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Page 1: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia
Page 2: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae


AYURVEDIC POINT srl Presidente e Amministratore Delegato dal 2001 Direttore Centro di Medicina Ayurvedica “Ayurvedic Point” - Milano dal 2001 Direttore Scuola di Medicina Ayurvedica “Ayurvedic Point” - Milano dal 2001

certificata ISO9001


ORDINE DEI MEDICI DI MILANO Membro della Commissione Medicine Non Convenzionali dal 2009

WHO - WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Membro del Gruppo di Lavoro per la definizione delle Linee Guida Internazionali per la Pratica dell’Ayurveda e del Panchakarma dal 2018 Membro del Gruppo di Lavoro per l’update delle Linee Guida Internazionali per l’insegnamento dell’Ayurveda dal 2018

UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Corso elettivo di Introduzione all’Ayurveda Docente di Ayurveda dal 2018


S-VYASA UNIVERSITY, BANGALORE, INDIA Expert External Reviewer - PhD program Yoga & Life Sciences Research Area dal 2014

UNI - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI NORMAZIONE Coordinatore del Tavolo di Lavoro per il riconoscimento della Professione di tecnico di Ayurveda dal 2013

ANCIENT SCIENCE OF LIFE a multidisciplinary scientific research journal in Ayurveda

Chief Editor - International Office dal 2014


Page 3: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF VEDIC STUDIES MONTREAUX, SVIZZERA Capo dell’Educazione Medica dal 2006 Membro del Comitato Scientifico dal 2006






INTERNATIONAL AYURVEDIC MEDICAL JOURNAL Membro del Comitato Scientifico dal 2013

SCIENZA E CONOSCENZA Membro del Comitato Scientifico dal 2018

JOURNAL OF AYURVEDA AND INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Membro dell’Editorial e Review Boards dal 2009

ANNALS OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE Membro dell’Editorial e Review Boards dal 2010


Page 4: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae



Facoltà di Medicina, Firenze, Italia • Dipartimento di Neurologia Studente interno 1978 - 1984 Ricercatore borsista 1984 - 1986 Co-investigatore 1984 - 1986 Progetto del CNR:

"Studio genetico della malattia di Alzheimer familiare" (P.I. Prof. L.Amaducci) Specializzando in Neurologia 1984 - 1988

ESERCITO ITALIANO Corpo di Sanità, Firenze, Italia • Consultorio Psicologico Militare “Monte Uliveto” Assistente Medico 1985 - 1986

CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Facoltà di Medicina Cleveland, Ohio, USA • Divisione di Neuropatologia Ricercatore Associato 1986 - 1989 Capo del Laboratorio di Colture Cellulari 1986 - 1989 Co-investigatore NIH (National Institute of Health) programma di ricerca: 1986 - 1988 "Aging changes in neuronal functions and structure" (P.I. Prof. R. J. Lasek) NIA (National Institute of Aging) research project: 1987 - 1989 "Studies in synaptosomes and axons" (P.I. Prof. P. Gambetti)

LABORATORI DI RICERCA FIDIA Abano Terme, Italia • Departimento di Neuroscienze Ricercatore Senior 1989 - 1990 Capo del Laboratorio di neuropatologia dell’invecchiamento 1990 - 1991 • Divisione Ricerca e Sviluppo Drug Development Manager 1991 - 1992 Sviluppo e cordinamento del programma di ricerca sperimentale e clinica su "Infiammazione Neurogena" Organizazione del simposio internazionale: "Symposium on neurogenic inflammation " (Ott. 1991, Roma, Italia) Membro del “Comitato Sviluppo Farmaco” della Fidia SpA Capo del Project Management della Divisione Ricerca e Sviluppo 1992 – 1993


Page 5: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998

ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia • Direzione Ricerca Preclinica 1994 - 1999 Coordinatore Progetti Preclinici (Staff del Direttore Ricerca Preclinica) • Divisione Business Development 1996 - 1999 Consulente Scientifico

ELI LILLY and COMPANY Indianapolis, USA • Lilly Research Laboratories Consulente Organizzazione Ricerca e Sviluppo 1996 - 2000

UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO Facoltà di Farmacia • Corso di Medicine Non Convenzionali Docente di Ayurveda 2006 - 2013

UNIVERSITÀ DI BRESCIA Facoltà di Medicina • Corso di Medicine Non Convenzionali Docente di Ayurveda 2007 - 2012

UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA Facoltà di Sociologia • Corso di Alta Formazione in “Sociologia della Salute e Medicine Non Convenzionali” Docente e responsabile del modulo di Ayurveda 2008 - 2010

UNIVERSITÀ DI MILANO-BICOCCA Facoltà di Sociologia e di Medicina • Master in “Sistemi Sanitari, Medicine Tradizionali e Non convenzionali” Docente e responsabile del modulo di Ayurveda 2011 - 2018 UNIVERSITÀ DI FIRENZE Facoltà di Medicina • Master in Medicina Naturale Docente di Ayurveda 2011 - 2012

DIPARTIMENTO AYUSH (AYURVEDA, YOGA, UNANI, SIDDHA E OMEOPATIA), MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE, GOVERNO DELL’INDIA. • Co-Chairman per l’Europa - Research and Clinical Care Working Group 2010 - 2014 • Membro - Education Working Group 2009 - 2014


