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Page 1: Premessa – Premise - Verde Realtà · rappresentanti viventi di una classe dei molluschi, quella degli SCAPHOPODA. L'evoluzione ha ... può crescere con l'animale, non deve essere
Page 2: Premessa – Premise - Verde Realtà · rappresentanti viventi di una classe dei molluschi, quella degli SCAPHOPODA. L'evoluzione ha ... può crescere con l'animale, non deve essere

Premessa – Premise

Inizia la raccolta delle lezioni che saranno il principale supporto per chi voglia tentare di insegnare

malacologia nelle scuole o tra i giovani. La prima lezione è quella che consente di avviare un discorso con alunni e insegnanti nel tentativo

di raccogliere un adeguato consenso. Se si raggiunge questo scopo si hanno le premesse per poi proseguire con approfondimenti successivi.

La necessità di non creare apprensioni negli insegnanti che, non lo dimentichiamo, sono spesso vincolati dai loro progetti didattici, ci ha spinto a costruire una prima lezione che possa impegnare un tempo di circa un ora e, comunque, senza mai superare le due ore.

Per questo la abbiamo chiamata la “Lezione corta” It begins the collection of the lessons that will be the principal support for the one who wants to

try to teach malacology in the schools or among the young people. The first lesson is that allowing to start a discourse with pupils and teachers in the attempt to pick

up a suitable consent. If this purpose is reached the premises are had for then continuing with following close examinations.

The necessity not to create apprehensions in the teachers that, we don't forget it, they are often bound by their didactic projects, has pushed us to build a first lesson that can now hock once of around one hour and, however, without never overcoming the two hours.

For this we have called it the "Short Lesson".

In questo numero – in this number

• Lezione corta in Italiano e Inglese - Short lesson in Italian and English language • Lezione corta in Greco e Inglese - Short lesson inGreek and English language • Lezione corta in Spagnolo e Inglese - Short lesson in Spanish and English language • Lezione corta in Portoghese e Inglese - Short lesson in Italian and Portuguese langiuage • Un articolo sulle conchiglie scritto da un ex-alunno non malacologo – An article on shells wrote

by an ex-pupil not malacologist Nota: questo numero sarà aggiornato con le traduzioni in altre lingue

Note: this number will be update with translazions in other languages.

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Lezione breve

Short lesson

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Lezione breve (60 minuti) - Short lesson (60 minutes)

Organizzazione del tempo

1-30 31-45 46-60 esperimento 1 forma vicente strategia vincente la classificazione Classi dei molluschi la forma delle conchiglie la nomenclatura

le conchiglie più strane e più belle le curiosità

consegna di alcuni esemplari lancio idee di lavoro

Time Organization

1-30 31-45 46-60 experiment 1 winning form winning strategy the classification Classes of Molluscs Shells’ forms Nomenclature

the strangest and the most beautiful shells curiosity

delivery of some samples launch working ideas

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Esperimento n. 1 – Experiment no. 1

Impostare la lezione portando il materiale necessario in base alle disponibilità della scuola. La presenza di un videoproiettore multimediale e di un computer rendono la cosa più semplice, in caso contrario userai la lavagna tradizionale e, se le hai, fotografie abbastanza grandi (minimo cm 20x25 o 24x30), una stampa su foglio A4 può essere sufficiente. Senza far vedere il materiale che hai portato, introduci gli alunni alla forma delle conchiglie con l'esperimento n. 1. Naturalmente avrai avvertito la maestra di far portare a ciascun ragazzo un pezzo di plastilina.

Set up the lesson by bringing the necessary material according to the availability of the school. The presence of a multimedia projector and a computer makes everything easier, otherwise you can use the traditional blackboard, and if you have, big photographs (minimum 20x25 cm or 24x30), a print on A4 paper may be sufficient. Without showing the material that you bring, introduce pupils to the shape of the shells with the experiment no. 1. Of course you will have adviced the teacher to ask each child to bring a piece of plastiline.





Page 6: Premessa – Premise - Verde Realtà · rappresentanti viventi di una classe dei molluschi, quella degli SCAPHOPODA. L'evoluzione ha ... può crescere con l'animale, non deve essere


La forma vincente - The winning form Ora che hai catturato la loro attenzione puoi spiegare: 1 - La forma vincente La paleontologia, la scienza che studia gli animali del passato, ci racconta dei progenitori dei molluschi, le Belemniti, una classe di animali ormai estinti che difendevano il loro corpo con una conchiglia conico allungata simile alla prima figura del modello da noi creato con la plastilina (nell'immagine in fondo alla pagina una nostra ricostruzione immaginaria ottenuta dalla foto di una conchiglia fossile di Belemnite unita alla testa di un mollusco Cefalopode vivente).

Now that you've caught their attention, you can explain: 1 - The winning form Paleontology, the science that studies the animals in the past, tells us about the molluscs’ ancestors, Belemnites, a class of extinct animals, defending their body with a tapered elongated shell-like figure as the first model we created with the plastiline (the picture here at the bottom of the page is an imaginary reconstruction obtained by the photo of a fossil Belemnite shell combined with the head of a living cephalopod mollusks).

Spero ti resterà facile capire come questa sia piuttosto fragile e soggetta a spezzarsi a causa di un urto o di un attacco violento. In alto puoi vedere la forma di una conchiglia. Probabilmente ne avrai già trovate sulla spiaggia: sono i pochi rappresentanti viventi di una classe dei molluschi, quella degli SCAPHOPODA. L'evoluzione ha preferito a questa forma fragile, che puoi spezzare facilmente con le mani senza grandi sforzi, quella dei GASTROPODA, ovvero conchiglie avvolte ad

I hope you will easily understand how fragile this can be and how is prone to crack due to impact or a violent attack. Above you can see the shape of a shell. You probably already found some of them on the beach: these are the few living representatives of a class of mollusks, SCAPHOPODA. The evolution has preferred to this brittle form, easily breakable even by hands, the GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a

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dei GASTROPODA, ovvero conchiglie avvolte ad elica come il nostro modello. Prova a prenderne una tra quelle che forse hai già raccolto in mare e ti accorgerai subito che non puoi spezzarla con altrettanta facilità della precedente. Quindi la forma "turricolata" delle conchiglie avvolte ad elica si è mostrata molto più efficace per vincere la gara dell'evoluzione ed arrivare fino ai nostri tempi. I molluschi, con Il loro guscio di calcare, rappresentano, dopo gli insetti, il gruppo più numeroso in natura, si stimano circa 100.000 specie diverse. Questa forma a cono è un ottimo guscio perchè può crescere con l'animale, non deve essere cambiato come il carapace di un granchio. La forma primitiva, simile alla zanna di un elefante, era però troppo fragile (invitate un ragazzo a spezzare un Dentalium e poi a spezzare un gasteropodo come un Naticarius). Questo fa capire il concetto di "strategia vincente" (che potete spiegare o, meglio, far spiegare all'insegnante).

GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a propeller. Try to take one of those that you may have already collected at sea and you'll see right away that you can not break it just as easily as the previous one. So these shells shaped in propeller has shown much more strenght and this is the reason why these were able to win the race and the evolution up to our times. The molluscs, with their limestone shells, are after the insects, the largest group in nature, and they are about 100,000 different species. This cone-shaped shell is great because it can grow with the animal and doesn’t need to be changed as the carapace of a crab. The primitive form, like the tusk of an elephant, was too fragile (invite a guy to break up a Dentalium and then to break a gastropod as a Naticarius). This makes us understand the concept of "winning strategy" (which you can explain, or rather, let the teacher explain).

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La strategia vincente: le uova - The winning strategy: the eggs Le uova dei molluschi vengono facilmente trasportate e disperse dai movimenti del mare. Sono anche un ottimo cibo per molti pesci e altri animali marini. Puoi capire facilmente che le probabilità per un uovo di dischiudersi e per un cucciolo di sopravvivere fino alla maturità sono ben poche. Come mai i molluschi sono, dopo gli insetti, gli animali più diffusi sulla terra? La strategia vincente è quella della produzione di uova in gran quantità: in genere i molluschi producono migliaia di uova e, spesso, le proteggono in capsule piuttosto resistenti che, se possibile, fissano sulle rocce, sulle gorgonie o sui coralli. Più spesso le racchiudono in un tubo di gelatina che fissano avvolgendole poi su alghe, madrepore o coralli. Le uova che più facilmente troverai spiaggiate sono quelle degli "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis,

Thais) e delle seppie.

The eggs of molluscs are easily transported and dispersed by the movements of the sea. They are also an excellent food for many fish and other marine animals. You can easily understand that the probability of an egg to crack and for a baby animal to survive to adulthood are very few. Why are shellfish, after the insects, the most common animals on earth? The winning strategy is the production of eggs in large quantities: the molluscs typically produce thousands of eggs, and often protect them in rather strong capsules that, if possible, lay down on the rocks, or on gorgonian corals. More often they are enclosed in a tube of jelly and then attached on algae, corals and coral. The most common eggs to find on the seaside are those of the "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis, Thais) and cuttlefish.

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La classificazione - The classification

Classificare vuol dire raggruppare persone, animali, oggetti, concetti, parole, insomma qualunque cosa, in base ad un criterio prescelto.

Puoi dividere i tuoi compagni di classe e formare gruppi di maschi e di femmine, di ragazzi con occhi azzurri o castani, dai capelli biondi o neri, alti o bassi, ecc. Questo è classificare e puoi renderti facilmente conto di quanto tu faccia questo esercizio quotidianamente: guardi una auto e la giudichi bella o brutta, lenta o veloce, nuova o vecchia, auto da citta o fuoristrada. Guardi una persona è mentalmente pensi: è bambina o giovane o anziana, bella o brutta, simpatica o antipatica, ecc.

La cosa fondamentale è che il criterio o i criteri scelti siano validi per tutti e duraturi nel tempo: una persona tu la ritieni simpatica o bella mentre per un altro la stessa persona è antipatìca o brutta. Inoltre nel tempo può succedere che una persona antipatica cambi e diventi simpatica e viceversa e lo stesso si può dire della bellezza. La simpatia o la bellezza quindi non possono essere criteri di classificazione duraturi e validi per tutti allo stesso modo. La scienza si occupa anche di stabilire questi criteri e di trovarne di sempre più stabili, duraturi ed universali. Nel campo della malacologia i criteri principali sono la forma della conchiglia e l'anatomia (cioè la forma e l'organizzazione del corpo) del mollusco; da qualche tempo si tenta di classificare anche in base agli esami sul DNA. A oggi si è arrivati a dividere il Phylum dei molluschi in 8 Classi:

Classify means to group people, animals, objects, concepts, words, anything, according to a criterion.

You can divide your classmates and form groups of males and females, boys with blue eyes or brown, with blond or black hair, high or low, etc.. This means to classify and it can make you discover how ofter you do this every day: you look at a car and judge it good or bad, slow or fast, new or old, town car or SUV. You look at a person and you think, is a child or young or old, beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The key thing is that the criterion or criteria have to be valid for all and sustainable over time: the one person that you feel nice and beautiful for another person can be unpleasant or ugly. In addition, over time it may happen that a person change in your opinion becoming more funny or nicer and vice versa and the same can be said of beauty. Sympathy or beauty can not be so durable and they can’t be classification criteria to apply to everyone equally. Science is also involved in establishing these criteria and to find more and more stable, lasting and universal ones. In the field of malacology the main criteria are the shape of the shell and anatomy (ie the shape and organization of the body) of the mollusc; Since some time we are trying to rank also on the basis of DNA tests. So far we have come to divide the phylum of molluscs into 8 classes:

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Le Classi dei Molluschi – The Mollusks Classis GASTROPODA Quella dei Gasteropodi è la classe più numerosa e raggruppa quei molluschi che hanno la conchiglia composta da un solo pezzo conico avvolto ad elica. Alcuni hanno abbandonato la costruzione della conchiglia e vengono chiamati "nudibranchi" Gastropods are one of the most numerous class, and includes those mollusks which have shells composed of a single piece helical coiled. Some have abandoned the construction of the shell and are called "sea slugs"

BIVALVIA In questa classe troviamo quei molluschi che hanno adottato come riparo un guscio composto da due parti mobili, valve, unite da una cerniera e sono quindi detti Bivalvi In this class are those shellfish that have adopted a shelter a shell composed of two moving parts, valves, united by a hinge and are therefore called Bivalvia

SCAPHOPODA Una conchiglia fatta a forma di "zanna di elefante" o di "scafo", da cui il nome Scafopodi, contraddistingue questa classe A shell shaped like a "elephant tusk" or "hull", hence the name Scafopodi, distinguishes this class

CEFALOPODA Chiamati così perchè hanno il loro sistema nervoso racchiuso del "piede". Spesso sprovvisti di conchiglia che , in alcuni casi, si è ridotta assumendo la forma di un osso a forma di "penna" interna. So called because their nervous system is enclosed into their "foot". Often without a shell that, in some cases, has been reduced taking the shape of a bone-shaped "pen" inside.

MONOPLACOPHORA Il guscio è costituito da una sola "placca" che ricopre tutto l'animale. Nel Mediterraneo ne esiste una sola specie. The shell consists of one "plate" that covers the entire animal. In the Mediterranean there is only one species.

POLIPLACOPHORA Non molto diffusa nel Mediterraneo, questa classe racchiude animali con la conchiglia composta da 8 placche tenute unite da un legamento organico. Not very common in the Mediterranean, this class includes animals with shells composed of 8 plates held together by an organic ligament.

SOLENOGASTRES Piccoli e poco studiati perchè vivono nell'ambiente abissale, vengono detti anche Aplacofori perchè non hanno placche o conchiglia Small and poorly studied because they live in the abyss, are also called Aplacofori because they have no chips or shell.

CAUDOFOVEATA Come i Solenogastres hanno la forma di piccoli vermi e si nutrono prevalentemente di microorganismi. Like Solenogastres these have the form of small worms and feed mostly on microorganisms.

