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The Crucified God by Jürgen Moltmann

Jürgen Moltmann is a German Reformed Theologian, and also, he was a soldier in the Nazi Germany Army.

However, when Moltmann learned about the Nazi concentration camps, especially Auschwitz, he then surrendered to the first British soldier he encountered.

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While a prisoner of war, an army chaplain for the British army gave him a slimmed down bible, similar to a Gideon's bible. 

As Moltmann said it, "I didn't find Christ, he found me."

He went on to receive his Ph.D. and wrote many influential, yet controversial books due to being influenced by Karl Barth, Hegel, Tillich and others.

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• The Future God – by Brother Dagfinn Åslid 70s.

We do not drift through history with our backs to the future and our gaze returning ever and again to the origin, but we stride confidently towards the promised future.

It is not the primeval ancients who are near the truth and dwell nearer the gods, but it is to future generations that the promises are given in order that they may see the fulfilment.

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This quote from Moltmann's Theology of Hope is a good illustration of the Unification attitude towards the future; one might say that the future, rather than being an object of speculation and foretelling, is "that toward which we confidently stride."

But neither can it be said that the past is totally ignored, for without it we should be unable to act as hosts for the future and such is our eschatological task.


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Auschwitz and Hiroshima are certainly at the center of Moltmann's thought, especially considering one of his books is titled "A Theology of Hope." 

Considering the crisis of the two great world wars, many today equate "hope" with universalism.

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Theology of Hope by Jurgen Moltmann


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MoltmanTheology of Hope

I. What is the ‘Logos’ of Christian Eschatology?

Eschatology was long called the ‘doctrine of the last things’ or the ‘doctrine of the end’. By these last things were meant events which will one day break upon man, history and the world at the end of time.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

They included the return of Christ in universal glory, the judgment of the world and the consummation of the kingdom, the general resurrection of the dead and the new creation of all things.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

Christianity is eschatology, is hope, forward looking and forward moving, and therefore also revolutionizing and transforming the present.

The eschatological is not one element of Christianity, but it is the medium of Christian faith as such, the key in which everything in it is set, the glow that suffuses everything here in the dawn of an expected new day.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

For Christian faith lives from the raising of the crucified Christ, and strains after the promises of the universal future of Christ.

Eschatology is the passionate suffering and passionate longing kindled by the Messiah.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

The term ‘eschatology’ is wrong. There can be no ‘doctrine’ of the last things, if by ‘doctrine’ we mean a collection of theses which can be understood on the basis of experiences that constantly recur and are open to anyone.

Comment: In the Mind of Jesus was the full doctrine’ of the last things, reveled by God to him. So it will be at the return of Christ.Divine Principle fully describes the doctrine’ of the last things.

The Greek term logos refers to a reality which is there, now and always, and is given true expression in the word appropriate to it.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

2. The Believing Hope

In the contradiction between the word of promise and the experiential reality of suffering and death, faith takes its stand on hope and ‘hastens beyond this world’, said Calvin.

To believe does in fact mean to cross and transcend bounds, to be engaged in an exodus.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

It is only in following the Christ who was raised from suffering, from a god-forsaken death and from the grave that it gains an open prospect in which there is nothing more to oppress us, a view of the realm of freedom and of joy.

Where the bounds that mark the end of all human hopes are broken through in the raising of the crucified one, there faith can and must expand into hope.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

There its hope becomes a ‘passion for what is possible’ (Kierkegaard), because it can be a passion for what has been made possible.

There the extensio animi ad magna, as it was called in the Middle Ages, takes place in hope. Faith recognizes the dawning of this future of openness and freedom in the Christ event. The hope thereby kindled spans the horizons which then open over a closed existence. Faith binds man to Christ.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

3. The Sin of Despair

If faith thus depends on hope for its life, then the sin of unbelief is manifestly grounded in hopelessness. To be sure, it is usually said that sin in its original form is man’s wanting to be as God. But that is only the one side of sin. The other side of such pride is hopelessness, resignation, inertia and melancholy. From this arise the tristesse and frustration which fill all living things with the seeds of a sweet decay.

Comment: According to Divine Principle we ARE suposed to be like God and Jesus; Divine and Eternal and Happy.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

Thus despair, too, presupposes hope. ‘What we do not long for, can be the object neither of our hope nor of our despair’ (Augustine).

The pain of despair surely lies in the fact that a hope is there, but no way opens up towards its fulfillment.

