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Federica Migliaccio (1) – Luigi Mussio (2) (1) Politecnico di Milano – DICA – Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano

Tel. 02-2399-6507 – Fax 02-2399-6530 – e-mail [email protected] (2) Politecnico di Milano – DICA – Piazza L. da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano Tel. 02-2399-6501 – Fax 02-2399-6602 – e-mail [email protected]

Abstract – A list of 1600 1 names of persons or groups of persons is presented, to demonstrate the wide

spread of knowledge. Therefore mathematicians, physicists and other scientists are collected, in alphabetic

order, together with philosophers, men of letters, artists (and few other people), because culture is unique. In

fact splitting culture between natural and human sciences is an error, which produces isolated specialists.

LIST OF PEOPLE Aalto, Hugo Alvar Henrik

1898 Finland 2 1976 Finland Modernist architect, designer

Abbado, Claudio

1933 Italy 2014 Italy conductor

Abbott, Edwin Abbott

1838 UK 1926 UK Romantic prose writer, Reformed theologian

Abel, Niels Henrik

1802 Norway 1829 Norway mathematician, algebraist

Abelard, Peter (it. Abelardo, Pietro)

1079 France 1142 France medieval scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian

Abraham (it. Abramo)

legendary Hebrew patriarch (his son Isaac / it. Isacco, his grandchild Jacob / Israel / it. Giacobbe / Israele)

Achilles (it. Achille)

legendary Greek hero, son of the mortal Peleus (it. Peleo) and Thetis (it. Teti) Adams, John Couch

1870 UK 1892 UK mathematician, astronomer

Adelard of Bath (it. Adelardo di Bath)

1080 UK 1152 UK translator, philosopher, mathematician

Adenauer, Konrad Hermann Joseph

1876 Germany 1967 Germany statesman, politician

1 The original number of names was 1559, which is both a prime number and the date of the Catholic promulgation of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. However this work is against such idea. Therefore, since more pages were available, the list was improved reaching the number of 1600, which also marks the first centurial leap year in the Gregorian calendar reform and the date when the Catholic Inquisition burned the heretic friar Giordano Bruno, because when books are prohibited and burnt, also people may be burnt, in the next future. 2 The names are quoted according to the English current use; also the Italian current use is quoted, when it’s different (only few very famous persons are quoted with their first name, like Dante, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raffaello). Moreover, places of birth and death are defined according to present-day Nations, due to difficulties in following all the historical changes of boundaries, even if this choice gives rise to some surprising results (e.g. Kant appears to be born, have lived and died in Russia, since Königsberg, firstly belonging to Prussia and then Germany, became Kaliningrad in Russia, after the Second World War).

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Adler, Max 1873 Austria 1937 Austria Marxian philosopher, jurist

Adorno, Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund

1903 Germany 1969 Germany sociologist, social philosopher

Aeneas (it. Enea)

legendary Trojan hero, son of the mortal Anchises (it. Anchise) and Aphrodite (it. Venere)

Aeschilus (it. Eschilo)

525 BC Greece 456 BC Italy dramatist

Aesop (it. Esopo)

circa 620 BC Turkey circa 564 BC Greece fabulist

Afanas'ev, Aleksandr Nikolaevi č

1826 Russia 1871 Russia fabulist

Agamemnon (it. Agamennone)

legendary Greek hero, son of the mortal Atreus (it. Atreo) and a descendent of Cretan heroes

Agnesi, Maria Gaetana

1718 Italy 1799 Italy mathematician, algebraist, philosopher

Airy, George Biddle

1801 UK 1892 UK mathematician, astronomer

Alaric (it. Alarico I, Flavio dei Balti)

circa 370 unknown 410 Italy King of Visigoths

Albert the Great (it. Alberto Magno di Bollstädt / Doctor Universalis)

1193/1206 Germany 1280 Germany scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian, Dominican friar

Alberti, Leon Battista

1404 Italy 1472 Italy pre-Renaissance’s architect, mathematician, geometrician

Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni (Zuane)

1671 Italy 1751 Italy Baroque composer, musician

Alcmaeon of Croton (it. Alcmeone di Crotone)

V BC Greece V BC Greece physician, natural philosopher

Alexander VI / Roderic Llançol I de Borja (it. Ales sandro VI / Borgia, Roderigo)

1431 Spain 1503 Italy Catholic pope

Alexander the Great (it. Alessandro Magno)

356 BC Greece 323 BC Greece Hellenistic emperor, strategist, conqueror (his father Philip II of Macedon / it. Filippo II di Macedonia 382-336 BC, King of Macedonia and Greece)

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Alfieri, Vittorio Amedeo 1749 Italy 1803 Italy pre-romantic prose writer, dramatist, poet

Alhazen / Ab ū ‘Al ī al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham

965 Iraq 1040 Egypt Arabic physician, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer

Al ī ibn Al ī ālib

599 Saudi Arabia 661 Iraq first Imām (his family Hasan (al) ibn Alī ibn Abī ālib 624/625-669/670 Saudi Arabia, second Imām, Usayn (al) ibn Alī ibn Abī ālib 626 Saudi Arabia-680 Iraq, third Imām, ‘Alī ibn al-husayn / Zayn al-‘Ābidīn 658-712/713 Saudi Arabia, fourth Imām)

Al-Khayy āmī, ‘Umar / Ghiy āth ad-D īn Abu'l-Fath ‘Umar ibn Ibr āhīm al-Khayy ām

1048 Iran 1131 Iran Persian philosopher, poet, mathematician, astronomer

Allende Gossens, Salvador Guillermo

1908 Chile 1973 Chile statesman, politician, physician

Al-Quhi / Ab ū Sahl Wayjan ibn Rustam al-Q ūhī

940 Iran 1037 Iran Persian mathematician, astronomer, physicist

Althusius Johannes

1563 Germany 1638 Germany jurist, political philosopher, Reformed theologian

Althusser, Louis

1918 Algeria 1990 France Marxian and structural philosopher

Amaldi, Edoardo

1908 Italy 1989 Italy nuclear physicist

Ambrose, Aurelius (it. Ambrogio, Aurelio)

339/340 Germany 397 Italy layer, politician, Catholic bishop

Amendola, Giovanni

1882 Italy 1926 France politician, journalist, social philosopher

Amici, Giovanni Battista

1786 Italy 1863 Italy optical physicist, astronomer


786 BC Israel 746 BC Israel Hebrew prophet

Ampere, André-Marie

1775 France 1836 France electric physicist

Amundsen, Roald Engelbregt Gravning

1872 Norway 1928 Norway explorer

Anaxagoras (it. Anassagora)

500 BC Turkey 428 BC Turkey

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pre-Socratic philosopher Anaximander (it. Anassimandro)

611 BC Turkey 546 BC Turkey pre-Socratic philosopher

Anaximenes of Miletus (it. Anassimene di Mileto)

585 BC Turkey 525 BC Turkey pre-Socratic philosopher

Anders, Günther / Stern, Günther

1902 Poland 1992 Austria Jewish philosopher, journalist

Andrea del Castagno / di Bartolo di Bargilla, Andre a

1423 Italy 1457 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Anselm of Canterbury (it. Anselmo d'Aosta)

1033 Italy 1109 UK medieval philosopher, Catholic theologian, Bishop

Antonello da Messina / di Giovanni de Antonio, Anto nio

1430 Italy 1479 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Antonio da Padova / de Bulhões, Fernando Martins

1195 Portugal 1231 Italy Franciscan friar, preacher

Antonius, Marcus (it. Antonio, Marco)

83 BC Italy 30 BC Egypt politician

Apelles of Kos (it. Apelle)

375/370 BC Turkey IV BC Greece classical painter

Apollinaire, Guillaume / Apollinaris de W ąŜ-Kostrowicki, Wilhelm Albert Włodzimierz

1880 Italy 1918 France modern prose writer, poet, dramatist, art critic

Apollonius of Perga (it. Apollonio di Perga)

262 BC Turkey 190 BC Turkey mathematician, geometrician, astronomer

Apuleius, Lucius (it. Apuleio, Lucio)

125 Algeria 180 Algeria prose writer, platonic philosopher

Aquino (d’), Tommaso (Doctor Angelicus)

1225 Italy 1274 Italy scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian, Dominican friar

Arafat, Yasser / Arafat al-Qudwa, Mohammed Yasser A bdel Rahman Abdel Raouf

1929 Egypt 2004 France statesman, soldier

Archimedes of Syracuse (it Archimede di Siracusa)

287 Italy 212 Italy mathematician, physicist, inventor

Arcimboldo, Giuseppe

1526 Italy 1593 Italy Renaissance painter

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Ardinghelli, Maria Angela 1756 Italy 1825 Italy Enlightenment physicist, translator

Ariosto, Ludovico

1474 Italy 1533 Italy Renaissance’s poet, dramatist

Aristarcus of Samos (it. Aristarco di Samo)

310 Greece 230 Greece astronomer, mathematician

Aristophanes (it. Aristofane)

450 BC Greece 386 BC Greece dramatist

Aristotle (it. Aristotele)

384 BC Greece 322 BC Greece classical philosopher

Arius (it. Ario)

250/236 Libyan 336 Turkey heretic theologian, priest

Armati di Firenze, Salvino

XIII Italy 1317 Italy inventor, optical physicist

Armstrong, Neil Alden

1930 USA 2012 USA cosmonaut, pilot, engineer, soldier

Aron, Raymond Claude

1905 France 1983 France social philosopher, historian, sociologist, journalist

Arrest (d’), Heinrich Louis

1822 Germany 1875 Germany astronomer

Artemidorus Ephesius (it. Artemidoro di Efeso)

II BC Turkey I BC Turkey geographer

Arthur (it. Artù)

mythic Britain king Asclepius (it. Asceplio / Esculapio)

legendary Greek hero, son of Apollo and the mortal Coronis (it. Coronide), physician, scholar of the legendary centaur Chiron (it. Chirone)

Asimov, Isaac / Ozimov, Isaak Judovi č

1920 Russia 1992 USA modern prose writer, biochemist

Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal

1881 Greece 1938 Turkey statesman, politician, soldier

Attila the Hun (it. Attila)

406 Russia 453 Hungary King of Huns

Auber, Daniel François Esprit

1782 Italy 1871 Italy

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classical composer Augustine of Hippo (it. Agostino d’Ippona / Doctor Gratiae)

354 Algeria 430 Algeria platonic philosopher, Catholic theologian (his mother Monica of Hippo /it. Monica d’Ippona 322 Algeria-387 Italy, Catholic promoter)

Augustus, Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (it. Augus to, Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano)

63 BC Italy 14 Italy first Roman emperor (his uncle’s nephew Tiberius, Iulius Caesar Augustus / Tiberius, Claudius Nero / it. Tiberio, Giulio Cesare Augusto / Tiberio, Claudio Nerone 42 BC- 37 Italy, second Roman Emperor)

Aulenti, Gae

1927 Itay 2012 Italy modern architect, designer

Averroes / Ab ū al-Wal īd Muhammad ibn Ahmad Ibn Rušd (it. Averroè)

1126 Spain 1198 Spain Aristotelian and Islamic philosopher

Avicenna / Ab ū ‘Al ī al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd All āh ibn S īnā

980 Iran 1037 Iran Aristotelian and Islamic philosopher, astronomer, alchemy scientist

Avogadro, Lorenzo Romano Amedeo Carlo

1776 Italy 1856 Italy chemist, physicist

Babbage, Charles

1791 UK 1871 UK mathematician, mechanical engineer, computer scientist

Bacchelli, Riccardo

1891 Italy 1985 Italy modern prose writer, dramatist

Bach, Johann Sebastian

1685 Germany 1750 Germany Baroque composer, musician (his sons Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann 1710-1784 Germany, Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 1714-1788 Germany, Bach, Johann Christian 1735 Germny-1782 UK, classical and pre-Romantic composers, musicians)

Bachelard, Gaston

1884 France 1962 France philosopher of science

Bacon, Francis (it. Bacone, Francesco)

1561 UK 1626 UK philosopher of science, essayist, jurist, politician

Bacon, Roger (it. Bacone, Ruggero)

1214 UK 1294 UK scholastic philosopher, Franciscan friar

Bagnoregio (da), Bonaventura

1221 Italy 1274 France Catholic theologian, cardinal

Bahro, Rudolf

1935 Germany 1997 Germany political philosopher

Baird, John Logie

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1888 UK 1946 UK electric engineer

Bakunin, Mikhail Alexandrovich

1814 Russia 1876 Switzerland anarchism philosopher, politician

Balakirev, Milij Alekseevi č

1837 Russia 1910 Russia Romantic composer

Balanchine, George / Balan čivadze, Georgij Melitonovi č

1904 Russia 1983 USA art director

Balla, Giacomo

1871 Italy 1958 Italy futurist painter, sculptor

Balzac (de), Honoré

1799 France 1850 France Romantic prose writer

Balthus / Kłossowski de Rola, Balthasar

1908 France 2001 Switzerland modern artist

Banfi, Gian Luigi

1910 Italy 1945 Austria modern architect, urban planner

Barbaro, Daniele

1514 Italy 1570 Italy humanist, essayist, Catholic bishop

Barnard, Christiaan Neethling

1922 South Afriza 2001 Cyprus physician, surgeon

Barsanti, Eugenio (Nicolò)

1821 Italy 1864 Italy mechanical engineer, Catholic priest

Barth, Karl

1886 Switzerland 1968 Switzerland Reformed theologian

Bartlett, Maurice Stevenson

1910 UK 2002 UK statistician

Bartók, Béla Viktor János

1881 Romania 1945 USA late-Romantic composer, pianist

Basaglia, Franco

1924 Italy 1980 Italy Democratic psychologist, neurologist, physician (his wife Ongaro Basaglia, Franca 1928-2005 Italy, Democratic psychologist)

Baudelaire, Charles Pierre

1821 France 1867 France symbolist poet, literary critic, essayist, journalist

Bauer, Otto

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1881 Austria 1938 France Marxian philosopher, politician

Bauman, Zygmunt

1925 Poland 2017 Poland sociologist, social philosopher

Bayes, Thomas

1701 UK 1761 UK statistician, Presbyterian priest

Bazille, Jean Frédéric

1841 France 1870 France Impressionist painter

Beato Angelico / da Fiesole, Giovanni / di Pietro, Guido

1395 Italy 1455 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Bebel, Ferdinand August

1840 Germany 1913 Switzerland politician

Beccaria Bonesana, Cesare

1738 Italy 1794 Italy Enlightenment philosopher, jurist, criminologist

Beccaria, Giovanni Battista

1716 Italy 1781 Italy physicist, mathematician, Scolopi’s friar

Beck, Ulrich

1944 Germany 2015 Germany sociologist, essayist

Beckett, Samuel Barclay

1906 Ireland 1989 France modern prose writer, poet, dramatist

Beda Venerabilis (it. Beda il Venerabile)

672 UK 735 UK historian, Benedictine monk

Bedeschi, Lorenzo

1915 Italy 2006 Italy historian, partisan, Catholic priest

Beethoven (van), Ludwig

1770 Germany 1827 Austria classical and pre-Romantic composer, pianist

Béjart Maurice / Berger, Maurice-Jean

1927 France 2007 Switzerland art director

Belgiojoso (Barbiano di), Lodovico

1909 Italy 2004 Italy modern architect, designer

Bell, Alexander Graham

1847 UK 1922 Canada electric engineer, inventor

Bellarmine, Robert (it. Bellarmino, Roberto Frances co Romolo)

1542 Italy 1621 Italy

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Catholic cardinal, enquirer Belli, Giuseppe Francesco Antonio Maria Gioachino R aimondo

1791 Italy 1863 Italy popular poet

Bellini, Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco

1801 Italy 1835 France Romantic composer

Bellotto, Bernardo

1721 Italy 1780 Poland Enlightenment painter, urban landscape designer, engraver

Bellow, Saul

1915 Canada 2005 USA modern prose writer

Beltrami, Eugenio

1835 Italy 1900 Italy mathematician, geometrician

Beltrami, Luca

1854 Italy 1933 Italy architect, art critic, politician

Bembo, Pietro

1470 Italy 1547 Italy Catholic cardinal, prose writer, humanist

Ben Bella, Ahmed

1916 Algeria 2012 Algeria statesman, politician, soldier

Benda, Julien

1867 France 1956 France realist and social philosopher

Benedict XIV / Lambertini, Prospero Lorenzo (it. Be nedetto XIV)

1675 Italy 1758 Italy Catholic pope, Enlightenment promoter

Benedict XV / Della Chiesa Giacomo Paolo Giovanni B attista (it. Benedetto XV)

1854 Italy 1922 Italy Catholic pope, pacifist

Benedict of Nursia (it. Benedetto da Norcia)

circa 480 Italy 547 Italy Benedictine monk (his sister Scholatica of Nursia / it. Scolastica da Norcia circa 480- 542 Italy, Benedictine sister)

Ben-Gurion, David / Grün, David

1886 Poland 1973 Israel statesman, politician, soldier

Benjamin, Walter Bendix Schoenflies

1892 Germany 1940 Spain literary critic, essayist, social philosopher

Bentham, Jeremy

1748 UK 1832 UK social philosopher, jurist

Berchet, Giovanni

1783 Italy 1851 Italy

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Romantic poet, prose writer, patriot Berg, Alban Marie Johannes

1885 Austria 1935 Austria dodecaphonic composer

Bergman, Ernst Ingmar

1918 Sweden 2007 Sweden director, art director, dramatist, modern prose writer

Bergognone / da Fossano, Ambrogio

1453 Italy 1523 Italy Renaissance painter

Bergson, Henri Louis

1859 France 1941 France moral and social philosopher

Berio, Luciano

1925 Italy 2003 Italy dodecaphonic composer

Berkeley, George

1685 Ireland 1753 UK empiricist philosopher

Berlin, Isaiah

1909 Latvia 1997 UK sociologist, social philosopher

Berlioz, Hector

1803 France 1869 France Romantic composer

Bernanos, Georges

1888 France 1948 France modern prose writer

Bernardus Carnotensis / Chartres (di), Bernardo

1085 France 1130 France medieval philosopher, poet

Bernini, Gian Lorenzo

1598 Italy 1680 Italy Baroque architect, painter, sculptor, dramatist

Bernoulli, Jakob

1654 Switzerland 1705 Switzerland mathematician, algebraist, statistician (his brother Bernoulli, Johann 1667-1748 Switzerland, his uncle's nephew Bernoulli, Daniel 1700-1782 Switzerland, mathematician, statistician, thermodynamic physicist)

Bernstein, Basil

1924 UK 2000 UK sociologist of education

Bernstein, Eduard

1850 Germany 1932 Germany Marxian philosopher, politician

Bernstein, Leonard (Louis)

1918 USA 1990 USA conductor, modern composer, pianist

Bessarione, Basilio

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1403 Turkey 1472 Italy Catholic cardinal, humanist

Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm

1784 Germany 1846 Russia astronomer, geodesist, mathematician

Beveridge, William Henry

1879 Bangladesh 1963 UK economist, social reformer

Biagi, Enzo Marco

1920 Italy 2007 Italy journalist, essayist

Bianchi, Emilio

1875 Italy 1942 Italy astronomer, geodesist

Bianchi, Giuseppe

1791 Italy 1866 Italy astronomer, metrologist

Biot, Jean Baptiste

1774 France 1862 France electric physicist, astronomer

Bismarck of Lauenburg, Otto Eduard Leopold

1815 Germany 1898 Germany statesman, politician

Bjerhammar, Arne

1917 Sweden 2011 Sweden geodesist, mathematician

Blaeu, Willem Janszoon

1571 Netherlands 1638 Netherlands sailor, cartographer

Bloch, Ernst

1885 Germany 1977 Germany Marxian philosopher

Blondel, Maurice

1861 France 1949 France moral and social philosopher

Bloomfield, Leonard

1887 USA 1949 USA structural linguist

Blum, Léon André

1872 France 1950 France statesman, politician

Boaga, Giovanni

1902 Italy 1961 Italy geodesist, mathematician

Bobbio, Norberto

1909 Italy 2004 Italy political philosopher, jurist, essayist,, historian

Boccaccio, Giovanni

1313 Italy 1375 Italy

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pre-Renaissance prose writer, literary critic Boccioni, Umberto

1882 Italy 1916 Italy futurist painter, sculptor

Bodin, Jean

1530 France 1596 France jurist, political philosopher

Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (it. Boezio, An icio Manlio Severino)

475 Italy 525 Italy late Roman philosopher

Böhm, Karl

1894 Austria 1981 Austria conductor, modern composer

Bohr, Niels Henrik David

1885 Denmark 1962 Denmark quantum theory physicist

Boiardo, Matteo Maria

1441 Italy 1494 Italy Renaissance’s poet

Boito, Arrigo

1842 Italy 1918 Italy anti-Romantic composer, realist prose writer

Bolívar y Palacios, Simón José Antonio de la Santís ima Trinidad

1783 Venezuela 1830 Columbia statesman, politician

Böll, Heinrich

1917 Germany 1985 Germany modern prose writer, pacifist

Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio

1466 Italy 1516 Italy Renaissance painter

Boltzmann, Ludwig Edward

1844 Austria 1906 Austria mechanical and thermodynamic physicist, mathematician

Bolyai, János

1802 Romania 1860 Romania mathematician, geometrician

Bolzano, Placidus Johann Nepomuk

1781 Czech Republic 1848 Czech Republic mathematician, logician, Reformed theologian

Bombelli, Raffaele

1526 Italy 1572 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Bomford, Guy

1899 UK 1996 UK geodesist, surveyor

Bonaiuto, Andrea

1343 Italy 1377 Italy medieval painter

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Bonhöffer, Dietrich 1906 Poland 1945 Germany Lutheran theologian, opponent of Nazism

