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Page 1: Progetto etwinning"We are what we eat and do"

E t w i n n i n g p r o j e c t

Professoressa Teresa Toscano

Professoressa Danila Mallia

Abbiamo molte cose di cui parlare, quindi cominciamo con un argomento di grande interesse : quello di socializzare con nostri coetanei di un altro paese, quello spagnolo. Gli argomenti che saranno presentati sono serviti a rafforzare la lingua Inglese, conoscere quella spagnola e perché no anche a fare amicizia al di fuori del nostro paese.

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Food Dictionary Food pyramid Fast Food Tips for eating well News about food Food Idioms and sayings What we eat in a week Food and festivals Our schools Getting to know each other bet


Food and calories Foodbenefits Units of measurement Cooking language Traditional recipes "My 120 pound Journey" Ben

Davis A blog about Ben Davis How to read a food label The best cooks from Italy and

Spain My opinion about this project

Page 3: Progetto etwinning"We are what we eat and do"

Picture English Catalan Spanish Italian

Apple Poma Manzana Mela

Pear Pera Pera Pera

Sausage Salsitxa Salchicha Salsiccia

Strawberry Maduixa Fresa Fragole

Lattuce Enciam Lechuga Lattuga

Olive Oliva Aceituna Oliva


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Picture English Catalan Spanish Italian

Apple Poma Manzana Mela

Pear Pera Pera Pera

Sausage Salsitxa Salchicha Salsiccia

Strawberry Maduixa Fresa Fragole

Lattuce Enciam Lechuga Lattuga

Olive Oliva Aceituna Oliva

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Peach Preéssec Melocotón Pesca

Banana Plàtan Platano Banane

Meat Carn Carne Carne

Fish Peix Pescado Pesce

Apricot Albercoc Albaricoque Albicocca

Cheese Formatge Queso Formaggio

Fig Figa Higo Fico

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Orange Taronja Naranja Arancia

Tangerine Mandarina Mandarina Mandarino

Cherry Cirera Cereza Ciliegia

Melon Meló Melón Melone

Watermelon Síndria Sandía Anguria

Potato Patata Patata Patate

Macaroni Macarrons Macarrones Maccheroni

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Parsley Julivert Perejil Prezzemolo

Green bean Mongeta verda Judía verde Piselli

Dry bean Mongeta seca Judía seca Fagioli

Mushrooms Bolet Ceta Funghi

Carrot Pastanaga Zanahoria Carote

Chocolate Xocolata Chocolate Cioccolato

Cucumber Cogombre Pepino Cocomero

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E’ un dizionario gastronomico illustrato multilingue in Inglese, Spagnolo e Catalano e Italiano che ci ha consentito di imparare nuovi termini riguardanti il cibo in inglese ma anche di notare la somiglianza di alcuni nostri termini con lo Spagnolo ad es.poma per mela,cereza per ciliegia ecc.

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Milk and cereal

Milk and biscuits Milk and cereal Milk with coffe and cereal

A glass of fresh milk and fruit

Milk and biscuits Milk with coffe and nutella toast

SNACKCracker Biscuits Cracker Cracker Biscuits Cracker _________


Spaghetti with tomato;water

Pasta with peas; cheese and bread;water

Pasta with potatoes, carots, courgettes and tomat ; water

Rice with shrimp, squid and crougettes; water

Pasta with swordfish;water

Rice with mushrooms;water

Pasta with tuna , cougettes, tomato and cream; water


Briosche fruits Fruits fruit juiceand cracher

Fruit juice and snack

cracker _________


“Piadina” with ham and mozzarella ;water

eggs with bread;water

Fish with salad; bread;water

Meat with salad and bread; water

salad; bread; water

Pizza;water Salad and water

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CEREAL 3 serving 3serving 3serving 3serving 3serving 2serving 2serving

VEGETABLES 2serving 1serving 2serving 2serving 2serving 1serving 2serving

PROTEIN 2serving 3serving 2serving 2serving 1serving 1serving 2serving

FRUIT 1serving 1serving 1serving 1serving 1serving 1serving

SWEET 1serving 1serving 1serving 1serving 1serving


1serving 2serving 2serving 2serving 2serving 2serving 2serving

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E’ una piramide alimentare dove sono presentate le 6 categorie alimentari secondo il corretto consumo che dovremmo fare:

Farinacei alla base (6 razioni al giorno) frutta e verdura (3-4-razioni al giorno) latte, carne, pesce e uova ( 2 razioni al giorno) In cima abbiamo i grassi e dolci da usare con

molta moderazione. Dopo avere visto quale dovrebbe essere il

numero corretto di porzioni per categoria abbiamo scritto quante porzioni al giorno assumiamo noi e le abbiamo confrontate con quelle suggerite dallo schema delle piramide. Con nostra sorpresa abbiamo constatato che la maggior parte delle diete è povera di verdure e frutta e troppo ricca di grassi e dolci.

