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La UIL TRASPORTI chiede ufficialmente l’apertura del tavolo negoziale per ilContratto Collettivo di Lavoro Piloti e Assistenti di volo Ryanair, basati in Italia.

Il giorno 27 settembre presso la sede nazionale della UILT, in via del Policlinico131 a Roma, viene convocato il primo incontro informativo e organizzativo PRECONTRATTUALE, aperto a tutti i naviganti Ryanair.

In allegato:

- procedura ministeriale di richiesta contrattazione collettiva naviganti Ryanair;

- Dichiarazione istituzionale del Segretario Generale a sostegno dell'apertura del tavolo contrattuale;

- richiesta e relativa convocazione ENAC per discutere della situazione Ryanair;

- invito al primo incontro infomativo e organizzativo, PRE-CONTRATTUALE, presso la sede nazionale UIL TRASPORTI a Roma;

- comunicato internazionale ETF-ITF;

- comunicato sentenza Corte Giustizia su legislazione applicabile naviganti;

La nostra Organizzazione sindacale sostiene il movimento dei Piloti ed Assistentidi volo, uniti per la stessa finalità: ottenere il Contratto Collettivo di Lavoro dinormativa italiana per tutti i naviganti Ryanair basati sul territorio nazionale.

La UIL TRASPORTI si schiera apertamente a favore del Personale Navigante,sottolineando che non possono più essere tollerati gli errori compiuti da una dirigenzamiope e richiama la recente decisione della Corte di Giustizia Europea, in favore dellaleale competizione ed il dialogo sociale.

La UIL TRASPORTI con il suo progetto RESCUE si organizza, in tutta Europa,attraverso i sindacati nazionali di riferimento del personale navigante, al fine di daresupporto effettivo ed organico a tutti i lavoratori.

UIL TRASPORTI Piloti ed Assistenti di volo per

- contratti stabili, in accordo con la normativa nazionale più tutelante;

- condizioni di lavoro migliori, adeguate alla professione svolta ;


Fabrizio Mazza +39 3475242742

Alessandra Airaldi +39 335428234

Laura Facchini +39 3381999966


UIL TRASPORTI officially asks for the opening of the negotiating table for theRyanair Crew Members, Pilots and Flight Attendants, based in Italy.

On September 27, at the headquarters of UILT, via Policlinico 131 in Rome, thefirst informative and organizing PRE-CONTRACTUAL meeting opened for all RyanairCrew Members..Attached:

- Ryanair collective bargaining request procedure;- Institutional Statement of the Chief of UIL TRASPORTI in support of the opening

of the negotiating table;- request and related call to ENAC to discuss the Ryanair situation;- invitation to the first informative and organizational meeting, PRE-

CONTRACTUAL, at the headquarters of UIL TRASPORTI in Rome;- International ETF-ITF Press Release;- Judgment of the Court of Justice on applicable seafaring legislation;

Our Trade Union Organization supports the movement of Flying Pilots and CabinCrews, together for the same purpose: to obtain the Italian Workplace CollectiveBargaining Agreement for all national-based Ryanair CM.

UIL TRASPORTI stands openly in favor of the Ryan Air workers, pointing out thatthe mistakes made by a short-sighted management can no longer be tolerated and recallsthe recent decision of the European Court of Justice in favor of fair competition and socialdialogue.

UIL TRASPORTI with its RESCUE project is organized throughout Europethrough the National Reference Laboratories of all European Unions, in order to provideeffective and organic support to all workers.

UIL TRASPORTI Pilots and Cabin Crews for

- stable contracts, in accordance with the most protective domestic law;- better working conditions, appropriate to the profession being carried out;

For any information please contact us: [email protected]

Fabrizio Mazza +39 3475242742

Alessandra Airaldi +39 335428234

Laura Facchini +39 3381999966

22 September 2017

ITF/ETF: Ryanair business model must reform now

The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and ETF (European Transport Workers’

Federation) today warned that Ryanair’s business model of outsourcing and the rejection of staff

requests for better conditions and union representation is putting the airline’s future in doubt.

The ITF revealed that, following the defeat for Ryanair/Crewlink at the European Court of

Justice last week, it has been approached by a number of investors who are concerned by

analysts’ estimates that compliance with the judgement will increase Ryanair’s labour costs by

up to 20 percent – leading them to question the sustainability of its aggressive and cost-cutting

business model.

ITF general secretary Steve Cotton explained: “Ryanair is at a crisis point, facing a triple

whammy of being taken to task by the ECJ, having mismanaged its flight time obligations, and

lost consumer and staff confidence.

