship Mooring-out Stations.Admiralty. 1918.Examines the contemporaryposition and perceived futurerequirements of airship hangarstorage, and includes detailedtables recording the airship stationallocation of the various types ofBritish military airships then inoperation.

Various pages of comparative datafor French and Italian airships.Admiralty. c.1919.

Rigid Airship Trial Staff Notebook[Confidential — February 1917].Admiralty Air Department. 123pp.

German Rigid Airships: ZeppelinL33 Plans A-M. Admiralty War Staff— Intelligence Division. 1917.

Proposed Allocation of Airships forHome Waters. Admiralty and RoyalAir Force. 1918-1919.

Series of arrangement blueprint

DDuurriinngg iittss ffoouurrtthh ttrriiaall fflliigghhtt oonn 2244 AAuugguusstt 11992211 tthhee RR3388aaiirrsshhiipp bbrrookkee iinn ttwwoo oovveerr tthhee HHuummbbeerr eessttuuaarryy.. TThhee nnaammeess ooff

tthhee 3322 AAnngglloo-AAmmeerriiccaann ccrreeww wwhhoo ddiieedd iinn tthhee aacccciiddeenntt aarreerreeccoorrddeedd oonn tthhee RR3388 MMeemmoorriiaall TTaabblleett ((ddeessiiggnneedd bbyy tthhee AArrtt

aanndd CCrraaffttss MMoovveemmeenntt aarrttiisstt JJoohhnn PPaauull CCooooppeerr)) wwhhiicchh wwaassoorriiggiinnaallllyy uunnvveeiilleedd oonn 2299 JJuunnee 11992255 bbyy tthhee AAmmeerriiccaann

AAmmbbaassssaaddoorr,, MMrr AAllaannssoonn BB.. HHoouugghhttoonn,, iinn tthhee SSoocciieettyy’’ss LLiibbrraarryywwhheenn tthhee SSoocciieettyy’’ss ooffffiicceess wweerree oonn tthhee sseeccoonndd fflloooorr ooff NNoo 77

AAllbbeerrmmaarrllee SSttrreeeett.. IItt iiss ccuurrrreennttllyy oonn ddiissppllaayy oouuttssiiddee tthheeHHaawwkkeerr RRoooomm oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt fflloooorr ooff HHaammiillttoonn PPllaaccee ((rriigghhtt))..

Continued on p 12.

diagrams for ‘Storm’ Type Kite[DRG No 02/900; 02/901-1-2; 02/902-1-2; 02/908; 02-1056-5; 02-4056] (sixsheets). Air Ministry. 1940.

1/10 scale blueprint diagram ofGeneral Arrangement of AD500Gondola [Drawing No 1214-03-00].Airship Developments Ltd. 1980.

Goodyear Aircraft. Allen, H.Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, Akron,OH. 1947. 162pp. Illustrated.

Consideration sur les DirigeablesZeppelin, les Ballons rigides et lesBallons souples. Capitaine Bois.c.1913. 9pp.

Report on a Visit to the UnitedStates and Canada to study AirshipDevelopment (Unpublishedtypescript). R.S. Booth. 1932.202pp.

The Development of AirshipConstruction: Paper read at theSpring Meetings of the SixtiethSession of the Institution of NavalArchitects, 10 April 1919. C.I.R.Campbell. 13pp.

Parc Aéronautique de Pau:Tourisme Aérien en Dirigeable abord dur Croiseur transaérien ‘Astra1 — Ville-de-Pau’. CompagnieGénérale Transaérienne. c.1909. 4pp.Illustrated.

The Balloon: a New and OriginalFarcical Comedy in Three Acts. J.H.Darnley and G. Manville Fenn.Samuel French Ltd, London. c.1925.56pp.

Brochure, passenger list andluggage label relating toHindenburg flight to SouthAmerica. Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, Frankfurt am Main. 1936.