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Fast Food

In my opinion fast food is not very healthy, especially if you eat it often because it contains too many fats and greases. I think unfortunately we eat fast food too many times, and this is a problem for our health!!! I'd suggest to follow a balanced diet with lots of genuine food, but from time to time ... don't worry... you can have fast food....particularly if you are young and make regular exercise

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VIDEO McDonald’sDecomposizione dei cibi McDonald's sub Ita.mp4

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Per questa attività abbiamo usato un blog dove ognuno di noi ha espresso la propria opinione sul

Fast food. Pur essendo un tipo di cibo molto diffuso

purtroppo ,tutti siamo arrivati alla conclusione che il fast food non è salutare perché i cibi sono troppo grassi e sono pieni di conservanti e additivi non digeribili come possiamo vedere nel video che segue…(VIDEO)

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Young people ,like we are, need lots of energy and nutrients because we are still growing.We often have big appetites, so it's important for us to have a healthy balanced diet, rather than filling up on sugary or fatty foods, such as crisps, sweets, cakes, biscuits, and fizzy drinks. These foods tend to be high in calories but contain few nutrients, and they can also reduce appetite for healthier foods. A healthy balanced diet should include:• plenty of fruit and vegetables –at least five portions a day of a variety of different types (peaches,apples,pears,oranges,lettuce,artichokes.spinach,

broccoliand so on) • a large amount of meals based on starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes (ideally wholemeal varieties)-from 5 to 10 portions a day• moderate amounts of milk and dairy products such as milk, cheese ,youghurt preferably low-fat types-1or 2 portions a day• moderate amounts of foods that are rich of protein, such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and lentils -1or 2 portions a day• small amounts of sugar and fats such as sweets,cakes,butter,cream,biscuits-very rarely• 1,5 or 2 litres of water a day

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Abbiamo postato sulla piattaforma un sito web che dà consigli su una corretta alimentazione.

Dopo aver visto che la nostra dieta personale non era bilanciata e sana ,abbiamo letto dei consigli pratici del sito per migliorarla .Una dieta equilibrata dovrebbe includere notevoli quantità di frutta e verdura di diversi tipi, grande quantità di farinacei , una moderata quantità di latte e suoi derivati ,una moderata quantità di cibi ricchi di proteine come carne , pesce e uova , piccole quantità di cibi ricchi di zuccheri e grassi e bere 1 e ½ o 2 litri d’ acqua al giorno.

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According to the 1999 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results, nearly half of all students are currently trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, the typical youth diet is not very healthful with only about 15 percent of the students eating enough fruits and vegetables, and just over 20 percent of the students drinking enough milk to meet their calcium requirements.

The news regarding youth physical activity patterns is not much more encouraging. The survey results reveal significant declines in both sports team participation and physical education class enrolment since 1993. According to the 1999 report, Massachusetts high school students watch an average of two hours of television on school days. However, only one-quarter of adolescents meet the minimum exercise recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week.

There are many reasons for the reduced participation rates and lower fitness levels characteristic of today's young people. In addition to watching at least two hours of television each day, most youth spend similar amounts of time viewing videos, going to movies and surfing the internet. While these passive pursuits are not necessarily bad, collectively they certainly leave little time for doing physical activities.


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Quest’attività contiene notizie strane e curiosità sempre inerenti il cibo. Questa news per esempio ci dice che l’attività fisica fra i giovani si è ridotta parecchio. Un adolescente trascorre minimo 2 ore seduto al computer e altre 2 davanti alla tv mentre avrebbe bisogno di 30 minuti di attività fisica al giorno per 5 giorni a settimana .Questo scarso esercizio fisico provoca molti problemi fra cui l’obesità che sta aumentando oggi giorno.

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apple of her/his eye someone or something that one likes a lot

The little girl is the apple of her grandfather’s eye

la pupilla degli occhi


bad egg a bad person That man is a bad egg so you should try and avoid him if you can

mela marcia


cry over spilt milk cry or complain about something that has already happened

Don’t cry over spilt milk. The past is past and you can’t do anything to change it.

piangere sul latte versato

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Breakfast Nothing





Breakfast Nothing

Breakfast Nothing

LunchPasta, Meat with potatoes, Water, Coffee

Lunch Meat with peppersWater, Coffee

LunchSalad of chicken


LunchTomato and eggs



SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

SnacksBiscotti integrals

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

DinnerZuppa of vegetables

This for me is the diet that works in absolute, has made me lose much weight in a few days.

