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MASTERPLAN PER IL CORSO 3: DELLA CONOSCENZA, … · o laboratori e scavi archeologici,...

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“Scienze per la diplomazia”, DIPLOMA 2: un Programma di formazione plurisettoriale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, della Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e della Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo MASTERPLAN PER IL CORSO 3: GOVERNANCE DELLA CONOSCENZA, GESTIONE, CONSERVAZIONE, VALORIZZAZIONE E FRUIZIONE DEI BENI CULTURALI Schema Questo Piano generale di programmazione delinea il quadro strategico, gli indirizzi conseguenti, l’articolazione e l’organizzazione delle attività programmate. Contesto generale del programma DIPLOMAzia 2 Articolazione, strategie, specificità La collaborazione tra DGCS del MAECI, AICS e CNR per un progetto comune Contesto settoriale del Corso 3 Strutture coinvolte Risultati attesi, questioni preliminari Programmazione del Corso 3 Il percorso formativo: diagramma di flusso, moduli, attività Risorse umane e competenze disponibili Aspetti organizzativi Staff, incombenze, divisione degli incarichi Logistica, programmazione Considerazioni conclusive Punti di forza, questioni aperte Contesto generale Il programma “Scienze per la diplomazia” Frutto della stretta collaborazione tra il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) e la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI), il Programma “Scienze per la diplomazia” si presenta come uno strumento di politica internazionale volto a rafforzare il dialogo e la cooperazione tra i Paesi attraverso la scienza e la ricerca. Una prima edizione del progetto è stata realizzata nel 2014, grazie al contributo finanziario assicurato dalla DGCS del MAECI, cui si sono aggiunte le risorse offerte dalle strutture del CNR partecipanti. Il bando relativo prevedeva l’assegnazione di 70 borse di studio a carattere semestrale indirizzate ad altrettanti candidati provenienti dal Libano, dal Maghreb e dai Balcani (8 Paesi).

“Scienze per la diplomazia”, DIPLOMA 2: un Programma di formazione plurisettoriale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,

della Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale e della Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo





Questo Piano generale di programmazione delinea il quadro strategico, gli indirizzi conseguenti, l’articolazione e l’organizzazione delle attività programmate.

Contesto generale del programma DIPLOMAzia 2

Articolazione, strategie, specificità

La collaborazione tra DGCS del MAECI, AICS e CNR per un progetto comune

Contesto settoriale del Corso 3

Strutture coinvolte

Risultati attesi, questioni preliminari

Programmazione del Corso 3

Il percorso formativo: diagramma di flusso, moduli, attività

Risorse umane e competenze disponibili

Aspetti organizzativi

Staff, incombenze, divisione degli incarichi

Logistica, programmazione

Considerazioni conclusive

Punti di forza, questioni aperte

Contesto generale

Il programma “Scienze per la diplomazia”

Frutto della stretta collaborazione tra il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) e la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (DGCS) del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI), il Programma “Scienze per la diplomazia” si presenta come uno strumento di politica internazionale volto a rafforzare il dialogo e la cooperazione tra i Paesi attraverso la scienza e la ricerca.

Una prima edizione del progetto è stata realizzata nel 2014, grazie al contributo finanziario assicurato dalla DGCS del MAECI, cui si sono aggiunte le risorse offerte dalle strutture del CNR partecipanti. Il bando relativo prevedeva l’assegnazione di 70 borse di studio a carattere semestrale indirizzate ad altrettanti candidati provenienti dal Libano, dal Maghreb e dai Balcani (8 Paesi).


Nel 2014 i corsi erano così configurati: 1) Governance e gestione delle politiche marittime e della pesca; 2) Gestione e utilizzo delle risorse agroalimentari finalizzate alla sostenibilità dell'agricoltura e della

silvicoltura ed alla mitigazione degli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici; 3) Governance della conoscenza, gestione, conservazione, valorizzazione e fruizione sostenibile dei beni


La programmazione di una seconda edizione del progetto, avviata nel 2016 e denominata “DIPLOMAzia 2”, è rivolta a trenta borsisti provenienti da Albania, Egitto, Libano, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia (6 Paesi) e prevede i seguenti corsi, sempre a carattere semestrale, da realizzare nel 2017:

1) Ambiente, cambiamenti climatici, resilience con particolare riferimento all'area del Mediterraneo; 2) Gestione e utilizzo delle risorse agroalimentari finalizzate alla sostenibilità dell’agricoltura e della

arboricoltura, e alla mitigazione degli effetti fisici e biologici dei cambiamenti climatici; 3) Governance della conoscenza, gestione, conservazione, valorizzazione e fruizione sostenibile dei

Beni Culturali.

A seguito dell'approvazione della Legge 125/2014, la gestione tecnico-finanziaria delle iniziative di cooperazione è stata trasferita all'Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS). Questa seconda edizione viene dunque realizzata dal CNR d’intesa con la DGCS del MAECI e l’AICS.

Strategie di intervento

Obiettivo generale o Concorrere allo sviluppo socio-economico dei Paesi beneficiari rafforzando la professionalità delle

future classi dirigenti attraverso la ricerca e l’informazione al fine di consolidare il processo di capacity building istituzionale e governante locale.

Obiettivi specifici o Migliorare l’inserimento dei borsisti nel tessuto socio-economico di provenienza, sia nel settore

pubblico sia privato o Contribuire ad accrescere la collaborazione e le sinergie tra Italia e Paesi di provenienza dei borsisti o Realizzare una preparazione professionale semestrale di ricerca altamente qualificata nei tre settori

prioritari: agroalimentare, ambientale patrimonio culturale.

Risultati attesi 1. Rafforzati profili professionali di 30 funzionari e laureati già inseriti nel mondo del lavoro nei tre

settori oggetto del progetto 2. Accresciuta disponibilità di quadri qualificati dei Paesi del Bacino del Mediterraneo, del Medio

Oriente e dei Paesi dell’Europa centro-balcanica per programmi e organizzazioni del sistema della cooperazione internazionale

3. Intensificata la rete di contatti e scambi di informazioni scientifiche con i Paesi di origine dei borsisti attraverso l’aggiornamento costante del database.

Pianificazione di DIPLOMAzia 2

I Paesi:

Albania, Egitto, Libano, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia.

I Corsi, in sintesi (in inglese): 1. Environment and Climate Change 2. Food Resources and Agriculture 3. Cultural Heritage.

I borsisti: Trenta giovani laureati e funzionari

Le borse sono così ripartite: o Undici per il Corso 1; Undici per il Corso 2; Otto per il Corso 3.


Gli organismi CNR partecipanti al progetto:

la Struttura tecnica di particolare rilievo “Relazioni Internazionali”, costituita nell’ambito dell’Ufficio delle Relazioni Europee e Internazionali della Direzione Generale del CNR

per il Corso 1, nel Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente, gli Istituti o IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa) o IRPI (Istituto di Ricerca per la Protezione Idrogeologica, Perugia) o ISAC (Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima, Bologna)

per il Corso 2, nel Dipartimento di Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari, gli Istituti: o IBIMET (Istituto di biotemeteorologia, Firenze) o IPSP (Istituto per la protezione sostenibile delle piante, Torino) o ISPA (Istituto di scienze per le produzioni alimentari, Bari) o IVALSA (Istituto per la valorizzazione del legno e delle specie arboree, Sesto Fiorentino)

per il Corso 3, nel Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale, gli Istituti: o IBAM (Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali, Catania) o ICVBC (Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, Sesto Fiorentino) o ISMA (Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, Montelibretti) o ITABC (Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali, Montelibretti).

Contesto settoriale del Corso 3

Gli Istituti interessati

I quattro Istituti coinvolti nel programma DIPLOMAzia 2 sono: 1) l’IBAM, Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali, diretto dal prof. Daniele Malfitana, con sedi

a Catania, Lecce, Potenza e Roma 2) l’ICVBC, Istituto per la Conservazione e Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, diretto dalla prof. Maria

Perla Colombini, con sedi a Firenze, Milano e Roma-Montelibretti 3) l’ISMA, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico, diretto dal prof. Alessandro Naso, con sede a Roma-

Montelibretti 4) l’ITABC, Istituto per le tecnologie applicate ai Beni Culturali, diretto dal prof. Paolo Mauriello, con

sede a Roma-Montelibretti.