Collection of various timetables,publicity material and 10 postcardsfor the airships LZ-127 GrafZeppelin, LZ-129 Hindenburg andLZ-130 Graf Zeppelin II. DeutscheZeppelin-Reederei, Frankfurt amMain. 1936-1937.

D’Orcy’s Airship Manual: anInternational Register with aCompendium of the Airship’sElementary Mechanics. L. D’Orcy.The Century Co, New York. 1917.232pp. Illustrated.

The Problems of CommercialOperation of Airships: Statementmade to the Federal AviationCommission at a Hearing, 29October 1934 [Typescript]. Dr HugoEckener. 19pp.

Lecture on Maintenance, Flying,and Operations of Airships. J.N.Fletcher. RAF Staff College,Cranwell. 1918. 50pp. Illustrated.

Comparative Weights of AirshipPlanes. Frederick Sage and Co Ltd— Aeronautical Department,London. 1918. 1pp.

Germany’s Rigid Airships in June1916: Intelligence Circular No 7.General Headquarters — HomeForces, London. 11pp.

Page 7: b~êäó= ~ääççåáåÖ iáíÜçÖê~éÜë=~åÇ=mêáåíë · 2017-06-01 · Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ Associazione Nazionale



The Aerospace Professional

Goodyear Airships: Balloons andAccessories. Goodyear Tire &Rubber Company, Akron, OH. 1920.31pp. Illustrated.

The Hindenburg Souvenir Book:Published to commemorate theinauguration of TransatlanticAirship Transportation by theHindenburg. H. Houston. OfficialProgram Corporation, New York.1936. 36pp. Illustrated.

International Airship Limited —Proposed Operations and EstimatedCosts — Photographs andSpecifications by the courtesy of theGoodyear Company (plus attachedcorrespondence). 1936. 10pp.

Un Dirigeable Militaire:‘L’Adjudant-Vincenot’ (1911-1916).E. Joux. Blondel la Rougery, Paris.1931. 48pp. Illustrated.

Design Details of the GoodyearModel K Airship Parts 1-3. C.V.S.Knox. Aeronautical DigestPublishing Corp, Washington DC.1945. 24pp. Illustrated.

Rapport Technique d’Ascension —Ballon Dirigeable ‘Clement BayardVII’ — (Ascent No 11 of 6 April1917). Capitaine P. Leroy. 1917. 5pp.On 7 April 1917 the ClementBayard VII airship General Meusniercrashed on coming down from analtitude test in France and wasnever delivered to the ImperialRussian Army.

Organisation des Grands Centres deDirigeables Allemande. Col P. Leroy.c.1920. 13pp. Illustrated.

Zeppelin-Reliefkarte Europa-Sudamerika 1:5 Millionen.Luftschiffbau Zeppelin. LudwigRavenstein AG, Frankfurt. c.1936.

Modern Airships: Lecture deliveredat the House of Commons on 28June 1920. E.M. Maitland. 14pp.

Description du Dirigeable ZeppelinIV LZ-16. Capitaine Martinot-Lagarde. c.1913. 24pp.

Leaves from my Logbook: Recordof the First Officer of the AirshipR100. G.F. Meager. WingfootLighter-Than-Air Society, Akron,OH. 1961. 97pp. Illustrated.

The Army Airship Roma. J.B.Mitchell. Syms-Eaton Museum,Hampton, VA. 1973. 34pp.Illustrated.

Various papers relating to thestatus of airship hangars andseaplane bases along theTyrrhenean and Ionian Coast andthe Adriatic Coast. Office of theChief of Staff of the Navy. 1918.Includes tables recording thelocations and dimensions of Italianairship hangars and the static anddynamic characteristics of Italianairships.

Some Modern Developments inRigid Airship Construction: Paperread at the Spring Meetings of theSixty Ninth Session of theInstitution of Naval Architects, 30March 1928. V.C. Richmond. 15pp.Illustrated.

Report on the Lighter-than-AirSituation to the NationalAeronautics Committee of theAmerican Legion at New York CityTuesday 26 August 1947. C.E.Rosendahl. 30pp.