What we eat a week every day

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Food and Festivals

History of Carnival Carnival is an ancient festivity that conserves the more ancient and better fragment of the popular culture .It dates back to the time of the ancient roman that celebrated Saturn between December and March . They were festivities in which men lived free from hard work and from the evil . During these festivities there were banqueting, orges, dances, parades in mask in a turned upside down world where the servants dressed the dresses of the masters and food and wine ran in abundance, at least once for all. The Christians then transformed this pagan festivity in Carnival ,a word that derives from the Latin " Vale" meat that is goodbye meat! For centuries therefore in Europe the Carnival was represented by a pig that died in order to leave space to the Lent during which the fields remained unproductive till the summery harvest. The pig therefore was the prince of the carnival, festivity therefore of the abundance before the lean days of the Lent.

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Images of the Festivity

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The “chiacchiere” are crispy sweets that are fried and at last they are spread with Icing sugar. Chiacchiere are typical specialities of the period of Carnival and are called with various names according to the regions: chiacchiere and lattughe in Lombardy, cenci and donzelle in Tuscany, frappe and sfrappole in Emilia, cròstoli in Trentino, galani and gale in Veneto, bugie in Piemonte, thus like rosoni, lasagne, pampuglie, etc. The chiacchiere have an ancient tradition that probably dates back to frictilia , cakes fried in the pig fat that in ancient Rome were prepared during the period of Carnival; these cakes were produced in great amount since they had to last for all the period of the Lent.

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From Milan Castagnole, Zeppole, Tortellos, are some of the names with which the typical cakes of Carnival are called: the castagnole are frittelle, a sweet typical of Romagna, small like chestnuts and from the soft inside, easy available in all the pastry shops in the period that goes from the Epifania to the Wednesday of ashes. Although their paternity belongs to Romagna, the castagnole, thus called for their form that vaguely remembers that of a chestnut, are prepared and tasted in many regions of Italy even if with different names and small variations of ingredients.

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The day of the dead

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Frutta martorana Pupa i zuccaru

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The day of the dead

Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de los Muertos) is a holiday that occurs on November 2. Due to occurring shortly after Halloween, the Day of the Dead is sometimes thought to be a similar holiday, although the two actually have little in common. The Day of the Dead is a time of celebration in which people take the day off work, go to cemeteries with candles and flowers, and give presents to children, usually sweets and toys. Until a few decades ago, the "iuornu re muorti" (day of the dead) was the only celebration of the year when children received presents, usually sweets and toys. Here are the words children used to say on November 1: "Armi santi, armi santi, Io sugnu unu e vuatri siti tanti Mentri sugnu 'ntra stu munnu di guai Cosi di morti mittitiminni assai." "Holy souls, holy souls, I am one, and you are many, While I am in this world of troubles, Bring me lots of presents from dead people" The morning after the search begins as soon as they wake up and after having found them they get ready to go to visit the cemetery. This is not a sad day in any way; it is a day where `two worlds' meet to celebrate life. As usual with Sicily, food is a big component of this festivity and traditions vary from town to town, the most common are "pupi i zuccaru", frutta marturana e "ossa ri muortu".

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Questa attività riguarda la descrizione delle festività e delle specialità gastronomiche tipiche Italiane

AD ESEMPIO: le chiacchiere e le castagnole per carnevale,la frutta martorana e “i pupi i zuccaru per i morti ,cibi di sui abbiamo postato anche delle foto.

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SES Calldetenes 1. Situation The school is situated in Calldetenes, a town next to Vic. In Calldetenes are 2.391

habitants. There are 20 students in our class, 4 persons are from Calldetenes and the others from near towns. The people from Folguerolas, St. Julià and Vilanova (three towns near Calldetenes) take the bus to go to school. There’s people who go with motorbike, on foot or bike.

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2.BuildingThe school is an industrial area, in this school are 11 classes, they all are of about 30 student, they’re distributed in 3 floors.In the first floor there are 5 classrooms, 1 computer room, the office of the center and a dining hall. There are two playgrounds, one is outside and we have to cross the road to go to it, there are two baskets but we don’t play there, only in the class of P.E. The second one is inside the school, it has got a football field, it makes slope and we don’t usually play there.