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Page 7: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

CONGRESSI INTERNAZIONALI Direttore Scientifico • 1st International Congress on Ayurveda: the meaning of life - awarness, environment and health 21-22 Marzo 2009, Milan, Italy 2009

• 1st International Seminar of Research on Ayurveda - IRSA 14-15 Settembre 2014, Birstein, Germany 2014

• 2nd International Seminar of Research on Ayurveda - IRSA 14-15 Settembre 2015, Birstein, Germany 2015

• 3rd Meeting International Network For Development Of Research In Ayurveda - INDRA 19 Settembre 2016, Milan, Italy 2016

• 3rdInternational Congress on Ayurveda: the meaning of life - the future in the tradition 16-19 Settembre 2016, Milan, Italy 2016

Coordinatore Internazionale e Membro del Comitato Scientifico • 4th World Ayurveda Congress 9-13 December 2010, Bangalore, India 2010 Co-Chairman of the Plenary Opening Session on “Public Health” 2010

• 2nd International Seminar Ayurveda Redefined - Essence|Explore|Expand 4 December 2010 - Thrissur, Kerala, India 2010

• International Conference on Recent Advances in Safety and Efficacy of Ayurvedic Formulations 24-26 February 2011, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India 2011

• World conference on Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy and Unani systems of Indian Medicine and Arogya Expo, 5-8 January 2012, Pune, India 2012

• 5th World Ayurveda Congress December 2012, Bhopal, India 2012

• Co-Chairman dell’Assemblea dei Delegati Internazionali 5th World Ayurveda Congress December 2012, Bhopal, India 2012

• 5° Congresso Europeo di Medicina Integrativa 21-22 Settembre 2012, Firenze, Italia 2012


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae


Diploma Maturità Liceo Scientifico "G. Battaglini", Taranto 1971-1976 Laurea Magistrale Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia 1976-1984 Università di Firenze, Facoltà di Medicina

Postgraduate Esame di Stato per la pratica medica 1984 Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi di Milano n. 41228

Specialista in Neurologia 1984-1988 Dipartimento di Neurologia Università di Firenze, Facoltà di Medicina

Training in Neuropatologia 1986-1989 Division of Neuropathology Institute of Pathology, Medical School Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH, USA

Corso di Biologia Molecolare degli Ormoni in Endocrinologia e Farmacologia 1990 Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini Milan, Italy

Corso in General Management 1992 ISTUD (Institute for Business and Managerial Studies) FIDIA Farmaceutici Abano Terme, Italia

Corso in Project Management 1992 ISTUD (Institute for Business and Managerial Studies) Stresa (Novara), Italia

Training in Psicoterapia della Gestalt 1997-2001 CSTG Centro Studi di Terapia della Gestalt Siena, Italia

Training in Ayurveda 1996-1999 Maharishi Vedic University Valkenburg (Olanda – Italia)


Page 9: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

Diploma in Ayurveda (Ayurveda Vaidya) 1997-2000 Joytinat International College of Ayurveda (Italia) e Ayurveda Academy (Pune, India)

Specialista in Ayurvedic Panchakarma 2002-2006 Ayurvedic Institute Ashtavaidyan Thaikat Moss’ SNA Oushadhasala (Thrissur, Kerala, India)

Medico Esperto in Ayurveda 2010 Ordine provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi, Milano, Italia Registro MNC - Ayurveda n. 002


Britton Fellowship in Neuropathology 1988-1989 Division of Neuropathology Institute of Pathology, Medical School Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH, USA

Ayurveda Acharya (dottorato onorario) 2003 Ayurvedic Institute Ashtavaidyan Thaikat Moss’ SNA Oushadhasala Thrissur, Kerala, India

IASTAM Zandu International Award (Indian Association for the Study of Asia Medicine) Excellence in Field of Ayurvedic and/or Natural Products 2017

ECIM Award (European Congress of Integrative Medicine) per la migliore pubblicazione clinica del 2019 2019

Milano 24 gennaio 2020

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Il sottoscritto è consapevole che in caso di dichiarazione mendace sarà punito ai sensi del Codice Penale secondo quanto prescritto dall'art. 76 del succitato D.P.R. 445/2000 e che, inoltre, qualora dal controllo effettuato emerga la non veridicità del contenuto di taluna delle dichiarazioni rese, decadrà dai benefici conseguenti al provvedimento eventualmente emanato sulla base della dichiarazione non veritiera (art. 75 D.P.R. 445/2000).


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

Appendice 1 BREVETTI

(Apr, 2 1992: WO1992/005278) "Method for the determination of the differential expression of mRNA for the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP)" Inventors: Della Valle Francesco, Morandi Antonio, Negro Alessandro, Callegaro Lan-franco

(Jul, 22 1992: CN1062925) "Method for determination of differential expression of mRNA for Amyloid Precursor Protein" Inventors: Della Valle Francesco, Morandi Antonio, Negro Alessandro, Callegaro Lan-franco


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae


1.Sorbi S., Piacentini S., Bracco L., Morandi A., Amaducci L.: "Lateralization of energetic metabolism in human temporal cortex" Proc. Italian Society of Biochemistry - Neurochemistry Group (1983).

