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Page 1: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your


a.s. 2013-2014

High Spirits 1 – units 1- 8

1. Controlla di aver copiato nella sezione Grammar del tuo quaderno tutte le regole grammaticali (almeno le tabelle) delle pagine 98,99,106,107,116,117,124,125,134,135,142,143,152,153,160,161, nella sezione Vocabulary tutti i vocaboli delle pagine 99,107,117,125,135,143,153,161

2. Rileggi, nella sezione Functions and dialogues, tutti i dialoghi di inizio unità (con relative traduzioni) delle pagine 8,18,30,40, 52,62,74,84 e le funzioni linguistiche delle pagine 24,36,46,58,68,80,90.

3. Prima di eseguire gli esercizi, ripassa strutture, vocaboli e funzioni relativi alle varie unità.4. Puoi eseguire gli esercizi delle varie unità direttamente al computer e salvare il lavoro su

pen-drive, oppure eseguire gli esercizi al computer poi stamparli oppure stampare i file ed eseguirli sui fogli. L’importante è che al rientro dalle vacanze gli esercizi siano eseguiti per poterli correggere assieme in classe.

5. Traduci i seguenti dialoghi sul quaderno nella sezione Functions and dialogues:

Dialogue 1 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 24)

A. Saluta e di’ come ti chiami. Chiedi a B come si chiama. B. Risponde ‘Jim’ e ti chiede da dove vieniA. Di’ che sei italiano/a. Chiedi a B da dove viene.B. Dice che viene dal Galles.A. Gli chiedi quanti anni ha.B. Dice che ha 14 anni.A. Gli chiedi l’indirizzo.B. Dice che abita a n.12 di Willow Street a Cardiff.A. Gli chiedi il numero di cellulare.B. Dice che è 08800 890453.A. Gli chiedi l’indirizzo di posta elettronica.B. Dice che è [email protected]

Dialogue 2 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 36)

A. Chiedi a B qual è l’oggetto preferito che possiede.B. Ti dice che è la sua bicicletta.A. Chiedi se è nuova.B. Risponde che non lo è, che ha due anni, ma è splendida.A. Gli chiedi se ha un computer.B. Risponde di sì. Ti dice che ce l’ha in camera sua. Ti chiede se hai un computer.A. Rispondi di no, ma di’ che usi il computer di tuo papà.

Dialogue 3 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 46)

A. Chiedi a Giulia com’è la sua stanza.

Page 2: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your

B. Ti dice che è piccola, ma carina.A. Chiedi di che colore sono le pareti.B. Risponde che sono rosa e bianche.A. Chiedi se ha un computer in camera.B. Risponde di sì. Dice che è sulla scrivania.A. Chiedi se ha dei CD.B. Risponde che ne ha 30 sulle mensole vicino ai libri.A. Chiedi qual è la cosa preferita che ha in camera. B. Risponde che è il poster di Tiziano Ferro.

Dialogue 4 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 58)

A. Chiedi a Sam qual è il suo programma preferito.B. Risponde che è Voyager.A. Chiedi quando lo trasmettono.B. Di’ che lo trasmettono il lunedì sera.A. Chiedi a che ora lo trasmettono.B. Di’ che lo trasmettono alle 9.A. Chiedi su che canale lo trasmettono.B. Di’ che lo trasmettono su Rai2.

Dialogue 5 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 68)

A. Chiedi a B se gli piace Laura Pausini.B. Ti risponde che gli piace. Ti chiede cosa ne pensi. A. Rispondi che ti piace abbastanza, ma preferisci Emma.B. Ti chiede se ti piace Ligabue.A. Rispondi che non ti piace.B. Ti dice che a lui piace molto.

Dialogue 6 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 80)

A. Chiedi a B di farti una proposta su cosa fare.B. Suggerisce di giocare a scacchi.A. Di’ che è noioso. Proponi di giocare a bowling.B. Dice che è un’idea fantastica.