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3. Timetable3. Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8-9 Biology English Opt.English P.E English

9-10Physics and chemistry

CatalanPhysics and chemistry


10-11 Catalan Tutory English Maths Biology



Spanish Opt.English Spanish CatalanOpt.Englis



Maths Biology Maths History


15-16 HistoryPhysics and Chemistry


16-17Work of research

Spanish Ethics

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4. Students and teachers Actually, there are 263 students in the school. The students are majority

from Calldetenes, Folguroles, Sant Julià de Vilatorta, and Sant Sadorní d’Osormort. The others are in different. places.

The teacher that teach class to us are : -Dídac Vercher (Bilology and Geology) -Victor Pérez (Physics i Chemistry) -Carles Arnal (Catalan) -Dionís Felgueroso (Tutor, Spanish) -Marta López (Maths) -Montserrat Rius( History and Ethics) -Núria Saborit ( English ) -Elena Rovira ( P.E. ) 5.Magazine Our magazine is called “La Ses Magazine” . The group in charge of the magazine are stundents of the 3rd and 4th year

at the school, there are supervised by the teacher of technology Francesc Guiménez. In “la ses magazine” there aren’t information of the school, and can appears that is a magazine of education, but is not truth, is the opposite, because not put in the live of the school.

6. Extra activities This year ours theacher organized a a acivity of volleyball. A lot of girls

doin it. For “la Castanyada” also organized a competition of football that play

every school exept the persons that don’t want to play. Is since on the mornig to that the classes finished.

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In the morning I get up at 6:00 o’clock. In my school the lessons start at a quarter past 8:00 a.m and finish at a quarter past 1:15 p.m Some day the lessons finish at ar a quarter past 2:15 p.m . I go to school with my father by car. In my school the subjects are: Maths ,Italian, English, History, French, Cooking, Economy, Religion and Alimentary Science. My favourite subject are Italian, English, French and Cooking. In my school the students are four hundred , in my class room we are twenty-twoo and my teachers are nine. I go to school from Monday to Saturday. In the Italian schools there are four levels: Elementary school, Middle School ,Secondary school and University. In the Elementary School They begin when They are six years old and finish when They are eleven years old. In the middle school They begin when They are twoelve years old and finish when They are fourteen yeras old. In my school We begin when We are fifteen years old and finish when We are nineteen years old.

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The eTwinning team with our Director

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GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER 1. How would you describe your character? My name is Eleonora, I live in Gela in Sicily. 2. What do you really like doing? I like playing and singing with my band. 3. What do you hate doing? I hate doing sports. 4. What do you do in your free time? In my free time I like playing and singing with my band. 5. What are your hobbies? My hobbies are playing and singing with my band. 6. Describe your house. My family thinks that we are many of my house is small. There are six rooms: three bedrooms, a

kitchen and two bathrooms. 7. Who do you live with? In my family we are 9: 7 children, including me, my mother and my father. 8. Describe the street where you live. My house is situated on a small street, where there are 8 houses. 9. What kind of food do you like the best? I don’t have food preferences that I like better... 10. Have you ever been to Spain? What do they already know about that country? I have never been to Spain, but if all goes well I will go to Madrid in August and then to Barcelona

for the World Youth Day. 11. Which sports are popular in your country? Popular sports in my country are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming, handball... 12. What are your favourite sports? I don’t like sports.

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13. What do you do after school? After school, I go to eat at home. In the afternoon I sometimes go out with friends, play with my

band... Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to school guitar. 14. What do you do at the weekend? On weekends, I usually go in the country with friends or with my family. 15. Do you have a job? Now I don’t have a job, but hopefully soon I'll find it. 16. What's your favourite TV programme? I like watching fiction on TV.  17. What kind of music do you like? I listening all genres of music. 18. Who is your favourite artist / band? I don’t have preferences of singers. 19. Do you listen to music a lot? I listen to music a lot, especially in the evening...  20. Do you play any instrument yourself? I play guitar for 3 years, I played in a church and with my band. 21. When do you have holidays? We have holidays in summer, for the day of the dead, for the period of Christmas and Easter. 22. How many weeks are your summer holidays? Here in Sicily the summer vacation is 3 months. 23. Do you ever go abroad? I do not often go abroad.

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FOOD 1. What do you eat for breakfast? I do not do breakfast 2. What time do you have lunch? What do you usually eat? Where

do you usually eat your lunch? For lunch I usually eat pasta, meat or fish. I eat at home, except when I go

out with friends go to eat outside the home. 3. What time do you have dinner? What do you usually eat?