Risorse umane nei quattro Istituti


Ricercatori 40 17 24 18 99

Tecnologi 7 - 2 4 13

Ricercatori Associati - 21 12 5 38

Tecnici 13 11 12 11 47

Amministrativi 8 2 1 6 17

Assegnisti di ricerca 2 4 - 8 14

Borsisti 1 2 - 3 6

PERSONALE 71 57 51 55 234


Capacità e competenze

Archeologia Architettura

Biologia Chimica

Conservazione dei Beni Culturali Filologia

Fisica Geologia

Informatica Ingegneria

Storia Storia urbana

I ricercatori dei quattro Istituti hanno al loro attivo anche una lunga e variegata esperienza nelle attività di formazione, con master, workshop e stage organizzati direttamente in sede, tutoraggio di dottorandi, assegnisti di ricerca e borsisti, oltre che, più specificamente e individualmente, con attività didattiche esercitate dal personale in vari campi del sapere, tramite incarichi di insegnamento presso Università e Accademie, in Italia e all’estero.

I corsi sul Patrimonio Culturale nel programma DIPLOMAzia 2014 e il Corso per DIPLOMAzia 2

Nel 2014 furono realizzati quattro distinti percorsi formativi, per una quindicina di borsisti; un Corso per ciascun Istituto partecipante, con i seguenti titoli:

1. IBAM: New Approaches to Cultural Heritage Management

2. ICVBC: A knowledge integrating the scientific and humanistic approach relative to the conservation of both monuments and historic cities

3. ISMA: Cultural Heritage and Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations

4. ITABC: Geophysical methods and techniques; Reality-based acquisition methods and techniques; Virtual Reality methods and techniques.

L’esperienza acquisita, le attività allora realizzate in sinergia, le competenze impiegate, le richieste dei borsisti provenienti dai diversi Paesi e il numero ridotto di borse previsto per la seconda edizione del programma hanno suggerito senz’altro di unire le forze e di offrire un unico percorso formativo che sia più integrato e completo.

Programmazione del Corso 3

Il Patrimonio Culturale nel programma DIPLOMAzia 2

Si prevede di offrire un Corso di formazione organico e interattivo, realizzato in sinergia dai quattro istituti, fondato sulle competenze specifiche che ciascuno di essi può offrire e adattato alle esigenze e alla preparazione dei partecipanti.

Risultati attesi per il Corso 3, Cultural Heritage

Creazione di contatti fruttuosi con le istituzioni di provenienza dei borsisti, stabilendo rapporti anche di amicizia con ciascuno e con tutti;

Creazione di rapporti di collaborazione tra i borsisti dei diversi Paesi, così che l’Italia faccia da tramite per la condivisione della scienza e della cultura.

Percorso formativo (Fact Sheet)

Il Corso è articolato in tre grandi moduli (Territorio, Città/Siti, Oggetto culturale), che corrispondono ad ambiti di studio e aree tematiche per le quali si svilupperanno tre diverse sezioni didattiche (lezioni frontali, attività


pratiche e attività complementari), per un totale di 720 ore.

Sezione teorica (TheorSect)

o 160 ore di lezioni frontali concentrate soprattutto nella prima parte del soggiorno e finalizzate alla costituzione di una base di conoscenze essenziali per sviluppare le altre due sezioni (per le quali sono previste 560 ore complessive).

Attività pratiche (PractAct)

o laboratori e scavi archeologici, sperimentazioni sul terreno (Pani Loriga, Cottanello, ecc.).

Attività complementari (ComplAct)

o visite guidate a siti, città, monumenti, musei e istituzioni interessate ai beni culturali

o autoformazione.

La programmazione didattica è pianificata in modo integrato, mettendo insieme parte delle competenze dei diversi Istituti partecipanti, con l’obiettivo di offrire un’unica proposta formativa dalle molteplici sfaccettature (Aree e ambiti tematici, Livelli di flusso, Panels).

Alle concrete possibilità offerte dalla concomitante presenza di tre istituti presenti sull’area della Ricerca di Montelibretti, si aggiunge la circostanza di potere effettuare una parte della didattica (teoria e pratica) sia presso le specifiche altre sedi sia dell’IBAM (a Catania e Lecce), sia dell’ICVBC (a Firenze e Milano), sia sui cantieri di scavo e di sperimentazione attivati da ciascuno degli Istituti partecipanti al progetto, così da offrire l’esempio di contesti, metodologie e tecnologie diverse e integrate.

Moduli: organizzazione

Delle 720 ore totali previste dal Corso, circa 160 ore sono dedicate alle lezioni frontali e circa 560 ore a stages, attività di laboratorio, missioni, visite guidate, attività individuale anche preparatoria all’esame finale, cui seguirà rilascio attestato di partecipazione con indicazione del profitto.

La realizzazione del Corso viene affidata di volta in volta a uno dei quattro Istituti, che lavorando d’intesa e all’occorrenza più specificamente in sinergia con gli altri Istituti, applica il Diagramma sopra descritto e approfondisce i temi del Corso secondo le competenze specifiche dei ricercatori dell’Istituto di riferimento e di quanti sono coinvolti in modo integrato.

Il carico didattico viene distribuito tra i diversi Istituti evitando sovrapposizioni e integrando i diversi metodi di analisi e di studio.

Per i borsisti si chiederà al MIBAC la concessione di una tessera per l’ingresso gratuito in tutti i musei nazionali.

Altre attività previste

Evento formativo/informativo al quale partecipano tutti i borsisti dei 3 corsi, sull’Unione Europea con particolare enfasi sul programma denominato “Horizon 2020”. Il Corso si terrà a Roma ed è previsto di circa 20 ore di cui 2 ore di domande e risposte

Eventi/Attività in comune con i Corsi 1 e 2

Workshop nella sala conferenze di Montelibretti, con intervento dei borsisti che presentano le istituzioni di provenienza, illustrazione del programma DIPLOMA 2 e degli istituti CNR coinvolti, con eventuale partecipazione di rappresentanti del CNR, delle ambasciate dei paesi interessati, del MAE, delle amministrazioni locali

Cerimonia di chiusura del programma DIPLOMazia 2, nella sede centrale del CNR, con la consegna degli attestati a tutti i borsisti partecipanti ai tre corsi.


Pianificazione del Corso 3, Cultural Heritage

Questo Masterplan prevede la realizzazione di un Corso organizzato secondo tre Moduli (Territorio, Città/Siti e Oggetto culturale), quattro Livelli di flusso (Conoscenza, Diagnostica, Conservazione e restauro, Valorizzazione e Fruizione) e ventisei Panels didattici nei quali i Moduli si combinano con i livelli di flusso. Ne risulta il seguente diagramma (Flowchart):

↙ Livelli di flusso ↘

Conoscenza Diagnostica e monitoraggio

Conservazione e restauro

Sistemi integrati per la valorizzazione e fruizione

Moduli (aree e ambiti) ↓

↙ ↓ Panels relativi ↓ ↘

A. Territorio


Contesti culturali

1. The Ancient Mediterranean history (ISMA)

2. Geophysical methods and techniques (ITABC)

3. Reality-based acquisition methods and techniques (ITABC)

4. Roman and Medieval Landscapes in the Mediterranean regions (IBAM)

5. Virtual Heritage, theory and practice (ITABC)

6. Remote Sensing Methodologies and technologies for enhancement and fruition of historical landscape (IBAM)

7. Integrated and sustainable valorisation (ICVBC)

B. Città / Siti

Aree archeolo-giche

Siti archeo-logici

Centri storici

8. Archaeology and history in urban centres and archaeological sites (ISMA)

9. Urban planning and urban archaeology of Sicilian towns from Greek period to present (IBAM)

10. Archaeology and the city, theory and field work (ICVBC)

11. Archaeological and geophysical methods and techniques for diagnostic analysis of cultural heritage in urban contexts (IBAM)

12. Preventive and planned maintenance (ICVBC)

13. Sustainable conservation in historic buildings and city centres (ITABC)

14. Valorisation and fruition in historical centres and archaeological sites (ISMA)

15. Cultural tourism and management of historic centres (ICVBC)

16. GIS platforms and Web-GIS systems for fruition of urban cultural heritage (IBAM)

C. Oggetto

Materiali lapidei (naturali/ artificiali)

Dipinti murali, tele e tavole, mosaici


Edifici monumentali

17. The archaeological object in context (ISMA)

18. Materials and decay phenomena (ICVBC)

19. Ceramics and material culture from Hellenistic to Medieval period (IBAM)

20. Non-invasive and portable devices (ICVBC)

21. Benchtop instruments for micro-destructive analysis (ICVBC)

22. Methods of archaeometric analysis for characterization of ceramics (IBAM)

23. Conserva-tion (ICVBC)

24. Collecting actions: from private collections to the Museum concept (ISMA)

25. Digital methods and techniques for fruition of librarian heritage (IBAM)

26. Platforms and immersive galleries for fruition of architectural and monumental heritage (IBAM)


Descrizione dei Moduli: 1. Territorio; 2. Città/Siti; 3. Oggetto culturale


Conoscenza del territorio e della sua storia: preistoria e protostoria italiana, archeologia preromana, romana e tardo antica, medievale e moderna (IBAM, ISMA, ITABC, ICVBC)

Indagini geofisiche per la conoscenza del territorio e dei siti antichi (ITABC)

Attività di ricognizione e di scavo archeologico (ISMA)

Dopo lo scavo: gestione e analisi autoptica dei materiali (ISMA)

Analisi diagnostiche e archeometriche sui materiali lapidei, ceramici, ecc. (ICVBC)

Analisi sui materiali organici (ITABC)

Analisi delle emergenze architettoniche e delle infrastrutture idriche (ICVBC)

Attività diagnostiche delle emergenze architettoniche (IBAM, ICVBC)

Digitalizzazione e restituzione grafica (IBAM, ITABC)

Restituzioni virtuali per la valorizzazione e fruizione (IBAM, ITABC).