Boniface VIII (it. Bonifacio VIII) / Caetani, Bened etto

1230 Italy 1303 Italy Catholic pope

Boole, George

1815 UK 1864 Ireland mathematician, logician

Borda (de), Jean

1733 France 1799 France mathematician, physicist, soldier

Borges, Jorge Isidoro Luis

1899 Argentina 1986 Switzerland modern prose writer, essayist, poet

Borgese, Giuseppe Antonio

1882 Italy 1952 Italy literary critic, journalist, anti-fascist

Borgia, Cesare il Valentino

1475 Italy 1507 France soldier, politician, Catholic cardinal

Born, Max

1882 Poland 1970 Germany quantum theory physicist, mathematician, pacifist

Borodin, Aleksandr Porfir'evi č

1833 Russia 1887 Russia Romantic composer

Borromeo, Carlo

1538 Italy 1584 Italy Catholic cardinal, enquirer (his uncle's nephew Borromeo, Federico 1564-1631 Italy, Catholic cardinal, culture and art promoter)

Borromini, Francesco / Castelli Brumino, Francesco

1599 Switzerland 1667 Italy Baroque architect

Borsellino, Paolo

1940 Italy 1992 Italy magistrate

Bosch, Hieronymus / van Aken, Jeroen Anthoniszoon

1450 Netherlands 1516 Netherlands Renaissance painter

Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe

1711 Croatia 1787 Italy astronomer, geodesist, physicist, mathematician, statistician, Jesuit priest

Bottesini, Giovanni Paulo

1821 Italy 1889 Italy conductor, Romantic composer

Botticelli, Sandro / di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, Alessandro

1445 Italy 1510 Italy Renaissance painter

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Bouger, Pierre 1698 France 1758 France geophysicist, geodesist, mathematician

Boulez, Pierre

1925 France 2016 Germany conductor, modern composer, essayist

Bourbaki, Nicolas

XX France XX France fictitious of mathematician, representing a group of mathematicians 3

Bourbon d’Orléans, Louis Philippe I

1773 France 1850 UK King of the French

Boutroux, Étienne-Émile

1845 France 1921 France moral and social philosopher

Bovara, Giuseppe

1781 Italy 1873 Italy neoclassical architect

Bovio, Giuseppe

1721 Italy XVIII Italy astronomer, Jesuit priest

Boyle, Robert

1627 Ireland 1691 UK chemist, physicist, natural philosopher

Bradley, James

1693 UK 1762 UK astronomer

Brahe, Tycho

1546 Sweden 1601 Czech Republic astronomer, astrologist

Brahms, Johannes

1833 Germany 1897 Germany post-Romantic composer, pianist

Bramante / di Angelo di Pascuccio, Donato

1444 Italy 1514 Italy Renaissance architect, painter

Bramantino / Bartolomeo Suardi

1456 Italy 1530 Italy Renaissance painter, architect

Brandt, Willy / Frahm, Herbert Ernst Karl

1913 Germany 1992 Germany statesman, politician, pacifist

Braque, Georges

1882 France 1963 France fauvist and cubist painter, sculptor, designer

3 Founders: Henri Paul Cartan (1904-2008 France), Claude Chevalley (1909 South Africa-1984 France), Jean Coulomb (1904 Algeria-1999 France), Jean Delsarte (1903-1968 France), Jean Dieudonné (1906-1992 France), Charles Ehresmann (1905-1979 France), Lucien Alexandre Charles René de Possel (1905-1974 France), Szolem Mandelbrot (1899 Poland-1983 France), André Weil (1906 France-1998 USA).

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Bravais, Auguste 1811 France 1863 France physicist, geologist, naturalist

Brecht, Eugen Berthold Friedrich

1898 Germany 1956 Germany modern dramatist, poet, theatre director

Brentano, Clemens Maria / Brentano de La Roche, Cle mens Wenzeslaus

1778 Germany 1842 Germany Romantic poet, prose writer (his sister Brentano von Arnim, Bettina / Elisabeth Catharina Ludovica Magdalena 1785-1859 Germany, prose writer)

Brentano, Franz Clemens Honoratus Hermann

1838 Germany 1917 Switzerland social philosopher, psychologist

Bridgman, Percy Williams

1882 USA 1961 USA physicist, metrologist, pacifist

Britten, Edward Benjamin

1913 UK 1976 UK modern and Jazz composer, pianist

Bronzino / di Cosimo di Mariano, Agnolo

1503 Italy 1572 Italy mannerist painter

Bruckner, Joseph Anton

1824 Austria 1896 Austria Romantic composer, organist

Bruegel the Elder (it. il vecchio), Pieter

1525/1530 Netherlands 1569 Belgium Ranaissance painter (his sons Bruegel the Younger / it. il giovane, Pieter 1564-1638 Belgium, late-Ranaissance painter, Bruegel the Elder / it. il vecchio, Jan 1568-1625 Belgium, Mannerist painter, his grandchild Bruegel the Younger / it. il giovane, Jan 1601-1678 Belgium, Mannerist painter)

Brunelleschi / di ser Brunellesco Lapi, Filippo

1377 Italy 1446 Italy pre-Renaissance architect, engineer, goldsmith

Bruno, Giordano Filippo

1548 Italy 1600 Italy Renaissance philosopher, essayist, Dominican friar

Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich

1888 Russia 1938 Russia Marxian philosopher, politician, statesman

Buddha, Siddh ārtha Gautama

563 BC Nepal 483 BC India Indian sage, founder of Buddhism

Buñuel Portolés, Luis

1900 Spain 1983 Mexico director, art director

Buonaiuti, Ernesto

1881 Italy 1946 Italy historian, philosopher of religion, anti-fascist , heretic priest

Buridan, Jean (it. Buridano, Giovanni)

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1300 France 1358 France scholastic philosopher, logician, Catholic priest

Burri, Alberto

1915 Italy 1995 France modern painter, physician

Buxtehude, Dietrich

1637 Germany 1707 Germany Baroque composer, organist

Byron, George Gordon Noel

1788 UK 1824 Greece Romantic poet, politician

Caballero, Francisco Largo

1869 Spain 1946 France statesman, politician

Cabet, Etienne

1788 France 1856 France politician, essayist

Caboto, Giovanni

1450 Italy 1498 UK sailor, explorer

Cabral (Lopes da Costa Cabral), Amílcar

1924 Guinea Bissau 1973 Guinea statesman, politician

Caesar, Gaius Julius (it. Cesare, Caio Giulio)

100 BC Italy 44 BC Italy statesman, politician, soldier

Čajkovski (Ciajkovskij), Pëtr Il'i č

1840 Russia 1893 Russia late Romantic composer

Caldara, Antonio

1670 Italy 1736 Austria Baroque composer, musician

Calderón de la Barca, Pedro

1600 Spain 1681 Spain Baroque dramatist, prose writer, poet

Calvino, Italo

1923 Cuba 1985 Italy modern prose writer, essayist, journalist, partisan

Campanella, Tommaso Giovan Domenico / Squilla, Sett imontano

1568 Italy 1639 France Renaissance philosopher, heretic theologian, poet, Dominican friar

Campano di Novara, Giovanni

1220 Italy 1296 Italy medieval mathematician, astronomer, astrologist

Campi, Bernardino

1522 Italy 1591 Italy mannerist painter

Campi, Antonio

1522 Italy 1587 Italy

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mannerist painter, architect (his father Campi, Galeazzo 1475-1536 Italy, Renaissance painter, his brothers Campi, Giulio 1502-1572 Italy, Campi, Vincenzo 1536-1591 Italy, mannerist painters, architects)

Campigli, Massimo / Ihlenfeldt, Max

1895 Germany 1971 France modern painter

Camus, Albert

1913 Algeria 1960 France modern prose writer, dramatist, philosopher, journalist

Canaletto / Giovanni Antonio Canal

1697 Italy 1768 Italy Enlightenment painter, urban landscape designer, engraver

Canetti, Elias

1905 Bulgaria 1994 Switzerland modern prose writer, essayist

Canova, Antonio

1757 Italy 1822 Italy neoclassical sculptor, painter

Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp

1845 Russia 1918 Germany mathematician, algebraist

Capa, Robert / Friedmann, Endre Ern ı

1913 Hungary 1954 Vietnam photographer, journalist

Capek, Karel

1890 Czech Republic 1938 Czech Republic modern prose writer, dramatist, journalist

Capitini, Aldo

1899 Italy 1968 Italy social philosopher, poet, politician, anti-fascist

Capote, Truman / Streckfus Persons, Truman

1924 USA 1984 USA modern prose writer, dramatist, director

Caracalla, Lucius Septimius Bassianus / Marcus Aure lius Severus Antoninus Augustus (it. Caracalla, Lucio Settimio Bassiano / Marco Aur elio Antonino)

188 France 217 France Roman Emperor (his father Septimius Severus / it. Settimio Severo, Lucio 145 Lybia-211 UK, Roman emperor)

Caravaggio (da), Michelangelo Merisi

1571 Italy 1610 Italy Baroque painter

Cardano, Gerolamo

1501 Italy 1576 Rome physician, philosopher, mathematician, algebraist, astrologist

Cardarelli, Vincenzo / Caldarelli, Nazareno

1887 Italy 1959 Italy hermetic poet, prose writer, journalist

Carducci, Giosuè Alessandro Giuseppe

1835 Italy 1907 Italy neoclassical poet, prose writer

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Carlini, Francesco 1783 Italy 1862 Italy astronomer, geodesist, mathematician

Carlo Alberto Emanuele Vittorio Maria Clemente Save rio di Savoia-Carignano

1798 Italy 1849 Portugal King of Sardinia

Carnap, Rudolf

1891 Germany 1970 USA neo-positivistic logician, philosopher of science

Carneades of Cyrene (it. Carneade di Cirene)

214/213 BC Libya 129/128 BC Greece skeptic philosopher

Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite

1753 France 1823 Germany mathematician, physicist, politician (his son Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi 1796 France-1832 Germany, thermodynamic physicist, engineer)

Carpaccio, Vittore

1465 Italy 1526/1526 Italy Renaissance painter

Carracci, Ludovico

1555 Italy 1619 Italy Baroque painter (his cousins Carracci, Agostino 1567-1602 Italy, Baroque painter, engraver, Carracci, Annibale 1560-1609 Italy, Baroque painter)

Carrara, Mario

1866 Italy 1937 Italy physician, anti-fascist

Carroll, Lewis / Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge

1832 UK 1898 UK Romantic prose writer, mathematician, logician

Cartier-Bresson, Henri

1908 France 2004 France photographer, journalist

Cassini, Giovanni Domenico

1625 Italy 1712 France astronomer, mathematician, engineer, physician, biologist (his son Cassini Jacques 1677-1756 France, astronomer, mathematician, engineer)

Cassinis, Gino

1885 Italy 1964 Italy geodesist, photogrammetrist, mathematician, politician

Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (it. Cassiodor o, Flavio Magno Aurelio)

485 Italy 580 Italy politician

Cassirer, Ernst

1874 Poland 1945 USA neo-Kantian philosopher, opponent of Nazism

Cassola, Carlo

1917 Italy 1987 Italy modern prose writer, essayist

Castelnuovo, Guido

1865 Italy 1952 Italy

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mathematician, geometrician, statistician Castiglioni, Baldassarre

1478 Italy 1529 Spain humanist, essayist, diplomat

Castor (it. Castore)

legendary Greek hero, son of Zeus (it. Giove) and the mortal Leda (twin of Pollux / it. Polluce)

Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro

1926 Cuba 2016 Cuba statesman, politician, soldier

Catherine II Alexeyevna / Catherine the Great 4 (it. Caterina II la Grande)

1729 Poland 1796 Russia Tsarina of All Russia

Catherine of Alexandria / Catherine of the Wheel (i t. Caterina di Alessandria)

circa 287 Egypt circa 305 Egypt princess, Catholic promoter

Catherine of Siena (it. Caterina da Siena) / Beninc asa, Caterina di Giacomo

1347 Italy 1380 Italy Dominican sister

Catiline, Lucius Sergius (it. Catilina, Lucio Sergi o)

108 BC Italy 62 BC Italy politician, soldier

Cato the Elder / the Censor, Marcus Porcius (it. Ca tone il Censore, Marco Porcio)

circa 234 BC Italy 139 BC Italy politician, soldier, prose writer

Cato Uticensis, Marcus Porcius (it. Catone, Marco P orcio Catone Uticense)

95 BC Italy 45 BC Italy soldier, politician, magistrate

Cattaneo, Carlo

1801 Italy 1869 Switzerland natural and social philosopher, essayist, patriot

Catullus, Gaius Valerius (it. Catullo, Gaio Valerio )

84 BC Italy 54 BC Italy poet

Cauchy, Augustin Louis

1789 France 1857 France mathematician, engineer

Cauvin, Jehan (it. Giovanni Calvino)

1509 France 1564 Switzerland Reformed theologian, humanist

Cavalcanti, Guido

1258 Italy 1300 Italy medieval poet, politician

Cavalieri, Bonaventura Francesco

1598 Italy 1647 Italy mathematician

Cavendish, Henry

4 Von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, Sophie Friederike Auguste

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1731 France 1810 UK physicist, chemist

Cavour (Isolabella Leri), Camillo Paolo Filippo Giu lio Benso

1810 Italy 1861 Italy statesman, politician

Cayley, Arthur

1821 UK 1825 UK mathematician, algebraist

Čechov, Anton Pavlovi č

1860 Russia 1904 Germany pan-Slavic prose writer, dramatist, physician

Celestine V / Peter of Morrone (it. Celestino V / P ietro da Morrone Angelerio)

1215 Italy 1296 Italy Catholic pope

Cellini, Benvenuto

1500 Italy 1571 Italy mannerist goldsmith, engraver, sculptor, prose writer

Celoria, Giovanni

1842 Italy 1920 Italy astronomer, statistician, politician

Celsius, Anders

1701 Sweden 1744 Sweden astronomer, thermodynamic physicist

Cerano (il) / Crespi, Giovan Battista

1573 Italy 1632 Italy Baroque painter, sculptor, architect

Cervantes Saavedra (de), Miguel

1547 Spain 1616 Spain late-Renaissance novelist, dramatist, poet, soldier

Cesare da Sesto

1477 Italy 1520 Italy Renaissance painter

Cezanne, Paul

1839 France 1906 France Impressionist and constructivist painter

Chabrol, Claude Henri Jean

1930 France 2010 France director, art director

Champollion, Jean François

1790 France 1832 France archaeologist

Chaplin, Charles Spencer (Charlie)

1889 UK 1977 Switzerland director, art director, modern composer

Charlemagne / Charles the Great (it. Carlo Magno)

742/748 unknown 814 Germany Holy Roman Emperor (his grandchild Lothar I / it. Lotario 795-855 Germany, Holy Roman Emperor)

Charles Martel (it. Carlo Martello)

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688 unknown 741 France King of the Franks

Charles V Hasburg (it. Carlo V Asburgo)

1500 Netherlands 1558 Spain Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain (his son Philip II Hasburg / it. Filippo II Asburgo 1527-1598 Spain, King of Spain

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine

1634 France 1704 France Baroque composer

Chartier, Émile-August (Alain)

1868 France 1951 France social philosopher, essayist, journalist

Chateaubriand (de), François-René

1768 France 1848 France politician, diplomat, historian

Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich

1821 Russia 1894 Russia mathematician, statistician

Cherubini, Luigi Maria

1760 Italy 1842 France classical composer

Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek

1810 Poland 1849 France Romantic composer, pianist

Christina of Sweden (it. Cristina di Svezia) / Cris tina Alessandra Maria

1626 Sweden 1689 Italy Queen of Sweden, culture promoter

Chrysippus of Soli (it. Crisippo di Soli)

circa 299 BC Turkey circa 206 BC Turkey stoic philosopher

Church, Alonzo

1903 USA 1995 USA mathematician, logician, computer scientist

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer

1874 UK 1965 UK statesman, politician, historian

Cicero, Marcus Tullius (it. Cicerone, Marco Tullio)

106 BC Italy 43 BC Italy lawyer, politician, essayist, skeptic philosopher

Cilea, Francesco

1866 Italy 1950 Italy realist composer

Cimabue / di Pepo, Cenni (Bencivieni)

1214 Italy 1302 Italy medieval painter

Cimarosa, Domenico

1749 Italy 1821 Italy late-Baroque composer

Clairault, Alexis Claude

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1713 France 1775 France mathematician, astronomer, geophysicist

Clare of Assisi / Offreduccio, Clare (Chiara di Ass isi / Offreduccio, Chiara)

1194 Italy 1253 Italy Franciscan sister

Clark Ross, James

1800 UK 1862 UK sailor, explorer

Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel

1822 Germany 1888 Germany thermodynamic physicist, mathematician

Cleantes of Asos (it. Cleante)

330 BC Turkey 232 BC Greece stoic philosopher

Cleistehenes (it. Clistene)

555 BC Greece 492 BC Greece statesman, jurist

Cleopatra VII Philopator

69 BC Egypt 30 BC Egypt Queen of Egypt

Cohn-Vossen, Stephan

1902 Poland 1936 Russia mathematician, geometrician, opponent of Nazism

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste

1619 France 1683 France statesman

Colombo, Cristoforo

1451 Italy 1506 Spain sailor, explorer (his brother Bartolomeo 1470 Italy-1514 Dominican Republic, mapmaker, sailor)

Colombo, Giuseppe (Bepi)

1920 Italy 1984 Italy mathematician, physicist, astronomer, engineer

Colorni, Eugenio

1909 Italy 1944 Italy social philosopher, anti-fascist

Columban (it. Colombano)

circa 542 Ireland 615 Italy Benedictine monk

Commandino, Federico

1509 Italy 1575 Italy humanist, translator, mathematician

Commoner, Barry

1917 USA 2012 USA biologist, politician

Compagni, Dino

1255 Italy 1325 Italy historian, politician

Comte, Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier

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1798 France 1857 France positivist philosopher, sociologist

Compton, Arthur Holly

1892 USA 1962 USA electronic physicist

Condorcet (de) / Caritat (de), Jean-Antoine-Nicolas

1743 France 1794 France mathematician, Enlightenment philosopher, politician

Confucius (it. Confucio)

551 BC China 479 BC China Chinese sage, editor, politician

Constable, John

1776 UK 1837 UK Romantic painter

Constantine the Great / Constantine I (it. Costanti no il Grande / Costantino I)

274 Serbia 337 Turchia Roman Emperor (his mother Helena / it. Elena, Flavia Giulia circa 250 Turkey-circa 330 Germany, Catholic promoter)

Cook, James

1729 UK 1778 USA sailor, explorer, cartographer

Copernicus, Nicolaus / Kopernik, Mikolaj (it. Coper nico, Niccolò)

1473 Poland 1543 Poland physician, jurist, astronomer, third order Dominican

Corelli, Arcangelo

1653 Italy 1713 Italy Baroque composer, musician

Corneille, Pierre

1606 France 1684 France Baroque dramatist, prose writer

Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria

1650 Italy 1718 Italy cartographer, Franciscan friar

Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille

1796 France 1875 France Romantic painter

Correggio / Allegri, Antonio

1489 Italy 1534 Italy Renaissance painter

Cortés Monroy Pizarro Altamirano, Hernán

1485 Spain 1547 Spain soldier, conqueror

Coulomb (de), Charles Augustin

1736 France 1806 France electric physicist, engineer

Couperin, François

1688 France 1733 France Baroque composer, organist

Couturat (de), Louis

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1868 France 1914 France mathematician, logician, linguist

Cramer, Gabriel

1704 Switzerland 1752 France mathematician, algebraist

Cranach the Elder (it. il vecchio), Lucas

1472 Germany 1553 Germany Renaissance painter, engraver (his son Cranach the Younger / it. il giovane, Lucas 1515-1586 Germany)

Crick, Francis Harry Compton

1916 UK 2004 USA biologist, geneticist, neuroscientist

Croce, Benedetto

1866 Italy 1952 Italy idealist philosopher

Croce, Giulio Cesare

1550 Italy 1609 Italy late-Renaissance prose writer, dramatist

Cromwell, Oliver

1599 UK 1658 UK statesman, politician, soldier

Cunietti, Mariano

1921 Italy 1997 Italy metrologist, geodesist, photogrammetrist

Cuoco, Vincenzo

1770 Italy 1823 Italy jurist, politician, historian, prose writer

Curie, Marie / Sklodowska Curie, Maria

1867 Poland 1934 France chemist, electronic physicist (her husband Curie, Pierre 1859-1906 France, electronic physicist)

Cusanus, Nicolaus / Kues (of), Nicholas (it Cusano, Niccolò)