Dialogue 7 (Rivedi le funzioni di pagina 90)

Assistant. La commessa ti chiede se può aiutarti.You. Chiedi quanto costano dei jeans.Assistant. Dice che costano 30 sterline.You. Chiedi di provarli. Assistant. Ti dice che lo puoi fare e ti chiede la taglia.You. Di’ che porti una media.Assistant. Te li porge e ti indica i camerini. …dopo un po’… You. Di’ che ti vanno bene e li prendi.

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Vocabulary 1 Completa con gli aggettivi di nazionalità.

1 Scott is from the USA. He’s .

2 Michelle is from France. She’s .

3 Hans is from Germany. He’s .

4 Dimitri is from Greece. He’s .

5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s .

Grammar 2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 Sandra is / are a girl. 2 You and Fatima are / is from Morocco. 3 Paul and Mary is / are at school. 4 James is / are from London. 5 Mike and I am / are friends.

3 Riscrivi le frasi dell’es. 2 sostituendo i nomi in corsivo

con un pronome soggetto.






4 Completa le frasi con am, are o is.

1 Frank and Paul at school.

2 Christine American.

3 His name Andrew Thompson.

4 I in Italy. 5 London in Great Britain.

5 Abbina le frasi della prima colonna (1–5) a quelle della seconda (a–e).

1 I know Miss Newton. a He’s in my class

2 Rob is a nice boy. b We’re Welsh.

3 My name is Mr Connolly. c He’s from Morocco.

4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your English teacher.

Page 4: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your

5 This is Mohammed. e She’s very nice.

6 Sottolinea il soggetto, poi inserisci l’aggettivo possessivo corrispondente.

1 We are Italian students. teacher is Mrs Swan.

2 Beckham is a footballer. first name is David.

3 I am 12 years old. birthday is in May.

4 Paul and John are good at school. favourite subject is English.

5 You are from Moscow. nationality is Russian.

7 Completa con a o an.

1 Irish girl

2 computer

3 Spanish name

4 apple 5 student


8 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni del riquadro.

from Irish Oxford English name

A Hi.

B Hello.

A What’s your 1 ?

B Keira.

A Where are you 2 ?

B I’m from 3 in England.

A Are you 4 ?

B Yes, I am. And you?

A I’m 5 .


Page 5: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your


1 Unisci l’aggettivo al suo opposto.

1 boring a serious 2 funny b difficult 3 fantastic c interesting 4 easy d terrible


2 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa contratta.

1 It is difficult.


2 She is my sister.


3 They are English.


4 We are at school.


5 I am an actor.


6 You are serious.


3 Completa la domanda per ogni risposta.

1 British?

No, they aren’t British.

2 in Paris?

Yes, I am.

3 your friend?

Yes, she is my friend.

4 a teacher?

No, he isn’t.

5 twelve? Yes, we are.

4 Metti le parole nell’ordine corretto per scrivere delle domande.

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1 your / What / name / is?


2 are / How / old / you?


3 she / your / friend / Is?


4 you / Are / teacher / a?


5 birthday / When / your / is?


5 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma affermativa (+), negativa (–) o interrogativa (?). Usa la forma contratta ove possibile.

1 They’re Turkish. (?)

2 You are a singer. (–)

3 Sheila’s fantastic. (?)

4 We’re in Belfast. (–)

5 It isn’t my favourite film. (+)

6 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 This / These are my cats. 2 That / Those student is Japanese. 3 This / These is my friend Jake. 4 That / Those are nice bikes. 5 This / These is my English teacher.


7 Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 I’m a are you? 2 How old b number is 0114 4360753. 3 This is c twelve years old. 4 What’s d your surname? 5 My telephone e my new mobile phone.

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Vocabulary 1 Abbina la parola maschile al suo corrispettivo femminile.

1 nephew a aunt 2 brother b grandma 3 uncle c niece 4 grandad d wife 5 husband e sister

2 Completa le frasi.

John = Ann

Charles Susan = Tom

Claire Sam

1 John is Susan’s .

2 Claire is Susan’s .

3 Tom is Susan’s .

4 Ann is Susan’s .

5 Charles is Susan’s .

Grammar 3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 I have / has got a mobile phone. 2 Paul have / has got a skateboard. 3 Lana have / has got a brother. 4 You have / has got two cousins. 5 Eliza and I have / has got an English test tomorrow.