Where do you usually have dinner? I have dinner around 8:30 and I usually eat salad and cheese. I eat at

home, except when I go out with friends go to eat outside the home. 4. What's your favourite food? I have no food preferences. I like both the sweet and salty. 5. What's your favourite drink? My favorite drink is Coca Cola. 6. Do you know any popular Sicilian food? Which? Here in Sicily are very famous: cassata, frutta martorana, cannoli and


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A questo punto del progetto abbiamo sentito il bisogno di conoscere meglio i nostri partner Spagnoli e quindi ci siamo scambiati foto nostre e delle nostre rispettive scuole, informazioni inerenti la vita scolastica , informazioni personali riguardo il carattere ,gli interessi, gli hobbies, le preferenze inerenti canzoni,films,programmi tv,libri,stili di vita,cibi preferiti ,descrizione della casa,

delle rispettive città ecc .

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Food and Calories

Boys aged 11 to 14 need about 2,220 calories a day.

Girls aged 11 to 14 need about 1,845 calories a day.

Young men aged 15 to 18 need about 2,755 calories a day.

Young women aged 15 to 18 need about 2,110 calories a day.

Adult men need about 2700 calories a day Adult women need about 2000 calories a


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Young women aged 15 to 18 need about 2,110 calories a day






























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Young men aged 15 to 18 need about 2,755
































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Group 1:Carbohydrate (cereals, pasta, bread, rice...) The carbohydrates

give energy that can be transformed into glucose.

We have to eat this type of nutrient because a diet low in carbohydrate depletes the healthy glycogen stores in muscles.

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Bread contains a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The fiber is good for digesting the aliments.

Cereals are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, oils, proteins and a lot of fiber, it’s good for the digestion.

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Group 2: vegetable Vegetables contain

vitamine and minerals. Some vegetables have different seeds, so it’s important to eat a wide variety of types.

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Green vegetables contain vitamin A. Dark orange and dark green

vegetables contain vitamin C. Broccoli and related plants contain iron

and calcium.

Vegetables are very low in fats and calories, but cooking often adds them.

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Group 3: Fruit

Fruits are the sweet-tasting seed-bearing parts of plants, or sweet parts of plants which do not bear seeds.

Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of natural sugars, fibre and vitamins.

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Processing fruits to obtain packed juices (in cans, bottles,...) usually involves not only the addition of sugars but also the removing of nutrients.

• Apple is rich in sugars and vitamin C. It is good for our body to help in some intestinal disorders.

• Orange contains a lot of vitamin C and essential oils. The vitamin C helps us in maintaining our defenses and not catching colds.

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Group 4: Protein (meat, fish...) Meat is a major source of protein, as well

as iron, zinc, and vitamin B. The proteins are good for growing up.

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Although meats provide energy and nutrients, they are often high in fat and cholesterol, and contain high amounts of sodium.

• Hamburger contains a lot of fats and proteins.

• Meatballs are a source of proteins but if they are cooked with sauce, they are fatter.

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Group 5: Diary(milk,yogurt,cheese...) Milk and its derivative

products are a rich source of the mineral calcium, but also provide protein, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

The mineral calcium is good to keep our bones healthy.

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Many dairy products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to vegetables, fruits,... This is why skimmed products are available as an alternative.

• The milk contains significant amounts of saturated fat, protein and calcium as well as vitamin C

• The cheese has a high content of fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus.

• Yoghurt is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B.

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Group 6: Fat (chocolate, oils, sweet...) The fat group is the least needed in the


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Cocoa or dark chocolate benefits the circulatory system.

Sweets are a source of energy. Oils have a high carbon content. Some

oils contain omega 3.

Oil is used on hair to give it a lustrous look. It helps the hair to be stabilized and grow faster.

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Italian American Standard Metric

Mezzo cucchiaino 1/2 teaspoon 2,5 ml

Un cucchiaino 1 teaspoon 5 ml

Un cucchiao1 tablespoon 15 ml

Un quarto di tazza 1/4 cup 59 ml

Mezza tazza 1/2 cup 118 ml

Una tazza 1 cup 225 ml 

Due tazze 2 cups or 1 pint 450 ml

Quattro tazze 4 cups or 1 quart 1 liter

Mezzo gallone 1/2 gallon 2 liters

Un gallone 1 gallon 4 liters

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American Standard   (Cups & Quarts )

American Standard (Ounces)

Metric (Milliliters & Liters)

2 tbsp  1 fl. oz. 30 ml

1/4 cup 2 fl. oz. 60 ml

1/2 cup 4 fl. oz. 125 ml

1 cup 8 fl. oz.  250 ml

2 cups or 1 pint 16 fl. oz. 500 ml

4 cups or 1 quart 32 fl. oz. 1000 ml or 1 liter

1 gallon 128 fl. oz. 4 liters

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Weight (Mass)