1401 Germany 1464 Italy Catholic theologian, cardinal, philosopher, humanist, jurist

D'Alembert, Jean Baptiste Le Rond

1717 Italy 1783 Italy mathematician, physicist, Enlightenment philosopher, music theorist

D'Arrest, Heinrich Louis

1822 Germany 1875 Denmark astronomer

Da Cortona, Pietro / Berrettini, Pietro

1596 Italy 1669 Italy Baroque painter, architect

Daedalus (it. Dedalo)

legendary Greek hero, architect, father of Icarus (it. Icaro) Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé

1787 France 1851 France photographer, chemist

Dahl, Robert Alan

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1915 USA 2014 USA sociologist, social philosopher

Dal Ferro, Scipione

1465 Italy 1526 Italy mathematician, algebraic

Dalí i Domènech, Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint

1904 Spain 1989 Spain surrealist painter, sculptor, designer

Dal Ponte, Jacopo / da Bassano, Jacopo

1510 Italy 1592 Italy Renaissance painter

Dal Pozzo Toscanelli, Paolo

1397 Italy 1482 Italy mathematician, astronomer

Dalton, John

1766 UK 1844 UK chemist, physicist

Daniel (it. Daniele)

VI BC Israel VI BC Iraq Hebrew prophet

D'Annunzio, Gabriele

1863 Italy 1938 Italy symbolist poet, prose writer, journalist, soldier

Dante Alighieri

1265 Italy 1321 Italy medieval poet, literary critic, essayist, politician

Danton, Georges Jacques

1759 France 1794 France statesman, politician

Da Ponte, Lorenzo / Conegliano, Emanuele

1749 Italy 1838 USA Enlightenment poet, essayist, Catholic priest

Dahrendorf, Ralf Gustav

1929 Germany 2009 Germany sociologist, social philosopher, politician

Darwin, Charles Robert

1809 UK 1882 UK naturalist, biologist, geologist, explorer

David (it. Davide)

circa 1040 BC Israel circa 970 BC Israel King of Israel (his son Solomon / it. Salomone circa 1011 BC-circa 931 BC Israel, King of Israel)

David, Jacques-Louis

1748 France 1825 Netherlands neoclassical painter

Davidson, Donald

1917 USA 2003 USA analytic philosopher, essayist, literary critic

Davy, Humphry

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1778 UK 1829 UK chemist

D’Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli

1798 Italy 1866 Italy statesman, prose writer

De Barbari, Jacopo

1460/1470 Italy 1516 Italy Renaissance painter, engraver

De Beauvoir, Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand

1908 France 1986 France existentialist philosopher, politician, literary critic

De Broglie, Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond

1892 France 1987 France quantum theory physicist

De Cesaris, Angelo Giovanni

1749 Italy 1832 Italy astronomer, geodesist, Jesuit priest

De Chirico, Giorgio

1888 Greece 1978 Italy neoclassical and modern artist

De Filippo, Eduardo

1900 Italy 1984 Italy dramatist, modern poet (his brother De Filippo, Giuseppe / Peppino 1903-1980 Italy, dramatist)

De Finetti, Bruno

1906 Austria 1985 Italy mathematician, statistician

De Foucauld, Charles Eugène

1858 France 1916 Algeria explorer, anthropologist, Trappists friar

De Gasperi, Alcide Amedeo Francesco

1881 Italy 1954 Italy statesman, politician, journalist, anti-fascist

De Gaulle, Charles André Joseph Marie

1890 France 1970 France statesman, politician, soldier

De Guzmán, Domingo Félix (it. di Guzmán, Domenico)

1170 Spain 1221 Italy Dominican friar, preacher

De la Vega, Garcilaso

1501 Spain 1536 Spain Renaissance poet, soldier

De l'Hôpital / de Sainte Mesme, Guillaume François Antoine

1661 France 1704 France mathematician

De Maupassant,Henri-René-Albert-Guy

1850 France 1893 France realist prose writer, dramatist, poet, essayist

De Mille, Cecil Blount

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1881 USA 1959 USA director

De Moivre, Abraham

1667 France 1754 UK mathematician, algebraist, statistician

De Pisis Filippo / Tibertelli De Pisis, Luigi Filip po

1896 Italy 1956 Italy modern painter

De Roberto, Federico

1861 Italy 1927 Italy realist prose writer

De Sabata, Victor

1892 Italy 1967 Italy conductor, modern composer

De Sanctis, Francesco Saverio

1817 Italy 1883 Italy literary critic, essayist, politician

De Sanctis, Gaetano

1870 Italy 1957 Italy historian, anti-fascist

De Santillana, Giorgio

1902 Italy 1974 USA philosopher of science, historian

De Saussure, Ferdinand

1857 Switzerland 1913 Switzerland structural linguist

De Soto, Domingo

1494 Spain 1560 Spain Scholastic theologian, Catholic priest

De Viti De Marco, Antonio

1858 Italy 1943 Italy economist, anti-fascist

De Zach, Franz Xaver

1754 Hungary 1832 France astronomer

De Zurbarán, Francisco

1528 Spain 1664 Spain Baroque painter

Debussy, Claude-Achille

1862 France 1918 France Impressionist and symbolist composer, pianist

Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard

1831 Germany 1916 Germany mathematician, algebraist

Defoe, Daniel

1660 UK 1731 UK pre- Enlightenment prose writer, journalist

Degas, Edgar / De Gas, Hilaire-Germain-Edgar

1834 France 1917 France

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Impressionist painter Del Cossa, Francesco

1430 Italy 1477 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Del Monte, Guidobaldo Bourbon

1545 Italy 1607 Italy mathematician, geometrician, astronomer

Del Piombo, Sebastiano / Sebastiano Luciani

1485 Italy 1547 Italy Renaissance painter

Del Sarto, Andrea / d'Agnolo di Francesco di Luca d i Paolo del Migliore Vannucchi, Andrea

1486 Italy 1530 Italy Renaissance painter

Del Secolo, Floriano

1877 Italy 1949 Italy social philosopher, journalist, anti-fascist

Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugène

1798 France 1893 France Romantic painter

Delambre, Jean-Baptiste

1749 France 1822 France mathematician, astronomer

Delaunay, Boris Nikolaevi č

1890 Russia 1980 Russia mathematician, geometrician, algebraist

Della Robbia, Luca di Simone

1399/1400 Italy 1482 Italy pre-Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith (his uncle's nephew Della Robbia, Andrea 1435-1525 Italy, the latter’s sons Della Robbia Fra' Ambrogio 1477-1528 Italy, Della Robbia Fra' Mattia 1468-1534 Italy, Della Robbia Giovanni 1469-1529 Italy, Della Robbia Girolamo 1488 Italy-1566 France, Della Robbia Luca the Younger / il Giovane 1475-1548 Italy, Renaissance sculptors)

Dēmókritos (it. Democrito)

460 BC Greece 370 BC Greece pre-Socratic philosopher

Demosthenes (it. Demostene)

384 BC Greece 322 BC Greece lawyer, politician

Deng Xiaoping

1904 China 1997 China statesman, politician

Depero, Fortunato

1892 Italy 1960 Italy modern painter, sculptor, designer

Derrida Jacques (Jackie Élie)

1930 Algeria 2004 France structuralist philosopher, essayist

Desargues, Girard

1591 France 1661 France

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mathematician, geometrician Descartes, René (it. Cartesio)

1596 France 1650 Sweden rationalist philosopher, mathematician, geometrician

Dewey, John

1859 USA 1952 USA pragmatist philosopher, psychologist

Dias, Bartolomeu (it. Diaz, Bartolomeo)

1451 Portugal 1500 South Africa sailor, explorer

Dickens, Charles John Huffam

1812 UK 1870 UK Romantic prose writer, essayist, journalist

Diderot, Denis

1713 France 1784 France Enlightenment philosopher, essayist, prose writer

Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl

1858 France 1913 UK mechanical engineer

Di Giorgio Martini, Francesco

1439 Italy 1501 Italy pre-Renaissance architect, sculptor, painter

Dini, Ulisse

1845 Italy 1918 USA mathematician, politician

Diocletian, Gaius Aurelius Valerius Augustus (it. D iocleziano, Gaio Aurelio Valerio Augusto)

244 Croatia 311 Croatia Roman Emperor

Diodorus Siculus (it. Diodoro Siculo)

circa 90 BC Italy circa 27 BC Italy historian

Dioghén ēs Laértios (it. Diogene Laerzio)

180 unknown 240 unknown historian

Diogenes the Cynic

412/404 BC Turkey 323 BC Greece skeptic philosopher

Diophantus of Alexandria (it. Diofanto di Alessandr ia)

III unknown IV unknown mathematician, algebraist

Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice

1902 UK 1984 USA quantum theory physicist, mathematician

Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune

1805 France 1859 Germany mathematician

Disraeli of Beaconsfield, Benjamin

1804 UK 1881 UK statesman, politician, Romantic prose writer

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Di Vittorio, Giuseppe (Nicoletti) 1892 Italy 1957 Italy syndicalist, politician, anti-fascist

Djagilev, Sergej Pavlovi č (Serge)

1872 Russia 1929 Italy art director

D’Oggiono, Marco

1470 Italy 1549 Italy Renaissance painter

Dolcinus of Novara (it. Dolcino da Novara)

1250 Italy 1307 Italy heretic theologian

Domenichino / Zampieri, Domenico

1581 Italy 1641 Italy Baroque painter

Domenico Veneziano / di Bartolomeo, Domenico

1410 Italy 1461 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Donatello / di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, Donato

1386 Italy 1466 Italy pre-Renaissance sculptor, designer, goldsmith

Donatus Magnus of Casae Nigrae (it. Donato di Case Nere)

circa 270 Algeria circa 355 Algeria heretic theologian, bishop

Doni, Dono

1505 Italy 1575 Italy Renaissance painter

Donizetti, Domenico Gaetano Maria

1797 Italy 1848 Italy Romantic composer

Dostoevskij, Fëdor Michajlovi č

1821 Russia 1881 Russia pan-Slavic prose writer, essayist, journalist, social philosopher

Draco (it. Dracone)

VII BC Greece VII BC Greece statesman, jurist

Dreyfus, Alfred

1859 France 1935 France soldier

Dubček, Alexander

1921 Slovakia 1992 Czech Republic statesman, politician

Du Bois-Reymond, Emil

1818 Germany 1896 Germany physician, physiologist

Du Châtelet (Le Tonnelier de Breteuil), Gabrielle É milie

1706 France 1749 France mathematician, physicist, essayist

Duccio di Buoninsegna

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1255-1260 Italy 1318/1319 Italy medieval painter

Duchamp, Marcel

1887 France 1968 France modern artist

Dühring, Karl Eugen

1833 Germany 1921 Germany philosopher, economist

Dukas, Paul

1865 France 1935 France Impressionist composer

Dulbecco, Renato

1914 Italy 2012 USA physician, biologist, genetics scientist

Duns Scoto, Giovanni (Doctor Subtilis)

1265 UK 1308 Germany scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian, priest

Durante, Francesco

1684 Italy 1755 Italy Baroque composer

Dürer, Albrecht

1471 Germany 1528 Germany Renaissance painter, engraver, essayist, mathematician

Durkheim, Émile

1858 France 1917 France sociologist, anthropologist, historian of religions

Dvořák , Antonín Leopold

1841 Czech Republic 1904 Czech Republic late and neoclassical Romantic composer

Eco, Umberto

1932 Italy 2016 Italy modern prose writer, literary critic, essayist

Eddington, Arthur Stanley

1882 UK 1944 UK astronomer, physicist

Edison, Thomas Alva

1847 USA 1931 USA inventor

Einaudi, Luigi

1874 Italy 1961 Italy statesman, politician, economist, journalist

Einstein, Albert

1879 Germany 1955 USA relativistic physicist, social philosopher, pacifist

öjzenštejn, Sergej Michajlovi č

1898 Russia 1948 Russia director, art director, realist writer

El Cid / Díaz de Vivar, Rodrigo

circa 1043 Spain 1099 Spain

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soldier El Greco / Theotokopoulos, Dominikos

1541 Greece 1614 Spain Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect

Elias (it. Elia)

IX BC Lebanon IX BC Israel Hebrew prophet

Eliot, Thomas Stearns

1888 USA 1965 UK modern prose writer, poet, dramatist, essayist

Elisha (it. Eliseo)

IX BC Israel VIII BC Israel Hebrew prophet

Empedocles (it. Empedocle)

V BC Italy V BC Italy pre-Socratic philosopher, politician

Engels, Friedrich

1820 Germany 1895 UK economist, sociologist, materialist philosopher

Enriques, Federigo

1871 Italy 1946 Italy mathematician, geometrician, philosopher of science

Epikouros (it. Epicuro)

341 BC Greece 270 BC Greece Epicurean philosopher

Epíktetos (it. Epitteto)

50 Greece 130 Greece stoic philosopher

Erasistratus of Ceo (it. Erasistrato di Ceo)

304 BC Greece 250 BC Greece physician, anatomist

Erasmus of Rotterdam / Erasmus Roterodamus, Desider ius (it. Erasmo da Rotterdam)

1466 Netherlands 1536 Switzerland humanist, Renaissance philosopher, heretic theologian

Eratosthenes of Cyrene (it. Eratostene di Cirene)

276 BC Libya 194 BC Egypt mathematician, astronomer, geographer, poet

Eriugena, John Scotus (it. Eriugena, Giovanni Scoto )

circa 815 Ireland circa 877 France neo-platonic philosopher, heretic theologian, monk

Erlang, Agner Krarup

1878 Denmark 1929 Denmark mathematician, statistician

Errera, Giorgio

1860 Italy 1933 Italy chemist, anti-fascist

Escher, Maurits Cornelis

1898 Netherlands 1972 Netherlands graphic, engraver, modern artist

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Essen, Louis 1908 UK 1997 UK physicist, optical physicist


VI BC Iran VI BC Iran Persian queen of Hebrew origin

Euclid (it. Euclide)

367 BC Egypt 283 BC Egypt mathematician, geometrician

Euclid of Megara (it. Euclide di Megara)

435 BC Greece 365 BC Greece Socratic philosopher

Eudoxus of Cnidus (it. Eudosso di Cnido)

408 BC Turkey 355 BC Turkey astronomer, mathematician

Eugène Rose de Beauharnais (it. Eugenio di Beauharn ais)

1781 France 1824 Germany Viceroy of Italy

Euler, Leonhard (it. Eulero)

1707 Switzerland 1783 Russia mathematician, physicist

Euripides (it. Euripide)

480 BC Greece 406 BC Greece dramatist

Ezekiel (it. Ezechiele)

circa 620 BC Israel circa 570 BC Iraq Hebrew prophet

Falcone, Giovanni

1930 Italy 1992 Italy magistrate

Falerèus, Demétrios (it. Falereo, Demetrio)

345 BC Greece 282 BC Egypt politician, peripatetic philosopher

Fallaci, Oriana

1929 Italy 2006 Italy journalist, essayist, politician

Faraday, Michael

1791 UK 1867 UK electric physicist, chemist

Fattori, Giovanni

1825 Italy 1908 Italy Macchiaioli painter

Fauré, Gabriel Urbain

1845 France 1924 France Impressionist composer, organist

Fellini, Federico

1920 Italy 1993 Italy director, art director, modern prose writer

Fenoglio, Giuseppe (Beppe)

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1922 Italy 1963 Italy modern prose writer, dramatist, partisan

Fermat (de), Pierre

1601 France 1665 France mathematician, magistrate

Fermi, Enrico

1901 Italy 1954 USA nuclear physicist

Ferrari, Andrea Carlo

1850 Italy 1921 Italy Catholic cardinal, Modernism promoter

Ferrari, Gaudenzio

1475 Italy 1546 Italy Renaissance painter, sculptor

Ferrari, Ludovico

1522 Italy 1565 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Ferrario, Giuseppe

1877 Italy 1932 Italy geodesist, cartographer

Ferraris, Galileo

1847 Italy 1897 Italy electric physicist, engineer

Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas

1804 Germany 1872 Germany left-wing Hegelian idealist philosopher

Feyerabend, Paul Karl

1924 Austria 1994 Switzerland philosopher of science, sociologist

Fibonacci / Pisano, Leonardo

1170–1175 Italy 1240–1250 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb

1762 Germany 1814 Germany idealist philosopher

Ficino, Marsilio

1433 Italy 1499 Italy humanist philosopher, astrologist

Filarete / di Pietro Averlino, Antonio

1400 Italy 1469 Italy pre-Renaissance architect, sculptor

Fiore (da), Gioacchino da

circa 1135 Italy 1202 Italy medieval philosopher, Catholic theologian, Cistercian friar

Fisher, Ronald Aylmer

1890 UK 1962 Australia statistician, mathematician, biologist

Fitzgerald, George Francis

1851 Ireland 1901 Ireland

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electric physicist, metrologist Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis

1819 France 1896 France physicist, optical physicist

Flaiano, Ennio

1910 Italy 1972 Italy realist prose writer, dramatist, literary critic, journalist

Flaubert, Gustave

1821 France 1880 France Romantic prose writer

Fleming, Alexander

1881 UK 1955 UK biologist, naturalist

Fleming, Sandford

1827 UK 1915 Canada mechanical engineer, inventor, geographer

Florensky, Pavel Alexandrovich

1882 Russia 1937 Russia Orthodox theologian, priest, mathematician, physicist, engineer

Fludd, Robert

1574 UK 1637 UK physician, alchemist

Fo, Dario

1926 Italy 2016 Italy dramatist, theatre director, modern artist, politician

Foa, Vittorio

1910 Italy 2008 Italy trade unionist, politician, essayist, journalist

Fogazzaro, Antonio

1842 Italy 1911 Italy anti-Romantic prose writer

Folengo, Gerolamo (Teofilo) / Merlin Cocai / Limern o Pitocco

1491 Italy 1544 Italy Renaissance poet

Follereau, Raoul

1903 France 1977 France journalist, social philosopher, poet, pacifist

Fontana, Lucio

1899 Argentina 1968 Italy post-modern artist

Foppa, Vincenzo

1430 Italy 1515 Italy Renaissance painter

Foscolo, Niccolò Ugo

1778 Greece 1827 UK neoclassical and pre-romantic writer, poet

Foucault, Paul Michel

1926 France 1984 France structuralist philosopher, historian, essayist, literary critic

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Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph 1768 France 1830 France mathematician, thermodynamic physicist

Fourier, François Marie Charles

1772 France 1837 France utopian philosopher

Fracastoro, Girolamo

1478 Italy 1553 Italy physician, mathematician, geographer, astronomer

Fraenkel, Abraham Halevi (Adolf)

1891 Germany 1965 Israel mathematician

Francesco D'Assisi / di Pietro Bernardone, Giovanni

1181 Italy 1226 Italy Franciscan friar, preacher

Frank, Annelies Marie (Anne)

1929 Germany 1945 Germany victim of Nazism

Franklin, Benjamin

1706 USA 1790 USA politician, statesman, inventor

Franklin, Rosalind Elsie

1920 UK 1958 UK chemist, physicist

Frederick I of Swabia (it. Federico I di Svevia Bar barossa)

1155 Italy 1190 Italy Holy Roman Emperor (his grandchild Frederick II of Swabia / it. Federico II di Svevia 1194-1250 Italy, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Italy, the latter’s son Manfred of Hohenstaufen / it. Manfredi, 1232-1266 Italy, king of Sicily)

Frederic II of Prussia / Frederic the Great (it. Fe derico II il Grande)

1712 Germany 1786 Germany King of Prussia

Frederick III the Wise (it. Federico III il Saggio)

1463 Germany 1525 Germany Elector of Saxony

Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob

1848 Germany 1925 Germany mathematician, logician, philosopher

Fresnel, Augustine-Jean

1788 France 1827 France physicist, optical physicist, engineer

Freud, Sigismund Schlomo (Sigmund)

1856 Austria 1939 UK neurologist, psychologist

Frisi, Paolo

1728 Italy 1784 Italy mathematician, astronomer, Barnabite priest

Frisiani, Paolo

1797 Italy 1880 Italy astronomer

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Fromm, Erich Seligmann 1900 Germany 1980 Switzerland psychologist , sociologist, Marxian philosopher

Fu, King-Sun

1930 China 1985 USA computer scientist, artificial intelligence pioneer

Fubini Ghiron, Guido

1879 Italy 1943 USA mathematician, geometrician

Füger, Heinrich Friedrich

1751 Germany 1818 Austria neoclassical painter

Furtwängler, Wilhelm 1886 Germany 1954 Austria conductor, modern composer

Gabba, Luigi

1841 Italy 1916 Italy astronomer

Gabrieli, Giovanni

1557 Italy 1612 Italy late-Renaissance composer, organist (his uncle Gabrieli, Andrea 1533-1585 Italy, late-Renaissance composer, organist)

Gadda, Carlo Emilio

1893 Italy 1973 Italy modern prose writer, poet, engineer

Gagarin, Jurij Alekseevi č

1934 Russia 1968 Russia cosmonaut, pilot, engineer, soldier

Gagini, Antonello

1478 Italy 1536 Italy Renaissance sculptor, architect, engineer (his father Gagini, Domenico 1449 Switzerland-1492 Italy, pre-Renaissance sculptor)