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La forma dei Gastropoda – The form of Gastropoda

1 – protoconca 2 – scultura fenestrata 3 – strie spirali 4 – scultura mamillata 5 – tubercoli 6 – spine 7 – coste assiali 8 – scultura cancellata 9 – digitazione 10 – seno posteriore 11 – ombelico 12 – apertura 13 – callo 14 – pieghe columellari 15 – labbro esterno 16 – columella 17 – denti e pliche labiali 18 – canale sifonale 19 – seno anteriore

1 – protoconch 2 – fenestrated sculpture 3 – spiral striae 4 – mamillated sculpture 5 – tubercles 6 – thorns 7 – axial coast 8 – canceled sculpture 9 – digitation 10 – back sinus 11 – umbilicus 12 – opening 13 – callus 14 – columellar folds 15 – outer lip 16 – columella 17 – teeth and labial folds 18 – siphonal canal 19 – anterior sinus

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Le convenzioni della nomenclatura – The naming convention

Acanthocardia tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758)

La nomenclatura Avrai notato che nelle pagine precedente c'è scritto Gastropoda mentre nel commento c'è scritto Gateropodi. Questo perchè il commento è scritto in lingua corrente mentre il nome della classe è scritto in lingua Latina. Si tratta di una delle convenzioni che gli studiosi di tutto il mondo hanno stabilito per meglio gestire lo scambio di notizie e dati nel campo delle Scienze Naturali. La prima regola stabilita è quindi quella di scrivere i nomi scientifici in Latino. La seconda e importante convenzione è che ciascuna specie sia identificata da un nome binomiale. Così come tu sei individuato da un Cognome e un Nome, in maniera molto simile, ciascuna specie di animali viene individuata da un nome di Genere e un nome di specie. Ecco quindi che la specie raffigurata in questa pagina si chiama Acanthocardia

tuberculata. Attenzione, però, che a differenza del tuo nome e cognome, che indicano solo te, il genere e la specie indicano tutte le conchiglie come questa. In effetti tu fai parte del genere Homo e della specie sapiens sapiens. Ancora qualche piccola regola aggiuntiva: - il nome del Genere si scrive con la prima lettera in maiuscolo. - il nome della specie si scrive tutto in minuscolo - Genere e specie si scrivono in carattere corsivo. Quindi è sbagliato scrivere ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA oppure acanthocardia tuberculata, ma anche Acanthocardia tuberculata (non in corsivo). Infine, per meglio capire chi ha dato quel nome a quella specie si aggiunge il nome dell'Autore e, separato da virgola, l'anno nel quale l'autore ha dato per la prima volta quel nome.

The nomenclature You'll notice that in the previous pages is written Gastropoda while in the commentary is written Gateropodi. This is because the comment is written in everyday language while the class name is written in Latin. This is one of the conventions that experts around the world have established to better manage the exchange of information and data in the field of Natural Sciences. The first rule set is then to write the scientific names in Latin. The second and most important convention is that each species is identified by a binomial name. So as you are identified by a name and a surname, in a very similar way, each species is identified by a Genus name and a species name. Hence the species pictured on this page is called Acanthocardia tuberculata. Be aware, though, that unlike your first and last name, indicating you only, the genus and species indicate all the shells like this one. In fact you are part of the Genus Homo and the species sapiens sapiens. A few more small additional rules: - The genus name is written with the first letter uppercase. - The species name is written all in lower case - Genus and species are written in italics. So it is wrong to write ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA or acanthocardia tuberculata, but also Acanthocardia tuberculata (not in italic). Finally, to better understand who gave that name to that species, the author’s name is added and, separated by a comma, the year in which the author has given for the first time that name.

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Intervallo con immagini e curiosità Interval with images and curiosities

Fin qui hai attirato l’azione dei bambini con i modelli di plastilina poi hai dato loro i rudimenti principali della malacologia. Ora occorre spezzare il peso della lezione con belle immagini delle conchiglie più belle o più strane e, cosa più importante, con alcune curiosità. Nella sezione “products” del progetto c’è una apposita sezione con le curiosità. Dovrai scegliere quelle che ti sembrano più idonee agli interessi dei bambini. La loro insegnante potrà esserti di grande aiuto nella loro scelta. Alcuni esempi? I dardi avvelenati dei Conus accendono la fantasia dei bambini che li collegano ai vari eventi dei loro cartoni o films preferiti. Il suono del mare nelle conchiglie li porterà ad annuire e a dire la loro esperienza Le dimensioni estreme dei molluschi più piccoli o più grandi li incuriosiranno ma ricorda, centimetri e metri sono ancora concetti astratti nella loro mente per cui è più utile dire “..grande quanto tre stanze della tua casa o...piccolo come un granello di sabbia (mostra un esemplare micro in una scatolina da collezione). Naturalmente avrai preparato immagini per dare meglio l’idea di ciò che dici. Ne trovi in internet o su questo sito tra i “products”. Nella sezione “immagini di conchiglie belle o strane” stiamo inserendo foto che potrai proiettare per riempire i minuti di questo “intervallo” Fai i conti del tempo di cui disponi pensando che l’ultima parte della lezione può richiedere 10-15 minuti.

So far you've attracted the children’s attention with plasticine models then you've given them the rudiments of the main malacology. Now we need to break the weight of the lesson with beautiful images of the most beautiful shells or strangest and most importantly , with some curiosities. In the " products" section of the project, there is a special part full of interesting information. You'll have to choose the ones that seem most appropriate to the interests of children. Their teacher will be of great help in the choice. Some examples ? The poisoned darts of Conus, ignite the imagination of children that connect them to various events of their favorite cartoons or movies. The sound of the ocean in the shells will take them to nod and say their experience. The extreme size of the molluscs smaller or larger intrigue them but remember, centimeters and meters are still abstract concepts in their minds; it is more useful to say " great .. as three rooms of your home or ... small as a grain of sand (shows specimen of micro in a box collector ) . Of course you have prepared images to give a better idea of what you're saying. Find them in the internet or on this website under " products" . In the section " images of beautiful or strange shells" we are adding photos that can be projected to fill the minutes of this " interval ". Do the accounts of the time you have by considering that the last part of the lesson can take 10-15 minutes.

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Consegna di alcuni esemplari Delivery of some samples

I ragazzi sono stanchi e la loro capacità di attenzione è totalmente crollata. Questo è il momento migliore per consegnare a ciascuno di loro una bustina con alcuni esemplari di conchiglie. Il numero delle conchiglie che darai loro dipende dalle tue disponibilità, le specie più comuni vanno benissimo: per loro saranno le più belle del mondo e inizieranno a girarle tra le mani parlandone ai loro compagni. In questa fase la loro insegnante dovrà aiutarti a tenere le cose sotto controllo perché gli alunni saranno molto eccitati e non attenti.

The boys are tired and their attention is totally collapsed. This is the best time to give each of them a bag with some sample of shells. The number of shells that you will give them depends on availability; the most common species are more than fine: for them these will be the finest in the world and they will begin to turn them over in their hands by talking to their companions. At this stage, their teacher will help you keep things under control because the students will be very excited and not careful.

Ecco alcune attività che potrai suggerire loro e anche ai loro insegnanti: serviranno per loro stessi e per lezioni future. 1 – iniziare una attività di scambio delle conchiglie in loro possesso. 2 – disegnare, senza l’aiuto degli adulti e a modo loro, le conchiglie ricevute e anche i luoghi di mare che frequentano. 3 – immaginare di dover scrivere ad un amico, che vive in un paese molto lontano, una conchiglia senza che lui possa vederla. 4 – iniziare una propria collezione

Here are some activities you can suggest them and also to their teachers: these will be useful for themselves and for future lessons. 1 - start a trading of the shells everyone has . 2 - draw, without the help of adults and in their own way, the shells received and also the seaside they normally go to. 3 - imagine to describe to a friend, who lives in a far away land, a shell without allowing him to see it. 4 - start your own collection

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Scambiamo le nostre conchiglie Let’s exchange our shells

I ragazzi sono abituati allo scambio di figurine e oggetti vari. Puoi quindi proporre loro di trovare del tempo, fuori dalla scuola o in classe come attività didattica. Avrai avuto cura di inserire in ciascuna bustina alcuni doppioni così che abbiano alcune conchiglie da scambiare. Suggerisci loro di scambiare le loro conchiglie con altre che ritengono più belle o più grandi o più strane. Non ti mancherà il modo di suggerire loro alcuni motivi per lo scambio.

I ragazzi di 10-13 anni, guidati dall’insegnante, potranno spiegare e descrivere quali motivi li spingono a cambiare o non cambiare, quali i principi in base ai quali attribuiscono un “valore” alle loro conchiglie, per quali ragioni sono disposti a cedere un loro pezzo solo scambiato con altri due, ecc... Non mancano i motivi speculativi sui quali gli insegnanti possono effettuare alcune lezioni successive a questa “introduttiva”

The kids are used to exchange figurines and other objects. You can then offer them to find time out of the school or in the classroom to do so. You will have included some duplication in each packet so that they have some shells to exchange. Suggest them to exchange their shells with others who have the most beautiful or larger or odd. The boys of 10-13 years, guided by the teacher, will be able to describe and explain the reasons which led them to change or not to change, such as the principles according to which they attach a "value" to their shells, why they are willing to exchange a piece with two others, etc ... There are plenty of ways for the teachers to do some other lessons on the theme after this "introduction"

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Descrivi e disegna le conchiglie Describe and draw the shells

Turbine pentidattilo Buonanni, 1861

Tutti i nostri alunni hanno provato, su nostra richiesta, a scrivere ad un immaginario amico di un paese molto lontano descrivendo con quanti più dettagli possibile una conchiglia trovata sulla spiaggia. Se bravi in disegno potreste, così come ha fatto il malacologo Buonanni nel 1681 illustrando questo Turbine pentidattilo, anche cimentarvi ad inviare in questa lettera una immagine. Tutto, ovviamente, facendo finta di non disporre di mezzi fotografici, come era in effetti in tempi passati. Immaginiamo che inizierete indicando le misure dell'altezza e della larghezza della conchiglia, con il numero dei suoi giri, con il colore e con la scultura e quanto altro vi verrà in mente utile per il vostro amico.

All our students have tried, at our request, to write to an imaginary friend of a distant land describing a shell found on the beach with as much detail as possible. If you're good at drawing, as the malacologist Buonanni did in 1681 illustrating the Turbine

pentadactilo, even try with your hands at this point to draw a picture. Everything, of course, pretending not to have photographic instruments, as it was in fact in the past. Imagine that you start by indicating the measures the height and width of the shell, with the number of its revolutions, with the color and sculpture, and anything else you think will be helpful for your friend.

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La collezione personale The personal collection

La raccolta di campioni scientifici porta necessariamente alla loro collezione. Si tratta di sistemare gli esemplari in contenitori di vario tipo per conservarli o per metterli in mostra. In questo caso cercheremo sempre di fare qualcosa di bello: che dia piacere alla vista e che attiri l'attenzione della persona a cui mostreremo la nostra collezione. In casa si trovano facilmente contenitori, scatole e scatoline, barattoli, bottigliette e fialette di tutti generi e forme. Bellissime le scatole trasparenti dei cioccolatini o caramelle: tutte belle lucide e realizzate per mettere in mostra il loro contenuto. Ti lanciamo una sfida: realizza la tua collezione senza ricorrere al portafoglio e ai denari dei genitori. Avrai una grande soddisfazione quando ti faranno complimenti per l'originalità e la bellezza della tua collezione. Potrai anche fare una gara con i tuoi amici e compagni per vedere chi ha avuto l'idea migliore e più bella.

The collection of scientific specimens necessarily lead to their collection. This is placing the samples in containers of various kinds to keep them or put them on display. In this case we will always try to do something nice: it gives pleasure to the eye and attracts the attention of the person to whom we show our collection. In the house are easily containers, boxes and boxes, cans, bottles and vials of all genres and forms. Beautiful transparent boxes of chocolates or candy, all nice and shiny designed to showcase their content. You throw a challenge: make your collection without asking money to their parents. You'll get a great satisfaction when you will be congratulated for your originality and for the beauty of your collection. You can also have a competition with your friends and classmates to see who had the better and the most beautiful idea.

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Conclusione: il Museo Virtuale Conclusion: The Virtual Museum

Ora puoi incoraggiare i ragazzi e i loro insegnanti a proseguire questa esperienza nella malacologia. Suggerisci loro di realizzare un museo nella loro classe o nella loro scuola. Questo potrà scoraggiare molti insegnanti che non sapranno dove trovare uno spazio adatto o non vorranno spendere troppo tempo per realizzare il tutto. Ecco quindi che l’idea più semplice e conveniente potrebbe essere quella di realizzare un “museo virtuale”. Di che cosa si tratta? Di uno spazio che noi metteremo a disposizione sul nostro sito www.verderealta.it per ciascuna classe o scuola che voglia farlo. Esporremo tutti i loro lavori e le loro foto in una apposita sezione a loro dedicata. Per fare questo devi invitare ragazzi e insegnanti a fotografare tutto ciò che si fa. Potranno scannerizzare i loro disegni o le loro relazioni. Potranno fotografare tutte le fasi delle loro attività inclusa la raccolta di conchiglie al mare e tutto ciò che hanno visto e raccolto. Molto importante l’invio di una foto della scuola vista da fuori e della foto di un angolo della scuola con una parete adatta a fare il loro museo. Su queste due immagine imposteremo sul sito il loro Museo Virtuale. Potremmo anche proporre una gara tra le classi della stessa scuola o tra varie scuole su chi realizza i migliori lavori. Periodicamente potremmo pubblicare un “quaderno” con uno o più “Musei Virtuali”.

Now you can encourage young people and their teachers to continue this experience in malacology suggesting that they can create a museum in their class or in their school. This will discourage many teachers who do not know where to find a suitable space, or the ones who are not willing to spend too much time to accomplish everything. Hence the idea that the most simple and convenient thing to do would be to create a "virtual museum" What is it? An area that we will make available on our website www.verderealta.it for each class or school that wants to do it. We will show all their work and their photos in a special section dedicated to them. To do this you need to invite students and teachers to photograph everything that they do. They will be able to scan their drawings or their studies. They will be able to photograph all phases of their activities including the collection of sea shells and everything they have seen and collected. It will be very important to send a photo of the view of the school from outside and a picture of a corner of the school with a suitable wall to make their museum. On these two images on the site will set their Virtual Museum . We could also propose a competition between the classes in the same school or between different schools to see who makes the best work . Periodically we could publish a "notebook" with one or more "virtual museums ".

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Σύντοµο µάθηµα

Short lesson

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Οργάνωση του χρόνου

1-30 31-45 46-60

Πείραµα 1 Επιλογή Μορφής Επιλογή στρατηγικής Η κατάταξη Κλάσεις Μαλακίων Μορφές Οστράκων Ονοµατολογία

Τα πιο περίεργα και τα οµορφότερα κοχύλια Απορίες

∆είγµατα οστράκων Ανταλλαγή ιδεών

Time Organization

1-30 31-45 46-60 experiment 1 winning form winning strategy the classification Classes of Molluscs Shells’ forms Nomenclature

the strangest and the most beautiful shells curiosity

delivery of some samples launch working ideas

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Πείραµα 1 – Experiment no. 1

Ρυθµίστε το µάθηµα φέρνοντας το απαραίτητο υλικό ανάλογα µε τη διαθεσιµότητα του σχολείου. Ένας προβολέας πολυµέσων και ένας υπολογιστής κάνει τα πάντα ευκολότερα, αλλιώς µπορείτε να χρησιµοποιήσετε τον παραδοσιακό µαυροπίνακα, και αν έχετε µεγάλες φωτογραφίες (20x25 cm το ελάχιστο ή 24x30), µια εκτύπωση σε χαρτί Α4 µπορεί να είναι επαρκής. Χωρίς να δείχνετε το υλικό που ετοιµάσατε, εισάγετε τους µαθητές στο σχήµα των οστράκων µε το πείραµα Νο 1. Φυσικά εκ των προτέρων, θα έχετε ενηµερώσει τον καθηγητή να ζητήσει από το κάθε παιδί να φέρει στο σχολείο ένα κοµµάτι πλαστελίνης.