2.Sorbi S., Piacentini S., Bracco L., Morandi A., Amaducci L.: "Lateralization of cholinergic and energy related enzymes in human temporal cortex" Proc. Conference Wilson Lodge at Ogle Bay Park (1983).

3.Sorbi S., Bracco L., Piacentini S., Morandi A., Amaducci L.: "Chemical lateralization in human temporal cortex" Monogr. Neural Sci.: 11, 157-62 (1984).

4.Morandi A.: "Asimmetry of glycolitic enzymes in human temporal cortex". Proc. 24th congress It. Soc. Neurol. : P208, 161 (1984).

5.Morandi A.: "Asimmetry of energetic metabolism enzymes in human temporal cortex". MD. Thesis, University of Firenze, Italy, pp.93 (1984).

6.Amaducci L., Sorbi S., Bracco L., Morandi A., Piacentini S.: "Chemical asymmetries in human brain" Neurology supp. 323: 97 (1985).

7.Armellini M., Morandi A.: "L'intelligenza artificiale nella medicina" (Artificial Intelligence in Medicine) Medicina & Computer 1, 0: 4-5 (1986).

8.Morandi A.: "Banche dati: guida all'uso" (Data Banks: a user guide) Medicina & Computer 1, 1: 4-7 (1986).

9.Sorbi S., Bracco L., Piacentini S., Morandi A., Amaducci L.: "Lateralization of cholinergic and energy metabolism related enzymes in human temporal cortex" In: "Dynamics of cholinergic function", I. Hanin ed.,Plenum Press, New York: 93-98 (1986).

10.Morandi A., Gambetti P., Arora P.K., Sayre L.M.: "Mechanism of neurotoxic action of b-b-imino-dipropionitrile (IDPN): idroxilation enhances neurotox-

ic potency". Brain Res. 437: 69-76 (1987).


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

11.Morandi A., Fried V., Smith H., Perry G., Gambetti P.: "Ubiquitin response in cultured nervous tissue after heat shock and aluminum intoxication". Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 13: 1327 (1987).

12.Morandi A., Fried V., Smith H., Welch W., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Ubiquitin and other stress proteins in cultured nervous tissue after heat shock and aluminum intoxi-

cation" J. Neurop. Exp. Neurol. 47: 331 (1988).

13.Tabaton M., Morandi A., Masters C., Beyreuther K., Perry G., Gambetti P., Autilio- Gambetti L.:

"Immunoreactivity of fibroblasts from Alzheimer's, Down and control cases with antiserum to amyloid synthetic peptide".

J. Neurop. Exp. Neurol. 47: 336 (1988).

14.Morandi A.: "Stress proteins (Heat Shock Proteins) in cultured neurons: role in neurodegenerative diseases". Neurology PhD thesis, University of Firenze, Italy, pp.55 (1988).

15.Kovacs D., Morandi A., Groger R., Golde T,E., Younkin L., Tykocinsky M., Perry G., Autilio-Gam-betti L., Gambetti P.: "Analysis of mRNA content for the b-amyloid precursor protein in fibroblasts from aged, Alzheimer

and Down donors" J. Neurop. Exp. Neurol. 47: 332 (1988).

16.Kovacs D., Morandi A., Strocchi P., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Expression of b-amyloid precursor protein gene in fibroblasts: study of Alzheimer's disease and

Down syndrome" In "Molecular probes: Technology and medical applications": 132 (1988).

17.Arora P.K., Morandi A., Gambetti P., Sayre L.M.: "Mechanism of neurotoxic action of b,b-imino-dipropionitrile (IDPN)" Proc. Chemical Soc. of North America (Medicinal chemistry section): 121 (1988).

18.Morandi A., Welch W., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Different stress conditions in cultured nervous tissue: response of heat shock proteins and ubiquitin

system" Alzheimer disease and associated disorders 2 (3): 199 (1988).

19.Kovacs D., Morandi A., Tabaton M., Perry G., Masters C., Robakis N., Groger R., Tykocinsky M., Gambetti P., Autilio-Gambetti L.:

"Amyloid precursor protein in cultured human cells" Alzheimer disease and associated disorders 2 (4): 402 (1988).


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20.Morandi A., Welch W., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Heat shock proteins and ubiquitin in cultured nervous tissue" Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 14: 1087 (1988).

21.Gambetti P., Welch W., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L., Morandi A.: "Concomitant presence of ubiquitin and Tau protein in experimental neuronal inclusions" Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 14: 897 (1988).

22.Autilio-Gambetti L., Morandi A., Tabaton M., Schaetzle B., Kovacs D., Perry G., Greenberg B., Gambetti P., :

"The amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer disease is expressed as a 130 kDa polypeptide in vari-ous cultured cell types"

FEBS Letters 241 (1,2): 94-98 (1988).

23.Osofsky L.R., Morandi A., Profenna L., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Induced neuronal inclusions containing ubiquitin, tau and neurofilament epitopes" J. Cell Biol. 107, (6,3): 295a (1989).