Storia del centro e del territorio in cui è inserito (IBAM, ICVBC, ISMA)

Indagini geofisiche per la conoscenza del territorio e dei siti antichi (IBAM, ITABC)

Attività diagnostiche sul costruito (ICVBC, ITABC)

Percorsi di valorizzazione (ICVBC, ISMA)

Realtà virtuale (IBAM, ITABC).


Storia del collezionismo e della sua ricezione presso le società moderne (ISMA)

Le grandi collezioni italiane (ISMA)

Ricerche di archivio e bibliografiche (ICVBC, ISMA)

Attività di tutela e di legislazione (Nucleo Carabinieri, ICCROM)

Il Codice dei Beni Culturali e del paesaggio (MIBACT)

L’oggetto museo: architettura e tecniche per la fruizione dei beni culturali (IBAM, ISMA, ITABC, MIBACT).

Descrizione dei livelli di flusso


Tecnica o Conoscenza e analisi del territorio o Documentazione (stato conservativo) o Caratterizzazione, localizzazione in area urbana ed extraurbana.

Umanistica o Storia, archeologia, filologia e storia degli studi delle civiltà antiche del Mediterraneo (Vicino Oriente;

archeologia cipriota; archeologia e filologia del bacino dell’Egeo; preistoria e protostoria italiana; etruscologia; archeologia fenicio-punica; archeologia romana e tardo-antica; storia delle religioni)

o Storia urbana e storia dell’architettura (antica, medievale, moderna, contemporanea) o Metodologia dello scavo archeologico.


Tecniche di indagine di tipo non distruttivo e distruttivo per la caratterizzazione e la conservazione del patrimonio:


indagini geofisiche

analisi chimico-fisiche e mineralogico-petrografiche in situ e in laboratorio.


Protocolli e attività per il mantenimento in buono stato e la conservazione dei beni culturali:

Primo restauro del materiale proveniente dallo scavo e analisi autoptica dello stesso, in particolare della ceramica

Conservazione preventiva

Manutenzione programmata

Interventi conservativi: o pulitura, consolidamento, protezione e controllo del biodeterioramento (diserbo /


Gestione dei rischi: o naturali e antropici.


Metodi di valorizzazione e di fruizione:

Diffusione, divulgazione, promozione

Museografia / Museologia

Modelli 2D e 3D ottenuti da tecniche laser scanner e fotogrammetria

Realtà virtuale ed aumentata

Informatica applicata all’archeologia e alle Scienze dell’antichità

Gestione dei Beni Culturali


Metodi di gestione dei rischi:

Turismo e rischio antropico.

Gestione e analisi spaziale del patrimonio culturale:


Metodi e tecniche di digitalizzazione del patrimonio librario e architettonico.

Descrizione dei Panels


Panel 1: The Ancient Mediterranean history, from theory to practice (ISMA)

1.1. Archaeology and history of the Ancient Near East: the origins and the Bronze age (SILVANA DI

PAOLO, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.2. Archaeology and history of the Ancient Near East: the Iron Age in the Levant (TATIANA PEDRAZZI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.3. Cuneiform writing (MARCO BONECHI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.4. Archaeology and history of Anatolia (SILVIA ALAURA, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.5. Archaeology and history of the Greek Bronze age (LUCIA ALBERTI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.6. Aegean writings of the II millennium BC (MAURIZIO DEL FREO, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.7. Archaeology and history of the Italian peninsula:

1.7.1 Aegean and Southern Italy; South central Italy (MARCO BETTELLI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.7.2 North central Italy (ANDREA DI RENZONI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.7.3 Iron Age and ‘Orientalizing period’ (ALESSANDRA PIERGROSSI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.7.4 From 6th to 2nd cent. BC (LAURA AMBROSINI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.8. Languages and writings of Ancient Italy (ENRICO BENELLI, TheorSect, 2 h)


1.9. Phoenician and Punic western Mediterranean: Indigenous communities and Phoenicians in Sardinia (MASSIMO BOTTO, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.10. Phoenician and Punic North Africa (LORENZA MANFREDI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.11. Digital Epigraphy of pre-Islamic Arabia (IRENE ROSSI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.11. Computer applications and Mediterranean archaeology (PAOLA MOSCATI, TheorSect, 2 h)

1.12. Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean on the web (FRANCESCO DI FILIPPO, TheorSect, 2 h).

Panel 2: Geophysical methods and techniques, theory and practice (ITABC)

The activities of this panel are focused on the definition of: acquisition techniques, multidimensional 2D and 3D modelling, representation and management of different data sets related to the environment where the studied archaeological sites are located.

2.1. Definition of high-resolution methods for the knowledge of archaeological sites and the characterisation of the historical buildings (SALVATORE PIRO, ENRICO PAPALE, DANIELA ZAMUNER: TheorSect, 7 h; PractAct, 8 h)

2.2. The acquisition, elaboration (modelling and inversion methods) and the representation techniques (2D-3D) for the high-resolution geophysical methods (SALVATORE PIRO, DANIELA

ZAMUNER, ENRICO PAPALE: TheorSect, 9 h; PractAct, 15 h)

2.3. The evaluation of the geological hazards for archaeological sites in the environment and urban area (EMILIANO DI LUZIO: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 4 h).

Panel 3: Reality-based acquisition methods and techniques, theory and practice (ITABC)

3.1. The Survey module/Geomatic module

The Survey module/Geomatic module includes the tools and the techniques used in land surveying, remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), global navigation satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS), photogrammetry (analogical, analytic and digital), laser scanner (3D point clouds and post-processing) and other related forms of earth mapping (CINZIA BACIGALUPO, ANDREA ANGELINI, ROBERTO GABRIELLI, TOMMASO LETI MESSINA: TheorSect, 10 h; PractAct, 11 h)

3.2 The photogrammetry, the photoscanning systems and UAVs

The aim of the point is to introduce an excursus of the history of photogrammetry (since early 20th century), its instrumentation and the related geometrical problems. Particular attention will be given to the recent application of the photogrammetric systems, known as photo-scanning, through drones and UAVs, in order to recognize data about architectonical and archaeological areas (CINZIA BACIGALUPO, ANDREA ANGELINI, ROBERTO GABRIELLI, TOMMASO LETI

MESSINA: TheorSect, 6 h; PractAct, 6 h)

3.4. GIS for cultural heritage

The theme introduces problems and modalities about the input of the survey data in a GIS system in order to enhance the study and the fruition of cultural heritage.

The focus will be the development of an experimental activity in which will be used alternative methods GIS, unconventional practices to traditional cartography, neogeographical techniques and free tools and/or open source that will ensure professionalism and free sharing of the obtained results. The participatory approach is a fundamental principle that ensures a continuous circulation of geo-data usable without any constraints of neo-geographical community (ANDREA ANGELINI, ANDREA DI SOMMA: TheorSect, 6 h; PractAct, 6 h).

Panel 4: Roman and Medieval Landscapes in the Mediterranean regions (IBAM)

4.1. Methodologies and strategies of archaeological researches in Mediterranean Prehistory (MASSIMO CULTRARO: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 4 h)

4.2. Archaeology of mountain landscapes in Mediterranean basin (GIACOMO BIONDI: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 4 h).


4.3. Underwater Archaeology in Mediterranean basin: Sicily and Aeolian Islands (TANIA MARCHESINI: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 4 h).


Panel 5: Virtual Heritage, theory and practice (ITABC)

The activities of the panel are focused on the development of a digital workflow dedicated on interpretation and reconstruction of the archaeological and ancient landscape, through Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics techniques, aimed at acquiring, contextualising, simulating and verifying the various potential realities of the information.

The contribution will deal with some fundamental topics in the domain of cultural heritage communication: Storytelling, direction, new contamination of media and Body interaction in the virtual space. They are essential part of the design of the user experience.