Set up the lesson by bringing the necessary material according to the availability of the school. The presence of a multimedia projector and a computer makes everything easier, otherwise you can use the traditional blackboard, and if you have, big photographs (minimum 20x25 cm or 24x30), a print on A4 paper may be sufficient. Without showing the material that you bring, introduce pupils to the shape of the shells with the experiment no. 1. Of course you will have adviced the teacher to ask each child to bring a piece of plastiline.





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Η επικράτηση της µορφής των οστράκων - The winning form Τώρα που έχετε τραβήξει την προσοχή των µαθητών, µπορείτε να εξηγήσετε: 1 - Η νικήτρια µορφή Η Παλαιοντολογία, είναι η επιστήµη που µελετά τα ζώα του παρελθόντος, όπως είναι και οι πρόγονοι των µαλακίων», οι Belemnites, µια κλάση εξαφανισµένων ζώων, που προστάτευαν το σώµα τους µε ένα κωνικό επίµηκες κέλυφος, ένα σχήµα που µοιάζει ως το πρώτο µοντέλο που δηµιουργήθηκε µε την πλαστελίνη (η εικόνα εδώ στο κάτω µέρος της σελίδας είναι µια φανταστική ανακατασκευή που λαµβάνεται µε την φωτογραφία ενός απολιθωµένου κελύφους των Belemnites σε συνδυασµό µε το κεφάλι ενός αρτίγονου µαλάκιου κεφαλόποδου).

Now that you've caught their attention, you can explain: 1 - The winning form Paleontology, the science that studies the animals in the past, tells us about the molluscs’ ancestors, Belemnites, a class of extinct animals, defending their body with a tapered elongated shell-like figure as the first model we created with the plastiline (the picture here at the bottom of the page is an imaginary reconstruction obtained by the photo of a fossil Belemnite shell combined with the head of a living cephalopod mollusks).

Νοµίζω ότι εύκολα καταλαβένετε πόσο εύθραυστη µπορεί να είναι η µορφή αυτή και πόσο κινδυνεύει να καταστραφεί σε µια βίαιη επίθεση. Στην πιο πάνω εικόνα µπορείτε να παρατηρήσετε το σχήµα του κελύφους. Πιθανά κάποιοι να έχουν ήδη βρει κάποια από αυτά τα όστρακα στην παραλία: αυτά είναι λίγα, και ανήκουν στην κατηγορία των Σκαφοπόδων (SCAPHOPODA). Η εξέλιξη όµως,

I hope you will easily understand how fragile this can be and how is prone to crack due to impact or a violent attack. Above you can see the shape of a shell. You probably already found some of them on the beach: these are the few living representatives of a class of mollusks, SCAPHOPODA. The evolution has preferred to this brittle form,

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Σκαφοπόδων (SCAPHOPODA). Η εξέλιξη όµως, προτίµησε αντί αυτής της εύθραυστης µορφής, τη µορφή των Γαστεροπόδω (GASTROPODA), δηλ το περιελιγµένο σχήµα. Επιλέξετε ένα γαστερόποδο από αυτά που µπορεί να έχετε ήδη συλλέξει από τη θάλασσα και θα δείτε αµέσως ότι δεν µπορείτε να το σπάσετε τόσο εύκολα όσο το προηγούµενο. Έτσι, αυτά τα περιελιγµένα κελύφη έχουν δείξει πολύ µεγαλύτερη αντοχή και αυτός είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο επικράτησαν µέχρι τις µέρες µας. Τα µαλάκια σε ασβεστολιθικό όστρακο είναι η µεγαλύτερη οµάδα στη φύση, µετά από τα έντοµα, και αριθµούν περίπου 100.000 διαφορετικά είδη. Ένας µαθητής µπορεί να δοκιµάσει να σπάσει ένα Dentalium και ένα Naticarius για να αντιληφθεί πολύ εύκολα ότι η αρχέγονη κωνική µορφή του Dentalium είναι πιο εύθραυστη από αυτή του γαστερόποδου Naticarius. Αυτό µας κάνει να καταλάβουµε την έννοια της «στρατηγική νίκης» (µπορεί να εξηγήσει ο δάσκαλος).

evolution has preferred to this brittle form, easily breakable even by hands, the GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a propeller. Try to take one of those that you may have already collected at sea and you'll see right away that you can not break it just as easily as the previous one. So these shells shaped in propeller has shown much more strenght and this is the reason why these were able to win the race and the evolution up to our times. The molluscs, with their limestone shells, are after the insects, the largest group in nature, and they are about 100,000 different species. This cone-shaped shell is great because it can grow with the animal and doesn’t need to be changed as the carapace of a crab. The primitive form, like the tusk of an elephant, was too fragile (invite a guy to break up a Dentalium and then to break a gastropod as a Naticarius). This makes us understand the concept of "winning strategy" (which you can explain, or rather, let the teacher explain).

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Η επιλεγµένη στρατηγική: Τα αβγά - The winning strategy: the

eggs Τα αυγά των µαλακίων µεταφέρονται εύκολα και διασπείρονται από τις κινήσεις της θάλασσας. Αποτελούν επίσης µια εξαιρετική τροφή για πολλά ψάρια και άλλα θαλάσσια ζώα. Μπορείτε εύκολα να καταλάβετε ότι η πιθανότητα ενός αυγού για να εκκολαφθεί και το πολύ µικρό ζώο να επιβιώσει µέχρι την ενηλικίωσή του είναι πολύ λίγες. Γιατί είναι τα οστρακοειδή, µετά τα έντοµα, τα πιο κοινά ζώα στη γη; Η στρατηγική της νίκης είναι η παραγωγή αυγών σε µεγάλες ποσότητες, τα µαλάκια παράγουν συνήθως χιλιάδες ή και εκατοµµύρια αυγά (υψηλή γονιµότητα). Συχνά τα µαλάκια προστατεύουν τα αβγά τους σε ισχυρές κάψουλες οι οποίες αφήνονται πάνω στα βράχια ή σε γοργονίες (κοράλλια). Τις περισσότερες φορές αυτά περικλείονται σε ένα ζελέ και στη συνέχεια προσκολλώνται σε φύκια, ή κοράλλια. Τα πιο συνηθισµένα αυγά που µπορείτε να βρείτε στην παραλία είναι των στρόµπων ή µατιών (Hexaplex, Trunculariopsis, Thais) και των σουπιών.

The eggs of molluscs are easily transported and dispersed by the movements of the sea. They are also an excellent food for many fish and other marine animals. You can easily understand that the probability of an egg to crack and for a baby animal to survive to adulthood are very few. Why are shellfish, after the insects, the most common animals on earth? The winning strategy is the production of eggs in large quantities: the molluscs typically produce thousands of eggs, and often protect them in rather strong capsules that, if possible, lay down on the rocks, or on gorgonian corals. More often they are enclosed in a tube of jelly and then attached on algae, corals and coral. The most common eggs to find on the seaside are those of the "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis, Thais) and cuttlefish.

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Η κατάταξη - The classification

Ταξινόµηση σηµαίνει να οµαδοποιηθούν άνθρωποι, ζώα, αντικείµενα, έννοιες, λέξεις, κλπ., σύµφωνα µε κάποιο κριτήριο.

Μπορείτε να κατατάξετε τους

συµµαθητές σας σε οµάδες των αγοριών και των κοριτσιών, των αγοριών µε γαλανά ή καστανά µάτια, µε ξανθά ή µαύρα µαλλιά, υψηλά ή κοντά κ.λπ.. Αν κοιτάξει κανείς ένα αυτοκίνητο κρίνει ότι είναι καλό ή κακό, αργό ή γρήγορο, νέο ή παλιό, αυτοκίνητο πόλης ή όχι . Βλέποντας ένα άτοµο, σκέφτεστε αν είναι ένα παιδί ή νεαρό ή ηλικιωµένο, όµορφο ή άσχηµο, ευχάριστο ή δυσάρεστο, κλπ.. Αυτό σηµαίνει ότι ταξινοµείτε και ότι συνειδητοποιείτε πόσο συχνά το κάνετε κάθε µέρα.

Η βάση της ταξινόµησης είναι ότι το

κριτήριο ή τα κριτήρια που πρέπει να ισχύουν οφείλουν να είναι κοινά και βιώσιµα σε βάθος χρόνου: αν για ένα άτοµο αισθάνεστε ωραία για ένα άλλο µπορεί η αίσθηση να είναι αντίθετη. Επιπλέον, µε την πάροδο του χρόνου µπορεί να συµβεί µια αλλαγή προσώπου και που κατά τη γνώµη σας να γίνει καλύτερο και το αντίστροφο και το ίδιο µπορεί να λεχθεί και για την οµορφιά. Συναισθήµατα ή ιδιότητες που αλλάζουν µε το χρόνο δεν µπορεί να είναι τόσο ισχυρά κριτήρια κατάταξης και να έχουν την ίδια ισχύ για όλους. Η επιστήµη εµπλέκεται στην αναζήτηση και καθιέρωση σταθερών, µε διάρκεια και καθολικών κριτηρίων. Στον τοµέα της Μαλακολογίας τα κύρια κριτήρια είναι το σχήµα του κελύφους και της ανατοµίας (δηλ. το σχήµα και την οργάνωση του σώµατος) των µαλακίων. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η κατάταξη των οργανισµών βασίζεται επίσης και σε αναλυση του DNA. Μέχρι στιγµής το φύλο των µαλακίων απαρτίζεται από 8 κλάσεις:

Classify means to group people, animals, objects, concepts, words, anything, according to a criterion.

You can divide your classmates and form groups of males and females, boys with blue eyes or brown, with blond or black hair, high or low, etc.. This means to classify and it can make you discover how ofter you do this every day: you look at a car and judge it good or bad, slow or fast, new or old, town car or SUV. You look at a person and you think, is a child or young or old, beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The key thing is that the criterion or criteria have to be valid for all and sustainable over time: the one person that you feel nice and beautiful for another person can be unpleasant or ugly. In addition, over time it may happen that a person change in your opinion becoming more funny or nicer and vice versa and the same can be said of beauty. Sympathy or beauty can not be so durable and they can’t be classification criteria to apply to everyone equally. Science is also involved in establishing these criteria and to find more and more stable, lasting and universal ones. In the field of malacology the main criteria are the shape of the shell and anatomy (ie the shape and organization of the body) of the mollusc; Since some time we are trying to rank also on the basis of DNA tests. So far we have come to divide the phylum of molluscs into 8 classes:

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Ταξινοµική διαίρεση: Βασίλειο-Φύλο-Κλάση-Οικογένεια- Γένος-Είδος

Division of the Taxonomy: Kingtom-Phylum-Class-Family-Genus-Species

Οι Κλάσεις του Φύλου των Μαλακίων – The Mollusks Classis GASTROPODA (Γαστερόποδα) Τα Γαστερόποδα είναι µια από τις πιο πολυάριθµες κλάσεις, και περιλαµβάνει εκείνα τα µαλάκια που έχουν ένα ενιαίο περιελιγµένο κέλυφος. Μερικά έχουν εγκαταλείψει τελείως ή εν µέρει την κατασκευή του εξωτερικού κελύφους και ονοµάζονται «γυµνοσάλιαγκες της θάλασσας" (Γυµνοβράγχια) Gastropods are one of the most numerous class, and includes those mollusks which have shells composed of a single piece helical coiled. Some have abandoned the construction of the shell and are called "sea slugs"

BIVALVIA (∆ίθυρα) Σε αυτή την κατηγορία είναι εκείνα τα όστρακα που έχουν υιοθετήσει ως καταφύγιο ένα κέλυφος που αποτελείται από δύο κινούµενα µέρη, θυρίδες, ενωµένα µε µια άρθρωση και, εξου και το όνοµα ∆ίθυρα. In this class are those shellfish that have adopted a shelter a shell composed of two moving parts, valves, united by a hinge and are therefore called Bivalvia

SCAPHOPODA (Σκαφόποδα) Τα µαλάκια αυτά φέρουν ένα κέλυφος σε σχήµα «χαυλιόδοντα ελέφαντα» χαρακτηριστικό της κλάσης. A shell shaped like a "elephant tusk" or "hull", hence the name Scafopodi, distinguishes this class

CEFALOPODA (Κεφαλόποδα) Ονοµάζεται έτσι επειδή το νευρικό τους σύστηµα είναι κλεισµένο στο τροποποιηµένο σε πλοκάµια "πόδι" τους. Συχνά χωρίς κέλυφος που, σε ορισµένες περιπτώσεις, έχει µειωθεί λαµβάνοντας το σχήµα ενός οστού σχήµατος «στυλό» στο εσωτερικό τους. So called because their nervous system is enclosed into their "foot". Often without a shell that, in some cases, has been reduced taking the shape of a bone-shaped "pen" inside. MONOPLACOPHORA (Μονοπλακοφόρα) Το κέλυφος αποτελείται από ένα «πιάτο» που καλύπτει ολόκληρο το ζώο. Στη Μεσόγειο υπάρχει µόνο ένα είδος. The shell consists of one "plate" that covers the entire animal. In the Mediterranean there is only one species.

POLΥPLACOPHORA (Πολυπλακοφόρα) ∆εν είναι πολύ συχνά στη Μεσόγειο. Αυτή η κατηγορία περιλαµβάνει ζώα µε κοχύλι που αποτελείται από 8 πλάκες και που συγκρατούνται µεταξύ τους µε ένα οργανικό σύνδεσµο. Είναι εύκαµπτα κατά µήκος τους. Not very common in the Mediterranean, this class includes animals with shells composed of 8 plates held together by an organic ligament.

SOLENOGASTRES (Απλακοφόρα) Μικρά ζώα που δεν έχουν κάτι που να προσοµοιάζει µε κέλυφος ή κέλυφος και δεν έχουν µελετηθεί επαρκώς, επειδή ζουν στην άβυσσο. Small and poorly studied because they live in the abyss, are also called Aplacofori because they have no chips or shell.

CAUDOFOVEATA (Chaetodermomorpha) (Χαιτοδερµόµορφα) Όπως τα Solenogastres τα Χαιτοδερµόµορφα έχουν τη µορφή µικρών σκουληκιών και τρέφονται κυρίως µε µικροοργανισµούς. Like Solenogastres these have the form of small worms and feed mostly on microorganisms.