“These aren’t random misfortunes. For years representative bodies, including our own affiliated

unions, have called for improvements – from union recognition to improvements in pay and

conditions. Instead the airline has stuck with a stubbornly single-minded business model that

operates in the margins, leaving no room for compliance with, among other things, flight time

and leave entitlements for all crew.

“That outsourcing model – which is typical of the kind of forced precarious working that is

increasingly being successfully challenged in the world’s courts – is now leading analysts to

question the sustainability of these employment practices.”

Oliver Richardson, chair of the ITF’s civil aviation section and national officer at Unite the Union,

commented: “The truth is that when the business was on the way up shareholders were happy

to believe the model was sustainable. Ryanair’s control of the release of information around

compliance risks also reduced shareholders’ ability to hold the board to account on employment

matters and impact on broader corporate governance. Those days are now over.”

“"Put simply, it’s time for Ryanair to reform. Shareholders face significant risk, passengers are

angry, and workers have had enough. The emergence this week of a more coordinated

approach from workers will expedite access to improvements. The ITF will work with our unions

to secure this."

Eduardo Chagas, general secretary of the ETF, added: “Offering small allowances and knee

jerk pay awards, while at the same time continuing with an aggressive management style, is not

going to get Ryanair’s management out of the hole that it has dug for itself. Ryanair has no

choice but to adopt a new and consultative business model. The fact that Ryanair operates in

the European Union should imply that basic labour rights are granted to all Ryanair workers.”


For more information please contact

ITF. Sam Dawson, press and editorial manager. Email: [email protected]. Tel: +44 (0)20

7940 9260.

ETF. François Ballestero, political secretary for civil aviation. Email: [email protected].

Tel : +32 2 285 46 65

About the ITF and ETF

The ITF is an international federation of over 700 transport workers' trade unions representing

16.5 million transport workers from some 150 countries.

The ETF represents more than 230 transport unions in 41 European countries, representing

over 3.5 million transport workers. In aviation, it is a recognised social partner and the only

representative of aviation workers across all the industry’s sub-sectors: air traffic management,

aircrew, ground handling, maintenance, etc.


Press and Information

Court of Justice of the European Union


Luxembourg, 14 September 2017

Judgment in Joined Cases C-168/16 and C-169/16 Sandra Nogueira and Others v Crewlink Ltd and Miguel José Moreno

Osacar v Ryanair

In disputes relating to their employment contracts, air crew members have the option of bringing proceedings before the courts of the place where they perform

the essential part of their duties vis-à-vis their employer

The national court must determine that place in the light of all the relevant circumstances, an employee’s ‘home base’ being a significant indicator to that effect

Ryanair and Crewlink are companies established in Ireland. Ryanair is active in the international passenger air transport sector. Crewlink is specialised in the recruitment and training of cabin crew for airlines. Between 2009 and 2011, employees of Portuguese, Spanish and Belgian nationality were hired by Ryanair or by Crewlink, then assigned to Ryanair, as cabin crew (air hostesses and stewards).

All the employment contracts were drafted in English, subject to Irish law and included a jurisdiction clause providing that the Irish courts had jurisdiction. In those contracts, it was stipulated that the work of the employees concerned, as cabin crew, was regarded as being carried out in Ireland given that their duties were performed on board aircraft registered in that Member State. Those contracts nevertheless designated Charleroi airport (Belgium) as the employees’ ‘home base’. Those employees started and ended their working day at that airport, and they were contractually obliged to reside within an hour of their ‘home base’.

Taking the view that Crewlink and Ryanair had to comply with and apply the provisions of Belgian law and that the Belgian courts had jurisdiction to adjudicate on their claims, six employees brought proceedings before the Belgian courts in 2011. The cour du travail de Mons (Mons Higher Labour Court, Belgium), which must ascertain whether it has jurisdiction, decided to ask the Court of Justice how to interpret, in the EU Regulation on jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters, the concept of ‘place where the employee habitually carries out his work’1 in the specific context of the air navigation sector and, more specifically, whether that concept can be treated in the same way as that of ‘home base’, 2 within the meaning of an EU regulation in the field of civil aviation. 3

In today’s judgment, the Court points out first of all that, as regards disputes related to employment contracts, the European rules concerning jurisdiction are aimed at protecting the weaker party. Those rules enable inter alia an employee to sue his employer before the courts which he regards as closest to his interests, by giving him the option of bringing proceedings before the courts of the Member State in which the employer is domiciled or the courts of the place in which the employee habitually carries out his work.

