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Page 1: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.


Discusso da:

Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida

Page 2: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Giunge alla nostra osservazione per:

A.N.: 5 mesi

Grave insufficienza respiratoria in nata pretermine, con broncodisplasia e con grave

ipertensione polmonare.

Anamnesi familiare:

diabete mellito tipo II (nonno paterno e materno); ipertensione arteriosa (nonna materna e madre)

Page 3: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Anamnesi patologica

Nata alla 27° sett di EG dopo gravidanza complicata da ritardo di crescita

endouterina e gestosi al 6°mese.

PN 600 gr; Indice Apgar 4-6-7 al 1’, 5’, 10’.

Alla nascita somministrato Curosurf ET e posta la piccola in ventilazione

meccanica in modalità SIPPV per circa un mese, è stata poi estubata e

posta in NCPAP quindi respiro spontaneo con O2 in culla progressivamente

ridotto fino a 0,5 L/min.

A 4 mesi e mezzo peggioramento delle condizioni generali comparsa di TC

febbrile e aumentato fabbisogno di O2 (PCR ed emocoltura negativa).

All’ecocardio pressione polmonare 100 mmHg.

Veniva avviata terapia con Sildenafil Lasix e Rocefin senza beneficio.

(P polm 125 mmHg).

Dopo 10 giorni per scadimento delle condizioni generali la piccola è stata

reintubata e ventilata in SIPPV e trasferita da noi.

Page 4: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Esame obiettivo all’ingresso

Peso 3,600

Condizioni generali scadute

Bambina intubata e senza accesso venoso, notevolmente agitata e si

oppone al respiratore.

Cute pallido-grigiastra con subcianosi periorale ed al letto ungueale.

Torace di forma regolare con rientramenti all’epigastrio ed agli ultimi

spazi intercostali

All’auscultazione penetrazione disomogenea con rantoli crepitanti


Toni cardiaci ritmici con FC 200 bpm.

Addome di forma e volume regolare trattabile.

Organi ipocondriaci nei limiti.

Genitali esterni femminili normoconformati.

Page 5: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Esami all’ingresso:

EGA all’ingresso: pCO2 93 mmhg, SO2 90,1 %, PO” 63,6 mmHg, pH 7,27, BE 12,4, HCO3- 36,5

Emocromo: 3500000, Hb 10,5, GB 21,2000 (N75%, E1%, L18%, M6%) PTL 256.000.PCR:1,46

Sierologia: VRS, Rosolia¸ Herpes simplex 1 e2, CMV, Toxoplasma Clamidia pneumonite, Mycoplasma pneumonite. HBV, HCV.

Page 6: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Esami strumentali:

ETF: SI in asse VL visibili come fissurazioni. II e IV ventricolo in asse Iperecogenicità periventricolari Plessi corioidei simmetrici iperecogeni.

Ecocardio: PAPs 95-100 mmHg. Ipertensione polmonare grave con PFO.

Rx: compatibile con quadro di broncodisplasia

Page 7: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Ipertensione polmonare

Condizione patologica caratterizzata

dall’incremento della pressione sistolica

media in arteria polmonare

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Page 9: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Vita fetale:

Pharmacological reports, 2006, 58, suppl, 153-164.

Il lume arteriolare è piccolo ed offre un’alta resistenza al flusso. Il mantenimento di alte resistenze vascolari durante la vita fetale è dovuto al rilascio di sostanze ad azione vasocostrittrice (ET-1 e leucotrieni) e bassi valori basali di vasodilatatori (ossido nitrico e PGI) o alla presenza di inibitori endogeni come l’ADMA (asymmetric dimethilarginine) che compete come substrato con l’ossido nitrico.


Meccanismi attivi

Meccanismi passivi.

Mediatori chimiciGas ematici



Leucotrieni;Endotelina-1 (ET-1)PDGFPG


Allungamento stiramento delle cellule endoteliali;Aumento diametro vasale;Reclutamento di nuove arterie.

Ossido nitrico



Page 10: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2002;87:F15–F18

Monitoring cardiovascular function in infants with chronic lung disease of prematurityS H Abman

Page 11: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Manifestazioni cliniche


•Ipossiemia refrattaria alla somministrazione di O2

anche ad alte dosi;





•Segni di insufficienza tricuspidalica.