24.Osofsky L.R., Morandi A., Wicker N., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Experimental induction of neuronal inclusions " J. Neurop. Exp. Neurol. 48: 342 (1989).

25.Autilio-Gambetti L., Morandi A., Kovacs D.M., Tabaton M., Schaetzle B., Hauer C., Groger R.K., Tykocinsky M., Perry G., Greenberg B.D., Satish S., Cornette J., Gambetti P.:

"Amyloid precursor protein in cell cultures: a 130 kDa polypeptide" Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 317: 985-90 (1989).

26.Morandi A., Los B., Osofsky L., Autilio-Gambetti L., Gambetti P.: "Ubiquitin and heat shock proteins and ubiquitin in cultured nervous tissue after different stress con-

ditions" Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. 317: 819-27 (1989).

27.Gambetti P., Autilio-Gambetti L., Perry G., Tabaton M., Manetto V., Morandi A.: "Neuronal cytoskeletal proteins in Alzheimer's disease" In: "Aging of the brain and dementia: ten years later": 18 (1989).

28.Gambetti P., Bizzi A., Morandi A., Sayre L.M., Autilio-Gambetti L.: "Axonal transport and morphological alterations in the aluminum-induced axonopathy. Similarities

with nerve compression" NINS 2, 3: 289-98 (1990).


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

29.Gambetti P., Tabaton M., Cammarata S., Morandi A., Schaetzle B., Wicker N., Perry G., Autilio-Gambetti L.: "Neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads and neuritic plaques in Alzheimer's disease: are these le-

sions interrelated" In: Miyatake T., Selkoe D., Ihara Y. (eds.)"Molecular biology and genetics of Alzheimer's disease "

Elsevier Science Publishers: 57-66 (1990).

30.Morandi A., Facci L., Leon A., Toffano G., Skaper S.D.: "Inhibition of protein synthesis protect against excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotoxicity" Neuroch. Int. 16, supp. 1: 56 (1990).

31.Morandi A., Facci L., Leon A., Skaper S.D.: "Role of a suicide program in excitatory transmitter neurotoxicity" Proc. Eur. Soc. Neurochem. (1990).

32.Nunzi M.G., Morandi A., Vantini G.: "Pharmacological interventions in brain aging: present progress and development" Proc. Simposio multidisciplinario sobre enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias (1990).

33.Morandi A., Facci L., Leon A., Toffano G., Skaper S.D.: "Glutamate neurotoxicity involves a translationally regulated suicide program" Proc. Int. Congr. Neuropath. (1990).

34.Milani D., Facci L., Morandi A., Leon A., Skaper S.D.: "Excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity: in vitro models, mechanisms of action and effects of gan-

glioside GM1" Pharmacol. Res. 22, supp. 2: 333 (1990).

35.Skaper S.D., Morandi A., Facci L., Milani D., Leon A.: "Activation of a translational death program in CNS neurons by excitatory amino acids" Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 16: 289 (1990).

36.Morandi A., Facci L., Milani D., Leon A., Skaper S.D.: "Exogenous excitatory amino acid neurotoxicity in vitro can be induced by cyclic AMP" Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 16: 1122 (1990).

37.Morandi A., Guidolin D., Polato P., Zanotti A., Nunzi M.G.: "Phosphatidylserine restores spatial memory and morphofunctional cholinergic markers in basal

forebrain nuclei of aged rats" In: "Alzheimer's disease: basic mechanisms, diagnosis and therapeutic strategies" (Iqbal K., McLach-

lan D.R.C., Winblad B., Wisniewsky H.M. eds.) John Wiley & Sons Ltd: 633-38 (1991).


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38.Negro A., Campoccia D., Ricercato R., Callegaro L., Morandi A.: "Alternative splicing of APP is induced by interleukin 1 in Alzheimer's disease fibroblasts" Proc. AAAS : 331 (1991).

39.Soranzo C., Bigon E., Battiston S., Morandi A., Massaro A., Callegaro L.: "A method for the measurement of NGF in human cerebrospinal fluid" Proc. Proteine '91 (1991).

40.Morandi A.: "Dietro il TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) ripetuto. Danno ischemico progressivo" (Behind repeated

TIA: progressive ischemic damage) Fed. Medica 44, 210-13 (1991).

41.Morandi A.: “Il recupero dopo l'ictus" (Recovery after stroke) Doctor 9, 5: 32-8 (1991).

42.Amico-Roxas M., Morandi A., Caruso A., Cutuli V.M.C., Scapagnini U.: "Topic and systemic anti-inflammatory activity of AGF 44, an ester derivative of gangliosides" Proc. Intersci. World Conf. on Inflammation : 322 (1991).

43.Perry G., Kawai M., Tabaton M., Onorato M., Mulvhill P., Richey P., Morandi A., Connolly J.A., Gambetti P.: "Neuropil threads of Alzheimer disease show a marked alteration of the normal cytoskeleton" J. Neurosci. 11, 1748-55 (1991).

44.Massaro A.R., Soranzo C., Bigon E., Battiston S., Morandi A., Callegaro L., Tonali P.: "Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with various neurological dis-

orders" Int. Quincke Symp. "Barrier concepts and CSF analysis" (1991).