4 Inserisci have got o has got e rispondi come suggerito.

1 she an uncle?

Yes, .

2 they an umbrella?

No, .

3 he a bike?

Yes, .

4 you a computer?

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No, .

5 we a test?

Yes, .

5 Per ogni persona, scrivi una frase affermativa ( ) e una negativa ( ).

1 Peter / computer. ( ) He / MP3 player. ( )

2 I / scooter. ( ) I / bike. ( )

3 We / uncle. ( ) We / aunt. ( )

4 Mum / mobile phone. ( ) She / car. ( )

5 Jessica / brother. ( ) She / sister. ( )

6 Completa le frasi con il genitivo sassone (’s o ’).

1 It’s my mother phone.

2 The students books are on the desks.

3 The children games are new.

4 It’s Rob email address.

5 Mary and Paul house is in London.

7 Indica se la ’s corrisponde a is, has o al genitivo sassone.

is has genitivosassone

1 Fred’s a teacher.

2 Marie’s got two sisters.

3 John’s book is red.

4 My cat’s black and white.

5 Luke’s got a new mobile phone.


Page 9: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your

8 Abbina le domande alle risposte.

1 What’s your favourite possession? a It’s on the desk.2 Where’s your mobile phone? b It’s 0118 4960275. 3 What’s your telephone number? c Yes, it is. 4 Is your computer new? d It’s my MP3 player.5 Have you got a bike? e Yes, I have.



1 Traduci i nomi delle stanze in inglese.

1 camera da letto

2 cucina

3 salotto

4 bagno

5 sala da pranzo

2 Trova l’intruso.

1 bed, wardrobe, poster, cooker 2 sofa, shower, table, TV 3 bed, cooker, fridge, cupboard 4 bath, fridge, shower, mirror 5 wardrobe, poster, sink, lamp


3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 There is / There are some students in the classroom.

2 There is / There are a table in the dining room.

3 There is / There are four chairs in the kitchen.

4 There is / There are a mirror in the bedroom.

5 There is / There are a sofa in the living room.

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4 Osserva la figura e completa le frasi con le preposizioni di luogo mancanti.

1 The posters are the wall.

2 The lamp is the bed.

3 The chair is the table.

4 The shoes are the bed.

5 The wardrobe is the windows.

5 Completa le frasi con there is, there isn’t, there are, o there aren’t.

1 Are there any posters in the kitchen?

No, .

2 Is there a mirror in the bathroom?

Yes, .

3 Are there any chairs in the dining room?

Yes, .

4 Is there an armchair in your bedroom?

No, .

5 Is there a cupboard in the kitchen?

Yes, .

6 Completa le frasi con some o any.

1 Are there DVDs on the table?

2 We haven’t got new CDs.

3 There are books on the shelf.

4 Have you got brothers or sisters?

5 There are chairs in the kitchen.

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7 Completa il dialogo con le domande del riquadro.

What colour are the walls? What’s your favourite thing in your bedroom?

Are there any posters on the walls? Have you got a TV in your room?

What’s your room like?

A 1

B It’s great!

A 2

B They’re yellow.

A 3

B Yes, there are. I’ve got posters of my favourite singers.

A 4

B No, I haven’t.

A 5

B My favourite thing is my red lamp.


Vocabulary 1 Scrivi quali azioni si fanno di solito a queste ore.

Scegli fra le azioni del riquadro.

have lunch go to school get up watch TV go to bed

1 7.00 a.m.

2 7.45 a.m.

3 1.00 p.m.

4 9.00 p.m.

5 10.30 p.m.

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Grammar 2 Completa la tabella con la terza persona del Present simple.

3 Completa il brano con il Present Simple dei verbi del riquadro.

Paul 1 up at 7 o’clock.