The Court then upholds the reasoning of the referring court which had rightly considered that a jurisdiction clause, concluded before the disputes arose, and seeking to prevent employees from

1 Article 19(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and

enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (OJ 2001 L 12, p. 1). 2 That concept is defined as the place from which the air crew systematically starts its working day and ends it,

organising its daily work there and close to which employees have, during the period of performance of their contract of employment, established their residence and are at the disposal of the air carrier. (70) 3 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 of 16 December 1991 on the harmonisation of technical requirements and

administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation (OJ 1991 L 373, p. 4), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1899/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 (OJ 2006 L 377, p. 1)


bringing proceedings before courts which do however have jurisdiction under EU legislation in this field, was not enforceable against those employees.

As regards the determination of the concept of ‘place where the employee habitually carries out his work’, the Court refers to its settled case-law according to which that concept covers the place where, or from which, the employee in fact performs the essential part of his duties vis-à-vis his employer. To determine specifically that place, the national court must refer to a set of indicia.

In the air transport sector, it is necessary in particular to establish in which Member State is situated (i) the place from which the employee carries out his transport-related tasks, (ii) the place where he returns after his tasks, receives instructions concerning his tasks and organises his work, and (iii) the place where his work tools are to be found. In the present case, the place where the aircraft aboard which the work is habitually performed is stationed must also be taken into account.

As regards, more specifically, whether the concept of ‘place where, or from which, the employee habitually performs his work’ can be equated with that of ‘home base’, the Court points out that, owing to the circumstantial method and in order to thwart strategies to circumvent the rules, that concept cannot be treated in the same way as any concept referred to in another act of EU law, including that of ‘home base’, within the meaning of an EU regulation in the field of civil aviation.

Nevertheless, the concept of ‘home base’ amounts to a significant indicator to determine, in circumstances such as those at issue, the place from which the employee habitually carries out his work.

It would only be if, taking account of the facts of each individual case, applications were to display closer connections with a place other than the ‘home base’ that the relevance of that base in identifying the ‘place from which employees habitually carry out their work’ would be undermined.

Finally, the Court states that the argument that the concept of ‘place where, or from which, the employee habitually performs his work’ cannot be equated with any other concept is also true as regards the ‘nationality’ of aircraft. Thus, nor can the Member State from which a member of staff habitually carries out his work be equated with the territory of the Member State of nationality of the aircraft of that company.

NOTE: A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act. The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself. It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.

Unofficial document for media use, not binding on the Court of Justice.

The full text of the judgments (C-168/16 et C-169/16) is published on the CURIA website on the day of delivery.

Press contact: Holly Gallagher (+352) 4303 3355

Pictures of the delivery of the judgment are available from "Europe by Satellite" (+32) 2 2964106

! � !sabato 16 settembre 2017


Il 14 settembre 2017 è stata depositato il giudizio della Corte di Giustizia Europea, che ha chiarito, in via definitiva (ex art. 19, n. 2, del regolamento (CE) n. 44), quali sono i criteri che determinano la competenza giurisdizionale e il riconoscimento e l’esecuzione delle decisioni in materia civile e commerciale.

1) nel caso di ricorso presentato da un navigante aereo, per determinare la competenza giurisdizionale, vale la nozione di “luogo in cui il lavoratore svolge abitualmente la sua attività.

2) le norme europee sulla competenza giurisdizionale hanno lo scopo di tutelare la parte contraente più debole. Il lavoratore può quindi citare il suo datore di lavoro dinanzi al giudice che egli considera più vicino ai suoi interessi, scegliendo legittimamente tra quello competente in base alla sede dell’azienda e quello competente in base al luogo dove il dipendente svolge abitualmente la sua attività, indipendentemente dalle clausole contenute nel contratto di lavoro sottoscritto.

3) al criterio del paese in cui il lavoratore "svolge normalmente il suo lavoro", deve essere data un'interpretazione estensiva, che vada a comprendere il posto “da dove” il lavora-tore prende servizio in maniera abituale.

4) la nozione di “base di servizio” costituisce certamente un “indizio significativo” per de-terminare il luogo dove il lavoratore svolge abitualmente la sua attività lavorativa.

5) la nozione di “nazionalità dell’ aeromobile” (ex art. 17 della Convenzione di Chicago) è destinata a definire la portata di scopi e disposizioni che non hanno nulla a che fare con la definizione della competenza giurisdizionale dei lavoratori che vi lavorano.