5.1. Photogrammetry, traditional and Dense Stereo Matching; 3D Reconstruction: Introduction to Computer Graphics and computer animation (DANIELE FERDANI: TheorSect, 8 h; PractAct, 7 h)

5.2. Virtual landscape: Ancient Landscape reconstruction (AUGUSTO PALOMBINI: TheorSect, 8 h; PractAct, 7 h)

5.3. Natural Interaction Virtual Museums (EVA PIETRONI: TheorSect, 8 h; PractAct, 7 h).

Panel 6: Remote Sensing Methods and digital technologies for enhancement and fruition of historical landscape (IBAM)

6.1. Drone technologies for digitalization of historical landscapes (SAMUELE BARONE, GIOVANNI

FRAGALÀ: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 12 h)

6.2. 3D image based reconstruction and restoration for archaeological find (DANILO PAVONE: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 12 h)

6.3. Immersive Gallery for fruition of urban landscapes (DANILO PAVONE, SALVATORE RUSSO: TheorSect, 3 h; PractAct, 12 h).

Panel 7: Integrated and sustainable valorisation, theory and field work (ICVBC)

Case study experiences from Lazio and Tuscany examples, such as the Riviera di Ulisse, Parco città del Tufo in Maremma (LAURA GENOVESE: TheorSect, 1 h). The lecture focuses on the approach of integrating conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, supported by ICT tools, aiming at a sustainable territorial development.


Panel 8: Archaeology and history in urban centres and archaeological sites (ISMA)

8.1. History and archaeology of the Etruscan site of Cerveteri (VINCENZO BELLELLI, TheorSect, 2 h)

8.2. History and archaeology of the Roman site of Cottanello (CARLA SFAMENI, TheorSect, 2 h)

8.3. Excavation in Pani Loriga, Sardinia: 2 weeks (MASSIMO BOTTO and collaborators, PractAct, 90 h, i.e. 12 working days for about 8 h a day)

Panel 9: Urban Planning and urban archaeology of Sicilian towns from Greek period to present (IBAM)

9.1. Mediterranean urban planning from Greek to Roman times (SALVATORE RIZZA, ROSSELLA GIGLI: TheorSect, 3 h; ComplAct, 4 h)

9.2. Archaeology of ancient cities in long-term urban contexts (GIUSEPPE CACCIAGUERRA, ANTONINO

MAZZAGLIA: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 12 h).

Panel 10: Archaeology and the city, theory and field work (ICVBC)

10.1. Urban History in the Euro-Mediterranean context: analysis of the fundamental disciplinary principles and of the cultural and political processes (HELENI PORFYRIOU: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 8 h). A general introduction of the fundamental disciplinary principles and of the spatial evolution of the European city. A full day ( 8h) field visit to the historic centre of Rome focusing


on the historical stratification of the city aiming to exemplify the “Urban history” lesson. The visit will allow to see how antique Rome buildings have been utilised in medieval and renaissance times and how conservation and transformation are intermingled concepts in urban development.

10.2. History of Art and Architecture, medieval and modern (LAURA GENOVESE: TheorSect, 2 h). The lecture offers an overview of some of the principal artistic and cultural expressions in the Euro-Mediterranean area, particularly focusing on building techniques and knowledge transmission.

10.3. Urban archaeology: conservation and valorisation best practices in Europe (HELENI PORFYRIOU: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 8 h). Analysis of the concept of urban archaeology and presentation of different approaches and best practices around Europe on the subject. Fieldwork in Rome (8h) visiting different sites exemplifying the different approaches to urban archaeological valorization, such as Largo Argentina, the Fori area, Crypta Balbi, the Vicus Caprarius - the City of Water, etc.


Panel 11: Archaeological and geophysical methods and techniques for diagnostic analysis of cultural heritage in urban contexts (IBAM)

11.1. Archaeological evaluation of urban stratifications (GIUSEPPE CACCIAGUERRA: TheorSect, 1 h; ComplAct, 5 h)

11.2. Urban archaeology and geophysical methods for diagnostic analysis in urban context (GIOVANNI LEUCCI, LARA DE GIORGII: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 18 h).


Panel 12: Preventive and planned maintenance (ICVBC)

12.1. Preventive and planned maintenance of protected buildings. Techniques and tools for the development of inspection activities (MATTEO SCALTRITTI: TheorSect, 2 h)

12.2. Inspecting activity and monitoring of surfaces (MARCO REALINI: TheorSect, 2 h). The lesson will deal with three main aspects of the inspection activity for the scheduled maintenance: (a) the composition and the role of the inspective unit; (b) the trouble of decay recognition during inspective activity; (c) noninvasive methods to perform surface monitoring.

Panel 13: Sustainable conservation in historic buildings and city centres (theory and practice, ITABC) (ELENA GIGLIARELLI: TheorSect, 15 h; PractAct, 30 h)

This module deals with sustainability strategies for historic buildings and city historical centers and focuses on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency and Cultural Heritage. Critical solutions that meet present requirements for heritage management, preservation, conservation and use, taking in account the future needs of the communities of the built environment. Traditional building materials and their properties, better understanding of degradation of ancient materials and structures, possibilities, limits and risks of conservation materials and techniques. Techniques, tools and best practices for energy efficient retrofitting of heritage buildings.

13.1. Registration, documentation and evaluation of stay of conservation of building materials

13.2. Diagnostic methodologies and restoration strategies for sustainable conservation

13.3. Modeling feasibility to reduce energy consumption in listed buildings

13.4. Integrated urban analysis.


Panel 14: Valorisation and fruition in historical centres and archaeological sites (ISMA)

14.1. From excavation to local people perception: the example of Tarquinia and Cerveteri (GIUSEPPE

GARBATI, PractAct, 6 h)


14.2. From excavation to local people perception: the example of Cottanello (CARLA SFAMENI, PractAct, 6 h).

Panel 15: Cultural tourism and management of historic centres, theory and field work (ICVBC)

15.1. Cultural tourism and the monitoring of human risk in historic centres: The ‘Preserving Places’ approach (LAURA GENOVESE: PractAct, 8 h, field visit to Rome). Fieldwork activity focusing on the ‘Preserving Places’ approach elaborated by the ICVBC. It will comprise on-site lessons and surveys in the monumental center of Rome in order to provide an overview of different approaches in enhancing cultural heritage in a UNESCO site affected by mass tourism. Surveys will also include the testing of the ‘Preserving Places protocol for monitoring human risks and quality of life.

15.2. Enhancement and management of historic centres according to the UNESCO Recommendation of the ‘Historic Urban Landscape’ (HELENI PORFYRIOU: TheorSect, 1 h; ComplAct, 8 h). A brief presentation of Italian and European urban conservation movement since mid 20th century up to contemporary issues and best practices, introducing the Unesco HUL approach. Field trip (8 h) to small historic towns in the vicinity of Rome exemplifying the urban conservation issues and approaches presented in the relative lesson and introducing the UNESCO HUL approach with an in situ experience.

15.3. Field visit to the higher education centres for restauration of Cultural Heritage:

15.3.1. Opificio delle Pietre Dure and Palazzo Spinelli and their Laboratories, Firenze (CRISTIANO RIMINESI: ComplAct, 5 h). Visit to the Higher education centres for Restoration and Cultural Heritage and to their laboratories

15.3.2. ICCROM, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome (FERNANDA PRESTILEO: ComplAct, 4 h). Presentation of 2017-2018 projects; visit of Library, Archive, and Laboratory.

Panel 16: GIS platforms and Web-GIS systems for fruition of urban cultural heritage (IBAM)

16.1. GIS platforms of urban contexts: the OPENCiTy Project (ANTONINO MAZZAGLIA, MARIA LUISA

SCROFANI: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 10 h)

16.2. Web-GIS and Open Data for urban cultural heritage (ANTONINO MAZZAGLIA, SAMUELE BARONE: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 5 h).


Panel 17: The archaeological object in context (ISMA)

17.1. Analysis and management of archaeological materials after excavation (TATIANA PEDRAZZI, CARLA SFAMENI, PractAct, 10 h)

17.3. Graphics reconstruction of ancient materials (ANTONIO D’EREDITÀ, PractAct, 8 h).

Panel 18: Materials and decay phenomena (ICVBC)

Part 1: Natural stone materials (identification, provenance, quarries, working techniques, tools, reuse)

18.1. General petrography of building stones (ROBERTO BUGINI: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 4 h, field visit in Milan historical centre). Building stones are described according to the three groups of the petrographic classification of the rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Each group is described in their features and in their properties (i.e. mineralogical composition, grain size, structure and texture, mechanical behavior, decay phenomena etc. Field visit in Milan’s historical centre identifying different stone materials: the visit is in relation to the “General petrography” lecture

18.2. Working techniques from the quarry to the ashlar (ROBERTO BUGINI: TheorSect, 1 h). The rock lying in a geological outcrop needs to be transformed in a dimension stone: quarry works to obtain rough blocks, finishing works to obtain ashlars or ornaments are described together with the tools required for this aim.