Comment: The promise of Christs Return is there as fulfillment

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

4. Does Hope Cheat Man of the Happiness of the Present?

Pascal lamented this deceitful aspect of hope: ‘We do not rest satisfied with the present. We anticipate the future as too slow in coming, as if in order to hasten its course; or we recall the past, to stop its too rapid flight.

We scarcely ever think of the present; and if we think of it, it is only to take light from it to arrange the future. The present is never our end.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

Pascal lamented this deceitful aspect of hope: ‘We do not rest satisfied with the present. We anticipate the future as too slow in coming, as if in order to hasten its course; or we recall the past, to stop its too rapid flight.

So imprudent are we that we wander in times which are not ours, and do not think of the only one which belongs to us; and so idle are we that we dream of those times which are no more, and thoughtlessly overlook that which alone exists. . .

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

We scarcely ever think of the present; and if we think of it, it is only to take light from it to arrange the future.

The present is never our end. The past and the present are our means; the future alone is our end. So we never live, but we hope to live; and, as we are always preparing to be happy, it is inevitable we should never be so.’ /Blaise Pascal

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

Is the ‘present’ not the only time in which man wholly exists, which belongs wholly to him and to which he wholly belongs?

Is the ‘present’ not time and yet at once also more than timein the sense of coming and going -- namely, a nunc stans and to that extent also a nunc aeternum?Only of the present can it be said that it ‘is’, and only present being is constantly with us.

If we are wholly present -- tota simul -- then in the midst of time we are snatched from the transient and annihilating workings of time.

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

Thus Goethe, too, could say: ‘All these passing things we put up with; if only the eternal remains present to us every moment, then we do not suffer from the transience of time.’

He had found this eternally resting present in ‘nature’ itself, because he understood ‘nature’ as the physis that exists out of itself: ‘All is always present in it.

Past and future it does not know. The present is its eternity.’ Should not man, too, therefore become present like nature?

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

5. Hoping and Thinking

But now, all that we have so far said of hope might be no more than a hymn in praise of a noble quality of the heart. And Christian eschatology could regain its leading role in theology as a whole, yet still remain a piece of sterile theologizing if we fail to attain to the new thought and action that are consequently necessary in our dealings with the things and conditions of this world..

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MoltmanTheology of Hope

As long as hope does not embrace and transform the thought and action of men, it remains topsy-turvy and ineffective. Hence Christian eschatology must make the attempt to introduce hope into worldly thinking, and thought into the believing hope.

Source: Theology of Hope by Jurgen Moltmannwww.pubtheo.com/theologians/moltmann/theology-of-hope-0b.htm

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From Red Slides Presentation

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4.1 The Providential Causes 4.1 The Providential Causes of the of the World WarsWorld Wars



Conflicts in politics,economics, ideology

Wars break out due to such factors as conflicts of political and economic interests and clashes of ideology. Yet these are merely external causes, and there are also internal causes of wars.

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Accordingly, we cannot grasp the providential significance of the world wars by focusing only on external causes.

4.1 4.1 The Providential Causes The Providential Causes of the of the World WarsWorld Wars




Conflicts in politics,economics, ideology

God’s providenceof restoration

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What are the internal, providential causes of the world wars (p. 366) ?

What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

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The world wars have occurred:

What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

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1 Satan’s last desperate struggle

As a result of Satan’s last desperate struggle to preserve his sovereignty.


What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

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2 Indemnity conditions to restorethe three great blessings

1 Satan’s last desperate struggle

In order to fulfill the worldwide indemnity conditions to restore the three great blessings.


What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

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2the three great blessings


3 Overcome three temptations of Jesus

What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

In order that all humanity may overcome on the world level the three temptations by which Satan tempted Jesus (p. 367).


2 Indemnity conditions to restorethe three great blessings

Satan’s last desperate struggle

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4 Restore God’s sovereignty

What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

In order to fulfill the worldwide indemnity condition to restore God’s sovereignty.


3 Overcome three temptations of Jesus

2 Indemnity conditions to restorethe three great blessings

Satan’s last desperate struggle

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4 Restore God’s sovereignty

The world wars occur in three stages

What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?What are the Internal Causes of the World Wars ?

The world wars occur in three stages.

3 Overcome three temptations of Jesus

2 Indemnity conditions to restorethe three great blessings

Satan’s last desperate struggle

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In the political sphere, the First World War was a conflict between Abel-type democracies and Cain-type authoritarian states.

