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Page 1: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Lettura Veloce 2.0cristian contini

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 2: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 3: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes in 2020DATI

Lo zettabyte è un'unità di misura dell'informazione o della quantità di dati, il termine deriva dalla unione del prefisso SI zetta con byte ed ha per simbolo ZB. Il prefisso zetta deriva dal termine greco sept a indicare la settima potenza di mille. 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 byte = 10007 = 1021 byte = 1 triliardo di byte.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 4: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Dopo la morte del padre nel 1640, fu apprendista orefice; alla morte della madre, nel 1673, riprese gli studi sotto Michele Ermini, bibliotecario di Leopoldo de' Medici, acquistando ben presto grande fama per l'ampia erudizione e la conoscenza del latino, del greco e dell'ebraico. Il granduca Cosimo III de' Medici lo nominò bibliotecario della Biblioteca Palatina di Firenze (la biblioteca di Palazzo Pitti, confluita nella Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana per i manoscritti e nella BNCF per le opere a stampa).L'Inquisizione lo sospettò di eresia per i vasti interessi verso ogni tipo di scritti e per la raccolta di un'ampia biblioteca personale che, costituita da circa 28.000 volumi, lasciò per testamento a "promuovere gli studi, le virtù, le scienze, e con quelle la pietà e il bene universale, a beneficio universale della città e specialmente ai poveri, chierici sacerdoti e secolari che non hanno modo di comprar libri e di poter studiare". La biblioteca, aperta al pubblico nel 1747, fornita di numerosi testi scientifici greci e latini e di trattati di medicina del tempo, a stampa e manoscritti, costituisce il nucleo originario dell'odierna Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, anticamente detta proprio Magliabechiana.Negli ultimi anni si ritirò nel convento domenicano di Santa Maria Novella, dove morì e fu sepolto.

Antonio Magliabechi (Firenze, 29 ottobre 1633 – Firenze, 4 luglio 1714) è stato erudito e bibliofilo italiano.


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 5: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Dopo la morte del padre nel 1640, fu apprendista orefice; alla morte della madre, nel 1673, riprese gli studi sotto Michele Ermini, bibliotecario di Leopoldo de' Medici, acquistando ben presto grande fama per l'ampia erudizione e la conoscenza del latino, del greco e dell'ebraico. Il granduca Cosimo III de' Medici lo nominò bibliotecario della Biblioteca Palatina di Firenze (la biblioteca di Palazzo Pitti, confluita nella Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana per i manoscritti e nella BNCF per le opere a stampa).L'Inquisizione lo sospettò di eresia per i vasti interessi verso ogni tipo di scritti e per la raccolta di un'ampia biblioteca personale che, costituita da circa 28.000 volumi, lasciò per testamento a "promuovere gli studi, le virtù, le scienze, e con quelle la pietà e il bene universale, a beneficio universale della città e specialmente ai poveri, chierici sacerdoti e secolari che non hanno modo di comprar libri e di poter studiare". La biblioteca, aperta al pubblico nel 1747, fornita di numerosi testi scientifici greci e latini e di trattati di medicina del tempo, a stampa e manoscritti, costituisce il nucleo originario dell'odierna Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, anticamente detta proprio Magliabechiana.Negli ultimi anni si ritirò nel convento domenicano di Santa Maria Novella, dove morì e fu sepolto.

Antonio Magliabechi (Firenze, 29 ottobre 1633 – Firenze, 4 luglio 1714) è stato erudito e bibliofilo italiano.


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 6: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Louis Émile JavalLouis Émile Javal (May 5, 1839 – January 20, 1907) was a French ophthalmologist born in Paris. Javal is remembered for his studies of physiological optics and his work involving a disorder known as strabismus.

Javal was the first to describe eye movements during reading in the late 19th century. He reported

that eyes do not move continuously along a line of text, but make short rapid movement

(saccades) intermingled with short stops

(fixations). Javal's observations were characterised

by a reliance on naked-eye observation of eye movement in

the absence of technology.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 7: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Louis Émile JavalLouis Émile Javal (May 5, 1839 – January 20, 1907) was a French ophthalmologist born in Paris. Javal is remembered for his studies of physiological optics and his work involving a disorder known as strabismus.