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Η µορφή των Γαστεροπόδων – The form of Gastropoda

1 – πρωτοκόγχη 2 – δικτυωτό ανάγλυφο 3 – σπειροειδείς ραβδώσεις 4 – αναγλυφο µε προεξοχές 5 – φυµάτια 6 – ακίδες 7 – αξονικές ραβδώσεις 8 – διακοπτώµενο ανάγλυφο 9 – άκανθα 10 – οπίσθια αύλακα 11 – αξονική αύλακα 12 – στόµιο 13 – τύλος (κάλος) 14 – πτυχή ατράκτου 15 – εξωτερικό χείλος 16 – άτρακτος 17 – οδόντωση και χειλικές πτυχές 18 – σιφωνικό κανάλι 19 – πρόσθια αύλακα

1 – protoconch 2 – fenestrated sculpture 3 – spiral striae 4 – mamillated sculpture 5 – tubercles 6 – thorns 7 – axial coast 8 – canceled sculpture 9 – digitation 10 – back sinus posterior sinus 11 – umbilicus 12 – opening 13 – callus 14 – columellar folds 15 – outer lip 16 – columella 17 – teeth and labial folds 18 – siphonal canal 19 – anterior sinus

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Ονοµατολογία – The naming convention

Acanthocardia tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Η ονοµατολογία Θα παρατηρήσετε ότι στις προηγούµενες σελίδες είναι γραµµένο Gastropoda ενώ στα σχόλια είναι γραµµένο Γαστερόποδα. Αυτό οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι το σχόλιο είναι γραµµένο στην καθοµιλουµένη, ενώ το όνοµα της κλάσης είναι γραµµένο στα λατινικά. Αυτή είναι µία από τις συµβάσεις που οι ειδικοί σε όλο τον κόσµο έχουν δηµιουργήσει για την καλύτερη διαχείριση της ανταλλαγής πληροφοριών και δεδοµένων στον τοµέα των Φυσικών Επιστηµών . Ο πρώτος κανόνας είναι οι επιστηµονικές ονοµασίες να γράφονται στα λατινικά. Ο δεύτερος και πιο σηµαντικός κανόνας είναι ότι κάθε είδος χαρακτηρίζεται από διωνυµικό όνοµα. Έτσι, όπως µπορούν οι άνθρωποι να αναγνωρίζονται από ένα όνοµα και ένα επώνυµο, µε πολύ παρόµοιο τρόπο, κάθε είδος προσδιορίζεται από ένα όνοµα γένους και ένα όνοµα είδους. Ως εκ τούτου, τα είδη που απεικονίζονται σε αυτή τη σελίδα ονοµάζεται Acanthocardia tuberculata. Θα πρέπει όµως να γνωρίζετε, ότι το όνοµα και το επίθετο στην ταξινόµηση αναφέρεται σε όλα τα όµοια όστρακα µε αυτή την ονοµασία. Αντίθετα, σε ένα µαθητή το όνοµα και το επίθετο προσδιορίζει το συγκεκριµένο µαθητή, για παράδειγµα το µαθητή Κωνσταντίνο Κωνσταντίνου ο οποίος ταξινοµικά ανήκει στο ανθρώπινο γένος Homo και το είδος sapiens sapiens. Λίγοι ακόµοι κανόνες: - Το όνοµα του γένους είναι γραµµένο µε το πρώτο γράµµα κεφαλαίο. - Το όνοµα του είδους είναι γραµµένο σε πεζά. - Γένος και είδος γράφονται µε πλάγιους χαρακτήρες. Γι' αυτό είναι λάθος να γράψει κανείς ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA ή acanthocardia tuberculata, ακόµα και Acanthocardia tuberculata (όχι µε πλάγιους χαρακτήρες). Τέλος, για να είναι γνωστός ο νονός του είδους (αυτός που πρώτος έδωσε το όνοµα) προστίθεται το όνοµα του νονού δίπλα από το όνοµα του είδους και χωρίζονται από ένα κόµµα, και επίσης γράφεται το έτος κατά το οποίο ο συγγραφέας-νονός έχει δώσει για πρώτη φορά αυτό το όνοµα.

The nomenclature You'll notice that in the previous pages is written Gastropoda while in the commentary is written Gateropodi. This is because the comment is written in everyday language while the class name is written in Latin. This is one of the conventions that experts around the world have established to better manage the exchange of information and data in the field of Natural Sciences. The first rule set is then to write the scientific names in Latin. The second and most important convention is that each species is identified by a binomial name. So as you are identified by a name and a surname, in a very similar way, each species is identified by a Genus name and a species name. Hence the species pictured on this page is called Acanthocardia tuberculata. Be aware, though, that unlike your first and last name, indicating you only, the genus and species indicate all the shells like this one. In fact you are part of the Genus Homo and the species sapiens sapiens. A few more small additional rules: - The genus name is written with the first letter uppercase. - The species name is written all in lower case - Genus and species are written in italics. So it is wrong to write ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA or acanthocardia tuberculata, but also Acanthocardia tuberculata (not in italic). Finally, to better understand who gave that name to that species, the author’s name is added and, separated by a comma, the year in which the author has given for the first time that name.

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∆ιάλειµµα µε εικόνες και παράξενα Interval with images and curiosities

Μέχρι τώρα η προσοχή των παιδιών προσελκύστηκε µε τα µοντέλα πλαστελίνης και δόθηκαν τα βασικά στοιχεία της Μαλακολογίας. Τώρα πρέπει να το µάθηµα να διανθιστεί µε εντυπωσιακές εικόνες από τα όµορφα ή παράξενα κοχύλια και το σηµαντικότερο, µε κάποια περίεργα πράγµατα. Στην ενότητα "προϊόντα" του έργου, υπάρχει ένα ειδικό τµήµα γεµάτο από ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες. Θα πρέπει να επιλέξετε αυτά που είναι πιο κατάλληλα για τα ενδιαφέροντα των παιδιών. Ο δάσκαλός τους θα είναι µεγάλη βοήθεια στην επιλογή. Μερικά παραδείγµατα: Τα δηλητηριασµένα βέλη των κώνων, µπορεί να εξάψουν τη φαντασία των παιδιών που τους συνδέουν µε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις από τα αγαπηµένα κινούµενα σχέδια ή ταινίες τους. Ο ήχος του ωκεανού στα όστρακα θα τους πάρει ταξιδέψει και θα µπορούν να εκφράσουν την εµπειρία τους. Τα ακραία σε µέγεθος µαλάκια µικρότερα ή µεγαλύτερα µπορεί να τους τραβήξουν την προσοχή, αλλά εκατοστά και µέτρα µπορεί να είναι αφηρηµένες έννοιες στο µυαλό των µικρόιτερων παιδιών. Είναι πιο χρήσιµο να συγκρίνουµε τα µεγέθη µε οικεία αντικείµενα π.χ. «µεγάλο όσο... τρία δωµάτια του σπιτιού σας ή ... µικρό όσο ένας κόκκος άµµου (µπορεί να δείξουµε δείγµα των πολύ µικρών οστράκων σε ένα κουτί για φύλαξη οστράκων). Φυσικά έχετε ετοιµάσει τις εικόνες για να δώσετε µια καλύτερη ιδέα για το τι λέτε. Βρείτε τες στο διαδίκτυο ή στον παρόντα δικτυακό τόπο στην ενότητα «προϊόντα». Στην ενότητα «εικόνες από τα όµορφα και παράξενα κοχύλια» προσθέτονται συνεχώς φωτογραφίες που µπορούν να προβληθούν για τις ανάγκες αυτής της ενότητας «διάλειµµα». Υπολογίστε το χρόνο που έχετε θεωρώντας ότι το τελευταίο µέρος του µαθήµατος µπορεί να πάρει 10-15 λεπτά.

So far you've attracted the children’s attention with plasticine models then you've given them the rudiments of the main malacology. Now we need to break the weight of the lesson with beautiful images of the most beautiful shells or strangest and most importantly , with some curiosities. In the " products" section of the project, there is a special part full of interesting information. You'll have to choose the ones that seem most appropriate to the interests of children. Their teacher will be of great help in the choice. Some examples ? The poisoned darts of Conus, ignite the imagination of children that connect them to various events of their favorite cartoons or movies. The sound of the ocean in the shells will take them to nod and say their experience. The extreme size of the molluscs smaller or larger intrigue them but remember, centimeters and meters are still abstract concepts in their minds; it is more useful to say " great .. as three rooms of your home or ... small as a grain of sand (shows specimen of micro in a box collector ) . Of course you have prepared images to give a better idea of what you're saying. Find them in the internet or on this website under " products" . In the section " images of beautiful or strange shells" we are adding photos that can be projected to fill the minutes of this " interval ". Do the accounts of the time you have by considering that the last part of the lesson can take 10-15 minutes.

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∆ιανοµή µερικών δειγµάτων Delivery of some samples

Τα παιδιά είναι κουρασµένα και η προσοχή τους µπορεί να έχει περιοριστεί πολύ. Αυτή είναι η καλύτερη στιγµή για να δοθεί στο καθένα µια τσάντα µε κάποιο δείγµα από κοχύλια. Ο αριθµός των οστράκων που θα τους δωθεί εξαρτάται από τη διαθεσιµότητα. Τα πιο κοινά είδη είναι κάτι περισσότερο από ωραία: για τα παιδιά αυτά θα είναι τα καλύτερα στον κόσµο και θα αρχίσουν να τα περιεργάζονται µιλώντας µε τους συµµαθητές τους. Σε αυτό το στάδιο, ο δάσκαλός τους θα βοηθήσει για την κατάσταση στην τάξη επειδή οι µαθητές θα είναι ενθουσιασµένοι και όχι τόσο προσεκτικοί.

The boys are tired and their attention is totally collapsed. This is the best time to give each of them a bag with some sample of shells. The number of shells that you will give them depends on availability; the most common species are more than fine: for them these will be the finest in the world and they will begin to turn them over in their hands by talking to their companions. At this stage, their teacher will help you keep things under control because the students will be very excited and not careful.

Ακολουθούν µερικές δραστηριότητες που µπορείτε να προτείνετε στους µαθητές και τους καθηγητές και που θα είναι χρήσιµες για τους ίδιους και για τα µελλοντικά µαθήµατα: 1 - έναρξη µελέτης των οστράκων που έχει ο καθένας. 2 – ζωγραφική/σχέδιο των οστράκων που τους δώσαµε χωρίς τη βοήθεια των ενηλίκων και µε το δικό τους τρόπο, καθώς και της ακτής όπου συνήθως πηγαίνουν. 3 – να σκεφτούν πώς να περιγράψουν σε ένα φίλο ο οποίος ζει σε µια µακρινή χώρα ένα όστρακο χωρίς να έχει τη δυνατότητα ο φίλος να το δεί. 4 – να ξεκινήσει ο κάθε µαθητής τη δική του συλλογή.

Here are some activities you can suggest them and also to their teachers: these will be useful for themselves and for future lessons. 1 - start a trading of the shells everyone has . 2 - draw, without the help of adults and in their own way, the shells received and also the seaside they normally go to. 3 - imagine to describe to a friend, who lives in a far away land, a shell without allowing him to see it. 4 - start your own collection

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Ανταλλαγή κοχυλιών Let’s exchange our shells

Τα παιδιά συνιθίζουν να ανταλλάσσουν αντικείµενα που συλλέγουν. Έτσι, µπορείτε να τους προτρύνετε να βρουν χρόνο εκτός σχολείου ή ακόµα και στην τάξη, για να το πράξουν. Στο υλικό σε κάθε πακέτο, θα πρέπει να έχουν συµπεριληφθεί κάποια διπλά όστρακα, έτσι ώστε να έχουν υλικό για την ανταλλαγή. Προτείνετε να ανταλλάσσουν τα όστρακά τους µε άλλους έτσι ώστε να αυξήσουν την ποικιλία τους µε όµορφα ή µεγαλύτερα ή περίεργα ή µικρότερα κλπ.

Τα παιδιά των 10-13 ετών, καθοδηγούνται από τον καθηγητή για να περιγράψουν και να εξηγήσουν τους λόγους που τους οδήγησαν να ανταλλάξουν ή όχι, µε βάση ποιες αρχές αποδίδουν «αξία» στα δείγµατα των οστράκων τους, γιατί είναι πρόθυµοι να ανταλλάξουν ένα κοµµάτι µε δύο άλλα, κλπ.. Υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι για τους δασκάλους να κάνουν κάποια άλλα µαθήµατα σχετικά µε το θέµα µετά από αυτή την "εισαγωγή".

The kids are used to exchange figurines and other objects. You can then offer them to find time out of the school or in the classroom to do so. You will have included some duplication in each packet so that they have some shells to exchange. Suggest them to exchange their shells with others who have the most beautiful or larger or odd. The boys of 10-13 years, guided by the teacher, will be able to describe and explain the reasons which led them to change or not to change, such as the principles according to which they attach a "value" to their shells, why they are willing to exchange a piece with two others, etc ... There are plenty of ways for the teachers to do some other lessons on the theme after this "introduction"

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Περιγράψετε και σχεδιάστε τα όστρακα Describe and draw the shells

Turbine pentidattilo Buonanni, 1861

Όλοι οι µαθητές µας µε την προτροπή µας έχουν προσπαθήσει να γράψουν σε ένα φανταστικό φίλο τους σε µια µακρινή χώρα ένα όστρακο που βρέθηκε στην παραλία που επισκέφτηκαν µε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες λεπτοµέρειες. Αν ένα παιδί έχει κλίση στη ζωγραφική, όπως έκανε ο µαλακολόγος Buonanni το 1681 που απεικονίζει το Turbine pentadactilo, να δοκιµάσει να ζωγραφίσει το δικό του όστρακο. Αν πάλι όχι, και τότε αξίζει να ενθαρυνθεί να σχεδιάσει κάπως την εικόνα του οστράκου του, σαν να µην υπάρχουν τα σύγχρονα τεχνικά µέσα όπως συνέβαινε δηλ. κατά το παρελθόν. Φανταστείτε ότι ξεκινάτε αναφέροντας τις διαστάσεις (µήκος και πλάτος του οστράκου), τον αριθµό των στροφών του, το χρώµα και το ανάγλυφο, και οτιδήποτε άλλο νοµίζετε ότι θα είναι χρήσιµο για το φίλο σας.

All our students have tried, at our request, to write to an imaginary friend of a distant land describing a shell found on the beach with as much detail as possible. If you're good at drawing, as the malacologist Buonanni did in 1681 illustrating the Turbine

pentadactilo, even try with your hands at this point to draw a picture. Everything, of course, pretending not to have photographic instruments, as it was in fact in the past. Imagine that you start by indicating the measures the height and width of the shell, with the number of its revolutions, with the color and sculpture, and anything else you think will be helpful for your friend.

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Η προσωπική συλλογή The personal collection

Η συγκέντρωση επιστηµονικών δειγµάτων οδηγεί αναγκαστικά σε δηµιουργία συλλογής τους. Αυτή είναι η τοποθέτηση των δειγµάτων σε δοχεία διαφόρων ειδών για να διατηρηθούν ή να παρουσιασθούν/εκτεθούν. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση θα προσπαθούµε πάντα να κάνουµε κάτι καλαίσθητο επειδή γίνεται ευχάριστο στο µάτι και προσελκύει την προσοχή του προσώπου στο οποίο θα δείξουµε τη συλλογή µας. Για το σπίτι εύκολα µπορεί να χρησιµοποιηθούν δοχεία, κουτιά, φιάλες και φιαλίδια όλων των ειδών και µορφών, κατά προτίµηση διαφανα για να επιδεικνύεται το περιεχόµενό τους. Μπορεί τα παιδιά να το πάρουν ως µια πρόκληση και να κάνουν τη συλλογή τους χωρίς να ζητήσουν χρήµατα από τους γονείς τους. Η ικανοποίηση των παιδιών θα είναι µεγάλη όταν θα τα συγχαρούµε για την πρωτοτυπία και την οµορφιά της συλλογής τους. Μπορεί επίσης να οργανωθεί ένας διαγωνισµός µε φίλους και συµµαθητές για να αναδειχθεί η καλύτερη και πιο όµορφη ιδέα.