4.2 The First World War (1914 – 1918)4.2.1 Summary of the Providence in the First World War

Democracies AuthoritarianstatesPoliPoli


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ImperialistsImperialistson Satan’s sideon Satan’s side

Imperialistson God’s side


In the economic sphere, it was fought between the imperialistic nations on God’s side and the imperialistic nations on Satan’s side.

Democracies AuthoritarianstatesPoliPoli


4.2 The First World War (1914 – 1918)4.2.1 Summary of the Providence in the First World War

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ImperialistsImperialistson Satan’s sideon Satan’s side

Upholdersof Christianity


In the sphere of religion and ideology, the Abel-type nations of Great Britain, the United States, and France, which generally upheld Christianity, fought the Cain-type nations of Turkey, persecuting Christianity, and its allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary (p. 367-8).


PersecutorsPersecutorsof Christianityof Christianity

Britain - U.S. - France Germany - Austria - Turkey



Imperialistson God’s side




4.2 The First World War (1914 – 1918)4.2.1 Summary of the Providence in the First World War

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4.2.2 What Decides God’s Side and Satan’s Side?

Acting in line or in concertwith God’s providence

Satan’s sideOpposing God’s providence

Those acting in line or in concert with the direction of God’s providence are on the side of God, while those taking an opposing position are on the side of Satan.

God’s side

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In the First World War, the Allied Powers led by Great Britain, Russia, France, and the United States stood on God’s side.

Acting in line or in concertwith God’s providence

Allied Powers

Satan’s sideOpposing God’s providence



God’s side




4.2.2 What Decides God’s Side and Satan’s Side?

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Acting in line or in concertwith God’s providence

Allied Powers

Satan’s sideOpposing God’s providence





On the other hand, Germany and Austria-Hungary, the leading Central Powers, supported Turkey, a Muslim nation which persecuted Christianity. Therefore, together with Turkey, they stood on Satan’s side (p. 369).



Central Powers

God’s side

4.2.2 What Decides God’s Side and Satan’s Side?

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4.2.3 The Providential Causes behind the First World War

The First World War had to take place in order to:

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1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the formation stage

Fulfill the worldwide indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the formation stage.


4.2.3 The Providential Causes behind the First World War

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Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the formation stage

Have people on God’s side collectively overcome Jesus’ first temptation on the world level (p. 370).



Overcome Jesus’ first temptation2

4.2.3 The Providential Causes behind the First World War

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Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the formation stage

Overcome Jesus’ first temptation

Lay the formation-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty.




Formation-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty


4.2.3 The Providential Causes behind the First World War

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4.2.4 The Providential Results of the First World War

Victory of God’s side

First World War

The victory of God’s side in the First World War:

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1 Fulfilled the formation-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

Fulfilled the formation-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings worldwide.


Victory of God’s side

First World War

4.2.4 The Providential Results of the First World War

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1 Fulfilled the formation-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the first blessing

Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore God’s first blessing worldwide.


Victory of God’s side

First World War

4.2.4 The Providential Results of the First World War

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1 Fulfilled the formation-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the first blessing

3 Established the formation-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty

Established, through the victory of democracy, the formation-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty.


Victory of God’s sideFirst World War

4.2.4 The Providential Results of the First World War

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1 Fulfilled the formation-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the first blessing

3 Established the formation-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty

This laid the foundation for the birth of the returning Christ, and the formation stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent commenced (p. 371).

Victory of God’s sideFirst World War

Foundation for the returning Christ’s birthFoundation for the returning Christ’s birthFormation stage of the dispensation of the Second AdventFormation stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent

4.2.4 The Providential Results of the First World War

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4.3 The 4.3 The Second World War Second World War (1939 – 1945)(1939 – 1945)4.3.1 Summary of the Providence4.3.1 Summary of the Providence

in the in the Second World WarSecond World War





In the Second World War, democracy, while standing upon the formation stage victory attained in the First World War, defeated fascism and secured victory at the growth stage.

Secured victory at the growth stage

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In the Second World War, an alliance of the democratic nations of the United States, Great Britain and France led the nations on God’s side. Satan’s side was the alliance of the fascist nations: Germany, Japan and Italy (p. 372).

4.3.3 The Nations on God’s Side and the Nations on Satan’s Side in the Second World War




Satan’s sideGod’s side


I t a l I t a l yy


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In the beginning, it was due to the Fall of Adam, Eve and the Archangel that God’s three great blessings were not realized (p. 372-3).