“They Were Dependable”: AirshipOperation World War II 7December 1941 to September 1945.C.E. Rosendahl. US Naval AirStation, Lakehurst, NJ. 1946. 56pp.Illustrated.

We Need Airships: Reprinted fromColliers 10 June 1944. C.E.Rosendahl. Crowell CollierPublishing Company, New York. pp5-12. Illustrated.

General arrangement blueprintdrawing of Car of HMA SS Zero[Drawing No S.S.Z. 500]. RoyalNaval Airship Construction Station,Wormwood Scrubs. 1918.

1/2500 scale drawing of the layoutof RN Airship Station Pulham,Norfolk [Pulham Drawing Office No343] and smaller blueprintdrawing. 1918.

File of papers relating to theInvestigation of Accommodation ofPower Units within the Airship HullStructure. Royal Airship Works,Cardington. 1929.

Plan of Standard Airship LandingParty Formation [Drawing OfficeIssue No 4927, 31.12.25]. RoyalAirship Works — Cardington. 1925.

Der Luftschiffbau Schutte-Lanz1909-1925. J. Schutte. Druck undVerlag von R. Oldenbourg, Munich.1926. 152pp. Illustrated.

Zodiac — Dirigeables, Captifs,Spheriques, Parachutes, Treuils etTenders d’Aérostation. SociétéZodiac, Puteaux. c.1910. 32pp.Illustrated.

Extrait de l’Etude sur le Zeppelin L-49. Sous-Sécrétariat d’etat deL’Aéronautique, Militaire etMaritime, Paris. 1917. 15pp.Illustrated.

L’Aéronautique Militarie — LesDirigeables Francais et lesDirigeables Etrangers, l’Accident du‘République’, l’Avenir: Conferencea l’Hotel des Ingénieurs Civils pourla Séance Solennelle de la SociétéFrancaise de Navigation Aériennele 13 Janvier 1910. E. Surcouf.L’Aéronaute, Paris. 1910. 16pp.Illustrated.

The Daniel Guggenheim AirshipInstitute: Reprinted from Journal ofApplied Physics, Vol 9, No 1, January1938. Th Troller. pp 24-29.

Airship Mooring Devices: TechnicalRegulations No 1170-266. US AirCorps, Washington, DC. 1929. 11pp.Illustrated.

Rigid Airship Manual 1927. US NavyDepartment — Bureau ofAeronautics, Washington DC.413pp. Illustrated.

British Naval Non-Rigid Airships1914-1918. Lord Ventry. c.1958. pp26-33.

The Small Airship and NationalDefence. Lord Ventry. 1953. 21pp.Illustrated.Includes a detailed discussion ofthe Airship Club’s Bournemouthnon-rigid airship design.

Arrangement diagrams of MooringExperiments — Barrow-in-Furness— 1917 [Naval Airship StationWalney Island Drawing No M3].Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness.1917.

1/100 scale arrangement drawingof Vickers Non-Rigid AirshipParseval Type 360,000 cbc ftProposed Passenger Ship [DrawingNo 108 P1]. Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness. 1919.

1/500 scale arrangement drawingsof Vickers Patent Mooring Gear forRigid Airships — Details ofAerodrome with Mooring Towerand Mooring Masts for VickersNon-Rigid Airships (two sheets).Vickers Limited, Barrow-in-Furness.1919.

Some Technical Aspects of theCommercial Airship: Lloyd’sRegister Staff Association Paper No5 read 10 February 1926. B.N.Wallis. 23pp. Illustrated.

The Standardization of Data forAirship Calculations: Paper read atthe Spring Meetings of the Sixty-Second Session of the Institution ofNaval Architects, 17 March 1921.H.B. Wyn-Evans. 21pp.

Detailed listing of constructiondates and physical dimensions of allZeppelin Airships (Up to LZ 129)[Typescript]. c.1937. 7pp.