School 2 at 8 o’clock and 3 at 1.00 p.m. He 4 home and

after lunch he 5 his homework. At 5.00 p.m. he 6 football and at

6.30 p.m. he 7 to music. At 8.00 p.m. he 8 dinner and then he 9

TV. At 10.30 p.m. he 10 to bed.

4 Abbina ciascun avverbio di frequenza alla traduzione italiana.

1 always a qualche volta 2 sometimes b sempre 3 never c spesso 4 often d di solito 5 usually e mai

5 Metti gli avverbi di frequenza al posto giusto nella frase.

1 I go to the park on Saturdays. (often)

2 She is a good student. (always)

3 They go to the cinema on Sundays. (never)

4 I read English books. (sometimes)

Forma base Terza persona singolare(he / she / it)

1 play 2 study 3 go 4 wash 5 fix 6 do 7 watch 8 finish 9 tidy 10 have

play finish have watch go (x 2)get start do listen

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5 We are late. (usually)


6 Completa il dialogo con le domande del riquadro.

What time is it on? What channel is it on?

What day is it on? What’s your favourite TV programme?

A 1 ?

B My favourite TV programme is The Simpsons.

A 2 ?

B It’s on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

A 3 ?

B It’s on at 7.30 p.m.

A 4 ?

B It’s on Channel 4.

UNIT 6Vocabulary

1 Scrivi i nomi degli sport.

1 3 2 2

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2 Abbina i verbi ai nomi degli sport.

1 play a gymnastics 2 go b running 3 do c rugby 4 go d swimming 5 do e athletics


3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 John doesn’t play / doesn’t plays tennis. 2 Emily don’t like / doesn’t like chocolate. 3 I don’t go / doesn’t goes home after school. 4 Alice and Luke don’t watch / don’t watches TV in the afternoon. 5 You don’t do / doesn’t do karate. 6 We don’t go / don’t goes cycling on Sundays.

4 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa usando don’t o doesn’t.

1 I go swimming on Tuesday afternoons.

2 She likes taking photos.

3 They eat pizza on Sunday evenings.

4 School starts at ten o’clock.

5 You play rugby on Saturday afternoons.

5 Completa le domande e le risposte con do, don’t, does o doesn’t.

1 you play football?

Yes, I .

2 she go shopping?

Yes, she .

3 they work in London?

No, they .

4 your sister speak French?

No, she .

5 you live in Spain?

No, we .

6 Completa con le espressioni di frequenza del riquadro.

once a week three times a day once a month twice a year every day

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1 At 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 7 p.m.

2 On the 22nd May

3 On Saturday

4 In June and December

5 On Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / etc.

7 Sostituisci le parole in corsivo con un pronome complemento corretto.

1 John likes Ann.

2 I know Peter very well.

3 He talks to Elliot and me every day.

4 You go to school with your friends.

5 We like this skateboard.


8 Completa il dialogo con le espressioni del riquadro.

What about you? Do you like do you think at all but I prefer

A 1 Johnny Depp?

B Yes, I do. 2

A I really like him, 3 Orlando Bloom.

B What 4 of Linkin Park?

A I quite like them. And you?

B I don’t like them 5 .



1 Abbina le parole del riquadro al verbo corretto.

shopping to the cinema cards a bike text messages the guitar bowling comics the Internet computer games

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go 1 2 3

play 4 5 6

read 7

ride 8

surf 9

send 10


2 Scrivi delle frasi con can ( ) o can’t ( ).

1 they / play tennis ( ) 2 Maria / dance ( ) 3 Tim / ride a horse ( ) 4 I / sing ( ) 5 you / speak German ( )

3 Scrivi frasi interrogative e rispondi. Usa can o can’t.

+++ = very well – = not very well ++ = well – – = not at all + = quite well

1 Serena / play the guitar? (+++)

2 you / play chess? (++)

3 They / skate? (–)

4 Alex / ski? (– –)

5 Rob / swim? (+)

4 Completa le frasi con i verbi del riquadro.

Open Look ( x2) Send Listen Close

1 your books and at page 20.

