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  • SaloneSatellite 20121 5 e s i m a e d i z i o n e

    SaloneSatellite uniniziativaFondazione Cosmit Eventi Foro Bonaparte 65,20121 MilanoPhone +3902725941Fax +390272594289www.cosmit.it

  • Fondazione Cosmit EventiOrganizzatore/Organizer

    Marva Griffin WilshireCuratore/Curator

    Ricardo Bello DiasProgetto allestimento/Exhibition Design

    17.04/22.04.2012Fiera Milano, Rho/Milan Fairgrounds, RhoDalle 9.30 alle 18.30/From 9.30am to 6.30pm

    Porta Sud/South GateReception Stampa/Press Reception

    Catalogo a cura di Susanna Legrenzi e Stefano MaffeiProgetto grafico / Graphic Nicola Gotti e Alberto BiffiSviluppo Applicazione Andrea Baldon








  • Ogni anno al Salone si celebra un compleanno. Questanno quello del SaloneSatellite, il Salone dedicato ai giovani progettisti.Come succede in tutte le famiglie, il compleanno dei pi giovani sempre il pi allegro, partecipa-to, sentito, vissuto, suggellato da buoni senti-menti e buoni propositi.La crescita del Satellite nei 15 anni stata come quella di alcuni bambini prodigio, straor-dinaria e sorprendente in avvio, ma ancor pi e, come si sa, perch accade solo in pochissimi casi, ancora pi straordinaria e sorprendente poi, nel lungo, riproponendo per tutti i 15 anni lintuizio-ne e la funzione iniziale: creare le premesse per lincontro e la conoscenza tra giovani progettisti e il sistema industriale. Aver cio inventato un palcoscenico ideale per affacciarsi al mondo del design che conta.

    Il successo universalmente riconosciuto di mol-tissimi di loro nel mondo della professione e del lavoro ne la risposta.Quanti i designer passati dal Satellite?Tanti, tantissimi, certamente pi di 10.000.Diecimila giovani con la loro creativit, la loro pas-sione, la loro cultura, la loro religione, la loro na-zione, la loro speranza.Un importante patrimonio, realizzato partendo da un sogno divenuto realt: unire i giovani di tutto il mondo parlando il vero esperanto. Il lin-guaggio del progetto, quello del design.Grazie, Marva! Fantastica conduttrice di questo incanto.

    Carlo Guglielmi, Presidente Cosmit

    Every year the Salone celebrates a birthday. This year its the SaloneSatellite, the Salone dedicat-ed to young designers. As in all large families, the birthday of the youngest member is always the most fun, the most deeply felt, the most charged with good cheer and optimism. The growth of the Satellite during its first 15 years has been that of a child prodigy, extraor-dinary and surprising at first, but even more so, because it happens so rarely, over the long term, when the initial premise and promise in this case, promoting contact between young design-ers and manufacturers are stronger than ever. In other words, inventing the ideal showcase for the world of design that matters. The success enjoyed by so many of them, artis-tically and professionally, is the proof.

    How many designers have participated in the Satellite?Too many to count, certainly more than 10,000. Ten thousand young people, each with their own creativity, passion, culture, religion, nationality and hope. An important heritage, one that started out as a dream which then came true: bringing to-gether young creators from all over the world, all speaking the one true Esperanto the lan-guage of design. Thank you, Marva, for guiding us on this enchant-ing adventure!

    Carlo Guglielmi, Cosmit President


    un momento importante nella vita della manifestazione dedicata ai creativi under 35: questanno il SaloneSatellite festeggia infatti 15 anni di impegno, dedizione e fiducia verso i giovani. E d sfogo allinconfondibile esuberanza di un teen-ager con la consapevolezza di essere stato il primo a dedicare particolare attenzione ai giovani e di essere levento dove i giovani promettenti designer hanno desiderato partecipare fin dalla sua prima edizione tra i tanti perch anche quello della vicinanza con ladulto Salone del Mobile, l a infondergli sicurezza e speranza che le cose possono girare, che si deve guardare avanti.

    E il SaloneSatellite guarda al futuro attraverso la lente del tema DesignTechnology: una felice biunivocit dove la tecnologia sempre pi parte della quotidianit delle nostre vite, affabulatrice del mondo del progetto.

    Il primo omaggio del SaloneSatellite alla tecnologia non pu che essere quello a Steve Jobs, il pioniere del mondo moderno, che ci ha insegnato a sognare, a credere, a immaginare con la sua tecnologia della creativit.

    Poi il Senior Curator del Dipartimento di Architettura e Design del Museum of Modern Art di New York Paola Antonelli ci racconta della mostra da lei curata lo scorso anno per gli spazi del museo: Talk to me. Design and the Communication between People and Objects dedicata a quei sistemi, a quei meccanismi e a ogni quantaltra diavoleria tecnologica che permette e/o inventa un contatto tra persone e oggetti.

    E infine ci sono i tanti designer che hanno fatto il SaloneSatellite negli anni, presenti attraverso gli arredi dellallestimento pezzi firmati da loro e messi poi in produzione dalle principali aziende e 15 interpretazioni in cui oltre a declinare il tema dellevento ogni designer racconta la propria esperienza di lavoro che ha avuto gli esordi proprio al SaloneSatellite.

    Marva Griffin Wilshire,Curatore/Curator

    thE SALoNESAtELLitE tuRNS 15

    An important moment in the life of the event dedicated to designers under 35: this year the SaloneSatellite celebrates 15 years of commitment and faith in young creativity. And it unleashes the uncontainable exuberance of a teenager with the knowledge of being the first such event to dedicate special attention to young designers, and of being the place where all those designers have wanted to be since its first edition, there adjacent to the adult Salone del Mobile, living proof that their hopes and dreams may one day come true.

    This year the SaloneSatellite looks toward the future through the theme DesignTechnology: a felicitous pairing reflecting the ways that technology plays an ever greater role in our everyday lives and inspires the world of design.

    This first homage of the SaloneSatellite to technology is necessarily in honour of Steve Jobs, pioneer of the contemporary world, maker of dreams, the man who taught us to believe in the possibilities of the union of technology and creativity.

    Also featured will be a presentation by Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator of the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, who will tell us about the exhibition she staged there last year, Talk to Me. Design and the Communication between People and Objects, dedicated to the various systems and mechanisms and strange technological contraptions that enable and/or generate contact between people and objects.

    Lastly, there are the many designers who have participated in the SaloneSatellite over the years, present in the form of 15 pieces which have since gone into production by major manufacturers 15 interpretations with which, in addition to investigating the theme of the event, each designer recounts their own professional experience since debuting at the SaloneSatellite.

    Marva Griffin Wilshire,Curatore/Curator

  • MAP

  • ...SoME GERMAN DESiGNERS Germany - B133 PER 1 Italy - B2ACquACALDA Italy - D7ADDi Sweden - B20ADDiCtLAB.CoM Belgium - C27AkkA Sweden - a14Rui ALvES Portugal - a32AMELiM Israel - a2ARkiMERA Italy - a8AuN2h4 Japan - a11AWAA Norway - C22ANtoiNEttE BADER Switzerland - B33BAo-NGhi DRoStE DESiGN Germany - C2BARBERiNi & GuNNELL Italy/Austria - B14BBh Switzerland - B1BE+hAvE Italy - B8BELGiuM iS DESiGN Belgium - a18/20/22/24/26/28BLuE DESiGN Japan - a31BoENiSCh & SChELLENBERGER DESiGN Germany - a33BoRiS DESiGN StuDio Hong Kong - a16BRAziLiAN JovENS DESiGNERS Brazil - a5CRiStiNA CELEStiNo Italy - a30LiSA Jo-FAN ChANG Usa - B4ChiLEAN DESiGN Chile - C 10/12/14/16FEDERiCo ChuRBA Argentina - B15CiCLuS Spain - a13CREAtivEANS Singapore - a29D SiGNED By D.o.o. Serbia - C20D-viSioN Israel - B27LukAS DAhLEN Sweden - a15


    LuCA DAMERiNi Italy - D27DoRiS DARLiNG Austria - C32DESiGN FACiLity Singapore - B12DESiGN SoiL Japan - C24DESiGN uNioN Italy - a9DotS Thailand - C5kAiRi EGuChi DESiGN Japan - D11ENSALt Korea - C18F.M.S. Japan - B16ANA FAtiA Portugal - a17EDDiE FiGuERoA FELiCiANo Puertorico - C28FLoRStEDt/JASNy/WiLhELMSEN Germany - B25FoGStuDio Norway - B17JoNAS FoRSMAN Sweden - a38FiLiPPo FRANCESCANGELi Italy - a19MARitA FRANCESCoN Italy - a37PEDRo PAuLo FRANCo Brazil - B10FRESh FRoM thE MiNt Germany - B18FRoM yuhANG China - D1FuGu France - a39FukuRoo Spain - D3FENNy GANAtRA India - C39GuiDo GARotti Italy - D13PAtRyk GozDz LuBLiN Poland - a10GREyGE Italy - B35hiLLSiDEout Italy/Germany - C7hiNNERuD/ENokSSoN/BoLDt Sweden - C19hoFFMANN & kRAuSS Germany - B6iLLiRiCo BANk Italy - B29iNNoCENt BLuE Japan - a41

  • GEoRGio SALtoS New Zealand - C8FLoRiAN SAuL Germany - a27ALESSANDRA SCARF DESiGN Italy - B3thoMAS SChNuR PRoDuCt DESiGN Germany - B7AviNASh ShENDE India - C26SNook/WAy Usa - B9StREk CoLLECtivE Norway - C30StuDio BAAG Italy - C15StuDio iF Taiwan - B23StuDio LiEvito Italy - C33StuDio MANGo The Netherlands - B41StuDio PLz DNt tCh Usa - a35StuDio vit Uk - a43SuMA Venezuela - C1hiRooMi tAhARA Italy - B22tEChNiCAL EMotioNS Spain - C31tERRAzzo RESEARCh PRoJECt (tRP) Switzerland - C35NiCoLE toMAzi Brazil - a42tREhAuS New Zealand - C37yENWEN tSENG Taiwan - a6uMENoDESiGN Japan - C4utoPiA/PENG WANG China - a40voGELiuS & MuLLER Denmark - B5PAPhoP WoNGPANiCh Thailand - D25WoW Spain - a7JACky Wu DESiGN Taiwan - D21 - D23PEtRA WStLiNG Germany - C29X PLuS Usa - C25yoy Japan - B37NoEL zAhRA Malta - C23zhANG zhouJiE DiGitAL LAB China - a44


    iLARiA iNNoCENti Italy - a12JES-titANiuM DESiGN Italy - a23kAMiNA & C Japan - C11kASChkASCh Germany - C3zELJkA kAvRAN Croatia - B39LADESiGN Chile - C17LANzAvECChiA+WAi Italy - a34RAL LAuRi' Spain - D15JohAN LiNDStN Sweden - C21LoRCh/BoGERShAuSEN Germany - B24MARCh Gut Austria - D29SERGio J. MAtoS Brazil - C6MELBouRNE MovEMENt Australia - C36MERMELADA EStuDio Spain - B19MiLES AhEAD China - D33MoNoChRo Japan - B21Mut DESiGN Spain - B31My CoNCREtE GARDEN Slovenia - a21NBt.StuDio Taiwan - a25tiMo NiSkANEN Finland - D5oAP/iNFiNitDA Uruguay - C9P.S DESiGN StuDio Japan - a4PASiLA DESiGN Finland - C34PEtER J PLESS Usa - a36StEFANo PuGLiESE Italy - D31Puzz'LE Switzerland - C13MARCANtoNio RAiMoNDi MALERBA Italy - D17 - D19RoBEN France - D9RooMS Georgia - a1-a3SALoNESAtELLitE MoSCoW 2011 Russia - B11