Gagliardi, Rosario

1698 Italy 1762 Italy Baroque architect

Galen of Pergamon (it. Galeno di Pergamo)

130 Turkey 200 Italy physician, natural philosopher

Galilei, Galileo

1564 Italy 1642 Italy astronomer, mechanical physicist, mathematician, philosopher

Galizia, Fede

1578 Italy 1630 Italy Baroque painter

Galle, Johann Gottfried

1812 Germany 1910 Germany astronomer

Gallerani, Cecilia

1473 Italy 1533 Italy culture promoter

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Gallino, Luciano 1927 Italy 2015 Italy sociologist , essayist

Galois, Évariste

1811 France 1832 France mathematician, algebraist

Galton, Francis

1822 UK 1911 UK naturalist, statistician, explorer

Galuppi, Baldassarre

1706 Italy 1785 Italy late-Baroque composer, organist

Galvani, Luigi

1737 Italy 1798 Italy physician, physiologist, physicist

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma)

1869 India 1984 India statesman, politician, lawyer, social philosopher

García Lorca, Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

1898 Spain 1936 Spain realist poet, dramatist

García Márquez, Gabriel José de la Concordia (Gabo)

1927 Columbia 2014 Mexico modern prose writer, essayist, journalist

Gargani, Aldo Giorgio

1933 Italy 2009 Italy philosopher of science

Garibaldi, Giuseppe

1807 France 1882 Italy soldier, conqueror

Gassend, Pierre (it. Gassendi)

1592 France 1655 France philosopher, priest, mathematician, astronomer, astrologist

Gastaldi, Giacomo

1500 Italy 1566 Italy cartographer

Gaudí y Cornet, Antoni

1852 Spain 1926 Spain modern architect

Gauguin, Paul

1848 France 1903 French Polynesia post-Impressionist artist

Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich

1777 Germany 1855 Germany mathematician, geometrician, astronomer, physicist

Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis

1778 France 1850 France chemist, physicist

Geminiani, Francesco Xaverio

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1687 Italy 1762 Ireland Baroque composer, violinist

Genghiz Kh ān / Temugin

1162 Mongolia 1227 Mongolia soldier, conqueror

Gentile, Giovanni

1875 Italy 1944 Italy idealist philosopher, politician

Gentile da Fabriano (di Niccolò di Giovanni Massi, Gentile)

1370 Italy 1427 Italy gothic painter

Gentileschi, Artemisia

1593 Italy 1656 Italy Baroque painter

Gentzen, Gerhard Karl Erich

1909 Germany 1945 Czech Republic mathematician, logician

Géricault, Jean-Louis André Théodore

1791 France 1824 France Romantic painter

Gerra, Domenico

1728 Italy 1813 Italy astronomer, Jesuit priest

Gershwin, George

1898 USA 1936 USA modern and jazz composer, pianist

Gesualdo da Venosa, Carlo

1560 Italy 1613 Italy Baroque composer, musician

Ghiberti, Lorenzo

1378 Italy 1455 Italy pre-Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, architect

Ghirlandaio / Bigordi, Domenico

1449 Italy 1494 Italy Renaissance painter

Giacometti, Alberto

1901 Switzerland 1966 Switzerland sculptor, engraver, modern painter

Giambellino / Bellini, Giovanni

1430 Italy 1516 Italy Renaissance painter

Giambologna / Jean de Boulogne

1529 Belgium 1608 Italy mannerist sculptor

Giannella, Carlo Francesco

1740 Switzerland 1810 Italy mathematician, physicist, Catholic priest

Giáp, Võ Nguyên

1911 Vietnam 2013 Vietnam

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statesman, politician, soldier Gibbs, Josiah Willard

1839 USA 1903 USA engineer, chemist, physicist

Gide, André Paul Guillaume

1869 France 1951 France realist prose writer, essayist

Ginzburg, Leone

1909 Ukraine 1944 Italy essayist, journalist, anti-fascist

Ginzburg (Levi), Natalia

1916 Italy 1991 Italy modern prose writer, essayist, journalist

Gioberti, Vincenzo

1801 Italy 1852 France statesman, social philosopher, Catholic priest

Gioia, Flavio

XIII Italy XIV Italy sailor, inventor

Giolitti, Giovanni

1842 Italy 1928 Italy statesman, politician

Giordano, Luca

1634 Italy 1705 Italy Baroque painting

Giordano, Umberto Menotti Maria

1867 Italy 1948 Italy realist composer

Giorgione / Zorzi da Castelfranco / Barbarella, Gio rgio

1478 Italy 1510 Italy Renaissance painter

Giotto / di Bondone, Ambrogio o Angiolo

1266 Italy 1337 Italy medieval painter, architect

Giulini, Carlo Maria

1914 Italy 2005 Italy conductor

Giusti, Giuseppe

1809 Italy 1850 Italy Romantic poet

Glinka , Michail Ivanovi č

1804 Russia 1857 Germany Romantic composer

Gluck, Christoph Willibald

1714 Germany 1787 Austria Romantic composer

Gobetti, Piero

1901 Italy 1926 France journalist, social philosopher, anti-fascist

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Gödel, Kurt 1906 Czech Republic 1978 USA mathematician, logician

Godin, Louis

1704 France 1760 Spain astronomer

Goethe (von), Johann Wolfgang

1749 Germany 1832 Germany classical and pre-Romantic prose writer, poet, dramatist, essayist

Goffman, Erving

1922 Canada 1982 Canada sociologist

Gogol', Nikolaj Vasil'evi č

1809 Russia 1852 Russia realist prose writer, dramatist

Goldbach, Christian

1690 Germany 1764 Russia mathematician, algebraist

Goldoni, Carlo Osvaldo

1707 Italy 1793 France pre-Enlightenment dramatist, lawyer

Golgi, Bartolomeo Camillo Emilio

1843 Italy 1926 Italy physician, biologist

Goodman, Nelson

1906 USA 1998 USA philosopher of science

Goretti, Cesare

1886 Italy 1952 Italy philosopher, jurist, anti-fascist

Gorgias (it. Gorgia)

485 BC Italy 380 BC Greek sophistic philosopher

Gosset, William Sealy (Student)

1876 UK 1937 UK statistician

Goya, Francisco / de Gaya y Lucientes, Francisco Jo sé

1746 Spain 1828 France pre-Romantic painter, engraver

Gozzano, Guido Gustavo

1883 Italy 1916 Italy realist prose writer, poet

Gozzoli, Benozzo / di Lese di Sandro, Benozzo

circa 1421 Italy 1497 Italy Renaissance painter

Gramsci, Antonio Francesco

1891 Italy 1937 Italy politician, Marxian philosopher, essayist, journalist

Grandi, Guido

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1671 Italy 1742 Italy mathematician, philosopher, monk

Grass, Günter

1927 Germany 2015 Germany modern prose writer, poet, dramatist, essayist, modern artist

Grassi, Paolo

1919 Italy 1981 UK architect, art director

Green, George

1793 UK 1841 UK mathematician, physicist

Gregory I / Gregory the Great (it. Gregorio I / Gre gorio Magno)

circa 540 Italy 604 Italy Catholic pope

Gregory VII / Hildebrand of Sovana (it. Gregorio VI I / Ildebrando di Soana)

1015 Italy 1085 Italy Catholic Pope

Gregory XIII / Boncompagni, Ugo (it. Gregorio XIII)

1502 Italy 1585 Italy Catholic pope

Gregory XVI / Cappellari, Bartolomeo Alberto (it. G regorio XVI)

1765 Italy 1846 Italy Catholic pope

Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Karl

1785 Germany 1863 Germany Romantic prose writer, philologist, comparative linguist (his borther Wilhelm Karl 1786-1859 Germany)

Grindel, Carlo

1780 Italy 1854 Italy manufacturer, mechanical engineer (pupil of Megele, Giuseppe 1740-1816 mechanical engineer, optical physicist)

Groot (de), Huig (it. Grozio, Ugo)

1583 Netherlands 1645 Germany jurist, philosopher

Gropius, Walter Adolph

1883 Germany 1969 USA Modernist architect, designer

Guardi, Francesco Lazzaro

1712 Italy 1793 Italy pre-Romantic painter

Guarini, Camillo Guarino

1624 Italy 1683 Italy Baroque architect, mathematician

Guercino / Barbieri, Giovanni Francesco

1591 Italy 1666 Italy Baroque painter

Guérin, Daniel

1904 France 1988 France historian, politician

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Guevara, Ernesto (Che) 1928 Argentina 1967 Bolivia politician, soldier, physician

Guicciardini, Francesco

1483 Italy 1540 Italy historian, prose writer, politician

Guido d'Arezzo / Guido Pomposiano

circa 991 / 992 Italy circa 1033 Italy medieval musician, Benedectine monk

Guinizelli, Guido / di Guinizello di Magnano, Guido

1235 Italy 1276 Italy medieval poet, magistrate

Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume

1787 France 1874 France statesman, politician, historian

Guldin, Habakkuk (it. Guldino, Paolo)

1577 Switzerland 1643 Austria mathematician, astronomer, Jesuit priest

Gutenberg (zum), Johannes Gänsfleisch zur Laden

1398 Germany 1468 Germany inventor, goldsmith

Hadamard, Jacques Solomon

1865 France 1963 France mathematician, algebraist

Hadrian (it. Adriano)

76 Italy 138 Italy Roman emperor

Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich

1834 Germany 1919 Germany physician, biologist, naturalist, philosopher

Hamilton, William Rowan

1805 Ireland 1865 Ireland mathematician, algebraist, mechanical physicist, astronomer

Hamann, Johann Georg

1730 Russia 1788 Germany anti-Enlightenment philosopher

Hamming, Richard Wesley

1915 USA 1998 USA mathematician, algebraist, computer scientist

Händel, Georg Friedrich

1685 Germany 1759 UK Baroque composer

Hannibal Barca (it. Annibale Barca)

247 BC Tunisia 183/181 BC Turkey politician, soldier

Haq, Mahbub ul

1934 Pakistan 1998 USA economist, politician

Hardy Godfrey, Harold

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1877 UK 1947 UK mathematician, algebraist

Harvey, William

1578 UK 1677 UK physician

Hasan al-Khazini (ibn al-), Abu Jafar Muhammad

900 Iran 971 Iran mathematician, algebraist, astronomer

Havély, Élie

1870 France 1937 France social philosopher, historian

Haydn, Franz Joseph

1732 Austria 1809 Austria classical composer

Hebb, Donald Olding

1904 Canada 1985 Canada Gestalt psychologist

Hector (it. Ettore)

legendary Trojan hero (his wife Andromache / it. Andromaca) Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

1770 Germany 1831 Germany idealist philosopher

Heidegger, Martin

1889 Germany 1976 Germany existentialist philosopher, shameless Nazi

Heine, Heinrich Cristian Johann

1797 Germany 1856 France Romantic and realism poet, essayist, literary critic

Heisenberg, Werner Karl

1901 Germany 1976 Germany quantum theory physicist

Helava, Uuno Vilho (Uki)

1923 Finland 1994 Finland photogrammetrist, computer scientist

Hell, Maximilian

1720 Slovakia 1792 Austria astronomer, Jesuit priest

Helmert, Friedrich Robert

1843 Germany 1917 Germany geodesist, statistician

Helmholtz (von), Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand

1821 Germany 1894 Germany physician, physiologist, natural physicist

Helvetius, Claude Adrien Maria

1715 France 1771 France Enlightenment philosopher, essayist

Hemingway, Ernest Miller

1899 USA 1961 USA modern prose writer, journalist

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Henry IV Bourbon (it. Enrico IV Borbone) 1553 France 1610 France King of France

Henry V Salier (it. Enrico V il Salico)

1081 / 1086 Germany 1125 Netherlands Holy Roman Emperor

Henry VIII Tudor (it. Enrico VIII Tudor)

1491 UK 1547 UK King of England (his wife Boleyn, Anne / it. Bolena, Anna 1501/1507-1536 UK, Queen of United Kingdom, his daughter Elizabeth I of England / it. Elisabetta I di Inghilterra 1533-1603 UK, Queen of England)

Heracles / Hercules (it. Eracle / Ercole)

legendary Greek hero, son of Zeus (it. Giove) and a mortal Greek queen Heraclitus of Ephesus (it. Eraclito di Efeso)

535 BC Turkey 475 BC Turkey pre-Socratic philosopher

Herakléid ēs of Pontikós (it. Eraclide Pontico)

390 BC Greece 310 BC Greece platonic philosopher, astronomer

Herbart, Johann Fiedrich

1776 Germany 1841 Germany anti-idealist philosopher, psychologist

Herder, Johann Gottfried

1744 Germany 1803 Germany Enlightenment philosopher, poet, literary critic

Hero of Alexandria (it. Erone il vecchio d'Alessand ria)

circa 10 Egypt circa 70 Egypt mathematician, engineer

Herodotus (it. Erodoto)

484 BC Greece 425 BC Italy historian

Herophilos (it. Erofilo)

335 BC Turkey 280 BC Egypt physician, anatomist

Herschel, Frederick William

1792 Germany 1871 UK astronomer, optical physicist

Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf

1857 Germany 1894 Germany electric physicist, inventor

Herzl, Theodor / Herzl, Benjamin Ze'ev

1860 Hungary 1904 Austria politician, social philosopher, Zionism promoter

Hesiod (it. Esiodo)

circa 750 BC Turkey or Greece circa 650 BC Greece poet

Hesse, Hermann

1877 Germany 1962 Switzerland prose writer, poet, philosopher, painter

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Hieronymus, Sofronius Eusebius (it. Gerolamo, Sofro nio Eusebio) 347 Croatia 419/420 Italy translator, Catholic priest

Hilbert, David

1862 Germany 1943 Germany mathematician, logician, geometrician

Hindemith, Paul

1895 Germany 1963 Germany dodecaphonic composer

Hipparchus of Nicea (it. Ipparco di Nicea)

circa 190 BC Turkey circa 120 BC Greece astronomer, geographer, mathematician

Hippocrates of Chios (it. Ippocrate di Chio)

circa 470 BC Greece circa 410 BC Greece astronomer, mathematician, geometrician

Hippocrates of Kos (it. Ippocrate di Coo)

circa 460 BC Greece circa 370 BC Greece physician, geographer

Hjelmslev, Louis Trolle

1899 Denmark 1965 Denmark structural linguist, structuralist philosopher

Hồ Chí Minh / Nguy ễn Sinh Cung (Nguy ễn Tất Thành / Nguy ễn Ái Qu ốc)

1890 Vietnam 1969 Vietnam statesman, politician, soldier

Hobbes, Thomas

1588 UK 1679 UK empiricist philosopher, mathematician

Holbein the Younger (it. il giovane), Hans

circa 1497 Germany 1543 UK Renaissance painter, engraver (his father Holbein the Elder / it. il vecchio, Hans, circa 1460-1524 Germany, gothic and Renaissance painter, engraver, his brother Holbein, Ambrosius circa 1494 Germany-1519 Switzerland, Renaissance painter, engraver)

Hölder, Otto Ludwig

1859 Germany 1937 Germany mathamtician, algebraist

Hölderlin, Johann Christian Friederich

1770 Germany 1843 Germany Romantic poet

Homer (it. Omero)

Ancient Greek mythical poet Hondius, Jodocus / De Hondt, Joost

1563 Netherlands 1612 Netherlands mathematician, cartographer

Hooke, Robert

1635 UK 1703 UK mechanical physicist, biologist, architect

Horace / Quintus Horace Flaccus (it. Orazio / Quint o Orazio Flacco)

65 BC Italy 8 BC Italy poet

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Horkheimer, Max 1895 Germany 1973 Germany sociologist, social philosopher

Hotelling, Harold

1895 USA 1973 USA statistician

Hotine, Martin

1898 UK 1968 UK geodesist, soldier

Hugo, Victor Marie

1802 France 1885 France Romantic prose writer, poet, dramatist, essayist, politician

Hume, David

1711 UK 1776 UK empiricist philosopher, historian

Hus, Jan

1369/1372 Czech Republic 1415 Germany Reformed theologian, humanist

Husserl, Edmund Gustav Albrecht

1859 Czech Republic) 1938 Germany phenomenological philosopher, mathematician

Hutton, Charles

1737 UK 1823 UK mathematician, geophysicist

Huygens, Christiaan

1629 Netherlands 1695 Netherlands mechanical physicist, mathematician, astronomer

Hypatia of Alexandria (it. Ipazia di Alessandria)

355/370 Egypt 415 Egypt mathematician, astronomer, neo-platonic philosopher (his father Theon if Alexandria / it. Teone di Alessandria circa 335- 405 Egypt, mathematician, Peripatetic philosopher)

Ibn al-Bann ā’ / Abū l-‘Abb ās Ah mad ibn Muh ammad ibn ‘Uthm ān al-Azd ī ibn al-Bann ā’ al-Marr ākush ī

1256 Morocco 1321 Morocco mathematician, astronomer

Ibn Batt ūta / Abū ‘Abd All āh Muh ammad Ibn ‘Abd All āh al-Law ātī al-Tanj ī Ibn Batt ūta

1304 Morocco 1368/1369 Morocco traveler, explorer

Ibsen, Henrik

1828 Norway 1906 Norway late-Romantic prose writer, dramatist, poet

Illich, Ivan

1926 Austria 2002 Germany social philosopher, essayist

Infeld, Leopold

1898 Poland 1968 Poland relativistic physicist, pacifist

Inghilleri, Giuseppe

1924 Italy 1983 Italy geodesist, surveyor, photogrammetrist

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Ionesco, Eugène / Ionescu, Eugen 1909 Romania 1994 France dramatist, essayist

Isabel I of Castile (it. Isabella I di Castiglia)

1451 Spain 1504 Spain Queen of Spain

Isaiah (it. Isaia)

VIII BC Israel VII BC Israel Hebrew prophet

Isidore of Seville (it. Isidoro di Siviglia)

circa 560 Spain 636 Spain Catholic theologian, bishop

Jackson , Andrew

1767 USA 1845 USA statesman, politician, soldier

Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob

1804 Germany 1851 Germany mathematician, mechanical physicist

Jacopo della Quercia / di Pietro D'Agnolo di Guarni eri, Jacopo

1374 Italy 1438 Italy pre-Renaissance sculptor

Jacopone da Todi / de Benedictis, Jacopo

circa 1230 Italy 1306 Italy medieval poet, Franciscan friar

James, William

1842 USA 1910 USA pragmatist philosopher, psychologist

Janáček, Leóš

1854 Czech Republic 1928 Czech Republic late-Romantic composer

Jason (it. Giasone)

legendary Greek hero, sailor Jaspers, Karl Theodor

1883 Germany 1969 Switzerland existentialist philosopher

Jefferson, Thomas

1743 USA 1826 USA statesman, politician, architect

Jenner, Edward

1749 UK 1823 UK physician, biologist, naturalist

Jeremiah (it. Geremia)

circa 650 BC Israel circa 586 BC Egypt Hebrew prophet

Jesus of Nazareth (it. Gesù di Nazareth)

7/2 BC Israel circa 36 Israel founder of Christianity (his mother Mary of Nazareth / it. Maria di Nazareth)

Joan of Arc (it. Giovanna d’Arco)

1412 France 1431 France

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French heroine John XXIII / Roncalli, Angelo Giuseppe (it. Giovann i XXIII)

1881 Italy 1963 Italy Catholic pope, pacifist

John Lackland (it. Giovanni senza Terra)

1166 UK 1216 UK King of England (his brother Richard I the Lionheart / it. Riccardo I Cuor di Leone 1157 UK-1199 France, King of England)

John Paul II / Wojtyła, Karol Józef (it. Giovanni P aolo II)

1920 Poland 2005 Italy Catholic pope

John the Baptist (it. Giovanni Battista)

7/2 BC Israel circa 35 Jordan Hebrew prophet

John the Evangelist (it. Giovanni Evangelista)

circa 10 Israel 98/99 Greece Apostle, evangelist

Joliot-Curie, Irène

1897 France 1956 France chemist, pacifist (her husband Joliot-Curie, Jean Frédéric 1900-1958 France, nuclear physicist, pacifist)

Jonah (it. Giona)

IX BC Israel VIII BC Iraq Hebrew prophet

Jordan, Marie Camille Ennemond

1838 France 1922 France mathematician, geometrician

Joule, James Prescott

1818 UK 1889 UK thermodynamic physicist

Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius

1882 Ireland 1941 Switzerland modern prose writer, poet, dramatist


VIII BC Israel VIII BC Israel Hebrew widow, heroine

Julianus, Flavius Claudius (it. Giuliano, Flavio Cl audio / l’Apostata)

330 Turkey 363 Iraq Roman Emperor, neo-platonic philosopher

Julius II (it. Giulio II) / Della Rovere, Giuliano

1443 Italy 1513 Italy Catholic pope

Jung, Carl Gustav

1875 Switzerland 1961 Switzerland psychologist, anthropologist

Justinian I the Great, Flavius Petrus Sabbatius (it . Giustiniano I il Grande, Flavio Pietro Sabbazio)