ItalianAmerican Standard 

(Ounces) Metric


Mezza oncia 1/2 ounce 15 grams

Un’oncia 1 ounce 30 grams

Tre once 3 ounces 85 grams 

Tre once e tre quarti

3.75 ounces 100 grams

Quattro once 4 ounces 115 grams

Otto once 8 ounces 225 grams

Sedici once o una libbra 16 ounces or 1 pound 450 grams

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Dry Measure Equivalents

American Standard (teaspoon) 

American Standard (tablespoon)

 British Standard Metric (Grams)

 3 teaspoons  1 tablespoon  1/2 ounce  14.3 grams

 2 tablespoons 1/8 cup  1 ounce  28.3 grams

 4 tablespoons  1/4 cup  2 ounces  56.7 grams

 8 tablespoons  1/2 cup  4 ounces  113.4 grams

 12 tablespoons  3/4 cup  6 ounces 0.375 pound

 32 tablespoons  2 cups  16 ounces  1 pound

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Grazie a queste attività ,abbiamo studiato la tabella delle Calorie da assumere a seconda dell’età e del sesso . La giusta quantità di calorie da assumere giornalmente a riposo è di 2.755 per i ragazzi e di 2.110 per le ragazze dai 15 ai 18 anni.Quindi abbiamo cercato di evidenziare quali siano i benefici che le diverse categorie alimentari apportano al nostro organismo, soprattutto nell’ottica di prevenzione delle più comuni e pericolose patologie, quali le malattie cardiovascolari, il cancro o il colesterolo. Abbiamo poi creato delle tabelle di conversione dalle unità di misura Inglese e Americano al quelle Italiane per poter fare i calcoli in modo più rapido e preciso.

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English Italian Explanation

Al dente Al dente Cook until tender but firm to the bite.

Au gratin gratinato A dish sprinkled with cheese or crumbs and browned in the oven or under the grill.

blanch scottare Plunge food into boiling water for a few seconds, then cold water and drain

boil bollire Cook food in a generous amount of liquid, which should bubble continuously

braise brasare Brown in a small amount of fat quickly (sauté), then cook slowly in a very small amount of liquid in a covered pan either on top or in an oven

chop tritare Cut up in small pieces

drizzle bagnare Pour liquid very slowly and gently over food.

flambè flambare Pour small quantities of liquid containing alcohol over food and then set alight.

fry friggere To cook in a small amount of fat in an open pan

Cooking Language

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garnish decorare Decorate or embellish.

glacè glassare Coat with a thin coat of sugar or syrup

grate grattuggiare Reduce food to small strips by rubbing on a serrated surface.

grill grigliare Cook food under a heat source, with or without the addition of fat

knead impastare Work dough by folding, stretching and pummelling with heel of hand.

marinade marinare Soak food in seasoned liquid to tenderise and flavour before cooking

poach affogare Cook food in liquid which must be kept just below boiling point.

roast arrostire Cook with a little fat in the oven.

sautè saltare Cook food gently in a little hot fat, shaking pan to prevent sticking or browning.

simmer sobbollire Cook a liquid or food immersed in a liquid which is kept just below boiling point

steam Cuocere a vapore Cook in steam from boiling liquid

stew stufare Cook food slowly in a lidded container with enough liquid to cover, until tender

zest scorza Thinly peeled or grated outer skin of citrus fruit without the inner white pith

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Catalan Spanish English Italian

Picant Picante Spicy Piccante

Cru Crudo Underdone Crudo

Dolç Dulce Sweet Dolce

Salat Salado Salty Salato

Amarg Amargo Bitter Amaro

Àcid Ácido Acid Acido

Cuit Cocido Boiled Bollito

Agredolç Agridulce Sweet and sour Agrodolce

Calent Caliente Hot Caldo

Cruixent Crujiente Crunchy Croccante

Congelat Congelado Frozen Congelato

Fresc Fresco Fresh Fresco

Tou Blando Tender Tenero

Aigua amb gas Agua con gas Sparkling water Acqua gasata

Aigua Agua Mineral water Acqua minerale

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Traditional Recipes

Deep-fried rice balls filled with meat sauce or mozzarella, ham and butter.  Ingredients for 10 “arancini”400g of arborio rice 1 sachet of saffronA few spoonfuls of thick bolognese sauce with peas (prepared separately) OR a 200g mix of mozzarella, ham and butter chopped together.100g grated Parmesan cheese2 egg300g breadcrumbsSalt and pepperA little olive oilVegetable oil for frying ProcedureCook the rice with the saffron in salted water until soft and yellow. Drain well and add a dribble of olive oil to prevent the rice sticking too much. Then add the grated cheese, some freshly ground black pepper and mix well. Leave to cool. In the meantime, beat and season the eggs. When the rice is cool, wet one hand and spread some rice (about 2cm thick) on it. Add a dollop of Bolognese sauce (or the mozzarella, ham and butter mix) in the middle and close the rice into a little ball about the size of a small orange, making sure the contents stay inside. When all 10 rice balls are ready, roll them one by one in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Fry (preferably deep fry) in hot oil until golden brown and place on kitchen roll to remove any excess oil. Serve while hot and crunchy.