  • Good TeacherHuman BehaviorYour MaterialImpossible to decideOne MasterpieceTennis BallFavorite Websitewww.falsearms.comOne SongNo Decision Ball, ...Some German DesignersBest AppsWeather ProS



    DESIGNERSStudio Laura [email protected] www.laura-strasser.de

    Milia Seyppel [email protected] www.miliaseyppel.com

    Uli Budde [email protected] www.ulibudde.com

    45 [email protected] www.45kilo.com

    45Kilo, Milia Seyppel, Uli Budde e Laura Straer sono Some German Designers. Insieme presentano la loro nuova collezione.

    45Kilo, Milia Seyppel, Uli Budde and Laura Straer are Some German Designers. They show their latest designs at Salone Del Mobile.

  • Good TeacherBruno MunariYour MaterialPencilOne MasterpieceMezzadro, Achille and Piergiacomo CastiglioniFavorite Websitewww.yellowtrace.com.auOne SongCentro di Gravit Permanente, Franco BattiatoBest AppsAdobe Illustrator

    Teiera parlante: la vivacit di una tavola da pranzo congelata in una magica sospensione in cui teiere che rotolano e piatti a fil daria dialogano tra di loro e con lo spazio circostante.

    Teiera parlante: a lively dinner table has been magically frozen, complete with rolling teapots and plates floating in mid air that interact with each other and the surrounding space. S


    TLIST3 PER 1

    Reggiani Ceramiche / Friday [email protected]

  • Good TeacherRenato BrazzaniYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceCantilever Chair, Mart StamFavorite Websitewww.wikipedia.org One SongLa Buona Novella, Fabrizio De AndrBest AppsNone

    Mediopiccolo un bicchiere per birra inversamente orientabile con doppia capacit (33cl e 66cl) che basa il suo funzionamento sul rapporto tra cono e cilindro.

    Mediopiccolo is an up-endable beer glass that offers two different capacities (33cl and 66cl), playing with the rapport between cone and cylinder. S



    Via Saluzzo 45 10125 Torino, Italy+393387930704+393332619929 [email protected] www.acquacaldadesign.it


  • Good TeacherDieter RamsYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceLancia Stratos Zero, Marcello GandiniFavorite Websitewww.addi.se One SongWhere Is My Mind, PixiesBest AppsTED

    Tree Of Knowledge un portariviste che prende ispirazione dalla materia di cui i giornali sono fatti, la carta.

    Tree Of Knowledge is a magazine rack that draws inspiration from the material magazines are made of, paper. S



    Sodra Langgatan 4839231 Kalmar, [email protected] www.addi.se

  • Good TeacherLeonardo da VinciYour MaterialTimeOne MasterpieceMy sonsFavorite Websitewww.addictlab.com One SongHallelujah, Jeff BuckleyBest AppsNone

    FunkyFunghi fa parte del progetto Treewear. In legno, cartone, ceramica o PE pu essere utilizzato come luce, tavolino, casetta per uccelli o come posto a sedere.

    The FunkyFunghi is part of Addictlab's Treewear. Made of wood, cardboard, ceramics or PE it can used as light, table, bird house, or seat. S



    Bara Straat 1751070 Brussels, Belgium [email protected] www.addictlab.com


  • Good TeacherDieter RamsYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceW1 Chair, Mart StamFavorite Websitewww.jonas-ad.blogspot.comOne SongLa Mer, Charles TrnetBest AppsFirebug

    Akka presenta Folding Table, quando aprire e chiudere una questione di secondi.

    Akka presents Folding Table, folding and unfolding is a matter of seconds. SHOR


    Godhemsgatan 7BSE41468 Gotebrg, Sweden +46702891677 [email protected] www.akka.se


  • Good TeacherCharles EamesYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpiecePP 501/503 Chair, Hans J WegnerFavorite Websitewww.theavantgardediaries.comOne SongCigarettes, Wedding Bands, Band Of Horses Best AppsiCal

    Il designer portoghese Rui Alves presenta cinque nuovi progetti in cui il legno protagonista.

    Portuguese designer Rui Alves' five brand-new projects, where wood plays a major role. S



    Rua 6 de Novembro, n.17-3 ESQ4590-869 PFR Pacos de Ferreira, Portugal [email protected] www.myownsuperstudio.com


  • Good TeacherFloria SigismondiYour MaterialWoolOne MasterpieceBoy, Ron MueckFavorite Websitewww.wallpaper.comOne SongDream On, AerosmithBest Appsi Handy Level

    Ispirato alla forma di un occhio, Glow un oggetto luminoso che brilla nel buio, trasformandosi in una luce notturna a basso consumo.

    Inspired by the shape of the eye, Glow is a tactile lighting creation that glows-in-the-dark, turning into an energy saving, lavish, night-lamp. S



    CREATIOnSHar-Cnaan 5/1777722 Ashdod, [email protected] www.amelimlighting.com

  • Good TeacherJohn PawsonYour MaterialThe VoidOne MasterpiecePencilFavorite Websitewww.yatzer.com One SongPersonal Jesus, Depeche ModeBest AppsSketchUp

    Layout una nuova tipologia di mobili multiuso, progettati per arredare cucina, sala da pranzo, zona giorno.

    Layout is a new take on multipurpose furniture, designed for use in the kitchen, dining room and lounge. S



    Davide Paolini / Francesco Della ValleVia Nataloni 947922 Rimini (RN), Italy+390541411336 / +393400022662 Fax [email protected] www.arkimera.com


  • Good TeacherMassimo MorozziYour MaterialWood and PaperOne MasterpieceVermelha Chair, Fernando andHumberto CampanaFavorite Websitewww.designboom.comOne SongBasket Case, GreendayBest AppsFacebook

    La gente vive di percezioni e pensieri. Che cosa accade quando il design si trasforma per adattarsi a sentimenti e azioni, creando un nuovo stile di vita?

    People always feel or think something. What if furniture can be transformed to suit your feelings and actions, thus inspiring a new lifestyle? S



    2-23-14-603 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku1120002 Tokyo, [email protected] www.aun2h4.com


  • Good TeacherDieter RamsYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceCit Chair, Jean ProuvFavorite Websitewww.thefancy.comOne SongDancing Machine, Jackson FiveBest AppsDropbox

    Awaa presenta una nuova collezione dedicata all'home/office.

    Awaa presents a new collection dedicated to home/office world. SHOR


    Angell / Wyller / AarsethHasleveien 50571 Oslo, [email protected] www.awaa.no


  • Good TeacherEileen GrayYour MaterialTextilesOne MasterpieceCanap du Salon des Tableaux, Pierre PaulinFavorite Websitewww.dict.leo.orgOne SongSuzanne, Leonard CohenBest AppsAdobe Illustrator

    La ricerca di Antoinette Bader basata su artigianato, superfici e connessioni. Tutti questi elementi si concretizzano in un divano, un lampadario e un tappeto.

    Antoinette Baders main research for her new collection is based on craftmanship, surfaces and connections. All these elements merge into a sofa, a pendant light and a carpet. S



    Zurcherstrasse 108172 Niederglatt, [email protected] www.antoinettebader.net


  • Good TeacherNendoYour MaterialStyrofoamOne MasterpieceRAR Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongNighttime World, Robert HoodBest AppsSkype

    Cart un elemento di archiviazione mobile in legno multistrato caratterizzato da uno spazio di carico generoso e profondo.

    Cart is a mobile storage element providing a corpus made of moulded plywood that offers generous and deep-loading space. S



    Bergheimer Strasse 105 69115 Heidelberg, Germany+49(0)1638642581Fax + 49(0)[email protected] www.bao-nghi.com


  • Good TeacherEnzo MariYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceCoca Cola Contour Bottle, Earl R. DeanFavorite Websitewww.simonscat.comOne SongI Wanna Be Like You, Louis PrimaBest AppsWikipedia

    Spider un tavolo in acciaio inox e vetro temprato che nasce dallos-servazione dellombra di un piccolo ragno.

    The inspiration for Spider, a table made of stainless steel and tempered glass, comes from the shadow of a small spider. S



    Viale della Vittoria 760123 Ancona, Italy+390712117760Fax [email protected] www.barberini-gunnell.com


  • Good TeacherJasper MorrisonYour MaterialTextilesOne MasterpieceRAR Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.comOne SongRue des Cascades, Yann TiersenBest AppsAdobe Photoshop

    BBH fa della diversit dei suoi tre membri un punto di forza. Questa collezione presenta tre progetti che nascondono un dettaglio inaspettato, tutto da scoprire.

    BBH sets its strength on the diversity of its three members. This collection presents three different projects which are hiding a surprise to be discovered by the user. S



    Veronique Baer / Pascale GrossmannGerardo ChavezChemin de Bonne-Esperance 61006 Lausanne, [email protected] www.bbhcollective.com


  • Good TeacherGaetano PesceYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceRAR Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.yatzer.com One SongWooden Ships, Crosby Stills Nash&Young Best AppsShazam

    Il concept di Arq basato sul contrasto tra pesante e leggero, ruvido e liscio. Per la base sono stati impiegati 25 kg di quercia grezza.

    Arq lamp concept, 25 kg rough oak base, is based on the contrast between heavy and light, rough and smooth. S



    ilia PotemineVia Pertini 35/B10034 Chivasso (TO), [email protected] www.beplushave.com


  • Wallonie-Bruxelles Design/Mode (WBDM) is an organization that promotes the international development of designers and styl ists working in Wallonia and Brussels. One of the original founders of the inter-regional label Belgium is Design, WBDM supports the presentation of the 10 young designers selected by the SaloneSatellite. WBDM is supported by Wallonie-Bruxelles International, the Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency (AWEX) and the Ministry of the French Speaking Community (Visual Arts Department).