482 Turkey 565 Turkey Byzantine emperor

Juvara, Filippo

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1678 Italy 1736 Spain Baroque architect

Juvenalis, Decimus Iunius (it. Giovenale, Decimo Gi uno)

circa 50 Italy circa 130 Italy poet


circa 1440 India circa 1518 India sage, poet

Kafka, Franz

1883 Czech Republic 1924 Austria modern prose writer

Kandinskij, Vasilij Vasil'evi č

1866 Russia 1944 France abstract painter

Kanizsa, Gaetano

1913 Italy 1993 Italy psychologist, modern artist

Kant, Immanuel

1724 Russia 1804 Russia Enlightenment and critic philosopher, geographer

Karajan (Ritter von), Heribert (Herbert)

1908 Austira 1989 Austria conductor

Kautsky, Karl

1854 Czech Republic 1938 Netherlands Marxian philosopher, politician

Kelvin / Thomson, William

1824 Ireland 1907 UK thermodynamic physicist, engineer

Kenyatta, Jomo

1889 Kenya 1978 Kenya statesman, politician

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (Jack)

1917 USA 1963 USA statesman, politician (his brother Kennedy, Robert Francis / Bobby 1925-1968 USA, politician, lawyer)

Kepler, Johann (it. Keplero)

1571 Germany 1630 Germany astronomer, mathematician, Reformed theologian

Keynes, John Maynard

1883 UK 1946 UK economist

Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye

1813 Denmark 1855 Denmark existentialist philosopher, Reformed theologian

King Jr., Martin Luther (Michael)

1929 USA 1968 USA politician, social reformer, Reformed pastor

Kipling, Joseph Rudyard

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1865 India 1936 UK realist prose writer, poet

Kirchoff, Gustav Robert George

1824 Russia 1887 Germany electric physicist, mathematician

Klee, Paul

1879 Switzerland 1940 Switzerland abstract painter

Kleiber, Karl Ludwig (Carlos)

1930 Germany 2004 Slovenia conductor, modern composer

Klein, Felix Christian

1849 Germany 1925 Germany mathematician, geometrician

Klein, Melanie

1882 Austria 1960 UK neurologist, psychologist

Kleist (von), Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm

1777 Germany 1811 Germany Romantic prose writer, dramatist, poet

Klemperer, Otto

1885 Poland 1973 Switzerland conductor, modern composer

Klimt, Gustav

1862 Austria 1918 Austria Secessionist painter

Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb

1724 Germany 1803 Germany pre-Classical prose writer, dramatist

Koehler, Wolfgang

1887 Estonia 1967 USA Gestalt psychologist

Koffka, Kurt

1886 Germany 1941 USA Gestalt psychologist

Kokoschka, Oskar

1886 Austria 1980 Switzerland Secessionist and abstract painter

Kolmogorov, Andrej Nikolaevic

1903 Russia 1987 Russia mathematician, statistician

Krarup, Torben

1919 Denmark 2005 Denmark geodesist, mathematician

Kronecker, Leopold

1823 Poland 1891 Germany mathematician, algebraist, logician

Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich

1842 Russia 1921 Russia

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anarchism philosopher, natural scientist Kruskal, Joseph Bernard

1929 USA 2010 USA mathematician, statistician, computer scientist

Kubrick, Stanley

1928 USA 1999 UK director, art director

Kuhn, Thomas Samuel

1922 USA 1996 USA philosopher of science, historian

Kuliscioff (Moiseyeva Rosenstein) Anna

1857 Russia 1925 Italy physician, Marxian philosopher

Kurosawa, Akira

1910 Japan 1998 Japan director, art director, modern prose writer

Lacan, Jacques

1901 France 1981 France psychologist, social philosopher

La Condamine (de), Charles Marie

1701 France 1774 France geographer, mathematician

Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (it. Lattanz io, Lucio Cecilio Firmiano)

circa 250 Tunisia 317 France prose writer, essayist

La Fontaine (de), Jean

1621 France 1695 France fabulist, poet

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis / Lagrangia, Giuseppe Lodovi co

1736 Italy 1813 France mathematician, astronomer

La Grange, Louis

1711 France 1783 Italy astronomer, Jesuit priest

La Hire (de), Philippe

1640 France 1718 France astronomer, mathematician, architect

Lakatos, Imre / Lipsitz, Imre

1922 Hungary 1974 UK philosopher of science

Lamarck (de), Jean-Baptiste / de Monet cavaliere di Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine

1744 France 1829 France naturalist, biologist, illuminist

Lambert, Johann Heinrich

1728 France 1777 Germany mathematician, geometrician, astronomer, physicist

Lancelot (it. Lancillotto)

mythical Britain hero

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Lao Tzu VI BC China VI BC China Chinese sage, founder of Taoism

Laplace, Pierre-Simon

1749 France 1827 France mathematician, statistician, astronomer, physicist

Las Casas (de), Bartolomé

1484 Spain 1566 Spain Dominican friar, Catholic bishop

Lassalle-Wolfson, Ferdinand Johann Gottlieb

1825 Poland 1864 Switzerland jurist, social philosopher, politician

Laurana, Luciano

1420 Croatia 1479 France pre-Renaissance architect, painter

Lavoisier (de), Antoine Laurent

1743 France 1794 France chemist, biologist, illuminist, economist

Lebesgue, Henri Leon

1875 Fance 1941 France mathematician

Le Corbusier / Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-Edouard

1887 Switzerland 1965 Switzerland Modernist architect, painter, designer

Lega, Silvestro

1826 Italy 1895 Italy Macchiaioli painter

Legendre, Adrien - Marie

1752 France 1833 France mathematician

Léger, Joseph Ferdinand Henri

1881 France 1955 France. modern painter, sculptor

Le Goff, Jacques

1924 France 2014 France historian, sociologist

Leibniz (von), Gottfried Wilhelm

1646 Germany 1716 Germany mathematician, logician, natural philosopher, diplomat, magistrate

Lenin / Uljanov, Vladimir

1870 Russia 1924 Russia Marxian philosopher, politician, statesman

Leo I / Leo the Great (it. Leone I / Leone Magno)

circa 400 Italy 461 Italy Catholic pope

Leo X (it. Leone X) / Medici (de’), Giovanni di Lor enzo

1475 Italy 1521 Italy Catholic pope

Leo XIII / Pecci, Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luig i (it. Leone XIII)

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1810 Italy 1903 Italy Catholic pope

Leonardo da Vinci

1452 Italy 1519 France Renaissance painter, musician, prose writer, engineer, inventor, anatomist (his pupil Caprotti, Gian Giacomo / Salaì 1480-1524 Italy, painter)

Leoncavallo, Ruggero

1857 Italy 1919 Italy realist composer

Leontief, Wassily

1905 Germany 1999 USA economist

Leopardi, Giacomo Taldegardo Francesco di Sales Sav erio Pietro

1798 Italy 1837 Italy poet, essayist, social and natural philosopher

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

1729 Germany 1781 Germany Enlightenment prose writer, dramatist, illuminist

Levallois, Jean-Jacques

1911 France 2001 France geodesist, surveyor

Levenberg, Kenneth

1919 USA 1973 USA mathematician, statistician

Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph

1811 France 1877 France astronomer, mathematician, statistician

Levi, Carlo

1902 Italy 1975 Italy physician, painter, modern prose writer, anti-fascist

Levi, Primo Michele

1919 Italy 1987 Italy chemist, modern prose writer, poet, anti-fascist

Levi Civita, Tullio 1863 Italy 1941 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Levi Della Vida, Giorgio

1886 Italy 1967 Italy linguist, historian, anti-fascist

Levi-Montalcini, Rita

1909 Italy 2012 Italy physician, biologist, genetics scientist

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

1908 Belgium 2009 France naturalist, biologist, structural philosopher

Liebig (von), Justus

1803 Germany 1873 Germany chemist, naturalist

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Liebknecht, Karl 1871 Germany 1919 Germany politician, economist

Lincoln , Abraham

1809 USA 1865 USA statesman, politician, lawyer

Linde (von), Carl Paul Gottfried

1842 Germany 1934 Germany thermodynamic and electric engineer

Linné (von), Carl Nilsson (it. Linneo, Carolus)

1707 Sweden 1778 Sweden physician, biologist, naturalist

Lippi Di Tommaso, Filippo

1406 Italy 1469 Italy pre-Renaissance painter, Carmelite friar (his son Lippi, Filippino 1459-1504 Italy, Renaissance and mannerist painter)

Lipschitz, Rudolph Otto Sigismund

1832 Russia 1903 Germany mathamtician, mechanical physicist

Lister, Joseph

1827 UK 1912 UK physician, surgeon

Liszt, Franz (Ferenc)

1811 Austria 1886 Germany Romantic composer, pianist, organist

Litke, Feodor Petrovich

1797 Russia 1882 Russia sailor, explorer, geographer, soldier

Livy, Titus (it. Livio, Tito)

59 BC Italy 17 Italy historian

Lloyd George of Dwyfor, David

1863 UK 1945 UK statesman, politician

Llull, Ramon (it. Lullo, Raimondo)

1233 Spain 1316 Spain Aristotelian philosopher, logician, Catholic theologian, Franciscan friar

Lobačevskij, Nikolaj Ivanovi č

1792 Russia 1856 Russia mathematician, geometrician

Locke, John

1632 UK 1704 UK empiricist philosopher, physician

Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo

1538 Italy 1592 Italy mannerist painter

Lombardo Radice, Lucio

1916 Italy 1982 Belgium mathematician, philosopher of science, politician

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Lomonosov, Michail Vasil'evi č 1711 Russia 1765 Russia chemist, naturalist, poet, linguist

Longanesi, Leopoldo (Leo)

1905 Italy 1957 Italy journalist, designer

López de Ayala, Pedro

1332 Spain 1407 Spain medieval poet, prose writer

López de Mendoza de Santillana, Iñigo

1398 Spain 1458 Spain medieval poet, soldier

López Loiola, Íñigo (it. di Loyola, Ignazio)

1491 Spain 1556 Italy Jesuit friar, preacher

Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon

1853 Netherlands 1928 Netherlands electric physicist

Lorenz, Konrad Zacharias

1903 Austria 1989 Austria naturalist, biologist, natural philosopher

Lorenz, Ludvig Valentin

1829 Denmark 1891 Denmark physicist, mathematician

Lorenzetti, Pietro

1280/85 Italy c8irca 1348 Italy medieval painter (his brother Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 1290-1348 Italy, medieval painter)

Lorenzo the Magnificent (it. Lorenzo il Magnifico) / di Piero de' Medici, Lorenzo

1499 Italy 1492 Italy statesman, humanist, poet, prose writer (his grandfather De Medici , Cosimo the Elder / it. il Vecchio 1389-1464 Italy, politician, banker)

Lorenzoni, Giuseppe

1843 Italy 1914 Italy astronomer, geodesist

Loschmidt, Jan Johann Josef

1821 Czech Republic 1895 Austria chemist, thermodynamic physicist

Lotto, Lorenzo

1480 Italy 1556 Italy medieval painter

Louis IX (it. Luigi IX)

1214 France 1270 Tunisia King of France

Louis XIV / Louis the Great (it. Luigi XIV)

1638 France 1715 France King of France (his grandchildren Louis XV / Louis the Beloved / it. Luigi XV 1710-1774 France, King of France, Louis XVI / Louis-Auguste / it. Luigi XVI 1754-1793 France King of France, the wife of the last one Marie Antoinette / Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna Hasburg / it. Maria Antonietta 1755 Austria-

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1793 France, Queen of France) Lovelace, Ada / Byron, Augusta Ada

1815 UK 1852 UK mathematician, computer scientist

Lucan, Marcus Annaeus (it. Lucano, Marco Anneo)

39 Spain 65 Italy poet

Lucian of Samosata (it. Luciano di Samosata)

120 Turkey 180/192 Greece epicurean philosopher, prose writer

Lucretius, Titus Carus (it. Lucrezio, Tito Caro)

94 BC Italy 50 BC Italy epicurean philosopher, poet

Luini, Bernardino / Scapi, Bernardino

1482 Italy 1532 Italy Renaissance painter (his son Luini Aurelio 1530-1593 Italy mannerist painter)

Lukács, György

1885 Hungary 1971 Hungary Marxian philosopher, literary critic

Luke the Evangelist (it. Luca Evangelista)

10 Turkey circa 93 Greece Evangelist, physician

Lully, Jean-Baptiste (it. Lulli, Giovanni Battista)

1632 Italy 1687 France Baroque composer

Lumière, Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas

1862 France 1954 France director, art director (his brother Louis Jean 1864-1948 France)

Lumumba, Patrice Émery

1925 Congo 1961 Congo statesman, politician

Luria, Salvadore Eduardo

1912 Italy 1991 USA physician, biologist

Luther, Martin (it. Lutero, Martino)

1483 Germany 1546 Germany Augustinian priest, Reformed theologian, humanist, essayist (his wife Von Bora, Katharina / die Lutherin 1499-1552 Germany, Cistercian sister, Reform promoter)

Luxemburg, Rosa / Luksenburg, Rozalia

1871 Poland 1919 Germany Marxian philosopher, economist, politician

Luzzatto, Fabio

1870 Italy 1954 Italy jurist, anti-fascist

Lycurgus of Spartha (it. Licurgo)

IX BC Greece VIII BC Greece statesman, jurist

Lysippos (it. Lisippo)

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390/385 BC Greece 306 BC Greece sculptor, engraver

Macchiavelli (dei), Niccolò di Bernardo

1469 Italy 1527 Italy historian, social philosopher, dramatist

Mach, ErnstWaldfried Josef Wanzel

1838 Germany 1916 Germany thermodynamic and electric physicist, philosopher of science

MacLaurin, Colin

1698 UK 1746 UK mathematician

Maderna, Bruno

1920 Italy 1973 Germany modern composer, conductor

Madison, James

1751 USA 1836 USA statesman, politician

Mafai, Miriam

1926 Italy 2012 Italy journalist, essayist, politician

Mafai Volpe, Mario

1902 Italy 1965 Italy neo-realist painter

Magalhães (de), Fernão (it Magellano, Ferdinando)

1480 Portugal 1521 Philippines sailor, explorer

Magritte, René François Ghislain

1898 Belgium 1967 Belgium futurist and surrealist painter

Mahbub ul Haq

1934 Pakistan 1998 USA economist, politician

Mahler, Gustav

1860 Czech Republic 1911 Austria post-Romantic composer

Maimonides, Moses / Moshe ben Maimon (it. Maimonide , Mosè)

1138 Spain 1204 Egypt physician, Aristotelian and Hebrew philosopher

Majakovskij, Vladimir Vladimirovi č

1893 Georgia 1930 Russia futurist poet, dramatist

Majorana, Ettore

1906 Italy 1938 Italy quantum theory physicist

Malcolm X / Malcolm, Little (Detroit Red / El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz / Omowale)

1925 USA 1965 USA politician, social reformer

Malebranche, Nicolas

1638 France 1715 France

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natural philosopher, Catholic theologian, monk Mallarmé, Stéphane (Étienne)

1842 France 1898 France symbolist poet

Malthus, Thomas Robert

1761 UK 1834 UK economist, social philosopher

Mandela, Nelson Rolihlahla

1918 South Africa 2013 South Africa lawyer, politician, statesman

Manet, Édouard

1832 France 1883 France Impressionist painter

Manetti, Antonio di Tuccio

1423 Italy 1497 Italy humanist, architect, mathematician

Man Ray / Rudzitsky, Emmanuel

1890 USA 1976 France surrealist painter, designer

Mantegna, Andrea

1431 Italy 1506 Italy Renaissance painter, engraver

Manuzio, Aldo Pio

1449 Italy 1515 Italy humanist

Manzoni, Alessandro Francesco Tommaso Antonio

1785 Italy 1873 Italy neoclassical and Romantic prose writer, poet, dramatist

Mao Zedong

1893 China 1976 China statesman, politician, Marxian philosopher

Maraldi, Giacomo Filippo

1665 Italy 1729 France astronomer

Marat, Jean-Paul

1743 France 1793 France statesman, politician, scientist

Marc, Franz

1880 Germany 1916 France abstract painter

Marcello, Benedetto

1686 Italy 1739 Italy Baroque composer, poet, lawyer, magistrate (his brother Alessandro Ignazio 1673-1747 Italy, Baroque composer)

Marchesi, Concetto

1878 Italy 1957 Italy Latinist, politician

Marcus Aurelius, Antoninus Auustus (it. Marco Aurel io, Cesare Antonino Augusto)

121 Italy 180 Austria

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Roman emperor, stoic philosopher Marco Polo

1254 Italy 1324 Italy merchant, traveler

Marconi, Guglielmo

1874 Italy 1937 Italy electric physicist, inventor, politician

Marcuse, Herbert

1898 Germany 1979 USA sociologist, social philosopher

Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina Hasburg (it . Maria Teresa d’Asburgo))

1717 Austria 1780 Austria Holy Roman Empress (his son Joseph II / Joseph Benedikt Anton Michael Adam Habsburg / it. Giuseppe II d’Asburgo 1741-1790 Austria, Holy Roman Emperor)

Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso

1876 Egypt 1944 Italy futurist prose writer, poet, dramatist

Marino, Giovan Battista

1569 Italy 1625 Italy Baroque poet and prose writer

Marius, Gaius (it. Mario, Gaio)

157 BC Italy 86 BC Italy soldier, politician

Maritain, Jacques

1882 France 1973 France moral and social philosopher

Mark the Evangelist (it. Marco Evangelista)

circa 29 Israel circa 68 Egypt Evangelist

Markov, Andrej Andreevi č

1856 Russia 1922 Russia mathematician, statistician

Marlowe, Christopher (Kit)

1564 UK 1593 UK pre-Romantic dramatist, poet

Marquardt, Donald W.

1929 USA 1997 USA mathematician, statistician

Marr, David Courtnay

1945 UK 1980 USA psychologist, computer scientist

Marshall, George Catlett

1880 USA 1959 USA politician, soldier

Martial, Marcus Valerius (it. Marziale, Marco Valer io)

40 Spain 104 Spain poet

Martini, Carlo Maria

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1927 Italy 2012 Italy Catholic theologian, cardinal, Jesuit priest

Martini, Simone (Sanese)

1284 Italy 1344 France medieval painter

Martinetti, Piero

1872 Italy 1943 Italy social philosopher, anti-fascist

Martov, Julius L. / Tsederbaum, Yuliy Osipovich

1873 Turkey 1923 Germany Marxian philosopher, politician

Marussi, Antonio

1908 Italy 1984 Italy geodesist, mathematician

Marx, Karl Heinrich

1818 Germany 1883 UK economist, sociologist, materialist philosopher, historian, journalist

Mary Magdalene (it. Maria Maddalena)

I BC Israel I unknonw Hebrew heroine, Catholic promoter

Masaccio / di ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai, Tommaso

1401 Italy 1428 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Mascagni, Pietro Antonio Stefano

1863 Italy 1945 Italy realist composer

Maskelyene, Nevil

1732 UK 1811 UK astronomer

Masolino da Panicale / di cristoforo Fini, Tommaso

1383 Italy 1440 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Massenet, Jules Émile Frédéric

1842 France 1912 France realist composer

Matilda of Canossa

1046 Italy 1115 Italy Feudal ruler, Catholic supporter

Matisse, Henri Emile Benoit

1869 France 1954 France fauvist painter, engraver

Matthew the Evangelist (it. Matteo Evangelista)

I BC Israel circa 70 Ethiopia Apostle, evangelist

Matteotti, Giacomo

1885 Italy 1924 Italy lawyer, politician, anti-fascist

Matteucci, Felice

1808 Italy 1887 Italy

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mechanical engineer Maupertuis (de), Pierre Louis Moreau

1698 France 1759 Switzerland mathematician, astronomer, physicist, Enlightenment philosopher

Mauss, Marcel

1872 France 1950 France sociologist, anthropologist, historian of religions

Maxwell, James Cleck

1831 UK 1879 UK electric physicist, mathematician, poet

Mayer, Tobias

1723 Germany 1762 Germany astronomer, geodesist, cartographer

Mazarin (Rethel, Mayenne and Nevers), Jules Raymond (it. Mazzarino, Giulio Raimondo)

1602 Italy 1661 France statesman, Catholic cardinal

Mazzini, Giuseppe

1805 Italy 1872 Italy politician, journalist, social philosopher

Mazzolari, Primo

1890 Italy 1959 Italy essayist, partisan, heretic priest

McLuhan, Herbert Marshall

1911 Canada 1980 Canada sociologist, philosopher of communication, literary critic

Maecenas, Gaius Cilnius (it. Mecenate, Gaio Cilnio)

68 BC Italy 8 BC Italy politician

Méchain, Pierre Francois André

1744 France 1804 Spain astronomer, geodesist

Melanchthon, Philippus / Schwarzerdt, Philipp (it. Melantone, Filippo)

1497 Germany 1560 Germany Reformed theologian, humanist

Melotti, Fausto

1901 Italy 1986 Italy sculptor, modern painter

Melozzo da Forlì / di Giuliano degli Ambrosi, Meloz zo

1438 Italy 1494 Italy Renaissance painter, architect

Mendel, Gregor Johann

1822 Czech Republic 1884 Czech Republic naturalist, mathematician, Augustinian monk

Mendeleev, Dmitrij Ivanovic

1834 Russia 1907 Russia chemist

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Jakob Ludwig Felix

1809 Germany 1847 Germany Romantic composer, pianist, organist

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Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio 1795 Italy 1870 Italy classical composer