2 and repeat.

3 the window, I’m cold.

4 at this photo. This is my cousin Jim in Australia.

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5 Let’s invite Jane to the party. her an email!

5 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 Use / Don’t use your mobile phones at the cinema.

2 It’s hot in here. Open / Don’t open the window!

3 Don’t go / Go to see the film tonight. You’ve got a test tomorrow.

4 Bring / Don’t bring your exercise books to class tomorrow. I want to correct your


5 Eat / Don’t eat sweets in class.

6 Usa le parole date per scrivere delle domande. Poi abbina le domande alle risposte.

1 are / Why / happy / they?

2 the / like / do / Why / you / film?

3 player / you / new / MP3 / do / want / Why / a?

4 is / Why / she / angry?

5 Superman / Why / does / like / he?

a Because my old MP3 player doesn’t work. b Because he has superpowers! c Because she doesn’t like football! d Because they’re on holiday! e Because Johnny Depp is the star!

Functions 7 Completa il dialogo con le parole del riquadro.

can bored shall can’t Let’s like

A I’m really 1 . 2 we play tennis?

B No, I 3 play tennis and I don’t 4 it.

A OK. Can you play computer games?

B Yes, I 5 .

A Great! 6 play computer games, then!

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1 Scrivi i nomi di sei capi di abbigliamento: tre che usi in estate e tre che usi in inverno.

1 4

2 5

3 6


2 Riscrivi i verbi alla forma in -ing.

1 sing 6 study

2 sit 7 run

3 write 8 eat

4 have 9 play

5 come 10 tidy

3 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 My sister is / are going to school. 2 Mum and I is / are watching TV. 3 They is / are having breakfast now. 4 Beth is / are speaking English. 5 I am / are listening to the radio at the moment.

4 Metti le parole nell’ordine corretto per scrivere delle frasi.

1 moment / the / at / baby / The / isn’t / sleeping.

2 favourite / Rob / his / reading / book / Is?

3 George / are / karate / Fiona / doing / and.

4 now / to / aren’t / radio / We / listening / the.

5 Is / to / she / bed / going?

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5 Scrivi le frasi negative alla forma affermativa e le frasi affermative alla forma negativa.

1 The children aren’t watching TV.

2 Lisa is dancing with David.

3 I am writing an email.

4 We aren’t going to the park.

5 You are cooking dinner.

6 Scrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa. Poi dai delle risposte brevi affermative ( ) o negative ( ).

1 Dad and Mum are preparing lunch now. ( )

2 They are playing your favourite song. ( )

3 Sue is wearing her new dress. ( )

4 Jim is buying a new pair of trainers. ( )

5 You are writing an email. ( )

7 Abbina le domande alle risposte.

1 Where are your friends going? a I’m having lunch. 2 What are you doing? b Yes, they are. They are surfing the Internet. 3 Where is your brother? c They’re going to the cinema. 4 Is Joshua eating a sandwich? d He’s in his bedroom.5 Are they using my computer? e No, he isn’t. He’s sleeping.

Functions 8 Scegli la risposta corretta: a o b.

1 Can I help you? a Yes, please. b Yes, I’ve got them.

2 How much is this top? a No, we haven’t. b It’s £15.99.

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3 Can I try it on, please? a Yes, of course. b No, it’s large.

4 What size are you? a I’m a medium. b It’s £9.80.

5 Is it OK? a Yes, we have. b Yes, it’s perfect.

6 Have you got them in large? a No, I haven’t. I’m sorry. b Yes, you can try it on.

Reading A

1 Leggi il brano. Poi scrivi a chi o a che cosa si riferiscono gli indizi elencati qui sotto.

1 Who isn’t good at a hobby?

2 Which room hasn’t got a TV camera?

3 Who is old?

4 What isn’t an ordinary pet?

BEHIND THE CAMERAThis week on Behind the Camera: 11-year-old Ben Walker, from the new TV series My House.

