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La mobilità virtuale per l’internazionalizzazione e

l’apprendimento linguistico

• Francesca Helm• Università degli Studi di Padova

Le lingue a Scienze Politiche

Università Roma Tre – 2-3 maggio 2012

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Mobility is important for personal development and employability, it fosters respect for diversity and a capacity to deal with other cultures. It encourages linguistic pluralism, thus underpinning the multilingual tradition of the European Higher Education Area and it increases cooperation and competition between higher education institutions

• In 2020, at least 20% of those graduating in the European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training period abroad.

– Communiqué of the Conference ofEuropean Ministers Responsible for Higher Education,Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009

The Bologna Process 2020

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Mobilità in facoltà di Scienze Politiche











periodo distudio


Erasmus Altra Esp. Iniziativapersonale




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La ‘mobilità virtuale’ – per l’80%? • Virtual mobility, i.e. the use of the internet and other electronic forms

of information and communication, is often a catalyst for embarking on a period of physical mobility. Although not a substitute for physical mobility, it does enable young people to prepare a stay abroad and can create conditions for future physical mobility by facilitating friendships, contacts and social networking etc….

– It can also provide an international dimension to those learners who, for different reasons, are not able or willing to go abroad. In that context, ICT can be used for “electronic twinning” …etc. – Commission of the European Communties: Green paper: promoting

the learning mobility of young people. COM(2009) 329final

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Che cos’è la mobilità virtuale, o ‘telecollaboration’?

• realizzazione di progetti di lavoro collaborativo tra gruppi di

studenti appartenenti a zone geografiche distanti attraverso l’uso di strumenti informatici comunemente disponibili, che consente lo sviluppo di competenze linguistiche, comunicative, interculturali e digitali.

Ci sono diversi modelli di telecollaboration:

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Due scambi online per studenti di Scienze Politiche all’università di Padova

• Human Rights in Italy and Guatemala - Telecollaboration Exchange 2010-2011– (con Universidad Rafael Landivar,


• Soliya Connect Program– United Nations – Alliance of


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Qual’è l’impatto di progetti come Soliya?

Studenti dicono:“Soliya allowed me to open the box that I was living in for a long time and see the world around me. It taught me never to judge people according to where they live…It made me discover my personality all over again.”

-female student, University of Jordan, Jordan

• “Exchanging different views with people coming from so different backgrounds was tantalizing me. Besides, I was conscious I had always to learn more and more in an endless process. We are never enough open minded we think we are. We should always improve ourselves by facing new challenges and by accepting that our way of thinking is not absolute. Our thoughts have to grow up with us always by putting them under question. A good way to do it is searching conversations and, of course, even some contrasts which bring us to reflection. What a better occasion than Soliya?

– Female student, University of Padova, Italy

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Docenti dicono …

“The Soliya program was phenomenal in terms of its impact on the students' capacity to engage, learn, and quite frankly, be transformed [...] Across the board, all of the students displayed a heightened consciousness of the diversity and multiplicity of perspectives. […] the aim is to open up minds and spur young people to taking their responsibilities as global citizens more seriously”

-Dr. Junaid S. Ahmad, Lahore University of Management Sciences,


• “It is fine to talk about theories about ‘engaging the other’ or ‘increasing understanding across cultures’, but Soliya puts the students on the front lines on intercultural relations. They will learn more about themselves and their place in the world in the Soliya sessions than in a semester in International Relations classes.”

-Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, Georgetown University, USA

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INTENT • Un progetto Erasmus multilaterale che promuove lo

scambio virtuale e interculturale tra gruppi di studenti universitari in europa e oltre.

• Le università europee stanno prestando sempre più attenzione al tema dell’ internazionalizzazione, della mobilità studentesca e delle competenze linguistiche e interculturali. Il progetto INTENT (Integrating Telecollaborative Networks into Foreign Language Higher Education) intende sostenere le università in queste attività, sviluppando una rete di telecollaborazioni tra università in europa e oltre.