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Anna Parcerisas, Núria Alsina, Eli Guàrdia and Carla Saiz

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We made the marzipan and ricotta.

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We took a pot and we put butter in.

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We put the marzipan into the pot too.

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We melt the foundant chocolate and then we put it into the pot on the marzipan.

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We cut some muffins and we put them into the pot.

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We put la Cassata Siciliana into the oven and we waited about half an hour.

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Final result

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Personal opinion

We chose this recipe because it seems really tasty and really curious and any of us didn’t heard about that cake since now.

Firstly it was a little difficult because the ingredients were a little weird but when we started to cooked it, it was really funny, we enjoyed that afternoon so much, actually we are really happy and satisfied with the final result.

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Cook team!

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1 liter of milk 7 yolks Stick cinnamon 200 gr of sugar 40 gr of cornflour Peel of lemon

Boil the milk for 8 minutes with the cinnamon and the peel of lemon. During the 8 minutes

don’t stop to mix this with a wooden spoon.

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When the mix seems a cream, take out it to the stove and put it in small bowls.

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Sprinkle the cream with brown sugar.

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Put in the oven for about five minutes.

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After five minutes, remove from the oven and serve it

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Cooked by

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We chopped the onions

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We cut the peppers into pieces

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We cut the sausages into pieces

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We cut the pork into small pieces

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We cut the chicken into pieces

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Now all the ingredients are ready

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We put: sausages, pork, chicken, peppers, peas and clams in a frying pan to braise.

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When golden, we added boiled rice and saffron and mixed.

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At the end we levelled it out with a wooden spoon and guarnished with small tomatoes.

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Our Cooking Team

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Questa è stata una delle attività più belle e creative perché ci siamo scambiati delle ricette tradizionali e poi ne abbiamo preparato alcune . I nostri partner si sono cimentati nella non facile realizzazione della cassata siciliana e della pasta alla norma. Anche noi abbiamo sperimentato le difficoltà di preparazione delle loro ricette simbolo, la paella e la crema catalana. Nel corso della preparazione abbiamo fotografato i vari steps e li abbiamo poi postati sulla piattaforma.

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A Blog About Ben Davis

Joana Serrat


That man must be very hard-working. He didn't rest until he'd finished. I think that now he is happier than one year before! And he is a marathon runner now? Wow it's fantastic!I admire him a lot! =D

Inviato il 21/01/11 9.35.

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Federica Castorino

I think that Ben Davis is a model for all. He’s one of the few people who has carried out this difficult task. I hope that many people who have the same problem , can take advantage from this video.

This experience teaches us that if you want something you can obtain it making sacrifices and being constant.

Inviato il 28/01/11 17.51.

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Questo è un blog dove abbiamo commentato un video su un uomo che ,per una cattiva alimentazione unita ad una vita troppo sedentaria, era arrivato a pesare 165 kg e non aveva voglia di far niente. Il video mostra come grazie ad una grande forza di volontà quest’uomo ha cominciato a correre ogni giorno sempre di più perdendo così i chili di troppo fino ad arrivare a partecipare ad una maratona. Questo ha cambiato completamente la sua vita e gli ha ridato la gioia di vivere. Da ciò abbiamo imparato che l’esercizio fisico è molto importante per mantenerci in buona salute sia fisicamente che psicologicamente.

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How to read a label

Recommended total daily intake Total Daily Intake (DI) is a set of reference

values for the acceptable intakes of a variety of nutrients, as well as energy.

The nutrients include carbohydrates, sugars, protein, total fat, saturated fat, fibre and sodium.

The DI values are based on an average adult's daily requirement of 2072kcal. Your DIs may be higher or lower depending on your energy needs

The DI values should be used as a guide to help you make informed choices about the foods you eat.