18.3. Use in architecture through ages and countries (ROBERTO BUGINI: TheorSect, 1 h). Stones were used as building materials since the prehistoric age: a survey brings in the different use of each period of history of architecture, according to the countries spread around the Mediterranean basin.

18.4. Scientific analyses on stones: classification, provenance (ROBERTO BUGINI: TheorSect, 1 h). Mineralogical methods to analyze a stone material are described together with the procedure to compare stone sample coming from a building with samples taken in different quarries. Other techniques useful to investigate decay phenomena and their causes are also described.

18.5. Stone materials in architecture and in works of art (FABIO FRATINI: TheorSect, 1 h). Description and review on stone materials commonly used in architecture, with particular reference to those Tuscan.

Part 2: Artificial stone materials (mortars, ceramic materials, glasses and metals (components, raw materials, working techniques tools)

18.6. The ancient and modern mortars (EMMA CANTISANI, with FABIO FRATINI: TheorSect, 1 h). Description and review on mortars, plasters and cements used in the Cultural Heritage

18.7. Metals and alloys in the ancient art, archaeology and in the contemporary art (BARBARA


18.8. Glasses and ceramics (SUSANNA BRACCI with EMMA CANTISANI: TheorSect, 1 h). The lecture will focus on the description and review of glasses and ceramics used in the Cultural Heritage

18.9. Earthen materials in the architecture (FABIO FRATINI, with SILVIA RESCIC: TheorSect, 1 h). The lecture will focus on the description and review of earthen materials used on the Cultural Heritage

18.10. Mural paintings: materials and techniques (FERNANDA PRESTILEO, TheorSect, 1 h). The aim of this lecture is to provide a useful overview on mural paintings execution techniques (fresco, medium fresco, tempera, oil, and graffito) and used materials (supports, binders, pigments, paint layers) across different historical periods and geographical areas.

Part 3: Definition of decay phenomena, study of decay mechanisms and of the effects related to different environmental conditions and locations (archaeological site, urban area, indoor, outdoor)

18.11. Decay of mural paintings (FERNANDA PRESTILEO: TheorSect, 1 h). This lecture focuses on the classification of causes of decay (physical, chemical, biological) of mural paintings, also through the presentation of some case studies (present in two Italian Regions, Sicily and Lazio).

Part 4: Field visits to archaeological sites

18.12. Villa romana of Cottanello: field visit focusing on material characterization, decay, diagnostic methods and restoration interventions (LOREDANA LUVIDI: ComplAct, 4 h, survey of mosaics decay and cleaning tests using eco-friendly methods, as illustrated in the theory part of the course; FERNANDA PRESTILEO: ComplAct, 2 h, survey of mural paintings decay, as illustrated in the theoretical part of the course; ELEONORA STELLA: ComplAct, 2 h, field visit in the archaeological site, focusing on the art historical background of the sites and on the history of the restoration interventions)

18.13. Parco archeologico culturale di Tuscolo: field visit identifying the decay of natural and artificial stone materials and approaches to the conservation plan (LOREDANA LUVIDI: ComplAct, 4 h, field visit identifying the decay of natural and artificial stones materials and approaches to the conservation plan; FERNANDA PRESTILEO: ComplAct, 2 h, survey of mural paintings decay, as illustrated in the theoretical part of the course, of mosaics and evaluation of a restoration project; ELEONORA STELLA: ComplAct, 2 h, field visit in the archaeological site, focusing on the art historical background of the sites and on the history of the restoration interventions).

Panel 19: Ceramics and material culture from Hellenistic to medieval period (IBAM)


19.1. Methods and techniques of pottery production in Mediterranean (GIUSEPPE CACCIAGUERRA, CLAUDIA PANTELLARO: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 8 h)

19.2. Greek and Roman coroplastic in Mediterranean (ANTONELLA PAUTASSO: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 3 h)

19.3. The archaeology of figurative pottery in Greek Mediterranean (FABIO CARUSO: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 3 h).

19.4. Archaeology and Numismatic evidence (STEFANIA SANTANGELO: TheorSect, 2 h: PractAct, 4 h).


Panel 20: Non-invasive and portable devices (ICVBC)

Non-invasive techniques: first principles of the main analytical techniques

20.1. Imaging techniques (SUSANNA BRACCI: TheorSect, 1 h & PractAct, 3 h, imaging techniques theoretical principles and application in the diagnostics; laboratory or on site tests. DONATA

MAGRINI: PractAct, 2 h, imaging techniques application in the diagnostics; laboratory and/or on site tests).

20.2. XREF analysis: theory and applications (DONATA MAGRINI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). The lesson will focus on X-Ray Fluorescence technique principle and application in the elemental analysis. Analysis and laboratory or on site applications regarding X-Ray Fluorescence technique principle and application

20.3. Spectroscopy in UV-VIS-IR ranges by portable devices (DONATA MAGRINI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Techniques of spectroscopy in the diagnosis of Cultural Heritage. Mainly features of pigments and their alteration products. Laboratory or on site tests on spectroscopy in UV-VIS-IR ranges by portable devices

20.4. Assessment of the consolidating of surface and substrate by peeling test system, ultra-close range photogrammetry and DRMS (SILVIA RESCIC: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h, description of portable techniques for the cohesion diagnostics of stone substrata; laboratory or on site tests. RACHELE MANGANELLI DEL FÀ: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h, description of portable techniques for the cohesion diagnostics of stone substrata; laboratory or on site tests)

20.5. Spectrophotometer and colorimetric investigation. Absorption testing by contact sponge method (BARBARA SACCHI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Colorimetric analysis for the control of painted surfaces with relation to restored interventions. Laboratory or on site tests

20.6. Surface and sub-surface investigation of water and salts presence by electromagnetic techniques (CRISTIANO RIMINESI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Electromagnetic techniques (thermal IR and microwave) are described to diagnose moisture content and salts presence in porous materials also in relation with superficial phenomenon (condensation, heating or cooling). Laboratory or on site tests

20.7. Ancient and modern organic binders in the painted surfaces (MARIA PERLA COLOMBINI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). The organic materials for painting and methods for their characterization. Theoretical and practical aspects.

Panel 21: Benchtop instruments for micro-destructive analysis (ICVBC)

21.1. Sampling, cross section, microscope analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (SEM-EDS) investigations (SUSANNA BRACCI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Diagnostic techniques by micro-sampling. From to the technique of sampling to the analytical analysis. Theoretical aspects and practical experience.

21.2. Thin section, petrographic and mineralogical analysis” (SILVIA VETTORI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Diagnostic techniques of stone materials by micro-sampling. From the technique of sampling to the description of methods for their characterization and for the comprehension of the decay phenomena. Theoretical aspects and practical experience


21.3. Biodeterioration, techniques for their characterization (OANA CUZMAN: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Techniques for the characterization of micro-organism infesting stone surface. Assessment of their vitality by non-destructive techniques and by microscopy analysis, also in combination with fluorescent dyes. Theoretical aspects and practical experience

21.4. Salts characterization by ion chromatography (BARBARA SACCHI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 4 h). Understanding of salts Understanding the origin of salts by qualitative and quantitative analysis through ion chromatography. Theoretical aspects and practical activity.

Panel 22: Methods of archaeometric analysis for characterization of ceramics (IBAM)

22.1. Chemical-physical analysis for chacacterization of archaeological materials (PAOLO ROMANO, LIGHEA PAPPALARDO: TheorSect, 3 h; PractAct, 8 h)


Panel 23: Conservation (ICVBC)

Part 1: Products and methods used for bio deterioration control, cleaning, consolidation and protection

23.1. Conservation methods: a general overview (ANTONIO SANSONETTI: TheorSect, 3 h; PractAct, 8 h). A General Overview of the framework of Conservation works will be provided. The issues of the importance of methods, general guidelines, plan of the operations, and reference to standards will be presented. Moreover, the relation among the different stakeholders in the Conservation Process will be highlighted especially for what concern the Scientific Lab and the Restorers (8h)

23.2. Nanoproducts for conservation treatments (LOREDANA LUVIDI: TheorSect, 1 h; PractAct, 2 h): The lecture will focus on products based on nanoparticles and elaborated by biotechnologies sector for sustainable restoration and for conservation treatments of stone material. Performance evaluation methods and other tests will be undertaken in the lab practice.