    Place Sainctelette 21000 Brussels, [email protected] www.wbdm.be

    Emmanuel Bauthier / Audrey Bahim / kenny BerghePascal Breucker / uNu Studio / Laure kasiers / krizalidstudio .RAD Product / Giulia Sugranyes Foletti / twoDesigners

    BELGIUM IS dESIGnWallonie-Bruxelles Design / Mode (WBDM) un'organizzazione che promuove lo sviluppo internazionale dei designer e degli stilisti che lavorano in Wallonia e a Bruxelles. Fondatore di Belgium is Design, WBDM supporta la presentazione dei 10 giovani designer selezionati dal SaloneSatellite. WBDM promosso da Wallonie-Bruxelles International, Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency (AWEX) e il Ministero della Comunit di lingua francese (Visual Arts Department).

  • Blue Design presenta uno sgabello ispirato alle foglie che cadono in inverno e spuntano in primavera. Ritagli di tessuto a maglia come gemme che rinascono sotto forma di sgabello.

    Blue Design presents a stool inspired by leaves which drop in winter and buds burgeoning in spring. Scrapped knit as a metaphor of fallen leaves reborn as a stool. S



    Mari yoshida / kanji Sasahara / kenichi Masuda2-6-2-102 Rokkodai, Matsudo-shi2702203 Chiba, Japan+81473113308 Fax [email protected] www.blue-design.jp

    BLUE dESIGn Good TeacherMari YoshidaYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceTea Trolley 900, Alvar AaltoFavorite Websitewww.blue-design.com One SongWitchi Tai To, Harpers Bizarre Best AppsFacebook

  • Motion una collezione di sedie/scultura e tavoli pieghevoli. La struttura in vetro cristallino soffiato enfatizza le qualit essenziali del tavolo Put.

    Motion is a sculptural folding chairs and table collection. The mouth-blown crystal glass body emphasizes the essentials of Put table. S



    Anne Boenisch / Steffen SchellenbergerAlte Schonhauser Strasse 2610119 Berlin, Germany+49(0)[email protected] www.anne-boenisch.com


    Good TeacherOlafur EliassonYour MaterialAll kind of craft suppliesOne MasterpieceOne Chair, Konstantin GrcicFavorite WebsiteGoogle ImagesOne SongWhat?, Bodi Bill Best AppsWindows

  • Religione e sostenibilit sono i principi che hanno guidato lo sviluppo della collezione Enlightenment: dalla scelta dei materiali alla costruzione, sino al consumo di energia.

    Religion and Sustainability is the mantra that has guided the development of Enlightenment series, from material selection through manufacturing to energy consumption. S



    211B Innocentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Tong, Hong [email protected] www.borisdesignstudio.com


    Good TeacherGreta Magnusson GrossmanYour MaterialQuick & Dirty Prototyping One MasterpieceInternet, Leonard KleinrockFavorite Websitewww.google.com One Song21st Century, Bad Religion Best AppsMy Chinese Master

  • Young Designer Exhibition, fondata nel 2006, concentra la sua attenzione sugli studenti di product design provenienti da tutto il Brasile. I suoi obiettivi principali sono stimolare la formazione di nuovi talenti, promuovere la cultura del design e contribuire allo sviluppo di un network creativo, grazie al sostegno del Ministero della Cultura del Brasile.

    The Young Designers Exhibition, established in 2006, is focused on product design students from all over Brazil. Its main intentions are to stimulate the formation of new talent, promote the culture of design and contribute to the development as a creative link, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Brazil.

    Bruno Silveira / Caio Mendes / Francine velhoisabelle Gurguel / Jean Pontes / Renato MarquezinAv. Maurilio Biagi 800, Sala 610Ribeirao Preto, BrazilPhone / Fax [email protected] www.jovensdesigners.com.br


  • Veneer una collezione di vasi realizzati con la tecnica del wrapping: strati di essenze di legno, carbonio, fibra di vetro e pellicole adesive avvolte direttamente su mandrini in acciaio polimerizzati in autoclave.

    Veneer is a collection of vases made using a wrapping technique: layers of different woods, carbon, fibreglass and adhesive film are wound directly onto polymerised steel mandrels in an autoclave. S



    Via Marcona 8020129 Milano, [email protected] www.designattico.com


    Good TeacherKonstantin GrcicYour MaterialMetalsOne MasterpieceChiara, Mario BelliniFavorite Websitewww.architonic.com One SongThis Is Not America, David Bowie Best AppsWordpress

  • Carpet Structure un insieme di 26 cerniere al vivo che permette agli utenti di configurare il progetto secondo i propri desideri.

    Carpet Structure consists of 26 live hinges, which allow the users to adjust the furniture according to their needs. S



    142 Skillman Avenue Apt 3A11211 Brooklyn NY, USA+14014892616 [email protected] www.lisajofanchang.com


    Good TeacherRon ReschYour MaterialAnything that foldsOne MasterpiecePropeller Stool, Kaare KlintFavorite Websitewww.airbnb.com One SongHowls Moving Castle, Joe Hisaishi Best AppsDropbox

  • Il governo del Cile, con la Direccin de Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, del Consejo de la Cultura y las Artes y de ProChile, ha selezionato otto giovani designer, che rappresentano una generazione creativa impegnata a esplorare nuove tipologie di progetto, riservando una speciale attenzione alla cultura e alle tradizioni del Paese.

    The Chilean government, in conjunction with the Direccin de Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores and the Consejo de la Cultura y las Artes y de ProChile, has selected eight young designers who represent a creative generation engaged in exploring new kinds of projects, with a special focus on the countrys culture and traditions.

    Bravo! / the Andes house / PRo2 / Gt2P /trewaMacarena Pollock / Si Estudio / Juan Pablo Fuentes Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ChileTeatinos 180, 834-0650 Santiago, [email protected] www.dirac.gob.cl


  • Zeta Lamp ricorda un sottile foglio piegato che disegna una silhouette continua. Una luce intima e calda completa la sua essenza.

    Zeta Lamp is like a thin sheet folded to create a continuous silhouette. A warm, cosy light completes its essence. S



    11 de Septiembre 2531C1428AJE Buenos Aires, Argentina+541147874826 Fax [email protected] www.federicochurba.com.ar


    Good TeacherMies van der RoheYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceWishbone Chair, Hans J WegnerFavorite Websitewww.ffffound.com One SongThe Millionaire Waltz, Queen Best AppsiTunes

  • Ciclus esprime le emozioni attraverso il design, sperimentando, come filosofia progettuale, soluzioni che generano il massimo effetto sensoriale e il minimo impatto ambientale.

    Ciclus expresses emotion through design. As a philosophy, innovative solutions are sought in every creation to generate the maximum sensorial effect and the minimum environmental impact. S



    tati GuimaraesCalle Santa Eluana 29-Bajos08012 Barcelona, [email protected] www.ciclus.com

    CICLUSGood TeacherNido CampolongoYour MaterialAll MaterialsOne MasterpieceOca, Nido CampolongoFavorite Websitewww.arcdesign.com.brOne SongBrasileirinho, Waldir AzevedoBest AppsFacebook

  • Tei Chair coniuga lessenza di una sedia in legno con bellezza funzionale e materiali semplici.

    Tei Chair captures the essence of a wooden chair with functional beauty and basic materials. S



    Blk 512, Chai Chee Lane, 03-03469028 Singapore, [email protected] www.creativeans.com

    Good TeacherMemphisYour MaterialGreat ideasOne MasterpieceFalkland, Bruno MunariFavorite Websitewww.google.com One SongImagine, John Lennon Best AppsWhatsApp

  • D Signed By D.O.O. presenta Lamped e Lamped2, una nuova fami-glia di lampade oled.

    D Signed By D.O.O. presents Lamped and Lamped2, the new oled lamp family. S



    Internacionalnih Brigada 2011118 Belgrade, Serbia+381638163981 - Fax [email protected] www.dsigned-by.com

    d SIGnEd BY d.O.O.

    Good TeacherAchille CastiglioniYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceEgg Chair, Arne JacobsenFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongFly Me to the Moon, Frank Sinatra Best AppsNone

  • Con Comfort Soft, D-Vision esplora materiali e strutture morbide per una nuova collezione di arredo per esterni.

    With Comfort Soft, D-Vision has been exploring new potentials in soft materials and structures and their applications in the future of outdoor furniture. S



    G Ramat Yam Street46851 Herzliya, [email protected] www.d-vision.co.il

    d-VISIOnGood TeacherNatureYour MaterialRecyclable Plastic One MasterpiecePanton Chair, Verner PantonFavorite Websitewww.dmh.org.ilOne SongSomeone Like You, Adele Best AppsNX Solid Modeling

  • Webster una poltrona composta dallintreccio di quattro diverse forme laminate che donano stabilit alla seduta. Gli unici materiali utilizzati sono legno e colla.

    Webster is a lounge chair made of four different laminated shapes, creating a web/mesh that gives it stability. The only materials used are wood and glue. S



    dAHLEnFinn Malmgrens Vag 42a12138 Stockholm, [email protected] www.lukasdahlen.se

    Good TeacherTom DixonYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceRainbow Church, Tokujin YoshiokaFavorite Websitewww.core77.com One SongThe Sun Smells Too Loud, Mogwai Best AppsRhinoceros

  • Fabric una sedia a dondolo che sperimenta la possibilit di combinare resine epossidiche/poliuretaniche a tessuti di fibre naturali.

    Fabric is a rocking chair that explores possible combinations of epoxy/polyurethane resins and natural fibres. S



    Via Europa 27447832 San Clemente (RN), [email protected]


    Good TeacherGiovanni SacchiYour MaterialClayOne MasterpieceLancia Stratos, Marcello GandiniFavorite Websitewww.southsiders-mc.blogspot.com One SongTaratat, Mina Best AppsAdobe Photoshop

  • I velieri sono lispirazione per una serie di lampade e oggetti in vetro soffiato. Le forme sono organiche. Segno distintivo: le corde ruvide e i pattern realizzati a incisione.

    Sailing ships inspired the collection of mouthblown glasslamps and glassobjects. The shapes are organic: rough ropes are an important styling element and some have patterns engraved. S



    Vienna, [email protected] www.dorisdarling.at


    Good TeacherVeniniYour MaterialGlassOne MasterpieceHope DiamondFavorite Websitewww.poppella.at One SongL'Amour est un Oiseau Rebelle,Maria Callas Best AppsTorch

  • Cosa succede quando la pittura murale diviene iper-funzionale?Come si potr interagire con i muri?

