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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators


Il Cro®System è uno strumento ed un metodo integrati in grado di indurre modifiche

plastiche nel Sistema nervoso Centrale (Marconi B et al. 2008) e migliorare la performance

motoria mediante l’applicazione di una leggera vibrazione meccanica localmente applicata su

singoli muscoli.

Gli effetti si instaurano rapidamente (Marconi B et al. 2008; Brunetti O et al. 2006;

Filippi GM et al. 2009) e sono lungamente peristenti (Fattorini L et al. 2006; Brunetti O et al. 2006;

Marconi B et al. 2008; Filippi GM et al. 2009).

Gli effetti consistono in:

1. aumento della resistenza alla fatica (Fattorini L et al. 2006)

2. diminuzione del tempo di esplosione della forza (Fattorini L et al. 2006)

3. aumento della forza e della potenza (Fattorini L et al. 2006; Brunetti O et al. 2006;

Filippi GM et al. 2009)

4. aumento dell’altezza nel balzo (Filippi GM et al. 2009)

5. aumento della stabilità nella postura (Brunetti O et al. 2006; Filippi GM et al. 2009)

6. diminuzione della spasticità e recupero di funzione motoria (Marconi B, et al. 2008;

Marconi B et al 2009).

Tutti gli studi convergono sull’ipotesi che il meccanismo d’azione consista in un

miglioramento del processing propriocettivo e del controllo articolare attraverso un

miglioramento del gioco agonisti-antagonisti (Fattorini L et al. 2006; Brunetti O et al. 2006;

Filippi GM et al. 2009). Il maggior controllo dell’impedenza articolare giustifica la resistenza

alla fatica, la migliore esplosività, l’aumento di stabilità e la diminuzione della spasticità

(Marconi B et al. 2008 E 2009).

Le caratteristiche applicative per avere il massimo risultato con il minimo tempo di

trattamento sono: 3 applicazioni al giorno di 10 minuti ognuna intervallate da 10-30 secondi

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

di pausa, per 3 giorni consecutivi, di una lieve vibrazione di 0,1-0,5 mm. Le applicazioni

vanno eseguite sul gruppo muscolare da trattare. Poiché 0,1-0,5 mm di vibrazione e

corrispondenti a circa 0,002 mm alle fibre muscolari (Filippi GM et al. 2009) il procedimento è

del tutto innocuo e applicabile a qualsiasi età (da 2-3 anni a oltre 90). Nessuno studio, ad oggi,

ha riportato effetti collaterali significativi.

La lunga durata degli effetti, (mesi o permanenti, a fronte di 90 minuti applicativi rendono lo

strumento facilmente applicabile su grandi numeri di pazienti.

Campi applicativi:

1. Pazienti neurologicia. Ictus acuti, subacuti e cronicib. Traumatizzati cranicic. Sclerosi multipled. Midollarie. Paralisi periferiche f. paralisi cerebrali infantili

2. Pazienti ortopedicia. Esiti di traumib. Esiti chirurgicic. Forme infiammatorie (artrite reumatoide, artriti)d. Forme artrosiche

3. Terza età per vincere l’astenia, la debolezza, prevenire le cadute. 4. SPORT

per aumentare la forza esplosiva la resistenza, la stabilizzazione articolare

Riabilitazione ortopedica, neurologica, della terza età e in generale in tutte le forme

caratterizzate da sarcopenia o da ipovalidità funzionale. Particolarmente indicata

l’interazione con la riabilitazione tradizionale (Brunetti O et al. 2006;Filippi GM et al. 2009;

Marconi B et al. 2009). Importante l’azione sulla spasticità da lesioni centrali nel migliorare

il tono e la coordinazione, aprendo nuove strade alla riabilitazione (Marconi B, et al. 2008b;

Marconi B et al 2009).

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

Page 3: Scheda scientifica

NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Principali riferimenti bibliografici

1. Brunetti O, Botti FM, Roscini M, Brunetti A, Panichi R, Filippi GM, Pettorossi VE

Effects of quadriceps muscle vibration on leg power and knee joint laxity of female

volleyball players submitted to Journal of Athletic Training 2010

2. Camerota F, Galli M, Celletti C, Vimercati S, Cimolin V, Tenore N, Filippi GM,

Albertini G. Quantitative effects on gait pattern of repeated muscle vibrations: a 5-yr-

old case study.submitted to Disorder and Disability 2010

3. Marconi B, Filippi GM, Koch G, Pecchioli C, Versace V, Camerota F, Saraceni VM,

Caltagirone C. Long-term effects on cortical excitability and motor recovery induced

by repeated muscle vibration in chronic stroke patients. In stampa Neurorehabilitation

and Neural Repair 2010

4. Filippi GM, Brunetti O, Botti FM, Panichi R, Roscini M, Camerota F, Cesari M,

Pettorossi VE. Improvement of stance control and muscle performance induced by

focal muscle vibration in young-elderly women: a randomized controlled trial. Arch

Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Dec;90:2019-25

5. Marconi B, Filippi GM, Koch G, et al. Long-term effects on motor cortical excitability

induced by repeated muscle vibration during contraction in healthy subjects. J Neurol

Sci 2008b;275:51-9

6. Fattorini L, Ferraresi A, Rodio A, Azzena GB, Filippi GM. Motor performance

changes induced by muscle vibration. Eur J Appl Physiol 2006;98:79-87.

7. Brunetti O, Filippi GM, Lorenzini M, Liti A, Panichi R, Roscini M, et al.

Improvement of posture stability by vibratory stimulation following anterior cruciate

ligament reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2006;14:1180–7.

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators




(submitted to Journal of Athletic Training 2010)

Orazio Brunetti PhD(*), Fabio M. Botti MD(*), Mauro Roscini HSG(*), Antonella Brunetti

MD(†), Roberto Panichi PhD(*), Guido Filippi MD(‡), Vito Enrico Pettorossi MD(+)

(*) Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Human Physiology, University of Perugia, Via del Giochetto, 06100 Perugia, Italy;


Department of Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology, University of Perugia; (‡) Institute of Human Physiology

- Catholic University - Rome (Italy)


Context: High explosive power, reactive force and joint stability are required in volleyball

players. Common training methods have a modest efficacy and when improperly applied, they

may be associated with an increased risk of injury.

Objective: To determine the effect of the mechanical vibration, applied focally and

repeatedly (repeated muscle vibration = rMV) on the quadriceps muscles on explosive and

reactive leg power and knee laxity of female women players (age 23 ± 4 years).

Design: A double-blind randomized controlled trial.

Setting: Controlled laboratory environment.

Patients or other partecipants: Eighteen healthy volleyball female athletes, belonging to the

same team of senior regional level (age = 22.7 ± 3 years, height = 1,803 ± 5 m, mass = 64 ± 4


Intervention(s): Participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups, each composed of 6

women: Vibration on Contracted quadriceps = VC; Vibration in Relaxed muscle = VR;

placebo. rMV parameters were: 100Hz, 300–500 μm, in three 10-minute sessions a day for 3

consecutive days.

Main Outcome Measure(s) : explosive leg power, reactive leg power, knee joint laxity.

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Results: In VC group explosive and reactive leg power increased by ~20% at 30 days and by

~30% at 240 days after the intervention. Knee laxity also changed decreasing by 15% at 30

days and ~25% at 240 days. These values were significantly different compared to those of the

other groups (P< .05), in which the increase in explosive and reactive leg powers and the

decrease in knee joint laxity were ~5% at 30 days and ~10% at 240 days.

Conclusions: rMV is a short-lasting and noninvasive protocol that can significantly and

persistently improves muscle performance and knee laxity in volleyball women players.

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators



(submitted to Disorder and Disability 2010)

Camerota F1, Manuela Galli2,3, Claudia Celletti1, Sara Vimercati2, Veronica Cimolin2, Nunzio

Tenore3, Filippi GM4, Giorgio Albertini3

1 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Division, Umberto I Hospital, “Sapienza” University

of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy; 2 Bioeng. Dept. Politecnico di Milano, P.za Leonardo da Vinci

32, 20133 Milano, Italy; 3 IRCCS “San Raffaele Pisana” - Tosinvest Sanità, Via della Pisana

235, Roma, Italy; 4 Institute of Human Physiology, Catholic University of Rome, 00168

Rome, Italy


In this case study we investigated quantitatively and objectively the effects of repeated muscle

vibration (rMV) of triceps surae for the reduction of equinus foot deformity due to calf

spasticity in a 5-yr-old patient with Cerebral Palsy. His gait pattern was evaluated before and

one month after the treatment using Gait Analysis, in terms of distal and proximal joints

kinematics. The obtained results demonstrated that rMV had positive effects on the patient’s

gait pattern, in terms of spatio-temporal parameters (stance duration and step length) and of

angles at all lower limb joints, not only at the joint directly involved by the treatment (i.e.

ankle and knee joints) but also at proximal joints (i.e. pelvis and hip joint). These results

showed that the rMV technique seems to be a reasonable option for the gait pattern

improvement in CP, which can be used also in very young patient.

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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NEMOCO srlNeuromotor Controlling Operators

Via F.Siacci 38 00197 Roma, P.IVA 06331541000@mail: [email protected] www.nemoco.it

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