45.Massaro A.R., Soranzo C., Bigon E., Battiston S., Morandi A., Carnevale A., DiTrapani G., Tonali P.: "Nerve Growth Factor in the CSF of patients with neurological disorders with immunological in-

volvement" It. J. Neurol. Sci. supp. 12 : 93 (1991).

46.Massaro A.R., Soranzo C., Bigon E., Battiston S., Morandi A., Carnevale A., DiTrapani G., Tonali P.: "CSF Nerve Growth Factor in neurological disorders with neuroimmunological involvement" J. Neuroimm. supp. 1 : 149 (1991).


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

47.Amico-Roxas M., Caruso A., Cutuli V.M.C., Scapagnini U., Morandi A.: "Anti-inflammatory activity of AGF 44 (Mipragoside), a ganglioside semisinthetic derivative" Proc. Therapeutical Advances and New Health Problems. (1991).

48.Amico-Roxas M., Caruso A., Cutuli V.M.C., Scapagnini U., Morandi A.: "Subacute anti-inflammatory action of the ganglioside derivative AGF 44 (Mipragoside)" Proc. Therapeutical Advances and New Health Problems. (1991).

49.Amico-Roxas M., Caruso A., Cutuli V.M.C., Prato A., Vanella A., Morandi A.: "Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of two ester derivatives of GM1 ganglioside" Curr. Toxic. and Therapy 1(1): 13-29 (1992).

50.Amico-Roxas M., Caruso A., Cutuli V.M.C., Scapagnini U., Morandi A.: "Anti-inflammatory action of AGF 44, a ganglioside ester derivative" Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 18 (6): 251-59 (1992).

51.Massaro AR, Soranzo C, Bigon E, Battiston S, Morandi A., Carnevale A, Callegaro L. “Nerve growth factor (NGF) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with various neurological dis-

orders”. Ital J Neurol Sci. 15(2):105-8 (1994)

52.Morandi A., Guidolin D., Polato P., Zanotti A., Nunzi M.G.: "Correlati morfofunzionali della memoria e dell'apprendimento" In: Ravizza L., Torta R. (eds) "La memoria, le memorie. Dalla memoria cellulare alla memoria sociale",

Cortina Editore, Torino, Italy (1994)

53.Fabbrini S., Baldicchi L., Morandi A., Meinecke C., Bernardini B.: “Impairment cognitivo, comorbilità ed instabilità clinica nel recupero funzionale dell’anziano con frat-

tura di femore” Proc. “patologie interimistiche e disturbi cognitivi nell’anziano” (1994).

54.Bernardini B., Meinecke C., Pagani A., Grillo A., Fabbrini S., Cappadonia C., Morandi A.: “Adverse Clinical Events (ACEs) as a measure of clinical instability in geriatric rehabilitation” Proc. 23rd National Meeting of Italian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1995).

55.Bernardini B., Morandi A., Bonaccorso O. “Timing of Health Care in RSA and in geriatric post-acute rehabilitation: Preliminary Results” Proc. 9th national Meeting of Italian Society of Geriatry (1995)

56.Morandi A. “Ayurveda and Psychotherapy” Compendium of invited lectures -1st World Ayurveda Congress, Cochin, 235 (2002).


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

57.Morandi A., Tosto C. “L’Ayurveda e le età della donna” (Ayurveda and the woman’s ages) Natura e Benessere 11: 30-32 (2003)

58.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Il mestiere di operatore ayurveda” (The job of Ayurveda Therapist) Natura e Benessere 16: 26-28 (2005)

59.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Il concetto di tossine in ayurveda” (concept of toxins in Ayurveda) Natura e Benessere 17: 112-114 (2005)

60.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Annapurna tornerà a sorriderci? – L’azione divina del cibo” (Will Annapurna smile again? - the divine

action of food) Natura e Benessere 18: 102-104 (2005)

61.Morandi A. “Ayurveda practice in Europe – Experience and Constraints” Compendium of invited lectures – 2nd World Ayurveda Congress, New Delhi, India (2005)

62.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda: Regolamentazione e globalizzazione” (Regulation and globalization of Ayurveda) Natura e Benessere 19: 42-45 (2006)

63.Morandi A., Sartori G. “Medicina Ayurvedica: linee guida per una buona pratica professionale 1° parte” (Ayurvedic Medi-

cine: guidelines for good professional practice 1st part) Natura e Benessere 20: 36-40 (2006)

64.Morandi A., Sartori G. “Medicina Ayurvedica: linee guida per una buona pratica professionale 2° parte” (Ayurvedic Medi-

cine: guidelines for good professional practice 1st part) Natura e Benessere 21: 30-34 (2006)

65.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Panchakarma le "cinque azioni" della salute” (Panchakarma, the five actions of health) Natura e Benessere 22: 44-47 (2006)

66.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda e psicoterapia” (Ayurveda and Psychotherapy) Natura e Benessere 23: 56-60 (2007)


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

67.Morandi A., Sartori G., Tosto C. “Ayurveda: la medicina tradizionale Indiana” (Ayurveda: The Traditional Indian Medicine) in Giarelli G., Roberti di Sarsina P., Silvestrini B. (eds.) “Le Medicine Non Convenzionali in Italia - storia, problemi e prospettive di integrazione” Ed. Franco