Hi, I’m Ben Walker. My family is a typical Britishfamily and we’ve got a typical house, but we’realso the stars of My House, the CNBE TV series.But what’s our house like and who are we? Our house Our house is in Leeds – it’s a big city in the North of England. The house is about half an hour from the centre of town. It’s got four bedrooms and a big bathroom upstairs and a living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs. My sister’s bedroom is very small, but I’m lucky – I’ve got a big bedroom. There are two big windows and I’ve got a nice view ofthe garden. We’ve also got a big garage, but the car isn’t in the garage. It’s full of things likebicycles, skateboards, and my dad’s windsurfer.My favourite place at home is the garden. It’s very big and it’s great for football with my friends. CNBE has got TV cameras in all the bedrooms, the kitchen, dining room and living room. They haven’t got any cameras in the bathroom, but there are three cameras in the garden! My family My sister Eve is ten years old and she’s interested in animals. She’s got two cats, a rabbit and a pet tarantula! The tarantula is verybig and it’s called Bobby. It’s in her bedroom and it’s horrible!

My dad Steve is very intelligent. He’s a mathematics professor at Leeds University. His passion is art, but he isn’t good at it. We’ve got lots of terrible paintings on our walls! My mum Carol is the funny person in our family. She’s really good at singing and she’s crazy about flowers. We’ve got flower curtains and flower carpets upstairs! My grandma, Betty, is 68 years old and she’s great! She’s really interested in cooking and herfood is fantastic. And then there’s me. My passion is Manchester United Football Club. I’ve got a lot of Manchester United posters on my walls. I’m theonly normal person in my family!

Page 21: COMPITI DI INGLESE PER LE VACANZE ESTIVE CLASSI PRIME a.s ... · 5 Paloma is from Spain. She’s . Grammar 2Scegli l’alternativa ... 4 This is Mandy and I’m Sue. d I’m your

Glossarycamera telecamera rabbit coniglioWhat’s your house like? Corm’è la nostra casa? flowers fioriview vista cooking cucinarefull of pieno di

2 Completa la guida TV.

TOP TV FOR WEDNESDAYMy House CNBE channel, 8.30pm ****

My House is an extraordinary programme about an ordinary family from

the city of 1 .

Ben is 2 years old and his passion is 3 .

His sister Eve has got lots of 4 .

The parents in My House are great too. Dad is very 5 , but

he’s terrible at art! Mum is a very 6 person, and grandma

is 7 years old, but she’s great!

On the show this week – Where is Bobby the tarantula?

3 Rileggi il brano e rispondi alle domande.

1 Who has got a small bedroom?


2 What is Ben’s favourite place at home?


3 Is the car in the garage?


4 How old is Eve?


5 What pets has she got?

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6 What is Ben’s mum crazy about?


7 What is grandma good at?


8 What has Ben got on his walls?


Focus on you

4 Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 What are you interested in? What are your passions?

2 Who is good at cooking in your family?

3 What’s your room like?


5 Scrivi le domande per completare il dialogo.

You Hi Sue! What’s your new house like?

Sue It’s really nice.

You 1 ?

Sue No, it’s a big house, and it’s got a big garden.

You 2 ?

Sue It’s quite small, but I’ve got a great view from my bedroom window.

You 3 ?

Sue Posters of Lily Allen, Busted and The Kaiser Chiefs … and a photo of my grandad.

You 4 ?

Sue I’ve got a bed, a bookshelf and a big desk for my homework.

You 5 ?

Sue Yes, it has, but we haven’t got a car. It’s got bikes and my dad’s things!

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6 Completa il modulo con informazioni sulla tua famiglia e sulla tua casa.

People in your house (brothers and sisters, grandparents, mum and dad)


Their hobbies and the things they are good at


Rooms in your house (bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen)


Garden or balcony?


Your favourite room in your house


7 Scrivi un paragrafo (25–35 parole) descrivendo la tua famiglia

e la tua casa usando le informazioni dell’es. 6.