Adam Eve








4.3.4 The Providential Roles of the Three Nations on God’s Side and Satan’s Side

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Adam Eve








Accordingly, during the Second World War, the three nations on God’s side representing Adam, Eve and the Archangel led the fight against the three nations on Satan’s side, which also represented Adam, Eve and the Archangel.

4.3.4 The Providential Roles of the Three Nations on God’s Side and Satan’s Side




I t a l yI t a l y


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4.3.4 The Providential Roles of the Three Nations on God’s Side and Satan’s Side

The victory of the nations on God’s side would make an indemnity condition for the restoration of the three great blessings.





I t a l yI t a l y


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4.3.4 The Providential Roles of the Three Nations on God’s Side and Satan’s Side


The United States, Great Britain, and France respectively represented Adam, Eve, and the Archangel on God’s side, and Germany, Japan, and Italy respectively represented Adam, Eve, and the Archangel on Satan’s side.




I t a l yI t a l y


Adam EveArchangel


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4.3.5 The Providential Causes4.3.5 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Second World WarSecond World War

The Second World War broke out in order to:

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Clouds forming the face of Jesusover Korea 1950

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Fulfill the worldwide indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the growth stage (p. 374).


1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the growth stage

4.3.5 The Providential Causes4.3.5 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Second World WarSecond World War

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Have people on God’s side overcome Jesus’ second temptation on the world level.


1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the growth stage

2 Overcome Jesus’ second temptation

4.3.5 The Providential Causes4.3.5 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Second World WarSecond World War

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Lay the growth-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty (p. 375).


1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the growth stage

2 Overcome Jesus’ second temptation

3 Growth-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty

4.3.5 The Providential Causes4.3.5 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Second World WarSecond World War

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4.3.6 The Providential Results of the 4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World WarSecond World War

Victory of God’s sideSecond World War

The victory of God’s side in the Second World War:

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1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

Victory of God’s sideSecond World War

Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings worldwide.


4.3.6 The Providential Results of the 4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World WarSecond World War

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1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the second blessing

Victory of God’s sideSecond World War

Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore God’s second blessing worldwide.


4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World War4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World War

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1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the second blessing

3 Established the growth-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty

Victory of God’s sideSecond World War

Established the growth-stage foundation to restore God’s sovereignty by laying the growth-stage foundation for the democratic world.


4.3.6 The Providential Results of the 4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World WarSecond World War

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The age for building a new heaven and new earth under the leadership of Christ at the Second Advent had begun, and the growth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent commenced.

1 Fulfilled the growth-stage indemnity condition to restore God’s three blessings

2 Fulfilled the indemnity condition to restore the second blessing

3 Established the growth-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty

New heaven and earth under the Second AdventNew heaven and earth under the Second AdventGrowth stage of the dispensation of the Second AdventGrowth stage of the dispensation of the Second Advent

Victory of God’s side

Second World War

4.3.6 The Providential Results of the 4.3.6 The Providential Results of the Second World WarSecond World War

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4.4 The Third World War4.4.1 Is the Third World War Inevitable?

At the consummation of human history, Satan’s side and God’s side will strive until they each attain sovereignty over a world (p.376).

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4.4 The Third World War4.4.1 Is the Third World War Inevitable?

This is why the democratic world and communist world stand confronting each other.




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4.4 The Third World War4.4.1 Is the Third World War Inevitable?

Consequently, it became inevitable that there be world wars, first to divide and then to unify these two worlds.


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4.4 The Third World War4.4.1 Is the Third World War Inevitable?

The First and Second World Wars had the providential purpose of dividing the globe into the communist world and democratic world.

Wars to divide(First and Second)



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4.4 The Third World War4.4.1 Is the Third World War Inevitable?

Afterward, yet another war must take place to bring about their unification. This conflict is the Third World War.

Wars to divide(First and Second)

UnifiedUnified WorldWorld

( T h i r d )War to unify




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Through the Third World War, God intends that the democratic world subjugate the communist world and build the ideal world (p. 377).

4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the 4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the Third World WarThird World War



Build the ideal worldBuild the ideal world


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God’s side is to found the perfect Abel-type view of life based on the new truth and complete the worldwide completion-stage foundation for democracy.

4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the Third World War4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the Third World War


Build the ideal worldBuild the ideal worldCompletion-stage foundation for democracyCompletion-stage foundation for democracy

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4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the 4.4.2 Summary of the Providence in the Third World WarThird World War

God’s side is then to guide all of humanity into one unified world (p. 378).