All enquiries regarding thecollection should be addressedto: Brian Riddle, Librarian,Royal Aeronautical Society, 4Hamilton Place, London W1J7BQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 76704362.e-mail: [email protected]

FFrroomm SSoocciiééttéé ZZooddiiaacc ccaattaalloogguuee cc..11991100..

PPrroommoottiioonnaall lleeaafflleett ffoorr tthhee 11993366ttrraannssaattllaannttiicc ccrroossssiinnggss ooff tthheeLLuuffttsscchhiiffffbbaauu ZZeeppppeelliinn LLZZ 112299Hindenburg.

Das Zeppelinluftschiff seineEntwicklung, Tatigkeit undLeistungen. F. Kollmann. Verlag vonM.Krayn, Berlin. 1924. 80pp.Illustrated.

Zeppelin: the Story of Lighter-than-air Craft. E.A. Lehmann and L.Adelt. Longmans, Green and Co,London. 1937. 365pp. Illustrated.

Avenir de l’Aérostation Dirigeableen Russie. J. Leloup. Librarie P.Rosier, Paris. 1911. 62pp.Illustrated.

Projet d’Instruction Pratique sur laNavigation a l’Estime en BallonDirigeable. Lieutenant P. Leroy.1914. 14pp. Illustrated.

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Society News


Conservation of The Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection

The National Aerospace Library at Farnborough holds an extensive early ballooning collection, the Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection, which is probably one of the fi nest of its kind in the world.

Funded through a combination of the Foyle Foundation, the Royal Aeronautical Society Foundation, proceedings from the National Aerospace Library’s stand at its Aerospace and Aviation Book Fairs and the sponsorship of J R Thirkettle CEng MRAeS, over the past fi ve years almost the entire collection of 18th and 19th century ballooning lithographs, posters and fabrics has been archivally conserved.

This major conservation project has involved the lithographs and posters being carefully separated by the conservators Riley, Dunn and Wilson Ltd of Falkirk from their old board mountings, archivally repaired and individually encapsulated in a polyester laminate (and housed in made-to-measure archival storage boxes) which means that they can be handled and studied without damaging the originals.

As described in The Aerospace Professional in January 2011 (p 15) the Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection also includes a number of original fabrics from notable balloons. A detailed conservation project of these surviving fabrics and other associated ballooning ephemera has now been undertaken by Zenzie Tinker Textile Conservation (www.zenzietinker.co.uk; T +44 (0)1273 685222). As with the lithographs and posters, each fabric sample and other ephemera held in the collection had to be very carefully removed from its old card mounts prior to conservation treatment and cleaning. Those samples that were damaged or extremely fragile were supported with a fi ne Japanese paper, using wheat starch paste as the adhesive. Both the paper and the textile samples were treated in this way, except for the two larger textile samples which were supported with a reversible, conservation adhesive treated silk crepeline applied to the back of the sample and further supported with some laid stitching for extra strength.

Annotations and labels, if written on or attached to the previous mount, were removed and tipped in to the new mount using wheat starch paste. The windows were attached to the back boards using a


Conservator Camilla Close-Brooks attaching samples to new mount board using Japanese paper hinges. Zenzie Tinker Conservation Ltd.

Below: Portrait engraving of the pioneering balloonist Vin-cenzo Lunardi (1759-1806).Bottom: Representation of Jean-Pierre Blanchard’s ascent from Frankfurt 3 October 1785.RAeS (NAL).


hinge of linen tape running down the left hand side and Melinex sheets were hinged from the top edge of the back boards, over the samples, to protect them while also enabling future access to the samples which are now housed in two new made-to-measure solander boxes.