Page 12: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Esami utili per la diagnosi:

Esami strumentali:

Rx torace – Ecocardiogrammacolordopler – TAC torace –

RMN – angiografia polmonare – biopsia polmonare


emogasanalisi – emocromo - PCR- emocultura- funzionalità

epatica e renale- coagulazione – transaminasi.

Page 13: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: obiettivi della terapia

Mantenere una PAPs < 50 mmHg

Mantenere una SaO2 ~ 90%

Mantenere una PaCO2 tra 40-60 mmHg

Page 14: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.
Page 15: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Strategie terapeutiche:

Ipossiemia ed ipercapnia

Modifica del tono vasale polmonare

Ventilazione meccanica: - convenzionale ad alta frequenza;- HFOV.


Terapia eziologica

Terapia di supporto

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278

Page 16: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia

In caso di scompenso cardiaco




In caso di depressione della contrattilità miocardica

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278

Page 17: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia



Solo in casi selezionati ad alto rischio di trombosi per

il rischio di sanguinamento acuto


European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278

Page 18: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Questa figura mostra l’azione dell’ET-1 che detemina la contrazione della cellula muscolare liscia ma anche il suo rilassamento attraverso il rilasco di PGI2 e ossido nitrico (NO)

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BosentanETB G









Page 21: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

Potente vasodilatatore agisce stimolando la sintesi di cGMP con

effetto miorilassante.

Dose: 5-40 ppm (dose max 80 ppm) con divezzamento graduale

Effetti avversi: incremento metaemoglobina, ipotensione, anomalie dell’aggregazione piastrinica.

Ossido Nitrico

Current Pediatric Therapy

Page 22: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Pilot studies revealed that inhalation of NO increases systemic oxygenation in severely hypoxemic

newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) [19,20]. The ability of

inhaled NO to increase systemic oxygen levels was confirmed in several multicenter

randomized controlled studies of term and near-term babies with hypoxemia and PH [21–23].

In one study, systemic oxygenation was observed to increase in nearly half of patients with severe

PPHN who received inhaled NO [21]. Importantly, the magnitude of the increase in oxygen levels in

babies treated with inhaled NO was directly proportional to the degree of hypoxia before NO

inhalation, and, in 75% of the infants breathing NO, the increased systemic oxygenation was

maintained over time. In another study of newborns with PPHN, the optimal concentration of inhaled

NO level was investigated [24]: although the maximum increase in systemic oxygenation was

observed in babies breathing 80 ppm NO, as little as 5 to 20 pm NO increased the arterial oxygen

levels above those measured in babies not breathing NO. Several studies reported that, although

inhaled NO did not reduce mortality in these patients, it did decrease the need for

extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), an invasive procedure that requires systemic

heparinization and is not available in all intensive care nurseries [21–23].

Cardiovascular Research 75 (2007) 339–348

Page 23: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Inhaled NO in bronchopulmonary dysplasia Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic lung disease of prematurely born infants that results from the inhibition or disruption of normal pulmonary alveolar and microvascular development, in part, as a result of oxygen- and ventilator-induced lung injury [25]. A number of prospective randomized controlled masked trials have now evaluated the efficacy of inhaled NO in preventing BPD and/or death in premature infants [for a comprehensive review see reference [26]]. Although an early study observed that inhaled NO did not decrease the incidence of BPD [27], a subsequent single center trial involving 207 premature infants conducted by Schrieber and colleagues suggested that inhaled NO decreases the incidence of BPD and death in prematurely born infants [28]. These latter observations were supported by data from a subsequent multicenter trial in which inhaled NO was noted to decrease the rate of BPD and death in premature infants with a birth weight N1000 g [29]. In a more recent study of 793 newborns who were 34 weeks of gestational age or less, Kinsella and colleagues reported that inhaled NO decreased the incidence of BPD in the subset of 129 infants with a birth weight of at least 1000 g [30]. Moreover, in a multicenter study of 582 premature infants with a birth weight ≤1250 g, in which inhaled NO was commenced 7 to 21 days after birth,Ballard and coworkers reported that NO inhalation improved survival without BPD [31]. Although these results are encouraging when considered together, additional studies need to be performed before the precise role of inhaled NO in preventing BPD can be defined.

Cardiovascular Research 75 (2007) 339–348

Page 24: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

Silfdenafil: somministrabile per os incrementa la

concentrazione intracellulare di cGMP con effetto

miorilassante e antiproliferativo.