Angeli - Sanità 291-309 (2007)

68.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Snehana, l'oleazione in ayurveda” (Snehana, the oleation in ayurveda) Natura e Benessere 24: 57-60 (2007) 69.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda e tradizione: gli ashtavaidya del Kerala” (Ayurveda and tradition: the ashtavaidya of Ker-

ala) Natura e Benessere 25: 58-62 (2007)

70.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda e salute: una giornata tipo” (Ayurveda and health: a typical day) Natura e Benessere 26: 14-20 (2008)

71.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Visha Vaidya: il medico dei veleni” (Visha Vaidya: the doctor of poisons) Natura e Benessere 27: 49-52 (2008)

72.Morandi A. “Srotas and the perception of reality” Proc. 10th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2008)

73.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Jala: l’elemento acqua in Ayurveda” (Jala: the Water element in Ayurveda) Natura e Benessere 28: 46-50 (2008)

74.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Agni, il Fuoco della Vita” (Agni, the fire of life) Natura e Benessere 29: 12-14 (2008)

75.Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda, traditional indian medicine” Leadership Medica 275, pp. 34-41. (2009)

76.Morandi A., Tosto C. Ayurvedic Point: The italian way to Ayurveda Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 1 (2) 141-5


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

77. Morandi A. “Mantenere l’equilibrio dei Dosha” (Keeping the Dosha in balance) Medicina Naturale 6, 48-50 (2010), Tecniche Nuove ed., Milano

78. Morandi A. “Lunga vita in Italia con l’Ayurveda” (Long life in Italy with Ayurveda) Medicina Naturale 9, 18-20 (2010), Tecniche Nuove ed., Milano

79. Morandi A. “Il paradigm shift dell’Ayurveda” (Ayurveda’s paradigm shift) Scienza e Conoscenza, 9, 33, pp. 64-69 (2010)

80. Morandi A. “The interpretation of Anxiety in Ayurveda” Proc. 12th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2010)

81.Keßler C., Witt C.M., Michalsen A., Morandi A. “Complex ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee (CARAKA-trial) Design of a randomized controlled trial comparing ayurveda and conventional standard care” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 171, 2, 4 (2010)

82. Morandi A. “Concept of Public Health in Ayurveda” Compendium of invited lectures – 4th World Ayurveda Congress, Bangalore, India 2010

83.Morandi A., Minniti C. “Ayurveda, le prime fasi della vita” (Ayurveda, the first phases of life) Medicina Naturale 2, 50-55 (2011), Tecniche Nuove ed., Milano

84.Morandi A., Tosto C., Sartori G., Roberti di Sarsina P. “Advent of a Link between Ayurveda and Modern Health Science: The Proceedings of the “First In-ternational Congress of Ayurveda: The Meaning of Life - Awareness, Environment, and Health” March 21-22, 2009, Milan, Italy” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) Journal, Article ID 929083, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/929083 (2011)

85. Morandi A. “Incontro di metà mandato del Consorzio Europeo CAMbrella in Italia” (mid-term meeting of the European Cambrella Consortium) Bollettino Notiziario Ordine dei Medici di Bologna, 42, 6, pp. 12 (2011)

86. Morandi A.


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

“Guna perception as reading tool of patient - implications for Ayurveda and Modern Medicine” Proc. 13th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2011)

87.Dalla Libera D., Morandi A. “A new way to think: Ayurveda and biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases for a personalised and preventive medicine approach” Proc. 13th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2011)

88. Morandi A., Tosto C. “Ayurveda la storia dimenticata della più antica scienza della vita” (Ayurveda: the forgotten history of the most ancient science of life) L’Altra Medicina Magazine, 4-9, 1 (2011)

89. Morandi A., Tosto C., Dalla Libera D. “Ayurveda, the paradigm for personalized medicine” The EPMA Journal, vol. 2 (Suppl 1):S152-S153 doi: 10.1007/s13167-011-0111-0 (2011)

90. Morandi A., Dalla Libera D. “Salutogenesis and Ayurveda: indications for Public Health management” The EPMA Journal, Vol. 2 (Suppl 1): S81-S82 doi: 10.1007/s13167-011-0113-y (2011)

91. Morandi A., Tosto C. “Gloria, distruzione e rinascita della tradizione medica indiana” (Glory, distruction and rebirth of the indian medical tradition) L’Altra Medicina Magazine, 62-67, 2 (2011)

92. Morandi A. “Digerire l’Universo” (Digesting the Universe) L’Altra Medicina Magazine, 50-53, 2 (2011)

93. Morandi A. “Ayurveda, il sonno e i suoi disturbi” (Ayurveda, the sleep and its disturbances) Medicina Naturale 6, 52-55 (2011), Tecniche Nuove ed., Milano

94. Morandi A., Tosto C., Roberti di Sarsina P., Dalla Libera D. “Salutogenesis and Ayurveda: indications for Public Health management” The EPMA Journal 2,4 459-65 (2011) DOI 10.1007/s13167-011-0132-8

95.Morandi A., Grande F., Tosto C., Dalla Libera D.,

“Ayurveda therapy in chronic migraine - new findings”


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

Proc. 14th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2012)

96.Dalla Libera D., Grande F., Tosto C., Morandi A. “Ayurveda as a promising treatment for chronic migraine” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S (2012) 35

97.Dalla Libera D., Morandi A. “Biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases: an Ayurvedic approach for a better stratification of pa-

tients” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S (2012) 182

98.Roberti di Sarsina P., Morandi A., Alivia M.

