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LIBRI CON CONTENUTI SPECIFICI SUL MUTISMO SELETTIVO AA.VV., 2015, I Quaderni: Dal silenzio il canto: storie di mutismo selettivo, a cura di CONTI D., A. G. Editions

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Chi conosce l’inglese potrà trovare altri materiali interessanti sui seguenti siti: wwww.smira.org.uk www.selectivemutism.org www.ispeak.org.uk www.childmind.org www.kurtzpsychologyconsulting.wordpress.com www.findingourvoices.co.uk www.talk4meaning.co.uk Per ulteriori materiali in francese e tedesco consultare I seguenti siti: www.ouvrirlavoix.sitego.fr www.selektiver-mutismus.de (vedere “Fachartikel”) www.mutismus.de LIBRI SUL TRATTAMENTO DEL MUTISMO SELETTIVO

BERGMAN, R. L., 2012, Treatment for Children with Selective Mutism: An Integrative Behavioral Approach, Oxford University Press

CLINE, T., BALDWIN,S., 2004, Selective Mutism in Children, 2nd Ed.,Whurr

HARTMANN, B., 2007, Mutismus - Zur Theorie und Kasuistik des totalen und elektiven

Mutismus (5. Auflage), Spiess Verlag

JOHNSON, M., WINTGENS, A., 2001, The Selective Mutism Resource Manual, Speechmark

JOHNSON, M., JONES, M., 2012, Supporting Quiet Children: Exciting Ideas and Activities to Help 'Reluctant Talkers' Become 'Confident Talkers, Lawrence Educational

KATZ-BERNSTEIN, N., 2013, Selective Mutism in Children: Manifestations, Diagnosis, Therapy ( 3rd Revised Edition), Ernst Reinhardt –Verlag Edizione tedesca: Selektiver Mutismus bei Kindern: Erscheinungsbilder, Diagnostik, Therapie (3. Auflage)

KEARNEY, C., 2011, Helping Children with Selective Mutism: A Guide for School-Based Professionals, Oxford University Press

KERVATT, G., 1999, The Silence Within: A Teacher/Parent Guide to Working with Selectively Mute and Shy Children, Gail Kervatt

2004, Supplement to The Silence Within: School Forms for Selective Mutism

KOTRBA, A., 2012, Selective Mutism: An Assessment and Intervention Guide for Therapists, Educators, Parents, : PESI Publishing and Media McHOLM, A. E., CUNNINGHAM, C.E., VANIER, M. K., 2005, Helping Your Child with Selective Mutism: Practical Steps to Overcome a Fear of Speaking, New Harbinger Edizione francese: Aider son enfant à surmonter le mutisme sélectif ; Editore: Chronique Sociale

PEREDNIK, R., 2011, The Selective Mutism Treatment Guide: Manuals for Parents, Teachers and Therapists: Still waters run deep, Oaklands

SHIPON-BLUM, E., 2013, The Selective Mutism Summer Vacation and Back-to-School Guide: Recommendations and Strategies for Building Social Communication Skills: For Children With Selective Mutism, CreateSpace

AA.VV., 2014, Tackling Selective Mutism: A Guide for Professionals and Parents , a cura di SLUCKIN, A., SMITH, B. A., Jessica Kingsley


BLUM, S., 2013, Unspoken Words: A Child’s View of Selective Mutism, a cura di SHIPON-BLUM, E., CreateSpace

BONNET, A., 2011, Why Doesn’t Your Sister Talk? Selective Mutism and Me: My Story, Annmarie Bonnet

BOS,E., 2014, Leo’s Words Disappeared/Leo’s Words Disappeared Activity Book, CreateSpace BRYSON, C., Why Dylan Doesn’t Talk: A Real-Life Look at Selective Mutism Through the Eyes of a Child, Sweet Greetings

CHENG, W., 2013, Maya’s Voice, CreateSpace

FORRESTER, C., SUTTON, C, 2015, Selective Mutism in Our Own Words: Experiences in Childhood and Adulthood, Jessica Kingsley

JOHNSON, M., WINTGENS, A., 2012, Can I tell you about Selective Mutism?: A Guide for Friends, Family and Professionals, Jessica Kingsley

KLEIN, S., 2012, The Girl Who Doesn’t Talk: Beyond Shy: A Journey Through Severe Social Anxiety Disorder, iUniverse

SCHAEFER, C.E., FRIEDMAN, J., 2000, Cat’s Got Your Tongue?: A Story for Children Afraid to Speak, Magination Press

THORPE, J., 2013, Slipping In and Out Of My Two Worlds, lulu.com ARTICOLI SCIENTIFICI SU MUTISMO SELETTIVO, ANSIA E BILINGUISMO INGLESE Chi è interessato ad articoli in inglese su particolari aspetti del MS può consultare la

bibliografia divisa per argomenti stilata da SMIRA nella sezione “Information:

Professionals” del sito inglese.

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CLEATOR, H., HAND, L., 2001, ‘Selective Mutism: How a successful Speech and Language Assessment really is possible.’ International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 36 (S1), 126-131.

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COHAN, S. L., CHAVIRA, D. A., SHIPON-BLUM, E. et al, 2008, ‘Redefining the Classification of Children with Selective Mutism: A Latent Profile Analysis.’ Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 37, 4, 770-784.

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