The collection of scientific specimens necessarily lead to their collection. This is placing the samples in containers of various kinds to keep them or put them on display. In this case we will always try to do something nice: it gives pleasure to the eye and attracts the attention of the person to whom we show our collection. In the house are easily containers, boxes and boxes, cans, bottles and vials of all genres and forms. Beautiful transparent boxes of chocolates or candy, all nice and shiny designed to showcase their content. You throw a challenge: make your collection without asking money to their parents. You'll get a great satisfaction when you will be congratulated for your originality and for the beauty of your collection. You can also have a competition with your friends and classmates to see who had the better and the most beautiful idea.

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Επίλογος: Το εικονικό Μουσείο Conclusion: The Virtual Museum

Τέλος αξίζει να ενθαρρυνθούν οι νεαροί και οι διδάσκοντές τους για να συνεχιστεί αυτή η εµπειρία της Μαλακολογίας µε τη δηµιουργία ενός µουσείου στην τάξη τους ή στο σχολείο τους . Η πιο «προχωρηµένη» απλή και χρήσιµη ιδέα είναι να δηµιουργηθεί ένα «εικονικό µουσείο». Τι είναι αυτό; Μια περιοχή που θα είναι διαθέσιµη στην ιστοσελίδα µας www.verderealta.it για κάθε τάξη ή το σχολείο που θέλει να το πραγµατοποιήσει. Εµείς θα σας δείξουµε όλες τις εργασίες τους και τις φωτογραφίες τους σε ένα ειδικό τµήµα αφιερωµένο σε αυτές. Για να γίνει αυτό θα πρέπει να κληθούν οι µαθητές και οι εκπαιδευτικοί τους να φωτογραφίσουν ό,τι κάνουν. Έτσι θα µάθουν να φωτογραφίζουν τις φάσεις των δραστηριοτήτων τους, τα σχέδια ή τις εργασίες τους συµπεριλαµβανοµένης της συλλογής οστράκων τους ή και ό,τι άλλο έχουν δει και έχουν συλλέξει. Θα είναι πολύ σηµαντικό να στείλετε µια φωτογραφία από την πρόσοψη του σχολείου και µια εικόνα από µια γωνία του σχολείου µε ένα κατάλληλο τοίχο για το µουσείο. Σε αυτές τις δύο εικόνες στην ιστοσελίδα µας θα «στηθεί» το Εικονικό Μουσείο τους. Θα µπορούσε επίσης να προταθεί ένας διαγωνισµός µεταξύ των τάξεων του ίδιου σχολείου ή µεταξύ διαφορετικών σχολείων για συναγωνισµό. Σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήµατα θα µπορούσαµε να δηµοσιεύσουµε ένα «σηµειωµατάριο» µε ένα ή περισσότερα «εικονικά µουσεία».

Now you can encourage young people and their teachers to continue this experience in malacology suggesting that they can create a museum in their class or in their school. This will discourage many teachers who do not know where to find a suitable space, or the ones who are not willing to spend too much time to accomplish everything. Hence the idea that the most simple and convenient thing to do would be to create a "virtual museum" What is it? An area that we will make available on our website www.verderealta.it for each class or school that wants to do it. We will show all their work and their photos in a special section dedicated to them. To do this you need to invite students and teachers to photograph everything that they do. They will be able to scan their drawings or their studies. They will be able to photograph all phases of their activities including the collection of sea shells and everything they have seen and collected. It will be very important to send a photo of the view of the school from outside and a picture of a corner of the school with a suitable wall to make their museum. On these two images on the site will set their Virtual Museum . We could also propose a competition between the classes in the same school or between different schools to see who makes the best work . Periodically we could publish a "notebook" with one or more "virtual museums ".

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Lección breve

Short lesson

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Lección breve (60 minutos) - Short lesson (60 minutes)

Organización del tiempo

1-30 31-45 46-60 experimento 1 forma triunfadora estrategia ganadora clasificación Las clases de moluscos la forma de las conchas la nomenclatura

Las conchas más extrañas y bellísimas curiosidades

la entrega de algunos ejemplares Lanzamiento de ideas de trabajo

Time Organization

1-30 31-45 46-60 experiment 1 winning form winning strategy the classification Classes of Molluscs Shells’ forms Nomenclature

the strangest and the most beautiful shells curiosity

delivery of some samples launch working ideas

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Esperimento n. 1 – Experiment no. 1

Configure la lección con el material necesario de acuerdo a la disponibilidad de la escuela. La presencia de un proyector multimedia y de una computadora lo hace más fácil, de lo contrario se utilizará la pizarra tradicional, y si tiene, fotografías lo suficientemente grandes ( mínimo de 20x25 cm o de 24x30 ), una impresión en papel de tamaño A4 , puede ser suficiente . Sin ver el material del que dispone, introduzca a los alumnos a la forma de las conchas con el experimento no. 1 . Naturalmente habrá aconsejado al maestro que pida a cada niño que traiga un trozo de plastilina.

Set up the lesson by bringing the necessary material according to the availability of the school. The presence of a multimedia projector and a computer makes everything easier, otherwise you can use the traditional blackboard, and if you have, big photographs (minimum 20x25 cm or 24x30), a print on A4 paper may be sufficient. Without showing the material that you bring, introduce pupils to the shape of the shells with the experiment no. 1. Of course you will have adviced the teacher to ask each child to bring a piece of plastiline.





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La forma de ganar - The winning form Ahora que usted ha capturado su atención puede explicar: 1 – La forma de ganar Paleontología, la ciencia que estudia los animales en el pasado, nos habla de los progenitores de los moluscos, los Belemnites, una clase de animales ahora extintos que defendían su cuerpo con una concha cónica alargada similar a la primera figura del modelo que hemos creado con la plastilina (que se muestra en la parte inferior de la primera página de nuestra reconstrucción imaginaria obtenida de la foto de una concha fósil Belemnite unida a la cabeza de un molusco cefalópodo que vive).

Now that you've caught their attention, you can explain: 1 - The winning form Paleontology, the science that studies the animals in the past, tells us about the molluscs’ ancestors, Belemnites, a class of extinct animals, defending their body with a tapered elongated shell-like figure as the first model we created with the plastiline (the picture here at the bottom of the page is an imaginary reconstruction obtained by the photo of a fossil Belemnite shell combined with the head of a living cephalopod mollusks).

Espero que sea fácil de entender como esta concha pueda ser bastante frágil y propensa a agrietarse en caso de un accidente o un ataque violento. En la parte superior se puede ver la forma de una concha. Probablemente ya ha encontrado en la playa: se trata de los pocos representantes vivos de una clase de moluscos, la de SCAPHOPODA. La evolución ha preferido a esta forma frágil, que puede romperse fácilmente con la mano sin mucho


I hope you will easily understand how fragile this can be and how is prone to crack due to impact or a violent attack. Above you can see the shape of a shell. You probably already found some of them on the beach: these are the few living representatives of a class of mollusks, SCAPHOPODA. The evolution has preferred to this brittle form, easily breakable even by hands, the

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romperse fácilmente con la mano sin mucho esfuerzo, la de GASTROPODA o conchas envueltas helicoidalmente como nuestro modelo. Trate de tomar una de las que ha encontrado en el mar y verá de inmediato que no se puede romper con la misma facilidad que la anterior. En consecuencia, la forma " turricolata" de las conchas envueltas helicoidalmente ha demostrado ser mucho más eficaz para ganar la carrera de la evolución, y llegar hasta nuestros tiempos. Los moluscos, con su concha caliza, representan, después de los insectos, el grupo más numeroso en la naturaleza, se estiman alrededor de 100.000 especies diferentes. Esta gran concha en forma de cono es un óptimo caparazón, ya que puede crecer con el animal, no se debe cambiar como el caparazón de un cangrejo. La forma primitiva, similar al colmillo de un elefante, era ya demasiado frágil (invite a un chico a romper un Dentalium y luego a romper un gasterópodo como un Naticarius). Esto nos da a entender el concepto de " estrategia ganadora " (que se puede explicar, o mejor dicho, para explicar al profesor).

easily breakable even by hands, the GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a propeller. Try to take one of those that you may have already collected at sea and you'll see right away that you can not break it just as easily as the previous one. So these shells shaped in propeller has shown much more strenght and this is the reason why these were able to win the race and the evolution up to our times. The molluscs, with their limestone shells, are after the insects, the largest group in nature, and they are about 100,000 different species. This cone-shaped shell is great because it can grow with the animal and doesn’t need to be changed as the carapace of a crab. The primitive form, like the tusk of an elephant, was too fragile (invite a guy to break up a Dentalium and then to break a gastropod as a Naticarius). This makes us understand the concept of "winning strategy" (which you can explain, or rather, let the teacher explain).

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La estrategia ganadora: Huevos - The winning strategy: the eggs Los huevos de los moluscos son fácilmente transportados y dispersados por los movimientos del mar. También son un excelente alimento para muchos peces y otros animales marinos. Se puede entender fácilmente que las posibilidades de un huevo de abrirse y de un cachorro de sobrevivir hasta la madurez son muy pocos. ¿Por qué son los moluscos después de los insectos, los animalesmás difundidos en la tierra? La estrategia ganadora es la producción de huevos en grandes cantidades: en general, los moluscos producen miles de huevos, y con frecuencia los protegen en cápsulas resistentes y aún más, si es posible, se fijan en las rocas, en las gorgonias o en los corales. Más a menudo los encierran en un tubo de jalea que fijan envolviéndolos luego en las algas, las madréporas o en los corales. Los huevos con más probabilidades de encontrar en las playas son las de varada "Scuncigli" (Murex,

Trunculariopsis, Thais) y la sepia.

The eggs of molluscs are easily transported and dispersed by the movements of the sea. They are also an excellent food for many fish and other marine animals. You can easily understand that the probability of an egg to crack and for a baby animal to survive to adulthood are very few. Why are shellfish, after the insects, the most common animals on earth? The winning strategy is the production of eggs in large quantities: the molluscs typically produce thousands of eggs, and often protect them in rather strong capsules that, if possible, lay down on the rocks, or on gorgonian corals. More often they are enclosed in a tube of jelly and then attached on algae, corals and coral. The most common eggs to find on the seaside are those of the "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis,

Thais) and cuttlefish.

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La clasificación - The classification

Clasificar significa agrupar personas, animales, objetos, conceptos, palabras, en fin, cualquier cosa, de acuerdo con un criterio elegido. Puede dividir sus compañeros de clase y formar grupos de hombres y mujeres, chicos con ojos azules o marrones, de cabellos rubios o castaños, altos o bajos, etc . Esto es clasificar y puede fácilmente darse cuenta de cuanto práctica este ejercicio cada día: nos fijamos en un coche y juzgamos si es lindo o feo, rápido o lento, viejo o nuevo, o una unidad de ciudad o 4x4. Ves una persona y mentalmente piensas, es un niño o joven o viejo, bello o feo, agradable o desagradable, y así sucesivamente. La clave es que el criterio o criterios elegidos son válidos para todos y de larga duración : una persona tu la ves bonita o hermosa, mientras que para otro la misma persona es desagradable o fea. Además, con el tiempo puede suceder que una persona antipática se convierta en simpática y, viceversa , y lo mismo se puede decir de la belleza. La simpatía o belleza, por tanto, no pueden ser criterios de clasificación de larga duración y válidos para todos del mismo modo. La ciencia también se ocupa de establecer estos criterios y encontrar los más estables, duraderos y universales. En el campo de Malacología los criterios principales son la forma de la concha y la anatomía (es decir, la forma y la organización del cuerpo ) de los moluscos; desde hace algún tiempo se intenta también clasificarlos de acuerdo a las pruebas de ADN. Hasta la fecha, se ha llegado a dividir el phylum de los moluscos en 8 clases

Classify means to group people, animals, objects, concepts, words, anything, according to a criterion.

You can divide your classmates and form groups of males and females, boys with blue eyes or brown, with blond or black hair, high or low, etc.. This means to classify and it can make you discover how ofter you do this every day: you look at a car and judge it good or bad, slow or fast, new or old, town car or SUV. You look at a person and you think, is a child or young or old, beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The key thing is that the criterion or criteria have to be valid for all and sustainable over time: the one person that you feel nice and beautiful for another person can be unpleasant or ugly. In addition, over time it may happen that a person change in your opinion becoming more funny or nicer and vice versa and the same can be said of beauty. Sympathy or beauty can not be so durable and they can’t be classification criteria to apply to everyone equally. Science is also involved in establishing these criteria and to find more and more stable, lasting and universal ones. In the field of malacology the main criteria are the shape of the shell and anatomy (ie the shape and organization of the body) of the mollusc; Since some time we are trying to rank also on the basis of DNA tests. So far we have come to divide the phylum of molluscs into 8 classes:

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Los Clases de Moluscos – The Mollusks Classis GASTROPODA La de los Gasterópodos es una de las clases más numerosa y reagrupa a los moluscos que tienen la concha compuesta de una sola pieza cónica enrollada a élice. Algunos han abandonado la construcción dela concha y se les llama " babosas de mar " Gastropods are one of the most numerous class, and includes those mollusks which have shells composed of a single piece helical coiled. Some have abandoned the construction of the shell and are called "sea slugs"

BIVALVIA En esta clase encontramos los moluscos que han adoptado como refugio un cojín compuesto de dos partes móviles, válvulas, unidas por una bisagra y se llaman por tanto Bivalvia In this class are those shellfish that have adopted a shelter a shell composed of two moving parts, valves, united by a hinge and are therefore called Bivalvia

SCAPHOPODA Una concha con forma de " colmillo de elefante " o " casco " , de ahí el nombre de Escafópodos , distingue a esta clase. A shell shaped like a "elephant tusk" or "hull", hence the name Scafopodi, distinguishes this class

CEFALOPODA Se llama así porque su sistema nervioso está encerrado en su "pie" . A menudo, sin una cáscara que , en algunos casos , la reducción ha estado tomando la forma de una " pluma " en forma de hueso en su interior. So called because their nervous system is enclosed into their "foot". Often without a shell that, in some cases, has been reduced taking the shape of a bone-shaped "pen" inside.

MONOPLACOPHORA La conchase constituye de una sola "placa" que cubre todo el animal. En el Mediterráneo, hay una sola especie . The shell consists of one "plate" that covers the entire animal. In the Mediterranean there is only one species.

POLIPLACOPHORA No es muy común en el Mediterráneo, esta clase incluye a los animales con un caparazón compuesto por 8 placas unidas por un ligamento orgánico. Not very common in the Mediterranean, this class includes animals with shells composed of 8 plates held together by an organic ligament.