    What happens when wall paint becomes hyper functional?How will we interact with walls? S



    Innovillage, Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road, 139651 Singapore, [email protected] www.designfacility.sg


    Good TeacherKenya HaraYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpiecePencilFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongHow We Left Fordlandia,Jhann Jhannsson Best AppsTwitter

  • Design Soil espone una collezione nata come epilogo a una storia e come prologo a quella successiva.

    Design Soil shows a collection that originated from an epilogue to a story and a prologue to the following one. S



    Kobe Design University 8-1-1 Gakuen-nishi machi,Nishi-ku 651-2196 Kobe, Japan+81787962598 Fax [email protected] www.designsoil.jp


    Good TeacherAchille Castiglioni and Pio ManzYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceParentesi, Achille Castiglioniand Pio ManzFavorite Websitewww.architonic.com One SongBy The Way, Red Hot Chili Peppers Best AppsTwitter

  • Design Union is a professional designer's international union. It designs products and furniture, interior, graphic design.

    Design Union un collettivo di designer di respiro internazionale. Si occupa di design del prodotto, mobili, interior e graphic design.

    dESIGn UnIOnHiroe Araki, Flange / Takehisa Ueda, Future's / Akiko Wake + Miyuki Saito, Mi + Ko / Mirta Mascherpa + Sachiko Kainuma, Noto / MarcoGuazzini / TsukasaGoto,Yokosha / Yoshito Kamoshita + Tomoaki TanakaLargo Gianni Rodari 220137 Milano, [email protected] www.designunion.info

  • La combinazione di schiuma di PU e legno di I-tim Collection crea un contrasto tra morbido e duro, in cui leleganza della forma e dei dettagli pu sorprendere l'utente.

    I-tim Collection is based on the combination of PU foam and wood which make a contrast of touch, soft feeling and tuff touch, while the elegance form and detail might surprise user. S



    33 Pradipat 17 Pradipat Road Phayathai Samsennai10400 Bangkok, ThailandPhone / Fax [email protected] www.dots-studio.com

    dOTSGood TeacherPhilippe StarckYour MaterialNatural materials such as woodOne MasterpieceLCW Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.dots-studio.com One SongBizarre Love Triangle, Frente!Best AppsSketchbook

  • Ispirandosi al peso e al valore estetico dei materiali, Kairi Eguchi Design presenta una collezione di librerie, paraventi e piccoli oggetti.

    Inspired by the weight and aesthetic value of materials, Kairi Eguchi Design presents a collection of bookshelves, screens and small objects. S



    8-3-605, Sumiyoshi-Ku, Osaka-Shi558-0044 Osaka, JapanPhone / Fax [email protected] www.kairi-eguchi.com


    Good TeacherMichio AkitaYour MaterialStoneOne Masterpiece606 Universal Shelving System,Dieter RamsFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.comOne SongWhere the Streets Have No Name, U2 Best AppsRhinoceros

  • SHOR


    915, 3-5-3 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku1600023 Tokyo, Japan+81364108097Fax [email protected] www.f-m-s.biz

    F.M.S.F.M.S. un collettivo di architetti che si concentra su unidea di design ispirata a forme tradizionali.

    F.M.S. is a collective of architects who design focus is artfully formed contemporary style that is based on traditional shapes.

    Good TeacherNoneYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceButterfly Stool, Sori YanagiFavorite Websitejp.zinio.comOne SongAll Blues, Miles Davis Best AppsFacebook

  • Mother of Mine and of Us All una collezione di arredi in MDF al taglio laser, ispirata allanatomia umana.

    Mother of Mine and of Us All is a collection of furniture, MDF laser cut, inspired by human anatomy. S



    Av. Humberto Delgado n.25 R/C DTo2860021 Alhos Vedros, [email protected] www.anafatia.com

    AnA FATIAGood TeacherAchille Castiglioni Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceBic PenFavorite Websitewww.designspiration.netOne SongBelieve, Ks Choise Best AppsTwitter

  • Eddie Figueroa Feliciano presenta una sedia con schienale basso, realizzata con pannelli di legno e nylon. La seduta pu essere usata in differenti composizioni.

    The idea is to create a low backrest chair made out of wood panels and nylon textiles. The chair can be used in different compositions. S



    Plaza Universidad Anasco St. Apt. 200100925 San Juan, Puerto [email protected] www.eddiefigueroa.info


    Good TeacherBruno MunariYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceGabriela, Gio PontiFavorite Websitewww.objetonormal.blogspot.comOne SongLatinoamerica, Calle 13 Best AppsFab Central

  • Second Story un tavolo pieghevole che pu raddoppiare in lunghezza in pochi minuti.

    Second Story is a flexible table. It can double in length in just a few minutes. S



    SIREN ELISE WILHEMSENKinzig Str. 46, 10247 Berlin, [email protected]@[email protected] www.elisabeth-warkus.com www.stephaniejasny.com www.sirenelisewilhelmsen.com

    Good TeacherNobody and AnybodyYour MaterialPaper and PenOne MasterpieceThe EggFavorite Websitewww.color.aurlien.net One SongWhen I Grow Up, Fever Ray Best AppsIndexhibit

  • Tuba un perno appendiabiti in vetro soffiato che pu essere usato come elemento tradizionale ma anche come spazio dove custodire piccoli oggetti.

    Tuba is a peg in mouthblown glass which can be used both as a traditional peg to hang clothes on, but also as a small storage space. S



    0468 Oslo, [email protected] www.fogstudio.no

    Good TeacherFinn JuhlYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceTripp Trapp Chair, Peter OpsvikFavorite Websitewww.ted.com One SongI Spy, Mikhael Paskalev Best AppsKvikk Lunsj Sondagstur

  • Jonas Forsman presenta Arc Chair. Punto di forza: un meccanismo che apre sia il sedile sia lo schienale con un solo movimento.

    Jonas Forsman presents Arc Chair. Built on a mechanism that unfolds both seat and curved backrest at once. S



    Johannebergsgatan 2441255 Gotebrg, [email protected] www.jonasforsman.se


    Good TeacherAchille CastiglioniYour MaterialSteelOne MasterpieceSuperleggera, Gio PontiFavorite Websitewww.woodandfaulk.comOne SongJag Vet Vilken Dy Hon Varit I,Hkan Hellstrm Best AppsSpotOn

  • Filippo Francescangeli presenta Zeus, lampadario in tubolari e sfere cave di ferro.

    Filippo Francescangeli is proud to present Zeus is a lamp in hollow iron tubes and spheres. S



    Via Mamiani 1300185 Roma, [email protected] www.filippofrancescangeli.com


    Good TeacherEttore SottsassYour MaterialIronOne MasterpieceMarshmallow Sofa, George NelsonFavorite Websitewww.designmag.it One SongDon't Stop Me Now, Queen Best AppsFacebook

  • Lipstick uno sgabello in pelle delle serie Make Up Now!, arredi dallaspetto ludico ispirati al trucco femminile.

    Lipstick is a leather stool from the series Make Up Now!, fun furnishings inspired by the world of cosmetics. S



    Via Michele Mazzella 75/G80077 Ischia (NA), Italy+393393504121Fax [email protected] www.maritafrancescon.com


    Good TeacherFernando and Humberto CampanaYour MaterialPlasticineOne MasterpieceBocca, Studio 65Favorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongFirework, Katy PerryBest AppsWhatsApp

  • Al. Gabriel M. Silva 2560144200 Sao Paulo, Brazil+551196346367Fax [email protected] www.alotof.com.br


    Collection Samba un mix di stili, materiali, processi produttivi. brezza fresca dal Brasile, Samba.

    Collection Samba is a mixture of styles, materials and production processes. It is a breath of fresh air from Brazil, it is Samba. S


    TLIST Good TeacherFernando and Humberto Campana

    Your MaterialRecycled materialsOne MasterpieceCrochet Chair, Marcel WandersFavorite Websitewww.trenhunter.com One SongSampa, Caetano Veloso Best AppsGoogle Earth

  • Boettger / heilmann / Langer / SchumacherElbestrasse 1060329 Frankfurt am Main, [email protected] www.freshfromthemint.com


    Fresh From the Mint espone i suoi ultimi progetti per sedersi, appendere e riporre. Un mix di colori, materiali, adattabilit per un design che va oltre le classiche categorie dell'oggetto.

    Fresh from the Mint shows their latest designs for sitting, hanging and storing. A a mix of color and material, adaptability and a design that goes beyond the classic categories. S


    TLIST Good TeacherScholten & Baijings

    Your MaterialProto ModelsOne MasterpiecePivot, Raw-EdgesFavorite Websitewww.ignant.deOne SongRitual Union, Little Dragon Best AppsThe Time Killer

  • Per due anni Christoph, Jovana e Lei hanno fatto ricerca sullartigianato e i materiali tradizionali nella regione cinese dello Yuhang. Il risultato sono arredi realizzati con carta di riso, bamb e seta.

    For two years, Christoph, Jovana and Lei studied Chinese traditional crafts and materials in Yuhang. The result of their research is furniture made of rice paper, bamboo and silk. S



    Jingshancuigu 46-4, Liuxia310023 Hangzhou, ChinaPhone / Fax [email protected] www.pinwu.net


    Good TeacherDante Donegani Your MaterialChinese Rice PaperOne MasterpiecePaper Chair, Zhang Lei / John ChristophBogdnovic JovanaFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongChina Girl, David Bowie Best AppsGoogle Maps

  • 36, Bd Jean-Jaures92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, [email protected] www.fugufurniture.com




    Che cosa potrebbe accadere se i mobili del futuro fossero cos leggeri e compatti da poter essere trasportati piatti o arrotolati in una sola auto? FUGU: "In air we trust ".

    What if design and furniture of the future could be transported rolled or flat and made usable when needed? FUGU: "In air we trust".

    Good TeacherAnish Kapoor Your MaterialAirOne MasterpieceChair One, Konstantin GrcicFavorite Websitewww.facebook.com One SongHarder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Daft Punk Best AppsAdobe Photoshop

  • Bull una piccola sedia dotata di un gigantesco tamburo rotante che funge da schienale, dettaglio che permette di usarla anche come cestino o trolley.

    Bull is a tiny chair with a giant spinning wheel/chest working as a backrest; this allows it to be used as a basket or a trolley. S



    Rafael Pikabea 1420180 Oiartzun, [email protected] www.fukuroo.net

    FUKUROOGood TeacherEnzo MariYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpiecePK25 Chair, Poul KjrholmFavorite Websitewww.floresenelatico.es One SongDoctor Who Theme, Grainer and DerbyshireBest AppsAlias Sketchbook

  • S.No. 1000 Devidayal Road, Mulund-W400080 Mumbai, [email protected] www.the-bounce.com


    Una seduta in silicone stampato che fornisce un supporto lombare adattandosi alla forma del corpo senza luso di parti meccaniche. La struttura realizzata con un processo brevettato che rende il materiale impermeabile.