Dose:0,25-2 mg/kg ogni 6 h (max 100 mg x3 vv/die).

Inibitori della fosfodiesterasi tipo 5

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278Current Pediatric Therapy

Segnalati cefalea, congestione nasale e disturbi del visus maggiori dopo 6 settimane di terapia.

Page 25: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension in neonates

The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 1

Search strategy : MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL databases were searched from their inception until March 2007; the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, the Cochrane Library, the reference lists of identified trials, and abstracts of meetings were searched without any language restriction.

Selection criteria: Randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials of Sildenafil compared with placebo or other pulmonary vasodilators, irrespective of dose, route and duration of administration in neonates with PPHN, were included if the trial reported any of the pre-specified outcomes.

Types of participants : Both term and preterm infants (with a postnatal age of 28 days after reaching 40 weeks postmenstrual age) with primary or secondary pulmonary hypertension were included for review. Studies were included if the diagnosis was based on clinical findings with or without echocardiographic confirmation. Patients with known structural heart disease (other than patent foramen ovale or patent ductus arteriosus) were excluded.

Types of intervention: The following interventions were included:1. Sildenafil vs. placebo or no treatment2. Sildenafil vs. another pulmonary vasodilator3. Sildenafil and another pulmonary vasodilator vs. another pulmonary vasodilator or placebo

Page 26: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Primary outcomes:1. Hemodynamic parameters (absolute values and change from baselinemeasured after the first dose, after 24 hours, after 30 hours, after 36 hours, after 42 hours, and after the end of treatment) including:a. Pulmonary arterial pressure in mm Hg; b. Oxygenation (PaO2) or FiO2 requirement; c. Cardiac output in litre/kg/min: d. Mean arterial blood pressure in mm Hg; 2. All-cause mortality within first 28 days of life

Secondary outcomes:1. Changes in pulmonary vascular resistance index inWoods Unit m2(WUm2) (absolute values and change from baseline measured after the first dose, after 24 hours, after 30 hours, after 36 hours, after 42 hours, and after the end of treatment)2. Changes in systemic vascular resistance index in WUm2 (absolute values and change from baseline measured after the first dose, after 24 hours, after 30 hours, after 36 hours, after 42 hours, and after the end of treatment)3. Changes in oxygenation index (OI = PaO2 X FiO2/100) (absolute values and change from baseline measured after the first dose, after 24 hours, after 30 hours, after 36 hours, after 42 hours, and after the end of treatment)4. Rebound increase in pulmonary arterial pressure (dichotomous) 5. Decrease in cardiac output after weaning sildenafil (dichotomous)6. Treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) prior to discharge7. All-cause mortality prior to discharge8. Length of hospitalization (days)9. Retinopathy of prematurity (among very preterm infants < 32 weeks gestation) any stage and stage 3 or more10. Intraventricular hemorrhage (any stage and grade 3 or more)11. Neurodevelopmental disability at 18 - 24 months (including cerebral palsy, cognitive impairment, deafness and blindness)12. Clinically important adverse effects reported by authors (not pre-specified)13. Any other clinically important outcome reported by authors (not pre-specified) For all the hemodynamic parameters the change from baseline were planned to be assessed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours or at nearest times reported by the authors.

The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 1

Page 27: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

A U T H O R S ’ C O N C L U S I O N S

Implications for practice

Safety and effectiveness of sildenafil in the treatment of PPHN has

not yet been established and its use should be restricted within the

context of randomized controlled trials.

Implications for researchFuture studies are needed to evaluate safety and efficacy of sildenafil in the treatment of PPHN. The studies should be conducted both in resource

limited as well as resourceful settings as differentquestions could be answered such as effectiveness as stand alone therapy

and as an adjunct therapy. These studies will require a multicenter undertaking. Long-term neurodevelopmental follow up should be included.

The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 1

Page 28: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

Bosentan: ET-2rec antagonista somministrato alla

dose di:

15 mgx2 vv/die se P <10kg; 31,25 x2 se 10>P<20 kg;

62,5 mg x2 se 20>P<40; 125 mgx2 se P>40 kg

Monitorizza funzionalità epatica, ematocrito ed

emoglobina. Segnalato potenziale effetto teratogeno.

Effetti avversi:cefalea, anemia, epatotossicità, flusng, teratonenicità..