SOLENOGASTRES Pequeños y poco estudiados debido a que viven en el abismo, también se llaman Aplacofori porque no tienen astillas ocaparazón. Small and poorly studied because they live in the abyss, are also called Aplacofori because they have no chips or shell.

CAUDOFOVEATA Come i Solenogastres hanno la forma di piccoli vermi e si nutrono prevalentemente di microorganismi. Como los Solenogastres tienen forma de pequeños gusanos y se alimentan principalmente de microorganismos.

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La forma dei Gastropoda – The form of Gastropoda

1 – protoconca 2 – escultura fenestrada 3 – estrías en espiral 4 – escultura mamelonada 5 – tubérculos 6 – espinas 7 – costa axial 8 – escultura cancelada 9 – tecleando o digitación 10 – seno de vuelta 11 – ombligo 12 – apertura 13 – callo 14 – pliegues columelares 15 – labio exterior 16 – columela 17 – dientes y pliegues labiales 18 – canal sifónico 19 – delante del pecho

1 – protoconch 2 – fenestrated sculpture 3 – spiral striae 4 – mamillated sculpture 5 – tubercles 6 – thorns 7 – axial coast 8 – canceled sculpture 9 – digitation 10 – back sinus 11 – umbilicus 12 – opening 13 – callus 14 – columellar folds 15 – outer lip 16 – columella 17 – teeth and labial folds 18 – siphonal canal 19 – anterior sinus

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Las convenciones de la nomenclatura – The naming convention

Acanthocardia tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758)

La nomenclatura Habrán notado que en las páginas anteriores está escrito Gastropoda mientras en el comentario se escribe Gateropodi. Esto se debe a que el comentario está escrito en el lenguaje cotidiano y el nombre de la clase está escrita en la lengua latina. Es una de las convenciones que los estudiosos de todo el mundo han establecido con el fin de gestionar mejor el intercambio de noticias e información en el campo de las Ciencias Naturales. La primera regla establecida es entonces escribir los nombres científicos en latín. La segunda y más importante convención es que cada especie se identifica por un nombre binomial. Así como se te identifica por un nombre y un apellido, de la misma manera, cada especie se identifica por un nombre de género y un nombre de la especie. Es por esto que la especie que se muestra en esta página se llama Acanthocardia tuberculata . Ten en cuenta, sin embargo , que a diferencia de tu nombre y apellido que te identifica, el género y la especie identifica a todas las conchas como esta. De hecho, formas parte del género Homo y de la especie sapiens sapiens. Aún una pequeña regla adicional : - El nombre del género se escribe con la primera letra en mayúscula. - El nombre de la especie se escribe en minúsculas - Género y especie se escriben en cursiva. Por lo tanto, es incorrecto escribir ACANTHOCARDIA o Acanthocardia tuberculata, sino también Acanthocardia tuberculata (no en cursiva). Por último , para comprender mejor quién dio ese nombre a la especie , se añade el nombre del autor y, separado por una coma, el año en que el autor dio por primera vez ese nombre.

The nomenclature You'll notice that in the previous pages is written Gastropoda while in the commentary is written Gateropodi. This is because the comment is written in everyday language while the class name is written in Latin. This is one of the conventions that experts around the world have established to better manage the exchange of information and data in the field of Natural Sciences. The first rule set is then to write the scientific names in Latin. The second and most important convention is that each species is identified by a binomial name. So as you are identified by a name and a surname, in a very similar way, each species is identified by a Genus name and a species name. Hence the species pictured on this page is called Acanthocardia tuberculata. Be aware, though, that unlike your first and last name, indicating you only, the genus and species indicate all the shells like this one. In fact you are part of the Genus Homo and the species sapiens sapiens. A few more small additional rules: - The genus name is written with the first letter uppercase. - The species name is written all in lower case - Genus and species are written in italics. So it is wrong to write ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA or acanthocardia tuberculata, but also Acanthocardia tuberculata (not in italic). Finally, to better understand who gave that name to that species, the author’s name is added and, separated by a comma, the year in which the author has given for the first time that name.

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Intervalo con imágenes y curiosidades Interval with images and curiosities

Hasta ahora ha atraído la participación de los niños con modelos de plastilina y le ha dado los rudimentos de la malacología principal. Ahora tenemos que romper el peso de la lección con bellas imágenes de las más bellas conchas o las más extrañas y lo más importante, con un poco de curiosidad. En los "productos" del proyecto, hay una sección especial con curiosidad. Va a tener que elegir aquellas que considera más adecuadas a los intereses de los niños. Su profesor será de gran ayuda en su elección. Algunos ejemplos? Los dardos envenenados de Conus encienden la imaginación de los niños que los conectan a varios eventos de sus dibujos animados o películas favoritas. El sonido del mar en las conchas les llevará a asentir con la cabeza y decir su experiencia. Las dimensiones extremas de los moluscos más pequeños o más grandes los intrigan, pero recuerde, centímetros y metros siguen siendo conceptos abstractos en sus mentes , es más útil decir " .. tan grande como tres cuartos de su hogar ... o tan pequeño como un grano de arena ( muestre un micro ejemplar en una caja de coleccionista ) . Por supuesto que ha preparado imágenes para dar una mejor idea de lo que está diciendo. Encuentra en Internet o en esta página bajo "productos" . En la sección " imágenes de hermosas conchas o extrañas " estamos agregando fotos que se pueden proyectar para llenar los minutos de este "intervalo". Haga cuenta del tiempo que tiene a disposición dado que la última parte de la lección puede requerir de 10 a 15 minutos .

So far you've attracted the children’s attention with plasticine models then you've given them the rudiments of the main malacology. Now we need to break the weight of the lesson with beautiful images of the most beautiful shells or strangest and most importantly , with some curiosities. In the " products" section of the project, there is a special part full of interesting information. You'll have to choose the ones that seem most appropriate to the interests of children. Their teacher will be of great help in the choice. Some examples ? The poisoned darts of Conus, ignite the imagination of children that connect them to various events of their favorite cartoons or movies. The sound of the ocean in the shells will take them to nod and say their experience. The extreme size of the molluscs smaller or larger intrigue them but remember, centimeters and meters are still abstract concepts in their minds; it is more useful to say " great .. as three rooms of your home or ... small as a grain of sand (shows specimen of micro in a box collector ) . Of course you have prepared images to give a better idea of what you're saying. Find them in the internet or on this website under " products" . In the section " images of beautiful or strange shells" we are adding photos that can be projected to fill the minutes of this " interval ". Do the accounts of the time you have by considering that the last part of the lesson can take 10-15 minutes.

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La entrega de algunos ejemplares Delivery of some samples

Los chicos están cansados y su capacidad de atención está totalmente colapsada. Este es el mejor momento para dar a cada uno de ellos una bolsa con algunos ejemplares de conchas. El número de conchas que les dan depende de su disponibilidad, las especies más comunes están muy bien: para ellos serán las más bellas del mundo y comenzarán a darles la vuelta en sus manos al hablar con sus compañeros. En esta etapa, su profesor les ayudará a mantener las cosas bajo control, ya que los estudiantes estarán muy emocionados y no se tiene cuidado.

The boys are tired and their attention is totally collapsed. This is the best time to give each of them a bag with some sample of shells. The number of shells that you will give them depends on availability; the most common species are more than fine: for them these will be the finest in the world and they will begin to turn them over in their hands by talking to their companions. At this stage, their teacher will help you keep things under control because the students will be very excited and not careful.

Aquí hay algunas actividades que se pueden sugerir a ellos y también a sus maestros: lo harán por sí mismos y para las lecciones futuras. 1 - iniciar un intercambio de las conchas en su poder. 2 - dibujar, sin la ayuda de los adultos y a su propia manera, las conchas recibidas y también los lugares de mar o costeros que frecuentan. 3 - imaginar tener que escribir a un amigo, que vive en una tierra lejana, una concha sin que la pueda ver. 4 - comenzar su propia colección .

Here are some activities you can suggest them and also to their teachers: these will be useful for themselves and for future lessons. 1 - start a trading of the shells everyone has . 2 - draw, without the help of adults and in their own way, the shells received and also the seaside they normally go to. 3 - imagine to describe to a friend, who lives in a far away land, a shell without allowing him to see it. 4 - start your own collection

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Intercambiamos nuestros conchas Let’s exchange our shells

Los niños están habituados a intercambiar figuritas y otros objetos. A continuación, puede ofrecerles de encontrar tiempo fuera de la escuela o en el salón de clases como actividad didáctica. Usted habrá tomado el cuidado de incluir cierta duplicación en cada paquete para que tengan algunas conchas a ser intercambiadas. Sugerirles intercambiar sus conchas con otras que sienten más bella o más grande o más extraña. No faltará el modo de sugerir algunos motivos para el intercambio

Los chicos de 10 a 13 años, guiados por el profesor, serán capaces de describir y explicar las razones que les han llevado a intercambiar o no intercambiar, como asi los principios según los cuales conceden un "valor" a sus conchas, por qué razones están dispuestos a ceder sólo una pieza intercambiando doscon otros, etc ... Hay un montón de motivos especulativos sobre los cuales los profesores pueden hacer algunas lecciones posteriores a esta "introducción"

The kids are used to exchange figurines and other objects. You can then offer them to find time out of the school or in the classroom to do so. You will have included some duplication in each packet so that they have some shells to exchange. Suggest them to exchange their shells with others who have the most beautiful or larger or odd. The boys of 10-13 years, guided by the teacher, will be able to describe and explain the reasons which led them to change or not to change, such as the principles according to which they attach a "value" to their shells, why they are willing to exchange a piece with two others, etc ... There are plenty of ways for the teachers to do some other lessons on the theme after this "introduction"

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Describe y dibuja las conchas Describe and draw the shells

Turbine pentidattilo Buonanni, 1861

Todos nuestros alumnos han intentado, a petición nuestra, escribir a un amigo imaginario en un país lejano con el mayor detalle posible, describiendo una concha que se encuentra en la playa. Si usted es bueno en el dibujo, así como ha hecho el malacologo Buonanni en 1681 ilustrando estas turbinas Pentidattilo, también sugiriendo enviar un dibujo en esta carta. Todo, por supuesto, fingiendo no tener instrumentos fotográficos, como era, de hecho, en el pasado. Imagínese que usted comience indicando medidas que apuntan a la altura y anchura de la concha, con el número de sus giros, con el color y la escultura, y todo lo que se le puede ocurrir que sea útil para su amigo.

All our students have tried, at our request, to write to an imaginary friend of a distant land describing a shell found on the beach with as much detail as possible. If you're good at drawing, as the malacologist Buonanni did in 1681 illustrating the Turbine

pentadactilo, even try with your hands at this point to draw a picture. Everything, of course, pretending not to have photographic instruments, as it was in fact in the past. Imagine that you start by indicating the measures the height and width of the shell, with the number of its revolutions, with the color and sculpture, and anything else you think will be helpful for your friend.

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La colección personal The personal collection

La colección de muestras científicas conducen necesariamente a su colección. Se trata de sistematizar las muestras en recipientes de diversos tipos para mantenerlos o para ponerlos en exhibición. En este caso siempre se tratará de hacer algo hermoso, que da placer a la vista como para atraer la atención de la persona a la que mostramos nuestra colección. En casa se encuentran fácilmente los recipientes, cajas y cajitas, latas, botellas y frascos de todo tipo y formas. Cajas transparentes hermosas de chocolates o dulces, agradables y brillantes para mostrar su contenido. Estamos lanzando un reto: hacer que su colección sin tener que recurrir a la cartera y al dinero de sus padres. Obtendrá una gran satisfacción cuando le hagan elogios por su originalidad y belleza de su colección. También se puede hacer una confrontación con sus amigos y compañeros de clase para ver quién ha tenido una idea mejor y más bella.

The collection of scientific specimens necessarily lead to their collection. This is placing the samples in containers of various kinds to keep them or put them on display. In this case we will always try to do something nice: it gives pleasure to the eye and attracts the attention of the person to whom we show our collection. In the house are easily containers, boxes and boxes, cans, bottles and vials of all genres and forms. Beautiful transparent boxes of chocolates or candy, all nice and shiny designed to showcase their content. You throw a challenge: make your collection without asking money to their parents. You'll get a great satisfaction when you will be congratulated for your originality and for the beauty of your collection. You can also have a competition with your friends and classmates to see who had the better and the most beautiful idea.

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Conclusión: El mundo Virtual Conclusion: The Virtual Museum

Ahora se puede animar a los jóvenes y a sus profesores para continuar con esta experiencia en malacología. Sugiera crear un museo en su clase o en su escuela. Esto desalentará a muchos profesores que no saben dónde encontrar un espacio adecuado, o no quieren gastar demasiado tiempo para lograr todo. De ahí la idea de que lo más simple y conveniente sería la creación de un "museo virtual" . ¿Qué es? Un área que pondremos a su disposición en nuestro sitio web www.verderealta.it para cada clase o escuela que quiera hacerlo . Expondremos todo su trabajo y sus fotos en una sección especial dedicada a ellos. Para ello, tiene que invitar a los estudiantes y profesores a fotografiar todo lo que hacen. Ellos serán capaces de escanear sus dibujos o sus comentarios. Ellos serán capaces de fotografiar todas las etapas de sus actividades, incluyendo la recolección de conchas en el mar, y todo lo que han visto y recogido . Muy importante es enviar una foto de la escuela vista desde fuera y las fotos de la esquina de la escuela con una pared adecuada para hacer su museo.Con estas dos imágenes en el sitio será puesto su Museo Virtual. Se puede proponer también un concurso entre las clases en la misma escuela o de diferentes escuelas acerca de quién hace el mejor trabajo. Periódicamente publicamos un "cuaderno o notebook" con uno o más "museos virtuales" .

Now you can encourage young people and their teachers to continue this experience in malacology suggesting that they can create a museum in their class or in their school. This will discourage many teachers who do not know where to find a suitable space, or the ones who are not willing to spend too much time to accomplish everything. Hence the idea that the most simple and convenient thing to do would be to create a "virtual museum" What is it? An area that we will make available on our website www.verderealta.it for each class or school that wants to do it. We will show all their work and their photos in a special section dedicated to them. To do this you need to invite students and teachers to photograph everything that they do. They will be able to scan their drawings or their studies. They will be able to photograph all phases of their activities including the collection of sea shells and everything they have seen and collected. It will be very important to send a photo of the view of the school from outside and a picture of a corner of the school with a suitable wall to make their museum. On these two images on the site will set their Virtual Museum . We could also propose a competition between the classes in the same school or between different schools to see who makes the best work . Periodically we could publish a "notebook" with one or more "virtual museums ".