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La ‘squadra’

• Universidad de León, Spagna – Robert O'Dowd e Mario Tomé

• Université Stendhal Grenoble, Francia – Francois Mangenot e Elke Nissen

• Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Germania – Andreas Mueller-Hartmann

• Wyzsza Szkola Lingwistyczna, Polonia– Gosia Kurek

• Univesità degli Studi di Padova, Italia– Francesca Helm e Sarah Guth

• Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Olanda– Sake Jager e Steve Thorne, 

• Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spagna – Melinda Dooly, 

• The Open University, GB– Mirjam Hauck e Tim Lewis, 


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Le nostre attività principali:

• realizzare un sondaggio on-line su progetti di scambi interculturali che sono attualmente in corso in tutta Europa;

• sviluppare una piattaforma virtuale (www.uni-collaboration.eu) dove i docenti possano trovare classi partner, informazioni e materiale formativo per i loro progetti di telecollaborazione;

• sviluppare diversi strumenti per docenti “telecollaborativi” tra cui un e-portfolio per valutare i progetti degli studenti, banche dati di compiti telecollaborativi e studi di caso che i docenti possono utilizzare per organizzare e gestire i loro scambi.

• tenere vari seminari/laboratori regionali e una conferenza internazionale sul tema della telecollaborazione per l'istruzione universitaria.

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Il sondaggio - Chi ha risposto?

Totale questionari completi:• 210 docenti/insegnanti, soprattutto di lingua straniera o

formazione di insegnanti di lingua straniera• da 142 università o equivalenti• da 22 stati europei

• 102 di questi docenti con esperienza di telecollaboration• 108 senza esperienza

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Lingue insegnate

Catalano, Cinese, Olandese, Finlandese, Ungherese, Polacco, Portoghese, Rumeno e Turko.

Anche docenti di traduzione, studi interculturali, informatica e comunicazione, glottodidattica

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Facoltà di provenienza

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Esperienza di telecollaboration

Quanti scambi hai svolto negli ultimi 5 anni?

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Quante lingue sono utilizzate?

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Distribuzione geografica’ dei partner

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Di solito quanto dura uno scambio?

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Come avete trovato i partners?

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Valutazione dell’esperienza

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A livello di ateneo•

Docenti con esperienza Docenti senza esperienza

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Mobilità reale e ‘mobilità virtuale’

Docenti con esperienza Docenti senza esperienza

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Argomenti ‘sensibili’, conflitto

Docenti con esperienza Docenti senza esperienza

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Studenti – commenti finali“je n'ai pas vraiment vécu la télécollaboration sous l'angle d'une

rencontre inter-culturelle, mais d'une rencontre tout court.”• Eine gute Idee, aber nur wenn sie sinnvoll geplant und durchgeführt wird.• Gespräche in Echtzeit fände ich sehr hilfreich und auch spannender für die

Teilnehmer. Somit hätte man vielleicht eher die Möglichkeit auch persönliche Gespräche mit den Austauschpartnern zu führen.

• I encourage all students to participate in a cultural exchange• I think it was a great idea and experience. I think Skype would be a better way of oral

communicating.• I think, it was fine and also, that it would be a necessary part in the degree of people

who are learning a foreign language.• I will encourage everyone to participate in exchange programs• Ich denke, dass interkultureller Onlineaustausch besonders für Studierende, die bisher

nur wenig interkulturelle Erfahrungen gemacht haben, sinvoll ist.• Ich glaube, dass IOAes sehr eindrucksvoll sein können, aber leider habe ich es nicht

erlebt. Ich habe aber Ideen wie ich so eine Onlineaustausch organisieren würde.• Its a useful too. I think that all the foreign language students should use it to realise

that studing a language involves more things than studing grammar and phonetics.• Our University should organise more exchanges.• Peut-etre Skype pour communiquer de plus.• Si on organise la télécollaboration je'exigerais comme prof un laps de temps

obligatoire pour parler (p.ex. les élèves doivent avoir une conversation pendant une heure par semaine..)

• They are so useful for students that they should be compulsory for everyone.• We must do them mor than one term

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