Antagonisti dei recettori ET-1

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278Clin Pharmacol Ther 2003; 73: 372-82Current Pediatric Therapy

Page 29: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Objective: To describe an early experience of treating 40 children with the dual endothelin receptorantagonist bosentan, which is known to be safe and effective in adults with pulmonary hypertension (PH).Design: In this retrospective, observational study the UK Service for Pulmonary Hypertension for children treated 40 children with bosentan, 20 with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) (mean age 8.03 years, range 1.2–17) and 20 with PH associated with other conditions (congenital heart disease, parenchymal lung or connective tissue disease, or HIV). Their mean age was 8.3 years (range 0.6–16 years).Patients: 39 patients were in World Health Organization (WHO) class III and IV, and all had shown recent deterioration. In IPAH the mean pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) was 21.7 units?m2 (range 5.6–42.8). In secondary PH the mean PVR was 18 units?m2 (range 4.9–49). No child had a positive response to vasodilator testing with nitric oxide. Interventions: Bosentan was given as first line treatment to 25. Nine were given intravenous epoprostenol. Children were treated for a mean of 12.7 months (range 2–24 months). Main outcome measures: Response to treatment was judged by WHO functional class, six minute walk test, weight, ECG and echocardiographic findings, and need to add additional treatment.Results: Bosentan was well tolerated. In the IPAH group 19 (95%) stabilised with bosentan treatment but 12 (60%) patients needed combined treatment with epoprostenol. In secondary PH, WHO class, six minute walk test, and weight gain improved significantly.

Conclusion: Bosentan helped stabilise children with IPAH but intravenous epoprostenol was also needed by 60%. Children with secondary PH improved.

Heart 2006;92:664–670.

Response to bosentan in children with pulmonary hypertensionS Maiya, A A Hislop, Y Flynn, S G Haworth

Page 30: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

I più utilizzati sono:

- nifedipina alla dose di 0,5-2 mg/kg in 3 somministrazioni

- diltiazem .

Iniziando con basse dosi ed incrementando fina alla massima dose


Bloccanti i canali del calcio

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278Current Pediatric Therapy

Effetti collaterali: ipotensione sistemica; edema periferico; epatotossicità

Page 31: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

• rilassamento muscolare acuto;

• inibizione dell’aggregazione piastrinica;

• riparazione del danno endoteliale;

• Inibizione del rimodellamento vascolare;

• facilitazione nella clearance dell’ET-1;

• effetto inotropo;

• facilitazione dello scambio periferico di O2.

Prostacicline ed analoghi

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278

Page 32: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

IPP: Terapia vasoattiva

I più utilizzati:• epoprostenol: in infusione continua alla dose iniziale di 2

ng/kg/min fino a 20-40 ng/kg/min (50 ng/kg/min);•Treprostinil;• iloprost : aerosol 2,5-5 ng in 10-15 min per 4 vv/die;

Effetti avversi: cefalea, flushing, dolori articolari ed agli arti, dolore toracico, nausea, vomito, diarrea, ipotensione

Prostacicline ed analoghi

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278Current Pediatric Therapy

Page 33: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Pediatric Pulmonology 40:265–269 (2005)

Epoprostenol and Home Mechanical Ventilation for Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With Chronic Lung Disease

Ali N. Zaidi, MD, Michael D. Dettorre, DO, Gary D. Ceneviva, MD, and Neal J. Thomas, MD, MS

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) can be associated with bronchopulmonary dysplasia

(BPD) of infancy, and mortality in these pediatric patients is high without aggressive

medical treatment. Continuous intravenous epoprostenol (prostacyclin) was shown to

lower pulmonary artery pressures (PAP) in children with idiopathic pulmonary arterial

hypertension (PAH), formerly referred to as primary pulmonary hypertension. We

report on the first case of long-term home ventilation in combination with chronic

intravenous epoprostenol in a child with severe pulmonary hypertension

associated with chronic lung disease. This aggressive combination resulted in

significant improvement in pulmonary artery pressures, substantial

improvement in quality of life, and eventual discontinuation of home ventilation.

Page 34: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Magnesium sulfate for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newbornHo JJ, Rasa G

Background: Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) occurs in approximately 1.9 per 1000 newborns and may be more frequent in developing countries. There is strong evidence for the use of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in the treatment of PPHN. However, many developing countries do not have access or the technical expertise required for these expensive therapies. Magnesium sulfate is a potent vasodilator and hence has the potential to reduce the high pulmonary arterial pressures associated with PPHN. If magnesium sulfate were found to be effective in the treatment of PPHN, this could be a cost effective and potentially life-saving therapy.