Reading B

1 Leggi il brano e scrivi i nomi corretti.

Who …

1 has got a very old teacher?

2 often sees animals?

3 is in a very good team?

4 plays different sports in the summer and the winter?

5 plays matches on Saturdays?

6 does exams in his / her sport?

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Mad about sport!Andy Carter I’m thirteen years old, but I’m very good at cricket. Some people think cricket is a boring sport, but I think it’s fantastic. There isn’t a cricket club in my village, so I cycle 6 kilometres into Colchester on Sundays. The countryside near our village is beautiful and I often see animals when I cycle into town. When I finish my cricket lesson, I usually stay in Colchester and visit my aunt. She lives near the Colchester Cricket Club. Cricket is a summer sport and the team doesn’t play in the winter, but I often play football or go swimming.

Martha Tims I’m from Nottingham and I love sport. I play lots of team sports at school, but my favourite sport is hockey. I’m really good at it and I’m in the Nottingham Colts hockey team. It’s great fun, butit isn’t easy. After school, my dad drives me to hockey practice. We meet four evenings a week and train for two hours and I’m very tired when I come home! On Saturdays, we often play matches with other teams from the area. This year, we’re the Nottingham champions! One day, I want to play hockey for the British team and maybe in the Olympic Games.

Brett Wells I play football and cricket, but my big passion is karate. I go to the karate club twice a week at the sports centre, and once a month we have competitions with other karate clubs. It’s great fun. Our karate teacher is called Yun Wei Lee. He’s from China and he’s a really nice man. He’s got white hair and he’s my grandad’s age, but he’s amazing at karate!

Sometimes we have karate exams. When you pass an exam, you wear a different colour belt on your karate clothes. I’m an orange belt at the moment – it’s the third level and it means I’m quite good. There are seven belts and seven levels and the top belt is a black belt! One day I want to wear a black belt and be in a karate film, like Jet Li or Jackie Chan.

Glossaryvillage paese sports centre centro sportivocycle andare in bicicletta belt cinturatrain allenarsi level livello

2 Tutte queste frasi sono false. Rileggi il brano e correggile.

1 Andy lives in a big city.

2 He thinks cricket is boring.

3 Martha cycles to hockey practice.

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4 Her team isn’t very good.

5 Brett doesn’t play team sports.

6 His karate teacher is American.

3 Leggi il brano ancora una volta e rispondi alle domande.

1 Where is the cricket club?

2 How often does Andy go to cricket practice?

3 What does he usually do after cricket practice?

4 What sports does he play in the winter?

5 What’s the name of Martha’s team?

6 How often does she train?

7 What does she want to do one day?

8 How often does Brett go to karate club?

9 Where does his club meet?

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10 What does his club do once a month?

Focus on you

4 Completa il questionario sullo sport in modo personale.

Sports questionnaire1 What sports do you play?

2 How often do you have sports lessons at school?

3 What sports do you watch on TV?

4 Who is your favourite sports person and what sport is he / she famour for?

5 What other sports are popular in Italy?


5 Scrivi le domande per completare il dialogo.

You 1 ?

Kelly I like a lot of sports, but my favourite sport is football.

You 2 ?

Kelly Yes, I do. I’m in the Campton Hill Girl’s Football Club.

You 3 ?

Kelly We play twice or three times a week.

You 4 ?

Kelly We train at the old football stadium in town.

You 5 ?

Kelly Yes, we do. We play a lot of matches with other teams.

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You 6 ?

Kelly We usually play matches on Saturdays.

You 7 ?

Kelly Yes, I watch a lot of football matches on TV.

You 8 ?

Kelly Theo Walcott, from Arsenal. He’s amazing. I’ve got a poster of him on my wall.

6 Scrivi un paragrafo (35–50 parole) su sport che pratichi o che guardi. Usa le risposte al questionario dell’es. 4 e includi le seguenti informazioni. • sports you play at school • sports you like to play or watch in your free time • your favourite sports people • sports events you like (the World Cup, the Olympics) • popular sports in your country

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