Build the ideal worldBuild the ideal worldCompletion-stage foundation for democracyCompletion-stage foundation for democracyGuide all of humanity into one unified worldGuide all of humanity into one unified world


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4.4.3 The Providential Causes4.4.3 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Third World WarThird World War

The Third World War has to take place in order to:

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1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the completion stage

4.4.3 The Providential Causes4.4.3 The Providential Causesbehind the behind the Third World WarThird World War

Fulfill the worldwide indemnity condition to restore God’s three great blessings at the completion stage.


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Have the people on God’s side overcome Jesus’ third temptation on the world level (p. 378-9).


1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the completion stage

2 Overcome Jesus’ third temptation

4.4.3 The Providential Causes4.4.3 The Providential Causesbehind the Third World Warbehind the Third World War

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1 Indemnity condition to restoreGod’s three great blessingsat the completion stage

2 Overcome Jesus’ third temptation

4.4.3 The Providential Causes4.4.3 The Providential Causesbehind the Third World Warbehind the Third World War

Completion-stage foundationfor the restoration of God’s sovereignty


3 Lay the completion-stage foundation for the restoration of God’s sovereignty.

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4.4.4 The Providential Results of the 4.4.4 The Providential Results of the Third World WarThird World War

By winning victory in the three world wars, which belong to the final chapter of providential history,God intends to restore through indemnity the entire providence, which was prolonged to the third stage.


1 Restore the entire providence,prolonged to the third stage

Victory of God’s sideVictory of God’s sideThree World Three World WarsWars

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4.4.4 The Providential Results of the 4.4.4 The Providential Results of the Third World WarThird World War

Spiritual and physical salvation

1 Restore the entire providence,prolonged to the third stage

2 Restoration completed(God’s Word

God’s lineage)

The providence of restoration can be completed only after fallen people restore their heart toward God through God’s life–giving Word, are saved both spiritually and physically, and inherit God’s lineage.


Victory of God’s Victory of God’s sideside

Three World WarsThree World Wars

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3 God’s ideal world

4.4.4 The Providential Results of the 4.4.4 The Providential Results of the Third World WarThird World War

Spiritual and physical salvation

1 Restore the entire providence,prolonged to the third stage

2 Restoration completed(God’s Word

God’s lineage)

The victories of God’s side will fully restore through indemnity all the aspects of the providence of restoration and realize God’s ideal world.


Victory of God’s sideVictory of God’s sideThree World WarsThree World Wars

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2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ

M Luther (1483-1546)

R. SteinerAntroposophy

Korean Phophecies

Nostradamus 1503-1566

Swedenborg 1688-1772


Tagore Yeats


St John of Patmos

Fatima Ford Vanga1930s Branham

Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok

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Fletcher: The Jesus of Galilee will not return – it is not necessary.

The Christ who manifested through him is the Eternal – he will manifest again. 

(Comment: New Adam)

Sitting with Arthur Ford, November 2, 1964

Arthur Ford was one of Americas most famous mediums.Fletcher is Fords contact in the Spir. World.A meeting was arranged with SMM during his 1964/65 visit.

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But at the end of the age from which you are just emerging you enter a New Age. 

It was said that there would be many false Christs and many people would claim to be what they were not and they would lead the people astray in many directions. And those are the people who are just as real as the rest of us, but who have for some reason refused to accept the spiritual heritage which they had a right to claim.

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And out of the shambles of a crumbling civilization and above the cries of distress that you hear in every part of your world today, there is a plan slowly and definitely unfolding to restore man to the state of perfection which is necessary if he is to live happily and handle wisely the instruments that materialistic science has wrested from this mysterious and growing universe.

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And he has the rare quality of projecting himself, which isn't a miracle really. 

Mr. Moon in deep meditation can project himself and be seen just as Jesus has been able to project himself and be seen by the saints. 

This is one of the marks - of the messiahs always.

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Anthony Brooke: Can you say how near we are to such a breakthrough of universal truth?

Fletcher: You are in the process now. But before Jesus became manifest there were people who had been prepared - John the Baptist came prepared. But the world has grown and multiplied. 

It takes not one man in a little country to be a John the Baptist, but many men in many countries to herald the coming. – (That includes all you who are listening/reading)

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But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful. That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go. 

And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail.

And it is of God.