Mercalli, Giuseppe

1850 Italy 1914 Italy geologist, Catholic priest

Mercator, Gerardus / Kremer, Gerhard (it. Mercatore , Gerardo)

1512 Belgium 1594 Belgium mathematician, astronomer, geographer, cartographer

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice

1908 France 1961 France realist and social philosopher

Mersenne, Marin

1588 France 1648 France mathematician, heretic theologian, Minim friar

Metastasio, Pietro / Bonaventura Trapassi, Pietro A ntonio Domenico

1698 Italy 1782 Austria late-Baroque poet, dramatist, Catholic priest

Metternich-Winneburg-Beilstein (von), Klemens Wenze l Nepomuk Lothar

1753 Germany 1859 Austria statesman, politician

Metzger, Wolfgang

1899 Germany 1979 Germany Gestalt psychologist

Meucci, Antonio Santi Giuseppe

1808 Italy 1889 USA inventor

Meyerbeer, Giacomo

1791 Germany 1864 France classical composer

Michelangelo Buonarroti

1475 Italy 1564 Italy Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, poet

Michelet, Jules

1798 France 1874 France historian

Michelson, Albert Abraham

1852 Poland 1931 USA electric physicist, optical physicist

Mies Van der Rohe, Ludwig

1886 Germany 1969 USA Modernist architect, designer

Milani, Lorenzo

1923 Italy 1967 Italy essayist, heretic priest

Millikan, Robert Andrews

1868 USA 1953 USA electric physicist

Milton, John

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1608 UK 1674 UK Baroque poet, essayist, Reformed theologian, statesman

Minkowski, Hermann

1864 Lithuania 1909 Germany mathematician, geometrician, relativistic physicist

Minos (it. Minosse)

legendary king of Crete, son of Zeus (t. Giove) and Europa Minzoni, Giovanni

1885 Italy 1923 Italy Catholic priest, anti-fascist

Miró i Ferrà, Joan

1893 Spain 1983 Spain surrealist painter, sculptor, engraver

Mitterrand, François Maurice Adrien Marie

1916 France 1996 France statesman, politician

Molodenskii, Mikhail Sergeevich

1909 Russia 1991 Russia geodesist, mathematician

Modigliani, Amedeo Clemente (Modì / Dedo)

1884 Italy 1920 France modern painter, sculptor

Modigliani, Franco

1918 Italy 2003 USA economist

Moebius, August Ferdinand

1790 Germany 1868 Germany mathematician, geometrician

Mohs, Friedrich

1773 Germany 1839 Italy geologist

Molière / Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste

1622 France 1673 France Baroque dramatist

Mondrian (Mondriaan), Pieter Cornelis (Piet)

1872 Netherlands 1944 USA cubist and modern painter, sculptor, designer

Monet, Oscar-Claude

1840 France 1926 France Impressionist painter

Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro

1833 Italy 1918 Italy journalist, pacifist

Monge, Gaspard

1746 France 1818 France mathematician, geometrician

Monnet, Jean Omer Marie Gabriel

1888 France 1979 France statesman, politician

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Monod, Jacques Lucien 1910 France 1976 France biologist, natural philosopher

Monroe , James

1758 USA 1831 USA statesman, politician

Montaigne (de), Michel Eyquem

1533 France 1592 France philosopher, prose writer, politician

Montale, Eugenio

1896 Italy 1981 Italy hermetic poet, prose writer

Montanari, Geminiano

1633 Italy 1687 Italy astronomer, mathematician

Montanelli, Indro Alessandro Raffaello Schizògene

1909 Italy 2001 taly journalist, essayist, dramatist

Montesquieu / de Secondat de La Brède, Charles-Loui s

1689 France 1755 France Enlightenment philosopher, historian, essayist

Montessori, Maria Tecla Artemisia

1870 Italy 1952 Netherlands physician, pedagogist, anti-fascist

Monteverdi, Claudio Giovanni Antonio

1567 Italy 1643 Italy Renaissance composer

Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel

1740 France 1810 France engineer, pilot (his brother Jacques-Étienne 1745 France-1799 Switzerland)

Monti, Vincenzo

1754 Italy 1828 Italy neoclassical poet, dramatist, prose writer, translator

Morandi, Giorgio

1890 Italy 1964 Italy modern painter, engraver

Moravia, Alberto / Pincherle, Alberto

1907 Italy 1990 Italy modern prose writer, dramatist, essayist, journalist

Morazzone / Mazzucchelli, Pier Francesco

1573 Italy 1626 Italy Baroque painter

More, Thomas (it. Moro, Tommaso)

1478 UK 1535 UK lawyer, humanist, social philosopher, statesman

Moretto (il) / Moretto da Brescia / Bonvicino, Ales sandro

1498 Italy 1554 Italy Renaissance painter

Morgenstern, Oskar

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1902 Poland 1977 USA. economist, statistician

Morley, Edward Williams

1838 USA 1923 USA electric physicist, optical physicist

Moroni, Giovan Battista

1520/24 Italy 1579 Italy late-Renaissance painter

Morris, Charles William

1901 USA 1979 USA structural linguist, logician

Morse, Samuel Finley Breese

1791 USA 1872 USA artist, inventor

Moses (it. Mosè)

legendary Hebrew/Egyptian prophet (his brother Aaron / it. Aronne, priest) Mosadeq, Mohammad

1882 Iran 1967 Iran statesman, politician

Mossotti, Ottavio Fabrizio

1791 Italy 1863 Italy astronomer, mathematician, physicist, politician

Mother Teresa of Calcutta / Bojaxhiu, Anjezë Gonxhe

1910 Macedonia 1997 India Catholic sister

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus / Mozart, Johannes Chrysos tomus Wolfgangus Theophilus

1756 Austria 1791 Austria classical composer, pianist (his father Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold 1719 Germany-1787 Austria, late-Baroque composer, musician)

Muhammad / Ab ū l-Qāsim Muhammad ibn ‘Abd All āh ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib al-H āshim (it. Maometto)

circa 570 Saudi Arabia 632 Saudi Arabia Prophet, founder of Islam (his daughter Fatima al-Zahrā / it. Fatima 605-633)

Muller, Hermann Joseph

1890 USA 1967 USA physician, geneticist, pacifist

Munari, Bruno

1907 Italy 1998 Italy modern painter, designer, essayist

Müntzer, Thomas

1489 Germany 1525 France heretic Reformed theologian

Murat, Joachim

1767 France 1815 Italy soldier, King of Naples

Muratori, Ludovico Antonio

1672 Italy 1750 Italy historian, illuminist, Catholic priest

Murillo / Esteban Pérez Murillo, Bartolomé

1618 Spain 1682 Spain

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Baroque painter Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm / Plumpe, Friedrich Wilhe lm (Murglie)

1888 Germany 1931 USA director, art director

Musil (von), Robert Edler

1880 Austria 1942 Switzerland modern prose writer, dramatist

Musorgskij, Modest Petrovi č

1839 Russia 1881 Russia Romantic composer

Nägeli (von), Karl Wilhelm

1817 Switzerland 1891 Germany naturalist, biologist

Nagy, Imre

1896 Hungary 1958 Hungary statesman, politician

Napier, John (it. Nepero, Giovanni)

1550 UK 1617 UK mathematician, algebraist, astronomer

Napoleone I / Bonaparte, Napoleone

1769 France 1821 UK France emperor, soldier (his uncle's nephew Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon III / it. Bonaparte, Luigi-Napoleone III 1808 France-1873 UK, France emperor)

Nasser Hussein, Gamal Abdel

1918 Egypt 1970 Egypt statesman, politician, soldier

Natta, Giulio

1903 Italy 1979 Italy chemist, engineer

Navier, Claude-Louis

1785 France 1836 France mechanical physicist, engineer

Necker, Jacques

1732 Switzerland 1804 Switzerland statesman

Negrelli, Luigi

1799 Italy 1858 Austria civil engineer

Nehru, Jawaharlal

1889 India 1964 India statesman, politician

Nerō, Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus / Ahenobarbus , Lucius Domitius (it. Nerone, Claudio Cesare Augusto Germanico / Eno barbo, Lucio Domizio)

37 Italy 68 Italy Roman emperor

Neruda, Pablo / Reyes Basoalto, Ricardo Eliécer Nef talí

1904 Chile 1973 Chile modern poet, diplomat, politician

Nervi, Pier Luigi

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1891 Italy 1979 Italy civil engineer

Newton, Isaac

1642 UK 1726 UK mechanical physicist, astronomer, mathematician, natural philosopher

Niemeyer Soares Filho, Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida

1907 Brasil 2012 Brasil modern architect

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm

1844 Germany 1900 Germany post-Romantic philosopher, poet, composer

Nievo, Ippolito

1831 Italy 1861 Italy Romantic prose writer, poet, patriot

Nightingale, Florence

1820 Italy 1910 UK nurse, social reformer

Nigrisoli, Bartolo

1858 Italy 1948 Italy physician, anti-fascist

Nistri, Umberto

1895 Italy 1962 Italy photogrammetrist, mechanical engineer

Noah (it. Noé)

legendary Hebrew patriarch Nobile, Umberto

1885 Italy 1978 Italy explorer, aeronautical engineer

Noether, Amalie Emmy

1882 Germany 1935 USA mathematician, geometrician

Nono, Luigi

1924 Italy 1990 Italy modern composer and writer, politician

Novalis / von Hardenberg, Georg Friedrich Philipp F reiherr

1772 Germany 1801 Germany Romantic prose writer, poet, philosopher

Nyerere, Julius Kambarage

1922 Tanzania 1999 UK statesman, politician

Nyquist, Harry Theodor

1889 Sweden 1976 USA Electric physicist, computer scientist

Ockham (of), William (it. Di Occam, Guglielmo)

1285 UK 1349 Germany scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian, Franciscan friar

Oedipus (it. Edipo)

legendary Greek hero (his daughter Antigone, legendary Greek heroine)

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Oersted, Hans Christian 1777 Denmark 1851 Denmark electric physicist, chemist

Ohm, Georg Simon

1789 Germany 1854 Germany electric physicist, mathematician

Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias

1758 Germany 1840 Germany physician, astronomer

Oppenheimer, Julius Robert

1904 USA 1967 USA quantum theory physicist

Oriani, Barnaba

1752 Italy 1832 Italy astronomer, geodesist, Barnabite priest

Orpheus (it. Orfeo)

legendary Greek hero, poet (his wife: Eurydice / it. Euridice) Ortelius / Oertel, Abraham (it. Ortelio, Abramo)

1528 Belgium 1598 Belgium mathematician, cartographer

Orwell, George / Blair, Eric Arthur

1903 India 1950 UK modern prose writer,, essayist, journalist, politician

Osiander / Hosemann, Andreas

1498 Germany 1552 Russia Reformed theologian, astronomer

Otto, Nikolaus August

1832 Germany 1891 Germany mechanical engineer

Ovid / Publius Ovid Naso (it. Ovidio / Publio Ovidi o Nasone)

43 BC Italy 17 Romania poet

Owen, Robert

1771 UK 1858 UK social philosopher, economist

Pacinotti, Antonio

1841 Italy 1912 Italy electric physicist

Pacioli, Luca

1445 taly 1517 Italy mathematician, Franciscan friar

Paganini, Niccolò

1782 Italy 1840 France violinist, Romantic composer

Paisiello, Giovanni

1740 Italy 1816 Italy classical composer

Palladio, Andrea / di Pietro della Gondola, Andrea

1508 Italy 1580 Italy

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Renaissance architect Palme, Sven Olof Joachim

1927 Sweden 1986 Sweden statesman, politician, social reformer

Panaetius of Rhodes (it. Panezio di Rodi)

circa 185 BC Greece circa 112 BC Greece stoic philosopher

Pankhurst, Emmeline Goulden

1858 UK 1928 UK politician, social reformer

Pannella, Marco (Giacinto)

1930 Italy 2016 Italy politician, jornalist

Paolo Uccello / Doni, Paolo

1397 Italy 1475 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Papini, Giovanni

1881 Italy 1956 Italy literary critic, journalist

Pappo D'Alessandria

III Greece IV Greece mathematician

Paracelsus / Hohenheim (von), Philippus Aureolous T heophrastus Bombastus (it. Paracelso)

1493 Switzerland 1541 Austria physician, alchemist, astrologist

Parini, Giuseppe

1729 Italy 1799 Italy Enlightenment and neoclassical poet

Parks, Rosa Louise / McCauley, Rosa Louise

1913 USA 2005 USA politician, social reformer

Parmenides of Elea (it . Parmenide di Elea)

544/541 BC Italy 450 BC Italy pre-Socratic philosopher

Parmentier, Antoine Augustin

1737 France 1813 France naturalist, agronomist, economist

Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)

1503 Italy 1540 Italy mannerist painter

Parri, Ferruccio (Maurizio)

1890 Italy 1981 Italy statesman, politician, journalist, anti-fascist

Parson, Talcott Edgar Frederick

1902 USA 1979 Germany sociologist

Pascal, Blaise

1623 France 1662 France mathematician, statistician, social philosopher, heretic theologian

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Pascoli, Giovanni Placido Agostino 1855 Italy 1912 Italy neoclassical poet, prose writer

Pasolini, Pier Paolo

1922 Italy 1975 Italy modern prose writer, poet, essayist, film director

Pasternak, Boris Leonidovi č

1890 Russia 1960 Russia modern prose writer, poet

Pasteur, Louis

1822 France 1895 France biologist, chemist

Paul / Saul of Tarsus (it. Paolo / Saulo di Tarso)

5/10 Turkey 64/67 Italy Apostle, essayist

Paul III / Farnese, Alessandro (it. Paolo III)

1468 Italy 1549 Italy Catholic pope

Paul IV / Carafa, Gian Pietro (it. Paolo IV)

1476 Italy 1559 Italy Catholic pope

Paul VI / Montini, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria (it. Paolo VI)

1897 Italy 1978 Italy Catholic pope

Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst

1900 Austria 1958 Switzerland quantum theory physicist

Pauling, Linus Carl

1901 USA 1994 USA chemist, pacifist

Pavese, Cesare

1908 Italy 1950 Italy modern prose writer, poet, essayist

Peano, Giuseppe

1858 Italy 1932 Italy mathematician, linguist

Pearson, Karl

1857 UK 1936 UK statistician, mathematician (his son Pearson Egon 1895-1980 UK)

Peirce, Charles Sanders

1839 USA 1914 USA logician, mathematician, statistician, social philosopher

Pelagius (it. Pelagio)

360 UK 420 Israel heretic theologian, monk

Pellizza da Volpedo, Giuseppe

1868 Italy 1907 Italy neo-Impressionist painter

Percival (it. Parsifal)

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mythical Britain hero Peres, Shimon / Perski, Szymon

1923 Poland 2016 Israel statesman, politician, diplomat

Peressutti, Enrico

1908 Italy 1976 italy modern architect, urban planner, designer

Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista

1710 Italy 1736 Italy Baroque composer, violinist, organist

Pericles (it. Pericle)

circa 495 BC Greece 429 BC Greece statesman, soldier

Pertini, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio / Sandro

1896 Italy 1990 Italy statesman, politician, anti-fascist, lawyer

Perugino / di Cristoforo Vannucci, Pietro

circa 1446 Italy 1523 Italy Renaissance painter

Peter / Simon (it. Pietro / Simone)

2/4 Israel circa 64 Italy Apostle, Catholic pope

Peter I Alexeyevich Romanov / Peter the Great (it. Pietro il Grande)

1672 Russia 1725 Russia Tsar of All Russia

Petipa, Marius

1822 France 1910 Russia art director

Petrarca, Francesco

1304 Italy 1374 Italy prose writer, poet, neo-platonic philosopher

Petronius / Titus Petronius Niger (it. Petronio / T ito Petronio Nigro)

27 France 66 Italy poet, politician

Phaedrus (it. Fedro, Gaio Giulio)

15 BC Italy 50 Italy poet, fabulist

Phidias (it. Fidia)

circa 490 BC Greece circa 430 BC Greece sculptor, architect

Philip of Opus (it. Filippo di Medma)

IV BC Italy IV BC Italy mathematician, astronomer, platonic philosopher

Philolaus (it. Filolao)

470 BC Italy 385 BC Greece Pythagorean philosopher, mathematician, astronomer

Piaget, Jean

1896 Switzerland 1980 Switzerland psychologist, biologist, structural philosopher

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Picasso / Ruiz y Picasso, Pablo 1881 Spain 1973 France cubist and surrealist painter, sculptor, designer

Piccard, Auguste

1884 Switzerland 1962 Switzerland pilot, explorer, physicist

Piccinni, Vito Niccolò Marcello Antonio Giacomo

1728 Italy 1800 France late-Baroque composer

Pico Della Mirandola / Della Concordia, Giovanni Pi co

1463 Italy 1494 Italy humanist, philosopher

Pierluigi da Palestrina, Giovanni

1525 Italy 1594 Italy Renaissance composer, organist

Piermarini, Giuseppe

1734 Italy 1808 Italy neoclassical architect

Piero Della Francesca / di Benedetto de' Franceschi , Piero

1415 Italy 1492 Italy pre-Renaissance painter, mathematician, geometrician

Pigafetta, Antonio / Lombardo, Antonio

circa 1491 Italy circa 1531 Italy sailor, explorer, geographer

Pilate, Pontius (it. Pilato, Ponzio)

unknown Italy circa 37 Italy Roman politician

Pindar (it.Pindaro)

circa 522 BC Greece circa 443 BC Greece poet

Pindemonte, Ippolito

1753 Italy 1828 Italy neoclassical poet, translator

Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto)

1452 Italy 1513 Italy Renaissance painter

Piola, Gabrio

1794 Italy 1850 Italy mathematician, physicist

Pirandello, Luigi

1867 Italy 1936 Italy modern dramatist, prose writer

Pisanello / di Puccio Pisano, Antonio

circa 1395 Italy circa 1455 Italy gothic painter

Pisano, Andrea / d'Ugolino da Pontedera, Andrea

1290 Italy 1348/1349 Italy gothic sculptor, architect

Pisano, Nicola

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1215/1220 Italy 1278/1284 Italy gothic sculptor, architect

Pissarro, Camille

1830 USA 1903 France Impressionist and neo-Impressionist painter

Pitocchetto (il ) / Ceruti, Giacomo Antonio Melchio rre

1698 Italy 1767 Italy late-Baroque painter

Pius II (it. Pio II) / Piccolomini, Enea Silvio

1405 Italy 1464 Italy Catholic Pope, humanist

Pius V (it. Pio V) / Ghislieri, Michele

1504 Italy 1572 Italy Catholic pope

Pius IX / Mastai-Ferretti, Giovanni Maria (it. Pio IX)

1792 Italy 1878 Italy Catholic pope

Pius X / Sarto, Giuseppe Melchiorre (it. Pio X)

1835 Italy 1914 Italy Catholic pope

Pius XI / Ratti, Ambrogio Damiano Achille (it. Pio XI)

1857 Italy 1939 Italy Catholic pope

Pius XII / Pacelli, Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni (it. Pio XII)

1876 Italy 1958 Italy Catholic pope

Pizarro, Francisco

1471/1476 Spain 1541 Peru soldier, conqueror

Pizzetti, Paolo

1860 Italy 1918 Italy geodesist, astronomer, mathematician

Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amedeo

1781 Italy 1864 Italy mathematician, astronomer, geodesist, politician

Planck, Karl Ernst Ludwig Max

1858 Germany 1947 Germany quantum theory physicist

Plateau, Joseph Antoine Ferdinand

1801 Belgium 1883 Belgium physicist, optical physicist

Plato (it. Platone)

428/423 BC Greece 348/347 BC Greece classical philosopher

Plautus, Titus Maccius (it. Plauto, Tito Maccio)

255/250 BC Italy 184 BC Italy dramatist

Playfair, John

1748 UK 1819 UK

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mathematician, geometrician, empiricist philosopher Pliny the Elder, Gaius Secundus (it. Plinio il Vecc hio, Caio Secondo)

23 Italy 79 Italy naturalist, natural philosopher, soldier

Pliny the Younger, Gaius Caecilius Secundus (it. Pl inio il Giovane, Caio Cecilio Secondo)

61 Italy 113 Turkey lawyer, magistrate

Plotinus (it. Plotino)

204/5 Egypt 270 Italy neo-platonic philosopher

Plutarch (it. Plutarco)

45 Greece 120 Greece historian, essayist, neo-platonic phylosopher

Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francesco

1380 Italy 1459 Italy humanist, historian

Poincaré, Jules Henri

1854 France 1912 France mathematician, physicist, philosopher of science

Poisson, Siméon-Denis

1781 France 1840 France mathematician, statistician, physicist, astronomer

Polybius (it. Polibio)

circa 200 BC Greece circa 118 BC Greece historian

Poliziano / Ambrogini, Angelo

1445 Italy 1494 Italy humanist poet, dramatist

Pollaiolo / Benci, Antonio

1429 Italy 1498 Italy pre-Renaissance painter, sculptor, engraver

Pompey the Great (it. Pompeo, Gneo Magno)