“Traditional and unconventional medicine in Italy: reflections upon a social choice for person-centred medicine”

European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S (2012) 176

99.Levorato C. A., Morandi A., Tosto C.

“Ayurvedic urology: preliminary experience with Uttarabasti in Western Hospital” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 4S (2012) 43-44

100.Roberti di Sarsina P, Morandi A, Alivia M, Tognetti M, Guadagni P. 

“Medicine Tradizionali e Non Convenzionali in Italia. Considerazioni su una Scelta Sociale per la Medicina Centrata sulla Persona.” (Traditional and Non Conventional Medicnes in Italy. Considera-tions upon a social choice for a Person Centered Medicine)

Advanced Therapies-Terapie d'Avanguardia 2012;1:3-29

101.Morandi A., Tosto C.

“Ayurvedic Point, translating tradition into modernity” Ancient Science of Life 2012; 32:123-5

102.Morandi A., Nambi A.N. Narayanan (Eds)

“An integrated view of Health and Well-being - Bridgning Indian and Western Knowledge” Series on Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology, vol. 5 2013, XI, 209 pp. Springer Verlag ISBN 978-94-007-6688-4

103.Morandi A., Delle Fave A.

“The Emergence of Health in Complex Adaptive Systems: A Common Ground for Ayurveda and Western Science” in Morandi A., Nambi A.N. Narayanan (Eds) “An integrated view of Health and Well-being - Bridgning Indian and Western Knowledge” Series on Cross-Cultural Advancements in Positive Psychology, pp 163-185 vol. 5 2013, XI Springer Verlag


Page 22: Dr. ANTONIO MORANDI · Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae ISTITUTO GERIATRICO “P. REDAELLI” Milano, Italia • Psicogeriatra 1994 - 1998 ITALFARMACO S.p.A. Milano, Italia

Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

104.Claudia M Witt*, Andreas Michalsen, Stephanie Roll, Antonio Morandi, Shivnarain Gupta, Mark Rosenberg, Ludwig Kronpaß, Elmar Stapelfeldt, Syed Hissar, Matthias Müller and Christian Kessler

“Comparative effectiveness of a complex Ayurvedic treatment and conventional standard care in os-teoarthritis of the knee – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial”

Trials 2013, 14:149 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-149

105.Kessler C., Morandi A. “Bridging systems: Connecting conventional and WMS thinking in clinical trials” Forsch. Komplementmed. 2013; 20 (suppl. 3): 36

106.Levorato C., Tosto C. Zucchelli M., Morandi A. “Ayurvedic treatment in refractory neuropathic pain after lombotomy for renal cancer: a case report” Forsch. Komplementmed. 2013; 20 (suppl. 3): 35

107.Berrino F., Morandi A., Gatto R.

“Il potere del cibo” - DVD/book (The power of food)

32pp. + 120’ DVD, Macro Edizioni, Milano, Italia (2013)

108.Passarello P., Morandi A. “Attualità della Medicina Ayurvedica - Studi e Ricerche sulle malattie gastrointestinali maggiori pub-

blicati su riviste scientifiche” Il Bassini. 2013; 34 (2): 34-41

109.Morandi A. “General considerations on Ayurveda and Neurodegenerative Diseases” Ayurveda & Health Tourism 9: 2: 26-29

110. Morandi A. “Ayurveda in Europe: A Personal Perspective” Part 1 Ayurveda & Health Tourism 9: 4: 59-61

111. Morandi A. “Ayurveda in Europe: A Personal Perspective” Part 2 Ayurveda & Health Tourism 9: 4: 48-49

112. Morandi A. “Ayurveda amalgamation of East and West” Ayurved Sutra - 2014 Vol.11 n.1: 28-30

113. Morandi A.


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

“The present and the future of Ayurveda” Dhanvantari - Journal of Ayurveda. 2014 Vol.1 n.1: 21-28

114. Delle Fave A., Negri L., Manohar Ram P., Morandi A., Bassi M. “The Ayurveda concept of Prakriti and the Western construct of Personality: A comparative pilot

study” European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2015 Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 396-408

115.Morandi A., Tosto C.