Part 2: Chemical classes, working principles, application methodologies, performance evaluation

23.4. Working on a building surface: cleaning, consolidation, protection (ANTONIO SANSONETTI: TheorSect, 3 h; tour of some Milan conservation yards, ComplAct, 4 h). The specific conservation operations of cleaning, surface consolidation and water repellent treatments will be presented in their details, benefits and drawbacks. A general overview of the most used products and treatments used in the building conservation site will be provided. Moreover, some case study visits (in Milan courtyards -4h) will help in introducing specific problems met in the restorer everyday life.

23.5. Performance evaluation of consolidant products (LOREDANA LUVIDI: TheorSect, 1 h; Lab activities, PractAct, 4 h). The lecture will focus on the assessment of the effectiveness and harmfulness of the traditional and eco-friendly treatments on laboratory specimens and on site through water absorption tests, colorimetric measurements and drilling resistance measurements.

23.6. Field visit to the historical centres of Florence and Pisa, focusing on aspects of Monumental Conservation (EMMA CANTISANI: ComplAct, 5 h; visit to the historic centre of Florence focusing on monumental conservation interventions. MARIA PERLA COLOMBINI: ComplAct, 5 h, visit to the historic centre of Pisa focusing on monumental conservation interventions).


Panel 24: Collecting actions: from private collections to the Museum concept (ISMA)

24.1. History of collecting and the reception of Oriental studies in modern European societies (SILVIA

ALAURA, TheorSect, 2 h)

24.2. The ‘Museum’ concept: new approaches for a better fruition of the Cultural Heritage:

24.2.1. The case of ‘Musei Vaticani’ (IDA OGGIANO, ComplAct, 6 h)


24.2.2. The case of ‘Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia’ (LAURA AMBROSINI, ALESSANDRA

PIERGROSSI, ComplAct, 4 h)

24.2.3. The case of ‘Museo Nazionale etnografico preistorico Luigi Pigorini’ (MARCO BETTELLI, ComplAct, 2 h)

24.2.4. The case of ‘Museo di Arte Orientale’ (IRENE ROSSI, ComplAct, 2 h)

24.3. Collecting antiquities: the case of ‘Collezione’ Faina (ALESSANDRA CARAVALE, TheorSect, 2 h)

24.4. Collecting books: private libraries and new approaches to archives and bibliographical studies (DIEGO BALDI, TheorSect, 2 h)

24.5. Visit to a Library/Archive (DIEGO BALDI, ComplAct, 4 h)

24.6. Visit to the Nucleo Carabinieri for the protection of Cultural Heritage (LUCIA ALBERTI, ComplAct, 4 h).

Panel 25: Digital methods and techniques for fruition of librarian heritage (IBAM)

25.1. From book to digital librarian catalogue: Humanistic approach for digitalization of librarian heritage (SAMUELE BARONE, ANNARITA DI MAURO: TheorSect, 2 h; ComplAct, 2 h)

25.2. Techniques for digitalization of librarian heritage (SAMUELE BARONE: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 6 h)

Panel 26: Platforms and immersive galleries for fruition of architectural and monumental heritage (IBAM)

26.1. Web platforms for fruition of architectural and monumental heritage (ANTONINO MAZZAGLIA, SAMUELE BARONE: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 4 h)

26.2. Immersive and virtual galleries for fruition of architectural and monumental heritage (DANILO

PAVONE: TheorSect, 2 h; PractAct, 12 h).

I siti da visitare

Aree archeologiche di Pani Loriga (Santadi), Sant’Antioco e d’altri siti della Sardegna (ISMA)

Villa romana di Cottanello, Rieti (ICVBC, ISMA, ITABC)

Parco archeologico culturale di Tuscolo (ICVBC, ITABC)

Complesso archeologico del Palatino, Roma (ITABC)

Città di Firenze e Pisa (ICVBC)

Catania e Parco archeologico e paesaggistico della Valle d’Aci (IBAM)

Locri (IBAM)

Cerveteri e Tarquinia (ISMA)

Milano (ICVBC)

Roma: centro storico (ICVBC).

I musei da visitare

Nazionale Archeologico di Cagliari (ISMA)

Villa Giulia, Roma (ISMA)

Tarquinia (ISMA)

Firenze (ICVBC)

Museo archeologico regionale “Paolo Orsi” di Siracusa (IBAM)

Museo nazionale preistorico etnografico “Luigi Pigorini” di Roma (ITABC, ISMA)

Museo/Villa dei Quintili e Parco regionale dell’Appia Antica; Parco degli acquedotti (ICVBC)

Museo Nazionale Romano (ICVBC)


Museo di Arte Orientale (ISMA)

Musei Vaticani (ISMA).

Le Istituzioni da visitare

Centro internazionale di studi per la conservazione ed il restauro dei beni culturali, ICCROM, Roma

Nucleo Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale, Roma

Sovrintendenze alle Antichità, Roma e altre città

Direzioni dei Musei, in Roma e altre città

Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Firenze

Palazzo Spinelli, Firenze

Le grandi Scuole e Istituzioni straniere in Roma: “British School at Rome”; “Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Rom”; “Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma”, “École Française de Rome”, ecc.

Altri Istituti CNR, presenti sull’Area della Ricerca di Roma 1 e altri coinvolti nei Corsi 1 e 2 del progetto DIPLOMAzia 2.

Aspetti organizzativi

Committed Staff

1) Scientific Coordinators: o Lucia Alberti (ISMA), Giuseppe Cacciaguerra (IBAM), Salvatore Piro (ITABC), Heleni Porfyriou

(ICVBC) 2) General Coordinator:

o Sergio Ribichini (ICVBC) 3) Advisory Board:

o Maria Perla Colombini (ICVBC), Daniele Malfitana (IBAM), Paolo Mauriello (ITABC), Alessandro Naso (ISMA), Sergio Ribichini (ICVBC), Lucia Alberti (ISMA), Giuseppe Cacciaguerra (IBAM), Salvatore Piro (ITABC), Heleni Porfyriou (ICVBC)

4) Administrative Secretary: o Gabriella Leanza (IBAM), Silvia Palchetti (ICVBC), Marialuisa Agostini (ISMA), Pierluigi De Mico

(ITABC) 5) Organizing and Didactic Secretary:

o Fabio Viscuso (IBAM), Gabriella Cialdella (ICVBC), Anna Lisa Bonfatti (ISMA), Daniele Verrecchia (ITABC)

6) Contact Persons for the websites: o Samuele Barone (IBAM); Stefano Cerreti (ICVBC), Salvatore Fiorino (ISMA), Daniele Verrecchia

(ITABC) 1) Contact Persons for Facebook:

o Lucia Alberti (ISMA), Silvia Iachello (IBAM), Stefano Cerreti (ICVBC), Daniele Verrecchia (ITABC).

Teaching Staff

IBAM o Barone Samuele; Biondi Giacomo; Cacciaguerra Giuseppe; Caruso Fabio; Cultraro Massimo; De Giorgi

Lara; Di Mauro Annarita; Fragalà Giovanni; Gigli Rossella; Leucci Giovanni; Marchesini Tania; Mazzaglia Antonino; Pantellaro Claudia; Pappalardo Lighea; Pautasso Antonella; Pavone Danilo; Rizza Salvatore; Romano Paolo; Russo Salvatore; Santangelo Stefania; Scrofani Maria Luisa.


ICVBC o Bracci Susanna; Bugini Roberto; Cantisani Emma; Colombini Maria Perla; Cuzman Oana; Fratini Fabio;

Genovese Laura; Luvidi Loredana; Magrini Donata; Manganelli Del Fà Rachele; Porfyriou Heleni; Prestileo Fernanda; Realini Marco; Rescic Silvia; Riminesi Cristiano; Sacchi Barbara; Salvadori Barbara; Sansonetti Antonio; Scaltritti Matteo; Stella Eleonora; Vettori Silvia.

ISMA o Alaura Silvia; Alberti Lucia; Ambrosini Laura; Baldi Diego; Bellelli Vincenzo; Benelli Enrico; Bettelli

Marco; Bonechi Marco; Botto Massimo; Caravale Alessandra; D’Eredità Antonio; Del Freo Maurizio; Di Filippo Francesco; Di Paolo Silvana; Di Renzoni Andrea; Garbati Giuseppe; Manfredi Lorenza; Moscati Paola; Oggiano Ida; Pedrazzi Tatiana; Piergrossi Alessandra; Rossi Irene; Sfameni Carla.

ITABC o Angelini Andrea; Bacigalupo Cinzia; Di Luzio Emiliano; Di Somma Andrea; Ferdani Daniele; Gabrielli

Roberto; Gigliarelli Elena; Leti Messina Tommaso; Palombini Augusto; Papale Enrico; Pietroni Eva; Piro Salvatore; Zamuner Daniela.