Javal was the first to describe eye movements during reading in the late 19th century. He reported

that eyes do not move continuously along a line of text, but make short rapid movement

(saccades) intermingled with short stops

(fixations). Javal's observations were characterised

by a reliance on naked-eye observation of eye movement in

the absence of technology.

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Page 8: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Edmund Burke Huey’s1908 publication The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading discussed “the possibility of reading without inner

pronunciation” (subvocalization)


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 9: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

The first tachistoscope was originally described by the German physiologist A.W. Volkmann in 1859

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann(1 July 1801 – 21 April 1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher. He specialized in the study of the nervous and optic systems

TachistoscopioIl tachistoscopio (dal greco τάχιστος (táxistos), superlativo di ταχύς (tachýs) « veloce », e σκοπεῖν (skopein) « guardare, vedere ») è uno strumento in grado di mostrare una serie di immagini in un arco temporale molto breve che può arrivare ad alcuni millisecondi.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 10: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

The first tachistoscope was originally described by the German physiologist A.W. Volkmann in 1859

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann(1 July 1801 – 21 April 1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher. He specialized in the study of the nervous and optic systems

TachistoscopioIl tachistoscopio (dal greco τάχιστος (táxistos), superlativo di ταχύς (tachýs) « veloce », e σκοπεῖν (skopein) « guardare, vedere ») è uno strumento in grado di mostrare una serie di immagini in un arco temporale molto breve che può arrivare ad alcuni millisecondi.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 11: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

The first tachistoscope was originally described by the German physiologist A.W. Volkmann in 1859

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann(1 July 1801 – 21 April 1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher. He specialized in the study of the nervous and optic systems

TachistoscopioIl tachistoscopio (dal greco τάχιστος (táxistos), superlativo di ταχύς (tachýs) « veloce », e σκοπεῖν (skopein) « guardare, vedere ») è uno strumento in grado di mostrare una serie di immagini in un arco temporale molto breve che può arrivare ad alcuni millisecondi.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 12: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

The first tachistoscope was originally described by the German physiologist A.W. Volkmann in 1859

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann(1 July 1801 – 21 April 1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher. He specialized in the study of the nervous and optic systems

TachistoscopioIl tachistoscopio (dal greco τάχιστος (táxistos), superlativo di ταχύς (tachýs) « veloce », e σκοπεῖν (skopein) « guardare, vedere ») è uno strumento in grado di mostrare una serie di immagini in un arco temporale molto breve che può arrivare ad alcuni millisecondi.

sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 13: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

The first tachistoscope was originally described by the German physiologist A.W. Volkmann in 1859

Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann(1 July 1801 – 21 April 1877) was a German physiologist, anatomist, and philosopher. He specialized in the study of the nervous and optic systems

TachistoscopioIl tachistoscopio (dal greco τάχιστος (táxistos), superlativo di ταχύς (tachýs) « veloce », e σκοπεῖν (skopein) « guardare, vedere ») è uno strumento in grado di mostrare una serie di immagini in un arco temporale molto breve che può arrivare ad alcuni millisecondi.

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Page 14: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Samuel Renshaw An Ohio State University experimental psychologist whose research on improving human perception, memory and learning made a dramatic impact during WWII.Initially, Renshaw studied ways to improve reading speed. In his lab, subjects would be exposed to a series of numbers flashed on a screen for increasingly shorter durations of time. After the subjects were trained, Renshaw claimed that they could read faster with the same level of comprehension. In 1942, a naval officer and former Ohio State University employee, Howard Hamilton, believed that Renshaw’s research could be applied within the Navy to save lives. The Allied forces were losing hundreds of soldiers and equipment because Navy personnel were either too slow or inaccurate in identifying planes and ships as friend or foe. In June 1942 after a review of Renshaw’s work, the Navy established a “recognition school” at The Ohio State University, eventually known as the Renshaw Training System for Aircraft and Ship Recognition. Based on his earlier research, Renshaw replaced numbers with pictures of airplanes and ships.






sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 15: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 16: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 17: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 18: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 19: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 20: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


sabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 21: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini

Evelyn Nielsen Wood(January 8, 1909 – August 26, 1995) was an American educator and businessperson, widely known for coining the phrase SPEED READING and for creating a system to increase a reader's speed (over the average reading rate of 250 to 300 words a minute) by a factor of two to five times, while increasing retention.The system was taught in seminars as Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Dynamics, a business Wood co-founded with her husband, Doug Wood, which ultimately had over 150 outlets in the United States

6,000 WPM words per minuteSPEED READING


The world champion is Anne Jones with 4,700 words per minute with 67% comprehension

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini












MEMORY600 WPM1000 WPM 25000 WPM

200 WPM300 WPM

SPRITZsabato 11 ottobre 14

Page 23: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini REGRESSION

REGRESSIONE: la tendenza a tornareindietro con lo sguardo per rileggere

porzioni di testo già affrontate inprecedenza (Saccade Regressiva)

I movimenti degli occhi di una persona immersa nella lettura non sono fluidi ma avanzano

lungo le righe del testo compiendo una serie di salti (saccadi) separati da brevi

pause di fissazione

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini PUNTI DI FISSAZIONE


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini CHUNKING

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

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Page 33: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini EXPAND PERIPHERAL VISION

ENZAN NO METZUKE, letteralmente “ guardare

verso una montagna lontana”, è l’uso della

visione periferica nelle Arti Marziali giapponesi per

cogliere a colpo d’occhio un intero, un quadro generale rispetto alla visione centrale che

restituisce si focalizza nei particolari

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


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Page 40: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini STOP SUBVOCALISATION

Subvocalization, or silent speech, is defined as the

internal speech made when reading a word, thus allowing

the reader to imagine the sound of the word as it is read.

Only in 1899 did an experiment take place to record movement of the larynx through silent reading by a researcher named Curtis, who concluded that silent reading was the only mental activity that created considerable movement of the larynx.

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Page 41: Lettura veloce 2.0 -   Internet Festival 2014

Lettura 2.0cristian contini STOP SUBVOCALISATION

NASA scientists have begun to computerize human, silent reading using nerve signals in the throat that control speech. In preliminary experiments, NASA scientists found that small, button-sized sensors, stuck under the chin and on either side of the ‘Adam’s apple,’ could gather nerve signals, send them to a processor and then to a computer program that translates them into words."What is analyzed is silent, or sub-auditory, speech, such as when a person silently reads or talks to himself," said Chuck Jorgensen (pictured), a scientist whose team is developing silent, subvocal speech recognition at NASA Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley.


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http://www.heku-it.com/reading-trainer-app/sabato 11 ottobre 14

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http://www.heku-it.com/reading-trainer-app/sabato 11 ottobre 14

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Lettura 2.0cristian continihttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/speed-reading-tips/id849190039?mt=8

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Lettura 2.0cristian continihttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.irisreading.speedreadingtips

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini


Rapid Serial Visual Presentation

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini

ORPRSVPRapid Serial Visual Presentation

Optimal Recognition PointRSVP is a common speed-

reading technique used today. However, With traditional RSVP, words are displayed either left-

aligned or centered. Figure 1 shows an example of a center-

aligned RSVP, with a dashed line on the center axis.

What does this all mean to you? For starters, it’s really very easy to learn to Spritz. Unlike other reading techniques, you don’t need to rewire your brain to

work more efficiently. You’ll find that you will be able to inhale content when you regain the

efficiencies associated with not moving your eyes to read. And you will no longer move your

eyes in unnatural ways.


sabato 11 ottobre 14

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini RSVPhttp://sdk.spritzinc.com/js/1.2/bookmarklet/index.html

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini RSVP

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini RSVP

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini RSVP http://www.readmei.com

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Lettura 2.0cristian contini RSVPhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/readme!/id877697552?ls=1&mt=8

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https://www.facebook.com/groups/letturaveloce/Cristian ContiniArt Direction  - Communication  - New & Next Media


[email protected]



Skype: cristiancontinihttp://www.cristiancontini.it/http://cristiancontini.blogspot.comSL Grocon Emoto

sabato 11 ottobre 14

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