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Licao breve

Short lesson

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Lezione breve (60 minuti) - Short lesson (60 minutes)

Organizzazione del tempo

1-30 31-45 46-60 Experiencia n.1 Forma vencedora Estrategia vencedora A classificacao Classe dos moluscos A forma das conchas A nomenclatura

As conchas mais estranhas e bonitas Curiosidades

Entrega de alguns exemplares Sugestao de ideias de trabalho

Time Organization

1-30 31-45 46-60 experiment 1 winning form winning strategy the classification Classes of Molluscs Shells’ forms Nomenclature

the strangest and the most beautiful shells curiosity

delivery of some samples launch working ideas

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Esperimento n. 1 – Experiment no. 1

Organizar a licao trazendo o il materiale necessario em base da disponibilidade da escola. A presenca de um videoprojector e de um pc tornam tudo mais facil, em caso contrario usar o quadro preto e, fotografias bastante grandes (minimo cm 20x25 o 24x30), estampadas em folha A4. Sem mostrar o material que trouxe, introduzir a forma das conchas com a experiencia n.1. Naturalmente tera que avisar a professora que os alunos tem que trazer plasticina.

Set up the lesson by bringing the necessary material according to the availability of the school. The presence of a multimedia projector and a computer makes everything easier, otherwise you can use the traditional blackboard, and if you have, big photographs (minimum 20x25 cm or 24x30), a print on A4 paper may be sufficient. Without showing the material that you bring, introduce pupils to the shape of the shells with the experiment no. 1. Of course you will have adviced the teacher to ask each child to bring a piece of plastiline.





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A forma vencedora - The winning form Agora que tem a atencao dos alunos, pode iniciar a explicar: 1 – A forma vencedora A paleontologia, a ciencia que estuda os animais do passado, conta-nos dos antecedentes dos moluscos, os Belemniti, uma classe de animais ja extintos que difendiam o proprio corpo com uma concha conica alungada parecida ao modelo criado por nos com a plasticina, ( a imagem ao fundo da pagina ilustra uma reconstrucao imaginaria obtida de uma foto de concha fossil de Belemnite unida a cabeca de um Cefalopode vivo).

Now that you've caught their attention, you can explain: 1 - The winning form Paleontology, the science that studies the animals in the past, tells us about the molluscs’ ancestors, Belemnites, a class of extinct animals, defending their body with a tapered elongated shell-like figure as the first model we created with the plastiline (the picture here at the bottom of the page is an imaginary reconstruction obtained by the photo of a fossil Belemnite shell combined with the head of a living cephalopod mollusks).

Espero que seja facil perceber como esta pode ser fragil e sujeita a partir-se por causa de um movimento violento. No alto pode ver a forma de uma concha. Provavelmente ja encontraram algumas destas na praia: sao os poucos representantes vivos de uma classe de moluscos, os SCAPHOPODA. A evolucao preferiu esta forma fragil, que pode partir facilmente com as maos sem grande esforco, aquela dos GASTROPODA, ou seja, conchas com forma elica como o nosso

I hope you will easily understand how fragile this can be and how is prone to crack due to impact or a violent attack. Above you can see the shape of a shell. You probably already found some of them on the beach: these are the few living representatives of a class of mollusks, SCAPHOPODA. The evolution has preferred to this brittle form, easily breakable even by hands, the GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a

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seja, conchas com forma elica como o nosso modelo. Prova a pegar numa concha como as da praia e ve como e muito mais dificil de partir que a anterior, assim a forma das conchas a elica sao muito mais eficaz para vencer a “guerra” da evolucao e chegar ate aos nossos tempos. Os moluscos com a sua concha de calcario, representam, depois dos insectos, o grupo mais numeroso na natureza, estimam-se cerca de 100.000 especies diferentes. Esta forma a cone e um optima concha pois pode crescer com o animal, nao deve ser mudada como a carapaca de um caranguejo. A forma primitiva, parecida a um corno de elefante, era muito fragil ( pedir a um rapaz para partir um Dentalium e depois partir um gasteropodo como um Naticarius). Isto faz entender o conceito da “estrategia vencedora” ( que pode voce explicar, ou, a professora)

GASTROPODA form, or shell shaped as a propeller. Try to take one of those that you may have already collected at sea and you'll see right away that you can not break it just as easily as the previous one. So these shells shaped in propeller has shown much more strenght and this is the reason why these were able to win the race and the evolution up to our times. The molluscs, with their limestone shells, are after the insects, the largest group in nature, and they are about 100,000 different species. This cone-shaped shell is great because it can grow with the animal and doesn’t need to be changed as the carapace of a crab. The primitive form, like the tusk of an elephant, was too fragile (invite a guy to break up a Dentalium and then to break a gastropod as a Naticarius). This makes us understand the concept of "winning strategy" (which you can explain, or rather, let the teacher explain).

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A estrategia vendecora: Os ovos - The winning strategy: the eggs Os ovos dos moluscos sao facilmente transportados e dispersos pelos movimentos do mar. Sao tambem um optimo alimento para muitos peixes e outros animais marinhos. Pode facilmente perceber que a probabilidade de um ovo abrir-se e de uma cria sobreviver ate a maturidade sao bem poucas. Como e que os moluscos sao, depois dos insectos os animais mais difusos na terra? A estrategia vencedora e aquela da producao de ovos em enorme quantidade: normalmente os moluscos produzem milhares de ovos, e quase sempre, protegem-nos em capsulas bastante resistentes que, se possivel, se fixam as rochas, algas marinhas e corais. Quase sempre se aglomeram num tubo de gelatina que fixa e se ataca as algas e corais. Os ovos que mais facilmente podes encontar na praia sao os de "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis,

Thais) e das lulas.

The eggs of molluscs are easily transported and dispersed by the movements of the sea. They are also an excellent food for many fish and other marine animals. You can easily understand that the probability of an egg to crack and for a baby animal to survive to adulthood are very few. Why are shellfish, after the insects, the most common animals on earth? The winning strategy is the production of eggs in large quantities: the molluscs typically produce thousands of eggs, and often protect them in rather strong capsules that, if possible, lay down on the rocks, or on gorgonian corals. More often they are enclosed in a tube of jelly and then attached on algae, corals and coral. The most common eggs to find on the seaside are those of the "Scuncigli" (Murex, Trunculariopsis, Thais) and cuttlefish.

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A classificacao - The classification

Classificar significa agrupar pessoas, animais, objectos, palavras, conceitos, enfim, qualquer coisa, em base a um criteria bem definido.

Pode dividir os seus colegas de classe e formar grupos de meninos e meninas, meninos com olhos azuis ou castanhos, cabelos loiros ou prestos, altos ou baixos, etc. Isto e classificar e podes notar quanto facas este exercicio quotidianamente: olha para um carro e a classificas em bela ou feia, lenta ou rapida, nova ou velha, de cidade ou de campo. Olhas para uma crianca e pensas: e jovem ou idosa, bela ou feia, simpatica ou antipatica.

O fundamental e que o criterio/os escolhidos sejam validos para todos e persistam no tempo: voce pode achar que uma pessoa e simpatica ou bonita e outra pessoa achar a mesma pessoa antipatica e feia. Alem disso, no tempo, pode acontecer que a pessoa antipatica se altere e se torne simpatica e vice versa, o mesmo se pode dizer para a beleza. A beleza e a simpatica nao podem entao ser criterios de qualificacao duradouros e validos para todos ao mesmo modo. A ciencia ocupa-se tambem de estabelecer estes criterios que sejam sempre mais estaveis, duradouros e universais. No campo da malacologia, os criterios principais sao as formas das conchas e a anatomia ( ou seja, a forma e a organizacao do corpo) do molusco. Ja ha algum tempo se tenta qualissificar em base aos esames do DNA. Ate ao dia de hoje divide-se o phylum dos moluscos em 8 classes:

Classify means to group people, animals, objects, concepts, words, anything, according to a criterion.

You can divide your classmates and form groups of males and females, boys with blue eyes or brown, with blond or black hair, high or low, etc.. This means to classify and it can make you discover how ofter you do this every day: you look at a car and judge it good or bad, slow or fast, new or old, town car or SUV. You look at a person and you think, is a child or young or old, beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The key thing is that the criterion or criteria have to be valid for all and sustainable over time: the one person that you feel nice and beautiful for another person can be unpleasant or ugly. In addition, over time it may happen that a person change in your opinion becoming more funny or nicer and vice versa and the same can be said of beauty. Sympathy or beauty can not be so durable and they can’t be classification criteria to apply to everyone equally. Science is also involved in establishing these criteria and to find more and more stable, lasting and universal ones. In the field of malacology the main criteria are the shape of the shell and anatomy (ie the shape and organization of the body) of the mollusc; Since some time we are trying to rank also on the basis of DNA tests. So far we have come to divide the phylum of molluscs into 8 classes:

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A classe dos moluscos – The Mollusks Classis GASTROPODA Esta classe e a mais numerosa e reagrupa os moluscos que tem a concha composta de cone a elica. Alguns exemplares abandonaram a construcao da concha e chamam-se "nudibranchi" Gastropods are one of the most numerous class, and includes those mollusks which have shells composed of a single piece helical coiled. Some have abandoned the construction of the shell and are called "sea slugs"

BIVALVIA Nesta classe encontramos os moluscos que adotaram como reparo uma concha composta de duas partes moveis, valve, unidas de uma ligacao, sao os bivalves. In this class are those shellfish that have adopted a shelter a shell composed of two moving parts, valves, united by a hinge and are therefore called Bivalvia

SCAPHOPODA Uma concha feita a forma de “ corno de elefante”, destingue esta classe A shell shaped like a "elephant tusk" or "hull", hence the name Scafopodi, distinguishes this class

CEFALOPODA Chamam-se assim porque tem o seu sistema nervoso no “pe”. Normalmente nao tem concha, que se reduz, em alguns casos, a uma especie de osso em forma de “caneta” interna. So called because their nervous system is enclosed into their "foot". Often without a shell that, in some cases, has been reduced taking the shape of a bone-shaped "pen" inside.

MONOPLACOPHORA A concha e formada uma uma unica “placa” que cobre todo o animal. No mar mediterraneo existe uma unica especie. The shell consists of one "plate" that covers the entire animal. In the Mediterranean there is only one species.

POLIPLACOPHORA Nao muito difusa no meditarraneo, esta classe, fecha o animal numa concha formada por 8 placas ligadas entre si com ligamento organico. Not very common in the Mediterranean, this class includes animals with shells composed of 8

plates held together by an organic ligament.

SOLENOGASTRES Pequenos e pouco estudados porque vivem num ambiente abissal, nao tem palcas ou conchas. Small and poorly studied because they live in the abyss, are also called Aplacofori because they

have no chips or shell.

CAUDOFOVEATA Como os Solenogastres tem a forma de pequenos vermes e nutrem-se principalmente de microorganismos. Like Solenogastres these have the form of small worms and feed mostly on microorganisms.

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A forma dos gastropoda – The form of Gastropoda

1 – protoconca 2 – escultura fenestrata 3 – estrias espirais 4 – escultura mamillata 5 – tubercolos 6 – espinhas 7 – costas axial 8 – escultura grade 9 – digitazione 10 – peito posterior 11 – umbigo 12 – abertura 13 – calo 14 – vincos columellari 15 – labio externo 16 – columela 17 – dentes e dobras labiais 18 – canal sifonal 19 – peiro anterior

1 – protoconch 2 – fenestrated sculpture 3 – spiral striae 4 – mamillated sculpture 5 – tubercles 6 – thorns 7 – axial coast 8 – canceled sculpture 9 – digitation 10 – back sinus 11 – umbilicus 12 – opening 13 – callus 14 – columellar folds 15 – outer lip 16 – columella 17 – teeth and labial folds 18 – siphonal canal 19 – anterior sinus

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A convencao da nomenclatura – The naming convention

Acanthocardia tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758)

La nomenclatura Deve ter reparado que nas paginas anteriores esta escrito gastropoda, enquanto que no comentario esta escrito gateropodi. Isto aconteceporque o comentario e escrito em lingua corrente enquanto o nome da classe em lingua latina. É uma das convenções que os estudiosos de todo o mundo têm estabelecido a fim de gerenciar melhor a troca de informações e notícias na área de Ciências Naturais. O primeiro conjunto de regras é, então, a escrever os nomes científicos em latim. O segundo e mais importante convenção é que cada uma das espécies é identificada por um nome binomial. Então, como você são identificados por um nome e um sobrenome, da mesma forma, cada espécie é identificada por um nome e um gênero nome da espécie. É por isso que as espécies mostrados nesta página é chamado Acanthocardia tuberculata. Atencao, no entanto, que ao contrário de seu primeiro e último nome, indicando a você, os gêneros e espécies indicam todas as conchas como este. Na verdade, você é parte do gênero Homo e da espécie sapiens sapiens. Ainda uma pequena regra adicional: - O nome do gênero é escrito com a primeira letra maiúscula. - O nome da espécie é escrito em letras minúsculas - Gênero e espécies são escritos em itálico. Por isso, é errado escrever ACANTHOCARDIA ou Acanthocardia tuberculata tuberculata, mas também Acanthocardia tuberculata (não em itálico). Assim, para entender melhor quem deu esse nome à espécie é adicionado o nome do autor e, separado por uma vírgula, o ano em que o autor deu pela primeira vez que o nome

The nomenclature You'll notice that in the previous pages is written Gastropoda while in the commentary is written Gateropodi. This is because the comment is written in everyday language while the class name is written in Latin. This is one of the conventions that experts around the world have established to better manage the exchange of information and data in the field of Natural Sciences. The first rule set is then to write the scientific names in Latin. The second and most important convention is that each species is identified by a binomial name. So as you are identified by a name and a surname, in a very similar way, each species is identified by a Genus name and a species name. Hence the species pictured on this page is called Acanthocardia tuberculata. Be aware, though, that unlike your first and last name, indicating you only, the genus and species indicate all the shells like this one. In fact you are part of the Genus Homo and the species sapiens sapiens. A few more small additional rules: - The genus name is written with the first letter uppercase. - The species name is written all in lower case - Genus and species are written in italics. So it is wrong to write ACANTHOCARDIA TUBERCULATA or acanthocardia tuberculata, but also Acanthocardia tuberculata (not in italic). Finally, to better understand who gave that name to that species, the author’s name is added and, separated by a comma, the year in which the author has given for the first time that name.

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Intervalo com imagens e curiosidades Interval with images and curiosities

Até agora, você atraiu a participação de crianças com modelos de plasticina então você deu-lhes os instrumentos principais da malacology. Agora precisamos quebrar o peso da aula com belas imagens das mais belas conchas ou mais estranha e, mais importante, com alguma curiosidade. Nos "produtos" do projecto, há uma secção especial com curiosidades. Você terá que escolher os que parecem mais adequados aos interesses dos alunos. O professor será de grande ajuda na sua escolha. Alguns exemplos? Os dardos envenenados de Conus pode inflamar a imaginação das crianças que os conectam aos vários eventos de seus desenhos animados ou filmes favoritos. O som do mar nas conchas irá levá-los a acenar e dizer a sua experiência. As dimensões extremas de moluscos menor ou maior intriga-los, mas lembre-se, centímetros e metros ainda são conceitos abstratos nas suas mentes é mais útil para dizer ".. tão grande como três quartos de sua casa ... ou tão pequenas quanto um grão de areia (mostrar um micro exemplar na caixa de colecionador). Claro que você preparou imagens para dar uma idéia melhor do que você está dizendo. E facil de encontrar na internet ou no site em "produtos". No "imagens de belas conchas ou estranho" secção estamos adicionando fotos que podem ser projetadas para preencher o "intervalo" Faça as contas do tempo que você tem ao pensar que a última parte da lição pode demorar 10-15 minutos.