“Automassaggio in Āyurveda”

Medicina Integrata Online (2015) http://www.medicinaintegratanews.it/automassaggio-in-ayurveda/

116.Morandi A, Tosto C., Bellamoli P. “Management of pediatric acute post-surgical delirium - Pilot clinical study with Marma

points identification and creation of a logical treatment strategy” Proc. 17th International Symposium on Ayurveda, Birstein, Germany (2015)

117. Morandi A., Sartori G., Tosto C. “La Formazione in Ayurveda in Italia: attualità, esigenze, criticità, prospettive” in Roberti di Sarsina P., Tognetti M., Gensini G. (a cura di) La Formazione nelle Medicine Tradizionali

e Non Convenzionali in Italia: attualità, esigenze, criticità, prospettive. pp 110-133 Franco Angeli, Milano (2015)

118. Morandi A., Tosto C. “Vedere il mondo attraverso la pelle” (Seeing the world through the skin) Medicina Naturale 2, 46-51 (2015), Tecniche Nuove ed., Milano

119.Manohar RP, Morandi A, Delle Fave A. “The integration quagmire: Why we need to watch our steps” Ancient Science of Life 2015; 34: 123-5

120. Morandi A. “The First International Research Seminar on Ayurveda (2014), Birstein, Germany” Ancient Sci Life [serial online] 2015 [cited 2015 Jul 27];34:238-44.

121.Kessler C, Ostermann T., Gupta S, Stapelfeldt E, Spoo M; Morandi A, Rosenberg M, Michalsen A,. Witt C, “Complex Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knee (CARAKA-Trial) - First results of a Ran-domized Controlled Trial Comparing Ayurveda and Conventional Standard Care” European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2015, Vol 7, Supp 1:11-12

122. Morandi A. 


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

“Ayurvedic Medicine” (General Considerations) Advanced Therapies-Terapie d'Avanguardia 2016;10: 50-55

123. Kessler C, Dhiman K, Kumar A, Ostermann T, Gupta SN, Morandi A, Mittwede M, Stapelfeldt E, Spoo M, Wruck K, Michalsen A, Witt CM “Comparative Effectiveness Of Ayurveda And Conventional Care In Knee Osteoarthritis - A Randomized Controlled Trial (Caraka)” The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine Vol 0, N. 0, 2016, pp. A1–A142

124. Kessler C, Dhiman K, Kumar A, Ostermann T, Gupta SN, Morandi A, Mittwede M, Stapel-

feldt E, Spoo M, Icke K, Michalsen A, Witt CM

“Sat0488 Comparative Effectiveness Of Āyurveda And Conventional Care In Knee Osteoar-

thritis – A Randomized Controlled Trial” Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases 2017;76:960

125. Morandi A. “Alzheimer: affrontarlo con l'Āyurveda”

Scienza & Conoscenza, 61: 16-21 (2017)

126. Morandi A. “Ayurvedic perspective of microcirculation - bridging Āyurveda and Modern Medicine”

Proc. 19th International Symposium on Āyurveda, Birstein, Germany (2017)

127. Morandi A. “Cervello e Cuore: la modernità dell’ Āyurveda”

Medicina Integrata Online (2017) http://www.medicinaintegratanews.it/cervello-e-cuore-la-modernita-dellayurveda/

128. Dalla Libera D., Tosto C., Morandi A. “Āyurveda: The Future In The Tradition”

Journal Of Āyurveda And Integrative Medicine 2017; 9; 1: 83-84

129. Morandi A. “Āyurveda E Oncologia: Un'efficace Collaborazione”

Scienza & Conoscenza, 63: 36-41 (2018)

130. Morandi A. “Mente Sanscrita” Scienza & Conoscenza, 64: 28-34 (2018)

131. Kessler C, Dhiman K, Kumar A, Ostermann T, Gupta SN, Morandi A, Mittwede M, Stapel-feldt E, Spoo M, Icke K, Michalsen A, Witt CM


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Dr. Antonio Morandi - Curriculum Vitae

“Effectiveness Of An Āyurveda Treatment Approach In Knee Osteoarthritis - A Randomized

Controlled Trial” Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2018; 26: 620-630

132. Morandi A. “The Challenges Of A New Path Of Research In Āyurveda ”

Annals Of Ayurvedic Medicine 2018; 7; 1-2: 9-13

133. Morandi A. “God Vibrations Or Good Vibrations?”

Scienza & Conoscenza, 66: 10-16 (2018)

134. Morandi A. “Energia Vitale” Scienza & Conoscenza, 67: 30-33 (2018)

135. Kessler C, Morandi A, Kumar A, Dhiman Ks, Gupta Sn, Icke K, Bühner C, Stapelfeldt E, Wischnewsky M, Kronpaß L, Murthy V, Michalsen A, Witt CM

"Reliability Of Ayurvedic Diagnosis For Knee Osteoarthritis Patients – A Nested Diagnostic Stu-dy Within A Randomized Controlled Trial”

Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine, Published Online: 17 Jan 2019 Doi.Org/10.1089/Acm.2018.0273

136. Morandi A. “L’insostenibile Leggerezza Di Akasha”

Scienza & Conoscenza, 68: 46-53 (2019)

137. Morandi A. (Ed.)

“Il Paradigma dell’Ayurveda” pp. 155, Macro Edizioni, Milano (2019)

138. Morandi A. “Research Methodology for Āyurveda and Traditional Systems of Medicines, practical diffi-

culties and way ahead”

Journal Of Āyurveda Case Reports (Ayucare) 2019;2(1):4-10

In press

Morandi A. “Interpretazione dell’ansia in Ayurveda” in Zerbetto R. Versaci R. (a cura di) Ansia e Panico : modelli di psicoterapia a confronto. Franco Angeli, Milano (in Press).


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