Objectives: To evaluate the use ofmagnesiumsulfate compared with placebo or standard ventilatormanagement alone, sildenafil infusion, adenosine infusion, or inhaled nitric oxide on mortality or the use of backup iNO or ECMO in term and near-term newborns (> 34 weeks gestational age) with PPHN.

Search strategy: The standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group (CNRG) was used. No language restrictions was applied. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library, Issue 1, 2006) and MEDLINE (1966 to April 20, 2007) were searched for relevant randomized and quasi-randomized trials. In addition the reference lists ofretrieved articles were reviewed and known experts were contacted to obtain unpublished data.

The Cochrane Database Systematic reviews 2007, Issue 3

Page 35: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Types of studies: Randomized or quasi-randomized studies.Types of participants: Term and near term neonates (> 34 weeks gestation at birth and < 1 month of age) with PPHN diagnosed by degree of hypoxia [such as PaO2 of less than 50 mmHg or 6.67 kPa or Oxygenation Index (OI) > 25] or echocardiographic criteria.Types of intervention: Magnesium sulfate infusion of any dose or duration. The comparison group would be: Placebo or standard ventilator management alone; Sildenafil infusion; Adenosine infusion; Inhaled nitric oxide Both groups may or may not be on assisted ventilation. Treatment backup with iNO and ECMO was allowed in either group.Primary outcomes:1. All cause mortality to hospital discharge or 28 days of age2. Use of inhaled nitric oxide or ECMO3. Mortality or the use of backup therapy (iNO or ECMO)Secondary outcomes:1. Failure to improve oxygenation within 30 to 60 minutes (dichotomous variable)2. Short term effect on oxygenation index and arterial PO2 after therapy (both absolute values and change from baseline).3. Neurodisability (> 2 standard deviation below the mean on a validated assessment tool) in first year of life4. Neurodisability (> 2 standard deviation below the mean on a validated assessment tool) in childhood and beyond5. Cerebral palsy on physician assessment6. Hearing impairment7. Duration of hospital stay (days)8. Adverse effects such as hypocalcaemia and hypokalemia, cardiac arrhythmias and severe hypotensionMain results: No eligible trials were found

Authors’ conclusions: On the basis of the current lack of evidence, the use of magnesium sulphate cannot be recommended in the treatment of PPHN.Randomised controlled trials are recommended.

The Cochrane Database Systematic reviews 2007, Issue 3

Page 36: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Ritornando alla nostra bambina

Page 37: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.



Ampicillina/sulbactam e MeropenemPlasma, Igvena

Furosemide; Dopamina

NO (20 ppm) 27/1 PAPs 60-65 mmHg

Ventilazione:SIPPV poi HFOV FiO2 50; MAP 26 cmH2O;frequenza di 7 Hz

Fentanil, Midazolam a cui è stato aggiunto Cisatracurium

Page 38: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

Sildenafil:0,3 mg/kg/dose x 3 vv/die

Aminofillina 5 mg evNO in scalo

11/2 Bosentan 15 mgx 2

29/1 PAPs 85 mmHg

31/1 al 4 /2: PAPs 60 mmHg

10/2 PAPs 95-100 mmHg

18-21/2 PAPs 55-60 mmHg

7/2:Emocromo: 3270000, Hb 92,, GB 21,6000 (N69%, E1%, L24%, M6%) PTL 108.000. PCR:8,78Broncoaspirato: Pseudomonas

10/2: emocultura: Stenotrophomonas Maltophilia

5/2: Teicoplanina e Amikacina

4/2:Broncoaspirato: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia


7/02: PAPs 95-100 mmHg

Page 39: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

3/3: la piccola viene estubata ed avviata ventilazione NCPAP con PEEP 4 cmH2O, FiO225%

In atto è in respiro spontaneo, in culletta a cielo aperto con O2 a 0.5 L/min

8/3: PAPs 45-50 mmHg9/3: avviato svezzamento dal bosentan

19/2 sospeso NO

15/2 Si modifica mosalità ventilatoria con SIMV con i seguenti parametri: PIP 25; PEEP 4; frequenza sett 35 atti/min; FiO2 40%

Page 40: CASO CLINICO Discusso da: Dott.ssa Marika Manfrida.

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243–2278

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