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Energy & Nutrient Daily Intake Value

Energy 2072 kcal Protein 50g Fat 70 gSaturated Fat 24 gCarbohydrate 310 gTotal Sugars 90 gDietary Fibre 30 gSodium 2300 mg

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Food Energy Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Fiber Sodium

“Macine” biscuits

488kcal 6g 67,5g 21g 2.5g 0.330g

“Brioss Ferrero” 361kal 6g 63g 9.4g 2.5g 0.172g

chocolate powder 394kcal 5.5g 82g 3.2g 0g 0g

Crackers 430kcal 12g 65g 13.5g 4g 1g

Milk 63kcal 3,1g 4,6g 3,6g 0g 0,04g

“Formaggini MIO” cheese 186kcal 12g 4g 13,5g 0g 0,70g

Sugar 400kcal 0g 100g 0g 0g 0g

Yoghurt 112kcal 3.1g 16.1g 3.6g 0g 0g

Rice 360kcal 7g 86g 0,8g 0g 0g

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Peach juice

229 kl 0,5 g 12,9 g 0,2 g 1,0 g 0,002 g

Biscuits (100 g)

482 kl 6,2 g 70,4 g 19,2 1,5 g 0,27 g

Sugar (100 g)

400 kcal 0 g 100 g 0 g 0 g 0 g

Pasta (100 g)

338 kcal 12 g 68 g 2 g 0 g 0 g

Soft drink 222 kl 0 g 12,9 g 0 g 0 g 0 g

Butter (100 g)

540 kcal 0,1 g 0,1 g 60 g 0 g 0,2 g

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The Best Cooks

“Carlo Cracco”

Carlo Cracco is a leader of the new generation of progressive Italian cuisine. He has garnered worldwide attention at his restaurant In Milan for creative takes on classic Italian foods: pasta made of cuttlefish and pureed salad encrusted in caramelized sugar.Cracco was born in 1965 in Vicenza, Italy. He attended hotel management school in nearby Recoaro Terme,and began professional career in 1986 in the kitchen of Gualtiero Marchesi in Milan, the first Italian restaurant to be awarded 3 Michelin stars and the home of Italian nouvelle cuisine. In 1988, he joined Relais & Châteaux-La Meridiana in Garlenda for a year, before gaining further experience at the “temples” of French gastronomy – Alain Ducasse at the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo and Alain Sanderens at the Lucas Carton in Paris. Returning to his native Italy in 1991, he took up the position as head chef at L’Enoteca Pinchiorri in Florence, which earned 3 Michelin stars in 1993/94 under his exacting management .

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Egg Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Sardines


1kg smoked rock salt250g sugar12 egg yolksFor the tomato sauce:1kg cherry tomatoes (Variety Cupid)1 white onion, finely sliced2 garlic clovesSaltFor 1lt of tomato sauce 8g of agar agarFor the Sardines:8 whole sardines100g extra virgin olive oil30g sardine brine2g vanilla

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MethodFor the pasta:Mix the salt with the sugar, place the egg yolks to marinate for about 4 to 5

hours, then wash under running waterPlace the egg yolks between two sheets of oven proof paper and with the

help of a rolling pin flatten them uniformly to a thin layerTake away the paper and pass the sheet through the spaghetti setting on the

pasta machineFor the tomato sauce:Brown the garlic, the onion julienne and the tomatoes. Sauté and allow to

cook on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Pass through chinois, bring to boil and for every litre of tomato sauce add 8g of agar agar

Refrigerate, and then whisk obtaining a creamy textureFor the Sardines:Place the boned sardine fillets under a marinade of olive oil, sardine brine,

vanilla and coarse saltRefrigerate for 1 hourPlace a spoon of the tomato cream on a plateToss the spaghetti in a pan with little oil and place on top of the tomato

cream; add the marinated sardine fillets cut in half on top, the confit tomato and some fried basil leaves

Finish with some white bread, crumbed and tossed in a pan with a little butterDress with a little oil from the sardine marinade

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My opinion about the project I think that this

project has been useful because it helped us learning new things about Spain,its food and culture. It was useful for my English too,because I learned new words and expressions. The activity I liked the most were " Traditional recipes" and "Food idioms and sayings".....meanwhile "Units of measurement" was the activity that i liked the least.

Deborah Palmeri

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In queste 3 ultime attività abbiamo imparato quali sono i corretti valori

nutrizionali giornalieri in modo da non eccedere nella loro assunzione.

rendere omaggio alla tradizione culinaria Italiana famosa in tutto il mondo grazie all’abilità dei nostri cuochi e abbiamo presentato un giovane cuoco Carlo Cracco ,discepolo del grande Gualtiero Marchesi

Espresso la nostra personale opinione su questo progetto ,su ciò che ci ha insegnato e soprattutto ci ha dato ,cioè dei nuovi amici con cui siamo in contatto su facebook.Grazie etwinning.

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