106 BC Italy 48 BC Egypt soldier, politician, statesman

Pomponazzi, Pietro / Mantovano, Peretto

1462 Italy 1525 Italy Aristotelian philosopher, humanist

Poncelet, Jean-Victor

1788 France 1867 France mathematician, geometrician, engineer

Ponchielli, Amilcare

1834 Italy 1886 Italy realist composer

Pond, John

1767 UK 1863 UK astronomer

Pontecorvo Bruno / Pontekorvo, Bruno Maksimovi č

1913 Italy 1993 Russia nuclear physicist

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Pontecorvo, Gilberto (Gillo) 1919 Italy 2006 Italy director, art director

Ponti, Giovanni (Giò)

1891 Italy 1979 Italy modern architect, designer, essayist

Pontormo (il) / Carrucci, Jacopo

1494 Italy 1557 Italy mannerist painter

Popper, Karl Raimund

1902 Austria 1997 UK philosopher of science

Porphyry (it. Porfirio)

circa 234 Lebanon circa 305 Italy neo-platonic philosopher

Porpora, Nicola Antonio Giacinto

1686 Italy 1786 Italy Baroque composer

Porro, Paolo Pietro Ignazio

1801 Italy 1875 Italy optical physicist, metrologist

Porta , Carlo

1775 Italy 1821 Italy popular poet

Posidonius of Rhodes (it. Posidonio di Rodi )

circa 135 BC Syria circa 51 BC Italy stoic philosopher, geographer, historian

Post, Emil Leon

1897 Poland 1954 USA mathematician, logician

Poussin, Nicolas

1594 France 1665 Italy classical painter

Powell, Cecil Frank

1903 UK 1969 Italy relativistic physicist, astronomer, pacifist

Pozzobonelli, Giuseppe

1696 Italy 1783 Italy Catholic cardinal, Enlightenment promoter

Praxiteles (it. Prassitele)

400/395 BC Greece 326 BC Greece sculptor

Presutti, Errico

1870 Italy 1949 Italy jurist, politician, anti-fascist

Previati, Gaetano

1852 Italy 1920 Italy Pointillist painter

Prezzolini, Giuseppe

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1882 Italy 1982 Switzerland literary critic, journalist

Prigogine, Ilya

1917 Russia 2003 Belgium natural physicist, chemist

Procaccini, Giulio Cesare

1547 Italy 1625 Italy Baroque painter

Proclus, Lycaeus (it. Proclo, Licio Diadoco)

412 Turkey 485 Greece neo-platonic philosopher

Prokof'ev, Sergej Sergeevi č

1891 Russia 1953 Russia modern composer, pianist

Prometheus (it Prometeo)

legendary Greek hero, Titan Propertius, Sextus (it. Properzio, Sesto Aurelio)

47 BC Italy 14 BC Italy poet

Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevi č

1895 Russia 1970 Russia structural linguist, anthropologist

Protagoras (it. Protagora )

490 BC Greece 420 BC Italy pre-Socratic philosopher

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph

1809 France 1865 France social philosopher, economist, politician

Proust, Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel

1871 France 1922 France modern prose writer, literary critic, essayist

Ptolemy, Claudius (it. Tolomeo, Claudio)

circa 90 Egypt circa 168 Egypt mathematician, astronomer, geodesist

Puccini, Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo M aria

1858 Italy 1924 Belgium realist composer

Pulci, Luigi

1432 Italy 1484 Italy Renaissance poet

Puoti, Basilio

1782 Italy 1847 Italy classical linguist, literary critic

Purcell, Henry

1659 UK 1695 UK Baroque composer

Puškin, Aleksandr Sergeevi č

1799 Russia 1837 Russia Romantic prose writer, poet, dramatist, essayist

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Putnam, Hilary 1926 USA 2016 USA philosopher of science, mathematician

Pythagoras of Samos (it. Pitagora di Samo)

570 BC Greece 495 BC Italy mathematician, geometrician, pre-Socratic philosopher

Quarte, Juan / Huarte de San Juan, Juan

1529 France 1588 Spain physician, natural philosopher

Quasimodo, Salvatore

1901 Italy 1968 Italy hermetic poet

Quételet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques

1796 Belgium 1874 Belgium astronomer, statistician

Quevedo y Villegas (de), Francisco

1580 Spain 1645 Spain Baroque prose writer, politician

Quine, Willar Van Orman

1908 USA 2000 USA philosopher of science, logician

Quintilian, Marcus Fabius (it. Quintiliano, Marco F abio)

35 Spain 100 Italy lawyer, politician

Rabelais, François

1494 France 1553 France Renaissance prose writer, humanist

Rabin, Yitzhak

1922 Israel 1995 Israel statesman, politician, soldier

Rachmaninov, Sergej Vasil'evi č

1873 Russia 1943 USA modern composer, pianist

Racine, Jean

1636 France 1699 France Baroque prose writer, dramatist

Raffaello Sanzio

1483 Italy 1520 Italy Renaissance painter, architect

Rajna, Michele

1854 Italy 1920 Italy astronomer, mathematician

Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aiyangar

1887 India 1920 India mathematician, algebraist

Rameau, Jean-Philippe

1683 France 1764 France Baroque composer, organist

Ramseden, Jesse

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1735 UK 1800 UK optical physicist

Rasetti, Franco

1901 Italy 2001 Belgium nuclear physicist, naturalist

Rathenau, Walther

1867 Germany 1822 Germany statesman, politician, businessman

Ravel, Joseph-Maurice

1875 Germany 1937 Germany post-Romantic composer, pianist

Rawls, John Bordley

1921 USA 2002 USA analytical and social philosopher

Rayleigh, John William Strutt

1842 UK 1919 UK physicist, optical physicist

Reed, John

1887 USA 1920 Russia journalist, historian

Re'is, Piri / Ibn H ājj ī Mehmed, H ājji Muhyieddin Piri

1465/1470 Turkey 1553/1554 Egypt geographer, cartographer, soldier

Reggio, Guido Francesco

1745 Italy 1804 Italy astronomer, geodesist, Jesuit priest

Regiomontanus / Müller von Königsberg, Johannes (it . Regiomontano)

1436 Germany 1476 Roma mathematician, astronomer

Reichenbach, Hans

1891 Germany 1953 USA neo-positivistic logician, philosopher of science

Reina, Vincenzo

1862 Italy 1919 Italy geodesist, mathematician

Rembrandt / Harmenszoon van Rijn, Rembrandt

1606 Netherlands 1669 Netherlands Baroque painter, engraver

Reni, Guido

1575 Italy 1642 Italy Baroque painter, engraver

Renoir, Pierre-Auguste

1841 France 1919 France Impressionist painter

Reuchlin, Johann / Kapnion, Johannes

1455 Germany 1522 Germany humanist, Reformed theologian

Ricardo, David

1772 UK 1823 UK

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economist Ricci, Matteo

1552 Italy 1610 China mathematician, geographer, Jesuit priest

Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio

1853 Italy 1925 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Ricciarelli, Daniele (da Volterra) / Braghettone

1509 Italy 166 taly Renaissance painter, sculptor

Richelieu (Fronsac) / du Plessis, Armand Jean

1565 France 1642 France statesman, Catholic cardinal

Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard

1826 Germany 1866 Italy mathematician, geometrician, physicist

Rilke, René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria

1875 Czech Republic 1926 Switzerland modern prose writer, poet

Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur

1854 France 1891 France Romantic poet, explorer

Rimskij-Korsakov, Nikolaj Andreevi č

1844 Russia 1908 Russia Romantic composer

Rita of Cascia (it. Rita da Cascia) / Lotti, Rita

1371 Italy 1447 Italy Augustinian sister

Rivette, Jacques

1928 France 2016 France director, essayst

Rizzi Zanoni, Giovanni Antonio Bartolomeo

1736 Italy 1814 Italy geographer, cartographer

Robespierre (de), Maximilien François Marie Isidore

1758 France 1794 France statesman, politician, lawyer

Rochefoucauld (de la), François

1613 France 1680 France Baroque prose writer, essayist

Rogers, Ernesto Nathan

1909 Italy 1969 Italy modern architect

Rohmer, Éric / Schérer, Jean Marie Maurice

1920 France 2010 France director, art director, essayst, modern prose writer

Roland (it. Orlando)

unknown France 778 Spain French hero

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Romano, Egidio 1243/1247 Italy 1316 Italy scholastic philosopher, Augustinian monk, Catholic theologian and bishop

Romano, Giulio / Pippi de' Jannuzzi, Giulio

1499 Italy 1546 Italy Renaissance architect, painter

Romulus (it. Romolo)

legendary Roman hero, son of Ares (it. Marte) and the mortal Rhea Silvia Ronconi, Luca

1933 Italy 2015 Italy director, art director

Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad

1845 Germany 1923 Germany electric physicist, physician

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

1882 USA 1945 USA statesman, politician (his wife Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor 1884-1962 USA, first lady, politician, social reformer)

Rosa, Salvatore

1615 Italy 1673 Italy Baroque painter, engraver, poet

Ross, James Clark

1800 UK 1862 UK sailor, explorer, soldier

Rosselli, Carlo

1899 Italy 1937 France politician, journalist, historian, anti-fascist (his brother Sabatino / Nello)

Rossellini, Roberto Gastone Zeffiro

1906 Italy 1977 Italy director, art director

Rossellino, Bernardo / di Matteo Gamberelli, Bernar do

1409 Italy 1464 Italy pre-Renaissance architect, sculptor

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel

1828 UK 1882 UK Romantic painter

Rossi, Ernesto

1897 Italy 1967 Italy journalist, politician, anti-fascist

Rossini, Gioachino / Rossini, Giovacchino Antonio

1792 Italy 1868 France classical composer

Rosso Fiorentino / di Jacopo di Gasparre, Giovan Ba ttista

1494 Italy 1540 France mannerist painter

Rosso, Medardo

1858 Italy 1928 Italy Impressionist sculptor

Rota Rinaldi, Giovanni (Nino)

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1911 Italy 1979 Italy modern composer

Rotblat, Józef

1908 Poland 2005 UK quantum theory physicist, pacifist

Rousseau, Jean Jacques

1712 Switzerland 1778 France Enlightenment philosopher, essayist

Rubens, Pieter Paul

1577 Germany 1640 Belgium Baroque painter

Rublëv, Andrej

1360 Russia 1430 Russia Orthodox monk, icon painter

Ruffini Avondo, Edoardo

1901 Italy 1983 Italy jurist, anti-fascist

Ruffini, Francesco

1863 Italy 1934 Italy historian, jurist, politician, anti-fascist

Ruffini, Paolo

1765 Italy 1822 Italy mathematician, algebraist, physician

Russel, Arthur William Bertrand

1872 UK 1970 UK mathematician, logician, social philosopher, essayist, pacifist

Rustichello da Pisa

XIII Italy XIII Italy medieval prose writer

Rutherford, Ernest

1871 New Zealand 1937 UK quantum theory physicist

Saba, Umberto / Poli, Umberto

1883 Italy 1957 Italy hermetic poet, prose writer

Sabin, Albert Bruce

1906 Poland 1993 USA physician, biologist

Saccheri, Giovanni Girolamo

1667 Italy 1733 Italy mathematician, geometrician, Jesuit priest

Sacharov, Andrej Dmitrievi č

1921 Russia 1989 Russia nuclear physicist, critic of totalitarianism

Sādāt (al), Muh ammad Anwar

1918 Egypt 1981 Egypt statesman, politician, soldier

Saint Exupéry (de), Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Rog er

1900 France 1944 France

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prose writer, poet, journalist, pilot Saint Just (de), Louis Antoine Léon

1767 France 1794 France politician, soldier

Saint Saëns, Charles Camille

1835 France 1921 Algeria classical composer, pianist, organist

Saint Simon, Claude-Henri de Rouvroy

1760 France 1825 France social philosopher, economist

Saladin / An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (it . Saladino)

1137 Iraq 1193 Syria Sultan of Syria, Egypt and Yemen

Salutati, Coluccio

1331 Italy 1406 Italy humanist, essayist, politician

Salvemini, Gaetano

1873 Italy 1957 Italy historian, essayist, politician, anti-fascist

Sand, George / Dupin, Amantine Aurore Lucile

1804 France 1876 France Romantic prose writer, dramatist, politician

Sangallo (da), Giuliano Giamberti

1445 Italy 1516 Italy Renaissance architect, engineer, sculptor (his brother Sangallo (da) the Elder / it. il Vecchio, Antonio 1455-1534 Italy, his uncle's nephews Sangallo (da), Bastiano Aristotile 1481-1551 Italy, Renaissance architect, painter, Sangallo (da), the Younger/ it. il Giovane, Antonio / Cordini, Antonio 1483- 1546 Italy, mannerist architect)

Sant'Elia, Antonio

1888 Italy 1916 Italy futurist architect

Santoni, Ermenegildo

1896 Italy 1970 Italy photogrammetrist, mechanical engineer

Sappho (it. Saffo)

circa 630 BC Greece circa 570 BC Greece poet

Sartori, Giovanni

1924 Italy 2017 Italy sociologist, essayist

Sartre, Jean-Paul-Charles-Aymard

1905 France 1980 France existentialist philosopher, politician, literary critic

Satie, Erik / Satie, Éric-Alfred-Leslie

1866 France 1925 France Impressionist composer, pianist

Savinio, Alberto / De Chirico, Andrea Francesco Alb erto

1891 Italy 1952 Italy surrealist painter, sculptor, essayist, composer

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Savoldo, Giovanni Gerolamo 1480 Brescia 1540 Venice Renaissance painter

Scarlatti, Alessandro

1660 Italy 1725 Italy Baroque composer, musician (his son Scarlatti, Domenico 1685 Italy-1757 Spain, Baroque composer, musician)

Schelling (von), Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph

1775 Germany 1854 Germany idealist philosopher

Schiapparelli, Giovanni Virgilio

1835 Italy 1910 Italy astronomer, mathematician, statistician, politician

Schiele, Egon Leon Adolf

1890 Austria 1918 Switzerland Secessionist painter, engraver

Schiller (von), Friedrich Christoph Friedrich

1759 Germany 1805 Germany Romantic prose writer, poet, dramatist, natural philosopher

Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst

1768 Poland 1834 Germany Reformed theologian, social philosopher

Schlick, Moritz

1882 Germany 1936 Austria neo-positivistic logician, philosopher of science

Schliemann, Heinrich

1822 Germany 1890 Italy archaeologist, industrialist

Schmidt, Helmut Heinrich Waldemar

1918 Germany 2015 Germany statesman, politician

Schönberg, Arnold Franz Walther

1874 Austria 1951 USA dodecaphonic composer

Schopenauer, Arthur

1788 Poland 1860 Germany anti-idealist philosopher

Schrödinger, Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander

1887 Austria 1961 Austria quantum theory physicist

Schubert, Franz Peter

1797 Austria 1828 Austria classical and Romantic composer, pianist

Schuman, Jean-Baptiste Nicolas Robert

1886 Luxembourg 1963 France statesman, politician, historian

Schumann, Rober Alexander

1810 Germany 1856 Germany Romantic composer, pianist, essayist

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Schwarz, Karl Hermann Amandus 1843 Poland 1921 Germany mathematician

Schweitzer, Albert

1875 Germany 1865 Gabon physician, social philosopher, pianist, Reformed pastor

Sciascia, Leonardo

1921 Italy 1989 Italy modern prose writer, essayist, politician

Scipio African, Publius Cornelius (it. Scipione Afr icano, Publio Cornelio)

236 BC Italy 183 BC Italy politician, soldier

Scott, Robert Falcon

1868 UK 1912 Antarctica sailor, explorer, soldier

Scott, Walter

1771 UK 1832 UK Romantic prose write, poet

Scriabin (Skrjabin), Aleksandr Nikolaevi č

1872 Russia 1915 Russia late Romantic composer

Secchi, Angelo

1818 Italy 1878 Italy astronomer, geodesist, Jesuit priest

Segantini, Giovanni

1858 Italy 1899 Switzerland Pointillist painter

Segrè, Emilio Gino

1905 Italy 1989 USA quantum theory physicist

Semmelweis, Ignác Fülöp

1818 Hungary 1865 Austria physician, biologist

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (it. Seneca, Lucio Anneo)

4 BC Spain 65 Italy stoic philosopher, dramatist, politician

Serveto, Miguel

1509/1522 Spain 1553 Switzerland physician, humanist, essayist, heretic Reformed theologian

Seurat, Georges-Pierre

1859 France 1891 France post-Impressionist painter

Severini, Gino

1883 Italy 1966 France futurist painter

Sextus Empiricus (it. Sesto Empirico)

160 Egypt 210 Egypt physician, skeptic philosopher

Sforza, Ludovico Maria / Ludovico the Moor (it. il Moro)

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1452 Italy 1508 France statesman, culture promoter

Shakespeare, William

1564 UK 1616 UK pre-Romantic dramatist, poet

Shannon, Claude Elwood

1916 USA 2001 USA computer scientist, mathematician, engineer

Shaw, George Bernard

1856 Ireland 1950 UK modern prose writer, dramatist, art critic

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

1792 UK 1822 Italy Romantic poet, social philosopher

Sibelius, Johan Julius Christian (Jean)

1865 Finland 1957 Finland late Romantic composer, violinist

Siegfried (it. Sigfrido)

mythical Scandinavian and German hero Siemens (von), Ernst Werner

1816 Germany 1892 Germany electric engineer, industrialist

Signac, Paul

1863 France 1935 France post-Impressionist painter

Signorini, Telemaco

1835 Italy 1901 Italy Macchiaioli painter, engraver

Silone, Ignazio / Tranquilli, Secondo

1900 Italy 1978 Switzerland modern prose writer, dramatist, politician.

Simonides of Ceos (it. Simonide)

556 BC Greece 468 BC Italy poet

Singer, Isaac Bashevis

1904 Poland 1991 USA modern prose writer

Sironi, Mario

1885 Italy 1961 Italy futurist and metaphysic painter, sculptor, architect

Sisley, Alfred

1839 France 1919 France Impressionist painter

Sismondi (de), Jean Charles Léonard Simonde

1773 Switzerland 1842 Switzerland economist, historian, literary critic

Sisson, Jonathan

1690 UK 1747 UK optical physicist

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Skopas (it. Scopas) circa 390 BC Greece circa 330 BC Greece sculptor, architect

Smetana, Bed řich

1824 Czech Republic 1884 Czech Republic Romantic composer

Smith, Adam

1723 UK 1790 UK economist, social philosopher

Socrates (it. Socrate)

470/469 BC Greece 399 BC Greece classical philosopher

Solaini, Luigi

1909 Italy 1989 Italy geodesist, surveyor, photogrammetrist

Solari, Guiniforte

1429 Switzerland 1481 Italy gothic sculptor, architect (his father Solari Giovanni circa 1400 Switzerland-1482 Italy, his brother Solari Francesco 1420 Switzerland-1469 Italy)

Soldner (von), Johann Georg

1776 Germany 1833 Germany physicist, mathematician, astronomer

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander

1918 Russia 2008 Russia modern prose writer, dramatist, historian, critic of totalitarianism

Solon (it. Solone)

638 BC Greece 558 BC Greece statesman, jurist

Somigliana, Carlo

1860 Italy 1955 Italy mathematician, physicist, geodesist

Sophocles (it. Sofocle)

496 BC Greece 406 BC Greece dramatis, poet

Šostakovi č, Dmitrij

1906 Russia 1975 Russia modern composer, pianist

Spagnoletto (lo) / de Ribera, José

1591 Spain 1652 Italy Baroque painter

Spallanzani, Lazzaro

1729 Italy 1799 Italy naturalist, biologist, Jesuit priest

Spartacus (it. Spartaco)

111 BC Bulgaria 71 BC Italy slave, gladiator, rebel

Spaventa, Bertando

1817 Italy 1883 Italy social philosopher, politician

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Spearman, Charles Edward 1863 UK 1945 UK psychologist, statistician

Spinelli, Altiero

1907 Italy 1986 Italy lawyer, journalist, politician, anti-fascist

Spinoza, Baruch

1632 Netherlands 1677 Netherlands rationalist philosopher

Spontini, Gaspare Luigi Pacifico

1774 Italy 1851 Italy classical and Romantic composer

Sraffa, Piero

1898 Italy 1983 Italy economist, anti-fascist

Stein, Gertrude

1874 USA 1946 France modern prose write, poet

Steiner, Rudolf Joseph Lorenz

1861 Croatia 1925 Switzeland pedagogist, social philosopher, essayist

Stendhal / Beyle, Marie-Henri

1783 France 1842 France Romantic prose writer

Stephenson, George

1781 UK 1848 UK mechanical engineer (his son Stephenson Robert 1803-1859 UK)

Stevin, Simon (it. Stevino, Simone)