Dhifi Khaled, Tunisia (ICVBC):

EDUCATION o Cultural Heritage Preservation Sciences; Techniques of Archaeological Research and Heritage

Preservation, Institut Supérieur de Métier du Patrimoine. Tunis. o Master's Degree in History and civilization of the Mediterranean world, Faculté des Lettres, des Arts et

des Humanités de la Manouba. o Khaled Dhifi is preparing his PHD entitled « L’occupation du sol dans le bassin de Regueb : préhistoire

et antiquité», La Faculté des Lettres, des Arts et des Humanités de la Manouba.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o Heritage Curator at the archeological site of Carthage.

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Archaeological Survey and Excavation in Mahdia (2005) o Prehistoric Archaeological Surveys and Excavations: site of Sebkhet Halek el Menjel, Hergla

(campaigns 2005, 2006 and 2007). o Rescue excavation before constructing the Enfidha airport (2008). o Team member of Tunisia National Map of Archaeological Sites (2007 to 2011). o Preventive archaeological excavation at Pascal ‘Prieur domaine’ near the Tophet of Carthage with Mr

Imed ben Jerbania. o Safeguard excavation at the Hotel Amilcar, was presented at the scientific meetings in collaboration

with Mr Hamden ben Ramadhan and Mrs Boutheina Maraoui-Telmini, April 2013 (in print). o Saveguard excavation « SPROLS » at Carthage: a circular cistern with Mr Hamden ben Ramadhan and

Mrs Boutheina Maraoui-Telmini. o Preventive archaeological excavations at Sokra. o Excavations at the Gammarth catacombs under the direction of Mr Fathi Bejaoui, Research Director

at the National Institute of Heritage.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected]. o Institut National du Patrimoine

04, place du château, 1008 – Tunis, Tunisie. o https://www.facebook.com/khaled.dhifi.7?fref=ts.

Drljević Vanja, Montenegro (ISMA):

EDUCATION o 2000: Master in Ancient Sciences-Literary philological and historical-artistic. Faculty of Philology,


English Language and Literature, University of Belgrade.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o 2003-2014: Ministry of Education and Science - Senior Advisor in the Higher Education Sector,

Responsible for Tempus Programme in Montenegro, Head of ENIC center. o 2002-2003: Institute of Foreign Languages – Associate. o 2000-2002: Adviser in Agency for International Scientific, Education, Cultural and Technical


WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Head of ENIC center in Montenegro, responsible for recognition of diplomas and foreign

qualifications. o National coordinator for Tempus programme in Montenegro. o National Erasmus + Coordinator, specifically related to the higher education field and programmes

related to academic and students mobility.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected]. o National Erasmus+ Office – Bulevar Dzordza Vasingtona 45, 81000 Podgorica.

Lalatović Aleksandra, Montenegro (ICVBC):

EDUCATION o Bauhaus Foundation's COOP Design Research Master Program 2014-2015. A Master Program

conducted by Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Humboldt Universtät zu Berlin.

o Univerza v Ljubljani – six months exchange program 2011-2012 architecture and design. o University of Montenegro – Faculty for Architecture 2008-2012. o Gymnasium 'Stojan Cerović' Niksic.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o 2016 ongoing: Architect at the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro - Administration for the Protection

of Cultural Properties.

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Architect at Center for Conservation and Archaeology of Montenegro/ January – May 2016. o Architect at Ministry of Culture of Montenegro - Administration for the Protection of Cultural

Properties/ November - December 2015. o Architect assistant at Bemax construction and engineering company/ July 2013- July 2014. o Technical support architect at Ministry of Culture of Montenegro/ May – August 2013. o Architect at Studio Dvarp/ February – July 2013.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected] o LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandra-lalatovic-

40a39133?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic o https://www.facebook.com/aleksandra.lalatovic.7

Miljić Božena, Montenegro (ISMA):

EDUCATION o 2013-2015: Master in History, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History. o 2009-2013: Bachelor with Honours in History, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy,

Department of History.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o May 2015-ongoing: Curator at the National Museum of Montenegro- Historical Museum, Cetinje,

Montenegro. o January-October 2014: Internship at the National Museum of Montenegro-Historical Museum, Cetinje,



WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Curator expert exam; February 2015. Cetinje (Montenegro); Ministry of culture of Montenegro-

gained Curator’s licence. o 2014-2016: Member of expert team working on Permanent exhibition at National Museum of

Montenegro/Historical Museum- ‘’Montenegro in 20th Century’’. o Organizer, in the name of the National Museum of Montenegro, of the project ‘’European Heritage

days’’ – ‘’Cultural Heritage and local communities’’, September 2016, Cetinje, Montenegro. o Basic knowledge of Ancient Greek and Latin, TOEFL English Exam. o Currently working on a project: Montengrin-British relations in the last 200 years. o Published in relevant Montenegrin Bulletin Matica Crnogorska.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected]. o LinkedIn: Božena Miljić. o Facebook: Božena Miljić.

Mitrojorgji Joli, Albania (IBAM):

EDUCATION, Architect o Bachelor + Master of Science degree of Architecture by the Polytechnic University of Tirana, Faculty of

Architecture (2004-2010). o Professional Master Degree in Architectonic Design by the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain


PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o 2014-ongoing: Architect Restorer at the Sector of Historic Centres and Traditional and Landscape

Architecture, by the Institute of Cultural Monuments (ICM) “Gani Strazimiri” by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Albania

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Due to my education and position by the ICM, part of my everyday work are the preparation and

realization of restoration project for vernacular architecture and antique and medieval monuments of culture; active participation in the group for the study, protection, administration, promotion of the Historic Centres in Albania (including the UNESCO properties in Albania such as Gjirokastra, Berat, Butrint), as well as participating in the working groups for the preparation of legal and sub-legal acts for the Historic Centres (existing and new ones).

o Also, as a researcher in the cultural heritage field, I am author of several scientific articles in the journal of ICM “Monumentet” and co-author in the book “Form, Content And Architecture, a Journey in the Traditional Albanian Dwelling (2014).

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o Street “Alexander Moisiu”, nr. 76, Kinostudio, Tirana, Albania. o E-mail: [email protected].

Morsy Mohamed, Egypt, (ITABC):

EDUCATION o March 2013 - April 2016, PhD Degree in solid state physics. Al Azhar University. o October 2008 - December 2012, M. Sc. Degree in solid state Physics. Helwan University. o October 2001 - August 2005, Bachelor of Science, Special Physics department. Al-Azhar University.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o August 2016 until now: Researcher at Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC), Ministry

of housing, utilities and urban development, Cairo, Egypt. o December 2012 - May 2016: Associate Researcher, HBRC, Building Physics Institute, HBRC, Cairo,

Egypt. o September 2009 - November 2012: Researcher Assistant, HBRC, Building Physics Institute, Cairo,



o October 2006 - August 2009: Researcher Assistant, National Research Center (NRC), solid state Physics Department, Cairo, Egypt.

o December 2005 - September 2006: Technical support, El-Nekhely Company for Electronics, Cairo, Egypt.

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Mohamed Morsy worked as part time Lecture at Higher Institute of Technology (HIT),

2016/2017, participated in many scientific projects funded by Science and Technology Development

Fund (STDF), has an experience in Nano material preparation and its applications including gas sensors,

metallurgy and building materials.

o Mohamed is familiar with different characterizing techniques including Thermal analysis (TGA, DTA,

DSC, TMA and Dilatometer), Spectroscopy (Raman, FTIR, EDS, XRD, XRF, and UV-Vis), Imaging (OM, FE-

SEM, HRTEM and surface cahractrization (BET),

o He was responsible for Fire testing of structural elements (flame spread and fire rating).

o He published five papers in peer-reviewed publishing and five papers in international conferences.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected]. o Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TCEJz1UAAAAJ&hl=en o Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/mohamed.morsy.39794 .

Shehata Mina Magdy, Cairo, Egypt (ITABC):

EDUCATION o October 2016-ongoing: PhD Candidate of Analytical Chemistry, Cairo University. o October 2012 - December 2015: Master’s Degree of Analytical Chemistry, Cairo University. o October 2010 - October 2011: Diploma of Physiology and Biochemistry, Suez Canal University,

Excellence. o October 2006 - August 2010: Bachelor of Science, Zoology and Chemistry Department, Ain Shams

University, Very Good.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o From March 2013 ongoing: Chemistry Specialist, National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC),

Ministry of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt. o From June 2012 - February 2014: Medical Representative, Al Andalous Medical Company, Cairo, Egypt. o From October 2010 - February 2012: Chemist, Egyptian American Medical Laboratory, Cairo, Egypt.