    A new seating experience where the moulded silicone seat provides lumber support by adapting the shape of the body without the use of any mechanical parts. It is made with a proprietary process of silicone making it weatherproof. S


    TLIST Good TeacherJacque Fresco

    Your MaterialSiliconeOne MasterpieceYellow Tree House, Pacific EnvironmentArchitectsFavorite Websitewww.thefancy.com One SongBum Bhole Nath, Bob Marley Best AppsSolidworks

  • Individuale un set di quattro sedute. I modelli sono autoprodotti con materiali di alta qualit e artigiani locali.

    Individuale is a set of four chairs made by local artisans using high quality materials. S



    Via Antica Pieve 1448010 Barbiano (RA), [email protected] www.guido-garotti.it


    Good TeacherDonald NormanYour MaterialCeramicsOne MasterpiecePalladiana, Piero FornasettiFavorite Websitewww.ffffound.comOne SongEl Todo, Omar Rodriguez Lopez Best AppsSkype

  • Ul. Jana Sawy 5/1320-632 Lublin, Poland+48501072636 - Fax [email protected] www.patrykgozdz.pl


    Patryk Gozdz Lublin presenta Reve, una sedia realizzata con sottili lastre dalluminio.

    Patryk Gozdz Lublin presents Reve, an exciting chair, made of thin aluminum plates. S


    TLIST Good TeacherFrank O. Gehry

    Your MaterialAluminumOne MasterpieceEA108 Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.zsz.com.pl One SongYou've Got The Dirtee Love,Dizze Rascal ft. Florence Best AppsGmail

  • Ted, tavolo in legno realizzato interamente a mano con grande cura della composizione di forme e materiali. Una sottile leggerezza presente come un albero. Greyge - To furnish pleasure.

    Ted, hand-made wooden table with carefully chosen forms and materials. A light and solid presence like a tree. Greyge - To furnish pleasure. S



    Via Nicola Corsi 2000152 Roma, [email protected] www.greyge.com

    GREYGEGood TeacherAndrej A. TarkovskijYour MaterialMetal TubeOne MasterpieceApplique Araigne 7 Bras Fixes,Serge Mouille Favorite Websitewww.wikipedia.org One SongDomingo 23, Jorge Ben Best AppsSkype

  • Libreria II un progetto ispirato ai crolli: un tema, in Italia, da sempre legato sia alla storia sia allattualit.

    Libreria II is a bookcase inspired by the theme of collapse, a phenomenon that characterises both the past and present of Italy. S



    Nat Wilms / Andrea zambelliVia Francesco Petrarca 4740136 Bologna, Italy+393475197000 / [email protected] www.hillsideout.com

    HILLSIdEOUTGood TeacherAlvar AaltoYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceTS522RC Brionvega, Marco Zanusoand Richard SapperFavorite Websitewww.radioparadise.com One SongAgain, Archive Best AppsFinal Cut Studio

  • Samaritgrand 511853 Stockholm, [email protected] www.danielenoksson.com www.lucashinnerud.com www.jensboldt.se


    Hinnerud-Enoksson-Boldt presentano un tavolo in acciaio smaltato che pu essere usato sia in interno sia in esterno.

    Hinnerud-Enoksson-Boldt introduce an enamel coated steel table, which can be used both indoors and outdoors. S


    TLIST Good TeacherThe Big Bang

    Your MaterialIcecreamOne MasterpieceThe EggFavorite Websitewww.blocket.se One SongLife Best AppsMad Skills MX

  • Hoffmann e Krauss presentano una nuova collezione in legno e metallo.

    Hoffmann and Krauss show a new collection made of wood and metal. SHOR


    Germany www.hoffmann-krauss.com


    Good TeacherNoneYour MaterialWood and MetalOne MasterpieceBarcelona Pavilion, Mies van der RoheFavorite Websitewww.contemporist.com One SongHallogallo, NEU! Best AppsWhatsApp

  • Illiriko Bank un team di designer giapponesi con sede a Milano.

    IllirikoBank is a Japanese design team currently working in Milan, Italy. SHOR


    Takahiro Matsumura / Ayumi KawamotoRyota Mori / Hiroki MaruyamaHiroki Yamauchi / Tomoko YuyaVia Sangallo 9, 20133 Milano - ItalyPhone / Fax [email protected] www.illiricobank.com

    ILLIRICO BAnK Good TeacherIsamu NoguchiYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceButterfly Stool, Yanagi SoriFavorite Websitewww.gizmodo.jp One Song15 Step, RadioheadBest AppsFacebook

  • Jou-jouer un gioco che aiuta a sviluppare limmaginazione e la creativit.

    Jou-jouer is a toy that helps developing imagination and creativity. SHOR


    Kaori Aoi1-1247-4, Mihashi, Omiya-ku330-0856 Saitama-shi, [email protected] www.innocent-blue-aoi.com


    Good TeacherKurt NaefYour MaterialAcrylicOne MasterpieceRainbow, Kurt NaefFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongLet It Be, BeatlesBest AppsFacebook

  • Armando e Lia sono arredi nati per condividere spazi. Con semplici strutture, tessuti double-face e bracci girevoli danno vita a un'elegante filo rosso tra gli ambienti.

    Armando and Lia are made for sharing spaces. Thanks to simple structures, double-face fabric and revolving armrests, they create a liaison between spaces. S



    Via Sciesa 920135 Milano, Italy+390236559584 - Fax [email protected] www.ilariai.com

    ILARIA InnOCEnTIGood TeacherMarc ChagallYour MaterialEverything you can weaveOne MasterpieceRocking Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.edreams.it One SongNext Time Around, Little Joy Best AppsWhatsApp

  • Titanio e tecnologia si fondono per dare luce. L1 e L2 sono due Concept Lights, realizzate con cura artigianale.

    Titanium and technology come together to create light. L1 and L2 are two Concept Lights produced with artisanal expertise. S



    Jessica Angela Stenta / Vincenzo BattagliaVia Antonio Cicognani 21/2347121 Forl (FC), [email protected] www.jesdesign.it


    Good TeacherIngo MaurerYour MaterialTitaniumOne MasterpieceBeoSound 9000, David LewisFavorite Websitewww.futureconceptlab.com One SongHit That Jive Jack, Slim&Slam Best AppsBump

  • Kamina & C presenta Bambi Chair, un progetto ludico per restituire un sorriso a chi l'ha perso.

    Bambi Chair, by Kamina & C is a recreational project to make people smile again. S



    3-13-12-101 Kouenji-kita, suginami-ku1660002 Tokyo, Japan+819098667485 Fax [email protected] www.kamina-c.com

    KAMInA & CGood TeacherShinro OhtakeYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceThe Tower of the Sun, Taro OkamotoFavorite Websitewww.kamina-c.com One SongHelter Skelter, Beatles Best AppsNone

  • Il tavolino Pina caratterizzato dallaspetto particolare della materia prima, ottenuto grazie a una lavorazione artigianale. La superficie a macchie di colore d vita a un look giovane e fresco.

    The Pina table has been crafted to give the raw material a very distinctive look. The colour-stained surface adds a fresh, contemporary touch. S



    Vogelsanger Str. 5150823 Cologne, [email protected] www.kaschkasch.com

    KASCHKASCHGood TeacherAchille CastiglioniYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceMammut, Morten Kjelstrup and Allan stgaardFavorite Websitewww.google.com One SongMein Kleiner Grner Kaktus,Comedian Harmonists Best AppsPaint

  • Secret Story ricrea il passato, evocandone la nostalgia, mentre la geometria pulita del segno crea volutamente una contraddizione. La forma sfaccettata del cassetto ne facilita lapertura.

    Secret Story recreates the past, evoking nostalgia, while the sharp geometry creates a contradiction. The faceted shape of the drawer makes opening smooth and easy. S



    Duzice 110000 Zagreb, Croatia+38598241271 Fax [email protected] www.zeljkakavran.com


    Good TeacherNaoto FukasawaYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceLCW Chair, Charles and Ray Eames Favorite Websitewww.architonic.com One SongRhythm Is Love, Keziah Jones Best AppsAdobe Illustrator

  • Window offre un secondo panorama alle vostre finestre, grazie a un light box con immagini foto-impresse realizzate dal designer.

    Window lamp replicates the view from your window. It is a photo light box with different images taken by the designer. S



    Juan Elias 17008420046 Santiago, [email protected] www.ladesign.cl

    LAdESIGnGood TeacherIngo MaurerYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceChaise Longue, Le CorbusierFavorite Websitewww.confettisystem.com One SongLavender, Marillion Best AppsInstagram

  • Leggersi, alzarsi, muoversi per casa: il progetto No Country for Old Men ha prodotto una serie di oggetti che non solo tentano di rimuovere gli ostacoli incontrati dagli anziani ma possono essere usati semplicemente per rendere pi comoda la vita quotidiana.

    Reading, moving about, getting up: the project No Country for Old Men produced a collection of objects that not only tries to reduce the obstacles encountered by the elderly, but can complement our living spaces, making them more comfortable . S



    Via Mascheroni 4227100 Pavia, [email protected] www.lanzavecchia-wai.com


    Good TeacherErwin WurmYour MaterialTextilesOne MasterpieceCitron DS19, Flaminio Bertoneand Andr LefbvreFavorite Websitewww.google.com One SongPossibly Maybe, Bjrk Best AppsSkype

  • Decafe una riflessione sui cicli naturali delle cose che usiamo regolarmente. Lo scopo del progetto di dare una seconda vita ai fondi di caff.

    Decafe is a reflection on the cycle of natural elements that we use on a regular basis. Its aim is to give a second chance to coffee grounds. S



    Dr. Waskman 203440 Ibi, [email protected] www.rlauri.com


    Good TeacherTokujin YoshiokaYour MaterialExperimental materialsOne MasterpieceGrasshopper Lamp, Greta MagnussonFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.comOne SongStand By Me, Ben E. KingBest AppsSpotify

  • Johan Lindstn presenta un nuovo lampadario in vetro che ritaglia una piacevole nicchia per la lampadina.

    Johan Lindstn presents a pendant lamp made of glass provides a cosy niche for the bulb. S



    Borgmastargatan 911629 Stockholm, [email protected] www.lindstenform.com

    JOHAn LIndSTn

    Good TeacherYrj KukkapuroYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceCH04 Houdini, Stefan DiezFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongThese Are Not My People, Joe South Best AppsSpotify

  • Gruntaler Str.9/Tresckowstr. 10Berlin/Hamburg, [email protected]@henningboegershausen.de


    Lorch e Boegershausen presentano una collezione che evoca luniverso, la gente e le navi container.