A due giorni di distanza dalla pronuncia della Corte, Ryanair, si dimostra senza dubbio nervosa. Lo si capisce chiaramente dalle dichiarazioni e dai comunicati stampa pubblicati su tutti gli organi di stampa.Eddie Wilson, il Chief People officer dice che questa decisione non avrà alcun effetto sulla modifica dei contratti di lavoro del personale di volo, ciò a dire di non cantar vittoria, perché i lavoratori continueranno ad avere lo stesso identico trattamento contrattuale concesso oggi.Michael O'Leary, amministratore delegato della società, non perde occasione per sottolineare il pericolo di instabilità cui l’azienda potrà ora andare incontro e, tanto per cambiare, da la colpa ai sindacati, che avranno ora più motivazione a convincere i lavoratori a portare Ryanair in tribunale. Entrambi i rappresentanti della compagnia insistono poi che questa sentenza non avrà al-cun impatto sui costi della società, lo fanno per cercare di mantenere il mercato azionario tranquillo. Ci provano , ma non ci riescono.

Pagina � di �1 4

! � !Le azioni della compagnia aerea sono in ribasso di oltre il 4%.Importanti analisti finanziari hanno dichiarato che la sentenza mangerà redditività. Si dice che ci sarà un impatto graduale che potrà arrivare fino al 10-15 per cento. Potrebbero esserci perdite di 30-40 milioni di euro già l'anno prossimo, e poi di 100 milioni nel 2019.

Già lo scorso maggio, sette grandi fondi pensione europei, che gestiscono in tutto 300 mi-liardi hanno venduto le azioni Ryanair, per i dubbi sulle controversie giudiziarie riguardo ai contratti di lavoro della low-cost irlandese e anche in quel caso Ryanair aveva negato l’evidenza.Degne di nota sono in particolare le dichiarazioni rilasciate dal fondo pensione danese PKA, che ha messo Ryanair nella sua lista nera delle società in cui non investire per motivi etici, dichiarando che loro mettono i loro soldi solo in realtà che rispettano i paletti per investimenti responsabili, inclusi quelli sul lavoro, aggiungendo che dove vi sono contro-versie importanti sui diritti dei lavoratori, dubbi sulla contrattazione collettiva e sulla libertà d’associazione, non si dovrebbe investire.

Non vi è dubbio che dove la politica e la società civile si muovono in maniera coordinata ed etica vi è più spazio per gli investimenti sani e per la crescita.Al contrario, nei paesi dove si incentivano gli investimenti che si fondano sulla violazione dei diritti dei lavoratori e sui comportamenti antisindacali la crescita sarà sempre più lenta e precaria.

RESCUE: per disciplinare le relazioni di lavoro nel comparto, garantire una competitività trasparente tra le imprese che operano nel nostro paese, che vi abbiano stabilito o che in-tendano stabilirvi la loro attività.

RESCUE un sostegno reale allo sviluppo occupazionale professionale e all’iniziativa im-prenditoriale concorrenziale e trasparente, per assicurare al settore una messa a sistema che supporti la soluzione della prolungata e travagliata congiuntura di strutturale criticità.

RESCUE inizia da qui: segnalazioni confidenziali e assistenza legale dedicata ai col-leghi in difficoltà nell’ambito del rapporto di lavoro in generale e nelle problematiche con-seguenti alla mancata copertura e assistenza, in caso di malattia e/o infortunio sul lavoro.


Pagina � di �2 4

! � !sabato 16 settembre 2017


On 14 September 2017, the European Court of Justice's judgment was finalized, which ultimately clarified (ex Article 19 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 44) what are the criteria determining judicial competence and recognition and enforcement of decisions in civil and commercial matters.1) in the case of legal recourse lodged by an air crew member, in order to determine

jurisdiction, the notion of "the place where the worker habitually carries out his activity” is the one which is valid.

2) the European jurisdictional rules are intended to protect the weaker party. The worker may then refer his employer to the judge who he considers closest to his / her interests, legitimately choosing between the competent person on the basis of the company's residence or the competent one on the basis of the place where the employee habitually carries out his business, irrespective of the terms contained in the signed employment contract.

3) the criterion of the country in which the worker "normally carries out his work" must be given an extensive interpretation, which includes the place “from where" the worker ta-kes on a habitual service.

4) the notion of “home base" is certainly a "significant indication" to determine the place where the worker habitually carries out his work.

5) the notion of "aircraft nationality" (ex Article 17 of the Chicago Convention) is intended to define scopes, purposes and provisions that have nothing to do with the definition of the jurisdiction of the workers who work there.