So far you've attracted the children’s attention with plasticine models then you've given them the rudiments of the main malacology. Now we need to break the weight of the lesson with beautiful images of the most beautiful shells or strangest and most importantly , with some curiosities. In the " products" section of the project, there is a special part full of interesting information. You'll have to choose the ones that seem most appropriate to the interests of children. Their teacher will be of great help in the choice. Some examples ? The poisoned darts of Conus, ignite the imagination of children that connect them to various events of their favorite cartoons or movies. The sound of the ocean in the shells will take them to nod and say their experience. The extreme size of the molluscs smaller or larger intrigue them but remember, centimeters and meters are still abstract concepts in their minds; it is more useful to say " great .. as three rooms of your home or ... small as a grain of sand (shows specimen of micro in a box collector ) . Of course you have prepared images to give a better idea of what you're saying. Find them in the internet or on this website under " products" . In the section " images of beautiful or strange shells" we are adding photos that can be projected to fill the minutes of this " interval ". Do the accounts of the time you have by considering that the last part of the lesson can take 10-15 minutes.

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Entrega de alguns exemplares Delivery of some samples

Os alunos estao cansados e sua atancao e agora reduzida, mexendo as maos e falando com os companheiros. Nesta fase, o professor vai ajudá-lo a manter as coisas sob controle, é o melhor momento para dar a cada um deles um saco com alguns exemplares de conchas. O número de conchas que lhes dão depende da sua disponibilidade, as espécies mais comuns são as ideais, pois são as melhores do mundo e os alunos vao estar muito animados e com pouco cuidado.

The boys are tired and their attention is totally collapsed. This is the best time to give each of them a bag with some sample of shells. The number of shells that you will give them depends on availability; the most common species are more than fine: for them these will be the finest in the world and they will begin to turn them over in their hands by talking to their companions. At this stage, their teacher will help you keep things under control because the students will be very excited and not careful.

Aqui estão algumas atividades que você pode sugerir aos alunos e também para os professores: serviram para aulas futuras. 1 - começar um negócio de troca dos escudos na sua posse. 2 - desenhar, sem a ajuda de adultos e sua própria maneira, as conchas recebidas e as encontradas a beira mar. 3 - imagine ter que escrever a um amigo, que vive em uma terra distante, uma concha, sem permitir que ele a visse. 4 - começar sua própria coleção

Here are some activities you can suggest them and also to their teachers: these will be useful for themselves and for future lessons. 1 - start a trading of the shells everyone has . 2 - draw, without the help of adults and in their own way, the shells received and also the seaside they normally go to. 3 - imagine to describe to a friend, who lives in a far away land, a shell without allowing him to see it. 4 - start your own collection

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Trocamos as nossas conchas Let’s exchange our shells

As crianças estao habituadas a trocar figurinhas e outros objetos. Você vai ter o cuidado de incluir alguma duplicação em cada pacote, de modo que eles têm algumas conchas para serem trocadas. Sugerir-lhes trocar as suas conchas com outras que achem ser mais bonitas, particulares ou estranhas. Você pode, então, propor-lhes de encontrar tempo fora da escola ou na sala de aula como docente. Nao faltara o modo de sugerir motivos para a troca das conchas.

Os meninos de 10-13 anos, orientados pelo professor, seram capazes de descrever e explicar as razões que os levaram a trocar ou não, tais como os princípios segundo os quais eles atribuem um "valor" as suas conchas, por que eles estão dispostos a ceder eles só trocaram uma peça com dois outros, etc ... Há uma abundância de razões sobre o que os professores podem fazer algumas lições posteriores neste "introdutório"

The kids are used to exchange figurines and other objects. You can then offer them to find time out of the school or in the classroom to do so. You will have included some duplication in each packet so that they have some shells to exchange. Suggest them to exchange their shells with others who have the most beautiful or larger or odd. The boys of 10-13 years, guided by the teacher, will be able to describe and explain the reasons which led them to change or not to change, such as the principles according to which they attach a "value" to their shells, why they are willing to exchange a piece with two others, etc ... There are plenty of ways for the teachers to do some other lessons on the theme after this "introduction"

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Descreve e desenha as conchas Describe and draw the shells

Turbine pentidattilo Buonanni, 1861

Todos os nossos alunos têm tentado, a nosso pedido, por escrito, a um amigo imaginário num país distante, com o máximo de detalhes possível descrever uma concha encontrada na praia. Se você é bom em desenho, assim como fez o Buonanni malacologist em 1681 ilustre este turbinas Pentidattilo, também levam a enviar uma carta nesta foto. Tudo, é claro, fingindo não ter fotograficamente, como era, de facto, no passado. Imaginemos que você inicia apontando as medidas, a altura e a largura da concha, com o seu número de curvas, com a cor e escultura, e outras coisas que ache útil para o seu amigo.

All our students have tried, at our request, to write to an imaginary friend of a distant land describing a shell found on the beach with as much detail as possible. If you're good at drawing, as the malacologist Buonanni did in 1681 illustrating the Turbine

pentadactilo, even try with your hands at this point to draw a picture. Everything, of course, pretending not to have photographic instruments, as it was in fact in the past. Imagine that you start by indicating the measures the height and width of the shell, with the number of its revolutions, with the color and sculpture, and anything else you think will be helpful for your friend.

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A coleccao pessoal The personal collection

A colecao de amostras científicas conduz necessariamente à sua coleção. Serve para organizar as amostras em recipientes de vários tipos para mantê-los ou colocá-los em exposição. Neste caso, tente sempre fazer algo de bom, que de prazer para os olhos e para atrair a atenção das pessoas a quem mostramos a nossa coleção. Na casa encontram-se facilmente contentores, caixas e caixas, latas, garrafas e frascos de todos os tipos e formas. Caixas transparentes bonitas de chocolates ou doces, tudo bonito e brilhante feito para mostrar o seu conteúdo. Lancamos-te um desafio: fazer a tua coleção, sem recorrer a carteira e o dinheiro dos teus pais. Vais ter uma grande satisfação quando fizerem elogios pela sua originalidade e beleza Podes fazer um concurso com os teus amigos e colegas para ver quem tinha a melhor idéia e mais bonita

The collection of scientific specimens necessarily lead to their collection. This is placing the samples in containers of various kinds to keep them or put them on display. In this case we will always try to do something nice: it gives pleasure to the eye and attracts the attention of the person to whom we show our collection. In the house are easily containers, boxes and boxes, cans, bottles and vials of all genres and forms. Beautiful transparent boxes of chocolates or candy, all nice and shiny designed to showcase their content. You throw a challenge: make your collection without asking money to their parents. You'll get a great satisfaction when you will be congratulated for your originality and for the beauty of your collection. You can also have a competition with your friends and classmates to see who had the better and the most beautiful idea.

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Conclusao: o museu virtual Conclusion: The Virtual Museum

Agora você pode incentivar os jovens e os seus professores para continuar esta experiência em malacologia. Sugira para criar um museu na sua classe ou escola. Isso vai desencorajar muitos professores que não sabem onde encontrar um espaço adequado, ou eles não vão querer gastar muito tempo para realizar tudo. Daí a idéia de que o mais simples e conveniente seria a criação de um "museu virtual". O que é isso? Uma área que iremos disponibilizar no nosso site www.verderealta.it para cada classe ou escola que queira fazê-lo. Expomos todo o seu trabalho e as suas fotos numa seção especial dedicada a eles. Para fazer isso, você precisa convidar alunos e professores para fotografar tudo o que fazem. Eles serão capazes de usar scanner para os seus desenhos ou suas relações. Eles serão capazes de fotografar todas as fases das suas actividades, incluindo a coleção de conchas do mar, e tudo o que eles têm visto e recolhidos. Muito importante enviar uma foto da vista do lado de fora da escola e fotos de canto da escola com uma parede adequada para fazer o seu museu. Nessas duas imagens no site irá definir o seu Museu Virtual. Propomos também uma competição entre as classes na mesma escola ou de diferentes escolas sobre quem faz o melhor trabalho. Periodicamente publicamos um "notebook" com um ou mais "museus virtuais"

Now you can encourage young people and their teachers to continue this experience in malacology suggesting that they can create a museum in their class or in their school. This will discourage many teachers who do not know where to find a suitable space, or the ones who are not willing to spend too much time to accomplish everything. Hence the idea that the most simple and convenient thing to do would be to create a "virtual museum" What is it? An area that we will make available on our website www.verderealta.it for each class or school that wants to do it. We will show all their work and their photos in a special section dedicated to them. To do this you need to invite students and teachers to photograph everything that they do. They will be able to scan their drawings or their studies. They will be able to photograph all phases of their activities including the collection of sea shells and everything they have seen and collected. It will be very important to send a photo of the view of the school from outside and a picture of a corner of the school with a suitable wall to make their museum. On these two images on the site will set their Virtual Museum . We could also propose a competition between the classes in the same school or between different schools to see who makes the best work . Periodically we could publish a "notebook" with one or more "virtual museums ".

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Francesca Lepori

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Non sono una malacologia e, quindi, non in grado di scrivere

qualcosa di specialistico sulla malacologia. Debbo però dire che gli

insegnamenti della mia professoressa di scienze alle scuole medie mi

hanno messo quella “sensibilità” nella mente che mi costringe a osservare

tutto il mondo che mi circonda e, nello stesso tempo, mi impedisce di

guardare qualunque elemento della natura senza avviare un qualche

processo logico e speculativo su ciò che vedo.

Eccomi, quindi, davanti ad un piatto di “spaghetti alle vongole

veraci” ad osservare la fine scultura e il “pattern” che rendono quella

conchiglia degna delle annotazioni più varie.

Mi sono trovata a rivisitare la costa di Palo Laziale, insieme alla

ormai mia amica, prof. Pianciamore, per realizzare un articolo sulle

esperienze didattico-malacologiche vissute alcune decine di anni fa.

In acque basse pochi centimetri ho visto molti bivalvi vuoti ma

integri di “vongola verace”. La prof. Mi ha subito spiegato la differenza tra

il Tapes philippinarum e il Tapes dedussatus, la specie presente in quella

costa e da me avvistata.

Mi sono ritornate in mente le mie osservazioni, diciamo così

culinarie, sui particolari disegni di queste conchiglie. Ne ho raccolte una

manciata riscoprendo quella infinitamente variabile ornamentazione della

sua superficie. Una decina di esemplari tutti colorati diversamente: non

uno uguale all’altro. La mia insegnante mi ha poi portato nei giorni

successivi una certa quantità di queste conchiglie: sempre tutte con pattern

diverso l’una dall’altra.

Mi è venuto spontaneo pensare che, se fossero molluschi da

incontrare e rincontrare di nuovo nel loro ambiente, avremmo la possibilità

di riconoscere ciascuno di loro.

In altre parole il disegno di ciascuna è una “impronta digitale” che ne

permette la differenziazione tra l’una e l’altra.

Non ho modo di sapere se sia o no possibile trovarne due “identiche”

ma sono portata a dubitare della cosa.

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Ecco quindi, all’inizio delle mie osservazioni, una “foto di gruppo”:

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Ricordo che la nostra professoressa ci aveva insegnato una regola

fondamentale per il naturalista e, quindi, da applicare alle nostre ricerche:

“…misurate, contate, descrivete: ciascun dettaglio delle vostre

osservazioni, anche le più banali, potrebbero un domani essere di grande

aiuto per gli studiosi. Anche ciò che vi sembra più stupido, insignificante e

non scientifico, potrebbe essere di grande aiuto per la scienza…”

Memore di questo ho iniziato, applicando il criterio generico della

classificazione, a contare gli esemplari in mio possesso dividendoli,

magari, per colorazione. Tutte le conchiglie hanno un colore di fondo

avorio e sono più o meno pigmentate da colori scuri.

Ecco quindi il gruppo delle conchiglie “nere”: ne ho trovate 6 e

mostrano tutte una superficie quasi totalmente pigmentate tanto da farle

apparire “molto scure”

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A queste si contrappongono tutte quelle “bianche”: si tratta di

conchiglie quasi del tutto senza pigmentazione o piccole zone di colore

sullo sfondo bianco color avorio. Ne ho trovate 21.

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Vi sono poi gli esemplari riccamente e variamente pigmentati con

macchie di colore a comporre quelli che, almeno per me, sono fantastici


La pigmentazione può essere di colore marrone o nero, in effetti si

tratta di un colore nero tendente al verde.

Ecco allora il gruppo delle “variegate nere”, in tutto 19.

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E questo è il gruppo delle “variegate marroni”. Di queste ne ho contate 57.

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Debbo dire che la cosa che più mi ha colpito è la grande simmetria dei

disegni sulle due valve.Alcune volte rasentano quasi la perfezione.

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Però ho riscontrato una strana anomalia nelle conchiglie “bianche”.

Forse è causata da una loro naturale “incapacità” di sintetizzare i sali

minerali utili per la pigmentazione. Di fatto, quando è presente un minimo

di colorazione frontale, questa si traduce in una fascia nera che però non

corrisponde quasi mai, per estensione, a quella dell’altra valva.

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Sempre fedele agli insegnamenti della mia professoressa, cerco di

scrivere tutto ciò che mi viene in mente osservando il soggetto in esame.

Il luogo di raccolta è una fascia, lunga circa dieci metri, di sabbie

che, da quanto ho letto, sono frutto di “ripascimenti” effettuati nella zona

di Palo Laziale. Queste sabbie sono state spinte dal moto ondoso a ridosso

di una tamponatura di pietroni nel punto in cui un muro è crollato.

Le conchiglie sono state trovate tutte integre e con le valve ancora

unite dal legamento. Questo pare possa essere dovuto all’azione di

predatori molto specializzati. Uno di questi è il polpo Octopus vulgaris

molto comune nella zona. E’ capace di introdurre i suoi tentacoli tra le due

valve per scardinare il “primo piatto” del suo pranzo. In giorni successivi

abbiamo osservato alcuni giovani di Exaplex trunculus avvinghiati su

alcuni Tapes. Osservando gli esemplari raccolti ho notato alcuni fori

particolari che, ricordo benissimo, ci era stato insegnato essere provocati

da predatori, appunto come i muricidae, che con la loro radula creano quei

piccoli e precisi fori per poi cibarsi dell’animale all’interno della

conchiglia. Non ho esperienza in materia per cui propendo, equamente, per

una eguale partecipazione di entrambe le specie per fornirci esemplari così

belli e puliti. Un’altra osservazione mi ha portato a notare che gli

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esemplari raccolti in giorni successivi, sono progressivamente più grandi

quasi a testimoniare la crescita di questa comunità insediatasi nelle sabbie

di fronte a quella massicciata.

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Per concludere non mi resta che illustrare alcuni esemplari che ho

scelto in base, secondo i miei gusti, alla loro “bellezza”.

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