    Lorch and Boegershausen introduces a collection that evokes the universe, people and container ships. S


    TLIST Good TeacherRupert Kopp

    Your MaterialCardboardOne MasterpieceCH 24 Chair, Hans J WegnerFavorite Websitewww.wlw.de One SongLove Is The Drug, Bryan Ferry Best AppsGala

  • Tummelplatz 14020 Linz, [email protected] www.marchgut.com


    Ms. You un omaggio alle relazioni interpersonali e alla transitoriet.

    Ms. You is a tribute to relationships and transience. SHOR

    TLIST Good TeacherEnzo Mari

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceMercedes 300SL, Rudolf UhlenhautFavorite Websitewww.materia.nlOne SongSexy Chair, Ogris Debris Best AppsOpenStreetMap

  • Rua Luis de Melo 220 SL 20558404-54 Campina Grande PB, Brazil+558399203166Fax [email protected]

    SERGIO J. MATOS Sergio J. Matos presenta una collezione di tappeti realizzati a mano. Lispirazione deriva dalla festa tradizionale del Maracat, che

    significa danza e fantasia.

    Sergio J. Matos presents a carpet collection which is completely handmade. The idea stemmed from the traditional celebration of Maracatu, which means dance and imagination. S



    Good TeacherSergio RodriguesYour MaterialCotton YarnOne MasterpieceVermelha Chair, Fernando andHumberto CampanaFavorite Websitewww.chairwhore.blogspot.com One SongA Palo Seco, Elis Regina Best AppsTwitter

  • PO Box 12716, Abeckett St. PO 8006Melbourne, [email protected] www.melbournemovement.com


    I Twist Wall Panels sono pannelli acustici ricavati dalla piegatura dellhanji, tradizionale carta di riso coreana. Lutente pu interagire con ogni singolo modulo per apportare cambiamenti alla struttura.

    The Twist Wall Panels are acoustic panels made of folded 'hanji', the traditional Korean rice paper. The user can interact with the each unit to create transition. S



    Good TeacherNaoto FukasawaYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpiecePanton Chair, Verner Panton Favorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongOne Sweet Day, Mariah Careyand Boys ll Men Best AppsSkype

  • c/o Gloria n.7 3o 3a 08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat, SpainPhone / Fax +34934328202 [email protected] www.mermeladaestudio.es


    Una nuova collezione di prodotti disegnati dallo studio con sede a Barcellona. Sottile filo rosso: la vita di tutti i giorni.

    This new collection of products from the Barcelona-based studio offers furniture, accessories and tools inspired by the appeal of everyday life. S



    Good TeacherTapio WirkkalaYour MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceEames Hang It All Coat Hanger Rack,Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.omami.ru One SongCommon People, Pulp Best AppsSketchbook

  • Min ChenE19-1, Shang Lin Hu, Shouxiang Town, Fu Yang311400 Hangzhou, China+8613906503301Fax +86(0)[email protected] www.milesahead.cn


    Stereo Calligraphy una collezione di oggetti creati, ispirandosi ai caratteri dellalfabeto cinese.

    Stereo Calligraphy is a series of objects inspired by the characters in the Chinese alphabet. S


    TLIST Good TeacherIssey Miyake

    Your MaterialWaterOne MasterpiecePleats Please, Issey MiyakeFavorite Websitewww.youtube .com One SongPride (In The Name Of Love), U2Best AppsNotica

  • Momoko Naito / Atsushi Fujii1-9-3-103 Kugenumafujigaya Fujisawa-shi2510031 Kanagawa-ken, [email protected] www.monochro.jp


    Monochro firma una collezione per la tavola realizzata in corteccia di ciliegio nelle nuances dei tradizionali colori giapponesi.

    Monochro presents a collection of tableware in cherry bark, featuring traditional Japanese colours. S



    Good TeacherShiro KuramataYour MaterialPlasticOne MasterpieceAcrylic Flower Vase, Shiro KuramataFavorite Websitewww.japandesign.ne.jpOne SongIn a Beautiful Place Out in the Country,Boards of CanadaBest AppsFacebook

  • C/Cruz Nueva n.6, Pta 246002 Valencia, [email protected] www.mutdesign.com

    MUT dESIGn

    Roots un innovativo sistema modulare, ispirato al disegno dei tralicci. Con l'idea di creare mini-giardini senza dimensioni predefinite, Mut Design ha progettato una serie di vasi di fiori a combinazione libera.

    Roots is an innovative modular system inspired by the design of the traditional trellis. Enabling the creation of mini-gardens of any size, Mut Design has designed a series of flowerpots that can be combined in different compositions. S


    TLIST Good TeacherHans J Wegner

    Your MaterialCeramicsOne MasterpieceWishbone Chair, Hans J WegnerFavorite Websitewww.mocoloco.com One SongThis Charming Man, The Smiths Best AppsInstagram

  • tina RugeljGlavarjeva Ulica 141000 Ljubljana, [email protected] www.tinarugelj.com


    Double Bench frutto di una ricerca sui materiali da costruzione applicati alla progettazione di mobili. Le propriet del cemento hanno dato forma a questo prodotto realizzato a stampaggio.

    Double Bench is the outcome of research into construction materials applied in furniture design. The unique properties of fibre cement gave rise to this moulded product. S


    TLIST Good TeacherAchille Castiglioni

    Your MaterialConcreteOne MasterpiecePanton Chair, Verner PantonFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongFly Me to The Moon, Frank Sinatra Best AppsLinkedin

  • henry k.t. hsiao8F, N.186, Sec.4 Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist. 105 Taipei, Taiwan+886987183048 [email protected] www.nbtstudio.com

    nBT.STUdIONBT.STUDIO presenta un divano con struttura realizzata in materiale riciclato assemblato senza colla, n viti.

    NBT.STUDIO presents a sofa with a structure in recycled ICB material assembled without glue or screws. S


    TLIST Good TeacherJasper Morrison

    Your MaterialEco-Friendly Material One MasterpieceTizio, Richard SapperFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongLove of My Life, QueenBest AppsFlipboard

  • Untamontie 4 B 1200610 Helsinki, [email protected] www.timoniskanen.fi

    TIMO nISKAnEnLoop una lampada da tavolo a led dal segno minimalista, progettata per durare nel tempo grazie alla semplicit della sua linea.

    Loop is a minimalist LED table lamp with a beautifully simple design that is built to last. S



    Good TeacherI'm more interested in designerswork than their personasYour MaterialHuman BehaviourOne MasterpieceI have manyFavorite Websitewww.google.com One SongI can't decideBest AppsMail

  • Ana Maggioli / Federico Mirabal PietraRosa de los vientos esq Vaz Ferreira Chalet el Apuron20100 PC Brava - Punta del Este, Uruguay+59891005370 / [email protected] www.infinitda.com www.oap.com.uy


    La sinergia tra materiali naturali e il colore si fonde in Cloud Stools per esprimere semplicit, gioia e leggerezza.

    The Cloud Stools express simplicity and joy in their synergy of natural materials and colour. S


    TLIST Good TeacherArne Jacobsen

    Your MaterialPure MaterialOne MasterpieceBall Chair, Eero AarnioFavorite Websitewww.big.dkOne SongAll You Need Is Love, John LennonBest AppsRhinoceros

  • Senichiro Watanabe / yurie Sagawa202 Rose Garden, 425-2 Gorikida, Asao-ku215-0025 Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken, JapanPhone / Fax [email protected] www.senichirowatanabe.info


    Natural Element un progetto di arredo che mette in comunicazione, senza diaframmi, spazi interni ed esterni.

    Natural Element is a collection of furniture that seamlessly synchronizes interior and exterior areas. S



    Good TeacherJean-Marie MassaudYour MaterialThe material is selected by imaginingthe usage and the life sceneOne MasterpieceAnt Chair, Arne JacobsenFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongConceptions, 4Hero Best AppsFacebook

  • Juho PasilaSusitie 16B1600800 Helsinki, [email protected] www.pasiladesign.fi

    PASILA dESIGnCar un gioco multifunzionale in compensato verniciato, da utilizzare come letto per bambini, box o girello (per i primi passi).

    Car is multipurpose toy made of painted plywood, that can be used as a cot, toy, playpen or pushcart (for learning to walk). S


    TLIST Good TeacherWerner Aisslinger

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceWomb Chair, Eero SaarinenFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongLentjn Poika, Edu Kettunen Best AppsNone

  • 217 West Ohio Street49855 Marquette, Michigan, USA+19062357573Fax [email protected] www.peterpless.com


    Il sistema Link offre una vasta gamma di configurazioni ad alto indice di adattamento e flessibilit allambiente.

    The Link system offers a vast range of flexible configurations to adapt to the architectural environment. SH

    ORTLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic

    Your MaterialPen and PaperOne MasterpieceLC4, Le CorbusierFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongWaves, Phish Best AppsSketchbook

  • Via Archimede 4000197 Roma, Italy+393313022687 / [email protected] www.stefanopugliese.com

    STEFAnO PUGLIESE Gli sgabelli Cal e Penelope fanno parte di una famiglia di mobili che hanno abitato e viaggiato con me negli ultimi tempi. Sono oggetti

    semplici in legno multistrato con i quali costruire il proprio spazio domestico.

    The stools Cal and Penelope belong to a family of furniture items that have lived and travelled with me of late. They are simple objects in plywood that you can use to construct your own domestic space. S



    Good TeacherBruno MunariYour MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceAlluminium Group Chair,Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.wikipedia.orgOne SongYendo De La Cama Al Living, Charly Garca Best AppsAdobe Photoshop

  • Julien GarnierRue Lamartine 141203 Geneva, [email protected] www.puzzle-design.ch

    PUZZLEPuzz'le si basa su un'idea di assemblaggio come costante sia in fase di costruzione sia in fase di utilizzo del prodotto. Lobiettivo capire come le persone interagiscano con gli oggetti. La chiave di progetto la semplicit.

    Puzz'le is based on the idea of assemblage as a constant (in both construction and usage). The aim is to understand how people interact with objects. The key concept is simplicity. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceUSM, Fritz Haller and Paul SchrerFavorite Websitewww.trendsnow.net One SongStairway to Heaven, Led ZepplinBest AppsHipstamatic

  • Via Don Minzoni n.68247521 Cesena FC, Italy+ [email protected] www.marama.it


    Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba presenta Memory of Branches.Consolle in legno.

    Marcantonio Raimondi Malerba presents Memory of Branches. Wooden Consolle. S


    TLIST Good TeacherMy Grandfather

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceChest of Drawers, Tejo RemyFavorite Websitewww.youtube.com One SongStrange Weather, Tom WaitsBest AppsAdobe Photoshop

  • Roben Robin Bensoussan67 bis Rue du Point du Jour92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, [email protected] www.roben.fr

    ROBEnSmall Library sispira a una tela di ragno, divisa in sei parti uguali, riassemblate in forma di Spider Totem.