Two days after the ruling of the Court, Ryanair, shows to be undoubtedly nervous.This is clearly understood by the press releases published on all press organs.Eddie Wilson, the Chief People Officer, says this decision will have no effect on changing flight crew contracts, which is to say that they do not win a win because workers will continue to have the same identical terms and conditions, as today.Michael O'Leary, CEO of the company, does not miss the opportunity to underline the danger of instability that the company can now meet and blames the unions, who now have more motivation to convince workers to bring Ryanair in court.Both company representatives then insist that this ruling will have no impact on the company's costs, so they try to keep the stock market quiet. They try, but they do not succeed.

Airline shares are down by more than 4%.Important financial analysts have stated that the sentence will yield profitability.It is said that there will be a gradual impact that can reach up to 10-15 percent. There could be losses of 30-40 million euros next year, and then 100 million in 2019.

Pagina � di �3 4

! � !As of May last year, seven large European pension funds, which accounted for nearly $ 300 billion, sold Ryanair's shares for doubts over legal disputes over Irish low-cost employment contracts and even then Ryanair denied the evidence .

Of particular note are the declarations issued by Danish pension fund PKA, which put Ryanair on its black list of companies in which they do not invest for ethical reasons, claiming that they only pay their money that they respect the investment bills responsible, including those at work, adding that where there is important controversy over workers' rights, collective bargaining and freedom of association, there is no point to invest.

There is no doubt that where politics and civil society move in a coordinated and ethical way there is more room for healthy investment and growth.On the contrary, in countries where incentives are based on workers' rights violations and anti-union behavior, growth will be slower and more precarious.

RESCUE: To regulate working relationships in the transport sector, ensure a transparent competitiveness among companies operating in our country, who have established or in-tend to establish their business.

RESCUE: a concrete support to professional occupational development and competitive and transparent entrepreneurial initiative to provide the industry with a system-based solu-tion that supports the solution of the prolonged and troubled situation of structural criticali-ty.

RESCUE starts here: confidential reporting and legal assistance dedicated to col-leagues in difficulty in the context of the overall employment relationship and in the problems of non-coverage and assistance in case of illness and / or accident at work.

TO CONTACT US WITH US:[email protected]

Pagina � di �4 4

Data 20/09/2017Servizio Trasporto AereoProtocollo ----/2017/TA/FM/cp


ctat PresidenteDrt VtRiggio

e ptct Ministero dei TrasportOnt GtDel Rio

Ministero del LavoroOnt GtPolet

OGGETTO: Contrat di lavoro e applicazione norme nazionali e internazionali relatve allacompagnia Ryan Air.

In relazione ai recenti avvenimenti descritti dagli organi di stampa, inerenti le inefficienzedella compagnia Ryan Air nella garanzia dei collegamenti aerei precedentemente assicurati all’utenza,la scrivente Organizzazione sindacale esprime forte preoccupazione sulla corretta applicazione dellenorme vigenti a tutela del lavoro e della sicurezza delle operazioni.

Si ricorda che i limiti di impiego per il personale navigante devono essere vincolati allanormativa FTL e per quanto riguarda i contratti di lavoro, che non sono riconducibili ad alcun tipo dicontrattazione collettiva e nazionale, devono essere in linea con quanto previsto dal Dl.185/2005 intermini di riposi e ferie garantite.

Ogni mercificazione di riposi e ferie che intacchi il livello minimo garantito per legge èpertanto inammissibile.

Eventuali violazioni alle normative suddette espongono la Compagnia a sospensionidell’attività per quanto riguarda il territorio nazionale, e a oggi non esiste una mappatura dei contratti edel personale navigante che opera dalle basi italiane.

Per quanto sopra esposto siamo a chiedere un urgente incontro sul tema.

Il Segretario Generale UIL TRASPORTI Claudio TARLAZZI

UILTRASPORTI Segreteria NazionaleViale del Policlinico, 131 – 00161 Roma Telt 06 862671 - Fax 06 86207747 wwwtuiltrasporttit



ORE 16.00




Incontro aperto a tutti i naviganti Ryanair, Piloti ed Assistenti di Volo

Saranno presenti tutte le Strutture rappresentative di UILTRASPORTI e gliAvvocati dell’Organizzazione.



16.00 PM




Meeting open to all Ryanair, Pilots and Flight Attendants

There will be all the representative structures of UILTRASPORTI and Lawyers ofthe organization.

Per ulteriori informazioni: [email protected]

Fabrizio Mazza +39 3475242742

Alessandra Airaldi +39 335428234

Laura Facchini +39 3381999966

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