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Mina Shehata is the responsible for analysis of the artefact samples for characterization and

assessment of the objects. He is familiar with spectroscopy (UV-Vis, FT-IR, RS, AAS, ICP, NMR, EDS, XRD, XRF, LIBS, NAA), imaging (OM, SEM, TEM), surface (XPS, AES), chromatography (TLC, HPLC, GC-MS, AAA), and thermal methods (TGA, DTA, DSC). He has published four papers and one book in peer-reviewed publishing.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o E-mail: [email protected]. o LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/minanmec o Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=hqSk1zEAAAAJ&hl=en. o https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Mina.2013?fref=ts.

Shkreli Inis, Albania (IBAM):

EDUCATION o 2015: PhD in Philology, Cultural Anthropology, University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Faculty of European Studies,

Department of Ethnology-Anthropology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. o 2008: Postgraduate Studies (MA) in Ethnology, University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology,

Department of Albanian History.


o 2007: One year Postgraduate Studies in Musicology and Romanian Language, University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Faculty of Letter and University of Music, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

o 2001: Bachelor, Academy of Arts, Music Faculty, Specialty, Flute, Tirana, Albania.

PRESENT/PAST POSITIONS o 2015: Lecturer, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education,

European University of Tirana. Albania. Coursework of Introduction to Sociology, Contemporary Theories in Sociology, Research Methods, Gender Studies. Duties included: a) preparing syllabuses, lections and seminars for the first (BA, MA) and third year (BA) students of Applied Social Sciences Department, Communication Public Relations Department, Private Law Department, Public Law Department, Finance and Economics Department, Management and Marketing Department, Informatics, Mathematics, and Statistics Department. b) preparing the Curricula of Master of Science in Social and Cultural Anthropology with three attaching programs for the Department of Applied Social Sciences. c) evaluating, examining and as opponent for PhD thesis. d) organizing student conferences and conventions.

o 2013: Co-organizer of the Twinning Town European Citizenship Meeting “Let’s Celebrate”, October 26th-30th 2013, Colletorto, Molise region, Italy. http://colletortoineuropa.weebly.com/.

o 2012: Founder and Organizer of International Student Convention in Korça (ISCiK) Albania. www.iscik.com.

o 2012-2014: Founder and Executive Director, non-profit organization, Action Center for the Survey of Cultural Dynamics and Cultural Interactions (ACSCDCI).

o 2010-2011: Lecturer at the University ‘Vitrina’, Faculty of Education Sciences, Tirana, Albania. Coursework of Musical Education. Duties included, preparing lections and seminars for the first and second year students of Elementary &Secondary Education Department.

o 2008-2010: Researcher, Center for Albanian Studies, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies, Department of Folklore, Tirana, Albania.

o 2008: External collaborator in the Institute “Arhiva de Folclor a Academiei Române”-in Cluj-Napoca, Academy of Science, Romania.

o 2003-2008: Researcher, Albanian Academy of Science, Institute of Folk Culture, Department of Folklore &Ethnomusicology, Tirana, Albania.

o 2002-2003: Second Flute, National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Tirana. Albania. o 2001-2002: Teacher of Flute and Music courses, High School “Motrat Qiriazi”, Tirana. Albania.

WORKING MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE o Inis Shkreli is lecturer at the Department of Applied Social Sciences, European University of Tirana. Inis

Shkreli holds a PhD (2015) in cultural anthropology at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Her PhD project focused in social anthropological exploration of Albanian Vlach minority and their ethnic interaction within the Albanian southeast realm. The project particularly focused on interethnic gender music (polyphony) in southeast Albania after the fall of communism. Her research interests include local and collective identities in southeast Albania, narratives on oral history, folk songs, communism and post-socialism matters. Her fields of interests include also social structure, Albanian migration, ethnic and sexual minorities-social inclusion and exclusion. She is founder and formerly Executive Director at the non-profit organization Action Center for the Survey of Cultural Dynamics and Cultural Interactions (ACSCDCI). She is also the founding member of the Center for Albanian Studies in Albania and has worked as a researcher in the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies in Tirana. Ms. Shkreli is a member of various scholarly societies: International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA), The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), UNESCO. Inis Shkreli has participated in local and international conferences and has published in Albanian and international academic journals, collective volumes in Albanian, Serbian and in English, on topics relating to her scholarly interests.

PROFESSIONAL ADDRESSES o European University of Tirana, Bulevardi "Gjergj Fishta", Nd 70, H1, 1000, Tirana, Albania. o E-mail: [email protected]. o https://www.facebook.com/inis.inis?fref=ts.


Progettazione della didattica

Risorse umane (interne al CNR): o Ricercatori e Tecnologi per la docenza e il tutoraggio o Tecnici e Amministrativi di vario livello, per il supporto didattico (aule, proiettori, ecc.) o Altri collaboratori, a titolo gratuito.

Metodologia: o Attività d’aula (160 ore): lezioni frontali, principalmente nella sede di Montelibretti o Attività applicativa seguita da tutor: partecipazione a campagne di scavo; attività di laboratorio e di

ricerca connesse ai temi oggetto delle lezioni frontali; esercitazioni di codifica e rappresentazione dei dati di scavo, ricerca bibliografica, costituzione di banche-dati, grafica computerizzata

o Attività complementari con visite guidate presso siti archeologici e musei di Roma e del Lazio con riferimento ai temi oggetto del Corso.

Servizi generali offerti dall’Area della ricerca CNR di Roma 1

Foresteria Mensa

Bar Sala conferenze

Servizio Navetta Laboratori

Biblioteche Campo da tennis

Strumenti multimediali e disseminazione

Pagina Facebook, dedicata al Corso sui Beni Culturali, creata in contemporanea con i risultati della selezione: serve per la diffusione del progetto, i contatti preliminari con i borsisti selezionati, lo scambio immediato di informazioni, i documenti ufficiali, la presentazione dei borsisti, il calendario e la documentazione fotografica delle iniziative, la pubblicità per il programma DIPLOMAzia 2 (in generale e nello specifico del Corso 3), ecc. o Cf. https://www.facebook.com/culturherDiploma2/.

Cloud riservato ai borsisti e ai docenti, per lo scambio di materiale didattico (pdf e altro) con password di accesso: o Viene creato sulla piattaforma informatica dell’Area di Montelibretti, “Pandora”.

Notizie sul Corso offerte sui siti internet dei quattro Istituti CNR, a supporto di quelle curate dai responsabili del sito web del CNR sulle pagine dedicate al programma DIPLOMAzia 2.

Pubblicazione finale di un volume, con interventi dei borsisti e l’edizione del nostro Masterplan arricchito e commentato. o Previste 30 relazioni dei borsisti (due pagine ciascuno); 3 resoconti per i tre corsi (venti pagine

ciascuno); 30 pagine circa di Introduzione, Presentazione, Conclusione, per un totale di circa 150 pagine a stampa.

Programmazione temporale preliminare

Sei mesi, da febbraio a luglio 2017.

Prima settimana/decade di soggiorno: disbrigo delle pratiche amministrative, permessi di soggiorno ecc.

Successive 7 settimane: svolgimento della parte teorica, con lezioni frontali anche in videoconferenza.

A partire da aprile: parte applicativa (Attività Pratiche e Complementari), in varie località.

Svolgimento di un Workshop presso la sala conferenze di Montelibretti


Nel mese di maggio o agli inizi di giugno: evento al CNR sull’Unione Europea e il programma “Horizon 2020”

Fine luglio: esami, cerimonia di chiusura e di consegna degli attestati di partecipazione.

Nota bene:

o Giorni non lavorativi nel 2017: 15-17 aprile (Pasqua); 24-25 aprile (festa nazionale); 1 Maggio. o Nel 2017, in Italia, il Ramadan ha inizio il 27 maggio.

Monitoraggio e valutazione

I borsisti saranno seguiti dai quattro Responsabili degli Istituti e dai docenti, che ne constateranno il profitto e cercheranno di favorirne il soggiorno e l’apprendimento nel migliore dei modi.

Una commissione di valutazione effettuerà l’esame finale dei borsisti, prima del rilascio degli Attestati.

Considerazioni conclusive

Punti di forza

Concentrare le competenze del CNR in un unico corso consente di non disperdere le energie, di adeguarsi al ridotto numero complessivo di borsisti e di offrire una preparazione più completa, usufruendo delle diverse competenze dei ricercatori dei diversi Istituti, senza coinvolgere docenti esterni salvo quello a titolo gratuito che partecipano alle attività degli Istituti stessi. _____________________________________________ IMPRESSUM Testo redatto da Sergio Ribichini con Lucia Alberti, Giuseppe Cacciaguerra, Salvatore Piro ed Heleni Porfyriou, con la collaborazione dei colleghi ricercatori, tecnici e amministrativi membri degli staff IBAM, ICVBC, ISMA, ITABC, e dei borsisti Roma-Catania-Firenze, dicembre 2016 - gennaio 2017