    Small Library is inspired by a spider web, divided into six identical parts and reassembled to create a Spider Totem. S


    TLIST Good TeacherIsamu Noguchi

    Your MaterialWordsOne MasterpieceThinking Man's Chair, Jasper MorrisonFavorite Websitewww.frameweb.com One SongPower, Marcus MillerBest AppsYatzer

  • Nata Janberidze / keti toloraiaI. Chavchavadze 75, flat w300162 Tbilisi, [email protected] www.rooms.ge

    ROOMSIl nostro obiettivo, come progettiste, sempre stato quello di giocare, sperimentare e modificare i codici, prendendo parte nello scambio capriccioso tra il caso e l'intenzione.

    As designers we have always been interested in playing, experimenting and adapting, engaging with the unpredictable dialogue between chance and intention. S


    TLIST Good TeacherCharles and Ray Eames

    Your MaterialDifferent Materials and ShapesOne MasterpiecePotence Lamp, Jean ProuvFavorite Websitewww.yatzer.com One SongUnder Pressure, David Bowie and Annie Lenox Best AppsGuardian


    SaloneSatellite Moscow 2011 Winner

    Svetlana Agiyan presenta una collezione di oggetti per linfanzia, progettati on demand per i suoi bambini.

    Svetlana Agiyan presents a collection of smart objects for kids, designed on demand for her children. S


    TLIST Good TeacherLe Corbusier

    Your MaterialColourOne MasterpieceLC4, Le Corbusier Favorite Websitewww.tutdesign.ru One SongMoonchild, M83Best AppsAdobe Lightroom

    Dzerjinskogo str. 66196261 Pavlovsk, St. Petersburg, Russia+79062622121 [email protected]

  • Stipnieku cels 7, KirskalniLV-2167 Marupe, [email protected]


    Balonka una famiglia di giochi in legno per bambini, ispirati al rispetto per lambiente.

    Balonka is a series of wooden toys for children based on respecting the environment. S



    SaloneSatellite Moscow 2011 WinnerGood TeacherPatricia UrquiolaYour MaterialRecyclable MaterialOne MasterpieceRe-Trouv Collection, Patricia UrquiolaFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongClarity, John MayerBest AppsTwitter

  • Apt. 118, 66 Zheleznodorozhnaya Str.196606 Pushkin, St. Petersburg, [email protected]


    La costruzione su base modulare della lampada The Tower permette di creare diverse modalit di configurazione della luce.

    The modular construction of The Tower lamp enables the light to be configured in different ways. S



    SaloneSatellite Moscow 2011 WinnerGood TeacherMichele De LucchiYour MaterialMarbleOne MasterpieceEgg Chair, Arne Jacobsen Favorite Websitewww.object34.ruOne SongMutter, RammsteinBest AppsVk

  • 379 Karaka Bay Road, Seatoun6022 Wellington, New [email protected] www.georgiosaltos.com


    Georgio Saltos presenta The Libertine, una bicicletta pieghevole per liberi pensatori.

    Georgio Saltos presents The Libertine, a folding bicycle for free thinkers. SHOR


    Good TeacherSalvador DalYour MaterialAluminiumOne MasterpieceEames Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign One SongThis Apparatus Must Be Unearthed,The Mars VoltaBest AppsMy Pencil

  • Boppstr. 210967 Berlin, [email protected] www.floriansaul.com

    FLORIAn SAUL Florian Saul firma una collezione di mobili con forme ispirate alla

    natura, realizzata con materiali sostenibili e un mix tra fatto a mano e nuove tecnologie.

    Florian Sauls furniture draws inspiration from nature and is produced using sustainable materials with a combination of craftsmanship and new technology. S


    TLIST Good TeacherOtl Aicher

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceNoneFavorite WebsiteA lot One SongNone Best AppsSkype

  • Via Valdellatorre 410040 Givoletto (TO), Italy+393402216101Fax [email protected] www.alessandrascarfodesign.com


    La filosofia di Pantarei sispira a un aforisma di Eraclito: Non si pu discendere due volte nel medesimo fiume e non si pu toccare due volte una sostanza mortale nel medesimo stato, ma a causa dell'impetuosit e della velocit del mutamento essa si disperde e si raccoglie, viene e va.

    The Pantarei philosophy is based on Heraclituss aphorism: We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not. S


    TLIST Good TeacherEnzo Mari

    Your MaterialPlexiglassOne MasterpieceN.14 Chair, ThonetFavorite Websitewww.aakashnihalani.comOne SongInchworm, Rachelle Ferrell Best AppsFacebook

  • Kartauserhof 4250678 Cologne, Germany+491638496311Fax [email protected] www.thomasschnur.com


    Il pistone di scarico un oggetto molto utile nonostante riceva scarsa attenzione. Rubber Table adotta la sua estetica, trasferendola in un nuovo prodotto.

    The drain or toilet plunger is an item, which, though it receives little attention, is actually extremely useful. Rubber Table adopts its idiosyncratic aesthetics and applies it to a new product. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic

    Your MaterialThe ImaginationOne MasterpieceBox, Enzo MariFavorite Websitewww.bigbenzine.comOne SongPure Vernunft Darf Niemals Siegen,TocotronicBest AppsFacebook

  • Department of Design, IIT Guwahati781039 Guwahati, India+918011016347Fax [email protected] www.avinashshende.com

    AVInASH SHEndE Roller Light ha la forma di una ruota e come una ruota, in assenza di ostacoli, ha la tendenza a rotolare. La luce pu essere regolata in

    diverse posizioni, regolando lelemento di ostacolo.

    Roller Light is shaped like a roller, and like a roller, if not stopped, will continue to move. The light can be set in different positions by adjusting the stopper. S


    TLIST Good TeacherEttore Sottsass

    Your MaterialStoriesOne MasterpieceCarlton Shelf, Ettore SottsassFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongThe Boxer, Simon & Garfunkel Best AppsTwitter

  • 61 South St. Apt. 301060 Northampton MA, [email protected] www.alexandrasnook.com

    SnOOK/WAY Attraverso una delicata manipolazione anche un materiale

    industriale pu diventare etereo. Lotus Lamp trasforma la luce in oggetto.

    When handled delicately, even industrial materials can become ethereal. Lotus Lamp tranforms light into object. S


    TLIST Good TeacherInga Semp

    Your MaterialPolypropyleneOne MasterpieceBulb Lamp, Ingo MaurerFavorite Websitewww.notcot.org One SongYou Can Never Hold Back Spring,Tom Waits Best AppsRhinoceros

  • Oslo, [email protected] www.strekcollective.com


    Eclipse uno specchio portatile con una sorgente di luce posizionata sul retro per creare una piacevole atmosfera.

    Eclipse is a portable mirror with a rear light source that creates an inviting atmosphere. S


    TLIST Good TeacherYoshiro Nakamatsu

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceBialetti Moka ExpressFavorite Websitewww.blog.fueledbycoffee.com One SongWork (Prins Thomas Remix), Junior Boys Best AppsStar Walk

  • Pier Francesco Galuppini / Caroline BauerPiazza Grandi 1, 20129 Milano, Italy+390245472462 / +393206136573Fax [email protected] www.studiobaag.com


    Studio Baag presenta una lampada a sospensione in rete metallica e vetroresina.

    Studio Baag presents a suspension lamp in metal mesh and fiberglass. SHOR

    TLIST Good TeacherAchille Castiglioni

    Your MaterialFiberglassOne MasterpieceVP Globe, Verner Panton Favorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongStart Me Up, Rolling Stones Best AppsFlickr

  • S307 3F, No.21, Sec.1 Minsheng East Rd., Zhongshan Dist.104 Taipei, Taiwan+886975360075 [email protected]@gmail.com www.studio-if.com

    STUdIO IFChia-Ying Lee presenta una collezione di oggetti interattivi ispirati al concetto di tempo e al battito cardiaco, inclusa una lampada da comodino con un metro avvolgibile che funge da timer.

    Chia-Ying Lee presents a collection of interactive objects inspired by the concept of time and the human heartbeat, including a bedside lamp with a tape-measure pull that functions as a timer. S


    TLIST Good TeacherPeople around me

    Your MaterialStoriesOne MasterpieceWing Chair, Hans J. WegnerFavorite Websitewww.postsecret.com One SongIt changes by moments of the day...Best AppsGrid Lens

  • Via Castracane 46C50055 Lastra a Signa (FI), [email protected] www.studiolievito.com

    STUdIO LIEVITOStudio Lievito presenta un piano in legno dalle geometrie pure, dotato di accessori che stendono, sminuzzano, tagliano per poi tornare al loro posto seguendo le regole del gioco.

    Studio Lievito presents a wooden surface of linear purity equipped with accessories that roll, chop and crush before moving back into place following the rules of the game. S


    TLIST Good TeacherPaolo Ulian

    Your MaterialGrey MatterOne MasterpieceThe OrangeFavorite Websitewww.editionpopulaire.ch One SongHeartbeats, The Knife Best AppsNotepad

  • Oranjeboomstraat 1F4814EE Breda, The Netherlands+31646221231Fax [email protected] www.studiomango.nl

    STUdIO MAnGOSpesso i prodotti per pet sono privi di senso del disegn, l'obiettivo principale la produzione a buon mercato. Kitty Meow e Barkie un nuovo rifugio accogliente per il vostro animale domestico.

    Often pet products lack any sense of design, the main focus is cheap production. Kitty Meow and Barkie is a whimsical and friendly spot for your pet. S


    TLIST Good TeacherCharles and Ray Eames

    Your MaterialBamboo One MasterpieceNoguchi Table, Isamu NoguchiFavorite Websitewww.core77.com One SongLoco Dice, Carthago Best AppsWhatsApp

  • 9285 SW 125 Av. U 40233186 Miami, [email protected] www.plzdnttch.com

    STUdIOPLZ dnT TCH Gira una luce progettata per esplorare lidea di movimento ed equilibrio, grazie a un unico oggetto, dove ogni singolo pezzo dipende

    dallaltro. Il risultato un gioco di ombre e di riscoperta dello spazio.

    Gira is a light that explores the ideas of movement and balance, in a unique construction where each piece relies on another. The result is a shifting light that creates a play of shadows and reworks the surrounding space. S


    TLIST Good TeacherMiuccia Prada

    Your MaterialNatural LatexOne MasterpieceThe High Line Park, New YorkFavorite Websitewww.selectism.comOne SongUngodly Fruit, Wax TailorBest AppsShazam

  • 13 Sanford TerraceN167LH London, [email protected] www.studiovit.se

    STUdIO VITStudio Vit presenta la sua seconda collezione, una famiglia di luci in marmo e vetro.