1548 Belgium 1620 Netherlands mathematician, mechanical physicist

Stockhausen, Karlheinz

1928 Germany 2007 Germany dodecaphonic composer

Stokes, George Gabriel

1819 Ireland 1903 UK mathematician, mechanical physicist

Stokowski, Leopold Antoni Stanisław Bolesławowicz

1882 UK 1977 UK conductor

Stoppani, Antonio

1824 Italy 1891 Italy geologist, naturalist, Rosminian priest

Stradella, Alessandro

1639 Italy 1682 Italy Baroque composer

Strabon (it. Strabone)

circa 60 BC Turkey 21/24 Turkey geographer, historian

Strauss Jr., Johann

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1825 Austria 1899 Austria Romantic composer, conductor (his father Strauss, Johann Batptist 1804-1849 Austria, Romantic composer, his brothers Strauss, Josef 1827-1870 Austria, Romantic composer, architect, Strauss, Eduard 1835-1916 Austria, Romantic composer, conductor)

Strauss, Richard Georg

1864 Germany 1949 Germany post-Romantic composer

Stravinsky, Igor Fyodorovich

1882 Russia 1971 USA modern composer

Strehler, Giorgio

1921 Italy 1997 Switzeland director, art director

Stresemann, Gustav

1878 Germany 1829 Germany statesman, politician

Strozzi, Barbara

1619 Italy 1677 Italy Baroque composer

Stuart Mill, John

1806 UK 1873 France social philosopher, economist, politician

Sturzo, Luigi

1871 Italy 1959 Italy politician, Catholic priest, anti-fascist

Suárez, Francisco

1548 Spain 1617 Portugal scholastic philosopher, Catholic theologian, Jesuit priest

Suetonius / Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (it. Sveton io / Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo)

circa 69 Italy circa 122 Italy historian

Sukarno / Sosrodihardjo, Kusno

1901 Indonesia 1970 Indonesia statesman, politician

Suleiman the Magnificent (it. Solimano I, il Magnif ico)

1494 Turkey 1566 Hungary Ottoman emperor

Sulla / Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (it. Silla, Lu cio Cornelio)

138 BC Italy 78 BC Italy soldier, statesman

Svevo, Italo / Schmitz, Aron Hector

1861 Italy 1928 Italy rationalist prose writer, dramatist

Swift, Jonathan

1667 Ireland 1745 Ireland Enlightenment prose writer, poet, essayist

Szilárd, Leó

1898 Hungary 1964 USA

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quantum theory physicist, engineer, pacifist Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (it. Tacito, Publio Corn elio)

55/58 France 117/120 Italy historian, politician

Talleyrand-Périgord (de), Charles Maurice

1754 France 1838 France politician, Catholic bishop

Tarski, Alfred

1901 Poland 1983 USA logician, mathematician, philosopher of science

Tartaglia / Fontana, Niccolò

1499 Italy 1557 Italy mathematician, algebraist

Tartini, Giuseppe

1692 Slovenia 1770 Italy Baroque composer, violinist

Tasman, Abel Janszoon

1603 Netherlands 1659 Indonesia sailor, explorer

Tasso, Torquato

1544 Italy 1595 Italy late-Renaissance poet, dramatist

Taylor, Brook

1685 UK 1731 UK mathematician

Taylor, Frederick Winslow

1856 USA 1915 USA mechanical engineer, industrialist

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

1881 France 1955 USA naturalist, natural philosopher, Jesuit friar

Telemann, Georg Philipp

1681 Germany 1767 Germany Baroque and classical composer, organist

Telesio, Bernardino

1509 Italy 1588 Italy neo-platonic philosopher, naturalist

Terentius / Marcus Terentius Varro (it. Terenzio / Marco Terenzio Varrone)

116 BC Italy 27 BC Italy prose writer

Teresa of Avila (it. Teresa d’Avila) / Sánchez de C apeda y Ahumada

1515 Spain 1582 Spain Carmelite sister

Tertullian / Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Floren s (it. Tertulliano, Quinto Settimio Fiorente)

160 Tunisia 220 Tunisia prose writer, essayist

Terzani, Tiziano

1938 Italy 2004 Italy journalist, essayist

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Thābit ibn Qurra' ibn Marw ān al-Sābi' al-Harr ānī, Abū l Hasan 826 Turchia 901 Iraq mathematician, astronomer

Thales of Miletus (it. Talete di Mileto)

624 BC Turkey 546 BC Turkey mathematician, pre-Socratic philosopher

Themison of Llaodicea (it. Temisone di Laodicea)

I BC Syria I BC Syria physician

Theodolinda (it. Teodolinda)

570 Germany 627 Italy Queen of the Lombards (her son Rothari / it. Rotari 606-652 Italy, King of the Lombards)

Theodoric the Great (it. Teodorico il Grande)

454 Croatia 526 Italy King of Ostrogoths

Theodosius the Great (it. Teodosio, Flavio)

347 Spain 395 Italy Roman Emperor (his daughter Galla Placidia, Aelia / it. Galla Placidia, Elia 388/392 Tukey-450 Italy, Roman Empire Regent, Queen of the Goths)

Theophrastus (it. Teofrasto)

circa 371 BC Greece circa 287 BC Greece Peripatetic philosopher

Tibullus, Albius (it. Tibullo, Albio)

circa 55 BC Italy 19 BC Italy poet

Tienstra, Jacob Menno

1895 Netherlands 1951 Netherlands geodesist, mathematician

Tiepolo, Giambattista

1696 Italy 1770 Spain Baroque painter, engraver (his sons Tiepolo, Giandomenico 1727-1804 Italy, Tiepolo, Lorenzo 1736 Italy-1776 Spain, late-Baroque painters, engravers)

Tikhonov, Andrej Nikolaevi č

1906 Russia 1993 Russia mathematician, statistician

Timocharis of Alexandria (it. Timocari di Alessandr ia)

circa 320 BC Egypt 260 BC Egypt astronomer

Tīmūr Barlas / Timur-e lang (it. Tamerlano)

1320-1330 Uzbekistan 1405 Kazakhstan soldier, conqueror

Tintoretto / Robusti, Jacopo / Comin, Jacopo

1518 Italy 1594 Italy Renaissance painter

Tirso de Molina (Gabriele Téllez)

1579 Spain 1648 Spain Baroque poet, dramatist, Catholic monk

Tito / Broz, Josip

1892 Croatia 1980 Slovenia

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statesman, politician Tiziano / Vecellio, Tiziano

1485 Italy 1576 Italy Renaissance painter

Tocqueville (de), Alexis Henri Charles de Clérel

1805 France 1859 France historian, sociologist, jurist, magistrate, politician

Todorov, Tzvetan

1939 Bulgaria 2017 France social philosopher, essayist

Togliatti, Eugenio Giuseppe

1890 Italy 1977 Italy mathematician, geometrician (his daughter Togliatti, Giovanna 1932-1990 Italy, statistician, photogrammetrist)

Togliatti, Palmiro (Ercoli, Ercole)

1893 Italy 1964 Russia statesman, politician, essayist, anti-fascist

Tolstòj, Lev Nikolàevi č

1828 Russia 1910 Russia pan-Slavic prose writer, essayist, social philosopher, politician

Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe

1896 Italy 1957 Italy modern prose writer

Tombaugh, Clyde William

1906 USA 1997 USA astronomer

Tommaseo, Niccolò

1802 Croatia 1874 Italy literary critic, essayist, politician

Tonelli, Leonida

1885 Italy 1946 Italy mathematician

Torricelli, Evangelista

1608 Italy 1647 Italy mathematician, physicist

Toscanini, Arturo

1867 Italy 1957 USA conductor

Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (de), Henri Marie Raymond

1864 France 1901 France post-Impressionist painter, designer

Traian, Marcus Ulpius Nerva (it. Traiano, Marco Ulp io Nerva)

53 Spain 117 Turkey Roman emperor (adopted father Nerva, Marcus Cocceius Caesar Augustus / it. Nerva, Marco Cocceio Cesare Augusto 30-98 Italy, Roman emperor)

Trilussa / Salustri, Carlo Alberto Camillo Mariano

1871 Italy 1950 Italy popular poet, prose writer, journalist

Trockij, Lev / Bronštejn, Lev Davidovi č

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1879 Ukraine 1940 Mexico Marxian philosopher, politician, statesman

Trubeckoj, Nikolaj Sergeevi č

1890 Russia 1938 Russia structural linguist

Truffaut, François

1932 France 1984 France director, art director

Tucidides (it. Tucidide)

circa 460 BC Greece circa 395 BC Greece historian, soldier

Tukey, John Wilder

1915 USA 2000 USA mathematician, statistician, chemist

Tura, Cosmé

1430 Italy 1495 Italy pre-Renaissance painter

Turati, Filippo

1857 Italy 1932 France journalist, politician, sociologist, Marxian philosopher

Turing, Alan Mathison

1912 UK 1954 UK mathematician, logician, computer scientist

Turner, Joseph Mallord William

1775 UK 1851 UK Romantic painter

Tycho Brahe

1546 Denmark 1601 Czech Republic astronomer, astrologist

Ulysses / Odysseus (it. Ulisse / Odisseo)

legendary Greek hero, sailor (his wife Penelope) Ungaretti, Giuseppe

1888 Egypt 1970 Italy hermetic poet, prose writer

Urban II / Odo of Châtillon / Otho de Lagery (it. d e Châtillon / di Lagery, Ottone)

circa 1040 France 1099 Italy Catholic pope

Valery, Ambroise Paul Toussaint Jules

1871 France 1945 France symbolist prose writer, poet, essayist

Valla, Lorenzo

1407 Italy 1457 Italy humanist

Van der Straet, Jan (it. Stradano, Giovanni)

1523 Belgium 1605 Italy late-Renaissance painter

Van der Waals, Johannes Diderik

1837 Netherlands 1923 Netherlands electric physicist, mathematician

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Van der Weyden, Roger de la Pasture 1399/1400 Belgium 1464 Belgium pre-Renaissance painter

Van Dyck, Antoon

1599 Belgium 1641 UK Baroque painter

Van Eyck, Jan

1390 Belgium 1441 Belgium pre-Renaissance painter

Van Gogh, Vincent

1853 Netherlands 1890 France post-Impressionist painter (his brother Van Gogh Theodorus / Theo 1857-1891 Netherlands, art dealer)

Van Groot, Huig (it. Grozio, Ugo)

1583 Netherlands 1645 Germany jurist, social philosopher

Van Helmont, Jean Baptiste

1580 Netherlands 1644 Netherlands chemist, physiologist, physician

Van Wesel Andreas (it. Vesalio, Andrea)

1514 Netherlands 1564 Greece physician, biologist

Van Wittel, Lodewijk (it. Vanvitelli, Luigi)

1700 Italy 1773 Italy Baroque architect, painter

Varèse, Edgard Victor Achille

1883 France 1965 USA modern composer

Vasari, Giorgio

1511 Italy 1574 Italy Renaissance painter, architect, art critic

Vasco da Gama

1460 Portugal 1524 India sailor, explorer, Viceroy of India

Vaudès, Pierre (it. Valdo di Lione, Pietro)

1140 France circa 1206 France Reformed theologian

Vedova, Emilio

1919 Italy 2006 Italy post-modern painter

Vega y Carpio (de), Lope Félix

1562 Spain 1635 Spain Baroque prose writer, dramatist, poet

Vega, Jurii Bartolomej

1754 Slovenia 1802 Austria mathematician, algebraist, physicist

Velázquez, Diego / de Silva y Velázquez, Diego Rodr íguez

1599 Spain 1660 Spain Baroque painter

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Venn, John 1834 UK 1923 UK logician, mathematician, statistician

Venturi, Lionello

1885 Italy 1961 Italy art critic, anti-fascist

Verdi, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco

1813 Italy 1901 Italy Romantic composer

Verga, Giovanni Carmelo

1840 Italy 1922 Italy realist prose writer, dramatist

Verlaine, Paul-Marie

1844 France 1896 France symbolist poet

Vermeer, Jan / van der Meer, Johannes

1632 Netherlands 1675 Netherlands Baroque painter

Veronese / Caliari, Paolo

1528 Italy 1588 Italy Renaissance painter

Verrazzano (da), Giovanni

1485 Italy 1528 Bahamas sailor, explorer

Verri, Pietro

1728 Italy 1797 Italy social philosopher, historian, economist (his brother Alessandro 1741-1816 Italy, Enlightenment prose writer)

Verrocchio (il) / di Michele di Francesco di Cione, Andrea

1435 Italy 1488 Italy Renaissance painter, sculptor, goldsmith

Vespasian / Titus Flavius, Caesar Augustus (it. Ves pasiano / Tito Flavio, Cesare Augusto)

9 Italy 79 Italy Roman emperor (his son Titus Flavius, Caesar Vespasianus Augustus / it. Tito Flavio, Cesare Vespasiano Augusto 39-81 Italy, Roman emperor)

Vespucci, Amerigo

1454 Italy 1512 Spain sailor, explorer, cartographer

Vico, Giambattista

1668 Italy 1744 Italy Enlightenment philosopher, historian, jurist

Victoria Alexandrina Hanover (it. Vittoria)

1819 UK 1901 UK Queen of United Kingdom

Viète, François

1540 France 1603 France mathematician, algebraist, politician

Vignola (il) / Barozzi da Vignola, Jacopo

1507 Italy 1573 Italy mannerist architect, architectural theorist

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Villa, Francisco (Pancho) / Arango Arámbula, José D oroteo 1878 Mexico 1923 Mexico soldier, politician

Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl 1821 Germany 1902 Germany naturalist, physican, politician

Virgil / Publius Virgil Maro (it. Virgilio / Publio Virgilio Marone)

70 BC Italy 19 BC Italy poet

Visconti di Modrone, Luchino

1906 Italy 1976 Italy director, art director

Vitruvius / Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (it. Vitruvio / Marco Vitruvio Pollione)

80/70 BC Italy 15 BC Italy architect, art critic

Vivaldi, Antonio Lucio

1678 Italy 1741 Austria Baroque composer, violinist, Catholic priest

Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Gerola mo Umberto

1745 Italy 1827 Italy physicist, inventor

Volta, Luigi

1876 Italy 1952 Italy astronomer

Voltaire / Arouet, François-Marie

1694 France 1778 France Enlightenment philosopher, historian

Volterra, Vito

1860 Italy 1940 Italy mathematician, physicist, anti-fascist

Von Arnim, Achim (Carl Joachim Friedrich Ludwig)

1781 Germany 1831 Germany Romantic prose writer

Von Braun, Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr

1912 Germany 1977 USA aerospace engineer, shameless Nazi

Von Galen, Clemens Augustus Joseph Pius Emanuel Ant onius

1878 Germany 1946 Germany Catholic cardinal, opponent of Nazism

Von Gruber, Otto Heinrich Franz Anton

1884 Austria 1942 Germany photogrammetrist, mechanical engineer, optical physicist

Von Hayek, Friedrich August

1899 Austria 1992 Germany economist

Von Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr

1769 Germany 1859 Germany naturalist, geographer, explorer

Von Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Karl Ferd inand Freiherr

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1767 Germany 1835 Germany comparative linguist, critic philosopher, diplomat, politician

Von Mises, Ludwig

1881 Ukraine 1973 USA economist and sociologist

Von Mises, Richard

1883 Ukraine 1953 USA mathematician, statistician

Von Neumann, John / Neumann, János Lajos

1903 Hungary 1957 USA mathematician, mechanical and thermodynamic physicist, computer scientist

Von Rezzori, Gregor / D'Arezzo, Gregor Arnulph Hila rius

1914 Ukraine 1998 Italy modern prose writer

Von Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst

1786 Germany 1826 UK Romantic composer, director, pianist

Wagner, Wilhelm Richard

1813 Germany 1883 Italy Romantic composer, poet, essayist

Wallace, Alfred Russel

1823 UK 1913 UK naturalist, biologist, geographer, explorer

Wallis, Wilson Allen

1912 USA 1998 USA economist, statistician

Warhol, Andy (Andrew Warhola)

1928 USA 1987 USA modern artist

Washington, George

1732 USA 1799 USA statesman, politician, soldier

Watt, James

1736 UK 1819 UK mechanical and thermodynamic engineer, mathematician

Weaver, Warren

1894 USA 1978 USA mathematician, linguist

Weber, Karl Emil Maximilian

1864 Germany 1920 Germany sociologist, social philosopher, jurist, economist

Webern (von), Anton Friedrich Wilhelm

1883 Austria 1945 Austria dodecaphonic composer

Wegener, Alfred Lothar

1880 Germany 1830 Greenland geophysicist, explorer

Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm

1815 Germany 1897 Germany

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mathematician Weil, Simone Adolphine

1909 France 1943 UK social philosopher, heretic theologian, essayist, politician

Weiss, Peter

1916 Germany 1982 Sweden modern prose writer, dramatist

Weizenbaum, Joseph

1923 Germany 2008 Germany computer scientist

Welde (von), Ludwig Freihern

1780 Austria 1853 Austria soldier, geodesist, cartographer

Welles, George Orson

1915 USA 1985 USA modern prose writer, journalist, director

Wertheimer, Max

1880 Austria 1943 USA Gestalt psychologist

Weyl, Hermann Klaus Hugo

1885 Germany 1955 Switzerland mathematician, physicist, philosopher of science

Weydemeyer (von), Joseph Arnold

1818 Germany 1866 USA soldier, journalist, politician

Wheatstone, Charles

1802 UK 1875 France physicist, optical physicist

Whitehead, Alfred North

1861 UK 1947 USA mathematician, logician, social philosopher

Whorf, Benjamin Lee

1897 USA 1941 USA structural linguist

Wieland, Christoph Martin

1733 Germany 1813 Germany pre-Classical prose writer, poet, illuminist

Wiener, Norbert

1894 USA 1964 Sweden mathematician, statistician, social philosopher

Wiesel Eliezer (Elie)

1928 Romania 2016 USA social philosopher, essayist, opponent of Nazism

Wiesenthal, Simon

1908 Ukraine 2005 Austria architect, opponent of Nazis

Wilcoxon, Frank

1892 Ireland 1965 USA chemist, statistician

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Wilson, Thomas Woodrow 1856 USA 1924 USA statesman, politician

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim

1717 Germany 1768 Italy archaeologist, historian of art

Wittgenstein, Ludwig Joseph

1889 Austria 1951 UK engineer, linguist, logician, social philosopher

Wittgenstein, Paul

1887 Austria 1961 USA pianist, opponent of Nazism

Wolff, Christian

1679 Poland 1754 Germany Enlightenment philosopher, jurist

Woolf, Adeline Virginia (Stephen)

1882 UK 1941 UK modern prose writer, essayist

Wright, Frank Lloyd

1867 USA 1959 USA Modernist architect

Wright, Orville

1871 USA 1948 USA engineer, pilot (his brother Wilbur 1867-1912 USA)

Xenophanes of Colophon (it. Senofane)

570 BC Turkey 475 BC Turkey pre-Socratic philosopher

Xenophon of Athens (it. Senofonte)

430 BC Greece 354 BC Greece historian

Ximenes, Leonardo

1716 Italy 1786 Italy astronomer, geodesist, Jesuit priest

Yingjing, Feng

XVI China XVII China social philosopher, Confucian monk

Yourcenar, Marguerite / Cleenewerck de Crayencour, Marguerite

1903 Belgium 1987 USA modern prose write, essayist

Yukawa, Hideki

1907 Japan 1981 Japan quantum theory physicist, pacifist

Zagar, Francesco

1900 Croatia 1976 Italy astronomer, mathematician

Zandomeneghi, Federico

1841 Italy 1917 France Impressionist painter

Zapata Salazar, Emiliano

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1879 Mexico 1919 Mexico politician

Zatta, Antonio

1757 Italy 1797 Italy geographer, cartographer

Zeeman, Pieter

1865 Netherlands 1943 Netherlands electric and quantum theory physicist

Zeno of Citium (it. Zenone di Cizio)

336/335 BC Cyprus 263 BC Greece stoic philosopher

Zeno of Elea (it. Zenone di Elea)

490 BC Italy 430 BC Italy pre-Socratic philosopher

Zeno of Sidon (it. Zenone di Sidone)

150 BC Greece 75 BC Greece skeptic philosopher

Zermelo, Ernst Friedrich Ferdinand

1871 Germany 1953 Germany mathematician, algebraist, logician

Zheng He

1371 China 1434 China sailor, explorer, soldier, diplomat

Zola, Émile Édouard Charles Antoine

1840 France 1902 France realist prose writer, essayist, journalist

Zoroaster /Zarathustra (it. Zoroastro / Zaratustra)

legendary Persian / Afghanistan prophet Zorzi, Alessandro

XV Italy XV Italy geographer, cartographer

Zwingli, Huldrych (it. Zuinglio, Ulrico)

1484 Switzerland 1531 Switzerland Reformed theologian

Acknowledgements The authors thank Ehsan Ashouri Taziani, Imen Ben Charfi, Serap Cevirgen, Laura Dominguez Henao, Mouna Feki, Seyedreza Hosseini, Misagh Ketabdari, Mariana Lobo Marchioni, Ramin Saidi Azar, Nahid Vatanpour, students of the Ph.D. program in Environmental Engineering and Infrastructures at Politecnico di Milano, for assisting in the list compilation during the course “Geomatics meets Human Sciences”.

Filipino boy learning alone in a dark street 5

5 This image is strictly related to the title of this work, quoted by a famous talk of the Cuban revolution.

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