Page 89: DP & Moltmann

He is doing exactly what Jesus in his life tried to do! 

The religion of tomorrow will not be called Christian as you know it now. You are already living in a New Age, a post-Christian age.

Principles of the Christ are not limited to any age.

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Mr. Moon reminded me that in the Book of Revelation there is a picture of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down out of the heavens.

And there was a door on the east and a door on the south, a door on the north and a door on the west –and when the teacher comes, he always has to come through the eastern gate.

In the Holy City of Jerusalem there is an eastern gate long since sealed and blocked. It will never be opened until the new teacher comes. /Arthur Ford sitting 1965


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The Hebrew name of the Golden Gate is Sha'ar Ha Rachamim ( הרחמים Gate  ,(שערof Mercy. In Jewish sources the eastern gate of the Temple compound is called the Shushan Gate., this would make it the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.

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According to Jewish tradition, the Shekhinah כינה) Divine Presence) used to appear through the eastern Gate, and will appear again when the Anointed One (Messiah) comes (Ezekiel 44:1–3)

Comment : Divine Principle claims Messiah comes from the East, Korea!

I can only repeat the vision of John, that when the New Age comes, the Eastern Gate will open, and not only man –

but Revelation – will flow out of that gate. /Fletcher

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At His ascension, the veil was removed and the Son appeared in glory, (Acts. 7 v.55-56) never to have that glory veiled again. When He returns to this earth to set His feet on the Mount of Olives, (Zech. 14 v.4) all who dwell on the earth "shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory"; (Matt. 24 v.30, Rev. 19 v.11-16)

1969Mount of Olives

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Curiosa: The Chapter on Sun Myung Moon sittingswere removed from later printings of the book.All due to discrimination and negativity.

A reflexion of the media athmospere of the 80s.

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Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

"Christ will Return as a peacemaker"

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2000 year of preparation for the 2nd Coming of Christ

M Luther (1483-1546)

R. SteinerAntroposophy

Korean Phophecies

Nostradamus 1503-1566

Swedenborg 1688-1772


Tagore Yeats


St John of Patmos

Fatima Ford Vanga1930s Branham

Korean prophecy Chung Gam Rok

Page 97: DP & Moltmann

Who Is He?by Sung Mo Koo

The Messiah down to earth in secret

The Korean Books of Prophecy



Page 98: DP & Moltmann

EAST GARDEN 21st November ’98

Hoon Dok Hae

'WHO IS HE? A BOOK OF PROPHECY' by independent journalist Mr Ku Sung Mo

After 20 years of studying prophecy by many Korean prophets throughout the ages Mr Ku concludes that someone must come to Korea as the second coming of Buddha, Christ or Confucius.

He writes quite directly that Sun Myung Moonis the one.

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Chapter 2 - The Korean Books Of Prophecy

A white cross, a great heavenly way that unifies Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and all other religions into one.

He will come April year (2000-2001) or 2024-2025 (Moon Calendar).

Believe in God (this is the teaching of the holy man who came from Heaven).

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The fortune of this Messiah is as the coming of Buddha (Second Coming of Buddha to this world). When this time arrives, the entire world will be in chaos. Fire will fly and fall to the ground and the world will become hopelessly confused.

There will be no place for even one evil spirit to reside in the new world.

The whole world will be unified and once again return to the original point.

The families who read these messages are the blessed ones.

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Within four years or thirty years (1998-2028) there will be a final showdown between this Holy man and evil. He will start doing his work in the centre of Yong San. He is the one who came here to do God's will. Who is he?

Two saints will be sent the first will be the false one. The second will be true and have the name Moon. Only the ones with (spiritual) eyes will be able to recognise him.

He will be born in North Korea. He will marry many young people and go through many persecutions.

Who else can it be other than the Rev Sun Myung Moon.

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Messianic Acceptance


Human Respons- Ability



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Benny AnderssonSweden

Page 104: DP & Moltmann

If he (Jesus) had been allowed to live He would have gone on teaching and in the end, been accepted by all as the Son of God, and the world would have becomea better place for it.

But Man has free will and He was put to death and the plans made by God were thwarted. 

1981Ken Akehurst

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Benny AnderssonSweden

Page 106: DP & Moltmann

John the Baptist of 2000 years ago was a person of tremendous influence, enjoying great prestige all over Israel as a great man of God -- just like Billy Graham of today, a great Christian leader.