The fabrics collection includes among others fragments from the hot air balloon in which Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d’Arlandes made the world’s fi rst aerial voyage on 21 November 1783; Chevalier de Moret’s hot air balloon destroyed by fi re at Chelsea, 10 August 1784; Cocking’s parachute; Garnerin’s balloon c.1803-1804; Dean’s Rarefi ed Air Balloon 1819; Graham Coronation Balloon, 1824; J W Hoar’s Immense Hot Air Balloon ‘destroyed by the crowd, May 1838’, Mrs Graham’s Gas Balloon of August 1830 and from her wrecked balloon of 1851; samples of silk used in Charles Green’s Victoria and Nassau balloons, 1831-37; John Hamptons’ balloon, 1838; Comte de Lennox’s cylindrical airship ‘The Eagle’ 1835 and fragments of contemporary printed chintz with intricate ballooning designs among other artefacts and ephemera.

The origins of the collection can be traced to the Cuthbert Aeronautical Collection of John Cuthbert — who started collecting early aeronautica pre-1820s and over time his collection was bought by J E Hodgson, a bibliophile and aviation historian who was the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Honorary Librarian during c.1920s-1930s, who added to the collection which was purchased in its entirety in 1948 by Sir Frederick Handley Page and presented to the Royal Aeronautical Society in order to preserve the collection for the nation.

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49JUNE 2014i fFind us on Twitter Find us on LinkedIn Find us on Facebook www.aerosociety.com

The National Aerospace Library holds a very extensive photographic collection of aviation images (well over 100,000) dating from the early days of ballooning through to the modern technology aircraft, missiles and rockets of today. It also includes numerous aviation personalities across the same period. Assembled over the decades through numerous donations from aircraft companies, organisations and individuals, the photographic archive is a major visual record of the development of aviation through the ages.

Over 8,000 images from the collection (more to follow) can now be viewed online at:

www.aersosociety.com/printsandpostersalongside over 440 vintage colour aviation posters/magazine covers/air show programmes/airline timetables/decorative book covers/ballooning lithographs, etc. from the Library’s

Representation of Jean-Pierre Blanchard’s ascent from Nuremberg 12 November 1787 — his 28th ascent. RAeS (NAL).

Below: Handbill advertising Charles Green’s ascent in the ‘Nassau’ balloon from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, 31 July 1838 — the pioneering British balloonist Charles Green (1785-1870) made over 500 ascents in his lifetime, of which the National Aerospace Library holds records as original handbills/ posters of 241 separate fl ights. RAeS (NAL).

Funded by a major bequest to the Library from the estate of the former NASA scientist Dr Charles E Billings FRAeS, many ‘highlights’ from the collection were digitally photographed in 2011 and a wide selection (238 images) of the 18th and 19th century ballooning lithographs and posters can be viewed via the website:


Now this collection — which contains many items of historic interest which are older than, for example, the American Constitution and pre-date the French Revolution — has been preserved for current and future generations to view and research, detailed catalogue records of the individual ballooning lithographs, posters and fabrics (765 items) having been compiled on behalf of the Library staff by retired volunteer and Society member Mike Stanberry MRAeS.

The Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection also incorporates one of the world’s fi nest collections of early aeronautical and aviation books recording the development of aerial fl ight — and representations of it — through the ages.


An archival conservation study has been undertaken of these older volumes, identifying those particular titles which, due to a combination of age and use,

are in need of archival conservation. The average cost for those books needing attention to be conserved in their original bindings (with the cloth rebacked and spines remounted and/or made-to-measure archival solander boxes produced to house the material) is about £110 plus VAT per volume.

If any individual member, company or organisation would like to contribute to the cost of conserving these historic volumes please contact under the Library’s ‘Adopt-a-Book’ conservation programme, Brian Riddle, Chief Librarian (+44 (0)1252 701060; E [email protected]).

Photographic Archive Online

archives. Reproductions can be ordered as posters, prints and a wide range of gifts.

The website has been produced in collabora-tion with the Mary Evans Picture Library (www.maryevans.com) through whom these images can be licensed for reproduction in books, magazines, advertising and other media.

For any enquiries regarding this material, please contact the Librarians at Farnborough: T +44 (0)1252 701038/701060 or E [email protected]

Top: C S Grace on his Short Biplane.Bottom: Westland Sikorsky S-51, G-AKCU, of BEA.

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