    Studio Vit presents its second collection, a series of lights made of marble and glass. S


    TLIST Good TeacherDonald Judd

    Your MaterialWoodOne Masterpiece60 Stool, Alvar AaltoFavorite Websitewww.gotasalviento.blogspot.com One SongShousetsu, Radicalfashion Best AppsNone

  • Av. Andrs Bello, entre 2da y 3ra trans. Res Pas-Mar Apto 42, Chacao1060 Caracas, Venezuela+584125995736Fax [email protected] colectivosuma.blogspot.com

    SUMASuma presenta un approccio moderno ai materiali naturali attraverso nuove tecniche di progettazione, fedeli alla identit venezuelana.

    Suma presents a contemporary approach to natural materials through new design techniques, reflecting the Venezuelan identity. S


    TLIST Good TeacherCharles and Ray Eames

    Your MaterialNatural MaterialsOne MasterpieceEames Lounge Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.google.com One SongHoliday, MadonnaBest AppsTwitter

  • Via Cola Montano 4020159 Milano, [email protected] www.hiroomitahara.com

    HIROOMI TAHARA Il tratto iconico di Sofa Fruit Bowl accentuato dalla linea dinamica della scanalatura intorno ai cuscini. Questa forma suggerisce al pubblico di inserire le imbotitture pensando al divano come a un

    cesto di frutta.

    The iconic form of Fruit Bowl Sofa is accentuated by the dynamic form of the groove around the cushions. This shape encourages users to position the cushions as if the sofa were a fruit bowl. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKazuhiko Tomita

    Your MaterialNoneOne MasterpieceNoneFavorite WebsiteNone One SongNoneBest AppsNone

  • Avenida San Lorenzo, 63 El Vedat de Torrent46901 Valencia, [email protected] www.technicalemotions.com

    TECHnICAL EMOTIOnS Diamond Chair una rilettura della tradizione mediterranea degli

    arredi per esterni. Ispirata alle forme del Mar Mediterraneo, gioca con il sole, creando ombre suggestive.

    Diamond Chair is a contemporary approach to traditional Mediterranean outdoor furniture. Inspired by the forms of the Mediterranean Sea, it plays with sunlight to create attractive shadows. S


    TLIST Good TeacherPatricia Urquiola

    Your MaterialThe EmotionsOne MasterpiecePanton Chair, Verner Panton Favorite Websitewww.mocoloco.com One SongYour Song, Elton John Best AppsSkype

  • Philippe-Albert Lefebvre / Stephane halmai-voisardRue de La Mebre 8A1020 Renens, Switzerland+41774009776 [email protected] / [email protected] www.palefebvre.com www.ritaritarita.com

    TERRAZZO RESEARCHPROJECT (TRP) Tutti i ripiani di TRP sono rinforzati in fibra di vetro e acciaio,

    un materiale resistente dal peso contenuto. I ripiani una volta posizionati bloccano la struttura come accade con le tavole dei ponteggi da cantiere.

    The shelves that make up TRP are reinforced with durable, light-weight fibreglass and steel. Once positioned they hold the structure in place, like the boards used in scaffolding. S


    TLIST Good TeacherLuigi Colani

    Your MaterialTerrazzoOne MasterpieceAutoprogettazione, Enzo MariFavorite Websitewww.contemporaryartdaily.comOne SongJe Reviendrai Montral, Robert CharleboisBest AppsSwiss SBB Railway

  • Tv. Carmen 75/50690560040 Porto Alegre/RS, [email protected] www.oferenda.net


    Fractal Armchair un progetto nato dallo studio della geometria frattale, in cui la matematica incontra la natura.

    Fractal Armchair is a project arising from the study of fractal geometry, where maths meets nature. S



    Good TeacherFernando and Humberto CampanaYour MaterialRopeOne MasterpieceFavela Chair, Fernando andHumberto CampanaFavorite Websitewww.thesartorialist.com One SongConstruo, Chico Buarque Best AppsTwitter

  • 210 Te Kowhai Rd RD10591 Ruawai, New [email protected] www.thetrehaus.com

    TREHAUSTrehaus presenta una collezione in materiali naturali e locali, con impatto ambientale minimo e un ritorno alle competenze tradizionali.

    Trehaus presents a collection in natural, local materials, characterised by minimal environmental impact and a return to traditional skills. S


    TLIST Good TeacherDavid Trubridge

    Your MaterialBlack Artline 0.4One MasterpieceChaise Longue No 04, Tom RaffieldFavorite Websitewww.coolhunting.com One SongStupid Girls, PinkBest AppsWordpress

  • N. 519, Sec.1,Chongde 10th Rd.406 Taichung, Taiwan+886912621129Fax [email protected] www.yenwentseng.com

    YEnWEn TSEnG

    Yenwen Tseng presenta il tocco delicato di oggetti quotidiani caratterizzati da soluzioni semplici.

    Yenwen Tseng presents a delicate touch of daily objects with simple solutions. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic

    Your MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceAir Chair, Jasper MorrisonFavorite Websitewww.notcot.orgOne SongBecause You Loved Me, Celine DionBest AppsWeather by Camper

  • Satoshi umeno2-18-9-202 Higashimagome ota-ku1430022 Tokyo - Japan+81(0)337789209Fax +81(0)[email protected] www.umenodesign.com

    UMEnOdESIGnAir Chair solo un frame. Ho cercato l'origine del disegno della sedia. Alla fine c'era solo la struttura. Come c aria sulla terra, ci sono mobili per la vita.

    Air Chair is just a frame. I wanted to return to the origins of chair design, and in the end I was left with the bare structure. As there is air on earth, there is furniture for life. S


    TLIST Good TeacherJasper Morrison

    Your MaterialFiber Reinforced PolymersOne MasterpieceElephant Stool , Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.japandesign.ne.jp One SongLife From The Sun, Studio Apartment Best AppsFacebook

  • Room 2105, East Tower, Leiden Sunshine ApartmentN.8 Huacheng Road, Zhujiang New Town,Tiahne District 510000 Guangzhou, [email protected] www.utopiadesign.cn

    UTOPIA/PEnG WAnG Utopia un design team impegnato a reinterpretare in chiave

    contemporanea la tradizione artigianale cinese, le tecniche di intaglio, il fascino dei mobili antichi in legno.

    Utopia design team are engaged in reinterpreting traditional Chinese craftsmanship, wood carving techniques and the beauty of antique wooden furniture. S


    TLIST Good TeacherTord Boontje

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceTree Trunk Bench, Jurgen BeyFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongNoneBest AppsNone

  • Lena vogelius / veronica MullerNorrebrogade 174, 2.th2200 Copenhagen, Denmark+4560918781 www.vogeliusmuller.dk


    Vogelius & Muller presentano una collezione di oggetti e mobili di design che combina unanima ludica a un alto indice di funzionalit.

    Vogelius & Muller present a collection of design products and furniture that combine a playful spirit with a high level of functionality. S


    TLIST Good TeacherJean Prouv

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceSilver Pitcher, Henning Koppel Favorite Websitewww.weunite.dkOne SongLife On Mars, David BowieBest AppsGoogle Calender

  • Bangkok, [email protected] www.takehomedesign.tumblr.com


    Toy non un gioco per bambini ma un semplice e articolato sistema modulare che vi permette di giocare con i mobili o di progettare i vostri arredi.

    Not childs play, Toy is a clever modular system that lets you construct or even design your own furniture. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceLCW Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongLive & Learn, Boyd Kosiyabong Best AppsFacebook

  • C/Maria de Molina 56 apto 60528006 Madrid, [email protected] www.wowqstudio.com

    WOWOgni progetto creativo ha un percorso di andata e ritorno. Per Wow, il disegno un modo di pensare con le mani tutte le fasi di processo.

    We think every creative project involves a round trip. For Wow, sketches are a way of thinking with our hands throughout all the stages of the process. S


    TLIST Good TeacherCharles and Ray Eames

    Your MaterialWoodOne MasterpieceMolded Plastic Rocker, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.com One SongWish You Were Here, Pink FloydBest AppsAngry Birds

  • Wu tung Chih1F, N.24, Ln.62, Sec.2, Zhongshan N.Rd.104 Taipei, Taiwan+886225319489 - Fax [email protected] www.jackywu.tw

    JACKY WU dESIGn Jacky Wu Design un gruppo di progettazione con base a Taiwan, specializzato nella conversione di informazioni del quotidiano in prodotti. La nuova collezione stata battezzata "Breakfast daily


    Jacky Wu Design is a design group from Taiwan specialized in converting the details of everyday life into products. The new collection is entitled "Breakfast daily aesthetics. S



    Good TeacherYves BeharYour MaterialNatural MaterialsOne MasterpieceDSW Chair, Charles and Ray EamesFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.comOne SongWe No Speak Americano,Yolanda Be Cool & DCUPBest AppsVimeo

  • Saseler Strasse 13822145 Hamburg, [email protected] www.petrawuestling.de

    PETRAWSTLInG Esplorare e inventare. La ricerca della semplicit e di nuove strutture intelligenti ha stimolato i miei pensieri, invitandomi a creare una

    nuova collezione di luci e accessori per il living.

    Explore and invent. The quest for simplicity and intelligent new structures has stimulated this new collection of lighting and home accessories. S


    TLIST Good TeacherNature

    Your MaterialPaperOne MasterpieceMy Beautiful Back Side, Doshi LevienFavorite Websitewww.google.de One SongSort of Revolution, Fink Best AppsSkype

  • Shi Xiaoxi6301 De Soto Ave. Unit 402CA91367 Woodland Hills+18183249163 www.shixiaoxi.com

    x-PLUSPlus X stato concepito come una scultura funzionale per spazi abitativi contemporanei, un oggetto modulare che funziona in modo indipendente o in serie.

    X Plus was conceived as a functional sculpture for contemporary living spaces. It is a modular object that could work independently or as a series. S


    TLIST Good TeacherKonstantin Grcic / Steve Jobs

    Your MaterialMetalOne MasterpieceChair One, Konstantin GrcicFavorite Websitewww.dezeen.comOne SongWonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton Best AppsFlipboard

  • 2-4-1-401 Midori, Sumida-ku1300021 Tokyo, [email protected] www.yoy-idea.jp

    YOYYoy firma una luce che ricorda una carta da parati sgualcita, lasciando immaginare un altro mondo oltre il muro.

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    Your MaterialGlassOne Masterpiece21st Century Museum ofContemporary Art, Kanazawa, SANAAFavorite Websitewww.designboom.com One SongJoy, Rei HarakamiBest AppsTwitter

  • Massabielle, Valletta RoadMqabba, [email protected] www.noelzahra.com


    Koishi un vaso fior

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