Let us say some unknown young man suddenly appeared and began proclaiming himself to the world as the Son of God. As a student of the scriptures, you would ask him, "If you are the Son of God, where is the promised Elijah?" If this man said, "Do you not know that Billy Graham is Elijah?"

what would be your reaction?

Page 107: DP & Moltmann

You would undoubtedly say, "Impossible! How could Billy Graham be Elijah? He did not come out of the blue sky. We all know he came from North Carolina!"You could not accept that, could you? Precisely this same kind

of unbelief confronted our Lord Jesus Christ.

People could not accept John the Baptist as Elijah, simply because he did not come from the sky. The people of 2,000 years ago were stubborn in their belief that the prophecy of Elijah's return must be fulfilled literally, that he must come from the sky. They were the victims of the letter of the Old Testament

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We must not doubt the messages from spirit world. When we enter there, we will be measured by our belief in spirit world messages.

/ SMM Dec1, 2000

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Benny AnderssonSweden

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Exposition of the Divine Principle1996 Translation

PART IIChapter 5

The Period of Preparationfor the Second Advent of the Messiah

• In the course of the providence of restoration, a false representation of the ideal appears before the emergence of its true manifestation. The biblical prophecy that the antichrist (Communism) will appear before the return of Christ is an illustration of this truth.


Page 111: DP & Moltmann

Tamar became pregnant with twins who fought within her womb.

The time of birth came and the first son, Zerah, pushed out his hand. The midwife tied a scarlet thread around his wrist.

This was a symbolical prediction that in the time of the Last Days communism, a satanic ideology, represented by the - color red, would appear first before God's kingdom is established.

SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972

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After 7,000 biblical years--6,000 years of restoration history plus the millennium, the time of completion – communism will fall in its 70th year.

Here is the meaning of the year 1978. Communism, begun in 1917, could maintain itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the border line and afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year (1987) it will be altogether ruined.

/SunMyungMoon April 1972 Paris, France

SunMyungMoon Prophecy of 1972

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East-West tension

Chilly war re-starting !

Arab Spring

IsisRefugee crisis


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There are hundreds of billions of spirits in the spirit world. Billions of spirits are on the attack to take hold over the physical world. Neurosis is one resultant phenomenon of this reality.

After the year 2000, people will be able to communicate with each other spiritually. Whether they communicate with evil or good spirits, they may fight even if they are ordered not to make war.

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This time could come, but the mission of the Unification Principle is to prevent this.A tall tower produces radio interference. The phenomena of neurosis are like that.

The most fearful thing would be if only evil spirits mobilized and attacked the physical world.

What would happen if that were case?

Regardless of the number of people on earth, they would all be attacked by evil spirits.

/CSG 2006 Book 5 7:2

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The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are

similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time. 

Church level1960

Page 117: DP & Moltmann

The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are

similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time. 

Church levelWorld level

1960 2003

Page 118: DP & Moltmann

The shape of Korea: special meaning according to the I Ching. It looks like the archangel blowing a trumpet. Rev 8:6; 1 Thess. 4:16

USA has the role of roman-empire 2000 years ago.DP: The situations unfolding in Christianity today are

similar to those which took place in Judaism at Jesus' time. 

Church levelWorld level

Cosmic level

1960 20032013

Page 119: DP & Moltmann

The Korean flag is called taegukki. Its appearance symbolizes the principles of yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. 

The circle in the center is divided into two equal parts. 

The upper red section represents the ”positive” cosmic energy yang. Similarly, the lower blue section symbolizes, the ”negative” cosmic 

forces yin. 

The two forces together embody the concept of perpetual motion and balance and harmony 

that characterize the eternal realm. (KoH)

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Benny AnderssonSweden

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"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of that old Negro spiritual, 

"Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!"

Dr. Martin Luther King

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Unification Church Universal Holy Blessing

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Tree of LifeBenny Andersson


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Remarkable Messages from the Spiritual Realmwww.messagesfromspiritworld.info/

Sung Han Lee2000-2002

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In Order To Realize the World Of PeaceRev. Sun Myung Moon

February 6, 2003


A prophecyI would like to ask you to take deep interest in the prophecy that I am about to make. Humankind is at a turning point. This era is that long-awaited time in which the power of God will become manifest in our lives, even though He is invisible and has seemed almost powerless and nonexistent in the past.

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In Order To Realize the World Of PeaceRev. Sun Myung Moon

February 6, 2003


The time has come when the absolute power of God, who is the Lord of the holy order and laws which really do exist in all things and in the universe, will manifest in amazing ways and be experienced by people in their daily lives.

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In this way, humankind will naturally experience the laws of the universe, and become true people through a clear change in character.

Through this, people will learn that the existing order of the universe and the relationships of humankind were not made to be centered on oneself or self-interest; rather, they were made to live for the sake of others altruistically.

Page 128: DP & Moltmann

FinalProphecyfor 2013

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

July 24, 20106.13 by the Heavenly Calendar

Manhattan Center, New York City

I have already proclaimed that

January 13, 2013 (Moon Cal.) = February 22, 2013 (Solar Calendar) will be “Foundation Day.”

That day will be the actual beginning of God’s Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk.

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FinalProphecyfor 2013

Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. An unavoidable time is upon us today when we must invest ourselves completely with a life or death commitment for these remaining three years under the guidance of the True Parents who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of Kings.

All the good spirits in the spirit world are mobilized and are already moving forward, a step ahead of you.

Page 130: DP & Moltmann


Aju! (2006)

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I am working hard to send my anointed representatives to all nations. The era in which they live is one in which mistakes such as that of John the Baptist will never be repeated.

Unlike Jesus, whose time ended abruptly through his going the way of the cross, I surely will complete the restoration of God's homeland on this earth, as I have received Heaven's seal as the King of Peace.

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With God and the King of Peace as the central axis, I shall lead the anointed representatives sent throughout the world and so create the original ideal kingdom of everlasting peace. /Book 13 Peace Messages

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Great Future for Mankind´True Parents for Heaven Earth

and Humankind

Golden Age

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According to the Buddhist scriptures, Udumbara is an imaginary flower that only blossoms every 3000 years when the King of Falun comes to the human world.

This heavenly flower is a sign of rare preciousness and a miracle.

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Prophecies are not for the purpose of the satisfaction of human curiosity, rather to prepare us for the future.

Mans 5% + Gods 95% = 100 % Fulfillment of Gods Will! Be Responsible – Witness - Do Good!

We are at the center of the providence. On us it depends whether we will bring blessing or curs in our future. 5%/5%

/Nostradamus, the Korean Prophecy and the Bible Yulian Marianov September 14, 2010

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So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail;but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” 

/Gamaliel, a teacher of the Law held in honor by all the people

/Acts of the Apostles, chapt 5, vers 34-42

Page 138: DP & Moltmann

Conclusion: Let Gamaliels word of 2000 years today again ring true in our modern time.

if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail;but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them.

And let the hard test of time…Show the truth in True Parents, the Blessingand the new Holy Words over 18 meter high book pile.

Page 139: DP & Moltmann

It is the Word of the Lord of the Second Advent that convince Future Mankind that Christ has come!

She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. Rev 12:5 &19:12

The Messiah will come with a "New Name“ = New Adam

Page 140: DP & Moltmann

…rule all nations with a rod of iron (Truth). Rev 12:5

Page 141: DP & Moltmann


There was great rejoicing on September 1, 2015 in Cheong Pyeong, Korea, with the successful publication of the Cham Bumo Gyeongin Korean, English and Japanese.

Page 142: DP & Moltmann

Expressions of Truth!www.euro-tongil.org/swedish/english/DP96/


Until Original Mission of Jesus

After the Coming of Heaven

Life and Mission of

Second Coming

Page 143: DP & Moltmann

References:Main Source: Divine Principle: www.unification.net/dp96Journal of Unification Studies Volume: www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Publications/JUS-8-2007/JUS-8-2007-7.htmSpeeches by Sun Myung Moon: www.tparents.org/Lib-Moon-Talk.htmCheon Seong Gyeong www.euro-tongil.org/swedish/csg+ Unification and Christian friends and some own Inspiration

Share the Gospel of GospelsChrist has Returned

A New Bright Future for Sinless Mankind

Page 144: DP & Moltmann

Short Vocabulary:AGS =Absolute Good SpiritsCBG = Chambumo Gyeong, Holy TextbookCSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy TextbookCIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoHCP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground KoreaDP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second AdventOT = Old TestamentNT = New TestamentCT = Completed TestamentTF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung MoonTM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han MoonTTM = Teaching and Textbook Material (G=Great)UC = Unification ChurchSee also extended Vocabulary:http://www.slideshare.net/bdp003/vocabulary-uc

Page 145: DP & Moltmann

Have a great Blessed week. by Bengt de Paulis

Thank you for watching/listening!

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